Newton'S Rings: Determination of Radius of Curvature of A Convex Lens

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VIT University, Vellore Campus Materials Science Lab Manual and Record

Date: Reg. No.

NewtoN’s riNgs: determiNatioN of radius of curvature of a

convex lens

Aim of the Experiment:

To determine the radius of curvature of a convex lens by forming Newton’s rings

Apparatus Required:

 Travelling microscope
 Sodium vapour lamp
 Convex lens
 Plane glass plate
 Magnifying glass

Basic Theory:

A thin wedge shaped air film is created by placing a plane convex lens on a flat glass plate.
When a monochromatic beam of light is incident at an angle of 45 o (known as normal
incidence) on this arrangement, concentric circles of alternate bright and dark fringes are
formed. This interference pattern is known as Newton’s rings. Newton’s rings are formed due
to the interference between the waves which are partially reflected from top surface of the air
film and those reflected from the bottom surface of the air film formed between the given
lens and glass plate.

The radius of curvature of the given lens is given by,

(d m2  n  d m2 )

dm – diameter of the mth dark ring

dm+n – diameter of the (m+n)th dark ring

n – order of the ring (= 15)

 - wavelength of sodium vapour lamp (= 589.3 nm)

VIT University, Vellore Campus PHY 102 (Materials Science) Lab Manual and Record
Date: Reg. No.


10. Arrange the experimental set-up as shown in above figure.

11. Adjust the focusing knob of the microscope to obtain good contrast bright and dark
12. Focus the microscope on the clear dark ring at the center and assign it as the mth ring.
13. Move the microscope to the left side and make its crosswire tangential with the
(m+27)th ring and note the reading in the horizontal scale.
14. Using the screw for fine adjustments, note down the readings on the horizontal scale
for (m+24)th, (m+21)th ….mth ring on left side.
15. Now move the microscope in the same direction (to avoid backlash error) to the right
hand side of the ring pattern and note the readings by making the crosswire tangential
with (m+3)rd, …..(m+27)th ring on the right side. Tabulate the readings.
16. Divide the readings into two halves and find the difference between the diameters of
pairs of rings for which the difference is 15. This is equal to the diameter of rings of
order n = 15.
17. Using the formula calculate the radius of curvature of the given convex lens
VIT University, Vellore Campus PHY 102 (Materials Science) Lab Manual and Record
Date: Reg. No.
Table 1: (Least count of travelling microscope = ____________)

Order Microscope Readings ( ) d d2

Left Right ( ) ( )









VIT University, Vellore Campus PHY 102 (Materials Science) Lab Manual and Record
Date: Reg. No.
Table 2:

S. No. ( ) Mean ( ) R ( )



The radius of curvature of the given convex lens is found to be:

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