The Nyahbinghi Guidelines
The Nyahbinghi Guidelines
The Nyahbinghi Guidelines
The following Guidelines are compiled for the benefit of Rastafari Sons
and Daughters under supervision of the COUNCIL OF ELDERS of
this Ancient Order. As I n I pursue a hola and righteous livety these
Guidelines must be maintained so as to ensure the upfulness of I n I
livety and ones must strive towards living up to these Kingciples.
Being Sons AND Daughters of Haile Selassie the First, I n I must strive
towards approximating as much as possible, the good examples set by
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“Blessed are the undefiled who walk in the Law of the Most High
Blessed are they that keep His testimonies and that seek Him with their
whole heart
They do also no iniquity; they walk in His way; Thou has commanded
us to keep thy precepts diligently;
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The Nyahbinghi Creed is opened with the reciting of the following Psalms
to which all must stand with due respect to H.I.M.
(follows as below):-
Openning Ises
(1) Psalms 1, (2) Psalms 24 (3) Psalms 122, (4) Psalms 133,
(5) Psalms 121,
(6) Ethiopian iliverance Prayer, (7) Iniversal Itiopian Anthem,
“Glory Full in Word,
Glory Full in Sound,
Glory Full in The Power,
Of The Most High
His Ivine Majesty,
Emperor Haile Selassie 1st
For the I was Before the Igining
The I is now and forever must be
World (word) Without End”
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Psalm 1
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor
standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
But InI Ilight is in the laws of His Ivine Majesty and in his law InI do Iditate
InI shall be like a trees, planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth
InI fruits in due season. InI life and Locks also shall not wither; and
The ungodly are not so: they are like the chaff which the InI word sound
driveth away.
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the
For the Most High Emperor Haile Selassie 1st knoweth the ways of the
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Psalms 24
The earth is the Almighty’s and the fullman therein,(fullness there of) the
For he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods.
Who shall ascend into the hills of the Most High, or stand within InI Hola
place, InI who have clean hands and a pure heart, who have not lifted
InI shall Iceive the blessings from the Most High, and righteousness
For InI are the First Generation of them that seek thy face, o though
The Almighty High, Emperor Haile Selassie 1st, strong and mighty,
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Psalm 122
I was glad when they said unto InI, come let InI yod into the house of
Whither the tribes go up, the sons and daughters of the Most High,
unto the Istimony of Itiopia, to give thanks unto his name His Ivine
For there are set thrones of judgment, even the thrones of the house of
InI Pray for the love of Itiopia, that all InI shall prosper, who love the
For InI brethren and companions’ sakes, InI will now say, Love be within
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Psalm 133
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for InI to dwell together in Inity!
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the
beard (precepts), even Aaron’s beard: that went down (Iscended) to the
As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that Iscended upon the
mountains of Zion:
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Psalm 121
I will lift up InI eyes unto the hills, from whencefore cometh InI help.
InI help cometh from The Most High, Emperor Haile Selassie 1st, who
made Zion and earth.
Thy Most High will not suffer InI foot to be moved: he that keepeth InI
shall not slumber.
Ihold, he that keepeth Ethiopia shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Ras Tafari is InI keeper: Ras Tafari is InI shield upon InI right hand.
By the Most High Itection, the sun shall not smite I by day, nor the moon
by night.
Ras Tafari shall Iserve I from all evil, Ras Tafari, shall Iserve InI Life.
Ras Tafari, shall Iserve InI yodding out and InI yodding in, from this time
henceforth, and even for Ivermore.
Blesseth be the name of The Most High King Rastafari.
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Ithiopians shall stretch forth their hands unto His Ivine Majesty;
O’ thou Thy Ivine Majesty, Thy Irits have come into our hearts to dwell in
to do thy will. Thy blessing to InI, that the hungry be fed, the naked
clothed, the sick nourished, the aged protected and the infants cared
for. Iliver InI from the hands of InI enemies, So that InI may prove fruitful
in these last days; When InI enemies are passed away and decayed,
InI pray thee O though Mighty King, to grant each and every one of InI a
Through the Power of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The
Conquering Lion of The Tribe of Judah. Ilect of Himself and The Light
of this World. High Priest for Iver after the Order of Melchezedek and
The King of Zion. The I who art the Alpha and Omega, The First and
for Iver, Iginning without end, Itector of all InI faith and the ruler of
the Iniverse. The One Triumphant and Most Wise, His Ivine Majesty
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Thy voice through the dim past has spoken
Ithiopians now stretch forth their hands
By JAH/Thee shall all barriers be broken
And Mount Zion bless our dear Motherland.
(Chorus) Bless InI - NEGUS NEGUS I
Who keeps Ithiopia free - to advance
To advance with truth and right-truth and right
To advance with love and light-love and light
With Righteousness leading
InI hail to InI JAH/GOD and I King
Imanity pleading one JAH/GOD for us/InI all.
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(1) Psalms 68, (2) Psalms 2, (3) Psalms 83, (4) Psalms 94.
(5) Psalms 20, (6) Psalms 11, (7) Psalms 9
It is the duty of every brethren to prepare wood for this fire which
is consuming fire for all evildoers irrespective of colour,
race or creed.
No garbage, waste or refuse should be thrown
in the Nyahbinghi fire.
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The Nyahbinghi Priest can have his Queen as did Aaron, Zadok
etc., but must be one of ivine qualities, abiding by JAH laws.
The Nyahbinghi Priest must be one of justice who carries out his
works without partiality. He must maintain an “Ital Livety” making
sure he does not defile the temple of the living JAH with
abominable flesh.
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The Nyahbinghi daughters, like the sons must abide by JAH ivine
As H.I.M. is the Head of the Nyahbinghi Order the Nyahbinghi
Queen must recognise her King as her head.
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She is not permitted to administrate around the altar or to
prophecy before the congregation. During reasonings she can
make suggestions and participate in Governmental
administrations as in the taking of minutes, writing of letters or
any other works she is capable of doing,
as seen by the brethrens.
She must be attired in modest apparel at all times and must not
wear pants or exposive garments.
Her head must be covered during an
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During issemble the daughters are responsible for the teaching
of the children with special emphasis on the Amharic
languages, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Black History
and other aspects of Rastafari ivine livity.
If she brings forth a Princess, she should stay away for a period
of 4 months.
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The Nyahbinghi Man must abide by the laws of His Imperial
He should abide with one Queen as a perfect example set by His
Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I.
The use of flesh, drugs, alcohol and all harmful articles of food
must be forbidden by all. Nyahbinghi Man is no-violent, non-
abusive and non partisan
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Workshop for art and crafts and school for the youths are vital
structures on a Nyahbinghi Centre.
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Both Mother and child should attend the issemble as at this time
parents vow to grow their children in the Order
of JAH Rastafari.
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The Mother and Father of the child will stand together with the
child while the priest reads from the Holy Scripture, passages
pertaining to the occasion.
After the reading of the Scriptures the parents then give the child
and his/her name to the Priest while the Elders of the House
gather around the Holy Altar of the Tabernacle. At this time
Nyahbinghi Choir breaks into solemn chants.
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As these solemn chants continue the Priest makes known the
name of the child to the congregation and he/she is passed from
one Elder to another who momentarily recites prayers unto the
Most High JAH Rastafari Emperor Haile Selassie I, for the
guidance and blessing of the child.
After all the Elders prepared for the occasion, accomplish the
prayers and Benediction, then “JAH Mothers and Fathers” would
identify themselves at the request of the Priest.
When there is more than one child to be Sanctified, the sons are
done followed by the daughters. Here then another child is
offered up unto the Most High and all the congregation ask for
his/her guidance and blessing henceforth and for Ivermore.
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The Administration consists of:
1. Priesthood
2. Ilect of Record
3. Ilect of Treasury
4. Council of Elders
5. Working Committee
6. Sisters Council
7. Disciplinary Committee
8. Welcoming Committee
The Priesthood consists of Brethrens who are well nurtured in the
Ivine livity of Rastafari and have led exemplary lives in the sight
of the congregation and of the Almighty. The Priests lead the
congregation in prayer and conducts and maintains harmony in
reasoning sessions. The Priesthood are looked upon for wise
decisions and council and are key representatives of the
Nyahbinghi Order. The signature from the Priesthood is required
on all communication sent out from the House.
The Ilect of Records writes, receives and answers letters of the
House with the final approval of the congregation. The Ilect of
Records also takes minutes of meetings and documents important
events within the functions of the Nyahbinghi Order. At least two
Brethrens must be chosen to administrate this office and they can
choose assistants, be it sons or daughters, if there is a workload.
The signature of the Ilect of Records is attached to all
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i Chairpersons
ii Ilect of Records
iii Ilect of Treasury
The account of the Sisters Council follows the same 2 from 3 rules
for Banking transactions.
Their time of meeting must not conflict with the meeting of the
General House as their presence is also required.
If the Sisters Council agree upon projects, ventures etc., they must
first bring the matter to the congregation or the Council of Elders
for approval.
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The Nyahbinghi House (Jamaica) meets every 1st and 3rd
Sunday of each month for general reasoning. At these meetings
various topics are discussed and decisions taken.
The meetings are opened with Hola Chants and Prayers followed
by an opening remark by an Ilect of the Priesthood. This is
followed by an update by the Ilect of Records on past reasoning
after which matters arising from old and new issues are discussed.
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The Nyahbinghi Order in Jamaica celebrates for 7 days and
nights the following events:
*These days are revered as Hola days and are free from
commercial activities
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“In all our endeavours we must first look to the Almighty,
who has raised man above the animals and endowed him
with intelligence and reason. We must put our faith in Him,
that He will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity
which he created in His image.
We must look into ouselves, into the depth of our souls. We
must become something we have never been and for which
our education and experience and environment have ill
prepared us. We must become larger than we have been,
more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook”.
Emperor Haile Selassie 1st
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