Wedge Angle

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OBJECTIVE: To determine the angle of a given small wedge using the “Double
Spot” technique.

APPARATUS: He-Ne laser with a linear scale attached to it, the wedge.


THEORY: When the direct laser beam impinges upon the wedge, two spots
appear on the screen. From the spot separation distance, d, one can determine
the wedge angle α (see the figure above). Small angle approximations can be
used in the calculations and it is sufficient to use an average value for the
wedge thickness,

t α = (d/2. θ/2)/(t + nd),

where θ is the angle of incident laser beam to the first reflecting surface and n
the index of refraction of the material. In using the double-spot technique, it is
useful to adjust the beam approach angle (θ) to near zero. This is
accomplished by so aligning the wedge that the incident laser beam falls
almost normal to the front reflecting surface. If the wedge to screen distance,
D, is made quite large compared with the average wedge thickness t, the
above equation simplifies to,

α = (d/2)nD

In estimating a , it’s good practice to make two measurements of the spot

separation, d, the second with rotated 180 degrees in its plane relative to the
fist. This eliminates the effect of a non-zero θ, which occurs because one
cannot reflect the beam along its original path and still see both spots out the


1) The laser beam is made horizontal.

2) The wedge stand is kept more than a meter away from the laser head
and its surface is made vertical with the help of screws attached to time
3) Two spots on the plane containing horizontal scale and attached with
the laser head are seen with appear because of the refection occurring
at the front as well as back surface of the wedge. This spot should lie in
the horizontal plane containing the laser beam.
4) The distance between the two spots and that between the laser head
and the wedge should be measured.

RESULT: The angle of the wedge is found to be: …


OBJECTIVE: To measure the of refractive index of a liquid

APPARATUS: He-Ne laser, a hollow prism with liquid filled in it.

THEORY: When a monochromatic beam of light is passed through a prism, the

emergent beam is deviated from its path. If we extend the incident and the
emergent beams, the angle at the point of intersection is called as angle of
deviation and represented by ἁ.

If the angle of incidence is changed, the angle of emergence and thereby the
angle of deviation also varies. For a particular value of angle of’ incidence the
angle of deviation is minimum. Thus, if we plot a curve in between angle of’
incidence and angle of deviation a curve of the shape (Fig.1) is obtained. The
minimum value of the angle of deviation is called minimum deviation and
represented by δm.

Now if the prism is hollow, the incident beam will pass through the prism
without deviation whatever is the angle

of incidence however if we fill the hollow

prism with a liquid (say water), the beam

will again bend from its path and the

angle of deviation can be measured easily.

Thus, if we measure the angle of deviation for different values of’ angle of
incidence. The angle of minimum deviation δm can be obtained plotting the
above curve.

Now, if A is the angle of prism (=60°) and δm is the angle of minimum
deviation, then the refractive index of the liquid is given by,

µ = [sin ((A+δm)/2)]/ sin (A/2)

(I) Take a plane paper and put the hollow prism filled with water on it. Make
the boundary of the prim.

(2) Let the laser light to fall on the prism surface at a particular angle (angle of
incidence. The angles of incidence are taken around 300). The emergent beam
can be seen from the other side. By

using the pins, the path of incident

and emergent rays can be marked

and therefore, the angle of incidence

and angle of emergence can be determined.

By extrapolating the two beams the angle

of’ deviation for a particular value of angle

of incidence becomes known. (See fig.2)

(3) The prism is slightly rotated from its earlier situation so that the angle of
incidence becomes different. The angle of deviation is measured for this value
of angle of incidence.

(4) The process is repeated several times and for each angle of incidence the
angle of deviation is measured.
(5) One will find that the angle of deviation is decreasing with the increase of
angle of incidence. It will be minimum for a particular value of i and then
increases on increasing the angle of incidence. A curve is plotted between i
and δ and the angle δm is determined.

Observation Table-

S. No. Angle of Angle of Angle of

Incidence Emergence Deviation

RESULT: The refractive index of the liquid is found to be: …

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