CSE331 Lecture20
CSE331 Lecture20
CSE331 Lecture20
Lecture Notes # 20
Outline of the Lecture
• Interfacing the Serial Port
• Serial Port registers
• Transmitting Serial Data
• Receiving Serial Data
¾ Above is the standard port addresses. These should work for most P.C's. However
some PCs can have different set of addresses and IRQ's. Just like the LPT ports,
the base addresses for the COM ports can be read from the BIOS Data Area.
¾ DLAB ?
• You will have noticed in the table of registers that there is a DLAB column.
When DLAB is set to '0' or '1' some of the registers change. This is how the
UART is able to have 12 registers (including the scratch register) through only 8
port addresses.
• DLAB stands for Divisor Latch Access Bit. When DLAB is set to '1' via the
line control register, two registers become available from which you can set
your speed of communications measured in bits per second.
• The UART will have a crystal which should oscillate around 1.8432 MHZ. The
UART incorporates a divide by 16 counter which simply divides the incoming
clock signal by 16. Assuming we had the 1.8432 MHZ clock signal, that would
leave us with a maximum, 115,200 hertz signal making the UART capable of
transmitting and receiving at 115,200 Bits Per Second (BPS). That would be
fine for some of the faster modems and devices which can handle that speed,
but others just wouldn't communicate at all. Therefore the UART is fitted with a
Programmable Baud Rate Generator which is controlled by two registers.
• Ex: Lets say for example we only wanted to communicate at 2400 BPS??
Speed (BPS) Divisor (Dec) Divisor Latch High Byte Divisor Latch Low Byte
50 2304 09h 00h
300 384 01h 80h
600 192 00h C0h
2400 48 00h 30h
4800 24 00h 18h
9600 12 00h 0Ch
19200 6 00h 06h
38400 3 00h 03h
57600 2 00h 02h
115200 1 00h 01h
Table : Table of Commonly Used Baudrate Divisors
¾ Line Control Register (LCR)
• The Line Control register sets the basic parameters for communication. Bit 7 is
the Divisor Latch Access Bit or DLAB for short. We have already talked about
what it does. Bit 6 Sets break enable. When active, the TD line goes into
"Spacing" state which causes a break in the receiving UART. Setting this bit to
'0' Disables the Break.
Bit 7 1 Divisor Latch Access Bit
Access to Receiver buffer, Transmitter buffer & Interrupt
Enable Register
Bit 6 Set Break Enable
Bits 3, Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Parity Select
4 and 5 X X 0 No Parity
0 0 1 Odd Parity
0 1 1 Even Parity
1 0 1 High Parity (Sticky) /Mark
1 1 1 Low Parity (Sticky) /Space
Bit 2 Length of Stop Bit
0 One Stop Bit
2 Stop bits for words of length 6,7 or 8 bits or 1.5 Stop Bits
for Word lengths of 5 bits.
Bits 0 Bit 1 Bit 0 Word Length
and 1 0 0 5 Bits
0 1 6 Bits
1 0 7 Bits
1 1 8 Bits
Table: Line Control Register
• Bits 3,4 and 5 select parity. If you study the 3 bits, you will find that bit 3 controls
parity. That is, if it is set to '0' then no parity is used, but if it is set to '1' then parity is
used. Jumping to bit 5, we can see that it controls sticky parity. Sticky parity is simply
when the parity bit is always transmitted and checked as a '1' or '0'. This has very little
success in checking for errors as if the first 4 bits contain errors but the sticky parity bit
contains the appropriately set bit, then a parity error will not result. Sticky high parity is
the use of a '1' for the parity bit, while the opposite, sticky low parity is the use of a '0'
for the parity bit.
• If bit 5 controls sticky parity, then turning this bit off must produce normal parity
provided bit 3 is still set to '1'. Odd parity is when the parity bit is transmitted as a '1' or
'0' so that there is a odd number of 1's. Even parity must then be the parity bit
produces and even number of 1's.
• Bit 2 sets the length of the stop bits. Setting this bit to '0' will produce one stop bit,
however setting it to '1' will produce either 1.5 or 2 stop bits depending upon the word
length. Note that the receiver only checks the first stop bit.
• Bits 0 and 1 set the word length. This should be pretty straight forward. A word length
of 8 bits is most commonly used today.
¾ Modem Control Register (MCR)
Bit Notes
Bit 7 Reserved
Bit 6 Reserved
Bit 5 Autoflow Control Enabled (16750 only)
Bit 4 LoopBack Mode
Bit 3 Aux Output 2
Bit 2 Aux Output 1
Bit 1 Force Request to Send
Bit 0 Force Data Terminal Ready
Table: Modem Control Register
• The Modem Control Register is a Read/Write Register. Bits 5,6 and 7 are reserved. Bit
4 activates the loopback mode. In Loopback mode the transmitter serial output is
placed into marking state. The receiver serial input is disconnected. The transmitter out
is looped back to the receiver in. DSR, CTS, RI & DCD are disconnected. DTR, RTS,
OUT1 & OUT2 are connected to the modem control inputs. The modem control output
pins are then place in an inactive state. In this mode any data which is placed in the
transmitter registers for output is received by the receiver circuitry on the same chip
and is available at the receiver buffer. This can be used to test the UARTs operation.
• Aux Output 2 maybe connected to external circuitry which controls the UART-CPU
interrupt process. Aux Output 1 is normally disconnected, but on some cards is used to
switch between a 1.8432MHZ crystal to a 4MHZ crystal which is used for MIDI. Bits 0
and 1 simply control their relevant data lines. For example setting bit 1 to '1' makes the
request to send line active.
Bit Notes
Bit 7 Error in Received FIFO
Bit 6 Empty Data Holding Registers
Bit 5 Empty Transmitter Holding Register
Bit 4 Break Interrupt
Bit 3 Framing Error
Bit 2 Parity Error
Bit 1 Overrun Error
Bit 0 Data Ready
Table : Line Status Register
• The line status register is a read only register. Bit 7 is the error in received FIFO bit.
This bit is high when at least one break, parity or framing error has occurred on a byte,
which is contained in the FIFO.
• When bit 6 is set, both the transmitter holding register and the shift register are
empty. The UART's holding register holds the next byte of data to be sent in parallel
fashion. The shift register is used to convert the byte to serial, so that it can be
transmitted over one line.
• When bit 5 is set, only the transmitter holding register is empty. So what's the
difference between the two? When bit 6, the transmitter holding and shift registers are
empty, no serial conversions are taking place so there should be no activity on the
transmit data line. When bit 5 is set, the transmitter holding register is empty, thus
another byte can be sent to the data port, but a serial conversion using the shift register
may be taking place.
• The break interrupt (Bit 4) occurs when the received data line is held in a logic state '0'
(Space) for more than the time it takes to send a full word. That includes the time for
the start bit, data bits, parity bits and stop bits.
• A framing error (Bit 3) occurs when the last bit is not a stop bit. This may occur due to a
timing error. You will most commonly encounter a framing error when using a null
modem linking two computers or a protocol analyzer when the speed at which the data
is being sent is different to that of what you have the UART set to receive it at.
• A overrun error normally occurs when your program can't read from the port fast
enough. If you don't get an incoming byte out of the register fast enough, and another
byte just happens to be received, then the last byte will be lost and a overrun error will
• Bit 0 shows data ready, which means that a byte has been received by the UART and
is at the receiver buffer ready to be read.
Bit 7 Carrier Detect
Bit 6 Ring Indicator
Bit 5 Data Set Ready
Bit 4 Clear To Send
Bit 3 Delta Data Carrier Detect
Bit 2 Trailing Edge Ring Indicator
Bit 1 Delta Data Set Ready
Bit 0 Delta Clear to Send
Table: Modem Status Register
• Bit 0 of the modem status register shows delta clear to send, delta meaning a change
in, thus delta clear to send means that there was a change in the clear to send line,
since the last read of this register. This is the same for bits 1 and 3.
• Bit 1 shows a change in the Data Set Ready line where as Bit 3 shows a change in the
Data Carrier Detect line. Bit 2 is the Trailing Edge Ring Indicator which indicates that
there was a transformation from low to high state on the Ring Indicator line.
• Bits 4 to 7 show the current state of the data lines when read. Bit 7 shows Carrier
Detect, Bit 6 shows Ring Indicator, Bit 5 shows Data Set Ready & Bit 4 shows the
status of the Clear To Send line.
Example Questions:
Ex1: Write the required assembly Language program segment to provide the following
frame for serial communication?
- 7 bits character, 1 stop bit, odd parity
Solution: We can provide the above settings by using the Line Control Register.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
DLAB Break Parity2 Parity1 Parity0 Stop Data1 Data0
XX0 = No parity 00 =5 data bits
001 = Odd parity 01 =6 data bits
011 = Even parity 10 =7 data bits
101 =High parity(sticky) 11 =8 data bits
111=Low parity(sticky)
0=1 stop bits
0=break 1=2 stop bits
1=disable break
Then, 0000 1010B = 0AH is to be sent to the address of the Line Control Register (base
Ex2: Program the divisor latch to provide 9600 baud rate. Assume 1.8432 MHz frequency.
OUT DX,AL ;issue the low byte
INC DX ;high byte divisor latch address(3F8H+01)
2. check DSR & CTS (DSR-Data Set Ready & CTS-Clear to send)
(check if bits 5 & 4 in the Modem Status register are equal to 1 at base
address+06) wait until timeout
Read, http://www.beyondlogic.org/serial/serial1.htm for further details.