015 PCR Protocols 1st Edition

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Chain Reaction

Basic Protocols

Beverly C. Delidow, John P. L+ynch, John J. Peluso, and Bruce A. White

1. Introduction The melding of a technique for repeated rounds of DNA synthesis with the discovery of a thermostable DNA polymerase has given scientists the very powerful technique known as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR is based on three simple steps required for any DNA synthesis reaction: (1) denaturation of the template into single strands; (2) annealing of primers to each original strand for new strand synthesis; and (3) extension of the new DNA strands from the primers. These reactions may be carried out with any DNA polymerase and result in the synthesis of defined portions of the original DNA sequence. However, in order to achieve more than one round of synthesis, the templates must again be denatured, which requires temperatures well above those that inactivate most enzymes. Therefore, initial attempts at cyclic DNA synthesis were carried out by adding fresh polymerase after each denaturation step (1,2). The cost of such a protocol becomes rapidly prohibitive. The discovery and isolation of a heat-stable DNA polymerase from a thermophilic bacterium, Thermus aquaticus (Taq), enabled Saiki et al. (3) to synthesize new DNA strandsrepeatedly, exponentially amplifying a defined region of the starting material, and allowing the birth of a new technology that has virtually exploded into prominence. Not
From* Methods m Molecular Bology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols. Edlted by B A White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Current Methods andApplrcat/ons Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


et al.

since the discovery of restriction enzymes has a new technique so revolutionized molecular biology. There are scores of journal articles publishedpermonth in which PCR is used, as well as an entire journal (at least one) devoted to it. To those who use and/or read about PCR every day, it is remarkable that this method is not yet 10 years old. One of the great advantages of PCR is that, although some laboratory precaution is called for, the equipment required is relatively inexpensive and very little space is needed. The only specialized piece of equipment needed for PCR is a thermal cycler. Although it is possible to perform PCR without a thermal cycler-using three water baths at controlled temperatures- the manual labor involved is tedious and very time-consuming. A number of quality instruments are now commercially available. A dedicated set of pipets is useful, but not absolutely necessary. If one purchases oligonucleotide primers, all of the other equipment required for PCR is readily found in any laboratory involved in molecular biology. Thus, a very powerful method is economically feasible for most research scientists.
The versatility of PCR will become clear in later chapters, which

demonstrate its use in a wide variety of applications. Additionally, the reader is referred to several recent reviews (4,5). In this chapter, we outline the preparations required to carry out PCR, the isolation of DNA and RNA as templates, the basic PCR protocol, and several common methods for analyzing PCR products. 2. Materials 2.1. Preparation for PCR 2.1.1. Obtaining Primers 1. Preparedoligonucleotide on a cartridge. Cap ends with parafilm and storehorizontally (the columns contain fluid, which can leak) at -20C until the oligo is to be purified.
2. Ammonium hydroxide, reagent grade. Ammonium hydroxide should be handled in a fume hood, using gloves and protective clothing. 3. I-mL tuberculin syringes (needles are not required). 4. 1.25mL screw-cap vials, with O-rings (e.g., Sarstedt #D-5223, Sarstedt, Inc., Pennsauken, NJ). 5. Parafilm. 6. Sterile water, filter deionized distilled water through a 0.2~pm filter, store at room temperature.

Basic Protocols

7. 1M MgSO+ Filter througha 0.2~urnfilter and storeat room temperature. 8. 100%Ethanol. 9. 95% Ethanol; for precipitations store at -20C. 21.2. Isolation of DNA 1. Sourceof tissue or cells from which DNA will be extracted. 2. Dounce homogenizer. 3. Digestion buffer: 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 25 mM EDTA, 0.5% SDS. 4. Proteinase K, 20 mg/mL. 5. a. Buffered phenol (6,7): Phenol is highly corrosive, wear gloves and protective clothing when handling it. Use only glasspipets and glass or polypropylene tubes. Phenol will dissolve polystyrene plastics. b. Buffering solutions: 1M Tris base; 10X TE, pH 8.0 = 100 mM TrisHCl, pH 8,lO miI4EDTA; 1X TE, pH 8 = 10 mM Tris, pH 8, 1 n&f EDTA. To a bottle of molecular biology graderecrystallized phenol add an equal volume of 1M Tris base.Placethe bottle in a 65C water bath and allow the phenol to liquify (approx 1 h). Transfer the bottle to a fume hood and allow it to cool. Cap the bottle tightly and shake to mix the phases,point the bottle away and vent. Transfer the mix to 50-mL screw-top tubesby carefully pouring or using a glasspipet. Centrifuge at 2000 r-pmfor S-10 min at room temperature to separate the phases.Remove the upper aqueousphaseby aspiration. To the lower phase(phenol) add an equal volume of 10X TE, pH 8. Cap tubes tightly, shake well to mix, and centrifuge again. Aspirate the aqueousphase. Reextract the phenol two or three more times with equal volumes of 1X TE, pH 8.0, until the pH of the upper phaseis between 7 and 8 (measuredusing pH paper). Aliquot the buffered phenol, cover with a layer of 1X TE, pH 8, and store at -2OOC. 6. CHC13. 7. 100%Ethanol. 8. 70% Ethanol. 9. TE buffer, pH 8.0: 10 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.0, 1mM EDTA. 10. Phosphate-bufferedsaline (PBS): 20X stock = 2.74M NaCl, 53.6 mM KCI, 166 m&f Na2HP04, 29.4 mM KH2P0,, pH 7.4. Make up in deionized distilled water, filter through a 0.2~urn filter, and store at room temperature. For use, dilute 25 mL of 20X stock up to 500 mL with deionized distilled water and add 250 uL of 1M MgCl,. Sterile-filter and store at 4C. 11. 7.5M Ammonium acetate. 12. RNase A. Prepare at 10 mg/mL in 10 miI4 Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 15 mM

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NaCl. Incubate at 100C for 15 min and allow to cool to room temperature. Store at -20C. 13. 20% SDS.


Source of tissue or cells from which RNA will be extracted. PBS (see Section 2.1.2., item 10). 2-mL Wheaton glass homogenizer. Guanidine isothiocyanate@-mercaptoethanol solution (GITC/BME): 4.2M guanidine isothiocyanate, 0.025M sodium citrate, pH 7.0, 0.5% N-laurylsarcosine (Sarkosyl), O.lM P-mercaptoethanol. Prepare a stock solution containing everything except P-mercaptoethanol in deionized distilled water. Filter-sterilizeusing a Nalgene 0.2~l,trnfilter (Nalge Co., Rochester, NY) (see Note 2). Store in SO-mL aliquots at -20C. To use, thaw a stock tube, transfer the required volume to a fresh tube, and add 7 pL of P-mercaptoethanol/mL of buffer. Guanidine isothiocyanate and P-mercaptoethanol are strong irritants, handle them with care. 5. 1-mL tuberculin syringes, with 21-g needles. 6. Ultraclear ultracentrifuge tubes, 11 x 34 mm (Beckman #347356). 7. Diethylpyrocarbonate, 97% solution, store at 4C. 8. Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC)-treated water (6,7). Fill a baked glass autoclavable bottle to two-thirds capacity with deionized distilled water. Add diethyl pyrocarbonate to O.l%, cap and shake. Vent the bottle, cap loosely, and incubate at 37C for at least 12 h (overnight is convenient). Autoclave on liquid cycle for 15 min to inactivate the DEPC. Store at room temperature. 9. 200 mM EDTA, pH 8.0. Use molecular biology grade disodium EDTA. Make up in deionized distilled water and filter through a 0.2ym filter. Place in an autoclavable screw-top bottle. Treat with DEPC as described in the preceding step for DEPC water. Store at room temperature. 10. CsCl: molecular biology grade. For 20 mL, place 20 g of solid CsCl in a sterile 50-mL tube. Add 10 mL of 200 mM EDTA, pH 8.0 (DEPCtreated). Bring volume to 20 mL with DEPC water. Mix to dissolve. Filter through a 0.2~pm filter and store at 4C. 11. TE buffer, pH 7.4: 10 n-&f Tris-HCI, pH 7.4, 1 n&f EDTA. Make a solution of 10 mM Tris-HCl and 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4, in DEPC water (see Note 3). Filter through a 0.2~pm filter, autoclave 15 min on liquid cycle, and store at room temperature. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Basic Protocols

12. TE-SDS: Make fresh for eachuse. From a stock solution of 10% SDS in DEPC water, add SDS to a concentration of 0.2% to an aliquot of TE, pH 7.4. 13. Buffered phenol (seeSection 2.1.2., item 5). 14. CHC13. 15. 4M NaCl. Make up in deionized distilled water and DEPC treat. Autoclave 15 min on liquid cycle and store at room temperature. 16. 95% Ethanol, stored at -20C. 17. Polyallomer 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tubes, for use in an ultracentrifuge (Beckman #357448, Beckman Instrument Inc., Fullerton, CA). 18. RNasin RNase inhibitor, 40 U&L (Promega, Madison, WI). Store at -20C. 19. Beckman TL-100 table-top ultracentrifuge, TLS 55 rotor, and TLA-45 rotor. ISOLATION OF RNA

1. RNAzol reagent(TEL-TEST, Inc., Friendswood,TX). This reagentcontains guanidine isothiocyanate,P-mercaptoethanol,and phenol; handle with care. 2. Glass-Teflon homogenizer. 3. Disposable polypropylene pellet pestle and matching microfuge tubes (1.5 mL) (Kontes Life Science Products, Vineland, NJ). 4. CHC& (ACS grade). 5. Isopropanol (ACS grade). Store at -20C. 6. 80% Ethanol. Dilute 100% ethanol with DEPC-treated Hz0 and store at -20C. 7. TE buffer, pH 7.4, in DEPC-treated water (seeSection 2.1.4. Synthesis of Complementary DNAs (cDNAs) from RNA 1. RNA in aqueoussolution. 2. Oligo dTreTzo primer (Pharmacia,Piscataway, NJ). Dissolve 5 OD U in 180 lt.L of sterile water to give a concentration of 1.6 ug/pL. 3. Specific primer, optional. Choosesequenceandobtain asfor PCR primers (seeSection 3.1.1.). 4. MMLV reverse transcriptase (200 U&L) with manufacturer-recommended buffer and O.lM DIT. 5. Deoxynucleotides dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP. Supplied as 10 mg solids. To make 10 m&f stocks: Resuspend10 mg of dNTP in 10% less

Delidow et al. sterile water than is requi!red give a 10m&f solution. Adjust the pH to to approximate neutrality using sterile NaOH and pH paper. Determine the exact concentrationby OD, using the wavelength andmolar extinction coefficient provided by the manufacturerfor eachdeoxynucleotide. For example, the A,,, (259 run) for dATP is 15.7x 103;thereforea 1:100 dilution of a 10 mM solution of dATP will have an AZ59of (O.OlM x 15.7x lo3 OD U/M)x l/100= 1.57.Iftheactual OD of a l/lOOdilution of the dATP is 1.3, the dATP concentrationis 1.3/1.57x 10 mM = 8.3 mM. Store deoxynucleotides at -2OOC 50- to lOO+L aliquots. Make in a working stock containing 125 w of each dNTP in sterile water for cDNA synthesis or for PCR. Unused working stock may be stored at -20C for up to 2 wk. 6. RNasin, 40 U/p.L (Promega) or other RNase inhibitor. Store at -20C. 2.2. Performing PCR 2.2.1. Basic PCR Protocol (see Note 4) Genomic DNA or cDNA to be amplified in aqueoussolution. Oligonucleotide primers complementary to the 5 and 3 ends of the sequenceto be amplified. Sterile UV-irradiated water (see Note 5). Sterile-filter deionized distilled water. UV irradiate for 2 min in a Stratagene(La Jolla, CA) Stratalinker UV crosslinker (200 mJ/cm2) (8) or at 254 and 300 nm for 5 min (9). Store at room temperature. PCR stock solutions: Dedicate these solutions for PCR use only. Prepare the following three solutions, filter-sterilize, and autoclave 15 min on liquid cycle: 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.3; 1M KCl; and 1M MgC12. 10X PCR buffer: 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3; 500 miW KCl; 15 mM MgC12;0.01% (w/v) gelatin. This buffer is available from Perkin-Elmer/ Cetus. Per milliliter of 10X buffer combine 100l,tL of lMTris-HCl, pH 8.3,500 l.tL of 1M KCl, 15 pL of 1M MgC12and 375 ILL of UV-irradiated sterile water. Make up a 1% solution of gelatin in UV-irradiated sterile water. Heat at 60-70C, mixing occasionally, to dissolve the gelatin. Filter the gelatin solution while it is still warm through a 0.2pm filter, and add 10 pL of gelatin to eachmilliliter of 10X PCR buffer. Store PCR buffer in small aliquots (300-500 I.~L)at -2OOC.As an extra precaution, the 10X buffer may be UV-irradiated before each use. 10 n&f Deoxynucleotide stocks (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP), made up in UV-irradiated sterile water; seeSection 1.25 mM Deoxynucleotide working stock. Make a solution 1.25 mM in eachnucleotide, in UV-irradiated sterile water. Light mineral oil.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

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9. CHC13. 10. 7SM Ammonium acetate, filter through a 0.2~pm filter and store at room temperature. 11. 95% Ethanol. Store at -20C. 12. Taq DNA polymerase. 2.3. Analysis of PCR Products 2.3.1. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis DETECTION OF PCR PRODUCTS BY ETHIDIUM BROMIDESTAINING 1. DNA gradeagarose. 2. E buffer, for running agarosegels (40X stock): 1.6M Tris-HCl, 0.8M anhydroussodium acetate,40 mMEDTA. Adjust pH to 7.9 with glacial acetic acid and filter through a 0.2~pmfilter. To make 1X buffer, dilute 25 mL of stock up to 1 L in distilled water. Store at room temperature. 3. 6X Agarose gel-loading dye: 0.25% bromophenol blue, 0.25% xylene cyanol, 30% glycerol. Preparein sterile water and store at room temperature. 4. DNA markers.Severalareavailable.We routinely use a BstE II digest of lambdaDNA (New EnglandBiolabs,Beverly, MA). This preparationcontains 14DNA fragments, rangingfrom 8454-l 17 bp. Store at -20C. 5. Ethidium bromide (10 mg/mL) in sterile water. Store at 4C in a dark container. Ethidium bromide Is a potent mutagen. Use a mask and gloveswhen weighing powder. Cleanup spills immediately. Wear gloves when handling solutions. Dispose of wastesproperly. DETECTION PCR PRODUCTS OF BY SOUTHERN BLOTHYSRIDIZATION ANALYSIS 1. Materials for agarosegel electrophoresis(Section items l-5). 2. Gel denaturation buffer: Make fresh. 1.5M NaCl, 0.5M NaOH. 3. Gel neutralizing buffer: 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8, 1.5M NaCl. 4. Nitrocellulose, 0.45 pm pore size. 5. 20X SSC: 3M NaCl, 0.3M sodium citrate, pH 7.0, Make up a bulk stock, unfiltered for use in transfers and blot washes. Make up a sterile 0.2urn filtered stock for presoaking nitrocellulose (see Note 6). Store at room temperature. 6. 10X SSC: 1.5M NaCl, 0.15M sodium citrate, pH 7.0. Make by diluting 20x ssc 1:2. 7. 50X Denhardts solution: 1%Ficoll, 1%polyvinylpyrollidine, 1%BSA. Make up in deionized distilled water and filter through a 0.2~i.trn filter. Aliquot and store at -20C.

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8. Deionized formamide, molecular biology grade (6,7): Place the formamide to be deionized in a clean bakedglass beaker.Add 10 g of mixedbed ion exchangeresin (e.g.,Biorad AG 501 X8, BioRad Laboratories, Richmond, CA) per 100 mL of formamide. Stir at room temperaturefor 30 min. Filter twice through Whatman #l filter paper andstore aliquots at -70C. 9. 20X SSPE: 3.6M NaCl, 200 m&f NaHaPO,, pH 7.4, 20 m.M EDTA. Filter through a 0.2ym filter and store at room temperature. 10. Denaturedsalmon spermDNA: 10 mg/mL in water. Dissolve the DNA in water by stirring at room temperature for several hours. Shear the DNA by passingit through an 18-g needle,then denatureit by incubating it in a boiling water bath for 10 min. Aliquot and store at -20C. Sonicate each aliquot for 30 s before using it for the first time. 11. 10% SDS. 12. Prehybridization solution: 50% formamide, 5X Denhardts, 5X SSPE, 100 pg/mL of denaturedsalmon sperm DNA, and 0.1% SDS. 13. Plasmid containing desired probe sequences. 14. Nick translation kit or random primer kit for labeling nucleic acids. 15. cx32P-dCTP, 3000 Ci/mmol. 16. Blot washing buffers: a. High salt: 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS b. Low salt: 0.1X SSC, 0.1% SDS 17. X-ray film. ANALYSIS OF PCR PRODUCTS BY NESTED PCR (IO)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Products of an initial round of PCR. Low-melting-point agarose. Agarose gel electrophoresisreagents(Section 2-5). Oligonucleotide primers complementaryto internal portions of the DNA amplified (nestedprimers). 5. PCR reagents(Section 2.2.1.) items 3-l 1). 6. DNA grade agarose. 2.3.2. Analysis of PCR Products by Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis ACRYLAMIDE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS WITH ETHIDIUM BROMIDE STAINING 1. 30% Acrylamide: 0.8% his. Acrylamide in its powdered and liquid forms is a neurotoxin. Always wear gloves when handling acrylamide.

Weigh powder in a fume hood wearing gloves and a mask.For 400 mL, dissolve 116.8 g acrylamide and 3.2 g his-acrylamide in water. Stir to dissolve and filter through a 0.2~pmfilter. Store at 4C.

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2. 10X TBE buffer: 0.89A4Tris, pH 8.0,0.89M boric acid, 2 mM EDTA. Filter through a 0.2~pm filter and store at room temperature. 3. 10% Ammonium persulfate. Make up fresh weekly in deionized distilled water. 4. TEMED (N,N,N,N-Tetrametbylethylenediamine). 5. 6X Acrylamide gel-loading dye: 0.125% bromophenol blue, 0.125% xylene cyanol, 25% glycerol (v/v), 2.5% SDS, 12.5 mM EDTA. This dye may be madein two parts. a. 250 p.L of 1% bromophenol blue, 250 pL of 1% xylene cyanol, and 500 pL glycerol. Mix well by pipetting up and down. b. 5% SDS, 25 n&I EDTA. To make the 6X gel loading dye, mix equal parts of a and b. Store at room temperature. 5. DNA markers. 6. 10 mg/mL ethidium bromide (seeSection ACRYLMDE GEL ELXCTROPHORESIS OF DIRECTLY LABELED PCR PRODUCTS 1. a32P-dCTP,3000 Ci/mmol. 2. PCR reagents(Section 2.2.1.). 3. Acrylamide gel reagents(Section, items l-6). 4. 3MM Filter paper. 5. X-ray film. 3. Methods 3.1. Preparation for PCR 3.1.1. Obtaining Primers Determine the primer sequencesrequired (see Chapter 2 for selection of primers). Double-check sequence and orientation of primers. Once the sequence is determined, synthesize primers locally or order them from commercial suppliers. Our primers are synthesized locally by the P-cyanoethyl phosphoramidite method on acyclone machine (MilliGen/ Biosearch, Burlington, MA) and delivered to us in the form of protected oligomers covalently linked to a CPG support cartridge. The following procedure is used to deprotect, release, and purify the primers. 1. Wear gloves when handling PCR primers to avoid inadvertentcontamination. 2. In a fume hood, draw 0.5 mL of ammonium hydroxide into each of two l-mL tuberculin syringes (without needles),making sure there are no air bubbles.


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3. Attach the syringesto either side of the oligo cartridge. Make surethere is a good seal at each end. 4. Holding a syringe in eachhand so that the cartridge is horizontal, slowly wash the ammonium hydroxide back and forth acrossthe cartridge by pushing alternately on the syringe plungers.Go back andforth 20 times. 5. After the final wash, adjust the plungers so that each is halfway down, lay the whole apparatuson a clean surface,and allow it to sit for 45 min at room temperature. 6. At the end of the incubation, wash the ammonium hydroxide back and forth, as in step 4, another20 times. 7. To remove the solution now containing the releasedoligo, push all of the solution into one syringe. Gently detach the full syringe from the cartridge while pulling back on the plunger of the other syringe to preserve the fluid still in the cartridge. 8. Empty the full syringe into a screw-cap, O-ring vial. Pull back on the plunger of the syringe still attachedto the cartridge to retrieve all of the remaining fluid. Empty the second syringe into the O-ring vial (see Note 7). 9. Tightly cap the vial and transfer it to a heated water bath. Incubate at 70C for 3 h, or at 55C overnight. 10. Poke a well into a container of ice. Carefully transfer the heated vial into this well and allow it to cool before handling it further. 11. Spin the vial briefly in a table-top microfuge to collect all of the condensate. 12. Place the vial back on ice. Remove the cap carefully and cover the vial with two layers of Paralilm. Poke 10-12 holes in the Paralllm with a 2 1-g needle. 13. To remove the solvent, place the vial and a balancetube in the rotor of a SpeedVacevaporator(Savant, Hicksville, NY). Close the lid, turn on the rotor, and wait for it to reach top speedbefore slowly applying the vacuum. Do not use heat. Evaporate to dryness.This takes 34 h. 14. Resuspendthe pellet in 200 ~.LL sterile water. of 15. Precipitate the oligo by addition of 2 pL of 1M MgS04 and 1 mL of 100%ethanol. Mix well and spin at 12,OOOg 15 min in a table-top for microfuge. 16. After precipitation, a large white pellet should be visible. Decant the supernatantand add 200 lt.L of 80% ethanol to the side of the tube. Spin briefly and decant again. Allow the pellet to air-dry. 17. Resuspendthe pellet in 500 pL of sterile water. 18. To quantitate the oligo, take the ODXO of 5 pL of oligo in 1 mL of sterile water. Multiply the reading by 20 and divide by 5 to obtain the

Basic Protocols


concentration in kg&L. The expected yield is l-2 pgIp.L, or a total of between 0.5 and 1 mg. 19. To determine the mol wt of the primer, use the following approximate nucleotidemonophosphate wt: dAMP, 3 13.2;dCMP, 289.2; dGMP, mol 329.2; dTMP, 304.2. Multiply each mol wt by the number of residues of that nucleotide in the primer and add all four together.A 20-mer will have a mol wt in the rangeof 6000 da&on; therefore,approx 0.6 pg will equal 100 pmol. 20. The oligo can be storedat -20C. However, it may be helpful to aliquot it and to store aliquots not meant for immediate use at -70C.
3.1.2. Isolation of DNA (7)

Several chapters in this volume contain methods for treating small samples of cells or tissue so that the DNA may be PCR amplified (see Chapter 7) or for isolating DNA from small samples (see Chapter 11). The following method works well for isolation of DNA from larger tissue samples or for bulk preparations of DNA from cultured cells. 1. Remove tissue into ice-cold PBS. Weigh tissue and mince with a razor blade. For cultured cells, collect by centrifugation, wash once in icecold PBS, and resuspendin 1 pellet vol of PBS. 2. Transfer tissue or cells to a Dounce homogenizer containing 12 mL of digestion buffer/g of tissue (per mL of packed cells). 3. Homogenize by 20 gentle strokes using a B pestle. Keep on ice. 4. Transfer the sampleinto a test tube, addproteinaseK to a final concentration of 100 pg/mL, and incubate at 50C overnight. 5. Extract sample twice with an equal volume of phenol/CHC& (1: 1 by volume). 6. Extract twice with an equal volume of CHC13. 7. Add 0.5 vol of 7.5M ammonium acetateand 2 vol of 100% ethanol. Mix gently. DNA should immediately form a stringy precipitate. 8. Recover the DNA by centrifugation at 12,OOOg 15 min at 4C. for 9. Rinse pellet with 70% ethanol, decant, and air-dry. 10. Resuspend DNA in TE buffer, pH 8.0 (7-10 mL/g of tissue). Resuspensioncan be facilitated by incubation of sample at 65C with gentle agitation. 11. Add SDS to final concentrationof 0.1% and RNaseA to 1 pg/mL. Incubate at 37C for 1 h. 12. Reextractwith phenol/CHC13, precipitate,andresuspend DNA asdescribed above in steps 5-10. Keep the DNA in ethanol at 4OCfor long-term storage.


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3.1.3. Isolation of RNA There are a number of protocols now available for the isolation of RNA from cells or tissues (seeChapters 16-19). The following are two procedures we routinely use to isolate RNA from small tissue samples or from cultured cells. One procedure more rigorously removes DNA by centrifugation of the RNA through a CsCl cushion. The other relies on the extraction of RNA out of a guanidine solution and is less timeconsuming.

We have used this procedure for isolating RNA from whole rat ovaries (up to six ovaries, or about 150 mg of tissue, per sample), from ovarian granulosa cells and from nuclei of GH3 pituitary tumor cells (nuclei from up to 5 x 10 cells). This procedure requires more time than the following guanidine/phenol extraction, but we found it gives cleaner RNA preparations from ovarian tissue, which contains not only DNA, but also substantial lipid deposits. The procedure is also recommended for preparing nuclear RNA because of the much higher DNA content of nuclei as opposed to whole cells or tissues. 1. Remove the tissue from the animal within several minutes of death.
Place in ice-cold PBS and trim off fat and/or fascia if necessary. Cut large piecesof tissueinto smaller pieces(2- to 3-mm cubes) (see Note 8). 2. Place the tissue in a 2-mL Wheaton glass homogenizer containing 1 mL of GITC@ME buffer. Homogenize by hand until no visible clumps

remain (seeNotes 9 and 10).

3. Transfer the sample to a 5-n& or 15mL Falcon tube. To shear the DNA, draw the homogenate up into l-n& tuberculin syringe with an 18-g needle. Passthe homogenate up and down through the needle, avoiding foaming, until it becomes less viscous and can be released in individual drops (see Note 11). 4. Rinse Beckman Ultraclear centrifuge tubes with 0.3 mL of GITC@ME buffer and allow to dry inverted. Turn dried tubes up and place 875 p.L of CsCl solution into the bottom of each tube. 5. Add 300 pL of GITC@ME to each tissue sample. Mix. Layer each entire sample (1.3 mL) on top of a CsCl cushion, taking care not to

disrupt the boundary.

6. Fill each tube with sample and/or GITC/PME to within 2 mm of the top. Balance tubes to within 0.01 g with GITC@ME.

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7. Load the tubes into the buckets of a Beckman TLS-55 rotor and centrifuge at 40,000 rpm for 3 h at 16C. This pellets the RNA, but not DNA (see Note 12). 8. Removethe tubesfrom the rotor buckets.Empty by rapid inversion and immediately place the inverted tubesin a rack or on a clean paper towel to drain-dry for about 15 min. Do not right the tubes until they dry. 9. Using a clean Kimwipe, removethe last tracesof liquid from the sidesof the tube,without touching thebottom. The RNA pellet will not be visible. 10. Add 400 PL of TE-SDS to the bottom of each tube, without allowing the solution to run down the sides. Cover the tubes and place in a rack on a rotary platform. Solubilize the RNA pellets by gently rocking for 20 min at room temperature. 11. Using a pipettor set at 200 FL, transfer each sample to a 1S-mL microfuge tube (seeNote 13). This requirestwo transfers. During each transfer, pipet the sampleup and down in the Ultraclear tube andscrape the pipet tip across the bottom to ensure that the RNA is solubilized. Avoid foaming of the SDS during this procedure. 12. To the RNA samplein a 1.5-mL microfuge tube add 200 PL of buffered phenol and 200 p.L of chloroform. Mix well. 13. Separatethe phasesby centrifuging at top speedin a table-topmicrofuge for 2 min. 14. Transfer the upper aqueousphaseto a clean microfuge tube, add 400 uL of chloroform, mix, and spin as in step 13. 15. Again, transferthe aqueousphaseto a clean tube and repeatthe chloroform extraction. 16. Transfer the final clean aqueous phase to a Beckman ultramicrocentrifuge tube. Add 25 PL of 4M NaCl and mix. Add 1 mL of cold 95% ethanolandmix again,Precipitateat -20C overnight (seeNote 14). 17. Collect the RNA by centrifuging in a Beckman TLA-45 rotor at 15,000 rpm for 30 min at 4C. 18. Decant the supernatantand invert the tubes over a clean tissue (e.g., Kimwipe) to air-dry. The RNA should be visible as a translucent white pellet at the bottom of the tube. 19. Resuspendthe pellet in 25-100 pL of TE, pH 7.4. The volume used will be determined by the size of the pellet. To prevent degradation, add 1 U&L of RNasin ribonucleaseinhibitor and mix gently. 20. Measurethe ODXOand ODzsoof 3-5 pL of RNA in a total of 0.4-l mL of sterile water. The ratio of OD&ODZ8a should be close to 2.0. If this ratio is ~1.7, the sample may contain residual phenol or proteins and should be reextracted and precipitated. To obtain the concentration of RNA, use the following formula:

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[RNA] (pg/pL) = (ODx,-, x 40) x total vol ODd (mL)/pL RNA ODd 21. For short-term storage(several weeks), store RNA in aqueoussolution at -20C. For more stable long-term storage, store RNA in ethanol. Add NaCl to 0.25M to RNA in aqueoussolution, add 2.5 vol of 95% ethanol, mix well, and store at -20C. To recover the RNA, centrifuge it as in step 17. ISOLATION OF RNA BY RNAZOL METHOD RNAcan be isolated quickly and with great purity using the RNAzol technique (TEL-TEST, Inc.), based on the method of Chomczynski and Sacchi (12). This procedure is most useful for isolating RNA from many samples, especially small tissue specimens (400 mg). The following protocol is from TEL-TEST (13), with minor modifications we commonly employ. 1. Homogenizetissuesamplesin RNAzol(2 mL for each 100 mg of tissue) with severalstrokesof a glass-Teflonhomogenizer.Samplesof ~50 mg shouldbe homogenizeddirectly in 1.5-mL Eppendorftubesusing Kontes polypropylene pestles.Briefsonication is helpful to break up any residual tissue clumps, but do not allow the homogenateto become heated (seeNote 11). 2. Cells grown in suspensionshould be pelleted in culture media (5 min, 2OOg-). After pouring off the supcrnatant,add 0.2 mL RNAzol/106 cells and completely lyse the pellet by repeatedpipetting andvortexing. 3. Cells grown on culture dishes can be lysed in the dish. After removing the medium, add RNAzol until the dish is well covered (e.g., 1.5 mL/ 3.5-cm culture dish). Scraping and/or repipetting will ensurecomplete lysis. Alternatively, attachedcells can be collected by scraping them from the dish, then pelleted and lysed as in step 2. 4. Add 0.1 mL of CHC& for each1 mL of homogenate.Vortex rapidly for at least 15 s, until the homogenateis completely frothy white, andincubate on ice for 15 min. After the incubation, vortex again as before, then centrifuge for 15 min at 10,OOOg 4C. at 5. There should now be two liquid phasesvisible in the tube. Carefully remove and savethe upper aqueousphasethat contains the RNA. The volume of this aqueous phaseis approx half of the volume of the homogenate. Do not transfer any of the interface. Pour the lower organic phaseinto a waste bottle and disposeof properly. 6. Precipitate the RNA by adding an equal volume of ice-cold isopropanol to the aqueousphase and incubate at -20C for 45 min (seeNote 15). Pellet the Rl$A by centrifuging at 12,OOOg 4C for 15 min (or 10,OOOg at

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at 4OCfor 30 min in a table-top microfuge). A white pellet of RNA is often (but not always) visible after this step. 7. Carefully decantthe supernatantand wash the pellet with 80% ethanol (0.8 mu100 pg of RNA). Vortex briefly to loosen pellet, then centrifuge for 10 min at 12,OOOg 4C. Remove supernatantand repeat the at ethanol wash. The RNA pellet is often not well attachedto the wall of the tube, so the decanting should be performed gently. 8. Allow the pellet to air-dry until just damp (completely dried pellets are difficult to resuspend).Resuspendthe pellet in approx 50 pL of TE buffer, pH 7.4, for each 100 l.tgof RNA by vortexing andby repipetting. A room temperatureincubation (15-30 min) can help resuspenddifficult pellets. Incubation at 60C (lo-15 min) may also be used for resuspension,but only if all else fails. We often obtain an OD 260/280 ratio of 2.0:2-l by this method. Sampleswith a ratio of c 1.7, should be reextracted and precipitated, as describedin Section RNA isolated by this method should also be reprecipitated prior to enzymatic manipulation.
DNAS from RNA In order to perform PCR on RNA sequences using Taq DNA poly3.1.4. Synthesis of Complementary

merase, it is necessary to first convert the sequence to a complementary DNA (cDNA) becauseTaq haslimited reverse transcriptase activity (14) (see Note 16). Several different kinds of primers can be used to make cDNAs. Oligo-dT will prime cDNA synthesis on all polyadenylated RNAs and is most often used for convenience, as these cDNAs can be used for amplification of more than one species of RNA. Random-primed cDNA synthesis similarly gives a broad range of cDNAs and is not limited to polyadenylated RNAs. Lastly, oligonucleotide primers complementary to the RNA(s) of interest may be used to synthesize highly specific cDNAs. We developed the following procedure for use with oligo-dT or RNA-specific primers. A procedure for using random primers to synthesize cDNAs may be found in Chapter 19. 1. Place up to 20 pg of RNA in a microfuge tube containing 4 ug of oligo dT or 200 pmol of specific primer and 5 pL of 10X RT buffer in a total volume of 36.5 uL (seeNote 17). Mix gently. 2. Incubate at 65C for 3 min. Cool on ice. 3. Add 5 pL of 100 m&f DTT, 1 pL (40 U) of RNasin, and 5 pL of a deoxynucleotide mix containing 1.25mM of eachdNTP (final concen-


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tration 125 @f each). Add 2.5 pL (500 U) of MMLV reverse transcriptaseand mix gently. lhe final volume is 50 ~.LL. 4. Incubate at 37C for 1 h. 5. This cDNA may be useddirectly in PCR reactions or may be modified further (seeNote 18).

3.2. Performing


3.2.1. Basic PCR Protocol The ideal way to perform PCR is in a dedicated room, using reagents and equipment also dedicated only to PCR. Such luxuries are often not available. Dedicated PCR reagents are essential. A set of dedicated pipets is very helpful, as are filter-containing pipet tips now available from several manufacturers. Gloves should always be worn when handling PCR reagents. An attempt should be made to keep concentrated stocks of target sequences (e.g., recombinant plasmids) away from PCR areas and equipment. Chance contamination can be very difficult to trace and to get rid of. PCR cycles consist of three basic steps: 1. Denaturation, to melt the template into single strandsand to eliminate secondarystructure; this step is carried out at 94OCfor l-2 min during regular cycles. However, amplification of genomic DNA requires a longer initial denaturationof 5 min to melt the strands. 2. Annealing, to allow the primers to hybridize to the template. This step is carried out at a temperature determined by the strand-melting temperature of the primers (seeChapter 2) and by the specificity desired. Typical reactions use an annealing temperatureof 55C for l-2 min. Reactions requiring greater stringency may be annealedat 60-65C. Reactionsin which the primers havereducedspecificity may be annealed at 37-45C. 3. Extension, to synthesizethe new DNA strands.This stepis usually carried out at 72, which is optimal for Tuq polymerase.The amplification time is determined by the length of the sequenceto be amplified. At optimal conditions, Tuq polymerasehas an extensionrate of 24 kb/min (manufacturers information). As a rule of thumb, we allow 1 min/kb to be amplified, with extra time allowed for each kb >3 kb (seeNote 19). Between 20 and 30 cycles of PCR are sufficient for many applications. DNA synthesis will become less efficient as primers and deoxynucleotides are used up and as the number of template molecules surpasses the supply of polymerase. Therefore, following the

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last cycle, the enzyme is allowed to finish any incomplete synthesis by including a final extension of 5-15 min at 72OC. Following completion of the program, many cycling blocks have a convenient feature allowing an indefinite hold at 15OC,to allow preservation of the samples, particularly during overnight runs. Ideally, PCR conditions should be optimized for each template and primer combination used. Practically, most researchers will use the manufacturers recommended conditions unless the results obtained fall far short of expectations. Other than primer sequence, which is discussed in Chapter 2, there are six variables that may be optimized for a given amplification reaction: annealing temperature, primer concentration, template concentration, MgCl, concentration, extension time, and cycle number (e.g., see ref. 15). Standard conditions are described in the following. 1, Preparea master mix of PCR reagentscontaining (per 100 pL of PCR reaction): 10 pL of 10X PCR buffer, 100pmol of upstreamprimer, 100 pmol of downstream primer, and 16 ll.L of 1.25 mM dNTP working stock (seeNote 20). Bring to volume with sterile UV-irradiated water, such that, after addition of the desired amount of sampleand Taq polymerase, the total reaction volume will be 100 pL. Make up a small excess(an extra 0.245 reactions worth) of master mix to ensurethat there is enough for all samples. 2. Aliquot the desired amount of sampleto be amplified into labeled OSmL microfuge tubes.We routinely amplify 5 PL (l/10) of a SO-pLcDNA madeusing up to 10 pg of RNA. Genomic DNA is usually amplified in amounts of 100 ng to 1 pg. Adjust the volumes with sterile UV-irradiated water so that all are equal. 3. To the master mix, add 0.5 pL of Tuq polymerase (2.5 U) for each reaction. Mix well and spin briefly in a microfuge to collect all of the fluid (see Note 21). 4. Add the correct volume of master mix to each sample tube so that the total volume is now 100 nL. Cap and vortex the tubes to mix. Spin briefly in a microfuge. 5. Reopen the tubes and cover each reaction with a few drops of light mineral oil to prevent evaporation. 6. Put a drop of mineral oil into eachwell of the thermal cycler block that will hold a sample. Load the sampletubes (seeNote 22). 7. Amplify the samples, according to the principles previously oulined. a. A typical cycling program for a cDNA with a l-kb amplified region is 30 cycles of:


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94C, 2 min (denaturation) 55C, 2 min (hybridization of primers) 72OC,1 min (primer extension) Followed by: 72OC,5 min (final extension) 15C,indefinite (holdingtemperature the samplesareremoved) until b. A typical cycling program for genomic DNA with a 2-kb amplified region is: 94C, 5 min (initial denaturation) Followed by 30 cycles of: 94C, 2 min 6OC, 2 min 72OC,2 min Final extension: 72C, 10 min Hold: 15OC. 8. Following PCR, remove the samplesfrom the block and add 200 pL of chloroform to each tube. The mineral oil will sink to the bottom. 9. Without mixing, centrifuge the tubes for 30 s at top speedin a table-top microfuge. 10. Transfer the upper phaseto a clean microfuge tube. Add 50 PL of 7.5M ammonium acetateand mix well (seeNote 23). 11. Add 375 pL of 95% ethanol and mix. Precipitate for 10 min at room temperaturefor concentratedsamples,or for 30 min on ice for less concentratedproducts. 12. Centrifuge at top speedin a table-top microfuge for 15 min. 13. Decant the supernatant(seeNote 24), air-dry the pellet, and resuspend in 20 PL of sterile water. 3.3. Analysis of PCR Products Both agaroseand acrylamide gel electrophoresis may be used to analyze PCR products, depending on the resolution required and whether the sample is to be recovered from the gel. Agarose gel electrophoresis on minigels is fast and easy and allows quick estimates of the purity and concentration of a PCR product. DNA may be recovered much more quickly and efficiently out of agarosegels than out of acrylamide. On the other hand, acrylamide gel electrophoresis provides better resolution and a much more precise estimate of product size (see Chapter 11). This is the method of choice for detecting directly labeled PCR products. Denaturing acrylamide gels containing urea may be used to analyze single-stranded products, as from asymetric PCR (see Chapter 4).

Basic Protocols 3.3.1. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis AGAROSE GEL EUXTROPHORESIS


WITH ETHIDIUM BROMIDE STAINING (6,7) This is the method of choice for checking the size and purity of a PCR product before using it in other applications, such as cloning or labeling. Agarose gel electrophoresis may also be used to separate a specific PCR fragment from contaminating sequences. A number of products are now commercially available for extracting DNA out of agarose gels with recoveries of up to 95%. Never use PCR-dedicated pipets to aliquot concentrated PCR products! Always use filter-containing pipet tips if reamplification of PCR products is desired.

1. To preparea minigel (5 x 7.5 cm), place 0.25 g of DNA grade agarose in a flask or bottle of at least a 50 mL vol. Add 25 mL of 1X E buffer and swirl. Heat the mixture in a beaker of just boiling water, or in a microwave at about 85% of full power, swirling about every 30 s. It will take 3-5 min for the agaroseto dissolve completely, at which point it will no longer be visible assmall transparentglobules. Cool the solution on the bench-top for a minute, then pour onto a glassplate in a gelcasting stand with a well comb in place (seeNote 25). Allow about 20 min for the gel to set. Removethe comb. Transfer the solid gel to a gel tank and add enough 1X E buffer to cover the gel by at least several millimeters. 2. To preparesamplesfor electrophoresis, aliquot the equivalent of at least l/10 of the PCR product from each reaction to be analyzed into a microfuge tube (2 pL of a precipitated sample resuspended 20 pL). in For a 2-pL sample, add 8 pL of sterile water and 2 pL of 6X agarose gel-loading dye. Mix well and spin briefly in a table-top microfuge to collect all of the fluid. 3. Load the samplesinto the wells and run the gel on constant voltage at 40 V for about2 h. The lower dye front will be one-half to two-thirds of the way down the gel. 4. Place the gel in 100 mL of distilled water and add 10 uL of 10 mg/mL ethidium bromide. Shakegently on a rocker or rotating platform for 10 min to stain the DNA. View the DNA by placing the stained gel on a UV lightbox. If the gel is overstained(overall pink background),destain it in 100 mL of distilled water, with gentle shaking for 10-30 min. Destainingcanbe extendedto severalhoursandcandramatically improve visualization of bands. If the DNA bands are not well resolved, place


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the gel back in the gel tank and electrophoreseit further. Usually the DNA will not require restaining when electrophoresisis completed. 5, Photographthe gel on the UV illuminator using a Polaroid camera with a yellow filter and Polaroid Polaplan 52 film. A l-s exposure with the aperture all the way open (f4.5) is usually sufficient. DETECTION OF PCR PRODUCTS BY SOUTHERN BLOT HYSRIDIZATION ANALYSIS (6,7) Agarose gel electrophoresis, followed by Southern blotting and hybridization of a specific probe, allows the detection of a given PCR product in a background of high nonspecific amplification (3). It is also a means of proving that the amplified fragment is related to a known sequence (3,16). Finally, this method can be used to detect PCR products that are still not abundant enough to be detected by ethidium bromide staining (16). 1. Preparea minigel or an 11x 16 cm 1% agarosegel. Follow the instructions for a minigel (Section,step l), but prepare 100 mL of 1% agaroseusing 1 g of agaroseand 100 mL of 1X E buffer. 2. For this application, load half to all of the PCR product of eachreaction onto the gel. To prepare the samples, add l/S vol of 6X agarosegelloading dye to each.Mix well and spin briefly in a microfuge to collect all the fluid. Include one samplecontaining DNA markers of sizes near those expected for the sample bands. 3. Place the gel in a tank, cover with 1X E buffer, and load the samples. Run the gel at 4 V/cm, constant voltage, until the lower dye is about two-thirds of the way down the gel (40 V for about 4 h for large gels). Alternatively, the gel may be run at 40 V for 15 min to allow the samples to run into the agarose,thenturned down to 12-15 V and allowed to run overnight. 4. Carefully remove the gel from the tank and place it in enough distilled water to cover it well. Stain the gel with ethidium bromide and photograph it, as in Section and 6. It is convenient to align a ruler along one side of the gel in the photograph so that the sizes of bandsappearingon autoradiogramsof the blotted gel may be estimated by comparing their positions to those of the markers. 5. To denaturethe DNA, soakthe gel in enoughdenaturingbuffer to cover it for 30 min, with gentle shaking (see Note 26). 6. Pour off the denaturing buffer and cover the gel in neutralizing solution. Again, soak for 30 min with gentle shaking. 7. While the gel is soaking,preparea blotting apparatus. Across the middle

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of a pan or an unused gel box, lay a glass plate or gel box cover from edgeto edge, sideways. Into the pan, or into each side of the gel box, pour 10X SSCto a depth of about 4 cm. Cut three large strips of 3MM filter paper big enough to cover the platform created by the plate and long enough to dip well into the SSC on either side. One at a time, wet the strips in 10X SSC and lay them acrossthe platform, one on top of the other, making sure there are no air bubbles. 8. With a clean, sharprazor blade, cut the gel acrossthe wells and remove the upper piece. Also remove l-2 mm from the sides and bottom of the gel, where the agaroseslopesupwards. The lane containing DNA markers may also be removed. 9. Place the neutralized gel face down on the blotting apparatusin the centerof the platform. Make surethere areno air bubblesunder the gel. 10. Cut a piece of nitrocellulose to the exact dimensions of the gel. Wet the nitrocellulose in deionized distilled water, then soak it for a few minutes in 2X SSC. Carefully lay the nitrocellulose on the gel so that it fits exactly, Make sure there are no bubbles under the nitrocellulose. 11. Cut two pieces of 3MM paper to fit the gel. Moisten them in 2X SSC and lay them on top of the nitrocellulose. Get rid of bubbles. 12. Cut a stack of papertowels to the size of the gel. Pile them on top of the filter papersto a height of about 6-8 cm, Place a glass or plastic plate on top of the towels and center a weight on top of it. 13. Add more 10X SSCto the pan if necessary.Allow the transfer to continue overnight. 14. Remove the weight, the paper towels, and the filter paper. Very carefully lift the nitrocellulose off of the gel by peeling it from one corner. Lay it on a clean piece of filter paperso that the side that was facing the gel is now face up. This is the surface now holding the DNA. 15. To fix the DNA to the nitrocellulose, place the blot on the filter paper in a StratageneStratalinker UV crosslinker and crosslink it on the automatic program.(Alternatively, nitrocelluloseblots maybe placedbetween two layers of 3MM filter paper and baked at 80C for 2 h in a vacuum oven.) 16. Put the blot with the immobilized DNA into a hybridization bag and seal three sides. Add 10 mL of preparedprehybridization buffer and squeezeout all the bubbles before sealing the last side of the bag. 17. Place the bag in a 42C water bath and prehybridize for at least 6 h, with gentle shaking. 18. Preparea 32P-labeled probe, using 200 ng of plasmid DNA containing the sequenceof interest, and following the manufacturers instructions in the labeling reagentkit. Separate probefrom unincorporatednuclethe


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otides following the manufacturers recommendations.Count 3 FL of probe in scintillation fluid to determine the cpm/pL. 19. After the prehybridization, take an aliquot of probe containing 10 million cpm andtransfer it to a microfuge tube with a firm-sealing cap. To denaturethe probe, incubate it in a boiling water bath for 5 min. Chill the tube on ice. 20. Cut open a comer of the hybridization bag containing the blot, add the probe, and reseal the bag, as before. 21. Return the blot to the 42C bath and hybridize for 2 d. 22. To wash the blot, remove it from the bag (the probe in hybridization buffer may be storedat-20C andreusedonce,without reboiling). Wash twice for 15 min at room temperaturein 100-200 mL high-salt wash buffer, with gentle shaking. Wash once in low-salt wash buffer at 55C for 1 h, with shaking. 23. Wrap the washedblot in plastic wrap and exposeto X-ray film for 16 h to 1 wk. ANALYSIS OF PCR PRODUCTS BY NESTED PCR This technique allows the definition of PCR products by reamplification of an internal portion of the DNA. The method takes advantage of the fact that DNA bands in a low-melting agarose gel may be excised and used directly in PCR reactions without further purification (17,18). 1. Resolve amplified product(s) on a gel of 0.7-l% low-melting agarose such as NuSieve (FMC BioProducts). Resolution may be improved by running the gel slowly (12-25 V) at 4C. 2. Locate the band of interest using UV illumination of the ethidium bromide-stained gel. Excise the band and transfer it to a microfuge tube. 3. Melt the gel slice by incubation at 68OC 5-10 min. for 4. Transfer 10 PL directly into a tube containing the secondPCR mix with 100 pmol each of the nestedprimers and reamplify. 5. Examine the product(s)of the secondPCR by agarose electrophoresis gel as describedin Section 3.3.2. Detection of PCR Products by A&amide Gel Electrophoresis ACRYLAMIDE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS

1. Set up glass plates with 1.5-mm spacersin an acrylamide gel-casting stand. Make surethe seals along the sides and bottom are tight.

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2. Make up a 5% acrylamide gel solution in 1X TBE. This solution must be madeup fresh for each gel. An 11 x 16 cm gel that is 1.5-mm thick (seeNote 27) requires40 mL of this solution, made up as follows: 6.7 mL of 30% acrylamide: 0.8% his, 4 mL of 10X TBE, 29.3 mL of deionized distilled water, 250 WLof 1% ammonium persulfate, and 25 pL of TEMED. Mix the solution well and carefully pipet it between the glass plates.When the platesarealmost full, insert a 1.5~mmcomb with 10-12 wells. Finish filling the plates.Allow 20-30 min for the gel to polymerize. 3. Preparethe samplesby adding 4 p.L of 6X acrylamide gel-loading dye per each 20 pL sample (seeNote 28). 4. Remove the comb from the gel and rinse the wells with distilled water. Assemble the gel in the tank and add enough 1X TBE buffer to the buffer reservoirs to cover the electrodes.The sample wells should be filled with buffer. Make surethere are no bubbles in the wells or along the bottom of the gel. 5. Using a long gel-loading pipet tip, load the samples into the wells (see Note 29). 6. Cover the gel tank and attach cables from a power source. Run the gel at 100-125 V (constant voltage) for 3-4 h (seeNote 30). The lower gel dye should be 2-3 cm from the bottom of the gel when it is done. 7. Preparea staining tank by lining a shallow dish larger than the gel with a single sheetof plastic wrap larger than the dish. Add about 300 mL of deionized distilled water into the plastic wrap. 8. Remove the gel from the tank. Remove the side clamps and carefully push out the spacersfrom between the glass plates. Very gently pry open the plates; note which one the gel adheresto and keep that plate facing upwards. Place the plate with the gel face down in the staining tank. Rock gently back and forth to allow the gel to come off the plate. Lift out the plate, leaving the gel in the water. 9. Add 30 pL of 10 mg/mL ethidium bromide and shake gently for 10 min. Discard the staining solution properly. 10. To view the stained gel, lift it carefully onto a UV illuminator on the plastic wrap. Gently smoothout any folds. The gel may be photographed as for stained agarosegels (Section 6). AC-IDE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS FOR DETECTION OF DIRECTLY LABELED PCR PRODUCTS For very sensitive detection and relative quantitation of PCR products, the DNA fragments may be labeled by inclusion of radiolabeled nucleotide in the PCR mix, followed by acrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. To quantitate the bands, the autoradiograms


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may be scanned by densitometry, or the labeled bands themselves may be cut out of the gel and counted. We have used autoradiography of directly labeled PCR products to measure the relative levels of several mRNAs in rat ovarian granulosa cells (19) and in a pituitary tumor cell line (11).
1. Prepare the gel and samples, run the gel, stain and photograph it, as in Section Remember that the gel is radioactive and handle it accordingly. 2. Cut a piece of 3MM filter paper larger than the gel. Lift the gel on the plastic wrap and place it on a flat surface. Smooth out any wrinkles in the gel. 3. Lay the Alter paper on top of the gel, it should begin to wet immediately as the gel adheres to it. Turn over the gel, plastic wrap, and filter paper all at once. The gel now has a filter backing. 4. Dry the gel on a gel dryer for 30-45 min. To avoid contamination of the gel dryer, place a second layer of filter paper below the gel. 5. Wrap the dried gel in fresh plastic wrap. Place in a film cassette with X-ray film and expose for 4 h to 2 d.

4. Notes
1. In order to protect RNA from ubiquitous RNases, the following precautions should be followed during the preparation of reagents for RNA isolation and during the isolation procedure: Wear gloves at all times. Use the highest quality molecular biology grade reagents possible. Bake all glassware. Use sterile, disposable plasticware. 2. Guanidine solutions must be sterilized using Nalgene filters because they dissolve Corning filters (6). 3. DEPC breaks down in the presence of Tris buffers and cannot be used to treat them (6). 4. Wear gloves when preparing PCR reagents or performing PCR to prevent contamination. 5. UV irradiation of all solutions used for PCR that do not contain nucleotides or primers is recommended to reduce the chance that accidental contamination of stocks with PCR target sequences will interfere with sample amplifications (8,9). 6. If the prehybridization and blotting solutions (SSC, Denhardts, SSPE) are to be used for RNA blots as well, the solutions should be made up with precautions as for RNA-grade solutions, and the SSC and SSPE should be DEPC-treated. The 50X Denhardts may be made up in DEPCtreated water.

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7. It is critical that the screw caps of the vials fit flat and tight and that they have O-rings. Ammonium hydroxide is both volatile and corrosive, so the vials must be well sealedto contain the solvent during the heating step.Ill-fitting capsmay pop off during the incubation, or worse, when the heatedvials are handled. 8. To collect cultured cells for RNA isolation, pour the desired volume of cells in suspensioninto SO-n& tubes, or remove attached cells from plates by scraping. Avoid enzymatic detachmentof plated cells because the enzyme preparations may contain contaminating nucleases.Spin the cells down at 1000 rpm for 4 min at 4C. Resuspendin l/10 the original volume of cold PBS and spin down again.For isolation of whole cell RNA, proceedasin Note 10.For nuclearRNA, lyse the cells in 1 mL of PBS plus 0.5% NP-40, incubate for 3 min on ice, then collect the nuclei by centrifugationat 2OOOrpm 5 min at 4C. Proceedto Note 10. for 9. Avoid foaming of the sample during homogenization. 10. For cell or nuclearpellets, gently flick the side of the tube to loosen the pellet, then add 1 mL of GITCQME, incubate on ice for several minutes, and allow the pellet to dissolve. Proceedas for tissue with shearing of the DNA (Section 3.1.3.l., step 3). 11. An alternative to shearingthe DNA is to sonicate the sample in a 1.5 mL microfuge tube. We have used a Virsonic 50 cell disruptor (Virtis, Gardiner, NY) at a setting that delivers a pulse of 40-50% of maximal, for 10-30 s, dependingon the viscosity of the sample.To usea sonicator, make sure the tip of the probe is placed all the way at the bottom of the sample tube to prevent foaming. Activate the sonicator only when the probe is immersed, and cool the sample between 10-s pulses if more than one is necessary.Rinse the probe in sterile water prior to use to protect the RNA sample, aswell as afterwards to remove the guanidine solution. Ear protection is recommendedfor the user. 12. The TLS-55 rotor holds four buckets.Although it canbe usedcontaining only two samples,all four bucketsmust bein placeduring centrifugation. 13. The samples cannot be extracted in the Ultraclear tubes becausethese tubes are not resistant to organic solvents. 14. Precipitation may also be carried out at -70C for 1 h. 15. Prolonged isopropanol precipitation at -20C can precipitate contaminants with the RNA. If the procedure must be halted here, store the samplesat 4C. Resumethe Isolation at step4 by incubating the samples at -20C for 45 min. 16. Severaldual-function thermostableenzymesthat have both reversetranscriptase and DNA polymerase activities are now commercially available (TetZ, Amersham, Arlington Hts., IL; TTh; 20). The different


Delidow et al.

activities rely on differing divalent cations and therefore can be regulated by buffer changes. 17. The lower limit for the amount of RNA required to synthesize a PCRamplifiable cDNA is beyond the limit of normal detection. We have made cDNAs starting with as little as 0.4 pg of measurableRNA, and with evenlessof RNAs too dilute to obtain an OD measurement (ZI,I9). Others have used PCR to detected specific mRNAs in RNA/cDNA samplespreparedfrom single cells (21). 18. For some applications, such as tailing, synthesis of a double-stranded cDNA may be required. Second-strandsynthesis is achieved by addition of RNaseH andDNA polymerase.Proceduresfor this may be found in manufacturers information in kits sold for this purpose and in the following references(($7). Homopolymeric tailing is used to anchor a DNA sequenceso that amplification may be performed from a known region out to the tailed end which is unknown (18). Proceduresfor tailing may also be found in the following references(6,7). Finally, a procedure has been described for addition of a linker to the 3 end of a single-strandedcDNA (to the unknown 5 end of an RNA) using RNA ligase (seeChapter 35). This allows subsequentPCR to be carried out between a known region of the cDNA andthe linker, and is usedto help define the 5 endsof mRNAs. Other PCR applications require removal of the primers used to prepare the cDNA, This may be achieved by several rounds of ammonium acetateprecipitation or by purification out of gels. 19. Although the efficiency may be reducedfor very large targetsequences, we have successfully amplified sequences kb in length. >6 20. To label PCR products directly, alter the nucleotide mix to contain 625 )M dCTP, 1.25 mM dATP, 1.25mA4dGTP, and 1.25n&f dTTP. To this mix add 5-10 pCi (0.5-l p.L) of (x3+-dCTP (3000 Ci/mmol)/lOO pL. 21. For PCR programs that are allowed an initial denaturationbefore addition of the polymerase (hot-started, 22), the reactions are made up lacking a small volume and the Tuq. The samples are loaded into the block and put through an initial denaturationstep, then held at annealing temperaturefor 2 min. The temperatureis then raised to 65OCand the Tuq is added in a small volume of sterile UV water; the timing of this step is set to allow addition of enzyme to all of the samples. The samplesarethen allowed to extend at 72C for the appropriatetime and then are cycled normally. 22. More uniform heating and cooling may be achieved if the samples are clustered in the block and surroundedby blank tubes.

Basic Protocols


23. Ammonium acetateprecipitation removes primers and unincorporated nucleotides (23). 24. If the samples are radioactive, be sure to disposeof wastes properly. 25. If a casting stand is not available, place the glass plate on a smooth level surface and position an adjustable well comb over it so that the teeth arejust above the plate. If a comb with adjustable height is not available, a comb for a larger gel may be used by attaching a black binder clip to eachend. Set this apparatusover the gel plate, resting the clips on their sides on the counter-top. Releasethe clips to allow the teeth of the comb to rest squarely on the plate, then reattach the clips. To bring the teeth to the right height, place a layer or two of paper or toweling under each clip. Using a lo-mL pipet, slowly add the molten agaroseto the top until the plate is covered and the solution is gently bowed outward by surface tension. A minigel should hold about 12-15 mL. The total sample volume that can be loaded onto a gel poured in this fashion is about half of what can be loaded onto a cast gel with a similar comb size. (A comb with 6 x 1 mm teeth will leave wells that hold about 20-25 uL in a cast gel.) 26. Smaller gels (minigels) require less time for denaturation, neutralization, and transfer. 27. 0.75mm Gels are a little more brittle, but saveon reagents. 28. 1.5-mm Sample wells will hold up to 100 pL. 29. If a samplestarts to float upwards, immediately stop loading and return it to the tube. Floating is usually caused by residual ethanol in the samples.The ethanol cannot be removed, but you can add another 3-5 pL of gel-loading dye, the glycerol content of which effectively weights the sample. 30. After running the samples into the gel at 100 V, the gel may be run overnight at 15-20 V. Acknowledgments We thank Puja Agarwal and Anna Pappalardo for expert technical assistance. Supported by Grant DK43064 from the NIH. References
1. Saiki, R., Scharf, S., Faloona, F., Mullis, K. B., Horn, G. T., Erlich, H. A., and Amheim, N. (1985) Enzymatic amplification of B-globin genomic sequences and restriction site analysis for diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Science 230, 1350-1354. 2. Mullis, K. B. and Faloona, F. A. (1987) Specific synthesis of DNA in vitro via a polymerase-catalyzed reaction. chain Methods Enzymof. 155,335-350.

Delidow et al.
3. Saiki, R. K., Gelfand, D. H., Stoffel, S., Scharf, S. J., Higuchi, R., Horn, G. T., Mullis, K. B., and Erlich, H. A. (1988) Primer-directed enzymatic ampliflcation of DNA with a tbermostable DNA polymerase. Science 239,487-491. 4. Erlich, H. A., Gelfand, D., and Sninsky, J. J. (1991) Recent advances in the polymerase chain reaction, Science 252,1643-1651, 5. Robert, S. S. (1991) Amplification of nucleic acid sequences: The choices multiply. J. NIH Res. 3(2), 81-94. 6. Maniatis T., Fritsch, E. F., and Sambrook, J. (1982) Molecular Clonmg: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 7. Ausubel, F. M., Brent, R., Kingston, R. E., Moore, D. D., Smith, J. A., Seidman, J. G., and Struhl, K. (eds.) (1987) Current Protocols m Molecular Biology. Wiley Interscience, New York. 8. Dycaico, M. and Mather, S. (1991) Reduce PCR false positives using the Stratalinker UV crosslinker. Stratagene Strategies 4(3), 39,40. 9. Sarkar, G. and Sommer, S. S. (1990) Shedding light on PCR contamination. Nature 343,27. 10. Zintz, C. B. and Beebe, D. C. (1991) Rapid re-amplification of PCR products purified from low melting point agarose gels. Blotechnzques 11,158-162. 11. Delidow, B. C., Peluso, J. J. and White, B. A. (1989) Quantitative measurement of mRNAs by polymerase chain reaction. Gene Anal. Tech. 6,120-124. 12. Chomczynski, P. and Sacchi, N. (1987) Single-step method of RNA isolation by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction. Anal. Blochem.

13. Chomczynski, P. (1991) Isolation of RNA by the RNAzol method. TEL-Test, Inc., Bulletm 2, l-5. 14. Myers, T. W. and Gelfand, D. H. (1991) Reverse transcription and DNA amplification by a Thermus thermophilus DNA polymerase. Biochemistry 30,76617666.

15. Zimmer, A. and Gruss, P. (1991) Use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect homologous recombination in transfected cell lines, in Mefhods in Molecular Biology, vol. 7: Gene Transfer and Expression Protocols (Murray, E. J., ed.) Humana, Clifton, NJ, pp. 411418. 16. Ohara, O., Dorit, R. L., and Gilbert, W. (1989) One-sidedpolymerase chain reaction: The amplification of cDNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Ser. USA 86,5673-5677. 17. Belyavsky, A. (1989) Polymerase chain reaction in the presence of NuSieveTM GTG Agarose. FMC Resolutions 5,1,2. 18. Belyavsky, A., Vinogradova, T., and RaJewsky, K. (1989) PCR-based cDNA library construction: general cDNA libraries at the level of a few cells. Nucleic Actds Res. 17,2919-2932. 19. Delidow, B. C., White, B. A., and Peluso, J. J. (1990) Gonadotropin induction of c-fos and c-myc expression and deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in rat granulosa cells. Endocrinology 126, 2302-2306. 20. Tse, W. T. and Forget, B. G. (1990) Reverse transcription and direct ampliflcation of cellular RNA transcripts by Taq polymerase. Gene 88,293-296.

Basic Protocols
21. Rappolee, D. F. A., Mark, D., Banda, M. I., and Werb, Z. (1988) Wound macrophages express TGF-cx and other growth factors in vivo: Analysis by mRNA phenotyping. Science 241,708-712. 22. Rauno, G., Brash, D. E., and Kidd, K. K. (1991) PCR: The first few cycles. Perkm-Elmer Cetus Amplifications 7, l-4. 23. Crouse, J. and Amorese, D. (1987) Ethanol precipitation: Ammonium acetate as an alternative to sodium acetate. BRL Focus 9,3-5.


Selection for Polymerase

of Primers Chain Reaction

Wojciech Rychlik
1. Introduction One of the most important factors affecting the quality of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the choice of primers. Several rules should be observed when designing primers and, in general, the more DNA sequence information available, the better the chance of finding an ideal primer pair. Fortunately, not all primer selection criteria need be met in order to synthesize a clean, specific product, since the adjustment of PCR conditions (such as composition of the reaction mixture, temperature, and duration of PCR steps) may considerably improve the reaction specificity. Amplification of 200400-bp DNA is the most efficient and, in these cases, one may design efficient primers simply by following a few simple rules described in this chapter. It is more difficult to choose primers for efficient amplification of longer DNA fragments, and use of an appropriate primer analysis software is worthwhile. The important parameters to be considered when selecting PCR primers are the ablility of the primer to form a stable duplex with the specific site on the target DNA, and no duplex formation with another primer molecule or no hybridization at any other target site. The primer stability can be measured in the length (base pairs) of a DNA duplex, the GCYAT ratio, kcaYmo1 (duplex formation free energy), or in C (melting temperature). The most accurate methods for computing helix
From Methods !n Molecular fIro/ogy, Vol 15. PCR Protocols Edited by E3 A White Copynght Q 1993 Humana Current Methods and Applrcatlons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Table 1 Free Energy Values of a Nearest Neighbor NucleotideD Fit (5) nucleotide dA dC dG dT dA -1.9 -1.9 -1.6 -1 .o Second nucleotide dC dG dT -1.5 -1.6 -1.3 -1.9


AG (kcal/mol)
-1.3 -3.1 -3.1 -1.6 -1.6 -3.6 -3.1 -1.9

Calculated according to EQ. (1) in 2SC.

stability are based on nearest neighbor thermodynamic parameters (I). Calculation of 7, according to the nearest neighbor method is complicated, and therefore not practical for use without computer software. Similar duplex stability accuracy, however, may be achieved by calculating the free energy of duplex formation (AG). This calculation is simple and can be performed manually. The Methods section describes the following: an example of AG calculation, needed for accurate determination of duplex stability; general rules for PCR primer selection; primer design basedon a peptide sequence; and primer design for subcloning PCR products.

2.1. Calculations

2. Methods of DNA Duplex


The method of predicting free energy of duplex formation (AG) for DNA oligomers, described in the following, is a simplified method of Breslauer et al. (I). It is based on the equation (1) where AH and AS are the enthalpy and entropy of duplex formation, respectively, and Tis the temperature in K. Table 1 lists the AG values of nucleotide pairs. For simplicity, all calculations are made with T set to 298.15 K (25OC). The relative stability of base-pairing in a duplex is dependent on the neighboring bases (I). Thus, for example, to calculate the AG of the d(ACGG/CCGT) duplex formation, add the AG values of the
three nucleotide pairs as follows:


Selection of Primers for PCR


z 80 32 Q) 60 5; ; 4o 20

0 0
-4 -8 -12

34erminal duplex AG [kcal/mol]

Fig. 1. Dependence of PCR yield on the AG of 34erminal primer duplexes. The

AG values were calculated as described in Section 2.1. AG (ACGG) = AG (AC) + AG (CG) + AG (GG) (2) AG (ACGG) = -(1.3 + 3.6 + 3.1) = -8.0 (kcal/mol) (3) This method is especially useful for determination of primer compatibility owing to formation of 3-terminal duplexes, discussed in the following section. Use the same approach when calculating the AG of a hairpin loop structure, except that the AG increment for loop must be added. For loops, sizes 3-8 nucleotide, I use the following values (averaged from refs. 2 and3): 3 nucleotide, 5.2 kcal/mol; 4 nucleotide, 4.5; 5 nucleotide, 4.4; 6 nucleotide, 4.3; 7 and 8 nucleotide, 4.1 kcaY mol. More data can be found in ref. 2. 2.2. Selection of PCR Primers 2.2.1. General Rules DIMER FORMATION PCR primers should be free of significant complementarity at their 3' termini as this promotes the formation of primer-dimer artifacts that reduce product yield. Formation of primer-dimer artifacts may also causemore serious problems, such asnonspecific DNA synthesis owing to an unbalanced primer ratio (asymmetric PCRs fail more frequently than standard reactions). Figure 1 illustrates the PCR yield dependence on the AG of 3-terminal duplexes.

Rychlik These values are approximate, since the yield also depends on the annealing temperature, the specificity of primers, and other parameters not considered here. The high dependence of yield on dimer formation tendency is the result of the very high processivity of Taq polymerase. Duplexes need not be stable to prime DNA synthesis. Very little time is required for the enzyme to recognize a 3-terminal duplex and start polymerization. SELF-C MPLEMENTARITY In general, oligonucleotides forming intramolecular duplexes with negative AG should be avoided. Although self-complementary PCR primers with hairpin loop AG approaching -3 kcal/mol (at 25) are suitable in certain cases, a hairpin loop forming primer is troublesome when its 3 end is tied up, since this can cause internal primer extension, thus eliminating a given primer from the reaction. Hairpins near the 5 end, however, do not significantly affect the PCR. MELTING TEMPERATURE: STABILITY There is a widely held assumption that PCR primers should have about a 50% GC/AT ratio. This is not correct. An 8 1% AT-rich primer (with a second primer of a similar composition and human genomic DNA as substrates) produced a single, specific, 250-bp PCR product (70% AT-rich). Without getting into the complex calculations of product and primer T, values, PCR primers should have a GC/AT ratio similar to or higher than that of the amplified template. A more important factor is the Tm difference between the template and the less stable primer. PCR is efficient if this difference is minimized. Note that the T, of DNA also depends on its length. This is the reason why researchers typically design primers that are too long and unnecessarily too stable. Longer oligos, however, are less likely to be suitable in terms of dimer formation and self-complementarity and, therefore, generally scarce in a given sequence. If the expected PCR product is 1500 bp, select short (14-18 nucleotide) primers. For the synthesis of a 5-kb fragment, choose about 24-mers. In the latter case, however, it is difficult to choose a compatible primer pair without the aid of primer selection software to check dimer formation, selfcomplementarity, and the specificity of primers. When amplifying a long DNA fragment, there is a good chance that an oligonucleotide selected by eye will prime from other than the intended target site,

Selection of Primers for PCR




i *i




Fig, 2. Internal stability of two poorly functioning (Bl, B2) and two efficient (Gl, G2) sequencing primers. Primer Gl and G2 performed above average (with almost any other compatible primer) in PCR. The AG values were calculated for all pentamers in each primer. The last symbol in each inset represents the AG value of the subsequence written in bold (the 34erminal pentamer).

yielding nonspecific product(s). The likelihood of false priming can be significantly reduced by observing the internal stability rule, as described in the following. INTERNAL STmILm Primers that are stable at their 5 termini but somewhat unstable on their 3 ends perform bestin sequencing and PCR as well. This primer structure effectively eliminates false priming. Theserecentfindings, basedon primer internal stability, are supported by the experimental data presented in Fig. 2. A primer with low stability on its 3 end will function well in PCR becausethe basepairings near and at the 3end with nontarget sites are not sufficiently stable to initiate synthesis (false priming). Therefore, the 5 and central parts of the primer must also form a duplex with the target DNA site in order to prime efficiently. Conversely, oligonucleotides with stable, GC-rich, 3 termini neednot annealwith the target along theirentire length in order to efficiently prime, resulting often in nonspecific product synthesis. Examples of efficient PCR (and sequencing) primers are presented in Fig. 2 (primers Gl and G2).

Rychlik Notice the high 3-end stability of nonspecific primers (B 1 and B2) and low stability of specific primers. The optimal annealing temperature range is unusually broad when primers exhibiting low 3-terminal stability are used. This improves the chances of running the PCR at optimal conditions without preliminary optimization experiments. It is worth noting that the quality of the PCR product depends on the template (substrate complexity, product length, and T,,,),as well as on the annealing time and temperature (4). In certain conditions, primers with high 3 terminal stability perform satisfactory in PCR. Nevertheless, oligonucleotides with 3 terminal pentamers less stable than -9 kcal/mol (check Section 2.1. for calculations) are more likely to be specific primers. UNIQUE PRIMERS In order to amplify a single, specific DNA fragment, the primers sequence should not repeat in the template (5). Although it is highly unlikely that the entire primer matches perfectly at more than one site on the template, primers with 6-7 nucleotide-long nonunique 3 termini are not uncommon. This may create problems when a false priming site is located inside the amplified region. In these cases, a nonspecific product formation is observed (especially in later cycles), because the PCR of shorter DNA fragments is usually more efficient. Note that the more unstable the primers 3 end, the lower the likelihood of false priming (see Section When working with mammalian genomic sequences, it is helpful to check the primer of interest for complementarity with Ah sequences or with other short repetitive elements. For a similar reason, homooligomers (like -AAAAAA-) and dinucleotide repeats (like -ATATAT-) should rather be avoided. 2.2.2. Specific Applications PRIMER DESIGN BASED ON PEPTIDE SEQUENCES When designing primers from peptide sequences, the use of degenerate primers rather than guessmers is preferred. Although it has been reported that up to 1024-degenerate primers have been used successfully (6), regions of high degeneracy should be avoided. There are many (unreported) cases in which less degenerate primers have not worked. It is generally assumed that PCR is acceptably efficient when using primers with 1520% bp mismatches with the template. Mismatches at a primers 3 end, however, cause more serious problems

Selection of Printers for PCR


than the same mismatch ratio at the 5 end. The PCR yield using a primer with two mismatches within the last four bases is drastically reduced. Studies of Kwok et al. (7) indicate, however, that primers with 3-terminal T-mismatches can be efficiently utilized by Tuq polymerase when the nucleotide concentration is high. At 0.8 mM, most 3-end mismatches are acceptable (7), although nonspecific product formation is high, and the fidelity DNA synthesis is reduced (8). There is a low level of priming from mismatched bases even at low nucleotide concentrations (9), and therefore, increasing the annealing time to 3-5 min in the initial PCR cycles may yield a desired product of a better quality than when using standard annealing times and high dNTP concentrations. A total nucleotide concentration of 0.2 mM, or below, is recommended when unique primers are used, since high concentrations increasethe misincorporation rate (8,IO). When degenerate oligonucleotides are used, PCRs should be run at higher primer concentrations (l-3 pA4instead of 0.2 @4) because most oligos in the mixture will not prime specifically and only contribute to high background. More information on optimizing the reaction mixture and the use of degenerate primers can be found in Chapters 30 and 3 1. PRIMER DESIGN FOR SUBCLONING The addition of a (mismatched) restriction site at the 5 terminus is the most useful method. Add a few dummy 5-terminal bases beyond the recognition site, so that the restriction endonucleases can cut the DNA. Try not to extend a potential dimer structure (inherent to restriction sites) beyond the recognition site. There areno general rules as to how many nucleotides to add. A list of cleavage efficiencies of short oligonucleotides has been published (II); the summary is listed in Table 2. An alternative to incorporating a full restriction enzyme recognition site is to use oligonucleotide primers with only half a palindromic recognition site at the 5 termini of each phosphorylated primer. After amplification, the PCR product should be concatamerized with ligase and then digested with the appropriate enzyme (12). This is an efficient method, actually forcing a researcher to use high fidelity synthesis conditions (8,13), i.e., low nucleotide concentration, low number of cycles, short extension times, and no final extension. In theseconditions, the formation of 3 overhangs, preventing efficient ligation, is minimal. If the amplified product is to be subcloned, and the restriction site not needed, use unphosphorylated primers for the reaction and then

Table 2 of Short DNA Fragments Excess bps 8 10 3 1 4 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 3 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3


Cleavable Efficiencies Excess bps 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 3 2 4 6 %Cleavage after 2h 20h



%Cleavage after 2h 20h 25 25 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 50 10 75 0 0 10 90 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 >90 0 >90 75 75 0 10 10 90 >90 90 0 10 0 25 10 10 0 90 25 75 10 10 50 90 >!Xl SO 50 50 0 25 50 >90 0 90 90 90 0 25 75

Act I A$ III Ax I

0 0 >90 90
10 >90 0 75 25 0 50 0 0 >90 50 >90 >90 0 10 0 >90 0 25 0 50 0 0 10 10 0 10 10

0 0 so so 25 90 0 so >90 0 so 10 0 >90 50 >90 >90 0 75 0 so 0 50 0 75 0 0 25 50 0 10 10

Not I Nsi I Pst I Pvu I Sac I Sac II

Sea I S?MlI

Bgl II BssH II BstE I Cla I EcoR I Hae III Hind III Kpn I Mlu I
Nco I

Spe I

Sph I stu I Xba I

Nde I Nhe I Not I


aNumber of base pairs added on each side of the recognition


Selection of Primers for PCR


ligate the product with a Sma I-digested vector in the presence of low concentrations of Sma I (a blunt-end cutter compatible with the ligation conditions). Again, high fidelity PCR conditions should be used, as mentioned earlier, to minimize formation of 3 overhangs. When high fidelity synthesis is less essential, one may utilize the template-independent activity of Taq polymerase to create 3-Aoverhangs in the PCR product and use a vector with 3-7-overhangs (14,151. This method is very efficient when high concentration of nucleotides and long extension times are used, followed by prolonged incubation at the extension temperature after the last cycle.

1. Breslauer, K. J., Frank, R., Blocker, H., and Markey, L. A. (1986) Predicting DNA duplex stability from the basesequence. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 2. Freier, S.M., Kierzek,R., Jaeger,J, A., Sugimoto,N., Caruthers,M. H., Neilson, T., andTurner, D. H. (1986) Improved free-energy parametersfor predictrons of RNA duplex stability. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83,9373-9377. 3. Groebe, D. R. and Uhlenbeck, 0. C. (1988) Characterizationof RNA hairpin loop stability. Nuclerc Acids Res. 16, 11,725-l 1,735. 4. Rychlik, W., Spencer,W. J., and Rhoads, R. E. (1990) Optimization of the annealing temperature for DNA amplification in vitro. Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 6409-6412. 5. Rychlik, W. and Rhoads,R. E. (1989) A computer program for choosing optimal oligonucleotides for filter hybridization, sequencingand in vitro ampliflcation of DNA. Nuckic Acids Res. 17, 8543-8551, 6. Lee, C. C. and Caskey,C. T. (1990) cDNA cloning using degenerateprimers, in PCR Protocols (Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky,J. J., and White, T. J. eds.), Academic,New York, pp. 46-53. 7. Kwok, S., Kellogg, D. E., McKinney, N., Spasic,D,, Goda, L., Levenson, C., and Sninsky,J. J. (1990) Effects of primer-template mismatcheson the polymerase chain reaction: human immunodeficiency virus type 1 model studies. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,999-1005. 8. Eckert, K. A. and Kunkel, T. A. (1990) High fidelity DNA synthesisby the Therms aquatrcus DNA polymerase.Nucleic Acrds Res. l&3739-3744. 9. Petruska,J., Goodman, M. F., Boo&is, M. S., Sowers,L. C., Cheong, C., and Tinoco, I., Jr. (1988) Comparison betweenDNA melting thermodynamicsand DNA polymerasefidelity. Proc. Null. Acad. Sci. USA85, 6252-6256. 10. Kawasaki, E. (1990) Amplification of RNA, in PCR Protocols (Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky, J. J., and White, T. J. eds.), Academic, New York, pp. 21-27.

11. New England BioLabs, 1990-1991 Catalog, Cleavage close to the end of DNA fragments, p. 132. 12. Jung, V., Pestka,S. B., and Pestka,S. (1990) Efficient cloning of PCR generated DNA containing terminal restriction endonuclease recognition sites. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,6156. 13. Eckert, K. A. and Kunkel, T. A. (199 1) The fidelity of DNA polymerase used in PCR, in Polymerase Chain Reaction: A Practical Approach (McPherson, M. J., Quirke, P., and Taylor, G.R. eds.), IRL, Oxford, UK, pp. 227-246. 14. Marchuk, D., Drumm, M., Saulino, A., and Collins, F. S. (1991) Construction of T-vectors, a rapid and generalsystemfor direct cloning of unmodified PCR products Nucleic Acids Res. 19, 1154. 15. Holton, T. A. and Graham, M. W. (1991) A simple and efficient method for direct cloning of PCR products using ddT-tailed vectors Nuclex Acrds Res. 19, 1156.


Direct Radioactive Labeling of Polymerase Chain Reaction Products

Tim McDaniel and Stephen
1. Introduction Radioactively labeled polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products are being used in an increasing number of molecular biology research techniques. Among these are PCR-based polymorphism assays such as linkage analysis (I) and detecting allelic loss in cancer cells (2). Other uses of radioactive PCR include generating probes for Southern and Northern blotting (3) and screening for polymorphisms and point mutations by the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) technique (4). The two most common methods for radioactively labeling PCR products, adding radioactive deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs) to the PCR mixture (I) and end-labeling primers prior to the reaction (5), are problematic in that they risk radioactive contamination of the thermal cycler and extend the radioactive work area. The technique described here (6), based on the methods of OFarrell et al. (7) and Nelkin (8), overcomes these problems because labeling is carried out after the PCR is completed, totally separate from the PCR machine. The technique is rapid, requires no purification of PCR products (e.g., phenol-chloroform extraction), and allows visualization of a tiny fraction of the product in under 2 h after labeling.
From Methods in Molecular Bology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols. Edbed by B A White Copynght 0 1993 Humana Current Methods and Applrcatrons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ

J. Meltzer


McDaniel and Meltzer The method employs the Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I, exploiting both the S-3 synthetic and 3-5 excision (proofreading) functions of the enzyme. Briefly, unlabeled PCR product is mixed with Klenow fragment in the absence of dNTPs. Under these conditions, the enzyme lacks necessary substrates for its 5-3 synthetic function, and thus engages solely in its 3-5 excision activity, nibbling away basesat the 3 end of the PCR fragments. After allowing this reaction to proceed a short time, dNTPs, including [32P]-dCTP, are added,allowing Klenow fragment to fill in and thereby label the recessed 3 ends. 2. Materials 1. PCR product. 2. Klenow fragment (1 U/pL). 3. 10X Klenow buffer: 500 nW Tris-HCI, pH 7.8, 100 mM MgC12, 10 nU4 ISmercaptoethanol. 4. [a-32P]dCTP (deoxycytidine 5-[a-32P]triphosphate, triethyl ammonium salt, aqueous solution, 10 mCi/mL, 3000 Wmmol). 5. dNTP solution (400 @I each: dGTP, dATP, and dTTP). 6. Sequenase stop solution: 95% formamide, 20 mM EDTA, .OS%bromophenol blue, 0.05% xylene cyan01 FF. 7. DNA sequencing apparatus (including glass plates, spacers, and combs). 3. Methods
1. Digest the 5 ends of the PCR product by mixing 2 pL of PCR product (from a 100 uL reaction), 2 pL of 10X Klenow buffer, 1 pL of Klenow

fragment, and 15 PL of H20 in a microfuge tube. 2. Let stand for 10 min at room temperature.
3. Initiate fill-in of the digested ends by adding 0.5 pL of [a-3*]dCTP and 1 pL of dNTP solution. 4. Let stand 10 min at room temperature (see Note 1). 5. Destroy the enzyme by incubating at 70C for 5 min. 6. At this point, labeled DNA can be incorporated into whatever assay

requires it, or can be visualized by running on a denaturing polyacrylamide gel as follows. 7. Mix 8 uL of the final labeling reaction mixture with 2 uL of sequenase stop solution. 8. Denature double-stranded DNA by heating for 5 min at 90C. 9. Load samples into prerun 8% acrylamide, 50% urea sequencing gel and run l-1/2 h at a voltage that maintains a surface temperature of 50C (this voltage varies among sequencing apparatuses).

Direct Radioactive Labeling of PCR Products

10. Autoradiograph the gel l-l/Z h at -7OOC with an intensifying screen. See Note 2.

4. Notes
1. To ensure complete fill-in of the 3 ends, it may be desirable to chase the reaction with 1 pL of 400 j.tM dCTP for 5 min just before destroying with the 70C incubation. However, we have found this step to be unnecessary. 2. To verify the size of the labeled PCR products, run them along with DNA size markers that have been labeled by the same method. To label marker DNA, run the aforementioned protocol substituting 2 pL (2 pg) of marker DNA for the PCR product.

Supported by ACS grant #PDT-419, the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America, and the Department of VeteransAffairs.

1. Peterson, M. B., Economou, E. P., Slaugenhaupt, S. A., Chakravarti, A., and Antonarakis, S. E. (1990) Linkage analysis of the human HMG 14 gene on chromosome 21 using a GT dinucleotide repeat as polymorphic marker. Genomcs 7,136138. 2. Bookstein, R., RIO, P., Madreperla, S.A., Hong, F., Allred, C., Grizzle, W. E., and Lee, W.-H. (1990) Promoter deletion and loss of rettnoblastoma gene expressron in human prostate carcinoma. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 87,7762-7766. 3. Schowalter, D. B. and Sommer, S. S. (1989) The generation of radiolabeled DNA and RNA probes with polymerase chain reaction. Anal. Biochem. 177, 90-94. 4. Orita, M., Suzuki, Y ., Sekiya, T., and Hayashi, K. (1989) Rapid and sensitive

detection of point mutations and DNA polymorphisms using the polymerase chain reaction. Genomics5,874-879. 5. Hayashi, S.,Orita, M., Suzuki,Y., and Sekiya,T. (1989) Use of labeled prixners in polymerase chain reaction (LP-PCR) for a rapid detection of the product. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,3605. 6. McDaniel, T, K., Huang, Y., Yin, J., Needleman, S. W., and Meltzer, S. J. (1991) Direct radiolabeling of unpurified PCR product using Klenow fragment. BioTechmques 11,7,8. 7. OFarrell, P. H., Kutter, E., and Nakanishi (1980) A restriction map of the bacteriophage T4 genome. Mol. Gen. Genet. 179,421435. 8. Nelkin, B. D. (1990) Labeling of double stranded oligonucleotides to high specific activity. BzoTechniques 8,616-618.


Use of Arithmetic Polymerase Chain Reaction for Synthesis of Single-Stranded Probes for Sl Nuclease Assays
Pqja Agarwal and Bruce A. White

1. Introduction The S1nucleaseprotection assayinvolves the hybridization in solution of a single-stranded DNA probe to RNA, followed by digestion with S1 nuclease, which is specific for single-stranded nucleic acid (1). The protected probe is measured by first resolving the sample by denaturing gel electrophoresis, followed by autoradiography and densitometry. The amount of protected hybridized probe is proportional to the complementary RNA in the sample. The S 1 nuclease assay is sensitive (usually loto RX&fold more sensitive than Northern blot hybridization), reproducible, and quantitative. The assay is also more rapid than Northern blot hybridization, since hybridization is performed in a small volume and is thus completed during an overnight incubation, and there is no prehybridization or transfer. The S1 nuclease assayis also more reliable than dot blot assaysbecausethe size of the product is determined. Despite these advantages,the S1 nucleaseassay is often avoided by investigators who do not wish to invest the time in generating the single-stranded probes.In this chapter, we describe a simple method for generating singlestranded DNA probes by arithmetic polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which we have used in an S1 nucleaseassay (2) to measurePRL mRNA. This procedure is similar to one reported by Blakeley and Carman (3).
From Methods m Molecular Bology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols Edlted by I3 A White Copynght 0 1993 Humana Current Methods and Applrcatrons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Agarwal and White

In addition to generating single-stranded probes for Sl nuclease assays, we have used arithmetic PCR for synthesis of single-stranded unlabeled probes, which were used to measure strand-specific transcription in a nuclear run-on transcription assay (4).

2. Materials
2.1. Generation of Single-Stranded Probe 1. Plasmid DNA template: For our studies, we used a PRL cDNA cloned into Bluescript SK+ vector (Stratagene,La Jolla, CA). This construct is digested with Pst 1 before use, which removes PRL cDNA insert. 2. Buffered phenol (seeChapter 1 for preparationof phenol). 3. CHCl,. 4. E. coli tRNA (20 mg/mL in sterile water). 5. 95% Ethanol (cold). 6. 7.5M Ammonium acetate. 7. 10X PCR amplification buffer: 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3; 500 mM KCl; 15 mM MgC12;0.01% gelatin (Sigma [St. Louis, MO] G2500), stored at -20C. 8. Nucleotide mix: 2 mM each of dATP, dGTP, dlTP, and 50 pM dCTP preparedin sterile water. Preparethis mix fresh from concentratedstocks of each dNTP. 9. [a-32P]dCTP (3000 Ci/mmol). 10. 200 pmol of selected primer. We used a 20-bp oligonucleotide that primed the synthesisof an antisenseprobe from exon 3. The fragment synthesized was approx 250 bp in length. 10. PCR thermal cycler. 11. Sodium acetate,pH 5.2. 12. Mineral oil. 13. TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 1 rU4 EDTA. 14. TL-100 Beckman (Columbia, MD) table-top ultracentrifuge and TLA 45 rotor. 15. 1.5-mL Beckman polyallomer microfuge tubes (#357448). 16. Amplitaq Tuq DNA polymerase (Perkin-Elmer Cetus, Norwalk, CT). 2.2. Sl A&lease Assay (2) All reagents should be RNA grade, made (wearing gloves) with sterile, DEP-treated Hz0 (see Chapter l), DEP treated, and stored in RNase-free containers. 1. Single-stranded probefreshlyprepared arithmeticPCR (seeNote 1). DNA by 2. Cytoplasmic RNA (seeChapter 1).

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Probes for Sl Nuclease Assays


TL-100 Beckman table-top ultracentrifuge and TLA 45 rotor. 1S-mL Beckman polyallomer microfuge tubes (#357448). 3M Sodium acetate,pH 5.2. Cold 95% ethanol. E. coli tRNA (10 mg/mL). 400 mM PIPES (piperazine-MN-bis[2-ethanesulfonic acid]). Prepare by adding 12.1 g of PIPES to 75 mL of sterile HzO. Adjust pH to 6.4 with 1OZV NaOH, and bring volume to 100 mL. 9. 100 mMEDTA, pH 8. 10. Hybridization buffer: 80% deionized formamide, 40 n&f PIPES, pH 6.4, 400 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0. Storeat -70C in 1-mL aliquots. 11. 1M Sodium acetate,pH 4.5. 12. 90 mhf ZnS04. 13. Sl nuclease(400 U&L). 14. 2X Sl nucleasebuffer: 0.56M NaCl, O.lM sodium acetate,pH 4.5, 9 m&I ZnS04. Filter through a 0.2~pmfilter and store at 4C. 15. Sl nucleasestop buffer: 4M ammonium acetate,20 mM EDTA, pH 8, and 40 pg/mL of tRNA. Store at 4C. 16. Salmon sperm DNA. Prepareas describedin Chapter 1. 17. Acrylamide solution. Add 116.8 g of acrylamide and 3.2 g of IV,Nmethylene his-acrylamide to 400 mL of sterile HzO. Filter through Whatman #l paper and store at 4C. 18. Urea. 19. 10% Ammonium persulfate. 20. TEMED. 21. 10X TBE buffer. Prepareby adding 108 g of Tris base, 55 g of boric acid, and 10 mL of 200 mMEDTA, pH 8.0, to 1 L of dd HzO. 22. Formamide loading buffer. Preparefrom 98 FL of formamide, 1 pL of 2% xylene cyanol, and 1 PL of 2% bromophenol blue. 3. Methods 3.1. Synthesis of Single-Stranded Probe by Arithmetic PCR 1. Assemble a 50-PL PCR in a 500~pL microfuge tube containing the following: 10X PCR buffer 5.0 PL dNTP mix 8.0 pL 32P dCTP (5 pCi) 5.0 FL primer 200 pm01 DNA template 100 ng of PRL cDNA insert (seeNote 2) sterile H,O to 45 uL final vol

Agarwal and White

2. Vortex and spin the sample for 5 s. Overlay two drops of mineral oil. 3. Perform PCR using the following cycle profile: Step 1 94OC, 2 min (denaturing) Step 2 60C, 2 min (annealing) Step 3 65C, 1 mitt (HOT START) 4. Add DNA AmpliTaq polymerase mix containing 4.5 jrL of sterile HZ0 and 0.5 pL of Tuq polymerase during step 3. 5. Continue PCR using the following cycle profile: 48 main cycles 72C, 1 min (extension) 94OC, 1 min (denaturation) 60C, 1 min (annealing) Final extension 72C, 5 min 6. Extract sample from under the oil layer by pipet and transfer to a clean 1.5~mL Beckman centrifuge tube. 7. Precipitate with 0.5 vol of 7.5M ammonium acetate, 2.5 vol of 95% cold ethanol, and 1 pL of 10 mg/mL E. coli tRNA. Incubate on ice for 1 h, and spin for 30 min at 12,OOOg, 4C in a TLA 45 rotor. at 8. Invert tube, dry pellet at room temperature for about 10 min, and resuspend pellet in 50 pL of DEP-treated H,O. 9. Determine the total amount of incorporated radioactivity by counting a small aliquot (2 pL) in a scintillation counter. 10. A second precipitation may be desirable in order to remove the unincorporated radioactivity from the probe. Use probe on same day of synthesis (see Note 3).

3.2. Sl Nuclease


1. Dilute probe in DEP-treated HZ0 to 50,000 cpm/lO pL and add 10 i.tL to 1.5-mL Beckman microfuge tube. 2. Add RNA (0.1-5 pg) and adjust volume to a total volume of 50 pL (see Note 4). 3. Add 5 pL of 3M sodium acetate, pH 5.2, 1 pL of 10 mg/mL of E. coli tRNA, and 137.5 pL of cold 95% ethanol. Incubate at -20C for 1 h. 4. Centrifuge for 30 min in a TLA-45 rotor in 4C at 12,OOOg. 5. Decant supernatant and dry pellet at room temperature with tubes inverted. 6. Resuspend pellet in 20 FL of hybridization buffer. Pipet the solution up and down about 50 times until the pellet is completely dissolved and vortex vigorously. 7. Heat the hybridization reaction for 10 min in a 85C water bath to denature the nucleic acids. Quickly transfer the reaction to a 42C shaking water bath to incubate overnight for 12-16 h. see Note 5. 8. To each hybridization reaction add:


Probes for Sl Nuclease Assays


150 pL 2X S1nuclease buffer 2 mg/mL salmon sperm DNA 3 PL DEP-treated Hz0 145 pL 600 U of Sl Nuclease 1.6 pL SeeNote 6. 9. Incubate in a shaking water bath at 42C for 2 h (seeNote 7). 10. During this incubation,preparea 6% polyacrylamide-ureadenaturinggel. Add 16.8g of urea,4 mL of 10X TBE, 8 mL of acrylamide solution, and 10mL of DEP-treatedHzO. Dissolve ureaby stirring on a warm hot plate! magneticstirrer. Adjust volume to 40 mL with HzO. Degasfor 5 min. Add 200 pL of fresh 10% ammonium persulfateand 20 w of TEMED. Mix gently andpour into 1.5mm x 18cm x 16cm vertical gel mold (assembled accordingto manufacturers directions).Let gel polymerize(about30 min). Wash wells with the running buffer andprerungel for l-2 h at 200 V. 11. Chill the S1 nucleasereactionsto 0C by transferring tubes on ice. 12. Add 80 pL of Sl-nuclease stop buffer and mix. 13. Add 1 mL of 100%ethanol and precipitate at -20C for 60 min. 14. Centrifuge at 12,000gat 4C for 30 min. 15. Wash pellet with 100 pL of 70% ethanol and recentrifuge asin step 14. Decant the supernatant,invert tube, and dry pellet at room temperature until ethanol has evaporated. 16. Resuspend the pellet completely in 4 uL of TE buffer and 6 p1 of formamide loading buffer. 17. Heat denature reactionsat 95C for 5 min andtransferthe tubesto ice. the 18. Resolve sampleson polyacrylamidektrea gel at 150 V for about 34 h. Dry gel and exposeto film. 4. Notes 1. We have purified probes by resolving them on a urea-acrylamide gel, followed by elution of the band. This is done by incubating the gel slice containing probe in 400 pL of 300 mM sodium acetate,pH 5.2, at 37C for 1 h. Transfer liquid to a Ultrafree-MC filter (Millipore, Bedford, MA) and centrifuge in cold room according to manufacturers instructions. The elution step can be repeated,and the samplespooled before centrifugation through filter unit. Add 1 i.tL of 10 mg/mL of tRNA and precipitate probe. We have found that gel purification is not usually required, and often results in multiple bands anyway becauseof degradation of probe during purification. 2. We do not purify the cDNA insert from the plasmid DNA after digestion with Pst I. Thus, our calculations of the quantity of DNA used as a template in the PCR is basedon the amount of cDNA insert only.


Agarwal and White

3. The probe should be used as soon as possible after its synthesis to avoid degradation. 4. In the Sl nuclease assay, include an undigested probe with no RNA as a marker for the correct size and digested probe with no RNA as a negative control. 5. The hybridization temperature needs to be optimized for different probes. 6. Frepare solutions as master mixes (with a few extra reactions worth) and aliquot the appropriate amount into individual tubes. 7. The temperature for Sl nuclease digestion should be optimized.

Supported by grant DK43064 from the NIH.

1. Berk, A. J. and Sharp P. A. (1977) Sizing and mapping of early adenovirus mRNAs by gel electrophoresisof S1 endonuclease-digested hybrids. Cell 12, 721-732. 2. Ausebel,F. M., Brent, R., Kingston, R. E., Moore, D. D., Smith,J. A., Seidman, J. G., and Struhl, K. (eds.) (1987) Current Protocols UI Molecular Biology. Wiley Interscience,New York, Section4.6.1. 3. Blakeley, M. S. and Carman, M. D. (1991) Generation of an Sl probe using arithmetic polymerasechain reaction. BloTechniques 10,52,53. 4. Billis, W. M., Delidow, B. C., and White, B. A. (1992) Posttranscriptional regulation of prolactin gene expressionin prolactin-deficient pituitary tumor cells. Mol. Endocrmol. 6, in press.


Nonradioactive Labeling of Polymerase Chain Reaction Products

Udo Reischl, Riidiger Riiger, and Christoph Kessler
1. Introduction
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was originally introduced to amplify in vitro particular DNA sequences by the application of temperature cycles (I). In a modification, RNA molecules also may serve as templates by an additional reverse transcription step converting RNA in complementary DNA sequences (2). In addition to PCR, a variety of alternative amplification systems have been recently developed, which either are also based on temperature cycles (LCR [3], RCR [4fl or are designed as isothermal amplification reactions; e.g., transcription amplification (TAS [5], 3SR [6], NASBA [7], LAT [S]) or replication approaches (QS [9]). However, PCR remains the most widely applied amplification method at the moment because of its great potential regarding different modes of applications in molecular biology as well as in other fields like the medical area (10). In this chapter we describe direct nonradioactive labeling during PCR resulting in labeled amplification products that directly can be quantified (Fig. 1). However, we also focus on the use of PCR for generation of nonradioactively labeled hybridization probes. The advantage of this method is that hybridization probes of strongly reduced vector
FromMethods In Molecular Biology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols. Edlted by B. A White Copyrlght 8 1993 Humana Current Methods andAppl/catrons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Reischl, Riiger, and Kessler Template for PCR reaction Taq DNA polymerase DIG-dUTP/dITP dATP, dGTP, dCTP PCR cycles PCR-derived DIG-labeled DNA

1. Direct detection of PCR product

2. Use as nonradioactive hybridization probe

Hybridization with unlabeled target nucleic acid DIG-labeled hybridization complex

ELISA-type detection of DIG modification with digoxigenin-specific alkaline phosphatase conjugates

1. Optical detection with BCIP/NBT

2. Chemiluminescent detection with Lumiphos (AMPPD)

Fig. 1. Flow diagram for detection of PCR-derived DIG-labeled DNA.


Labeling ofPCR Products

content can be synthesized in a one-step procedure. The PCR-generated probes can be applied in hybridization experiments reducing nonspecific backgroundreactionsreflecting cross-hybridizations between vector sequences. PCR amplification is combined with the integration of the nonradioactive modification group digoxigenin (DIG) (1 I). Digoxigenin is used as a nonradioactive marker because of its high sensitivity and specificity as compared, e.g., with the biotin:streptavidin system. Applying digoxigenin-labeled hybridization probes, sensitivities in the 0.1 -pg range are obtained (I 2-15). Using the digoxigenin label for direct quantitation of the amplified DNA PCR products, detection of single molecules is possible in a nonradioactive way by applying digoxigenin-specific antibodies in an ELISA-type detection reaction (16). Digoxigenin-labeled hybridization probes can be used under standard hybridization conditions. Hybridized filters are either detected immediately or are stored dry for later detection. After blocking of the membrane with blocking reagent the antibody conjugate is bound to hapten-labeled DNA hybrids. The indicator reaction is mediated either by the optical substratesBCIP and NBT resulting in blue color products or by use of the chemiluminescent substrate Lumiphos (AMPPD) (I 7,18). Rehybridization especially with the latter chemiluminescent substrate,is possible after removing the hybridized probe by standardprocedures; i.e., 2 x 15 min in 0.2MNaOH and 0.1% SDS at 37C followed by a short wash in 2X SSC (19). Thus, the combination of high efficient PCR amplification and high sensitive nonradioactive digoxigenin technology may serve as powerful tool for the isotope-free detection of single DNA molecules as well as for the convenient generation of modified hybridization probes. 2. Materials 2.1. PCR Amplification 1. AutomatedPCR thermal cycler (Perkin Elmer, Norwalk, CT). 2. Reactiontubes:The tubesmust be adaptedto the respectivekind of PCR thermal cycler to ensureoptimal temperaturetransfer. 3. Oligonucleotides: Single-strand oligonucleotides are synthesized on an automatedDNA synthesizer,After deblocking, extraction (see Note 1) andethanolprecipitation/washing,no furtherpurification is requiredprior to use as FCR primers.
4. Tuq DNA polymerase.

Reischl, Rtiger, and Kessler 5. Mineral oil, light (Sigma Diagnostics,St. Louis, MO). 6. A set of sterile, autoclavablepipets (Eppendorf,Hamburg, Germany). 7. 10X PCRbuffer: 100mMIYis-HCl, pH 8.5 at25C. 5OOmMKCl, 15mM MgC12,0.1 mg/mL gelatine(adjust the volume with autoclavedwater). 8. dNTP labeling mixture: 1 mMdATP, 1mMdGTP, 1 mMdCTP, 0.65 m.i+f dTTP,0.35 mM DIG-[ 1l]-dUTP, or 0.35 mMbio-[ 16]-dUTPrespectively. Use commercially availablepH 7.5 preadjusteddNTP solutions, 2.2. Southern Blotting and Hybridization 1. Agarose:SeaPlaque NuSieveGTG (PMC BioProducts,Rockland,ME). or 2. Electrophoresis for submarine anda constant unit gels voltagepowersupply (Holzel, Dorfen, Germany). 3. Gel trays (11 x 13 cm) and a 1Cteeth comb bridge (Holzel, Dorfen, Germany). 4. Nylon membrane x 13cm) (BoehringerMannheimGmbH, Mannheim, (11 Germany). 5. Whatman3MM paper(WhatmanInternational, Ltd., Maidstone,England). 6. Glass tray and glass plates or alternatively a vacuum-blotting device (VakuGene,PharmaciaP-L Biochemicals, Milwaukee, WI). 7. UV transilluminator (300 nm) (UVP, San Gabriel,CA). 8. Heatablewater bath (GFL, Burgwedel, Germany), 9. Plastic hybridization bags(Life Technologies,Gaithersburg,MD). 10. Plastic bag sealing apparatus. 11. 50X TAE buffer: 2M Tris-HCl, pH 7.8 at 25C, 250 mM sodium acetate, 50 mM EDTA. 12. Ethidium bromide stock solution: 10 mg/mL (w/v) in water (store in a light-proof containerat room temperature).Caution: Ethidium bromide is a powerful mutagenand is moderatelytoxic! 13. Gel loading buffer: 0.4 % (w/v) bromophenol blue, 60% (w/v) sucrose in water. 14. 20X SSC: 3M NaCl, 0.3M Na-citrate, pH 7.0 at 25C. 15. Denaturationsolution: 0.5M NaOH, 0.5M NaCl. 16. Renaturationsolution: 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.4,1.5M NaCl. 17. Hybridization solution: 5X SSC, 1% (w/v) blocking reagent(Boehringer Mannheim), 0.5% (w/v) N-lauroylsarcosineNa-salt, 0.02% (w/v) SDS, pH 7.0 at 25C.The blocking reagent not dissolvevery rapidly. Theredoes fore, preparethe solution 1 h in advanceby dissolving at 50-70C. The solution remainsturbid (seeNote 2). 18. Alternative hybridization solution for RNA probing: 5X SSC; 50% (v/v) formamicie,5% (w/v) blocking reagent,0.1% (w/v) N-lauroyl-sarcosine Na-salt, 0.02% (w/v) SDS, pH 7.0 at 25C. Dissolve the blocking reagent aspreviously described.


Labeling ofPCR Pmducts


19. Washing solution 1: 2X SSC;0.1% (w/v) SDS. 20. Washing solution 2: 0.1X SSC; 0.1% (w/v) SDS. 2.3. Immunological Detection Thechemicals andenzyme conjugates usedin this section are available from Boehringer Mannheim, GmbH, Mannheim, Germany. 1. cDIG>:AP-conjugate: polyclonal sheepantidigoxigenin Fab fragments, conjugatedto alkaline phosphatase calf intestine. from 2. StreptavidinAP-conjugate: streptavidin,conjugatedwith alkaline phosphatase from calf intestine. 3. Lurni-Phos (AMPPD): 3-(2-spiroadamantane)-4-methoxy-4(3-phosphoryloxy)-phenyl-1,2dioxetane (Lumi-Phosis a Trademarkof Lumigen Inc., Detroit, MI). 4. Film cassette. 5. X-ray film (Du Pont de Nemours,Bad Homburg, Germany). 6. Buffer 1 (maleatebuffer): 100 mA4maleic acid, pH 7.5 at 20C, 50 mM NaCl. Adjust pH with concentrated solid NaOH. or 7. Blocking stock solution: Dissolve the blocking reagentin buffer 1 (maleatebuffer) to a final concentrationof 10% (w/v) by shaking and heating. Autoclave this stock solution andstoreat 4C subsequently. 8. Buffer 2 (blocking solution). Prepareby dissolving the blocking stock solution 1:10 to a final concentrationof 1% blocking reagentin buffer 1 (maleatebuffer). 9. Buffer 3: 100mMTris-HCl, pH 9.5 at 2OC,100mA4NaCl,50 mMMgC12. 10. Buffer 4: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 at 20C, 1 miU EDTA. 11. NBT solution, Prepareby dissolving 75 mg/mL of nitroblue tetrazolium salt in 70% (v/v) dimethylformamide. 12. X-Phosphatesolution. Prepareby dissolving 50 mg/mL of 5-bromo-4chloro-3-indoyl phosphate, toluidinium salt in pure dimethylformamide. 13. Color substrate solution (freshly prepared): pL of NBT solution and35 45 pL of X-phosphatesolution are addedto 10 mL of Buffer 3. 14. Lumiphos (AMPPD) substrate solution: 10 mg/mL (w/v) Lumiphos (AMPPD). Store the solution at 4C in the dark. 15. Luminescence solution(freshly prepared): pL of Lumiphos (AMPPD) 300 substrate solution is addedto 30 mL of Buffer 3. 3. Methods In the case of detecting nucleic acids by PCR labeling, the reaction can be started with as low as 3.5-50 ng of target DNA. If the PCR labeled nucleic acid is used as hybridization probe, the starting amount of DNA should be 22 ng, and the volume should not exceed 40 pL.


Reischl, RiLger, and Kessler 3.1. Labeling via PCR Assemblea PCR (100 pL reaction vol) containing 10 p.L of PCR buffer, 20 p.L of dNTP labeling mixture, 200 ng of eachprimer, and 2 U of T&I DNA polymerase. Mix the compoundsin the reactiontubeand addthe templateDNA. After the addition of the DNA, closeeachreactiontube beforeproceedingto the next one. Do not vortex. In a negativecontrol reaction add sterile, autoclaved water instead of template DNA. Overlay reactions with 100 pL mineral oil to preventevaporationduring thermal cycling. For amplification of DNA fragments>500 bp, a three-step PCR is recommendedusing the following cycle profile (seeNote 3): 30 main cycles 94C, 0.5-2.0 min (denaturation) 40-60C, 0.5-2.0 min (annealing) 72C, l-2 min (extension) Final extension 72OC, min 5 For shortsequences (~500 bp), a two-stepPCR protocol is recommended using the following cycle profile: 30 main cycles 92C, 0.5-l .Omin (denaturation) 65-75C, 0.5-l .Omin (annealingand extension) Final extension 72C, 5 min Perform agarosegel electrophoresis Chapter 1) with lo-pL aliquots (see of the PCR-amplified samplesin order to verify the correct size of the amplified product.

1. 2.




3.2. Direct Detection of Labeled Material in Southern Blots 3.2.1. Agarose G-e1 Electrophoresis of the Labeled Products 1. Completely dissolve 1.5 g of agarose 100 mL of 1X TAE buffer in a in 250-mL Erlenmeyerflask by boiling for 5 min in a microwave oven (600 W), then cool the solution to 60C in a water bath. Adjust the volume againto 100mL with H20, add5 pL of ethidium bromide stock solution to a final concentrationof 0.5 pg/mL and mix thoroughly. 2. Seal the edgesof the gel tray with autoclavetape and position the comb 0.5 mm abovethe plate.Pour the warm agarosesolution in the mold. The gel thicknessshould be between5 and 8 mm. After the gel is completely set (30-40 min at room temperature), carefully remove the comb and the autoclave tape and mount the gel to the electrophoresis unit. Cover the gel with 1X TAE electrophoresis buffer to a depth of approx 1 mm.


Labeling of PCR ProcEucts

3. Mix a lO+L aliquot of the PCRreactiontogetherwith 8 pL of sterile Hz0 and 2 pL of gel loading buffer. 4. Slowly load eachsampleinto a slot of the submergedgel using a disposable micropipet. Do not producebubblesanddo not overfill slots. For the accuratemol-wt determinationof the DNA to be examined,run a set of DNA mol-wt markersin parallel. 5. Close the lid of the electrophoresisunit and apply a voltage of 5 V/cm (distancebetween the electrodes). the power supply has beenattached If correctly, the bromophenolblue should migrate from the wells into the body of the gel. 6. When the bromophenolblue dye is migratedapprox 2/3 of the gel-length, examinethe gel (without the gel-tray!) by UV light (wavelength300 nm) with a UV transilluminator(Caution: Wearprotectiveeyewearandhandle the gel with gloves). Under theseconditions, the patternof the ethidium bromide stainedDNA fragmentsarevisualized andcan bedocumentedby photography. 3.2.2. Transfer of DNA from Agarose Gels to Nylon Membranes (Southern Blot) 1. Soak the agarosegel by constantshakingin a glass-trayfor 30 min with 100 mL of denaturatingsolution. This alkali step is designedto denature and depurinatedouble-stranded DNA. 2. To return gel to a neutralpH, displacethe denaturatingsolution with 100 mL of renaturatingsolution andsoak the gel for another10min (Caution: NaOH causes irritation of the skin andeyes;avoidcontactandweargloves). 3. Two methodsfor transferringDNA from agarose to nylon membranes gels arerecommended, capillary transferand the vacuumtransfer: the a. Capillary transfer: Wrap a piece of Whatman 3MM paper around a glassplate. Place the wrapped supportinside a large baking dish. The supportshould be longer andwider than the gel. Fill the dish with 20X SSC almost to the top of the supportand smoothout all bubblesin the 3MM paperusing a smooth glassrod. Placethe gel in a inverted position on the damp 3MM paper (make sure that there are no bubbles between 3MM paperandthe gel).Preweta nylon membrane x 13 the (11 cm) with renaturation buffer andplace the wet membraneon top of the gel. Carefully remove all air bubblesthat aretrappedbetween the gel and the filter. Wet two piecesof 3MM paper,cut exactly to the same size as the gel, in 2X SSC and place them on top of the membrane. After removing all air bubbles,cut a stackof papertowels (just smaller than the 3MM paper)andplace it on the top. A flow of 20X SSC is set up through the gel andthe membrane,eluting the DNA fragmentsout of the gel anddepositingthem on the membrane.


Reischl, Rtiger, and Kessler

Let the transferproceedfor 8-24 h, then remove the papertowels and 3MM papersand let the membraneair-dry. b. Vacuum blotting: The sameresult is obtainedwith a vacuum blotting device.lhe vacuumtransferis morerapidthancapillary transfer.Prewet a nylon membrane(approx l-2 mm larger than the gel in both dimensions)with renaturation buffer andadjustthe wet membraneat theblotting device. Carefully remove all air bubblesthat aretrappedbetween the membraneand the porous gel support.After the sealing gasketis positioned,placethe renaturedagarose on top of the membraneand gel apply the vacuum gently. Cover the gel with 20X SSC to a depth of approx2 mm. Let the transferproceedfor 30-60 min, discardthebuffer, andlet the membraneair-dry. 4. Bind the transferredDNA to the nylon membraneby UV crosslinking with a transillumination device for 3 min. SeeNotes4 and5. Detection Products 1. Wash the membranebriefly in buffer 1, then incubatefor 30 min in 100 mL of buffer 2. 2. Dilute <DIG>:APconjugate for thedetection digoxigenin-labeled of probes in buffer 2 to a final concentrationof 150 mU/mL. For the detection of biotin-labeledprobes,dilute strqtavidin:AP-conjugate to a final concentration of 100 mU/mL, in buffer 2. Soak the membranefor 30 min in 20 mL of the appropriateantibody-conjugate solution with periodic shaking. 3. Remove unboundantibody-conjugateby washing 2 x 15 min with 100 mL of buffer 1 and equilibrate the membranefor 2 min with 20 mL of buffer 3. 4. a. BCIP/NBT detection:Incubatethe membranein the dark with 10 mL freshly prepared color substrate solutionin aplastic bagsealedair-bubble free (seeNote 6). The color precipitatestartsto form within a few minutes and the reaction is usually complete after 2-16 h. Do not shake while color is developing. The concentration of the labeled probe affectsthe sensitivity andtime of thedetection.Whenthe desiredbands aredetectedstopthereactionby washingthemembranes 5 min with for 50 mL of buffer 4. The resultscan be documentedby photography. b. Lumiphos (AMPPD) detection:Alternatively, the labeled PCR products can be detectedby chemiluminescent light emission from alkaline phosphatase activatedLumiphos (AMPPD). Rinse the membranewith 30 mL of freshly prepared Lumiphos (AMPPD) substrate solution for 5 min at room temperaturein an appropriateglass tray. Place the wet membrane shortly on a Kleenexa papertowel andthensealthe semidry
of the Labeled Amplification

3.2.3. Immunological


Labeling ofPCR Products


membranein a plastic bag.The chemiluminescentlight emissionstarts at room temperaturewithin a few minutes andthe results arerecorded on X-ray films just like an autoradiograph.The diluted Lumiphos (AMPPD) substrate solution canbe storedin the dark at 4C andreused up to five times (seeNote 7). 3.3. Hybridization of the Labeled Probe to Immobilized Target DNALRNA and Detection of Probe-Target Hybrids 3.3.1. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of the Target DNA and Subsequent Southern Transfer to Membrane (see Note 8) 1. Digest the target DNA with the appropriaterestriction enzyme andseparate the fragments on an agarosegel (described in Section 3.2.1.). In caseof identifying recombinant molecules with this method, 0.3 p.gof recombinant lambda phage DNA or 0.1 pg of a recombinant plasmid DNA aresufficient to allow insertedDNA sequences beeasily detected to by hybridization with the PCR-labeled probes. Between 0.5 and 10 pg of total mammalianDNA areappliedto a single gel slot in orderto detect genomic sequences a single copy level, dependingon the natureof the at geneto be detected. 2. After electrophoresisis completed, photograph the ethidium bromide stainedgel for documentation.Denatureanddepurinatethe target DNA in the gel by 30 min soaking with 100 mL of denaturating solution. Neutralize the gel by displacing the denaturationsolution with 100mL of renaturation solution and soak the gel for another 10 min. 3. A detailed description of the DNA transfer from agarosegels to nylon membranes(Southernblot) is given in Section 3.2.2. of this chapter. 4. Bind the transferredDNA to the nylon membraneby UV-crosslinking with a transillumination device for 3 min. 5. Prehybridize membranesin a sealedplastic hybridization bag with 25 mL of hybridization solution at 68C (or at 42C when using 50% formamide) for at least 60 min. Redistribute the solution over the membrane from time to time. 6. Mix 10-300 ng of PCR-labeledprobe (seeNote 9) with 3 mL of hybridization solution,denaturedat 100Cfor 10mln andchilled quickly on ice. 7. Displace the prehybridization solution in the bag with the hybridization solution containing the freshly denatured(2 min in boiling water bath) labeled probe DNA and incubate the membranefor at least 6 h at 68C (or at 42C when using formamide) with hybridization buffer. DNA/ RNA hybridization is performed at 50C. If strong signals areexpected,


Reischl, Riiger, and Kessler

it is possible to raise the concentration of labeled probe up to 500 ng and reduce hybridization time to approx 2 h. Redistribute the solution occasionally or use a shaking water bath. 8. Wash the membrane 2 x 5 min at room temperature with 50 mL of wash solution 1 and 2 x 15 min at 68C with 50 mL of wash solution 2. Nylon membranes can be used directly for detection of hybridized DNA or stored air-dried for later detection (see Note 10).

3.3.2. Immunological

Detection of Probe-Target Hybrids

The procedure of immunological detection of labeled probe-target hybrids is analogous to the procedure described in Section 3.2.3. of this chapter.

4. Notes
1. After synthesis and deblocking of the oligonucleotides, extract these with 5 vol of I-butanol. During this step, organic by-products of the synthesis, which may inhibit the Tuq DNA polymerase, are separated. This might enhance the performance of the reaction. 2. If the blocking reagent is poured into hot water, it dissolves more rapidly. 3. The temperature varies dependent on the primer length and their GC content. The optimal annealing and primer extension temperature has to be evaluated for every individual primer pair. Furthermore, the elongation period should be adapted to the length of the fragment to be amplified. A good approximation is 30 s for every 250 bp. 4. After blotting, mark the gel slots on the wet nylon membrane with a ballpoint pen. This is useful for exact determination of the gel lanes for detection of the labeled material. 5. Digoxigenin-labeled DNA mol-wt markers may be applied (see refs. 14,15). After agarose gel electrophoresis, these labeled mol-wt markers can be directly transferred to the membrane by capillary blotting or with vacuum blotting devices. The labeled markers are detected according to the protocol described in Section 3.2.3. 6. To facilitate the air-bubble free sealing of the plastic bags, stretch the bag and tear it over the edge of the laboratory bench. 7. After the chemiluminescence detection, a color-detection reaction may be added. After 5 min soaking in buffer 3 to remove unbound Lumiphos (AMPPD), the labeled probe-target hybrids are capable to develop the color precipitate even after the chemiluminescence detection. Start the optical color detection by adding 30 mL of the color substrate solution to the membrane sealed in a plastic bag, as previously described in step 4a in Section 3.2.3.


Labeling of PCR Products

8. If only the presenceof aprobe-complementaryregion in the targetDNA needs to be detected, use a slot-blot manifold instead of agarosegel electrophoresis and subsequentSouthern blotting for transferring the template-DNA to the membrane. 9. The concentration of the probe can be estimated by comparing serial dilutions of the FCRproductwith a standard label (BoehringerMannDIG hein Digoxigenin Labeling Kit). The concentrationof the labeled probe during hybridization affectsthe sensitivity andtime of the detectionreaction and depends the amountof DNA to bedetectedon the membrane. on 10. Ibe hybridizationsolutioncontaininglabeledprobescanbe storedat -20C andreusedseveraltimes. Immediately beforeuse,redenaturate probe the by heating the hybridization solution at 1OOOC 10 min. for 11. For further reading, seerefs. 20-23. References 1. Saikr,R. K., Scharf, Faloona, Mullis, K. B., Horn, G. T.,Erlich, H. A., and S., F.,
Amheim, N. (1985) Enzymatic amplification of O-globin sequences and restrrction site analysis for diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Scrence 230, 1350-1354. 2. Murakawa, G. J., Wallace, B. R., Zaia, J. A., and Rossi, J. J. (1987) Method for amplification and detection of RNA sequences. European Patent Application 0272098, 3. Wu, D. Y. and Wallace, R. B, (1989) The ligation and amplification reaction (LAR)-amplification of specific DNA sequences using sequential rounds of template dependent ligation. Genomics 4, 560-569. 4. Segev, D. (1990) Amplification and detection of target nucleic acid sequencesfor in vitro diagnosis of infectious disease, genetic disorders or cellular disorders, e.g., cancer. Published under Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT) International Application WO 90/01069. 5. Kwoh, D. Y., Davis, G. R., Whitfield, K. M., Chapelle, H. L., DiMichelle, L. J., and Gingeras, T. R. (1989) Transcription-based amplification system and detection of amplified human immunodeficiency virus. Proc. N&l. Acad, Sci. USA 861173-1177. 6. Guatelli, J. C., Whitfield, K. M., Kwoh, D. Y., Barringer, K. J., Richman, D. D., and Gingeras, T. R. (1990) Isothermal, in vitro amplification of nucleic acids by a multienzyme reaction modeled after retroviral replication. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87,1874-1878. 7. Davey, C. and Malek, L. T. (1988) Nucleic acid amplification process. European Patent Application 0329098. 8. Schuster, D., Thornton, C., Buchmann, G., Berninger, M., and Rashtchian, A. (1990) A method for isothermal amplification of nucleic acid sequences, 5th San Diego Conference on Nucleic Acids, American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC), Abstract Poster 40. 9. Lizardi, P. M., Guerra, C. E., Lomeli, H., Tussie-Luna, I., and Kramer, F. R.


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(1988) Exponential amplification of recombinant RNA hybridization probes. Biotechnology 6, 1197-1202. 10. Saiki, R. K., Gelfand, D. H., Stoffel, S., Scharf, S. H., Higuchi, R., Horn, G. T., Mullis, K. B., and Erlich, H.A.(1988) Primer-directed enzymatic ampliflcation of DNA with a thermostable DNA polymerase. Science 239,487-491. 11. Kessler, C. (1990) Detection of nucleic acids by enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay @LISA) technique: An example for the development of a novel non-radioactive labeling and detection system with high sensitivity, in Advances in Mutagenesls Research (Obe, G., ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 105-152. 12. Kessler, C., Holtke, H.-J., Seibl, R., Burg, J., and Muhlegger, K. (1990) Nonradioactive labeling and detection of nucleic acids: I. A novel DNA labeling and detection system based on digoxigenin:anti-digoxigenin ELISA principle (digoxigenin system). Blol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 371,917-927. 13. Holtke, H.-J., Seibl. R., Burg, J., Mhhlegger, K., andKessler, C. (1990) Nonradioactive labeling and detection of nucleic acids: II. Optimization of the digoxigenin system. Blol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 371,929-938. 14. Seibl. R., Hbltke, H.-J., Ruger, R., Meindl, A., Zachau, H. G., RaBhofer, R., Roggendorf, M., Wolf, H., Arnold, N., Wienberg, J., and Kessler, C. (1991) Non-radioactive labeling and detection of nucleic acids: III. Applications of the digoxigenin system. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 371,939-95 1. 15. Muhlegger, K., Huber, E., von der Eltz, H., Rtiger, R., and Kessler, C. (1990) Non-radioactive labeling and detection of nucleic acids: IV. Synthesis and properties of the nucleotide compounds of the digoxigenin system and of photodigoxigenin. Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 371,953-965. 16. Rdger, R., Holtke, H.-J., Sagner, G., Seibl, R., and Kessler, C. (1991) Rapid labelling methods using the DIG-system: incorporation of digoxigenin in PC reactions and labelling of nucletc acids with photodigoxigenin. Fresenius 2 Anal. Chem. 337,114. 17. Schaap, A. P., Sandison, M. D., and Handley, R. S. (1987) Chemical and enzymatic triggering of 1,2-dioxetanes. Alkalme phosphatase-catalyzed chemiluminescence from an aryl phosphate-substituted dioxetane. Tetrahedron L&t. 28,1159-1162. 18. Bronstein, I., Edwards, B., and Voyta, J. C. (1989) 1,2-Dioxetanes: novel chemiluminescent enzyme substrates. Applications to immunoassay. L. Biolum. Chemolum. 4,99-l 11. 19. Hbltke, H. J., Sagner, G., Kessler, C., and Schmitz, G. G. (1992) Sensitive chemiluminescent detection of digoxigenin-labeled nucleic acids: A fast and simple protocol and its applications. Biotechnlques 12, 104-l 13. 20. Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky, J. J., and White, T. J. (1990) PCR Protocols. A Guide to Methods and Applications. Academic, New York. 21. Kessler, C. (1991) The digoxigenin:anti-dtgoxigenin (DIG) technology - a survey on the concept and realization of a novel bioanalytical indicator system. Mol. Cell. Probes 5, 161-205. 22. Keller, G. H. and Manak, M. M. (1989) DNA Probes. Stockton, New York. 23. Kricka, L. J. (1992) Nomsotoplc DNA Probe Techmques. Academic, San Diego, CA.


Quantitation and Purification of Polymerase Chain Reaction Products by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Elena D. Katz

1. Introduction The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has rapidly become a standard laboratory technique. With the continuous development of PCR technology there is now a growing need for PCR product quantitation in areas such as therapeutic monitoring and quality control, disease diagnosis, and regulation of gene expression. One of the most common methods currently employed for post-PCR analysis is agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, the method is time-consuming and only semiquantitative. In contrast, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is well accepted as a quantitative technique in many diverse applications areas such as pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food, and environmental, since the technique can provide reliable, precise, and sensitive sample detection, and wide dynamic range. During the last two decades, column liquid chromatography has been employed for the separation, purification, and detection of nucleic acids. Different modes of chromatography of nucleic acids described previously have been the subject of a recent review (1). Of the different chromatography methods, anion-exchange chromatography has been most commonly employed for the isolation and purification of not only oligonucleotides but also large double-stranded DNA. In
From Methods In Molecular Biology, Vol 15 PC/? Protocols Edlted by Et A White Copyright Q 1993 Humana Current Methods and Applrcatlons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ






Fig. 1. Anion-exchange chromatography

of DNA.

anion-exchangechromatography, DNA retention is dependenton electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged phosphate groups of DNA and cationic sites of the chromatographic matrix. This process is schematically depicted in Fig. 1. DNA can be eluted from the anionexchange column by altering the ionic strength of the buffer solution. In the presence of a buffer of increasing ionic strength, DNA retention is generally a function of the number of negative charges associated with the phosphate groups. One of the most common anion-exchange materials is diethylamino ethyl (DEAE) bonded support, and it has been extensively used to modify original soft-gel supports, porous microparticular silica, and polymer-based materials. Availability of porous microparticular silica and polymer-based supports has led to enhanced column resolution and faster analysis times so that HPLC has become one of the dominant analytical methods in bioresearch. However, the columns packed with porous particles have been used only with limited success in the analysis of large double-stranded DNA fragments. Recently, new HPLC columns based on nonporous, small particle resins have become available, and very fast and efficient separations of large double-stranded DNA have been demonstrated (2). The success of these columns is based on the fact that nonporous, small-particle size material with


Liquid Chromatography


Fig. 2. Basic componentsof HPLC system.

which they are packed provides improved efficiency and short analysis time. This is owing to a much faster DNA transfer between the solid and liquid column phases than is possible for conventional porous support. In addition, these columns offer high DNA recoveries owing to the absence of pores. It has been recently demonstrated that HPLC can be successfully employed for post-PCR analyses (3,4). A typical HPLC system consists of an HPLC pump, sample injector, column, UV absorbance detector, and data-handling device, as is schematically represented in Fig. 2. A manual sample injector can be replaced by an autosampler, a fraction collector can also be added. Thus, the HPLC system can easily be automated and employed for the separation, quantitation, and purification of PCR products in a single step. In this chapter, the automated HPLC method for the rapid quantitation and purification of PCR products is discussed. 2. Materials
1. pBR322 DNA-he 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. III digest.

2. 500-bp PCR product (see Note 1).

115-bp HIV PCR product (see Note 2). HPLC-grade water. HPLC buffer A: 1M NaCl, 25 m.M Tris-HCl, pH 9.0. HPLC buffer B: 25 mh4 Tris-HCl, pH 9.0, 0.2N NaOH. 30% Acetonitrile in HPLC-grade water.



9. An automated biocompatible HPLC system: a binary pump, a UV-VIS detector, an autosampler, a data-handling device, an LC column oven (in this work, all instruments were from Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT). 10. Anion-exchange analytical column: a PE TSK DEAE-NPR column (35 mm long and 4.6mm id) packed with 2.5pm particles of hydrophilic resin, bonded with DEAE groups. 11. Guard column: a PE guard column, S-mm long and 4.6-mm id, packed with 5 pm of DEAE-NPR material. 12. UV spectrophotometer. 13. TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8, 1 miWEDTA.

3.1. HPLC

3. Methods Separation of DNA Fragments

1. Prepare an HPLC system for PCR analysis according to manufacturers manual. 2. Make buffers A and B using HPLC-grade water. 3. Place a DEAE-NPR guard column followed by the analytical DEAENPR column between the injector valve and the UV detector. 4. Program an appropriate gradient profile according to the manufacturers HPLC pump manual. A gradient protocol is recommended as follows: a. Step gradient from 44-55% A in B, for 0.1 min; b. Linear gradient from 55-61% A in B, for 3.5 min; c. Linear gradient from 61-100% A in B, for 0.5 min; d. Hold at 100% A for 1 min; e. Linear gradient from 1004% A in B, for 0.1 min. 5. Select an appropriate starting buffer composition such asthe one described in step 4 (44% A in B). The starting buffer composition can be changed, depending on the sizeof DNA fragments. Start with a lower molar concentration of NaCl(25-30% A) if the separation of PCR primers is desirable. 6. Equilibrate the column with the starting buffer composition for 15-30 min at 1 mL/min. 7. Obtain a blank chromatogram by injecting 10-20 p.L of buffer A to establish a flat detector baseline. This will confirm that the total system is clean (potential sources of contamination, besides the column, could be the injector and connecting tubes). 8. Establish the performance of a new HPLC column by injecting an appropriate DNA standard.An example of the HPLC separationof an Hae III digest of pBR322 DNA employing the DEAE-NPR column is shown in Fig. 3. 9. Inject 10-50 pL of a PCR sample for PCR product separation and detection (see Note 3). Use the same operating conditions as in step 8 for the purpose of subsequent product identification.


Liquid Chromatography


0.05 I 0

4 Time (min)

Fig. 3. Separation of Hae III digest of PBR322 DNA, operating conditions as described m the text. Sampleconcentration: 50 pg.mL in TE buffer. Injection size was 10 pL. 10. Identify aPCR product by matching its time of elution from the column with that of an appropriate DNA fragment in the chromatogram obtained in step 8.

3.2. HPLC


of PCR Products

1. Inject 100-200 ltL of a given PCR sample onto the column. 2. Collect, manually or automatically, a fraction of the column buffer containing the PCR sample at the detector exit line during the chromatographic development at the appropriate time (see Note 4). 3. Desalt the purified PCR products using an established procedure (5), if further PCR sample manipulations such as sequencing, cloning, or reamplification require a lower salt concentration (see Note 5).

3.3. HPLC


of PCR Products

1. Ensure that the performance of the HPLC system is reproducible (see Note 6). 2. Inject successively two 150~p.L vols of the amplified 500-bp fragment. 3. Collect the eluted products at appropriate elution times (see Note 4). 4. Note their peak areas.



5. Concentrate the samples using a SpeedVac (Savant Instruments, Inc., Farmingdale, NY) and reconstitute in a known volume of TE buffer. 6. Take an absorbance reading of the PCR sample, obtained in step 18, using a UV spectrophotometer, set at 260 mm (6). 7. Calculate the concentration of the PCR product (1 OD-50 pg/mL) and its amount in the buffer volume used in step 5. 8. Calculate the ratio of the amount of PCR product:its peak area. 9. Use this ratio to calculate the concentration of PCR product to be quantitated (see Note 7).

4. Notes
1. 500-bp product amplification. Amplifications were carried out using the Perkin-Elmer Cetus GeneAmp@ PCR Reagent Kit (Norwalk, CT). A 500-bp segment of bacteriophage lambda DNA (nucleotides 71317630) was used as a target, the initial concentration of which was 10 pg/lOO p.L or 3 x 10-13M. Using the Perkin-Elmer Cetus GeneAmp PCR System 9600, two-temperature step cycle PCR was carried out for 15 s at 95C and 90 s at 68OC for 25 cycles, the final extension step was performed at 68OC for 6 min. 2. 115-bp product amplification. A 115-bp HIV product (PCR sample courtesy of Will Bloch of Cetus Corporation) was amplified using GeneAmplimer TMHIV-l Control Reagents, the DNA Thermal Cycler (both Perkin-Elmer Cetus), and two-temperature step cycle PCR as follows: during the first two cycles, the target was denatured for 1 min at 98C and annealed/extended for 2 min at 60C. The subsequent cycles were carried out for 1 min at 94C and for 1 min at 60C for 38 cycles, the final extension step was performed for 10 min at 72C. The initial concentration of this target was 10 copies in a 100~pL reaction vol. The 115-bp HIV product was amplified in the presence of a high genomic DNA background (10 p.g crude human placental DNA). A hot start technique (7) was used to enhance the PCR specificity. 3. Sample volume. This volume is dependent on PCR product yield after amplification, Examples of PCR product separation are shown in Figs. 4A and 5A. A IO-pL injection vol was sufficient to clearly detect both amplified products. In some cases, injection of 50 pL may be necessary. For purification purposes, 100-200 pL can be injected without column overloading (see Figs. 4B and 5B). 4. Purification. Note in Fig. 4B that some nonspecific products, albeit at a very low level, were detected. However, these did not interfere with sample collection since nonspecific fragments were well separated from the 500-bD oeak. Durine the develoDment of this chromatoeram. the


Liquid Chromatography


\ 0

4 Time (min)

Fig. 4. (A) Separation of 500-bp product amplified as described in text. HPLC

conditions as in Fig. 3. Injection size: 10 pL. (B) Separation of the same 500-bp product. Injection size: 100 pL. (C) Cbromatogram of column eluent collected as

described in text and amplified as in A. Injection size: 10 pL.


d 006 e


4 Time(min)

Fig. 5. (A) Separation of 115-bp HIV-1 product amplified as described in text. HPLC conditions as in Fig. 3. Injection size: 10 FL. (B) Separation of the same 115-bpproduct. Injection size:100p.L,(C) Separationof 11S-bpproduct reamplified as described in text. Injection size: 10pL.



500-bp product was collected between 5.69 and 6.13 min (shown by the arrowsin the figure).?he 115&p HIV fragmentwas collected between 4.64 and 4.90 min (correspondingarrows in Fig. 5B). 5. Reamplification. Ihe HPLC-purified, 115-bpproduct was desaltedusing a Centricon R-30 microconcentrator (Amicon, Beverly, MA). A lo-pL samplevol was then amplified using the GeneAmplimer HIV- 1reagents and the GeneAmp PCR System 9600. The two-temperature step cycle PCR protocol consisted of denaturing for 15 s at 95C and annealing/ extending for 60 s at 60C for 35 cycles. The final product was extended at 60C for 9 min. The results of the HIV product reamplification are shown in Fig. 5C. 6. Reproducibility of the HPLC system. The HPLC performance can be monitored by periodically injecting an appropriateDNA standard such as an Hue III-digest of pBR322 DNA. The reproducibility data for the peak area and retention time for a 434-bp fragment of this digest are given in Table 1.Table 1 demonstrates both the intraday andinterday that retention time reproducibility can be obtained within 1% relative SD. The interday peak areareproducibility can be obtained with 4% relative SD whereasthe intraday precision can be within 2%. 7. Quantitation of PCR products. In the HPLC quantitation of PCR products, an areaunder a given PCR-amplified DNA peak is directly related to the DNA concentration. The PCR product quantitation can be performed using two different approaches.One approachis to generatean LC calibration curve employing an appropriateDNA standardquantitated by UV absorbance(4). The LC calibration yields a straight line when the UV absorbanceresponseis plotted against the mass or concentration of DNA injected onto the column. The secondapproachdoes not involve the generation of the calibration curve and is basedon the measurementof UV absorbanceof a PCR product collected during a chromatographic run. To quantitate the concentration of the collected PCR product, using a UV spectrophotometer,a reading is taken at 260 nm (1 OD-50 pg/mL of ds DNA), and the concentrationvaluesobtained arethen related to the HPLC peak areacorrespondingto the PCR-product peak. This procedurecan be recommendedas follows. Two 150~pL portions of the amplified fragment are injected successively and the elutedproductsarecollected in a volume of approx 400 pL. The samples are then concentratedusing a SpeedVac and reconstituted in a known volume of 10 mMTris-HCl, pH 9,1 miWEDTA (TE) buffer. The amount of the PCR product is quantitated using a UV spectrophotometer.In this work, this protocol was employedto quantitateHPLC-purified, 500bp product in 300~pL TE buffer. The sameprocedurewas repeatedfor

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

Table 1 Peak Area and Retention Time Reproducibility Day 1 2 Retention time (fin) 5.900 5.890 5.853 5.903 5.913 5.910 5.867 5.730 5.730 5.810 5.823 5.853 5.910 5.833 5.853 5.873 5.813 5.947 5.950 5.930 5.927 5.837 5.830 5.840 5.860 5.863 5.860 5.880 5.887 5.853 5.887 5.913 5.867 0.9 5.810 5.823 5.853 5.910 5.853 5.847 0.6 Area (counts; arbitrary U) 276 277 289 286 292 281 290 287 291 293 285 299 295 292 301 302 305 304 285 290 287 303 306 309 316 315 316 313 314 309 307 294 297 3.9 293 285 299 295 301 294 1.9


3 4

5 6 7 8

Mean Relatwe SD (%) 4

Mean Relative SD (%)



two 100~pL injections of the same PCR product, but the concentrated sample was reconstituted in 100-p.L TE buffer. The results relating the DNA amount in the purified sample to the HPLC peak area are demonstrated in Table 2. The mean value of 0.139 rig/area, which was a constant as expected, can now be used to quantitate any separated PCR-amplified DNA fragment. For example, the area of the 5OO-bp peak (Fig. 4A) was equal to 855 counts (arbitrary units). Multiplying the value of 0.14 @area by the peak area of 855 counts, a value of 119 ng is obtained. If an injection size is 10 uL, the concentration of the 500-bp fragment is equal to 11.9 ng/pL or, if the sample was amplified in 100 pL, to 1190 ng in 100 uL. 8. HPLC sample cross-contamination. The exquisite sensitivity of PCR may lead to a serious problem of sample cross-contamination. To check the sample cross-contamination problem, immediately after the injection of a PCR fragment, the column should be washed by injecting 100 pL of 1M NaCl under the same gradient conditions. A volume of the eluting mobile phase can be collected during an appropriate time as indicated by the arrows of Fig. 4B. The resulting eluent should then be desalted using the Centriconmicroconcentrator, and 10 l.rL of the concentrate amplified following an appropriate protocol. The sample cross-contamination was checked for the 500-bp product amplification. The results are shown in Fig. 4C, which clearly shows no detectable sample cross-contamination. It also shows that this amplification yielded nonspecific products, which was expected since no DNA template was present in the PCR mixture. 9. System contamination. Presenceof additional peaks that cannot be attributed to PCR product being analyzed will indicate that the HPLC system has been contaminated. In general, sources of contamination could be DNA sample carryover from one injection to another and mobile phase impurities. To prevent sample carryover, the syringe (in the case of manual injections) and the injector loop should be rinsed with a strong solvent, e.g., 1M NaCl, prior to each sample injection. To prevent the system contamination by the mobile phase impurities, high-purity buffers and salts and HPLC-grade water must be used. To ensure that the HPLC system is clean, blank chromatograms demonstrating a flat detector baseline must be periodically obtained by injecting 10-50 & of 1M NaCI. 10. High-inlet column pressure. Column inlet pressure is primarily dependent on column length, particle size, and flow rate. A normal operating pressure for DEAE-NPR columns employed in this work, should be in the range of 1000-1500 psi at a flow rate of 1 mL/min at room temperature. The column pressure can increase during the post-PCR analysis


Liquid Chromatography


Injection size,pL 150 150 100 100

Table 2 Purified ProductQuautitation Concentration Amount, Peakarea, Absorbance, P&L arbitrary U OD or nglW ng

Amount/Area, q/area 0.133 0.134 0.157 0.133

14,705 14,831



0.321 0.249

16.06 12.45

1953 1986 inlOOpL 1606 1245

owing to (1) partial clogging of connecting tubing that, in turn, can be caused by particulates from the mobile phase or injection devices, and (2) column frit clogging. To prevent the connecting tubing from clogging, in-line solvent filters should be installed in the pump outlet line before the injector. A column inlet filter and/or guard column will retain any particulate matter resulting Erom the rotor seal ware of the injector. HPLC columns packed with sub-5-pm particles contain low-porosity (1 pm) column frits that are more prone to clogging than the larger frits in conventional columns. Therefore, guard columns should be employed to protect the analytical columns. 11. Column maintenance. DEAE-NPR columns should be washed daily to maintain column performance during routine use. Using the injector valve, l-2 mL of 0.2N NaOH (by repeat injections) should be injected. If PCR mixture that contains hydrophobic material such as mineral oil is repeatedly injected onto the column, increases in column pressure can be observed. Injecting l-2 mL of pure organic solvent (e.g., acetonitrile, methanol, or ethanol) helps keep the column pressure stable. The column should be rinsed thoroughly with HPLC-grade water and tilled with 20-30% organic solvent (e.g., acetonitrile) in water before removing from the system. Regular cleaning and thermostatting the column will ensure reproducible column performance during the post-PCR analysis.

1. McLaughlin, L. W. (1989) Mixed-mode chromatography of nucleic acids. Chem. Rev. 89,309-3 19. 2. Kato, Y., Yamasaki,Y., Onaka,A., Kitamura, T., Hashrmoto,T., Murotsu, T., Fukushige, S., and Matsubara,K. (1989) Separationof DNA restriction frag-


ments by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography on a nonporous ion exchanger. J. Chrotnacogr. 478,264-268. Katz, E. D., Eksteen, R., Haff, L. A. (1990) Rapid separation, quantitation and purification of products of polymerase chain reaction by liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 512,433-b% Katz, E. D. and Dong, M. W. (1990) Rapid analysis and purification of polymerase chain reaction products by high-performance liquid chromatography. BioTechniques 8,546-555. Allard, M. W., Ellsworth, D. L., and Honeycutt, R. L. (1991) Uses for Centricon30 microconcentrators. Lab News. Amicon (Spring), 45. Maniatis, T., Fritsch, E. F., and Sambrook, J. (1989) Molecular Clonmg. A Laboratory Manual (2nd ed.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Erlich, H. A., Gelfand, D., and Sninsky, J. J. (1991) Recent advances in the polymerase chain reaction. Scrence 252,X43-1651.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction for Screening Transgenic Mice

Shizhong Chen and Glen A. Evans

1. Introduction The production of transgenic mice by the direct microinjection of DNA fragments into isolated mouse embryos is now a standard technique for molecular and developmental analysis (I). Traditionally, the initial screening of litters of mice for those carrying the transgene has been carried out by the preparation of DNA from pieces of excised tail obtained at 2-3 wk of age (tail blot). The presence of the transgene is determined through Southern blot analysis, a procedure that usually takes a minimum of 5 d. Two important criteria for successful screening are that the tail DNA is sufficiently purified from connective tissues and proteins to enable restriction enzyme digestion, and that the amount of DNA is large enough to allow the detection by hybridization of radioisotope-labeled probes recognizing the transgeneor endogenous gene sequences. Polymerasechain reaction (PCR) allows amplification of very small amounts of DNA using specific oligonucleotide primers in a short time. The amounts of DNA necessary are small enough that adequate samples may be obtained from single drops of blood or small samples of tissue from ear punches. It is also possible to carry out the PCR analysis on unpurified DNA so that time-consuming DNA preparation and purification are avoided. In the procedure described here, DNA is dissociated from the connective tissues and proteins by treatment with detergentsand proteinase K digestion followed by dilution of the sample
From Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 15. PCR Protocols Current Methods and Appkat/ons Edited by: B A. White Copyright 8 1993 Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Chen and Evans in buffer. After dilution, the content of contaminants and other substances that might inhibit PCR amplification become very low and irrelevant to the reaction. PCR amplification may then be carried out directly without further DNA purification. A number of rapid screening methods for transgenic mice have recently been developed based on PCR amplification (2-8). All of these methods are similar in the conditions for PCR amplification, but differ in the amount of DNA preparation required, the source of the initial DNA (including samples of tail, blood, or ear punches tissue), and some other minor details. In our hands, the method that follows allows rapid screening of transgenic animals by PCR and requires a minimum of effort (5). We also find this method to be extremely reproducible and reliable with a large variety of PCR amplification primers. Basically, small pieces of tissue obtained from marking infant mice with an ear punch are collected and digested in a one-step, detergentproteinase K treatment, diluted lo-fold and boiled to denature and dissociate the proteins from DNA. One four-hundredth of the boiled sample is then used for PCR amplification and the resulting amplification products analyzed on an agarose gel. This method has a number of distinct advantages over alternate methods: 1. It is rapid in that results can be obtained in a matter of a few hours and a large number of nontransgenicanimals discarded at an early stagein the study. 2. Ear punching is a routine procedurefor marking the young animals and tissue may be used directly for PCR amplification, 3. Ear punching appearsto be less traumatic to young mice and can be carried out at an earlier agethan collecting blood or tail tissue. It also minimizes the risk of rejection of the pups by the mother. 4. Ear tissue contains less connective tissue than tail samples and can be completely digested in <l h, compared to tail tissue, which must be digested overnight; 5. Ear tissue containsless contaminating factors that may inhibit PCR amplification than blood samples. Although this method was originally developed for the screening of transgenic mice, it can equally well be applied to other researchproblems that require rapid screening of large number of samples. One example is the screening of transfected cell lines for integration of gene sequences. We and others have utilized a similar method (9) for that purpose.

Use of PCR for Screening Transgenic Mice 2. Materials 2.1. DNA Extraction


1. Mouse ear puncher. 2. Digestion buffer: 50 mMTris-HCl, pH 8.0,20 mMNaC1, 1 WEDTA, 1% SDS, stored at room temperature. 3. Proteinase K stock solution: prepared at 20 mg/mL in distilled water and stored at -20C.

2.2. PCR Amplification

1. 10X PCR amplification buffer: 670 miW Tris-HCI, pH 8.8, 160 mM (NH.&SOq, 100 m&I S-mercaptoethanol, 15 mM MgCl, (see Note l), stored at -20C (see Note 2). 2. 100% DMSO stock solution. 3. 100X PCR primers stock solution: The sequences of PCR primers depend on the characteristics of the gene to be detected (see Chapter 2). In general, we use standard 30-bp primers selected to have about 60% CC content. Primers are synthesized on an ABI-PCR mate oligonucleotide synthesizer and used directly without further purification. Dilute each primer to a concentration of 25 pM in water and store at -20C. 4. 100X dNTP stock solution: 20 mM of each dATP, dGTP, dCTP, and dITP are prepared in water, aliquoted, and stored at -20C. Repeated freezing and thawing are to be avoided. 5. Tuq polymerase used at a stock concentration of 5 U&L.

3. Methods 3.1. DNA Extraction

1. Prepare the digestion mixture fresh by adding 1 part of proteinase K stock solution to 20 parts of digestion buffer. Add 20 p.L of the digestion mixture to each OS-mL Eppendorf tube. 2. Collect fresh tissue from ear punching and add one piece (about 50 mg) to each Eppendorf tube containing the digestion mixture (see Notes 3,4, and 5). Close the caps of the tubes tightly and incubate for 15 min at 55C. 3. Mix the samples vigorously, and incubate for an additional 15 min. 4. For screening transfected cell lines, add 10 pL of media containing cultured cells directly to the 20-PL digestion mixture and carry out digestion as previously described. 5. Add 180 pL of distilled water to the digestion mixture, cap the tubes and heat in a boiling water bath for 5 min. After heating, mix the samples vigorously.

78 M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chen and Evans 9 10

Fig. 1. PCRamplification-based screening ear punchtissuefrom transgeuic of miceandncntransgenic littermates. reaction PCR products analyzed a 1.5% were on agamse Sizemarkers(laneIvI) areHue111 gel. digestionproducts @X174 DNA. of
Lanes 1,2,4,6, and 7 are amplification products from transgenic mouse DNA. Lanes, and 10 are amplification products from DNA of nontransgenic littermates.


2. 3. 4.

3.2. PCR Reaction and Gel Eketrophoresis Preparethe FCR reactions in OS-mL Eppendorf tubes as follows: DNA sample 0.5 pL 10X FCR buffer 5.0 pL 100%DMSO 5.op.L 0.5 p.L 100X FCR primers 100X eachof four dNTFs 0.5 pL Tuq polymerase 1 .ou Add distilled water to a final volume of 50 pL. Cover the reaction with one drop of mineral oil to prevent evaporation and cap the tube. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle parameters(see Note 6): 30 main cycles 15 s at93C 45 s at 65OC Analyze 10 pL of the amplified sample using either an 8% polyacrylamide gel or 1.5% agarosegel (seeChapter 1). Stain the gels with 1 pg/ mL of ethldium bromide and visualize the amplification productsunder UV transillumination. An example of typical results is shown in Fig. 1.

Use of PCR for Screening Transgenic Mice 4. Notes


1. For efficient amplification using this technique, the concentration of magnesium ions in the final reaction is critical. Although most amplitlcation primers we have used gave efficient amplification at a MgCla concentration of 1.5 mM, other primers may amplify optimally at a different concentration. For best results, the optimal MgC12 concentrations should be determined for each new oligonucleotide primer set. 2. For PCR amplification, we routinely use a Tris-HCY(NH&S04/DMSO/ &mercaptoethanol/MgCl, buffer system, which differs from the more widely used Tris-HC1/KCl/gelatin/MgCl~ buffer system. In our hands, this buffer system gives more consistent PCR amplification using nonpurified DNA samples as prepared here. 3. Cross-contamination of samples is a problem with all PCR-based methods. To avoid cross-contamination in the screening of transgenic mice, one can dip the ear puncher into 1% SDS after each clipping. However, we have not yet found any case of cross-contamination even without rinsing the ear puncher. 4. This procedure can also be used for screening tail DNA samples from transgenic mice. When tail tissue is used, 1 mm of tail is excised with a sterile razor blade. Since there is little or no bone in the last 1 mm of mouse tail, identical conditions of digestion to those previously described can be used for DNA preparation, rather than the overnight digestion of 5-lo-mm tail pieces as described by Hanley and Merlie (8). All other procedures can be carried out as for ear punch tissue. 5. This method also works quite well using single drops of blood for amplitlcation. DNA is prepared from a blood droplet as previously described for ear punch tissue, and a final dilution of lOOO-fold is carried out. We find that results may be less consistent with blood samples owing to inhibitors of PCR amplification present in blood. For efficient amplification, a dilution of at least lOOO-fold must be carried out prior to amplification. 6. We obtain the best results when the size of the amplified product is approx 300 bp. Fragments of this size amplify well using the two-step temperature cycling used here rather than a three-step procedure, and allow reactions to be carried out faster. Amplification products that are smaller than 200-300 bp may not be resolved well on agarose gel electrophoresis.

1. Hogan,B., Costantini,F., and Lacy,E. (1987) Manipulatrng the Mouse Embryo. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 2. Abbott, C., Povey, S.,Vivian, N., and LoveIl-Badge, R. (1988) PCR asa rapid screeningmethod for transgemcmice Trends Generics 4, 325.


Chen and Evans

3. Lin, C. S., Maguson, T., and Samols, D. (1989) A rapid procedure to identify newborn transgenic mice. DNA 8,297-299. 4. Walter, C. A., Masr-S&ii, D., and Luna, V. J. (1989) Identification of transgenie mice carrying the CAT gene with PCR amplification. BmTechniques 7, 1065-1070. 5. Chen, S. and Evans, G. A. (1990) A simple screening method for transgenic mice using the polymerase chain reaction. BioZechniques 8, 32-33. 6. Skalnick, D. G. and Orkin, S. (1990) A rapid method for characterizing transgenie mice. BioTechniques 8,34. 7. McHale, R. H., Stapleton, P. M., and Bergquist, P. L. (1991) Rapid preparation of blood and tissue samples for polymerase chain reaction. BioTechniques 10.20-23. 8. Hanley, T. and Merlie, J. P. (1991) Transgene detection in unpurified mouse tail DNA by polymerase chain reaction. BioTechniques 10, 56-66. 9. Reddy, K. B., Yee, D., and Osborne, C. K. (1991) Rapid identification of transfected plasmid expression vectors in cells by PCR. BioTechniques 10,481-483.


Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis of DNA from Paraffin-Embedded Tissue

Mdthias Vollzenandt, Adam P. Dicker, Renato Fanin, Debabrata Banerjee, Anthony Albino, and Joseph R. Bertino
1. Iutroduction One of the greatest potentials of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) lies in the fact that even minute amounts of target DNA or extensively damaged DNA can be successfully amplified in vitro and thus become amenable to further study. This enables a detailed molecular analysis of small amounts of DNA from tissue that has been damaged by fixation (e.g., in formalin) and long-term storage in paraffin. The applications of this methodology are nearly unlimited. For example, rare tumors that are stored as formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue in pathology departments throughout the world can be analyzed at the molecular level. Furthermore, tissue from small lesions (e.g., primary skin melanomas), which are only rarely available for molecular analysis since the entire specimen is usually needed for histopathological assessment, can be examined. For PCR analysis, only several sections from the paraffin block, which are usually dispensable, are sufficient. Even small amounts of very low quality DNA can be used, as the sensitivity of the detection of specific target DNA sequences is several orders of magnitude higher than that with any conventional method. For example, Southern blot analysis of DNA from paraffin-embedded tissue has been performed, but with limited success as only relatively
From Methods m Molecular Bology, Vol. 15 PCR Protocols. Edrted by. B A White Copyright Q 1993 Humana Current Methods and Applrcatrons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Volkenandt et al.
small amounts of degraded and irreversibly modified DNA can be obtained from embedded specimens (I,2). Thus, PCR methodology createsan ideal link between traditional histology and modern molecular biology (3). In general, applications for PCR analysis of preserved tissue can be divided into two areas: detection of specific DNA sequences, which are normally not present in tissue (e.g., viral sequences), and amplification of specific DNA sequences, which are known to be present, but need to be expanded for further molecular analysis (e.g., for nucleotide sequence analysis of specific genes altered in certain diseases). The first purpose can usually be accomplished by a single PCR reaction and analysis of the product by hybridization techniques. For the second purpose, a large amount of one single discrete PCR product as detected by ethidium bromide staining of an agarose gel after electrophoresis is essential. This may require optimization of amplification conditions for an individual sample, which often is only achieved empirically by performing several reactions with various conditions. In general, the success of further analysis of the PCR product, especially sequence studies, greatly depends on the quality of the PCR product (4). 2. Materials 2.1. DNA Extra&ion 1. Xylene. 2. Digestion buffer: 100rnM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5,5 n-M EDTA, 1% SDS, 500 clg/mL of proteinaseK. Add proteinase freshfrom frozen ahquotsof 20 K mg/mL. 3. Storagebuffer: 10 rnMTris-HCI, pH 8,0.5 mM EDTA. 4. 100%Ethanol. 5. 95% Ethanol. 6. 70% Ethanol. 7. Phenol.Equilibrate phenol with 10 rn.MTris-HCl, pH 7.5. 8. Chloroformisoamylalcohol(24: 1). 9. 3M Sodium acetate, 5.5 pH 2.2. PCR 1. StandardPCR reagents(seeChapter1). 2. Standardelectrophoresis reagents(seeChapter 1).

DNA from Parafin-Embedded



3. Methods
3.1. DNA Extraction 1. Cut several sections (3-5 sections, 10-20-pm thick) and place into one 1.65-mL microcentrifuge tube using clean forceps (seeNote 1). Avoid crosscontamination. Clean forceps andbladeof the microtome between samples (seeNote 2). 2. To deparaffinize the sample, add approx 1 mL of xylene, invert several times or gently vortex and incubate at room temperature for 10 min, preferably on a rocking platform. 3. Centrifugefor 3 min at high speedin a microcentrifugeto pellet the tissue. Carefully remove the supernatant discard.Do not disrupt the pellet. and 4. Repeatsteps 2 and 3. 5. If undissolved paraffin is still present,repeat steps2 and 3 again. 6. Washthe pellet by adding approx 1 mL of 95% ethanol,invert the tube severaltimes andcentrifugeat high speedfor 3 min. Removethe supernatant solution. 7. Repeatstep 6. 8. Wash the pellet again with 1 mL of 70% ethanol, invert several times, and pellet tissue by centrifugation at high speedfor 3 min. 9. Remove the supernatantas completely as possible (see Note 3). The samplemay be dried undervacuum centrifugation. To avoid cross-contamination, cover the tubes by stretching parafilm across the top and poking several holes in it (5). 10. To digest the tissue (see Note 4), resuspendthe pellet in 150 pL of digestionbuffer containing freshly thawedproteinaseK. Use more buffer if more than five sectionswere cut. Be surethat the pellet is thoroughly resuspended. 11. Close the tubes tightly and put parafilm aroundthe caps of the tube. 12. Incubate at 55C overnight (seeNote 5). 13. To extract the DNA (seeNote 6). spin the tubes for 5 s and add 150l.tL of buffered phenol and 150 i.tL of chloroform-isoamylalcohol, vortex vigorously for 15 s, and spin for 2 min at high speed. 14. Remove the upper phaseand put into new tube. Do not touch the protein at the interface. 15. Repeatsteps 13 and 14. 16. Add 150pL of chloroform-isoamyl alcohol, vortex for 15s andspin for 2 min at high speed.Removethe upperphaseandplaceinto a new tube. 17. Measure the final volume. Precipitate with ethanol by adding l/10 vol of 3M sodium acetateand 2 vol of ice-cold, 100%ethanol. Invert several times or vortex briefly.

Volktenandt et al.
18. Placethe samplein a freezerat thelowest temperatureavailable(-20C or -70C) for about 1 h and then spin the sample at high speed in a microfuge for 20 min. Lower temperaturesand longer precipitation and centrifugation times increasethe yield. 19. After centrifugation,a pellet may or may not be visible. Carefully remove the supernatantwithout touching the pellet or the areawhere the pellet is expected to be. 20. Wash the pellet by adding approx 1 mL of 70% ethanol. Invert several times. Spin for 15min athigh speedandcarefully removethe supernatant. 21. Repeatstep 18 and carefully remove the supernatantas completely as possible. 22. Resuspendthe pellet in 100 pL of storagebuffer and store at 4C. 3.2. PCR 1. Use approx l-10 pL of the solution as a template for PCR. Perform conventional PCR asdescribed in Chapter 1. 2. Examine PCR product by conventional agarosegel electrophoresisand ethidium bromide staining, or by a blotting procedure(seeNotes 7 and 8 and Chapter 1). 4. Notes 1. To reduce the amount of paraffin to be dissolved by xylene, excess paraffin surrounding the tissue of interest should be trimmed away as much as possible before cutting slices from the paraffin block. 2. Even small amountsof target DNA can be detectedby PCR. Therefore, careful precautions to avoid contamination are crucial (6). When cutting sectionsfrom paraffin blocks, the microtomes blade and the tweezer usedmust be cleanedbetween samples(e.g.,with xylene). Also, the blade can be moved slightly before cutting a new block to insure that a different part of the blade is usedeachtime. Plain paraffin blocks without any tissue can be cut between samplesto further reducecontamination. Of special concern are carry-over contaminations of amplified productsto nonamplified reaction mixtures. Therefore,post-PCR mixtures should be handled in a different area and with different instruments than pre-PCR mixtures. Negative controls (without template DNA) should be performed in parallel with eachPCR reaction. 3. It is desirable to add the digestion buffer to a dry pellet of tissue with the ethanol from the washing stepscompletely removed. However, this has to be balancedagainst the risk of cross-contamination during drying procedures (e.g., vacuum centrifugation, see step 9). We remove the ethanol from the last washing step by careful aspiration with a clean

DNA from ParafiZin-Embedded Tissue

Pasteur pipet as completely as possible and then immediately resuspend the pellet in digestion buffer. The deparaffinized tissue pellet may be resuspendedin 100 PL of distilled water. The mixture is then boiled for 30 min followed by centrifugation through a l-n& SephadexG-50 column and the eluate is used as template for PCR amplification (Id). Alternatively, if only one 5-lo-pm section is cut from the block, the tissue pellet may be resuspended directly in 100 lt.L of a PCR mixture heated to 100C for 10 min, immediately followed by amplification (17). After an overnight incubation of the tissue in digestion buffer (with 1% SDS and 500 ug/mL proteinaseK) the concentration of SDS and proteinaseK may be doubled andthe incubation continued for another 1248 h (2). Briefly vortex samples in between. The protocol for DNA extraction as presentedhere may be altered in many ways, and various simplifications aswell as additional stepshave been used. In our experience, purification steps, such as the described phenol-chloroform extraction andethanol precipitation, lead most consistently to good results. However, simplifications may be feasible, dependingon the individual situation (e.g., the tissue usedfor analysis, the geneto be amplified) andhave to be determined empirically in each laboratory setting. One successful variation is that instead of SDS, a nonionic detergent can be used in the digestion buffer (50 mM TrisHCl, pH 8.5, 1 mM EDTA, 200 pg/mL of proteinase K, 0.5% Tween 20), which is compatible with Taq DNA polymerase(18). After proteinaseK digestion of the tissue, the proteinaseK is inactivated by incubation at 95C for 8 min andthe residualtissue is pelletedby centrifugation for 30 s. An aliquot of the supernatantis used directly as a template for PCR amplification (5). If a certain target gene cannot be amplified and detectedin a sample, a positive control reaction should be performed on this sample before designating the sample negative. Sequencesof any housekeeping gene (e.g.,SZ-microglobulin, B-actin) should be amplfled to determine the quality of the DNA. As DNA from preservedtissue may be extensively degraded,amplification of productsthat areMl0 bp is frequently unsuccessful.In general,segments~400 bp of the positive control gene, as well asthe target gene, should be amplified. When analyzing the PCR product by agarosegel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining, a specific product may not be clearly visible, becauseof the lower efficiency of PCR using DNA from preserved tissueas a template.One suggestion increasethe efficiency is to double to the times usedfor denaturing, annealing,andextension and to increase







Volkenandt et al.

the number of cycles when analyzing DNA from paraffin-embedded tissue(7). However, this will alsoincreasenonspecificbackgroundamplification products. When the PCR product is transferredto a membrane (by Southern blot or dot blot techniques) and hybridized to a labeled probe, specific amplification products frequently become discernible. Transfer of PCR products to membrane is much less labor-intensive than transfer of endonuclease-digested genomic DNA in Southern blot analysis. Owing to the small size and abundance ampllflcation prodof ucts, transfer to membrane efflclently occurs within few hours and depurination, denaturation, and neutralization steps are not essential. As an alternative to detection of PCR products by transfer to a membrane and hybridization to a labeled probe, one cycle of PCR with an internally nested,end-labeledoligonucleotide probe may be performed after conventional PCR (8). If multiple bandsarestill present,we excisethe bandof interestfrom the gel andelutetheDNA by variousmethods (e.g.,theGeneClean method, Bio 101,La Jolla, CA; or by elution in 100pL of Hz0 overnight). Occasionally, reampliflcation of the elutedDNA is necessary generate to more specific product.An aliquotof the eluateis thenusedasthe templatefor a further PCR reaction. Alternatively, the band of interest on the agarose gel can be touchedwith a steriletip. A new PCR reactionmixture without templateDNA is then contaminated with this tip carrying specific template DNA. However, any alterationdetectedwhen analyzing this reampllfled product(e.g.,point mutations)hasto be confumedby repeatingthe PCR reactionsusing original DNA asthe template. 9. The amount of template DNA can dramatically affect the yield of the PCR reaction. When analyzing DNA from preservedtissue, there may be an inverse relationship and dilution of template DNA may increase the yield. This may be a result of inhibiting effects of certain fixatives on the Tuq DNA polymerase.When amplification reactionsfor a housekeeping gene are unsuccessful for a particular sample, we dilute the DNA (1: 10, 1:100, 1:1000) and use 1 pL of thesedilutions as the template. This is especially necessarywhen more tissue is used for DNA extraction. Successful amplification may dependon the fixative used. In general, DNA from samples fixed in ethanol (9,IO) or in Carnoys reagent (11) gives best results, followed by DNA from tissue fixed in phosphate-buffered formaldehyde(formalin). The useof mercury-based fixatives (B-5, Zenkers) frequently limits amplification to very short DNA sequences(i.e., 100 bp), as DNA degradation is extensive (12). Furthermore, picric acid containing fixatives (Bouins) were found to affect extensively the quality of the DNA (I, 13). In addition, the length

DNA from Paraffin-Embedded


of fixation (e.g., in formalin) affects the quality of the DNA with longer times (exceeding 12 h) being more harmfkl to DNA (I). However, another study found no decrease in the ability of PCR amplification when fixation times up to 48 h were used (14). 10. A recent publication (15) indicated that the strategy used for extraction of DNA from paraffin-embedded tissue is also useful for isolation of RNA from preserved tissue, the length of incubation of the tissue in digestion buffer being the main difference. Reflecting a possible sequential lysis of the cytoplasmic and nuclear cell compartments, maximum extraction of RNA was completed after only 5 h of digestion, whereas maximum DNA yields required an incubation time of 24 h.

1. Dubeau, L., Chandler, L. A., Gralow, I. R., Nichols, P. W., and Jones, P. A. (1986) Southern blot analysis of DNA extracted from formalin-fixed pathology specimens. Cancer Res. 46,2964-2969. 2. Goelz, S. E., Hamilton, S. R., and Vogelstein, B. (1985) Purification of DNA from formaldehyde fixed and paraffin embedded human tissue. Blochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 130,118-126. 3. Shibata, D., Martin, W. J., and Amheim, N. (1988) Analysis of DNA sequences in forty-year-old paraffin-embedded thin-tissue sections: a bridge between molecular biology and classical histology. Cancer Res. 48,456&W%. 4. Volkennandt, M., McNutt, N. S., and Albino, A. P. (1991) Sequence analysis of DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded human malignant melanoma. J. Cutaneous Pathol. l&210--214. 5. Wright, D. K. and Manos, M. M. (1990) Sample preparation from paraffinembeddedtissues,in PCR Protocols: A Guide lo Methods and Applications (Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky, J. J., and White, T. J., eds.), Academic, New York, pp. 153-158. 6. Kwok, S. and Higuchi, R. (1989) Avoiding false positives with PCR. Nature 339,237,238. 7. Ting, Y. and Manos, M. M. (1990) Detection and typing of genital human papillomaviruses, in PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications (Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky, J. J. and White, T. J., eds.), Academic, New York, pp. 356-361. 8. Parker, J. D. and Burmer, G. C. (1991) The oligomer extension hot blot: A rapid alternative to Southern blots for analyzing polymerase chain reaction products. BloTechniques 10,94-101. 9. Wu, A. M., Ben Ezra, J., Winberg, C., Colombero, A. M., and Rappaport, H. (1990) Analysis of antigen receptor generearrangementsin ethanol and formaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens. Lab. Invest. 63, 107-l 14. 10. Bramwell, N. H. and Bums, B. F. (1988) The effects of fixative type and fixation time on the quantity and quality of extractable DNA for hybridization studies on lymphoid tissue. Exp. Hematol. 16,730-732.

Volkenandt et al.
11. Jackson, D. P., Lewis, F. A., Taylor, G. R., Boylston, A. W., and Quirke, P. (1990) Tissue extraction of DNA and RNA and analysis by the polymerase chain reaction. J. Clin. Path&. 43,4!%504. 12. C&n, D. andMattson, J. C. (1991) PCR amplification of intermediite size DNA sequences from formalin and B-5 fixed bone marrow specimens. Proceedings of the1991 Miami Bto/Technology Winter Symposrum 92 (Abstract). 13. Herbert, D. J., Nishiyama, R. H., Bagwell, C. B., Munson, M. E., Hit&ox, S. A., and Lovett, E. J., III (1989) Effects of several commonly used fixatives on DNA and total nuclear protein analysis by flow cytometry. Am. J. Clin. Path& 91, 535-541. 14. Rogers, B. B., Alpert, L. C., Hine, E. A., and Buffone, G. J. (1990) Analysrs of DNA in fresh and fixed tissue by the polymerase chain reaction. Am. J. Pathol. 136,541-548. 15. Weizsacker, F., Labeit, S., Koch, H. K., Gehlert, W., Gerok, W., and Blum, H. E. (1991) A simple and rapid method for the detection of RNA in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues by PCR amplification. Bloch. Biophys. Res. Comm. 174,176180. 16. Lampertico, P., Malter, J. S., Colombo, M., and Gerber, M. A. (1990) Detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in formalin-faed, paraffin-embedded liver tissue by the polymerase chain reaction. Am. J. Pathof. 137,253-258. 17. Shibata, D. K., Arnheim, N., and Martin, W. J. (1988) Detection of human papllloma virus in paraffin-embedded tissue using the polymerase chain reaction. J. Exp. Med. 167,225-230. 18. Higuchi, R. (1990) Rapid, efficient DNA extraction for PCR from cells of blood. Amplifications. A Forum for PCR Users. (May 1989), l-3.


The Use of Polymerase for Chromosome


Chain Reaction Assignment

A. Dionne

Jaye and Craig

1. Introduction The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach to chromosome assignment consists of analyzing the profile of specific amplification products of the gene of interest using genomic DNAs from a panel of somatic cell hybrids as templates (see Fig. 1). Each hybrid somatic cell line contains the normal complement of chromosomes of one species, along with one or more additional chromosomes from a second species (I,2). The PCR approach has obvious advantages over the conventional Southern blotting method of chromosome assignment, including speed, sensitivity, and conservation of the genomic DNAs, which are difficult and labor intensive to generate. Chromosome assignment by PCR consists of four steps, which, for the sake of clarity, are presented in terms of assigning human gene sequences with a panel of human/rodent somatic cell hybrids:
1. Establish conditions for specific detection of the human target gene

sequencevs rodent sequencesin test reactions employing human and

rodent genomic DNAs as templates. 2. Run PCR reactions on the entire test panel. 3. Analyze PCR products by gel electrophoresis and, if necessary, verify by Southern hybridization. 4. Correlate the presence and absence of the human PCR product in each

reaction with the humanchromosomecontent of the correspondinghybrid cell lines.

From: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 15: PCR Protocols* Edlted by I3 A. White Copynght 0 1993 Humana Current Methods and Apphcatrons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Jaye and Dionne 12


Fig. 1. The partial results of a typical chromosome assignment experiment are shown. A 287-bp DNA fragment of an FGF receptor gene, FLG, was amplified using the conditions described in Methods and the two oligonucleotides 5 AAACAGGAGTACCTGGACCTGTCC 3 and 5 CCAGCAGGAAAGGGGACAGGGACG 3, which are located at the 3 end of the FLG coding region (9). After FCR amplification, 15 l.iL of each reaction mixture was separated on a 1.5% agarose gel as described. A photograph of the stained gel is shown. The reactions contained DNA from: lane 2, human lymphocytes; lane 3, hamster E36 cells; lane 4, mouse RAG cells; lanes 5-9, human/hamster somatic cell hybrids 80H2-80H5 and 8OP3; lane 10,O.l ng FLG cDNA. Lane 1 contains Hue III-digested +X174 DNA as mol-wt standards. These samples were chosen to exemplify the nature of discordant results. The results in lanes 7 and 9 are discordant with the karyotype analysis but when the PCR analysis is performed on all 45 hybrids in the panel (IO), FLG shows least discordancy with chromosome 8 as predicted from in situ hybridization studies (9).

The most critical step in the analysis is step 1, in which the conditions for specificity determination are defined. If one has access to the human and rodent gene structures and sequences, then designing a PCR reaction to amplify specifically a portion of the human gene is quite straightforward. However, this is rarely the case for a gene that has not yet been assigned to a human chromosome. More generally, one has very little knowledge of gene structure or of interspecies differences in nucleotide sequence; therefore conditions for specific PCR amplification must be empirically determined. These include: 1. Placementof one or both priming oligonucleotidesin the 3 or 5 untranslated region of the gene.Specificity for amplification of only the target
human sequence can often be achieved by employing oligonucleotide prim-

ers located within the untranslatedregions of the gene. In general,these

Chromosome Assignment


regions are less conserved between species and contain fewer introns than the coding region, thus facilitating amplification of a PCR product of predictable size. We have used this approach successfully for the human aFGF and FGFS genes (3) using one or both PCR oligonucleotides derived from the 3 untranslated regions of these genes, respectively. The assignment of the gene for human muscle-specific phosphoglycerate mutase, pGAM2, was obtained by PCR in the 5 fianking region of the gene (4). 2. Placement of one or both priming oligonucleotides within an intron. This strategy takes advantage of the fact that sequences within introns are generally less conserved between species. In addition, intron length is variable between species. For these reasons, if nucleotide sequence information is available from an intervening sequence within the human gene, this strategy is quite attractive. The placement and specificity of the oligonucleotides will determine whether a PCR product will be generated from only the human gene, or whether PCR products of different sizes are generated from the human and rodent genes. Placement of priming oligonucleotides within two separate introns was used for the chromosome assignment of human complement component C9 by PCR across an exon (5). 3. PCR across an intron. Two oligonucleotide primers may generate a PCR product that crosses an intron. Since the position but not size of introns is frequently conserved between species, it is possible to generate PCR products of different sizes that distinguish between the human and rodent genes. PCR across an intron has been used successfully for the chromosome assignment of the nuclear antigen ~68 (6) and the FGF receptor, bek (7). If a clear distinction between human and rodent PCR products is not obtained by any of the aforementioned strategies, the PCR products can be digested with various restriction endonucleases to find one specific to the human sequence. The results of this approach are analyzed in terms of the presence or absence of the human-specific PCR product, which in this case is a restriction fragment of an empirically defined size.

2. Materials
1. A panel of somatic cell hybrid genomic DNAs, each adjusted to 0.1 pg/pL (see Note 1). 2. Genomic DNA samples from each species used to generate the somatic cell hybrids. 3. PCR oligomers 22-24 bases long, placed several hundred base pairs apart in the 3 untranslated region of a cDNA corresponding to the gene of interest (see Note 2).


Jaye and Dianne

4. Standardreagents for submarine agarose gel electrophoresis(seeChapter 1). 5. Standard reagents for PCR reactions (see Chapter 1).

3. Methods
1. Set up three tubes of PCR reactions to test specificity. Use standard PCR conditions (Chapter 1) in a final volume of 50 pL and containing 0.1 pg of genomic DNA from the species used to create the somatic cell hybrid panel (normally human, mouse, and hamster). 2. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle parameters: 94OC, 1 min (denaturation) 30 main cycles 60C, 1 min (annealing) 72OC,2 min (extension) See Note 3. 3. Analyze the PCR reactions by submarine agarose gel electrophoresis (8; see Chapter 1). We generally run a 10 x 14 x 0.5~cm thick gel containing 1% agarose, 1X TAE and 5 pg/mL of ethidium bromide. To 15 pL of PCR reaction product, add 3 pL of 50% glycerol and load the samples into a well made by a 16-well comb. Perform electrophoresis at 75 mamp for approx 1 h or until the desired resolution is achieved. 4. Visualize the separated reaction products with a hand-held UV lamp or transilluminator. Under ideal circumstances, a single band corresponding to the amplified target sequenceis found only in the reaction assembled with the human DNA (see Note 4). 5. If specificity is not achieved, perform the test PCR reactions again but with a higher annealing temperature, i.e., 65OC. If specificity is again not achieved, rerun the test reactions with a different pair of oligonucleotide primers. In the event that specificity cannot be obtained, restriction enzyme digestion of the PCR products may be attempted at this time. 6. Once specificity of amplification is achieved in test reactions, the same PCR conditions are used with each DNA sample from the panel of somatic cell hybrids. For these reactions, make a master mix containing all PCR reagents, oligonucleotide primers, and Tuq polymerase and aliquot 49 pL into all the reaction tubes placed on ice. Add 1 pL of genomic DNA from the cell hybrids to each of the corresponding tubes, overlay with 50 pL of paraffin oil, and amplify the samples by PCR using the conditions previously shown to give specific amplification of the target sequence. After PCR amplification, store the samples at 4C until analyzed. 7. Analyze the PCR reaction products of the amplified cell hybrid genomic DNA panel by agarose gel electrophoresis as described in step 3 above (see Note 4). 8. Correlate the presence or absenceof the specific amplified target sequence in each PCR reaction with that of each human chromosome content of

Chromosome Assignment


each hybrids (1,2). Comparison of the human chromosome content of eachsomatic cell hybrid with the distribution of the specifically amplified PCR product generally allows the geneto be assignedto the chromosome showing the least discordancy (seeNotes 5-7). 4. Notes 1. Somatic cell hybrids are difficult and time-consuming to generate,characterize, and maintain. A panel of somatic cell hybrid genomic DNAs can best be obtained from an interested collaborator, although some panels of somatic cell hybrid DNA are commercially available. 2. Quite often, if a lab has been working with a particular sequencefor a period of time, the oligonucleotidesthat have beensynthesizedfor other purposes such as sequencing can be evaluated in different combinations with specificity being achievedby adjusting the annealing temperature in the PCR reaction. 3. As with all PCR techniques,special care must be taken to insure that cross-contaminationbetween samplesdoesnot occur. This is especially critical in this application sincethe cloned cDNA or genehas very likely beenin circulation within the laboratory for sometime, andconsequently there are potentially many sourcesof contamination. Likewise, a flngerprint contains much human genomic DNA andcan render a somatic cell hybrid DNA samplecompletely useless. 4. It is often quite useful to verify the visual results of PCR analysis by Southernhybridization. In this case,the agarosegel containing the separated PCR reaction productsis blotted to a nylon membraneand probed with a radiolabeled oligonucleotide or DNA fragment under standard conditions (8; see Chapters 1 and 5). This step can verify faint visual signals and can sometimes identify specific products in a reaction that was considerednegative or uncertain by visual scoring. 5. There is usually a higher but acceptablerate of discordanceassociated with PCR methods of chromosome assignment when compared to the conventional Southern hybridization method (3,7). This results from the much greatersensitivity of PCR techniquesin detecting humangene sequencesas compared to the methods of karyotype and isoenzyme analysis,which arestandardlyusedto scorethe presence humanchroof mosomesin the hybrid cell panel. 6. One can strengthenthe chromosomeassignmentof a particular geneby comparing its PCR amplification patternin the somatic cell hybrid panel to the amplification pattern of a genepreviously assignedto the same chromosome. 7. As has beendemonstrated the Southernhybridization technique,it is by possible to get chromosomelocalization information by performing the


Jaye and Dimne sameanalysis on a panel of somatic cell hybrids that have discrete,well characterized truncationsor deletionsin the chromosomeof residence(I).

Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge S. J. OBrien, W. S. Modi, and H. Seaunez, who generously provided the hybrid cell DNA samples, which formed the basis of this PCR application, and Robin McCormick and Rosalie Ratkiewicz for preparation of the manuscript. References
1. McKusick, V. A. and Ruddle, F. H. (1977) The status of the gene map of the human chromosomes. Scrence 1%. 390-405. 2. OBrien, S. J., Simonson, J. M , and Eichelherger. M. (1982) Genetic analysis of hybrid cells using isozyme markers as monitors of chromosome segregation, in Techmques in Somatic Cell Genettcs (Whay, J. W., ed.), Plenum, New York, pp. 513-524. 3. Dionne, C. A., Kaplan, R., Seuanez, H., OBrien, S. J., and Jaye, M. (1990) Chromosome assrgnment by polymerase chain reaction techniques: Assignment of the oncogene FGF-5 to human chromosome Blofechmques 8, 190-194. 4. 4. Edwards, Y. H., Sakoda, S., Schon, E., and Povey, S. (1989) The gene for human muscle-specific phosphoglycerate mutase, PGAM2, mapped to chromosome 7 by polymerase chain reaction. Genomics 5,948-95 1. 5. Abbot, C., West, L., Povey, S., Jeremiah, S., Murad, Z., DiScipio, R., and Fey, G. (1989) The gene for human complement component C9 mapped to chromosome 5 by polymerase chain reaction. Genomics 4,606-609. 6. Iggo, R., Gough, A., Xu, W., Laue, D. P., and Spurr, N. K. (1989) Chromosome mapping of the human gene encoding the 68-kDa nuclear antigen (p68) by using the polyemerase chain reaction. Proc. Na&l. Acad. Sci. USA 86,6211-6214. 7. Dionne, C. A., Modi, W. S., Crumley, G., OBrien, S. J., Schlessinger, J., and Jaye, M. (1992) BEK, a receptor for multiple members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family, maps to human chromosome lOq25.3-lOq26. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 60,34-36. 8. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Mania& T. (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (2nd ed.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 9. Ruta, M., Howk, R., Ricca, G., Drohan, W., Zabelshansky, M., Laureys, G., Barton, D. E. Francke, U., Schlessinger, J., and Givol, D. (1988) A novel protein tyrosine kinase gene whose expression is modulated during endothelml cell differentiation. Oncogene 3,9-15. 10. OBrien, S. J., Nash, W. G., Goodwing, J. L., Lowy, D. R., and Chang, E. H. (1983) Dispersion of the ras family of transforming genes to four different chromosomes in man. Nature 302,839-842.



Mapping MHC Class II Genes and Disease-Susceptibility

Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction and Dot Hybridization for Human Leukocyte Antigen Allele Typing

Stephen C. Bain and John A. Todd

1. Introduction
The genes of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region control a variety of functions involved in the immune response and influence susceptibility to over 40 diseases. The region maps to the short arm of chromosome 6 and is divided into three regions, denoted class I, II, and III. The HLA class II gene complex is approx 1000 kb in length and is arranged into three main subregions (HLA-DP, -DQ, and -DR), each of which contains genes of two types, A and B. The A genes encode a-polypeptides and B genes encode j3-polypeptides; together these form the functional class II afl dimer. Although some haplotypes contain up to 14 class II loci, not all are expressed, and limitations on functionally permissive heterodimer formation restricts the expressed repertoire to 4 class II molecules/haplotype: DPaP, DQap, DRaPt , and DR~c&,~,~ second DR molecule is either DRc&, DRo&, or DRc& (the depending on the haplotype). With the exception of the DRA locus, the genesencoding each of these polypeptides are highly polymorphic. The class II heterodimers are transmembrane glycoproteins expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells, B lymphocytes and activated T lymphocytes. These molecules are involved in the presentaFrom Methods m Molecular Biology, Vol 15: PCR Protocols Edited by B. A White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Current Methods and Appllcabons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Bain and Todd tion of antigen to the T-cell receptor and in the developmental selection of T-cell receptor specificities. Hence, they are intimately involved in the normal immune response. Population and family studies have demonstrated that polymorphisms within the class II region are associated with autoimmune diseases such as type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and coeliac disease.Previously, serological reagents directed at the products of the class II genes allowed the definition of the major HLA subtypes, with further subdivision by the mixed lymphocyte reaction. However, many allelic subtypes cannot be identified by these techniques and the products of the polymorphic DQAl gene are not recognized at all. The nucleotide sequences for most of the alleles of the class II HLA antigens are now available, allowing the design of synthetic oligonucleotides that distinguish between the allelic forms of DR, DQ, and DP. Together with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), this has permitted the development of simple, highly specific procedures that identify the sequence variation responsible for the differences in the HLA class II proteins. The methods to be described involve PCR amplification of the class II region of interest, dot-blotting of the PCR product, and probing using sequence-specific oligonucleotides that are end-labeled with [y32P]AlP. The procedure for identifying HLA-DQ alleles is described first, followed by alterations in the method required for DR and DP alleles. The major differences relate to the PCR stage of the method. Briefly, the second exons of the DQAl and DQB 1 genes are amplified in a two-stage procedure. The DQAl gene is first amplified with primers GH26A and GH27A and then 2 l.t.Lof the primary amplification mixture is subjected to a second round using primers GH27A and GH27B (1). The DQBl gene is initially amplified with primers GLPDQb3 and GAMPDQXb2 and then subjected to a second PCR using the primers GAMPDQXb2 and GLPDQb2 (2,3). These double amplifications improve the intensity of the hybridization signal. For HLA-DRB 1 alleles, a single PCR is sufficient; primers GLPDRb and GAMPDRb amplify a 232-bp segment of the first domain of all known DRB alleles (2). Specific amplification of DR4-associated DRB 1 alleles is achieved by using primers 336C and 337C (4). Primer 337C is identical to the sense strand of all DR4B 1 sequences between amino acid positions 7 and 13 and contains multiple mismatches with DRB4

HLA Allele Typing


and all non-DR4, DRB 1 genes. Primer 336C is complementary to the sense strand of all published HLA-DRB genes between amino acid positions 88 and 94. A similar strategy is used to define the DR3specific alleles, DRw 17 (DRB 1*030 1) and DRw 18 (DRB 1*0302) (5). For HLA-DPB alleles, a single PCR is also adequate. Primers 5G and 3G amplify a 285bp fragment of the second exon of DPB (6). For most of the HLA-DQAl, DQB 1 alleles and many of the DRB 1 alleles, the available sequence-specific probes are effectively allelespecific. Hence, a positive hybridization defines the allele under investigation. However, in the case of HLA-DPB 1 the probes each recognize a number of alleles. It is therefore necessaryto use a panel of probes and identify each allele according to the diagnostic pattern of probe hybridization (7). Details of the alleles recognized by individual probes are given in Table 1. 2. Materials 2.1. Polynaerase Chain Reaction
1. 1MKCl.

2. 1M MgClz (1 mL, store at 4*C): From this stock, 1-mL aliquots of 20,
40,60,80, and 100 mM of MgClz can be made (also store at 4C). 3. Tween 20: 2% Polyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (EIA purity). 4. 200 mM Tris buffer, pH 8.4 : Prepare 50 mL of this buffer from 6.5 mL of 1M Tris base, 3.5 mL of 1M Tris-HCl, 40 mL of double-distilled (dd) autoclaved water.

5. 4 mM Deoxyribonucleosides:deoxyadeninetriphosphate,deoxycytidine
triphosphate, deoxyguanine triphosphate, deoxythymidine triphosphate (dNTPs; 1-mL aliquots stored at -20C).

6. 7uqpolymerase: 5 U&L. Store at -20C.

7. Mineral oil, without stabilizer. 8. Genomic DNA: 100 ng/l,tL in 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 1 mM EDTA. Store at 4OC. See Chapter 11 for DNA isolation.

9. Primers (seeTable 2). 2.2. Dot Blotting

1. 6A4 NaOH.

2. 1M and 2M ammonium acetate:Prepare fresh 50-mL aliquots from 5h4 ammonium acetatestock using dd autoclaved water. 3. 6X Standardsaline citrate (SSC): 0.9M NaCI, 0.09M trisodium citrate.
Prepare 1 L from 800 mL of single distilled (sd) water, 52.5 g of NaCl and 26.46 g of trisodium citrate. Adjust volume to 1 L.

Bain and Todd

Table 1 Alleles Recognized by Probes

Alleles DQAl*OlOl DQA1*0102 DQA1*0501 DQA1*0102 DQAl*O301 DQA1*0103 DQA 1*0201 DQA1*0301 DQA1*0501 DQA1*0401 (DQA1.1) (DQA1.2), DQA1*0103 (DQA4.1) @QA1.2), DQA1*0201 (DQA3) (DQA1.3) (DQA2) (DQA3) @QA4.1), DQA1*0401 (DQA4.2)

Al.1 Al.2a A1.2b Al.3 A2 A3 A4.1 A4.2 B2 B4 B5a B5b B6 B7a B7b B8 B9 B1.9a B1.9b B1.12 B1.18 B1.19b BlAZH (DQA1.3), @QA2),


DQB 1*0201 (DQw2) DQB 1*0402 (DQw4) DQB1*0501 @Qw5), DQB1*0604 @Qwl.l9a, DQwl.lBb) DQB1*0501 (DQwS), DQB1*0502 @Qwl.AZH), DQB 1*0503 (DQw 1.9) DQB1*0602 @Qw6), DQB1*0603 (DQw1.18) DQB1*0301 @Qw7), DQBlW601 (DQw1.12) DQB1*0301 (DQw7), DQBl0303 (DQw9) DQB I*0302 (DQw8) DQB 1*0602 (DQw6), DQB 1*0302 (DQw8) DQB1*0503 (DQw1.9), DQBlW601 (DQwl.12) DQB1*0503 (DQw1.9). DQB10502 (DQwl.AZH) DQBlW601 (DQw1.12) DQB1*0603 @Qw1.18), DQB1*0604 (DQw1.19a) DQB 1*0604 (DQw 1.19b) DQB 1*0502 (DQw 1AZH)

DRl DR2 Dw2 Dw12 DR3 DRB1*0101(DR1,Dwl), DRB1*0102@R1,Dw20), DRB1*0103 (DRBR). DRB5*0101(DRwl5,Dw2), DRB5*0102@Rw15,Dw12), DRB5*0201(DRw16,Dw21), DRB5*0202@Rw16, Dw22). DRB5*0101(DRw15,Dw2). DRB5*0102(DRw15,Dwl2), DRB5*0201@Rw16,Dw21), DRB5*0202@Rw16,Dw22). DRB1*0301(DRw17,Dw3), DRB1*0302@Rw18,DwRSH).

HLA Allele Typing

Table 1 (continued)


Alleles DRB1*0301(DRw17,Dw3), DRB1*1301@Rw13,Dw18), DRB1*1302(DRw13,Dw19), DRBl*MOl(DRw14,Dw9), DRB3*0101(DRw52a,Dw24). DRB1*0401-0408(DR4 subtypes, Dw4,10,13,14,15,KTZ). DRB 1*0701(DR7,Dw17), DRB 1*0702@R7,DwDB 1). DRB1*0801(DRw8,Dw8.1), DRB1*0802@Rw8,Dw8.2), DRB 1*0803(DRw8,Dw8.3). DRB 1*0901@R9,Dw23). DRB1*1001(DRw10). DRBl*llOl-4(DRw11(5)). DRBl*11O1(DRwll,Dw5), DRB1*1104(DRw11,DwFS). DRB1*1201(DRw12(5)). DRB1*1301(DRw13,Dw18), DRB1*1302@Rw13,Dw19), DRBlY0402(DR4,Dw10), DRBl*l102(DRwl1,DwJVM), DRB1*1103(DRw11.3), DRB1*0103@RBR). DRB1*1401(DRw14,Dw9). DRB1*1402(DRw14,Dw16), DRB1*0101(DR1,Dwl), DRB 1*0102(DRl,Dw20), DRB 1*0404(DR4,Dw14), DRB 1*0405(DR4,Dw15), DRB 1*0408@R4,Dw14). DRB 1*0401(DR4,Dw4).


DR4 DR7 DRw8 DR9 DRwlO DRwll DRl101/1104 DRwl2 DRwl3

DRwl4 Dw14


In combination with DR3-specific amplitication: 153B DRB1*0301(DRw17,Dw3) DRB1*0302(DRw18,DwRSH1) GT86 With DR4-specific amplification: DRh 1*0403(DR4,Dwl3A),DRB 152B DRB1*0407(DR4,Dw13B). Dw15 DRB1*0405@R4,Dw15).




DPB1*04Ol@PB4.1), DPB1*0402@PB4.2), DPB 1*0201(DPB2.1), DPB1*0202@PB2.2), DPB1*0801@PB8), DPB1*01601(DPB16), DPB1*0501@PB5), DPB1*1901@PB19), DPB7. DPB1*0301(DPB3), DPB1*06Ol@PB6), DPB1*1101@PB11), DPB1*1301(DPB13). DPB1*1401@PB14), DPB*lOOl(DPBlO), DPB1*0901(DPB9), DPB12, DPB1*1701(DPB17).

Table 1 (COII~W~~)

Bain and Todd

Alleles DPBl*OlOl@PBl), DPB1*1801(DPB18), DPB1*1501@PBlS). DPB1*0401@PB4.1), DPB7, DPBl*llOl(DPBll), DPB1*1301@PB13), DPBl*OlOl(DPBl), DPB1*1501@PB15). DPB1*0301(DPB3), DPB1*14Ol@PB14), DPB1*1701@PB17). DPB1*0402@PB4.2), DPB1*0801(DPB8), DPB1*1801@PB18), DPB1*0501(DPB5), DPB1*0202(DPB2.2). DPB1*0301(DPB3), DPB1*0201@PB2.1), DPB1*0801@PB8), DPB1*1901@PB19), DPBl*lOOl(DPBlO), DPB1*1701@PB17). DPB1*04Ol@PB4.1), DPB*OSOl(DPB5), DPB1*1801(DPB18). DPB 1*04Ol@PB4.1), DPB1*0201(DPB2.1), DPB1*16Ol(DPB16), DPB1*06Ol@PB6), DPB1*1801@PB18), DPB1*1701@PB17). DPB 1*08Ol@PB8), DPBl*OlOl@PBl), DPB1*1001@PB10), DPB1*04Ol@PB4.1), DPB1*0201@PB2.1), DPBl*0801@PB8), DPB1*0501@PB5), DPB1*0301@PB3), DPBl*1101@PB11), DPBl*OlOl@PBl), DPB1*1001@PB10), DPB1*1701(DPB17). DPB1*06Ol@PB6), DPB1*0901@PB9), DPB1*0201@PB2.1), DPB1*1601(DPB16), DPBlOOl(DPB10). DPB1*1901(DPB19), DPB1*1401(DPB14). DPB1*0202(DPB2.2), DPB1*1601(DPB16), DPB1*1301(DPB13), DPBl*0901@PB9), DPB12, DPB*0402(DPB4.2), DPB7, DPB*OlOl@PBl), DPBl*O402(DPB4.2) DPB1*0202(DPB2.2), DPB1*0501(DPB5), DPBl*llOl(DPBll), DPBl*HOl(DPB15), DPB7, DPB 1*0301(DPB3), DPB1*1401(DPB14), DPB1*0901(DPB9). DPB1*0402@PB4.2), DPB1*0202(DPB2.2). DPB1*1601(DPB16), DPB1*1901@PB19), DPB7, DPB1*0601@PB6), DPB1*1301(DPB13), DPB1*1401(DPB14), DPB1*0901@PB9), DPB12, DPB12,



D3@/ILEEK) El(Eh4)


From ref 8. bFrom ref 5. cFrom ref 9.

HLA Allele Typing



4. 0.94 Disodium ethylenediamine tetracetic acid [EDTA], pH 8. Prepare 500 mL from 450 mL of dd water, 93.05 g of EDTA and 10 g of NaOH. Adjust pH with 1M NaOH. Adjust volume to 500 mL with dd water. Autoclave at 121C in a 30-min cycle. 5. TE buffer: Prepare 50 mL from 45 mL of dd autoclaved water, 0.5 mL of 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, and 0.01 mL of 0.5M EDTA, pH 8. Adjust volume to 50 mL with dd autoclaved water. 6. Denaturing solution. Prepare a 26-mL aliquot from 1.5 mL of 0.5M EDTA, pH 8,2.0 mL of 6M NaOH and 22.5 mL of TE buffer. Prepare fresh as required. 7. Hybridot manifold (BRL, Gaithersburg, MD) and suction apparatus, 8. Zeta-Probe blotting membrane (Bio-Rad, Richmond, CA). See Note 1, 9. 3MM filter paper (Whatman, Maidstone, UK).


Bain and Todd

2.3. End-Labeling of Oligonucleotide by Kinase Reaction 1. Oligonucleotides. Store stocks at 500 pg/mL at -20C. 2. 10X Kinase buffer: 0.5M Tris-HCl, pH 7.6,O.1M MgC12. Store at -20C. 3. 100 mM Dithiothreitol (DTl). Store at -20C. 4. [T-~~P]ATPin aqueoussolution. The specific activity at referencedate is >l 11 TBq/mmol(3000 Ci/mmol). Store at -20C. 5. TE buffer. See Section 2.2. 6. 200 mM NaCl in TE buffer. Prepareas directed for TE buffer (Section 2.2.), with the addition of 2 mL of 5M NaCl before adjusting volume to 50 mL. 7. 500 mM NaCl in TE buffer. Prepareas directed for TE buffer (Section 2.2.), with the addition of 5 mL of 5M NaCl before adjusting volume to 50 mL. 8. Diethylamine ethyl cellulose (DE 52 Cellulose, Whatman) in 200 n&f NaCl in TE buffer. Store at 4C. Shake well immediately prior to use. 9. Heating block. 10. Disposable column (Bio-Rad Poly-Prep), supportedby stand. 11. T4 polynucleotide kinase (PNK): 10,000 U/mL. 1. 2.4. Hybridization and Washing Denhardts solution (100X): 2% bovine serumalbumin (BSA), 2% polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), 2% Ficoll: Prepare50 mL from 45 mL of dd water, 1 g of BSA, 1 g of PVP, and 1 g of Ficoll. Adjust volume to 50 mL with dd water. 10% Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS): Prepare50 mL from 5 g of SDS and 50 mL of dd, autoclaved water. Store at 37C and heat to 65C to fully dissolve SDS. 20X SSC: 3M NaCl, 0.3M trisodium citrate. Prepare 50 mL from 45 mL of sd water, 8.75 g of NaCl and 4.41 g of trisodium citrate. Adjust volume to 50 mL with sd water. Prehybridization solution. Prepare5 mL fresh from 3 mL of dd water, 0.25 mL of 100X Denhardts solution, 1.5 mL of 20X SSC, 250 pL of 10% SDS, and 50 pL of yeasttRNA. Prepareyeast tRNA at 20 mg/mL in sterile dd water and store at -20C. Hybridization solution. Prepare2.5 mL fresh from 1.75 mL of dd water, 0.75 mL of 20X SSC, and 25 mL of 10% SDS. Oligonucleotideprobes(Table3). Oligonucleotideprobesareend-labeled with [r-3*]ATP to a specific activity of approx 1 x 108countsmin-lmg-l prior to use (see Sections2.3. and 3.3.).

2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

HLA Allele Typing

Table 3 Oligonucleotide Probes probe Sequence 5-TGA GIT CAG CAA ATT TG-3 5-ATG AGG AGT TCT 5-AGA TGA GCA GlT 5-CCT GGA GAG GAA 5-CCT GGA GAA GAA ACG CTA GGA GGA TG-3 CG-3 GA-3 GA-3


Washing temp. (C) 46

Al (group) r1.1 Al.2a A1.2b Al.3 A2 A3 A41 A42

48 50 54 52 50 48 53-55 52 62 5862 62 58 62-64 52-56 68 65-68 50 62 54 58 50 50 60 46 57 57 48 48 48 64 52 53




DRl DR2 (DRBS alleles) DR3 DR3/DR6/DRw52 DR4 DR7 DRw8 DR9 DRw 10 5-GGA AAG ATG CAT CTA TA-3


Table 3 (continues)

Bain and Todd


Washing temp. (C) 56 66 56 54 50 67 70 64 69 67 62 64 62 46 48

DRwll DRw11(*1101,*1104) DRwl2 DRw13/DR4 (*0402)/ DRw11(*1102/*1103) DRwl4 (*1401) Dw14 Probes used for definition Dw4 DwlO Dw13.1,13.2, DKT2 Dw14.1, 14.2, 15 Dw15 DRwl7, DwlO, Dw13.1, Dw14.1, DKTT (153B) DRwl8, Dw4, Dw13.2, Dw14.2, Dw15 (GT86). Dw2 (DRB5*0101) Dw12, Dw21, Dw22, @RB5*0102,0201,0202)




36 52 36 56 56 52 54 56 48 48 46 52 52 74 72

From ref. 8 and unpublished data. bFrom ref 5. CFrom W M. C Rosenberg, personal communication and ref 9.

HLA Allele Typing


7. Washing solution: 6X SSC, 0.1% SDS. Prepare from 400 mL of 6X SSC and 4 mL of 10% SDS. 2.5. Stripping the Membrane 1. 5X Stripping buffer: 250 mM NaOH, 0.5M NaCl, 2 m&f EDTA. Prepare 1 L from 800 mL of dd water, 50 g of NaOH, 146.1g of NaCl, and 20 mL of 0.94 EDTA. Adjust volume to 1 L with dd water. 2. Neutralization buffer: 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8,1.5M NaCl. Prepare 1L from 224 mL of 2M Tris base, 276 mL of 2M Tris-HCl and 500 mL of 3M NaCl. 3. 20X SSPE. Prepare1 L from 800 mL dd water, 175.3g NaCl, 27.6 g of sodiumdihydrophosphate (NaH,P04*H20) and7.4 g of EDTA. Adjust to pH 7.4by adding6M NaOH dropwise.Adjust volumeto 1 L with dd water. 4. 2X SSC. Preparefrom 20X SSC (see Section 2.4.). 3. Methods 3.1. PCR 3.1.1. Amplification of HLA-DQ Alleles The procedure for identifying HLA-DQ alleles is described in the following. Perform nested PCR using a 25-PL vol for the primary reaction, and a 50-j.tL vol for the secondary reaction. 1. Working on ice, pipet 16.2 pL of dd, autoclaved water into 0.5-r& microcentrifuge tubes. 2. Add 2 pL of genomic DNA (100 ng/pL), i.e., 200 @reaction. 3. Make up required volume of amplification mixture according to number of samples. Add Taq polymerase immediately prior to use. Vol/reaction, uL 1.25 4 mM dNTPs 1.25 1M KC1 40 mA4MgClz 1.25 200 n&f Tris-HCl, pH 8.4 1.25 1.25 2% Tween 20 Primer GH26A (0.5 mg/mL) 0.25 Primer GH27A (0.5 mg/mL) 0.25 0.10 Taq polymerase (0.5 U) 4. Aliquot 6.85 uL of amplification mixture into eachtube. Vortex briefly, then pulse spin. 5. Overlay eachsample with l-2 drops of mineral oil and place tubesinto thermal cycler. 6. Amplify by theprimaryPCRreaction usingthe following cycleparameters:

32 main cycles

Bain and Todd

94C, 60 s (denaturation) SSC, 60 s (annealing) 72OC,30 s (extension) 7. After this and all subsequent PCR reactions, a small volume (e.g., 10%) of the reaction product may be separatedby electrophoresis through 1.5% agarose stainedwith ethidhun bromide to confirm the expected and amplification product (seeChapter 1 and Note 2). 8. Use PCR products immediately or store at -20C. 9. Working on ice, pipet 35.3 pL of dd autoclaved water into microcentrifuge tubes. 10. Add 1 pL of primary PCR product. 11. Make up required volume of amplification mixture according to the number of samples. Add Tuq polymerase immediately prior to use. Vol/reaction, pL 2.50 4 mh4dNTPs 2.50 1M KC1 2.50 40 mill M&l, 2.50 200 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.4 2.50 2% Tween 0.50 Primer GH26A 0.50 Primer GH27B 0.20 Tag polymerase 12. Aliquot 13.7 p.L of PCR mix into each tube. Vortex briefly, then pulse spin (i.e., 30 s at max speed). 13. Overlay eachsample with l-2 drops of mineral oil andplace tubesinto thermal cycler. 14. Amplify in the secondaryPCR reaction (seeNote 3) using the following conditions: 94OC,60 s (denaturation) 32 main cycles 55C, 60 s (annealing) 72C, 30 s (extension) 15. Analyze product as in step 7. SeeNote 2. 3.1.2. Amplification of HLA-D&B AUeles 1. Perform PCR as in Section 3. l., using primers GAMPDQXb2 and GLPDQb3 (seeTable 2) for the primary PCR (25~jtL vol) and primers GAMPDQXb2 and GLPDQb2 (see Table 2) for the second reaction (5O+L vol). 2. Amplify using the following cycle parameters: Initial cycle 93OC,5 min (denaturation) 39OC,3 min (annealing) 64OC,3 min (extension)

HLA Allele Typing 31 main cycles 93OC,2 min (denaturation) 39T, 2 min (annealing) 64OC,2 min (extension)


3.1.3. Amplification of HLA-DRB Alleles 1. Use primers GLPDRb and GAMPDRb (seeTable 2) and 1 pg of genomic DNA. 2. Perform a single PCR reaction in a 100~pL vol. The final concentrations of componentsare 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3,1.5 mil4 MgC12, 0.01% (w/v) gelatin, 200 pJ4 of eachdNTP, 1 w of eachprimer, and 2.5 U of 7aqpolymerase). SeeNotes 4 and 5. 3. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle parameters: 35 main cycles: 94C, 1 min (denaturation) 39OC,2 min (annealing) 64OC,3 min (extension) 4. Examine PCR products as in step 7 in Section 3.1. SeeNote 2. 3.1.4. HL.A-DRQ-Specific Subtyping 1. Use primers 337C and 336C (seeTable 2). 2. Perform a single PCR reaction in a 100~pLvol. Use the same ampliflcation mixture as for HLA-DRB (see Section 3.3.), 1 pg of DNA and 2.5 U of Tuq polymerasekeaction. 3. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle parameters: 95C, 5 min Initial denaturation step 95OC,1.3 min (denaturation) 30 main cycles 55C, 2 min (annealing) 72C, 3 min (extension) 72C, 10 min Final extension step 3.1.5. HLA-DR3-Specific Subtyping 1. Use primers GLPDR3 and GAMPDR3 (seeTable 2). 2. Perform a single PCR in a 100~pLvol. Use the sameamplification mixture as for HLA-DRB (seeSection 3.3.), 1 pg of DNA and 2.5 U of Tuq polymerasekeaction. 3. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle parameters: 30 main cycles 94OC,1.3 min (denaturation) 55C, 2 min (annealing) 72C, 3 min (extension) 3.1.6. Amplification of HLA-DPBl Alleles 1. Use primers 5G and 3G (seeTable 2). 2. Amplify 1 pg of genomic DNA in a single PCR reactionin a 1OOq.Lvol. The final concentrations components 50 mM KCl, 10mMTris-HCl, of are

Bain and Todd

pH8.3, 1.5mMMgC12,0.01%(w/v)gelatin,2OO@4ofeachdNTP,0.O2% Tween, 1 lht4 of each primer and 4 U of Taqpolymerase (see Note 5). 3. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle parameters: Initial cycle 94C, 3 min (denaturation) 6OC, 1 min (annealing) 64C 2 min (extension) 30 main cycles 94C, 1 min (denaturation) 6OC, 1 min (annealing) 64C, 2 min (extension) 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.2. Dot Blotting Transfer 10 pL of PCR product into 1S-mL Eppendorf tube by placing pipet tip below level of mineral oil before fully expelling air, then withdrawing volume. In groups of 12-24 tubes, add 104 pL of denaturing solution and place on ice for 10 min exactly. Neutralize with 114 PL of 2M ammonium acetate and leave on ice (samples can be frozen at -2OOC at this stage). Plan the sample map for 48 wells. Make duplicate maps of 24 samples each including controls (see Note 6). Set up the dot-blot manifold by cutting the blotting membrane and two 3MM filter papers to size. Cut off top left-hand corner of the membrane for future orientation. Briefly wet the filter papers with dd autoclaved water and lay on middle section of the dot blot manifold, avoiding bubbles. Briefly wet the membrane and lay on top of the filter papers, again avoiding bubbles. Screw down the manifold and attach suction. In groups of six samples, prewash the wells Al-6 and El-6 with 200 pL of llc4 ammonium acetate. Mix the sample with pipet and load 110 pL to wells Al-El, A2-E2, and so forth. Wash the wells with 200 pL of 1M ammonium acetate. Continue in groups of six samples until complete. Switch off suction and dismantle the manifold, Using forceps, remove the blotting membrane and briefly soak in 6X SSC. Allow to dry at room temperature for 30 min. Label the membrane with pencil and bake for 120 min at 80C. The blotting membranecan now be storedbetween filter papers at room temperature.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3.3. End-Labeling of Oligonucleotides (Kinase Reaction)

1. Work in a section of the laboratory reserved for radioactive materials. Use double gloves and protective eyewear and coat. Always keep radioactive solutions behind a screen.

HLA Allele Typing


2. Allow the [Y-~~P]ATPto thaw in a perspex block. Meanwhile, prepare an oligomix in a 1S-mL tube in wet ice using the following reagents: dd H20 22.0 p.L 1OOmMDTT 1.5 p.L 3.0 pL 10X kinase buffer oligonucleotide 0.8 l.tL 1.0 l.t.L PNK Vortex, then spin briefly in a microcentrifuge. 3. Add 2 itL of [Y-~~P]ATPand gently flick the tube to mix. 4. Incubate tube in a heating block at 37OC 30 min. for 5. During incubation in step 4, set up the column. Allow sufficient room beneaththe column for easy movement of tubes but not so much that solutions splash.Add 1 mL of DE 52 Sepharosesolution, which should settle to a packed bed vol of approx 0.5 mL. 6. Increase heatingblock temperature 70C andincubate another15min. to for 7. Add 80 pL of TE buffer to oligomix. 8. Break off the bottom of the column and allow the fluid to run out. Do
not allow the column to dry out at any point.

9. Just before the meniscus reachesthe top of the bed, carefully apply approx 5 mL of TE buffer. Avoid disturbing the packed bed. 10. Just before the TE buffer runs out, apply 110 pL of oligomix. 11. Washwith 1 mL of TE buffer. Discard this fluid into radioactive waste. 12. Wash with approx 5 mL of 200 mM NaCl in TE buffer and discard into radioactive waste. 13. Elute the oligonucleotide into three labeled tubes each with 0.5 mL of 500 mM NaCl in TE buffer. Tube 2 should be the most radioactive. Check counts in scintillation counter.Expect at least 50,000 cprn/pL in Tube 2. Store end-labeledoligonucleotide at -20C. 3.4. Hybridization and Washing 1. Wash the blotting membranebriefly in 6X SSC. 2. Place the membranebetween two layers of plastic and double heat-seal one end and both sides (the plastic should be approx 6 cm wider than the blotting membraneand 9 cm longer). 3. Pour in 5 mL of prehybridization solution, exclude air bubbles and double seal the forth side (plastic bag 1). Massage for 15 s and check for leaks. Place on a rocking platform for 30 min at 42C. 4. Cut an end off the plastic bag and squeezeout the prehybridization solution. 5. Add 50 @ of f2P-labeled probe to the hybridization solution. Pour this solution into the plastic bag,exclude bubbles,anddouble sealthe end.


Bain and Todd

6. Using two larger sheetsof plastic, createplastic bag 2 around the first and double seal on all sides. Massagefor 15 s. 7. Place on rocking platform at 42C overnight or for a minimum of 4 h. 8. Cut the endoff of eachbag anddiscardradioactivesolution appropriately. 9. Place blotting membrane in 300 mL of washing solution and gently agitate for 10 min at room temperature. 10. Remove the membrane and allow excess washing solution to run off. Place between layers of plastic wrap and exposeto X-ray film for up to 1 h at room temperaturewith two intensifying screensin order to establish a baseline for the hybridizations prior to the high-stringency washing of the membraneto remove all but the completely matched probe. See Note 7. 11. Heat 300 mL of washing solution on heating block or in microwave to neardesiredwashingtemperature[Z,] (seeTable 3). Pour washingsolution into a container in an agitating, heated water bath with the temperatureset 2C above 7,. Allow the solution to equilibrate at Z, (this is very important). 12. Place the membranein washing solution and gently agitate for 30 min at the 7,. Meanwhile preparethe temperatureof the next wash. Repeat this processwith 300 mL of wash solution and wash for 30 min. 13. Using forceps,remove the blotting membraneand allow excessfluid to drain off. Wrap in SaranWrapTMandcheck radioactivity using a Geiger counter. Expose to X-ray film for a variable length of time depending on radioactivity count at -70C with two intensifying screensAlternatively, the membranecan be stored overnight at room temperature in 2x ssc. 3.5. Stripping the Blotting Membrane The blotting membrane should be stripped as soon as possible after a satisfactory autoradiograph has been obtained. 1. Place membrane in 300 mL of 1X stripping buffer and agitate for 20 min at room temperature.Repeat. 2. Rinse the membranetwice in 50 mL of neutralization buffer and place the membranein 300 mL of 5X SSPE. 3. Agitate for 20 min at room temperature.Repeat. 4. Expose the membrane for at least 4 h prior to probing with another oligonucleotide. 5. Keep the blotting membranewet in 2X SSC in a bag, and do not allow the membraneto dry out. If membraneis to be stored for a long period, avoid exposure to light.

HLA Allele Typing


4. Notes 1. Alternative blotting membranes, such as Hybond C Extra (Amersham International plc, Amersham, UK) may be used. 2. After this and all subsequent PCRs, a small volume (e.g., 10%) of the reaction product may be separated electrophoresis by through 1.5% agarose and stainedwith ethldlum bromideto confIrm the expected amplification product Onceexperience beengained, stepis generallyomitted. has this 3. We have found that, when DNA prepared from transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines is used, an adequateamplification can be obtained for the HLA-DQAl alleles by using a single 25pL vol PCR with primers GH26A and GH27B.

4. The HLA-DRB 1 amplification mixture can be madein bulk and stored in aliquots for up to 3 mo at -20C.
5. As a general guide, 1 itg of 20-mer primer in a volume of 100 i.tL gives

a primer concentration of approx 1 l.M. 6. Suitable controls include:

a. A PCR product from reaction performed without DNA (replaced in amplification mix by dd, autoclaved water);

b. Samples known to be positive and negative for the allele under investigation; and c. Previously successful samples, both positive and negative. 7. With experience this step can be omitted.

Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the help of Dr. W. M. C. Rosenberg in the preparation of this chapter. References
1. Todd, J. A., Mijovic, C., Fletcher,J., Jenkins,D., Bradwell, A. R., and Bamett, A. H. (1989) Identification of susceptibility loci for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus by trans-racial mapping. Nature 338,587-589. 2. Todd, J. A., Bell, J. I., andMcDevitt, H. 0. (1987) HLA-DQb genecontributes to susceptibility and resistanceto insulin-dependent diabetesmellitus. Nature
329,599~604. 3. Todd, J. A., Fukui, Y ., Kitagawa, T., and Sasazuki, (1990) The A3 allele of T.

the HLA-DQAl locus is associatedwith susceptibility to tyPe 1 diabetes in Japanese. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87,1094-1098. 4. Lanchbury, J. S.S.,Hall, M. A., Welsh,K. I., andPanayi,G. S. (1990) Sequence analysisof HLA-DR4B 1 subtypes: Additional fast domain variability is detected by oligonucleotidehybridisation andnucleotidesequencing. Hum. Immunol. 27, 136-144.


Bain and Todd

5. Wordsworth, B. P., Allsopp, C. E. M., Young, R. P., and Bell, J. I. (1990) HLA-DR typing using DNA amplification by the polymerase chain reaction andsequentialhybridization to sequence-specific oligonucleotideprobes.Zmmunogenetics32,413-418. 6. Rosenberg,W. M. C., Wordsworth, B. P., Jewel], D. P., and Bell, J. I. (1989) A locustelomeric to HLA-DPB encodessusceptibilityto coeliacdisease. Ztnmunogenetics30,307-3 10. 7. Bugawan,T. L., Horn, T. L., Long, C. M., Meckelson,E., Hansen,J. A., Ferrara, G. B., Angelini, G., and Erlich, H.A. (1988) Analysis of HLA-DP allelic sequencepolymorphism using the in-vitro enzymaticDNA amplification of DP-a and DP-b loci. J. Zmmunoi.141,402m30. 8. Mijovic, C. H., Jenkins, D., Jacobs,K. H., Penny, M. A., Fletcher, J. A., and Barnett, A. H. (1991) HLA-DQAl and -DQBl alleles associatedwith genetic susceptibility to IDDM in a black population. Diabetes 40,748-753. 9. Bugawan, T. L., Angelini, G., Larrick. J., Auricchio, S., Ferrara, G. B., and Erlich, H. A. (1989) A combination of a particular HLA-DPb allele and an HLA-DQ heterodimer confers susceptibility to coeliac disease.Nature 339, 470473.



The Use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction and the Detection of Amplified Products
Robert C. Allen and Bruce Budowle

1. Introduction The most polymorphic genetic markers are DNA regions composed of variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) (1,Z). Detection of the various VNTRs is possible by restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis using the Southern blot procedure (3). However, this procedure is time-consuming and requires an isotopic assay to achieve the sensitivity necessary to detect VNTR alleles in samples containing as little as lo-50 ng of human DNA (4). The inability of RFLP technology to resolve discretely the alleles of VNTR loci also is a limitation. Where only limited quantities of DNA are available, or only single copy loci are to be analyzed, the DNA profile may be too weak to be detected with general RFLP methodology. On the other hand, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (5) offers the ability to improve sensitivity of detection and specificity of analysis of discrete alleles of VNTR loci as well as specific regions of bacteria and viruses. The size of the individual segments of DNA from specific PCR amplification may be utilized in an analogous manner to RFLP analysis of VNTRs for detecting genetic and infectious diseases and identity testing with the advantage that a simple, horizontal surface-loaded system (see Section 3.5.) and silver staining, rather than blot hybridization with radioactive probes, may be used to separate and detect the nucleic acid fragments.
From: Methods m Molecular Biology, Vol. 15: PC/? Protocols. Current Methods and ApphcaNons Edited by. B A. White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Allen and Budowle

The use of multiple primers (multiplexing) in Duchennes muscular dystrophy (DMD) (67) hasindicated that this procedure amplifies a spectrum of deficiencies marked by specific segments (Fig. 1). This approach might be extended to search for a variety of etiologic agents in diseases as indicated in Table 1. Multiplex FCR, under appropriate conditions, might provide a diagnostic approachby which confirmation can be based not only on the presencebut also on the size of a specifically amplified DNA fragment or fragments. FCR-amplified DNA fragments arenormally in the size range of <lOO up to 2000 bp. Fortunately, this size range is amenable to high resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on ultrathin-layer gels. Since repeats may differ by only 2 bp, electrophoretic separation systems should have this level of resolving capability. High resolution discontinuous buffer systems in ultrathin-layer polyacrylamide gels have demonstrated this resolving capability (8,9). This capability is exemplified by the ability to resolve a 3-bp difference (94- and 97-bp fragments) of the delta F508 region deletion in cystic fibrosis (9,10,I I) as shown in Fig. 2B. Continuous zone electrophoresis in agarose does not have sufficient resolving power to do this, in part, because of wide starting zones and diffusion during the long separation process. In addition, ethidium bromide stain sensitivity is less than silver and the small DNA fragments could migrate off the gel as thereis no boundary to mark and limit their further migration. Higher resolution of DNA on acrylamide gels may be obtained by initial zone sharpening by means of a discontinuity in ionic strength between the sample and the separation medium. This step may be followed by a moving ion boundary obtained by a discontinuous buffer system to sharpenfurther the starting zones. This procedure for maximizing the resolution of proteins and nucleic acids in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis has been used in various forms for the separation of both native and denatured proteins (12-l 4) and RNA and DNA (15) for some 20 yr. Application of this technique in horizontal polyacrylamide gels to doublestrandedDNA up to >5000 bp (8) and denatured,single-stranded DNA in vertical polyacrylamide sequencing gels (16) recently has been reported. Improvements in resolution achieved by zone sharpening do not alone solve the problem of resolving a wide range of sizes of DNA on a single homogeneous gel. Gradient pore gels will resolve wide rangesof sizes of DNA. Some 112-21,000 bp can be resolved on a 357.5% gradient gel (I 7). However, gradient gels aretime-consuming to prepare and, even as commercially available gels, the gradient is fixed and may not provide the

Detection of Amplifkd


Fig. 1. Panels A and B are 5%T, 3S%C rehydratable polyacrylamide gels, Gels were rehydrated in 35 mA4 Tris-sulfate (molarity with respect to sulfate ion). In panel A, 2.OMglycerol was added as a matrix modifier and in panel B no glycerol was used. Separations were carried out over a g-cm distance and then stained with silver. In panel A, lanes 1,2, and 5-7 are PCR-amplified products from multiplexing in analysis of Duchennes muscular dystrophy @MD), lane 3 is the BRL 1-kb ladder and lane 4 is PCR-amplified DNA at the DQa locus. In panel B, lanes l-3 and 6 and 7 are the same DMD samples as just mentioned but in reverse order. Lane 4 is the BRL I-kb ladder and lane 5 is DQa-related fragment that has not unstacked from the boundary. Note that in the presence of the matrix modifier that the 344-bp fragment that is on the boundary in panel B has been retarded by almost 50% in the presence of the glycerol and that the 242-bp DQa fragment is now clearly resolved from the boundary. Amplified products of DMD were kindly supplied by Dr. C. T. Caskey, Baylor University. Table 1 Size in Base Pairs of Some Disease PCR-Amplified Use AIDS AIDS Chlamydia Chlamydia Encephalitis Encephalitis Encephalitis DMD (multiplex) Apolipo B 3 Agent/allele HIV-l (gag region) HIV-2 Genus specific Species specific region Herpes simplex H. influenzae Cap and noncap H. influenzae Capsule 9 alleles 14 alleles DNAs Ref.
(20) (20) (21) (21) (22) (22) (23)

Fragments in bp 310 294

517 259

273 343
196547 560-970



Allen and Budowb

Fig. 2. Panel A shows a 4%T, 3%C ultrathin-layer polyacrylamide gel rehydrated with 30 mM Tris-formate (molarity with respect to formate ion) and with 0.25M ribose added as a matrix modifier. The separation distance is 9 cm and 0.5-j.& samples were surface loaded with a parallel wire applicator (Gelman, Ann Arbor, MI). In lanes 1 and 7 are BRL l-kb ladders, in lanes 2-6 are various 30-bp repeats of Apo B 3. Panel B shows a similar gel with l.OM ribose as a matrix modifier. The separation distance is 12 cm and the gel was surface-loruled using paper tabs with 2.0 j.tL of sample. Lane 1 is the Boehringer-Mannheim 587 ladder, lanes 2 and 7 are the BRL I-kb ladder spiked with PCR-amplified DNA from a heterozygote for the delta 508 deletion of cystic fibrosis showing the 94- and 97&p fragments. Lane 3 is 16-bp repeat DlSSO-amplified DNA type 7-7, lane 4 is type 7-8, lane 5 is type 7-13 and lane 6 is type 610, lane 7 is type l-9 and lane 8 is type l-l. The DNA is stained with silver.

flexibility neededfor a given separation.Until recently, multiple gel types have been required to assessa battery of different size ranges of ampWedfragment length polymorphisms (AMP-FLPs) from different loci to obtain sufficient resolution to identify each allele. Matrix modification (9) offers another approach to tailor the resolution of DNA in polyacrylamide gels by altering the relative mobility (Rr) of each DNA component (see Fig. 3). Small polyols and various monosaccharides effect the Rr and resultant resolution of double-stranded DNA in

Detection of Amplifid




0.5 06 0.7 08 0.9 1.0

Rf Fig. 3. Retardation in RI of double-stranded DNA showing the portion of a I-kb ladder from 517-75 bp by nonpolar compounds with a hydroyl group on the number 1 carbon atom and with zwitter ions from the Good buffer series used as trailing ions. The leading ion used was 30 n&f formate. -o-, Borate; -e, TAPS; A , TAPS + 1 .OM Glycerol; -A, MOPSO; -e, Borate + 1.OM Ribose.

both rehydratable and conventionally cast polyacrylamide gels (18). As mentioned in the Notes, members of the Good buffer seriesalso have this capability when used astrailing ions (I 9). Homogeneous gels with matrix modifiers, selected trailing ions, appropriate choice of pore size and or ionic strength of the separationmedium may be used to optimize resolution of single-stranded RNA and single- and double-stranded DNA in discontinuous buffer system electrophoresis. These procedures complement the useof the PCR technique and allow one now simply to select a dry gel and to rehydrate it with the buffer or matrix modifier of choice for the separation and resolution of a number of differently sized, amplified DNA products. These techniques, basically designed for forensic studies, also can be used to monitor a bone marrow transplant patient for the presence of donor markers, study molecular evolution, detect the presenceof the AIDS virus or aid in the study of the sequenceof the human genome. The rapidity of the new PCR instruments


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and the use of rapid, high-resolution electrophoresis with rapid silver staining of the amplified products hasshortenedthe time for analysis from days with RFLPs to a matter of 2-3 h for AMP-FLPs. 2. Materials 2.1. DNA Extra&on: Proteinase IUPhenol EDTA vacutainer tubes. 1X SSC. Preparefrom 8.76 g of NaCl and 4.41 g of sodium citrate/L. Adjust pH to 7.0. 200 mM Sodium acetate,pH 7.0. 10% SDS. Phenol:CHC13:isoamylalchohol(25:24:10). Absolute ethanol. TE buffer: 10 m.M Tris-HCI, pH 7.5,O.l mM EDTA. 2.OM Sodium acetate,pH 7.0. 70% Ethanol.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

2.2. DNA Extraction: Chelex 100 (27,28) 1. Chelex100(Bio-Rad,Richmond,CA). 2. 1.5~mL Screw-cap tubes. 2.3. PCR 1. Sequence specific primers. For example:for the VNTR locus Dl SSO (26), S-GAAACTGGCCTCCAAACACTGCCCGCCG-3 and 5-GTCITGTTGGAGATGCACCGTGCCCCTTGC-3 for apoB (24,25), SATGGAAACGGAGAAATTATG-3 5-CCTTCTCACTTGGCAAATAC-3 Additional setsof primers can be included for multiplexing (seeFig. 2). 2. PCR reaction mixture (seeChapter 1). 3. Samplebuffer (horizontal gels): 9 mM Tris-formate (or whateverleading ion bufferusedfor thegel),pH 9.0,50%sucrose, 0.1% bromophenol and blue. 4. Samplebuffer (vertical gels): 12 mMTris-sulfate, pH 9.0,50% sucrose, and 0.1% bromophenol blue. 2.4. Rehydratable Ultrathin-Layer Polyacrylamide Gel Reagents 1. Tris-formate buffer, 15-90 mM (we typically stay within the range of 30-60 mM), pH 9.0. Preparefrom a stock buffer of 120 mM Tris-formate, pH 9.0. Preparethe stock buffer from 36.3 g of Trizma base and 40 mL of 1.OMformic acid. Adjust volume to 400 mL with pure, sterile

Detection ofAmplified



(e.g., MilliQ) water. Check pH after diluting stock buffer and correct pH with additional Trizma base. 2. Rehydratablegels (350ym thick. 5%T, 3S%C or 4%T, 3%C). 3. Fiberglasstabs for sampleloading (LKB or Pharmacia,Rockville, MD). 4. LE Agarose (FMC Bioproducts, Rockland, ME). 5. 140 mM Tris boratebuffer, pH 9.0. Preparefrom 36.3 g of Trizma base and4.37 g of boric acid. Adjust volumeto 500 mL with pure sterile water. 6. 230 WTris-TAPS buffer, pH 9.0. Preparefrom 36.3 g of Trizma base and 11.0 g of TAPS. Adjust volume to 200 mL with pure, sterile water. 7. 0.01% Bromophenol blue. 8. Saturatedcupric sulfate. 9. E-C 1001 isothermically controlled electrophoresisapparatus. 2.5. Casting Utrathin-Layer Polyacrylamide Gel Reagents 1. Recrystallized acrylamide. 2. N,N-methylene-his-acrylamide. 3. Piperazine diacrylate. 4. 120 n&f Tris-sulfate buffer, pH 9.0. Prepare from 36.3 g of Trizma baseand 27 mL of l.OM H,S04. Dilute to 216 mL of pure, sterile H20. 5. TEMED (ZV,N,N,N-tetramethylethylethylenediamine). 6. 0.05% Ammonium persulfate. Prepare50-mL batchesfresh. 7. GelBond-Pag (FMC, Bioproducts). 8. Gel-Fix@(Serva, Heidelberg, Germany). 9. Repel Silane@ (LKB-Pharmacia). 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.6. Vertical Polyacrylamide Gel Reagents Vertical gel electrophoresisapparatus. SeeSection 2.5. 2.7. Silver Stain 2% Nitric acid. 3.4 miI4 Potassiumdichromate in 3.2 rmI4nitric acid. 140 m&I Sodium carbonatecontaining 0.019% formalin. 12 mM Silver nitrate. 3. Methods 3.1. DNA Extraction: Proteinase WPhenol Obtain whole blood in EDTA vacutainertubes (seeNote 1) and store at -20C in 700~pL aliquots in 1.5-mL microfuge tubes. Thaw sample, add 800 pL of 1X SSC, and mix. Centrifuge sample for 1 min in a microcentrifuge.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Allen and Budowle

Remove and discard 1 mL of supernatant. Add 1 mL of 1X SSC, mix, and centrifuge for 1 min. Discard supernatant. Add 375 l.tL of 0.2M sodium acetate, pH 7.0, to the pellet and mix contents briefly. 8. Add 25 pL of 10% SDS and 5 pL of proteinase K and mix contents briefly. 9. Incubate sample at 56OC for 1 h and then cool to ambient temperature. 10. Add 120 l.tL of phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol, vortex contents for 20 s and then centrifuge for 2 min. 11. Carefully remove the aqueous (top) layer and place in a 1.5-mL centrifuge tube. 12. Add 1 mL of cold (4C) absolute alcohol to the aqueous layer, gently mix contents and centrifuge for 30 s. 13. Decant the supernatant and remove residual alcohol by pipeting. 14. Solubilize the pellet by vigorously mixing in 180 pL of TE buffer and incubate at 56C for 10 min. 15. Add 20 jrL of 2M sodium acetate, pH 7.0, and mix the contents gently. 16. Add 500 pL of cold absolute ethanol, mix the contents gently, centrifuge for 10 s and decant the supernatant. 17. Wash the pellet with 1 mL of 70% ethanol at 25OC, centrifuge for 10 s and decant the supernatant. 18. Placethe tubesin aSpeedVacconcentrator centrifuge (Savant, Farmingdale, NY) for 5 min to remove excess alcohol. Solubilize the dried DNA pellet in 200 p.L of TE buffer overnight at 56OC.

3.2. DNA Extraction:

Chelex 100 (27,281 (see Note 2)

1. Add 2-5 pL of whole blood to a 1.5~mLSarstedttube with a screw cap, then add 1 mL of sterile water and allow to remain at mom temperaturefor 30 min. 2. Centrifuge the tube for 3 min in a microcentrifuge and remove and discard all but 30 ltL of the supernatant. 3. Add Chelex 100 suspension (5% [w/v]) to the tube to a final volume of approx 200 PL. 4. Vortex the tube vigorously for 30 s, incubate for 30 min at 56C, vortex again for 30 s, boil for 8 min, and finally vortex for 30 s. 5. Pellet the Chelex lOO@ centrifugation in a microcentrifuge for 3 min, by remove the supernatant and quantify (by AZ@)and store the DNA at -2OOC for subsequent PCR amplification.

3.3. PCR
1. Perform the PCR reactions in a 5O+L vol (see Chapter 1) using the appropriate specific primers (see Note 3).

Detection of Amplified



2. Amplify DlS80 (25) by PCR using 100 ng of DNA and the following cycle parameters: 25 main cycles 1 min, 95C (denaturation) 1 min, 65C (annealing) 8 min, 70C (extension) 3. Amplify apolipoprotein B 3 (15,161by PCR using 50 ng of DNA and the following cycle parameters: 26 main cycles 1 min, 94C (denaturation) 6 min, 58C (annealing and extension) 4. After amplification, transfer 45-50 PL of sample to a new microfuge tube and add an equivalent amount of samplebuffer (according to the type of gel to be used;see Section 2.3.). Store samples at -2OC. 3.4. High Resolution Electrophoresis: Rehydratable Polyacrylamide Gels 1. Wear gloves. Place the dried, rehydratablegels in 30-60 mM Tris-formate, pH 9.0, buffer at 22C for 45 min to 1 h (seeNote 4). Gels may be held in rehydration buffer up to 1 wk at 4C. 2. Following rehydration, carefully wipe the surface with the edge of a mylar sheetand blot the edgeswith a papertowel to remove all excess moisture. 3. Apply samples (0.3-5.0 vL) on fiberglass tabs laid directly on the rehydrated gel surface, or load samples directly with a micropipet in 0.3-5.0~pL amounts. 4. Place the gel on the cooling plate of an E-C 1001 isothermically controlled electrophoresisapparatus.Add a cathodal plug (1 cm x 1 cm x width of gel) of 1.5% LE agarosegel containing 140 miI4 Tris-borate buffer (or 230 mM Tris-TAPS buffer, pH 9.0) and 0.01% bromophenol blue as tracking dye acrossthe entire width of the gel parallel to and lcm cathodal to the samples. Add another agaroseplug (anodal) 9-15 cm away from the cathodalplug, dependingon the desiredlength of the DNA separation(seeFig. 4). 5. Place two containersof saturatedcupric sulfate in the spacesurrounding the cooling plate pedestal in order to maintain relative humidity (seeNote 5). 6. Place electrodesdirectly on the gel plugs and perform electrophoresis. Use 6-7 mA constant current on 30-40 mM formate gels, and 20 mA on 90 mM formate gels that are 350-400~pm thick. Set the temperature to 15-20C (seeNote 6). Separationover a g-cm distancewith 30 m.M formate as the leading ion should take 50 min.

Allen and Budowle

Leading Trailing

Ion & Counter Ions in Agarose Plugs

Fig. 4. Schematic set-up of horizontal rehydratable or freshly cast ultrathinlayer polyacrylamide gel bonded to GelBond-Pag@ or GelFix@. The gel is rehydrated or cast with the leading ion (here Formate) and placed on an isothermically controlled plate I-C-E (E-C Apparatus, St. Petersburg, FL) . Samples are placed directly on the gel surface 1 cm from the cathodal plug edge. The agarose gel plugs containing the trailing and Tris counter ions then are placed on each end of the gel. The electrodes, mounted on bars in an electrode cover, are placed directly onto the surface of the gel plugs. Distances between plug edges varies from 9-15 cm depending on resolution requuements.

1. 2.

3. 4.

3.5. High Resolution Electrophoresis: Preparing Ultrathin-Layer Gels Wear gloves. Place a glass plate, with dimensions l/8 in. less on all sides than the GelBond-Pagor Gel-Fix@sheet,on a flat surface and wet the top surface. Placea sheetof GelBond-Pag(hydrophobicsidedown) or Gel-Fix (either side down) on the glassplate androll the plastic sheetflat with a photographic print roller. Pay particular attention to the surfaceof the film to assurethat no bubbles or dirt are trapped beneaththe sheet. Dissolve 5 g of recrystallized acrylamide plus 150 mg of NJ-methylene-his-acrylamide piperazinediacrylamidein a final volume of 25 mL. or Add 25 mL of acrylamide stock to 25 mL of a 120 rnM leading ion buffer, preferably Tris-sulfate (seeNote 7). Then add 50 mL of 0.05% ammonium persulfateand 90 PL of TEMED. This amount will produce seven ultrathin-layer, 11 x 25 cm gels that are 400~urnthick. Quickly degasthe solution by drawing about40 mL into a 60-mL syringe. Cover the barrel opening with a finger, draw down on the plunger to create a vacuum, and then tap the barrel of the syringe on the edge of the lab

Detection of Amplified Products


bench. When all the bubbles have risen to the surface (20-30 s), remove finger from the barrel opening and cast the gel. 5. Place a l/8-in. plastic or rubber frame 400~pm thick with outside dimensions l/8 in. less than the GelBond or Gel-Fix sheet on the surface of the sheet. Pour approx 12-13 mL of the degassed acrylamide gel solution onto the surface at one end. 6. Carefully lay a cover glass treated with Repel Silane@ on the frame edge at the liquid end and slowly lower the plate onto the frame allowing the solution to spread and to fill the frame without bubble formation. Let the gel polymerize for 1 h to overnight. 7. Remove the top cover and frame and load samples onto the gel surface. Carry out electrophoresis similarly to the instructions for rehydratable gels (see Section 3.4.).

3.6. High

Resolution Electrophoresis: Vertical Systems

1. Wear gloves. Cut a sheet of GelBond-Pag or Gel-Fix to the same size as the larger casting plate. On the bottom of the back glass plate, wipe on a thin layer of stopcock grease and then lay the plastic sheet (hydrophobic side down with GelBond-Pag and either side with Gel-FixTM) and smooth the film to the back glass plate. 2. Place spacers on top of the plastic sheet and add a thin layer of stopcock grease to each side on the outside edge of the spacers. 3. Treat front inside surface of the cell with Repel Silane. 4. Dissolve 5 g of recrystallized acrylamide plus 150 mg of N,N-methylene-his-acrylamide or piperazine diacrylamide in a final volume of 25 mL. Add 25 mL of acrylamide stock to 25 mL of a 120 m/l4 leading ion buffer, preferably Tris-sulfate (see Note 7). Then add 50 mL of 0.05% ammonium persulfate and 90 pL of TEMED. This amount will produce two 16 x 20 cm, 1.5mm thick gels cast vertically in cassettes. Quickly degas the solution as described in Section 3.5. 5. Vertical gels should then be cast according to the directions of the manufacturer, since many casting devices have different methods of sealing the bottom. 6. Once the running gel has polymerized, rinse out the wells and fill wells with the cap gel solution. For the cap gel, prepare l/5 as much gel solution. Thus, dissolve 1.Og of acrylamide and 30 mg of N, N-methylenehis-acrylamide into 5 mL of water. Add 5 mL of 120 miI4 Tris-sulfate, pH 9.0. Then add 10 mL of 0.05% ammonium persulfate and 18 yL of TEMED.)


Allen and Budowle

7. Immediately begin underlayering samples (usually 2-5 pL from the diluted PCR reaction) beneath nonpolymerized cap gel solution, Allow cap gel to polymerize. 8. Perform electrophoresis using conditions similar to those described for rehydratable gels (see Section 3.4.). Vertical gels will heat somewhat more, since they are considerably thicker. For mini gels, 14 mA for 2 h with a divalent 30 mM sulfate buffer as the leading ion will give good results on a &cm separation distance. Carry out separation at 20 mA for 90 min on a 16 x 14-cm gel 1.5-mm thick in the presence of monovalent 30 n&f formate. Run larger gels for 180 min using divalent 30 mM sulfate as the leading ion.

3.7. Rapid

Staining of DNA with Silver (see Note 8)


1. Following electrophoresis, place the gel in 2% nitric acid until the tracking dye boundary is completely yellow and any blue color below the cathode plug, in the case of horizontally run gels, is also yellow. 2. Place the gel in 3.4 mM dichromate, 3.2 mM nitrate solution for 5 min. 3. Rapidly wash the surface once and place in a 1.2 mM silver nitrate solution in the dark for 20 min. Alternatively, one may shorten the stain time by staining 10 min at 50C achieved by placing the gel and stain in a microwave oven for 30 s. Use plastic or glass tray only. 4. Following the reaction with silver, wash the gel twice for 30 s with distilled water. 5. Add the cold (refrigerator temperature) sodium carbonate/formalin until the solution turns brown. Add new solution and continue to change every 5 min until the DNA bands show up well. During the development step, a cover should be placed over the staining dish to keep direct light off the gel to prevent a background from forming. If there is very little DNA in the electrophoretic tracks, then staining can be continued to a yellow background if more sensitivity is needed. 6. Stop the reaction in water for 5 min (see Note 9), then dry in a microwave oven for l-2 min in short 1-min bursts. Wipe the excess silver from surface with a damp cotton pledget until no more blackening of cotton is apparent. Ibis prevents further surface development during storage.

4. Notes
1. The use of ACD or 3.8% sodium citrate as an anticoagulant, rather than EDTA-coated vacutainer tubes, has been found to work well in whole blood that is to be stored at 4C for extended times before centrifugation of the cells prior to DNA extraction.

Detection of Amplified



2. The extraction proceduresgiven in this presentationare only some of the many other proceduresthat will provide adequategenomic DNA for successful amplification. A number of these may be found in the referencesgiven in Table 1 and Chapter 1. 3. Amplification conditions can vary as to the tissue source, condition, and/or ageof the genomic DNA. If samplesare degradedsignificantly, oneshould not expect to amplify larger segments may be done readily as from fresh materials. Problems of unequal amplification of the larger of two alleles may often be overcome by varying MgCls concentration, temperatureof the cycles, increasing the Tuq polymerase, and adding DMSO or formamide to the reaction mixture. 4. Matrix modifiers are small polyols and monosaccharidesthat retard the Rf of the nucleic acidsin moving boundary systemsand may be used to allow resolution of smaller DNA down to 50 bp on 4% T gels. In the absenceof a modifier on this pore-size gel, 500 bp and smaller DNA do not unstackfrom the boundary.Riboseis the most effective one,although glycerol works well and is readily available in most laboratories. Onemolar concentrations retard a 506-bp fragment of DNA by 43% and 47%, respectively in a 4%T, 3%C polyacrylamide gel. In rehydratable gels, incorporate the polyol into the rehydration buffer. Members of the Good buffer series,e.g., TARS, Bicine, Tricine, used as trailing ions at 230-280 mM in place of borate,exert a similar mobility modifying effect and may be used also as matrix modifiers. 5. One of the major problems encounteredin the separationof DNA over extendeddistancesis the smile effect, where the outsidelanes migrate more slowly than the inner ones.This can be a particularly vexing problem on horizontal systems,where the edgesof the gel are more subject to drying than is the centerpart. When drying occurs, the ionic strength at the outer edgesof the gels is increasedand the sample components move more slowly, causing the smile effect. This is readily prevented in moving boundary, or for that matter, on CZE systems, by simply adding 5-mm wide strips of rehydratedgel containing buffer at l/2 the ionic strength of the separatinggel to each edgeof the gel. This effectively lowers theionic strengthat theedge.Thus, themobility is increased in this region and preventsthe smile effect. If wider strips are used,one can achieve a marked frown effect. An alternative is to place 300500 mL of saturatedCuS04 in containers on each side of the gel in the buffer tray holder to maintain a high relative humidity of approx 92%. 6. Surface condensationis not a problem in gels run in closed systems. However, in open horizontal systems, overcooling should be avoided to prevent condensation. On the other hand, overheating from exces-

Allen and Budowle

sive power application will cause drying. A separation temperature maintained within 3-10C of ambient will prevent these effects and an isothermically controlled electrophoresis system allows proper conditions to be maintained at much higher power application than can be made in thicker, more poorly cooled gels. 7. For rapid separations, 30 n&f of formate may be used as the leading ion to rehydrate the empty gels rehydratable gels. In gels cast horizontally on GelBond-Pag or those cast vertically in cassettes, sulfate is a better choice of leading ion, since the persulfate used as catalyst breaks down mainly to sulfate and one has a mix of leading ions if other anions are used. 8. The use of silver staining on polyacrylamide gels provides a much higher degree of sensitivity than does etbidium bromide staining of DNA in agarose or acrylamide gels. Therefore, unequal amplification of larger alleles in multiallelic systems is less likely to result in missing a largersized band and making the assumption that a sample is homozygotic, simply because the larger allele was less vigorously amplified. This is not a problem in VNTR loci of the sizeof Dl S80 although it can manifest itself with apolipoprotein B 3. Increasing the magnesium concentration to 2.5 mM of MgClz will also improve amplification of larger alleles. 9. Stopping the silver stain reaction with acetic acid is often cited by authors where this stain technique is employed. In the presence of 0.28M sodium carbonate, this can lead to bubble formation in the ultrathin-layer gels. These later cause holes to appear on drying the gel and can interfere with photography and especially densitometry. It is better to wash extensively first in water.

1. Wyman, A. R. andWhite, R. (1980) A high polymorphic locus in humanDNA.
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Detection of Amplifkd



6. McCabe, E. R. B., Huang, Y., Descartes, M., Zahng, Y-H., and Fenwick, R. G. (1990) DNA from Guthrie spots for diagnosis of DMD by multiplex PCR. Biochem. Med. Metabol. Biol. 44,294-295. 7. Chamberlain, J. S., Gibbs, R. A., Ranier, J. E., Nguyen, P. N., and Caskey, C. T. (1988) Deletion screening of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy locus via multiplex DNA amplification. Nucleic Acids Res. 16,11,141-l 1,156. 8. Allen, R. C., Graves, G. M., and Budowle, B. (1989) Polymerase chain reaction amplification products separated on rehydratable polyacrylamide gels and stained with silver. Blotechncques 7,736-744. 9. Allen, R. C. and Graves, G. M. (1990) Rehydratable gels: A potential reference standard support for electrophoresing PCR-amplified DNA. Bloflechnology 8,1288-1290. 10. Kerem, B-s., Rommens, J. M., Buchanan, J. A., Markiewicz, D., Cox, T. K., Chakravarti, A., Buchwald, M., and Tsui, L-C. (1989) Identification of the cystic fibrosis gene: Genetic analysis. Sctence 245, 1073-1080. 11. Riordan, J. R., Rommens, J. M., Kerem, B-s., Alon, N., Rozmahel, R., Grzelczak, Z., Zielenski, J., Lok, S., Plavsic, N., Chou, J-L., Drumm, M. L., Iannuzzi, M. C., Collins, F. S., and Tsui, L-C. (1989) Identification of the cystic fibrosis gene: Cloning and characterization of complementary DNA. Science 245,1066-1073. 12. Omstein, L. (1964) Disc electrophoresis: Background and theory. Ann. NY Acad. Ser. 121,321-349. 13. Parrish, C. R. and Marchalonis, J. J. (1970) A simple and rapid method for estimating the molecular weights of proteins and protein subunits. Anal. Blochem. 34,43U50. 14. Laemmli, U. K. (1970) Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. Science 227,680-685 15. Maurer, H. R. and Allen, R. C. (1972) Some useful buffer systems for polyacrylamide electrophoresis. Z. Kim. Chem. Klin. Biochem. 10,220-225. 16. Caminci, P., Gustincich, S., Bottega, S., Patrosso, C., De Sal, G., Manfioletti, G., and Schneider, C. (1990) A simple discontinuous buffer system for increased resolution and speed in gel electrophoretic analysis of DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,204. 17. Jeppesen, P. G. N. (1974) A method for separatmg DNA fragments by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide concentration gradient slab gels. Anal. Biochem. 58,197-207. 18. Budowle, B., Charkraborty, R., Giusti, A. M., Eisenberg, A. J., and Allen, R. C. (1991) Analysis of the VNTR locus DlS80 by the PCR followed by high resolution PAGE Am. J. Hum Genet. 48,137-144. 19. Allen, R. C., Budowle, B., and Reeder, D. J. (1992) Resolution of DNA in the presence of mobility modifying polar and non-polar-compounds by Disc electrophoresis on rehydratable polyacrylamide gels. Appl. Theor. Electrophoresis, in press. 20. Rayfield, M., DeCock, K., Heyward, W. Goldstein, L., Krebs, J., Kwok, S.. Lee, S.. McCormick, J., Moreau, J. M., Odehouri, K., Schoctman, G., Sninsky,


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Determination of Loss of Heterozygosity Using Polymerase Chain Reaction

Stephen J. Meltzer

1. Introduction Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is being detected with increasing frequency in a wide variety of human tumors (I-10). Frequent LOH at a given chromosomal locus implies the existence of a tumor suppressor gene that is important in the pathogenesis of the particular cancer under study. LOH is believed to represent inactivation of one allele of a tumor suppressor gene by chromosomal or subchromosomal deletion. LOH studies have led to the isolation of new tumor suppressor genes (11-13). They have also pinpointed known tumor suppressor genes that may be significant in specific types of cancer (14,15). One problem with LOH studies is that thecurrently accepted method, Southern blotting, requires large quantities of intact, high-mol-wt DNA. Such DNA is usually only obtainable from large freshly frozen tumor specimens, such as those available after surgical resection. However, surgical resection does not always occur, particularly in rare tumors and in certain advancedmalignancies such as pancreatic cancer. Investigators conducting large studies might have to wait several years to obtain 50 specimens of certain tumors. Retrospective studies of archival tissues, valuable because the clinical significance of LOH can be determined by correlation with survival and disease-free interval, are


Methods in Molecular Dology, Vol. 15: PC!? ProtocolsEdited by B A White Copyright @ 1993 Humana

Current Methods and Appkations Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




not possible unless frozen tumor banks are available. Analyses based on biopsies or aspirates are not feasible. Futhermore, the purity of small tumor specimens may have to be sacrificed in favor of DNA quantity, i.e., such tumor cell purification techniques as microdissection (I 6) and cell sorting (I 7) may be difficult to apply in this setting. The sensitivity of Southern blotting to detect LOH is poor when the malignant cell proportion in a specimen falls below 70% (1,16). We have developed a method of detecting LOH that utilizes polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (18,19). Although this approach is fraught with several pitfalls that can cause artifact, with proper precautions and adequate repetition it is a dependable and rapid procedure for determining LOH. Small, very pure tumor cell preparations can be employed as sources of DNA. If the DNA is of high quality, only 50 ng are required; if degraded, 250 ng to 1 or 2 ltg are needed. DNA from paraffin-embedded tissue can be studied, although it amplifies less reliably than DNA from frozen tissue. PCR-LOH carries the added advantage that methylation-sensitive enzymes can be used. Hypomethylation, which is common in human tumors, often makes LOH studies using Southerns and methylation-sensitive enzymes problematic. Hypomethylated genomic tumor DNA digests more completely than does fully methylated genomic normal DNA (20). PCR-amplified DNA does not become methylated because the DNA polymerases are of bacterial origin; thus, DNA from normal and tumor digests equally. Two types of DNA polymorphisms can be used: the traditional restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) or the newer variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism. Either one or two steps are involved after DNA has been extracted from tumor and matching normal tissue: 1. Amplification of DNA using PCR primers flanking the upstream and downstreamsidesof the polymorphism. For VNTRs, this is the only step. 2. For RFLPs, restriction enzyme digestion of PCR products. The PCR products generatedfrom normal and matching tumor DNA are then run side-by-side on polyacrylamide or agarose gels. Gels are stained with ethidium bromide and photographed under UV light. Photographs are analyzed visually by comparing normal to homologous tumor. LOH is manifested as a change in allele:allele ratio in the tumor relative to normal.

Loss of Heterozygosity


2. Materials 1. PCR reagents(seeChapter 1). 2. Oligonucleotideprimers flanking the polymorphism. Examples: for ~53, 5-GATGCTGTCCGCGGACGATATT-3 (upstream) and 5CGTGCAAGTCACAGACTTGGC-3 (downstream; ref. 21). One base in the upstreamprimer has beenaltered from the published sequenceto createan artificial invariant BstU I site as an internal restriction enzyme digestion control. For retinoblastoma (Rb), S-CTCCTCCCTACITACITGT-3 (upstream) and S-AAITAACAAGGTTGTGGTGG-3 (downstream;ref. 22). Theseprimers flank a VNTR polymorphism. 3. Restriction enzyme and buffer (for example above,BstU I). 4. 50% Acrylamide:bis-acrylamide (19:1) stock solution. 5. TEMED. 6. 10% Ammonium persulfate stock solution. 7. Ethidium bromide stock solution (10 mg/mL). 3. Methods 1. Perform a standardPCR (seeChapter 1) using primers flanking desired RFLP or VNTR. Optimize the PCR so that the product is as abundant and pure as possible in order to minimize the need for further manipulations (see Notes 1 and 2). 2. For RFLPs, run an aliquot (e.g., 10 pL) of completed PCRs on a native polyacrylamide gel. For reactions using aforementionedprimers, use 7% acrylamide (seeNote 3 and Chapters1 and 11). Stain with ethidium bromide and photograph. This test gel reveals which PCRs were successful andguides balancing of normal-tumor PCR pairs for subsequent restriction digestion. For VNTRs, proceedto step 4. 3. Digest the aliquots of eachPCR product with an appropriaterestriction endonuclease(seeNote 4). For the p53-relatedRFLP indicated earlier, use BstU I. Select an aliquot amount basedon the gel in step 2 so that normal and tumor products arebalanced.In practice, this amount ranges from 5-40 pL of a typical 1OOyL reaction. After digestion, dry down the entire digest using a vacuum concentrator(e.g., SpeedVac,Savant Instruments,Farmingdale,NY). Redissolvein a convenientamount (usually 20 pL) of I&O for running on a polyacrylamide gel. 4. Run the products on a polyacrylamide gel. For RFLPs, make sure that the PCR product amounts from normal and tumor have been well balancedin step 3. Stain with ethidium bromide andphotographunder UV light. For VNTRs, run lo-30 j.tL of each product on one gel. If the amounts of the productsfrom normal and tumor tissuesarenot well bal-



anced,run a secondgel using different amountsof each,reestimatedin orderto achievebalance. 5. Analyze photographsfor LOH (seeNote 5). This is manifested as partial or complete loss of one allele in the tumor DNA relative to homologous normal DNA (seeNote 6). Stated alternatively, it is a decreasein allele:allele ratio in the tumor relative to normal tissue, which has an allele:allele ratio of 1:1. Examples are shown in Fig. 1.

4. Notes
1. The key parameters in optimization titrations are genomic template amount, annealing temperature,primer amount, and dNTP concentration. A good starting point is 100ng of template, annealingtemperature of 57C, 400 nM of each primer, and 75 j&f of eachdNTP. The usual volume of reaction is 100 pL, but 50 pL or even 25 pL have beenused by some authors. To diminish primer-dimer amplification, hot start PCR may be performed.This is done by withholding one essentialcomponent(e.g.,dNTPs or enzyme)of PCR until the temperaturehasreached 8OOC. 80C step may be programmed into the PCR machine for this An purpose. This temperature should denature most primer-dimers. The optimal magnesium concentration is usually 2.5 mM, but this parameter can also be titrated. Some authors also add dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to PCRs, although this is not necessarywith the primers indicated above. PCRs using paraffin-extracted DNA require 250 ng to 2 pg of genomic template,whereasthoseemploying frozen tissue-derived DNA can be performed with 50 or even 25 ng. Samplesfixed in ethanol amplify better than those fixed in formaldehyde or picric acid. Keep total cycle number below 35, since higher numbers encouragethe formation of heterodimer,which results from the annealingof mismatched PCR strands from different alleles in heterozygotes.This results in a double-strandedPCR product with one strandcontaining the restriction site andthe oppositestrandlacking it. This PCR product doesnot digest with the restriction enzyme. 2. To conservelimited quantitiesof tumor DNA, screeningof normal DNA only may be performedfirst to determineconstitutionalheterozygosity. 3. Usual acrylamide percentageis 7%, but this may vary depending on size of PCR product. As low as 3% and ashigh as 15%can be used.The addition of 5-10% glycerol to gels improves resolution, especially in the analysis of VNTRs (seeChapter 11). Gels may be run at high voltage (e.g., 215 V for a 15cm long gel). Stain with very low concentrations of Et.&, e.g., 1 pL of 10 mg/mL stock in 300 mL of HzO. Stain briefly, 2-10 min, for low background.

Loss of Hetemzygosity A NTTA 1





242 238

Fig. 1. Loss of heterozygosity demonstratedusing PCR. A, LOH at p53 locus using primers indicated in text. N = normal tissue,T = two samplesof a tumor from the samepatient, A = histologically normal tissueadjacentto the tumor. LOH involving the cut allele is seenin both segments tumor but not in neighboring normal of tissue. Remaining signal at 160 and 99 bp probably represents contaminating nontumor cells within the tumor mass.B, LOH at Rb locus (VNTR) using primers in text. LOH involving the upper (larger) allele is seen in tumor. Someremaining signal in the upper band is again observed. This contaminating signal is common when relatively impure tumor preparations are used. 4. Performing digests in large volumes (100 pL) dilutes out salts from PCR and other potential inhibitors of restriction digestion. This is the most difficult step in the protocol. Use generous amounts of enzyme (20-50 U/digest) and continue digestion overnight. For ~53 primers indicated earlier, make sure the temperature is 59C for BsrU I digestion. Repeat entire procedure (starting from fresh genomic DNA) at least twice to verify results. Artificial internal BstU I site in the aforementioned ~53 primer will show incomplete digestion as blurring of the uncut allele. If possible, use an additional set of nonoverlapping primers to amplify same RFLP (see ref. 18). In addition, more than one



polymorphism at the same locus should be used if available. Two polymorphisms within the same gene should almost always agree if both are informative (heterozygous) for a given individual. 5. Analysis is usually by eye, but densitometry may be used. A good system is sold by Ambis (Olney, MD). A reasonable cutoff for positive LOH is a decrease in the allele:allele ratio in tumor to 40% of the ratio in normal tissue. 6. We have on occasion observed gain of heterozygosity (GOH) in the tumor relative to normal tissue. This is virtually always artifact. The most common cause is actual mix-up of tissue or genomic DNA samples. The next most common cause is incomplete restriction digestion of the normal PCR product. If the RFXP is not located in an evolutionarily conserved region of the tumor suppressor gene at which frequent mutations have been reported, interpret GOH results with great skepticism. Perform repeat assaysusing the same primers, nonoverlapping primers at the same RFLP, and primers surrounding a different, neighboring polymorphism. In addition, perform PCR-LOH studies at a locus on another chromosome: If sample mix-up is responsible for these findings, GOH will be seen elsewhere in the genome as well. Such results are more common when parraffin-derived DNA is used. 7. Other chromosomal loci may be evaluated for LOH as long as sequence information on both sides of RFLPs or VNTRs is available. In this way, allelotypes of specific cancers can be generated using PCR.

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Loss of Heterozygosity


6. Fey, M. F., Hesketh, C., Wainscoat, J. S., Gendler, S., and Thein, S. L. (1989) Clonal allele loss in gastrointestinal cancers. Br. J. Cancer 59, 750-754. 7. Vogelstein, B., Fearon, E. R., Kern, S. E., Hamilton, S. R., Preisinger, A. C., Nakamura, Y ., and White, R. (1989) Allelotype of colorectal carcinomas. Science 244,207-2 11. 8. Kovacs, G., Erlandsson, R., Boldog, F., Ingvarsson, S., Muller-Brechlin, R., Klein, G., and Sumegi, J. (1988) Consistent chromosome 3p deletion and loss of heterozygosity in renal cell carcinoma. Proc. Null. Acad, Sci. USA 85, 1571-1575. 9. Yokota, J., Tsukada, Y., Nakajima, T., Gotoh, M., Shimosato, Y., Mori, N., Tsunokawa, Y., Sugimura, T., and Terada, M. (1989) Loss of heterozygosity on the short arm of chromosome 3 in carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Cancer Res. 49,3598-3601. 10. Lee, J. H., Kavanagh, J. J., Wildrick, D. M., Wharton, J. T., and Blick, M. (1990) Frequent loss of heterozygosity on chromosomes 6q, 11, and 17 in human ovarian carcinomas. Cancer Res. 50,2724-2728. 11. Fearon, E. R., Cho, K. R., Nigro, J. M., Kern, S. E., Simons, J. W., Ruppert, J. M., Hamilton, S. R., Preisinger, A. C., Thomas, G., Kmzler, K. W., and Vogelstein, B. (1990) Identification of a chromosome 18q gene that is altered in colorectal cancers. Science 247,49-X 12. Kinzler, K. W., Ndbert, M. C., Vogelstein, B., Bryan, T. M., Levy, D. B., Smith, K. J., Preisinger, A. C., Hamilton, S. R.. Hedge. P., Markham, A., Carlson, M., Joslyn, G., Groden, J., White, R., Miki, Y., Miyoshi, Y., Nishisho, I., and Nakamura, Y. (199 1) Identification of a gene located at chromosome 5q21 that is mutated in colorectal cancers. Science 251, 1366-1370. 13. Kinzler, K. W., Nilbert, M. C., Su, L.-K., Vogelstein, B., Bryan, T. M., Levy, D. B., Smith, K, J., Preisenger, A. C., Hedge, P., McKechnie, D., Fmniear, R., Markham, A., Groffen, J., Boguski, M. S., Altschul, S. F., Horii, A., Ando, H., Miyoshi, Y., Miki, Y,, Ntshosho, I., and Nakamura, Y. (1991) Identification of FAP locus genes from chromosome 5q21. Science 253,661-665. 14. Baker, S. J., Fearon, E. R., Nigro, J. M., Hamilton, S. R., Preisinger, A. C., Jessup, J. M., vanTuinen, P., Ledbetter, D. H., Barker, D. F.. Nakamura, Y., White, R., and Vogelstein, B. (1989) Chromosome 17 deletions and p53 gene mutations in colorectal carcinomas. Science 244,217-221. 15. Baker, S. J., Preisinger, A. C., Jessup, J. M., Paraskeva, C., Markowitz, S., Willson, 1. K. V., Ham&on, S., and Vogelstein, B. (1990) ~53 mutations occur m combination with 17p allelic deletions as late events in colorectal tumorigenesis. Cancer Res. 50,7717-7722. 16. Meltzer, S. J., Mane, S. M., Wood, P. K., Resau, J. H., Newkirk, C., Terzakis, J. A., Korelitz, B. I., Weinstein, W. M., and Needleman, S. W. (1990) Activation of c-Ki-ras in human gastrointestinal dysplasias determined by direct sequencing of polymemse chain reaction products. Cancer Res. 50.3627-3630. 17. Reid, B. J., Haggitt, R. C., Rubin, C. E., andRabinovitch, P. S. (1987) Barretts esophagus: Correlation between flow cytometry and histology in detection of patients at risk for adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology 93, l-l 1.



18. Meltzer, S. J., Yin, J., Huang, Y., McDaniel, T. K., Newkirk, C., Iseri, O., Vogelstein, B., and Resau,J. H. (1991) Reduction to homozygosityinvolving ~53 in esophageal cancersdemonstrated by the polymerase cham reaction.
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19. Boynton, R. F., Huang, Y., Blount, P.L., Reid, B. J., Rasking, W. H., Haggitt, R. C., Newkirk, C., Resau, J. H., Yin, J., McDaniel, T., and Meltzer, S. J. (1991) Frequent loss of beterozygosityat tbe retinoblastoma locus in human esophagealcancers.Cancer Res., 51,5766-5769. 20. Feinberg, A. P.andVogelstein,B. (1983) Hypomethylation distinguishesgenes of some lnnnan cancersfrom their normal counterparts.Nature 301,89-92. 21. de la Calle-Martin, O., Fabregat,V., Romero,M., Soler,J., Vives, J. andYague, J. (1990) Act II polymorphism of the ~53 gene.Nucleic Acids Res. l&4963. 22. McGee, T. L., Yandell, D. W., and Dryja, T. P. (1989) Structure and partial
genomic sequence of the human retinoblastoma susceptibility gene. Gene 80,




Direct Sequencing of Polymerase Chain Reaction Products

Stephen J. Meltzer

1. Introduction The advantages of direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products over conventional sequencing of cloned, singlestranded DNA are manifold. Speed is perhaps the greatest asset. Timeconsuming creation and screening of libraries, fragment purification, subcloning, bacterial transfection, and plasmid preparation steps are all eliminated. Cost is an advantage for similar reasons. The ability to sequence thousands or even millions of different templates at once, thereby obtaining pooled averagesof mutated or polymorphic sequences, is another benefit. Moreover, short DNA sequences not obtainable by conventional cloning, such as DNA from paraffin-embedded tissues, can be sequenced using PCR sequencing. Numerous refinements and additions to the PCR-sequencing armamentarium have been made over the past 3 years. However, most methods consist of two steps: 1. FCR amplificationof thegenomicDNA or cDNA templateto be sequenced. 2. Dideoxynucleotide (Sanger)sequencingof the PCR product. In particular, the ability to generate single-stranded sequencing template by PCR (1) and to sequence RNA by making a cDNA copy (2) have become standard applications of this technique. Some sequencing protocols include an incorporation or labeling reaction (3), whereas


Methods m Molecular Wology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols Edlted by B A White Copynght 8 1993 Humana

Current Methods andAppl/cat/ons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




others contain only the termination reaction (4). Nested sequencing primers internal to and not overlapping with the amplification primers can improve the specificity of sequenced product (5). The fewer the number of steps after amplification, the faster and more cheaply sequence data is obtained. In this chapter I describe a version of PCR sequencing that requires no purification of PCR product and only a sequencing termination reaction using end-labeled primer (6). This protocol is particularly useful for sequencing short PCR products (~200 nucleotides long). Perhaps the most important concern in direct PCR sequencing is the quality of PCR product used as template. If this PCR product is abundant and pure, essentially free of mispriming or nonspecific amplification products, clear sequencing ladders will usually result. Care should be taken to optimize the PCR by adjusting annealing temperature, original template amount, MgClz concentration, and other parameters (6). If pure product cannot be obtained by optimization experiments, gel purification prior to sequencing is preferred. This difficulty may be circumvented by using nested(mtemal, nonoverlapping)primers. Another pitfall relates to incomplete denaturation before sequencing: Some PCR products denature more easily than others owing to GC content, secondary structure, and other factors. This problem may be averted by using dITP or deaza-GTP rather than dGTP in the termination reaction, or by using an alternative denaturing procedure, such as alkaline denaturation (7). There is also evidence that optimization of sequencing reaction time, postdenaturation temperature, and primer:template ratio may dramatically improve results (8). 2. Materials 1. PCR kit reagents(Perkln-Elmer Cetus, Norwalk, CT). 2. Sequenase reagents(U.S. Biochemical, Cleveland, OH). kit 3. Genomic DNA template (1.0 pg). 4. Amplification primers (4 pmol). 5. Sequencingprimer (5 pmol). 6. 100 pCi of [y-32P]AIF (5,000 Wmmol, 2 mW50 pL). 7. T4 polynucleotide kinase. 8. Acrylamide gel components: acrylamide and his-acrylamide, urea, ammonium persulfate, TEMED (see Chapter 1). 9. Thermal cycling machine. 10. DNA sequencingapparatus. 11. 3000 V/150 mA power supply.

Direct Sequencing


3. Methods 1, Amplify desiredregion of genomic template DNA in a 100~pLreaction (seeChapter 1) using 4 pmol of each PCR primer, 1.0 pg of genomic DNA, and 0.3 pL of Tuq polymerase (seeNote 1). 2. End-label sequencingprimer as follows: Mix 5 pmol of primer and 100 p.Ci of [Y-~~P]ATP(see Note 2) with water to a final volume of 9 pL, boil for 5 min, incubate on ice for 10 min, add 1 pL of T4 polynucleotide kinase, and incubate at 37OC 1.5 h. for 3. Aliquot 2.5 pL of eachSequenase dideoxynucleotide termination mix into separatetubes (seeNote 3). Make sure a separateset of ddG, ddA, ddC, and ddT has been aliquoted for each template to be sequenced. Keep on ice until ready for use. 4, Mix 10 pL of unpurified PCR product from step 1 with 2 uL of endlabeled primer from step 2; boil for 5 min, ice for 10 min (seeNote 4). Meanwhile, prewarm ddNTPs to room temperature. 5. Add 4 pL of 5X Sequenasebuffer, 1 pL of O.lM dithiothreitol (from the Sequenasekit), and 2 pL of a freshly prepared 1:8 dilution of Sequenase enzyme (seeNote 5 ) to the entire annealing reaction from step 4. 6. Mix the concoction from step 5 well but gently to avoid bubble formation, using a 20-pL pipettor set at 20 pL. Aliquot 4 pL of this mixture to each of the four termination mixes. Mix (seeNote 6) and begin timing next step. 7. Incubate at room temperature for 3 min, then at 37C for 2 min (see Note 7). 8. Stop the termination reaction by adding 4 pL of Sequenase buffer stop to eachtube (see Note 8). 9. Denaturethe sequencingreactions at 90C for 5 min, load onto a polyacrylamide-ureasequencinggel and electrophoreseaccording to directions for gel apparatus(seeNote 9). 4. Notes 1. When setting up multiple genomic templates using the sameprimers, preparea mastermix consisting of all componentsexcept genomic DNA and water. Aliquot this mix, then add water and genomic DNA last. In order to accuratelypipet 0.3 pL of Taq polymerase,preparea 1:lO dilution in water first, then pipet 3.0 pL. 2. 100 pCi of [Y-~~P]ATPis containedin 2.5 i.tL if radioisotope comes as a 2 mCi/SOpL stock andif specific activity is 5000 Ci/mmol. If stock is different, makecalculationsto achievesamemolar ratio. Complete labeling is important, sinceunlabeledprimer will competewith labeledprimer in the sequencingreaction and lead to weak signal. Labeling for 1.5 h

Meltzer rather than a shorterinterval also maximizes completenessof the labeling reaction. Forbettermononucleotide stability,ddNTF/dNTPterminationmixes should be allquotedinto 2.5-w lots immediately uponreceipt from the company. Thereby,they will only be subjectedto one freeze-thaw cycle. Repeated freeze-thawingsspeedbreakage the unstablephosphodiester of bonds. This annealing step is basedon the quick chill or mad rush theory of hybridization: The low temperature should favor rapid motion by small primer moleculesto their targetsin genomicDNA. Again, sequencing primers may be locatedinternalto PCR primers for addedspecificity. Sequenase extremely delicate. It toleratestemperatures> -2OOCvery is poorly. Dilutions should be preparedimmediately prior to this step, using either Sequenase dilution buffer (from the kit) or water. If mixing is by a pipettor, separate must be usedfor eachG,A,T,and tips C. A faster and more simultaneous method is to discharge the 4-PL aliquots onto the sides of each G,A,T,and C tube, then to spin all four briefly in a microfuge. Timing begins when the microfuge is turned on. More than one sequencingreaction may be performed by staggering eachterminationreaction 1 min apart.Greaterthanthreereactionsat once arenot recommended. simplicity, onereaction at a time is easiest. For Again, mixing may be simultaneously accomplished as in Note 6. Depending on the successof the labeling and sequencing reactions, between 1 and 8 pL of each termination reaction may be required for good signal. The smaller the volume loaded, the sharperthe bands on the gel. The termination reactionsmay be stored at -20C for up to 2 d. Longer storagetimes lead to fragmentedtermination products andhigh background acrossall lanes.



5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Acknowledgments Supported by ACS Grant # PDT-419, the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. References 1. Gyllensten, B. andErlich, H. A. (1988)GeneratIon single-stranded U. of DNA by the polymerase chain reactionandits applicationto direct sequencing of the HLA-DQA locus.Proc. Natl. Acatl. Ser. USA 85,7652-7656.
2. Sarkar, G. and Sommer, S. S. (1988) RNA amplification with transcript sequencing (RAWTS).Nuclerc Acids Res. 16, 5197. 3. Innis, M. A., Myambo, K. B., Gelfand, D. H., and Brow, M. A. D. (1988) DNA sequencing with Themus aquaticus DNA polymerase and dmct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction-amplified DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA

Direct Sequencing


4. Engelke, D. R., Hoener, P. A., and Collins, F. S. (1988) Direct sequencing of enzymatically amplified human genomic DNA. Proc. Nurl. Acud. Sci. USA 85544-548. 5. Wrischnik, L. A., Higuchi, R. G., Stoneking, M., Erlich, H. A., Arnheim, N., and Wilson, A. C. (1987) Length mutations in human mitochondrial DNA: direct sequencing of enzymatically amplified DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 529-541, 6. Meltzer, S. J., Mane, S. M., Wood, P. K., Johnson, L., and Needleman, S. W. (1990) Sequencing products of the polymerase chain reaction directly, without purification. BioTechnques 8, 142-148. 7. Williams, J. F. (1989) Optimization strategies for the polymerase chain reaction. Bzotechnques 7,762-770. 8. Wahlberg, J., Lundeberg, J., Hultman, T., and Uhlen, M. (1990) General colorimetric method for DNA diagnostics allowing direct solid-phase sequencing of the positive samples. Proc. Nutl. Acad. Sci. USA 87,6569-6573. 9. Casanova, J.-L., Pannetier, C., Jaulin, C., and Kourilsky, P. (1990) Optimal conditions for directly sequencing double-stranded PCR products with Sequenase. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,4028.



Manual and Automated Direct Sequencing of Product Generated by the Polymerase Chain Reaction
Adam P. Dicker, Matthias Volkenandt, and Joseph R. Bertino
1. Introduction Identification of point mutations has been facilitated by a number of techniques, including transfection assays, oligonucleotide hybridization, electrophoretic migration of heteroduplexes, RNase mismatch analysis, direct sequencing, and DNA-polymerase catalyzed amplification. The large number of available techniques emphasizes the importance of developing rapid and reliable methods to identify molecular changes in genes. To date, we have concentrated on exploiting DNApolymerase catalyzed amplification methods (1,Z) in conjunction with direct manual and automated DNA sequencing to detect point mutations in the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene of methotrexateresistant cells. Acquired drug resistance is a major obstacle in the treatment of patients with drug sensitive tumors (e.g., leukemia and lymphoma). We are interested in determining whether a cause of methotrexate resistance in patients is owing to an altered DHFR gene giving rise to an altered enzyme with a decreased affinity for antifolates, e.g., methotrexate (MTX). We have used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to study the problem of acquired drug resistance. This requires amplification of the human DHFR transcript and genes and a rapid and reproFrom Methods m Molecular Biology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols Edited by I3 A White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Current Methods andApp/lcetions Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Dicker, Volkenandt, and Bertino

ducible method for directly sequencing the amplified DNA. We have developed and modified a series of methods that utilize [a-35S]dATP without [r-32P]dATP end-labeled primers. We have improved on our initial method for directly sequencing PCR amplification products by allowing the universal and reverse primer to be incorporated at the 5 and 3 termini of the PCR products. Utilization of both the universal and reverse sequencing primers allows sequenceinformation to bc obtained from either strand of DNA. This method has also been successfully used for automated sequencing with the Applied Biosystems (Foster City, CA) Model 370A Sequencer using Sanger dideoxy-termination sequencing (3). The incorporation of the universal and reverse primers for automated sequencing eliminates the need to covalently link specific primers to fluorescent dyes, because both primers are commercially available as dye-labeled primers from a number of companies. The human DHFR gene will be used as an example of a target sequence to be amplified and directly sequenced. Using the numbering system of Morandi et al. (4), primer 1 anneals to the 5 untranslated region of the first-strand cDNA between nucleotides 21 and 42 (Fig. 1). In addition, primer 1 contains 5 to the human DHFR sequence, unique, noncomplementary 17 nucleotides corresponding to the (-20) universal primer sequence. The rationale is to create an annealing site for the (-20) universal primer (5). Primer 2 anneals to the coding strand, 77 bases 3 of the termination codon between nucleotides 680 and 650 (Fig. 1) and includes at the 5 terminus, 17 nucleotides corresponding to the (-24) reverse sequencing primer. These two primers define a region of 650 bp that include the entire coding region of the human DHFR without overlapping any translated region. 2. Materials 2.1. Asymmetric PCR 1. RNA isolated from 50 x lo6 cells using the Total RNA Isolation kit (Invitrogen, San Rafael, CA), and mRNA isolated using the Fast Track
kit (Invitrogen). 2. cDNA Cycle Kit for cDNA synthesis (Invitrogen). 3. RNase-free, siliconized tubes (National Scientific, San Diego, CA). 4. PCR reagents (see Chapter 1) including primer 1 and primer 2 (Fig. 1).

5. Agarose gel reagents(seeChapter 1).

6. Centricon 100 (Amicon, Danvers, MA). 7. GeneClean (Bio 101, La Jolla, CA).

Manual and Automated Direct Sequmzcing

Primer 1 3 42




2 3 655 primer sequence


-24 reverse

Fig. 1. Oligonucleotide primers usedfor cDNA synthesis PCR of the human and DHFR gene.Numbering is accordingto Mastersand Attardi (1981).

2.3. Manual


DNA Sequencing

1. Centricon 100 (Amicon). 2. Sequenase 2.0 Kit (U.S. Biochemicals, Cleveland, OH). 3. Oligonucleotide primers:The (-20) universalprimer andthe (-24) reverse

sequencing primer for manual sequencing were obtained from US

Biochemicals. 4. [a-35S]dAP (lOOOCi/mmol). 5. Reagents for 6% polyacrylamide, 8M urea gel (see Chapter 4).

2.4. Automated Direct DNA Sequencing 1. The oligonucleotides used for automated sequencingcontained either the (-20) universal sequencingprimer (Applied Biosystems #400836) or the (-24) reversesequencing(Applied Biosystems #400929) conjugatedat the 5 terminus to the four dye-triethyl ammonium acetateesters TAMRA, FAM, ROX, JOE, reconstituted to 0.4 pmol/p.L. 2. Applied Biosystems model370A DNA sequencer softwareversion1.30. and 3. 95% Ethanol. 4. 3M Sodium acetate,pH 5.0. 3. Methods 3.1. Generation of Single-Stranded DNA via Asymmetric PCR Owing to the uncertainty of how many cDNA molecules are created during first-strand cDNA synthesis, direct asymmetric PCR (6) of cDNAs did not provide an adequate template for dideoxy sequencing. We have therefore chosen to first amplify cDNAs with symmetric


Dicker, Volkmandt,

and Bertino

PCR and use an aliquot of that reaction for asymmetric PCR. In addition, primer 1 contains the universal primer sequence and is present in a limited quantity, the result of the asymmetric PCR is the production of a single-stranded DNA that has at its 3 terminus sequences complementary to those of the universal primer sequence (5). If one changes the ratios of the primers such that primer 1 is in excess and primer 2 is limiting, then the result of the asymmetric PCR is the production of a strand that has at its 3 terminus sequences complementary to those of the reverse primer sequence (see Figs. 2 and 3). Generally, our experience has been that as long as the symmetric PCR product is relatively distinct on an agarose gel, the asymmetric PCR and subsequent reactions will work. The combination of methylmercury hydroxide in the cDNA synthesis reaction and the use of high annealing temperatures for the amplification reaction probably contributes to the generation of a specific PCR product. 1. Synthesize cDNA in a SO-pL reaction on 100 ng of mRNA using the cDNA Cycle kit (Invitrogen) according to manufacturers directions. 2. Assemble symmetric PCR reactions using lo-20% of the cDNA reaction, and 300ng eachof primer 1 andprimer 2 andstandard PCR reagents (seeChapter 1) in a SO-pLvolume. 3. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle parameters(seeNote 1): 30 main cycles 95C, 1 min (denaturation) 53C, 1 min (annealing) 73C, 1 mm (extension) 4. Extract with an equal volume of CHC13/H20. Analyze 10% of the PCR reaction by nondenaturing agarosegel electrophoresis(seeChapter 1) to verify that the intendedproduct was amplified (seeNote 2). 5. If the majority of the PCR productwas distinct (oneband,no smear,total yield 100ng to 20 pg), washthe samplethreetimes with 2 mL of Hz0 in a Centricon 100.To wash,spin the Centriconat approx25OOg 10 min. for 6. Recover the sampleby a recovery spin at 2OOOg 3 min. The reserfor voir should be empty (i.e., dry) after this step. 7. Use 5-10% of the eluate as a template for asymmetric PCR with a 1:50 ratio of primer 1 to primer 2 (6:300 ng respectively;seeNote 3). Reverse the ratio to synthesizethe oppositestrand.The cycle number and parameters of asymmetric PCR are identical to those of symmetric PCR.
8. If multiple bands from the initial PCR reaction are observed, excise the

band of interest from the agarosegel and elute in 200 uL of HZ0 overnight at 4C or alternatively, isolate the band by GeneClean.Use 10% of recoveredDNA in asymmetric PCR.

Manual and Automated Direct Sequencing

Drlmer 1 primer 2



primer sequence reverse primer


+ Ta9 po/ymefase





of primer





Fig. 2. Strategyused to amplify the human DHFR cDNA and incorporate exegenoussequences can be utilized for direct manual or automated sequencing of that
the FCR rwxiuct.
1. Asymmetrw PCR, ratio of primer 1 : primer 2 (150)

unwersal primers for automated sequenclng or unlabelled primer

cfealmn of comp/ementary strand alows uff/vefsa/pf/mer to anneal

PCR, ratio of primer 1 : primer 2 (

2. Asymmetric

______----_____-__-_-----------------5 creation of comp/ementary




&and fevefse pfimef to anneal

Fig. 3. Strategyused to generatesingle-strandedDNA via asymmetricPCR for manual and automateddirect sequencing. ratio of primers usedfor asymmetric The FCR determineswhetherthe coding or noncoding strandis produced.

3.2. Manual


DNA Sequencing

1. Wash the asymmetric PCR product three times with 2 mL of distilled H20 in a Centricon 100 as described in Section 3.1. (see Note 4). 2. Use approx 20% of the eluate for manual sequencing by the chain-termination sequencing (3) using a modified T? DNA polymerase (7) using the Sequenase 2.0 kit (see Note 5).


Dicker, Volkenandt, and Be&no

3. Add 1 pL (10 pmol) of the universal or reverse primer to 7 IL of singlestranded template in the presence of 2 pL of a 5X Sequenase buffer. 4. Anneal by heating the tubes to 80C for 2 min and allowing them to cool down slowly to 35C. 5. To the annealed primer/template mixture, add 1 l.tL O.lM DDT, 2.0 FL of labeling mix (1.5 pM dGTP, dCTP, dlTP), 1 ILL 10 jtM [a-35S]dATP (see Note 6) and 1.5 U of Sequenase 2.0 was added. 6. After 3-5 min, aliquot the mixture into four tubes to which 2.5 ltL of the respective deoxy/dideoxy termination mixture was added. Each mixture contained 80 pM dATP, 80 pA4 dCTP, 80 pM dGTP, 80 pM dTTP, and 8 pM of the respective dideoxy nucleotide triphosphate. 7. Incubate the tubes at 37OC for 2-5 min and add stop buffer as per kit directions. Heat tubes to 94C for 2 min and then load the reactions on a 6% polyacrylamide, 8M urea gel. Run sequencing gel and analyze according to standard procedures. See Note 7.

3.3. Automated


DNA Sequencing

1. Wash the asymmetric PCR product three times with 2 mL of Hz0 in a Centricon 100 and use 5&100% of the eluate for automated sequencing. 2. Assemble the following reactions: A: 3 pL template, 1 uL JOE, 1 i.tL 5X sequencing buffer C: 3 pL template, 1 pL FAM, 1 pL 5X sequencing buffer G: 9 l.tL template, 3 pL TAMRA, 3 pL 5X sequencing buffer T: 9 pL tempalte, 3 i.tL ROX, 3 l.tL 5X sequencing buffer 3. Anneal by heating the tubes to 80C for 2 min and allowing them to cool slowly to room temperature. 4. Perform extension and termination reactions as follows: A and C reactions contain 1.5 pL of the appropriate deoxy/dideoxy mixture, 5 p.L of the annealed template/primer mixture and 1 uL of diluted SequenaseTM(1 i.tL of Sequenase, 4.5 I.~Lof 0. 1M DTT, 3.5 pL of 5X Sequenase buffer). The G and T reactions contain 4.5 pL of the appropriate deoxy/dideoxy mixture, 15 pL of the annealed template/ primer mixture, and 3 pL of diluted Sequenase. 5. Incubate the tubes at 37C for 5 min, followed by heat inactivation of the enzyme at 68C for 10 min. 6. Ethanol precipitate by 1.4 pL of 3M NaAcetate, pH 5.0, to the A and C reactions and 4.1 pL of 3M NaAcetate, pH 5.0, to the G and T reactions. Mix by flicking and then add 35 pL of 95% ethanol to the A and C reactions, and 105 pL of 95% ethanol to the G and T reactions. Incubate on powdered dry ice for 30 min, then spin for 10 min at maximum speed in a microcentrifuge.

Manual and Automated Direct Sequencing


7. Decant the supernatantand dry in a dessicator container attachedto a lyophilizer (cover tube with paratllm and poke holes with a 2 l-g needle, or dry in a SpeedVac (Savant). 8. Resuspendthe sequencingreactionsin 1 pL of 50 mM EDTA, pH 8.0, and 5 pL of deionized formamide and heat to 94C for 2 min before loading a 6% polyacrylamide, 8Murea gel. Run sequencinggel according to standardprocedure. 9. Perform the fluorescence analysesand base-calling with the Applied Biosystems software version 1.30.See Note 7. 4. Notes 1. All techniquesinvolved in the sequenceanalysis of DNA amplified via PCR have common intrinsic problems associatedwith the technique of PCR and should be pointed out. Contamination from unintendedsources with only some molecules of the DNA fragment to be detected may give falsepositive results.In the caseof amplification of possibly mutated genes,minute amounts of DNA contamination may dramatically alter the results. This problem is of great concern especially when starting with very small amounts of DNA (e.g., DNA from paraffin-embedded tissues),becausethe number of contaminating DNA molecules may be in vast excessover the number of DNA molecules from the intended source. Further analysis of the PCR product may falsely show heterozygosity or even only the wrong sequence the analyzedlocus. An at article (8) summarized precautionsto be taken to avoid contamination from the unintended sources.Samplesshould be preparedin an areaof the laboratory or under a hood different from any areawhere PCR reactions are performed or amplified material is processed.Water, buffer solutions, as well aspipet tips andmicrocentrifugetubes shouldbe autoclavedprior to use.Reagents asbuffer andprimers shouldbe divided such into aliquots to limit any contamination. Disposable gloves should be usedand changedfrequently.Adding DNA to the tubeslast may reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Lastly, negativecontrols (without DNA) should also be performed. 2. The power of PCR is its sensitivity, and, thus, its ability to amplify small amounts of DNA. The sensitivity of the symmetric/asymmetric technique is such that a PCR product is produced from a 1:100dilution of a cDNA synthesis from 0.8 ng of mRNA (1 ng equivalent to 840 cells) using an altered DHFR cell line, which provides a signal that is clearly visible by ethidium bromide staining of a nondenaturing agarose gel (9). Lower levels are detectableby the useof Southernblotting. The desiredPCR product is very distinct, with little nonspecifichybrid-


Dicker, Volkenandt, and Bertino





ization. These characteristics may be owing to the combined effects of adding methylmercury hydroxide to the cDNA synthesis to reduce mRNA secondary structure and utilizing very high annealing temperatures for the amplification reaction (10). The use of two primers for asymmetric PCR in a 1:50 ratio yielded better results than the use of only one. Purifying the asymmetric product by washing is crucial for manual sequencing, presumably becausethe unlabeled dATP is in excessof [a-35S]dATP and will compete effectively during the extension reaction. Such washing is not as important for automated sequencing because of the use of endlabeled sequencing primers, although we have found that washing greatly improves the results. The advantage of using Tuq 1 polymerase for DNA sequencing instead of Klenow or T7 DNA polymerase is that Tuq 1 polymerase is a heatstable enzyme with very little exonuclease activity, and thus allows an incorporation of dNTPs and ddNTPs at a reaction temperature of 70MC, a temperature at which GC-rich, palindromic sequences and other secondary structures will melt out and provide unambiguous sequence data (II). Our experience has been that although both modified T7 and Tuq 1 polymerase work well for manual sequencing, the use of the modified T7 DNA polymerase usually results in a decreased background when compared to sequencing with Tuq 1 polymerase. Our laboratory prefers to use the modified T7 DNA polymerase unless significant DNA secondary structure is present. The advantage of 35Slabeling is that all bands are of equal intensity, making the determination of heterozygosity unambiquous. Further, because 35Shas a much longer half-life than 3?, there is an extended period of time for analysis during which reloading of sequencing reactions onto gels or a reexposure of the gel to film is possible. However, if 32P-labeled sequencing reactions are analyzed the day they are prepared, sequence data should be as definitive asthat acheived with 35S,although the bands will be broader. One of the earliest concerns with PCR was the rate of misincorporation during DNA polymerization. Three groups have estimated the error rate of Tuq 1 DNA polymerase to be in the range of 1.1 x 10 to 2.8 x lo4 substitutions/nucleotide replicated (12-14) and have observed that the predominant mutations are AT to GC transitions. Krawczack et al. (15) estimated that replication errors can be neglected if a large number of staring templates (at least 100,000) are used. When small amounts of material are used, the probability of generating a polymerase-induced error is about 1%. The misincorporation rate may be minimized by starting with more than a limiting number of copies of target DNA sequences

Manual and Automated Direct Sequencing


and analyzing multiple copies of amplified PCR product to confirm true changesor by direct sequencingof PCR product DNA. In our studies,sequencing directly from thePCR producthasonly shownthe expected single-base mutation. In addition, we have cloned this PCR product into a T7 sequencingvector andobtainedanalogoussequence (data data not shown).Discrepancies automated with sequencing beenveryinfrehave quent (99% agreement).The most common errors are those of singlebasedeletions. This is most likely owing to an event that ocurred during the automatedsequencing reactionor the base-callingsequence analysis. It is interesting to note that others have found PCR using Tuq 1 polymeraseto be the preferable method of cloning DNA from mummified tissues for faithful amplification andto avoid cloning artifacts (1617). References
1. Saiki, R. K., Scharf, S., and FaIoona, F. (1985) Enzymatic amplification of beta-globin genomic sequences and restriction site analysis for diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Science 230, 1350-1354. 2. Mullis, K. B. and Faloona, F. A. (1987) Specific synthesis of DNA in vitro via a polymerase-catalyzed chain reaction. Methods Enzymol. 155, 335. 3. Sanger, F., Nicklen, S., and Coulson, A. R. (1977) DNA sequencing with chainterminating inhibitors. Proc. Natl. Acad. SCL USA 74.5463-5467. 4. Morandi, C., Masters, J., Mottes, M., and Attardi, G. (1982) Multiple forms of human dihydrofolate reductase messenger RNA. Cloning and expression in Escherichia coli of their DNA coding sequence. J. Mol. Blol. 156, 583-607. 5. McBride, L. J., Koepf, S. M., Gibbs, R. A., SaIser, W., Mayrand, P. E., Hunkapiller, M. W., and Kronick, M. N. (1989) Automated DNA sequencing methods involving polymerase chain reaction. Clin. Chem. 35,2196-2201. 6. Gyllensten, U. B. and Erlich, H. A. (1988) Generation of single-stranded DNA by the polymerase chain reaction and its application to direct sequencing of the HLS-DQA locus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA a&7652-6765. 7. Tabor, S. and Richardson, C. C. (1987) DNA sequence analysis with a modified bacteriophage T7 DNA polymerase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84,47674771. 8. Kwok, S. and Higuchi, R. (1989) Avoiding false positives wttb PCR. Nature 339,237-238. 9. Dicker, A. P., Volkenandt, M., and Bertino, J. R. (1989) Detection of a single base mutation in the human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene from a methotrexate resistant cell line using the polymerase chainreaction (PCR). Cancer Commun. 1,7-12. 10. Dicker, A. P., Volkenandt, M., Adamo, A., Barreda, C., and Bertino, J. R. (1989) Sequence analysrs of a human gene responsible for drug resistance. A rapid method for manual and automated direct sequencing of products generated by the polymerase chain reaction. Blo Techniques 7, 830-838. 11. Heiner, C., Mallick, S., Wan, A., and Hunkapiller, M. (1988) Taq polymerase: increased enzyme versatility in DNA sequencing. Applied Biosystems, Inc. Sequencer Model 370 User Bulletin.


Dicker, Volkemmdt, and Bertino

12. Tindall, K. R. and Kunkel, T. A. (1988) Fidelity of DNA synthesis by the Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase. Biochemistry 27,6008-6013. 13. Cooper, D. N. and Krawczak, M. (1990) The mutational spectrum of single base-pair substitutions causing human genetic disease: patterns and predictions. Hum. Genet. 85,574. 14. Keohavong, P. and Thilly, W. G. (1989) Fidelity of DNA polymerases in DNA amplification. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86,9253-9257. 15. Krawczak, M., Reiss, J., Schmidtke, J., and Rosler, U. (1989) Polymerase chain reaction: replication errors and reliability of gene diagnosis. Nuclerc Acrds Res.

16. Rollo, F., Amici, A., Salvi, R., and Garbuglia, A. (1988) Short but faithful pieces of ancient DNA. Nature 335,774. 17. Paabo, S. and Wilson, A. C. (1988) Polymerase chain reaction reveals cloning artifacts. Nature 334, 387,388.

Genomic Footprinting by Ligation Mediated Polymerase Chain Reaction

Gkrd P. Pfeifer and Arthur D. Riggs

1. Introduction Chromatin structure analysis at single-nucleotide resolution can be done by genomic sequencing, and, recently, several techniques have been developed (I) that give improved specificity and sensitivity over the original method of Church and Gilbert (2). The most sensitive method uses ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (LM-PCR) to amplify all fragments of the genomic sequence ladder (3,4). The unique aspect of LM-PCR is the ligation of an oligonucleotide linker onto the Send of eachDNA molecule. This provides a common sequence on the 5 end, and in conjunction with a gene-specific primer, allows conventional, exponential PCR to be used for signal amplification. Thus by taking advantage of the specificity and sensitivity of PCR, one needs only 1 l.tg of mammalian DNA per lane to obtain good quality DNA sequence ladders, with retention of methylation, DNA structure, and protein footprint information. The LM-PCR procedure is outlined in Fig. 1. Briefly, the first step is cleavage of DNA, generating 5 phosphorylated molecules. This is achieved, for example, by chemical DNA sequencing (p-elimination) or by cutting with the enzyme DNase I. Next, primer extension of a gene-specific oligonucleotide (primer 1) generates molecules that have a blunt end on one side. Linkers are ligated to the blunt ends, and then an exponential PCR amplification of the linker-ligated fragments is done using the longer oligonucleFrom: Methods m Molecular Bology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols Ed&d by: B A White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Current Methods and Applrcations Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


3 1) cleavage + denaturatlon 3 @ 8

Pfeifer and Riggs

3 3) hgation of linker 3 3 m-m---________----________------_-___-------

3 4) PCR 3 3 -

____----. 1 ______--_______ -


5) Hybrldlzation after gel transfer

3/ 33-

Fig. 1. Outline of the ligation-mediated FCR procedure Step 1, cleavage and denaturation of genomic DNA; step 2, annealing and extension of primer 1; step 3, ligation of the linker; step 4, amplification of gene-specific fragments with primer 2 and the linker-primer; step 5, detection of the sequence ladder by hybridization with a single-stranded probe that does not overlap primers 1 and 2.



otide of the linker (linker-primer) and a second gene-specific primer (primer 2). After 15-20 amplification cycles, the DNA fragments are separated on a sequencing gel, electroblotted onto nylon membranes, and hybridized with a gene-specific probe to visualize the sequence ladder. By rehybridization, several gene-specific ladders can be sequentially visualized from one sequencing gel (4). LM-FCR is generally suitable for detection of specific DNA strand breaks (5). The method has been used for sequencing genomic DNA and for determination of DNA cytosine methylation patterns (4-8). It provides adequatesensitivity to map rare DNA adducts, like those formed after UV irradiation (9). To obtain information about protein binding and other aspects of DNA structure, in vivo footprinting experiments can be done on intact cells using dimethylsulfate (DMS), a small molecule that penetratesthe cell membrane (3~5).DMS does not, however, reveal most contacts. Nucleosomes, for example, are transparentto DMS. Reasoning that more bulky agents such as enzymes would give more chromatin structural information, we adaptedDNase I footprinting for use with LMFCR and obtained very informative DNase I footprint datausing cells that have been permeabilized with lysolecithin (10). 2. Materials 2.1. Preparation of Genomic
1. Phenol, equilibrated with 0. 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.


2. Chloroform.
3. Ethanol. 4. 3M Sodium acetate, pH 5.2. 5. Appropriate restriction enzyme and buffer.

2.2. G-Reaction
1. DMS buffer: 50 mM sodium cacodylate, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8. 2. DMS (dimethylsulfate, 99+%) from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI). DMS is a highly toxic chemical and should be handled in a well ventilated hood. Detoxify DMS waste (including plastic material) in 5M NaOH. DMS is stored under nitrogen at 4C. 3. DMS stop: 1SM sodium acetate, pH 7, 1M P-mercaptoethanol. 4. Absolute ethanol, precooled to -70C. 5. 3M Sodium acetate, pH 5.2. 6. 75% Ethanol. 7. Piperidine (99+%, Fhtka, Ronkonkoma, NY), stored under nitrogen at

156 2.3. Genomic 1. 2. 3. 4. Footprinting

Pfeifer and Riggs with DMS

DMS. Cell culture medium. Phosphatebuffered saline (PBS). 1M Piperidine, freshly diluted.

2.4. Genomic Footprinting with DNase I 1. Lysolecithin, type I (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). 2. Solution I: 150 mA4 sucrose, 80 rml4 KCl, 35 n&f HEPES, 5 mM K2HP04, 5 mM MgQ, 0.5 mM CaClz , pH 7.4. 3. Solution II: 150 mil4 sucrose, 80 mM KCI, 35 mM HEPES, 5 mM K2HP0.,, 5 mM MgC12,2 mM CaC12, 7.4. pH 4. DNase I (gradeI, Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN). 5. Stop solution: 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0.20 mM NaCl, 20 mM EDTA, 1% SDS, 600 pg/mL proteinaseK. 6. 150 mM NaCl, 5 r&f EDTA, pH 7.8. 7. RNase A (DNase-free). 8. Sequenase (USB). 2.0 9. 5 it&f ddNTPs in 40 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.7,25 mM NaCl, 6.7 mM MgC12 (a 10X buffer of this can be prepared). 10. Terminal transferase(BRL). 11. 2M Sodium cacodylate,pH 7.4, 10 n&f P-mercaptoethanol. 12. 7.5M Ammonium acetate. 2.5. First Primer Extension 1. 5X Sequenase buffer: 250 m&f NaCl, 200 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.7. 2. The primers we have used as primer 1 (Sequenaseprimer) are 17- to 19-mer oligonucleotides with a calculated Tmof 50-56C. Calculation of T,,,is done with a computer program (II). Gel-purify the primers. This is especially recommendedfor the amplification primers (primers 2, see below). Purify the primers on a 6.7M urea, 20% polyacrylamide gel (19:l ratio of acrylamide:bis-acrylamide) made in 100 mJi4 TBE buffer (see Section 2.8.), using a gel O.&mm thick and 50-cm long. Load ~5 ODxO U of primer per lane. The gel should be run in 100 mM TBE at a voltage that maintains a gel temperatureof about 50C until the bromophenol blue runs to the bottom of the gel. Crush gel slices containing the desired oligonucleotide and soak in water on a shakerat 37C overnight. Passthe solution through a Spin-X column (Costar, Cambridge, MA) and evaporateto dryness in a SpeedVac. Redissolve the oligonucleotide in 100pL of 0.5M ammonium acetate,pH 7.0, and precipitated by addition of 900 irL of ethanol. After incubation on dry ice for 20 min and centrifugation at about 14,OOOg 20 min, redisfor

Genomic Footprinting


solve the oligonucleotide in water, determine the Azso, and adjust the concentration to 50 pmol/pL (stock solution). 3. Mg-DTT-dNIPmix:20m.&fMgC12,20mMDTT,0.25mMofeachdNTP. 4. SequenaseTM2.0 (USB), 13 U&L. 5. 300 mA4Tris-HCl, pH 7.7.

2.6. Ligation
1. 2M Tris-HCl, pH 7.7. 2. Linkers. Prepare in a total volume of 500 pL, containing 250 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.7, and 10 nmol of each primer. Anneal a25-mer (5-GCGGTGACCC GGGAGATCTGAATIC-3,) to an 11-mer (5-GAATTCAGATC-3) by heating to 95C for 3 min and gradually cooling to 4C over a time period of 3 h. Store linkers at -20C for at least 3 mo. Always thaw and keep linkers on ice. 3. Ligation mix: 13.33 m&I MgC12, 30 mJ4 DTT, 1.66 mM ATP, 83 pg/ mL of BSA, 3 U/reaction of T4 DNA ligase (Promega, Madison, WI), and 100 pmol of linker/reaction (= 5 pL linker). 4. 3M Sodium acetate, pH 5.2. 5. E. coli tRNA.

2.7. Polymerase

Chain Reaction

1. 2X Tuq polymerase mix: 20 n&fTris-HCl, pH 8.9,80 mM NaCl, 0.02% gelatin, 4 m&I MgC12, and dNTPs at 0.4 mM each. 2. Primers. Use 10 pmol of the gene-specific primer (primer 2) and 10 pmol of the 25-mer linker-primer (5-GCGGTGACCCGGGAGATCTGAATTC) per reaction along with 3 U Taq polymerase, and include in the 2X Tuq polymerase mix. The primers used in the amplification step (primer 2) are 23- to 26mers (calculated T, between 65 and 70C). They are designed to extend 3 to primer 1. Primer 2 can overlap several bases with primer 1, but we have also had good results with a second primer that overlapped only two bases with the first. 3. Mineral oil. 4. 3M Sodium acetate, pH 5.2. 5. 400 mMEDTA, pH 7.7. 6. E. colt tRNA.

2.8. Gel Electrophoresis and Electroblotting

1. Formamide loading dye: 94% formamide, 2 n&Z EDTA , pH 7.7,0.05% xylene cyanol, 0.05% bromophenol blue. 2. 1M TBE: 1M Tris, 0.83M boric acid, 1OM EDTA, pH -8.3. Use this stock to prepare 100,90, and 50 nuI4 TBE buffers.

Pfeifer and Riggs 3. 40% acrylamide stock. Preparefrom 380 g/L of acrylamide and 20 g/L of his-acrylamide. Dissolve in Hz0 and adjust volume to 1 L. Filter through Whatman 3MM paper and store at 4C in dark. 4. 10% Ammonium sulfate. Store at 4OC,stable for 1 wk. 5. Urea. 6. TEMED. 7. Electroblotting apparatus.Use stainlesssteel plates from a Bio-Rad gel drier as electrodes (obtainable as spare parts from Hoefer Scientific, San Francisco, CA). Connect electrodesdirectly with a platinum wire and a cord to the power supply. Use a homemadeplastic tank for the buffer chamber. The size of the chamber is 50 cm x 40 cm x 14 cm (length x width x height). Opening the lid interrupts the current (safety precaution). A Bio-Rad XMY2.0 power supply is sufficient. 8. Whatman 3MM and Whatman 17 paper. 9. GeneScreenTM nylon membranes(New England Nuclear). 2.9. Hybridization 1. Hybridization buffer: 250 mM sodium phosphate,pH 7.2,l mMEDTA, 7% SDS, 1% BSA. 2. Washing buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate,pH 7.2, 1 mM EDTA, 1% SDS. 3. UV irradiation apparatus.UV irradiation is performed by mounting six 254~nmgermicidal UV tubes (15 W) into an inverted transilluminator from which the upper lid is removed. The distancebetween membrane and UV bulbs is 20 cm. Note that commercially available UV crosslinkers (e.g., Stratalinker, Stratagene,La Jolla, CA) may be used. 3. Methods In Sections 3.1.-3.4., we describe two different procedures that can be used for genomic footprinting: DMS footprinting of intact cells and DNase I footprinting of permeabilized cells. Sections 3.5.-3.7. contain a detailed protocol of the ligation-mediated PCR procedure that is used to amplify gene-specific fragments. Sections 3.8-3.10. comprise the separation of amplified fragments and their detection. 3.1. Preparation of Genomic DNA 1. Isolate DNA by standardprocedures(see ~01s.2 and 4 of this series, and Chapter 1) using phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. The DNA preparationshould be mostly free of RNA. 2. Digest 50 pg of the DNA in a 1OOyL vol with a restriction enzyme that does not cut within the region to be sequenced.This is done to reduce



the viscosity of the solution. After digestion, extract the DNA once with an equal volume of phenol/chloroform and once with chloroform and then ethanol precipitate by addition of sodium acetate, pH 5.2, to

0.3A4and 2.5 vol of ethanol. Dissolve the DNA in water, determine the amount of DNA by absorbancemeasurementor agarosegel electrophoresis, and adjust the concentration to 2-10 pg/pL.

3.2. G-Reaction Genomic DNA is chemically cleaved according to the Church-Gilbert procedures (2,12). The conditions described in this section work well for lo-50 pg DNA. This DNA is used as an in vitro control for
genomic footprinting with DMS (see Note 1). 1. Mix, with caution, on ice: 5 PL of genomic DNA (10-50 pg), 200 PL of DMS buffer and 1 l.tL of DMS. 2. Incubate at 20C for 2 min. 3. Add 50 FL of DMS stop. 4. Add 750 l.tL of precooled ethanol (-70C). 5. Keep the samples in a dry ice/ethanol bath for 20 min. 6. Spin 15 min at maximum speed in an Eppendorf centrifuge (or more than 10,OOOg a microfuge) at 04C. in 7. Remove the supernatant and respin the pellet. 8. Resuspend pellet in 225 pL of water. 9. Add 25 ltL of 3h4 sodium acetate, pH 5.2, then add 750 uL of precooled ethanol (-70C). 10. Put on dry ice, 15 min. 11. Spin 10 min at maximum speed in an Eppendorf centrifuge at 04C.

12. Remove the supernatantand respin the pellet. 13. Wash with 1 mL of 75% ethanol, spin at maximum speedfor 5 min in
Eppendorf centrifuge, and dry the pellet in SpeedVac. 14. Dissolve the pellet in 100 pL of 1M piperidine (freshly diluted). 15. Secure the caps with Teflon TMtape and heat at 90C for 30 min in a heat block (lead weight on top). 16. Transfer the sample to a new tube. 17. Add l/10 vol of 3M sodium acetate,pH 5.2, 2.5 vol of ethanol and put on dry ice for 20 min. 18. Spin for 15 min at maximum speed in Eppendorf centrifuge at 04C. 19. Wash twice with 75% ethanol. 20. Remove traces of remaining pipe&line by drying the sample overnight in a SpeedVac concentrator. Dissolve DNA in water to a concentration

of approx 1 PgIpL. 21. Proceedwith first primer extension (Section 3.5.).


Pfeifer and Riggs

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


3.3. Genomic Footprinting with DMS Replacethe cell culture medium with completemedium containing 0.2% of DMS (freshly prepared)and incubate at room temperaturefor S-10 min. For cells cultured in a T75 flask, use 20 mL. Remove the DMS-containing medium (centrifuge and wash at 4C for cells in suspension). Quickly wash the cells with 10-20 mL of medium without DMS. Remove cells by trypsinization (or whatever procedure is used for a particular cell line), dilute with ice-cold PBS, and centrifuge. Wash cell pellet with 20 mL of ice-cold PBS. Isolate and digest the DNA with a restriction enzyme (l-2 U/pg DNA) to reduce viscosity if necessary. Redissolve the DNA pellet in 100pL of 1Mpiperidine. heat to 90C for 30 min and continue as describedin Section 3.2. (G-reaction), step 16. Check the size of DNA fragments on an alkaline agarosegel. Prepare alkaline agarosegels (1.5%) in 50 mM NaCl, 4 n&f EDTA. The running buffer is 30 mM NaOH, 2 mM EDTA. Denature samples prior to running by addition of 1 vol of 2X loading buffer (50% glycerol, 1M NaOH, 0.05% bromocresol green)and incubation at room temperature for 15 min. Run the gel for about 2 h at 40 V. After the run, neutralize the gels in O.lM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, and stain in ethidium bromide (1 pg/ mL). There should be DNA fragments smaller than 100 bp. Proceed with first primer extension (Section 3.5.).

3.4. Genomic Footprinting with DNase I A cell permeabilization system (see Note 2) is used for in situ digestion of chromatin with DNase I. DNase I footprints of singlecopy genes are then obtained by LM-PCR (10). Cell permeabilization can be used for both monolayer and suspension culture cells (13). 1. Grow the cells as monolayers to about 80% confluency (we use a T75 flask). 2. Permeabilize the cells by treating cell monolayers(approx 4 x lo6 cells) with 4 mL of 0.05% lysolecithin in solution I (prewarmed) for 1 min at 37C (14). 3. Remove the lysolecithin and wash with 10 mL of solution I. 4. Treat the cells with DNase I (lo-50 pg/mL) in solution II at room temperature for 5 min. DNase I concentration and incubation times may haveto be adjustedfor different cell types. During this incubation, ~10% of the cells should become detachedfrom the plastic surface. 5. Stop the reaction and lyse the cells by removal of the DNase I solution

Genomic Footprinting


and addition of 2.5 mL of stop solution. Add 2.5 mL of 150 rniV NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, pH 7.8 and incubate for 3 h at 37C. 6. Purify the DNA by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. RemoveRNA by digestionwith RNaseA (50 pg/mL in TE buffer, 1 h at 37C) followed by a second phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. 7. To obtain naked DNA controls (seeNote l), digest 40 pg of purified DNA in solution II with 0.8 or 1.6 pg/mL DNase I for 10 min at room temperature. 8. The 3 OH groups of DNase I-treated genomic DNA fragments, which may contribute to nonspecific priming, are blocked by addition of a dideoxynucleotide. This step,which theoretically should leave only the primers with 3 hydroxyls, significantly increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the procedure.To block 3 OH groups after DNase I treatment, denature10 pg of DNA in 50 pL of 5 pJ4 of ddNTPs, 40 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.7,25 mM NaCl, 6.7 m&f MgClz by incubation at 95C for 3 min
and then add 5 U of Sequenase 2.0 and incubate for 20 min at 45C.

9. Denature the DNA by incubation at 95OCfor 3 min and incubate the DNA with 30 U of terminal transferaseat 37C for 30 min in the same reactionmixture (step8, this section)supplemented 200 mM of sodium to cacodylate,pH 7.4, and 1 miV of P-mercaptoethanol.After phenol/&loroform extraction, selectively precipitate the DNA fragments at room temperature for 10 min by addition of ammonium acetateto a final concentration of 2M and 2 vol of ethanol. Pellet the DNA by centrifugation at room temperature.Wash the pellets in 75% ethanol and dissolve the DNA in water. 10. Checkthesizeof thefragmentsobtainedafterchemicalor enzymaticcleavageon alkaline 1.5% agarosegels (seestep 8 in Section 3.3.). For optimum molecule usage,the averagefragment size should be between 100 and 250 nt. DNase I digestion often results in a broaderdistribution of fragment sizes (50-1500 nucleotide),but make sure there are fragments smaller than 100 nt. The amountof DNA usedin the Sequenase reaction (seeSection3.5.)is estimatedfrom the relative amountof DNA fragments within thelower size range.This estimationis important andallows oneto obtain similar bandintensitieson the sequencinggel in all lanes. 11. Proceed with first primer extension (Section 3.5.). 3.5. First Primm Extension 1. Mix in a siliconized tube: 0.5-5 pg of cleaved DNA, 0.6 pmol of primer 1, and 3 pL of 5X Sequenase buffer in a final volume of 15 pL. 2. Incubate at 95C for 3 min, then at 45C for 30 min.


Pfeifer and Riggs

3. Cool on ice, quick spin. 4. Add 7.5 pL of cold, freshly preparedMg-DTT-dNTP mix and then 1.5 pL of Sequenase, diluted 1:4 in cold 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.7. 5. Incubate at 48C, 15 min, then cool on ice. 6. Add 6 pL of 300 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.7. 7. Incubate 67OC 15min (heat at for inactivation),cool on ice,andquick spin. 3.6. Ligation The primer-extended molecules that have a 5 phosphate as a remnant from the chemical sequencing or DNase I cleavage are ligated to an unphosphorylated synthetic double-stranded linker. 1. 2. 3. 4. Add 45 pL of freshly preparedligation mix. Incubate overnight at 18C. Incubate 10 min at 70C (heat inactivation). Add 8.4 pL of 3M sodium acetate,pH 5.2, 10 pg of E. coli tRNA, and 220 pL of 95% ethanol. 5. Put samples on dry ice for 20 min and then centrifuge 15 min at 4C in an Eppendorf centrifuge. 6. Wash pellets with 950 pL of 75% ethanol andremove ethanol residues in a SpeedVac. 7. Dissolve pellets in 50 uL of Hz0 and transfer to 0.5-mL siliconized tubes. Proceedwith PCR (Section 3.7.). 1. 2. 3. 3.7. Polymerase Chain Reaction Add 50 pL of freshly prepared2X Taq polymerase mix containing the primers (see Note 3) and the enzyme and mix by pipetting. Cover the samples with 50 pL of mineral oil and spin briefly. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 16-20 main cycles: 95C, 1 min (denaturation) 66OC,2 min (annealing) 76C, 3 min (extension) To extend completely all DNA fragments,an additional Tuq polymerase stepis performed. Add 1 U of fresh Tuq polymeraseper sampleis added together with 10 pL reaction buffer. Incubate for 10 min at 74C. Stop the reaction by adding 11 pL of 3M sodium acetateand 2.8 pL of 400 mM EDTA, and add 10 pg of tRNA. Extract with 70 pL of phenol and 120 pL of chloroform (premixed). Add 2.5 vol of 95% ethanol and put on dry ice for 20 min. Centrifuge samples 15 min in an Eppendorf centrifuge at 4OC,wash pellets in 1 mL of 75% ethanol and dry pellets in SpeedVac.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Genomic F&printing
hole in lid \ 0 0


kg weight 17 Nylon TGel I I

Whatmen I I

Whatman 17 I I


Fig. 2. Schematicdrawing of the electroblotting apparatus. 3.8. Gel Electrophoresis and Electroblotting (see Notes 4 and 5) Dissolve pellets in 1.5 pL of water and add 3 pL of formamide dye. Heat samples to 95C for 2 min prior to loading. Perform loading with a very thin flat tip and load only one half of the sample. Use a gel that is 0.4-mm thick, SO-95-cm long, consisting of 8% polyacrylamide and 7M urea in 100 mM TBE. Prepare gel by mixing 20 mL of acrylamide stock, 50 g of urea, 10 mL of lit4 TBE and 30 mL of HzO. After urea dissolves, degas gel and add 1 mL of 10% ammonium persulfate and 10 pL of TEMED. Prertm and run the gel at a voltage or power setting that maintains gel at about 50C (see manufacturers suggestions for particular apparatus) until the xylene cyan01marker reachesthe bottom. Fragments below the xylene cyan01 dye hybridize only very weakly. Electroblotting is performed with a simple home-made apparatus (Fig. 2; see Section 2.8.). After the run, cut the gel into one or two pieces, transfer to Whatman 3MM paper, and cover with Saran WrapTM. Perform electroblotting essentially as described by Saluz and Jost (12). On the lower electrode, which is resting on three plastic incubation racks (height approx 3 cm), pile ten layers of Whatman 17 paper, 47 x 17 cm, presoaked in 90 miI4 TBE, and squeeze with a rolling bottle to avoid air bubbles between the paper layers. Place the gel pieces covered with Saran Wrap on the paper pile and remove the air bubbles between gel and paper by wiping over the Saran Wrap using a soft tissue. When all ah bubbles are squeezed out, remove the Saran Wrap and cover the gel with a nylon membrane cut somewhat larger than the gel and presoaked in 90 mM TBE.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


Pfeifer and Riggs

7. Prepare the upper paper pile of 12 layers of Whatmau 17 paper presoaked and cut as previously mentioned. Place the upper electrode on the upper pile by putting 2-kg lead weights on top of it. 8. Fill the electroblotting apparatus with 90 mM TBE until the buffer level is about 5 layers of paper below the gel, and electroblot at 1.6 amps and 30 V. After 1 h, remove the nylon membrane after marking the DNA side. 1. 2. 3. 3.9. Hybridization After electroblotting, briefly dry the membrane at room temperature or at 37C and subsequently bake at 80C for 20 min in a vacuum oven. Crosslink the DNA by UV irradiation for 30 s. Calibrating the UV irradiation time for different batches of nylon membranes was found to be unnecessary. Prehybridize and hybridize in a rotating 250~mL plastic or glass cylinders in a hybridization oven. Soak the nylon membranes in 50 m.M TBE and roll into the cylinders so that the membranes stick completely to the walls of the cylinders without air pockets between wall and membrane. This can be easily done by rolling the membrane first onto a 25 mL pipet and then unspooling it into the cylinder. Prehybridize the membrane in 15 mL of hybridization buffer for 10 min at 68OC. Remove this 15 mL of hybridization buffer immediately before adding probe. Hybridize with the labeled probe (see Note 6) by diluting the probe into 5 mL of hybridization buffer and adding it to the bottle. Hybridize at 68C for probes with a G+C content of 60-75%. After hybridization, wash each nylon membrane in 2 L of washing buffer at 60C. Several washing steps are performed at room temperature with prewarmed buffer. After washing, dry the membranes at room temperature, wrap in Saran Wrap, and expose to Kodak XAR-5 X-ray film. If the procedure has been done without error, a result can be seen after 0.5-8 h of exposure with intensifying screens at -70C. Nylon membranes can be used for rehybridization if several setsof primers have been included in the primer extension and amplification reactions. Probes can be stripped from the nylon membranes by soaking in 0.2M NaOH for 30 min at 45C.

4. 5. 6.


4. Notes 1. Identification of in vivo protein-DNA contacts requires a comparison of the in vivo treated sample with a purified DNA control. We emphasize that purified DNA samples might be different depending on cell type. Ihis is owing to heterogenous cytosine methylation patterns of genomic DNA samples, which can give altered DNase I cleavage pat-

terns (10). Therefore, it is imperative to compare all in vivo samples with an in vitro control from the same cell type. Genomic footprinting of permeabilized cells with DNase I has given very clear footprints at the PGK- 1 promoter (IO). An example is shown in Fig. 3. DNase I digestion of isolated nuclei has consistently resulted in less clear footprints with the occasional complete absence of transcription factors (no footprints). When new combinations of primers are initially tested, it may be necessary to adjust certain conditions (Mg2+ concentration and temperatures in the PCR). This initial testing can be done with restriction enzyme cut DNA (5) instead of sequenced genomic DNA. This is technically simpler and should give information on the specificity of the primers and the conditions resulting in the best signal-to-noise ratio for the amplified band. We are currently using electroblotting andhybridization instead of directly extending a 32P-labeled primer followed by gel electrophoresis (3). The reasons are: a. Labeling the amplification primer does not provide sufficient specificity, so an additional labeled primer (third primer) has to be made that will compete with the unlabeled primer from the amplification reaction. b. Hybridization introduces an additional level of specificity if a probe is used that does not overlap with the amplification primer. c. The hybridization approach as described here results in significantly less exposure of the worker to radioactivity. d. Longer single-stranded probes provide a higher specific activity than kinased oligonucleotides. e. Nylon membranes can easily be rehybridized after inclusion of multiple primer sets in Sequenase reaction and PCR (multiplexing). Transfer to a nylon membrane can also be accomplished by vacuum blotting using a gel drier, as described (15). Transfer by vacuum blotting was approx 50% efficient for longer fragments, and we are not currently using it. However, many may find it adequate, since less efflcient transfer can be easily compensated for by longer exposures. We have been using single-stranded DNA probes made as described by Weih et al. (16). Other hybridization probes can be used and might be much easier to produce. We have successfully tested oligonucleotides labeled with T4 polynucleotide kinase. Longer exposure times and/or more PCR cycles are required and the hybridization and washing conditions are more difficult to control with these probes, but their preparation is convenient. Another very useful method to prepare labeled single-stranded probes is to use repeated primer extension (approx 35 cycles) by Tuqpolymerase with a single primer (primer 3) on a double-







Pfeifer and Riggs

Fig. 3. An example of genomic DNase I footprints obtained by ligation-mediated PCR. The region shown contains promoter sequences from the human PGK-1 gene (10). Three footprints (indicated by dashed lines) are seen at the promoter of the active gene in permeabilized cells. Purified genomic DNA cut with DNase I is shown in the control lanes.

Genonaic Footprinting


stranded template of the respective cloned DNA (17). The length of theseprobes can be easily controlled by an appropriaterestriction cut. The primer that is used to make a probe (primer 3) should be on the samestrandjust 3 to the amplification primer (primer 2). It should not overlap more than a few bases.Even if a cloned DNA is not available, single-stranded probes can be made from PCR products. See also Espelund et al. for preparationof single-strandedprobes(18). Acknowledgments This work was supported by National Institute of Aging grant (AG08196) to A.D.R. and a fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Pf212/1- 1) to G.P.P. References
1. SaIuz, H., Wiebauer, K., and Wallace, A. (1991) Studying DNA modifications and DNA-protein interactions in vivo. Trends Genetics 7,207-211. 2. Church, G. M. and Gilbert, W. (1984) Genomic sequencing. hoc. N&l. Acud. Scl. USA 81,1991-1995. 3. Mueller, P. R. and Wold, B. (1989) In vivo footprinting of a muscle specific enhancer by ligation mediated PCR. Science 246,780-786. 4. Pfeifer, G. P., Steigerwald, S. D., Mueller, P. R., Wold, B., and Riggs, A. D. (1989) Genomic sequencing and methylation analysis by ligation mediated PCR. Science 246,810-813. 5. Steigerwakl, S. D., Pfeifer, G. P., and Riggs, A D. (1990) Ligation-mediated PCR improves the sensitivity of methylation analysis by restriction enzymes and detection of specific DNA strand breaks. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,1435-1439. 6. Pfeifer, G. P., Tanguay, R. L., Steigerwald, S. D., and Riggs, A. D. (1990) In vivo footprint and methylation analysis by PCR-arded genomic sequencing: comparison of active and inactive X chromosomal DNA at the CpG island and promoter of human PGK-1. Genes Dev. 4, 1277-1287. 7. Pfeifer, G. P., Steigerwald, S. D., Hansen, R. S., Gartler, S. M., and Rrggs, A. D. (1990) Polymerase chain reaction aided genomic sequencing of an X chromosome-linked CpG island: Methylation patterns suggest clonal inheritance, CpG site autonomy, and an explanation of activity state stability. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87,8252-8256. 8. Rideout III, W. M., Coetzee, G. A., Olumi, A. F., and Jones, P. A. (1990) 5Methylcytosine as an endogenous mutagen in the human LDL receptor and ~53 genes. Science 249,1288-12X). 9. Pfeifer, G. P., Drouin, R., Riggs, A. D., and Holmquist, G.P. (1991) In vivo mapping of a DNA adduct at nucleotide resolution: detection of pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts by ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 1374-1378. 10. Pfeifer, G. P. and Riggs, A.D. (1991) Chromatin differences between active and inactive X chromosomes revealed by genomrc footprinting of permeabihzed cells using DNase I and ligation-mediated PCR. Genes Dev. 5, 1102-l 113.

Pfeifer and Riggs

11. Rychlik, W. and Rhoads, R. E. (1989) A computer program for choosing optimal oligonucleotides for filter hybridization, sequencing and in vitro amplification of DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 17,8543-8551. 12. Saluz, H. P. and Jost, J. P. (1987) A Laboratory Gurde to Genomic Sequencing. Birkhauser, Boston, 13. Contreras, R. and Fiers, W. (1981) Initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II in permeable SV40-infected CV-1 cells; evidence of multiple promoters for SV40 late transcription. Nucleic Acrds Res. 9,215236. 14. Zhang, L. and Gralla, J. D. (1989) In situ nucleoprotein structure at the SV40 major late promoter: melted and wrapped DNA flank the start site. Genes Dev. 3,1814-1822. 15. Gross, D. S., Collins, K. W., Hemandez, E. M., and Garrard, W. T. (1988) Vacuum blotting: a simple method for transfering DNA from sequencing gels to nylon membranes. Gene 74,347-3X 16. Weih, F., Stewart, A. F., and Schutz, G. (1988) A novel and rapid method to generate single stranded DNA probes for genomic footprintmg. Nucleic Acids Res. l&1628. 17. Sttuzl, M. and Roth, W. K. (1990) Run-off synthesis and applicauon of defined single-stranded DNA hybridization probes. Anal. Blochem. 185,164-169. 18. Espelund, M., Prentice-Stacy, R. A., and Jakobsen, K. S. (1990) A simple method for generating single-stranded DNA probes labeled to high activities. Nucleic Acids Res. l&6157-6158.



RNA Template-Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (RS-PCR)

A Modifiation of RNA-PCR that Dramatically Reduces the Frequency of False Positives

Alan R. Shuldiner, Riccardo and Jesse Roth


1. Introduction Reverse transcription of RNA followed by the polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCRor RNA-PCR) is an extraordinarily sensitive method to detect as few as l-100 copies of a specific RNA (1-3). However, we and others have found that false positives caused by contamination with minute quantities of DNA (i.e., cDNAs, plasmid DNAs, genomic DNA, or PCR carryover) is a major shortcoming of the method even when meticulous laboratory technique is employed (4-6). RNA template-specific PCR (RS-PCR) is a modification of conventional RNAPCR in which RNA is reverse-transcribed with a primer that contains at its 5 end a unique nucleotide sequence that may then be exploited in the PCR to amplify preferentially the RNA-derived sequence. RSPCR retains full sensitivity, but reduces dramatically the frequency of false positives (7-9).


Methods In Molecular Bology, Vol 75 PCR Protocols Edlted by B. A White Copyright Q 1993 Humana

Current Methods and AppCcations Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




Perfetti, and Roth

of the Method 1.1.1. Step 1: Reverse Transcription First, total RNA is reverse-transcribedusing an oligonucleotide primer 47 basesin length (designatedprimer d&J whose sequencecontains 17 basesat its 3 end (segment dt,) that is complementary to a region of the target mRNA, and 30 bases at its 5 end (segment ts,-Jthat is unique in sequence(Fig. 1). Thus, reversetranscription yields single-stranded DNA that contains a unique 30 base tag (segment tsO)at its 5 end. 1.1.2. Steps 2 and 3: Second-Strand Synthesis and Amplification The second-strand of DNA is synthesized during the first cycle of PCR with primers u30and t30(Fig. 1). Upstream (sense) primer u30is a 30-mer whose sequence corresponds to the target RNA a predetermined distance (optimally 200-500 bases)upstream from reverse transcription primer dr7ts0,whereas downstream (antisense) primer t30is a 30-mer whose sequence is identical to segment t30of reverse transcription primer d17t30.With these primers, sequences derived from RNA that had been tagged with unique sequence t30 during reverse transcription are amplified preferentially, whereas contaminating DNA that lack the unique tag are not amplified. The lengths of the segments of reverse transcription primer d17ts0 were derived empirically. The 17-base d17 segment hybridizes efficiently with its RNA during reverse transcription at 37OC, but does not hybridize to contaminating DNA that lacks the unique tag (t3a)during the PCR in which an elevated annealing temperature (70C) is used. PCR primers of about 30 bases in length (primers u30and t30) retain efficient hybridization at the higher PCR annealing temperature. 2. Materials
1. 10XGeneAmpPCRbuffer :5OOmMKCl, lOOmi%fTris-HCl,pH8.3at 25C, 15 mM MgC12, 0.1 mg/nL of gelatin. GeneAmp is the trademark of Perkin-Elmer/Cetus (Norwalk, CT). 2. dNTPs: 10 mM each of dATP, dGTP, dCTP, and dTTP.

1.1. Theory

3. AMV-reverse transcriptase.
4. Tuq polymerase.

5. Oligonucleotides of the appropriate sequencesshould be synthesized

chemically (see Note 1). We recommend leaving the last dimethoxytrityl (DMT) group on, and purifying with NENsorb Prep columns (New

RNA Template-Specific PCR



Tagging of RNA wfih



2nd strand cDNA synthesis



Selective arnpliiit~on of cDNA templates containing both t30 i3t-d ua sequent=

Fig. 1. Schematic of RNA template-specific PCR (RS-PCR). With RS-PCR, sequences derived from RNA that are tagged with the unique sequence (t& during reverse transcription (step 1) are amplified preferentially during PCR with primers ts0 and u30 (steps 2 and 3). The 17-base d17 segment of reverse transcription primer di7ts0 anneals efficiently to RNA during reverse transcription at 37C, but does not hybridize to contaminating DNA that lacks the unique tag at the higher PCR annealing temperature (7OC). dr7 = downstream primer (17-mer). t30 = tagging sequence/ primer (30-mer). ujo = upstream primer (30-mer).



Perfetti, and Roth

England Nuclear, Boston, MA) according to the manufacturers directions. Alternatively, the last DMT group may be removed, and the oligonucleotides may be desalted on a Sephadex G-25 spin column (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN) andused without further purification. Primers should be diluted in water to a concentration of 5 j.t~V, aliquoted, and stored at -20C. 6. Autoclaved, distilled, deionized water. 7. RNAse A: 0.1 mg/mL in water. Boil for 10 min to remove any residual DNAse activity, and allow to cool to room temperatureover approx 30 min. Aliquot and store at -20C. 8. Paraffin oil. 9. Sterile 1.5-mL and 0.5-mL Eppendorf tubes. 10. Horizontal agarosegel electrophoresisapparatuswith power supply. 11. 10X loading buffer: 30% glycerol, 0.25% bromophenolblue, and0.25% xylene cyan01 . 12. Tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) electrophoresisrunning buffer: 89 mM Tris borate, 89 mM boric acid, 2 mM EDTA, pH 8. 13. Agarose. 14. Nuseive GTG (FMC Bioproducts, Rockland, ME). 3. Methods
3.1. Reverse Transcription

Reverse transcription is accomplished in a final volume of 20 l.tL. We recommend that a 2X reverse transcription master mix be prepared, and that 10 PL of the master mix be added to 10 PL of total RNA in water (see Note 2). 1. Place total RNA (l-10 pg) dissolved in 10 pL of sterile water in an autoclaved0.5-mL Eppendorf tube. Keep at 4C. 2. Make a 2X reverse transcription master mix. The following recipe is sufficient for 10 reactions: GeneAmpPCR buffer 20@ dATP (10 mM) 4P.L dCTP(lOmM) 4w dGTP (10 mM) 4cLL dTIP(lOmM) 4w Primer di& (5 ClM) 20 CLL Sterile water 24 CLL RNAsin (40 U/pL) 10 CLL AMV-reverse transcriptase (7-10 U&L) lo@ Total 1mP.L The final concentrationsof componentsafter RNA is added are 1X of

RNA Template-Specific



GeneAmp buffer, 200 pJ4 of eachdNTP, 0.5 p.jV of primer dt7tj0, 2 U/ l.tL of RNasin, and 0.35-0.5 U&L of reversetranscriptase. 3. Add 10 ~.LL the 2X reversetranscription master mix to 10 pL of the of RNA samplein water. Pipet up and down several times to mix. 4. Incubate for 1 h at 37C. 5. Spin the tubes briefly in a microfuge to remove condensationof liquid from the inside walls of the tubes and place at 4OC(seeNote 3). 3.2. Second-Strand Synthesis and PCR PCR is performedin a final volume of 50 i..tL.We recommendthat a PCR master mix be prepared,and that the PCR reaction mixture contain 45 PL of PCR master mix and 5 i.tL of the reversetranscription reaction mixture. 1. Makea PCRmastermix. (lbe following recipeis sufficientfor 10reactions.) 50 i.tL 10X GeneAmpPCR buffer dATP(lOm.kf) 1ocLL dCTP(lOmZt4) lOti dGTP (1OmM) lOti dTTP (10 mM) lo& Primer u30(5 p&f) 5OcLL Primer tsO j.04) (5 5Oc1L Sterile water 257 & 3 pL Tuq polymerase(5 U&L) 450 pL Total Final concentrationsof componentsafter an aliquot of the reversetranscription reaction mixture is addedare 1X GeneAmp buffer, 200 p.kf of eachdNTP, 0.5 j.tM of primers and 1.5 U/tube of Tuq polymerase. 2. Add 45 pL of the PCR master mix to sterile 0.5-mL Eppendorf tubes. 3. Cover the PCR master mix with 50 t.tL of paraffin oil. 4. Add 5 pL of the reversetranscription reaction mixture to the PCR master mix. This may be accomplishedeasily by placing thepipet tip through the oil, and pipeting the reversetranscription reaction mixture into the lower aqueousphase.Pipet up and down several times to mix. 5. Centrifuge briefly to obtain a clean oil/aqueous interface and to remove air bubbles. 6. Place tubes in a thermocycler. We recommend the following cycle parameters: Initial denaturation 94C, 5 min 2545 main cycles 70C 1 min (annealing/extension) 94OC,1 min (denaturation) Final extension 7OC, 10 min (Note that 70C is usedfor both annealingandextension.SeeNote 4.)


Shuldiner, Perfetti, and Roth

7. After thermocycling is completed, transfer 18 pL of the PCR reaction mixture from each tube to individual Eppendorf tubes. 8. Add 2 @ of 10X loading buffer to each tube. Vortex and centrifuge briefly. 9. Load samples onto a gel consisting of 1% agarose and 2% Nuseive GTG in 1X TBE, and perform electrophoresis. 10. DNA may be visualized by staining with ethidium bromide followed by UV transillumination, or by Southern blot analysis using established procedures (see Chapter 1).

4. Notes
1. Selecting a unique oligonucleotide sequence(tw). The nucleotide sequence of the unique tag may be selected using several methods. We use a computer to generate a random 30-mer. The sequence is inspected visually to be sure that it contains approximately equal numbers of each of the four nucleotides, has a low probability of containing appreciable secondary structure, and does not contain complementarity at its 3 end with the 3 end of upstream primer (u&. A restriction endonuclease recognition sequence may be introduced into the unique tag for future subcloning. Examples of unique tag sequences that we have used successfully include S-GAACATCGATGACAAGCITAGGTATCGATA3 and S-ClTATAGGGATATCCTGGCAATICGGACTT-3. 2. RNA isolation. Total RNA may be prepared using virtually any method. We use the RNAzol method (10) since it is easily adapted for small quantities of RNA, and can be done in a single tube thereby minimizing opportunity for cross-contamination of samples (9). For RS-PCR, l-10 pg of total RNA may be used. We do not find it necessary to select for poly-A RNA. 3. Reverse transcription. After reverse transcription of RNA, the reaction mixture may be used immediately, or may be stored indefinitely at -20C. 4. PCR conditions. For some primers, we have empirically found that better and more reliable amplification occurs when the annealing temperature is decreased to 65C. In these circumstances, rather than two temperature cycling, three temperature cycling with an extension temperature of 72C should be used (i.e., denaturation [94C, 1 min], annealing [65C, 1 min], extension [72C, 1 min]). 5. Avoiding false positives and negative controls. To test the system, when we purposely introduced large amounts of DNA contaminants (i.e., >107 copies) into the RS-PCR reaction mixture, a faint signal was sometimes detected. This was because reverse transcriptase can act as a DNA polymerase during reverse transcription when enough DNA template is present. We therefore recommend that meticulous laboratory technique be maintained to further safeguard against false positives. We recommend

RNA Template-Specific



the use of positive displacement pipets or plugged pipet tips, frequent changingof gloves, addingthe RNA samplelast, aliquoting all reagents, and physical separation of the RS-PCR reagents from the PCR products to minimize chancesof carry-overcontamination. Somehavetouted UV irradiation to be useful in decreasingthe frequency of false positives (6,II). We routinely use multiple negativecontrols which include (1) a no template control in which water is addedrather than an RNA template,and(2) treatmentof an aliquot of theRNA samplewith RNAse A (0.1 pg, 37C, 30 min) prior to reversetranscription. 6. PCR carry-over contamination. If false positives recur after a period of contamination-free experiments, carry-over contamination of RS-PCR products that contain the unique tag may be the cause.RS-PCR with new primers that contain a different unique tag (e.g., d,7t30and t& will correct this problem. We have found that when meticulous laboratory technique is used,carry-over contamination can be avoided effectively. For example, in one set of experiments that consistedof over 50 different amplifications, it was not necessaryto changethe sequenceof the unique tag. 7. QuantitativeRS-PCR.RS-PCR may be adaptedfor quantitationby using synthetic RNA as an internal standard(9). Acknowledgments We wish to thank Drs. Charles T. Roberts, Jr. and Laurie A. Scott for many helpful discussions and comments. This research project was supported in part from a grant from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, the Diabetes Research and Education Foundation, and the Mallinckrodt Foundation. References 1. Kawasalo, S., Clark, S. S., Coyne, M. Y., Smith, S. D., Charnplin, R., Witte, E.
0. N., and McCormick, F. P. (1988) Diagnosis of chronic myeloid and acute lymphocytic leukemias by detection of leukemia-specific mRNA sequences amplified in vitro. Proc. Natl. Acad. Scl. USA 85,5698-5702 Rappolee, D. A., Mark, D., Banda, M. J., and Werb, Z. (1988) Wound macrophages express TGF-alpha and other growth factors m viva: analysis by mRNA phenotypmg. Science 241,708-712. Rappolee, D. A., Brenner, C. A., Schultz, R., Mark, D., and Werb, Z. (1988) Developmental expression of PDGF, TGF-alpha, and TGF-beta genes m preimplantation mouse embryos. Scrence 241,1823-1825. Kwok, S. and Higuchi, R. (1989) Avordmg false posmves wtth PCR. Nature 339,237,238. Lo, Y.-M, Mehal, W. Z., and Fleming, K. A. (1988) False postttve results and the polymerase chamreaction. Lancer 2,699.

2. 3. 4. 5.



Perfetti, and Roth

6. Sarkar, G. and Sommer, S. (1990) Shedding light on PCR contamination. Nature 343,27. 7. Shuldiner, A. R., Nirula, A., and Roth, J. (1990) RNA template-specific polymerase chain reaction (RS-PCR): a novel strategy to reduce dramatically false positives. Gene 91,139-142. 8. Shuldiner, A. R., Tanner, K., Moore, C. A., and Roth, J. (1991) RNA template-specific PCR (RS-PCR): An unproved method that dramatically reduces false positives in RT-PCR. BtoTechniques 11,760-763. 9. Shuldiner, A. R., DePablo, F., and Roth, J. (1991) Two nonallelic insulin genes in Xenopus laevis are expressed differentially during neurulation in prepancreatic embryos. Proc. Nail. Acad. Sci. USA 88,7679-7683. 10. Chomczynski, P. and Sacchi, H. (1987) Single-step method of RNA isolation by acid guanidmium thiocyanatc-phenol-chloroform extraction. Anal. Blochem.
162, M-159.

11. Sarkar, G. and Sommer, S. S. (1991) Parameters affectmg susceptibility PCR contamination to UV inactwation. BloTechnrques 10,591-593.




Quantitative Measurement of Relative Gene Expression in Human Tumors

Tetsuro Matthias Horikoshi, Kathleen Danenberg, Volkenandt, Thomas Stadlbauer, and Peter V. Danenberg
1. Introduction
Quantitative measurement of specific mRNA species is of major importance for approaching many fundamental questions in biology. Until now, quantitation of gene expression has usually been done by Northern blotting, but this procedure is relatively insensitive, requiring microgram amounts of RNA. Furthermore, unless linear ranges of RNA concentration are determined, the procedure is semiquantitative at best. Because of the limitations of Northern blotting, various strategies have been developed for quantitation of cDNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)basedmethods (l-3), most of them utilizing the principle of competitive PCR in which a synthetic segment is coamplified along the target DNA segment. We were interested in comparing the expression of drug target genes in very small samples of human tumor material, such as would be obtained from biopsies or even paraffin blocks. The competitive PCR was not entirely suitable for this purpose because: (1) the input RNA or DNA concentration must be known with precision in order to provide a normalization factor, and (2) our results suggestedthat the competitor and target were not necessarily amplified with the same efficiency even when
From: Methods in Molecular Bology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols. EdIted by I3 A. White Copyright 8 1993 Humana Current Methods andApplrcat/ons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




et al.

the segments to be amplified were the same size (4). To overcome these problems, we developed an alternatemethod of PCR quantitation with the following key features: 1. The relative rather than absolute levels of gene expression are measuredby determining a ratio betweenPCRproductsgenerated amplifiby cations of the desiredtarget DNA and an endogeneous internal standard gene in separatereactions and then compared with the same ratio in another sample.
2. Linear amplification regions of the target and internal standard genes are determined by serial dilution of the cDNA sample, thereby not requir-

ing the absolute amount of input DNA to be known.

3. A T7 RNA polymerase promoter is attached to one of the PCR primers (usually the 5 primer) so that the amplified cDNA can be converted to RNA, which greatly increasesthe amount of amplified product. This PCR quantitation method can discriminate lessthan a twofold difference in gene

expression and, although still labor intensive, is more easily used than competitive PCR methodsfor large numbersof samples.We have usedit
to determine relative expressions of thymidylate synthase (TS), dihydrofolate reductase, and DT-diaphorase in clinical tumor tissue samples (5). The PCR quantitation method described here takes advantage of the fact that, in theory, the amount of the PCR product is linearly proportional to the amount of the starting DNA according to the equation N = NO(1 + eff), where NOis the number of copies of the starting DNA, N is the amount of DNA after n cycles of amplification, and eff is the amplification efficiency (3). An experimental curve for D-actin amplification is shown in Fig. 1. As predicted by the aforementioned equation, there is a linear region of amplification. The curve eventually reaches a plateau, indicating that the amplification efficiency declines after a certain extent of reaction presumably owing to reaction product build-up and consumption of primers (2). Figure 2 shows linear regions for the amplification of t3-actin cDNA (the internal standard gene) and TS cDNA (the target gene) from the same solution of human tumor cDNA optimized as to the cycle number used in the PCR. Note the different volumes required to give the same amount of PCR product, indicating a substantial difference in the amount of expression of these two genes. To relate the expression of the gene of interest to that of the internal standard gene, a ratio is determined between the amount of radiolabeled PCR product within each respective linear region:





120000 200000


80000 l!8aizl






0 0 2 4 6 8

nl cDNA

Fig. 1. PCR product formed as a function of input D-actin cDNA. Aliquots of a cDNA solution from HT-29 cells were PCR-amplified using 5 primer TAATACGACTCACTATAGGGAGA-GCGGGAAATCGTGCGTGACATT (corresponding to the T7 promoter plus the GGGAGA transcription initiation sequence plus bases 2104-2127 of the B-a&n genomic sequence locatedin exon3). The 3 primer was GATGGAGITGAAGGTAGTTTCGTG (corresponding to bases 24092432 of the genomic sequence located in exon 4). The PCR product was transcribed with T7 RNA polymerase. After PAGE of the RNA, tbe bands were visualized by autoradiography, excised, and quantitated by liquid scintillation counting. The inset showsthe expanded linear region of the curve.

(CPM of amplified

target gene/CPM of amplified internal standard) x (vol of internal standard/vol of target gene)

The resulting ratio (actually the ratio of the slopes of the linear portions of the concentration vs product curve) compares the amount of radioactivity in the PCR fragments of the target gene and the standard gene generated by an equal volume of the cDNA solution. If the expression of the internal standard gene is constant among different samples, dividing this empirical ratio between the target gene and the internal standard gene from one sample with that from another will give the relative expression of the target genes of interest in the two samples. From the data in Fig. 2, the empirical ratio of TS/&actin



et al.








pl cDNA

yl cDNA

Fig. 2. Comparison of TS gene expressionin two tumor specimens. linear The regions of PCR amplification were determinedfor O-actincDNA (A) andTS cDNA (B) in the cDNA libraries from two colorectal tumor specimens.The 5 primer for TS amplification was TAATACGACTCACTATAGGGAGA-TCCAACACATCCTCCGCT (T7 promoter plus the GGGAGA transcription initiation sequence plus bases1lo-127 of the coding sequence)and the 3 primer was CCAGAACACACGTITGGTTGTCAG (bases220-243 of the coding sequence).

amplification is 6.4 x lo4 in one sample and 3.2 x 1OA in the other sample. Thus, the relative TS gene expression in the two samples is the quotient of these ratios, 2.0. The overall scheme for the quantitation assay is shown in Fig. 3. The individual steps are: 1. Pulverization of the tumor;
2. Extraction of total RNA; 3. Conversion of the RNA to cDNA with random hexamers;

4. FCR amplification of the targetandthe internal standard separate in tubes with 5 primersthathavea l7 polymerase promotersequence the5 end; on


I Tissue Pulverization


2 RNAExtractlon



3 ReverseTranscrIptIon (with Random Hexamer)




4 PCR Ampllflcatlon
T7 promoter b3 5 -0 1

\L T7 promoter b3 5 -0

5 TranscrIptIon (by T7 RNA Polymerese) RNA RNA 6 Electrophoresls


7 ExcIseBands + 8 Count RadIoactivity


---I l-----l

Fig. 3. The overall schemefor FCR quantitation of geneexpression. 5. Conversion of the amplified cDNA to RNA by T7 RNA polymerase; and 6. Gel electrophoresis of the reaction mixture and quantitation of the bands.

2. Materials 2.1. RNA Isolation

1. Denaturing solution: 4M guanidinium thiocyanate, 25 mM sodium citrate, pH 7, 0.5% sarcosyl, and O.lM P-mercaptoethanol (see Note 1). 2. 2M Sodium acetate, pH 4.

3. 4. 5. 6. Water-saturated phenol. Chloroform-isoamyl alcohol, 49: 1. Isopropanol . 75% Ethanol.


et al.

2.2. Reverse


of RNA

1. RNAguard RNase inhibitor (Pharmacia, Piscataway, NJ). 2. 100 mM Dithiothreitol (DTT). 3. Reverse transcription buffer: 250 n&f Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 375 mM KCl, and 15 mM MgC12. 4. dNTPs: 10 mit4 in water. 5. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution: 3 mg/mL in water. 6. Random hexamers: 50 O.D. U in 0.55 mL of 10 rr& Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 and 1 mM EDTA. 7. MMLV reverse transcriptase: 200 IU/uL.

2.3. Polymerase
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



10X Zuq buffer: 500 mM KCI, 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3. MgClz solution: 12.5 mM in H20. Primers: 12.5 pmol&L (see Note 2). Tuq polymerase. Mineral oil.

2.4. T7 Polymerase


10X Transcription buffer: 400 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 120 mM MgC12. 0.5M Spermidine. rNTPs: 10 mM in water. RNA guard (Pharmacia). [a-32P]CTP: specific activity of 3000 C,/mmol. 0.5M EDTA.

2.5. Gel Electrophoresis

1. Components for urea-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (see Chapters 1 and 4). 2. Gel loading solution: lOMurea, 0.02% of bromophenol blue and 0.02% of xylene cyanol.

3. Methods
The gene quantitation method described here consists of the following separate procedures as depicted in Fig. 3: 1. Isolation of total RNA from human tumor specimens based on Chomczynski and Sacchi (6);

2. 3. 4. 5.



Reverse transcription of the RNA; PCR amplification of the desired gene segments; T7 RNA polymerase transcription; Quantitation of the transcription product.

3.1. Isolation of Total RNA from Human Tumor Specimens This RNA isolation procedure has been used successfully with less than 10 mg of tumor tissue.
1. Place frozen tumor specimen under liquid nitrogen for several minutes (see Note 3). 2. Remove tumor from the liquid nitrogen and immediately pulverize it with a steel mortar and pestle that has been precooled in dry ice for about 1 h. 3. Transfer the pulverized tumor fragments rapidly before they thaw to a 50-mL disposable tube placed in dry ice. 4. Add 6 mL of denaturing solution to this tube and suspend the pulverized tissue by suctioning the solution up and down with a transfer pipet (e.g., Stockwell Scientific 251-lS, Walnut, CA) until it appears homogeneous. Add 0.6 mL of sodium acetate solution and mix the solution by inversion of the tube. 5. Add 6 mL of water-saturated phenol and 1.2 mL of chloroform-isoamyl alcohol, shakethe mixture thoroughly for 10 s, and place on ice for 15 min. 6. Centrifuge the tube for 20 min at 4C at 2800 rpm (2000g). At this point, the RNA is present in the upper aqueous phase whereas DNA and proteins are present in the interphase and the lower chloroformphenol phase. 7. Transfer the aqueous phase to a fresh 50-mL tube and mix with 6 mL of isopropanol. 8. Place the solution at -20C for 1 h to precipitate the RNA and then centrifuge for 20 min at 2OOOg. 9. Dissolve the RNA pellet in 1.8 mL of the denaturing solution. Transfer the solution to a 15-mL tube and precipitate again with 2 mL of isopropanol for 1 h at -20C and centrifuge again for 10 min at 2000g. 10. Resuspend and wash the resulting pellet of RNA in 7 mL of 75% ethanol by suctioning it up and down with a transfer pipet at least 10 times. Centrifuge the resuspended RNA for 10 min at 2000g and vacuum-dry the pellet for at least 15 min. 11. Dissolve the RNA in 140 pL of water and immediately proceed to reverse transcription (see Note 4).

184 3.2. Reverse Transcription


Horikoshi the RNA

et al.

1. Place a 100~pL aliquot of the aforementioned RNA solution into a sterile OS-mL tube along with 5 pL of RNAguard RNAse inhibitor, 20 p,L of O.lM DIT, 40 uL of reverse transcription buffer, 10 pL of the dNTP solution, 5 pL of BSA solution, 1 pL of random hexamers (see Note 5), and 10 ILL of MMLV reverse transcriptase. 2. Incubate the mixture for 10 min at room temperature, 45 min at 42C. Denature at 90C for 3 min. 3. After cooling to 42OC,add an additional 5 itL (1000 U) of MMLV reverse transcriptase and incubate again for 45 min at 42C and then 10 min at 75C to destroy reverse transcriptase activity. Store the solution at -80C.

3.3. PCR Amplification




1. To a sterile 0.5-n& tube, add 2.4 pL of 10X Tuq buffer, 0.5 uL of the dNTP solution, 3.75 i.tL of MgC12, 1 J.LL each of the 3 and 5 primers (12.5 pmol/@), O-10 p.L of the cDNA solution from the previous procedure (see Note 6), and water to make a total vol of 23 p.L. Place 40 uL of mineral oil on top of the aqueous layer. 2. Heat the tube for 5 min at 95C in a thermocycler. 3. Add 0.63 U of Tuq polymerase in 2 pL of 1X Tuq buffer. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profiles: 30 main cycles 93.5C, 1 min (denaturation) 55C, 1 min (annealing) 72C 1 min (extension) Final extension step 72C, 7 min Store reaction at room temperature or 4C.

3.4. T7 Polymerase Transcription (see Note 7)

1. Prepare a T7 transcription master solution by adding the following: 132 pL of water, 25 p.L of 10X transcription buffer, 25 pL of the rNTP solution, 2.5 J.& of RNAguard, 25 I.~Lof DTT solution, 1 pL of spermidine, 2.5 pL of [cG~~P]CTP (3000 C/mmol). Ibis is sufficient for 10 reactions. 2. To a 0.5~mL tube, add 20.4 i.tL of the T7 transcription master solution and 3 pL of the PCR reaction mixture obtained in the previous procedure. The PCR solution can easily be removed from beneath the oil layer using long pipet tips. 3. Initiate the reaction by adding 0.68 & of T7 RNA polymerase solution (69 U/j.tL) and incubate the mixture for exactly 1 h at 37C. Add 0.75 @, of the EDTA solution to stop the reaction.

Quantitative Measurement
3.5. Electrophmesis and Quantitation of the Transcription Product (see Notes 8 and 9)


1. Add 25 pL of gel-loading solution to the transcription reaction mixture from the aforementioned procedure. 2. Place the reaction mixture in one well of a 6 or 8% polyacrylamide gel containing 8M urea. Each 140 x 140 x 1.5 mm gel (Hoefer 600 SE, San Francisco, CA) can conveniently hold up to 10 reaction mixtures. 3. Perform electrophoresis (see Chapter 1). 4. Dry the gel after electrophoresis is complete. 5. Prior to autoradiography, apply marker ink mixed with some 32Pisotope (the the radiolabeled T7 transcription master solution mixed with loading solution containing dye is suitable). This aids in locating the bands corresponding to the highly labeled RNA product so that they can be excised after autoradiography. 6. Obtain a 15-30 min exposure of film to the gel. Using the autoradiogram as a guide, mark the bands on the gel. Cut the bands out with scissorsand count them in a liquid scintillation counter.

4. Notes
1. All solutions are made with DEPC-treated water. 2. PCR primers were designed to have a GC content as close to 50% as possible. We usually designed the primers to span a region of approx 100-200 bases,if possible corresponding to regions of adjacent exons so as to minimize contamination by genomic DNA amplification. Each 5 primer had the sequenceTAATACGACTCACTATA-GGGAGA attachedto its 5 end. The first 17 bases are the T7 promoter sequence and the last 6 are transcription initiation sequence. 3. Tumor samples should be frozen in liquid nitrogen as soon as possible after surgery or biopsy. 4 Total RNA isolated from the tumors should be converted to cDNA immediately. We found that if the RNA is allowed to stand in solution for any appreciable period of time, even for a few hours, substantial degradation of the RNA could occur. 5. We found that the yield of PCR products for any particular cDNA was better if random hexamers were used in the reverse transcription reaction rather than gene-specific primers or oligo-dT. Also, adding a second cycle of reverse transcription often increased the yield. This can be easily done in the thermocycler. 6. When analyzing a new sample for the first time, it is necessary to determine the volumes of the cDNA falling within the linear range of amplifi-

Horikoshi et al.
cations for the genesof interest.We use a calibrated solution of cDNA from HT-29 cells as a linearity standardThat is, we establishthe precise volumes of this solution that areat or nearthe endof the linear ampliflcation regionsof the genesof interest.Thesevolumes of the HT-29 solution are then amplified simultaneously with four dilutions of the unknown solution over a broadrange(usually lOOO-fold). Thosedilutions resulting in an amount of PCR product less than or equal to that of the HT-29 solution areassumed be within the limits of the linear rangeof amplifito cation for that gene. Once the quantity of the cDNA solution corresponding to the linear range has been established, the determination can be refined by assayingseveralmore aliquots within the linear range. The use of an external linearity standardprovides an automatic correction for isotope decay. 7. The T7 polymerase promoter sequencewas included on the 5 end of the 5 PCR primer so that the PCR product could be converted to RNA. This modification confers several advantages,the main one being that the transcription stepgives anotherSOO-lOOO-fold amplification thereby gaining an additional dimension of sensitivity for amplification of low abundancemRNA and potentially making the method sensitive enough to analyze very small samplessuch astumor cell clusters obtained from touch preparations.The large amount of nucleotide material thus generatedpermits loading enough RNA onto gels so that the bandscan be seenby UV shadowing. The latter technique is done by placing a commercial silica gel thin-layer plate containing a fluorescent indicator underneaththe wet polyacrylamide gel. The RNA bands appearpurple when exposed to a hand-held 254~nmUV light. This allows a practically instantaneousassessmentof the successor failure of the PCR amplification and is especially useful if a new set of primers is being tested. Another advantageof conversion to RNA is that the radiolabeling of the product is not done during the PCR step. The addition of a radiolabeled ribonucleoside triphosphate during the transcription step gives a uniformly labeled RNA with sufficient radioactivity to obtain a good autoradiogram within lo-15 min. If desired, ethidium bromide staining can also be usedinsteadof radioactivity to visualize the bands. Quantitation of the bandsis then done by densitometry of the Polaroid negative. 8. When quantitation is performed, normalization of the data is required so that the expressions among samples can be compared to a common denominator. This denominator could be the cell number, total RNA, DNA, or protein. However, it is unlikely that these quantities can be determined with precision in preparationsfrom very small quantities of




tissue material. Thus, the expression of an endogenous gene was used as a denominator (7). The advantage of this is that the reference mRNA and the target mRNA sharethe samecircumstancesfrom the beginning

of the procedure,thus providing an internal control for the amount of intact RNA successfully isolated and converted to cDNA. If relative
expression of a gene in different samples is to be meaningfully com-

pared, the endogenousstandardgene should be one whose expression does not vary appreciably. In one study on PCR quantitation, D-2microglobulin was used as an internal standard (7). whereas B-actin

expressionhasoften beenusedas a denominatorfor the amount of RNA loaded in Northern blots. Our work has shown that use of p-actin expression as the denominator gives an excellent correlation between rela-

tive geneexpression and enzyme levels (5,8) 9. An important feature of this method is that, in contrast to previously published methods(2), the target geneandthe endogenousstandardare
amplifled individually in separate tubes. Since the conditions for obtaining a linear increase in amplification products are unlikely to be the same for different segments and primers usedin amplification, separate

amplification of the target and standardallows the use of individually optimized amplification conditions for each gene (temperatures, the amount of template, the number of cycles). One internal standardgene may then be used as a referencestandardfor any number of genesfrom
the same cDNA preparation.

1. Becker-Andre, M. and Hahlbrock, K. (1989) Absolute quantitation using the polymerascchain reaction (PCR). A novel approachby a PCR aided transcript titration assay(PATTY). Nucletc Acids Res. 17,9437-9446. 2. Gilliland, G., Perrin, S., Blanchard, K., and Bunn, H. F. (1990) Analysis of cytokine mRNA and DNA: Detection and quantitation by competitive polymerasechain reaction. Proc. Natl. Acad. SCL USA87,2725-2729. 3. Wang, A. M., Doyle, M. V., andMark, D. F. (1989) Quantitation of mRNA by the polymerasechain reaction. Proc. Natl. Acad. SCL USA 86,9717-9721. 4. Volkenandt, M., Dicker, A. P., Banerjee, D., Fanin, R., Schweitzer, B., Horikoshi, T., Danenberg, K., Danenberg, P., and Bertino, J. R. (1992) Quantitation of gene copy number and mRNA using the polymerase chain reaction. Proc. Sot. Exp. Blol. Med. ZOO, l-6. 5. Horikoshi, T., Danenberg,K. D., Stadlbauer,T. H. W., Volkenandt, M., Shea, L. C. C., Frosing, R., Ray, M., Gibson,N. W., Spears,C. P.,and Danenberg,P. V. (1992) Quantitation of thymidylatc synthase,dihydrofolate reductase,and DT-diaphorase gene expressionin human tumors using the polymerase chain reaction. Cancer Res. 52,108-l 16.


et al.

6. Chomczynski, P. and Sac&i, N. (1987) Single-step method of RNA isolation by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction. Anal. Biochem.

7. Noonan, K. E., Beck, C., Holzmayer, T. A., Chin, J. E., Wunder, J. S., Andrulis, I. L., Gazdar, A. F., William, C. L., Griffith, B., Von Hoff, D. D., and Roninson, I. B. (1990) Quantitation analysis of MDRl (multidrug resistance) gene expression in human tumors by polymerase chain reaction. Proc. Nutl. Acad. Scz. USA 87,7160-7164. 8. Traver, R. D., Horikoshi, T., Danenberg, K. D., Stadlbauer, T. H. W., Danenberg, P. V., Ross, D., and Gibson, N. W. (1992) NAD(P)H: Quinone oxidoreductase gene expression in human colon carcinoma cells: Characterization of a mutation which modulates DT-diaphorase activity and mitomycin sensitivity. Cancer Res. 52,797~802.



Identification of Alternatively Spliced mRNAs and Localization of 5 Ends by Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification
Cheng-Ming Chiang, Louise T. Chow, and Thomas R. Broker
1. Introduction Messenger RNAs of higher eucaryotes are usually modified posttranscriptionally to contain 5 caps and nucleotide methylation, 3 polyadenylation, and one or more internal splices to remove introns andjoin exon segments into the mature protein-coding sequences.With the abilities of retroviral reverse transcriptasesto create complementary DNA (cDNA) copies of RNA and of thermostable DNA polymerases to amplify specific DNA segments by repeatedcycles of denaturation of duplex templates, annealing of complementary oligonucleotide primers, and strand elongation, it is becoming increasingly popular to use this highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction (FTR) to isolate partial cDNA sequencesfor the purposeof identifying RNA splice sites and inferring the coding capacity. The splice junction information from the partial cDNAs, together with additional biophysical or biochemical information, can then beemployed to map the 5 ends of the mRNAs and assign the AUG protein initiation codon and open reading frame to the message. One of the most remarkable features of eucaryotic genes and particularly those of eucaryotic viruses is the use of alternative splicing to generate families of related mRNAs with shared as well as unique
From Methods m Molecular Brology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols Edited by B A. White Copynght 8 1993 Humana Current Methods andApp/icabons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Chiang, Chow, and Broker

exons that encode proteins with common and specialized domains. Such genetic versatility is often compounded by the utilization of alternative promoters and alternative 3 polyadenylation sites to create nested sets of overlapping transcripts, which may differ tremendously in relative abundance or as a function of organ development, tissue differentiation, or stage of virus infection. In this chapter, we describe some practical considerations and detailed procedures of PCR with which we have recovered families of cDNAs of spliced, overlapping mRNAs and localized their respective 5 ends (1-3 and our unpublished results). 1.1. General Strategies for Determining mRNA Splice Sites by PCR Amplification of cDNAs It is generally essential to know the sequence of the genomic DNA or the cDNA copy of one member of an mRNA family. Degenerate primers based on protein sequences of the same or related systems have also been used successfully in a number of laboratories (4-6). The locations of RNA splice sites can be approximated by electron microscopic analysis of RNA:genomic DNA heteroduplexes (7,8), S1 nuclease protection (9, IO), or retrovirus-mediated gene transfer (3,I I). In the absence of reasonably accurate splice-site mapping, a variety of pair-wise combinations of 5 and 3 oligonucleotide primers can be tested blindly. The PCR is performed directly on the first-strand cDNA templates generated by reverse transcription of total or selected poly(A)+ RNA. Primers for reverse transcription can be oligo-dT, random hexamers, or an antisense oligonucleotide complementary to mRNA sequences downstream of the putative splice acceptor site. For PCR, a 5 sense-strand primer upstream of the potential splice donor site and a 3 antisense-strand primer downstream of the potential splice acceptor site are designed according to standard principles. The primers should be approx 20 nucleotides long to provide specificity, consist of approx 50% G + C so that different primers can be mixed and matched without having to change reaction conditions or prepare new primers, and should not contain self-complementary or cross-complementary sequences, particularly at their 3 ends (see Chapter 2). Candidate PCR products smaller than the genomic DNA or unspliced RNA transcript are further characterized by cloning and DNA sequenc-


Spliced mRNAs


ing. Since DNA recombination can occur in vitro during PCR amplification (12) and aberrantmRNA can be generatedin vivo from occasional rearranged genomic templates, the demonstration of the splice consensus sequence /GUAG\ at the exon/intron\exon junctions (13) is essential to confirm the authenticity of splice sites. If determination of the cDNA sequence directly from the PCR products rather than from a cloned PCR product is preferred, then more specific dideoxynucleotide sequencing reactions and clearer sequencing gels can be obtained using sequencing primers internal to the PCR primers. 1.2. Use of PCR to Localize the 5 Ends of mR!ATAs Among a Family of Related Species Alternatively spliced mRNAs generated from a DNA sequence that contains overlapping open reading frames may have different 5 ends and AUG protein initiation codons, which dictate the coding potential of the mRNAs. Accordingly, it is essential to correlate the splice sites with the 5ends of the mRNAs. Localization of the Sends of extremely rare messages is hindered by the competing amplification of the more abundant, alternatively spliced transcripts. However, we have been successful in approximating the 5 ends of rare viral mRNAs among a family of related messages using a modified PCR protocol (3 and our unpublished results). Following the synthesis of the first-strand cDNAs, one of several sense-strand primers placed immediately downstream of suspected promoters is used in conjunction with an antisense primer spanning the splice junction. The junction primer is complementary to the contiguous (3) 6 and (5) 14 bases (or 10 and 10 bases) in the adjoining exons. The antisense primers will also be partially complementary to other transcripts that share either the splice donor site or the splice acceptor site, but will have several mismatched 5 or 3 nucleotides with all but the targeted spliced message (Fig. 1). 2. Materials 2.1. Enzymes 1. Moloney murine leukemia virus (MO-MLV) reversetranscriptase(200 U&L) (BRL/Life Technologies, Gaithersburg,MD). 2. Tuq DNA polymerase (5 U/pL) (Perkln ElmerKetus, Norwalk, CT). 3. Vent DNA polymerase(1 U&L) (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA).


Chiang, Chow, and Broker

Hybridize 5 Primer 3 Primer AUG


AUG, no AU% *c *.M . fiAU& c, yes yes 2, 3 yes yes 3 yes no

P2 P2 P2







Fig. 1. Strategies for localizing 5 ends of alternatively spliced mRNAs. Large arrows denote mRNAs, with dashes representing introns that are spliced out. Small arrows represent PCR primers with mismatches in the bent-out regions. Under standard set-up and annealing conditions, all primers anneal and produce correct or incorrect products, except for the last combination. However, under the modified high-stringency PCR conditions, only perfectly matched primers-templates generate a product, from which the 5 end can be approximated.

2.2. Reagents It is important to take the appropriate steps to insure that all reagents remain sterile and RNase-free (see Note 1). 1. GITC solution:4.23Mguanidineisothiocyanate, sodiumN-lauryl sarco0.5% sine,25 mM sodiumcitrate(pH 7.0), O.lM p-mercaptoethanol. Sterilizeby filtrationthrougha0.22~pm membrane storeat4C.Usewithin 2 wk. pore and 2. CsCl cushion: 5.7M CsCl, O.lM sodium EDTA (pH 8.0) (density = 1.7 g/mL). Treatwith 0.1% (v/v) diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) at 37C overnight and storeat 4C after autoclaving. 3. Phosphate-bufferedsaline solution A (PBSA): 10 g of NaCl, 0.25 g of KCl, 1.44 g of Na2HP04, and 0.25 g of KH2P04 made to 1 L. Store at 4C after autoclaving. 4. 3M Sodium acetate,pH 5.2. Treat with DEPC as in step 2. 5. DEPC-treated double-distilled water. 6. 80% Ethanol/O.1M sodium acetate,pH 5.2. 7. 10X RT-PCR buffer: 200 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.4,500 mM KCl, 25 mM MgC12,1 mg/mL of nuclease-freebovine serum albumin. 8. Random hexamers(100 pmol/pL) (LKB/Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden), specific PCR primers or oligo(dT)i2-is.


Spliced mRNAs


9. RNasin (40 U&L) (Promega, Madison, WI). 10. MO-MLV reverse transcriptase. 11. 2.5 mMdNTPs. 12. Taq DNA polymerase.

3. Methods 3.1. Preparation of Total RNA fkom Cultured Eucaryotic Cells (see Note 2)
1, Wash the cells with PBSA and drain well to remove residual liquid. 2. Add 1 mL of GITC solution to each lOO-mm plate and let stand at room temperature for 5 min. 3. Collect all lysates in a 50-mL centrifuge tube with a rubber policeman. 4. Add a few drops of antifoam and shear the DNA by passage through an 18-g needle five times. 5. Add l/3 to l/4 tube vol of a CsCl cushion to a 17-mL ultracentrifuge tube (for a Beckman, Palo Alto, CA, SW28 rotor or equivalent), then carefully overlay with the lysates. 6. Balance the tubes with the GITC solution and ultracentrifuge at 26,000 rpm (122,000g at r max) at 20C for 26 h in a Beckman SW28 rotor or the equivalent. 7. Remove about 80% of the liquid from the centrifuge tubes by suction with a Pasteur pipet placed at the center of the meniscus, taking care not to disturb protein debris stuck to the tube wall. 8. Quickly invert the tube to drain the remaining liquid, then cut off and save the bottom of the tube with a razor blade. 9. Place the cut-off base of the tube upside down on absorbent paper to drain and dry for 5 min. 10. Use a sterile I-mL Eppendorf pipet tip to break the RNA pellet into pieces and transfer them to an autoclaved Eppendorf tube containing 0.5 mL of 80% ethanol/O. 1M sodium acetate. 11. Rinse the bottom of the ultracentrhuge tube with an aliquot of 80% ethanol/ O.lM sodium acetate and transfer the solution back to the Eppendorf tube. 12, Centrifuge in a microcentrifuge for 5 min at 4C to collect the RNA pellet. 13. Pour out the ethanol solution and dry the RNA pellet under vacuum. 14. Add 400 pL of DEPC-treated Hz0 to dissolve the RNA at 4C. 15. Precipitate the RNA by adding 40 pL of 3M sodium acetate, pH 5.2 and 1 mL of 100% ethanol. Store at -20C overnight or -70C for 30 min. 16. Collect the RNA precipitate by centrifugation in a microcentrifuge at maximum speed for 5 min at 4C. 17. Pour out the supernatant and wash the pellet with 500 pL of 80% ethanol/O. 1M sodium acetate, pH 5.2.

Chiang, Chow, and Broker

18. Centrifuge again and dry the pellet under vacuum. 19. Add 400 pL of DEPC-treated Hz0 to dissolve the RNA pellet and dilute 2 pL to about 600 pL for an AW measurement.

3.2. Generation of cDNAs by Coupled Reverse Transcription-PCR

1. Set up the reaction mixture for reverse transcription by adding the following components sequentially into a OS-n& Eppendorf tube: 10X RT-PCR buffer 2.0 #LL 2.5 m.M dNTPs 8.0 pL Random hexamer (100 pmol/pL; see Note 3) or 0.5 pg of oligo-dT and 0.7 pg for downstream primer (16; see Note 4) 1.0 pL RNasin (40 U/pL) 0.5 pL Heat denatured-RNA (see Note 5) and HZ0 7.5 PL 1.0 pL MO-MLV reverse transcriptase (200 U&L) 2. Incubate the reaction mixture at room temperature for 10 min, then at 42OC for 30-60 min. 3. Heat-inactivate the reverse transcriptase and denature the RNA:DNA duplexes at 95OC for 5-10 min, then quickly chill the sample on ice. Collect all liquid by centrifugation at 4C. 4. Add the following components into the above cDNA preparation: 70.5 pL H2O 10X RT-PCR buffer 8.0 pL Upstream primer (100 pmol/pL) 0.5 pL Downstream primer (100 pmol/pL) 0.5 pL Tuq DNA polymerase (5 U&l) 0.5 pL 5. Overlay 100 pL of mineral oil to prevent evaporation during thermal cycling. 6. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 30 main cycles 94OC, 1 min (denaturation) 55C, 90 s (annealing; see Note 6) 72OC, 2 min (extension) Final extension 72C 7 min Cool the reaction to 4C. 7. Remove the mineral oil by extraction once with 100 pL of chloroform. Analyze 5 pL of the upper aqueous phase by agarose gel electrophoresis (see Chapter 1). 8. Use 5 pL of the PCR products for a second round of amplification, if necessary, and analyze similarly. Alternatively, DNA recovered from the expected region in the gel can be used as templates for the second round of amplification.


Spliced mRNAs


3.3. Modijbd PCR for the Localization of the 5 Ends of mRNAs 1. Preparefirst-strand cDNAs according to steps l-3 in Section 3.2. 2. Add PCR primers (oneof which is the splice junction primer), 10X RTPCR buffer and Hz0 as describedin step4 in Section 3.2.. but withhold the addition of DNA polymerase. 3. Overlay the cocktail with 100 pL of mineral oil. 4. Heat the reaction mixture at 90C for 90 s to denaturethe primers and templatesthat havepaired specifically or nonspecificallyduring set-up. 5. Add 2.5 U of Tuq or Vent DNA polymerase (seeNote 7). 6. Perform 30 cycles of PCR amplification and analyze the products as describedin Section 3.2.exceptset the annealingtemperatureat 60-70C for 20-merprimers with 50% G + C (seeNote 7). Adjust the temperature dependingon the length and G + C composition of the primers. 4. Notes 1. All glassware should be baked at 150C for 6 h and plasticware should be steam-autoclaved.Water andchemicals should be DEPC-treated and autoclavedwheneverpossible.Eppendorftubesfor PCR reactionsshould be silanized. 2. The proceduresfor preparation of total RNA and RT-PCR were modified from those of MacDonald et al. (I 7) and Kawasaki (l&19). Preparation of tissue RNA and the running conditions for different ultracentrifugation rotors havebeen described(I 7). The RNA preparation can be contaminatedby genomic DNA. One way to distinguish an RNA template from a DNA template is to employ a pair of primers located in different exons, as in the caseof mapping RNA splice sites. However, identification of gene expression from intronless genes is hinderedby trace contaminants from genomic sequences. Pretreatment of RNA samples with RNase-freeDNase has beenused successfully to avoid the pseudo-positiveresults derived from intronless genes(21). 3. If the target mRNA is of low abundance, yield of first-strand cDNA the is higher when random hexamersare used as primers. 4. The specificity of PCR can be increasedif the first-strand cDNA primer is an antisenseoligonucleotide situateddownstreamof the PCR primer. 5. The amount of RNA usedfor RT-PCR dependson the abundanceof the transcript. We normally use 1 pg of total RNA for RT-PCR. However, PCR products of abundanttranscripts in as little as 5 pg of total RNA can be detectedby autoradiographywhen 32P-labeled nucleosidetriphosphateswere used in the PCR reaction (20). 6. The annealingtemperatureis set for 20-mers with 50% G + C content. Adjust the temperature according to the primer length and G + C con-

A. 55 Oc :
h&M11 2 34 5

Chiang, Chow, and Broker


plasmid Lane 1 : pRSE4 Lane 2 : pRS2-11 Lane 3 : pMCR10 Lane 4 : pRS-CM Lane 5 : pRS-CM2 1272 047 047

cDNA insert 3325 2022



102 bp 791 bp 2579 bp 3377 475 bp 714 bp -I



Fig. 2. Selectiveamplification of targetsequence under stringentconditions. PCR amplification was performed on plasmids containing different HPV-11 cDNAs or genomic DNA (bottom portion) with anantisense junction-spanningprimer (3 126712723377-3390 5. 14of which areG + C) anda sense-strand primer (5 812-8313, 10 of which areG + C) for 30 cyclesusing UK Tuq DNA polymeraseas describedin Section3. The annealing was conductedat either 55C (panel A) or 70C (panel B). The productsaspredicted for a perfectly matched(lane 4) or 3-mismatched priming events (lanes 1, 2, 3, and 5) were displayed in 1.5% agarose gels. Gaps represent splices,with numbersdenotingnucleotidepositionsof splicedonor andacceptorsites. Ml, sizemarkersare a (123), bp DNA ladder: M2, h-Hind III sizemarkers (2.32 kb, 2.03 kb, and 0.56 kb). tent based on the approximate equation Z,,,= 4C (number of G + C) + 2C (number of A + T) for oligonucleotides approx 18-24 residues long. 7. Elongation from 3-mismatched primers has been observed (14,15 and Fig. 2, panel A). Selective PCR amplification of the targeted template is achieved when the reaction conditions are made more stringent to eliminate nonspecific priming from mismatched primer:template involv-


Spliced rnRNAs


ing alternatively spliced relatives (Fig. 2, panel B). We also find that, for certain mRNAs, the use of Vent DNA polymerase (New England BioLabs), which has 3 3 5 proofreading exonucleaseactivity, is also necessaryto achieve specific amplification (3). Vent DNA polymerase eliminates the occasional priming from short mismatched 3 branches of imperfectly matchedprimer:template. Acknowledgments This research was supported by NIH Grant CA 36200. References 1. Rote&erg,M. O., Chow,L. T., and Broker,T. R. (1989) Characterization of
rare human papillomavirus type 11 mRNAs coding for regulatory and structural proteins, using the polymerase chain reaction. Vvology 172,489-497. 2. Palermo-Dilts, D. A., Broker, T. R., and Chow, L. T. (1990) Human papillomavirus type 1 produces redundant as well as polycistronic mRNAs in plantar warts. J. Virul. 64, 3144-3149. 3. Chiang, C-M., Broker, T. R., and Chow, L. T. (1991) An ElME2C fusion protein encoded by human papillomavirus type 11 is a sequence-specific transcription repressor. J. Vzrol. 65,33 17-3329. 4. He, X., Treaty, M. N., Simmons, D. M., Ingraham, H. A., Swanson, L. W., and Rosenfeld, M. G. (1989) Expression of a large family of POU-domain regulatory genes in mammalian brain development. Nature 340,35-42. 5. Chang, T.-H., Arenas, J., and Abelson, J. (1990) Identification of five putative yeast RNA helicase genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Set. USA 87,1571-1575. 6. Hoey, T., Dynlacht, B. D., Peterson, M. G., Pugh, B. F., and Tjian, R. (1990) Isolation and characterization of the drosophila gene encoding the TATA box binding protein, TFIID. Cell 61,1179-1186. 7. Chow, L. T., Nasseri, M., Wolinsky, S. M., and Broker, T. R. (1987) Human papillomavirus types 6 and 11 mRNAs from genital condylomata acummata. J. Vlrol. 61,2581-2588. 8. Chow, L. T., and Broker, T. R. (1989) Mapping the genetic organization of RNA by electron microscopy. Methods Enzymol. 180,239-261. 9. Berk, A. J. (1989) Characterization of RNA molecules by Sl nuclease analysis. Methods Enzymol. 180,334-347. 10. Muranyi, W., and Flugel, R. M. (1991) Analysis of splicing patterns of human spumaretrovirus by polymerase chain reaction reveals complex RNA structures. J. W-01. 65,727-735. 11, Rote&erg, M. O., Chiang, C-M., Ho, M. L., Broker, T. R., and Chow, L. T. (1989) Characterization of cDNAs of spliced HPV-11 E2 mRNA and other HPV mRNAs recovered via retrovirus-mediated gene transfer. Virology 172,468-477. 12. Meyerhans, A., Vartanian, J.-P., and Wain-Hobson, S. (1990) DNA recombination during PCR. Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 1687-1691. 13. Mount, S. M. (1982) A catalogue of splice junction sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 10,459472.

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14. Kwok, S., Kellogg, D. E., McKinney, N., Spasic, D., Goda, L., Levenson, C., and Sninsky, J. J. (1990) Effects of primer-template mismatches on the polymerase chain reaction: human immunodeficiency virus type 1 model studies. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,999-1005. 15. Nassai, M. and Rieger, A. (1990) PCR-based site-directed mutagenesis using primers with mismatched 3-ends. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,3077-3078. 16. Rappolee, D. A. (1990) Optimizing the sensitivity of RT-PCR. Amplifcatlons

17. MacDonald, R. J., Swift, G. H., Przybyla, A. E., and Chirgwin, J. M. (1987) Isolation of RNA using guanidinium salts. Methods Enzymol. 152,219-227. lg. Kawasaki, E. (1989) Amplification of RNA sequences via complementary DNA (cDNA), Amplrficutions 3,44. 19. Kawasaki, E. (1990) Amplification of RNA, in PCR Protocols (Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Snmsky, J. J., and White, T. J., eds.), Academic, San Diego, CA, pp. 21-27. 20. Mocharla, H., Mocharla, R., and Hodes, M. E. (1990) Coupled reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) as a sensitive and rapid method for isozyme genotypmg . Gene 93,27 l-275, 21. Grillo, M., and Margolis, F. L. (1990) Use of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction to monitor expression of intronless genes. BroTechnrques 9,



Utilization of Polymerase Chain Reaction for Clonal Analysis of Gene Expression

Alice L. Witsell and Lawrence B. Schook

1. Introduction The reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is a powerful tool when studying gene expression in a limited number of cells. RT-PCR was first described by Veres et al. (I) and numerous accounts have since followed. Classic studies of gene expression have utilized Northern blot analysis to monitor expression of transcripts in response to developmental and activational signals. Problems associated with using the Northern blot technique include the necessity for an abundant number of cells, the limited numbers of genes that can be analyzed on a single blot, and that, usually, only one gene can be monitored at a time. Finally, little information on which cells within the cell population being analyzed are expressing the gene(s) is provided by Northern blot analyses. For example, on a Northern blot it is virtually impossible to determine whether all cells contain a transcript for a specific gene(s) or whether all cells exclusively express the particular gene of interest. In situ hybridization has been used in conjunction with Northern blot analysesto determine which cells in a population are expressing a particular gene. However, this technique is limited by low sensitivity and by the fact that usually only one gene can be monitored at a time. RT-PCR alleviates these problems because specific transcripts can routinely be detected in RNA quickly isolated (2) from
From Methods in Molecular Ebology, Vol 15 PCR Protocok Edited by. B A White Copyright cd 1993 Humana Current Methods 8ndApphcatrons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Witsell and Schook 5-10 cells (3-5). The principle of clonal analysis by RT-PCR is to use 50-100 cells that are clonally derived from a single progenitor cell. RNA is then isolated from individual clones, reverse-transcribed into cDNA, and amplified with transcript-specific primers. Two steps are involved in RT-PCR: 1. Isolation and reverse-transcription of the specific transcripts or total mRNA into cDNA. 2. Amplification of specific sequences transcripts by PCR. of During the PCR step, primers used for amplification of specific sequences are designed in order to amplify sequences of predetermined size. In addition, it is also useful to design primers that span across introns to assure that contaminating DNA is not being amplified. There can be numerous technical difficulties associated with amplifying cDNA sequences from limited transcripts obtained from low cell numbers. We have used an internal nested primer that results in increased specific amplification with decreased background amplification to overcome this problem (4). In demonstrating the RT-PCR technique, we describe in this chapter the approach we have developed to molecularly phenotype colonies of bone marrow-derived macrophage obtained using hematopoietic growth factors (5). 2. Materials 1. Guanidinium isothiocyanate (4.OM) containing 25 mM sodium citrate, pH 7.0,0.5% iV-laurylsarkosyl, and O.lM P-mercaptoethanol. 2. Diethylethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC)-treatedH20. Prepareby adding 1 mL of DEPC to 1L of HzO. Mix the solution thoroughly and allow to set 30 mm to overnight followed by autoclaving. 3. 10 mg/mL Yeast tRNA. 4. 1.7- and 0.65-mL snap-capEppendorf tubes. 5. 2M Sodium acetate,pH 4.0. 6. Phenol saturatedwith DEPC-treated HzO. 7. Chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (49:l). 8. Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (24:24:1) buffered with TruEI (10 m&f Tris-HCl, 1 m&I EDTA, pH 8.0). 9. Isopropanol, 10. T&r containing 0.2M NaCl. 11. 95 or 100% Ethanol. 12. 5X RT-buffer: 250 mJ4 Tris-HCl, pH 8.3,300 mM KCl, 15 mM MgC12. 13. Randomhexamers (pd[Nb sodium salt, Pharmacia,Uppsala, Sweden).

Clonal Analysis of Gene Expression


14. dNTP. Prepare l-n-& stocks of 40 mM dATP, TIP, dCTP, and dGTP dissolved in DEPC-treated Hz0 and brought to pH 7.5 with 25 mM Tris, pH 7.5. Mix all four to yield a 10 mM final concentration. Prepared dNTP solutions can also be purchased commercially. 15. Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase (M-MLV RT), 200 U&L (BRL, Bethesda, MD). 16. 10X PCR-buffer: 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 500 mA4 KCl, 20-70 mM MgCl,. See Note 1 for specific remarks regarding MgClz concentration. 17. Sterile HzO, not DEPC-treated (see Note 2). 18. 50 @of distilled stock solution of each primer (15-24 bases in length). 19. Tuq polymerase (Perkin-Elmer, Cetus) (5 U&L). 20. Agarose (NuSieve and SeaPlaque (FMC Bioproducts, Rockland, ME) agarose are optional). 21. Stock (50X) of Tris Acetate EDTA buffer: 242 g of Trizma base, 57.1 mL of glacial acetic acid, and 100 mL of 500 mil4 EDTA, pH 8.0 made up to 1 L using double-distilled H20. The final pH should be 7.6. 22. Loading dye: 0.25% bromophenol blue (w/v), 15% (w/v) Ficoll400 in double-distilled HzO. 23. Ethidium bromide (10 mg/mL stock) in double-distilled H20.

3. Methods 3.1. RNA Isolation

1. Isolate colonies or aliquots containing 50-50,000 cells directly into 1.7mL Eppendorf tubes containing 50 pL of 4M guanidinlum thiocyanate with 25 mA4 sodium citrate, pH 7.0, 0.5% iV-laurylsarkosyl, O.lM pmercaptoethanol, and 5-10 pg of yeast tRNA (see Note 3). 2. Sequentially, add 5 pL of 2M sodium acetate pH 4.0, 50 l.tL of water saturated phenol, and 20 l.tL of chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (49:l). Vortex the mixture and chill on ice for 15 min followed by centrifugation at 10,OOOg 10 min at 4C. for 3. Transfer the aqueous supernatant (50 j.tL) into a 1.7-mL Eppendorf tube and reextract with phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (24:24: 1) saturated with T& and centrifuge for 5 min in a microfuge at room temperature. 4. Transfer the aqueous supernatant to a separate 1.7-mL tube and precipitate the RNA by addition of 200 pL of isopropyl alcohol for at least 4 h at -20C. Centrifuge the samples in a microfuge for 10 min at 25C and carefully discard the supernatant using a 200~uL pipetman so as not to dislodge the white RNA pellet (see Note 4). 5. Resuspend the pellet in 50 l.tL of 0.2M NaCl dissolved in Ti&i and precipitate with 200 PL of 100% ethanol for 3-4 h at -20C. Centrifuge


Witsell and &hook

the samples for 10 min in a microfuge at room temperature and discard the supernatant without disturbing the pellet. Invert the tubes and allow them to air dry.

3.2. cDNA


1. Resuspend the RNA pellet in 12 pL of DEPC-treated water, 4 pL 5X RT buffer, 2 uL of 10 mM dNTPs, and 1 uL of 8 r&f hexamers (see Note 5). 2. Denature the samples in a 65OC water bath for 10 min and immediately cool on ice, Pellet the condensate, and then add 1 yL of 200 U&L MMLV RT (see Note 6). Incubate at 42C for 45-60 min, followed by heating to 95C for 10 min to stop the reaction. 1. 3.3. Polymerase Chain Reaction Prepare the PCR reactions by addition of 2 uL of the 10 m/l4 dNTP stock, 5 pL of 10X buffer, 0.5 uL of 50 @f of each primer, 42 pL sterile-distilled Hz0 and 1 U of Taq polymerase (5 U&L) to a 0.65~mL Eppendorf tube. The cDNA sample (2 pL of the 20 uL total) is added as the final component of the reaction and overlayed with 2-3 drops of mineral oil. If several samples are to be amplified with the same primer set, the reaction mixture should be made in batch and aliquoted to the appropriate number of tubes followed by addition of the cDNA to individual reaction mixtures (see Notes 7 and 8). Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 35 main cycles 94OC, 1 min (denaturation) Z,,,of primers, 45 s (annealing) (see Note 9) 72C, 30 s (extension) When cl000 cells are used for an isolation, it is beneficial to use a nested internal primer (see Note 10). After 20 PCR cycles, 1 uL of the internal primer (50 CLM)is added directly to the reaction for an additional 20 cycles. Five microliters of the reaction sample is mixed with 1 pL loading dye and products are electrophoresed on a 2.5% agarose gel at 80 V for 90 min followed by visualization with ethidium bromide staining (seeNote 11).




4. Notes
1. It is important to titrate the magnesium concentration used in the PCR reactions for each primer set and each RNA isolation. Depending on the quantity of RNA isolated and the concentration of dNTPs, the magnesium concentration may vary owing to chelation of magnesium ions. For example, if isolating RNA from 50 cells with excess carrier tRNA, the magnesium concentration may be very different if RNA is isolated

Clonal Analysis of Gene Expression


2. 3.






from 10,000cells without the addedcarrier tRNA. Therefore,it is essential to titrate the magnesium concentration between 2.0 and 7.0 mM final concentration with each primer set and following each isolation procedure. DEPC is an inhibitor of Tuq polymerase thus DEPC-treated Hz0 and solutions should be avoided in the PCR steps to ensure that residual DEPC doesnot inhibit the PCR reaction. A total of 50-100 cells will provide enoughRNA for 10reactions,when lo5 or more cells are usedwe have had better successwith diluting the cDNA l-2 ordersof magnitude before adding to the PCR reaction. We typically isolate colonies of 50-100 cells directly into 50 uL of guanidinium. This volume should be increasedto a maximum of 500 pL for 5 x lo6 cells with appropriate changesin other volumes described being madeto accommodatethe increasedcell number. Pellets should be observed after both precipitations during the RNA isolation. The supernateshould be aspiratedcarefully so as to not dislodge the pellet. If RNA pellets are not visible during the precipitations either not enoughcarrier tRNA was initially addedor the solutions contain RNase.Try adding up to 20 ug of tRNA to eachsample or precipitate for longer times at -20C to ensurevisible RNA pellets. If pellets arestill not visible, then remakesolutionsbeing careful to be RNase-free. Randomhexamershavebeenmore successfulin our phenotyping studies than oligo-dT and a 3 sequencespecific primer. Hexamers allow the entire transcript to be copied whereasoligo-dT sometimesfalls short of a complete,full lengthcDNA leaving only the 3 endscopied.Sequence specific primers will only allow specific genesto be copied yet limit this approachto analyzing the presenceof a single transcript following PCR gene amplification. The use of M-MLV RT is important with reactions containing large amounts of carrier RNA as avian myeloblastosis virus reversetransriptase (AMV-RT) has beenshown to be inhibited by excesscarrier RNA whereasM-MLV RT is not inhibited by high amountsof carrier RNA (6), thus M-MLV RT should be usedin the type of procedureshown here. Multicolored tubes are commercially available and when a number of distinct genesareto be amplified simultaneouslyit is beneficial to amplify the individual genesin the same colored tubes as the mineral oil can causelabels to wipe off easily. Both positive and negative controls should be run. The positive control involves amplification of a plasmid carrying the sequenceof interest. The negative control is very important in controlling for contamination of the reaction componentsby plasmid DNA. The reaction should be set up as normal but the cDNA left out of the components.If a positive

Witsell and Sch.ook

PCR reaction product is found, a component is contaminated and the reagents should be remade. When amplifying cDNA, it is optimal to design primers that span exons. Thus, any contaminating DNA will be amplified at a size distinct from the cDNA. 9. The T,,, for primers is calculated at 2OCfor every A:T pair and 4OC for every G:C pair. Since such a huge excess of primer is used in the PCR reactions, the annealing temperature can generally be increased 5C above the T, to decrease background amplification with no adverse effects on the sequence of interest. 10. When <lOOO cells are used for an isolation, the PCR reaction can have high background amplification. It is beneficial to add a nested internal primer to the reaction for the last 20 cycles. The nested internal primer (1 ELMfinal concentration) is added directly to the reaction after 20 cycles for an additional 20 cycles. This step greatly increases the sensitivity and clarity of the results. Furthermore, it adds an additional degree of assurance that the product being amplified is in fact not a homologous sequence since three instead of two primers must anneal and provide appropriately sized products. 11. RT-PCR products are run on a 2.5% agarose gel at 80 V for 90 min and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Replacement of 25% of the agarose with Sea Plaque agarose makes the agarose dissolve much more easily and yields higher resolution of the RT-PCR products.

1. Veres, G., Gibbs, R. A., Schrer,S. E., and Caskey,C. T. (1987) The molecular basisof the sparsefur mousemutation. Science237,415417. 2. Chomczynski,P. and Sacchi,N. (1987) Single stepmethod of RNA isolation by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroformextraction.Anal. Biochem. 162,156-159. 3. Rappolee, D. A., Wand, A., Mark, D., and Werb, Z, (1989) Novel method for studying mRNA phenotypes in single or small numbers of cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 39, l-l 1, 4. Witsell, A. L. and Schook,L. B. (1990) Clonal analysisof geneexpressionby PCR. BioTechniques 9,318-322. 5. Witsell,A. L. andSchook, B. (1991)Macrophageheterogeneity L. occursthrough a developmentalmechanism. Proc. Null. Ad. Ser. USA 88.1963-1967. 6. Gerard, G. F. (1987) Making effective use of cloned M-MLV reverse transcriptase.Focus (BRL) 9,5,6.



Sequencing DNA Amplified Directly from a Bacterial Colony

Martin A Hofinann and David A. Brian

1. Introduction A few hundred bacterial cells obtained by touching a bacterial colony with a sterile toothpick can be used directly in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification procedure to identify and orient a plasmid insert (1,2). By combining this procedure with one in which asymmetrically amplified DNA is used for sequencing (ref. 3 and Fig. l), we have demonstrated that DNA amplified from a bacterial colony can be sequenced directly by the dideoxy chain-termination method to yield results as good as those obtained when purified template DNA is used for amplification (ref. 4 and Fig. 2). By end-labeling the primer that is used in limiting amounts during the amplification step and using it for sequencing, an entire insert of 300 nucleotides or less can be sequenced in one step. Inserts of larger size can be sequenced by using labeled primers that bind within the amplified single-stranded DNA sequence. The procedure is rapid and enables one to obtain sequences from as many as 20 clones in a single day. 2. Materials 1. Colonies of transformed bacteria containing plasmid (to date we have
used only E. COG). 2. Oligonucleotide primers with a minimum length of 20 nucleo-

tides and a minimum G + C contentof 50% (seeNote 1). We routinely

use oligonucleotides purified only by size exclusion chromatography
From Methods m Molecular Bro/ogy, Vol 15, PCR Protocols Edlted by* B A White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Current Methods andApp/tcatrons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



primer 1 5-f-

and Brim

f primer 2



Fig. 1. The asymmetricPCR reaction. In the procedure described in this chapter, primer 2 is the limiting primer andwill be 5 end-lab&d andusedin the sequencing reaction for sequencingthe single-strandedDNA product. in water. Approximately 1 mg of oligonucleotide is purified on a NAPS Sephadex G-25 column (Pharmacia, Piscataway, NJ), which has a bed volume of 3 mL. Oligonucleotides are quantitated by spectrophotometry (1 AW U = 33 j.tg/mL) and diluted to a final concentration of 10 p&f or 0.1 pM (depending on the use; see below) in water. Store at -20C. 3. 10X PCR buffer: 500 mM KCl, 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0, 15 mM MgC12, 0.1% gelatin, 1.0% Triton X-10. Store at -20C. 4. dNTP mix, each at 1.25 mM in water. Store at -20C. 5. Tuq DNA polymerase. 6. 10X kinase buffer: 500 n&f Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 100 mM MgC12, 50 mM DlT, 1 n&Z spermidine, 1 mM EDTA. 7. T4 polynucleotide kinase. 8. [Y-~~P]ATP(3000 Wmmol). 9. BioSpin 6 or BioSpin 30 columns (Bio-Rad, Rockville Centre, NY). 10. Dideoxynucleotide chain termination mixes as described in the following. (Store all at -20C.) G: 250 @f ddGTP. Prepare from 2.5 pL of 10 n&f ddGTP, 10 pL of 10X PCR buffer, 1.6 pL of dNTP mix, and 85.9 pL of H,O. A: 1.28 mM ddATP. Prepare from 12.8 pL of 10 mM ddATP, 10 pL of 10X PCR buffer, 1.6 pL of dNTP mix, and 75.6 j.tL of H20. T: 1.92 m.iV ddTTP. Prepare from 19.2 pL of 10 mM ddTTP, 10 pL of 10X PCR buffer, 1.6 pL of dNTP mix, and 69.2 pL of H20. C: 640 w ddCTP. Prepare from 3.2 pL of 10 n&f ddCTP, 10 pL of 10X PCR buffer, 1.6 pL of dNTP mix, and 82 pL of H20. 11. Formamide stop solution: 95% deionized formamide, 0.1% bromophenol blue, 0.1% xylene cyanol, and 10 mM EDTA, pH 7.0.

Sequencing DNA from a Bacterial Colony



Fig. 2. DNA sequencing gel for DNA amplified directly from bacterial cells (A) or from purified DNA (B). A cloned 1.7-kb fragment containing the bovine coronavirus nucleocapsid protein gene (5) was subcloned into the pGEM-32 vector (Promega, Madison, WI) and grown in E. coli strain JM 109. The reverse and forward (universal) primers for the pGEM system were used as primers 1 and 2, respectively, for asymmetric amplification and DNA sequencing. For (A) the toothpick method was used, and for (B) 5 ng of purified DNA was used as template in the asymmetric amplification reaction. Reprinted by permission from ref. 4.

208 3. Methods Amplifwation


and Brian

3.1. Asymmetric

of Insert


1. Prepare a 40-pL PCR reaction mix by adding together 33.2 pL of water, 4 p.L of 10X PCR buffer, 0.8 j.tL of dNTP mix, 1 p.L of 10 pM primer 1, and 1 pL of 0.1 jt.M primer 2. (10 pmol of primer 1 and 0.1 pmol of primer 2, the limiting primer, are used in this reaction. End-labeled primer 2 will be used in the sequencing reaction described in Section 3.3.) 2. With a sterile toothpick, add a few cells from an isolated bacterial colony into the reaction mix. 3. Heat for 15 min at 95C, then chill on ice. 4. Add 10 pL (1.25 U) of Taq DNA polymerase in 1X PCR buffer. 5. Cover with two drops mineral oil. 6. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 40 main cycles: 90C, 30 s (denaturation) 5OC, 1 min (annealing) 72OC, 3 min (extension)

3.2.5-End Labeling of the Sequencing Primer (Primer


This is essentially the forward reaction as described by Satnbrook et al. (6). 1. Prepare a 2OyL end-labeling reaction mix by adding together 1 jtL of 10 pA4 primer 2 (10 pmol), 11 pL of water, 2 pL of 10X kinase buffer, 5 pL of [T-~~P]ATP, 1 pL (10 U) of T4 polynucleotide kinase. This makes enough for 10 sequencing reactions. 2. Incubate at 37C for 30 min, then add 30 pL of Hz0 to make a total volume of 50 p.L. 3. Purify end-labeled primer by passing it through a BioSpin column that has been equilibrated with water according to manufacturers instructions. 4. Estimate the volume of eluate and use 0.1 vol (x pL used in Section 3.3., step 1 below) (1 pmol of radiolabeled primer) in the sequencing reaction below. One microliter of the eluate can be counted to determine the specific activity of the radiolabeled primer. Approximately lo6 cpm Cerenkov counts/pmol primer is needed.

3.3. Sequencing Reaction with the End-Labeled Primer

This is essentially as described by Innis et al. (3). 1. Prepare a 12-pL primer mix by adding together 1.2 pL of 10X PCR buffer, x pL (1 pmol, lo6 cpm Cerenkov counts) of end-labeled primer 2,10.6 pL-x pL of water, and 0.2 pL (1.25 U) of Taq DNA polymerase.


DNA from a Bacterial



2. Add 20 pL of PCR mix (from Section 3.1., step 6) containing singlestranded DNA, mix by pipetting 10 times. 3. Immediately distribute 7.5 pL into each of the G, A, T, and C reaction tubes, which contain 2.5 pL each of the respective termination mixes and mix by pipetting five times. 4. Heat the reactions at 72C for 5 min. 5. Terminate the reactions by adding 4 lrL of formamide stop solution. Store at -20C. 6. For sequencing, the termination mix (10 pL) is heated at 100C for 3 min and 3 pL/lane is loaded onto a DNA sequencing gel (see Note 2).

4. Notes
1. In the experiment shown in Fig. 2, the primers used for amplification were the reverse primer [primer 1; 5CACAGGAAACAGCTATGACC 31 and the forward [universal] primer [primer 2; 5-GTIGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT-31 for the pGEM [Promega, Madison, WI] system. However, we have used many other primers successfully (ref. 7 and data not shown). 2. The concentration of dNTPs in the asymmetric PCR was kept low (20 pJ4 each) so that residual amounts would not interfere with dideoxynucleotide chain termination reactions (Innis et al., ref. 3). We have learned that when residual amounts do cause a problem (i.e., when short termination products cannot be seen on the sequencing gel), generally as a result of short (~200 nucleotides) inserts in the clone, two approaches can be used to solve this problem: (1) Additional cycles of the PCR (50-60 total) can be run to deplete the dNTPs and (2) The product from the asymmetric reaction (Section 3.1.) step 6) can be passed through a BioSpin 6 column.

1. Gussow,D. andClackson,T. (1989) Direct clone characterization from plaques and colonies by the pulymerasechain reaction. Nucleic Aczds Rex 17,400O. 2. Sandhu,G. S., Precup, J. W., and Kline, B. C. (1989) Rapid one-step characterization of recombinant vectors by direct analysisof transformed Escherichra coli colonies. BioTechnzques 7,689-690. 3. Innis, M. A., Mayan&o, K. B., Gelfand, D. H., and Brow, M. A. D. (1988) DNA sequencing polymerase of chain reaction-amplifiedDNA. Proc. Nutl. Acad. Scz.
USA 85,9436-9440.

4. Hofmann, M. A. and Brian, D. A. (1991) Sequencing PCR DNA amplified directly from a bacterial colony. BioTechniques 11,30,31. 5. Lapps, W., Hogue, B. G., and Brian, D. A. (1987) Sequenceanalysis of the bovine coronavirusnucleocapsid matrix protein genes.Vzrology 157,47-57. and


and Brim

6. Sambrook,J. E., Fritsch, E. F., and Mania& T. (1989) Molecular Clonmg: A Laboratory Manual (2nd ed.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 7. Hofinann, M. A. and Brian, D. A. (1991) The 5-prime endof coronavirusminusstrand RNAs contain a short poly(U) tract. J. Vtrol. 65,63314333.



Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction to Screen Phage Libraries

Lei Yu and Laura
1. Introduction
Isolating a clone from a cDNA or genomic library often involves screening the library by several rounds of plating and filter hybridization. This is not only laborious and time-consuming, but also is prone to artifacts such as false positives commonly encountered in filter hybridization. These problems can be alleviated by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the early rounds of screening prior to conventional filter hybridization. The advantages of PCR screening are threefold: (1) Positive clones are identified by DNA bands of correct sizes in gel, thus avoiding the confusion from false positive spots in filter hybridization; (2) it saves time, especially in initial rounds of screening; and (3) screening of multiple genes can be performed in the same PCR by using appropriate primers for these genes. After the complexity of the phage pool is reduced and the existence of true positives in the pool confirmed, individual clones can be isolated by conventional methods. The basic method consists of three steps, as shown in Fig. 1: 1. Lifting membrane filters from library plates; 2. Rinsing off phageparticles from the filters; and 3. Using the phageeluate for PCR. After a positive signal is identified from a particular plate, another round of PCR screening may be carried out by repeating these steps
From. Methods m Molecular Biology, Vol 15: PCR Protocols: Edited by: 8. A White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Current Methods and Apphcatlons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ

J. Bhm



Yu and Bloem




Fig. 1.Basic methodof using PCR to screen phage libraries. with smaller sectors of that plate to reduce further the size of the phage pool. Alternatively, another filter can be lifted from the positive plate and used in conventional filter hybridization. 2. Materials 1. Phagedilution buffer: 100mM NaCl, 8 r&I4 MgS04, 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, and 0.1% gelatin, sterilize by autoclaving and store at room temperature. 2. Filter membranes(seeNote 1). 3. Methods See Notes 2-4. 1. Begin with plated phage cDNA or genomic library with appropriate host bacterial strain on 150-mm agarplates with top agarose using standard protocols (I). After the phage plaqueshave grown to the desired size at 37C, chill the plates at 4C for at least 1 h. 2. Place a nitrocellulose filter on the plate, making sure there is no air bubble trappedbetween the filter and the agar.The filter will be wet in a few secondsif the plate is fresh. For plates stored for a period of time and for later rounds in multiple lifting, longer time may be required to wet the filter completely. 3. Carefully lift the filter with a pair of flat-ended forceps, making sure not to rip the top agarlayer. Place the filter, with the phageside down,

Screening Phage Libraries


onto a sterile HO-mm Petri dish (either the bottom part or the lid) containing 3 mL of phagedilution buffer. Rinse off the phage particles by lifting the filter up and down a couple of times. Finally, lift the filter and let the solution drip for a while (usually 10-20 s is sufficient). Then discard the filter. 4. Transfer 20 pL of phage eluate to a PCR tube, close the cap tightly, place in a boiling water bath for 5 min, chill on ice, and use astemplate in a 100 pL PCR (seeChapter 1 for conditions of the standardPCR and Notes 5 and 6). Save some phageeluate in an Eppendorf tube if you consider doing more PCR later on (seeNote 7). 5. Analyze the PCR products by agarosegel electrophoresis(seeNote 8). If a plate has one or more positives, its correspondinglane on the gel will have a band of expected size. This plate is then considered a positive plate. 6. At this point, one can take the positive plates and proceed to screen them for positive phage plaques by conventional filter hybridization. Alternatively, one can carry out another round of PCR screening as describedherein to reducefurther the complexity of the phagepool on a positive plate. 7. Put a new nitrocellulose filter on a positive plate (seeNote 9). With a sterile scalpel, cut the filter and the agarunderneathit into several sections. Sections can be any number or shape,although we found that the radial-shaped (pie-shaped)sections between four and eight per plate can be handled easily. 8. Lift each filter sector and rinse in phage dilution buffer as in step 2. Owing to the smaller size of the filter sector,rinsing can be done either on smaller Petri dishes such as the loo-mm ones,or on a piece of plastic film such as SaranWrapTM.An aliquot of 0.2-0.5 mL of phagedilution buffer is used for rinsing dependingon the size of the filter sector. 9. Do PCR with the section eluate as in step4. 10. After a sectorcontaining the positive phagesignal is identified by PCR, anothermembranefilter can be lifted from this sector and used in conventional filter hybridization. Alternatively, the top agar of this sector can be scrapedoff for replating as describedin the following. 11. To replate the phagefrom a positive section, use a rubber policeman to scrapeoff the top agarinto a 50-mL conical tube containing 20 mL of phage dilution buffer. The rubber policeman should be rinsed extensively with sterile water between each scraping to prevent cross-contamination among sections. 12. The tube is vortexed vigorously and the top agar is soaked for 2 h to overnight. The tube is then centrifuged at 8OOOg 15 min to pack the for


Yu and Bloem

agar. Save a portion of the supernatantin an Eppendorf tube and discard the conical tube containing the agar.Determine the phagetiter and plate at desired density for anotherround of PCR screeningor conventional filter hybridization. 1. 4. Notes Different brandsof nonchargedmembraneall work well for this procedure, be they nitrocellulose or nylon. However, we have experienced difficulty with charged membranes,presumably becausethe charges on the membraneinterfere with rinsing off of the phageparticles. The main advantageof using PCR to screena phagelibrary is to reduce complexity before starting conventional filter hybridization. Multiple plates of a library can be processedand screenedby the method describedhere.To screenone million phageplaques,for example, plating at 50,000 PFU/plate will give 20 plates. Although considerable time and effort would be neededto screentheseplates by conventional filter hybridization, they can be easily screened a few hoursby PCR screenin ing. Furthermore, by cutting a positive plate into eight sections and performing another round of PCR screening, positive phage plaques can be located to a pool of approx 6250 PFU. This pool can be readily handled by conventional filter hybridization. Before screening a library, it is highly recommendedto do a PCR with an aliquot of the whole library. This servestwo purposes:to ensurethat the desired clone is presentin the library and to ascertainthat the conditions usedfor PCR can amplify the expectedsignal. It can be done by heat denaturing 5 p.L of the library and using it in a lOO+L PCR. It is also prudent to sequencethe amplified fragment to confirm its identity andthe specificity of PCR conditions. This can be doneeither before or in parallel with the PCR screeningof the library. Another useful thing to do before screening the library is to estimate the abundance the desiredclone in the library. This can be combined of with the whole library amplification by PCR (see Note 3) by amplifying various library dilutions in addition to the undiluted library. If the desiredclone is presentin a pool of 20,000clones,for example, it would not be necessaryto screenone million clones. From time to time, PCR may fail with no apparentreason.To prevent such an occasional system failure to be interpretedas being negative, it is desirableto include controls in PCR. Two types of controls may be used:internal andparallel. For internal control, primers can be included in the samePCR tube that will amplify vector sequence,a stretch of the h arm if the library is in a h vector. Alternatively, the library can be





Screening Phage Libraries



7. 8.


spiked with a known clone and the primers for this clone can be used in the samePCR. If an internal control is not desired, a PCR to amplify a known clone in an adjacenttube can be used as a parallel control. In simultaneousscreeningof multiple genes,severalpairs of primers can be usedin the samePCR, providedthat the expectedPCR productsareof different lengthsand canbe distinguishedfrom one anotheron a gel. The major limitation of this techniqueis the needfor sequence information for makingprimersbeforelibrary screening beundertaken. can Nondegenerate primersbasedon definitive sequence information arebestfor PCR screening. It may be possible to use degenerate primers to searchfor related genes,althoughwe have not tried this approach. Because phaseeluatecan be stored,the sameset of platescan be used the for severalscreenings, either for the samegeneor for different genes. If screeningfor a small fragment, it may be necessaryto amplify more than the standard30 rounds. For a 200-bp fragment, we amplified 35 rounds to achieve a high enough DNA concentration for band visualization on a 3% agarosegel. Becauseof the sensitivity of PCR, the plated library can be screened several times without losing the positive signal. Also, plates can be stored at 4C for several weeks before subsequent lifts. We have made five lifts from the sameplates, both fresh and after 3-wk storage, and the phage eluate amplified well. The same goeswith the phageeluate, which can be stored for several weeks or longer before amplification. Reference

1. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis,T. (1989) Molecukur Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (2nd ed.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.



Molecular Cloning of Polymerase Chain Reaction Fragments with Cohesive Ends

Beverly C. Delidow

1. Iutroduction The transfection of expressible DNA into cell lines has allowed studies of gene expression and interaction that are often very difficult or impossible using the endogenous genes. The importance of this method is highlighted by the observation that, in a recent issue of Cell, 10 out of 14 articles reported data obtained through DNA transfer techniques (I). The production of DNA constructs for transfection requires the availability of cloned DNA sequences including promoters, enhancers, transcribed sequences, and 3 elements. Many investigations also use constructs in which promoters are recombined with heterologous reporter genes, such as luciferase or chloramphenicol acetyl transferase. Before the development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques, the easiest method for recombination of DNA fragments was to take advantage of convenient restriction sites in the component DNAs. However, in caseswhere convenient restriction sites were lacking, recombination required generation of larger fragments, which were then subjected to exonuclease deletion, followed by either blunt ligation of two fragments or of linkers to allow cohesive ligation into a vector. Although useful for producing series of deletion mutants, this technique is both time-consuming and difficult.
From Methods m Molecular B/ology, Vol 15. PCR Protocols, Edited by I3 A White Copynght (b 1993 Humana Current Methods and ApplrcaBons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




In contrast to this extensive manipulation, the ability to generate specific DNA fragments by PCR has allowed this technique to be used to great advantage in the cloning, manipulation, and recombination of specific DNAs. PCR techniques now exist for the generation of DNA libraries, and for generating hybrid DNAs and site-directed mutagenesis (see Chapters 27-29). PCR also provides a means of generating a desired DNA fragment with cohesive ends for easy cloning into a recipient construct. This is accomplished by extending the 5 and 3 oligonucleotide primers to include restriction sites at their 5 ends. We have used this technique to insert the adenovirus major late promoter (MLP) in front of a promoter-less prolactin (PRL) minigene, for use in RNAexpression studies. The general scheme of the method is outlined in Fig. 1. The insert and vector may be prepared simultaneously, requiring 2 d. The ligation is carried out during the second night. Bacteria are transformed on the third day and allowed to grow overnight. On the fourth day (and fifth, if required), colonies are screened for the desired transformants by a miniprep procedure. Thus, the entire procedure from DNA preparation to colony screening can be completed in 4-5 d. 2. Materials 2.1. Preparation of PCR-Generated Cohesive-End Insert 1. Sourceof insert sequenceto be amplified. In this case,it is the plasmid pML-SK+ containing the adenovirusMLP sequences. 2. Oligonucleotide primers (seeNote 1). The primers used for amplifying the MLP are29-mers containing Kpn I sites at their 5 ends for insertion into a convenient Kpn site in the vector. The primer sequencesare: Kpn-MLP-UP, S-AAGGTACk T TCCGC GGTCC ITCGT ATAGA3; and MLP-Kpn-DN, S-AAGGTACJC A ACAGC TGGCC CTCGC
AGACA-3 (see Note 2).

3. Reagentsfor PCR (seeChapter 1): Store at -20C. 4. DNA gradeagarosefor electrophoresis(low-melting point [LMP] agarose is optional). 5. E buffer, for running agarosegels (40X stock): 1.6M Tris base, 0.8M anhydroussodium acetate,40 mMEDTA. Adjust pH to 7.9 with glacial acetic acid and 0.2~pm filter. To make 1X buffer, dilute 25 mL of stock
to 1 L in distilled water. Store at room temperature. 6. 6X agarose gel loading dye: 0.25% bromophenol blue, 0.25% xylene cya-

nol, 30%glycerol. Preparein sterile water andstoreat room temperature.

Molecular Cloning of PCR with Cohesive Ends

RE site I k IILP \\RE PCR site II



\ f PRL , 125111-36 :

RE Digest

Ligate I




Fig. 1. General scheme for inserting the adenovirus MLP (solid lines) mto the plasmid bearing the minigene PRL 125/l 1-36 (dashed lines). The MLP sequences are amplified using primers containing recognition sites for the restriction enzyme (RE) Kpn I (RE sites I and II). The amplified insert DNA and the plasmid are then cut with Kpn I (RE digest) and purified. The cohesive ends of the plasmid and insert arejoined in a ligation reaction to produce the recombinant construct, MLP-125/11.

7. DNA markers. Several are available. We routinely use a BsrE II digest of lambda DNA (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA). This preparation contains 14 DNA fragments, ranging from 8456117 bp. Store at -20C. 8. Ethidium bromide (10 mg/mL) in sterile water. Store at 4C in a dark container. Ethidium bromide is a potent mutagen. Use a mask and

gloves when weighing powder. Clean up spills immediately. Wear gloves when handling solutions. Dispose of wastes properly. 9. Restriction enzymes Hind III and Kpn I, including the manufacturerrecommended buffers (Bethesda Research Laboratories [BRL, Gaithersburg, MD]). Store at -20C. 10. Buffer-saturated phenol (see Chapter 1). 11. CHC13. 12. 7.5M Ammonium acetate. 13. 3M Sodium acetate, pH 5.2. 14. 95% Ethanol. 15. 70% Ethanol. 16. Sterile water. 0.2~pm filter deionized, distilled water. Store at room temperature.

2.2. Preparation

of Recipient


1. Appropriate vector for cloning. The promoter-less PRL minigene PRL125/l 1-36 contains 36 bp of 5 flank, 3.5 kb of transcribed sequences, including exons 1,2, and 5, introns A, B, and part of D, and approx 3 kb of 3 flank. The parent plasmid is pBR322, which confers ampicillin resistance. The Kpn I site at position -36 is the site for insertion of the MLP. This construct was generously provided by Dr. Z. D. Sharp (University of Texas Health Science Center). 2. Restriction enzyme Kpn I, with the recommended buffer (BRL). Store at -20C. 3. Bacterial alkaline phosphatase (100 U/p.L). Store at -20C. 4. 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0. 0.2-pm filter and store at room temperature. 5. 0. 1M ZnC12. 0.2~pm filter and store at room temperature. 6. 10% SDS. 0.2~pm filter and store at room temperature. 7. Proteinase K. Resuspend in sterile water at a concentration of 20 mg/mL. Store at -20C. 8. Agarose gel electrophoresis reagents (see items 4-8 in Section 2.1.). 9. GeneClean DNA purification kit, Bio 101 (La Jolla, CA) (optional). 10. Reagentsfor extractionsand precipitations (seeitems 10-14 in Section 2.1.).

2.3. Ligation
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

and Bacterial


Prepared vector and insert, each at a concentration of 50-200 ng/pL. T4 DNA ligase, 1 U&L, with the supplied buffer (BRL). Store at -20C. 10 mM ATP, in sterile water. Store at -20C. Competent bacteria: E. coli, DHSa (BRL). Store at -70C (see Note 3). TY broth: Prepare by dissolving 16 g of Bacto-tryptone, 10 g of yeast extract, and 5 g of NaCl/L of Hz0 in an autoclavable flask. Autoclave for 20 min on liquid cycle. Cool and store refrigerated. 6. Ampicillin: Preparea stocksolution of 50 mg/mL in sterile water, store at 4C.

Molecular Cloning of PCR with Cohesive Ends


7. LB agarplatescontainingampicillin. Prepare dissolving 10g of Bactoby tryptone,5 g of yeastextract, 10g of NaCl, and 15g of agarin 1 L of HZ0 in a 2.8-L Fernbachflask. Heat to nearboiling, while Wring to dissolve the agar.Autoclave for 20 min on liquid cycle. Allow the solution to cool to 5&55C before adding ampicillin to 50 pg/mL (1 mL of a 50 mg/mL stock solution). Pour the still molten agar into sterile Petri dishes,using 20-25 mUplate. If the plates are pouredin a sterile hood, they may be allowed to cool uncovereduntil the agarhas set,Cover, invert, and store refrigerated.Antibiotic-containing agarhas a shelf-life of about 1 mo. If longerstorage required,prepareagarplateswithout antibiotic andspread is with ampicillin (25 pL of a 50 mg/mL stock)just beforeuse. 2.4. Plasmid Minipreps for Screening Transformant Colonies 1. TY broth (item 5 in Section 2.3.) containing 50 pg/mL ampicillin, 2. 80% glycerol (v/v, in water), sterile-filtered.Store at room temperature. 3. GTE buffer: 25 mJ4 Tris-HCl, pH 8.0,50 mM glucose, 10 mM EDTA. Sterilize by 0.2ym filter and store at 4C. 4. Lysis buffer: 0.2M NaOH, 1% SDS. Preparefresh. 5. KOAc buffer: 3M potassium acetate,2M acetic acid. Sterilize by 0.2pm filter and store at room temperature. 6. TE, pH 8.0: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA. Sterilize by 0.2pm filter and store at room temperature. 7. Restriction enzymes Sst II and Xbu I, with the recommended buffer (BRL). Store at -2OOC. 3. Methods 3.1. Preparation of PCR-Generated Cohesive-End Insert 1. Linearize the plasmid pML-SK+ with Hind III (seeNote 4). To 5 pg of plasmid, add 5 p.L of 10X React2 buffer and 1 pL (5-10 U) of Hind III in a total volume of 50 pL. Incubate for 1 h at 37C. 2. Preparefive standard1OOyL PCR reactions eachcontaining 200 ng (2 pL) of linearized plasmid, 100 pmol of each restriction site-tagged primer, 200 pil4 of each deoxynucleotide and 2.5 U of Tuq polymerase in 1X PCR reaction buffer (seeChapter 1). Cover the reaction mix with a drop of light mineral oil to prevent evaporation. 3. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile (seeNote 5): 17-25 main cycles 94OC,1 min 55C, 2 min 72C, 1 min Final extension 72OC,5 min



4. Add 200 pL of CHC13 to the amplified DNA. This causes the mineral oil to sink to the bottom in the organic phase. Spin briefly in a microfuge at top speed to ensure phase separation and transfer the upper phase to a clean 1S-mL microfuge tube. 5. Precipitate the DNA by addition of 0.5 vol(50 pL) of 7.5M ammonium acetate plus 2.5 vol (375 FL) of 95% ethanol. Incubate for 10 min at room temperature, or for 30 min on ice (see Note 6). Collect the DNA by centrifugation in a microfuge at top speed (12,000 rpm) for 15 min. 6. Decant the supernatants. Add 50 PL of 70% ethanol gently to the side of each tube and allow to flow over the pellets. Spin again for 1-2 min at top speed in a microfuge, then decant the supernatant and place the inverted tubes on a clean lab wipe to drain dry (5 or 10 min should be sufficient). Resuspend each pellet in 22 pL of sterile water (see Note 6). 7. To confirm the size of the amplified DNA (approx 300 bp), take 2 pL of each sample to run on a 1% agarose gel. To each 2-pL aliquot, add 8 uL of sterile water and 2 pL of 6X loading dye. Mix well and spin briefly in a microfuge to collect all the liquid. Prepare an aliquot of DNA markers (2 pg) in the same total volume. Perform electrophoresis as described in Chapter 1. 8. Digest each of the remaining 20 pL of DNA samples with Kpn I (20 U) in a total volume of 40 p.L of the 1X supplied buffer at 37C for 1 h. 9. Pool the cut samples (200 PL total volume) in a 1.5-mL microfuge tube, add an equal volume of phenol/chloroform (l/l) and mix well to extract. Spin the tube in a microfuge at top speed for 2 min. 10. Remove the upper aqueous phase to a clean tube and add an equal volume of CHC13. Again mix well and centrifuge to separate the phases. Remove the aqueous phase to a fresh tube once more and repeat the CHC13 extraction. 11. Transfer the final, clean aqueous phase to a new tube and precipitate with ammonium acetate (100 pL) and ethanol (750 PL) (see Notes 7 and 8). 12. Pellet the DNA by centrifugation in a microfuge at top speed for 15 min. Resuspend the pellet in 500 pL of sterile water and measure the AZ0 of this solution directly. Our reactions yielded a DNA content of 25 pg, or 50 ng/fiL. 13. Run 5 uL of this DNA on a 1% agarose gel to confirm the estimated concentration and that the insert is intact. If gel analysis shows that there are other contaminating sequences present, the desired insert may be isolated by purification out of agarose gels (see Note 8). 14. Store the prepared insert at -20 until it is to be used.

Molecular Cloning of PCR with Cohesive Ends 3.2. Preparation of the Recipient Vector


1. Linearize 10 pg of the plasmid PRL-125/l l-36 with Kpn I (10 U) at 37C for 1 h, as for the insert (step 7 in Section 3.1.). 2. Inactivate the Kpn I by heating at 65OC for 10 min. 3. Remove the enzyme by phenol/CHC13 extraction, as described earlier (steps 8 and 9 in Section 3.1.). 4. Ethanol precipitate the DNA by addition of sodium acetate to 0.3M and 2.5 vol of 95% ethanol and incubate at -70C for 30 min, or at -20C overnight. Collect the DNA by centrifugation at top speed in a mlcrofuge for 30 min at 4C. Resuspend the pellet in 46 pL of sterile water (see Note 9). If phosphatase treatment is not necessary, the vector may be resuspended at a concentration of 100 ng/pL. 5. Because the restriction cut generates compatible ends, the vector must be treated with bacterial alkaline phosphatase (BAP), to remove 5 phosphates and reduce recircularization of the plasmid during the ligation reaction. To 46 pL of plasmid, add 2.5 yL of 1M Tris-Cl, pH 8.0, 0.5 pL of 0.M ZnC12 and 1 pL of BAP. Incubate at 60C for 30 min. 6. To remove the BAP, add I pL of 10% SDS and 2.5 PL of proteinase K (20 mg/mL), and incubate at 37C for 30 min. 7. Add 35 pL of sterile water and 10 pL of 3A4 sodium acetate (100 pL total volume), then extract once with phenol/CHCl, and twice with CHC13, as described earlier (steps 8 and 9 in Section 3.1.). 8. Precipitate the DNA by adding 2.5 vol (250 pL) of 95% ethanol and incubating for 30 min at -70C or overnight at -20C (see Note 6). Recover the DNA by centrifugation, and resuspend the pellet at a concentration of approx 100 ng/pL. 9. Run a sample of the prepared vector on an agarose minigel to confirm that cutting was complete. If the cut was incomplete or if a piece of DNA larger than approx 100 bp was removed, the linearized vector may be gel-purified out of agarose using the GeneClean kit (BIO 101) (see Note 10). 10. Store the prepared vector at -2OOC until it is to be used.

3.3. Ligation

and Bacterial


1. Combine the insert and vector in several ratios (I:V): 1: 1, 3: 1,5: 1, and 0:2 (control) in 1X ligation buffer plus 1 pL ATP in a volume of 29 pL. The total amount of DNA added should be approx 0.5-l pg. Add 1 yL (1 U) of T4 DNA ligase (30 PL final volume) and incubate overnight at 16C (see Note 11). 2. The entire ligation reaction may be used to transform competent E. coli DHSa. Thaw frozen competent bacteria on ice. To the ligation prod-



3. 4. 5. 6.

ucts (30 itL) in a 1.5mL microfuge tube, add lOO+.l of competent cells. As controls for the efficacy of the antibiotic and the efficiency of transformation, include samples of bacteria transformed with 30-uL of TE buffer and with 200 ng of intact plasmid, respectively. Tap the tubes gently to mix and incubate on ice for 30-45 min. Heat-shock the bacteria by incubating the tubes in a 42C water bath for 2 min, then place them on ice for several minutes. SeeNote 12. Transfer the bacteria to a large tube (at least 15-n& capacity) containing 2 mL of 2X TY broth, without selection antibiotic, and grow for 1 h at 37C, with vigorous shaking (225 rpm). Spreadseveralaliquots (50-200 FL) of eachsampleof the transformed bacteria onto separateLB agar plates containing 50 pg/mL ampicillin. Cover and invert the plates and incubate them overnight at 37C. Reserve any remaining cells in TY broth at 4C overnight. Should no growth occur on the plates, thesecells may be pelleted gently (2 min at half speedin a microfuge) and resuspended 100-200 i.tL of TY for in plating onto fresh plates. 3.4. Plasmid Minipreps for Screening Transformant Colonies (5) The plates containing bacteria transformed with TE should be free of colonies; those containing bacteriatransformed with the intact plasmid should have many colonies. This assuresyou that both the transformation and the antibiotic are working. The plates containing cells transformed with the linearized, dephosphorylated vector only (0:2 control) should have very few or no colonies. If theseplates have many colonies, it indicates that the vector was either inefficiently linearized, or not completely dephosphorylated. A new aliquot of vector should be preparedto try again. The platescontaining cells transformedwith theligated constructsshould contain many more colonies than those of cells transformed with linearized, dephosphorylated vector. Some of these colonies will bear recombinant plasmids and some will probably bear the recircularized vector. Thesecolonies may be screenedby direct PCR sequencing(see Chapter20) or by preparationof plasmid DNA by the following miniprep procedure. Touch a sterile loop or toothpick to eachcolony to be screened inocuand late each into a 2-mL aliquot of 2X TY broth containing 50 i.tg/mL ampicillin. It is convenientto do miniprepsof samplenumberscorresponding to multiples of the numberof spacesavailablein the lab microfuge. Incubate at 37C, with shaking (225 rpm), for 4-16 h, until the broth becomes moderately turbid from bacterial growth.






Molecular Cloning of PCR with Cohesive Ends

6. Transfer 0.4 mL of each sampleinto a 1.5~mLmicrofuge tube containing 0.1 mL of 80% glycerol. Mix and freeze on dry ice. Store these aliquots at -70C as the future sourceof the desired transformants. 7. Transferthe remainderof eachsampleto another 1.5~mLtube, and centrifuge at 6000 rpm for 2 min in a table-top microfuge. Aspirate the supernatants.Leave the caps open for the next two steps. 8. Resuspendeach pellet in 50 pL of GTE buffer by vortexing. Incubate at room temperaturefor 5 min. 9. Add 100 pL of Lysis buffer to eachtube while vortexing. Incubate on ice for 5 min. 10. Add 75 PL of KOAc buffer to each tube, close the caps, vortex to mix well, and incubate on ice for 5 min. 11. Centrifuge at top speed(12,000r-pm)for 10min in a table-topmicrofuge. 12. Transfer the supernatantsto fresh 1.5-mL tubes containing 0.5 mL of 95% ethanol. Mix well and centrifuge again at top speedfor 10 min. 13. Decant the supernatantsand air-dry the DNA pellets for 20-30 min. Resuspendthe DNA in 50 pL of TP, pH 8.0. 14. To determine which plasmids contain the desiredinsert, the DNAs may be digestedwith the restriction enzymesused for cloning, or with combinations of enzymesto aid in determining the orientation of the insert. The orientation of the MLP in the Kpn I site of pPRL-125/11-36 is determined by restricting miniprep DNA with Sst II, which cuts at the 5 end of the MLP, and Xbu I, which cuts at position +490 within the PRL minigene. BecauseSst II and Xba I use the samebuffer (React 2, BRL), these digestions may be carried out simultaneously. For each sampleto be analyzed, combine 3-5 pL of miniprep DNA with 2 pL of 10X reaction buffer, 1 pL of Sst II and 1 l.tL of Xba I in a total volume of 20 pL. Incubate at 37C for 30-60 min. 15. Analyze the digestedDNA samplesby agarosegel electrophoresis(see Chapter 1). The restriction cuts produce an 850-bp fragment if the promoter is in the forward orientation,or a 550-bpfragmentif it is reversed. Plasmids without the MLP will be linearized at the Xba I site and will appearasbands of about 9 kb (seeFig. 2). 4. Notes 1. The spacerof several basesis required by many restriction enzymes to allow efficient cutting at the endof a piece of DNA (2,3; seeChapter2). 2. It is possible to usedifferent restriction sitesin the two primers, thereby generating a PCR product that may be cloned into a compatibly cut vector in only one orientation. With directional cloning it is not necessary to treat the vector with phosphatasebefore the ligation becauseit cannot recircularize.

K I Xbl 850 bp

Exon I lntron A


/ K I Sll

K I Xbl 550 bp


I Xbl 9 kb

. . .

.. . .

PRL 125/l 1-36 +


IILP Forvard Reverted + +

Fig. 2. Restriction analysis of recombinant plasmids produced by ligation of Kpn I-tagged MLP into PRL 125/11-36. In A, B, and C the three possible forms of the plasmid DNAs are diagrammed, with the fragments generated by restriction digestion with SSZ (SII) and Xbu I (XbI). The Kpn I insertion site is also indicated (IQ. The Sst II II site is 5 bp from the 5 end of the MLP (13 bp from the 5 end of the Kpn-tagged MLP). The Xba I site is at position +490, within the first intron of the PRL minigene. The MLP and its orientation are indicated by the box containing an arrow. The first exon of the PRL minigene is represented by the checkered box. A. Insertion of the MLP in the forward (desired) direction. Restriction digestion of this construct produces two DNA fragments, one containing the 300-bp MLP plus approx 550 bp of the PRL minigene (approx 850 bp). and one containing the majority of the plasmid (approx 8.5 kb). B. Insertion of the MLP in the reverse orientauon produces a plasmid fragment and one of approx 550 bp. C. If the insertion of the MLP fails and PRL 125/l l-36 recircularizes, Sst II will not digest the DNA and the plasmid will be linearized by Xba I, pmducing a single band of about 9 kb. D. Schematic drawing of 1% agarose gel electrophoresis of the DNA fragments generat& in A-C. The plasmid bands (8.5-9 kb) in lanes A-C appear to comigrate because these large fragments are not resolved on 1% agarose under the gel conditions required to see the much shorter insert fragments, The lane marked M refers to DNA markers, a BstE II-digest of 1DNA.

Molecular Cloning of PCR with Cohesive Ends


3. Competent E. coli DHSa bacteria may be purchased in small volumes from BRL. Alternatively, bacteria may be grown up in quantity and made competent for transfection by several methods ($5). We use a CaC12procedure (4). 4. Note that the enzyme used to linearize the plasmid must not cut within the region to be amplified. If no sites outside this region are available, it is possible to use a plasmid template for PCR without linearizing it. If an intact plasmid is used, the first cycle of PCR should begin with a slightly longer denaturation step (2-5 min) to ensure accessof the primers to the template. The remaining cycles are run with a 1-min denaturation time. 5. Since Tuq polymerase has no 3 to 5 exonuclease editing function (6), it is important not to over-amplify, which may introduce mutations. There are several other thermostable polymerases now available with higher fidelity than Tuq polymerase (6,7). However some polymerases with editing ability (e.g., Vent TM DNA polymerase, New England Biolabs) also remove the 3 ends of the primers (manufacturers information). In restriction site-tagged primers, this activity may remove too large a part of the sequence complementary to the target DNA to allow efficient amplification. We used 25 cycles in this particular experiment, but in the interest of minimizing mutations, one should start with 17-20 cycles. 6. If necessary, both insert and vector DNA may be held at -20C overnight at any step at which they are in ethanol, or in aqueous solution in the absence of enzymes. 7. Ammonium acetate/ethanol precipitation is useful because it does not precipitate very small DNAs, such as primers or end-linkers from restriction digestion. However, some ligase preparations have reduced activity in the presence of ammonium ions (5). Therefore, it may be necessary to wash the DNA pellet with 70% ethanol, then resuspend it in water and precipitate again, using sodium acetate (to 0.3M) or NaCl (to 0.25A4) as the salt. Alternatively, the insert DNA may be purified away from the cut ends out of solution (see Note 8). 8. If the insert DNA is greater than approx 200 bp in length it may also be purified out of agarose gel after electrophoresis, or out of solution, using the GeneClean kit by Bio 101. Because GeneClean does not recover very small pieces of DNA (100 bp or less) it also serves to remove the end-linkers generated by restriction cutting of insert or plasmid DNA. In our hands the recovery of DNA is very good by both these methods (at least 80%) and the DNA is clean enough for direct use in the cloning reactions. However, if the DNA is purified out of an ethidium-stained agarose gel, care must be taken to minimize the exposure of the DNA

to UV light (e.g., during excision of the band on a UV lightbox), which can nick nucleic acids. 9. As an alternative to phenol/chloroform extraction and precipitation, the cut vector may be purified away from both the enzyme and small DNA fragments by using the GeneClean kit as described earlier. 10. If both the vector and insert must be gel puriiled, the ligation step may be simplified by electrophoresing both on a gel of LMP agarose, combining small portions of the appropriate bands and carrying out the ligation in the LMP agarose (4). To use LMP agarose, pour and load the gel as for regular agarose. To prevent melting during the electrophoresis, LMP gels may be run at low voltage or in a cold room. 11. Incomplete ligation reactions may be forced to completion after the overnight incubation by bringing the reactions to room temperature and adding 1 uL each of 10 mM ATP and ligase. Continue the incubation at room temperature for another 4 h and then use the DNA to transform competent bacteria. 12. Timing and temperature at this step are important. Heat shocking the cells for too long or at too high a temperature may reduce transformation efficiency or kill the cells.

Supported by NIH grant DK43064.

1. Cell (1992) 68,no. 1, l-76.

2, Kaufman, D. L. andEvans, G. A. (1990) Restriction endonucleasecleavage at the termini of PCR products. BioTechniques 9,304-306. 3, Crouse, J. and Amorese,D. (1986) Double digestions of the multiple cloning site. Focus 8,9. 4. Ausubel, F. M., Brent, R., Kingston, R. E., Moore, D. D., Smith,J. A., Seidman, J. G., and Struhl, K. (1987) Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. Wiley Interscience,New York. 5. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis, T. (1989) Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 6. Eckert, K. A. and Kunkel, T. A. (1990) High fidelity DNA synthesisby the Thermus aquaticusDNA polymerase.Nucleic Acids Res. 18,3739-3744. 7. Mattila, P.,Korpela, J.,Tenkanen, T., and Pitkanen,K. (1991) Fidelity of DNA synthesis by the Thermococcus litoralis DNA polymerase-au extremely heat
stable enzyme with proofreading activity. Nucleic Acids Res. 19,49674973.



Rapid (Ligase-Free) Subcloning of Polymerase Chain Reaction Products

Alan R. Shuldiner and Keith Tanner

1. Introduction The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a versatile, widely used method for the production of a very large number of copies of a specific DNA molecule (I,2). For some applications, it is advantageous to subclone the PCR product into a plasmid vector for subsequent replication in bacteria (3-6). Subcloning the PCR product into a plasmid vector has several advantages: (1) the amplified fragment can be sequenced with greater reliability, (2) only one allele is sequenced per clone, and (3) the vector containing the PCR product may be used for other molecular biological experiments, e.g., in vitro transcription, radiolabeling, and further amplification in bacteria. Although conventional strategies such as blunt-end or sticky-end ligation can be very successful for subcloning most DNA fragments, the subcloning of DNA generatedby PCR is often very difficult (7-9). We describe a rapid and versatile method to subclone PCR products directionally into a specific site of virtually any plasmid vector (8,9). Ligase-free subcloning of PCR products has several advantages over conventional strategies: (1) it does not require DNA ligase, (2) it requires only four primers, two of which arecomplementary to the plasmid vector, and therefore may be used repeatedly, and (3) it may be accomplished in a single day. Typically, hundredsto thousandsof colonies per transformation are obtained (approximate efficiency 5 x lo3 to 5 x lo4 colonies/ microgram of PCR insert). With this method, PCR products of up to 1.7 kb in length have been subcloned successfully.
From. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 15: PCR Protocols Edited by: B A White Copyright 8 1993 Humana Current Methods andAppl/cattons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



and Tanner

1.1. Theory ofthe Method 1.1.1. Plasmid Linearization and Primer Design The first step in ligase-free subcloning is to linearize the plasmid vector at the desired site with the appropriate restriction endonuclease(s). The second step is to perform PCR on genomic DNA or the cDNA of interest. Like conventional PCR, the primers (primers a and b in Fig. 1) must contain sequences at their 3 ends (approx 20-25 nucleotides) that are complementary to opposite strands of the target sequence at a predetermined distance from each other. For ligase-free subcloning, primers a and b must also contain sequences at their 5 ends, approx 24 nucleotides in length (designated the 5 addition sequences), that are identical to each of the 3 ends of the linearized plasmid (opened and closed boxes in Fig. 1; also, seeexample in Fig. 2). Since the two 3 ends of the linearized plasmid are different from each other, the PCR fragment may be subcloned directionally simply by choosing the appropriate 5 addition sequence for each primer. 1.1.2. PCR Amplification and Ligation by Overlap Extension PCR amplification is accomplished using primers a and b, which results in large amounts of the PCR product containing the 5 addition sequences at each end. Next, the PCR product is freed from excess primers by ultrafiltration, and divided into two tubes each containing the linearized plasmid vector. A second PCR reaction is performed. Tube 1 also contains primer a, the same primer that was used during the initial amplification of the PCR product, and primer c, a primer that is complementary to the strand of the plasmid vector that contains the primer a addition sequence (the [+] strand in Fig. l), in a region internal to the primer a addition sequence (Figs. 1 and 2). Similarly, tube 2 contains primer b, the same primer that was used for the initial amplification of the PCR product, and primer d, a primer that is complementary to the strand of the plasmid vector that contains the primer b addition sequence (the [-] strand in Fig. l), in a region internal to the primer b addition sequence (Figs. 1 and 2). During the first cycle of the second PCR, denaturation and annealing result in hybridization of the 3 ends of the PCR product (the complements of the 5 addition sequences) to the complementary 3 ends of the linearized plasmid (Fig. 1). During the extension step of the

Rapid (L&we-Free)



Fig. 1. Schematic of ligase-free subcloning. The 5 addition sequences of primers a and b are designated by closed and open boxers respectively. DNA sequences corresponding to the FCR-amplified product are shown as straight lines, whereas DNA sequences corresponding to the plasmid vector are shown as hatched lines.

first cycle, these overlapping 3 ends act as templates for each other. Extension results in the ligation of the PCR fragment to the linearized plasmid (ligation by overlap extension) (10,11). Amplification during subsequent PCR cycles (cycles 2-20) with the respective primers in each tube results in large amounts of linear double-stranded DNA that contain the plasmid vector ligated to the







SmaI: primer d 3 Kb)...ttggatttaggtgacactatag~CQA?k~CCC-3' 3 Kb)...~+Ultoolot&aaf&&ZTTATGCTTAAGCTCGAGCCATGGG-5' primer c prmer a

5*-GGGGATCffCTAGAGTcGACCTGCaggcatgcaagcttgtctccc 3'-~~~~tc~ac~tcgaacagagggatatca~cagcataatctcg...( prlaer b


















Prrrer Primer

a: b:


Primers (lower

c and d should case bold and

be complementary underlmed nucleotldes):













Primer Pruner

c: d:

5'-tatagtgtcacctaaatccaa-3' 5'-tatagtgagtgctattagagc-3'




c and

d do









a and


Fig. 2. Example of primer design for ligase-free subcloning into the Sma I site of pGEM42

@omega Bio&c, Madison, WI).

Rapid (Ligase-Free) Subcloning


PCR insert at one end (tube 1 in Fig. l), or to the other end (tube 2 in Fig. 1). Although not shown in the figure, hybridization may also occur between the 5 ends of the PCR product and the complementary 5 ends of the linearized plasmid. However, these hybrid products cannot act as templates for Tuq DNA polymerase. 1.1.3. Denaturation, Heterologous Annealing, and Cyclization After the second PCR reaction, the reaction mixtures in tubes 1 and 2 arecombined, and denaturation of double-stranded DNA into singlestranded DNA is accomplished by treating with alkali. After neutralization and dilution of the denatured DNA, the single-stranded DNA may anneal into several different products. Complementary DNA strands may reanneal to form the same double-stranded products that were present in tubes 1 and 2 before the denaturation step (not shown in Fig. 1). Alternatively, single-stranded DNA products from tube 1 may anneal with single-stranded DNA products from tube 2 resulting in DNAs that are partly double-stranded, and contain long singlestranded 5 or 3 overhangs (heterologous annealing in Fig. 1). Since these long 5 or 3 overhangs are complementary to each other, annealing at low DNA concentrations results in cyclization. Although the cyclized product contains two nicks (noncovalently linked ends), it may be used directly to transform competent E. coli. Once inside the bacterial cell, the two nicks are covalently joined, and the recombinant plasmid is replicated. 2. Materials
1. Plasmid vector.

2. Appropriate restriction endonucIease(s) buffer(s) for linearization and

of the plasmid vector. 3. Oligonucleotide primers (see Note 1). Prepare the four oligonucleotide primers required for ligase-free subcloning by synthesizingchemically with

thelast dimethoxytrityl (DMT) groupoff. Cleavethe oligonucleotidefrom

the resin by treatment with concentrated ammonia at room temperature, and deprotectby heating to 55C in ammoniaovernight (seeChapter 1). The oligonucleotides may be used for PCR after desalting through a G-25

spin column (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN). Alternatively, the last DMT group may be left on, and the oligonucleotides may be purified with NENsorb Prep columns (New England Nuclear, Boston, MA) according to the manufacturers directions.


and Tanner

4. 10X GeneAmp PCR buffer: 500 mM KCL, 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3 at 25OC, 15 mM MgC12, and 0.1 mg/mL of gelatin. GeneAmp is a trademark of Perkin-Elmer/Cents (Norwalk, CT). 5. dNTPs: 10 mMeach. 6. Tuq polymerase. 7. Paraffin oil. 8. Autoclaved, distilled, deionized water. 9. Phenol equilibrated in TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 at 25OC, 1 mM EDTA). 10. Chloroform:isoamyl alcohol: 24: 1, v/v. 11. tRNA: 10 mg/mL in sterile water. 12. Sterile, 5M NaCl. 13. Autoclaved sterile Eppendorf tubes. 14. Vacuum dessicator. 15. Ultrafree-MC-100 and Ultrafree-MC-30 ultrafiltration devices (Millipore, Bedford, MA) (see Note 2). 16. 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 6.6 at 25C. 17. DNA size marker: HaeIII digest of PhiX174. 18. 2M NaOH. 19. Competent DHS-alpha E. coli (Bethesda Research Laboratories, Gaithersburg, MD; theoretical transformation efficiency >l x log transformants/ pg PUC 19). 21. LB agar plates with the appropriate antibiotic. 22. 10,000X ethidium bromide solution: 5 mg/mL in water. Keep in dark container at 4C for up to 12 mo. Wear gloves when handling ethidium bromide. 23. High-melting-point agarose. 24. NuSeive GTG agarose (FMC Bioproducts, Rockland, ME). 25. 95% Ethanol. 26. 70% Ethanol.

3. Methods 3.1. Plasmid Linearization

1. Linearize l-2 ug of the plasmid vector by digestion with the appropriate restriction endonuclease(s). Incubate the plasmid vector, the appropriate buffe,r and restriction enzyme(s) in a final volume of 20 pL at the appropriate temperature for 2-3 h in an autoclaved Eppendorf tube. 2. Add 30 uL of sterile water and 1 pL of tRNA (10 mg/mL) to the reaction mixture. 3. Extract by adding 25 uL of phenol that has been preequilibrated with TE buffer. Vortex. Add 50 uL of chloroform:isoamyl alcohol. Vortex.

Rapid (Ligase-Free) Su bcloning

Centrifuge in a microfuge at room temperaturefor 30 s to separatethe phases.Remove the upper (aqueous)phase(approx 50 pL) and place in a clean autoclavedEppendorf tube. Repeatstep 3 once. Precipitate the linearized plasmid DNA by adding 12.5pL of 5M NaCl and 125 pL of cold 95% ethanol. Incubate at -20C for at least 3 h. Recover the linearized plasmid DNA by centrifugation in a microfuge (12,000g) at 4C for 30 min. Pour off the supernatantand wash the pellet with 250 pL of cold 70% ethanol. Carefully decant the supernatant, remove excessliquid from the walls of the Eppendorf tube with a cotton swab, andvacuum-drythe pellet in a vacuumdessicatoror SpeedVat for 10 min. Resuspend pellet in 20 pL of sterile water. Confirm that the plasmid the was linearized anddeterminethe approximateDNA concentrationby running 10% (2 pL) of the linearized plasmid DNA on a 1% agarosegel with 100 ng of uncut plasmid and a known amount of a HueIII-digest of PhiX174 DNA size marker (seeChapter 1). DNA should be visualized by staining in ethidium bromide solution for lo-15 min at room temperature and inspection (or photography) during UV transillumination using appropriateprecautions(seeNote 3). The intensity of staining of the sample DNA and the size marker DNA may be compared to each other so that the amount of sampleDNA can be roughly quantified.

4. 5. 6.


3.2. PCR Amplification and Ligation by Overlap Extension 1. Assemble the PCR reaction in a final volume of 100 pL containing 1X GeneAmp PCR buffer, 200 p&f of eachdNTP, 100 nM each of primers a and b, 1.5 U/tube of Tuqpolymerase, andDNA template (seeNote 4). Overlay with 50 pL of paraffin oil. 2. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile (seeNote 5): Initial denaturation 94OC,5 min 55OC,1 min (annealing) 25-35 main cycles of PCR 72OC,1 min (extension) 94OC,1 min (denaturation) Final extension 72C 10 min 3. To assessthe purity of the PCR product, remove 18 pL of the PCR reaction mixture, add 2 uL of 10X loading buffer, and perform electrophoresis on a composite gel consisting of 1% agaroseand 2% NuSeive GTG agarose(seeChapter 1). Estimate the amount of DNA as describedin step 7 in Section 3.1. 4. Add 320 pL of water to the remaining 82 pL of the PCR reaction mix-


Shuldiner and Tanner

ture and filter through an Ultrafree-MC-100 device by centrifugation at 2000g at room temperature until the retentate volume is about 20-25 pL (approx 3-5 min), being careful not to overfilter (see Note 6). 5. After the first ultrafiltration, add 400 pL of water to the retentate, and repeat ultrafiltration in the same device to a final retentate volume of approx 20-25 pL, again being careful not to overfilter. 6. Prepare a IOO-pL PCR reaction mixture in two separate 0.5~mL Eppendorf tubes as follows: Tube 1 Tube 2 10X GeneAmp PCR buffer 1OpL 1OpL dATP (10 mM) 2 w 2 FL dITP (10 mM) 2 PL 2PL dCTP (10 m&I) 2 PL 2w dGTP(lOmM) 2w 2PL Primer a (5 ClM) 2PL Primer c (5 pkf) 2 PL Primer b (5 @II) 2PL Primer d (5 ClM) 2w Linearized plasmid (50 n&W 2 CLL 2 PL PCR product (50 ng/pL) 2 PL 2 PL Water 73.6 uL 73.6 PL 0.4 pL Tuq Polymerase (5 U&L) Total volume %-$ 100 uL Overlay with approx 50 uL of paraffin oil. 7. Amplify by PCR (20 cycles) as described in step 2 of Section 3.2., except increase the extension time of the main cycles to 1.5 min.

3.3. Denaturatim, Heterologous and Cyclization


1. After thermocycling is completed, start water boiling in preparation for steps 3 and 4 (see below). 2. Combine 15 p.L of the PCR reaction mixture from tube 1 with 15 pL of the PCR reaction mixture from tube 2. Denature the DNA by adding 3.4 p.L of 2M NaOH. Vortex and incubate for 5 min at room temperature. 3. During the incubation, transfer 400 p.L of Tris-HCl buffer (50 mM, pH 6.6 at 25C) to a 1.5-mL Eppendorf tube, and place in the boiling water bath. 4. Add the denatured PCR products from step 2 (this section) to the heated Tris-HCI buffer. Vortex briefly and place into the boiling water bath for 5 min. 5. Cool to 60C over approx 15 min (see Note 7), and incubate at 60C for 3-24 h in order to accomplish heterologous annealing and cyclization.

Rapid (Ligase-Free) Subcloning


6. Following heterologous annealing and cyclization, allow the reaction mixture from step 5 to cool to room temperature,and place the entire contents in an Ultrafree-MC-30 device. Concentrateto a final volume of approx lo-20 pL by centrifugation at 200013 room temperature at (approx 3-5 min). Check the retentatevolume frequently to avoid overfiltration and irreversible loss of DNA (see Note 6). 7. Transfer the concentratedcyclized product into an autoclaved OS-mL Eppendorftube. The concentrated cyclized product may be storedindetlnitely at -2OOC transformationat a future time, or may be usedimmefor diately. Transform 100 pL of competentDHS-alpha E. coli accordingto the manufacturersdirectionswith l-5 pL of the cyclized product. 8. After transformation, plate the E. coli onto LB agar plates containing the appropriate antibiotic, and incubate overnight at 37C. If the plasmid encodesbeta-galactosidase (LacZ), colonies containing the appropriate recombinant plasmid may be chosenby blue-white selection on agar plates that also contain X-gal (50 pg/plate). Since this approach may be misleading (see Note S), we recommend that plasmid minipreparations be prepared from several white colonies (12; see Chapter22), andthe presenceand size of the DNA insert be confirmed by restriction endonucleasecleavageand gel electrophoresis. Alternatively, colony hybridization with the appropriate radiolabeled probe (I3), or PCR of plasmid DNA with primers that flank the DNA insert (14) may be used to select colonies with plasmids containing the desired DNA insert. 4. Notes 1. Oncethe plasmid vectorhas beenlinearized with the appropriaterestriction endonuclease(s), oligonucleotide primers required for ligasethe free subcloning may be designed. Primers a and b should be approx 39-49 basesin length with 2&25 basesat their 3 endsthat are complementary to opposite strandsof the target DNA at a predetermined distance from each other (Fig. 1). In addition, primers a and b must also contain 19-24 nucleotides at their 5 ends (the 5 addition sequences) that are identical to eachof the 3 endsof the linearized plasmid vector (Figs. 1 and 2). In most of our experiments, 5 addition sequences were arbitrarily chosento be 24 nucleotidesin length. However, 5 addition sequences19 nucleotides in length may be used if the temperature of the second-stagePCR is decreasedto 37OC.5 addition sequences14 nucleotidesin length or less did not on a work reliably. Primers c and d should be approx 21 nucleotides in length, and be complementary to opposite strandsof the plasmid vector internal to eachof the 5 addition sequences (Figs. 1 and 2).

Shuldiner and Tanner

2. Centricon-100 and Centricon- ultrafiltration devices (Amicon, Danvers, MA) may be substituted for Ultrafree-MC-100 and Ultrafree-MC-30 devices respectively. When Centricon devices are used, sodium azide, which is used as a preservative, must first be removed from the membrane by treatment with sodium hydroxide according to the manufacturers directions. 3. On a 1% agarose gel, the linearized plasmid will run slower than the uncut (supercoiled) plasmid. If digestion is complete, it is generally not necessary to gel-purify the linearized plasmid. 4. When genomic DNA is used as starting template, 0.1-0.5 pg/tube will suffice. If plasmid DNA is being used as starting template, 0.1-l ng/ tube is sufficient. If RNA is being used as starting template, reverse transcription must first be performed followed by PCR as outlined. 5. PCR conditions should be optimized for the specitlc application. 6. During centrifugation, frequently check the volume of the retentate since overfiltration can result in irreversible binding of DNA to the filter, and loss of the PCR product. 7. This is most conveniently done by using a 500~mL beaker filled approximately half-way with water as the boiling water bath, and transferring the entire beaker directly into a conventional water bath that has been preset at 60C. This will result in cooling at the appropriate rate, and automatic equilibration at 60C. 8. In our hands, the percentage of antibiotic-resistant colonies that contain the desired DNA insert varies from 50-100%. If primer-dimers form during the initial PCR, and are not removed prior to ligation by overlap extension, they contain the proper 5 addition sequences, and are subcloned into the vector with very high efficiency resulting in a higher background (i.e., colonies with recombinant plasmids that do not contain the desired DNA insert). If large quantities of primer-dimers are present, we recommend that the conditions of the PCR be modified to minimize these primer artifacts (i.e., decrease the primer concentration and/or decrease the amount of Taq polymerase). Alternatively, the PCR product may be gel-purified prior to ligation by overlap extension.

Acknowledgments We thank Jesse Roth, Charles T. Roberts, Jr., Steven Lasky, and Domenico Accili for their helpful comments on the manuscript. This research project was supported in part by grants from the Diabetes
Research and Education Foundation, the Juvenile Diabetes Founda-

tion, and the Mallinckrodt Foundation.

Rapid (Ligase-Free) Subcloning


1. Saiki, R. K., Scharf, S., Faloona, F., Mullis, K. B., Horn, G. T., Erlich, H. A., andArnheim,N. (1985)Enzymatic amplificationof beta-globmgenomicsequence and restriction site analysis for diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Science230, 1350-1354. 2. Saiki, R. K., Gelfand, D. H., Stoffel, S.,Scharf, S.J., Higuchi, R., Horn, G. T., Mullis, K. B., and Erlich, H. A. (1988) Primer-die&d enzymaticamplification of DNA with a thermostableDNA polymerase.Science239,487-491. 3. Scharf, S.J., Horn, G. T,, andErlich, H. A. (1986) Direct cloning and sequence analyses enzymatically of amplified genomicsequences. Science 233,10761078. 4. Lee, C. C., Wu, X., Gibbs, R. A., Cook, R. G., Muzny, D. M., and Caskey,C. T. (1988) Generationof cDNA probesdirectedby amino acid sequence: cloning of urate oxidase.Science239,1288-1290. 5. Higuchi, R. (1989) Using PCR to engineer DNA, in PCR Technology (Erlich, H. A., ed.), Stockton, New York, pp. 61-70. 6. Scharf,S.J. (1990) Cloning with PCR,in PCR Protocols (Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky,J. J., and White, T. J., eds.), Academic,SanDiego, pp. 84-91. 7. Kaufman, D. L. andEvans, G. A. (1990) Restriction endonucleasecleavage at the termini of PCR products, BioTechnrques 9,304-306. 8. Shuldiner, A. R., Scott, L. A., and Roth, J. (1990) PCR induced subcloning polymerascchain reaction (PCR) products.Nucleic Acid Res. l&1920. 9. Shuldiner, A. R., Tanner, K., Scott, L. A., and Roth, J. (1991) Ligase-free subcloning: a versatile method of subcloningpolymerasechain reaction (PCR) products in a single day. Anal. Biochem. 194,9-l% 10. Higuchi, R., Krummel, B., and Saiki, R. K. (1988) A general method of in vitro preparation and specific mutagenesisof DNA fragments: study of protein and DNA interactions. Nucleic Acrd Res. l&7351-7367. 11. Horton, R. M., Hunt, H. D., Ho, S. N., Pullen, J. K., and Pease, R. (1989) L. Engineering hybrid geneswithout the use of restriction enzymes:gene splicing by overlap extension.Gene 77,61-68. 12. Del Sal, G., Manfioletti, G., and Schneider,C. (1989) A one-tube DNA minipreparation suitable for sequencing.Nucleic Acids Res. 16,9878. 13. Maas,R. (1983) An improved cloning hybridization method with significantly increasedsensitivity for detection of single genes.Plusmid 10,296-298. 14. Gussow,D. and Clackson,T. (1989) Direct clone characterization from plaques and colonies by the polymerasechain reaction. Nucleic Acid Res. 17,400O.


Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction for Making Recombinant Constructs

Douglas H. Jones and Stanley C. Winistorfer

1. Introduction The capacity to recombine and modify DNA are underpinnings of the recombinant DNA revolution. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (1,2) provides a rapid means for the site-directed mutagenesis of DNA and for the recombination of DNA (I-9). Recently, two methods have been introduced that permit site-directed mutagenesis and DNA recombination without any enzymatic reaction in vitro apart from DNA amplification (5-9). The first method is accomplished by using separate PCR amplifications to generate products, such that when these products are combined, denatured, and reannealed, they form doublestranded DNA with single-stranded ends that are designed to anneal to each other to yield circles, an application termed recombinant circle PCR (RCPCR; see Chapter 27). More recently, a PCR-based method was introduced that uses in vivo recombination to generate site-specific mutants and recombinant constructs (7-9). This method is termed recombination PCR (RPCR), and selected applications of this method is the topic of this chapter. In the RPCR method, the PCR is used to add homologous ends to DNA, and in this respect, RPCR is similar to RCPCR. These homologous ends mediate recombination in vivo following transfection of E. coli with linear PCR products, resulting in the formation of DNA joints in vivo. If theserecombinant circles contain plasmid sequencesthat permit replication, and a selectable marker such as an antibiotic resistance
From. Methods MI Molecular Bology, Vol 75: PCR Protocols* Edited by* B A Whtte Copyright 0 1993 Humana Curm~t Methods and Applrcattons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Jones and Winistorfer




Fig. 1. Diagram showing DNA recombination using recombination PCR (RPCR). The primers are numbered hem&rows. The insert is the cross-hatched region. Smooth circles represent the DNA strands of the donor plasmid. Circles with wavy and jagged portions represent DNA strands of the recipient plasmid. Reprinted by permission from BioTechniques 10,62-66.

gene, E. coli can be transformed by the recombinant of interest. The mechanisms underlying this recombination between short stretches of homology in bacterial strains used routinely in cloning are not defined,
but this does not diminish the power of this method for genetic engi-

neering. RPCR provides a rapid method for the recombination and/or site-directed mutagenesis of DNA with very few steps. The application of this method for DNA recombination is illustrated in Fig. 1, and the steps of this method are briefly outlined in the following:




1. The DNA segment that is to be inserted into the recipient construct is amplified with primers 1 and 2, In Fig. 1, the template DNA from which the insert is amplified is a plasmid. In a separate PCR amplification, the recipient plasmid is amplified with primers 3 and 4. Portions of primers 1 and 2 are complementary to primers 4 and 3, respectively (or 3 and 4, depending on the orientation of the insert desired in the recombinant construct). In this figure, the 5 regions of primers 1 and 2 contain regions that are homologous to the recipient plasmid sequencesto which primers 4 and 3 anneal. Therefore, portions of the 5 regions of primers 1 and 2 are complementary to primers 4 and 3. The only requirement for this method is that primers 1 and 2 must have regions of complementarity to primers 4 and 3 (or 3 and 4). If these oligonucleotides are also sufficiently complementary to their respective templates to undergo PCR amplification, the regions of complementarity of one primer to another do not need to anneal to either donor or recipient template sequences.Therefore, this strategy can be used for mutagenesis as well as for recombination (see Figs. 2 and 3). 2. Following PCR amplification of each product, the two products are separated from supercoiled plasmid template by agarose gel electrophoresis, and each product is removed from the gel and purified by glass bead extraction. Alternatively, if each template can be linearized outside the region to be amplified by restriction enzyme digestion prior to PCR amplification, agarose gel purification of the PCR products is not necessary. 3. These two products are combined and a portion of this mixture is transfected into MAX efficiency competentE. coli (BRL, Gaithersburg,MD).

As stated,if eachsupercoiledplasmid templateis linearized by restriction enzymedigestionoutside the region to be amplified prior to PCR amplification, the two crude PCR products can be cotransfected directly into E.

coli, bypassing the gel purification and glass beadextraction steps. The sum goal of the two amplifications is to yield two PCR products with each end of one product homologous to a distinct end of the other PCR product. Since the amplifying primer sequences are incorporated into the ends of a PCR product, so long as primers 1 and 2 contain regions that are complementary to regions of primers 3 and 4 (or 4 and 3), the PCR products will contain ends that are homologous to each other, and these primer-determined DNA ends do not need to be determined by the original donor or recipient templates. Therefore, it is clear that this RPCR method can be used not only to generate recombinant constructs, but also for the site-directed mutagenesis of two distal sites concurrently (Fig. 2). or for the rapid site-specific mutagenesis of single sites (Fig. 3), as described previously (8).

Jones and Winistorfer

Site for Enzyme A

Site for Restnctlon Enzyme B




m 1
* -


Fig. 2. Diagram showing site-specific mutagenesis of two distal sites using recombination FCR (RFCR). The primers are numbered hemiarrows. Asterisks designate the mutagenesis sites. There is no purification of the PCR products. Notches designate point mismatches in the primers and resulting mutations in the PCR products. Reprinted by permission from Techmque 2,273-278.








Fig. 3. Diagram showing site-specific mutagenesis of a single site using recombination PCR (RPCR) with four primers. The primers are numbered hemmrrows. The asterisk designates the mutagenesis site. Primer 2 is complementary to primer 4. Restriction enzyme sites A and B bracket the insert. Notches designate point mismatches in the primers and resulting mutations in the PCR products. There is no purification of the PCR products. For each additional single site-specific mutagenesis reaction, only a new primer 1 and 3 need to be synthesized, and the same cut templates can be used. Reprinted by permission from Techmque 2, 273-278.

246 2. Materials

Jones and Winistorfer

1. 2X PCR stock mixture: Prepare 25 p.L aliquots in 0.5mL microfuge tubes cmtaining 1.25 U of Tq polymemse, 400 w of each dNlP, 100 mA4 KCl, 20 mWIris-HCl, pH 8.3, and 3 mM MgC12.Store at-20C for up to 8 mo. 2. PCR primers. See Note 1. 3. Long thin micropipet tips. 4. Agarose gel components (see Chapter 1). 5. Geneclean (Bio 101, La Jolla, CA). 6. TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 n&f EDTA. 7. MAX Efficiency HB 101or DWaCompetent E. coli (BRL, Life Technologies, Gaithersburg, MD). Once a tube is thawed it should not be reused. 8. SOC media (see ref. 10, p. A2). Prepare by dissolving 20 g of bactotryptone, 5 g of bacto-yeast extract and 0.5 g of NaCl in 950 mL of deionized HzO. Add 10 mL of 250 mM KCl. Adjust pH to 7.0 with 5N NaOH. Bring final volume to 1 L with HZ0 and autoclave for 20 min at 15 lb/sq in on liquid cycle. Allow to cool to 6OC, then add 5 mL of sterile 2M MgClz and 20 mL of sterile 1M glucose. 9. Top agar: 7 g/L of bacto-agar (see ref. IO, p. A4). Autoclave for 20 min at 15 Ib/sq in on liquid cycle. 10. LB plates with 100 pg/mL Ampicillin (see ref. IO, p. A4).

3. Methods
1. Add 2 ng of template plasmid and 25 pmol of each primer to the 25-pL aliquot of 2X PCR stock solution and adjust volume to 50 uL with distilled water. Layer 50 uL of mineral oil on top of each reaction mix prior to amplification. 2. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile (see Note 2): Initial denaturation 94OC, 1 min A variable number of main cycles 94OC, 30 s (denaturation) 50C 30 s (annealing) 72C 1 min/kb (extension) Final extension 72C, 7 min Store samples at 4C if required. 3. Remove each PCR product by inserting a long thin micropipet tip through the mineral oil layer and drawing up the sample. 4. If a supercoiled template is used, dissolve 1% standard high melting point agarose in 1X TAE by boiling, and then place the bottle with the agarose in a 55C water bath to allow the agarose to cool to 55C. Pour the gel, mix each entire PCR product with an electrophoresis loading buffer, and resolve through standard high-melting-point 1% agarose in

Recombinant Constructs


TAE buffer with 0.5 pg/rnL ethidium bromide. Electrophoresis should be carried out until each PCR product has traveled at least 4 cm, in order to separateadequately the PCR products from the supercoiled plasmid template (seeNote 3). 5. Remove the band of interest with a razor blade, and extract from the agarose using GeneClean according to manufacturers instructions. Warm the new wash solution (containedin the GeneCleankit) from 20C storageto at least 4C prior to use in order to facilitate dispersion of the glass particles during washing (see Note 4). 6. Suspendeach PCR product in 30 pL of TE buffer. 7. Transform E. coli accordingto the manufacturers (BRL) protocol with the following modifications: use 50 uL of E. coli for eachsampletransformed, as this is effective and less expensive than the 100 uL recommended. Use 25 pL of cells for the control plates d ande below, so that only one BRL tube, which contains 200 pL of bacteria, needsto be used per reaction (seeNote 5). 8. Set up the following transformations: a. 2.5 pL of PCR 1 + 2.5 pL of PCR 2 b. 2.5 uL of PCR 1 + 2.5 pL of TE buffer c. 2.5 pL of PCR 2 + 2.5 l.rL of TE buffer d. 0.5 ng of a supercoiled template in 5 pL of TE buffer e. 5 p.L of TE buffer SeeNote 6. Transform with approx 0.3-10 ng of the amplified recipient plasmid with an approx 14-25M excessof the amplified insert when using the GeneCleanedDNA (seeNote 7). 9. If the PCR templates have beenlinearized by restriction enzyme digestion outside the region to be amplified prior to 14 cycles of amplification, no purification of PCR products is necessary.Insert the long thin micropipet tip through the mineral oil, withdraw 2.5 p.Lfrom eachPCR tube (typically 15-50 ng), combine the two samples, and transform E. coli with the 5 l.tL (seeNote 8). 10. Following incubation at 37C in a shakerfor 1 h, plate the entire sample onto an LB plate containing 100 ug/mL of Ampicillin. In order to keep the sample on the plate, add 2 mL of top agar, prewarmed to 42C to each sample immediately prior to pouring it onto the plate. 11. Grow bacterial clones overnight at 37C (seeNotes 9 and 10). 4. Notes 1. Primers 1 and 2 in the recombination protocol (Fig. 1) have 3 template annealingends that are 22-nucleotideslong and 5 modifying ends that are3Onucleotides long. The 30 nucleotidelong 5 endscontainthe regions


Jones and Winistorfer

2. 3.

4. 5.



that are complementary to primers 4 and 3, such that PCR ampliflcation with primers 1 and 2 results in a product with 30 bp of homology with the product of primers 3 and 4. Each primer that is not designed to modify a DNA end is 20-22 nucleotides long (primers 3 and 4 in Fig. 1, and primers 2 and 4 in Fig. 3). The primers that introduce point mutations (primers 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Fig. 2; and primers 1 and 3 in Fig. 3) have been designed so that 18-20 nucleotides are 5 to the mismatched nucleotide and 7-l 1 nucleotides are 3 to the mismatched nucleotide. These parameters are essentially identical to those recommended for mutating primers in the point mutagenesis RCPCR protocol from Chapter 27. In the two-point mutagenesis protocol, these primers have resulted in PCR products where each end of one product contains 3841 bp of homology to an end of the other PCR product. The lower limits of homology necessary for retrieving a high percentage of recombinants using this protocol have not been determined. If supercoiled template plasmid is used, use 18-25 amplification cycles, and if restriction enzyme linearized plasmid is used as the template (linearized outside the region to be amplified) use 14 amplification cycles. If the PCR templates are not linearized outside the region to be amplified prior to PCR amplification, the products must be separated from the PCR template by agarose gel electrophoresis. If these products do not undergo sufficient electrophoretic separation, a high number of background colonies will result from transformation by contaminating supercoiled PCR template. GeneClean recovery is 25-90%. Since the transformation efficiency is low, highly competent bacteria must be used. Only MAX efficiency competent E. coli (transfection efficiency >5 x 108/l.tg of monomer pBR322) have been used. Using restriction enzyme-digested templates, the transformation efficiency has been l-9 colonies/rig total DNA transfected, with a molar ratio of the short PCR product to the long PCR product of 2: 1 to 3: 1 (in Figs. 1 and 2 , the short PCR product is produced by primers 1 and 2 and the long PCR product is produced by primers 3 and 4). The yield of colonies from plate a is approx 10X that from plate b or c, confirming a high percentage of recombinants in plate a. Plate d is a transformation control, and should yield a thick lawn of colonies. Plate e is an antibiotic control, and should yield no colonies since the bacteria that have not been transformed are sensitive to Ampicillin. If the PCR template is not linearized prior to PCR amplification, transformation with a 1: 1 molar ratio of amplified insert to amplified recipient plasmid instead of a 14: 1 molar ratio of amplified insert to amplified recipient plasmid decreases the proportion of clones with the recombi-




nant of interest from 50% to 33% (9). The recipient plasmid undergoes many more amplification cycles than is necessary to obtain the amount used for the transformation of E. coli, in order to diminish the relative proportion of contaminating supercoiled recipient plasmid (PCR template). 8. If the PCR template is linearized prior to PCR amplification, the proportion of clones containing the recombinant of interest and without errors is 255% (7,8), using a molar ratio of the short PCR product to long PCR product of 2: 1 to 3: 1. 9. Primers should be designed with care in order to ensure obtaining a detectable PCR product. In general, if the entire PCR sample is loaded onto the gel, carefully designed primers will yield a visible product. If linearized templates are used, the PCR products do not need to undergo gel purification. Also, following 14 amplification cycles, the product yield is much higher when using a linear template than when using a supercoiled template. For site-directed mutagenesis, since unique restriction enzyme sites frequently bracket the insert, the same linearized templates can be used for the mutagenesis of any single site in the insert. Primers 2 and 4 are nonmutating (see Fig. 3), and are conserved for each mutagenesis reaction, so that only two new primers need to be generated for each subsequent mutagenesis reaction (primers 1 and 3). Furthermore, only approximately one half of the length of the entire template needs to be amplified in each of the two PCR amplifications, facilitating the mutagenesis of large constructs, and permitting considerable flexibility in the primer design and sequence. 10. There is always the possibility of a sequence error in a single clone following PCR amplification. Furthermore, up to one in four clones have contained a base deletion in a primer sequence using this method (7). This probably results from the recombination in vivo that generates the recombinant or mutant, as these errors have not been seen in the RCPCR protocol. Therefore, one may choose to test more than one clone in a functional assay, or may choose to clone a restriction fragment containing the mutated or recombined region of interest into a construct that has not undergonePCR amplification.

This work was supported in part by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust.

1. Mullis, K., Faloona, F., Scharf, S., Saiki, R., Horn, G., and Erlich, H. (1986) Specific enzymaticamplification of DNA in vitro: The polymerasechain reaction, in Cold Spring Harbor Symposra on Quantrtatwe Biology, vol. 51, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 263-273.


Jones and Winistorfer

2. Saiki, R. K., Gelfand, D. H., Stoffel, S., Scharf, S. J., Higuchi, R., Horn, G. T., Mullis, K. B., and Erlich, H. A. (1988) Primer-directed enzymaticamplification of DNA with a thermostableDNA polymerase.Scrence 239,487-491. 3. Higuchi, R., Krummel B., and Saiki, R. K. (1988) A general method of in vitro preparation and specific mutagenesisof DNA fragments: study of protein and DNA interactions.Nucleic Acids Res. 16,7351-7367. 4. Horton, R. M., Hunt, H. D., Ho, S. N., Pullen, J. K., and Pease,L. R. (1989) Engineering hybrid geneswithout the use of restriction enzymes:gene splicing by overlap extension.Gene. 77,61-68. 5. Jones,D. H. and Howard, B. H. (1990) A rapid method for site-specific mutagenesisand directional subcloning by using the polymerase chain reaction to generaterecombinant circles. BmTechniques 8, 178-183, 6. Jones, D. H., Sakamoto,K., Vorce, R. L., and Howard B. H. (1990) DNA mutagenesisand recombination. Nature 344, 793,794. 7. Jones,D. H. and Howard, B. H. (1991) A rapid method for recombination and site-specific mutagenesisby placing homologous ends on DNA using polymerasechain reaction. &Techniques 10,62-66. 8. Jones,D. H. andWinistorfer, S.C. (1990) Simultaneoussite-specificmutagenesisof two distal sitesby IR vivo recombination of PCRproducts. Technique 2,

9. Jones,D. H. andWinistorfer, S.C. (1991) Site-specific mutagenesisandDNA recombination by using PCR to generate recombinant circles I# vitro or by recombination of linear PCRproductsin viva Methods-A Companmn to Methods in Enzymology2,2-10. 10. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Mania& T. (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (2nd Ed.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

In Vitro Recombination and Mutagenesis of DNA

SOEing Together Tailor-Made Genes

Robert M. Horton
1. Introduction Gene Splicing by Overlap Extension (gene SOEing) provides a powerful method of recombining sequences without depending on restriction sites or ligase, and a simple, generally applicable way of using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to perform site-directed mutagenesis in vitro. This technique allows even those with minimal molecular biology expertise to generate quickly genetic constructs that might otherwise have beenimpractical using only the older (restriction enzymebased) technology. This method is madepossibleby the fact that theendsof a PCR-generated DNA fragment can incorporate new, custom-designed sequences that were not present in the original template. The primers must match their template sequencewell enough to prime, but they do not have to match exactly, especially toward the 5 end. Any mismatches will be incorporated into the product, and will representchangesin the original sequence. This idea, originally called mispriming by Mullis et al. (1,2), provides a simple way to perform site-directed mutagenesis (3,4). However, simple mispriming is a limited way of creating site-directed mutants becausethe changes can only be made at the ends of a PCR product. Overlap extension was originally devised as a way of introducing mutations in the center of PCR-generated sequence segments in order
From Methods m Molecular Biology, Vol 75. PCR Protocols Edited by B A White Copyright Ca 1993 Humana Current Methods andApp/fcatrons Press Inc., Totowa, NJ




PCR1 1 Product AB + \ 1 Product CD

-primer PCR -2

\ f AB top strand \


CD bottom strand

Overlap Extension


Fig. 1. Mutagenesis by overlap extension. The segment of the wild type gene to be mutated is shown as straight lines with the flanking regions coiling away on both sides ad mfmitum. Synthetic oligonucleotide primers are named with lower case letters. The PCR product made with two primers is named by capital letters of the primers used to make it; for example, primers a and b make product AB. PCR products are shown as two paired strands, with half arrowheads indicating the direction in which each strand can act as a primer for DNA polymerase (the S-3 direction). The mutagenic primers, b and c, are complementary to one another, with the mutation shown as a black rectangle. When these intermediate PCR products are mixed, denatured, and reannealed, the top strand of AB and the bottom strand of CD can pair with this overlap at their 3 ends, and act as primers on one another to make the mutant product. The other strands, with the overlap at their 5 ends, cannot prime, and are not shown.

to make PCR mutagenesis more universally applicable (5,6). The concept is illustrated in Fig. 1.First, two separatefragments are amplified from the target gene. The first is amplified with primers a and b (product AB): Primer b introduces a sequence change at the right end of product AB. The second fragment (product CD) is amplified with primers c and d, with primer c introducing the same mutation, but into the left end of product CD. These two products now share a segment of identical sequence called the overlap region. When these intermediate products are mixed together, melted, and reannealed, the top strand of AB can anneal to the bottom strand of CD in such a way that

In Vitro Recombination
Primers Gene I

and Mutagenesis of DNA





f ,I , I,*/ ,/I!




Fig. 2. Gene splicing by overlap extension (SOEing). Here, products AB and CD are derived by two different genes.SOEing primer b has sequences addedto its 5 end such that the right end of AB is made complementaryto the left end of CD. This allows their sequences bejoined by overlap extension,or SOEn together. to

the two strands act asprimers on one another. Extension of this overlap by DNA polymerasecreates the full-length mutant molecule AD, which has the mutation at an arbitrary distance from either end. In the final overlap extension step, two separate PCR-generated sequences (AB and CD) are joined together. If AB and CD are made from different genes,then product AD is a recombinant molecule (7,8). Figure 2 illustrates the concept of PCR-mediated recombination, or gene SOEing. Here, extra sequence is added to the 5 end of primer b, which results in a short segment of gene II being added to the righthand end of the PCR product amplified from gene I (product AB). This causes the two intermediate products to have an overlap region of common sequence, so that they can be joined together by overlap extension. The two strands having the overlap at their 3 ends (the productive strands, shown in the boxes in Figs. 1 and 2) each act as both a primer and a template to produce a giant primer dimer, which is the recombinant molecule.



When should you use gene SOEing? For site-directed mutagenesis, overlap extension is simple, andhasadvantagesover other methods in that 1. Recombination and mutagenesiscan be performed simultaneously (7); 2. Essentially all of the product molecules are mutated (i.e., 100% mutation efficiency; 6); and 3. The product is produced in vitro (without having to grow it up in a plasmid or phage) and may be used directly in experiments (5,9). As a method of DNA recombination, gene SOEing is tremendously useful in situations where no leeway can be given to use nearby restriction sites. Protein engineering projects provide excellent examples (7,8,10,11). Two major drawbacks of recombination by SOEing are the cost of the primers and the potential for introducing random errors with PCR (see Notes 3, 5, and 6). Therefore, gene SOEing is most practical in complicated constructions where there are no convenient restriction sites. 1. 2. 3.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

2. Materials Thermal cycling (PCR) machine. Tuq DNA polymerase. 10X PCR buffer: 500 mM KCl, 100 mA4Tris-HCl, pH 8.3. 10 m/V MgQ dNTPs. Primers (see Section 3.1. and Note 1). DNA templates (seeNote 2). Agarose gel electrophoresissupplies and equipment (seeChapter 1). GeneClean(BiolOl, La Jolla, CA), or your favorite method for purifying DNA from agarosegels (seeChapter 1).

3. Methods 3.1. Primer Design (see Note 3) 1. Unlike a regular PCR primer, a SOEing primer (such asb in Fig. 2) has to include two sequenceregions capable of hybridizing to a template well enough to act as primers. The first is the priming region at the 3 end of the oligonucleotides which allows it to act as a PCR primer. The secondis the overlap region at the 5 end of the oligonucleotide; this allows the strand of the PCR product that is complementary to the oligonucleotide to act as a primer in the overlap extension reaction. As shown in Fig. 2, the priming region of primer b contains a sequence from geneI, whereasthe overlap region contains a sequencefrom gene II which is complementary to primer c.

In Vitro Recombination

and Mutagenesis of DNA



4. 5. 6.

For examples, some primers from published overlap extension projects (8) are shown in the following (seeNote 4): priming l-region-l l-overlap region-l 3-gggtccgggtgtgcttctgctgtaactccg-5 (SOEing primer b) S-gaagacgacattgaggc-3 (primer c) I-priming region-l In mutagenesis,there is only one template, so the priming and overlap regions may completely coincide (6). The mismatchesare placed in the center of the oligo so that both its 3 end and the 3 end of the product made with it can act as primers. My colleaguesandI have adoptedthe convention of designing both the priming and overlap regions of SOEing primers to have an estimated I,,, of around 50C using the following formula (12): T,=[(G + C) x 4]+ [(A + T) x 21 (in C) Using SOEing primer b as an example, the T, for its overlap region is 52C ([3 + 6) x 4]+ [(2 + 6) x 21) and for its priming region is 46C ([S + 2) x 4]+ [(0 + 3) x 21). The mismatchesin a mutagenic oligo do not count when estimating I,. These r,,, estimates, though crude, are generally conservative approximations of the annealing temperature neededfor an oligo to be used in PCR (e.g., a 50C annealing step will work with these primers). They lead to priming and overlap regions being somewherearound 13-20 baseslong, dependingon the GC content. The -50C rule has resultedin quite reliable primers, but it does not representa systematic effort to determine the absolute minimum lengths that SOEing primers can be (seeNote 5). The normal considerations primer designalso apply, such as avoiding in complementaritybetweenor within primers, and so forth (seeChapter2). The flanking primers a and d should also be capableof priming at 5OC, and may include restriction sites at the ends to facilitate cloning of the product. Megaprimer reactions. Moditlcations of the gene-SOEing protocol makeit possible to useonly oneprimer at the recombinantjoint (13,14). Rather than using the symmetrical approachshown in Fig. 2, in which the recombination event is formation of a giant primer-dimer, the top strandof AB can be usedas a megaprimer in place of primer c directly on template geneII to makethe final product AD. For recombination of two sufficiently different genes,only the recombinant product can be amplified using primers a andd, since each of theseprimers will match one of the template genesbut not the other. Therefore, a and d can be

Horton included in the reaction to drive the synthesisof the productive strands, andto amplify the product as soon as it forms (13,15). For megaprimer mutagenesis,however, primer a cannotbe included in the final reaction containing primer d becausea and d would simply amplify the wildtype sequencefrom the template. This meansthat product AB must be addedin sufficient quantity to supply all of the megaprimer strandnecessaryto generate (14). For further discussionof megaprimermutagenAD esis, seeChapter 28. 3.2. PCR Generation of Intermediate Products AZ3 and CD (Fig. 2) 1. Set up two separatePCRs as follows (seeNote 6): Ingredients PCR 1 PCR 2 10X buffer II 1OpL 1OpL 10 mi!4 MgClz -15 pL -15 j.t.L 10X dNTPs lOl.4.L 1OpL 1OlL 5 primer (10 ClM)a, c, 10 pL 3 primer (10 CLM) b, 1OjLL d, 10 pL template geneI, -0.5 pg geneII, -0.5 pg to 100 pL to lOOj.tL H2O Tuq polymerase -3 u -3 u Product AB CD 2. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 20-25 main cycles 94C, 1 min (denaturation) 50C, 1 min (annealing) 72C, 1 min (extension) 3.3. Purification of Intermediates (see Note 7) 1. Run the PCR productson an agarose to size-purify them (seeNote 8). gel 2. The method you use to extract the DNA from the agarosealso depends on the size of the piece of DNA with which you are working. Purify fragments larger that -300 bp using GeneClean. Be aware that GeneCleanrequires the use of TAE (not TBE) electrophoresisbuffer. 3. Smaller fragments are not recoveredefficiently by this method, so you should useanotherprocedure,suchas electroelution. Cut a well in front of the band, run the bandinto the well, andrecover the DNA in the well with a pipet (this procedureis described in ref. 16). 4. Recover the DNA from the buffer by ethanol precipitation. Add 0.1 vol of 3M sodium acetate,pH 5.2, 1 pL of yeast tRNA (10 mg/mL) as a carrier, and 2.5 vol of cold 95% ethanol. Incubate on dry ice for 15 min, and then spin at approx 10,OOOg 15 min. for

In Vitro Recombination

and Mutagenesis of DNA


3.4. Generation of the Recombinant Product AD 1. Set up the overlap extension (SOE) reaction as follows (seeNote 9): Ingredients 10X buffer II 1OpL 10 mM MgC12 -15 pL 1OpL 10X dNTPs 5 primer (10 p&f) a, lo@ 3 primer (10 p.Jkf) d, 1OpL Intermediate 1 AB Intermediate 2 CD to 100 PL Hz0 polymerase -3 u 2. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile (see Note 10): 20-25 main cycles 94OC,1 min (denaturation) 5OC, 1 min (annealing) 72OC,1 min (extension)

4. Notes
1. Primer purification. The final step in oligonucleotide synthesis by the phosphoramiditemethod involves treatmentin NH40H. The ammonium hydroxide should be evaporated off using a SpeedVac (Savant, Farmingdale,NY). (Pleasenote that ammoniavaporsareextremely hard on vacuum pumps! Either install an appropriatechemical trap in your vacuumline or useawater-powered aspirator instead.)Resuspend dried the primer in water and desalt it over a SephadexG25 column. Prepacked columnsareavailablefor this purpose(NAP-10 columns,Pharmacia LKB, Uppsala,Sweden).No specialbuffer is needed: Distilled water works fine. Extensive(andexpensive!) primer purificationschemes, asacrylamide such gel electrophoresisor HPLC, are not necessary. you plan to purchase If primers commercially, note that, as of this writing (6/91), they are available already desaltedfor -$4.50/base(Biosynthesis Inc., Denton, TX). Thereis no needto pay more than this. 2. The startingtemplatescontainthegenesequences you want to recomthat bine into a tailor-made molecule. Any template suitable for PCR, such asreverse-transcribedRNA, can be usedfor gene SOEing (e.g.,seeref. 10). However, because high templateconcentrationsminimize the probability of the polymeraseintroducing errorsinto the sequences Notes (see section), your starting templates will probably be cloned genesin plasmids. My coworkers and I have usedboth cesium chloride and alkyline lysis-purified plasmids with equal success(seeref. 16 for plasmid purification protocols).

3. The single simplest and most complete way to mess up a SOEing reaction is to have mistakes in the primer sequences (R.H., personal experience!). As PCR reactions go, amplifying an insert from a plasmid that is present in microgram amounts is like falling off the proverbial log. If this reaction cannot be made to work after the normal titrations of Mg2+, template, and so forth, then something is drastically wrong, and you should recheck the design of your primers. Similarly, if products AB and CD, when mixed together in near-microgram amounts in a SOE reaction, completely fail to produce a recombinant product, the sequences of the primers in the overlap region should be immediately suspect. Writing out the sequence of the desired product and making sure that the SOEing primers each match one strand of the desired product at the recombination point is helpful. 4. The overlap region does not all have to be added to one primer. If, for example, instead of adding a 17-bp overlap region to primer b we had added 9 bases complementary to primer c to the 5 end of b and 8 bases complementary to b to the 5 end of c, the overlap between AB and CD would still have been 17 bp (see ref. 7). This approach avoids using very long primers. However, since making a 40- or 50-mer is now routine, there is usually no need to split the overlap region. 5. The optimal length to design the overlap region has not been settled. Regions as long as 164 bp (15) or as short as 12 bp (I 7) have been reported. Although the 50C rule reliably produces overlaps that are long enough to work, it does not indicate the minimum workable length. For example, the 12-bp-long overlap region reported in ref. I7 has an estimated T, of 34C, although it was used at an annealing temperature of 50C. On theoretical grounds, however, merely producing the recombinant molecule is not the only consideration to bear in mind. A very short overlap region might lead to an inefficient SOEing reaction, requiring the final product to be amplified through more rounds of PCR. This in turn may increase the error frequency. 6. Errors introduced by polymerase. Studies have demonstrated that Tuq polymerase is capable of high fidelity DNA synthesis under PCR conditions (18). Clones produced by a single round of overlap extension have error frequencies of around 1 in 4000 bases (6), whereas more complicated constructs involving random SOEing reactions lead to slightly higher frequencies (-1 in 1800; ref. 7). Because of the possibility that random mutations will be introduced by polymerase errors, several precautions are in order. First, the highest concentration of template plasmid consistent with amplification should be employed (this will probably be around 500 ng of plasmid in 100 pL). This minimizes the number of rounds of replication required to produce enough product

In Vitn, Recombination and Mutagenesis of DNA

with which to work, and gives the polymerase fewer opportunities to makeerrors.Sincethe reactionplateausafter producing a certain amount of product, it is probably not necessaryto minimize the number of heating/cooling cyclesto which the samplesaresubjected.Second,thelowest concentration of magnesiumcompatible with amplification should be used, as error rates increase with increasing [Mg2+] (18). Finally, for many applications,it is advisableto sequence final product to ensure the that it is free of errors. For this reason,a cassette approach,in which PCR manipulations are performed on a small recombinant segment, which is then ligated into a vector containing the remaining portions of the construct, may in somecasesbe preferableto SOEing directly into a vector (seeChapters24 and 27). Around 300-500 bp is a convenient size for a cassettebecauseit is large enoughto handle conveniently yet small enough to sequencequickly. It should be pointed out that other thermostable DNA polymerases (i.e., Vent polymerase, New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA) are reportedly capable of significantly higher fidelity synthesis than Tnq, and can be used for overlap extension (19). 7. Ho et al. (6) found that gel purification of the intermediate products AB and CD led to a cleaner reaction and increasedproduct yield. Puriflcation of intermediates may be most important when the initial template concentration is high. Gel purification removes not only the template plasmids, but also open-ended primer extension products, which, coming from the template,may be longer than the PCR product. Theseopenendedproducts may not be obvious on an ethidium-stained gel because they are of indeterminate length and possibly single-stranded,but they have the potential to generateunwanted side products. Nevertheless, other workers havesuccessfullyusedlessextensivepurification schemes (5) or none at all (I 0,13). 8. The percent agaroseyou use dependson the size of the products you are isolating; smaller fragments need a higher percentageof agarose. For up to 1% agarose,regular agaroseis fine, but for higher percentages,NuSieve (FMC BioProducts, Rockland, ME) gives better resolution. Please note that NuSieve is used to supplement regular agarose: The first 1% agaroseis the regular variety, and only the additional percentageis NuSieve (up to a total of 4%). 9. Using large quantities of the intermediatesshouldminimize polymerase errors (seeNote 6). About 25% of what you recover from the gel should be plenty if the PCRs worked well, and this will leave you some extra in case you have to repeatit. The recombinant may now be cloned, or otherwise used, like a normal PCR product. 10. Related applications. Although the concept is simple, overlap extension is a tremendously powerful technology, and the readeris encour-



aged to spend some time contemplating modifications and applications. A general theoretical review of the subject is given in ref. 15. Some of the more important and thought-provoking technical developments related to synthetic uses of PCR are given in refs. 14,20-22; see also Chapters 24,26,27, and 28.

Acknowledgments I am deeply grateful to my colleagues Steffan Ho, Jeff Pullen, Henry Hunt, Zeling Cai, and Larry Pease, for making it possible for me to participate in the development of this technology, and to Bianca Conti-Tronconi for the use of her computer. References
1. Mullis, K. B. and Faloona, F. A. (1987) Specific synthesis of DNA in vitro via a polymerase-catalysed chain reaction. Methods Enzymol. 155,335-350. 2. Mullis, K., Faloona, F., Scharf, S., Saiki, R., Horn, G., and Erlich, H. (1986) Specific enzymatic amplification of DNA in vitro: the polymerase chain reaction. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Blol. 51,263-273. 3. Kadowaki, H., Kadowaki, T., Wondisford, F. E., and Taylor, S. I. (1989) Use of polymerase chain reaction catalysed by Taq DNA polymerase for site-specific mutagenesis. Gene 76,161-166. 4. Vallette, F., Mege, E., Reiss, A., and Milton, A. (1989) Constuction of mutant and chimeric genes using the polymerase chain reaction. Nucleic Acids Res.

17,723-733. 5. Higuchi, R., Krummel, B., and Saiki, R.K. (1988) A general method of in vitro preparation and specific mutagenesisof DNA fragments: study of protein and
DNA interactions. Nucletc Acids Res. 16,7351-7367. 6. Ho, S. N., Hunt, H. D., Horton, R. M., Pullen, J. K., and Pease, L. R. (1989) Site-directed mutagenesis by overlap extension using the polymerase chain reaction. Gene 77,51-59. 7. Horton, R. M., Hunt, H. D., Ho, S. N., Pullen, J. K., and Pease, L. R. (1989) Engineering hybrid genes without the use of restriction enzymes: gene splicing by overlap extension, Gene 77,61-68. 8. Horton, R. M., Cai, Z., Ho, S. N., and Pease, L. R. (1990) Gene splicing by overlap extension: Tailor-made genes using the polymerase chain reaction. BloTechntques 8,528-535. 9. Kain, K. C., Orlandi, P. A., and Lanar, D. E. (1991) Universal promoter for gene expression without cloning: expression-PCR. BloTechniques 10,364. 10. Davis, G. T., Bedzyk, W. D.. Voss, E. W., and Jacobs, T. W. (1991) Single Chain Antibody (SCA) encoding genes: one-step construction and expression in eukaryotic cells. Blotechnofogy 9, 165-169. 11. Daughtery, B. L., DeMartino, J. A., Law, M.-F., Kawka, D. W., Singer, I. I., and Mark, G. E. (1991) Polymer&se chain reaction facilitates the cloning, CDRgrafting, and rapid expression of a murme monoclonal antibody directed against the CD18 component of leukocyte integrins. Nucleic Acids Res. 19,247~~2476.

In Vitro Recombination

and Mutagenesis of DNA

12. Suggs, S.V., Hirose,T., Miyake, T., Kawashima, E. H., Johnson, M. J., Itakura, K., and Wallace, R. B. (1981) Use of synthetic oligo-deoxyribonucleotides for the isolation of cloned DNA sequences, in Developmental Biology Using Puri{;$I? (Brown, D. D. and Fow, C. F., eds.), Academic, New York, pp. 13. Yon, J. and Fried, M. (1989) Precise gene fusion by PCR. Nucletc Acids Res. 17,4895. 14. Sarkar, G. and Sommer, S. S. (1990) The megaprimer method of sate-directed mutagenesis. BloTechnrques 8,404407. 15. Horton, R. M. and Pease, L. R. (1991) Recombination and mutagenesis of DNA sequences using PCR, in Directed Mutagenesis: A Practical Approach. (McPherson, M. J., ed.) IRL, Oxford, pp. 217-247. 16. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis, T. (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (2nd ed.) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 17. Yolov, A. A. and Shaborova, 2. A. (1990) Constructing DNA by polymerase recombination. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,3983-3986. 18. Eckert, K. A. and Kunkel, T. A. (1990) High fidelity DNA synthesis by the Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase. Nuclerc Acrds Res. l&3739-3744. 19. Hanes, S. D. and Brent, R. (1991) A genetic model for interaction of the homeodomain recognition helix with DNA. Science 251,426-430. 20. Rudert, R. A. and Trucco, M. (1990) DNA polymers of protein binding sequences generated by PCR. Nucleic Acids Res. l&6460. 21. Shuldiner, A. R., Scott, L. A., and Roth, J. (1990) PCR-induced (ligase-free) subcloning: a rapid reliable method to subclone polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 1920. 22. Jones, D. H. and Howard, B. H. (1990) A rapid method for site-specific mutagenesis and directional subcloning by using the polymerase chain reaction to generate recombinant circles. BioTechniques 8, 178-183.



Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Rapid Construction of Synthetic Genes
Patrick J. Dillon and Craig A Rosen

1. Introduction Although the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (1,2) is invaluable for the cloning and manipulation of existing DNA sequences,PCR also makes it possible to create new DNA fragments consisting of a nucleic acid sequencethat is specified entirely by the investigator. In this chapter we describe a simple two-step PCR method for the rapid construction of synthetic genes(3). This method is basedon early observations by Mullis et al. (4) in which multiple overlapping oligonucleotides could be used to generate synthetic DNA through several sequential rounds of Klenowbased PCR amplification. The method described in this chapter utilizes the thermostabile Taq polymerase and allows for the generation of synthetic genesin as little as 1 d. This method has proven useful in studies in which synthetic geneswere constructed for the HIV-2 Rev protein (3,5) and the Wilms tumor locus zinc finger protein (6). Furthermore, this method has been successfully employed in extensive mutagenesis of the HIV-l rev responseelement (7). The ability to generate synthetic DNA has many applications dependent on the design of the construct. Often eukaryotic genes are poorly expressed in bacterial expression systems. One cause of poor gene expression in bacteria is owing to the codons present in the eukaryotic gene. One can design a synthetic gene that contains codons that are preferentially utilized in the organism to be used for protein expresFrom Methods h Molecular W~ology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols Current Methods andApp/rcat/ons Edited by B A White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ



Dillon and Rosen

sion. This can be accomplished by reverse-translating the amino acid sequence of the desired protein into a nucleic acid sequence containing codons obtained from codon usage tables that have been generated for the organism of choice. In addition to changes in codon structure, the synthetic gene can be designed to include convenient restriction sites for cloning experiments or the absence of specific restriction sites to facilitate further cloning. Other examples for the use of designing synthetic genes include: (1) the generation of unique chimeric constructs to study structure-function relationships and domain-swapping effects for a variety of related and unrelated proteins; (2) large scale alterations or mutational analysisof motifs presentin either proteins or transcriptional elements (e.g., promoters, terminators, and so forth); (3) the creation of unique or novel promoters or proteins; and (4) saturation mutagenesis of genes through the use of random nucleotide incorporation or the use of deoxyinosine in the design of gene sequence. The principles of this two-step PCR method for the construction of synthetic genesare outlined in Fig. 1. In this method, two sequential PCR reactions are used, the first PCR reaction generates a template DNA corresponding to the synthetic gene, which is then amplified in a second PCR reaction. Before starting this procedure, the investigator must design the construct and determine the nucleic acid sequenceof the desired synthetic gene. Once this has been accomplished, oligonucleotides that span the length of the gene must be designed and synthesized. In general, an even number of oligonucleotides should be synthesized and should contain overlaps that are between 15 and 30 nucleotides in length. The orientation of the oligonucleotides should be similar to that in panel A of Fig. 1. It is imperative that the outermost oligonucleotides correspond to opposite strands and be positioned so that they will extend inward toward each other over the gene. The number and length of individual oligonucleotides will vary according to the size of the synthetic DNA to be generated.Typically, oligonucleotides should be between 60 and 125 nucleotides in length. For example, four oligonucleotides can be used to synthesize a 325bp DNA, whereas eight oligonucleotides can be used to generatea 765bp construct. For this method, crude oligonucleotide preparations are used and it is not necessary for any additional purifications of the oligonucleotides. Once the oligonucleotides have been obtained, the first step of the method is to mix the overlapping oligonucleotides in a standard PCR

Rapid Construction of Synthetic Genes





Third Cycle


Fig. 1.Description of two-step PCR method for constructionof syntheticgenes. (A) Schematicof design and orientation of overlapping oligonucleotides for first PCR reaction. (B) Diagram of oligonucleotide extensionsduring initial cycle of first PCR. (C) Schematicof design and orientation of flanking primers used in the secondPCR reaction.

reaction. Panel B shows how four overlapping oligonucleotides would be extended through the first few cycles of PCR. The first PCR should be carried out with enough cycles to generate a double-stranded PCR product that spans the full length of the synthetic gene. The second step in the method is to take a small aliquot of the first PCR reaction and amplify the synthetic gene in a second-strand PCR reaction that contains short flanking primers (A,B) as illustrated in panel C. The sequence of the flanking primers should contain restriction sites to

Dillon and Rosen facilitate cloning. This procedure provides ample amounts of DNA for subsequent cloning into appropriate vectors. This method is an extremely powerful tool for the manipulation of nucleic acid and construction of synthetic genes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2. Materials 10X PCR buffer: 500 mM KCI, 100 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.0, 15 m&f MgC12. 10X dNTP solution: 2 mil4 eachdATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dIT. Tuq DNA polymerase. Sterile water. Sterile mineral oil. Overlappingoligonucleotidesmat spanthe lengthof the DNA segmentto be synthesized(seeNote 1). An even numberof oligonucleotidesshould be usedand contain overlapsof at least 15 nucleotides(seeNote 2). Flanking oligonucleotide primers that contain suitable restriction sites for cloning (seeChapters2 and 22). Agarose gel for analysis of PCR products (seeChapter 1).

3. Methods 1. Set up first PCR reaction as follows: a. 10 pL of 10X PCR buffer; b. 10 pL of 10X dNTP solution; c. 0.5 pg each of overlapping oligonucleotides; d. 2.5 U of Tuq DNA polymerase; e. Sterile water to a final volume of 100 pL; f. Overlay samplewith 50 pL of sterile mineral oil. 2. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile (seeNotes 3,4, and 5): 94C, 5 min Initial denaturation 94C, 1 ruin (denaturation) 10 main cycles 55C, 1 min (annealing) 72OC,1 min (extension) Final extension 72C, 5 min 3. Set up secondPCR reaction as follows: a. 10 pL of 10X PCR buffer; b. 10 pL of 10X dNTP solution, c. 1 p.L of first PCR reaction as template; d. 1 ug of each flanking primer; e. 2.5 U Taq polymerase; f. Sterile water to final volume of 100 pL; g. Overlay samplewith 50 pL of sterile mineral oil.

Rapid Construction of Synthetic Genes


4. Run the secondPCR using the following cycle profile: Initial denaturation 94C, 5 min 25 main cycles 5SC, 1 min 72OC.1 min 94C, 1 min Final extension 72OC,5 min 5. Analyze 10 pL of the first and second PCR reactions by agarosegel electrophoresis(seeChapter 1). A faint smear should be present in the first PCR reaction, and a band correspondingto the size of the desired product should be presentin the secondPCR reaction (seeNote 6). 6. Digest the product from the secondPCR reaction and clone into a suitable vector (seeNote 7 and Chapter 22). 4. Notes 1. It is not necessaryto purify oligonucleotides when using this method. In addition, there is no needto phosphorylatethe oligonucleotides since no ligation stepsare used in this protocol. 2. Although it is suggested an even number of overlappingoligonuclethat otidesbe used,anoddnumbermaybeusedaslong astheoutermostoligonucleotidesareon oppositestrandsandwill extendinward toward eachother. 3. The number of cycles neededfor the first PCR reaction can be varied depending on the number of oligonucleotides used. In theory, only 3 cycles should be necessaryfor full-length template synthesis using 4 oligonucleotides, whereas4 cycles would be necessaryif 8 oligonucleotides were used. 4. The flanking primers should not be included in the first PCR reaction since their addition results in the generation of many different-sized products that do not amplify well in the secondPCR reaction. 5. It should be noted that the nucleic acid sequences the overlaps may of influence the annealingtemperatures during the first PCR reaction, used 6. This method has been successful for the generation of synthetic constructs over 750 bp in length, 7. When using this protocol for generatingsynthetic constructs,it is advisable to sequence final product to assurethat the sequence correct. the is The errorrate for this methodshouldapproximatethat observedfor other PCR protocolsusing Taq polymerase. References
1. Saiki, R. K., Gelfand, D. H., Stofel, S.,Scharf,S. J., Higuchi, R., Horn, G. T., Mullis, K. B., and Ehrlich, H. A. (1988) Primer-directed enzymaticamplification of DNA with a thermostableDNA polymerase.Science 239,487-491, 2. Saiki, R. K., Scharf, S.,Faloona, F., Mullis, K. B., Horn, G. T., Ehlrich, H. A.,

Dillon and Rosen

andArnheim, N. (1985) Enzymaticamplification of P-globin genomicsequences and restriction site analysis for diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Science 230, 1350-1354. 3. Dillon, P. J. and Rosen, C. A. (1990) A rapid method for the construction of syntheticgenesusing the polymerasechain reaction.BloTechniques 9,298,299. 4. Mullis, K., Faloona, F., Scharf, S., Saiki, R., Horn, G., and Erlich, H. (1986) Specific enzymaticamplification of DNA in vitro: the polymerasechain reaction. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 51,263-273. 5. Dillon, P. J., Nelbock, P., Perkins,A., and Rosen,C.A. (1990) Function of the human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 Rev proteins is dependentupon their ability to interact with a structural region present in the env genemRNA.
J. W-01. 64,44284l37.

6, RauscherIII, F. J., Morris, J. F., Joumay, 0. E., Cook, D. M., and Curran, T. (1990) Binding of the Wilms tumor locus zinc finger protein to the EGR-1 consensus sequence. Science250,1259-1262. 7. Olsen, H. S., Beidas, S., Dillon, P. J., Rosen, C. A., and Cochrane, A. W. (1991) Mutational analysisof the HIV-1 Rev protein and its target sequence, the rev responseelement.J. Acquired Immun. De@. Syndrome. 4,558-567.



Recombinant Circle Polymerase Chain Reaction for Site-Directed Mutagenesis

Douglas H. Jones

1. Introduction
Site-directed mutagenesis permits modification of the functional characteristics of specific proteins and the characterization of regulatory DNA elements. Since the amplifying primers used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are incorporated into the product, PCR can be used to modify the ends of DNA segments (1,2). Site-directed mutagenesis is accomplished by introducing a mismatch into one of the oligonucleotides used to prime the PCR amplification. This oligonucleotide, with its mutant sequence, is incorporated into the PCR product. Sequences can also be attached to the ends of a DNA segment by using primers whose 5 ends do not anneal to the original template. In this chapter, I describe a method in which the PCR is used for sitedirected mutagenesis without any enzymatic reaction in vitro apart from DNA amplification. In this method, DNA joints are generated in vitro by using separate PCR amplifications to generate products that when combined, denatured, and reannealed form double-stranded DNA with single-stranded ends. These single-stranded ends are designed to anneal to each other to yield circles, and the application is termed recombinant cirde PCR (RCPCR) (3-5). The recombinant circles of DNA, containing the mutation of interest, can be transfected into E. coli and repaired in vivo. If these recombinant circles contain plasmid sequences that permit replication and a selectable phenotype, such as an antibiotic resistance gene, E. coli can be transformed without any
From. Methods IR Molecular Bo/ogy, Vol. 15: PCR Profoco/s. Edited by B A White Copyright Q 1993 Humana Current Methods and Applicaflons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ











Fig.1. Diagram showing the generation of a point mutation using recombinant circle PCR (RCPCR). The primers are numbered hem&rows. Notches designate point mismatches in the primers and resulting mutations in the PCR products. Reprinted by permission from Nature 344, 793,794. Copyright 0 1990 Macmillan Magazines Limited.

additional cloning steps. Therefore, RCPCR permits the rapid sitedirected mutagenesis of DNA. The method is best visualized using the schematic diagrams in Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 1 illustrates point mutagenesis using RCPCR. The plasmid, containing the insert of interest, is linearized and simultaneously mutated in two separate PCR amplifications. In each of the two amplifications, the identical region is mutated. However, the positioning of the two primers in one PCR amplification is different from the positioning of the two primers in the other PCR amplification. Specifically, the breakpoint of the plasmid in one PCR amplification is different


Circle PCR



oTo (plus ortgmal products)


Fig. 2. Diagram showing the generation of an insertional mutagenesis using recombinant circle FCR (RCFCR). The primers are numbered hemiarrows. The heavy lined 5 regions of primers 1 and 3 are the complementary strands of the segment that is inserted into the plasmid. Reprinted by permission from Nature 344,793,794. Copyright 0 1990 Macmillian Magazines Limited.

from the breakpoint in the other PCR amplification. This breakpoint is determined by the positioning of the two 5 ends of the primers on the plasmid, and represents the region of linearization of the plasmid. The breakpoint can also be viewed as the cut site of the circular plasmid template resulting from the PCR amplification of a linear product. Figure 2 illustrates insertional mutagenesis using RCPCR. In this insertional mutagenesis protocol, primers 1 and 3 have 5 ends that are composed of the complementary strands of the segment that is to be inserted. Following PCR amplification, these complementary ends



are attached to opposite ends of the plasmid sequence. Therefore, following the combining, denaturing, and reannealing of the two PCR products, double-stranded products will form with single-stranded ends that are complementary to each other, and will anneal to yield recombinant circles. The DNA joint that holds together the recombinant circles is formed by the inserted sequence. Briefly, site-directed mutagenesis using RCPCR comprises the following steps: 1. Two separate PCR amplification reactionswith concurrentmutagenesis; 2. Separationof each entire PCR product from supercoiled plasmid template by agarosegel electrophoresis,followed by glass beadextraction; 3. Combining, denaturing, and reannealingthe two PCR products,resulting in the generationof the recombinant circles; 4. Transfection of this reannealedmixture into highly competent E. colt without prior purification or extraction of the recombinant circles. This method was introduced as a method for site-directed mutagenesis and as a means for creating DNA joints without any enzymatic reaction in vitro apart from PCR amplification. Site-directed mutagenesis can be accomplished without use of restriction enzymes or ligation in vitro, and without sequential amplification reactions. RCPCR has been used for the site-directed mutagenesis of genes in plasmids ranging from 2.7-6.1-kb long with >80% of clones containing the mutation of interest (4). The transformation rate of the bacterial is low. Therefore, the PCR products must be adequately separated from the supercoiled template, and highly competent bacteria must be used. 1. 2. Materials 2X PCR stock mixture: Prepare 25uL aliquots in 0.5-mL microfuge tubescontaining 1.25 U of Tuq polymerase,400 pM of eachdNTP, 100 mM KCl, 20 m&ZTris-HCl, pH, 8.3, 3 mM MgCl,. Store at -20C for up to 8 mo. PCR primers (seeNote 1). Long thin micropipet tips (Costar #4853, Costar Corporation, Cambridge, MA). Agarose gel components (seeChapter 1). Ethidium bromide. Preparea 5 mg/mL stock solution. Store in dark at 4C for up to 6 mo. Wear gloves when handling ethidium bromide. GeneClean(Bio 101, La Jolla, CA). TE buffer: 10 mA4Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Circle PCR


8. 5MNaCl. 9. MAX Efficiency HB 101or DHSa Competent E. coli (BRL, Life Technologies, Gaithersburg, MD). Once a tube is thawed it should not be reused. 10. SOC media (ref. 6, p, A2). Prepareby dissolving 20 g of bacto-tryptone, 5 g of bacto-yeastextract, and 0.5 g of NaCl in 950 mL of deionized HzO. Add 10 mL of 250 mM KCl. Adjust pH to 7.0 with 5N NaOH. Bring final volume to 1 L with Hz0 and autoclave for 20 min at 15 lb/ sq in. on liquid cycle. Allow to cool to 60C, then add 5 mL of sterile 2iU MgC12and 20 mL of sterile 1M glucose. 11. Top agar:7 g/L of bacto-agar(ref. 6, p. A4). Autoclave for 20 min at 15 lb/sq in. on liquid cycle. 12. LB plates with 100 pg/mL Ampicillin (ref. 6, p. A4).

3. Method 1. Amplify and mutate 2 ng of plasmid in two separatePCR ampliflcations (see Fig. 1 or 2), by adding 25 pmol of each primer to a tube containing the 2X PCR stock solution. Layer 50 pL of mineral oil on top of eachreaction mix prior to amplification. 2. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: Initial denaturation 94C, 1 min 14-18 main cycles 94C, 30 s (denaturation) 5OC, 30 s (annealing) 72OC,1 min/kb (extension) Final extension 72C ,7 min Store samples at 4C. See Note 2. 3. Remove each PCR product by inserting a long thin micropipet tip through the mineral oil layer and drawing up the sample. Dissolve 1% standardhigh-melting-point agarosein 1X TAE buffer by boiling, and then place the bottle with the agarosein a 55OCwater bath to allow the agaroseto cool to 55C. Pour the gel, mix each entire PCR product with anelectrophoresisloading buffer, andelectrophorese through standard high-melting-point 1% agarosein TAE buffer with 0.5 pg/mL ethidium bromide. Electrophoresisshouldbe carried out until eachPCR product has traveled at least 4 cm, in order to separateadequatelythe PCR productsfrom the supercoiledplasmid template (seeNote 3). Each PCR product will typically contain 30-100 ng of DNA, and therefore will be easily visualized by UV light. 4. Removethe band of interest with a a razor blade, and extract eachPCR product from the agaroseusing GeneClean.Warming the NEW wash solution (containedin the GeneCleankit) from -20C storageto at least



4C prior to usefacilitates dispersion of the glassparticles during washing. SuspendeachPCR productin 30 pL of TE buffer. GeneClean recovery is 2590%. 5. Combine25 pL of eachof the two purified PCR productsandadd 1 pL of 5M NaCI, resulting in an annealingbuffer with O.lM NaCl. Denaturethe mixture at 94C for 3 min, reannealat 50C for 2 h, andthen place at RT. 6. TrausfectMAX efficiency competentE. coli. (BRL; seeNote 4) with l-5 pL of the annealingmixture that now containsrecombinantcircles following the manufacturersprotocol with the following modifications: (1) Use 50 pL of E. coli for eachsampletransfected,asthis is effective and less expensivethanthe 100pL recommended. After incubation at 37C in (2) a shakerfor 1 h, do not dilute the sampleprior to plating. Plate the entire sampleonto an LB plate containing 100 pg/mL Ampicillin. 7. In orderto keepthe sampleon theplate, add2 mL of top agar,prewarmed to 42C, to each sample immediately prior to pouring it onto the plate. Once an aliquot of bacteria is thawed, it is not used subsequently.The proportion of clones containing the mutation is typically >80%. See Notes 5 and 6.

4. Notes
1. The primers that introducepoint mutations are designedwith approx 20 nucleotides5 to the mismatchednucleotideand 6-10 nucleotides3 to the mismatchednucleotide. For a given primer length, the farther the point mutagenesis is toward the 3 end, the longer the standoverlap in the site joint that holds togethereachrecombinantcircle. Theserecommendations result in a strandoverlap of 41 bp (20 bp + the substitutedbp + 20 bp), while maintaining 3 ends of sufficient length for efficient priming (7). Nonmutating primers are approx 22-bp long. Primers that introduce au insertional mutation have 5 ends that are complementaryto eachother (seeFig. 2, primers 1 and 3), and these5 endshavebeen 35-nucleotides long resulting in a DNA joint with 35 bp of strandoverlap. Transformation of E. coli using recombinantcircles with short lengthsof strandoverlap has not beentested,Each primer hasabout50% G/C content. Primers should be designedwith care in order to ensureobtaining a detectablePCR. In general,if the entire PCR sampleis loaded onto the gel, carefully designedprimers will yield a visible product with the low number of cycles recommended.Use of a low number of cycles diminishes the probability of encounteringa PCR-inducedbasemisincorporation (2). The eleven 3 nucleotidesof proposedprimers are examinedby computer analysis for unwanted annealingsites to the construct. Since small gapsdo not diminish the transformationefficiency (3), thereis considerableflexibility in choosingthe annealingregion for a given primer.


Circle PCR


2. Amplify products that arec5 kb for 14-18 cycles and products that are >5 kb for 18 cycles. 3. If the PCR products do not undergo sufficient electrophoretic separation, there will be a high number of background colonies. This results from transformation by contaminating supercoiled PCR template. 4. Since the transformation efficiency is low, highly competent bacteria must be used.Following the transfection of DNA segments2.7-3.1 kb into library efficiency HBlOl competent E. coli from BRL (~1 x lOa transformants/p.gof monomerpBR322 DNA), an averageof 217 colonies (7 l-400) with the mutation have beenobtainedper nanogramtotal DNA transfected, revealing a roughly lOOO-folddiminished transfection efficiency per nanogram when compared to supercoiled pBR322 (5). Since the transformation efficiency of larger constructsis expected to be lower, the transfection of large constructs (6.1 kb) was done into MAX efficiency HBlOl competent E. coli (~5 x lo* transformants/pg of monomer pBR322 DNA) resulting in 29-52 colonies with the mutation per nanogram transfected DNA (5). The most common cause of lack of successwith the method is useof bacteria that arenot extremely competent. 5. Recombinant circles can contain two nicks, a nick and a gap, or two gaps. A recombinant circle with gapsof 116 and 86 bp has been tolerated (Brian Volpe, personalcommunication), and an upperlimit of gap size hasnot beendetermined.The ability to usegappedcircles increases the flexibility of the method by broadening the choice of primer annealing sites. It lessensthe cost of doing several separatemutagenesis reactions on a given insert by allowing the use of conserved outside primers (primers 2 and 4) while using pairs of mutating primers that annealto different regions of the insert. 6. There is always the possibility of a sequenceerror in a single clone following PCR amplification, Therefore, one may chooseto test more than one clone in a functional assay, or clone a restriction fragment containing the mutatedor recombinedregion of interestinto a construct that has not undergonePCR amplification. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. References
1. Mullis, K., Faloona, F., Scharf, S., Saikt, R., Horn, G., and Erlich, H. (1986) Specific enzymatic amplification of DNA in vitro: The polymerase chain reaction. CoM Spring Harbor SymposiaQuad. Biol. 51,263-273. 2. Saiki, R. K., Gelfand, D. H., Stoffel, S., Scharf, S. J., Higuchi, R., Horn, G. T.,

Mullis, K. B., and Erlich, H. A. (1988) Primer-directed enzymaticamplification of DNA with a thermostableDNA polymerase.Science 239,487491. 3. Jones,D. H. and Howard, B. H. (1990) A rapid method for site-specific mutagenesisand directional subcloning by using the polymerasechain reaction to generate recombinant circles. BioTechniques 8, 178-183, 4. Jones, D. H., Sakamoto,K., Vorce, R. L., and Howard B. H. (1990) DNA mutagenesisand recombination. Nature 344,793,794. 5. Jones,D. H. andWinistorfer, S.C. (1991) Site-specific mutagenesisandDNA recombination by using PCR to generate recombinant circles in vitro or by recombination of linear PCRproductsin vivo. Methods-A Companion to Methods in Enzynwlogy 2,210.

6. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis, T. (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (2nd ed.), Cold Spnng Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 7. Sommer, R. and Tautz, D. (1989) Minimal homology requirements for PCR primers. Nucleic Acids Res. 17,6749.



Site-Directed Mutagenesis by Double Polymerase Chain Reaction

Megaprirner Method

Sailen Barik
1. Introduction The megaprimer method (I) based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one of the simplest and most versatile procedures of sitespecific in vitro mutagenesis available to date. The method utilizes three oligonucleotide primers and two rounds of PCR performed on a DNA template containing the cloned gene that is to be mutated. The rationale of the method is shown schematically in Fig. 1 where A and B represent the flanking primers that can map either within the cloned gene or outside the gene (i.e., within the vector sequence) and M represents the internal mutant primer containing the desired base change. The first round of PCR is performed using the mutant primer (e.g., Ml in Fig. 1) and one of the flanking primers (e.g., A). The doublestranded product (A-Ml) is purified and used as one of the primers (hence the name megaprimer) in the second round of PCR along with the other flanking primer (B). The wild type cloned gene is used as template in both PCR reactions. The final PCR product (A-Ml-B) containing the mutation can be used in a variety of standardapplications, such as cloning in expression vectors and sequencing, or in more specialized applications, such as production of the gene message in vitro if primer A (or the template sequence downstream of primer A) also contains a transcriptional promoter (e.g., that of SP6 or T7 phage).
From Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 15. PCR Protocols Current Methods and Apphcations Edited by. B. A White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




Ml B

11 Template

1 1 11 1 4

1 PCR with pnmers A & Ml (or B & M2) 2 Punfy Product

Megapnmer A-Ml PCR with A-Ml

(or B-M2)

& B (or B-M2 & A)

B Punfy Product b Mutant gene

11 Template

Fig. 1. The megaprimer method of site-specific mutagenesis. The primers A, B, M 1, and M2 (as well as the priming strand of the megaprimer, AM1 ) are indicated by single lines with arrowhead, whereas the double lines represent the template. The dot in Ml and M2 indicates the desired mutations (base changes) to be introduced into the product via the megaprimer. See text for details.

Both primers A and B are usually designed to contain convenient restriction sites so that the final, mutant PCR product can be restricted and cloned. When a gene is cloned within two unique sites (a multicloning site, for example) of a vector, primers A and B can be made at thesesites. The mutant product can then be restricted and ligated at the same two sites in the same vector, and the final clone will retain the original flanking sequences of the gene. This is especially important when sequences upstream of A (e.g., a Shine-Dalgarno sequence or an upstream activation sequence, UAS) or downstream of B (e.g., a polyadenylation site or an RNase processing site) are essential for gene expression or regulation and must remain unaltered. More often than not, the gene in question codes for a protein, and studies of structure-function relationship require the generation of a battery of mutant proteins altered at specific amino acid residues. In

Site-Directed Mutagenesis


such cases, primers A and B can be kept constant and a variety of mutant primers (M 1, M2, and so on) can be used to produce the various mutants. The reciprocal combination of primers (i.e., M2 and B in the first round of PCR; then A and megaprimer M2-B in the second round) can also be used provided primer M2 is of the opposite sense of B (Fig. 1). Choice of primer location is described in more detail under Methods. Since the megaprimer can be quite large (it may approach the size of the whole gene) and incorporated internal to the gene, successful and error-free PCR in the second round often requires special considerations. The reader is therefore strongly urged to go through the whole chapter, including the Notes section before proceeding with the actual experiment. Note that the double-strandedmegaprimer is directly usedin the second round of PCR; prior separation of the two strands being unnecessary. Melting of the megaprimer is essentially achieved in the denaturation step of the PCR cycle itself. Although both strands of the megaprimer will anneal to the respective, complementary strandsof the template, the basic rules of PCR amplification automatically ensures that only the correct strand (one that extends to the other primer, B, in Fig. 1) will be amplified into the double-stranded product. Under some conditions, particularly with large megaprimers (21 kb), self-annealing of the megaprimer tends to reduce the yield of the product (2). In order to avoid this, use of higher amounts of template (in microgram range,asopposedto nanogram quantities used in standard PCR) in the second PCR has been recommended in the method; this improves the final product yield in many cases (2), presumably becauseextra template strands anneal to both strands of the megaprimer, thereby preventing renaturation of the megaprimer. 2. Materials 1. DNA template containing the cloned gene (e.g., in pUC or pGEM vector) to be mutated. 2. Oligonucleotide primers A and B: the upstream primer A in the message senseand the downstream primer B in the antimessage sense. Include restriction sites, preferably unique, in theseprimers so that the final product can be restricted and cloned (see also Section 3.1. and Note 1). 3. Reagentsfor PCR (seeChapter 1).
4. A system for purifying the PCR products. An electroelutor (IBI, New Haven, CT) is used here. See Index for other methods in this volume.

5. Reagents for agarose gel electrophoresis (see Chapter 1). 6. 8M Ammonium acetate, 0.01% bromophenol blue. 7. TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 1 m&f EDTA. 8. CHC13. 9. TE-saturated phenol. 10. 95% Ethanol. 11. 70% Ethanol.


3. Method 3.1. Primer Design

1. For technical reasons described here, avoid making megaprimers that approach the size of the final, full-length product (gene) AB (Fig. 1). If Ml is too close to B, it will make separation of AB and AM1 (leftover megaprimer) difficult after the second round of PCR. Ideally, the megaprimer should be shorter than the full-length gene by more than 200-500 bp, depending on the exact length of the gene. (Example: If the gene AB is 2 kb, megaprimer AM1 can be up to w1.5-kb long, since 2 kb and 1.5 kb can be separated reasonably well in agarose gels. However, if the gene is 8 kb, the megaprimer should not be bigger than, say, 7 kb, since 8- and 7-kb fragments would migrate so close to each other.) 2. When the mutation is to be created near B, make an M primer of the opposite polarity, e.g., M2 and synthesize BM2 megaprimer (rather than AM2). See Fig. 1. 3. When the mutation is at or very near the 5 or 3 end of the gene (say, within l-50 nucleotides), there is no need to use the megaprimer method! One can simply incorporate the mutation in either A or B primer and do a straightforward PCR. In borderline situations, such as when the mutation is, say, 120 nucleotides away from the 5 end of the gene, incorporation of the mutation in primer A may make the primer too big to synthesize; or else, it will make the megaprimer AM1 too short to handle conveniently. In such a case, simply back up primer A a few hundred bases further into the vector sequence in order to make AM1 megaprimer longer. In general, remember that primers A and B can be located anywhere on either side of the mutant region, and try to utilize that fiexibility as an advantage when designing these primers. 4. In addition to the standard rules of primer design described in Chapter 2 (such as, a near 50% GC content, sequence specificity, extra clamp sequence for restriction, absence of self-complementarity, and so forth), attention should be paid to the following aspects.As stated before, primers A and B should contain unique restriction sites for ease of cloning. As regards the M primer, two things are important. First, the muta-

Site-Directed Mutagenesis
tional mismatch should not be too close to the 3 end of the primer. Mismatch at the very 3 nucleotide of the primer will virtually abolish amplification by Tuq polymerase.For bestresults, the mismatch should be at least four basesaway from the 3 end of the primer. Second, as describedin detail in Note 1, the 5 end of the M primer should preferably be located such that there is at least one (two or more is better) T residue in the template strand of the same sensejust upstream of this end of the primer. If a T is not available, try to have the wobble base of a codon just upstreamof the 5 end of the M primer so that substitution of this basewith A will code for the sameamino acid (seeNote 1). 3.2. PCR 1: Synthesis of Megaprimer 1. Assemble a standard 100~pLPCR reaction (see Chapter 1) containing 5-50 ng of template DNA (containing the cloned gene)and 0.2-0.4 pg eachof primers A andMl (assuminga primer length of 25 nucleotides). 2. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profiles (seeNotes 2 and 3):
Initial denaturation 94OC, 6 min

94OC,2 min (denaturation) 55C 2 min (annealing) 72C, appropriatetime (n min). Final extension 72C, 1.5 x n min To achieve a better yield of megaprimer, do four such PCRs, 100 pL each,in separatetubes, as described. 3. Removeoil overlay asfollows. FreezePCR tubes,thenthaw just enough so that the oil overlay melts but the aqueousreaction stays frozen. Remove as much oil as possible. Then use a drawn-out round tip to transfer -80 pL of the lower, aqueous layer carefully to a clean Eppendorf tube, wiping the outside of the tip to remove any adhering oil. It is important to remove the oil completely, otherwise, the sample will float up when loaded in horizontal agarosegels in step 4 (this section). Pool about 320 pL from four reactions. Reduce volume to -40 p.L in SpeedVac (Savant Instruments, Farmingdale, NY) concentrator (or other meansof evaporationor lyophilization). 4. Gel-purify megaprimer in standardagarosegels made in TBE in presenceof ethidium bromide (seeChapter 1). Load in two or threewells in a midsize horizontal gel. Use an appropriate concentration of agarose (0.7-1.2%) depending on the length of the megaprimer product to be purified (seeNote 4). Perform electrophoresisuntil a good separation of the megaprimer and the small primer hasbeen achieved. 5, Locate the megaprimer band by UV light, cut out the gel slices, place all slices of the samemegaprimer in one slot of the electroelutor that is
30-35 main cycles



already filled with TE buffer or TBE buffer (seeinstruction manual of the electroelutor). Make sure that the apparatusis leveled, that buffers in the two chambersareconnected,and that all buffer flow has stopped. Clear out any air bubble that may be trapped in the V-shaped grooves andput 75 pL of 8M ammonium acetatecontaining 0.01% BPB in each groove.Electrophoreseat 150V for requiredperiod (approx 15-30 mm), asjudged by the disappearance the DNA band from the gel slice into of the V groove (monitored by a hand-held UV light). Do not disturb the apparatusduring elution. 6. Discontinueelectrophoresis, carefully drain buffer out of both chambers, collect 400 pL of ammonium acetate solution containing DNA from each V groove and transferinto a sterile clean microcentrifugetube. Add 24 pg of carriertRNA at this point to improve recovery.SeeNotes 5 and 6. 7. Clean the DNA by the usual phenol-chloroform extraction (seeChapter l), precipitate with 2.5 vol (1 mL) of 95% ethanol (do not add extra salt), followed by centrifugation at maximum speedin a microcentrifuge for 15 min. 8. Wash DNA pellet with prechilled 70% ethanol anddissolve in 20 pL of sterile water. Expect 30-60% recovery of DNA irrespective of size. 3.3. PCR 2 1. Assemblea secondPCRreactionwith 100pL final vol containing l-2 pg (notethe higher than usual amount,also seeNote 5) of plasmid template (the sametemplate that was used in Section 3.2., step 2 ), 0.2-0.4 pg primer B, 20-30 pmol of gel-purified megaprimer (3-5 pg for a 250-bp DNA), and standard concentrationof buffer and nucleotides(seeChapter 1). Generally, expect to useup all the megaprimerrecoveredin step 4 in this PCR in order to achieve a good yield of the product! Use the maximum allowable temperature annealingin the thermalcycle, asdictated for by the smaller primer B. Ignore the megaprimerfor annealingconsiderations,sinceits Tmwill be too high for the smaller primer. 2. Amplify by PCR using the cycle profiles describedin step 2 of Section 3.2. using 25 main cycles. 3. Purify the mutant PCR product as described in Section 3.2., steps4-7. It is now ready for restriction, ligation, and so forth by the use of standard procedures.SeeNotes 8 and 9. 4. Notes 1. The problem of nontemplated insertions and its solution will be published in detail elsewhere (Barik, manuscript in preparation). In brief, Tuq polymerase has a tendency to incorporate nontemplated residues,

Site-Directed Mutagenesis
particularly A, at the 3 end of the daughterpolynucleotide strand at a certain frequency (3). These are then copied and amplified into the double-strandedproduct. This is generally not a problem in standard PCR where the termini of the product areusually cleavedoff by restriction enzymesfor cloning purposes.However, in the megaprimermethod, the whole megaprimer is directly incorporated into the final product. Therefore, nontemplatedA residuesin the megaprimer will eventually show up in a certain percentageof the fmal product and cause a mutation that may be undesirable.The frequency of such error is usually low and megaprimerswith a mismatch at the 3 end will not prime well; however, the frequencymay be appreciablein somecases(Barik, manuscript in preparation).There aretwo kinds of solutions to this problem; one kind, exemplified by a and b below, does not introduce the nontemplated base or removes it; the other kind, described in c, does not remove the nontemplatedbasebut tolerates the alteration. a. Use the thermostableVent DNA polymerase (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA), which has a 3 exonuclease activity: follow the manufacturers recipe. A typical 100~pLPCR will contain: 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.8 (at 2SC), 10 mZt4KCl, 10 mM (NH&S04, 2 n&f MgCl,, 0.1% Triton X-100, 100 l.tg/mL acetylated BSA, 200 w of eachdNTPs, 2 U of Vent polymerase, and standardamounts of template and primers. The temperatureand time values of the thermal cycles areidentical to thosefor Tuq polymerase. Vent polymerase is a relatively recent product and may needsome optimization. b. Treat the purified megaprimer with a DNA polymerase that has a 345 exonucleaseactivity. Following the first round of PCR reaction, remove oil asdescribedin step 3 of Method. Add DlT to a final concentrationof 1 m&Z(evenif the PCR buffer had DTT). Add 2.5 U of T4 DNA polymerase or 7 U of Klenow enzyme (4). Incubate at 37OCfor 5 min with the T4 enzyme or at 15OCfor 30 min with Klenow. Inactivate the polymerasesby heating at 65-70C for 5-10 min and then proceed to purify the megaprimer after reducing volume, gel-purifying, and so forth as in step 4 of Method. Since all exonucleasedigestions arehard to control, this method is not highly recommended and should be used as a last resort. Instead try the following method. c. Toleratethealteration(If youcant beatem,join em): This is the method of choice. It relies on clever primer design and does not require any extra step(in preparation). Therearetwo ways of achieving this. As an example,supposethe relevantregion of the wild-type sequence (the is amino acidsare shown at the bottom in single-lettercodes):



and the Ser (TCA) is to be mutated to Ala (GCA). A mutant primer in the message sense (like M2 in Fig. 1) may have the sequence 5CA ACT CCG GCA TAT CTG CAG y(the boldface G being the mutant base). However, when this M2 primer and primer B is used in PCR, the nontemplated A incorporated at the M2 end of the product (megaprimer) will result in the sequence: SZCA ACT CCG GCA TAT CTG CAG 3AGT TGA GGC CGT ATA GAC GTC (the nontemplated A/T is italicized). When incorporated into the final product, this megaprimer will produce the following mutant (the italicized amino acids are altered from the wild-type sequence): S- AAA CTG TCA ACT CCG GCA TAT CTG CAG -3 K L S T P A Y L Q resulting in an undesired Ala + Ser change (boldface). To avoid this, make the following M2 primer: 5G CCA ACT CCG GCA TAT CTG CAG 3so that there is a T residue upstream of the 5 end of M2 in the template sequence; any extratemplated T in this strand of the megaprimer will therefore match with the T residue in the wild type sequence and will not cause any mutation. When no T residues are available, use the wobble base of a codon. This is possible when the primary purpose of the clone is to produce a protein product; thus, substitution of a codon with another, synonymous codon is permissible (make sure that the resultant change in the nucleotide sequence is acceptable in terms of introduction or loss of restriction sites, and so forth). Now, make the following M2 primer: 5ACT CCG GCA TAT CTG CAG 3, so that the codon upstream of it is CCA. The nontemplated T will change this codon to CCT; however, since they both code for proline, the protein will remain unaltered. 2. As a rule, elongation time (at 72C) in a PCR cycle should be proportional to the length of the product. An approximate guideline is 1 rnin of elongation/kb, i.e., 100 nucleotides = 10 s; 500 nucleotides = 40 s; 1 kb = 1 min 40 s; 2 kb = 3 min, and so on. 3. Annealing temperature is primarily governed by the base composition of the primers. A golden rule is to calculate the 7,,,of the primer as

Site-Directed Mutagenesis


follows: Add 2C for eachA or T, and 4C for eachG or C, then deduct 4. Example: for a 22-nucleotide primer with 10 G+C and 12 A+T, T,,, is [(lo x 4 + 12 x 2)] = 64C; therefore, anneal at 60C. However, the upperlimit of the annealingtemperaturefor any primer is 72OC,since it is the elongation temperatureof the (Taq) polymerase. 4. Use 0.8-l .2% agarosefor products ranging from 100-300 bp; 0.7% for 0.5-l kb; 0.6-0.7% for 1 kb and higher, and so forth. For making megaprimersin the lOO-300-bpsize range,it is important that the template preparation does not contain too much tRNA, which otherwise tend to mask the megaprimer in agarosegel andmake visualization and purification of the megaprimer difficult. 5. If in the second round of PCR, higher concentration of template still does not help (very rare), it is advisable to make a single-stranded megaprimer(the priming strand,Fig. 1) by using thetechniqueof asymmetric PCR in the first round. This is done by using a limiting amount of primer Ml (20-40-fold less, i.e., 5 pmol) while using the standard amount of primer A (-0.3 mg) in an otherwise identical PCR. A smaller number of cycles (20 cycles) and a slightly lower annealing temperature (50-55C) are recommended (5). The major problem in singlestrandedDNA (ssDNA) PCR is the difficulty in locating the ssDNA in the gel: it does not bind EtBr well, migrates faster than the its doublestrandedcounterpart, and produces diffused or multiple bands. However, once standardizedwith aparticular ssDNA product, the procedure can be usedroutinely for the sameDNA. Note that it will be difficult to remove extratemplated nucleotides, if any, from ssDNA megaprimers; thus, plan c in Note 1 should be used in conjunction. 6. The electroelution procedurefor purification of PCR productsdescribed here has beenchosenas the single, most versatile method for such purpose. Several workers may prefer other methods for more specialized and routine applications, a few of which are as follows: a. Centricon- spin filtration column (Amicon) may be used directly with the PCR reaction to separatethe megaprimer product from the small PCR primers provided the megaprimer is sufficiently bigger than the smaller primers. Megaprimer purified by this method will also contain the template; however, this is of no concern since the sametemplate is going to be used in the secondround of PCR. Follow the recommendedprocedure(6). b. Freeze-squeezemethod (7): The method works best for fragments ~500 bp. The agarosegel slice containing the DNA fragment is taken in an Eppendorf tube, frozen in a dry ice-ethanol bath ( 10 min) or in a -7OOCfreezer (20 min) and then spun at room temperature in a



microcentrifuge for 15 min. The recovered (30-70%) megaprimer DNA can be used directly in PCR. c. The GeneClean method (Bio 101, La Jolla, CA) utilizes the property of DNA to bind to glass (specially prepared, fine glass powder is supplied in the kit), however, it works best for DNA segments >500 bp. It is a rather elaborate procedure and is outside the scope of this chapter. The reader must follow the detailed instructions that come with the kit. A somewhat modified version has been published (I). 7. In a recent method (a), DNA fragments in low-melting-point agarose slices have been directly used in PCR reaction apparently without any problem. Since a good quantity of the megaprimer is important for the second PCR, it might be worth trying to use it in a similar manner. This will bypass the need to recover it from the gel. Further optimization of the method is advised. 8. As in any cloning procedure, the final mutants obtained by the megaprimer method must be confirmed by DNA sequencing. This can be done either by directly sequencing the PCR product (Chapters 13 and 14) or after cloning the mutant product in plasmid vectors. When using the dideoxy method, PCR primer A or B can be used as sequencing primers as well. 9. Other methods of site-specific mutagenesis exist that are based on PCR. These are discussed in detail in Chapters 24-27.

1. Sarkar,G. and Sommer,S. S. (1990) The megaprimer method of site-directed mutagenesis. BioTechnrques 8,404-407. 2. Barik, S. and Galinski, M. (1991) Megaprimer method of PCR: Increased template concentration improves yield. BioTechniques 10,489,490. 3. Clark, J. M. (1988) Novel non-templated nucleotide addition reactions catalyzedby procaryotic andeucaryotic DNA polymerases.Nucleic Acrds Res. 16, 9677-9686. 4. Maniatis, T., Fritsch, E. F., and Sambrook, J. (1982) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. 113-119. 5. Fin&h, II., Lingenfelter, P. A., and Myerson, D. (1991) Producmg singlestrandedDNA probes with the Taq DNA polymerase: A high yield protocol. BcoTechniques 10,35-39. 6. Higuchi. R., Krummel, B., and Saiki. R. K. (1988) A general method of in vitro preparation and specific mutagenesis DNA fragments: Studiesof proof tein and DNA interactions.Nuclerc Acids Res. 16,7351-7367. 7. Stoflet, E. S., Koeberl, D. D., Sarkar, G., and Sommer, S. S. (1988) Genomic amplification with transcript sequencing.Science239,4911t94. 8. Zintz, C. B. and Beebe, D. C. (1991) Rapid re-amplification of PCR products purified in low melting point agarosegels. BioTechnrques 11,158-162.

Generation of a Polymerase Chain Reaction Renewable Source of Subtractive cDNA

W. Michael KuehZ and James Battey

1. Introduction Differential (+/-) first-strand cDNA screening methods identify clones corresponding to mRNAs that are expressed at a higher level in one of a pair of phenotypically different cells. This approach is limited by the fact that screening of libraries with labeled first-strand cDNAs synthesized from unfractionated mRNA can detect clones containing sequences representing approx 0.1% or more of the complexity of mRNA (i.e., mRNAs present at greater than about 200 copies per cell since a typical mammalian cell line contains approx 250,000 mRNAs). To enhance the sensitivity of this approach, a number of laboratories (I-4) developed methodology for preparing subtractive cDNA probes: (1) First-strand cDNA from one cell type is hybridized to an excess of mRNA from a closely related cell type; (2) the small fraction of singlestranded cDNA is separatedfrom the bulk of double-stranded mRNAcDNA hybrid; and (3) small fragments of nonhybridizing cDNA are removed from the subtractive cDNA. Depending on the extent of relatedness of the mRNAs from the parental and subtractive partner cell lines, cDNA sequencesunique to the parental cell line might be enriched as much as 50-fold in the subtractive cDNA. As a result of this enrichment, the subtractive cDNA probe could be used to identify clones containing differentially expressedsequencescomprising approx 0.002% or more of the complexity of cellular mRNAs (i.e., greater than approx 5 copies of
From. Methods In Molecular Bology, Vol 15: PC/? Protocols Edited by B A White Copyright 0 1993 Humana Current Methods and Applrcetions Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Kuehl and Battey

mRNA per cell). The subtractive cDNA could also be used to prepare subtractive cDNA libraries, sothat many fewer clones needto be screened. There are increasing numbers of important genes that have heen identified using subtractive cDNA technology, but the method requires large amounts of mRNA, is technically demanding, and results in very low yields of short cDNA fragments. A number of novel approaches, many of which involve preparation of cDNA libraries from each subtractive partner, appear to avoid some of these problems (5-1 I ). In this chapter, we describe amethod that incorporates PCR technology, which partially solves the need for large amounts of mRNA but also permits more flexibility in using the PCR renewable subtracted cDNA as a probe or for cloning (II). Asimilar method has been used successfully for genomic DNA subtractions (12). The following is an outline of the PCRkubtractive cDNA method presented: 1. Synthesize first-strand cDNA from parental cell mRNA; 2. Hybridize cDNA to excessof mRNA from subtractive partner; 3. RemovecDNA:mRNA duplex from negatively selectedsingle-stranded cDNA by hydroxyapatite (HAP) chromatography; 4. Hybridize single-strandedcDNA to mRNA from parent or related cell; 5. Removesingle-strandedcDNA from positively selectedcDNA:mRNA duplex by HAP chromatography; 6. Synthesize second-strand cDNA from mRNA:cDNA template with RNase H and DNA polymerase I; 7. Polish and kinase endsof double-strandedcDNA with T4 DNA polymeraseand T4 kinase; 8. Add amplification adapterswith T4 ligase; 9. Remove excess adaptersand small cDNAs by Sepharose4B cbromatography; 10. PCR amplify subtractive cDNA; 11. FCR chasereactionto ensuresubtractivecDNA is mostly homoduplexes; 12. Size-fractionate amplified, subtractive cDNA on Sepharose4B. 2. Materials
2.1. First-Strand cDNA Synthesis

1. 5 ug of parental mRNA, selected twice on oligo(dT) cellulose (see Notes l-3). 2. MMLV reversetranscriptase(RT), 200 U&L. 3. 5X RT buffer: 0.25M Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 0.375M KCl, 15 mM MgC12, 50 mA4DIT.

Subtractive cDNA


4. Random hexamer at 0.25 pg/pL. 5. Adapter-dTi7 primer (e.g., S-GGACTCGAGGTAICGATGCF-3, which has Xho I and Cla I restriction sites) at 0.1 pg/pL. 6. Mixture of 10 mMof eachdNTP (i.e. dGTP, dATP, dCTP, TIP), pH 7.0. 7 [a-32P]dCTP 3000 C /mmol 8: RNAsin, 30 b&L (Prbmega:Madison, WI). 9. BSA, nucleasefree, 10 mg/mL. 10. 0.5M EDTA, autoclaved. 11. 2M Tris-HCI, pH 7.4, autoclaved. 12. 2N HCl. 13. 1ONNaOH. 14. Phenol. 15. CHC13 16. TE buffer: 10 rnkf Tris-HCl, pH 7.5,O.1 m.kf EDTA. 17. SephadexG-50 column or spin column equilibrated with TE. 18. 100%Trichloroacetic acid. 19. 3M Sodium acetate,pH 6.0, autoclaved. 20. Ethanol. 20. Siliconized 1.5-mL microfuge tubes(e.g.,PGC Scientiflcs, Gaithersburg, MD, #505-201). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.2. Hybridization of mRNA to cDNA 50 jtg of subtractive partnermRNA (selected twice on oligo [dTj cellulose). 50 j.tgof poly(A)- subtractive partner RNA for carrier, and also providing rRNA for subtraction. 5X Hybridization buffer: 3M NaCl, 100 n&f Tris-HCl, pH 7.7, 10 m&f EDTA (autoclaved). 1% SDS. Mineral oil. Siliconized 0.5-mL microfuge tube (e.g., PGC Scientiflcs #505-195). 2.3. Separation of cDNA and cDNkmRNA by Hydroxyapatite Chromatography Hydroxyapatite powder (Bio-Rad HTP, Richmond, CA). 0.5M Na phosphatebuffer, pH 6.8 (PB). Prepareby mixing equal volumes of 0.5M monosodium phosphateand 0.5M disodium. phosphate. 5M NaCI. Appropriate dilutions of PB buffer in 150 n-&f NaCl (seeSection 3.3.2. and Note 4). Chromatography system that can be used at 60C (see Section 3.3.2. and Note 5).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Kuehl and Battey 6. Labeled test DNAs: single-stranded= first-strand cDNA (Section 3.1.); double-stranded $X174 Hue III fragmentslabeledwith Klenow enzyme = and [a-32P]dCTPto high specific activity. 7. 6N HCl. 8. NensorbN 20 cartridge (DuPont-NEN, Boston, MA). Since the capacity is approx 20 pg of nucleic acid, addcontentsof additional cartridges to processlarger samples. 9. 50% Ethanol. 10. Siliconized 1S-mL microfuge tubes. 2.4. Positive Selection and Generation of Double-Stranded cDNA 1. 10pg of parental(orrelated)mRNA (twice selected oligo[dq cellulose). on 2. 5X Hybridization buffer, 1% SDS, mineral oil. 3. Reagentsfor HAP chromatography(as in Section 2.3.). 4. 4X Second-strandbuffer: 80 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4,20 mM MgCl,, 40 mM ammonium sulfate, 400 mM KCl, nuclease-freeBSA at 0.2 pg/pL. 5. dNTP mixture, each at concentration of 2.5 n-&f. 6. [a-32P]dCTP(3000 C,/mmol). 7. RNase H, 2 U&L. 8. DNA polymerase I, 5 U/pL. 9. 0.5M EDTA, pH 8. 10. Phenol. 11. CHC13. 12. TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4,O. 1 nnl4 EDTA. 13. SephadexG-50 column or spin column equilibrated with TE. 14. 20 pg of DNA-free RNA carrier, e.g., poly(A)- RNA. 15. 3M Sodium acetate,pH 6. 16. Ethanol. 17. Siliconized 1.5-mL microfuge tubes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2.5. PCR Amplification of Subtractive cDNA Thermal cycler, e.g., Cetus/Perkin-Elmer (Norwalk, CT). 10X T4 polymerase buffer: 700 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.7,lOO mM MgC12, 50 mM DTT. dNTPs at 5 mM and 10 mM each. 10mMATP. T4 DNA polymerase, 5 UQL. T4 polynucleotide kinase, 5 U&L. 0.5M EDTA, pH 8. Phenol. CHC13.

Subtractive cDNA


10. 40 pg of DNA-free carrier RNA, e.g., poly(A)- RNA. 11. 3M Sodium acetate,pH 6. 12. Ethanol. 13. Amplification adapter at 500 ng/uL, e.g., mix 5 pg of SAGCTAGAATTCGGTACCGTCGACC-3 with 5 pg of 5 phosphorylated-GGTCGACGGTACCGAATICT-3; dilute to 20 pL total vol with 2 pL 10X T4 polymerase buffer and HzO, heat to 95OCfor 5 mln, and allow to cool gradually to room temperature.Stock solution canbe stored at -20C. 14. 5X T4 ligase buffer (e.g., BRL, Gaithersburg,MD). 15. T4 ligase (e.g., BRL). 16. TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 1 mM EDTA. 17. SepharoseCL-4B. 18. Sepharose4Bbuffer: O.lM NaCI, 20 mMTris-HCl, pH 7.4,l mMEDTA. 19. 10X PCR amplification buffer: 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 500 mM KCl, 15 mM MgC12,0.01% gelatin. 20. Amplification primer, e.g. 5- AGCTAGAATICGGTACCGTCGACC3', 1 pg/pL. 21. Tuq polymerase, 5 U&L. 22. Mineral oil. 23. 1.5% Agarose gel and buffer (seeChapter 1). 24. OX174 Hue 111 markers (e.g., BRL). 25. Acrylamide gel components(seeChapter 1). 3. Methods 3.1. First-Strand cDNA Synthesis The choice of subtractive partners is the single most important consideration in using this approach. Subtractive cDNA methods work optimally for qualitative differences in mRNA expression, but are less certain of achieving enrichment of cDNA sequences corresponding to mRNAs that are expressed at a quantitatively higher level (this may be possible by using only a minimal excess of the subtractive partner mRNA for the subtractive hybridization). In principle, the highest degree of enrichment of unique parental cDNAs occurs when the subtractive partner differs only minimally from the parent. However, this highly enriched pool of subtractive cDNAs is likely to include a significant fraction of cDNAs representing very rare (cl copy mRNA/ cell) and clone-specific differences. To minimize the presence of these two categories, positive selection can be done to a relatively low Rot (see Notes 6 and 7) using mRNA from a cell line that shares critical properties with the parental cell.

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1. Place 5 pg of parental mRNA in 16 p.L of Hz0 in a 1.5-mL microfuge tube (see Notes 1 and 2). 2. Incubate at 70C for 3 min, and then place on ice. 3. Add in the following order: a. 10 pL of 5X RT buffer b. 2 p,L of adapter-dTr7 or random hexamer primer (see Note 8) c. 5 uL of solution containing each dNTP at 10 mM d. 1 uL of RNAsin, 30 U&L e. 1 uL of nuclease-free BSA, 1 ug/uL f. 10 uL (100 uCi) of [a-32P]dCIP (3000 C,/mmol) g. 5 j.tL of MMLV reverse transcriptase, 200 U&L. 4. Microfuge for 5 s. Mix gently and incubate at 37C for 60 min. 5. Add 3 uL of 0.5M EDTA and 2 uL of 1ON NaOH. Mix. 6. Incubate at 70C for 30 min. Cool to room temperature. 7. Add 35 uL of 2MTris-HCl, pH 7.4, and mix. Add 10 itL of 2ZV and mix. HCl 8. Extract with 100 uL of phenol:CHC13, and recover aqueous phase. Remove duplicate 1-uL aliquots and dilute each to 20 uL. Use a 2yL aliquot from each dilution to determine total cpm. The remaining 36 uL can be analyzed on a denaturing acrylamide gel or an alkaline agarose gel to determine the size distribution of the first-strand cDNAs. 9. Remove labeled cDNA from unincorporated dNTPs by Sephadex G-50 chromatography (or by using a Sephadex G-50 spin column). Remove an aliquot from the excluded fraction to determine incorporated cpm. 10. The amount of first-strand cDNA in ug = (incorporated cpm/total cpm) x 66; this should be 0.5-2 ug (i.e., 10-40% yield). The specific activity of the first-strand cDNA is about 3000 cprn/ng (i.e., 1000-2000 Cerenkov cpm/ng or 1 32P/18,000 nucleotides). The material can be monitored by Cerenkov counts in all subsequent procedures. 11. Precipitate the excluded fractions by adding 0.1 vol of 3M Na-acetate and 2.5 vol of ethanol. 12. After 30 min on ice, microfuge the sample for 10 min at 4C. 13. Discard supernatant. Add 1 mL ethanol, microfuge for 2 min at 4C, and remove supernatant. Dry pellet in a vacuum centrifuge.

3.2. Hybridization of mRNA to cDNA (see Notes 6,9, and 10)

1. Add 5 ug of poly(A)- and 50 ug of poly(A) + RNA from the subtractive partner (i.e., a lo-fold excessof mRNA compared to the parental mRNA used for first-strand cDNA synthesis) to the cDNA. Transfer sample to a 500~uL microfuge tube, and dry in a vacuum centrifuge. 2. Dissolve sample in 6 uL of H20. Then add 2 uL of 5X hybridization buffer plus 2 uL of 1% SDS.

Subtractive cDNA
3. Mix, microfuge for 5 s, and overlay with 100 pL of mineral oil. 4. Boil sample for 5 min, then incubate at 70C to allow the reaction to achieve a Rot of 3000. At a concentration of 5 pg/pL of mRNA, this will require 20 h (see Note 6).

3.3. Separation of cDNA and cDNAzmWA by Hydtwqyapatite Chromatography Single- and double-stranded polynucleotides can be conveniently separated from one another by chromatography on hydroxyapatite (HAP) columns (I,I6). Empirically it has been found that singlestranded and double-stranded nucleic acids are differentially bound to HAP in solutions containing low concentrations of phosphate. The best separations occur at 60C, with single-stranded polynucleotides generally eluting quantitatively at approx 120 mA4, pH 6.8 sodium phosphate buffer (PB), and double-stranded polynucleotides eluting quantitatively at 300-400 mM PB. Since the elution conditions may differ somewhat for different batches of HAP, it is recommended that the optimum PB concentrations foreluting single- and double-stranded polynucleotides be determined for each lot of HAP (see the following section). 3.3.1. Preparation of HAP
1. Mix 10 g of hydroxyapatite powder (Bio-Rad HTP) with 50 mL of 50 n&f PB, 150 nnI4 NaCl. Allow to settle for 10 min and remove fines, 2. Add 50 mL of 50 mM PB, 150 nU4 NaCl. Mix and heat 15 min in boiling water. 3. Mix and allow to settle for 10 min and remove fines. Note packed volume, which should be about 25 mL. Add 2 vol (approx 50 mL) of 50 rnM PB, 150 mM NaCl to give a 3:l slurry, which can be stored for several months at 4C. The capacity is about 200 p.g of double-stranded polynucleotide per milliliter of packed HAP.

3.3.2. HAP Fractionation of Single-Stranded cDNA from RNA-cDNA Duplexes (see Notes 4 and 5)
1. At the end of the hybridization, remove most of the mineral oil and dilute the aqueousphasewith 250 pL of the 60C HAP starting buffer. Transfer the sample to a lo-mL polypropylene tube, which contains about 0.5 mL of packed HAP and is maintained at 60C. Rinse the hybridiza-

tion tube with another250 uL of the HAP starting buffer (the hybridization tube can be Cerenkov-counted to ensure quantitative transfer of the cDNA).


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2. Mix the sample/HAP slurry and allow it to settle for 5 min. Remix the slurry, and allow it to settle for 5 min. 3. Mix the material a third time, pipet it into a column, and allow it to settle for 5 min. 4. Collect the flow-through in a microfuge tube. 5. Collect six 1-mL washeswith the HAP starting buffer in six microfuge tubes. 6. Elute the column with six 1-mL aliquots of 450 rnM PB, 150 mM NaCl into six microfuge tubes. 7. Determine which fractions contain single-stranded (flow-through and wash fractions) and double-stranded (450 mM PB) cDNA from Cerenkov counts. It is also possible to dissolve the HAP with 1 mL of 6N HCl to determine the portion of material that is not eluted; this is usually <5% of the total material applied to the column. 8. Pool the appropriate single-stranded fractions (e.g., following a subtractive hybridization step) and reapply to a second HAP column. It is not necessary to rechromatograph the double-stranded material following the positive selection hybridization step. 9. After addition of 10 i.tg of carrier RNA, quantitatively desalt and concentrate the appropriate single- and/or double-stranded fraction(s) by Nensorb 20 chromatography (according to the manufacturers instructions), using 50% ethanol as an eluant. The sample is then dried by vacuum centrifugation (see Notes 11 and 12).

3.4. Positive Selection and Generation of Double-Stranded cDNA

The subtracted cDNA is positively selected by hybridization to a

twofold excess of the parental mRNA or to mRNA derived from a cell that shares desired properties with the parental cell. Even if the positive selection is performed with the parental mRNA, it accomplishes several goals: (1) It selects against cDNA that has the same sense as mRNA (we find this to be a significant problem for random-primed first-strand cDNA but not for oligo(dT) primed cDNA); (2) it may provide some selection against contaminant DNAs; and (3) it provides a cDNA:mRNA duplex that serves as a good template for secondstrand synthesis. 3.4.1. Positive Selection of First-Strand cDNA
1. Add 10 pg of poly(A)+ RNA from the parental line to the tube containing the subtracted cDNA. Dry the sample by vacuum centrifugation and then dissolve it in 3 pL of HzO. 2. Add 1 pL of 5X hybridization buffer and 1 i.rL of SDS.

Subtractive cDNA
3. Mix, microfuge for 5 s, and overlay with 100 l.tL of mineral oil. 4. Place tube in boiling water bath for 5 min and incubate at 70C to a Rot of 500 (seeNote 7). 5. Isolate mRNA-cDNA duplex by HAP chromatography as described in Section 3.3. Add 10 Itg of carrier RNA. 6. A rough estimate of the maximum enrichment of sequences the subin tractive cDNA = (lOO/ $ sscDNA from first subtractive HAP column) x (% ds cDNA from positive selection HAP column). 7. Desalt and concentratesample by Nensorb chromatography. 3.4.2. Synthesis of Double-Stranded cDNA 1. Determine Cerenkov cpm of mRNA-cDNA duplex resuspendedin 12 j.tL of H20. 2. Add the following: a. 10 pL of 4X secondstrand buffer b. 5 l.tL of mixture containing each dNTP at 2.5 nnJ4 c. 10 PL (100 ltC,> of [a-32P]dCTP(3000 CJmmol) d. 1 pL RNase H (2 U@L) e. 2 pl DNA polymerase I (W&L). 3. Microfuge for 5 s, mix gently, and incubate at 12C for 2 h, and then at 22C for 1 h. 4. Add 1 pL of 0.5it4EDTA and 60 PL of H20. Mix and extract with 100 PL of phenol:CHC13 1). (1: 5. Remove 1 PL x 2 for total cpm. Separatethe unincorporated nucleotides by G-50 Sephadexchromatographyor a spin column. After addition of 10 pg of poly(A)- RNA as carrier and 0.1 vol of 3M sodium acetate,the excluded fractions are precipitated with ethanol, washed with 70% ethanol, and dried by vacuum centrifugation. 6. Resuspendthe sample in 50 PL of TE buffer. The amount (ng) of second strandsynthesis = (total Cerenkov cpm in excluded fraction - Cerenkov cpm in mRNA-cDNA duplex) x 16,50O/totalCerenkov cpm in labeling reaction. The yield of second-strandshould be comparable to the amount of first-strand cDNA presentin the second-strandreaction. 7. The specific activity of secondstrand cDNA is approx 4000-8000 Cerenkov cpm/ng or about 1 32P/4000 nucleotides. 3.5. PCR Amplification of Subtractive cDNA The double-stranded subtractive cDNA is treated to ensure blunt ends that contain 5 phosphates.A large excessof amplification adapters(containing Sal I, Kpn I, and Eco RI restriction sites) are then ligated to the SubtractivecDNA. After removal of the excessamplification adaptersand


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fragments of cDNA less than several hundred basepairs by Sepharose4B chromatography, the subtractive cDNA is amplified by PCR. It appears that extensive PCR amplification of a heterogeneouspopulation of subtractive cDNAs results in some terminal sterile cycles in which denaturation is not followed by quantitative annealing of the amplification oligonucleotide and subsequentpolymerization. As aconsequence,much of the amplified cDNA is at least partially single-stranded, perhaps owing to hairpin structures and heteroduplexes resulting from interactions of the terminal amplification sequences. A PCR chase reaction has been designed to permit denaturation of heteroduplexes and hairpin structures under conditions that will not denaturehomoduplexes, so that the partially single-stranded structures can be converted to homoduplexes. The PCRchasedsubtractive cDNA is then size-fractioned on Sepharose4B, resulting in a PCR-renewable source of subtractive cDNA that can be used to generatea probe or an insert for cloning in an appropriate vector.
3.5.1. Polishing and Kinasing the Ends


2. 3. 4.

of the Subtractive cDNA To 50 pL of double-strandedcDNA, add the following: a. 7 pL of 10X T4 polymerase buffer b. 5 pL mixture of all four dNTF%at 5 mM each c. 5 FLof 1OmMATP d. 2 pL of T4 DNA polymerase e. 2 pL of T4 polynucleotide kinase. Microfuge for 5 s, mix gently, and incubate at 37C for 30 min. Add 2 pL of OSM EDTA. Extract with 70 pL phenol:CHCl, (1: 1) and 70 FL CHC13. Add 10 p.gof poly(A)- RNA, 0.1 vol of 3M Na-acetate, and 2.5 vol of ethanol. Allow the sampleto precipitate for 15 min on ice. Then collect precipitate by centrifugation at maximum speedin a microcentrifuge for 10 min, wash with ethanol, and dry by vacuum centrifugation. Resuspendsamplein 5 p.L of H20.

3.5.2. Amplification Adapter Ligation to Double-Stranded cDNA 1. To 5 pL of double-strandedcDNA, add: a. 1 pL of amplification adapterat 500 ng/pL (seeNote 13) b. 1 PL of Hz0 c. 2 PL of 5X T4 ligase buffer d. 1 pL of T4 ligase. 2. Incubate at 14OC overnight.

Subtractive cDNA


3. Add 90 pL of TE buffer, mix, and extract with 100pL of phenol-CHC13 (1:l). 4. Chromatographsample(seeNote 14) on 4-mL column (i.e., 5-mL pipet) of SepharoseCL-4B, eluting with 200~pL aliquots. The eluted fractions can be analyzed by Cerenkov counting. The appropriatesamples are pooled and precipitated by addition of 10 pg of poly(A)- RNA and 2.5 vol of ethanol. Resuspendin 30 pL of TE. 1. 2. 3.5.3. PCR Amplification of Subtractive cDNA Transfer 5 pL of subtractive cDNA into the tube to be used for PCR amplification. Add the following: a. 10 pL of 10X PCR amplification buffer b. 2 pL of a mix containing eachdNTP at 10 rnM c. 1 pL of the amplification oligonucleotide (1 pg/uL) d. 81 pL of Hz0 e. 1 pL of Tuq polymerase. Mix gently and overlay with 100 pL of mineral oil. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 94OC,l min (denaturation) 30 main cycles 5OC, 1 min (annealing) 72OC,1 min (extension) Remove 20-pL aliquots after 20,25, and 30 cycles of amplification. Analyze the three aliquots on a 1.5% agarosegel (seeChapter 1). Run @Xl 74 Hae III size markers and 0.2 pg of the amplification oligonucleotide in separatelanesas controls. After the gel is stainedwith ethidium bromide, a heterogeneous smear of material with sizes up to 500 bp or more should be visible in one or more lanes. The presenceof cDNA fragments with a unique size suggeststhe possibility of contaminants (see Note 15~).

3. 4.


3.5.4. PCR Chase of Amplified Subtractive cDNA 1. To 30 p.L of amplified subtractive cDNA, add: a. 27 pL of 10X PCR buffer b. 6 pL of a mix of dNTPs at 10 mM each c. 1 pL of amplification oligonucleotide (1 pg1p.L) d. 235 pL of HZ0 e. 1 pL of Tuq polymerase. 2. Mix gently and amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 2 cycles 94C, 1 min (denaturation) 50C, 1 min (annealing) 72OC,2 min (extension)

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50C, 1 min (annealing) 72C, 2 min (extension) 3. Extract the chased material with 300 pL of phenol:CHC13. After addition of 10 pg of carrier RNA and 30 pL of 3M Na-acetate, precipitate the aqueous phase with 750 pL of ethanol. Collect the precipitate by centrifugation, wash with 70% ethanol, and dry by vacuum centrifugation. Dissolve the pellet in 50 pL of TE buffer. 4 chase cycles

3.5.5. Size Fractionation of PCR Chased Subtractive cDNA (see Note 16)
1. Size-fractionate the PCR-chased cDNA by chromatography on a 4-mL Sepharose CL-4B column in a 5-mL pipet, collecting 200~pL fractions. Starting with fraction 6, subject 50-uL aliquots from each fraction to electrophoresis on a native 8% polyacrylamide gel (see Chapter l), using $X174 Hae III fragments as size markers. Fractions containing essentially no material smaller than 350 bp are pooled, precipitated with ethanol after addition of 10 pg of carrier RNA, dried, and resuspended in 50 pL of TE buffer. 2. Estimate the approximate concentration of the size-fractionated, amplified subtractive cDNA by electrophoresis of a 5-pL aliquot on a native 8% acrylamide gel, by comparing the ethidium bromide staining of the heterogeneous subtractive cDNA with $X174 Hae III standards run on an adjacent lane. This stock of double-stranded subtractive cDNA can be used to prepare a radiolabeled probe or to prepare an insert suitable for cloning. A portion of it can also be PCR amplified and chased to renew the stock as desired.

See Notes 15 and 17-20.

4. Notes 1. Source of RNA. It is essential that trace contamination of the RNA (or any reagent used in the protocol for that matter) with DNA from any source be avoided since the contaminants can be amplified together with the very small quantities of cDNA that remain after subtraction, positive selection, and so forth. If possible, it is best to use cytoplasmic RNA for first-strand cDNA synthesis since this not only minimizes DNA contamination but also eliminates rare nuclear RNA species that may be enriched by subtraction. DNA can also be removed by one or more of the following procedures: precipitation of single-stranded polynucleotides (mainly RNA) with 2M LiCl, centrifugation of RNA through 5.7M CsCl, or treatment with DNase. Isolation of poly(A) + RNA by selection on oligo(dT) cellulose also removes trace DNA contaminants. We prefer to use two cycles of oligo(dT)-cellulose selection to isolate

Subtractive cDNA
mRNA for tlrst strandcDNA synthesis,since one cyle of selection generates RNA that is substantially (approx 50%) contaminated with poly(A)- RNA, i.e., mostly rRNA. If RNA from only one cycle of selection is used for hybridization, a correction for the actual amount of mRNA should be madein estimating Rot values (seeNote 6). Amount of RNA. The amount of starting material can be decreasedat least several fold although a minimum hybridization volume of about 4 pL, and adequateconcentrationsof RNA required to reach a high Rot are limiting. Also contaminant DNA is a more significant possibility as the amounts of RNA are decreased. DNA contamination. This is a major problem to be avoided. Major sourcesinclude carrier RNA as well as the poly(A) + RNAs used for hybridization. For a new lot of HAP, test binding/elution properties of single- and double-strandedDNA labeledto high specific activity, This can be done by applying eachsamplein 50 mM PB, 150 mM NaCl and eluting with duplicate 1-mL aliquots of 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, and 450 m/l4 PB, 150 mM NaCl. The lowest concentration of PB that quantitatively elutessingle-strandedDNA andlittle or no double-strandedDNA is then used to equilibrate the HAP slurry, to dilute samplesfor application to the column, and for washesto recover single-strandedcDNA. Some lO-15% of first-strand cDNAs (evenif actinomycin D is present during synthesis) elute with double-strandedDNA; the single-stranded fraction elutes quantitatively in the single-stranded fraction on a second HAP column. The columns usedfor HAP chromatographymustbe maintainedat 60C. Although ajacketed column can be used,we prefer a simple homemade system that usesdisposable 3-mL plastic syringes as columns, essentially as describedelsewhere (Id). The kinetics of hybridization of cDNA to an excessof mRNA (13-15) is describedby the pseudo-first-orderrate equation: CJC, = e-kXRot (1) where Co= the initial concentrationof single-strandedcDNA, C, = the amount of single-strandedcDNA remaining at time r, k = the rate constant in units liter. (mol nucleotide)t.s-I, and Rot = the concentration of mRNA in mol of nucleotide/L multiplied by the time (t) in seconds. The rate constant, k, is determined from the following equation:
k = 10%


3. 4.



where C = the complexity of the mRNA in nucleotides. The constant k is basedon hybridization at standardconditions, i.e., T, - 25C, cation


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concentration = O.l8M, and average size of single-stranded mRNA = 500 nucleotides. Since the complexity of mRNA in a typical mammalian cell line is approx 5 x lo* nucleotides (ca. 20 pg RNA or 0.3 pg mRNA/cell), k = 2 x 10V3.One can calculate that a cDNA derived from an mRNA present at 1 copy/cell is 50% double-stranded at a Rot of 345,90% double-stranded at a Rot of 1150,99% double-stranded at a Rot of 2300, and 99.9% double-stranded at a Rot of 3450. In contrast, cDNAs derived from mRNAs present at 10 and 0.1 copies/cell are 90% double-stranded at Rots of 115 and 11,500, respectively. Thus, during hybridization of cDNA to excess mRNA, a Rot of 3000 should be sufficient to ensure that all cDNAs derived from n:RNAs present at least once per cell are present 99% or more as a double-stranded cDNAmRNA duplex. For standard hybridization conditions, a 1 p.g/pL concentration of mRNA gives a Rot of 1l/h. For the hybridization conditions described below (i.e., cation concentration = 0.6OM), mRNA at a concentration of 1 pg/pL gives a Rot (corrected to standard conditions) of 30/h (IS). 7. Rot for positive selection. By hybridizing only to a Rot of 500,60% or more of sequences present 21 time/cell form a cDNA:mRNA duplex, whereas only 10% and 1% of sequences represented 0.1 or 0.01 time/ cell, respectively, form a cDNA:mRNA duplex. 8. Choice of primer for cDNA synthesis. First-strand cDNA can be synthesized from the parental mRNA using either an adapter-dT17 primer (e.g. 5-GGACTCGAGGTATCGATGCP-3) or a random hexamer primer. Use of the adapter-dTr7 primer results in the following advantages: a. First-strand cDNA is distinguished from contaminant DNAs (it should be noted that many subtractive cDNAs will lack adapter sequences as a result of fragmentation during the procedure); b. An adaptor probe can be used to detect clones that contain adaptor sequences; c. cDNA fragments containing the adapter-dTr7 sequencescan be enriched relative to other sequences by oligo-dT (or oligo dA) chromatography or by a PCR procedure (see Note 18); d. Single-stranded cDNA with the same sense as mRNA can be isolated on oligo-dT cellulose); e. Detection of cDNA clones that contain adapter sequences and are derived from the same mRNA (i.e., sibs) is efficient; f. Enriching for subtractive cDNA inserts that contain adapter-dT sequences decreases its complexity, thus enhancing the sensitivity of this material as a probe to identify clones in the subtractive library.

Subtractive cDNA
The random hexamer-primed cDNA has none of these advantagesbut doeshave three other potential advantages:(1) More mRNA sequences arerepresented that inadvertantlossof representation somemRNAs so of in the subtractiveprobe/libraryis minimized; (2) positive selectionusing mRNA from other speciesis more likely to be successful; (3) the subtractive cDNA library can be screenedmore reliably by conventional methods(e.g.,antibodies),sinceclonesin the library would not be biased toward the 3 ends of mRNA. 9. Correction of Rot to standardhybridization conditions. By definition, k varies as a function of hybridization conditions, whereas Rot is independentof theseconditions. For convenience,however, we use a fixed k and correct Rot to standardconditions. Thus, for a given complexity of RNA, the fraction of cDNA in hybrid is calculated directly from the Rot corrected to standardhybridization conditions. 10. Hybridization conditions.To minimize fragmentationof cDNA, the hybridizations canbe doneat 52C in 40% formamide, althoughthe kinetics of hybridization arenot aswell worked out undertheseconditions (9,13). 11. Desalting HAP fractions. The fractions can be concentratedby repeated n-butanol extractions, followed by G50 Sephadexchromatography to remove phosphate,and alcohol precipitation. We prefer to use Nensorb to optimize recoveries. 12. Alternative to HAP chromatography.Use of biotinylated driver mRNA or DNA hasbeenusedby others(9,12). A recentreport using oligo(dA) cellulose to remove single-stranded oligo(dT)-primed cDNA from cDNA:mRNA duplexesappears provide anotheralternative(IO). Each to alternative is alleged to causeless fragmentation of cDNA than HAP chromatography. 13. PCR adapter.Otherpotentialamplification adapters work but should may be testedwith a model substrate(e.g.,PBR322cut with Suu3A) to verify that all steps,including the blunting and kinasing reactions,work. 14. An identical Sepharose4B column can be calibrated with blue dextran (void volume), phenol red or labeled dNTP (included volume), and $X174 Hue III markers. The first third of the samplesbetween the void volume andthe included volume containthe largercDNAs, with ampliflcation adaptersligated at each end, but should be devoid of unligated adaptersand adaptersthat have self-ligated. 15. Characterization of amplified subtractive cDNA. Ideally, one would like to know the extent of enrichmentof subtractivesequences, numthe ber of independently amplified subtractive cDNA sequences, and whether or not a substantial fraction of contaminant DNAs have been amplified together with the cDNA.


Kuehl and Battey

a. Enrichment. A rough calculation of the maximum enrichment of subtractive sequences is given earlier. In the two cases tested (II and J. Battey, unpublished), this calculation was in agreement with a direct comparison of the frequency of clones in libraries prepared from subtractive cDNA and parental first-strand cDNA. b. Number of independently amplified subtractive cDNA sequences. Although it is difficult to accurately assessthis parameter, a minimum estimate can be made based on the number of amplification cycles required to generate 1 ug of subtractive probe, i.e. 20,25, and 30 PCR amplification cycles would correspond to amplification of a minimum of 1.8 x 106, 5.8 x 104, and 1800 independent sequences having an average size of 500 bp. c. Contaminant DNA. If the first-strand cDNA was synthesized with an adapter-dTi7 primer and had an average size of 2000 bp at the time of synthesis and 400 bp after amplification, approx 20% of the amplified molecules of cDNA should contain an adapter sequence. This can be confirmed by cloning the insert into a convenient vector and probing with an adapter probe. If only a small fraction of clones with inserts contain adapter sequences, it is likely that contaminant DNAs have been coamplified with the subtractive cDNA. It is possible to enrich the amplified subtractive cDNA for molecules containing adapter sequences (see Note 18). 16. Size of subtractive cDNA. Subtractive cDNA prepared by the aforementioned classical protocol results in a substantial reduction in the size of first-strand cDNA, independent of any effect of PCR amplification. The reasons for this are poorly understood although thermal degradation during hybridization and some degradation during HAP chromatography may contribute to this result. Ihe size selection of cDNA prior to amplification minimizes PCR selection of very short sequences, and the size selection after amplification further ensures that very short sequences are eliminated. 17. Yields of subtractive cDNA. If there is a theoretical 50-fold enrichment of subtractive cDNAs (Section 3.4.1.), the actual yield of positively selected first-strand cDNA in cDNA:mRNA duplex is several fold lower (e.g., 0.5% instead of 2.0%), because of sequential small losses from adsorption of cDNA to tubes, incomplete precipitation, incomplete recovery of material from HAP and Nensorb chromatography, and so forth. Although the total amount of cDNA should increase during the secondstrand cDNA synthesis step, there may be an additional 90% loss of cDNA (i.e., fragments smaller than approx 200 bp) during the Sepharose 4B chromatography step following the ligation of amplification adapt-

Subtractive cDNA


ers. Thus, there is likely to be as little as l-5ng of cDNA available for the PCR reaction. 18. Enrichment of subtractive cDNAs containing adapter-dTsequences. In addition to oligo(dA)-cellulose selectionof subtractivecDNAs containing oligo(dT) sequences, is possible to use PCR to enrich for subtracit tive cDNAs containing adapter sequences(cf 17): Add dG to the 3 endsof the amplified subtractivecDNA using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase.The dG-tailed subtractivecDNA canthen be amplified with three oligonucleotides: (1) the adapterportion of the adapterdT primer (the adapter-dTi7primer per se does not seemto work as well for this PCR reaction); (2) a secondadaptersequence, including a stretch of 12 dC residuesat its 3 end,in limiting amounts; and (3) the secondadapter sequence(without the 12 dC residues) at a higher level. 19. Screeninglibraries by hybridization with the subtractive cDNA probe. As notedin the introduction, a subtractive cDNA probethat is enriched 50-fold can detect clones containing sequencesrepresenting approx 0.002% of the mRNA sequences a cell. Clonescontaininglarge inserts in are more effectively detected than clones containing smaller inserts. Since subtractivecDNA libraries generally contain smaller inserts (e.g., 400 bp average)than conventional cDNA libraries (e.g., >2 kb), a subtractive probe will detect rare mRNAs more efficiently in a conventional cDNA library than in a subtractive cDNA library. 20. PCR-renewable cDNA to replace mRNA for hybridization. A recent publication (18) describes a method that uses PCR-renewable cDNA for both the parental cDNA and the biotinylated subtractive partner cDNA. lhis approach,which shoulddecrease needfor large amounts the of mRNA, is conceptually similar to the method describedin this chapter. In principle, it could be usedto further select the subtractive cDNA preparedby the method described in this chapter. References
1. Alt, F. W., Kellems, R. E., Bertino, J. R., and Schimke,R. T. (1978) Selective multiplication of dihydrofolate reductasegenesin methotrexate-resistant variant of cultured murine cells. J. Biol. Chem. 163,1357-1370. 2. Timberlake, W. E. (1980) Developmental gene regulation in Aspergillus nidulans. Dev. Biol. 78,497-510. 3. Sargent, T. D. and Dawid, I. B. (1983) Differential gene expression in the gastrula of Xenopus laevis. Science222,135-139. 4. Hedrick, S.M., Cohen,D. I., Nielsen, E. A., andDavis, M. M. (1984) Isolation of cDNA clonesencodingT cell-specific membrane-associated proteins.Nafure

5. Klickstein, L. B. (1987) Production of a subtractive cDNA library, in Current



and Battey

Protocols in Molecular Biology, vol. 1 (Ausubel, F. M., Brent, R., Kingston, R. E., Moore, D. E., Seidman, J. G., Smith, J. A., and Struhl, K., eds.), Wiley, New York, pp. 5.8.6.-5.8.13. 6. Duguid, J. R., Rohwer, R. G., and Seed, B. (1988) Isolation of cDNAs of scrapiemodulated RNAs by subtractive hybridization of a cDNA library. Proc. Narl. Acad. Sci. USA g&5738-5742. 7. Travis, G. H. and Sutcliffe, J. G. (1988) Phenol emulsion-enhanced DNAdriven subtractive cDNA cloning: isolation of low-abundance monkey cortexspecific mRNAs. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 1696-1700. 8. Palazzolo, M. J. and Meyerowitz, E. M. (1987) A family of lambda phage cDNA cloning vectors, lambda SWAJ, allowing the amplification of RNA sequences. Gene 52,197-206. 9. Rubenstein, J. L. R., Brice, A. E. J., Ciaranello, R. D., Denney, D., Porteus, M. H., and Usdin, T. B. (1990) Subtmctive hybridization system using single-stranded phagemids with duectional inserts. Nucleic Actis Res. 18,4833-4842. 10. Batm, S. K., Metzgar, R. S., and Hollingswortb, M. A. (1991) A sunple, effective method for the construction of subtracted cDNA libraries. GATA 8,129-133. 11, Tiiblin, C., Battey, J., and Kuehl, W. M. (1990) Application for PCR technology to subtractive cDNA cloning: identification of genes expressed specititally in murine playmacytoma cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,1587-1593. 12. Wieland, I., Bolger, G., Asouline, G., and Wigler, M. (1990) A method for difference cloning: Gene amplification following subtractive hybridization. Proc. Natl. Acad. SCL USA 87,2720-2724. 13. Britten, R. J., Graham, D. E., and Neufeld, B. R. (1974) Analysis of repeating DNA sequences by reassociation. Methods Enzymol. 29,363-418. 14. Galau, G. A., B&ten, R. J., and Davidson, E. H. (1977) Studies on nucleic acid reassociation kinetics: rate of hybridization of excess RNA with DNA, compared to the rate of DNA renaturation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74,1020-1023. 15. Van Ness, J. and Hahn, W. E. (1982) Physical parameters affecting the rate and completion of RNA driven hybridization of DNA: new measurements relevant to quantitation based on kinetics. Nucleic. Actds Res. 10,8061-8077. 16. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis, T. (1989) Separation of singlestranded and double-stranded DNA by hydroxyapatite chromatography, in Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, vol. 3. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, pp. E.30-E.33. 17. Frohman, M. A., Dush, M. K., and Martin, G. R. (1988) Rapid production of full-length cDNAs from rare transcripts: Amplification using a single genespecific oligonucleotide primer. Proc. Natl. Acad. SCL USA 85,8998-9002. 18. Wang, Z. and Brown, D. D. (1991) A gene expression screen. Proc. Natl. Acad. Ser. USA 88, 11,505-11,509.

CHAPTER 30 PC&Based Full-Length cDNA Cloning Utilizing the Universal-Adaptor/Specific DOS Primer-Pair Strategy
David L. Cooper and Narayana R. Isola

1. Introduction Biological systems are often influenced by molecules that are neither present in vast quantities or easily purified to homogeneity from other cellular constituents. The development of simple, efficient molecular cloning systems coupled with the relative ease of DNA sequence determination has made nucleic acid sequence determination the choice methodology when sequence determination of the complete biological molecule is indicated. However, one bottleneck that impedes direct access to sequence determination is the necessity to screen recombinant libraries containing a large number of clones for the low-abundance member. Advances in protein microsequencing techniques combined with application of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) help simplify this process (1-3). Utilizing only the ZVterminal protein sequence information, we have developed a protocol for the selective amplification and subsequent cloning of specific fulllength cDNAs, which in some instances may circumvent the timeconsuming, tedious process of library screening. This approach, as illustrated in Fig. 1, employs the following steps: 1. First-strand cDNA synthesis initiated by use of a universal primer, which consists of a poly dTr7 track and an adaptor deoxyoligonucleotide sequence that ultimately introduces a directional cloning (4) site into the 3 terminus of the cDNA;
From: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 15: PCR Protocols. Edited by. 6. A. White Copyright Ca 1993 Humana Current Methods and Apphcabons Press Inc., Totowa, NJ



Cooper and Isola


universal-adaptor reverse transcrlption I




ss cDNA

polymerase chain rear&on utllizmg universal-adaptor/ specifk DOS primer pair I amplified cDNA

transfect wtth I DH5 a h ligate t screen by PCR with probe adaptor oligonucleoUde speclllc m+ I 5 RES 4 dideoxy sequenolng of clones DOW 1 %D% SRES I adaptor 2

double restrictlon endonuclease dlgestion 5RES 3RES



W~~~cleotde oligo (dT) , ,


Universal-Adaptor 0 m


for poly(A) contains cloning

mRNA 3 dir&tonal site

adaptor reslrlctlon DOS

oligonucleotlde endonuolease

Specific m m

degenerate oligonucleotide from N-terminal amino 5 dIrectIonal cloning stile restriction


sequence derived sequence


Fig. 1. Cloning strategy for cDNA amplification

of low abundance mRNA.

2. Second-strandsynthesisprimed by annealinga specific deoxyoligonucleotide of limited degeneracythat representsthe most likely codon combinations following reversetranslation (5-7) of a previously determined N-terminal amino sequence; 3. The PCR utilizing the specific degenerateoligonucleotide sequence (DOS) and the unidirectional adaptor(but not the dT17track) as priming sequences amplify the appropriatecDNA sequence;and to

Universal Adaptor/Specific

DOS Primer-Pair Strategy


4. Confirmation of appropriately amplified product is accomplished via a screeningPCR utilizing a secondprobe DOS that is contiguous with the specific DOS (8). This technique originally utilized a poly dT,,GGCC universal primer that ultimately introduced an Xcy I site into one terminus of the cDNA (9). The second-strand cDNA and second PCR primer was a degenerate DOS that contained all possible codon combinations of the ZVterminal amino acid sequence modified by addition of a synthetic Eco Rl linker. Subsequent amplification of cDNA sequence utilitizing this primer pair, although sufficiently effective to recover full-length cDNAs of low-abundance mRNAs, produced varying amounts of nonspecifically primed material when analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Cloning of the specific cDNA via this PCR amplification with the universal/specific primer-pair approach was confirmed by screening with a second probe DOS located internal to the DOS employed to prime the PCR. We have subsequently made three modifications that substantially improve the quality of the amplified product synthesized and the efficacy of the technique. First, the universal primer now contains an additional 18-22 bases of nucleotide sequence in addition to the mRNA-binding oligo (dT1,) track. This adaptorsequenceis designedto match the basepair composition to the N-terminal reverse-translatedDOS. It is constructed when possible to contain an internal rare restriction enzyme site (e.g., Not 1) that functions as a unidirectional cloning site. Secondly, the specific DOS primer is now designed in such a way to accommodate only the most probable nucleotide sequences.Simply, this approachincludes utilization of only the most prevalent two codons of an amino acid, compliance with dinucleotide codon frequencies (IO), and if possible a singular 3 most codon (i.e., methionine, tryptophan) or the most predominant codon of an amino acid (II). The reduction in degeneracy is typically from a primer that previously averaged between 64-fold and 256-fold degenerate to primers currently in use which arerarely above 12- to 16-fold degenerate. This primer usually also contains a 5 synthetic restriction enzyme site(s) to simplify enzymatic manipulation in the subsequent cloning of PCRgeneratedproduct. The third modification replacesscreening of recombinants by colony hybridization with an alternative PCR-based technique. In this approach, the probe DOS is used instead in a second round of PCR to confirm cloned recombinants contain inserts appropriate to the cDNA in question.


Cooper and Isola

Table 1 Codon Utilization in Human Protein-Coding Sequencesa codon % a.a. codon % a.a. codon UUU 0.35 P ecu 0.24 *K AAA WV 0.65 ccc 0.41 AAG CCA 0.24 WA 0.05 CCG 0.11 *D GAU WG 0.09 GAC cw 0.11 T ACU 0.20 cut 0.22 ACC 0.47 *E GAA CUA 0.07 ACA 0.21 GAG CUG 0.46 ACG 0.12 A GCU AUU 0.23 0.31 *C UGU AUC 0.64 GCC 0.40 UGC AUA 0.13 GCA 0.17 GCG 0.12 *W UGG AUG 1.00 *Y UAU 0.47 R CGU UAC 0.53 GW 0.13 CGC GUC 0.27 CGA GUA 0.09 *H CAU 0.42 CGG GUG 0.50 CAC 0.58 AGA AGG ucu 0.17 *Q CAA 0.26 UCC 0.26 CAG 0.74 G GGU UCA 0.11 GGC UCG 0.07 *N AAU 0.34 GGA AGU 0.11 AAC 0.66 GGG AGC 0.29

a.a. *F L

% 0.45 0.55 0.38 0.62 0.40 0.60 0.30 0.70 1.00 0.09 0.19 0.10 0.15 0.24 0.23 0.15 0.44 0.17 0.24

*M V

Ammo acids of limited codon degeneracy are marked by asterisk. Major fractlonal codon utilized by an amino acid are boldfaced and ltalxlzed

2. Materials 2.1. Design of Specific


1. Codon utilization table for appropriate species (e.g., Table 1). 2. Dinucleotide frequency table for appropriate species (e.g., Table 2).

2.2. cDNA Synthesis

and PCR

1. Total RNA or previously selected poly (A+) mRNA. 2. Universal-adaptor deoxyoligonucleotide, and specific DOS primer prepared with an appropriate automated synthesizer (see Notes 1 and 2).

Universal Adaptor / Spec@c DOS Primer-Pair Strategy


Table 2 Optimum Codon Choice Influenced by Dinucleotide Frequencies When Deducing a Probe Sequencefrom Human Amino Acid SequenceData Optimum codon when first nucleotide of next codon is: Amino acid AorCorT G nc Methionine ATG Tryptophan TGG Tyrosine TAC TE Cysteine TGC TGT Glutamine CAG Phenylalanine T-E T-E Aspartic acid GAC GAT Asparagine AAC AAT Histidine CACb CAT GAG nc Glutamic acid Lysine AAG nc Alanine CCC GCT Isoleucine ATC ATT ACC ACA Threonine Valine GTG Proline cccd 4; Glycine GGC rice nc Leucine CTG Arginine CGG nc Serine TCC TCT
Optimum codon is the most frequent codon for all amino acids except arginine and serine. bCAT when followed by C. cGTC when followed by T. kC!A when followed by T. #Examples of cases where the replace C by T rule does not apply when the first nucleotide of the following codon IS G

3. MMLV reversetranscriptase(RT).

4. Annealing buffer: 10 rrQt4 Hepes, pH 6.9,200 mM EDTA. 5. RT buffer: 50 n&f Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 75 rnkf KCL, 5 mM Mg&, 10 rml4 dithiothreitol, and 0.5 mM eachof dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dlTP. 6. Phenol:CHC13:isoamylalchohol (PCIA): 25:25:1. 7. Nu-Clean D-50 spin columns (IBI, New Haven, CT). 8. Themus aquaticus (Tag) DNA polymerase. 9. 10X PCR buffer: 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0 at 25C, 500 mkf KCl, 15 mM MgC12,0.1% gelatin, and 1.0% Triton X-100.

Cooper and Isola

10. 10X dNTP mix (for PCR): 2 mM each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP. 11. Mineral oil. 2.3. Size Selection and Amplijbd DNA Preparation 1. 20X TBE stock: 1M Tris base, 1M boric acid, 20 mM EDTA-disodium. Use 20X stock to prepare 1X TBE buffer. 2. Agarose, 0.8-1.2% (w/v) in 1X TBE buffer. 3. l-cc Tuberculin syringe. 4. Ultrafree-MC filter, 0.45 pm (Millipore, Bedford, MA). 5. 1 mM Tris, pH 7.8,O. 1 n&f EDTA buffer. 6. 3M Sodium acetate, pH 5.5. 7. Absolute ethanol. 8. 10 miWTris-HCl, pH 8.5, 1 WEDTA. 9. Appropriate restriction endonucleases and buffers. 10. PCIA (see item 6 in Section 2.2.). 2.4. Vector Preparation and CZoning 1. Appropriate restriction enzymes and buffers. 2. Supercoiled PBS- (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) or a vector of choice. 3. Nu-Clean DSO spin columns (IBI, New Haven, CT). 4. Calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase and buffer. 5. 500 miW EDTA, pH 8.0. 6. TE buffer: 10 r&f Tris-HCl, pH 7.4,0.1 miWEDTA. 7. PCIA (see item 6 in Section 2.2.). 8. CHC13. 9. T4 DNA ligase and buffer. 10. Ultrapure, sterile water. 11. Transformation competent DHSa E. coli (BRL). 12. LB medium. 13. LB bacterial agar plates containing 100 pg/mL of ampicillin, 0.2 mM IPTG, and 40 pg/mL X-gal (or selection components appropriate for vector used). 14. Ultrafree-MC 30,000 NMWL (Millipore). 15. Horizontal agarase gel electrophoresis apparatus. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.5. Screening Recombinant Clones Probe DOS and universal/adaptor oligodeoxynucleotides. Gel loading buffer. Agarose gel and TBE buffer (see items 1 and 2 in Section 2.3.). Ethidium bromide (10 mg/rnL, store at 4C in dark). Components for dideoxy sequencing.

Universal Adaptor/Specific

DOS Primer-Pair



3. Methods 3.1. Design of Wpecifw DOS Owing to the inherent redundancy of the genetic code, amino acids may be encoded by from one to six codons. Synthesis of DOS primers of limited degeneracy based on reverse translation of protein sequences rich in amino acids with a restricted number of codons (Table 1) is a particularly helpful approach at controlling the loss of specificity characteristic of degenerate probes (10). Further, it has been found that minimal homology requirements for PCR primers in most cases will be successful when limited to the preferred codon usage of the organism (II). Specifically, we utilize the following approach to design our synthetic DOS primers (12). 1, Chooseprimers of length 90 bases.Dependingon amino acid sequence utilized, this length usually varies from between 18 and 25 nucleotides. Generally, the more inherent redundancy in an amino acid sequence, the longer the DOS synthesizedneededto assurespecificity. 2. Attempt to end the oligonucleotide at a Met or Trp residue, since this ensuresthe last three nucleotides will match completely. If this is impossible, synthesize all codons for that amino acid. Often terminating one nucleotide from the most highly degeneratethird nucleotide position is a great help, ensuring the last two nucleotides are homologous. Alternatively, the final nucleotide can be synthesized as a T, since T has a low fidelity of basepairing(i.e., can basepairwith G and C). This ensuresthat the 3-most nucleotide is capable of promoting extension by Tuq polymerase. 3. Utilize, at most, only the two mostfrequentcodonsfor a particular amino acid. Attempt to limit the total degeneracy the oligonucleotideto ~32. of 4. Design your DOS to the amino acid sequencethat is encoded by the lowest possible number of codons from available protein sequenceinformation. 5. Where design of the DOS has led to generationof intercodon C-G dinucleotides,consult the dinucleotidefrequencytable (Table2) as a guide in the selection of optimum codons.The predicted increase in average homology may be small, although in sequences including L.eu,Arg, not or Ser, predicted homology rises significantly (I 0). 6. Designof the probeDOS alsofollows the aforementioned rules. To assure full-length cDNA cloning, the probeDOS sequence derivedfrom amino is acid sequence 3 to the specific DOS region. If this is impossible just owing to ahighly degenerate adjacentaminoacid sequence, adjacent, then further 3 internal amino acid sequence, available,may be utilized. if


Cooper and Isola

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


3.2. cDNA Synthesis and PCR Amplification Utilizing the Scifw DOSlUniversal Adaptor Oligonucleotide Primer Pair Anneal the universal-adaptoroligonucleotide and mRNA (seeNote 3) at an approx 1:1 (w/w) ratio at a mRNA concentration of 0.3 pgIp,L in annealing buffer (typically l-5 pg of each). Heat the annealing mixture to 90C for 2 min and then place immediately in ice water. Perform first-strand cDNA synthesisin a final volume of 25-100 p,L in RT buffer 125-500 U of cloned MMLV reversetranscriptaseand incubate for 60 min at 37C (seeNote 4). Extract the first-strand cDNA reaction with an equal volume of PCIA and apply to a Nu-Clean D-50 spin column (seeNote 5) to remove RT and the universal adaptoroligonucleotide, respectively (see Note 6). Take l-2 pL of the first-strand cDNA, synthesizedand purified free of first-strand primers as earlier, and add directly to a 50-pL (total volume) PCR reaction containing 100 ml4synthetic oligonucleotide primers (adaptor molecule and unique DOS corresponding to iv-terminal amino acid reverse translation product), 5 pL of dNTP mix, 5 pL of 10X PCR buffer and 2 U of Tuq DNA polymerase. Overlay reactions with 50-100 pL of mineral oil to prevent evaporation and amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile (see Notes 7-10): Initially denaturation 95C 4 mitt 25-30 main cycles 95C, 1 min (denaturation) 55C, 1 min (annealing) 72C, 2 min (extension) Final extension 72C, 5 min
and Amplified cDNA Preparation (see Note 11) Resolve the amplified products on a 1% agarosegel in TBE buffer (see Chapter 1) and cut fragments >I kb, or the minimum cDNA coding requirement for the protein of interest, from the gel with a razor blade. Freeze the agaroseblock containing DNA of interest at -20C for 1 h. Quick thaw at 37C for 5 min. Macerate the gel by passagethrough a l-cc tuberculin syringe. Transfer the macerated gel and accompanying liquid into a 0.45~p.m Ultrafree-MC filter cup (Millipore). Cap the tube and centrifuge for 10 min according to manufacturers directions.

3.3. Size Selection

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Universal Adaptor! Specific DOS Primer-Pair



7. Resuspend agarose 200 mL of 1 m&f Tris-HCl, pH 7.8,0.1 mM EDTA in buffer and repeatcentrifugation step.The PCR-generated cDNA is now in the filtrate tube, separatedfrom contaminating gel fragments. 8. Extract the DNA with an equal volume of PCIA (approx 400 pL) and filter through a N&lean D-50 spin column accordingto manufacturers directions (IBI, New Haven, CT). 9. Precipitate the centrifugal membranefiltrate by addition of sodium acetate,pH 5.5, to 0.3Mfollowed by 2 vol of cold 100%ethanol. Incubate on dry ice for 15 ruin, and pellet by centrifugation at 12,OOOg 10 for min in a microcentrifuge, and dissolve PCR product in 10-100 JJL of 10 m&f Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 1 mM EDTA. 10. Generate cloning site by addingan aliquot of the PCR product (typifirst cally 100ng) to 2 ltL of 10X restrictionenzymebuffer, 1 pL of restriction enzymeof choice and sterile Hz0 to a final volume of 20 pL. 11. Incubate at 37C for 1 h. PCIA extract, purify by Nu-Clean D-50 column, and ethanol precipitate the PCR product asjust describedin steps 8 and 9. 12. Repeatthis processfor the secondcloning site if directional cloning is to be attempted. 3.4. Vector Preparation and Cloning 1. Sequentially cleave selected vector, such as M13mp19 or PBS(Stratagene)with the appropriaterestriction endonucleases generate to the directional cloning site. 2. Eliminate the restriction endonuclease fragment by two successiveNuClean D50 spin columns. 3. In a 50-i.4.L reaction containing 10 itg of double-digestedplasmid vector, add 10 U CIAP to remove 5 phosphates.For protruding or flush endsincubate in CIAP buffer at 37OC,or at 60C for recessed5 ends, for 30 min. 4. Stop the reaction by adding 1 pL of 0.5M EDTA at pH 8. Add 100 pL of TE buffer and extract twice with an equal volume of PCIA and twice with CHCls. 5. Ethanol precipitate as describedin step9 in Section 3.4. and resuspend in TE buffer at 0.1 pg/pL. 6. Add together in a 400 pL microcentrifuge tube: 2 pL of supplied 10X ligase buffer, 1 pL (0.1 pg) of the preparedvector, 1 irL of T4 DNA ligase, and the insert DNA at a concentration of four times the molar concentration of the vector. Adjust volume with sterile Hz0 to 20 l.tL, and incubate 4 h to overnight at 14C. 7. Add 0.1 pg of the ligated material to 200 pL of competent DH5a E. coli and incubate on ice for 30 min.


Cooper and Isola

8. Heat shock bacterial cells by incubating the tube in a 42C water bath for 2 min. 9. Add 1 mL of LB medium and grow for 45-60 min at 37C. 10. Spread 50, 100, and 200 pL of these cells with a bent-end glass rod over LB agar plates containing selection components. Allow medium to dry, then invert plates and grow overnight at 37C. 11. Recombinantclonesarevisualized by the appearance white colonies. of 1. 3.5. Screening Recombinant Colonies Touch a micropipet tip to a colony (12) and rinse cells into a 50-pL PCR reaction mixture containing Taq polymerase, dNTPs, 1X PCR buffer (see step 5 in Section 3.2.) and the probe DOS and the adaptor oligonucleotide, each at a final concentrationof 100 ti. Amplify by PCR using 30-35 cycles and the cycle profile described in step 6 in Section 3.2. Remove a lO+L aliquot of the reaction product, and add 5 pL of gel loading buffer. Apply to a 0.8-1.2% agarosegel (w/v) in TBE buffer containing 10 pL of ethidium bromide (10 mg/mL) per 100 mL of gel volume. Electrophorese at 70-100 V until dye front is at least three-quarters down the gel. Following electrophoresis,visualize the product by UV illumination. Prepare single-strandedor double-strandedplasmid DNA from colonies that amplify the appropriatesize insert from the second screening PCR and submit to dideoxy sequencing(seeChapters 13 and 14).

2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

4. Notes 1. Gel purification of the oligonucleotide primers is often of benefit only in reducing nonspecific product if the deoxyoligonucleotide synthesizer is not operating at its optimum coupling efficiency. 2. Design of the adaptor oligonucleotide should incorporate a closely matched G + C content, a rare restriction endonuclease recognition site for directional cloning, andlack of sequence homology with the unique oligonucleotide. Two computer software programs that are extremely useful in designing PCR oligonucleotide primers are OLIGO (National BiosciencesInc., Plymouth, MN) andPrimer Detective (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA). Also, seeChapter 2. 3. Total RNA may be substituted without oligo (dT) cellulose selection when starting material is limiting. 4. Enzyme/buffer systems are available from a number of commercial vendors that allow for the oligo (dT) first-strand cDNA and secondstrandPCR to proceedin one tube.

Universal Adaptor/Specific

DOS Primer-Pair



5. Removal of excess universal-adaptoroligonucleotide may be alternatively accomplished by centrifugal membranefiltration (Ultrafree-MC 30,000 NMWL, Millipore). 6. The product of first-strand cDNA synthesis is extremely stable. We routinely convert rare or difficult-to-prepare mRNA isolations to singlestrandedcDNA for storage. We have successfully amplified specific cDNAs from such preparationsmore than one year later. 7. These are general initial conditions to be tested. Short amplification products, 51 kb, can often be amplified efficiently in 20-30 s if the PCR conditions areoptimized. The optimal number of cycles of amplification is directly related to the number of appropriatetarget template molecules in the reaction. The PCR is so sensitive that even a transcript presentat only 1 copy/cell can be amplified in 25-30 cycles if the mRNA from as little as 3OO,OOO-500,000 are present. cells 8. The nucleotide concentration in the PCR reaction mix is 0.5 mM. This has beenutilized since, occasionally, raising the nucleotide concentration in such a manner has been found to limit the exonucleaseactivity of Tuq polymeraseandimprove the specificity of sequence amplification. 9. It is suggestedto titrate the concentration of oligonucleotide primers necessaryfor efficient amplification of product while limiting nonspecific artifacts. In most instancesoptimal primer concentration will fall between 50 nM and 3 ~JV. Oligonucleotide primers even of minimal degeneracywill sometimes falsely prime numerous transcripts. If possible, redesignyour degenerateoligonucleotide and vary the annealing temperatureaccordingly. Rememberthat minimally 2&25% mismatch between oligonucleotide primer and template can be tolerated. 10. The annealing temperatureasdescribedin Section 3 is empirically derived. The optimum T, for this step may be somewhat lower than predicted from the G + C content of the primer owing to the amount of mismatch between primer and template. Therefore,expect a lower optimum temperatureof annealing from complex primer mixtures. Further, the optimum elongation temperature is similarily reduced if significant mismatch occurs between template and primer and may actually be closer to the annealing temperature than the optimum Tuq polymerase elongation temperature(72C). 11. Prior to proceeding with the cloning strategy outlined it is informative to gel-purify putative products and submit to a second round of PCR with the probe primer. Ultrafree-MC 0.45~pm centrifugal membranes may be used to recover the band of interest. Our laboratory routinely recoversbetween 70 and 95% of DNA cut from such an agaroseblock. Gel purification of appropriate sized products, followed by reamplification will often increasethe cloning of the appropriateproduct by 5-


Cooper and Isola

to IO-fold. Amplifications that do not result in generation of a specific product may be either cloned directly, then screened by conventional oligonucleotide filter hybridization methods utilizing the probe DOS, or by alternative PCR library screening techniques. Occasionally, direct PCR amplification of this heterogeneous product with the probe DOS will result in the production of the appropriate product.

1. Matsudaira, P. (1987) Sequence from picomole quantities of proteins electroblotted onto polyvinylidene difluoride membranes.J. Biol. Chem. 262, 10,035-10,038. 2. Cooper,D. L., Baptist,E. W., Enghild, J., Lee, H., Isola, N. R., andKlintworth, G. K. (1990) Partial amino acid sequencedetermination of Bovine Comeal Protein 54K (BCP54). Curr. Eye Res. 9,781-786. 3. Saiki, R. K., Gelfand, D. H., Stoffel, S., Scharf, S.J., Higuchi, R., Horn, G. T., Mullis, K. B., and Erlich, H. A. (1988) Primer directed enzymaticamplification of DNA with a thermostableDNA polymerase.Science239,487-491. 4. Welsh, J., Liu, J-P., and Efstratiadis, A. (1989) Cloning of PCR-amplified total cDNA: construction of a mouse oocyte cDNA library. Genet.Anal. Techn.
Appl. 7,5-17.

5. Cooper,D. L. and Baptist,E. W. (1991) Degenerateoligonucleotide sequencedirected cross-species PCR cloning of the BCP54/ALDH 3 cDNA: priming from inverted repeats and formation of tandem primer arrays. PCR Method.
Applic. 1,57-62.

6. Lee, C. C., Wu, X., Gibbs, R. A., Cook, R. G., Muzny, D. M., and Caskey,C. T. (1988) Generation of cDNA probes directed by amino acid sequence: cloning of urate oxidase.Science 239,1288-1291. 7. Lee, C. C. and Caskey,C. T. (1989) Generation of cDNA probes by reverse translation of amino acid sequence,in Genetic Engineering: Pnnctples and Methods vol. 11, (Setlow, J. K. ed.), Plenum, New York, pp. 159-170. 8. Isola, N. R., Ham, H.-J., and CooperD. L. (1991) Screeningrecombinant DNA libraries: a rapid and efficient method for isolating cDNA clones utilizing the PCR. BioTechniques 11,580-582. 9. Cooper, D. L. and Isola, N. R. (1990) Full-length cDNA cloning utilizing the polymerase chain reaction, a degenerateoligonucleotide sequenceand a universal mRNA primer. BioTechniques 9,6045. 10. Lathe, R. (1985) Synthetic oligonucleotide probes deduced from amino acid sequence data: theoreticalandpractical considerations. Mol. Biol. 183,1-12. J. 11. Sommer, R. and Tautz D. (1989) Minimal homology requirements for PCR primers. Nucleic Acids Res. 17,6749. 12. Cooper,D. L., Baptist,E. W., Enghild, J. J., Isola, N. R., and Klintworth, G. K. (1991) Bovine comealprotein 54K (BCP54) is ahomologueof the tumor-associated (class3) rat aldehydedehydrogenase (RATALD). Gene98,201-207.



Use of Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primers and the Polymerase Chain Reaction to Clone Gene Family Members
Gregory M. Preston
1. Introduction 1.1, What Are Gene Families? As more and more genes are cloned and sequenced, it is apparent that nearly all genesare related to other genes. Similar genesare grouped into families. Examples of gene families include the collagen, globin, and myosin gene families. There are also gene superfamilies. Gene superfamilies arecomposed of genes that have areas of high homology and areas of high divergence. Examples of gene superfamilies include the oncogenes, homeotic genes, and a newly recognized gene superfamily of transmembrane proteins related to the lens fiber cells major intrinsicprotein, or the MIP gene superfamily (I). In most cases, the different members of a gene family carry out related functions. 1.2. Advantages ofPCR Cloning of Gene Family Members There are several considerations that must be taken into account when determining the advantages of using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify members of a gene family over conventional cloning methods of screening a library with a related cDNA, a degenerate primer, or an antibody. It is recommended that after a clone is obtained by PCR to use this template to isolate the corresponding clone from a
FromMethods in Molecular Biology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols Edited by. B A White Copyright 8 1003 Humana Current Methods and Appkatlons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


N-Terminal Sequence of 28kDa Protein.



B -a

Step $1

b step#2
Fig. 1. Two-step strategy for cloning the 5 end of the CHIP28 gene. Listed on top is the N-terminal amino acid sequence of purified CHIP28 protein (4), with the addition of the initiating methionine (in brackets) deduced from the sequence of the 5 clone, pPCR-2. Oligonucleotide primers are shown as lmes, with arrow heads at their 3-ends, and approximately representing 5 extensions containing restriction enzyme recognition sequences. In step 1, the sequence of the 19 bp separating degenerate primers 28k-A and -B was determined. The sequence was used to make the nondegenerate primer 28k-C. In step 2, a nested anchor amplification was made with primers 28k-B and -C, anchoring with primer hgtl l-L. The 1 IO-bp product obtained contained sequence corresponding to the N-terminal 22 amino acids, the initiating methionme, and 38 bp of S-untranslated sequence.

library, as mutations can often be introduced in PCR cloning. Alternatively, sequencing two or more PCR clones from independent reactions will also meet this objective. The following is a list of some of the advantages of cloning gene family members by PCR. 1. Either one or two degenerate primers can be usedin PCR cloning. When only one of the primers is degenerate, other primer must be homolothe gousto sequences the cloning vector, phagecloning site (Fig. 1, step in 2), or to a synthetic linker sequence(a poly-G tail). The advantageto using only one degenerate primer is that the resulting clones contain all of the genetic sequence down from the primer (be it 5 or 3 sequence). The disadvantageto this anchor PCR approachis that one of the primers is recognized by every gene in the starting material, resulting in single-strandamplification of all sequences. is particularly notable This when attempting to clone genesthat are not abundant in the starting material. This disadvantagecan often be ameliorated in part by using a
nested amplification approach to amplify desired sequences preferen-

tially (seeSection 3.3.). 2. It is possible to carry out a PCR reaction on first-strand cDNAs made from a small amount of RNA and,in theory, from a single cell. Several single-strandedmini-libraries can be rapidly preparedand analyzed

Cloning Gene Family Members by PCR from a number of tissues or cell cultures under different hormonal or differentiation stages.Therefore,PCR cloning can potentially provide information aboutthe timing of expressionof an extremely rare genefamily member, or messengerRNA splicing variants, which may not be presentin a recombinant library. 3. Finally, the time and expenserequired to clone a gene should be considered.Relative to conventional cloning methods,PCR cloning can be more rapid, less expensive, andin somecases,the only feasible cloning strategy. It takes at least 4 d to screen 300,000 plaques from a hgtl0 library. With PCR,an entire library containing 10sindependentrecombinants (-5.4 ng DNA) can be screened one reaction. Again, to ensure in authenticity of your PCR clones, you should either use the initial PCR clone to isolate recombinant clones from a library, or sequenceat least two clones from independentPCR reactions. 1.3. Degenerate Oligonucleotide Theory Because the genetic code is degenerate, primers targeted to particular amino acid sequences must also be degenerate to encode the possible permutations in that sequence. Thus, a primer to a six amino acid sequence with 64 possible permutations can potentially recognize 64 different nucleotide sequences,one of which is to the target gene. If two such primers are used in a PCR reaction, then there are 64 x 64 or 4096 possible permutations. The advantage of using highly degenerate primers such as this is that the target gene will be recognized by a small fraction (l/64) of both primers, and the amplification product from that gene will increase exponentially. The disadvantage is that some of the other 4095 possible permutations are likely to recognize other gene products. This disadvantage can be ameliorated by performing nested amplifications and by using guessmer primer. A guessmer primer is made by considering the preferential codon usage exhibited by many species and tissues (see Sections 3. l.), and therefore does not contain all the possible permutations in the amino acid sequence. 1.4. Codon Usage In particular organisms, certain amino acid codons are preferred and are utilized more often than others (2). For instance, the four codons for alanine begin with GC. In the third position of this codon, G is rarely used in humans (-10.3% of the time) or rats (-8.0%), but often used in E. coli (-35%). This characteristic of codon usage may



be advantageously used when designing degenerate oligonucleotide primers (see Section 3.1.). 1.5. Strategy for Cloning the 5 End of a Red Cell CHIP28 Gene In the Methods section, I describe how degenerate oligonucleotide primers were used to clone the 5 end of a gene that is expressed in the differentiating red blood cell. AcDNA for this 28-kDa protein (CHIP28, CHarmel-forming Integral membrane Protein of M, 28,000) was initially cloned from a human fetal liver hgtl 1 cDNA library, since the liver is the primary erythroid organ in the developing fetus. The protein encoded by this gene had been extensively characterized at a biochemical level and the first 35 amino acids from the N-terminus were determined prior to cloning (3,4). The Methods section has been broken up into four parts. 1. In Section 3.1., the designing of the degenerateoligonucleotide primers is described. 2. In Section 3.2., a PCR amplification with degenerateprimers (Fig. 1, step 1) is describedto determine the authentic nucleotide sequencefor the intervening ammo acids. 3. In Section 3.3., the PCR cloning of the CHIP28 gene5 end is described. Briefly, this was accomplished probing the productsof a nestedanchor by PCR amplification (Fig. 1, step 2) with the degenerate primer 28k-A. 4. Finally in Section 3.4., a brief description of how the 3 end of the CHIP28 gene was cloned is given. 2. Materials 2.1. Design of Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primers No special materials are required here except the amino acid sequences to which the degenerate oligonucleotide primers are going to be designed and a codon usage table (Section 1.2.). A degenerate nucleotide alphabet (Table 1) provides a single-letter designation for any combination of nucleotides. Some investigators have successfully employed mixed primers containing inosine where degeneracy was maximal, assuming inosine is neutral with respect to base pairing, to amplify rare cDNAs using PCR (.5,6). The primers used in this study are listed in Table 2. The degenerate primers 28k-A and B are made complementary to the indicated amino acid sequences. These primers are guessmers, e.g., they do not take

Cloning Gene Family Members

Table 1 The DegenerateNucleotide Alphabet Specification Letter Specification Adenosine C Cytidine Guanosine T Thymidine puRine (A or G) Y pyrimidine (C or T) Keto (G or T) M aMino (A or C) Strong (G or C) W Weak (A or T) Not A (G, C, or T) D Not C (A, G, or T) Not G (A, C, or T) V Not T (A, C, or G) I InosineO fly (A, G, C, or T)


Letter A G R K S B H N

DAlthough inosine is not a true nucleotide, it is included in this degenerate nucleotide list since many researchers have employed inosine containing oligonucleotide pruners in cloning gene family members

Name 28k-A 28k-B 28k-C hgtll-L

Table 2 Olinonucleotide Primers Amino acid sequenceand oligonucleotide sequenceb [Xba I] F W R A V V A E (#g-16) S-cuctagaITC TGGAGG GCCGTS GTS GCNGA-3 (#22-29) FVFI SI G [Clu I] 3-AARCASAARTARWSRTARCCCfugctaat-5 E F L A T T L [Xba I] (#l&22) 3-CTCAAGGACCGGTGCTGGGAGAagurcfcg-5 S-GGTGGCGACGACTCCTGGAGCCCG-3

a The single letter abbreviations of amino acids are listed over the ohgonucleotide sequences. The numbers refer to the amino acid sequence from the N-terminus of purified CHIP28 protein (4) In brackets are the restriction endonuclease sites over the corresponding nucleotide sequence, which are italicized. b Primer 28k-A and 28k-B are degenerate. Refer to Table 1 for a description of the degenerate nucleotide alphabet Nucleotides corresponding to sequences in the CHIP28 gene or hgtll are in caps. Restriction enzyme recognition sequences are italized

into account all possible permutations in the amino acid sequence. For instance, only 256 out of the possible 3456 possible permutations in the amino acid sequence for primer 28k-B are taken into account. The sequence for primer 28k-C was deduced basedon a PCR amplification with primers 28k-A and B (Section 3.2.). Primers B and C are complementary to the noncoding strand. The last primer, hgtl l-L, is complementary to sequences flanking the &a RI cloning site in the left arm



of hgtl 1. It was used for anchor PCR cloning of the 5 end of the red cell CHIP28 cDNA (Section 3.3.). 2.2. PCR Step I: Degenerate Oligonudeotide PCR Cloning a Target DNA Sequence 1. Reagentsand enzymes for the PCR, including Tag DNA polymerase, 10X PCR reaction buffer (Perkin Elmer Cetus, Norwalk, CT), dNTP stock solution (1.25 mM dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dlTP), a programmable thermal cycler machine (available from a number of manufacturers,including Perkin Elmer CetusandMJ Research, Inc.), andmineral oil, essentially as describedin Chapter 1. 2. Degenerateoligonucleotide primers 28k-A and 28k-B (Table 2) at 20 pmol/pL in double-distilled 0.2 pm-filtered water (DDW) that hasbeen autoclaved The primers you choosewill correspondto your amino acid sequence(see Sections 2.1. and 3.1.). 3. Heat denaturedhuman fetal liver cDNA library DNA. The DNA template you use will dependon the available starting material. The DNA is heat-denaturedat 99C for 10 min and stored at 4C or -20C. 4. 7.5M Ammonium acetate,for precipitation of DNA. Ammonium acetate is preferred over sodium acetatebecauseit inefficiently precipitates nucleotides and primers. Dissolve in DDW and filter through 0.2~pmmembrane. 5. 100%Ethanol, stored at -2OOC. 6. 70% Ethanol at room temperature. 7. Restriction endonucleases I and Cla I. The enzymes you use will Xba correspond to the sequencesincorporated at the ends of your primers (Section 3.1.). 8. PC9: See Note 1. Mix equal volumes of buffer-saturatedphenol (pH > 7.2) and chloroform; extract twice with an equal volume of 100 mA4 Tris-HCl, pH 9.0. Separatephasesby centrifugation at room temperature for 5 min at 2OOOg. Store at 4C or -20C for up to 1 mo. Use polypropylene or glass tubes for preparation and storageonly. Do not use polystyrene tubes. Buffer-saturated phenol is prepared using ultrapure redistilled crystalline phenol as recommendedby the supplier (Gibco BRL, Gaithersburg,MD, product #5509). 9. 5X TBE: 0.45M Tris-HCl, pH 8.15, 0.45M boric acid, 10 mM EDTA. Dissolve in DDW and filter through 0.2~pm membrane.Store at room temperature. 10. Acrylamide gel apparatus. 11. 30% Acrylamide: See Note 1. Prepare200 mL by dissolving 58 g of acrylamideplus 2 g of N,N-methylenebisacrylamidein 150mL of DDW.

Cloning Gene Family Members


Heat at 37C and stir to dissolve. Adjust volume to 200 mL and filter into a dark bottle through Whatman No.1 paper. Store at 4C. The pH should be 17.0; check before eachuse. 12. 10% AP: Dissolve 0.1 g of ammonium persulfate in 1 mL DDW, Store for up to 1 wk at 4C. 13. TEMED. 14. Hue III digested $X174 DNA markers (Gibco BRL #5611SA). 15. 6X Gel loading buffer (GLOB): 0.25% bromophenolblue, 0.25% xylene cyan01PP, 30% glycerol in DDW. Store up to 4 mo at 4C. 16. EtBr: SeeNote 1. Prepare10mg/mL stock of ethidium bromide in DDW and store at 4C in a brown or foil-wrapped bottle. Use at 0.5-2.0 pg/ mL in DDW for staining nucleic acids in acrylamide and agarosegels. 17. l-cc syringe barrels and plungers, 18. Siliconized glass wool. 19. Elution buffer: 0.5M ammonium acetate,10 mM magnesiumacetate,2 mM EDTA, 0.05% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Preparefresh from stock solutions of 7.5M ammonium acetate,0.5M magnesium acetate, 200 rnM EDTA, and 10% SDS. 20. TE: 10 m.M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA. Dissolve in DDW and filter through 0.2~pm membrane.Store at room temperature. 21. pBLUESCRIPT II phagemid vector (Stratagene, Jolla, CA). A numLa ber of comparable bacterial expression vectors are available from several companies. 22. T4 DNA Ligase (1 U&L) and5X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer (Gibco BRL). 23. Competent DH5a bacteria. This can be prepared(7) or purchasedfrom a number of companies. 24. SOB media. Prepare from 20 g of bacto-tryptone, 5 g of bacto-yeast extract, and0.5 g of NaCl dissolvedin 950 mL DDW. Add 5 mL of 0.5M KCl. Adjust pH to 7.0 with NaOH. Adjust volume to 1000mL with DDW and sterilize by autoclavingfor 20 min at 115 lb/sq in. on liquid cycle. 25. SOB-Carb50 Plates. Prepareby adding 15 g of bacto-agarto 1000 mL SOB media prior to autoclaving. Add a stirring bar and sterilize by autoclaving 20 min on the liquid cycle. Gently swirl the media upon removing it from the autoclave to distribute the melted agar.Be careful: the fluid may be superheated may boil over when swirled. Place and the media on a stirrer and allow it to cool to 50C. Add 1 mL of Carbenicillin (or ampicillin; 50 mg/mL in DDW, 0.2 pm filtered, store in 1-mL aliquots at -2OC), swirl to distribute, and pour 25-35 mL/90mm plate. Carefully flame the surfaceof the media with a bunsenburner to remove air bubbles before the agarhardens. 26. IPTG. Dissolve 1 g of isopropylthiogalactoside in 4 mL of DDW, filter through 0.2~pmmembrane, and store in aliquots at -20C.



27. X-Gal. Dissolve 100 mg of 5-bromo4-chloro-$indolyl-P-D-galactopyranoside in 5 mL of dimethylformamide and stored at -2OOC. 28. Plasmid DNA isolation kit, such as the QIAGEN>Plasmid<mini Kit (QIAGEN, Chatsworth, CA, #12123). These kits contain all reagent and instructions for plasmid DNA isolation form a small (l-5 mL) culture of bacteria. 29. DNA sequencingsuppliesor accessto a DNA sequencingcore facility. 2.3. PCR Step II: Anchor PCR to Clone the 5 End of-the CHIP28 Gene 1. From Section 2.2., items 1, 3-6, 8-16, and 20-29. 2. Degenerate primer 28k-B, and nondegenerate primers 28k-C andhgtl lL (Table 2) at 20 pmol/pL in DDW that has been autoclaved. 3. Restriction enzymes Xba I and Ecu RI. 4. Microfilter spin units (Millipore Ultrafree-MC #UFC3LTK, 30,000molwt cut-off). SeeNote 2. 5. NEN Colony/plaque screendisc (Dupont, Boston, MA). 6. T4 Polynucleotide Kinase (T4 PNK; 20-50 U/pL). 7. 10X T4 PNK reactionbuffer: 0.5M Tris-HCI, pH 7.6, 100mM MgC12, 50 mM dithiothreitol, 1 mM spermidineHCl, 1 mM EDTA. Preparefresh. 8. [Y-~~P]ATP(specific activity -5000 Ci/mmol; 10 mCi/mL). 9. Glycogen (1 mg/mL), storedin small aliquots at -20C. 10. 80% Ethanol, stored at -20C. 11. 20X SSC: 3M NaCl, 0.3M sodium citrate, pH 7.0. Preparein DDW and filter through 0.2~pmmembrane. Store at room temperature. 12. 10% SDS. Prepare from 10 g of ultrapure SDS dissolved in 100 mL DDW at 37C. Store at room temperature. 13. 0.5N NaOH. Preparefresh in DDW. 14. 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5. Preparein DDW and filter through 0.2~pmmembrane.Store at room temperature. 15. Colony wash solution: 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS. For 200 mL, use 178 mL of DDW, 20 mL of 20X SSC, and 2 mL of 10% SDS. 16. 50X Denhardts solution: 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA), 1% polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), 1% Ficoll. Preparein DDW, 0.2~pm filter, and store in lo- to 20-mL aliquots at -2OOC. 17. Prehybridization solution: 6X SSC, 5X Denhardts, 0.1% SDS. For 25 mL, use 14.75 mL of DDW, 7.5 mL of 20X SSC, 2.5 mL of 50X Denhardts, and 250 ltL of 10% SDS. 18. Hybridization solution: same as the prehybridization solution, except without the SDS, and with 0.5-5.0 x 106dpm/mL end-labeledprimer (110 ng/mL). 19. Heat-seal bags.

Cloning Gene Family Members 3. Methods


3.1. Design of Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primers 1. The first step in designing a degenerateprimer is to write down the amino acid sequence, followed by the potential nucleotide sequence(or the complement of this sequencefor a downstream primer), considering all possiblepermutations.For the amino acid sequenceLa-de-GlyGlu, the degenerate nucleotide sequence (see Table 1) would be S-YTN-ATH-GGN-GAR-3. If the amino acid sequenceis relatively long, you can potentially design two or more degenerateprimers. If only one is made,makeit to sequences a high GC content,as these with primerscanbe annealed undermore stringentconditions(e.g.,highertemperatures). 2. The next stepis to determinethe numberof permutationsin the deduced nucleotide sequence.There are 192 permutations [(2 x 4) x 3 x 4 x 2)] in the sequence5-YTN-ATH-GGN-GAR-3. We can reducethe degeneracy by making educatedguessesin the nucleotide sequence,i.e., by making a guessmer.The 3 end of a primer should contain all possible permutations in the amino acid sequence,since Tuq DNA polymerase will not extend a prime with a mismatch at the extending (3) end. If the primer wasto a humangene,a potential guessmer would beS-CTB-ATYGGN-GAR-3, which only contains 64 permutations. This guessmeris proposed by taking into account the preferential codon usage for leutine and isoleucine in humans (2). 3. The degeneracyof a primer can be reduced further by incorporating inosine residuesin the place of N. This would result in the sequence5CTB-ATY-GGI-GAR-3, which contains only 12 permutations. The advantages using inosine-containing of primers is that they havea reduced number of permutations, andthe inosine presumably basepairs equally well with all four nucleotides, creating a single bond in all cases.The disadvantageis that inosines reduce the annealing temperature of the primer. Inosine-containingprimers were thereforenot usedin this study. 4. It is often convenientto incorporaterestriction endonuclease at the sites 5 ends of a primer to facilitate cloning into plasmid vectors. Different restriction sitescan be addedto the 5 endsof different primers so the products can be cloned directionally. However, not all restriction enzymes can recognize cognatesites at the endsof a double-strandedDNA molecule equally well (seeChapters2 and 22). This difficulty can be ameliorated by adding a two to four nucleotide 5 overhang before the beginning of the restriction enzyme site (see also Note 3). The best restriction enzymes sites to use areEco RI, Bum HI, and Xba I. Recent New England Biolabs Inc. (Beverly, MA) catalogs have a list of the



ability of different restriction enzymes to recognize short nucleotide sequences. potential pitfall of this approachwould be the occurrence A of the samerestriction site witbin the amplified product as used on the end of one of the primers. Thereforeonly part of the amplified product would be cloned. 5. The final consideration you should make is the identity of the 3-most nucleotide. The nucleotide on the 3 end of a primer should not be N, I, or T, and preferably be G or C. The reason for this is that tbymidine (and supposedly inosine) can nonspecifically prime on any sequence. Guanosinesand cytidine arepreferredsince they form three H-bonds at the end of the primer, a degreestrongerthan an A:T basepair. 3.2. PCR Step I: Degenerate Oligonucleotide PCR CZoning a Target DNA Sequence The first step in cloning the CHIP28 gene was to determine the nucleotide sequence between the degenerate primers, 28k-A and B (Fig. 1, step 1). The template for these reactions was a human fetal liver library inhgtll. When first amplified, the titer of this library was 5 x log PFU/mL. A 5-p,L aliquot would therefore contain -2.5 x 10 PFU, or -1.5 ng of DNA. Prior to PCR amplification, the DNA was heat denatured at 99OC for 10 min. I have found no significant difference in the FCR amplification of crude phage lysates and DNA isolated from the bacteriophage capsids. In all cases, nonrecombinant h DNA is also PCR amplified with the same primers as a negative control. 3.2.1. PCR Reaction (see Notes 4 and 5) 1. Pipet into 0.5-mL microcentrifuge tubes in the following order: a. 58.5 pL of autoclaved DDW b. 5.0 p.L of heat denaturedlibrary DNA c. 5.0 pL of Primer 28k-A d. 5.0 pL of Primer 28k-B e. 10 p.L of 10X PCR reaction buffer f. 16 l.tL of 1.25 mM dNTP stock solution g. 0.5 pL of Amplitaq DNA polymerase (Perkin Elmer Cetus). If severalreactions are being set up concurrently, a master reaction mix can be made up, consisting of all the reagentsused in all of the reactions, such as the DDW, primers, reaction buffer, dNTPs, and the polymerase. This reaction mix should be addedlast. 2. Briefly vortex each sample, and spin for 10 s in a microfuge. 3. Overlay each sample with 2-3 drops of mineral oil.

Cloning Gene Family Members


4. Amplify using the following cycle profile. 24 main cycles 94C, 60 s (denaturation) SOOC, s (annealing; see Note 6) 90 72OC,60 s (extension) Final extension 72C, 4 min 10C (hold) 5. Remove the reaction tubes from the thermal cycler and add 200 pL of CHC13.Spin for 10 s in a microfuge to separateoil-CHC13 layer from the aqueouslayer. 6. Carefully transfer the aqueouslayer to a clean microfuge tube. If any of the oil-CHC& layer is also transferred,it must be removed by extracting the sampleagain with another 100 pL CHC13. 7. If performing a nestedanchor PCR amplification (as in Section 3.3.), it is necessaryto remove all primers from the primary PCR reaction first. If this applies to your experiment, see Note 2 at this time. Otherwise continue. 8. Set up four secondaryPCR amplifications with IO-pL aliquots of the first reactions,using the sameprocedureand cycling parameters.Again extract all of the sampleswith CHC13to get rid of the oil, and pool all four reactions into a 1.5mL microfuge tube. 1. 2. 3.2.2. DNA Recovery and Restriction Enzyme Digestion Add 150 uL of 7.5M ammonium acetate(50% vol) to 300 uL of the PCR reaction. Vortex briefly to mix. Precipitate the DNA with 1 mL of 100% ethanol, vortex the samples for 5-10 s and ice for 15 min. Spin down the DNA at 12,000gfor 10min at 4C in a microfuge. Decant the aqueouswaste. Add 500 pL of 70% ethanol. Vortex briefly and spin another5 min at 4C. Decant the ethanol and allow the pellets to dry inverted at room temperature,or dry in a SpeedVac(Savant Instruments, Inc., Farmingdale, NY) for 2-10 min. The DNA pellets are resuspendedin 100 pL of DDW. This DNA is then digested with 100 U of the restriction enzymes Xba I and Cla I. The enzymes you use will correspondto the restriction sites incorporated at the ends of your primers. Add 115 pL of DDW, 90 pL of the PCR-amplified DNA, 25 pL of 10X restriction enzyme reaction buffer, 10 pL of Xba I(10 U&L), and 10 p.L of Cla I(10 U&L). Incubate at 37C for 3 h. Extract the DNA with 250 pL of PC9.Vortex for 15s andspin at 12,OOOg for 2 min at room temperature. Transfer the aqueousphaseto a clean 1.5-mL microfuge tube. Add 125 pL of 7.5M ammonium acetate,and vortex briefly to mix.


4. 5.

6. Precipitate the DNA with 800 pL of 100% ethanol. Vortex the samples for 5-10 s and ice for 15 min. Repeat step 2 in this section and resuspend the DNA in 10-20 pL of DDW.

In the next two sections, the PCR amplified DNA is run on a polyacrylamide gel for the optimal separation of PCR product sizes, followed by the elution of specific sized PCR products from that gel. If you do not know the expected size of your target sequence, an alternate approach will have to be devised. If your amplified product is expected to be greater that 400 bp, you could run the PCR products on an agarose gel and GeneClean (Bio 101, Inc., La Jolla, CA) or electroelute the DNA of the expected size (see Notes 2 and 7). 3.2.3. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
1. Run the PCR products on a 15% polyacrylamide gel (19: 1 acrylamide/ his) in 1X TBE. Prepare this gel by adding 11.6 mL of DDW, 20 mL of 30% acrylamide, and 8 mL of 5X TBE to a vacuum flask. The polymerization of the acrylamide is catalyzed by adding 320 l.tL of 10% AP and 50 pL of Temed. Quickly pour the solution between the glass plates and insert the comb. When polymerization is complete, carefully remove the comb and wash the wells out with 1X TBE. 2. Prepare the samples for electrophoresis by adding 1 PL of 6X GLOB to every 5 pL of sample. In one tube, add 1 pL of Hrre III-digested $X 174 DNA, 9 p.L of DDW, and 2 pL of 6X GLOB. 3. Prerun the gel at 100 V for 5-15 min. Load the samples and run at 100 V until the bromophenol blue dye is at the bottom of the gel. 4. Turn the power off, remove the glass plate-gel sandwich, and separate the glass plates. Notch one corner of the gel for orientation purposes and transfer the gel into a tank containing 200-500 mL of DDW. Add EtBr to 1 l&/ml and gently shake at room temperature for 5-15 min to stain the DNA. Photograph the gel under a UV lamp.

3.2.4. Crush and Soak Extraction of DNA from Polyacrylamide Gels

1. Excise the products in the EtBr-stained gel from about 7&90 bp with a clean razor blade. Transfer the gel slice into a microfuge tube that has been weighed. Reweigh the tube to determine the weight of the gel. 2. Crush the gel with a pipet tip and add 2 vols of elution buffer (300 l.tL of buffer to 150 mg of gel). Close the tube, wrap the top with parafllm, and shake at 37C for 2 h on a shaker platform. Using a large pipet tip, pipet the suspension up and down to help break up the acrylamide gel.

Incubate anotherhour at 37C with rapid shaking.

Cloning Gene Family Members


3. Transfer the entire suspensioninto a l-cc syringe barrel containing a siliconized glass wool plug. Slowly pass the supernatantthrough the column by pushing with the syringe plunger, collecting the supernatant into a clean microfuge tube. 4. Add an additional 200 pL of elution buffer (at 37C) to the top of the column and passit through the column to wash off any remaining DNA. 5. Precipitatethe DNA by adding2 vol of 100%ethanol,vortex the samples for 5-10 s and ice for 60 min. Spin down the DNA at 12,000gfor 15 min at 4C. Decant the aqueouswaste and allow the pellets to dry inverted at room temperature,or dry in a SpeedVacfor 2-10 min. 6. Resuspendthe DNA in 100 FL of TB plus 50 pL of 7.5M AmAc, and precipitate with 350 pL of 100%ethanol asjust described in step 5. 7. Resuspendthe DNA in 10 l.tL of DDW. 3.2.5. DNA Ligation, Bacterial Transformation, Plusmid DNA Minipreps, and DNA Sequencing 1. Digest 1 pg of pBluescript II KS phagemid vector DNA (Stratagene) with 10 U of Cla I and Xba I in a 50-pL vol. Incubate at 37C for 2 h. Extract once with 50 pL of PC9. Vortex 15 s, and spin 2 min at 12,000g in a microfuge. 2. Transfer the aqueousphaseto a clean tube, add 25 pL of 7.5M ammonium acetate,vortex 5 s, and precipitate with 200 pL of 100% ethanol. After 15 min on ice, collect the DNA by centrifugation at 12,OOOg for 10 min at 4C. 3. Decant and wash the pellet in 200 pL of 70% ethanol, vortex briefly, and spin another 5 min at 4C. After drying the pellets, resuspendthe DNA in 10 pL DDW. 4. Set up the ligation reactions on ice with the XbdClu-digested vector and insert as follows: Reaction 1: 1 j.tL vector (100 ng; vector control) Reaction 2: 1 pL vector + 1 p.L insert Reaction 3: 1 pL vector + 4 pL insert 5. Add 2 p.L of 5X T4 DNA ligase buffer and DDW to 9.5 pL. Add 0.5 pL of T4 DNA Ligase, gently vortex, and spin 5 s in a microfuge. 6. Incubate at 14OC 4-20 h. Stop the reaction with an equal volume of for TE and store the samples at -20C. 7. Set up a bacterial transformation with competent DHSa bacteria, or a comparable strain of bacteria. Be sure to include a positive control (10 ng undigestedvector DNA) and a negative control (DDW). To 1.5~mL microfuge tubes, add half of the ligation mix (10 PL) or 10 i.tL of control DNA or DDW, and 100 pL of competent bacteria (thawed slowly on ice), and incubate on ice for 45 min. Heat shock at 37C for 3 min.



Return to room temperaturefor 2 min. Add 400 i.tL of SOB media containing 10% glycerol. Mix end-over-endand allow bacteria to recover and expressthe ampicillin resistancegene by growing at 37C for 1 h. 8. Prewarm SOB-Carb50 plates at 37C for 45 min. About 30 min before plating the bacteriaon the plates,add 40 pL of X-Gal and 4 @ of IPTG, and quickly spread over the entire surface of the plate using a sterile glass spreader.Spread 20-200 ~.LL the transformation reactions on of these plates. Allow the inoculum to absorb into the agar and incubate the plates inverted at 37C for 12-24 h. Afterwards, placing the plates at 4C for 2-4 h will help enhancethe blue color development. 9. Colonies that contain active P-galactosidasewill appearblue, whereas those containing a disrupted LacZ gene will be white. Set up minipreparations of plasmid DNA by inoculating 2 mL of SOB media, containing ampicillin (or carbenicillin) at 50 pg/mL, with 12-24 individual white colonies. After growing at 37C overnight, isolate the plasmid DNA using a QIAGEN plasmid mini kit (or anotheravailable kit). Resuspendthe DNA in 50 pL of DDW. 10. Digest 20 pL of the DNA with Xba I and Cla I, PC9 extract, and ethanol precipitate as describedin Section 3.2.2. Run the digestedDNA on a 15% polyacrylamide gel along with Hue III digested $X174 DNA markers, as describedin Section 3.2.3. Perform double-strandedDNA sequencingon the recombinants containing an insert of about the correct size. One out of five of my clones (pPCR-1) contained an insert correspondingto the intervening amino acids, FLATTL. A nondegenerate antisenseprimer, 28k-C, was then made corresponding to this sequence(Fig. 1, step 2; Table 2) for anchor PCR cloning the 5 end of the CHIP28 gene. 3.3. PCR Step II: Anchored PCR to Clone the 5End of the CHIP28 Gene 3.3.1. PCR Reaction I SeeNotes4 and 5. As in Section 3.2., nonrecombinant h DNAis also PCR amplified with the same primers as a negative control. The first step in cloning the 5 end of the CHIP28 gene was to perform an anchored PCR reaction with primers 28k-B and hgtll-L. A second set of reactions was performed using primer 28k-B and an oligo to the right arm of hgtll. However, Southern blot analysis, probing with primer 28k-A, suggested only a single product in the hgtl l-L primed reaction and nothing in the hgtl l-R reaction. The first PCR reaction with the degenerate primer 28k-B was included to enrich for PCR products corresponding to the CHIP28 gene.

Cloning Gene Family Members


1. Pipet into OS-mL microcentrifuge tubes in the following order: a. 53.5 p.L of DDW that has been autoclaved b. 10 pL of heat-denaturedlibrary DNA c. 5.0 pL of Primer 28k-B d. 5.0 pL of Primer hgtll-L e. 10 PL of 10X PCR reaction buffer f. 16 pL of 1.25 rnA4dNTP stock solution g. 0.5 j.tL of Amplitaq DNA polymerase. 2. Briefly vortex each sample, then spin for 10 s in a microfuge. 3. Overlay each sample with 2-3 drops of mineral oil. 4. Amplify using the following cycle profile: 31 main cycles 94C, 60 s (denaturation) 54OC,60 s (annealing; see Note 6) 72C 60 s (extension) 72C, 4 min Final extension 10C (hold) 5. Remove the reaction tubes from the thermal cycler and add 200 uL of CHC13.Spin for 10 s in a microfuge to separateoil-CHC13 layer from the aqueouslayer. 6. Carefully transfer the aqueouslayer to a clean microfuge tube. If any of the oil-CHC13 layer is also transferred,it must be removed by extracting the sampleagain with another 100 uL of CHC13. 7. To remove all unincorporatednucleotldesand primers, spin the sample through a microfilter spin unit (e.g., Millipore, Bedford, MA, Ultrafree MC), asrecommended the manufacturer. DNA will remain on top by The of the membrane, whereas nucleotidesandprimes will passthrough.Wash the sample with an additional 400 pL of TE and respin to concentrate. Repeatwashonemore time. Add TE to the remaining sampleto bring the final volume of retainedfluid to 50 pL. Transferto a clean sterile tube. 3.3.2. PCR Reaction II Repeat steps l-6 from Section 3.3.1. except in step 1, amplify a 5PL aliquot of the primary PCR reaction using primers 28k-C and hgtl l-L. 3.3.3. Restriction Enzyme Digestion and DNA Clean- Up 1. Digest the secondaryPCR reactionwith 100U of the restrictionenzymes Eco RI (recognition site in the phage)and Xba I. The enzymes you use will correspondto the restriction sites incorporated at the ends of your primers and the starting material. Assemble the reaction consisting of 115pL of DDW, 90 pL of the PCR amplified DNA, 25 pL of 10X restriction enzyme reaction buffer, 10 pL of Xba I (10 U/uL), and 10 uL of Eco RI (10 U&L). Incubate at 37OC 3 h. for



2. Removethe low-mol-wt oligonucleotides, nucleotides,andPCR restriction ends by diluting the sample with 500 pL of TE buffer and concentrating in a microfilter spin unit (Millipore, Ultrafree MC). After concentrating, wash the sample four times with 300 p.L of TE. 3. Adjust the volume of the sampleon the top of the mlcrofllter spin membrane to 100 i.tL and transfer it to a clean mlcrofuge tube. Extract the DNA with 100 pL of PC9. Vortex for 15 s. Spin at 12,000gfor 2 min at room temperature. Transferthe aqueousphaseto a clean mlcrofuge tube. 4. Add 50 pL of 7.5M ammonium acetate,vortex, and precipitatewith 350 p.Lof 100%ethanol.After 15 mln on ice, spin down the DNA at 12,000g for 10 mln at 4C in a mlcrofuge. Decantthe aqueous waste.Add 300 pL 70% ethanol. Vortex briefly and spin another5 min at 4C. Decant the ethanolandallow thepellets to dry inverted atroom temperature, dry in or a SpcedVacfor 2-10 min. Resuspend DNA in 10 pL DDW. the 3.3.4. DNA Ligation and Bacterial Transformation Since the size of the 5 end of the gene is not known, the entire sample is ligated into pBluescript II phagemid vector (Stratagene), transformed into DHSacompetent bacteria, and plated on SOB-CarbSO plates as described in steps l-8 in Section 3.25, with the exception that the vector is digested with Eco RI and Xba I. To enrich for the identification of recombinants containing an insert of interest, bacterial colony lifts are made on plates containing loO400 colonies, and probed with 32P-end-labeled nonoverlapping degenerateprimers. In the next two sections, the protocols for 32P-end-labeling of oligonucleotide primers and bacterial colony lift/hybridization are described. 3.3.5. End-Labeling Oligonucleotide Primers with T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 1. Set up a reaction in a 1.5-mL microfuge tube as follows (at room temperature): Primer 28k-A (or your primer) 1.Op.L (15-30 pmol) 10X T4PNK reaction buffer 2.0 /.lL DDW (autoclaved) 11.0 pL [Y-~*P]ATP (5000 Ci/mmol; 10 mCi/mL) 5.0 jrL (10 pmol) T4 Polynucleotide Klnase 1.0 uL (10 U&L) Gently vortex and spin 10 s in microfuge. Incubate the reaction at 37C for 45 min. SeeNote 8.

Cloning Gene Family Members


2. Terminate the reaction by heat inactivation of the enzyme at 68OCfor 10 min. 3. Add 2 pL of glycogen (1 mg/mL), 3 pL of TE buffer, and 50 pL of 7.5M ammonium acetate.Vortex 5 s and spin 10 s. Remove 1 pL into 99 pL of TE buffer for determining the percent incorporation of 32P into the primer and for calculating the specific activity. Set this tube aside. 4. Precipitate the primers with 185 pL of 100%ethanol. Vortex 10 s and ice for 30 min. Spin down the primers by centrifugation at 12,000gfor 30 min at 4C. Carefully transfer the radioactive aqueouswaste into appropriatecontainersusing disposablepipet tips. 5. Add 400 uL of 80% ethanol. Vortex briefly and spin another 10 min at 4C. Decant the radioactive wash. If desired,repeat 80% ethanol wash once more, and allow the pellets to dry inverted at room temperature behind a plexiglass screen. 6. Dissolve the radioactive primers in 75 uL of DDW. Remove 1 uL into 99 uL of TH for percent incorporation and specific activity calculations. Store the labeled primers at -20C and use within 7 d. 7. Determine the percentincorporation and specific activity of the primer by counting 10 uL of the pre- and postprecipitation aliquots in a scintillation counter. 1. 3.3.6. Bacterial Colony Lift-Hybridizations Lift colonies from plates containing 100~00 bacterial colonies onto NEN colony/plaquescreendisc (Dupont) asrecommendedby the manufacturer with the following modifications. Denature and neutralize the colonies on Whatman 3MM paper that has beensaturatedwith the appropriate solutions. Before prehybridization, wash the filters in 2X SSC, 0.1% SDS at 37C (25-100 mUfilter), andgently rub the filters with a Kimwipe soakedin this solution to remove bacterial debris. After 20 min, add fresh SSC/ SDS solution and incubate for 2 h at 55C. Blot dry the filters, transfer them into heat-sealbags,and prehybridized at 65C for 2-4 h in prehybridization solution (2-5 ml/filter). Remove the prehybridization solution and add equivalent volume of the hybridization solution containing 3.7 x lo7 cpm/mL of 32P-endlabeled 28k-A. Hybridize overnight at 45C. The hybridization solution can be saved for future uses.Wash the Illters in 6X SSC, 0.1% SDS (25-100 mUfilter) for 30 min with increasing temperature. final washwasat 65OC. increasingthetemperature The By and decreasingthe salt concentration,,the stringency will increase.You will have to determinetheoptimal conditions for every primer employed.


3. 4. 5.



I have washedcolony lifts with a 25mer primer (with a high GC content) at 50C in 1X SSC and was able to detectpreferentially hybridizing colonies with a 6-h exposure. 3.3.7. Plasmid DNA Minipreps, Restriction Enzyme Digestion, and DNA Sequencing 1. Set up minipreparations of plasmid DNA by inoculating 2 mL of SOB media, containing ampicillin (or carbenicillin) at 50 @mL, on 12-24 individual white colonies that correspondto colonies that preferentially hybridize with the 3*-labeled primer. After growing at 37C overnight, isolate the plasmid DNA. Resuspendthe DNA in 50 uL of DDW. 2. Digest 10 ltL of the DNA with Xba I and Eco RI, PC9 extract, and ethanol precipitate asdescribedin Section 3.2.2.Run the digestedDNA on a 15% polyacrylamide gel along with Hcle III-digested $X174 DNA markers, as describedin Section 3.2.3. 3. Perform double-stranded DNA sequencingon recombinantscontaining different sizesof inserts. In this experiment, the insert sizesrangedfrom about60-1200 bp. A plasmid with a 118-bpinsert containeda nucleotide sequence corresponding the first 22 amino acidsfrom theN-terminus of to purified CHIP28 protein, proceededby an initiating methionine and 38 bp of 5-untranslatednucleotides. The sequencearound the initiating metbionine agreedwell with the consensusfor translational initiation as determined by Kozak (8). The clone was namedpPCR-2. 3.4. PCR Step III: Anchor PCR to Clone the 3End of the CHIP28 Gene Briefly, the rest of the CHIP28 cDNA was cloned by designing partially overlapping sense primers to this 5 region, and performing another nested anchor amplification of the DNA in the human fetal liver library, this time anchoring with a primer complementary to the right arm of hgtl 1. Between sequential amplifications, a GeneClean purification step was performed (see Note 2) to remove unincorporated primers, nucleotides, and small amplification products. The amplified DNA was run on a 2.6% agarose gel in 1X TAE (7), stained with ethidium bromide, and transferred to nylon by alkaline transfer essentially as described elsewhere (9). Asingle 850-bp product hybridized with 32P-labeledprimer 28k-C. This product (pPCR-3) was cloned and sequenced,and used to screen an adult human bone marrow library for full-length recombinants (10).

Cloning Gene Family Members


4. Notes 1. Carcinogens cautions. Contact your hazardous waste department for proper disposal proceduresin your area. 2. After a PCR reaction, it is often advantageousto remove the unincorporated nucleotides and primers from the reaction. This step is essential when performing a nested PCR amplification. I have used two different methods to purify PCR products. Spin dialysis columns are ideal for purifying PCR products from 50-500 bp in length, and larger. These columns are available from a number of manufacturers (e.g., Millipore and Centricon). I prefer Millipore Ultrafree MC micro filter units (30,000 mol-wt cut-off) becauseof the convenienceof being able to spin the samples in a tabletop microfuge. Spin columns will also work with PCR products>500 bp, but for severalreasons,I would recommend using the GeneCleanII kit (Bio 101 Inc.) for these applications. The Glassmilk suspension thesekits will bind to DNA molecules in ~500 bp, but binds poorly to smaller molecules. Therefore,smaller PCR products can be effectively removed. This kit is also useful for gelpurifying specific products from agarosegels. The instructions supplied with the kit arequite simple and explicit, and therefore require no further explanation. 3. When designing primers with restriction enzyme sites and5 overhangs, note that this 5 overhangshould not contain sequencecomplementary to the sequence 3 of the restriction site, asthis would facilitate the just production of primer dimers. Consider the primer 5-ggg.aagctt. CCCAGCTAGCTAGCT-3, which has a Hind III site proceededby a 5-ggg and followed by a CCC-3. These 12 nucleotides on the 5 end are palindromic, and can therefore easily dimerize with another like primer. A better 5 overhangwould be 5-cat. 4. All PCR reactions should be set up in sterile laminar flow hoods using either positive displacement pipetors or pipet tips containing filters to preventthe contaminationof samples,primers, nucleotides,andreaction buffers by DNA. Similarly, all primers, nucleotides, and reaction buffers for PCR should be madeup andaliquoted using similar precautions. 5. When cloning a gene from a recombinant library by PCR, remember that not all genes are created equally. In particular, genes with high G:C contentshave proven more difficult than most. Several researchers have madecontributions in a searchfor factors to enhancethe specificity of PCR reactions. A nonionic detergent,such as Nonident P-40, can be incorporated in rapid samplepreparationsfor PCR analysis without significantly affecting Tuq polymeraseactivity (1I). In somecases,such




7. 8.


detergentsare absolutely required in order to reproducibly detect a specific product (12) presumably attributable to inter- and intrastrand secondary structure. More recently, tetramethylammonium chloride has been shown to enhancethe specificity of PCR reactions by reducing nonspecific priming events (13). A critical parameterwhen attempting to clone by PCR is the selection of a primer-annealing temperature.This is especially true when using degenerateprimers. The primer melting temperature(T,,,)is calculated by adding 2 for A:T basepairs, 3 for G:C basepairs; 2 for N:N base pairs, and 1 for 1:N base pairs. The T,,, for primer 28k-B would be 47OC,excluding the restriction enzyme site. Most PCR chapters suggest you calculate the T, and set the primer annealing temperature to S-10C below the lowest T,,,.Distantly related genesuperfamily members have beencloned using this rationale (14). However, I have found that higher annealing temperaturesare helpful in reducing nonspecific priming, which can significantly affect reactionscontaining degenerate primers. In reaction containing primer 28k-B, 50C and 54C primerannealing steps were selected. An effective alternative to GeneCleaningof PCR products from agarose gels is to elute the DNA from an excised piece of gel with an electrical field. The procedurefor electroelution is describedelsewhere(7). In labeling the oligonucleotideprimers with T4 kinase,the primers concentrationis in excessrelative to the [y3?]ATP, This will result in significantincorporation of the nucleotidesonto the primers, while reducing the specific activity of the probe. For higher specific activity probes, use 5-10 pmol of primer and 20 pmol on [Y-~~P]ATP. When cloning a gene from a recombinant library by PCR, remember that not all inserts are createdequally. Attempts to clone the CHIP28 genefrom a bone marrow or fetal liver library by immunological reactivity with an anti-28 kDa antibody were unsuccessful. Also attempts to express the full-length CHIP28 cDNA in bacteria have failed. It is thought that the hydrophobic CHIP28 product is toxic to the cells.

Acknowledgments I am grateful to my colleagues for their support and helpful discussions. I especially thank Eric Fearon for technical assistance, and Peter Agre for his consent to report these procedures in detailed form and for his generous support. This work was supported in part by NIH grant HL33991 to Peter Agre. I am the recipient of Postdoctoral Fellowships T32HL07525 (90-9 1) and American Heart Association Maryland Affiliate (91-93).

Cloning Gene Family Members References


1. Pao, G. M., Wu, L-F., Johnson, K. D., Hofte, H., Chrispeels, M. J., Sweet, G., Sandal, N. N., and Saier Jr., M. H. (1991) Evolution of the MIP family of integral membrane transport proteins. Mol. Microbrol. 5,33-37. 2. Wada, K.-N., Aota, S-I., Tsuchiya, R., Ishibashi, F., Gojobori, T., and Ikemura, T. (1990) Codon usage tabulated from the GenBank genetic sequence data. Nuclerc Acids Res. 18,2367-2411. 3. Denker, B. M., Smith, B. L., Kuhajda, F. P., and Agre, P. (1988) Identilication, purification, and partial characterization of a novel Mr 28,000 integral membrane protein from erythrocytes and renal tubules. 1. Biol. Chem. 263, 15634-15642. 4. Smith, B. L. and Agre, P. (1991) Erythrocyte Mr 28.000 vansmembrane protein exists as amultisubunit oligomer similar to channel proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 266,6407-6415. 5. Knot& K., Robe&, S., Poteet, C., and Tamkun, M. (1988) Highly degenerate, inosine-containing primers specifically amplify rare cDNA using the polymerase chain reaction. Nucfelc Acids Res. 16, 10932. 6. Cherif-Zahar, B., Bloy, C., Kim, C. L. V., Blanchard, D., Bailly, P., Hermand, P., Salmon, C., Cartron, J-P., and Colin, Y. (1990) Molecular cloning and protein structure of a human blood group Rh polypeptrde. Proc. Nutl. Acad. Ser. USA 87,6243-6247. 7. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis T. (1989) Molecular Clonrng: A Laboratory Manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 8. Kozak, M. (1987) An analysis of 5-noncoding sequences from 699 vertebrate messenger RNAs. Nucleic Acids Rex 15,8125-8132. 9. Reed, K. C. and Mann, D. A. (1985) Rapid transfer of DNA from agarose gels to nylon membranes. Nucleic Actds Res. 13,7207-7221. 10. Preston, G. M. and Agre, P. (1991) Isolation of the cDNA for erythrocyte integral membrane protein of 28 kilodaltons: member of an ancient channel family. Proc. Null. Acud. Sci. USA 88, 11,110-l 1,114. 11. Weyant, R. S., Edmonds, P., and Swaminathan, B. (1990) Effects of ionic and nonionic detergents on the Taq polymerase. BioTechniques 9,308-309. 12. Bookstein, R., Lai, C-C., To, H., and Lee, W-H. (1990) PCR-based detection of a polymorphic Bam HI site in intron 1 of the human retinoblastoma (RB) gene. Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 1666. 13. Hung, T., Mak, K., and Fong, K. (1990) A specificity enhancer for polymerase chain reaction, Nuclerc Acids Res. 18,4953. 14. Zhao, Z-Y. and Joho, R. H. (1990) Isolation of distantly related members in a multigene family usmg the polymerase chain reaction technique. Blochem. Btophys. Res. Comm. 167,174-182.



Single Specific Primer-Polymerase Chain Reaction (SSP-PCR) and Genome Walking

Venkatakrishna Shyamula and Giovanna Ferro-Luzzi Ames
1. Introduction The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used for selective amplification of DNA fragments from both prokaryotes and eukaryotes (l-3). The only requirement for amplification is that the sequence of the extremities of the DNA fragment to be amplified be known (4). This places a limitation on the use of PCR in the amplification of adjacent unknown regions. We have developed a method that allows the amplification of double-stranded DNA even when the sequence information is available at one end only (5). This method, the single specific primerPCR (SSP-PCR), permits amplification of genes for which only a partial sequence information is available, and allows unidirectional genome walking from known into unknown regions of the chromosome. The basic principle of the SSP-PCR procedure is schematically described in Fig. 1. Briefly, (1) the chromosomal DNA is digested with one or two restriction enzymes; (2) the unknown end of the restricted chromosomal DNA is ligated to a suitable oligomer (Generic Oligomer) of known sequence, sufficiently long to serve as a PCR primer (Generic Primer); or the unknown end can be ligated to a vector, in which case the vector sequence can be used to design a PCR primer; (3) the ligation mixture is then amplified with the generic primer annealing to the generic oligomer or to the vector and a specific primer annealing
From Methods in Molecular Brology, Vol. 15: PCR Protocols Edited by. B A. White Copynght 0 1993 Humana Current Methods and Applications Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Shyamala and Ames

Restricted end Ligated to the generic oligomer

I Anneeling

end Eirst Copy

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .



(31 -Amplified

40 Cycles I

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of single specific primer-PCR (SSP-PCR). Shaded boxes represent nonspecific DNA (essentially all genomic DNA) and the fragments derived by digestion; the blackened boxes represent the vector or generic oligomer ligated to the unknown end of the DNA fragments; blackened bar, generic primer; open bar, fragment-specific primer; dashed arrows, amplified DNA. In step 1, the genomic DNA is digested with a combination of enzymes and the unknown end is ligated to an oligomer of known sequence. In steps 2 and 3, the ligation reaction mixture is amplified with a primer specific for the known end of the fragment and a generic primer complementary to the vector or generic oligomer. Although the generic primer anneals to the unknown ends of all fragments, the resulting products increase only linearly. However, simultaneous annealing of the fragment-specific primer and the generic primer to the specific product results in exponential amplification of the specific product.

to the known sequence. Even though a variety of fragments would be ligated to the generic oligomer and during PCR, the generic primer would anneal to all these ends, specificity is imparted by the specific primer. The exponential accumulation of the product resulting from the combination of the generic primer and the specific primer will dominate over the linear accumulation of nonspecific products from the generic primer alone (see Fig. 1). The most obvious use of SSP-PCR is for unidirectional movement into unknown regions for routine cloning and sequencing and this has been successfully demonstrated by taking two consecutive steps of genome walking in S. typhimurium (5) and for the amplification of

SSP-PCRand GenomeWalking
ribosomal RNAgene promoters in Thiobacillusferroxidans(T. White, personal communication). SSP-PCR is also ideal for situations when the existing sequence information cannot be utilized; for example, cloning of genes from E. coli strains other than K12 for which no restriction map is available (6); or cloning genes from a different genus of a related organism such as S. typhimurium. This feature has been successfully tested in S. typhimurium for amplifying the in tergenic region between argA and recD utilizing the available E. coli sequence ($7). Another use of SSP-PCR is in the case of deletion (7a), duplication, insertion, and recombination mutations. For example, the sites of transposon or viral insertion can be identified by SSP-PCR, by using a primer specific for the transposon or virus of interest. This feature has been utilized to analyze genetic duplication mutations in the histidine biosynthetic operon in S. typhimurium (8). SSP-PCR has been used successfully in eukaryotes to analyze translocations in the human X chromosome (9) and transgenic mice (IO). SSP-PCR should also be useful for the analysis of intron-exon junctions in eukaryotic genomic DNA. The feature of SSP-PCR that makes it unique as compared to other published procedures for amplifying unknown regions is its ability to generate a genomic library. Since in most cases restriction data in the unknown region may not be available, several combinations of restriction digestion has to be performed, one of which is likely to yield the amplification product. Even though the product may not be realized with other combinations, these can be used for the next step of genome walking. In other words, these ligation reaction mixes are the equivalent of genomic libraries, since they can be used repeatedly. For each new step of gene walking, a new primer is designed on the basis of the newly obtained sequence and used as specific primer in SSP-PCR, with an aliquot of all the ligation mixes (except for the one generating the last sequenced fragment). This feature offers a supply of template for continuous genome walking by PCR. 2. Materials 2.1. Isolation of Bacterial Chronwsomal DNA 1. LB medium (II). Prepareby dissolving 10 g of bactotryptone, 5 g of yeastextract and 10 g of NaCl into 1 L of double-distilled water. Adjust pH to 7.0 with 1N NaOH and autoclave for 20 min on liquid cycle. 2. STJ5:150 mM NaCl, 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0,lOO mM EDTA.

342 3. 4. 5. 6.

Shyamala and Ames

SE: 150 mMNaC1, 100 mMEDTA Lysozyme: 20 mg/mL in 0.25M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0. 10% SDS (w/v) in water. Pronase:20 mg/mL in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, self-activated at 37OC for 2 h. 7. TE buffer: 10 mi$l Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 1 mM EDTA. 8. RNase solution: Preparefrom RNaseA (10 mg/mL) in 100 mkf sodium acetate,pH 5.5; and RNaseTl (10,000 U/mL). Heat-treat both in boiling water for 10 min. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.2. Restriction and Ligation of DNA A range of restriction enzymes and suitable buffers. TE buffer (seeSection 2.1.) step 7). Commercial cloning vector or suitable oligomer (seeNote 1). T4 DNA ligase and 10X ligase buffer as supplied by manufacturer.

2.3. Polymerase Chain Reaction 1. 10X PCR buffer: 670 p&fTris-HCl, pH 8.8 at 25C, 67 mMMgC12, 160 mM ammonium sulfate. 2. dNTPs: 25 mM of each (by mixing 100 mM dNTPs; Pharmacia). 3. Primers: 30 w. 4. Tuq polymerase. 5. Mineral oil. 2.4. Analysis of the PCR Product and Testing for Specificity 1. Agarose. 2. TBE: 100 rnkf Tris-HCI, 100 mM borate, lmkf EDTA. 3. Ethidium bromide: 10 mg/mL in water. 4. Denaturation solution: 400 mM NaOH, 800 mM NaCl. 5. 5X SSPE:50 mMsodium phosphate, 7.0,900 mMNaCl,5 WEDTA. pH 6. 10% SDS (w/v) in water. 7. Calf thymus DNA (1 mg/mL). 8. Primers: Internal primer (1 ClM). 9. Polynucleotide kinase and kinase buffer supplied by manufacturer. 10. [Y-~~P]ATP(>5000 Wmmol). 2.5. Sequencing of PCR DNA Following Asymnetric Amplification 1. Limiting primer: 0.34.6 pM. 2. Excess primer: 30 p&f. 3. Sephacryl S-300 (Pharmacia).

SSP-PCR and Genome Walking 4. Glass wool (Corning), siliconize by soaking in Sigmacote and air-dry in fume hood. 5. Sequencingparaphernalia. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3.1. Isolation of Chromsomal DNA (5) Grow a 40-mL culture of S. fyphimurium in LB overnight. Harvest cells by centrifugation and wash in 10 mL of STE. Centrifuge and resuspendin 0.5 mL of SE, and add 50 pL of freshly prepared(20 mg/ml) lysozyme. Incubate at 37C for 20 min. Add 200 p.L of 10% SDS, incubate at 60C for 10 min. Treat cell lysate with 0.5 mL of self-activated pronaseby shaking at 37C for 2 h. Phenol/chloroform extract and ethanol precipitate the DNA. Centrifuge and solubilize the pellet in 5.0 mL of TE. Digest with 100 pL of RNase solution for 1 h at 37C. Ethanol precipitate the DNA and dissolve in 0.1 mL of TE. Generally the yield is in the range of 0.5 mg.

3.2. Restriction and Ligation (5,8) The following protocol is for DNA for which no restriction data are available. If restriction information is available for the unknown region, the DNA should be digested only with the necessary enzyme(s). See Note 2. 1. Digest in a 50-pL final ~0120 pg of test-chromosomalDNA (for a final total of 10 different enzyme digests) with a restriction enzyme that cuts in the known region. Phenol/chloroform extract and ethanol precipitate according to standardprocedures. 2. Solubilize the precipitated test-chromosomalDNA in 80 FL. Use 8 pL (2 pg total) per digest for the secondrestriction enzyme (10 pL final volume including 1 pL of enzyme and 1 pL of 10X buffer). 3. Digest 50 p-gof vector DNA (mp181mp19) with the first restriction enzyme (enough for 10 ligations). Phenol/CHC13extract and ethanol precipitate according to standardprocedures. 4. Solubilfze vector DNA precipitate in 80 pL. Depending on the requirement, use 8 l.tL or its multiples for the secondrestriction enzyme digestion. For example, Sul I is compatible with Sal I, Xho I, Ava I, and so forth. Sodigest 24 FL (3 x 8 pL) with Sal I. Following digestion, carry out phenol/CHC13extraction and ethanol precipitation. Solubilize the DNA in 6 pL of TE buffer per reaction or its multiples if intended for more reactions.


Shyanmla and Ames

5. Dilute 1 pL (0.2 pg) of digested test chromosomal DNA to 30 pl with TE to obtain a concentration of 6.6 ng/pL. Perform ligation reaction in a total volume of 10 pL. Each ligation contains 2 pL (13.2 ng) of chromosomal DNA, 6 pL (5 pg) of vector DNA, 1 pL of 10X ligation buffer and 1 U of ligase (see Note 3). Incubate at 15C overnight (see Note 4).

3.3. Polymerase

Chain Reaction


1. For a final volume of 25 pL/PCR, prepare a reaction mix for 12 samples containing 30 pL of 10X PCR buffer, 8 pL of 30 w specific primer, 8 pL of 30 @4 vector specific primer, 8 lrL of 25 mM dNTPs and 3.0 U of Tuq polymerase. 2. Aliquot 24 pL of reaction mix per tube. Add 1 pL of ligation mix and a drop of mineral oil. 3. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile (see Note 5): 40 main cycles 94C, 1 min (denaturation) 55C 1 min (annealing) 72C, 2 min (extension)

3.4. Testing for the Product

and Specificity


1. Electrophorese 2 pL of the PCR reaction mix in 1% agarose in TBE buffer. 2. Visualize the DNA with ethidium bromide staining (see Chapter 1). 3. Perform Southern analysis for specificity on the agarose gel. Denature the DNA by treating the gel with 400 mM NaOH, 800 m.il4NaCl for 30 min. Dry the gel on to Whatman 3MM paper. 4. Remove the dried gel from the paper by wetting the paper in water. 5. Soak the released gel in 5X SSPE, 0.3% SDS containing 10 pg/mL sonicated calf thymus DNA for 30 min at 50C. 6. Kinase an appropriate internal primer in a total volume of 10 pL including 5 pL of 1 wprimer, 3 pL of [Y-~?]ATP, 1 pL of polynucleotide kinase (10 U) in 1X polynucleotide kinase buffer for 1 h at 37C. Stop the reaction with 1 pL of 10% SDS and increase the volume to 50 pL with water. 7. Prepare a spin column by layering siliconized glass wool in a 1.0~mL syringe barrel and packing it with Sephadex G-50 by centrifugation at 16OOgfor 4 min. Wash the packed matrix once with 50 pL of TE buffer by centrifuging at 16OOgfor 4 min. Discard flow-through. Layer the 50-PL solution of kinased oligo on top of the matrix and centrifuge as in the washing step. Collect the primer as flow-through and use a 20pL aliquot for probing. Incubate the gel with probe for 4 h at 55C. 8. Wash the gel twice with 2X SSPE,0.1% SDS at RT for 15 min and then twice with 5X SSPE,0.1% SDS at 52C for 15 min each and exposeto film.

SSP-PCR and Genoa




2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

3.5. Single Primer Method for Testing Specificity (6,8) Electrophorese 2 pL of the PCR on 1% agarosegel. After ethidium bromide staining, cut out the DNA band. Depending on the concentration of DNA (5-40 ng), 100-500 pL of TE is addedto the agarosepiece in an Eppendorf tube. Incubate the Eppendorf tube in a boiling water bath to melt the agarose. If the agarosesolidifies owing to too small a volume of TE, reheat the tube prior to use. Use a 5-pL aliquot of this for amplification in a volume of 100 FL. Set up three reactions, one with generic primer alone, secondwith the gene-specific primer alone, and a third one with both primers. PCR is performed as describedin Section 3.3. with one modification of going through 20 cycles in the place of 40 cycles. If the product is genuine, only the third tube should give the original size product, The first and second tubes might give some nonspecific products, but they would be of different size.

3.6. Asymmetric PCR for Direct Sequencing of Products ~500 bp (34) See Note 6. 1. Use a 5-pL aliquot of the agarosesolubilized DNA described in Section 3.5. as the starting material. 2. The PCR is carriedout in a total volume of 100pL with limiting primer at 0.006-0.012pM (2 pL of 0.3 pM stock); andthe excessprimer at 0.6 p.M (2 pL of 30 p.Mstock). Generallythe reaction is set up in two tubeswith the primer concentrations reversedto permit sequencing both strands. of 3. Perform PCR asdescribedin Section 3.3., with the modification that the extensiontime at 72C is reducedto 1 min, since the product is ~500 bp. 4. Following amplification, extract the PCR reaction mix with 300 pL of chloroform to solubilize the mineral oil. 5. Prepare a spin column by layering siliconized glass wool in a 1.0~mL syringe barrel andpacking it with Sephacryl S-300 by centrifugation at 16OOg 4 min. The packed column is washedonce with 100 pL of TE for buffer by centrifuging at the samespeed. 6. Layer the chloroform-extractedaqueous producton top of the SephaPCR cry1S-300 matrix andcentrifugeat the samespeedasin the washingstep. 7. Collect the flow-through and ethanol-precipitatethe DNA. 8. Solubilize the DNA pellet in 15 pL of TE. Use a 7-pL aliquot for sequencingwith 1 pL of the limiting primer.

346 4. Notes

Shyamalu and Ames

1. The main emphasis in SSP-PCR is to introduce a known sequenceat the end of the unknown sequence.At the simplest level this could be an oligomer of known sequence and sufficient length (20 bp), with complementarity to the restrictedunknown end. However, we have preferred to use Ml3 or similar vectors (SK, pGem, and so forth) for the following reasons (1) commercial availability of the vectors and the genericprimers, (2) multiple cloning sites for ligating a variety of ends, (3) use of a single generic primer for all amplifications. 2. In contrast to IPCR (I#), SSP-PCR does not require circularization of the DNA template and therefore does not require ligation of both ends of the chromosomalDNA fragment.Only theunknown endof the restricted chromosomal DNA has to be ligated to the generic oligomer (vector) to makeit contiguouswith the genericprimer-binding site. Although ligation following a single restriction enzyme digestion of both the test DNA and the vector is sufficient to generatean amplification product, digestion of the vector with a secondenzyme is desirable to decrease vector-vector ligation and to minimize the presenceof generic-primer binding sites at the two endsof the vector dimers. 3. One of the critical parametersin SSP-PCRis the ratio of generic oligomer (vector) to the test DNA during ligation. Ideally, the ligation reaction should result in the joining of the monomeric form of the unknown end of the test DNA fragment to the vector. For this purpose,restricted chromosomal DNA is used at very low concentration, as suggestedby Collins and Weissman (13). This should minimize the ligation of restricted DNA fragments to each other, thus decreasingthe number of fragments appropriately ligated to the vector. The vector DNA is used at a high concentration to saturatethe system and seek out individual chromosomal DNA fragments for ligation. The ratio of vector DNA to the test DNA fragment for ligation could vary for each situation. 4. It is useful to have a positive control for restriction-ligation and PCR. Any DNA fragment of known sequencewith a suitable restriction site can be carried through the whole procedure and will need only one additional specific primer for PCR. 5. Although PCR supports the amplification of products up to several kilobases, the largest fragment obtained by SSP-PCR reported to date is 1.8-2.0 kb (9). The absenceof a product with most combinations of the restriction-ligation mix suggeststhat either the restriction site was farther away or that the extensiontime was insufficient to generate larger products. However, this is not a seriouslimitation, since, it is necessary in any case to synthesize multiple sequencingprimers to sequencea

SSP-PCR and Genome Walking product of 2.0 kb. The sameprimer(s) can be usedto perform the next step of genome walking. 6. For products >500 bp, sequencingis preferably performed after cloning into any of the commercially available vectors. If SSP-PCR is performed by ligating the unknown end to the multiple cloning site in a vector like Ml 3, SK, or pGEM, it offers a choice of amplifled restriction sites for cloning of the SSP-PCRproduct (5). Acknowledgment
We wish to thank Anil Joshi for many helpful discussions. This

work was supported by: National Institutes of Health Grant GM39415 to G.F.-L.A. References
1. Shyamala, V. and Ames, G. F.-L. (1992) Genome walking by single specific primer-polymerase chain reaction (SSP-PCR). Methods Enzymol. (in press). 2. White, T. J., Amheim, N., and Erlich, H. A. (1989) The polymerase chain reaction. Trends Genet. 5,185-189. 3. Shyamala, V. and Ames, G. F.-L. (1989) Amplification of bacterial genomic DNA by the polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing after asymmetric amplification: application to the study of periplasmic permeases. J. Bacterial. 171, 1602-1608. 4. Mullis, K. B. and Faloona, F. A. (1987) Specific synthesis of DNA rn vrtro via a polymerase catalysed chain reaction. Methods Enzymol. 155,335-350. 5. Shyamala, V. and Ames, G. F.-L. (1990) Genome walking by single-specificprimer polymerase chain reaction; SSP-PCR. Gene 84, l-8. 6. Kohara, Y ., Akiyama, K., and Isono, K. (1987) The physical map of the whole E. co11chromosome; application of a new strategy for rapid analysis and sorting of a large genomic library. Cell 50,495-508. 7. Brown, K., Finch, P. W., Hickison, I, D., and Emmerson, P. T. (1987) Complete nucleotide sequence of the Escherichia colt argA gene. Nucleic Acids Res. l&10586. 7a. Shyamala, V. and Ames, G. F.-L. (1992) Rapid genome walking by single specific primer-polymerase chain reaction (SSP-PCR): Analysis of deletion mutants with unkown ends, in PCR Protocols. Lavoisier, France. 8. Shyamala, V., Schneider, E., and Ames, G. F.-L. (1990) Tandem chromosomal duplications; role of REP sequences in the recombination event at the join-point. EMBO J. 9,939-946. 9. Bodrug, S. E., Holden, J. J. A., Ray, P. N., and Worton, R. G. (1991) Molecular analysis of X-autosome translocations in females with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. EMBO J. 10,3931-3939. 10. MacGregor, G. R. and Overbeek, P. A. (1992) Use of a simplified single-site PCR to facilitate cloniong of genomic DNA sequences flanking a tmnsgene integration site. PCR Meth. Appl. 1, 129-135.


Shyamala and Ames

11. Miller, J. H. (1972) Experiments in Molecular Genetics. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 12. Bos, J. L., Vries, M. V., Jansen,A. M., Veeneman,G. H., Van Boon, J. H., and Van der Eb, A. J. (1984) Three different mutations in codon 61 of the humanN-ras genedetectedby syntheticoligonucleotide hybridization. Nucleic
Acids Res. l&9155-9163.

13. Collins, F. S. D. and Weissman, S. A. (1984) Directional cloning of DNA fragments at a large distance from an initial probe: a circularization method. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81,6812-6816. 14. Triglia, T., Peterson,M. G., and Kemp, D. J. (1988) A procedure for in vitro amplification of DNA segmentsthat lie outside the boundaries of known sequences. Nuclerc Acids Res. l&8186.



cDNA Cloning by Inverse Polymerase Chain Reaction

Sheng-He Huang, ChumHua Wu, Sing Cai, and John Holcenberg
1. Introduction Since the first report on cDNA cloning in 1972 (I), this technology has been developed into a powerful and universal tool in the isolation, characterization, and analysis of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic genes. But the conventional methods of cDNA cloning require much effort to generate a library that is packaged in phage or plasmid and then to survey a large number of recombinant phages or plasmids. There are three major limitations of those methods. First, a substantial amount (at least 1 pg) of purified mRNA is needed as starting material to generate libraries of sufficient diversity (2). Second, the intrinsic difficulty of multiple sequential enzymatic reactions required for cDNA cloning often leads to low yields and truncated clones (3). Finally, screening of a library with hybridization technique is time-consuming. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology can simplify and improve cDNA cloning. Using PCR with two gene-specific primers, a piece of known sequence cDNA can be specifically and efficiently amplified and isolated from very small numbers (~10~) of cells (4). However, it is often difficult to isolate full-length cDNA copies of mRNA on the basis of very limited sequenceinformation. The unknown sequence flanking a small stretch of the known sequence of DNA cannot be amplified by the conventional PCR. Recently, anchoredFrom. Methods In Molecular Biology, Vol. 15. PCR Protocols Edited by: B A White Copyright 8 1993 Humana Current Methods and Appkattons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Huang et al.

PCR (5,6and Chapter 3 1) and inverse PCR (7-9) have been developed to resolve this problem. Anchored PCR techniques have the common point: DNA cloning goes from a small stretch of known DNA sequence to the flanking unknown sequence region with the aid of a gene-specific primer at one end and a universal primer at the other end. Because of only one gene-specific primer in the anchored PCR, it is easier to get a high level of nonspecific amplification than by PCR with two gene-specific primers (9,lO). The major advantage of inverse PCR (IPCR) is to amplify the flanking unknown sequence by using two gene-specific primers. At first IPCR was successfully used in the amplification of genomic DNA segments that lie outside the boundaries of known sequence (7,8). We have a new procedure that extends this technique to the cloning of unknown cDNA sequence from total RNA (9). Doublestranded cDNA is synthesized from RNA and ligated end to end (Fig. 1). Circularized cDNA is nicked by heating in boiling water or selected restriction enzyme. The reopened circular cDNA is then amplified by two gene-specific primers. The following protocol was used to amplify cDNA ends for the human stress-related protein ERp72 (9) (Fig. 2). 2. Materials 2.1. First-Strand cDNA Synthesis 1. Total RNA prepared from human CCRF/CEM T-cell lymphoblastoid cells
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (II). See Chapters 1, 17, 18, and 19 for procedures on RNA isolation. dNTP mix (10 mM of each dNTP ). Random primers (Boehringer-Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN). Prepare in sterile water at 1 p.gIpL. Store at -20C. RNasin (Promega, Madison, WI). Actinomycin D (1 mg/mL). Actinomycin D is light sensitive and toxic. It should be stored in a foil-wrapped tube at -20C. MMLV reverse transcriptase. 5X first-strand buffer: 250 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3,375 mit4 KCl, 50 mM MgC12, 50 nGi4 DTT, and 2.5 mM spermidine. The solution is stable at -20C for more than 6 mo.

2.2. Second-Strand


1. 10X second-strand buffer: 400 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6,750 mM KCl, 30 mh4 MgCl,, 100 mM (NH&SO,, 30 m&4DTT, and 0.5 mg/mL of BSA. The solution is stable at -20C for at least 6 mo. 2. NAD (1 mM).

cDNA Cloning by Inverse PCR



Reverse transcnpaon


5, dsDNA



Fig. 1. Diagram of IPCR for cDNA Cloning. The procedure consistsof five steps:reverse transcription, synthesisof second-strandcDNA, circularization of double-strand cDNA, reopen the circular DNA, and amplification of reverse DNA fragment. The black and open bars represent the known and unknown sequence regions of double-stranded cDNA, respectively, 3. RNase H (2 U&L). 4. E. coli DNA polymerase I (5 U&L). 5. E. coli DNA ligase (1 U&L). 6. Nuclease-free H20. 7. T4 DNA polymerase. 8. EDTA (200 mM), pH 8.0. 9. GeneClean (Bio 101 Inc., La Jolla, CA). 10. TE buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.6, 1 mM EDTA. Sterile filter, 11. DNA standards. Prepare 1-mL aliquots of a purified DNA sample at 1, 2.&S, 10, and 20 pg/mL in TE buffer. Store at -2OOC for up to 6 mo.

12. TWethidium bromide: 2 pg/mL of ethidium bromide in TE buffer. Store at 4OCfor up to 6 mo in a dark container.

Huung et al.

Fig. 2. Amplification of cDNA Ends of Human ERp72. Application of IPCR to amplifying the joining region (280 bp) from 5 (160 bp) and 3 (120 bp) sequences of human ERp72 cDNA. Amplified cDNAs from CCRFKEM cells sensitive (lane 1) and resistant (lane 2) to cytosine arabinoside stained by ethidium bromide (A) or hybridized with 32P-labeled ERp72 cDNA (B). See text for the sequences of the primers and the parameters of IPCR.

2.3. Circularization
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

and Cleavage

5X ligation buffer (supplied with T4 DNA ligase). T4 DNA ligase (1 U&L). T4 RNA ligase (4 pg/pL). Hexaminecobalt chloride (15 CLM). GeneClean.

2.4. Inverse PCR

1. PCR reagents (see Chapter 1). 2. Deoxyoligonucleotides were synthesized on an Applied Biosystems (Foster City, CA) 380B DNA synthesizer and purified by OPEC column from the same company. Primer pairs were selected from the 5 and 3 sequence of the cDNA coding for human ERp72 stress-related protein (5-primer: 5-TTCCTCClCCTCCTCCTCTT-3; 3-primer: 5ATCTAAATGTCTAGT-3)(9).

cDNA Cloning by Inverse PCR


3. Methods 3.1. First-Strand cDNA Synthesis (12) Perform reverse transcription in a 25-PL reaction mixture, adding the following components: 5X first-strand buffer 5.0 j.tL 2.5 pL dNTP mix 2.5 j.tL random primers RNasin 1.0 u 1.25 uL actinomycin D 250 U MMLV reversetranscriptase RNA 15-25 pg of total RNA (Heat denatureRNA at 65C for 3 min prior to adding to reaction) Nuclease-free Hz0 to 25 pL final vol 1. 3.2. Second-Strand Synthesis (13) Add components to the first-strand tube on ice in the following order: 10X second-strand buffer 12.5 p,L NAD 12.5 l,tL RNase H 0.5 uL E. coli DNA polymerase I 5.75 p.L E. coli ligase 1.25 uL Nuclease-freewater 67.5 lrL Incubation at 14C for 2 h. Heat the reaction mix to 70C for 10 min, spin in a microfuge for a few seconds,and then put in ice. Add 4 U of T4 DNA polymerase and incubate at 37C for 10 min to blunt the ends of double-strandedcDNA. Stop the reaction with 12.5 pL of EDTA and 200 uL of sterile H20. Concentrateandpurify the samplewith GeneClean.Resuspend DNA the in 100-200 pL of TE buffer. Estimate the DNA concentration by comparing the ethidium bromide fluorescent intensity of the sample with that of a series of DNA standardson a sheetof plastic wrap (14). Dot l-5 pL of sampleonto plastic wrap on a UV transilluminator. Also dot with 5 ltL of DNA standards. Add an equal volume of TE buffer containing 2 @nL of ethidium bromide, mix by repipetting up anddown. Use proper UV shielding for exposed skin and eyes. 3.3. Circularization and Cleavage (see Notes l-3) Set up the circularization reaction mix containing the following components: 100 pL (100 ng DNA) of purified sample, 25 p.L of 5X liga-

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Huang et al.

tion buffer, and 6 pL of T4 DNA ligase. Finally, add 2 pL of T4 RNA ligase or 15 pL of 15 p.M hexaminecobalt chloride (see Note 4). 2. Incubate at 18C for 16 h. 3. Boil the ligated circular DNA for 2-3 min in distilled water or digest with an appropriaterestriction enzyme to reopen circularized DNA. 4. PurifytheDNAsamplewithGeneCleanasdescribedinstep6inSection3.2. 3.4. Inverse PCR (see Note 5) 1. Add l/10 of the purified cDNA to a 100 pl amplification mix (15) containing 100 pmol of each gene specific primer and 1 U of Tuq DNA polymerase. 2. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 25 main cycles 94C, 1 min (denaturation) 65C, 2 min (annealing) 72OC,4 min (elongation) 1. 4. Notes For maximum efficiency of intramolecular ligation, low concentration of cDNA should be used in the ligation mix. High density of cDNA may enhancethe level of heterogeneousligation, which creates nonspecific amplification. Cleavageof circularized cDNA at a selectedknown sequenceregion is important since circular DNA tends to form supercoil and is a poor template for PCR (16). Circularized DNA is only good for amplification of a short DNA fragment (~300 bp). The following three ways can be consideredto introduce nicks in circularized DNA. Boiling is a simple andcommon way. But sometimesthis methodis not sufficient to makenicks in circular DNA. A secondmethod is selected restrictionenzymedigestion.The ideal restriction site is located in the known sequenceregion of cDNA. In most cases,it is difficult to make the right choice of a restriction enzyme becausethe restriction pattern in the unidentified region of cDNA is unknown. If an appropriate enzyme is not available, EDTA-oligonucleotide-directed specific cleavagemay be tried (I 7,18).Oligonucleotides linked to EDTA-Fe(I1) at T can bind specifically to double-strandedDNA by triple-helix formation and producedouble-strandedcleavage at the binding site. Inclusion of T4 RNA ligase or hexaminecobalt chloride can enhance the efficiency of blunt-end ligation of double-strandedDNA catalyzed by T4 DNA ligase (14,19). IPCR can be usedto efficiently and rapidly amplify regions of unknown sequence flanking any identified segment cDNA or genomicDNA. This of techniquedoesnot needconstructionand screeningof DNA libraries to



4. 5.

cDNA Cloning by Inverse PCR

obtain additional unidentified DNA sequence information. Some recombinant pbage or plasmld may be unstable in bacteria and amplified libraries tend to lose them (16). IFCR eliminates this problem.

1. Verma, I. M., Temple, G. F., Fan, H., and Baltimore, D. (1972) In vitro synthesisof double-strandedDNA complimentary to rabbit reticulocyte 10s RNA.
Nature 235163-169.

2. Akowitz, A. and Mamuelidis, L. (1989) A novel cDNA/PCR strategy for efficient cloning of small amounts of undefined RNA. Gene81,295-306. 3. Okayama,H., Kawaichi, M., Brownstein, M., Lee, F., Yokota, T., and Arai, K. (1987) High-efficiency cloning of full-length cDNA; Construction and screening of cDNA expression libraries for mammalian cells. Methods Enzymol. 154,3-28. 4. Brenner, C. A., Tam, A. W., Nelson, P. A., Engleman, E. G., Suzuki,N., Fry, K. E., and Larrick, J. W. (1989) Message amplification phenotyping (MAPPing): a technique to simultaneously measure multiple mRNAs from small numbers of cells. BioTechniques 7,1096-l 103. 5. Frohman, M. A. (1990) RACE: Rapid amplification of cDNA ends, in PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Appllcatlons (Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky,J. J., andWhite, T. J., eds.),Academic,SanDiego,CA, pp. 28-38. 6. Shyamala,V. and Ames, G. F.-L. (1989) Genomewalking by single-specificprimer polymerase chain reaction: SSP-PCR.Gene84,1-8. 7.Ochman, H., Gerber, A. S.,and Hartl, D. L. (1988) Genetic applications of an inverse polymerasechain reaction. Genetics 120,621-625. 8. Triglia, T., Peterson,M. G., and Kemp, D. J. (1988) A procedure for in vitro amplification of DNA segments that lie outside the boundaries of known sequences. Nucletc Acids Res. 16,8186. 9. Huang,S.-H., Hu, Y. Y., Wu, C.-H., andHolcenberg,J. (1990) A simplemethod for direct cloning cDNA sequencethat flanks a region of known sequence from total RNA by applying the inverse polymerase chain reaction. Nucleic Acids Res. l&1922. 10. Delort, J., Dumas, J. B., Darmon, M. C., and Mallet, J. (1989) An efficient strategy for cloning 5 extremities of rare transcripspermits isolation of multiple 5-untranslated regions of rat tryptophan hydroxylase mRNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 17,64396448. 11. Davis, L. G..Dibner, M. D., andBattey,J. F. (1986) BUSK Methods m Molecular Biology, Elsevier, New York. 12. Krug, M. S. and Berger, S. L. (1987) First strand cDNA synthesisprimed by oligo(dT). Methods Enzymol. 152,316325. 13. Promega (1989) Protocolsand Applications, pp. 167-180. 14. Sambrook,J., Fritsch, E. F., and Maniatis, T. (1989) Molecular Clonmg (2nd ed.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 15. Sails, R. K., Gelfand, D. H., Stoffel, S.,Scharf, S.J., Higuchi, R., Horn, G. T.,
Mullis, K. B ., and Erlich, H. A. (1988) Primer-directed enzymatic amplifka-

tion of DNA with a thermostableDNA polymerase.Science 239,487491.

Huang et al.
16. Moon, I. S. and Krause,M. 0. (1991) Common RNA polymerase&II, and III upstream elements in mouse 7SK gene locus revealed by the inverse polymerasechain reaction. DNA Cell Biol. 10,23-32. 17. Strobel,S.A. and Dervan, P. B. (1990) Site-specificcleavageof a yeastchromosomeby oligonucleotide-directedtriple-helix formation. Science 249,73-75. 18. Dreyer, G. B. and Dervan, P. B. (1985) Sequence-specificcleavage of singlestrandedDNA: Oligodeoxynucleotide-EDTA.Fe(II). Proc. Nutl. Ad. Sci. USA 82,968-972. 19. Sugino, A., Goodman, H. M., Heynecker, H. L., Shine, J., Boyer, H. W., and Cozzarelli,N. R. (1977) Interaction of bacteriophageT4 RNA and DNA ligases in joining of duplex DNA at base-paired ends.J. Btol. Chem. 252,3987.



Amplification of Gene Ends from Gene Libraries by Polymerase Chain Reaction with Single-Sided Specificity
Sheng-He Huang, Ambrose Y. Jong, Wu Yang, and John Holcenberg
1. Introduction Isolation of a full-length gene on the basis of a limited sequence information is often troublesome and challenging. Tremendous effort is needed to isolate a specific gene by screening cDNA or genomic libraries by oligonucleotide or nucleic acid probes. In those methods, basically nucleic acid probes are used in a screening process to check whether or not a plaque or a colony contains the sequence of interest. There have been attempts to isolate specific DNA fragments using immobilized DNA, in which particular DNA fragments were enriched by hybrid selection and then the concentrated library was screened by a specific DNA probe (1,2). Recently, polymerasechainreaction (PCR) has been applied to the cloning of genes. Friedmann et al. (3) first used PCR to screen hgtll library with two gene-specific primers. This protocol can be effectively used to isolate a particular DNA fragment between two specific primers or to generate nucleic acid probe from cDNA libraries. The unknown sequencesflanking the fragment between the two specific primers cannot be amplified by this method. Anchored PCR or single-specific-primer PCR (4) and inverse PCR (5) have been adapted to cloning of full-1engthcDNAs with the knowledge of a small stretch of sequence within the gene. Both methods start from mRNA and are good for cDNA cloning when a cDNA library is
From: Methods in Molecular Bology, Vol 15 PCR Protocols: Edited by: B. A White Copynght 8 1993 Humana Current Methods andApp/matrons Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Vector 5-NSP +

Huang et al.


3-NSP c





5-NSP (1

3-GSP 1)

5-GSP 1 ( 1 ) 3-GSP \


5-GSP (1

3-NSP 1)


Fig. 1. The scheme for rapid amplification of gene ends (RAGE). 5-NSP IS hgtl 1 forward primer (5-GACTCCTGGAGCCCG-3). 3-NSP: hgtll reverse primer (5~GGTAGCGACCGGCGC-3). 5-GSP: SASPR with EcoRl restriction site (5AGACTGAAITCGGTACCGGCGGTACTATCGCTTCC-3). 3-GSP: 3ASPB containing BumHl site (5~CTGATGGATCCTGGCAGTGGCTGGACGC-3).

not available. Cloning of full-length cDNA is usually far more difficult than any other recombinant DNA work becausethe multiple sequential enzymatic reactions often result in low yield and incomplete clones (6). Shyamalaand Ames (7) extended the use of anchoredPCR to amplify unknown DNA sequences from genome on the basis of using a short stretchof known sequence designinga gene-specificprimer (seeChapter for 32). We developed a much simpler method to isolate full-length cDNA and flanking genomic DNA from gene libraries by anchored PCR. We used the yeast gene coding for asparaginase II (8) as a model to verify this method. Recently, we amplified and isolated S-cDNA fragment of 5hydroxytryptamine 2 (5-HT2) receptor from h SWAJ-2 mouse brain cDNA library by this technique (9). The principle of this technique is schematically depicted in Fig. 1. Briefly, two ends of a gene were amplified by two nonspecific primers (NSP) complementary to the vector sequencesflanking the polylinkerregion and two gene-specific primers (GSP) complementary to 5 and 3 parts of the known gene

PCR with Single-Sided Specificity



2.0. 1.6-

1 2 345676

Fig. 2. Gel pattern of PCR products. Fragments amplified from the purified 5 (lane 6) and 3 (lane 7) gene ends and hgtl 1 yeast genomic library (lane 2,3,4,5, and 8) were resolved in 1.5% agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide. Lane 1 was I-kb ladder DNA marker (BRL). There were five pairs of primers used in PCR: (1) S-NSP and 3-GSP (lane 2); (2) 3-NSP and 3-GSP (lane 3); (3) 5-NSP and S-GSP (lane 4); (4) 3-NSP and 5-GSP (lane 5) and (5) 5-GSP and 3-GSP (lane 6,7, and 8).

sequence. The S-cDNA region of S-HT2 receptor was successfully amplified from h SWAJ-2 mouse brain cDNA library with a GSP STTCTGCCTGAGACTAAAAAGGGTTAAGCCCTTAlGATGGCA3 and an NSP (Xba I-T1 5 adaptor primer: S-GTCGACTCTTAGAT-3) (9). Two ends of the yeast asparaginase II gene (8) were amplified from hgtl 1 yeast genomic library by this method. The size of the fulllength gene is 1.7 kb and there is 353-bp overlapping sequence between the two GSPs (SASPR and 3ASPB). The 3 gene end from SASPR to the extreme 3 end of the gene and the 5 gene end from 3ASPB to the very beginning of 5 part of the gene are 1.15 and 0.9 kb, respectively. Figure 2 shows that there was only one orientation for the asparaginase II gene clone and the expected sizes of the two amplified gene ends were obtained. The same size fragment was amplified from the gene library and the two purified gene ends by using the two GSPs as prim-


Huang et al.

ers. The gel-purified PCR DNA fragments were sequenced and the sequence data were consistent with the literature (8). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. Materials PCR reagents(seeChapter 1). 10X Tuq polymerase buffer supplied by New England Biolabs (Beverly, MA). Yeast genomic library, lambda SWAJ-2 mousebrain cDNA library and 5 and 3 hgtl 1 primers were obtained from ClonTech (Palo Alto, CA) (see Note 1). GeneClean(Bio 101 Inc., La Jolla, CA). Sequenase (United StatesBiochemical Corporation, Cleveland, OH). II

6. Dimethylsulfoxide

7. Deoxyoligonucleotides were synthesized on an Applied Biosystems (Foster City, CA) 380B DNA synthesizer and purified by an OPEC column from the samecompany. 3. Methods 3.1. PCR 1 (see Notes 2 and 3) 1. In order to enhancethe specificity of amplification, carry out asymmetric PCR in a 50-uL reaction containing a 1-uL aliquot of hgtl 1 yeast genomic library (about1 x lo7 PFU), 2.5 pmol nonspecificprimer (NSP), 50 pmol gene-specific primer (GSP), 5 pL of DMSO, 5 i.tL of 10X Tuq DNA polymerasebuffer, 1.5 mM of eachdNTP and 2.5 U of Tuq DNA polymerase. Before adding the enzyme, heat the PCR cocktail to 94C for 3 min to disrupt the phageparticles. 2. Becausethere may be two separateorientations for each insert in the gene library, set up four reactions for the amplification of two gene ends in the first round of PCR. Thus, each gene-specific primer is matched with each nonspecific primer (seeFig. 2). 3. Amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 35 main cycles 94C, 1 min (denaturation) 48C, 30 s (annealing) 72C, 8 ruin (extension) The major product, single-strandedDNA, can be usedfor sequencing and Southernblotting analyses(seeChapters 1, 13, and 14).

3.2. PCR 2
1. Dilute each of the first PCR products at 1:10 in H,O. 2. Amplify 1-uL aliquots asdescribedin PCR 1, except use equal amounts (50 pmol) of the NSP and GSP. The selected dsDNA fragments are

PCR with Single-Sided



available for cloning, which can be facilitated by incorporating restriction sites in the primers (seeChapters2 and 22, and see Note 4). 3.3. PCR 3 PCR 3 is used to test the products of PCR 2 since amplification of the two GSPs should produce the same fragment from a gene library and the two purified gene ends. 1. Using two GSPs (50 pmol each) and 1 pL of 1:10 diluted PCR 2 product or I-pL aliquot of genelibrary, amplify by PCR using the following cycle profile: 35 main cycles 94OC,30 s 48C, 30 s 72C, 4 min 2. RunDNA fragments from PCR 1,2, and3 on anagarose (seeChapter1). gel 3. Excise specific bands and purify by GeneClean. 4. Sequence the dideoxy chain termination method (10) with Sequenase by with the aid of NP-40 (II). See Chapters 13 and 14. 4. Notes 1. Ihe successful isolationof clonesfrom cDNA or genomiclibrariesis dependent on the quality of the library. There is a big difference betweenthe primary andthe amplified libraries because different recombinantclones may grow at very different rates, resulting in unequal distribution of the recombinants in the amplified library (12). It may be better to use the primary library for PCR amplification. If a short stretch of known DNA sequence(more than 100 bp) is available, it is easy to test the quality of the library by PCR amplification with two GSPs.In casethe library is not good, an alternative strategyis to use inverse or anchored PCR to isolate the clone from genomic DNA or self-made cDNA. 2, This method doesnot appearto be suitable for DNA amplification with degenerate primers basedon the highly conservedregions of a protein from other speciesor limited amino acid sequencedatabecausedegeneracy of primers can createmore problems with nonspecific amplification. This limit may be reduced by incorporation of deoxyinosine into wobble positions of degenerateoligonucleotides (13). 3. The mostobvious andcommonproblem for PCR with single-sidedspecificity is nonspecific amplification of DNA fragments without significant homology with the geneof interest (14,15). In this study, we found two things that improve specific amplification. We found that Tuq DNA polymerase buffer from New England Biolab works well for PCR with single-specific primer. Second,asymmetric PCR with a relatively large



et al.

amount of GSP was performed in the first round of PCR in order to enhance the specificity of amplification. 4. The two gene ends with overlapping sequence can be simply linked by two ways. Fast, ssDNAs of the two gene ends from PCR 1 can be annealed and end-filled by Klenow in presence of random primers. Second, when the sequence information is obtained from the two gene ends, a fulllength cDNA or gene can be amplified by two specific primers that represent the sequences at the extreme 3 and 5 ends of the gene or cDNA.

1. Schott, H. and Bayer, E. (1979) Template chromatography.Adv. Chrom. 17, 181-229. 2. Tsurui, H., Hara, E., Oda, K. Suyama,A., Nakada, S., and Wada, A. (1990) A rapid and efficient cloning method with a solid-phaseDNA probe: application for cloning the 5flauking region of the gene encoding human tlbronectm. Gene 88,233-239. 3. Friedtnaun, K. D., Rosen,N. L., Newman, P.J., and Montgomery, R. R. (1988) Enzymaticamplification of specific cDNA insertsfrom hgtl 1libraries. Nucfeic Acids Res. 16,8718. 4. Frohman, M. A., Dush, M. K., and Martin, G. R. (1988) Rapid production of full-length cDNAs from rare transcripts:amplification using a single gene-specific oligonucleotide primer. Proc. Natl. Acad. SCL USA B&8998-9002. 5. Huaug,S. H., Hu, Y, Y., Wu, C. H., and Holcenberg,J. (1990) A simple method for direct cloning cDNA sequencethat flauks a region of known sequence from total RNA by applying the inverse polymerase chain reaction. Nucferc Acids Res. 18,1922. 6. Okayama,H., Kawaichi, M., Brownstein, M., Lee, F., Yokota, T., and Arai, K. (1987) High-efficiency cloning of full-length cDNA; construction and screening of cDNA expression libraries for mammalian cells. Methods Enzymol. 154,3-28. 7. Shyamala,V. and Ames, G.F.-L. (1989) Genome walking by single-specttlcprimer polymerase chain reaction: SSP-PCR.Gene84, l-8. 8. Kim, K. W., Karnerud, J. Q., Livingston, D. M., aud Roon, R. J.(1988) Asparaginase II of saccharomyces cerevisiae: characterizationof the ASP3 gene. J. Biol. Chem. 263, 11,948-11,953. 9. Yang, W., Chen, K., Lan, N.C., Huang, S.-H., and Shih, J. C. (1992) Cloning of the gene and cDNA for the mouse 5-HT2 receptor. Submitted. 10. Sanger,F., Nickler, S.,andCoulson, A. R. (1977) DNA sequencingwith chainterminating inhibitors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74,5463-5467. 11. Bachmann, .,Lucke,W., andHunsmaun, (1990) Improvementof PCRampliB G. fied DNA sequencing with the aid of detergents. Nucleic Acids Res. 18,1309. 12. Frischauf, A.-M. (1987) Constructionaud characterization a genotniclibrary of in h. Methods Enzymol. 152, 190-199.

PCR with Single-Sided Specifiity

13. Path, R. V. andDekker, E. E. (1990) PCR amplification of anEscherichiacoli geneusing mixed primers containing deoxyinosine at ambiguous positions in degenerateamino acid codons.Nucleic Acids Res. 18,308O. 14. Loh, E. Y., Elliott, J. F., Cwirla, S., Lamer, L. L., and Davis, M. M. (1989) Polymerasechain reactionwith single-sidedspecificity: analysisof T cell receptor 8 chain. Science 243,217-220. 15. Frohman, M. A. (1990) RACE: Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends, in PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications (Innis, M. A., Gelfand, D. H., Sninsky,J. J., and White, T. J., eds.),Academic,SanDiego, CA, pp. 28-38.



Anchoring a Defined Sequence to the 5 Ends of mRNAs

The Bolt to Clone Rare Full Length mRNAs and Generate cDNA Libraries porn a Few Cells

Jean Baptiste Dumas Milne Edwards, Jacques Delort, and Jacques Mallet
1. Introduction

1.1. Amplification

of Low Amounts of mRNA

Among numerous applications, the polymerasechain reaction (PCR) (.Z,2) provides a convenient means to clone 5 ends of rare mRNAs and to generate cDNA libraries from tissue available in amounts too low to be processed by conventional methods. Basically, the amplification of cDNAs by the PCR requires the availability of the sequences of two stretches of the molecule to be amplified. A sequence can easily be imposed at the 5 end of the first-strand cDNAs (corresponding to the 3 end of the mRNAs) by priming the reverse transcription with a specific primer (for cloning the 5 end of rare messenger) or with an oligonucleotide tailored with a poly (dT) stretch (for cDNA library construction), taking advantage of the poly (A) sequence that is located at the 3 end of mRNAs. Several strategies have been devised to tag the 3 end of the ss-cDNAs (corresponding to the Send of the mRNAs). We (3) and others have described strategies based on the addition of a homopolymeric dG (4,5) or dA (6,7) tail using terminal deoxyribonucleotide transferase (TdT) (anchor-PCR [4]). However, this strategy has important limitaFrom* Methods m Molecular B~olcgy, Vol. 15: PCR Protocols Current Methods and Applrcations Edited by* B A White Copyright 431993 Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Dumas Milne Edwards, Delort, and Mallet

tions. The TdT reaction is difficult to control and has a low efficiency (unpublished observations). But most importantly, the return primers containing a homopolymeric (dC or dT) tail generatenonspecific amplifications, a phenomenon that prevents the isolation of low abundance mRNA species and/or interferes with the relative abundance of primary clones in the library. To circumvent these drawbacks, we have used two approaches. First, we devised a strategy based on a cRNA enrichment procedure, which has been useful to eliminate nonspecific-PCR products and to allow detection and cloning of cDNAs of low abundance (3). More recently, to avoid the nonspecific amplification resulting from the annealing of the homopolymeric tail oligonucleotide, we have developed a novel anchoring strategy that is based on the ligation of an oligonucleotide to the 3 end of ss-cDNAs. This strategy is referred to as SLIC for single-strand ligation to ss-cDNA (8). These methods have been applied to the cloning of the 5 ends of the rat tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH). In the rat, the corresponding mRNAs display a diversity both at 3 (9) and 5 (3) noncoding regions. Two populations of TPH mRNAs with distinct 5 ends, designated TPH-a and TPH-P, have been characterized by S 1 mapping experiments and molecular cloning (3). TPH-a, the sequence of which is included in TPH-P (Fig. lA), is the most abundant species and it accounts for about 0.5% of total mRNAs in the pineal gland. TPH-P is about lOOfold less abundant than TPH-a. These characteristics made this system ideal for comparing the efficiencies of cloning strategies. Finally, the potential of the SLIC method to generatea cDNA library will also be addressed. Ligation Mediated Anchor-PCR: The SLIC Strategy As the strategy described in this chapter requires many oligonucleotides, location and sequences of all the oligonucleotides used in our studies are given in Fig. 1. The strategy is illustrated in Fig. 2. The sscDNA is primed from the poly A tail (oligonucleotide BM 3, Fig. lE,F) or of a known sequence within the RNA (oligonucleotide PEX, Fig. lA,B). After RNAs hydrolysis (Sections 2.6. and 3.5.) and removal of the primers (Sections 2.5. and 3.4.), a modified oligonucleotide, BM 5 (Fig. lC,D), is ligated to the 3 end of the ss-cDNA in the presence of T4 RNA ligase (Sections 2.7. and 3.6.), which has also been shown to ligate short single-stranded DNA fragments (10,11).
1.2. Single-Strand

5Ends of naRNAs Three precautions are needed to target the ligation of the BM 5 oligonucleotide specifically to the 3 end of the ss-cDNA and to avoid self-ligation and/or circularization. First, the oligonucleotide that serves to prime the ss-cDNA synthesis must not contain a phosphate at its 5 end. Second, the 3end of the BM 5 oligonucleotides must be blocked; this was performed by adding a dideoxyribonucleotide to the 3 end of the primer (see Section 2.7.1. and 3.6.1.). Finally, the oligonucleotide used to prime the ss-cDNA synthesis must be removed (Sections 2.5.1. and 3.4.) before carrying out the ligation experiment since it can compete with the ss-cDNA for ligation to BM 5. This method has been tested in two experimental situations: (1) to assessthe usefulness of the strategy in cloning 5 ends of rare messengerswe have recloned the TPH-P 5 end, and (2) a cDNA library has been generated starting from the total RNAs from only lo4 cells.

1.3. Cloning of TPH-/!I Species Using SLIC Methodology (8)

Total RNAs were extracted from one pineal gland and primer extension was carried out with the PEX oligonucleotide (Fig. lA,B) using one fifth (approx 200 ng) of the RNAs. After removal of PEX, the single-stranded cDNA was ligated to the modified oligonucleotide BM 5 with T4 RNA ligase, as described in Section 3. A 45-cycle amplification was then performed with the two oligonucleotides BM l-5 (Fig. lC,D) and Ba (Fig. lA,B). At this stage, the presenceof TPH-P was tested by Southern blotting (Flying Southern, Section 2.9. and 3.9.), using an oligonucleotide, Fs, which is specific to TPH-p. As no signal was obtained, we performed a further set of 30 cycles of amplifications with primer Ca and BM 2-5. A specific TPH-P signal could then be detected. Blunt-end cloning of these PCR products led to 60% of the recombinants being TPH clones, of which approx 1% were TPH-P clones. The TPH-P clones that were sequenced contained the 5 nucleotide sequence(TGCCC) in addition to the TPH-B sequencethat had been determined after dG tailing-mediated PCR. The failure to find these 5 basespreviously is probably owing to the inherent limitations of tailing-mediated anchor-PCR, although we cannot exclude the fact that it merely reflects a difference in RNA preparations.In the anchoredPCR, cDNAs are3-tailed with a homopolymerit (dA) or (dG) stretch, the return primers contain a homopolymerit (dT) or (dC) tail, respectively.These homopolymeric sequences,

-140 -82 Es

TPH-8 TPH0 cc

--_ -_ 124



Ca Ba






Fig. 1. Designation and sequences of the oligonucleotides used in this study. (A) Oligonucleotides relative to the 5 ends of try-ptophan hydroxylase mRNAs; thick line: 5 end of coding region; thin line: 5 untranslated region. Sense and antisense oligonucleotides are represented above and below, respectively. (B) Sequences of the oligonucleotides described in A. (C). The modified 46nucleotide oligonucleotide BM 5 is ligated to the single-stranded cDNA. Following ligation, nested amplifications were carried out with the anticomplementary oligonucleotides BM l-5, BM 2-5, BM 3-5, which overlap over 9-10 bases. (D) Sequences of the oligonucleotides described in C. Q Priming of cDNA synthesis from PC12 cells RNAs was done with BM 3, a 40-base oligonucleotide, which has a 1Cbase dT tail at its 3 end. The nested amplifications were carried out with three overlapping oligonucleotides that are parts of BM 3: BM l-3, BM 2-3, BM 3-3. (E) Sequence of the oligonucleotides described in E.


Dumas Milne Edwards, Delort, and Mallet

prlrn~+3~~~ion WAA.A -=x %z?MA rrm BM3 -----. .._ .- -_ PURIFICATION OF cDNAs
<removal and alkaline

of primers


first set

t eA42d v



thlrd set

5Ends of rnRNAs


especially dC tails, are likely to hybridize not only to dA or dG tails but also to dA- or dG-rich sequences,respectively. Such a phenomenon may have accounted in our previous cloning experiments (3) for the absence of the 3ACGGG5 sequence at the 3 end of the fully extended TPH-P cDNAs, although the length of the return primer has been purposely reduced to six residues in order to limit nonspecific hybridization. Therefore, in contrast to the SLIC strategy, the use of dG tailing strategies not only yields high levels of background but may also generate doublestrandedcDNAs shorterthan their corresponding single-stranded cDNAs. 1.4. Construction of a cDNA Library Based on the SLIC Method (8) We tested the potential of the SLIC method to generate a cDNA library from a limited number of cells. To allow us to control that the library would be representative, we used a PC12 cell line where it has been shown that the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA represents approx 0.05% of the total mRNAs. Total RNA was preparedfrom a pellet containing lo4 cells. Half of the material (about 10 ng) was used to synthesize single-stranded cDNAs primed with BM 3 (Fig. lE,F). Following removal of the primer, the ss-cDNA was ligated with the modified oligonucleotide BM 5 (Fig. lC,D). These cDNAs were PCR amplified, using BM l-5 and BM 1-3 (Fig. lC-F). S-400 chromatography (Section 3.8.) was used to eliminate short-sized DNAs (mainly primer dimers and BM S/BM 3 ligation). Two successivenestedPCR were then carried out with the pair of primers, respectively BM 2-5, BM 2-3 and BM 3-5, BM 3-3.
Fig. 2. (upposrte page) SLIC strategy. Following the extraction of total RNAs, the synthesis of the single-stranded cDNA is carried out using a specific primer PEX (cloning of 5 ends of messengers) or a primer containing a homopolymeric dT tail (library construction). These primers do not contain phosphate at their 5 end. The primers are removed by AcA34 chromatography and the RNAs are hydrolyzed in 0.3M NaOH. Single-stranded ligation is carried out with BM 5. This oligonucleotide has been modified so as to have no hydroxyl radical at its 3 end and a phosphate group at its 5 end . The ss-cDNAs are suitable for amplification experiments. Oligonucleotide BM 5 has been designed to permit the use of three oligonucleottdes (BM l-5, BM 2-5, BM 3-5) in the further amplification experiments. In conjunction with the use of three specific oligonucleotides it allows nestedPCR experiments, thereby increasing the specificity of the amplification products. BM 3 has also been designed to permit the choice of three oligonucleotides (BM l-3, BM 2-3, BM 3-3) usable in nested PCR experiments with the 5 oligonucleotides.


Dumas Milne Edwards, Delort, and Mallet

After an additional purification by !+4OOchromatography, the products generated after the BM 3-3/BM 3-5 amplification were cloned in hZAP II vector, yielding about 3 x lo6 clones. Analysis of 24 clones chosen at random indicated that the average size of the library was about 400 bases. Finally, 30,000 primary clones were screened with a TH cDNA probe, yielding 10 (0.03%) positive clones, shown by partial sequencing to be TH clones, thus confirming the representative nature of the library. Thus, no major distortion had been introduced in the abundance of TH clones through the SLIC strategy. 1.5. Conclusion Anchoring a defined sequence at the 3 end of the ss-cDNAs is a crucial issue not only in cloning 5 ends of mRNAs but also in generating cDNAs libraries starting from a low number of cells. The nonspecific amplification associated with the use of homopolymeric tails prevents the isolation of low abundant mRNAs and decreasesthe representativity of cDNA libraries. In contrast, single-strand ligation-mediated anchorPCR (the SLIC strategy) yields single-stranded molecules with two defined ends containing specific sequences usable as targets for PCR primers. Thus, the problems encountered using the SLIC strategy are only those characteristic of classical PCR amplifications. 2. Materials 2.1. OLigonucleotides 2.1.1. Choice of the Oligonucleotides All of the oligonucleotides used in this study have been synthesized by GENSET (France). See Notes 1 and 2. 1. As regards oligonucleotides BM 3, BM 5 and the related oligonucleotides (BM 1,2 and 3-3 and BM 1,2 and 3-59, the sequences have been arbitrarily chosen.In an attempt to facilitate me cloning of the amplified cDNAs, we have synthesizedoligonucleotides (BM 5 and BM 3) with sequencesrecognized by restriction enzymes (Not1 and PstI for BM 5 and @p Hl and SpH 1 for BM 3). Unfortunately, cutting of PCR products with theseenzymes were highly inefficient and we have found that blunt-ended cloning of the cDNAs originating from the 5 endsof messengers addition of linkers to the endsof the PCR prodand ucts before cloning of the amplified cDNAs (to constructcDNA library) was the most efficient method. 2. Oligonucleotides related to BM 3 and BM 5 are respectively part of BM 3 or BM 5, overlapping each other by approx 10 bases.The oli-

5 Ends of mRIWs


gonucleotides relatedto BM 3 arein the sameorientationasBM 3,whereas the oligonucleotidesrelatedto BM 5 areanticomplementaryto BM 5. 3. For cloning of the 5 ends of mRNAs, the sequenceof the oligonucleotides is dictated by the mRNA that has to be cloned. At least four oligonucleotides needto be used: a. One oligonucleotide for primer extension experiment. b. Two (at least) for PCR experiments. The compatibility of theseoligonucleotides and their BM 5 partnersmust be checked. c. One as a probe for Southern blotting experiments. This oligonucleotide must be chosenclose to the known 5 end of the messenger.It is preferable to choose an oligonucleotide antisense.Thus, this oligonucleotide could be usedwith one of two oligonucleotides previously chosen to check the length of the primer extension product prior to carrying out the SLIC procedure(seeNote 3). 2.2. Extraction of RNAs (see Note 3) 1. Starting material: pelletedcells storedat -80C uponcollection or pieces of organs frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80C. Ice. 2. SM Guanidium isothiocyanate (GITC), stored at 4OC. 3. 5% ZV-lauryl sarcosyl. Preparein pasteurized or dd HZ0 and store at room temperature. 4. 1M Sodium citrate, pH 7.0. Store at -20C. 5. P-mercaptoethanol.Store at 4C. 6. Lysis buffer: 4M GITC, 25 mM sodium citrate, pH 7.0,0.5% i%lauryl sarcosine,0.1M P-mercaptoethanol.Preparefresh. 7. 1M Sodium acetate,pH 4.0. Store at -2OC. 8. Phenol saturatedwith water, stored at 4C. 9. CHC13. 10. DT40 (DextranT 40 Pharmacia, SaintQuenten Yvelines,Cedex,France, en #17-0270-01). Prepare stocksolutionat 5 g/L in dd H,O, andstoreat4C. a 11. 100%Ethanol. Aliquot and store at -20C. 12. 70% Ethanol. Store at 4C. 13. DEP-treated HZ0 (seeChapter 1) or dd HzO. 2.3. Synthesis of the cDNAs (see Note 3) 1. Water bath at 90C and then at 42OC. 2. Dry ice powder. 3. Acetylated bovine serum albumin. 4. RNAsin (Promega,Madison, WI, #N2111). 5. /3-mercaptoethanol. 6. 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.3. 7. 1M KCl. 8. dNTPs: 100 mM.

Dumas Milne Edwards, Delort, and Mallet

9. 20 mM Na Pyrophosphate. 10. [~x-~~P] dCTP, 400 Wmmol (Amersham International, #PB10165). 11. AMV reversetranscriptase(Promega #MSlOl). 12. Theprimer thatyou havechosen(BM 3 if generation a cDNA library is of neededor a specific primer if experiment is carried out to clone the 5 end of a messenger)in solution in dd H20 at 100 mg/L. 1. 2.4. Desalting Samples with Spun Columns Trisacryl GF: 0.W (IBF, Villeneuve la Garenne, France, #259112). Suspend 1 vol of resin in 1 vol of 1 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 0.2 mM EDTA (TE 0.1). Centrifuge at 5Ogfor 7 min. Remove the supernatant andrepeatthree times. Resuspendthe resin in a small volume of TE 0.1 and store at 4C up to 5 mo. Microfuge tubes (OS, 1.5, and 2 mL). Needle syringe. A glass bead 3-mm diameter (Ateliers Cloup, Champigny sur Marne, France,#OO 065.03). A bench-top centrifuge.

2. 3. 4.

2.5. Removal of the Primers 1. PrimeErase Quick Push Columns (Stratagene,La Jolla, CA, #400705). Material and buffers are provided ready to use. 2. Bench centrifuge for Eppendorf tubes. 3. 4M Ammonium acetate. 4. 2-propanol. 5. 75% Ethanol. 6. AcA 34 Ultrogel chromatography(IBF: #230141). 7. 2-mL disposablepipet (length = 25 cm) 8. Sterilized glass wool or a glass beadof 3-mm diameter. 9. GEB: 10mWIris-HCl, pH 8.0,300 n&f NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0.05% SDS. 10. Loading buffer. Prepare5 mg of bromophenolblue, add 10 mL glycerol 60% (v/v), filter througha 0.45~pmfilter, aliquot, andstore-20C. 11. 32P-labeled primer. Assemble a lo-pL reaction containing: 50 mMTrisHCl, pH 7.5, 10 mM MgCl,, 0.1 mM spermidine, 0.1 mM EDTA, 5 mM DTT, 100ng of primer, 2.5 p.Lof [f2P]-ATP (3000 Ci/mmol, Amersham International, #PB10168), and 1 U of terminal deoxyribonucleotide transferase.Incubate 30 min at 37C. Remove unincorporatednucleotides using Tris-acryl GF 0.5M spuncolumns. Typically half of the radioactivity is incorporated. 2.6. RNAs Hydrolysis 1. A water bath at 50C.
2. 2lVNaOH. 3. 2.2N Acetic

and Precipitation

of ss-cDNA


5 Ends of mRh!As 4. 5. 6. 7.


1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Dextran T 40 (Pharmacia). 10 mMLiC1. 100%Ethanol. 75% Ethanol. 2.7. Single-Strand Ligation 2.7.1. Functionulization of the Ligated Oligonucleotio?-e Terminal transferase suppliedbuffer and25 mM CoCl, (Boehringer with Mannheim, Germany, #220582). [a-32P] ddATP, 3000 Ci/mmol (Amersham International, #PB10233). 8% Polyacrylamide gel. 32P-kinased 5 (seeSection 2.5.). BM Spin-X cartridge (Costar, Brumath, France,#8160). Dry ice powder. 2.7.2. Ligation of the ss-cDNAs to the Modified Oligonucleotide Purified ss-cDNAs. 10X RNA ligase buffer: 500 miV Tris-HCI, pH 8.0, 100 mJ4 MgCl,, 100pg/l pg of bovine serum albumin, 500 pM ATP, 10 mM hexamine cobalt chloride. Sonicateto disrupt possibleDNA contaminantthat could be amplified in further PCR experiments. Filter through 0.22~pmmembrane. Store at -2OOC. 40% PEG 6000 (Appligene, Illkirch, France). Preparein dd H20 and stored at -20C. Modified oligonucleotide BM 5. T4 RNA ligase (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA, #204L).

2.8. PCR Amplification PCR reagents (see Chapter l), including primers. 2.9. Flying Southern and Hybridization Procedure 1. 0.4N NaOH. 2. Filter paper sheets(at least l-cm thickness) larger than the gel. 3. Hybond N+ (Amersham) or other positively charged membrane. (The type of membraneis important since the fixation of DNAs is performed in alkaline conditions.) Cut at the size of the agaroseminigel. 4. Four sheetsof Whatman 3MM cut at the size of the gel. 5. A centrifuge allowing the centrifugation of microtiter plates and the appropriategondola. 6. 50X Denhardts solution (seeChapter 1). 7. 20X SSC (seeChapter 1). 8. 0.5 mM Sodium phosphate,pH 7.0.


Dumas Milne Edwards, Delort, and Mallet

9. 20% SDS. 10. 0.5M EDTA. 11. Denaturedherring sperm DNA (4 mg/mL). 12. The 32P-kinased oligonucleotide probe (seeSection 2.5.). 13. An incubator at 42OC. 2.10. Cloning of PCR the Products As cloning strategies, screening of the libraries, and isolation of clones of interest are the basic background knowledge of all molecular biologists and are well described in classical literature (I2,I3), they are not detailed here and we limit discussion to the generation of clonable PCR products. The complexity of the PCR product mixture is the most important criterion in the choice of cloning strategy. If the PCR products are amplified Sends of messengers (PCR product exhibiting a weak complexity with the SLIC strategy), they can be cloned in blunt-ended vectors after polishing the 3 ends with T4 DNA polymerase. If PCR products correspond to a cDNA population that is highly complex, the use of linkers or adaptators is recommended to generate sticky ends compatible with the appropriate cloning vector. In our ends, these strategies were more efficient than using PCR primers containing sequences recognized by restriction enzymes. The choice of the strategy depends on the number of clones necessary to be screened to obtain the desired sequence. 1. Restriction enzyme buffer A (Boehringer Marmheim). 2.2mMdNTP. 3. T4 DNA polymerase (Boehringer Mannbeim, Germany, #1004786). 4. 16OC water bath. 5. A spin column (Section 2.4. and 3.3.). 6. Blunt-ended PCR products. 7. 10X Ligation buffer: OSMTris-HCl, pH 7.5,O.lM MgCl,, 1 n&t spermidine, 1 mM EDTA, 0.5M DlT, 100 mM ATP. 8. T4 DNA ligase. 9. Phosphorylatedlinkers of your choice. We have successfully used Eco RI linkers purchasedfrom New England Biolabs. 10. Cloning vectors. To clone the 5 ends of mRNAs, we have successfully used Eco RV-cut, phosphatasedpBluescript II (Stratagene).To clone the cDNA library we have used Eco RI-cut, phosphatasedhzAP II (Stratagene)following the suppliers instructions.

5Ends of mRNAs


3. Methods 3.1. Extraction of Total RNAs All manipulations must be carried out in an RNase free environment (see ref. 14). Pelleted cells or organs or fragments of organs can be used as starting material.Upon collection they must bestoredat-8OOC quickly aspossible. as 1. For 104cells, add40 pL of lyds buffer and0.5 pg of DT 40 to the sample. 2. If cells are used, vortex 10 min to shear DNA. If organs are used, a plastic micropotter is recommendedto homogenize the tissue.
3. Sequentially add: 2.5 ILL of 1M sodium acetate, 4.0,50 pL of water-satupH

ratedphenol, and 10 pL of CHCl,. Mix after eachaddition. SeeNote 4.

4. Leave 10 min on ice. 5. Spin 10 min at 4C.

6. Collect the aqueousphasein a clean tube. 7. Add 280 pL of 100%ethanol. 8. Precipitate (2 x 5 min) in liquid nitrogen. 9. Spin 12,000gfor 30 min at 4C. 10. Wash one or two times with 70% ethanol. 11. Vacuum dry (no more than 3 min, longer drying times stick the RNAs to the tube). 12. Dissolvethe pelletsin 10-20pL of DEP-treated dd) HzO. Storeat-80C. (or 3.2. Synthesis of the ss-cDNA 3.2.1. Synthesis of ss-cDNAs Primed by BM 3 (cDNA Library) 1. RNAs are diluted in 18 pL of DEP-treated H20. 2. Heat the tubes at 90C for 5 min. 3. Spin and freeze the tubes in dry ice powder. 4. Warm up the tube in ice. 5. Assemblea reactionof 47 pL final vol containing:0.1 mg/mL of bovine serum albumin, 0.1 U&L of RNAsin, 70 mM P-mercaptoethanol, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3 (at 42(J), 8 mM KCI, 1.6mMMg&, 1 mMeach of dATP, dTTp, and dGTP, 0.05 mM dCTP, 3 pmol of BM 3, and 4 mM sodium pyrophosphate. 6. Incubate at 4C for 15 min. 7. Add 2 p.L of [a-32P] dCTP (400 Ci/mmol) and approx 15 U of AMV reversetranscriptase. 8. Incubate for 45 min at 42C. 9. Add dCTP to 1 mM. 10. Incubate for 30 min at 42C.
11. Store at -20C until use (see Note 5).


Dumas Milne Edwards, Delort, and Mallet

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3.2.2. Synthesize of cDNAs Primed with Specify Primers (see Note 61 In a final volume of 18 l.tL, dilute the RNAs and add 6 pmol of primers. Heat the tubes at 90C for 5 min. Cool slowly to the annealingtemperatureof the primer. To a final volume of 50 pL, add 0.1 mg/mL of bovine serum albumin, 0.1 U&L of RNA&n, 70 mM p-mercaptoethanol,10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3 (42OC),8 mhf KCl, 1.6 mM MgC12, 1 mM of each dNTP, 4 m&f sodium pyrophosphate,and 15 U of AMV reversetranscriptase. Incubate for 45 min at 42C. 3.3. Desalting Samples with a Spin Column Pierce the OS-mL mlcrofuge tube with a needle. Put the glass bead in the bottom of the tube. Place the 0.5~mL tube in the 2-mL microfuge tube. Fill the 0.5-mL microfuge tube with resin. Spin in a swinging bucket rotor at 7OOg exactly 2 min. for Transfer the microcolumn in a 1.5-mL microfuge tube. Load the microcolumn with the sample that has to be desalted (do not fill with vol>30 pl). Spin in a swinging bucket rotor at 700g for exactly 2 min. Remove the column and store the eluate until use (seeNote 7).

3.4. Removal of the Primers To avoid ligation of the primers used in the synthesis of the cDNAs to BM S, these primers need to be removed prior to carrying out ligation. The length of primer used to perform the primer extension is the critical criteria to choose the method of elimination. If the length is ~25 nucleotides, PrimeErase Quick Push Columns (Stratagene) or ammonium acetate/2-propanol differential precipitation are efficient to remove primers quickly. If primers are longer, use AcA 34 (IBF). 3.4.1. PrimeErase Quick Push Columns Follow the suppliers instructions. 3.4.2. Ammonium Acetate /2-propanol Differential Precipitation 1. Add 1 vol of ammonium acetateand 2 vol of 2-propanol. Mix. 2. Incubate at room temperatureat least 10 min. 3. Spin in microfuge at maximum speedfor 10 min at room temperature. 4. Removesupernatant, 5 vol of 75% ethanol,andresuspend pellets. add the

5 Ends of rdW.As 5. Spin as in step 3. 6. Remove supernatantand dry the pellets. 7. Resuspendin dd HzO.


3.4.3. AcA 34 Chromatography 1. Equilibrate 10 mL of gel in 50 mL of GEB. 2. Allow the gel to sediment and discard the supernatant. 3. Resuspendthe gel in 50 mL of GEB. 4. Repeatsteps2 and 3 at least three times. 5. Plug a 2-n& disposablepipet (length = 25 cm) with glass wool or with a glass bead of 3-mm diameter. 6. Load a homogeneous Ultrogel suspension the pipet until the packed into gel reaches1 cm from the top. 7. Equilibrate the column with 5-10 mL of GEB. 8. Load the sample (100 i.tL of DNA, 4 pL of 0.5M EDTA, 2 pL of bromophenolblue loading buffer, and50,ooO of 32P-kinased 3). cpm BM 9. Collect 100~pL fractions until the bromophenol blue reachedthe bottom of the column. 10. Count the Cerenkhov radiation of the fractions (seeNote 8). 11. Pool thecDNA tractions, avoidingcontamination theprimerfraction, with 3.5. Alkaline Hydrolysis of RNA and Precipitation of ss-cDNA Add 0.15 vol of 2N NaOH. Incubate 30 min at 50C. Add 0.15 vol of 2.2N acetic acid. Add 0.03 vol of 0.5 pg/pL of Dextran T40, 0.07 vol of 1OMLiCl, 2.8 vol of 100%ethanol, and mix well. Freeze thaw twice for 5 min in liquid nitrogen. Spin 30 min at 12,OOOg 4C. at Wash with 70% ethanol. Dry the pellets under vacuum no longer than 3 min. Dissolve the pellets in 5 pL of dd Hz0 and storethe purified ss-cDNAs at -8OOC.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3.6. Single-Strand Ligation 3.6.1. Protection of the Oligonucleotide (see Note 9) The oligonucleotide used in the ligation has to be synthesized with a S-phosphate end and its 3 hydroxyl must be removed. One way to do this is to tail the 3 end of the oligonucleotide with a dideoxyribonucleotide.


Durnas Milne Edwards, Delort, and Mallet

1. In a 25pL reaction, add500 ng of oligonucleotide, 5 pL of 5X terminal transferase buffer, 1 p.L of CoC12, mkf ddATP, and2.5 pCi of [c+~~P] 100 ddATP (3000 Ci/mM). 2. Add 25 U of terminal transferase. 3. Incubate 1 h at 37C. 4. Heat 10 min at 75C. 5. Load on an 8% polyacrylamide gel. In a neighboring lane, load a sample of the nontailed but 32P-kinased oligonucleotide. 6. Excise the correct band (after autoradiographyof the wet gel). 7. Transfer the band into SPIN-X cartridge (Costar #8160), and add 200 pL of water. 8. Freeze in dry ice powder. Thaw. 9. Spin for 5 min at 12,000 pm. 10. Precipitate following steps4-8 of Section 3.4. 11. Dissolve the pellets in 50 pL of dd H20 (approx 5 ng/uL). 3.6.2. Ligation of the ss-cDNAS to the Modified Oligonucleotide (see Note 10) 1. Mix the following: 1 pL of purified ss-cDNAs 1 pL of 10X RNA ligase buffer 0.5 pL of the modified oligonucleotide 6.25 pL of 40% PEG 6000 1 pL of T4 RNA ligase. 2. Incubate 48 h at 22C. 3. Remove 5 pL of eachsample and store at -20C until use. 4. Incubate the remaining mixture for another48-h period. 5. Store the samples at -20C until use. 3.7. PCR Amplification Conditions of PCR amplification dependson the T, of the oligonucleotides used. The primers used in this study have been successfully used with annealing temperatures of 5 1C or 55C. For the two cloning experiments, we have performed nested PCR (seeNotes 11 and 12). 3.7.1. First PCR 1. In a 500~pL microfuge tube, mix the following: a. Half of the ligation product. b. 10 pL of 10X PCR buffer, 200 nmol of dNTP, primers for the first amplification (BM 5-l/BM 3-l or the specific primer of your choice). Adjust volume to 100 pL with dd H20. c. 1 U of Taq polymerase.

5 Ends of naRA?h


d. Overlay with 100 pL of mineral oil. 2. Perform PCR using the following cycle profile: Initial denaturation 93C 3 min 55OC,30 s (annealing) 35 main cycles 72OC,1 min (extension) 94OC,30 s (denaturation) Cool down the reaction tubes to 4C. 3.7.2. Second PCR 1. Use 1 pL of the first PCR amplification in a 5OyL final vol reaction similar to the reaction mixture of the first PCR except that the primers of the secondamplification are BM S-2/BM 3-2 or the secondspecific primer of your choice. 2. Perform PCR asin the first PCR reaction. 3.7.3. Analysis of the PCR Products Analysis of the PCR productscan be performed with 1% agaroseelectrophoresisas describedelsewhere (13; see Chapter 1). It is recommended to check the specificity of the PCR with Southernblotting experiments. A fast and efficient protocol, named Flying Southern is given in Section 3.8. 3.8. Ftying Southern and Hybridization Procedure This protocol is derived from ref. 1.5. It allows quick and accurate analysis of the specificity of PCR products using agarose minigels (7.5 x 10.5 cm). This protocol requires the use of a centrifuge that accepts microtitre plates. 1. After UV visualization of the nucleic acids, soak the agarose gel in 0.4N NaOH. 2. Soak a Hybond N+ membrane(Amersham International) in sterile HZ0 and then in 6X SSC. 3. Preparein a plastic box: Filter paper sheets(l-cm total thickness) Hybond N+ membrane Agarose gel (avoiding bubbles between the membraneand the gel) Four sheetsof Whatman 3MM paper soakedin 0.4N NaOH. 4. Spin in microtitre plate gondola at 1OOOg 20-30 min (agarosegels for from O&2%). 5. Remove the Whatman paper. 6. Mark the position of the wells on the membrane. 7. Remove the membranefrom the gel and rinse twice for 5 min each in 6X SSC. 8. Prehybridize in 1 mL (7.5 x 10.5 cm membrane) of buffer (1X


Dumas Milne Edwards, Delort, and Mallet

Denhardts, 6X SSC, 25 m&f sodium phosphate,pH 7,25 mM EDTA, 250 pg/mL of denaturedherring sperm DNA, 1%SDS). Load the buffer in a Petri dish, then put the membraneDNA face toward the bottom of the dish above the buffer. Avoid air bubbles. Close the Petri dish. 9. Incubate 20 min at 42C. 10. Remove the prehybridization buffer and replaceit by 300 pL of hybridization buffer containing 2-3 x lo6 cpm of 3?-kinased oligonucleotide. Place the membranein a Petri dish as describedearlier. 11. Incubate for 30 min at 42C. 12. Wash from 6X SSC to 1X SSC with 1% SDS, at 42C. Check radioactivity with a bench monitor. 3.9. Cloning PCR Products 3.9.1. Blunt-Ending of PCR Products (see Note 13) 1. After having removed primers (Section 3.4.2.), assemblea 20-uL reaction containing 2 i.rL of buffer A (Boehringer), 1 i.tL of 2 mM dNTPs, and 2 uL of T4 DNA polymerase(Boehringer). To limit the activity of the enzyme, keep at 4C. 2. Incubate15min at 16C.Warmto 75C for 10min to denature enzyme. the 3. Remove nucleotidesand salts using a Tris-acryl GF OSM spuncolumn. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.9.2. Ligation of Linkers to the PCR Products To approx 500 ng of blunt-endedPCR products, add 1 pg of phosphorylated Eco Rl linkers, 5 uL of 10X ligation buffer, and dd Hz0 to 46 uL. Finally, add 4 uL of T4 DNA ligase. Incubate overnight at 16C. Heat 5 min at 75C. Add 9 pL of buffer H (Boehringer),2 pL of 100mM spermidine,33 pL of dd H20, and4 pL of Eco RI (Boehringer60 U/pL). Incubate2 h at 37C. Precipitate as described in Section 3.4.2. Resuspendin 10-20 uL of dd Hz0 and useto ligate to Eco RI-cut cloning vector following classical protocols (14) or suppliers instructions.

4. Notes 1. For all the oligonucleotides used,secondarystructuresand self-complementary structures should be avoided. Compatibility in T, and nonannealingof eachpair of oligonucleotides should be checked, Softwares facilitating this analysis are now available. 2. All the oligonucleotides except BM 3 and BM 5 can be used as crude preparations,after ammonia deprotection and lyophilization. As BM 3 and BM 5 arelong oligonucleotides, they must be purified (using polyacrylamide gels or HPLC) beforeuse. Protocols arewell describedelsewhere (13).

5EndsofmRhMs 3. Tips, tubes, and all the material usedin this manipulation must be very clean and at least sterilized. Wear gloves during all the manipulation of RNAs to avoid contamination of the preparationby RNAses. The same precautions should be followed in the synthesis of cDNAs. These precautions representthe lower level of protection againstRNAse and it is advisable to read ref. 14 carefully. All the aqueoussolutions must be filtrated through a 0.22~pm filter prior to storage. 4. We have successfully extracted total RNAs (34 pg) from punchesof rat raphe dorsalis by multiplying by 5 all the volumes indicated earlier. 5. The synthesis of the ss-cDNA can be checked by the determination of the radioactivity incorporated.This could easily be done using the spin column describedin Section 3.3. If I andT are,respectively,the incorporated (determinethe radioactivity in the eluate of the spun column) and total radioactivity (count the column or an aliquot of ss-cDNA mixture prior desalting),the massM of ss-cDNA is given by the formula: M = (I/T) x (total dCTP massduring reaction) x 4 In the conditions used, M(ng) = (I/T) x 330. Classically, the amount of ss-cDNA is l&30% of the massof starting mRNAs. 6. For the cloning of the 5 ends,the labeling of the ss-cDNAs is not necessaryprovided the activity of the enzyme has been checkedbefore. A more informative experiment, in the cloning of 5 endsof mRNAs, is to carry out PCR with the ss-cDNAs as matrix and two specific primers. One of the primers has to be chosenclose to the known 5 ends of the cDNA clones.After PCR, verify the specificity of the product by Southern blotting (Section 3.10.). This allows an accurateverification of the synthesisof a ss-cDNA long enough to pursuecloning experiments. 7. In the conditions described,thesecolumns retain salts and small oligonucleotides (approximate length of 10 nucleotides). 8. When the patternof the radioactivity containedin the fractions is examined, two peakscan easily be isolated. The first, which is also the less intense,corresponding approximately fractions7-l 1,containthe cDNAs. to The secondpeak,which is more intense,starting approximately from the 15* fraction corresponds theldnasedprimersandtheradiolabelednucleto otidesif they havenot beenremovedbeforechromatography. 9. During the preparation of this chapter we have successfully tested a new method to block the 3-OH of BM 3. It consistsin synthesizing this oligonucleotlde with a 3-NHz end. 10. During this manipulation, preparecontrols that will be usedin the PCR experiments following SLIC. a. Prepare anonligatedsamplecomposed thesamemixture asdescribed of in Section 3.6.2. step 1 minus the enzyme. This nonligated control

Dumas Milne Edwards, Delort, and Mallet will beusefulto determineif unspecificamplification usingthesscDNA as matrix has occurred. b. Prepareanothercontrol containing the mixture describedin Section 3.6.2,step 1 minus ss-cDNA and the enzyme.This control will reveal the presenceof contaminant in the SLIC mix when compared to the PCR control. 11. A very small amount of BM 3 can escapethe AcA 34 purification. In such case, after the first round of PCR amplification we have used a Sephacryl S-400 chromatographyto purify the amplified DNA. 12. In ail the PCR experiments, it is useful to preparea control sample with the PCR mixture minus DNA. This allows tire detection of contaminant in the PCR mix. 13. Be sure that the PCR product is kinased. PCR primers are classically synthesizedwithout phosphategroup at their 5 end. It is recommended to perform a limited PCR (10 cycles) with kinased primer before bluntending. Acknowledgments We are grateful to our colleagues. We thank A. Hicks for critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by fellowships from the Societe de Secours des Amis des Sciences followed by the Foundation Claude Bernard to J.B.D.M.E. and from the Ecole Polytechnique and the Association pour la Recherche contre le Cancer and the Programme Lavoisier to J.D. and by grants from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the Institut National pour la Recherche Medicale, the Association pour la Recherche contre le Cancer, and Rhone-Poulenc Rorer. References
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5 Ends of mRNAs
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