FAA Advisory Circular 20-182A

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of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Administration Circular

Subject: Airworthiness Approval for Aircraft Date: 10/1/16 AC No: 20-182A

Weather Radar Systems Initiated By: AIR130


1.1 This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for the initial and follow-on airworthiness
approval of aircraft weather radar systems meeting the latest revision of the Technical
Standard Order (TSO)-C63, Airborne Weather Radar Equipment. This AC covers
aircraft radar systems with weather detection and ground mapping, forward-looking
windshear detection, forward looking turbulence detection, and atmospheric threat
awareness capability. The guidance is applicable to Title 14 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, parts 23, 25, 27, and 29 aircraft. For forward-looking windshear and/or
turbulence detection capability, the guidance in this AC applies to parts 25 and 23 fixed-
wing airplane installations.

1.2 This AC is not mandatory and does not constitute a regulation. This AC describes an
acceptable means, but not the only means, of accomplishing airworthiness approval for
the installation of airborne weather radar equipment. However, if you use the means
described in the AC, you must follow it in all important respects. Appendix A provides
additional guidance on the forward-looking windshear system annunciation, alert, and
display icons. A list of related documents can be found in Appendix B of this AC.

1.3 This AC provides guidance intended for new approvals. This AC is not intended to
modify, change, or cancel existing equipment design or airworthiness approvals.
Equipment with existing approvals can continue to be installed within the provisions of
its original design and airworthiness certification.


This AC is for applicants seeking airworthiness approval of aircraft weather radar
systems. The airworthiness approval can be approved under a type certificate (TC),
supplemental type certificate (STC), amended type certificate (ATC), or amended
supplemental type certificate (ASTC).
10/1/16 AC 20-182A


This AC cancels AC 20-182, dated June 17, 2014.


4.1 Airborne Doppler Weather Radar Systems with Forward-Looking Windshear

The forward-looking windshear detection function is incorporated into TSO-C63e.
This AC incorporates and clarifies appropriate airworthiness guidance and eliminates
errata from System Level Requirements (SLR) 10.2 Airborne Short and Long Range
Windshear Predictive Systems (Forward-Looking Windshear Systems) Interim
Certification Requirements, Revision 10.2. SLR 10.2 is no longer applicable for
systems that comply with TSO-C63e or later.

4.2 Airborne Doppler Weather Radar Systems with Forward-Looking Turbulence

Prior to February 2012, the FAA used design standards developed by the Airborne
Turbulence Detection Systems (ATDS) Working Group and airworthiness requirements
documented in issue papers to certify forward looking turbulence detection radars. The
FAA published TSO-C63d in February 2012, incorporating the ATDS Working Group
design requirements. With the release of TSO-C63e, the turbulence detection function
continues to be included in the TSO. This AC incorporates the remaining airworthiness
guidance from issue papers into formally published FAA guidance.


5.1 The display of weather radar alerts, graphical depictions of weather or other hazards, and
the expected pilot response to information provided by a weather radar system (e.g.,
display format, colors, labels, data formats, and interaction with other display parameters)
should be clear and unambiguous.

5.2 In general, the progression from green to amber/yellow to red represents an increasing
degree of threat, potential hazard, or need of flight crew awareness or response. You
should ensure the use of color for display of weather radar system information follows
the guidance in the latest revisions of the following ACs for parts 23, 25, 27, and 29

5.2.1 AC 25-11, Electronic Flight Displays, Appendix G Weather Displays.

5.2.2 AC 25.1302-1, Installed Systems and Equipment for Use by the Flight Crew.

5.2.3 AC 25.1322-1, Flight Crew Alerting.

5.2.4 AC 23.1311-1, Installation of Electronic Display in Part 23 Airplanes.

10/1/16 AC 20-182A

5.2.5 AC 27-1, Certification of Normal Category Rotorcraft.

5.2.6 AC 29-2, Certification of Transport Category Rotorcraft.

5.3 The weather radar system may interface with other systems (e.g., ground proximity
warning system, and traffic alert and collision avoidance system).

5.4 You must ensure the weather radar system does not adversely affect the functioning of,
and is not adversely affected by, other aircraft systems.

5.5 You should ensure all the aircraft alerts are prioritized. If alerts can be issued
simultaneously or issued by separate systems, then you ensure the alerts do not interfere
with one another and both are understandable. TSO-C151c, Terrain Awareness and
Warning System, Appendix 1, Table 4-2 provides an acceptable example of alert
prioritization. For part 25 aircraft, AC 25.1322-1, section 8.b provides additional
information regarding prioritization of multiple aural alerts.

5.6 You should document any areas where radar emissions could be harmful to people or
wildlife. The following three standards provide acceptable guidelines for safe radar
operation and determining minimum safe distances:

5.6.1 AC 20-68B, Recommended Radiation Safety Precautions for Ground Operation of

Airborne Weather Radar.

5.6.2 IEEE standard C95.1, IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure
to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.

5.6.3 Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering & Technology (OET)

Bulletin 65, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields.

5.7 If the radar system includes downlink capability, follow the radar manufacturers
recommended procedures to ensure the system is capable of transmitting the radar data as
specified by the manufacturer.


6.1 Forward-Looking Windshear Activation.

6.1.1 To allow timely takeoff abort due to windshear condition, you should ensure the forward-
looking windshear function is capable of manual activation prior to the start of the takeoff

6.1.2 You should ensure the forward-looking windshear function automatically activates for
takeoff so that timely takeoff warnings are provided.

10/1/16 AC 20-182A

6.1.3 When the forward-looking windshear function is enabled, you should ensure the system
will automatically activate without flight crew intervention during descent to approach at
an altitude sufficient to allow visual and aural alerts as specified in paragraph 6.2.2 of
this AC.

6.1.4 The forward-looking windshear detection system may be reset to the appropriate mode
(landing or takeoff) in the event of a go-around or touch and go.

6.1.5 Some system configurations utilize the transponder mode to automatically activate the
radar to enable forward-looking windshear alerts during takeoff, even if the flight crew
has not manually activated the radar. This configuration was established at a time when
the transponder was not turned on until an aircraft taxied onto the runway before takeoff
and was turned off when the aircraft left the runway after landing. However, with the
advent of Airport Surface Detection Equipment-Model X (ASDE-X) radars and
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), flight crews now routinely keep
the transponder on while taxiing. This could create a hazard for ground crews handling
the aircraft, as aircraft marshals and tug operators often operate in extremely close
proximity to the nose radome. A hazard assessment should be done for the automatic
activation feature of the forward-looking windshear function taking this type of operation
or any automatic ground activation feature of the windshear function into account.

6.2 Forward-Looking Windshear Alert Requirements.

6.2.1 You must ensure the alerts and annunciations follow flight deck alerting philosophy for
aircraft and adhere to both the regulation and the guidance in the latest revision of the
following ACs for parts 23 and 25 aircraft: 14 CFR 25.1322, Flight Crew Alerting. AC 25.1322-1, Flight Crew Alerting. AC 23.1311-1, Installation of Electronic Display in Part 23 Airplanes.

6.2.2 You must ensure the integrated system is capable of making all forward-looking
windshear Advisory, Caution, and Warning annunciations and alerts described in Table 1
of Appendix A.

6.2.3 You must ensure the visual textual warning alerts are annunciated when any of the
following conditions exist: The aural alert is being annunciated; The threat exceeds the alert threshold; or The threat exists within the area defined by the latest revision of the

10/1/16 AC 20-182A

6.2.4 You should ensure the annunciation of the failure of the windshear detection capability is
readily visible to the flight crews from their normal seated position on the flight deck.

6.3 Forward-Looking Windshear Alert Inhibit.

6.3.1 During takeoff, the system should inhibit all new aural and visual alerts at a specified
aircraft speed prior to rotation and re-enable the alerting capability after liftoff. You
should set the takeoff alert settings per installation manual instructions and ensure the
inhibits coincide with aircraft type specific takeoff alert inhibit criteria.

6.3.2 During final approach, you should ensure all new system aural and visual caution and
warning alerts are inhibited from 50 feet above ground level (AGL) until touchdown.

6.3.3 You should ensure all new aural and visual warning and caution alerts are inhibited above
1200 feet AGL.

6.4 Forward-Looking Windshear Alert Prioritization.

6.4.1 You should follow the guidance of paragraph 5.5 in this AC on aircraft alert

6.4.2 If you install a forward-looking windshear system on an aircraft that also has a reactive
windshear system, you should ensure the reactive windshear systems caution alert is
disabled. It is acceptable to issue reactive windshear caution alerts if the forward-looking
windshear system is inoperative.
Note: The reactive windshear system warning alert should remain enabled.

6.5 Display Requirements.

6.5.1 It is permissible to display the windshear icon at any altitude at which the system is
armed in the windshear mode.

6.5.2 The windshear icon consists of alternating red and black bars. The bars should be
oriented such that they are circular arcs centered on the apex. The color red is
appropriate in order to provide visual discrimination from the underlying yellow weather
display. Figure 1 in Appendix A depicts several forward-looking windshear icon

6.5.3 You should ensure the depth of each bar makes the windshear icon conspicuous from
other displayed information.

6.5.4 If the range selected by the flight crew for the display is greater than 5 nautical miles
(nm), and this range selection does not allow the flight crew to differentiate the
windshear symbology from other displayed information, then you should ensure
amber/yellow radial lines extend from the icon to the upper edge of the display to help
differentiate the windshear symbology. To accommodate icons (or groups of icons) with
wide azimuth extent, it is permissible to limit the width between the radial lines. As such,

10/1/16 AC 20-182A

the radial lines may extend along azimuth lines that are inside the left and right radial
boundaries of the icon(s).

6.5.5 If other windshear symbology is used, then you should demonstrate that this symbology
provides a clear and substantial benefit to the flight crew.

6.5.6 When a windshear threat is detected, the corresponding display may be automatically
presented or selected by flight crew action. If only manual selection is provided, then
you should ensure the flight crew workload necessary for manual presentation of the
windshear display is minimized and does not take more than one action by the flight crew
when the flight deck is configured using normal operating procedures.


7.1 Paragraph of RTCA/DO-220A, Minimum Operational Performance Standards for

Airborne Weather Radar, defines three aircraft classes. The aircraft classes are solely
differentiated by wing loading. You should ensure the radar is appropriate for the wing
loading of the aircraft.

7.2 Some applicants may wish to provide detection and display of multiple levels of
turbulence. You should ensure the displays of those levels are sufficiently distinct from
each other.


8.1 You should ensure the symbology or other display indications used to depict the potential
threat is understandable and not misleading, distracting, or confusing.

8.2 You should ensure the atmospheric threat awareness features symbology and display
indications do not adversely impact the ability to view, read, and interpret the weather,
ground mapping, turbulence, and/or forward-looking windshear display. Automatic
decluttering, such as during specific phases of flight or during certain alerts, may be

8.3 If an atmospheric threat awareness function could lead to an alert, then you should ensure
any alerts and annunciations follow the flight deck alerting philosophy for the aircraft and
adhere to the guidance in the latest revision of the following ACs for parts 23, 25, 27, and
29 aircraft:

8.3.1 AC 25.1322-1, Flight Crew Alerting.

8.3.2 AC 23.1311-1, Installation of Electronic Display in Part 23 Airplanes.

10/1/16 AC 20-182A


This section provides guidance for testing radar systems on aircraft. Follow the guidance
in section 9.1 for weather and ground mapping radar. Follow the guidance in section 9.2
if your radar system includes a forward-looking windshear detection function. Follow
the guidance in section 9.3 if your radar system includes turbulence detection or
atmospheric threat awareness functions. Testing of all radar systems should ensure:
The radar antenna and radome combination function correctly;
The radar display and alert prioritization functions correctly and the alerts, alert
inhibits, annunciations, and controls function correctly;
The fault detection functionality works properly;
The human factors interface is acceptable;
The radar does not adversely interfere with other systems; and
Other systems do not adversely interfere with the radar.

9.1 Weather Radar.

Accomplish flight test of the weather and ground mapping pulsed radar functions in
accordance with the latest revision of the following ACs for parts 23, 25, 27, and 29

9.1.1 AC 23-8, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes, Chapter 5, paragraph
1.b (10).

9.1.2 AC 25-7, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes, Chapter 6,
section 1, paragraph 170.c(8).

9.1.3 AC 27-1, Change 3, Certification of Normal Category Rotorcraft Chapter 3, AC 27 MG

1, paragraph b (10).

9.1.4 AC 29-2, Change 3, Certification of Transport Category Rotorcraft Chapter 3, AC 29

MG 1, paragraph b (10).

9.2 Forward-Looking Windshear Detection.

Follow the TSO instructions to verify performance of the forward-looking windshear
function. Installation testing of the forward-looking windshear function often relies on
general weather radar functional testing as described in paragraphs 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 of this
AC and integration testing versus dedicated forward-looking windshear flight testing.

9.2.1 Penetration Flight Evaluation.

Penetration flights will typically be accomplished by the radar manufacturer as part of the
TSO authorization. If penetration data and analysis are available and you determine they
are applicable, then you do not need to conduct penetration flight tests. Previously

10/1/16 AC 20-182A

approved test data generated during the TSO authorization or previous certification effort
is acceptable. If forward-looking windshear capability was not previously demonstrated,
then verify the detection capability of the forward-looking windshear system by flying in
areas of convective activity that can be verified by in-situ measurements, appropriate
ground-based radar systems, or the equivalent.
Note: Flying in or near storm cells can be extremely hazardous. Flight crews should
exercise good judgment for safe flight based on knowledge of their own abilities and of
the capability of the aircraft when considering approaching or penetrating any storm cell
or turbulent area.

9.2.2 Clutter Suppression Flight Test.

Evaluate the systems ability to reject spurious conditions (e.g., clutter suppression,
bi/multi-static signal interference, range ambiguous returns, and radome effects). The
flight tests may be conducted under visual meteorological conditions. Conduct this
evaluation at one or more airports with the following characteristics: Expressways and high-volume surface streets within approximately 1 nm

of the runway. Nearby taxiing aircraft. Concentrated urban clutter. The clutter should occupy a minimum area of
approximately 1 nm surrounding the airport.

9.3 Turbulence Detection or Atmospheric Threat Awareness.

Follow the TSO installation instructions to verify performance of turbulence detection or
atmospheric threat awareness functions. Atmospheric threat awareness functions could
include, but are not limited to, hail and lightning indication. Installation testing of these
functions often relies on general weather radar functional testing as described in
paragraphs 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 of this AC and integration testing versus dedicated flight
testing. You should attempt to evaluate the performance of these functions against
operationally significant weather when weather is reasonably available and you can do
so without placing the aircraft in the hazardous weather. This performance evaluation
should ensure the depiction of turbulence or weather hazard is consistent with actual
weather phenomenon. Data from the radar manufacturer may be used to supplement or
replace additional flight testing if the data is determined to be applicable.


Follow AC 23-8, Chapter 6, Section 3 for small airplane flight manual/supplement.
Follow AC 25.1581-1, Airplane Flight Manual, for transport category airplane flight
manual/supplement. Follow AC 27-1 and 29-2 as appropriate for rotorcraft flight
manual/supplement. You should incorporate the following radar specific information in
the AFM/S:

10/1/16 AC 20-182A

10.1 Describe the weather and ground mapping, windshear, turbulence detection, and/or
atmospheric threat awareness capabilities of the system.

10.2 Provide limitations that are necessary for the safe operation of the weather radar system.

10.3 Describe the appropriate actions and recovery procedures for annunciations and alerts.

10.4 Describe the conditions necessary for automatic activation of the system, if applicable.

10.5 Describe when alerts are provided and when they are inhibited.

10.6 Outline hazard areas associated with radar operation on the ground.

10.7 Provide normal and abnormal operating procedures.


11.1 You should incorporate the following information into the ICA:

11.1.1 Maintenance instructions for the radar system and radome.

11.1.2 Description of the interface between the radar and the aircraft.

11.1.3 Calibration instructions to maintain the radome and antenna performance to a level equal
to or better than that demonstrated for the basic system certification.

11.1.4 Inspection intervals for the radar system and radome.

11.1.5 Hazard areas associated with radar operation.

11.2 High performance radar radomes are precisely constructed. Small changes in their
physical characteristics can adversely affect radar system performance. All repairs to
radomes, no matter how minor, should return the radome to the minimum performances
required for aircraft weather radar system operation. If you are repairing or replacing the
radome in conjunction with radar installation, refer to the latest revision of AC 43-14,
Maintenance of Weather Radar Radomes, and RTCA/DO-213A, Minimum Operational
Performance Standards for Nose-Mounted Radomes, for additional information.

10/1/16 AC 20-182A

If you have any suggestions for improvements or changes, you may use the template provided at
the end of this AC.

Richard E. Jennings
Acting Manager, Design, Manufacturing, &
Airworthiness Division
Aircraft Certification Service

10/1/16 AC 20-182A
Appendix A

Appendix A. Forward-Looking Windshear System Annunciation, Alert, and Display

Table 1. Forward-Looking Windshear System Annunciation, Alert, and Display

Alert Level Advisory Caution Warning

Visual None Amber/Yellow Visual Textual Red Visual Textual

Textual Annunciation (or lamp): Annunciation (or lamp):
Windshear or Windshear Windshear or Windshear
Ahead or W/S Ahead Ahead or W/S Ahead

Aural Alert None Distinctive Aural Alert: Voice Alert:

Chime or message; not Takeoff:
containing the word
Windshear Ahead, Windshear
windshear. Example:
Tone Whoop
Approach or Go-around:
or Monitor Radar Display
Go Around, Windshear Ahead

Icon Icon symbology as Icon symbology as defined in Icon symbology as defined in

defined in Section 6.5. Section 6.5. Section 6.5.

Note 1: The forward-looking windshear icon is provided as a weather hazard

position indication and not an alert. Its color is not in conflict with the
latest revision of AC 25.1322-1, Section 11, or AC 25-11.

Note 2: The forward-looking windshear caution alert may progress to a time-

critical windshear warning alert depending on the location of the
windshear hazard.

10/1/16 AC 20-182A
Appendix A

Figure 1. Forward-Looking Windshear System Icon Examples

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Note: These images are provided only as examples of possible icon implementations.
Other implementations may be used. Refer to the manufacturer installation and
operations manual for icon implementation.

10/1/16 AC 20-182A
Appendix A

Figure 2. Examples of Windshear Icon Radial Lines

10/1/16 AC 20-182A
Appendix B
Appendix B. Related Documents

Note 1: The ACs and TSOs referenced in this document refer to the current
Note 2: The industry documents referenced in this AC refer to current
revisions and amendments or regulatory authority-accepted revisions
and amendments.


B.1.1 AC 20-68, Recommended Radiation Safety Precautions For Ground Operation of

Airborne Weather Radar.

B.1.2 AC 23-8, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes.

B.1.3 AC 23.1311-1, Installation of Electronic Display in Part 23 Airplanes.

B.1.4 AC 25-7, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes.

B.1.5 AC 25-11, Electronic Flight Displays.

B.1.6 AC 25.1302-1, Installed Systems and Equipment for Use by the Flight Crew.

B.1.7 AC 25.1322-1, Flight Crew Alerting.

B.1.8 AC 25.1581-1, Airplane Flight Manual.

B.1.9 AC 27-1, Certification of Normal Category Rotorcraft.

B.1.10 AC 29-2, Certification of Transport Category Rotorcraft.

B.1.11 AC 43-14, Maintenance of Weather Radar Radomes.

B.1.12 TSO-C63, Airborne Weather Radar Equipment.

B.1.13 TSO-C151, Terrain Awareness and Warning System.


B.2.1 RTCA/DO-220A, Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Airborne

Weather Radar.

B.2.2 RTCA/DO-213A, Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Nose-

Mounted Radomes.

10/1/16 AC 20-182A
Appendix A


B.3.1 Order copies of 14 CFR parts from the Superintendent of Documents, Government
Printing Office (GPO), P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197. For general
information, call (202) 512-1800 or fax (202) 512-2250. You can also get copies at

B.3.2 You can get copies of ACs and TSOs at

http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/advisory_circulars or www.airweb.faa.gov/rgl.

B.3.3 Order copies of RTCA documents from RTCA Inc., 1150 18th St. NW, Suite 910,
Washington, D.C. 20036. For general information, call (202) 833-9339 or fax (202)
833-9434. You can also order copies at http:/www.rtca.org.

Appendix C. Advisory Circular Feedback Information

If you find an error in this AC, have recommendations for improving it, or have suggestions for
new items/subjects to be added, you may let us know by (1) complete the form online at
https://ksn2.faa.gov/avs/dfs/Pages/Home.aspx or (2) emailing this form to 9-AWA-AVS-AIR-

Subject: AC 20-182A Date: [Click here to enter text]

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An error (procedural or typographical) has been noted in paragraph [Click here to enter
text] on page [Click here to enter text].

Recommend paragraph [Click here to enter text] on page [Click here to enter text] be
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In a future change to this AC, please cover the following subject:

(Briefly describe what you want added.)

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