Papier Epilepsie
Papier Epilepsie
Papier Epilepsie
Research Article
NGASSAKI Saurel Ralmach, 1SOW Adjaratou Dieynabou, 2SOUNGA BANDZOUZI Prince Eliot Galieni,
*MUALABA Célèbre, 1KATENDE Thierry, 1MPUNG Halladain, 1DINGA BOUDZOUMBA Stane Steeven,
OKO-LOSSAMBO Christelle, 1SENE-DIOP Marième Soda, 1BASSE FAYE Anna Mbodji,
SECK Lala Bouna and TOURÉ Kamadore
Department of Neurology, Fann Teaching hospital, Dakar-Senegal
Department of Neurology, Loandjili general hospital, Pointe Noire-Republic of Congo
Department of Neurosurgery, CHU Fann, Dakar-Senegal
Health Sciences Department, University of Thies, Senegal
Received 15th April 2021; Accepted 24th May 2021; Published online 17th June 2021
Introduction: Epilepsy in the elderly is the existence of at least 2 unprovoked epileptic seizures occurring within at least 24 hours in people over
65 years of age. It is 5 times more common in people over 75 years old than in young adults (24 to 35 years old) and represents the third
neurological disease in the elderly after Alzheimer's disease and stroke. So, epilepsy is common in the elderly. It has epidemiological, electro
clinical and etiological peculiarities compared to the forms of the child. Few studies have been carried out on the subject; hence we are
conducting this study whose objective is to determine the prevalence of epilepsy of the subject and to give its evolutionary aspects under
treatment. Patients and methods: We conducted a retro and prospective descriptive study in a 12-month period from December 1, 2019 to
November 30, 2020. This study concerned patients aged 60 and over hospitalized for epileptic seizures or having presented a seizure during
hospitalization. Results: Thirty nine epileptic patients aged 60 years and older were collected across 674 inpatients during the study period. The
hospital prevalence was around 5.78%. Focal crises dominated the picture but it is important to emphasize the high frequency of generalized
crises. The status epilepticus was common. The majority of patients responded better to the monotherapy prescribed, which was often
carbamazepine and Phenobarbital. Mortality was around 20% and was not statistically related to the status epilepticus. Conclusion: Epilepsy is
common in the elderly. Its hospital prevalence was about 5.78% of all hospitalized patients. Especially ischemic stroke was the most common
cause whose manifestations were dominated by focal tonic-clonic attacks. The clinical evolution under anti epileptic treatment represented by
carbamazepine and Phenobarbital was favorable in more than 79% of cases with a mortality not necessarily related to epilepsy of the order of
Keywords: Epilepsy, Elderly, Evolutionary, CHU Fann.
Results Analysis Plan Motor deficit was observed in 28 patients or 71.8%. This
deficit was mostly recent, in 69.2% of patients. Language
We used SPSS version 22 for statistical analysis. The disorders with Broca aphasia type were present in 8 patients or
confidence interval was calculated at 95% and the significance 20.5%, and disorders of consciousness in 21 patients or 53.8%.
threshold for 0.05. Pearson correlation tests, Khi-2 and Anova
tests were used for correlation and comparison of data. Paraclinical Data
Clinical Data The epilepsy of the elderly was primarily due to stroke
(vascular epilepsy) in 30 patients (76.9%). This stroke was
Background: The most common history was HTA (74.4%) predominantly ischemic in 92%, hemorrhagic stroke affected
followed by stroke (35.9%), all ischemic (cf. Figure 1). only 2 patients (8%). Other etiologies were rare. These were
two cases of lateral sinus CTVs (5.1%), and one case of
chronic frontal parietal subdural hematoma (2.6%), brain
abscess (2.6%), paraneoplastic encephalitis (2.6%), toxic
encephalopathy (2.6%), metabolic encephalopathy (2.6%), and
metabolic encephalopathy (2.6%), respectively and
inflammatory encephalitis (2.6%). (Fig2)
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