Herbs Slavery and The South Workshop Packet

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NCB School of Herbalism & Holistic Health

Est. 1992
“Distance Learning the Old Fashion Way”
Angelique “Sobande” Greer B.S., H.N., CNHP

School Founder, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Herbalist, Consultant, Author & Educator


With Kindness: I ask that each of you reading this- if you could be so kind as to not copy, reproduce
or share this document for personal & business reasons without my written consent email:
info@naturalchoicesbotanica.com . This lecture series is an ever-evolving masterpiece that started
with the historical accounts and ways of my great grandmother. My personal work for this project
spans over 25 years of digging through bibles, antique shows, county records, deeds, wills, history
books, visiting African American elders around the globe and other people of color for their stories.

This lecture series is NOT just about the herbal history of America, it is about a legacy of people who
were stolen, colonized and forced to build the nation you love brick by brick, blood with tears,
knowledge with hatred.

As you move forward in your studies, teaching, training, sharing, exploring, visiting & learning please
remember that it is imperative that healing hubs, centers, schools, conferences, workshops,
apprenticeship programs and those offering information in this field be open to the vast amount of
knowledge and those who have access to it. If organizations never allow new faces of black & brown
hues who represent the knowledge of their people, experiences and cultures to share their history, it
easily becomes lost, abandoned and misconstrued. This is a small part of my mission as a healer
It’s time to decolonize the herbalism & holistic health movement, there is a place at the healing tree
for all of us. (Toi Scott)


Sobande Ifasanmi Karade Anke

(Angelique Greer)
“Herbs, Slavery & the South”

Most Common Herbs Used by Slaves

for Healing, Restoration & Spiritual Matters

Herb Name Medical Name Used for

Life Everlasting or Cudweed Gnapahalium obtusifolium Relieve cramps, colds, foot pain

Indian Hemp /Marions Weed Apocynum Cannabium Works as a emetic, especially for the
kidneys or laxative depending on

Sore Throat Root Caulophllum Thalictrodes Colds, chills, sometimes fever

Sweat Root Polemonium Reptans Nervous complaints, trembling,

heart issues

Backache Root Liatris Spicata Kidney and lower back pressure

Goodson Root Agave Virginica

Pine Bark Pinus Picea Alleviate coughs/sore throat

Diseases of the mucus membranes
Herb Name Medical Name Used for

Court a bleau Catalpabignoniodes Purging

Hackberry Tree Celtis laevigata Kidney ailments

Indian Turnip/ Jack in the Pulpit Arisaema Triphyllum Kidney, liver & ulcers

Iron Leaf or Iron Weed Veronia missturicua For weak bladders

Le Mamou or Coral Beans Roots Erythrima Herbacea Simple colds

Echinacea or Sampson Root Echinacea Purpurea burns, colds, lymph nodes

Elderberry Sambucus Laxative, purgative, immune system

3 categories of Slave Medicine

Common Ingredients
• Apple Cider Vinegar Alcohol
• Table Salt Syrup
• Lard Sulfur
• Bluestone Epsom Salts

Patent Medicines
• Witch Hazel Salt peter
• Ammonia Oil of Wintergreen
• Pure Spirits of Gum Turpentine

Common Roots & Herbs

Bloodroot Snakeroot Pokeroot
Muckle Bush Life everlasting
Herbs & The Zodiac

The signs of the zodiac, as enumerated by African Egyptian astronomers as well

as the people of the Dogon Tribe. These ancient healers are the first ones to
accurately map the star & solar systems past what you could visually see with
the naked eye. The Dogon Tribes where particularly knowledgeable about the
correlation of the plant world and how the solar system effected the energies of
plants. Herbalist & healers alike should have some knowledge of curing their
clients and the horoscope that correlates so that the correct plants can be
gathered at the right moment of time.

Zodiac Sign: Venus /Libra & Taurus

Libra Rules: the kidneys, equilibrium and balance
Taurus Rules: the neck, throat, larynx, tonsils, and jugular veins.
• Peppermint Catnip
• Rose Coltsfoot
• Thyme Lady’s Mantle
• Burdock Motherwort
• Mugwort Pennyroyal
• Raspberry Yarrow
• Elderberry Feverfew
• Marshmallow Tansy
• Plantain

Zodiac Sign: Mars /Aries & Scorpio

Aries Rules: the head, face (except the nose), and the brain.
Scorpio Rules: the nose, genitals, colon, the blood, and urethra.
• Aloe Basil
• Black Pepper Pine
• Blessed Thistle Hops
• Nettle Cayenne Pepper
• Garlic Self Heal Herb
• Hawthorn Butchers Broom
• Wormwood Barberry
• Common Herb Tarragon
• Black Pepper Thistle
Zodiac Sign: Sun
• Chamomile Celery
• Juniper Rosemary
• Angelica Lovage
• Rue St. John’s Wort
• Bay Laurel Eyebright
• Butterbur Mistletoe

Zodiac Sign: Moon

• Clary Sage
• White Willow
• Chickwood
• Cleavers

Negro Classified Diseases & Myths

• Drapetomania – Causes slaves to run away

• Cachexia Africana – Dirt eating
• Negritude- Was thought to be a mild form of leprosy. The only cure for the
disorder was to become white
• Hebetude – Shiftless or laziness of Africans
• Dysthesia Aethiopica –Desire to destroy owner’s property
• Struma Africana or Negro Consumption – pulmonary disease or black only
• Furor Sexualis – A sexual disorder, especially oversized gentailia
• Chronic Leprosy – Accounts for dark skin color, big lips and wooly hair
• Slaves were classified as: immune to malaria, yellow fever, smallpox,
pellagra, typhoid & heat exhaustion. Immune from physical and
emotional pain, had brains that were smaller than white people and
animal like sexual appetites (which became a reason for castration)

The NCB School of Herbalism & Holistic Health is the oldest African
American School of Herbalism in the south. Their program is the only one
of its kind to offer an in-depth look at how race, culture and colonization
has greatly impacted and affected people of color & those who are born
in marginalized systems of disparities.

The NCB School of Herbalism is dedicated to restoring, honoring and

protecting the real history of herbalism for those who had no choices & no
voices. We believe in providing students with a wide frame of reference
that allows a more wholistic approach to the helping families, clients, the
community and the world.
Specialized Programs We Offer:
• Afro Botany Immersion Certification Program
• 24 month Deepening Our Roots Mystery School with Luisah Teish
• Afro Botany Immersion Experience -Costa Rica August 27th-Sept 4th, 2018
• Sacred Waters Retreats for Women– March 18th -26th, 2018 Costa Rica
• Sacred Waters Herbal Retreat for Women of Color – May 25th-27th 2018

2yr Certification Program

Experience an unbridled journey into the African Diaspora as you learn about the
plants, the culture, the ritual & the people. Students will explore ancient traditions, meet
with elders in the field and visit beautiful locations for hands on training. This course is a
distance & live program.
The Afro Botany Immersion Certification Program is the first of its kind in the United States
& abroad offering a multi-faceted look at the vast and often complex world of plants
through the eyes of African people throughout the Diaspora. A leading pioneer in the
field Sobande Greer has combined her work with other dedicated leaders in the field of
botany & African History. The Afro Botany Certification Program is a bridge builder as we
open doors to an overlooked segment of plant knowledge, spiritual attunement and
ancestor veneration for the herbal & holistic health community at large.

Want to get involved?

We are looking for Affiliates, Sponsors & Donors for this amazing new herbal program.

For more information please contact our office:

info@naturalchoicesbotanica.com / 615.499.6849

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