Midterm Pointers
Midterm Pointers
Midterm Pointers
Test I. Multiple choice- lessons 1&2 Test III. Analysing- Challenges in the internal environment
The Internal Environment - Is the setting in Strategy Formulation - an analytical process KEY TERMS
which an organization locally exists. of selection of the best suitable course of
(government, culture, the stakeholders, action to meet the organizational objectives 1. Warehousing is the packing finished goods
competitors, suppliers, customers, and the and vision. or merchandise
Corporate level strategy: This level 2. Scheduling is the act of organizing
Government: The Business Caretaker - outlines what you want to achieve: inventory units and booking them for
Provides the needed infrastructure. Creates growth, stability, acquisition or delivery.
an atmosphere of fair and robust competition retrenchment. 3. Dispatching products are for transfer
among industry. Formulates business policies, Business level strategy: This level
business operating guidelines, and regulates answers the question of how you are4. Transportation scheduling and other
the conduct of business activities. going to compete. logistics are necessary to make dispatching
Functional level strategy: This level cost efficient.
Culture: A communal Convergence - When is
concentrates on how an organization
bayanihan a good Filipino characteristic? 5. Delivery closes the entire logistics circle
is going to grow.
Stakeholders: The Business Inventors -
Value Chain Analysis - a means of evaluating
Assets to the country. Provide opportunities
each of the activities in a company's value A. Market Penetration can be actualized by
for exchange of products and services.
chain to understand where opportunities for selling more of its current products/services
Competitors: The Business Threats - improvement lie. to current customers or buyers
Competition is an economic scenario were
Supply Chain Management - the B. Market Development is the process of
nations, communities, organizations,
management of the flow of goods and selling more its current products by seeking
companies and individuals offer and sell their
services and includes all processes that and tapping new markets.
products and services.
transform raw materials into final products.
C. Product Development sells “new” products
Complementary competition – The logistics cycle - a process of efficiently to an existing market
competition within themselves and seamlessly coordinating a wide variety of
Collaborative competition – activities ranging from procuring goods to D. Diversification is new products for new
“friendly” competition redistributing goods. customers.
Corrupted competition- “fake”
products Growth Strategies - is adopted by an
Customers: The Business Challenge - organization to achieve its main objectives of
I. Low-cost leadership strategy. To offer
Customers make the market. Consumer increasing in volume and turnovers.
products and services at a lower cost possible
behaviour is a marketing reality that is
difficult to discern, understand, and study Competitive Strategies – are long-term actionin the industry
with definiteness. Customer loyalty are the plans prepared with the end goal of directing
II. Broad differentiation strategy. To provide
customers who continue supporting the how an organization will survive and
a variety of products/service features that
product. compete.
competitors do not offer or are not able to
offer to consumers.
Suppliers: The Business Partners - Refer to Stability strategy - This type of strategy is
the individuals and companies engaged in the used by an organization in cases where the III. Best-cost provider strategy. Gives its
delivery of raw materials, machinery, organization is satisfied with the current
customers more value for money by
technology, labor, expertise, skills, and other situation and therefore it does not want to emphasizing low-cost products and services
forms of services. move away from such a position.
with unique features.
Community: The Business Concern - Is the Retrenchment Strategy - an organization mayIV. Focused/market-niche Lower cost
intermixture of people coming from all walks decide to retreat or the change from its strategy. Limited market segment and
of life with different “provincial or city current position for the purpose of improving
creates a niche based on lower costs.
cultures”, different values, attitudes, its position or sometimes in order to survive.
aspirations, traditional beliefs, standards of V. Focused/market-niche Differentiation
living, family backgrounds, religions, and strategy. Limited market segment and
educational attainments. Self-reliant. creates a niche based on differentiated
features like design, utility, and practicality
Foreign Language
Genesis 1 The image of God as a Creator Isiah 61:1-2 The biblical basis of Luke
John 4:14 Entry to eternal life. You dear children are from God
1 Timothy 2:1-2 The essence of Godliness and Holiness,
Colossians 4:2 Continue steadfastly in prayer and being watchful in it with thanksgiving
Colossians 4:3-4 An invitation for us to pray
Philippians 1:3-4 Finding joy in prayer
Romans 15:13 God gives you such grace and gift, which is joy and peace
Luke 11:2-4 Connection with john 4:14 eternal life/entering to kingdom of God
Philippians 3:8 Praying for a person in order for them to receive love and follow Christ
Revelation 1:1-3 The apocalyptic tradition
Catering Management
Planning – is the process of thinking regarding the needed preparations to achieve a desired goal.
Menu – the single most important factor contained in the overall catering plan
Standardized Menu / Master Menu
Convenience food - foods-manufactured by a principal, or manufacturer, and delivered to the caterer in a ready-to-eat
or ready-to cook form by a purveyor.
Budget – Financial Plan for the event
Post Event Meeting – when the event is over and the management staff meet to discuss continuous-improvement in all
phases of the planning cycle and event implementation.
Operations - A term used to describe the task of implementing and executing the daily elements of catering plan
Front of the House - serve task designed to please the guest primarily in the dining area
Back of the House - The activities are not generally witnessed by the customer. These include the physical,
mechanical, and financial catering activities.
Recipe - is a plan or formula used to describe the preparation of a certain food.
Purchasing - to procure the item agreement with its specification, in the right amount, at the right time, at the right
cost, and from the right supplier
Right Supplier – will meet and exceed a caterer’s needs as defined by the customer’s needs, wants, and demands.
Distributors – also known as purveyors
Speciality Distributor – is used when a specific item is required by the caterer.
Broadline Distributors – another type of distributor that will stock a large variety of food, non-food supplies and
Receiving - a vital task that requires attention from all personnel. To verify all deliveries against specifications and
quantity; what has been delivered by a purveyor must match what has been ordered and paid for by the caterer.