Resume Jurnal Asuhan Keperawatan Gerontik Pada Pasien Dengan Katarak

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Asuhan Keperawatan Gerontik Pada Pasien Dengan Katarak


Nama Mahasiswa NIM

1. Erna Febriana P05120421016
2. Harum Maulidia Ningsih P05120421023
3. Mia Amelia P05120421033
4. Ricky Ardiansyah P05120421044
5. Sawendi Al-Ghazali P05120421050
6. Tania Putri Humairrah P05120421056


TAHUN 2021
Judul Jurnal : Epidemiologic Study of Age-related Cataracts Among an Elderly
Chinese Population in Shih-Pai, Taiwan
Penulis Jurnal : Su-Ying Tsai, BS,1 Wen-Ming Hsu, MD,2 Ching-Yu Cheng, MD,
MPH,2 Jorn-Hon Liu, MD,2 Pesus Chou, DrPH1
Nama Jurnal : American Academy of Opthalmology
Volume : Vol. 110, No. 6
Tahun : 2003
Link jurnal :
Abstract : Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence
and risk factors for age-related cataracts in a metropolitan elderly
Chinese population in Shihpai, Taipei, Taiwan.
Design: Population-based cross-sectional study.
Participants: A total of 2045 subjects at least 65 years of age were
invited to participate, and 1361 (66.6%) participated in the survey.
Methods: An eye examination, including lens opacity grading, was
conducted by ophthalmologists using the Lens Opacity Classification
System III (LOCS III). A structured questionnaire was used for data
collection. Interviewers also collected information on subjects’ blood
pressure, lifestyle (cigarette smoking and alcohol intake), medical
history, and waist and hip circumferences.
Main Outcome Measures: Subjects were defined as having age-
related cataracts if there was any type of lens opacity with an LOCS
III grade of more than 2 in one or both eyes. When both eyes of an
individual had age-related cataracts, the more affected eye was used
for analysis.
Results: Among the 1361 participants, 806 were diagnosed with age-
related cataracts. The prevalence was 59.2% (95% confidence
interval, 56.6%–61.8%). Women had a higher prevalence of cataracts
than men (64.0% vs. 56.1%, P 0.004). The prevalence of age-related
cataracts increased with age (P 0.001). Nuclear opacity was the most
prevalent type (38.9%), followed by cortical opacity (21.9%) and
posterior subcapsular opacity (9.2%). On the basis of the final logistic
regression model, after controlling for all other covariates, increased
age and female gender were factors that were associated with an
increased risk for all types of cataracts. Besides age and gender, the
most significant risk factor for nuclear cataracts was current cigarette
smoking; the significant predictors for cortical cataracts were higher
systolic blood pressure, a history of cigarette smoking in the past, and
history of diabetes; the significant predictor for posterior subcapsular
cataracts was higher systolic blood pressure.
Conclusions: The increasing prevalence of age-related cataracts with
age highlights the need to seek appropriate medical services and for
preventative interventions. Elderly people often ignore the importance
of seeking vision services and care to prevent blindness or visual
impairment. These findings suggest that the elderly need to be
educated regarding the importance of eye care by physicians and
hygiene authorities in Taiwan.
Judul Jurnal : Hubungan Katarak Dengan Tingkat Kemandirian Lansia Di
Balai Pelayanan dan Penyantunan Lanjut Usia (BPPLU)
Penulis Jurnal : Ida Rahmawati, Dian Dwiana, Effendi Effendi, Reko Reko
Nama Jurnal : Jurnal Ners Lentera
Volume : Vol. 8, No. 1
Tahun : 2020
Alamat link jurnal :
Abstract : Pendahuluan: Katarak senilis pada lansia beresiko
menyebabkan gangguan penglihatan. Akibat yang paling
signifikan dari katarak adalah kebutaan dan penurunan
penglihatan. Tingkat kebutaan di dunia masih tinggi.
Penurunan penglihatan dan kebutaan akan berdampak pada
kemnadirian yang dilakukan lansia. Tujuan penelitian ini
adalah mengetahui hubungan katarak dengan tingkat
kemandirian lansia di Balai Pelayanan dan Penyantunan
Lanjut Usia (BPPLU) Provinsi Bengkulu.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross
sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua lansia
yang mengalami katarak di Balai Pelyanan dan Penyantunan
Lanjut Usia (BBPLU) Pagar Dewa Provinsi Bengkulu
sebanyak 36 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel
menggunakan Total Sampling. Besar sampel dalam
penelitian ini sebanyak 36 responden.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian didapatkan: (1) dari 36 responden
terdapat 15 orang lansia (41,7%) yang mengalami katarak
matur dan 21 orang lansia (58,3%) yang mengalami katarak
immature. (2) Dari 36 responden terdapat 20 orang lansia
(55,6%) yang mengalami ketergantungan dan 16 orang lansia
(44,4%) yang mandiri. (3) Ada hubungan katarak dengan
tingkat kemandirian lansia di Balai Pelayanan dan
Penyantunan Lanjut Usia Provinsi Bengkulu, dengan kategori
hubungan erat.

Kesimpulan: Disarankan agar penderita katarak lebih

memahami pentingnya menjaga kesehatan mata agar dapat
mengurangi dampak ketergantungan dalam melakukan
kegiatan sehari-hari (ADL).

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