1.1 Biodiversity - A Vital Part of Ealing
1.1 Biodiversity - A Vital Part of Ealing
1.1 Biodiversity - A Vital Part of Ealing
Biodiversity is the ‘variety of life’ – the myriad plant and animal species and
the range of habitats in which they live. Biodiversity is all life on the planet,
from the insects in the grass of an African savannah, to the ubiquitous and
familiar birds which inhabit Ealing’s parks and open spaces; from the clusters
of bacteria surrounding a geothermal vent at the bottom of the deepest ocean,
to the frog finding refuge in a shallow garden pond in Southall.
The London Borough of Ealing (LBE) has a long history of interest and
concern for wildlife. The Council’s concern for nature conservation has
increased greatly over the last two decades and the voluntary sector has also
strengthened. Policies for nature conservation have been developed and
structures have been successfully set up to promote conservation. But what
has been lacking in LBE, and other boroughs, is a strategy linking the local
and national needs of nature conservation. This document – the Biodiversity
Plan for the Borough of Ealing – is the first step towards this goal. It covers
the big issues, but also gives sufficient detail to be used as a basis for action.
It is a working document for use by all those interested in conservation.
2.1.1 The London Borough of Ealing covers some 5,550 hectares (over 21 square
miles). About 16% of the total land area is green open space all of which can
be considered of value for nature conservation.
Our borough contains a wide variety of wildlife habitats. Consider the range
of woodland for example – from the well known ancient woodland of Perivale
Wood, to the small pockets of recent woodland that have grown up in ‘waste’
places and along railway lines. Other habitats include grasslands, species rich
and amenity our waterways, the disturbed areas of ‘wasteland’, and the often
unexpected wildlife havens provided by private gardens.
2.1.2 These habitats support a remarkable diversity of species. Most, like the
hawfinch, bluebell and small blue butterfly, are remnants of native fauna and
flora. Other species like the robin and common blue damselfly have adapted
well to the human environment of parks and gardens. Our borough also
supports some species that are urban ‘specialists’. One of our rarer birds, the
black redstart, can be found on sparsely vegetated industrial areas that mimic
the scree-slopes and cliffs of their natural habitat further south in Europe. We
also have some species, which are not urban specialists.
2.1.3 The legacy of London’s trading history includes some plants that were
accidentally or deliberately introduced. For example, the buddleia, which
originated in China, is ubiquitous throughout London and contributes to
maintain our native wildlife being a nectar source for insects.
For most of us it is the more common species which matter most: swans
cruising along the canal; springtime carpets of bluebells; butterflies in the
summertime meadows. A major objective of our action plan is to ensure that
people who live and work in LBE are able to experience nature in their local
environment. After all, it will be these people that will shape the future of our
3.1 At the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro in 1992, 150 nations signed the
convention on Biological Diversity. It was recognised that human activities
were changing and destroying wildlife habitats resulting in the alarming loss of
species. For example in the UK over 100 species have been lost this century.
3.2 The UK Action Plan on Biodiversity was published by the Government in
1994. It set out the broad strategy and targets for conserving and enhancing
wild species and habitats for the next 20 years. In 1995 the UK Biodiversity
Steering Group published a report which made detailed proposals for a large
number of species and habitats which require urgent conservation action.
This report was endorsed by the Government in May 1996. and included the
following set of priorities:
1. to increase the overall populations and natural ranges of native species, and the
quality and range of wildlife habitats and ecosystems
2. to enhance internationally important and threatened species, habitats and
3. to enhance species, habitats and natural and managed ecosystems that are
characteristic of local areas.
4. to enhance the biodiversity of natural and semi-natural habitats where this has
been lost over recent decades
3.3 The only way the UK Action plan will work, will be by developing effective
action at a local level. Hence the need for a Biodiversity Action Plan for
Ealing. We are taking this as the first step.
3.5 Biodiversity provides many of the essentials of life: our water, food, oxygen,
health and relaxation. At a local level, biodiversity gives an area it's distinctive
character and wildlife habitats make an important contribution to the quality of
3.6 Efforts have been made by the various agencies with nature conservation
responsibilities to try and coordinate the action plan for London and to assist
local authorities in the development of local plans. This has culminated in the
creation of the London Biodiversity Partnership, which has a remit to
coordinate the development of a Biodiversity Action Plan for London involving
partners such as the former London Ecology Unit (now part of the Greater
London Authority), English Nature and London wildlife Trust. Whilst the delay
in this coordinated approach has led to delays in the development of local
plans, responsibilities for developing London wide habitat action plans have
now been defined
The new agenda. This action Plan has been developed through 4 topic
1. The Project Plan Group, which secured funds for a London Biodiversity Project
Officer and now oversee this post as a project board
2. The Promotion & Publicity Group to promote the partnership and approach others
who would be interested in joining
3. The Data Recording Group which is currently synonymous with the London
Wildlife Trust’s Biological Project’s advisory committee, this group aiming to
establish a recording framework for London’s biodiversity
4. The Habitats & Species Group whose principle aims are to provide an audit
(review) of London’s biodiviersity resource (habitats and species) based on
recommended criteria, to evaluate the audit information and help prioritise the
important elements of London’s biodiversity and to produce action plans for
priority habitats and species in the capital.
3.7 London has long been a pioneering arena for urban nature conservation. For
many years, voluntary and statutory nature conservation, Local Authorities,
locally based groups and individuals have argued successfully for the capital’s
wildlife. This has largely been achieved through the management of Sites of
Importance for Nature Conservation and other open spaces. Protected areas
such as nature reserves have been established, and are often managed in
partnership between local authorities and private landowners. .
3.8 The new agenda will involve a wider audience in nature conservation. This
new agenda will provide an opportunity for all people and organisations to
take part.
3.9 The Government endorsed the report of the UK Steering Group in 1996. In
1997, the
Steering Group, now called the UK Biodiversity Group, produced guidance
notes for the production of local BAPs It was recognised from the outset that
the success of the national document relied on production of local BAPs
which detailed particular requirements of local biodiversity. Local BAPs are
now recognised as an essential component in achieving success for wildlife
on an international scale.
value to people living and working in LBE. The special circumstances that arise
from LBE’s urban character should be acknowledged
6. To promote access to and enjoyment of wildlife in LBE.
7. To resolve conflicts between nature conservation and other interests
8. To promote public awareness and interest in the wildlife of LBE, raise the profile
of nature conservation and encourage people’s involvement and personal
commitment to the implementation of action plans
9. To publish the Ealing BAP and so establish priorities and action plans,
incorporating a mechanism for monitoring and review.
The London Borough of Ealing is small geographical area and not a ‘natural’
bio geographical area. Therefore the Ealing BAP can not be delivered in
isolation and where appropriate should relate to BAPs in neighbouring
boroughs. Where these action plans have not been produced this will occur
during the first major review of the BAP in 2005.
5.2 Specifically, EWN produced the draft action plan for private gardens and both
the West London Organic & Wildlife Gardening Association and the LA21
Allotments Group have contributed to the allotments action plan. Other
groups have made further contributions including the Selbourne Society, who
has developed a range of species action plans relating to fungi found within
Perivale Wood.
5.3 This first draft of the action plan will be distributed to other internal and
external organisations who have agreed to comment on Ealing’s plan
including the London Wildlife Trust, British Waterways, Countryside Agency,
London Biodiversity Partnership, Greater London Authority (London Ecology
Unit), Thames Water utilities and the Environment Agency.
5.4 Wider public consultation is a key part of the action plan and a series of
summary leaflets will be produced to promote biodiversity issues within the
Borough. The plan will need to engage the people of Ealing in order to ensure
successful delivery of the actions. This process will start during the year
2001/2002. This may mean the plan needs to be amended during its first
review. This process will take the form of workshops displays and leaflets on
individual Habitat Action Plans and Species Action Plans organised or
supported by the Parks and Countryside Service.
6.1 Habitats
A key feature of EBAP is to identify and protect all the relevant sites for nature
conservation. Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation in London form a
hierarchy of three categories identified by the London Ecology Unit: Sites of
Metropolitan, Borough and Local Importance.
• Sites of Metropolitan Importance include all sites that already have a
‘higher designation e.g. Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or
National Nature Reserve. Other sites, which are significant on a
London-wide basis, are also included. There are 5 such sites in LBE –
Horsenden Hill, Perivale Wood, Islip Manor, Yeading Brook Fields and
Gunnersbury Triangle.
• Sites of Borough Importance are important in a borough perspective.
Loss of these sites or damage to them would mean a significant loss to
the borough. The sites have been divided into two grades on the basis
of their quality in terms of their wildlife and value to people. However
LEU stresses that they are all important on a borough-wide basis. 17
sites of Grade 1 and 16 of Grade 2 status have been identified.
• A Site of Local Importance is one, which is or may be of particular
value to local residents or schools. These sites may already be used
by schools for nature study or run by management committees
composed mainly of local people. Local sites are particularly important
in areas of otherwise deficient in wildlife. 23 sites of Local Importance
have been identified.
More than 1200 such sites have been identified in Greater London, covering
an area of over 28,000 hectares
6.2.1 The LEU has identified a number of Countryside Conservation Areas where
traditional forms of land-use have continued to present day. Wildlife Corridors
have also been identified, these being relatively continuous areas of open
space leading through the built environment which may link sites to each other
and to Green Belt (or Metropolitan Open Land).
All the sites identified by LEU are listed in the publication Nature Conservation
in Ealing, an attractive, illustrated book in which all the sites of Metropolitan,
Borough and Local Importance are described. This book was published in
1991 and while it forms a very useful basis, it is by no means the last word.
There may well be sites that were missed and the situation at the designated
sites may well have changed or more information may now be available. The
sites in the LEU should therefore reviewed and any extra sites added to the
list. The sites should all be re-surveyed and it is recommended that a
programme be established to do this. It is recognised that this is a
considerable task and will therefore take a number of years. It could be
carried out by the LEU (now the Bio diversity Group of the Strategy
Directorate of the Greater London Authority) but there is sufficient expertise
within the borough to carry out this work. In either case, the issue is resource
–money and people.
6.2.2 The LBE has little Green Belt as such, because this is belt around London and
LBE is not at the periphery. It does, however, have a good deal of land, which
is designated, as Metropolitan Open Land (MOL). This designation is intended
to prevent built development and has the same strength as Green Belt.
Polices for MOL are described in OL1-3 of the Unitary Development Plan
(UDP). The biggest area is the Brent River Park, which has its own policy
OL6 in the UDP.
6.2.3 The Council has designated a number of “Green Corridors” in Policies OL5,6
of the UDP. These include the Grand Union Canal and 18 stretches of railway
line (Table 2 in OL4). The Council has an extra designation – “Sites for Local
Nature Conservation” (Policy OL21). 44 sites are listed in Table 6 in OL21).
The reason why we need to protect and enhance all wildlife areas follows
from the basic concepts of biodiversity. The first objective of the Biodiversity
Steering Group report is a concise and powerful statement. It says the
objective is “ to increase the overall populations and natural ranges of native
species, and the quality and range of wildlife habitats and ecosystems.” Much
of the conservation effort in recent years has gone into saving species that
have become critically endangered and habitats that have become rare. The
Costed Action Plans of English Nature, for instance, deal with these.
However, this emphasis is because of resources. Given the severely limited
funds available for conservation, priority has naturally been given to most
threatened habitats and species. The need to conserve populations of the
species that are, thankfully, still fairly common is well recognized. That is why
there are lists such as the “red” and “amber” lists for birds, which list all the
species where populations have declined in the last few decades.
6.4.1 If populations are allowed to decline, it might at first be thought that this does
not have any implication for biodiversity as long as the species are nowhere
near extinction. But this view does not hold up to critical analysis. The
smaller a population is, the larger the chance that accidents, events or simply
random fluctuations will cause the species to die out. In accordance with the
“Precautionary Principle”, we need to maintain populations that are easily big
enough to guard against such ‘accidental’ extinction, not allow populations to
become so small as to run the risk of extinction.
6.4.2 Another reason is one of genetic variation. All populations contain a range of
genetic material. In the most extreme cases, distinct races, forms, varieties or
sub-species area recognized. But even where these do not occur, there is a
still a considerable range of genetic variation. If populations become too low,
much of the variation disappears. At the biochemical level certain “alleles” –
variants of genes – are lost. Even if the population subsequently recovers,
genetic variation has been lost. The need to retain genetic variation was
recognised in the Biodiversity Convention. An important consequence of loss
of variation is that a species becomes less able to adapt and thus run an
increasing risk of extinction.
If we are to maintain, let alone increase, the populations of our wild plants and
animals, it is almost axiomatic that we must preserve the amount of habitat
that they live. It is not enough to just preserve examples of the various
habitats – we need to preserve the area of habitat so that the populations of
species can be maintained. Since there are many different types of habitat,
each having its own particular species, we need to preserve areas of each
type, not just the area of all types in total.
6.5.1 Because each type of habitat needs to be preserved, trading off one for
another is not normally acceptable. For instance, cutting down a wood, which
reduces the extent of woodland habitat, is not justified by creating, say,
grassland or ponds in the area. In the worst case it could lead to local
extinction of a woodland species, e.g. crab apple, which is unlikely to be
counterbalanced by a higher population of a common grassland plant such as
6.5.2 Although all habitats have their value and distinctive features, it is generally
recognised that some are of more value then others. For example ancient
woodland is more valuable than secondary woodland or scrub and pasture is
better than close-mown turf. For this reason it may be desirable to convert
one habitat into another. For example, converting close mown grassland to
grazed meadow or planting with native trees is likely to lead to a net benefit.
Caution must be exercised in applying this concept. If a particular habitat is
rare locally or has some special feature (e.g. a rare species) converting it to
another habitat, even if that new habitat is generally regarded as better, may
not desirable. Even more care must be taken to avoid the argument that it is
all right to destroy habitat because it is of “low value”. The fact that such
habitats are generally regarded as of lower value than some others does not
mean they are of low, let alone no, value. Destroying a habitat such as mown
grass still reduces biodiversity.
In some cases, habitat can be created relatively easily - for example mown
grassland of the sort that is found throughout the borough in parks and sports
fields. In such cases, preservation of any particular piece of land is not
important (for biodiversity). One piece can be turned over to other use, if a
similar area is created somewhere else. As long as the total extent is
preserved, the main conservation objectives will be achieved.
6.6.1 For other habitats, this is not the case. Mature woodland, for instance, cannot
be re-created. Even though trees will grow to virtually their full height in under
100 years, their lack of maturity and the absence of dead wood etc means the
woodland will not have a very diverse flora and fauna. In fact it takes many
generations even of trees before a woodland obtains its full complement of
species or biodiversity. (This is why the “ancient woodland” is recognized as
a distinct and important habitat.) Therefore, for habitats such as ancient
woodland one needs to preserve all the pieces of habitat that currently exist.
Preservation of biodiversity will not achieved if old woodland is cut down and
new woodland of a comparable area is planted.
6.6.2 This distinction has been encapsulated by English Nature and others in the
concept of “Critical Natural Capital”. Critical Natural Capital is that which, if
destroyed, would lead to a long term or permanent loss of biodiversity.
In some cases, the best treatment for a habitat is simply to leave it alone –
“non intervention”. Management can be confined to protecting the site from
damage (e.g. by maintaining fences round sensitive area), undoing any
damage that has been done (e.g. clearing dumped rubbish) and by monitoring
the site (to ensure that the regime of non-intervention is working). In many
other cases, however, the wildlife interest can only be preserved or enhanced
by active management. The reasons for this are considered below.
6.7.1 Some good wildlife habitats are ‘semi-natural’. Unfertilised and unplanted
grasslands, for instance, consist of wild grasses and other plants, which have
established themselves naturally, but they only exist because the habitat is
maintained by grazing or cutting them. Left to their own devices, they would
revert to scrub. To keep an area as grassland and to maintain the biodiversity
that has developed over the years, an active regime of management of
grazing or cutting is needed. Likewise ponds are a semi-natural habitat which
may need clearing or digging out.
6.7.2 Even for more natural or “climax” communities, active management may be
needed. Depredations of the past, while not destroying the habitat, may have
degraded it and active management is needed to restore the quality.
Introduced non-native plants such as sycamore have invaded many woods
and Himalayan balsam now covers considerable areas of riverbank.
Clearance of these may be desirable. Activities on the site or outside it may
also have reduced the quality of the habitat. For instance interference with
natural patterns of drainage is an almost universal feature of ‘civilisation’. The
usual aim is to enable water to drain away more easily, which has the effect of
drying out habitats. Restoring more natural conditions by, for example by
blocking drainage channels, digging pools, making scrapes and even directly
controlling water levels may be desirable.
6.7.3 A further issue is that although patches of habitat may have been well-
preserved, they are now isolated. Centuries ago, species would have come
and gone, becoming locally extinct in particular areas. Because of the extent
of habitats, it was always possible for the species in question to re-colonise.
Now, because so good habitats survive only in patches, isolated by a ‘desert’
of buildings, re-colonisation may not happen. Isolated pieces of habitat tend
to lose their complement of species over time; thus introductions or re-
introduction of species may be desirable. A case in point is Perivale Wood.
By the early part of the last century, primrose and wood anemone had
become extinct. Because Perivale Wood is isolated from other woodland,
there is no chance of natural re-colonisation, so it was decided to re-introduce
these plants.
6.7.4 Habitats may also have changed due to a loss of a species, which has a
major effect on the habitat. Centuries ago, the woodlands and scrub of LBE
would have been grazed by deer and the ground would have been turned
over by wild boar. It may not be practicable to re-introduce these animals, but
one can simulate their effects by judicious clearance and by disturbing the
ground. In some cases, re-introduction of the animals, or a substitute animal,
is a realistic possibility. For example, the introduction of bison or ponies to
graze the grassland and scrub of the Brent River Park is under consideration.
From the foregoing, it can be seen that there is a need to manage in some
way virtually all sites, which are of value for nature conservation. To do this, it
is necessary to have a “Management Plan” for each site. The Management
Plan is important because its production enforces a discipline and rigour by
requiring owners and other interested parties to think through and agree what
is needed for nature conservation. A Management Plan provides the basis,
but not necessarily the detail, for all management activity and it can also
provide a convenient repository for information about the site and what has
been done there.
6.8.1 Only a handful of sites in LBE have a Management Plan that is completed or
drafted. This needs to be addressed as part of the habitat action plans.
However, active management is taking place on many sites in the Borough
where management is carried out using established practice for the habitat.
6.8.2 A concerted effort should be made develop Management Plans for at least all
designated sites It is recognized that this quite a difficult and time-consuming
task, so a short term priority should to review the status of plans for all sites.
Another priority is to complete those plans which are already at draft stage.
Not only will this be valuable for the sites in question, it will facilitate the
production of further plans. (For example once a Management Plan has been
completed for one woodland, this will help authors write a plan for another
woodland.) In the medium term, there should be a published plan for all
designated sites.
6.8.3 It is not realistic to produce a detailed plan for all sites, especially where the
site is small (e.g. a verge) or where conservation is not a primary aim of
management (e.g. hospital grounds). In these cases, a concise statement of
the management and the way it takes account of biodiversity should be
prepared. This could include reference to a generic plan or regime (for
example the general plan for roadside verges).
6.8.5 Management Plans describe the actions and at a site level, taking account of
the particular circumstances of the site in question. However, to underpin
such plans and maximise their contribution to biodiversity as a whole, a wider
view needs to be taken. If, for example, a particular species is rare and
endangered in LBE, London or the UK, it may be a policy to manage suitable
sites to encourage the spread of that species or even introduce it. This would
not be apparent if one took only a narrow, bottom-up, view of management at
the site level. Also, absence of a wider view could lead to inconsistencies and
counterproductive actions. If, for example, there were a policy to clear away
birch scrub from one site but a policy of planting birch at another site nearby,
seeds from the second site could invade the first site, undermining the plan.
6.8.6 A set of principle, policies and actions which apply across various sites are
provided by “Habitat Action Plans” (HAP). Each HAP outlines the overall,
objectives and approach for a particular type of habitat. A major part of this
BAP consists of a set of HAPs, one for each of the major habitats, which
occur, in LBE. Supplementing the HAPs, there is an “audit” of each habitat.
This summarizes what is known about the extent and location of each habitat
and the key species, which are present.
2. Review Areas of Critical Natural Capital.
3. Review the status of site management plans. Explore the possibility that plans
can be discussed at the Ealing Wildlife Network.
4. Review list of other important sites not listed in the Nature Conservation in
Ealing handbook.
6. When the opportunity arises secure funding for the production of management
Habitat Action Plans (HAPs) have been produced for the key habitats in
Ealing. Much of the open land in the borough is managed by organisations,
which may not have bio diversity as their number one priority. To engage
these organisations and encourage them to manage their land in an
environmentally sympathetic manner a number of Habitat Management
Statements have also been produced. e.g. Railway Land. When these
organisations are fully on board with the Ealing BAP process full HAPs maybe
There are many actions, which are generic to all these plans in order to
reduce the repetition in the plans these are listed here.
1. All the sites of importance listed in or identified through the Bio diversity
Action Plan actions should be recognised and where possible protected
through the Unitary Development Plan.
3. Linked to the above recording of habitats and species is important and this
should be carried out on key sites with the data being recorded on the
London Wildlife Trust System.
sites where management is going to be changed will require a
management plan. All sites that are being managed need to have a
management statement, which in time will be upgraded to a management
plan (see appendix 1).
5. Many of the actions listed in the HAPs will cost money. Before any changes
in management are carried out the site manager must identify resources to
ensure that the proposed management and after care can be carried out
Acid Grassland
Amenity Grassland
‘Education’ Land
Neutral and Marshy Grassland
Reed Beds
Rivers, Streams and Canals
Woodland (including Scrub).
Acid grassland occurs on acid rocks such as sandstones and superficial deposits
such as sand, gravel and peat. In Ealing all sites are on free-draining gravel
substrates, often as patches in larger areas of neutral grassland. The characteristic
indicator plants of these patches are sheep's sorrel and fescues. Harebell also
occurs on at least one site.
The current extent of acid grassland in the lowlands is not accurately known,
but it is becoming increasingly rare in Britain. In Greater London there are just
1,200 hectares of acid grassland compared with 11,000 hectares of neutral
grassland. Although in Ealing the habitat is fragmented and unlikely to be of
national importance, these small fragments provide an important refuge for
some calcifugous species of plants, which are otherwise not found in the
Within London however, the main cause in the decline of acid grassland has
been the continued expansion of suburbia and consequent demand on land
for housing. In Ealing the area of acid grassland is probably now stable.
1.3 AREA
Sites are small and isolated and are found at Dormers Wells in Southall on the
West Middlesex Golf Course, in Hanwell patches amongst neutral grassland
at Well Meadow and Blackberry Corner, and on the upper slopes and top of
Horsenden Hill. The West Middlesex Golf Course represents the best
examples and harebell is present.
pesticide and fertiliser.
5. Reliance on rabbit populations to maintain the grazing pressure (and
hence quality) of some sites.
It is vital to ensure that all sites are managed under regimes, which maintain
grazing, or mowing pressure and without any spraying or the addition of
fertiliser or other nutrients. This form of management is being pioneered
through the West Middlesex Golf Course management plan.
Harebell (indicator, and in decline) and sand spurry, both found on the West
Middlesex Golf Course. Meadow pipit and linnet (in decline and priority
Species). common lizard (in decline).
Green hairstreak (rare and in decline).
2.1. To maintain the current area of acid grassland in the Borough, through
increasing landowners/managers awareness of the importance of these
Also ensure that all known areas receive protection via Unitary
Development Plan designation.
1.1. To secure positive management of all remaining acid grassland sites.
2.2. Present target to secure appropriate management of the acid grassland
on the West Middlesex Golf Course through the new lease.
3.1. To instigate monitoring of key species and habitat management.
3.2. Incorporate specific targets from any relevant Species Action Plans in
the management of acid grass land. Target: Species Statement
produced for the green hairstreak butterfly.
London Borough of Ealing (LBE) owns all known sites, including the West
Middlesex Golf Course, which is leased to the West Middlesex Club. The
Greater London Authority (GLA).
A UK action plan for lowland dry acid grassland is in preparation. (No lead
body has been agreed as yet.) There is also a broad Habitat Statement for
Acid Grassland.
The London Biodiversity Action Plan, various habitat and species action plans.
By definition, an allotment garden is an area of land wholly or mainly cultivated by
the occupier for the production of fruit or vegetables for consumption by the gardener
and family.
The Government believe the loss of allotment land is due largely to the
decrease in demand for allotments since their peak for food supply during the
Second World War. On a local level, over half the current allotment sites are
well used, with 80% or over let. Demand for plots is higher in some areas
such e.g. Acton, where the number of sites is relatively low in relation to
population density. In addition a number of private sites were lost in 1999 due
to a private leisure development.
1.3 AREA
1. The development of allotment land for non open spaces uses is a potential
threat although allotment land is protected by designation as part of the UDP.
2. Spread of invasive plant and animal species such as couch grass and
bramble, whilst potentially beneficial for biodiversity, effectively reduce the
amount of usable allotment land. This establishes a cycle of reduced usage
and cultivation which in turn reduces the vitality of the allotment.
4. Use of slug pellets which also poison hedgehogs etc and use of
pesticides/herbicides and toxic wood preservatives. The use of herbicide may
be considered by some as a necessary evil for the control of couch grass!
5. The lack of awareness of biodiversity and the benefits of it and possibly the
perception that certain species of flora and fauna are a pest.
improvements, eventually gaining charitable status. In addition the Council is
committed to encouraging the ‘self management’ of sites to provide the
opportunity for plot holders to have more involvement and utilise their own
Hedge species (hawthorn, blackthorn, hazel, dog rose, holly, oak, ivy, birch,
beech, bramble (as a food source)
Sycamore, (Allotment perspective), bramble (encroachment), exotics
Allotments are funded by the fees of plot holders but extra costs are covered
by the Council, such as fencing, repairs etc. The Allotment Partnership which
will have charitable status so that the Partnership can raise and distribute
funds for improvement.
Allotments offer scope for education and school involvement in food growing
initiatives. Allotments are used for demonstrations of organic methods of
gardening, as well as composting.
1. To establish any key species which may need protection and enhancement on
allotment sites, as well as increasing biodiversity where suitable
2. To seek to increase the amount of allotment land especially within the Acton
area as a more biological diverse land use when compared to amenity
5. To encourage the use of organic feeds for plants, especially ‘green manures’
such as vetches and comfrey
8. To reduce the use of tap water through education with regard to the use of
water butts and mulches
10. To secure and protect present number of allotment sites, consider new sites
suitable for allotment allocation and reallocate unsuitable land for alternative
open space use.
11. To increase areas of native (prickly) hedge around sites to provide wildlife
corridors and barriers for security and noise/vandalism.
13. To promote allotments and increase awareness of the value of allotments for
1.2 Create 3 wildlife ponds - one in each area of the borough by 2004
1.3 Identify wildlife zones within allotment sites where appropriate, native invasive
species can be allowed to thrive. NB the control of couch grass without using
herbicide will be required for cultivation of plots. (Biodiversity Target)
A4 Ensure that at least one site is self managing by March 2002 (Allotment
10.1 Separate unused land to enable appropriate management e.g. Brent River
Park. (Biodiversity target)
11.1 Identify the 5 most vulnerable sites in the borough and encourage thorny
hedge planting on these sites where lack of shelter and vandalism are a
problem. Biodiversity and Allotment target)
11.2 Identify funding source for these hedges and encourage plotholders/managers
to involve the local community and BTCV? (Allotment & Biodiversity target)
9.2 Seek funding for and establish composting schemes on all feasible sites
1.3 Provide a forum for consultation on alternative uses on vacant or underused
allotments following careful monitoring and publicity
12.1 Identify most suitable sites for disabled access and make necessary
Long term targets (10 - 50 years)
Ealing has many amenity grassland sites (including formal parks, golf courses,
sports pitches, recreation areas and commons). The Amenity Grassland plan looks
at all features on sites that are Public Open Space and have been set a side for
community use.
The Parks and Countryside Service are considering nature conservation in the
management of amenity grassland sites, such as formal parks and sports
pitches where it does not have an adverse impact on the primary use of the
Amenity grassland sites are distributed throughout the Borough and occupy
nearly 300 hectares. In addition to the sports pitches and formal parks within
the borough, many sites occur within housing estates.
4. Erosion on some heavily used sites can occur. This may be in the form
of over-use on sports pitches e.g. Football on sodden pitches or desire
line paths across sites
habitats - this is a commitment by the Council. (See Current Action /
The main protective mechanism for POS is through the UDP which states that
there will be a ‘no loss’ policy.
Hedgehog, fox, blackbird
Pigeon, magpie, grey squirrel, sycamore
1.1 To survey all land in the Borough and identify any ‘forgotten’ areas of amenity
1.2 To ensure ‘no loss’ policy for POS (as identified in the UDP) is adhered to.
2.1 Produce costed, objective based management proposals for 10 sites per year.
Incorporate these into annual work plans and ensure new maintenance
schedules are included in the grounds maintenance contracts.
2.1 Review of mowing regimes in formal parks and around perimeters of sports
pitches, thus allowing potential development of ‘meadow’ areas and strips.
2.4 Strict control over the use of pesticides, environmentally friendly control
methods will be used whenever appropriate.
4.1 Enforcement of relevant by-laws e.g. Issuing of fixed penalty litter and dog
4.3 Conduct basic tree audit at all sites and develop a strategy for replacement of
dead/dying trees.
1.3 Continue ‘no loss’ policy for POS (as identified in the UDP).
2.5 Maintain existing wildlife areas on amenity grassland sites (including sports
pitches, formal parks, children’s play areas etc).
4.4 Enforcement of relevant by-laws e.g. Issuing of fixed penalty litter and dog
Long term targets (10 - 50 years)
1.4 Continue ‘no loss’ policy for POS (as identified in the UDP).
This refers to the parcels of land owned or managed by schools, colleges or
universities. Mostly it is managed as mown grassland and used for sports facilities,
but there are often ornamental areas close to school entrances, and many schools
now have wildlife areas.
The importance of land used by educational bodies lies mostly in their use for
children and students as areas for sports and play. However, the areas of
land are now often being used partly as areas where aspects of the National
Curriculum can be studied or where projects can be carried out. The setting
up of wildlife areas in school grounds is often a result of a combination of two
factors - easy availability of an area for nature study and awareness of
national concerns about the disappearance of wildlife and wildlife habitats.
School grounds also provide a great opportunity for multi-cultural gardens.
Land holdings are distributed fairly evenly over the well-populated parts of the
As a habitat, school grounds are not afforded any protection but there is
obvious pressure from parents and students for schools and colleges to have
at least a minimum amount of land available for sports use and play. The
following schools have parts of their sites designated as SLNC (Sites of Local
Nature Conservation):
Walford High School nature area
Brentside High School nature area
Cavendish School wilderness area.
Some schools may have TPOs (tree preservation orders) for some trees.
Grants and funding are available for school ground development, especially
where community involvement and long term benefits are obvious.
Companies such as BT, London Electricity, SHELL and VOLVO fund many
school projects. Learning Through Landscapes can be consulted about
available grants.
Obviously the involvement of the pupils, staff, governors and parents of the
school will involve education at all levels. School grounds development has
many cross-curricular links to the National Curriculum.
3.3 The Parks and Countryside Service have produced a pack on Improving
Your School Grounds for Children and Wildlife and will deliver at least 3
INSET (In Service Training) sessions to schools annually on this.
3.4 The Parks and Countryside Service will arrange at least 2 environmental
project weeks available for all schools annually.
3.5 A Wildlife WATCH group for 7 - 14 year olds has been set up and will be
3.6 A student placement pack will be produced and at least 3 placements per year
will work with the Parks and Countryside Service.
3.2 Advice will be given to Northolt Primary School on a new wildlife area with tree
3.3 Contact all private schools and colleges in order to ascertain their commitment
to biodiversity and wildlife areas.
3.4 Encourage all schools and colleges in Ealing to have a wildlife area.
4.1 Encourage schools to maintain the existing area of open space around
4.2 Encourage all schools and colleges (public and private) to manage their
grounds in a sustainable and educational manner.
Some other local authorities in London, for example Bexley, are developing
habitat action plans for school grounds.
Hedgerows were and often still are stock-proof field boundaries, which were
sometimes planted with woody species and sometimes retained from woodlands
when most of the woodland was grubbed up for farming. Many still exist as a
continuous line of dense shrubs but others have degenerated into lines of intermittent
As they usually consist of native trees and shrubs, often in a dense state,
hedgerows are good habitats for butterflies and moths, birds and small
mammals. Where the hedges derive from relics of ancient woodland, they
may retain a high diversity of plants, both woody and herbaceous. In towns,
and indeed often in farmland, they can provide a valuable alternative to
Ealing retains only a few hedgerows from its original farmland system, mostly
around Horsenden Hill and in the northwest of the borough. Visually they
provide variety to an otherwise flat landscape and increase the habitat
diversity of the grasslands where they are found.
Since it has been noticed that many hedgerows were being grubbed up by
farmers, there have been many groups set up to protect hedgerows and
efforts have been made to retain or re-plant them. A hedgerow is
comparatively easy to create, and the Parks and Countryside Service has
helped local school children and Friends groups to plant hedges in order to
increase wildlife in parks, and to help them better to appreciate nature
1.3 AREA
It’s difficult to talk of hedgerows in terms of area, and length is usually used to
measure this habitat. There are at least 12 km of hedgerow in the borough
which have been recorded as part of the habitat audit but diversity is variable.
There must be many more hedgerows in the borough, which could probably
be found only by survey. Many hedges are now simply part of the scrub,
which has grown up alongside railway lines, or have become scrub
themselves, or have become remnant lines of trees. An exact figure for length
of hedgerow in the borough is consequently difficult to work out.
• Road widening and alignment has resulted in the loss of some hedges and
could still occur with both traditional and park-boundary hedges.
• Neglect leads to hedgerows developing into lines of trees and the
development of gaps. This is probably the greatest threat to the majority of
ancient or species-rich hedgerows in the borough.
• There can be a loss of hedgerow trees due to them dying out or felling
without them being replaced.
• Excessive or bad cutting can lead to poor habitat conditions and the
eventual destruction of parts of the hedge.
• In the twentieth century hedgerows have been removed for agricultural
purposes but this practice has stopped in Ealing as there is no agricultural
land left.
• Traditional weeding or spraying of the bases of, for example, hedgerows in
parks, prevents the survival of woody species other than the planted ones
and prevents the development of a rich herbaceous flora.
Several sites in the borough are designated Sites for Local Nature
Conservation (SLNC) in the Unitary Development Plan. Three sites are
designated primarily for their hedges: Sudbury Lane, Northfield Avenue
hedges, and the hedge at Avenue Road, Southall. Some other sites include
hedges. These are:
The Unitary Development Plan also designates several large areas as Nature
Conservation Management Areas, and some of these include hedges. These
are Brent River Park, Horsenden Hill (also partly an SMI), Lime Trees Golf
Course, and Rectory Park/Kensington Playing Fields. These designations do
not protect the hedges as such, but it is expected that the overall management
will encourage nature conservation and the existence of hedgerows will be
included in this.
Except for hedges planted recently in parks and open spaces, most, if not all,
of the hedgerows in Ealing would have been planted or formed as parish or
field boundaries. They would have been laid as necessary to manage them.
Where the fields remained into the twentieth century as stock-proof barriers
they would have been cut or flailed, but there would have been comparatively
few of these. In the main, where the fields adjoined roads, occasional
management in the form of cutting or flailing would have been, and still is,
necessary on the roadside to allow access. Otherwise, in the twentieth
century, the majority of Ealing’s old hedges have probably received little
management other than the removal of fallen or dangerous trees.
Hedges which are of recent origin and planted as boundaries of parks and
open spaces or of school grounds are usually cut twice a year to keep them
tidy, and the hedge bases are kept free of weeds, often by the use of
herbicides to the detriment of wildlife. However, schools have been
encouraged to plant hedges in their grounds as part of their wildlife areas.
The cost of this sort of planting generally comes from the school’s individual
The Parks and Countryside Service runs events and activities with schools,
and these have included elements on the wildlife of hedgerows and
woodlands. Similar activities have involved children from local schools helping
to plant new hedges in open spaces and keeping an eye on them as they
develop. Local residents often volunteer to help on conservation tasks in their
local open spaces and they help the Parks and Countryside Service to plant
trees and hedges, and naturally they are informed of the good ecological
reasons for doing so.
No research is carried out on hedgerows in Ealing. Monitoring of hedgerows
has not been carried out in the past, but will be included in the management
plans for, e.g. Horsenden Hill, where the species composition should be
recorded on a regular basis.
1.1 Finalise the audit of all hedges of higher nature conservation interest in the
borough and keep it up-to-date.
2.1 Ancient hedgerows in Ealing should be recorded and as locally important sites
for nature conservation.
3.1 Manage the hedgerows at the edges of Ealing Central Sports Ground,
Pitshanger Park and Cleveland Park as conservation hedges rather than
hawthorn hedges.
3.2 Ensure that every hedgerow of conservation interest in the borough has a
management statement, which promotes its value for nature conservation.
3.3 Ensure that every hedgerow in the borough, which can be managed for nature
conservation without affecting its value as a formal boundary hedge is
managed for biological diversity.
3.4 Where land is leased from the Council, ensure that the conservation
management of any hedges on the land is included in the lease agreement.
6.2 Encourage every school in the London Borough of Ealing to maintain or plant
a length of hedgerow in its grounds for nature conservation value.
1.2 Seek to achieve and then maintain a total length of species-rich hedgerow in
the London Borough of Ealing of 20 km.
Neutral grasslands are mostly found within enclosed field systems on moist
mineral soils with a pH of between 5 and 6.5. Suitable soil conditions occur
widely over level and slightly undulating ground throughout the British
Horsenden Hill, Islip Manor and Yeading Brook Fields are among the
most important neutral grasslands in London. All three areas are in
public ownership and the first two are accessible to the public. The
grassland within Perivale Wood Local Nature Reserve is also excellent
Plants which were once typical of hay meadows and pastures, but
which have become increasingly localised throughout Britain as farming
practices changed can often be seen.
Besides these areas Ealing also possess several other, smaller, sites
such as Greenford Park Cemetery, which still retain many elements of
unimproved grassland. All of these provide valuable flora and fauna.
Increased demand for land to be used for agriculture and more recently
housing has led to a reduction and fragmentation of marshy grassland.
This has further increased due to flood defence works.
A number of the sites within the Borough of Ealing are now benefiting
from being included in the Countryside Stewardship Scheme.
1.3 AREA
Perivale Wood LNR 1
Horsenden Hill 1
Paradise Fields
Grove Farm
Carr Road, Northolt
Northolt Manor LNR 2
Belvue Park
Smiths Farm 2
(Marnham Tip) 2
Islip Manor Fields 1
Yeading Brook Meadows LNR 1
Brentham Meadows 2*
Ealing Golf Course
Perivale East Meadow 2*
Gurnell Fields 2*
Long Field 2*
Perivale Park Meadows 2*
Ruislip Road East Conservation Area 2*
Bridge Avenue Extension 2*
Marnham Field 2*
Brent Valley Golf Course 2*
West Middlesex Golf Course 2*
Brent Lodge Park 2*
Churchfields 2*
Brent Meadow 2*
Blackberry Corner 2*
Jubilee Meadow 2*
Trumpers Field 2*
Mallard Close
Warren Farm
Earl of Jersey’s Field
(Wyncote Farm)
Elthorne Rough 2*
Elthorne Park Extension 2*
Well Meadow 2*
Lower Well Meadow 2*
Tentelow Meadow
Glade Lane Open Space
Glade Lane Canalside Park 3
(Spikes Bridge Park)
(King George VI PF)
(Blondin Park)
Fox Wood LNR 2
Hanger Hill Park
Ealing Common
Boles Meadow 2*
Well Meadow (parts of) 2*
Lower Well Meadow (parts of) 2*
Adder’s tongue fern, yellow rattle, Festulolium braunii and Festulolium
loliaceum (rare grass hybrids).
The rare hybrid willow Salix aurita x viminalis, sometimes called the
basket-making willow (unique in the London area). Slowworm.
False oatgrass.
Brown argus.
1.3. To create and restore habitats by promoting appropriate
management of those improved grasslands in proximity to
valuable neutral grassland areas, enlarging areas and creating
links between existing fragments.
Standing areas of water, whatever their size provide an invaluable habitat for
a diverse range of flora and fauna in Ealing. These habitats, both the aquatic
and surrounding terrestrial are particularly valuable in a densely populated
urban area.
Sadly some ponds in the borough have been lost (i.e.: Fox Wood LNR,
Norwood Green and Jubilee Meadow) but the trend has tended
towards many new pond areas being created (i.e.: Acton Park Lodge,
Blondin Park Wildlife Area, Trumpers Field and many in gardens and
school grounds). These vary in age and quality, unfortunately many
suffer from pollution due to surface runoff from roads, dumping and
Ponds are distributed throughout the borough and number and range is
impossible to calculate at this time as the majority of ponds are on
private land and are of a currently unknown quantity.
6. Infilling of ponds for safety reasons.
Dragonflies, damselflies, slowworm, great diving beetle, smooth newt,
moorhen, coot, mallard.
Irises, fiddle dock, gipsywort, water plantain, water crowfoot.
duckweed, terrapins, Himalayan balsam, azola, blanket weed.
3.1 To design and conduct a repeatable survey of ponds (combined
with a garden survey) in the borough to establish numbers,
distributions, size, age, species seen etc. (To be repeatable in
design). This project will need additional resources.
Reed-beds are amongst the most important habitats for birds in the UK.
Nationally there are about 5000 ha in 900 or so sites. Only 50 of these sites
are greater than 20 ha. Reed beds support six nationally rare Red DataBook
birds and five Red Data Book invertebrates are closely associated with reed
beds. In Ealing reed beds are very small but they are particularly valuable in
such a densely populated urban area.
Reed beds also provide feeding areas for migrating birds especially in
Reed beds are fragile habitats, many have suffered from drainage and
lack of management resulting in drying out and succession to
1.3 AREA
Carr Road, Northolt (between allotments and the Grand Union Canal)
Many of the reed beds are relatively new, having been planted in the
last five years or so. Little management takes place but beds at
Greenford Lagoons are cleared from around weirs as required.
Scarcely any monitoring takes place in Ealing but some bird ringing
takes place at Carr Road reed bed. A programme for monitoring is
required and with many reed beds still in the development stage now is
an appropriate time to set this up.
On the whole management work can be carried out as part of the Parks
& Countryside Service’s nature conservation programme. Clearing and
cutting of reed at Greenford Lagoons is carried out by contractors as
Little grebe, water rail.
1.2 Cut reed beds on cyclical basis up to 1/3rd per year after initial 5
years growth if required.
1.8 Prepare management plan for Carr Reed Bed and designate it a
Local Nature Reserve. Subject to ownership being resolved with
Open moving water in Ealing contains a diverse range of flora and fauna, as
do the surrounding green corridors. These habitats are particularly valuable in
a densely populated urban area.
The main flowing water in Ealing is the River Brent, into which Costons
Brook and a few minor streams run. Much of the adjacent land forms
the Brent River Park and is managed for its nature conservation value.
Other streams of note are the Boundary Stream and Yeading Brook,
both supporting a host of aquatic and marginal plants. There are also
two branches of the Grand Union Canal.
One of these joins and incorporates part of the River Brent. All of the
above provide wild life corridors and valuable flora and fauna
The River Brent and the canal are popular with walkers. Additionally
cycling, fishing and boating is carried out on the canal.
1.3 AREA
Hanwell, the river joins the Grand Union Canal and continues
southward until it meets the Thames at Brentford.
The Grand Union Canal divides into 2 branches at Bull’s Bridge. The
main branch runs in an easterly direction to join the River Brent. The
Paddington branch runs north-east from Bulls Bridge.
The River Brent, Costons Brook, small streams and channels feeding
into the Brent River Park are included within management plans, which
also cover adjacent wet/dry land areas. (N.B. the flow of the River Brent
is set by the EA/BWB at Brent Reservoir). Six aims for the Brent River
Park are:
1. To conserve and enhance the historic interest and natural
beauty of the landscape.
Recent works have included, digging a pond and creating a ditch by the
lower slopes of Elthorne Waterside. Also at Trumpers Field there has
been riverside enhancement works such as creating a pond and
fencing the canal boundary in preparation for low intensity grazing
White-clawed crayfish, water vole (rare, priority species in decline),
kingfishers (Species of conservation concern).
Great crested newt (rare priority species).
Large bittercress, opposite-leaved golden saxifrage, marsh marigold
and spiked water milfoil (rare within Ealing). Remote sedge
(uncommon). Daubenton’s bat.
Dace (also a range of fish species), dragonflies, damselflies, bats,
common toad, great crested newt, narrow-leafed water dropwort, black
Chinese mitten crabs, introduced crayfish, giant hogweed, Himalayan
Otter, black poplar populus nigra ssp betulifolia: rare, priority species,
species of conservation concern.
1.5. Increase the width of waterside fringe habitats and carry out a
feasibility study on the possibility of introducing low intensity
grazing in order to improve habitats suitable for water voles.
2.1. Initiate, plan and train staff, volunteers and members of other
interested organisations to carry out initial an initial survey of
water voles and their habitats.
1.8. Integrate plan with the water vole species action plan.
1.15. Fitzherbert Walk, Walker Close, St. Margarets Road site de-silt
channel and improve habitats.
1.16. To set back and plant sedge beds, to act as filters, by any new
or newly maintained sewage outlets.
1.21. Establish a nursery for black poplar in the Ealing (subject to the
results of regeneration planting).
London Borough of Ealing (LBE), Environment Agency (EA), British
Waterways (BW), English Nature (EN), Ministry of Agriculture, Food
and Fisheries (MAFF/FRCA), Greater London Authority (GLA).
Nationally woodlands have suffered from neglect, over harvesting, and
clearance for development. Britain has one of the lowest areas of tree cover in
Europe. Ealing has a number of woodlands covering the whole spectrum of
ancient, secondary, recent and wet. They are important habitats for wildlife,
afford considerable educational opportunities and provide recreational
facilities to the public. Within a London borough they are of the utmost
Most of these woodlands are well used by the public, but Perivale is
only open once a year to the public. It is well used by schools for
project work.
Railway land is not included in this plan but mention should be made of
Halsbury Road cutting, declared Metropolitan Open Land following
attempts to develop housing on the site. The woodland is dominated by
oak and ash with gean, field maple and a good mix of shrub species
including both hawthorns.
Management plans exist for the Litten LNR, Grove Farm and Long
Wood and Fox Wood. Plans are being prepared for Horsenden Wood
and Tentelow Wood. Surprisingly a written plan does not exist for
Perivale Wood although broad outline exist. A plan exists for
Gunnersbury Triangle but much of this wood lies in Hounslow.
A Tree strategy for the London Borough Ealing is being produced which
will link closely with this action plan.
1.3 AREA
New planting can be found at Elthorne Extension and on bunding at
Marnham Fields/Greenford Lagoons.
Various areas of scrub are found around the Borough and need more
detailed survey.
Trees are popular with the public and many organisations are prepared
to put up money for planting. The Forestry Commission offer grants for
planting and reinstating of management in woods but these often need
to be backed up with detailed plans and ecological surveys.
Wild service tree, spindle, Midland hawthorn, small leaved lime.
Ground, herb, and shrub layers.
Sycamore, where this is to the detriment of other species or habitat,
Small leaved lime
2.2 Identify sites for woodland planting, with the aim of increasing
woodland cover in the Borough.
2.3 Prepare monitoring programme for woodlands and implement.
2.8 Obtain LNR status for Horsenden Hill (including all woodland
areas) and one other woodland.
3.3 Examine possibility of planting or extending planting on land
owned by Education / Housing e.g. unused playing field at
Northolt Rec. and Mandeville Parkway.
7. Responsible Bodies
ARABLE LAND - Habitat Statement
Arable land is taken to be land ploughed or otherwise cultivated and seeded
either for agricultural crops or for nature conservation.
Arable land where cereal crops are grown for wildlife provides a rich winter
food source for skylarks and a range of other granivorous birds including
finches, buntings and sparrows. All of these groups have shown alarming
population declines in recent years.
Ploughing creates a temporary feeding habitat for wagtails and migrant birds
like wheatears and is attractive to lapwings which also nest on open areas
provided disturbance is minimal.
Gradual loss of farmland in Ealing this century with little now remaining. Small
amounts of land recently set aside as arable plough seeded with cereals and
cornfield mixes for nature conservation purposes.
with the development of leisure pursuits and environmental
1.1). To maintain and increase the area of arable land managed for
nature conservation.
1.4). To double the present area managed as arable land for nature
conservation without compromising areas managed as neutral
“HEALTH LAND” – Habitat Statement
For the purpose of this statement Health land is defined as that surrounding
hospitals, hospices, Children’s and residential homes, clinics and surgeries.
Very little information is available concerning area or management. Hospices
and homes often have gardens, which provide areas of relaxation. Hospitals
will often have some green open space. These grounds are likely to be
maintained independently of the Council.
PRIVATE GARDENS - Habitat Statement
Gardens represent an enormous potential for wildlife exploitation. In London
there are estimated to be 30000ha of gardens compared with 17000ha of
public open space. However the very fact that this statement is about private
gardens means the direct impact we can have on their management is limited.
Some may contain old trees or parts of parish boundary hedgerows. Larger
gardens have the most potential for wildlife but even small gardens can be
sympathetically managed for wildlife.
Many front gardens have been given over to hard standing for car parking.
Modern housing tends to be high density with subsequent reduction of garden
TV gardening programmes may have a negative impact towards minimalist
gardening with the emphasis on decking, gravel, and paving to the detriment
of plants.
Excessive use of chemicals in gardening.
Pressure of disturbance from residents and pets.
Some areas and occasional individual properties may be governed by Tree
Preservation Orders.
Some estates may have covenants, which may cover trees, hedges, and
2.1 Produce regular articles for inclusion in Around Ealing, and various
newsletters i.e. Friends of groups.
2.3 Publish results of the Garden Pond survey to highlight extent of wildlife
in gardens.
3.2 Encourage the Ealing In Bloom Competition to develop a Wildlife
Gardening section from 2002.
RAILWAY LAND - Habitat Statement
Railway land provides an excellent corridor for wildlife in Ealing, with much of
the vegetation undisturbed. 14 key areas of railway land have been identified
as the most important, or potentially important, for wildlife.
Nearly all railway lands in the Ealing borough area relatively undisturbed as
management is infrequent and public access not generally allowed. Thus the
land provides excellent habitats and their ecological value is further increased
when their role as wildlife corridors is considered. Furthermore, they provide a
pleasant and deceptively rural outlook for rail travellers.
14 main areas of railway land are identified in the London Ecology Unit (LEU)
handbook as important for nature conservation. Some of the most interesting
railway land is in the east of the borough, in densely urban areas like Park
Royal, West Acton, North Acton and Acton Green where there are few other
places of nature conservation significance. The LEU Handbook designates
most of these sites as Grade II Sites of Borough Importance although there
are a number of railway land sites that are Grade I or even of Metropolitan
The Unitary Development Plan (UDP) identifies the following railway lines as
important, or potential, Green Corridors in Ealing:
• District Line with Piccadilly-Rayners Lane line: Chiswick Park to Ealing
Broadway & Park Royal.
The priority for the current management of railway land is to ensure track
safety. As a national policy for Railtrack, land is managed with a view to
maintaining or enhancing the lands value to nature, but in practice this may
need a more proactive approach (i.e.: removal of sycamore in nature
woodland and removal of Japanese knotweed additionally to removals for
safety reasons).
• Loss of valuable old or dead trees overhanging rail line due to safety
• Not all corridors are continuous and many have gaps of hard surface.
1.1 Make links with Railtrack, London Underground Ltd. and Silverlink to
ensure appropriate management of their land in view of increasing its
value for nature (encourage them to seek advice on management).
1.3 Ensure installation of bird/bat/hedgehog boxes on at least one suitable
site owned by each London Transport landowner.
1.4 Collate existing ecological data of all railway land in the Borough to
identify: any important flora or fauna; areas high in biodiversity; and to
highlight future survey work which may need to be conducted to give an
accurate picture of railway lands importance for wildlife in the borough.
7.1 The need to consider species
7.2.1 Lists have been produced by the UK BAP Steering Group of species,
which are threatened or declining:
• “Long list” of globally threatened or declining spp [ref]
• “Medium list”
• “Short List”
These represent the priority species for attention, the ones on the short
being the highest priority. The last two lists have now been
amalgamated to form a list of “priority spp” and may be found on the
national BAP web site. As would be expected for a geographically
small area such as LBE, there are few of the national priority spp in
LBE. Even the number on the long list is small (although it should be
pointed out that so little detail is known for some groups in LBE that
there may well be species we have but don’t know we have.) However,
preservation of biodiversity is not just about protecting the most
nationally rare and endangered spp. Even if a spp is fairly common
and not threatened nationally, it may be rare or threatened locally.
Protection of local populations is needed, both for the benefit of local
communities and to preserve the national ranges and populations of
7.2.2 The first volume of the London BAP contains a “Species Audit”. This
lists all the species which have some been categorised as rare or
threatened or having some other special significance such as being
indicative of a particular habitat or culturally valued. The occurrence or
otherwise of each of these species in each borough is tabulated. This
forms a useful basis for identifying possible priority species in LBE.
7.2.3 The prioritisation process has been taken a stage further for LBE. The
analysis of species in the London BAP Audit has been used, but for
each of the London criteria a ‘weighting’ has been applied. For
example, a species that is nationally rare is given a top weighing of 6,
while the criterion of “characteristic of London” is given a weighting of
1. In addition to the London BAP weightings, a number of other criteria
have been added which appear relevant to the priority in LBE. In
particular, the number the number of boroughs in London where the
species occurs. The data has been entered on a spreadsheet and by
marking each species against each criterion, a total score for that
species was obtained. The higher the score, the higher the priority.
7.2.4 The weightings given to the various categories are subjective, but once
these are defined, the prioritisation of species is objective and
repeatable. This should help to limit the need for debate and
consequent waste of time. Because the data has been entered on a
spreadsheet, the prioritisation can be readily updated as new
information comes to light.
7.2.5 The output of this process is a score for each species. These have
been turned into a ranked list for each ‘group’ and an arbitrary rating of
“Top Priority” given for species with a score of >12, “High” for 8-12 and
“Medium” for below 8. The results are summarised below:
hobby goldfinch
tufted duck greater sp woodpecker
mallard great tit
black redstart common tern
kingfisher chiffchaff
grey wagtail blue tit
mute swan lesser sp woodpecker
green woodpecker treecreeper
kestrel + 15 other species
Fungi Antrodia pseudosinuosa
Orbilia fimicoloides
Aniptodera fusiformis
Sporodesmium ontariense
Coronicium alboglaucum
Hemimycena epichloe
7.3.1 Species Action Plans (SAPs) have been produced from a list of priority
species. Other species such as the swallow and slow worm which are
locally common but susceptible to changes in habitat have also been
included. A number of species families have also had action plans
produced for them, as it was not felt appropriate to distinguish between
the various species at this stage. For species that are confined to 1 or 2
sites in the Borough it was not felt appropriate to produce an action
plan, so statements are have been produced for these species. There
are some key actions, which are generic to all these action plans and in
order to reduce repetition in the plans these are listed here.
3 Many of the actions listed in the SAPs will cost money. Before any
of the planned actions are carried out the resources to properly
undertake the work must be identified and secured.
1. Bats
2. Birds of prey
3. Black poplar
4. Butterflies
5. Finches
6. Mistletoe
7. Mute swan
8.Slow worm
9.Song thrush
11.Water vole
Bats are the only mammals capable of true flight. Of over 1000 species world
wide, 16 are resident in the UK, 8 in London and 5 species recorded in Ealing
(2 pipistrelle species, Noctule, serotine and brown long-eared), although there
are likely to be more.
All British bats feed on insects, in fact a single bat can eat over 3000 midges
in an evening! Because of their food source, and also to avoid predation they
feed at dusk and dawn. This habit, along with bad press has led to many
public misconceptions about bats.
Because of their loss of natural roost sites (i.e.: woodland), many species
have adapted to living in buildings and many Londoners discover unexpected
lodgers for a few weeks in the summer, when females have their single baby
and need somewhere warm to raise their young. In the winter they hibernate
and depending on the species they can live up to 30 years.
Little is known about the current status of most species nationally and
locally, but evidence points towards massive declines in most species.
In 1990 the Greater Mouse-eared bat was declared extinct in the UK
(the last male was recorded in February 1986), the first mammal since
the wolf. Because of their complex ecological requirements, bats are
highly sensitive to environmental change and thus an excellent
indicator of environmental quality.
Only 2 roosts have been recorded in Ealing since the 1980s (both
pipistrelle species), with only 3 other possible roosts recorded.
However, bats have been observed feeding all over the Borough
suggesting more roosts are present. The most recent record is from
1995, subsequent surveys have not indicated a presence of bats. This
serious decline should be a wake-up call to us all.
All 16 species of bat in the UK are protected by the Wildlife and
Countryside Act 1981 (Schedules 5 and 6 as amended) and under
Schedule 2 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc) Regulations,
1994. The latter further implements European legislation (Annex Iva
and II of the 1992 EC Habitats and Species Directive) protecting bats.
PPG9 (Planning Policy Guidance: Nature Conservation, 1994) refers to
the need to consider protected species, including all species of bat, in
Unitary Development Plans.
All UK bat species are included in Appendix II of the European
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
(Bonn, 1979), including its Agreement on the Conservation of Bats in
Europe (London, 1994). While this Agreement is not a legal instrument,
the UK is obliged to abide as signatories.
The 1979 Bern Convention also lists all UK species in Appendix III, and
all except the pipistrelle are listed in Appendix II; implications for some
species arise from certain subsequently agreed Recommendations
adopted by meetings of the Parties.
Surveying in Ealing has so far been minimal and little has been done to
promote the place of bats in London life, although LBE rangers run an
annual guided bat walk at Brent River Park.
Bat box schemes have been implemented on a few LBE Parks and
Open Spaces around the Borough, and in residents private gardens.
Although their success in Ealing has not been monitored, national
guidelines suggest most schemes are unfortunately not successful in
providing alternative roosts for bats although they do provide an
opportunity for increasing public awareness.
2.1. Promote Bat Advice Note to all planners (available from BCT).LBE-2001
2.3. Encourage land managers and owners in good practice to
ensure that suitable sites for bats are in optimal condition to
receive colonies. LBE-On-going
3.1. Identify at least 2 suitable sites for roost creation, erect bat
house/boxes and monitor. LBE-2002
3.2. Ensure bats are considered in all relevant Habitat Action Plans. LBE-2001
4.2. Initiate training for bat box inspection licences for appropriate
land managers. LBE-2002
Harris, S., Morris, P., Wray, S. & Yalden, D. (1995). A Review of British
Mammals: population estimates and conservation status of British
mammals other than cetaceans. JNNC, Peterborough.
Red Kite Milvus milvus, Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus, Buzzard Buteo buteo,
Kestrel Falco tinnunculus, Hobby Falco subbuteo, Peregrine Falco peregrinus
Birds of prey are magnificently adapted and impressive predators at the top of
the food chain. Their populations have been severely depressed in the past
by deliberate persecution by gamekeepers and others which continues in
some areas today. For some species, a marked and lasting contraction in
range also occurred. From the 1950's onwards persistent chemical residues
mainly from organochlorines used in agriculture greatly reduced bird of prey
breeding success and therefore populations. Following the withdrawal of the
majority of these substances those species most affected have largely
recovered their numbers and most of their former range. Re-introduction has
also been successful in the return of Red Kites where the past reduction in
numbers and range was so drastic that the gene pool was affected. The
status of most species in Ealing is probably largely dependent on factors
outside the Borough.
1.2. Establish one or more feeding stations for red kites if necessary
subject to English Nature approval.
4.2 Work closely with the West London Members' Group of the
RSPB to inform and involve local people in the conservation of
birds of prey.
English Nature, West London Members' Group RSPB, British Trust for
BLACK POPLAR populus nigra ssp betulifolia
The native black poplar Populus nigra ssp betulifolia is nationally rare and not to be
confused with the introduced Italian black poplar and hybrids. Until recently the
black poplar was largely a forgotten tree. For example many of the elm trees that
appear in John Constable paintings are thought to be black poplars. Usually found
in wet areas typically along side streams and rivers, they are characterised as they
get older by their large, often leaning appearance with massively arching down
curved branches and heavily burred trunks. In the spring red and green catkins are
produced respectively by the male and female trees. Often hybrid black poplars
are mistaken for the now rare native black poplar.
In the past black poplar wood has been used in mill buildings and for brake-blocks
as it is heat and fire resistant. It was also used for wagon bottoms and to make rifle
butts in the First World War, so taking advantage of its shock absorbent properties.
Thin branches from pollards have been used for hurdles and fruit baskets in place
of hazel and willow.
River valleys are one of the habitats that have been most intensively developed
for agricultural and urban use. As a result, the black poplar has become
increasingly rare, but it is sometimes to be found by streets and in parks.
In Britain most trees are found south of a line from the Mersey to the
Humber estuaries. There are concentrations in the low hundreds along the
River Seven, Shropshire, Somerset, Suffolk and Aylesbury Vale which has
about 5000, perhaps half of the total British population. The number of
individual clones is thought to be small, perhaps in the hundreds. This
remains a mater of research.
Apart from recently planted cuttings most black poplars are thought to be in
excess of 100 years old with perhaps the oldest reaching 300 years plus in
age. There are a few examples of seedlings from sites where both male
and female black poplars occur together. Due to the possibility of
contamination for hybrid pollen it is likely that the
seedlings are hybrids.
The generally elderly age profile, its rarity and probable inability to
reproduce sexually has merited its inclusion in the Red Data Book for
Vascular Plants where it is described as “Vulnerable”.
Much work needs to be done in checking existing records and new surveys.
It is not known how many clones of black (or hybrid) poplars are being
planted, likewise it is not known how many are being felled or are
succumbing to old age and dereliction.
There are only a handful of trees known in the borough. There may some,
which have not been noticed or not reported, but it is unlikely that the
numbers are at all large.
Because black poplars are large and have big boughs and they occur close
to where people may pass, they may be vulnerable to over-zealous lopping.
Due to concerns about safety and legal action, land owners and managers
are managing their estates in an increasingly cautious way and this could
lead to the felling or pollarding of dangerous black poplars. Simply tidying
up fallen trees and branches, irrespective of perceived safety issues, may
have prevented trees regenerating from those trees or branches.
The drainage of lowland areas has lead to a reduction of the water table. In
some areas this may put some individual trees under stress. The ability of
seed and seedlings that rely on moist land to survive is also negatively
affected. Our generally warmer and dryer summers may also be a
contributing factor, but in London generally rising water tables may benefit
black poplars.
In the longer run, regeneration is a major issue. With so few plants around
and so few natural habitats surviving where saplings may grow, there must
be concern as to whether the population is viable without intervention.
The fact that the tree is not well known and looks similar to the more
common and familiar hybrid black poplars means that land managers may
not know they have it and could inadvertently damage or destroy trees.
A national black poplar working group was formed in the early 1990=s and
English Nature on behalf of the group produced >An Action Plan for its
Conservation (Spencer 1994) .
2. To increase the population in the longer term.
3. Ascertain, maintain and increase the genetic diversity.
1.1. Produce a database recording the following details for all know trees:
precise position, condition, sex, environs and photographs.
1.3. All relevant landowners, managers and contractors aware of the trees
importance and ecological requirements.
2.2. Establish a working partnership with The Black Poplar Action Group
and relevant contacts within the London Black Poplar Action Plan.
2.3. Identify appropriate sites and produce a plan for regeneration of black
poplar within Ealing.
3.1. Supply information from 1.1. and samples for genetic fingerprinting to
the Black Poplar Action Group, Botanical Society of the British Isles
and relevant contacts within the London Black Poplar Action Plan
3.2. New planting sites identified and planted with on-going maintenance,
protection and monitoring.
3.3. Establish a nursery for black poplar trees in Ealing (subject to the
results of regeneration planting).
3.4. Produce a feasibility study on possible uses for black poplar timber,
sourced from trees planted in the borough (subject to the results of the
regeneration trials).
6. Borough forest strategy
BUTTERFLIES order Lepidoptera
Butterflies are insects belonging to the order Lepidoptera, meaning scale-
wing. Most are found living in woodland, grassland, heathland and hedgerow
habitats. The majority of species in Britain live and breed in localised colonies,
some travel throughout the countryside. Migrants regularly fly over in the
Spring from Southern Europe and North Africa, to breed here over Summer.
Adult butterflies feed on nectar from flowering plants, or honeydew secreted
by aphids. Most eggs are laid on a single plant type.
Since 1986, three species have become extinct in the Hertfordshire and
Middlesex area, of which Ealing is a part (wood white, pearl bordered
fritillary, high brown fritillary), two have no known colony (dark green
fritillary, silver washed fritillary) and two more have only one remaining
colony (small blue, Duke of Burgundy).
3. Use of insecticides and herbicides on farmland and in parks,
open spaces and gardens.
Apart from restrictions regarding their sale, none of the species found in
Ealing are included under any protective legislation.
Network, regional representatives of London Wildlife Trust, and
the local media.
3.5. Investigate the opportunity to acquire land where needed in
order to achieve above.
House sparrow Passer domesticus, tree sparrow Passer montanus, linnet
Carduelis cannabina, bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula, yellowhammer Emberiza
sparrows may be affected by losses of nest sites due to better
standards of housing or reductions in food supply either as waste or at
bird feeders, but the recent decline is difficult to link with any obvious
changes. A new suggestion is that the national decline in aphids, which
may be a critical food for house sparrows at a certain time of year,
could be a factor. Yellowhammers and tree sparrows are unlikely to
return as breeding birds in Ealing unless more diversity can be
introduced into the management of the larger open areas in the
Borough. A combination of creating arable areas to provide a range of
seeds especially to maintain flocks of granivorous birds in winter, and
the return of grazing animals, would seem to be needed to restore
habitats and food supply for these birds.
1.2 Continue to create and maintain areas of arable land for seed-
eating birds.
1.3. Encourage the British Trust for Ornithology to continue with their
ringing scheme of birds using specific sites (Long Wood,
Elthorne Waterside, Greenford Island and Carr Road).
MISTLETOE Viscum album
Mistletoe is a woody dioecious evergreen parasite that grows on deciduous
trees. It has elongate paired leaves, wider above the middle and with blunt
tips. The leaves are carried on branchy dull green stems. It has inconspicious
compact clusters of green flowers. In November and December its sticky
white buds ripen.
Host trees favoured by mistletoe are lime and members of the Rosaceae
family including hawthorn, whitebeam, rowan and especially apple.
There are various mystical powers and medicinal properties associated with
mistletoe, including the ability to provide fertility. It is likely that the Christmas
tradition of kissing under the mistletoe has its basis in such folklore.
In the 1990s a nationwide survey was carried out and the subsequent
report published jointly by Plantlife - The Wild-Plant Conservation
Charity and The Botanical Society of the British Isles. The report
indicated that mistletoe had maintained its presence in its favoured
regions and habitats. It also appears to have increased in some areas.
1. Mistletoe is not covered by any legal protection or conservation
policies. There is no national species action plan. A mistletoe
action plan has been produced for the London Biodiversity
Action Plan (LBAP).
With the exception of the recent LBAP and Ealing mistletoe species
action plans there are no current management or policy
5. Targets
Short term targets (0 - 5 years)
3.2. Select and introduce mistletoe at two sites where the species
was or is likely to have been present.
3.4. Select and introduce mistletoe at two new sites that are
appropriate for the species.
London Biological Records Centre (LBRC), Botanical Society of the
British Isles (LSBI), Greater London Tree Officers Association
A mistletoe action plan has been produced for the London Biodiversity
Action Plan (LBAP).
MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor
Mute swans are large and conspicuous birds that attract attention and are
valued by people who see them swimming along our waterways or flying with
the characteristic sound of their wings. Ealing's swans are generally
approachable and often obtain a significant amount of their diet in the form of
bread from people. They are correspondingly easy to monitor.
Disturbance either to the birds or to the nest site is probably the main
factor determining breeding success. While most established sites are
relatively secure, fencing the landward side of vulnerable nests may
greatly reduce disturbance from both people and dogs. Involving local
people in watching over nest sites, and regular checks by Rangers are
to be encouraged. Angling is an indirect threat because of the risk of
birds swallowing or becoming entangled in fishing tackle, and
deliberate disturbance by anglers probably prevents colonisation of at
least one site. Collisions with objects is one of the main hazards to
swans, but Ealing is surprisingly uncluttered by cables and wires in the
vicinity of those areas most used by swans. The IBA mast at Glade
Lane Canalside Park may be an exception. Water quality in the River
Brent and the scour associated with urban flows may affect the number
of potential territories, but more probably the lack of suitable nest sites
is the limiting factor. Restoring or creating appropriate features such as
islands may provide new nest sites. Oil pollution in the River Brent
regularly affects swans on Fitzherbert Walk and may prevent the
establishment of a breeding pair at that location.
4. To involve local people and Rangers in protecting vulnerable
nest sites.
5. To ensure that disturbance by anglers where occurring is
investigated and remedied.
4.1 Identify sites where local people watch over breeding swans or
could be encouraged to do so.
SLOW WORM Anguis fragilis
Slow worms are often mistaken for snakes because there is a superficial
resemblance; however slow worms are in fact lizards that have lost their legs
during the evolutionary process. An easy way to distinguish between the two
is that slow worms have eyelids, while snakes do not. Individuals can
measure up to 50cm long, they are shiny in appearance, with a light brown
back and dark strips on the side. They feed on slugs, earthworms and other
soft-bodied invertebrates. They live in moist shady places, and like all cold
bodied animals they bask in the sun to warm themselves; however they tend
to remain partially hidden, camouflaging themselves with leaves or matted
grass. Slow worms hibernate during the winter months and females give birth
to live young that are incubated in her body. Young are born around
August/September time, in broods of 5 - 15.
There are only three species of lizards in Great Britain - the slow worm,
the sand lizard and the common lizard. Numbers of slow worm
populations have decreased recently in the countryside due to
pressures on their habitats; as a result conservationists are now
turning to urban areas to provide suitable habitats for these shy
1. Habitat loss due to urban encroachment.
7. Ignorance and fear - slow worms are often mistaken for snakes by
members of the general public and killed.
Slow worms are certainly occurring less frequently than they once
were, they are protected under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act
Schedule 5; which protects them from being killed, injured or sold.
management of their land; and their mistreatment through
2.1. Identify existing slow worm populations (in sites managed by the
Parks and Countryside Service) and incorporate policies and
practices for slow worms in site management plans.
5.1. Review the use of pesticides and poisons used by the council for
grounds maintenance and discontinue to use where
2.2/6.2 Liaise with allotment associations and gardening groups to
encourage them to garden both organically and in a ‘wildlife
friendly’ manner - i.e. discourage the use of pesticides and
poisons/encourage the development of winter hibernation
areas and suitable summer habitats in allotments and private
4.2. Continue to raise the profile of slow worms with members of the
general public.
Acid Grassland
Amenity Grassland
Arable Grassland
Cemeteries and Churchyards
Neutral and Marshy Grasslands
Railway Lands
Woodlands (inc Scrub)
Private Gardens
SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos
Song thrushes are widespread and common breeding birds in the UK with the
numbers supplemented by migrants from the continent in winter. However a
long-term population decline has occurred in Britain since the 1930's which
steepened in the 1970's (Marchant, Hudson, Carter & Whittington 1990) and
has continued. The decrease in numbers has been so marked that it has
received widespread public attention. Song thrushes, although partial
migrants, are susceptible to cold winters and are slow to recover numbers
after setbacks. Climatic factors are thought to be responsible for the long-
term decline. The decline since 1982 is steeper than predicted by climate
alone and is not yet fully understood. Song Thrushes may be particularly
vulnerable to decreases in the abundance of land molluscs (slugs and snails)
associated with the use of molluscicides which has become widespread on
both farmland and in gardens and allotments.
The pattern of decline in Ealing has mirrored the national picture. Song
Thrushes are still found as breeding birds in all suitable major open
spaces in Ealing but are often absent from smaller open spaces and
gardens where they formerly nested. In winter, song thrushes used to
roost in scrub patches at many locations in the Borough with starlings
Sturnus vulgaris, blackbirds Turdus merula, and redwings Turdus
iliacus, but with the reduction in numbers of these other species such
communal roosts now rarely develop.
2. To publicise the plight of the song thrush and the adverse effects
of the use of molluscicides in the light of current or future
encourage breeding and wintering populations of song thrushes.
2.1 Work with the Ealing Allotments and Gardens Society and the
West London Organic and Wildlife Gardening Association to
produce information on the plight of the song thrush and to
target that information to gardeners and allotment holders who
may be best able to make a difference.
SWALLOW Hirundo rustica
Swallows are summer visitors to Europe, relying on a plentiful supply of
insects in areas of open countryside usually associated in the breeding
season with the presence of grazing animals and water bodies. Suitable
buildings or structures are also necessary for nest sites.
Past loss of open space to built development has been the main factor
resulting in swallows now nesting only on the western edges of the
Borough. The low number of sites with grazing animals and
consequent lack of abundant insect prey available close to suitable
outbuildings means that swallows are absent from many open spaces
in Ealing which might otherwise be suitable. Swallows almost always
occur as commensals with man and when nests are built landowners
and local people usually actively seek to protect them.
5.1 Visit and monitor nest sites during the breeding season and
involve landowners and local people in this work.
WATER VOLE Arvicola terrestris
Water voles are small mammals living in colonies close to still and moving
waterways, especially those with earth or sandy banks. Here they form
burrows for both nesting and refuge. Water voles feed mainly on grass, but
also eat fruit, roots and bark.
Once a familiar site, the water vole has suffered one of the most severe
declines in numbers to affect any of the British mammals this century.
In Ealing watercourses like the River Brent still contain some
populations of water vole. This and other sites within Ealing have the
potential to sustain increased numbers.
Many parts of the Grand Union Canal still have water voles, especially
at Horsenden Hill and Sudbury Golf Course, and water voles have
recently been found at Greenford Lagoons.
5. Fragmentation and isolation of populations.
The water vole has no direct protection. However water vole’s places of
shelter or protection have, since April 1998 received legal protection
through inclusion on Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act
1981 (as amended) in respect of section 9(4) only.
Licences are available from English Nature to allow activities that would
otherwise be offences: for scientific or educational purposes; for the
purpose of ringing or marking; for conserving wild animals or
introducing them to different areas.
The River Brent, Costons Brook, small streams and channels feeding
into the Brent River Park are included within management plans, which
also cover adjacent wet/dry land areas. (N.B. the flow of the River Brent
is set by the EA/BWB at Brent Reservoir).
Much of the land where water voles are or could be established are
managed by the LBE Parks and Countryside Service for nature
conservation. Some of these sites are maintained and improved with
assistance from Countryside Stewardship Schemes and DETER Green
Corridors funding.
Recent works have included, digging a pond and creating a ditch and
bank system by the lower slopes of Elthorne Waterside. Also at
Trumpers Field there have been riverside enhancement works such as
creating a pond and fencing the canal boundary in preparation for low
intensity grazing project
5. Establish any possible effect that mink may have on water vole
populations within Ealing and establish safe refuges if
0 - 5 year targets
3.1. To set back and plant sedge beds, to act as filters, by any new
or newly maintained sewage outlets.
4.2. Initiate, plan and train staff, volunteers, and members of other
interested organisations to carry out initial survey of water voles
and their habitats.
5 - 10 year targets
3.7. Fitzherbert Walk, Walker Close, St. Margarets Road site de-silt
channel and improve habitats.
10 - 50 year targets
There is a UK action plan for the water vole with the EA as the national
DYERS GREENWEED. Genista Tinctoria – Species
A small shrub of the Leguminosae family growing from 20 - 50cm. Dyers
greenweed is related to gorse although it lacks the spines typical of the genus.
Generally growing erect, the leaves are pointed oblong-lanceolate with hairs
only at the margins, the yellow flowers grow in short spikes / racemes and are
mainly terminal.
Although named ‘dyers greenweed’ the dye produced from the flower
stems was in fact yellow. The name comes from a process that was
devised in the 14th Century by Flemish immigrants. The cloth was first
dipped in the ‘greenweed’ dye and then in a woad dye to produce
‘Kendal’ green, as it became known, in honour of its Cumbrian town of
Nationally rare. Extremely rare in the Greater London area, the only
known site in the Ealing area is Horsenden Hill. It prefers rough, lightly
grazed grassland with poor soil. Locally abundant on clay and chalk
Fungi have different characteristics from flowering plants and this affects the
nature of their SAPs. Fungi are often ephemeral, appearing at a site, then
disappearing, and maybe reappearing a few years later. This may be due to
the fact that it is only the fruiting bodies hat are observed and recorded; the
more permanent vegetative parts (mycelia) are hardly ever identified. But
fungi are often truly ephemeral, appearing for a while on rotten logs or even
These considerations mean that any SAP which refers only to the sp itself and
the sites where it is currently recorded will not be very useful. The only way to
conserve and enhance fungi is to preserve and enhance the types of habitat
where they occur or are likely to occur.
As with all groups, different spp of fungi are found in different habitats. Thus a
critical part of BAPs is to ensure that the full range of habitats survives. In
fact, many fungi spp are not confined to a particular narrow habitat type, so
preservation of every habitat is not necessarily a priority as far as fungi are
concerned. However, an important exception is woodland. Woodlands are
the most important habitats for fungi and many fungi are highly specific to a
particular tree spp (alive or dead). Thus it important to preserve all the
different types of woodland and tree spp in them.
Although reference only to the known sites of a sp it not sufficient, this does
not mean those sites should be disregarded. A site where a fungus sp occurs
is, by definition, a suitable habitat. Our knowledge of the ecology of fungi is
limited, so other sites, which might appear to be suitable for that fungus may
in fact not be. Also, if a particular site is known or has been known for a
fungus, that sp is more likely increase there or to re-appear there than at other
sites, because mycelia are present or because the greatest concentration of
spores will be there. As a general rule, therefore, a site, which is currently
good for fungi, having a high diversity or having rare spp, should be protected
as a priority.
Action: Review and update this statement setting actions and targets
when the review of the checklist has been produced.
Alick Henrici – pers comm
Alick Henrici and Peter Roberts, Kew Mycological Institute – pers comm.
Carl Borges, Fungi BAP, English Nature – pers comm.
Chestnut plantations on poor soil
Spp poor grassland on unimproved/low nitrogen grassland – possibly
churchyards or old lawns (good for waxcaps)
Old trees – heart rot + dead wood + mycorrhizal
Dead wood generally
Other woodland on nutrient poor soils
LBE has no chestnut plantations and limited areas of nutrient poor grassland
and woodland, but those areas that exist should be a priority for investigation.
Action: Investigate the possibility of suitable areas where fungi habitats
can be developed.
1 Introduction
There are a number of fungi that have been recorded from LBE that are
nationally rare, or unique to LBE. Detailed, multi-point Action Plans for their
conservation are not appropriate for the reasons explained in SS1 and
therefore a full SAP (Species Action Plan) is not needed. In order to bring
together the information that is available and to highlight the conservation
issues in a concise form, the fungi are all dealt with together in this SS
(Species Statement).
There are currently 7 spp recorded from LBE that are thought to be nationally
rare. In fact, 6 are so rare, or rarely recorded, that they should be regarded as
highly endangered. Because they are known only to specialists, none of
these fungi have common names. The 7 are:
Antrodia psuedosinuosa
Aniptodera fusiformis
Sporidesmium ontariense
Antrodia psuedosinuosa
Coronicium alboglaucum
Hemimycena epichloe
Orbilia fimicoloides
Rhodocybe gemina
Antrodia psuedosinuosa
This fungus is one of a number of spp of fungi that cover wood with a crust but
which form tiers of brackets. As the name suggests, it is closely related to
another sp, Antrodia sinuosa, from which it is distinguished by microscopic
characters. It was found on a rotting elm log in Perivale Wood, but there is no
other information available on its ecology, such as whether it can live on other
Aniptodera fusiformis
This fungus is a small but distinctive ascomycete, which was found on a piece
of wood in a pond in Perivale Wood. There is no other information available
on its ecology.
Sporidesmium ontariense
This is a hyphenomycete (an imperfect state of an unknown ascomycete),
which was also found on a piece of wood in a pond in Perivale Wood. There
is no other information available on its ecology.
Coronicium alboglaucum
This is a corticoid (crust-forming) white basidiomycete found on a piece of
stacked wood in Perivale Wood. There is no other information available on its
Hemimycena epichloe
This is a small white fungus with a cap about 5mm across, found fruiting on
rotting grass stems in Perivale Wood. It is in a small genus Hemimycena
which is related to the familiar and common genus Mycena (bonnet caps).
There is no further information available on its ecology.
Orbilia fimicoloides
This is a small fungus, which grows on dung. It was first observed on field
mouse or field vole dung in 1996 at Perivale Wood. As the name suggests, it
is closely related to another sp, Orbilia fimicola, from which it is distinguished
by microscopic characters.
Antrodia psuedosinuosa
The fungus is known from a single rotten fallen elm stem in Perivale Wood
where it was first identified as new to science. It was described in 1997
(Mycologist, Nov 1997, page 152). Already, the log on which it occurs is
rotting away and the fungus has all but disappeared. The fungus clearly has a
limited lifespan on any elm log and must have ‘moved around’ in the past.
However, it has now been found in a couple of other places in the UK and
also in France and Spain.
Aniptodera fusiformis
The record for Perivale Wood is the first for this country where it was found on
a piece of wood in the “Upper Woodland Pond” in 1985. It was written up in
the Mycologist of August 1996. The sp is new to Europe, and the second
record in the world, having been previously recorded just once in a creek in
Illinois where it was growing on a submerged twig of an American poplar,
Populous deltoides.
Sporidesmium ontariense
The record for Perivale Wood is the first for this country where it was also
found on a piece of stacked Salix (willow or sallow) wood in the “Upper
Woodland Pond” in Perivale Wood in c1985. The sp is new to Europe, and
was only formally named in May 1999. The only other place where it is known
from is Ontario, Canada.
Coronicium alboglaucum
The record for Perivale Wood is the first for this country. It was found on a
piece of stacked Salix (willow or sallow) wood in the “Pondfield” in Perivale
Wood in Mar 1994 and again in 1995 and 1997. It has been recorded in a few
places in Europe but as yet no other sites in Britain.
Hemimycena epichloe
The sp was first recorded in the “Paddock” in Perivale Wood in July 1992 and
was subsequently found again in July 1994. It has since been found in Kew
Gardens, but there are no other records for the UK. It was first recorded in
France, where it is regarded as uncommon. It is unknown in Scandinavia,
whose fungi are well recorded; this suggests it has a limited distribution.
Orbilia fimicoloides
The fungus was found by culturing the droppings of small mammal from
Perivale Wood, probably a fieldmouse or field vole. It is the only known
record in the world and was described in 1997 (Mycology Research, no 102,
pages 99-102). Dung is a very temporary habitat. The fungus clearly has a
short lifespan in any one place and must have ‘moved around’ in the past.
Rhodocybe gemina
This has been found under elders and hawthorns near the “Canal Path” in
Perivale Wood. Unlike the other spp in this SS, it is known from a fair number
of sites in the UK.
The only known site in LBE where these 7 spp occur, Perivale Wood, is a
Local Nature Reserve and SSSI. Currently this site is secure, being owned
and run for nature conservation by the Selborne Society. However, English
Nature (EN) is trying to remove its SSSI status, which will reduce its level of
statutory protection. Removal of SSSI status could also, by reducing its
status, make it harder to obtain external funding needed to maximize the
potential of the reserve and its fungi. EN’s stance is thus a threat, albeit
4 Policies needed to preserve rare fungi
Antrodia psuedosinuosa
Nothing can be done to preserve the one location in LBE where it is currently
known. The most important action is to ensure that dead elm trees are
allowed to fall and rot naturally wherever possible. In this way, the fungus will
have the maximum opportunity to re-establish. Preservation of Perivale Wood
and in particular its elm woodland is of the highest priority. Preservation and
indeed expansion of elm woodland in the rest of the borough is also important
since the total amount of elm woodland determines the amount of dead elm
logs. The more elm logs there are, the greater the chance of the fungus
Action: Where ever possible leave fallen dead elm trees to rot in situ.
Action: Explore the possibility of expanding the area of elm woodland or
managing existing areas to allow a continual supply of dead elm.
Coronicium alboglaucum
Given the ephemeral habitat, rotting wood, there is noting that can be done to
preserve the precise site. The most important need is to protect the site
where it occurs and the generalised habitat type. Where possible, fallen or
cut wood should be allowed to rot away without disturbance.
Hemimycena epichloe
Given the ephemeral habitat, rotting grass stems, there is noting that can be
done to preserve the precise site. The most important need is to protect the
site where it occurs and the generalised habitat type, ie unmown grassland.
Orbilia fimicoloides
As the microhabitat - dung - is ephemeral, there is no direct action, which will
preserve individual locations. The best way of conserving the sp would
appear to be to preserve the populations of field mice and voles, this ensuring
a continuing supply of dung. These mammals are not considered ‘key’ spp,
i.e. rare or under threat and therefore do not have a SAP. However, any
reduction in these mammal populations, while it might not be a significant
threat to their own survival, could be a threat to this fungus spp, which is
probably rare. This highlights the fact that preserving the populations of the
more common spp, not just the rarities, is important for the overall
preservation of bio diversity. The best way to preserve populations of field
mice and voles is to preserve and enhance the quantity and quality of their
habitat, namely rough pasture and other habitats.
General principles
One general principle that emerges is that one needs to preserve the range
and extent of habitats in order to preserve the fungal spp. It is also very
apparent that minimal disturbance of those habitats is usually best.
All these rare spp have been found in Perivale Wood and these spp are a
prior more likely to re-appear there than anywhere else. Futhermore, Perivale
Wood is one of the richest recorded anywhere (given its size and range of
habitats). It should therefore be given the strongest possible protection,
statutory and otherwise.
The fact that these fungi have been found and identified is a testament to the
knowledge and energy of Alick Henrici. He is one of the country’s leading
amateur mycologists whom, by chance, is active in LBE. All the information
on the spp and their distribution has been supplied by him. This highlights the
fact that effort needs to be made to bring in experts on a regular basis to
supplement the work of others on recording and monitoring, especially for the
more ‘difficult’ groups.
WILD SERVICE TREE. Sorbus torminalis. Species
The wild service tree is one of the least known native trees of the mountain
ash family. It often grows quite inconspicuously although it has been recorded
to grow in pockets up to an acre in size. It looks similar to a maple in that its
leaves are ovate and lobed like a maple but alternately borne with forward
lobes all finely but usually doubly serrate. It often has a cracked and flaky,
pale gray and dark brown / red tinged bark. It can grow to 22 meters tall and
flowers in May with white hawthorn like blossoms in loosely pubescent heads
10-12 cm across. These develop around October into rich, dark brown berries
about 1cm in size. It usually spreads by suckers, and seedlings have rarely
been found.
The wild service tree is one of the least known native trees of the mountain
ash family. It often grows quite inconspicuously although it has been recorded
to grow in pockets up to an acre in size. It looks similar to a maple in that its
leaves are ovate and lobed like a maple but alternately borne with forward
lobes all finely but usually doubly serrate. It often has a cracked and flaky,
pale gray and dark brown / red tinged bark. It can grow to 22 meters tall and
flowers in May with white hawthorn like blossoms in loosely pubescent heads
10-12 cm across. These develop around October into rich, dark brown berries
about 1cm in size. It usually spreads by suckers, and seedlings have rarely
been found.
Once common tree in the U.K. that has been used be man for many
things including musical instruments. They are much less common
today as their natural habitat of ancient woodland has been destroyed
or converted to other uses. Their fruits were a staple diet during
Neolithic times, and were still sold in markets during the 1850s. They
were often strung up in long necklaces and picked singly by children as
when they become ripe as they are quite sweet with a taste like no
other fruit. Uncommon in greater London and only known to be
naturally occurring on two sites in Ealing, Horsenden Hill and Grove
Farm. There have been recent plantings of standards in Acton Park.
Protect from human and animal mutilations by fencing off areas around
them if required.
Possibly propagation of new trees should take place but only if they are
planted on currently occupied sites.
Production of the biodiversity plan is just the beginning. The future
success of the Ealing Biodiversity Action Plan depends on partnerships
being forged between the organisations identified in the Action Plan, as
well as other relevant organisations at both local and national level.
This needs to be supported by the people of the Borough, to this
ensure that this happens everyone involved in the biodiversity process
needs to play their part.
8.1 To facilitate this the Ealing Wildlife Network / LA21 Biodiversity Group
will act as an advisory group for the Ealing BAP. This will include:
8.2 The Parks and Countryside Service, with the support of the advisory
group will produce progress report every 2 years which will be
presented to the Council’s Open Spaces Advisory Committee.
8.3 It is also important to involve the wider community and this will be
achieved in a number of ways.
• Through the production of displays which will be used to promote
nature conservation in the borough and raise public awareness
about the need for managing the natural environment.
This plan has been produced to ensure that the people of the Borough
have the opportunity to play their part in conserving the wildlife of the
Borough. The action plans aim to ensure that the key habitats and a
range of species of the borough have been identified and are
protected. However, many factors effect the borough’s wildlife and the
bio diversity action plan can not stand in isolation, other factors need to
be recognised.
9.1 The Mayor for the Greater London Authority has been charged with
producing 7 specific strategies in addition to a bio diversity strategy.
These strategies will be linked to each other with bio diversity being
recognised and included in each of them.
1. Air quality
2. Ambient noise
3. Culture
4. Economic development
5. Municipal waste management
6. Spatial development
7. Transport
9.3 This joined up approach needs to be mirrored in Ealing and the Bio
diversity Action Plan should be recognised and considered when the
Borough produces new strategies or revises old ones. Many of these
strategies need to be developed on a regional basis and once these
London wide strategies have been produced there will be action
required at a local level to ensure that Ealing plays it’s part in the
9.5 A Parks Strategy for Ealing is being produced, the BAP has been used
to develop the nature conservation section of this document.
9.6 The Parks and Countryside Service is in the process of going through
a Best Value review which shares many of the targets listed in the
BAP. The BAP is also recognised in the Parks and Countryside
objectives 4,5 & 6.
9.6.1 Objective 4:
To enhance the positive environmental impact of the parks and
countryside service including the improvement of the nature
conservation value of parks in line with the principles of sustainability.
9.6.2 Objective 5:
To implement the short, medium and long term targets of the Ealing
Biodiversity Action Plan by developing site management plans with an
emphasis on community involvement and seeking further protection of
nature conservation areas by designating further local Nature Reserves
9.6.3 Objective 6:
To carry out on site, local resident, Ward Councillor and Area
Committee consultation with local residents on all new nature
conservation initiatives and projects to increase awareness,
understanding and participation.
9.8 The following actions are required to ensure that bio diversity is
considered when other strategies are produced. No time scale has
been produced for these actions because many are linked to work
being carried out by others and need to link with their time scale.
9.9 Actions