Novel - I Am That IAM
Novel - I Am That IAM
Novel - I Am That IAM
I am that I am
To function in our "I am that I am" identity is to function in The Christ Mind
“I and My Father are One” is the seed, (the idea), that will lead us into the ‘Kingdom of God’... into a
consciousness of Oneness... into the ‘Christ Mind’! This seemingly egotistical idea sets in motion the real
Spiritual Rebirth. By no other means can we attain the Christ Mind. (By no other means can we enter the
Kingdom of God.) ...Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he
cannot enter into the kingdom of God. " (John 3:5).
You are much more than that 'person' whom you think or believe yourself to be right now. You are an
individual manifestation of God! You are to God... what a wave is to the ocean... what a branch is to the
vine... What a ray of sunshine is to the sun.. You are just as much the presence of God, as a wave is the
presence of the ocean or as a branch is the presence of the vine or a ray of light is to the presence of sunshine.
LITERALLY! The entire bible and this book are dedicated to the promotion of the Allness of God, the
Oneness of God, and to the nothingness of any other thing!
What we have failed to see is this: No "man" (no John or Jane Doe) has ever been "born"! Every John or Jane
Doe that has ever existed on planet Earth, has been "crafted" in the sense of their earthly identity… but not by
God! What God made was Man in His image and likeness, by providing the Spirit and the embodiment -
Flesh, blood and bones, not the identity we define as family, clan, race or tribe . God did not create the person
CLAN OF BAGABIRA ! Every "human" child that has ever been born, is God but, in the infant stage of
development. In ignorance of this, our parents named us and then proceeded to mould us in "their" image and
likeness....which is the village, clan, name, ancestry, country, race, tribe e.t.c that you are taught to be
belonging to.
The word Father also means "the Source" and in the case of the bible, The Father is "the source of the
Godhead" Man… is the only organism on Planet Earth in whom and through whom the Source (God) can
function in the world of form [physical realm] AS THE SOURCE…AS GOD. No living "thing" has any
being apart from or other than the Source, and that includes every "human organism" that has ever been
born .The Source does not give being to any "thing" or to anyone apart from or other than itself. Only the
Source has being! God may express Himself through a pillar of Fire or a Cloud of Smoke, or even in a gentle
breeze, but all those things do not have being with Him, none of them has "being" at the end. God made
Humans that He may "be" in them - Emmanuel. "For in him we live, and move, and have our being ---Acts
Even though the Bible tells us that God made man in His image and likeness… few of us seemingly take this
whole heartedly as the solid, reality or truth. Why? Because we have failed to find the Key that enables us to
realize that we are the Source embodied... God embodied...or the Spirit embodied. To embody means to cloth
with flesh and blood or give tangible form to a Spirit... We still haven't realized what manner of being we are
The "Source" is the reality of every man on Earth. Man and God are One in spirit, for that which is joined
unto the Lord is one spirit." (1 Corinthians 6:17). God or "I AM", or The Father;- is the Universal Spirit or
the ocean or the sun or the tree ... While you, or man on the other hand, is that Universal Spirit
"INDIVIDUALIZED"!, as a wave, sun-ray or branches respectively.
The "Kingdom of God"…is a state of mind and that state of mind is within you - Luke 17:21. A state of
WITHIN US! The Kingdom of God is synonymous with God consciousness! To be spiritually minded or
God Conscious, is life and peace." (Romans 8:6). It is to ooze life and peace.
The Key that enables us to function AS THE SOURCE, is the realization that God (the Father) is the I AM
WITHIN US, and the belief that we are the person we have been programmed to believe ourselves to be, is
what keeps us from attaining this realization. A complete reprogramming of mindset, is necessary to
overhaul, religion, tradition and the hundreds of isms, we have been born and raised in. The person we
believe ourselves to be is but the illusion in which we blindly function. Hence, the necessity of the Spiritual
Rebirth, but not through the concept of the Spiritual Rebirth as promoted by the religions and traditions of
men. Through their concept, it is impossible for us to realize our relationship to our Source, thereby making it
impossible for us to attain a consciousness of Oneness! So beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy
and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." (Colossians
2:8). Christ is the wisdom and creative power of God, which is a mindset that one must use to falsify religion
and tradition that we have hitherto been born and bred in.
"I and my Father are one. " (John 10:30)..... is the Key, the idea, that enables us to function As the Source…
As God! Only in this realization can we "enter" the "Kingdom of God"... only in this realization can we attain
a consciousness of Oneness. God is the Vine... 'He'... is also the branch! 'He' is the I AM, THAT I AM!
Understanding the significance of the proclamation " I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE" initiates the real
Spiritual Rebirth, without which we cannot attain a consciousness of Oneness... the CHRIST MIND.
What is the 'Christ Mind' ... it is the consciousness (the mind) in which Jesus functioned ... in which he
'walked'. "He that hath seen me ... hath seen the Father" ... "I and my father are one," he said. He knew that he
and God ... 'his source', were One... One and the same. So ... HE 'WALKED' AS GOD ... in God
consciousness. He dwelt in the 'Kingdom' of God... in the consciousness of being God! In Phillipians 2:5, the
apostle Paul said, "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." In Mathew 6:33 Jesus said, "seek
ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." He was not
talking about a place ... he was talking about a State of Mind! The 'kingdom of God' ... IS A STATE OF
MIND ... the CHRIST MIND! We have been told that it is within us (the kingdom of God) - Luke 17:21, but
we have never been told that it is a state of mind ... a state of KNOWING that the ' I ' within each of us is the
Father! We have never been told that the ' I ' within us that says I am Robert, I am Richard, I am Henry, I am
Marie, I am Helen, I am Shirley, etc., etc. is the same ' I ' that said, "I and my Father are one" some two
thousand years ago. Each of us is the presence of God! God is the Life... the reality of each of us. "I am the
Lord and there is none else." (Isaiah 45 : 6)
We have failed to realize our relationship to each other ... to our Source ... to God. When we realize that each
of us is the Source manifesting... we begin to take upon ourselves the likeness of our Source. That likeness is
the CHRIST. To function in that consciousness... AS THE SOURCE... is to function in the Christ Mind! The
Christ Mind... is but the Universal Mind (The Divine Mind) personified.
It is the purpose of this website to reveal and remove the illusion that has caused us to believe we are
different from each other just because we 'appear' to be different. God is our reality ... our true identity. The
'person' we believe our self to be... is but the illusion in which we live.
This opening page and the selected essays in the book "The Christ Mind" contain everything necessary to
take you from your present state of mind, into the "Christ Mind".