IFRS 5 - Non-Current Assets Held For Sale - AFE3782 NOTES
IFRS 5 - Non-Current Assets Held For Sale - AFE3782 NOTES
IFRS 5 - Non-Current Assets Held For Sale - AFE3782 NOTES
Objective of IFRS 5
The term Non-current assets held for sale actually refers to:
First to goodwill
Then pro-rata to other NCA within measurement scope.
at reporting date:
measure disposal group at lower of CA and FVLCTS (first measure all assets
and liabilities outside measurement scope in terms of their relevant standards);
RECOGNISE impairment loss in profit/loss, allocate:
First to goodwill
Then pro-rata to other NCA within measurement scope and recognize
reversal of impairment loss in P/L (limited to prior impairment losses)
and allocate pro-rata to other NCA within measurement scope
Solution example 2
W1.1 Measurement of plant before classification as NCAHFS
Revaluation model in terms of IAS 16
detail calculation A B C
PPE;CA 100 000-(100 000*.1*2YRS)
1/01/18 80 000 80 000 80 000
PPE; Reva
surplus Balancing: FV 120 000-CA80 40 000 40 000 40 000
1/01/18 000
PPE: GIVEN 120 000 120 000 120 000
accumulated 120 000/8 (remaining years) (15 000) (15 000) (15 000)
PPE:CA1/01/19 Balancing (120 000-15 0000 105 000 105 000 105 000
PPE:incr /decr Balancing (based on FV in
required) (5 000) 45 000 (45 000)
Adjust rev A&C decrease ,limit to RS (5 000) - (5 000)
surplus balance
Adjust rev A: nil since devaluation does not (0) N/A (10 000
expense exceed RS bal
B: N/A since it us an increase in
C: deval: 45 000 exceeds RS bal
PPE: GIVEN 100 000 150 000 60 000
PPE: BEFORE IMPAIRMENT GIVEN 100 000 150 000 60 000
PPE: Recoverable
amt:01/01/14 Greater of VIU and FV-Costs of 105 000 155 000 65 000
PPE; impairment
loss expense RA ids greater than CA N/A N/A N/A
PPE:FV:01/01/19 GIVEN 100 000 150 000 60 000
Less IAS 36
impairment loss above 0 0 0
PPE; None were impaired 100 000 150 000 60 000
NCAHFS:CA:01/01/1 Transfer from
9 PPE(W1.1)given 100 000 150 000 60 000
NCAHFS:Imp of CA-FVLCTS 9 000 20 000 20 000
NCAHFS: IFRS (91 000) (130 000) (40 000)
5 :1/1/19
Revaluation surplus Opening balance - - -
Increase to FV 120 000-CA80 000 40 000 40 000 40 000
Transfer to 40000/8 years remaining (5 000) (5 000) (5 000)
Rev surplus 01/01/19 Before transfer 35 000 35 000 35 000
Inc/dcr in
FV01/01/19 W1 (5 000) 45 000 (35 000)
Revaluation surplus After transfer 30 000 80 000 0
Journals 01/01/14
Dr/(Cr) Dr/(Cr) Dr/(Cr)
PPE;Plant;ACC DEPN 15 000 15 000 15 000
PPE;Plant:cost (15 000) (15 000) (15 000)
NRVM: Acc depreciation set off against cost
PPE: Pplant :cost (5000) 45 000 (45 000)
Revaluation surplus-plant (OCI) 5000 (45 000) 10 000
Revaluation of expense 0 0 10 000
Revaluation of plant (PPE)to FV immediately before
reclassification to NCAHFS
NCAHFS :Plant:cost-AD 100 000 150 000 60 000
PPE:plant:cost (100 000) (150 000) (60 000)
Transfer from PPE on date classified as NCAHFS
(transfer at the CA after any depreciation, revaluation
and impairment to date of classification)
Impairment loss-NCAHFS 9 000 20 000 20 000
NCAHFS:Acc imp loss (9 000) (20 000) (20 000)
Measurement of plant as a NCAHFS on date of
classification to lower of CA as PPE on date of
classification and FV-CtS
Explanatory notes:
1 revaluation surplus balance (w3) is calculated immediately prior to the PPE’s final
revaluation to fair value on 1/1/19, since any dropping its value must first be set off
against this balance and any further decrease in the value of the PPE is then expensed
as a revaluation expense.
2. as the net replacement value method was used the accumulated depreciation
immediately before the revaluation must be set off against the cost of the asset before
revaluing the asset on 1/1/19
3. despite the fact that a balance remains in the revaluation surplus after the
revaluation on 1/1/19 the impairment loss relating to NCAHFS is expensed (i.e.
impairment in terms of IFRS5 are always expensed). The balance in the revaluation
surplus on the date of classification as a NCAHFS remains there until assets is
disposed off at which point it will be transferred to retained earnings.
4. while the plant is PPE the entity would transfer the revaluation surplus tp retained
earnings over the useful life of the asset (i.e. at the same rate as the asset is
depreciated) but since the asset is now a NCAHFS (from 1/1/19 ) both depreciation
and this transfer must cease.,
Example 2
Cathy Ltd has a plant with a cost of N$200 000 and a carrying amount of
N$160 000 on 1 January 2019 (beginning of reporting year). Plant is
depreciated at 10% per annum on the straight-line basis.
On 30 June 2019 management decides to dispose of the plant within the next
year. All other criteria to facilitate the classification of the asset as a non-
current asset held for sale are met. The plant’s fair value less cost to sell
amounts N$135 000 on 30 June 2019.
Journalise the above transactions.
Journalise the above transactions in accordance with IFRS 5
Changes to a plan of sale
When the criteria for classification as a HFS is no longer met the entity ceases
to classify as HFS. The assets shall be measured at the lower of:
The carrying amount before asset (or disposal group) was classified as
held for sale, adjusted for any depreciation, armotisation or revaluations
that would have been recognized had the asset (or disposal group) not
been classified as held for sale and
The recoverable amount on the date of the subsequent decision not to
A DO is in effect a disposal group (or multiple disposal groups) that is held for
sale (or has been already disposed) and also meets the definition of a
component of the entity and also meets the definition of a discontinued
operation (IFRS5.31). Measurement of a DO is thereby a prescribed under held
for sale.
Disclosure of a DO
Statement of comprehensive income:
Total profit or loss from discontinued operations (show in profit or loss section)
Notes or on the face:
Analysis of total profit /loss for the period :
Tax effects of P/L
Gain or loss on re-measurement
Gain or loss on disposals
Tax effects of gains /loss
Changes in estimates
Statement of cash flows: (face or notes)
Operating activities
Investing activities
Financing activities
Other notes
Components no longer held for sale
Criteria met after the end of the reporting period.
Example D.O
Angola’s car manufacturing operation has been making substantial losses.
Following a meeting of the board of directors, it was decided to close down the
car manufacturing operation on 31 March 20X6. The company’s reporting date
is 31 December and the car manufacturing operation is treated as a separate
operating segment. Explain how the decision to close the car manufacturing
operation should be treated in Angola’s financial statements for the years
ending 31 December 20X5 and 20X6
31 December 2015
The operation is not being sold so cannot be classified as held for sale and
neither is it a discontinued operation as it is still operating until 31 March
2016. Angola is firmly committed to the closure but it hasn’t taken place and
so is included in continuing operations. A disclosure in the notes can be made
of the intention to close the operation in the following year.
31 December 2016 The operation is now classified as a discontinued operation
as it has now ceased operating.
Example 2 DO
Max Co Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for
year ended 31/12/17
N$ N$
17 16
000 000
revenue 700 550
Cost of sales (300) (260)
Gross profit 400 290
Distribution costs (100) (70)
Administration costs (70) (60)
Profit from operations 230 160
During the year the entity ran down a material business operation with all
activities ceasing on 30 /03/17.
The results of the operation for 2017band 2016b were as follows:
N$ N$
17 16
000 000
revenue 60 70
COS (40) (45)
Distribution exp (13) (14)
Administration exp (10) (12)
Loss from operations (3) (1)
The entity made gains of $7000 on the disposal of NC of the DO. These have
been netted off against administrative expenses.
Prepare the Statement of Profit /Loss and other Comprehensive income for the
year ended 31 December 2017 for Max co, complying with the provisions of
IFRS 5, disclosing the information on the face of the SPL (ignore taxation).
N$ N$
17 16
REVENUE 640 480
Cost of sales (260) (215)
Gross profit 380 265
Admin expenses (60) (48)
Distribution exp (87) (56)
Profit from continuing operation 233 161
Income tax expense - -
Discontinued operations (3) (1)
Income tax expense (-) (-)
Profit for the year 230 160
car manufactu
making substan
meeting of the
decided to
manufacturing o
The company’s
December and
operation is trea
segment. Explain
the car manufac
treated in Angol
the years endin