Apparent Report-2
Apparent Report-2
Apparent Report-2
We declare that this report is our own work which contains all things including our experience,
observation and achievements during our four months stay East Shewa zone Oromia region in
Adama Construction Bureau Company basement building (G+5) project. We spent our time
on field and to write report we spent our hour for different activities such as gathering
information, referring some books, daily going to different site, and collecting information and
etc. All writing in this report is things that are done by our effort and we acquire knowledge from
it.we wrote what we have observed from the site work and by asking the company workers like
site engineer, formans, mason, and carpenter. We have responsible for any claim on the
originality of this report and also our advisor confirm it.
Name ID No Signature_____________
KITESA DUGUMA …………………… RU 1733/08
SABBONA GASHE ………………….. RU1806/08
SAGNI SIBAR ………………………. RU1429/08
Name Signature_____________
At the beginning we would like to give our deepest thank to our almighty God for his mercy and
everlasting support. Next we would like to express our sincere appreciation to Jimma University,
university industry linkage office, for facilitating this internship program, by giving the chance to
find hosting company by our interest and We are so grateful thanks to our mentor Instructor
Yadaa Tesafaye for guiding us through this internship experience. From the bottom of our heart,
we would like to thank all EAST SHEWA ZONE Oromia Construction Bureau Adama town
project (Commercial G+5) basement building) workers specially project manager engineer Tedla
Ergata site engineers Freshwine Gurmu and general forman Chala jifara ,the Adama
construction BUREAU and the TEDCON PLC .Our gratitude also extends to all our friends
with whom we spent good times and for their unfailing cooperation in various ways.
Executive summary
This report is a report about the internship experience that we have under taken during the last
Four months. In this report we have tried to list the overall aspects of the internship experience.
We have briefly summarized what is expected in the next chapters in this report. In the first of
unit of the report, it provides information about the hosting company. It starts from the brief
history of the company and continues to listing of the projects the company has undertaken from
the time it has been established. Also in this unit we will find the missions and visions of the
company. We have tried to establish the organizational structure of the head office. In second
unit of the report it describes mainly about the internship experience. It starts by describing the
sections we had been working on and continues to tell the different types of tasks that we had
accomplished, and the materials and methodology used in the construction task, and also it tells
the challenges that we had faced during the internship experience. In third unit of the report it
describes the overall benefits that we have gained from this internship experience, and also it
tells the challenges that we had faced during the internship experience. It further divides the
overall benefits into details and tries to explain them.
Table of Contents
Declaration ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
List of Tables
EBCS Ethiopian building code of standard
FFL Floor finishing level
RC Reinforcement concrete
NGL Natural ground level
It established in 1992E.C
To make effective the construction industry those are endowed with strong regulatory system in
our region.
1.3.4 Main product and service of the Company
Earth works
Water works
1.3.5 Overall structure the company
The company has the team of dedicated, self-motivated, skilled individuals that have a proactive
attitude towards every project they undertake.
Since the company is accountant to the privatizate limited company, it has recently made a new
team based and process centered that is flexible and responsive to customers’ requirements.
All the achievement of the company has been made possible by the dedicated effort of executives
and experienced personals
By daily laborers and even the Forman makes the daily labors to redo works that are already
completed, which are reasons of wasting resources (time, money and energy). This result leads to
the delay of the work, and decreases the quality of the work. In case of this the, site work needs
day to day supervision and flow up.
1.3.6 Work flow of the company
The work flow or the chain of command in any company is very essential in order to have
smooth relation within the employees and also to complete a project within the project period.
This is accomplished in such a way that every employee takes care of his task and answers for
his immediate boss.
The general manager has chief power among different employment. He controls all activities in
the company and makes decision in consultant with management and technical advisors. The
deputy general manager works under the general manager. Together with the secretary and Legal
advisors the deputy general manager supervisors the work of the following departments:
1. Engineering department
2. Finance department
3. Transport and Mechanical department
4. Procurement department
5. Administration department
In each department, there are also organizational subdivisions which have their own
responsibility. The overall organizational set up of the organization is shown below
Project Manager
Time keeper Accountant
Subcontractor Site engineer
Data collector Cashier
General for man
Driver Purchaser
Gang chief
Draft man
For man
Store head
It was during the end of June 2017 that we were given a letter from jimma university
institute of technology with subject that requests to host qualified for internship. Then we
decided to search for companies that will help as to improve our practical skill, to upgrade
our theoretical knowledge and thinking for our future life concerning with engineering field
work. After this decision, we laid out the following criteria to gather information about the
construction companies.
Consequently, as we were given a letter, we informally and formally were searching for
construction companies and design offices that could give us the chance to practice in their
projects. As a result, we were given positive response from Adama city Administration
construction office. and they told us that the construction project they are going to assign
us with is familiar to train students who are sent from higher education institution and also
told us a project place . We gave a letter that we brought from civil engineering department
to the hosting company and a letter of acceptance is given for us. On November 2018 we
submitted to civil engineering department internship coordinator and a letter is accepted by
a department. After the end of first semester of fourth year on March 2018, the department
sent us to the hosting company with a written for the purpose of internship program. Lastly
when we go back to the host company they took us heartily and assigned us to the site work
which is Tedcon plc construction.
2.5 Procedures we have been using while performing our work tasks
When we came to the site we get chance to see some substructure and most super structure.
2.5.1 Site work
Site work is a work which is the overall construction mainly managed by site engineer. The
Forman and gang chief are used to have direct contact with labors. They assigned different kind
of works to be done by each labor. In addition they control the speed of their works.
All works in building are categorized in either the substructure or super structure of the building.
Foundation work is included under substructure. Under this heading, we have included both
earth work and concrete work for the constructions of both footing pad and foundation column.
A structure of a building, which is located below the grade beam or the ground floor level, is
known as substructure. In substructure the following activity was working out after we reach the
site. Pit Excavation
The pit excavation is done at the place of foundation column and footing pad after properly
doing setting out of the building and locating the effective position of the building area. Then
locate the center of foundation column and footing pad.for isolated footing 1.8*1.8*2 and for
combinedcgcombined footing different size.
It is a disposal of the waste materials, site clearance, bulk excavation, pit excavation and trench
excavation. The materials excavated in the site if it’s not use full for that site it is transported as a
waste material. This disposal requires a very consideration in the construction process to be
economical in the case of transportation
2.5.3 Construction of foundation Introduction to foundation
Foundation is the lowest artificially built part of a structure which transmits the load of the
structure to the ground. The foundation of a structure is always constructed below ground level
to increase the lateral stability of the structure
Purpose of foundation
Foundations are used for the following purposes.
To distribute the load of the structure over a large bearing area so as to bring intensity of
loading within the safe bearing capacity of the soil lying underneath.
To load the bearing surface at a uniform rate so as to prevent unequal settlement.
To prevent the lateral movement of the supporting material.
To secure a level and firm bed for building operations.
To increase the stability of the structure as a whole.
There are many types of foundations. Among them I have a chance to see only isolated footing.
Isolated footing
They are used to support individual column. They are most often used: in small to medium size
structures, on sites with moderate to good soil conditions, on some large structures when the sites
underlain by exceptionally good soil of shallow bedrock. Lean concrete
Is a concrete having a low grade and used to protect the structural concrete from rash conditions.
Lean concrete is concrete of 5mm thick with class, C-5 with minimum cement content of
150kg/m3 of concrete. Approximately at ratio of 1:4:6.
I have informed this kind of concrete used under;
-Footing pad - Retaining wall
-Masonry foundation - Grade beam
Advantages of lean concrete
It protects all sub-structure elements from extra moisture
It act like hard stratum
It prevents the soil particles that are present under substructure from any relative movement.
It prevents contacts between soil and reinforcements of footing pads. Prevent the corrosion of
Placement of reinforcement
Reinforcing steel is placed in position in the designed form by bar workers (Ferroye). As the
main beam, slabs and column bars have been prepared before; it should be placed in position
carefully. This should be according to the drawing and specification.
As required for the construction of column, beams and slabs, when all of the reinforcing bars
have been cut to the right lengths and have been bent, then the main beam & column
reinforcements tied with stirrups.
After the reinforcement bar is placed we check the spacing between longitudinal bars, the
spacing between stirrups, diameter of reinforcement, number of reinforcement bars, bends of
each bar, arrangement and number of punching shear reinforcement, depth of spacers and lap
splice positions and splicing length before the concrete is casted.
2.5.5 Formwork
A formwork is as its name indicates it is a form which is constructed temporary to hold and
support fresh concrete up to it is hardened and hold the applied load including live load by itself.
The construction of formwork involves considerable expenditure of time and material, because it
shall be designed and erected carefully to safely support the applied vertical and lateral loads that
might be applied until such load can be supported by the concrete structure and fully preventing
leakage of concrete. When the concrete has reached the strength and matured the form work is
no longer needed and it can be removed. The operation of removing form work is called
stripping. After stripping the removed formwork can be reused for another structural element.
Whether wooden or steel form work doing carefully during fixing time is very crucial. Because
to avoid loss of concrete material and unwanted shape on the structure. Proper fixing also
minimizes great chiseling to remove the unwanted shapes.
minimizes great chiseling to remove the unwanted shapes.
Scaffolding :Is a temporary structure erected against construction existing or being built, its
purpose is to provide a working platform for building work which cannot be reached from the
ground and also a means of enabling materials to be brought up to the work area and to support
the bottom form work of slab. It is constructed for free movement of workers in the construction
site. It may be a wooden or steel structure. In our site they use wooden, because they can get
locally and is lower in cost steel. They are constructed for plastering and painting works.
Scaffolding is also constructed to have circulation between parts of structure.
Mixing of concrete
Concrete is made by mixing of cement, water, coarse and fine aggregates and admixtures (if
necessary). The aim is to mix these materials in measured amounts to make concrete that is easy
to transport, place, compact, finish and which will set, and harden, to give a strong and durable
product. The amount of each material (i.e. cement, water and aggregates) affects the properties of
hardened concrete. For the concrete to meet its intended purposes its ingredients have to be of
good quality and the batching and mixing of the ingredients or constituents should be handled in
A concrete friendly environment. So they mixed by the wanted proportion. For instance the mix
proportion in our site is 1:2:3 (cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates). Where cement is
in weight (50kg) and aggregates are in volume in our site the mix is proportioned by using a
gauge box, manufactured from ply wood with dimensions 40 by 50cm, the depth varies
depending on the grade of concrete.
For example, for c-25 and c-30 grade of concrete the mix ratio 1:2:3 and the depth of box are
Grades of concrete
In our site they used grade c-25 concrete for construction of footing column and column
structure, beam and slab. Also as they told us they used grade c-5 as lean concrete .
By using mixer is more preferable than hand mixing.This process ensure uniform color,
consistency, and homogeneity of the concrete. Less segregation take place during process of
mixing. Machine mixing obviously gives better and uniform mixes than the method of hand
mixing. Because of this reason, it is generally recommended one.
The following procedures are during concrete mix using machine mixer;
Cleaning the mixer by washing and removing unnecessary things
Adding half the volume of water to machine
Adding cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate according to specific grade and
proportion of concrete.
Adding sufficient water that will result in a workable mix in required proportion.
The mixing process will progress until ingredients mixed sufficiently.
Preparing the storage place for discharged concrete
Discharging it from the mixer if it is properly mixed, having a uniform color and consistency
Figure 2.13 mixer
It is important to know at what time of mixing we can produce concrete of uniform composition,
and of reliable strength. The mixing time or period should be measured from time all the
cementing materials and aggregates are added in mixer till the concrete is discharged. Mixing
time depends on the type and size of mixer, on the speed of rotation, and on the quality of
blending of ingredients during charging of the mixer. Approximately mixing 1.5 to 2 minute is to
produce a good condition of concrete.
Solid slab: It is the combination of reinforcement bars and concrete. Reinforcement bars are
used to resist the tension loads whereas the concrete used to resist compression loads. Solid slab
is durable, strong and esthetically good but it is expensive.
Advantages of solid slab:
Water tight (good for dampness).
Used for toilet and bath rooms.
Suitable for heavy weight constructions.
Avoid crack and failure during transportation b/c of cast in situ concrete for the slab.
Disadvantages of solid slab:
Consumes many reinforcement bars.
Expensive or uneconomical.
Requires too many form works scaffolding for supporting the concrete until its curing
Wastage of time during construction.
Not suitable for longer span buildings
Location of site from our home:-the site is located far from our home and other problems
such as traffic loading it was difficult to reach on time
We were also obligated to eat our lunch in restaurant around the site because of distance. That
exposed me to additional cost rather than transportation.
To minimize these problems we were trying to wake up early and to come on time.
Shortage of space and uncomfortable place for storage of material at the site
Since the building covers the whole site there were two very small offices (one for site engineer
and office engineer and the other for workers).As a result, it decelerates the work progress
because materials like reinforcement bars and formworks are stored in working places, so they
should transported to another place and it takes time. Also the site is very sloped so it is not
comfortable for storage of construction material like aggregates, reinforcements, rocks and etc.
Critical thinking:-To be hired for a high-profile job, you will need to be a critical thinker. Good
leaders are able to fore see potential problems before they happen.
Listening effectively
One of the most important skills for a leader is listening. Without listening skills, you are not
able to get feedback from others and get a sense of what team members like about the projects
they work on. To listen effectively, you need to maintain eye contact, avoid distractions and
respond appropriately. Keep in mind, communication is not only about verbal communication.
Be aware of body language and gestures to determine what people are really saying
Motivate others
A true leader should positively influence people. When employees or coworkers lose their
ambitions and passions, a true leader can energize and motivate them.
Sometimes, people lose their motivation because they are facing difficulties, tired of doing the
same repetitive tasks or disappointed they are not being asked to get involved. As a leader, you
should talk to them, ask them what’s going on, and share your personal stories with them to
encourage them to get involved
Discipline is required in order to execute the goal. Even if you have a vision or a good idea, it's
useless without discipline.
If you want to execute effectively, you need discipline. To be a good leader, you need to be self-
disciplined and make sure others on your team are disciplined.
Know How to Delegate
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done.
A successful leader won't micro-manage. Delegate work to your employees and let them feel
empowered. If you do this, they will feel more involved and have more opportunity to develop
new skills. Delegating will allow you to better concentrate on the goals you need to achieve
If you are a project leader, you are still responsible for the work in the end. This is why it is
important to oversee the project when delegating
Handling Conflicts
Leaders have to know how to handle difficult people and resolve conflicts. If an employee
doesn't work to the best of his or her ability and brings a negative attitude to work, leaders have
to step up and talk to that person in private. Leaders have to be honest and straight to the point.
This requires a lot of courage. It is not easy to point out a problem or fire someone. Always listen
to the employee's side of the story before you reach a conclusion
Be a Follower
Leaders should learn to recognize the value of team members, learn from them and encourage
other team members to learn from them. Learn things that you didn't know from a person who
specializes in that area
Honesty:-We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interests of
those we represent and in communicating with the public.
Cooperation:-Each worker should interact and cooperate with each other while working. That is
because it is through such system problems could be easily solved.
Fairness: - I deal fairly with clients, employers, competitors, peers, vendors, the media, and the
general public. I respect all opinions and support the right of free expression
Challenges are common to occur during the engineering works. In our internship program we
have seen both office work challenges and site work challenges. Many problems on the project
carried out both by naturally and human made. By nature the rainfall the main cause of runoff
and erosion of soil, also soil property.
By human made:
Lack of office and office materials like computers.
Lack of educated engineer to perform activity
Not having practically skilled labors that could have shown the students how construction
works are done.
Lack of laboratory test
Lack of position of the site place.
Lack of measure of construction material
There was no sufficient construction engineer from which we ask and get necessary
knowledge and experience for our future journey.
The other problem at site is there is no enough working space that on which concrete is
mixed, construction material is stored.
4.7.2 Measures to overcome these problems
During our staying period in the site we were faced some challenges and we were trying to
overcome them by using appropriate remedial actions.
In the theoretical aspect, we have preferred to read more on the specific problem and
Engineering aspects which could lead us to convince them.
we tried to resolve the problem of understanding the site terminologies by translating the words
to their equivalent English and having a lesson about the points with the help of general Forman
It tried to resolve problem these site when we used construction material we must to be measure.
For the case of no enough working space, it has confused us and we have performed our activity
by any mean.
Since the companies haven’t enough engineers, we have observed some activity in other
Chapter 4
Depending on the time we had during internship program, the recommendation we had for both
university and the company are;
The departments arrange internship program students to know not only one project. But
as much as possible two month like building projects and the remaining month on
highway, hydraulic structure, or water supply projects.
In the site the engineers are very busy, so they didn’t know how we are doing and they
didn’t evaluate properly about the program. So we were responsible to get all the things
from the site and from them by asking, attending and working with them. The companies
have to prepare or facilitate the contact mechanism with the student and also force the
engineers to follow the student in order to get the sufficient knowledge. We conclude, the
company must give more intension for the program for the future and the university also
should have to have a proper care and contact with the company from the starting time of
the internship up to the end.
Also during the intern time we have faced a financial problem, so the department should
give consideration on the budget allocation.
Generally, as this internship has a great role for giving a practical knowledge the
university should work widely and deeply on the quality and continuations.
Since the test is done at another place by the company, so student are unable to see any
tests at the site, so the company should have to done the tests at the site.