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Helicopter Control Law Design Using

Eigenstructure Assignment

Stuart James Griffin


The University of York

Department of Electronics

September 18, 1997


Helicopters are inherently unstable, very non-linear and highly cross-coupled, and therefore must be
augmented with feedback control to reduce the pilot workload to an acceptable level. Single-input
single-output loop-at-a-time techniques form the orthodox approach to control law design. However,
with increasing demands on the control law and the advent of helicopter fly-by-wire, these techniques
are seen to be inadequate. While multivariable techniques form the natural successor, practitioners
have been slow to embrace them. Discouraged by their abstract nature and perceived inadequacies
such as lack of visibility and limited influence on the control law structure.
This thesis develops an output feedback eigenstructure assignment technique with the purpose of
meeting the needs of practising engineers. It begins by reviewing some basic helicopter flight dy-
namics and pays particular attention to producing a linearisation of the non-linear dynamics. The ap-
plicable handling qualities specifications are examined and a visible link between the British specific-
ation (Def-Stan 00-970) and a desired eigenstructure is developed. A new approach to eigenstructure
assignment theory is presented and applied to a derive two stage assignment technique. Several ex-
tensions to the two stage technique are developed, these include multi stage assignment, retro assign-
ment and a novel projection technique that better enables the designer to meet the assignment goals.
A technique that allows a trade-off between eigenvalue and eigenvector design goals is also presented
and shown to have an analytical solution for the case of real eigenvalues.
Eigenstructure assignment has no inherent mechanism for ensuring robustness. Therefore a post-
assignment robustness improvement algorithm is developed. The algorithm attempts to preserve per-
formance while improving either a time domain or singular value robustness measure. The complete
design methodology is applied to the development of an attitude command control law for the hover
case and good results are shown. While helicopter control laws are the motivating application, both
the eigenstructure assignment and robustness improvement techniques are generic.



Acknowledgements xiii

Nomenclature xiv

Abbreviations xix

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Development of Helicopter Fly-by- Wire . 2
1.2 The Practice-Theory Gap. . 5
1.2.1 Design Visibility . . '. 6
1.2.2 Controller Structure 7
1.2.3 Control Theory. . 8
1.3 Multivariable Techniques 8
1.4 Thesis Overview . 9
1.5 References 10

2 The Helicopter 13
2.1 Flight Mechanics . 13
2.1.1 The Main Rotor 15
2.1.2 Equations of Motion . 20
2.1.3 Static Stability . . . . 22
2.2 Computer Simulation and Trim 23
2.2.1 Computer Simulation 23
2.2.2 Trim. 25
2.3 Linearisation. 27
2.3.1 Numerical Methods 28
2.3.2 Higher Order Approximations 34
2.4 Modal Analysis .......... . 39

Page ii
Contents Page iii

2.4.1 Normalisation.. 40
2.4.2 Model Reduction . 44
2.4.3 The System Zeros 48
2.5 Flight Control . . . . . . 50
2.5.1 Auto-Stabilisation Equipment 51
2.5.2 A Conventional Control Law 53
2.6 Summary. 56
2.7 References 57

3 Handling Qualities 58
3.1 Introduction 58
3.2 The ADS 33 60
3.3 The Def-Stan 00-970 Vol. 2 Part 6 65
3.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design . . . . 71
3.5.1 An Ideal Eigenstructure . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.5.2 Ideal Roll and Pitch Eigenvalue Locations. 74
3.5.3 Ideal Heave and Yaw Eigenvalue Locations 83
3.5.4 Ideal Eigenvectors 85
3.6 Summary. 89
3.7 References 89

4 Feedback Design for Performance 91

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . 91
4.2 The State Feedback Problem . 92
4.3 Projection With Eigenvalue Trade-off 95
4.3.1 Introduction 95
4.3.2 The Problem . . . . 95
4.3.3 The Solution . . . . 97
4.4 Practical Implementation. . . 102
4.4.1 Trivial Extension to Output Feedback 104
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem . 105
4.5.1 The Protection Method. 106
4.5.2 Parametric Methods . . 107
4.5.3 Two Stage Assignment. 118
4.5.4 Retro Assignment . . . . . . 128
4.5.5 Multistage Assignment. . .. 137
4.5.6 Assignment with Simple Projection . . . . . . 142
Contents Page iv

4.5.7 Assignment with Sympathetic Projection . . . . . . . 144

4.5.8 Assignment with Iterative Projection. . . . . . . . . . 147
4.5.9 Assignment with Projection and Eigenvalue Trade-off. 150
4.5.10 Eigenstructure Assignment and Similarity Transforms. 152
4.5.11 Gain Suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
4.6 Direct Assignment of the Modal Coupling Matrices 157
4.7 Dynamic Compensation . . . . . . . . . 163
4.7.1 The Augmented System Method. 163
4.7.2 The Observer Method 166
4.8 Summary and Further Work 169
4.8.1 Summary ., 169
4.8.2 Further Work. 169
4.9 References 170

5 Robustness 175
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
5.2 Eigenstructure Assignment and Robustness 177
5.3 An Outline of the Robustness Improvement Algorithm 179
5.4 Robustness Measures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
5.4.1 The Time Domain Robustness Measure 180
5.4.2 The Singular Value Robustness Measure. 184
5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions . 198
5.5.1 Numerical Perturbation . . . . . .200
5.5.2 Analytic Gradients for the Time Domain Robustness Measure. .202
5.5.3 Analytic Gradients for the Singular Value Robustness Measure. .211
5.6 Mitigation of Performance Degradation . 218
5.6.1 Eigenvector Protection. . 218
5.6.2 Eigenvalue Protection .223
5.7 Further Work . . . . . . . . . .223
5.7.1 Development of the Robustness Improvement Algorithm .224
5.7.2 Extension to Performance Robustness .225
5.8 References . .226

6 Design Example 230

6.1 A State Feedback Control Law. .230
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law .247
6.3 Summary............. .284
Contents Page v

7 Conclusions and Further Work 285

7.1 Conclusions . · 285
7.2 Contributions. .287
7.3 Further Work. · 288

A Helicopter Linearistion at Hover 291

A.I The State Space Description . . . . . . . . . . . . · 291
A.2 The Reduced Order Model State Space Description .293

B Supporting Mathematics 296

B.I Proof of Matrix Lemma 4.5.3 .296
B.2 Guaranteed Real Gain Matrix Proof .300
B.3 Proof that the Retro-Stage Offers No Additional DoF .302
B.4 References . . . .304

C Polynomial Matrices 305

C.I Calculation of the Allowed Eigenvector Subspace . 305
C.2 Evaluation of the Eigenvector Cost Function. .309
C.3 References..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
List of Figures

2.1.1 A plan view of a rotor disk.. . . . . 14

2.1.2 A typical swash plate assembly. .. 15
2.1.3 A single blade with flapping hinge .. 17
2.1.4 Conventional body fixed axis set for a helicopter. 21
2.2.5 A typical simulation structure. . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.6 Vertical velocity response of a linear (Jacobian only) and non-linear helicopter
model at hover for a 1 and 10 feet/s perturbation in forward velocity. . . . . . . . 32
2.3.7 Plots of the change in various state derivatives against roll rate (p) for a non-linear
helicopter model at hover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33
2.3.8 Plots of the change in various state derivatives against roll rate (p) for a second order
model (Jacobian + Hessian) of a helicopter at hover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37
2.3.9 Vertical velocity response of a linear (Jacobian only), Hessian (Jacobian + Hessian)
and non-linear helicopter model at hover for s 1 and 10 feet/s perturbation in for-
ward velocity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.4.10 The root locus of a Lynx model over the speed range 0-160 knots (The lower plot
depicts the origin of the upper plot). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4.11 Simplified helicopter dynamics in hover (see Equation (2.4.80». . 47
2.5.12 A simple control law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5.13 Typical auto-stabilisation equipment. . . . . . . .. 52
2.5.14 The Westland Helicopters EHI0l actuation system. 54
2.5.15 A control law structure suitable for standard auto-stabilisation equipment. . 55

3.1.1 A conceptual model of the pilot as a controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

3.2.2 Gain and phase bandwidth definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.2.3 Bandwidth criteria for target acquisition and tracking (pitch and roll). 63
3.2.4 Handling Qualities criteria for the Mid-term response. . . . . . . . . 64
3.3.5 A typical transient response in roll, pitch or yaw to a pulse input. .. 66
3.5.6 An s-plane interpretation of the Def-Stan short term stability criteria. 79
3.5.7 An s-plane interpretation of the Def-Stan short term stability criteria plus the ADS
33 bandwidth and damping ratio loci and the ideal point At2. • • . • . . . • . • •. 82

Page vi
List of Figures Page vii

4.7.1 The augmented system .. 164

4.7.2 An observer and controller 166

5.4.1 Input multiplicative uncertainty with constant output feedback. 184

5.4.2 The general single loop structure. ........... . 186
5.4.3 Single loop structure for input multiplicative uncertainty. 186
5.4.4 Equivalent transformed single loop systems. . . . . . . . 195
5.6.5 A geometric interpretation of performance protection. . . .222
5.6.6 An illustrative geometric interpretation of performance protection .. .222

6.1.1 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter
model at hover with state feedback control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
6.1.2 On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at
hover with state feedback control. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
6.1.3 Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with state feed-
back control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
6.1.4 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of a 12th order linear helicopter
model at hover with state feedback control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
6.1.5 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of a 12th order linear helicopter
model at hover with a revised state feedback control law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
6.1.6 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter model
at hover with a robustified state feedback control law employing performance pro-
tection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
6.1.7 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter model
at hover with a robustified state feedback control law not employing performance
protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
6.1.8 On and off axis attitude responses (roU and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at
hover with robustified feedback control employing performance protection. . . . . 241
6.1.9 On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at
hover with robustified feedback control not employing performance protection. . . 242
6.1.10 Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with robustified
state feedback control produced employing performance protection. . . . . . . . . 243
List of Figures Page viii

6.1.11 Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with robustified
state feedback control produced without perfonnance protection. . . . . . . . . . 244
6.1.12 Linear velocity responses (u, u, w) to aone second 10% pulse for an 8th order linear
helicopter model with robustified state feedback control produced with perfonn-
ance protection.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
6.1.13 Linear velocity responses (u, u, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8th order linear
helicopter model with robustified state feedback control produced without perfonn-
ance protection.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
6.2.14 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter
model at hover with an output feedback control law synthesized according to option
one of Table 6.2.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
6.2.15 On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at
hover with an output feedback control law synthesized according to option one of
Table 6.2.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
6.2.16 Linear velocity responses (u, u, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8 th order lin-
ear helicopter model with an output feedback control law synthesized according to
option one of Table 6.2.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
6.2.17 Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom)
induced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with output
feedback control synthesized according to option one of Table 6.2.5 . . . . . . . . . 254
6.2.18 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter
model at hover with an output feedback control law synthesized according to option
three of Table 6.2.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
6.2.19 On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at
hover with an output feedback control law synthesized according to option three of
Table 6.2.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
6.2.20 Linear velocity responses (u, u, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8 th order lin-
ear helicopter model with an output feedback control law synthesized according to
option three of Table 6.2.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
6.2.21 Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom)
induced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with an output
feedback control synthesized according to option three of Table 6.2.5 . . . . . . . . 259
6.2.22 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter
model at hover with an output feedback control law synthesized using the iterative
projection algorithm of Section 4.5.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
6.2.23 Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom)
induced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with
an output feedback control synthesized using the iterative projection algorithm of
Section 4.5.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
List of Figures Page ix

6.2.24 On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at
hover with an output feedback control law synthesized using the iterative projection
algorithm of Section 4.5.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
6.2.25 Linear velocity responses (u, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8th order linear
helicopter model with an output feedback control law synthesized using the iterat-
ive projection algorithm of Section 4.5.8.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
6.2.26 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter
model at hover with an output feedback control law synthesized using an iterative
projection algorithm employing eigenvalue trade-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
6.2.27 On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at
hover with an output feedback control law synthesized using an iterative projection
algorithm employing eigenvalue trade-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
6.2.28 Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom)
induced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with an out-
put feedback control synthesized using an iterative projection algorithm employing
eigenvalue trade-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
6.2.29 Linear velocity responses (u, v, w) to aone second 10% pulse for an 8th order linear
helicopter model with an output feedback control law synthesized using an iterative
projection algorithm employing eigenvalue trade-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
6.2.30 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of a 12th order linear helicopter
model at hover with an output feedback control law synthesized using an iterative
projection algorithm employing eigenvalue trade-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
6.2.31 Convergence of the robustness improvement algorithm with the singular value
based measure for an 8th helicopter model with output feedback control and a bi-
linear uncertainty structure at the input and output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
6.2.32 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter
model at hover with an output feedback control law that has been optimised with
respect to a singular value based robustness measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
6.2.33 On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at
hover with an output feedback control law that has been optimised with respect to
a singular value based robustness measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
6.2.34 Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom)
induced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with an output
feedback control law that has been optimised with respect to a singular value based
robustness measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
6.2.35 Linear velocity responses (u, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8th order linear
helicopter model with an output feedback control law that has been optimised with
respect to a singular value based robustness measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
List of Figures Page x

6.2.36 Convergence of the robustness improvement algorithm with the time domain meas-
ure for an 8 th helicopter model with output feedback control and the uncertainty
structure of Equation (6.2.15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
6.2.37 Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a
longitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8 th order linear helicopter
model at hover with an output feedback control law that has been optimised with
respect to a time domain robustness measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
6.2.38 On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at
hover with an output feedback control law that has been optimised with respect to
a time domain robustness measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
6.2.39 Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with an output
feedback control law that has been optimised with respect to a time domain robust-
ness measure.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
6.2.40 Linear velocity responses Cu, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8 th order linear
helicopter model with an output feedback control law that has been optimised with
respect to a time domain robustness measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
List of Tables

1.3.1 A comparison of different multi variable techniques 8

2.2.1 Levels of rotorcaft modelling fidelity. ...... . 23

2.3.2 Trim point and validity estimate for a linearisation at hover. 31
2.4.3 Open loop pole locations taken from linearisations of a non-linear Lynx model at
forward speeds of 0, 60 and 120 knots. . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.4.4 State and input normalisation values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41
2.4.5 Open loop eigenvectors for a Lynx linearisation at hover. ............. 42
2.4.6 Transfer function residues for main rotor collecti ve to vertical velocity and tail rotor
collective to yaw rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.4.7 Pole locations for the full and reduced order helicopter models at hover. . . . . 45
2.4.8 A comparison of the full system and de coupled subsystem poles. . . . . . . . 45
2.4.9 System poles for a reduced order and then simplified helicopter model at hover. 46
2.4.10 System zeros for different output combinations taken from the reduced order heli-
copter model at hover (not simplified). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49
2.4.11 System zero directions for the reduced order helicopter model at hover (see
Table 2.4.10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50

3.1.1 Handling qualities levels of compliance. 60

3.2.2 Maximum value for LOES in heave. . . 64
3.3.3 The Def-Stan 00-970 longitudinal short-term stability handling qualities criteria as
defined in Leaflet 60111 section 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68

4.3.1 Comparison of the least squares eigenvector assignment errors for assignment using
simple projection with and without eigenvalue trade-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.5.2 The number of eigenvectors assignable in stages one and two of the two stage as-
signment technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
4.5.3 Design freedom in stages one and two of the two stage assignment technique. . . . 120
4.5.4 Degrees of freedom available using retro assignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
4.5.5 Comparison of the two and three stage design procedures in terms of degrees of
freedom and the number of assignable eigenvectors per stage. . . . . . . ' . . . . . 138

Page xi
List of Tables Page xii

4.5.6 The least squares eigenvector assignment errors for two and three stage simple pro-
jection. sympathetic projection and iterative projection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
4.5.7 The least squares eigenvector assignment errors for eigenvalue trade-off applied
inconjunction with: two and three stage simple projection. sympathetic projection
and iterative projection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
4.5.8 The resulting eigenvalue locations for the assignments described in Table 4.5.7. 152

5.4.1 Common open loop uncertainty representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

5.4.2 Single loop transfer functions for some uncertainty representations . . . 187
5.4.3 Gain and phase margins for the uncertainty representations of Table 5.4.1 193

6.1.1 Desired eigenvalue locations for a helicopter in hover (see Section 3.5.2) . 230
6.1.2 Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of an 8th
order linear
helicopter model with the initial state feedback control law. . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
6.1.3 Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of an 8th order linear
helicopter model with input robustness optimised (singular value measure) control
laws employing zero and 50% performance protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
6.2.4 The change in key linear velocity stability derivatives due to state feedback . . . . . 247
6.2.5 A list of some of the multistage assignment possibilities for a six output. four input.
eighth order helicopter model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
6.2.6 Centre locations and radii used for the output feedback control law synthesis with
eigenvalue trade-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
6.2.7 Eigenvalue locations for the closed loop helicopter system using a control law syn-
thesised with eigenvalue trade-off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
6.2.8 Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of the closed loop
helicopter system using a control law synthesised with eigenvalue trade-off. . . . . 270
6.2.9 Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of the closed loop heli-
copter system using a control law that has been optimised with respect to a singular
value based robustness measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
6.2.10 Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of the closed loop
helicopter system using a control law that has been optimised with respect to a time
domain robustness measure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278

I am extremely grateful to GKN Westland Helicopters Ltd for their financial and technical support es-
pecially Dr P. Taylor who's keen insight into the 'real engineering problem' provided the impetus for
this work. I'd like to thank Iill Dean and my parents for their support and encouragement throughout
my DPhil but especially during the write-up. I must also thank my friends and fellow students, in
particular Steve Baines, Steve Lawes, Ionathan Elphick, Ralph Stroph, Mikel Miaza, Alan Gee and
Rob Davies. Finally, I'm grateful to Mr T. Clarke for supervising this project and for his advice and

Page xiii

BOLD upper case indicates matrices

bold lower case indicates vectors
OT transpose of (-)
O· 1 conjugate transpose of (-)
0- inverse of (.)
ot pseudo or Moore Penrose inverse of (.)
0.1. the complement space of (-)
o the Hadamard product
(a, b) range a <. < b
[a, b) range a $. < b
1·1 modulus or absolute value
1I·lIn vector p-norm
'r/ for all
(3 blade flap angle
A(s) model uncertainty tranfer function matrix
AA set of allowed uncertainty structures
AA error associated with state space A-matrix
AB error associated with state space B-matrix
~C error associated with state space C-matrix
~D error associated with state space D-matrix
~ Dirac impulse
8ij the Kronecker delta
fa absolute error tolerance
fp proportional error tolerance
J unit of imaginary numbers (v'=I)
V." a vector operator that differentiates with respect to the elements of TJ
A a diagonal matrix of system eigenvalues
AD a matrix of desired eigenvalue locations
ADl a matrix of desired eigenvalue locations for stage one
Am a matrix of desired eigenvalue locations for stage two
Ai the ith eigenvalue
..\ai set of allowed values for the ith eigenvalue
Adi the ith desired eigenvalue location
AOi optimum value for the ith eigenvalue
(J'i the ith singular value
ij maximum singular value
Q minimum singular value

Page xiv
Nomenclature Page xv

p{X) spectral radius or maximum eigenvalue of X

JL{X) the structured singular value of X
cp roll angle in the body axis set
8 pitch angle in the body axis set
80 main rotor collective pitch angle
8t tail rotor collective pitch angle
VJ yaw angle in the body axis set or blade azimuth angle
n angular velocity of rotor blades
W frequency in radians
flapping resonant frequency

Tp phase delay
damping factor
A state space A-matrix
A state space A-matrix for a system with protected eigenvalues
A state space A-matrix for an augmented system
ACL state space A-matrix of the closed loop system
Al lateral cyclic coefficient
als rotor lateral cyclic state
B state space B-matrix
13 state space B-matrix for a system with protected eigenvalues
13 state space B-matrix for an augmented system
BI longitudinal cyclic coefficient
hi a single state space input vector corresponding to the ith. input
bIs rotor longitudinal cyclic state
C the set of all complex numbers
en an n dimensional vector of complex numbers
en xm an n x m matrix of complex numbers
c state space C-matrix
C state space C-matrix for a system with protected eigenvalues
C state space C-matrix for an augmented system
<t(s) mode controllability subspace for the eigenvalue location s
Ci a single state space output row vector corresponding to the ith output
D state space D-matrix or diagonal scaling matrix
i> state space D-matrix for an augmented system
d an optimisation descent direction
det(-) determinant of a matrix
diag(·) a diagonal matrix
er approximation error
F a block diagonal matrix of right design vectors
Fz total force along x-axis
Fg total force along y-axis
Fz total force along z-axis
fi the ith. right design vector
fOi optimum ith. right design vector
G a block diagonal matrix of left design vectors
G(s) MIMO transfer function matrix
Go{s) a nominal open loop system
g(s) a SISO transfer function
gi the ith. left design vector
Nomenclature Page xvi

H a Hessian matrix
Hc a matrix of concatenated Hessian vectors (h)
h Hessain matrix expanded as a vector by stacking its columns
h height
h rate of change of height
hi flapping hinge offset
h(t) Heaviside or unit step function
Im(x) the imaginary part of x
I the identity matrix
1r moment of inertia of rotor blade
1xz moment of inertia of body about x axis
1zy product of inertia in the plane xy
Iyy moment of inertia of body about y axis
Iz;z; moment of inertia of body about z axis
Je cost function for a constrained optimisation
Ju cost function for an unconstrained optimisation
ker(X) the null space of X
K matrix of static feedback gains
K(8) feedback controller
Lj range(Lj) spans the allowed left eigenvector subspace
Lc range(Lc T ) spans the allowed mode controllability subspace
L roll moment in body axis set
Lp change in roll moment due to a change in roll rate
Lq change in roll moment due to a change in pitch rate
Lu change in roll moment due to a change in forward speed
Lv change in roll moment due to a change in sideslip velocity
£(s) the allowed left eigenvector subspace for the eigenvalue location s
M(s) Single loop transfer function matrix
Mj range(Mj) spans the output space associated with the allowed left eigenvector
M pitch moment in body axis set
Mp change in pitch moment due to a change in roll rate
Mq change in pitch moment due to a change in pitch rate
Mu change in pitch moment due to a change in forward speed
m number of outputs or vehicle mass
in number of outputs for a reduced system
N yaw moment in body axis set
Nr change in yaw moment due to a change in yaw rate
Np change in yaw moment due to a change in roll rate
Nu change in yaw moment due to a change in forward speed
D(8) mode observability subspace for the eigenvalue location s
Pi range(P i) spans the input space associated with allowed right eigenvector subspace
P(s) a polynomial matrix where range(P(s)) spans the input space associated with
allowed right eigenvector subspace for the eigenvalue location s
Px a projector on to the space range(X)
P roll rate in the body axis set
Qi range(Qi) spans the allowed right eigenvector subspace
Q(S) a polynomial matrix where range(Q(s)) spans the allowed right eigenvector
subspace for eigenvalue location 8
Nomenclature PagexvU

Qo range(Qo) spans the allowed mode observability subspace

q pitch rate in the body axis set
R positive definite weighting matrix
R total length of a rotor blade
Re(x) the real part of x
9\(s) the allowed right eigenvector subspace for the eigenvalue location 8
r number of inputs or yaw rate in the body axis set or distance along a blade
f number of inputs for a reduced system
rj the ith residue
rank(X) size of the largest non-singular minor of X
range(X) the space spanned by the columns of the matrix X
Si number of eigenvalues assigned in stage i
sup(o) supremum
S a matrix with columns equal to an assigned set of input vectors
51 a matrix with columns equal to a subset of the input vectors
8(s) feedback system sensitivity function
T a matrix with rows equal to an assigned set of output vectors
T2 a matrix with columns equal to a subset of the output vectors
T total lift generated by a blade
TOl time of the first zero crossing as specified by the Def-Stan 00-970
T02 time of the second zero crossing as specified by the Def-Stan 00-970
Tu time taken for the response to decay to 10 percent of its peak value as specified by
the Def-Stan 00-970
time taken for the response to decay to 30 percent of its peak value as specified by
the Def-Stan 00-970
maximum time permitted to reach the specified steady state error as specified by
the Def-Stan 00-970
trace(o) the trace matrix norm
U a unitary matrix
U speed normal to a blade
u state space input vector
u forward velocity in the body axis set
u(t) time domain system input
V a matrix of right eigenvectors
VI a matrix with columns equal to a subset of the right eigenvectors
VD a matrix with columns equal to the desired right eigenvectors
VDl a matrix with columns equal to a subset of the desired right eigenvectors
VOl a matrix with columns equal to a set of assigned mode observability vectors
VI total velocity
Vi the ith right eigenvector
V side velocity in the body axis set
vec(X) a vector produced by stacking the colmns of X
W a matrix with rows equal to the left eigenvectors
W2 a matrix with rows equal to a subset of the left eigenvectors
WD a matrix with rows equal to the desired left eigenvectors
WD2 a matrix with rows equal to a subset of the desired left eigenvectors
WC2 a matrix with rows equal to a set of assigned mode controllability vectors
Wj the jth left eigenvector
W vertical velocity in the body axis set
Nomenclature Page xviii

XN state normalisation transform

X(J change forward force due to a change in pitch attitude
XF permitted steady state error as specified by the Oef-Stan 00-970
x state space, state vector
:ic derivative of the state vector
xh cross-product state vector
Xl maximum value of the first overshoot as specified by the Oef-Stan 00-970
X2 maximum value of the second overshoot as specified by the Oef-Stan 00-970
YN input normalisation transform
YI/> change side force due to a change in roll attitude
y state space output vector
ye truncation error
Yl response build-up after O.5s as specified by the Oef-Stan 00-970
y(t) system output
Zw change in vertical force due to a change in vertical velocity

ACAH Attitude Command Attitude Hold

ACT Active Control Technology.
ADMU Actuator Drive and Monitor Units.
ADOCS Advanced Digital/Optical Control System.
ADS Aeronautical Design Standard.
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System.
ASE Automatic Stabilisation Equipment
ATIHeS Advanced Technology Testing Helicopter System.
BIBO Bounded Input Bounded Output
BW Bandwidth
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CACSD Computer Aided Control System Design.
CPU Central Processing Unit.
CSAS Control and Stability Augmentation System.
DFP Davidon Fletcher Powell
DH Direction Hold
FAA Federal Aviation Authority
FBL Fly-by-Light.
FBW Fly-by-Wire.
FCC Flight Control Computer.
FFf Fast Fourier Transform.
FPCC Flight Propulsion Control Coupling
GA Genetic Algorithm
GM Gain Margin
HH Height Hold
HLH Heavy Lift Helicopter.
LHP Left Half Plane; referring to the complex s-plane.
LOES Low Order Equivalent System
LQG Linear Quadratic Gaussian.
LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator.
LMI Linear Matrix Inequalities
LTR Loop Transfer Recovery.
MFD Matrix Fraction Discription
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output.
MTE Mission Task Element
OPE Operation Flight Envelope
PlO Pilot Induced Oscillation
PM Phase Margin

Page xix
Abbreviations Page xx

QFT Quantitative Feedback Theory

RC Rate Command
RHP Right Half Plane; referring to the complex s-plane.
SAS Stability Augmentation System
SISO Single Input Single Output.
SRM Step Response Model
SSV Structured Singular Value
SVD Singular Value Decomposition
TAGS Tactical Aircraft Guidance System.
TBA To Be Advised
TRC Translational Rate Command
TPP Tip Path Plane
UCE Usable Cue Environment
Chapter 1


1.1 Development of Helicopter Fly-by-Wire. 2
1.2 The Practice-Theory Gap 5
1.3 Multivariable Techniques 8
1.4 Thesis Overview 9
1.5 References......... 10

All high performance aircraft employ feedback control to achieve the desired level of performance,
handling and stability [BDG94). Helicopters are inherently unstable, highly cross-coupled and very
non-linear [Pad96, Pr090). Hence feedback control is particularly important. Conventional feed-
back control implementations consist of three main components: sensors to measure body rates and
attitudes, analogue or digital hardware to realise the control law and limited authority actuators to
apply the control output. To the best of author's knowledge all the control laws currently flying on
commercial helicopters have been designed using a single-input-single-output (SIS0) loop-at-a-time
technique [Tay97J. This technique involves pairing the inputs and outputs, then applying classical
frequency domain or root locus ideas to design an independent control law for each loop. While SISO
loop-at-a-time techniques are established and proven in practice, they do have some drawbacks. For

• Despite the independent control laws cross-coupling in the helicopter will cause the feedback
loops to interact, often to the extent that closing one loop forces a re-design of other loops. This
leads to a labour-intensive, and thus costly, design process .

• Using the gain and phase margins of the individual feedback loops to estimate the robustness .
of the system as a whole has been shown to be dangerously misleading [DS81).

From a control theory perspective, the use of S1S0 techniques is ill-suited to what is clearly a multi-
input multi-output (MIMO) problem.

Page 1
1.1 Development of Helicopter Fly-by-Wire Page 2

Multivariable techniques promise to overcome many of the problems of their SISO counterparts. In-
creasing demands for cost efficient design and improved performance are forcing an examination of
these techniques. Perhaps the single most important factor driving the move towards multi variable
techniques is the advent of full authority fly-by-wire (FBW) systems.

1.1 Development of Helicopter Fly-by-Wire

Fly-by-wire describes aircraft in which the mechanical links between the pilot controls and the control
surfaces have been replaced by electrical connections l • The two major benefits of FBW are weight
reduction, due to omission of the mechanical control runs, and the ability to use a full authority Auto-
matic Flight Control System (AFCS). By inserting a computational component between the pilot and
the airframe a full authority AFCS opens up a number of opportunities [Ba194, BDG94, LDDK94]:

• Reduced pilot workload through improved handling qualities.

• Increased airframe design freedom, due to gust and manoeuvre load reduction, greater toler-
ance of airframe instabilities and an enhanced ability to accommodate body flexure modes.

• Command limiting and improved handling will enable an extended operational flight envelope
with a more consistent response throughout the envelope.

• Greater subsystem integration, leading to; more complex autopilot modes, better fuel economy
and less vibration [RN94].

• Improved decoupling, by moving mechanical decoupling and mixing components into the con-
trol system.

• The ability to use side-stick configurations for further weight and space saving.

• The ability to define alternative interpretations of pilot commands.

• Improved gust and turbulence rejection for a more stable hover platform and better ride quality.

With the increased authority of the control law comes increased responsibility, both in terms of safety
and handling. For instance, since the pilot will apply all control commands through the AFCS, its
performance will, now more than ever, determine the vehicle handling. The design engineer will
need a precise understanding of the piloting requirements in order to avoid inadvertently introducing
new handling problems.
Fully exploiting the opportunities of FBW presents some significant engineering challenges, espe-
cially in the areas of fault tolerance, control law design and handling qualities. Despite the engineer-
ing challenge, the lure of such an array of benefits has prompted helicopter manufacturers to invest-
igate fly-by-wire. Boeing undertook the first research programme in the late '60s with the Tactical

lOptical connections may also be employed this is sometimes called F1y-by-Light (FBL).
1.1 Development of Helicopter Fly-by-Wire Page 3

Aircraft Guidance System (TAGS) [LDDK94]. This incorporated a full authority controller and a
side-stick inceptor. Between '71 and '74 Boeing continued development of FBW systems with the
Boeing 347 Heavy Lift Helicopter (HLH) demonstrator. This was a twin rotor helicopter and its full
authority APCS demonstrated Level 1 handling qualities plus an impressive precision hover. In the
early 80s Boeing initiated the Advanced Digital/Optical Control System (ADOCS) programme. This
involved modifying a Black Hawk UH60 with FBW and side-stick controls. It was used for an ex-
tensive investigation into handling qualities and control law design issues [TFMT89, Tis87]. In 1991
Boeing's research into FBW culminated in the US military choosing a Boeing-Sikorsky partnership
to develop a new scout/attack helicopter, the Comanche RAH-66. The Comanche is based on res-
ults of the ADOCS programme and incorporates a full authority FBW AFCS, an optical data bus,
a side-stick inceptor and integrated full authority engine management [LDDK94, Har96]. In Janu-
ary 1996 the Comanche made its maiden flight [Har96], although the Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) have cast doubts on the future of the Comanche [McD96]. As well as Boeing, McDonnell
Douglas/Bell have also developed a FBW system, called the Advanced Digital Flight Control Sys-
tem (ADFCS). This has been implemented on a AH-64 Apache AV05 and has demonstrated good
handling qualities [Pad96].
In Europe, progress has been slower. Two important milestones are the GKN Westland Helicopter's
EHI0l and the EurocopterNH90. The EHI01 is notFBW, but it is the first European helicopter with
a wholly digital APCS and the first helicopter in the world to attain simultaneous flight certification
from the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in Britain and Italy
[Har96]. A fully digital APCS and civil certification of safety critical software is an important step
towards FBW. The NH90 [Fla96] will have FBW control. A prototype2 made its maiden flight in
December 95. The DLR Institute flir Flugmeckanik installed FBW controls on a BOlOS. The heli-
copter was known as the Advanced Technology Testing Helicopter System (ATTHeS) and used as a
variable stability platform for the investigation of handling qualities. It was not intended as a basis
for the development ofFBW technology. For instance, due to very limited fault tolerance it relied on
a second pilot for safety.
The progression of the helicopter industry towards FBW has far reaching implications for control law
design, some of which are highlighted below:

• Improved handling qualities with command interpretation will require more sophisticated con-

• Integration with subsystems and the need for more sensor data to implement load reduction
and suppression of flexure modes will increase the number inputs and outputs. This will lead
to larger control laws.

• The combination of composite materials and bearing-less rotor heads will produce lower fre-
quency, more excitable, flexure and rotor modes. It is likely these modes will couple with the

2The NH90 prototypes are believed to have mechanical backup [Elp96].

1.1 Development of Helicopter Fly-by-Wire Page 4

rigid body dynamics, especially when high bandwidth control laws are used. Mode coupling
will make control law design more difficult.

• The increased dependence upon the control law to meet performance goals and the growing
impact of the airframe and rotor designs on the control law solution, will require the control
law design to be initiated earlier as a parallel task that forms an integral part of the vehicle

• Multi-mode AFCSs will be needed for mission tailored handling qualities this will require more
control laws. Furthermore, gain scheduling will be needed to maintain performance across the
flight envelope and extend it into non-linear regions. Each schedule implies an additional con-
trollaw. Thus an increased number of control laws will be needed.

• The complete AFCS will use switching logic and scheduling algorithms to combine all the con-
trollaws. Efficient integration will place constraints on the control law structure. For instance,
scheduling a large number of gains or changing structure between schedules introduces imple-
mentation complexity and consumes processing resources. Hence, a possible constraint may
be to prescribe the controller structure and number of gains.

• For both good robustness and improved response decoupling a cross-coupled controllaw3 will
be required. This has implications, not only for the control law structure, but also for the fault
tolerant approach [Elp96]. Conventionally, decoupled control laws are implemented in chan-
nels and, in case offailure, replicated as lanes. Cross-coupled control laws are not readily com-
patible with such an approach and, faced with this problem, some developers have adopted al-
ternative architectures. For instance, the Boeing Comanche and NASA X29 [CBBB94] both
employ a hierarchical approach where failure causes reversion to simpler control laws and, for
the extremely unstable X29, the final backup is implemented in analogue hardware.

• The need for greater agility will require higher bandwidth control laws with special attention
paid to the response poise and sensitivity. This willforther complicate the control design pro-

• The lack of a mechanical backup ensures that the full authority AFCS and its control laws will
be subject to very close scrutiny during the certification process. Since exhaustive testing is
not possible, it will be incumbent upon the manufacturers to demonstrate that their control law
design approach produces control laws that are absolutely safe. Constructing a convincing ar-
gument will, to some extent, depend on the concepts on which the design approach is based
and the visibility of the design process as a whole. Robustness will also have an important role
to play in demonstrating safety. The magnitude of this problem should not be underestimated
and it is pertinent to point out that none of the rotorcraft FBW developments to-date have been
for the civil market.

3The Comanche AFCS uses a fully populated decoupling matrix that is scheduled with forward speed [LDDK94].
1.2 The Practice-Theory Gap PageS

• A multi-objective approach to control law design will be needed to achieve the array of benefits
that a full authority APCS can bring. Inevitably, objectives will have to be traded-off and the
design process should make the trade-offs evident and facilitate Jast design iterations.

Consideration of the above points, in particular robustness, fast design iterations, increased complex-
ity, difficulty and size, indicates that SISO loop-at-a-time techniques will be inadequate for the next
generation of helicopters. Large sophisticated, cross-coupled control laws are needed to exploit the
opportunities of FBW. Only multivariable techniques can deliver this.
Development of a civil FBW aircraft is a tremendous engineering challenge and to mitigate the risk,
manufacturers may wish to develop intermediate aircraft, as a stepping stone. One approach may be
to use MIMO techniques to develop control laws for the existing limited authority, decoupled SISO
architectures. Unfortunately, other than a shorter development time, this approach is unlikely to offer
much performance improvement over its well refined SISO predecessors. An alternative intermediate
step would be a limited authority, cross-coupled control law. This would offer some performance
improvement and the opportunity to develop and certify a fault tolerant harness suitable for FBW
whilst having the reassurance oflimited authority.
Helicopters have a relatively long product life. For instance, aircraft designed in the sixties, such
as the Lynx and Sea-King, are still popular today. This factor may force manufacturers to reject an
intermediate step and move directly to fly-by-wire. FBW does not preclude the possibility of a core
or backup analogue control system and this may prove necessary to ease certification and reduce the
risk associated with a FBW design.
While offering many benefits, MIMO techniques do introduce their own problems; some of which
have lead to a practice-theory gap.

1.2 The Practice-Theory Gap

Although, MIMO techniques offer many benefits their popularity among practitioners does not reflect
this. For instance, Blight et al [BDG94] state:

'It is well-known that post-1960 developments in control theory have seen relatively little
application in production aircraft designs. '

There are a number reasons why practitioners have not embraced multivariable techniques, Blight et
al [BDG94] highlight four key deficiencies as issues:

1. Control problems that actually require modem multivariable methods for their
2. Easy-to-use software to perform modem methods.
3. Education in the benefits and use oJ new methods.
1.2 The Practice-Theory Gap Page 6

4. Research to close the practice-theory gap.

Issue one will, without question, be satisfied by future rotorcraft AFCS requirements and atten-
tion is focused on issue four. It is the author's belief that, while there are perceived inadequacies
with multi variable methods the motivation to develop software tools and educate engineers will be
severely abated. Perhaps the two perceived inadequacies that have contributed most significantly to
the practice-theory gap are visibility and controller structure.

1.2.1 Design Visibility

With existing SISO loop-at-a-time techniques the design engineer starts with an initial design, eval-
uates its performance then adjusts gain values or adds compensator elements until the desired per-
formance is achieved. A positive side effect of this, labour-intensive, approach is that the engineer
will understand the function of each compensator element and the effect of varying gain values.
The design parameters used by multivariable techniques are no longer the gains themselves, but al-
ternative quantities such as positive definite weighting matrices or transfer functions for shaping fre-
quency responses. The controller is synthesised from the design parameters using a complex math-
ematical process that obscures the link between the design parameters and the individual gain values.
The final controller generally resists meaningful interpretation in terms of familiar SISO elements and
the effect of changing gain values is difficult to reason.
The loss of functional visibility has practical implications beyond the reluctance of engineers to re-
linquish their low level understanding. For instance, control law design is normally based on linear
models, but is ultimately applied to a non-linear plant. In order to maintain the desired performance
the controller will invariably require adjustment or tuning [MMS88]. Conventionally, gain value
adjustments are made based on experience and the engineer's low level understanding. The same
approach is difficult to apply with controllers designed using multi variable techniques since the ef-
fect of gain value changes is poorly understood and the number of gains is often much larger. Loss of
visibility also has implications for certification [HGS95] where manufactures will have to demon-
strate that their control laws are completely safe. While they can argue that their multi variable design
technique is established and based on sound theory, ultimately, the manufacturer is left with a large
complex control law, that resists a deeper explanation of how it works.

There is an inherent conflict between visibility and multi variable techniques. For instance, it is un-
likely that any technique will offer the speed and convenience of a synthesised controller and also
offer a full SISO interpretation without going through at least some of the rigour of a SISO design.

Synthesised controllers are ill suited to gain based visibility but are better suited and more able to
offer visibility in terms of their natural design parameters. Visibility of this form implies the design
parameters should have a clear link with both the design objectives and the final performance. Man-
ness and Murray-Smith [MMS92] state:
1.2 The Practice-Theory Gap Page 7

Even when the system is well understood, the use 0/ multivariable control methods is
fraught with difficulties due to the complexity of the dynamics and the complicated/orm
0/ the design objective to be met, and the interaction 0/ these aspects of the controller

From this statement it is clear that if the design parameters have no visible link to the dynamics or the
objectives then they will introduce an abstraction that will hinder an already difficult design process.
It will be important to know how the design parameters relate to competing objectives if design trade-
offs are to be evident and an effective compromise found.
Meaningful design parameters should allow tuning to be conducted by reworking the initial design,
which is preferable to adjusting gain values directly. Since once the controller gain values are altered,
continued development using the original synthesis technique is unlikley to be possible 4 • For tuning
by reworking the initial design to be effective the design approach must support fast design iterations.
Computationally exorbitant optimisations5 are best avoided.
While meaningful design parameters will not significantly help certification they do go along way to
increasing design visibility.

1.2.2 Controller Structure

Using conventional SISO loop-at-a-time techniques the controller is built up block by block. The
engineer has complete control over the controller structure and can trade-off performance against
On the other hand, synthesis based multivariable techniques generally only offer a fixed-gain state
feedback solution or an observer based output feedback solution [DGKF89]. In practice, state feed-
back can rarely be used and an observer must be implemented. The observer generally has a pre-
scribed structure and dynamic order equal to the plant model. The engineer is thus faced with imple-
menting a high order dynamic controller while having minimal influence over its structure. Model
reduction techniques [Mo08!, AL89] can be used to simplify the controller but their effectiveness
depends on the application and they offer no assistance in manipulating the controller structure.

Fixed structure high order control laws have practical drawbacks. For instance, the control law must
be combined with switching logic to be incorporated into the APCS. The inability to manipulate the
control law structure will hamper integration and is likely to result in switching entire control laws
which is computationally expensive and thus undesirable. Gain scheduling presents a similar problem
where an increased number of gains will have to be updated.
Generally, large control laws are undesirable since they require more computational resources, are
cumbersome to integrate and are less visible. For instance, an appropriate SISO interpretation is more

4Very few design approaches support the reverse mapping of gain values back to design parameters.
S Parallel processing can be used execute computationally exorbitant optimisations in practical time scales [Dav94,
1.3 Multivariable Techniques Page 8

likely to be found for a low order control law.

1.2.3 Control Theory

Gain scheduling and control law switching are widely accepted techniques. However, there is very
little theoretical foundation for these techniques and issues such as maintained stability and bumpless
transfer must be addressed using non-linear simulation and ad hoc solutions. While multi variable
techniques do not particularly introduce new problems they do compound existing ones, since their
emphasis on design through synthesis with a single set of design parameters accentuates the need for
a more complete theoretical framework [HG93, Hyd95].

1.3 Multivariable Techniques

Before deciding to apply eigenstructure assignment, several techniques were investigated and con-
sidered [Gri94, MGMS90]. An important factor in guiding the decision was the nature of the design
objectives to be met. The current British military specification for handling qualities is the Def-Stan
00-970 [Pit89]. This has received much less attention than its new US counterpart, the ADS 33
[AVS89]. However, it remains the focus of British manufacturers, such as GKNWestland Helicopters
Ltd [Tay94] and has consequently been adopted for this work. The Def-Stan uses time domain para-
meters to define the criteria most pertinent to control law design. Thus a key consideration has been
how visibly the design parameters related to both the design objectives and time domain perform-
ance. Table 1.3.1 provides a very terse comparison of 11. co [Kwa93], the Linear Quadratic Gaussian
(LQG) with Loop Transfer Recovery (LTR) [SA87], eigenstructure assignment, Quantitative Feed-
back Theory (QFf) [Hor82] and quasi-classical techniques such as the Characteristic Locus and the
Inverse Nyquist Array [Mac89].

~ <i' ~ ~:~ <yru.~ "c <,; ~ .~ru

11.00 X - - X
. Eigenstructure
- X X X
X - X -
- - X -

Table 1.3.1: A comparison of different multi variable techniques

Eigenstructure assignment is the only technique that addresses the two issues important to narrowing
the practice-theory gap: design parameter visibility and controller structure. The eigenstructure can
1.4 Thesis Overview Page 9

not only be related to the design objectives but, through its clear links with the time domain response
[ASC83], it can also be related to the final performance. Working with the eigenstructure has fur-
ther benefits. It is a natural representation for the system dynamics, and its analysis is an established
branch of aeronautical engineering [Pr090]. Thus the eigenstructure facilitates a free flow of inform-
ation between analysis and design, by allowing both control engineers and aerodynamicists to work
with familiar concepts. This should aid an integrated approach to vehicle design.
Eigenstructure assignment does not inherently encompass dynamic compensation but simple exten-
sions have been developed [Kim75] that give complete control over the dynamic compensator order
and some ability to determine its structure through the choice of input/output variables. The facility
to design low order compensators, that are more amenable to a SISO interpretation, should go some
way to addressing functional visibility.

Eigenstructure assignment is a very flexible and visible technique that offers great potential in meet-
ing the demands of helicopter control law design. It provides access to all the available design free-
dom and a range of add-ons have been developed [SSA94] to exploit this. These include techniques
to prescribe the structure of the control law, deal with time delays and reduce gain magnitudes. The
drawback of eigenstructure assignment is that it has no inherent mechanism for ensuring robustness
and can assign a robust solution as easily as a catastrophically unrobust one. Robustness must be
addressed using a post-assignment optimisation which will usually involve a trade-off with perform-
ance. Other researchers [GL90, HMMS90, Fav94] have also decided the benefits of eigenstructure
assignment outweigh the robustness drawback and have achieved considerable success with the ap-
The choice of multi variable technique does not have a single correct answer: diverse techniques can
yield similar performing controllers. In fact, manufacturers may well adopt different approaches
since factors such as in-house expertise, availability and cost of software, compatibility with existing
design approaches and the target market (civiVmilitary) will also be important.
It is the author's thesis that eigenstructure assignment harnessed in a suitable design methodology
is an appropriate and effective means of developing helicopter control laws. The remainder of this
thesis attempts to develop such a methodology.

1.4 Thesis Overview

To produce a more accessible document an effort has been made to write self-contained chapters. As
a result each chapter has its own introduction, summary, suggestions for further work, references, and
places the work in context as it is described. A brief outline of the chapters follows.

Chapter 2 is an overview of the helicopter, since an understanding of its dynamics is essential back-
ground for any serious attempt at control law design. It includes a simple description of the system
dynamics and flight mechanics, an outline of how to produce a computer simulation and trim it, de-
velopment of a novellinearisation approach and higher order approximations, modal analysis for the
1.5 References Page 10

hover case and an overview of a conventional AFCS and its implementation.

In order to meet the design objectives the handling qualities requirements must be understood.
Chapter 3 introduces handling qualities in general then describes the two currently most important
handling qualities specifications. Criteria from the British specification (Def-Stan 00-970) are the
used to develop an ideal eigenstructure.
Chapter 4 details the eigenstructure assignment approach. It begins with the state feedback case and
develops an extension that allows eigenvalue and eigenvector design objectives to be traded-off. The
output feedback problem is then introduced. Previous approaches are described along with support-
ing theory, and fundamental limits are established. From this theoretical basis a two stage assignment
technique is derived. This forms the core technique for a host of extensions which include, retro as-
signment, multistage assignment, sympathetic projection, iterative projection and others. The exten-
sions represent a set of tools that will enable the engineer to make best use of the available design free-
dom. It is then argued that assignment of eigenvectors in the state space is only of value when state
space is aligned with the output space i.e. the states have physical significance. A general technique
for assignment in the input/output spaces is developed. This involves assigning the modal coupling
matrices. Dynamics compensation using an augmented system or an observer approach is then de-
scribed. Finally, some topics for further work are discussed.
Any credible control law design approach must consider robustness. Chapter 5 presents two tech-
niques for post-assignment robustness improvement. The techniques use broadly the same algorithm
but are based on different robustness measures; a time domain measure and a singular value based
measure. The focus of both techniques is to improve robustness with minimal degradation in per-
formance. The chapter concludes with a summary and suggestions for further work.
Chapter 6 presents a helicopter control law design example. An attitude command controller is de-
signed for the hover case. Different design approaches are explored and some design trade-offs are
highlighted. The overall results are very promising and certainly indicate the potential of this tech-
Chapter 7 draws together the results from the previous chapters and suggests how they might be com-
bined into a single practical and complete design methodology. This chapter also lists the significant
contributions of this work and highlights a few of the most important topics for further work.

1.5 References
[AL89] BOO Anderson and Y Lui. Controller reduction: Concepts and approaches. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control,
34(8):802-812, August 1989.
[ASC83] AN Andry, EY Shapiro, and JC Chung. Eigenstructure assignment for linear systems. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace
and Electronic Systems, 19(5):711-727, September 1983.
[AVS89] AVSCOM. Handling qualities requirements for military rotorcraft. Army Aeronautical Design Standard
ADS33c, US Army Aviation Systems Command, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, SI. Louis Missouri, August 1989.
[Bal94] DEH Balmford. Some reflections on trends in rotorcraft technology and configurations - into the 21st century.
Aeronautical Journal, pages 113-126, April 1994.
1.5 References Page 11

[BDG94] ID Blight, RL Dailey, and D Gangsaas. Practical control law design for aircraft using multi variable techniques.
Int. Journal of Control, 59( I):93-137, January 1994.
[CBBB94] R Clarke, JJ Burken, JT Bosworth, and JE Bauer. X-29 flight control system: Lessons learned. Int. Journal of
Control, 59(1):199-219, 1994.
[Oav94] R Davies. Robust Eigenstructur~ Assigment jor Flight Control Applications. DPhil, University of York, Hes-
lingtion, York, YOI 5DD, England, 1994.
[DGKF89] JC Doyle, K Glover, PP Khargonekar, and BA Francis. State-space solutions to standard 1£e and 1£00 control
problems. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 34(8):831-847. August 1989.
[OS8I] JC Doyle and G Stein. Multivariable feedback design: Concepts for a classical/modem synthesis. IEEE Trans.
on Automatic Control. 26(1 ):4-16. February 1981.
[Elp96] JR Elphick. Fault Toleranc~ in Rotorcrajt Digital Flight Control Systems. DPhil. University of York, Department
of Electronics, Heslington. York. YOI 5DD. England, January 1996.
[Fav94] C Favre. Fly by wire for commercial aircraft: The airbus experience. Int. Journal of Control. 59( I): 139-157.
January 1994.
[Fla96] ME Rhett Flater. NH90 achieves first flight. Vertijlite. 42(2):8-10. March 1996.
[GL90] WL Garrnd and E Low. Eigenspace design of helicopter flight control systems. Technical report DAAL03-86-
K-0056, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics. University of Minnesota.. November 1990.
[Gri94] SJ Griffin. The application of modem control techniques to the rotorcrnft flight control problem.
M.PhilID.Phil Transfer Report, The Department of Electronics. The University of York. UI(, December 1994.
[Har96] J Harse. AHS Technical Committee Highlights II: Aircraft design. Vertifiite. 42(3):44-52. May 1996.
[HG93] RA Hyde and K Glover. The application of scheduled 1£00 controllers to a VSTOL aircraft. IEEE Trans. on
Automatic Control, 38(7):1021-1039. July 1993.
[HGS95] RA Hyde. K Glover. and GT Shanks. VSTOL first flight of an 1£00 control law. Computing and Control Engin-
eering Journal. 6(1):11-16. February 1995.
[HMMS90] G Hughes. MA Manness. and DJ Murrny-Smith. Eigenstruture assignment for handling qualities in helicopter
flight control law design. In Proceedings o/the 16th Annual European Rotorcra/t Forum. pages 1II.10.2.1-12.
Glasgow. Scotland. UK. September 1990. Royal Aemautical society.
[Hor82] I Horowitz. Quantative feedback theory. lEE Proceedings D. 129(6):215-226. November 1982.
[Hyd95] RA Hyde. 1£00 Aerospace Control Design A VSTOL Flight Application. Advances in Industrial Control Series.
Springer-Veriag. 1995.
[Kim75] H Kimura. Pole assignment by gain output feedback. IEEE TraM. on Automatic Control, 20:509-516. August
[Kwa93] H Kwakemaak. Robust control and 1£oo-opimization: Tutorial paper. Automatica. 29(2):255-273. 1993.
[Law94] ST Lawes. Real-Time Helicopter Modelling Using Transputers. DPhil. University of York, Heslingtion. York.
YOl 5DD. England. September 1994.
[LODK94] KH Landis. JM Oavis. C Oabuno. and JF Keller. Advanced flight control technology achievements at boeing
helicopters. Int. Journal of Control. 59( I ):263-290. February 1994.
[Mac89] JM Maciejowski. Multivariable Feedback Design. Electronic Systems Engineering. Addison Wesley. 1989.
[McD96) RL McOaniel. A close look at an analysis of us army helicopter programs. Vertifiite. 42(2):30-31. March 1996.
[MGMS90] MA Manness. JJ Gribble. and Murray-Smith. Multivariable methods for helicopter control law design: A review.
In Proceedings of the 16th Annual European Rotorcra/t Forum. pages III.5.2.l-14. Glasgow. Scotland. UK.
September 1990. Royal Aemauticai society.
[MMS88) MA Manness and DJ Murrny-Smith. Paper 67: A technique for the tuning of helicopter flight control systems.
In Fourteenth European Rotorcra/t Forum. pages 67-1-67-12. Milan, Italy. September 1988.
[MMS92) MA Manness and DJ Murray-Smith. Aspects of multivariable flight control law design for helicopters using
eigenstructure assignment. Journal ofT~ American Helicopter Society. 37(3): 18-32. July 1992.
[Moo81] BC Moore. Principal component analysis in linear systems: Controllability. observability. and model reduction.
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control. 26( 1): 17-32. February 1981.
[Pad96] GO Padfie1d. Helicopter Flight Dynamics. Blackwell Science Ltd. 1996.
[Pit89] B Pitkin. Flight and ground handling qualities. Military Defence Specification OEF-STAN 00-970. Ministry of
Defence. September 1989.
[Pro90] RW Prouty. Helicopter Performance Stability. and Control. Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company. 1990.
I.S References Page 12

[RN94] SM Rock and K Neighbors. Integrated flight/propulsion control for helicopters. Joul7UII o/The American Heli-
copter Society, pages 34-43, July 1994.
[SA87] G Stein and M Athans. The LQGILTR procedure for multivariable feedback control design. IEEE Trans. on
Automatic Control, 32(2): 105-114, February 1987.
[SSA94] KM Sobel, EY Shapiro, and AN Andry. Eigenstructure assignment. Int. Joul7UIl 0/ Control, 59( 1): 13-37, 1994.
[Tay94] P Taylor. -. Flight Systems Engineer, Westland Helicopters Plc, Yeovil, UK; Personal Communications, 1994.
[Tay97] P Taylor. Personal Communications, 1997. Chief Handling Qualities Engineer, GKN Westland Helicopters Ltd,
Yeovil, Summerset, UK.
[TFMT89] MB Tischler, JW Fletcher, PM Morris, and GT Tucker. Application of flight control system methods to an ad-
vanced combat aicraft. Technical Memorandum NASA TM-lOl054, Ames Research Center, Ames Research
Center, MS 211-2, Moffett Field, CA 94035, July 1989.
[Tis87] MB Tischler. Digital control of highly augmented combat rotorcraft. Technical Memoradum NASA TM-88346,
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 9403, May 1987.
Chapter 2

The Helicopter

2.1 Flight Mechanics. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Computer Simulation and Trim . . . . 23
2.3 Linearisation... 27
2.4 Modal Analysis . 39
2.5 Flight Control . . 50
2.6 Summary 56
2.7 References........................... 57

Any worthwhile attempt at helicopter control law design must be based on a sound understanding of
the system dynamics. Hence this chapter gives a rudimentary overview of the helicopter dynamics.
In practice, engineers employ computer simulations, trim algorithms and linearisations. This chapter
describes the fundamentals of these tools and develops a novel approach to linearisation. A useful
insight into the system dynamics can be gained from modal analysis of linearisations. Such an ana-
lysis is presented for the hover case. In an effort to learn from previous experience a conventional
flight control law is examined.

2.1 Flight Mechanics

In its most primitive analysis, helicopter flight is merely a demonstration of Newton's third law. That
is, accelerating a large mass of air downwards must produce an equal and opposing force that lifts
the helicopter. The simplicity of this fundamental principle disguises the many problems that engin-
eers have had to overcome in making the helicopter a viable vehicle. First, it was necessary to stop
the fuselage from spinning by adding a tail rotor or, for tandem configurations, ensuring the second
rotor spins in the opposite direction. Then the problems of directing the vehicle around the sky must
be solved. Intuitively, one might control the vertical acceleration by varying the main rotor speed,

Page 13
2.1 Flight Mechanics Page 14

velocity Vr

Retreating Advancing
blade blade


Figure 2.1.1: A plan view of a rotor disk.

however, this is not feasible. Since the large angular momentum of the rotor would require an im-
mense torque to induce a respectable rate of change in angular velocity. Instead the pilot uses the main
rotor collective to vary the collective pitch (90 ) of the rotor blades and thus the amount of thrust de-
veloped. The blade pitching motion is often called feathering and is accomplished through of pitch
bearing or feathering hinge.
A similarly, elegant solution is employed to provide directional control. By using the lateral and
longitudinal cyclic controls, the pilot can vary the angle of incidence of the rotor blades as a function
of their angular position. This provides control over the distribution of lift across the rotor disk and
effectively enables the main rotor thrust to be directed. Angular position or azimuth of the blades ('l/J)
is defined according to Figure 2.1.1. The blade pitch (8) is described by:

8 = 80 - Al cos'l/J - El sin'l/J (2.1.1)

Where 80 is the collective pitch, 'l/J is the blade azimuth, Al is the lateral cyclic coefficient and El is
the longitudinal cyclic coefficient.
Equation (2.1.1) shows that the blade pitch is composed of both a fixed and a harmonic component.
The cyclic rotor controls are represented by the longitudinal and lateral cyclic coefficients and exam-
ination of Equation (2.1.1) shows that rotor controls are phased by 90°. That is, the lateral coefficient
determines the differential thrust in the longitudinal axis and conversely for longitudinal coefficient.
The reason for this will be explained in Section 2.1.1.
2.1 Flight Mechanics Page 15


Tip path",
plane ~
I /
1/1 = 90 /
Tilted tip
path plane


-- ---


~ ~
c.o.g C.o.g

Figure 2.1.2: A typical swash plate assembly.

In the cockpit, the pilot has a collective lever and cyclic stick. These are generally connected to a
swash-plate assembly. This transfers the body-fixed controls to the rotating rotor system. It consists
of both a fixed and a rotating plate. The rotating plate is connected to the blades and determines their
pitch. The swash-plate is moved vertically to provide collective control and tilted to provide cyclic
control. A typical arrangement is shown in Figure 2.1.2.

The pilot also has two foot pedals to control the tail rotor collective (et). Depressing the left or right
pedal decreases or increases the tail rotor thrust and is used to balance the main rotor torque reaction
or control heading and side slip at low speeds.

2.1.1 The Main Rotor

The main rotor dominates the helicopter behaviour and dynamics, since it provides the lift, propul-
sion and the majority of the directional control. The specification of the main rotor will determine
important performance limits for the vehicle as a whole; for instance, the maximum forward velocity.

During forward flight, the air velocity normal to the rotor blade varies as function of the blade angular
position. The forward airspeed (V,) combines the motion of the advancing blade to give an increased
net air flow (U). Equally, the retreating blade suffers a reduced net air flow. A simple analysis shows
that the air speed normal to the blade (U) is:
2.1 Flight Mechanics Page 16

u = 11r + VJ sin t/J (2.1.2)

Where 11 is the angular velocity of the rotor blades and r is the radial position along the blade.
The reduced air flow over the retreating blade gives rise a region where there is no net forward air
flow, this is known as the region of reverse flow. At the boundary of the reverse flow region the air
speed normal to the blade will equal zero. Thus:

0= 11r + VI sin(t/J) (2.1.3)

= 11r2(sin(t/J)2 + COS(t/J)2) + rVJ sin(t/J) (2.1.4)


(~~) 2 = (rsin(t/J) + ~~) 2 + (rcos(t/J))2 (2.1.5)

Examination of Equation (2.1.5) shows that the reverse flow region describes a circle whose radius
(~) grows with increasing forward velocity (VI)' At high forward velocities the majority of the
retreating blade lift is generated near the tip of the blade, which must adopt a high angle of incidence
to generate enough lift. Eventually the forward velocity is limited by the point at which the retreating
blade stalls i.e. the angle incidence becomes so large that the blade experiences very high drag and a
rapid loss of lift. Modern helicopters use advanced rotor tip designs that delay the onset of stall and
thus increase the helicopter's maximum forward velocityl.
If the blades were to rotate with fixed incidence, the cyclic variation in air velocity would cause a
corresponding variation in lift. As a consequence the roots of the blades would suffer excessive os-
cillatory stresses and a large portwards rolling moment would develop. One method of removing
these undesirable effects, which has been widely adopted since first employed by Juan de la Cierva
in 1923, is to allow the blades to flap up and down on hinges mounted near the rotor head. Clearly,
the flap hinge relieves stresses at the root of the blade. However, it also significantly reduces the port-
wards rolling moment. This is because the advancing blade experiences a greater air speed causing it
rise; thereby reducing the air incident angle (or angle of attack), thus generating less lift. The result
is a more symmetric distribution of lift across the rotor disk at the expense of a reduction in average
The periodic flapping changes the radial position of the blade elements, which by the conservation of
angular momentum, must experience an in-plane acceleration, know as a Coriolis force. A second,

1 Using an advanced tip design [Sed90] fitted to a Lynx. GKN Westlands Helicopters Ltd. set the helicopter world speed
record (249 mph) in 1986.
2.1 Flight Mechanics Page 17


Figure 2.1.3: A single blade with flapping hinge.

tag hinge is generally added to accommodate in-plane motion resulting from the Coriolis force. The
lag hinge is mounted outside and perpendicular to the flap hinge. Rotor heads employing flap and lag
hinges are called articulated heads. The flapping motion is aerodynamically well damped, leading to
small flapping angles «
10°). The same is not true for the lead-Iag motion. This often requires
a mechanical damper which, through its actions, limits the oscillation amplitude. Whilst flapping
contributes significantly to the performance of the rotor, the lead-Iag motion has little effect. It is
therefore instructive to perform a simple analysis of the flapping motion as follows.
Consider the blade element of spanwise length dv depicted in Figure 2.1.3. The forces on the ele-
ment, normal to the blade, can be expressed as a sum of blade inertia (riJ m dr), centrifugal force
(sin(,B) rn 2 m dr), blade weight (cos(,B)gm dr) and thrust (dT). The resulting moment about the
flap hinge is:

dT = r2 iJ m dr + sin (,B) r2n2 m dr + r cos(,B)gm dr (2.1.6)

Where m dr is the mass of the blade element, ,B is the flapping angle, and 9 is acceleration due to
Using the small angle approximation and integrating over the blade span gives:

dT dr = i3 lR mr2 dr + 0 2 ,B r Rmr2 dr + f!.1 R
mr2 dr (2.1.7)
10 0 10 r 0
2.1 Flight Mechanics Page 18

Substituting for the blade moment of inertia is Ir = Jo mr2 dr and assuming the blade mass per unit
length is constant:

.. 2 3g
T = {3Ir +0 {3Ir + 2RIr (2.1.8)

Where R is the blade length and T is the total Lift generated by the blade.
Typically, the blade length is R ~ 5m, the moment of inertia is (Ir ~ 104 Kgm 2 ), the angular
velocity of the blades is (0 ~ 30radj s) and the blade flapping is «3 < 10°). The term due to gravity
(~ ~ 3) is negligible in comparison to 0 2 and jj and will therefore be ignored. The residual second
order homogeneous differential equation is:

.. 2
o= ,BIr + n ,BIr (2.1.9)

This equation describes a system with a resonant frequency of O. Since the lift (T) varies periodically
with the blade azimuth ('l/J), the flapping motion is driven at its resonant frequency and the rotor is
therefore a system in resonance. The cyclic pitch also drives the rotor at near its resonant frequency
and is therefore effective and efficient. As is characteristic of all resonant systems, there is a 90° phase
shift between the input and output. This means that, although the maximum lift occur at 'l/J = 90°, the
maximum displacement occurs at 'l/J = 180 0
• This has implications when applying cyclic control to
the rotor. For instance, to tilt the rotor disk laterally, the swash plate must be tilted longitudinally, and
vise versa. The rotor lag will also introduce a significant delay into any stabilising feedback loop and
must therefore be included during the design. In reality the rotor lag is not exactly 90° but generally
slightly lower (~ 80°). This is because Equation (2.1.8) is a vastly over-simplified description of the
flapping dynamics, which is exemplified by the lack of a damping term. A more detailed analysis
should consider the following additional effects:

1. The variation in lift (T) due to: flapping angle (,B), flapping angular rate (~), cyclic control
(Al' Bb OD), blade azimuth ('l/J) and other variables. In fact, it is the ~ term that provides the
aerodynamic damping.

2. Aerodynamic drag. The rotor blade aerofoil shape will generate drag as well as lift.

3. Inflow dynamics. The lift is also dependent on the motion of air through the rotor disk.

4. Flexibility of rotor blade. A rotor blade will flex along its length, supporting high frequency
standing waves and twist.

5. The lagging motion and its mechanical damping.

6. The coupling of the body motions into the blade motion.

2.1 Flight Mechanics Page 19

7. Variations in the rotor angular velocity. This requires calculation of the main rotor torque and
modelling of the power plant and governor systems.

More detailed analysis [Pad96, p. 34] shows that the rotor dynamics will generally reach steady
state in one revolution (:::: 20rad/ s). Due to the large mass of the vehicle, the rotor dynamics are
considerably quicker than the body dynamics which are limited to oscillatory motions of:::: 4rad/ s.
Since the steady state flapping is periodic it can be described as a Fourier series:

00 00

f3 = ao - L an cos(mp) - L bn sin(mp) (2.1.10)

n=l n=l

This is generally truncated to a first order approximation which is known as the tip path plane (TPP)
representation or a disk model, due to the direct physical interpretation of the Fourier coefficients.
For instance al, bl are the longitudinal and lateral flapping angles and ao is the residual blade angle
due to the weight of the helicopter, or coning angle.
Often mechanical and performance constraints make it necessary to offset the flapping hinges a small
distance (~ ~ 3% - 4%) from the centre of rotation. Equation (2.1.11) shows that the hinge offset
increases the resonant frequency and hence causes a slight reduction in phase lag.

Wr = (1 + 3h')! n
2R (2.1.11)

Where h' is the flapping hinge offset distance and Wr the nominal resonant frequency.

Some modern helicopter designs employ hingeless rotors that replace the flapping and lag hinges
with flexible elements made of advanced composite materials. The primary motive behind hingeless
rotors is the production of a more compact rotor head that reduces parasitic drag. However, hingeless
rotors bring a collection of desirable and objectionable side effects. For instance, a hingeless rotor
can exert a larger direct moment and thus increases control power2. On the other hand they have a
tendency to cause instability at high speeds. The flapping behaviour of hingeless rotors does not differ
significantly from articulated rotors. Often the coning angle and flapping angles are very similar. In
fact, for analysis purposes, hingeless rotors are often approximated as articulated rotors with a large
offset distance (~ :::: 10% - 15%). This approximation and Equation (2.1.11) reveal that hingeless
rotors have a resonant frequency higher than n and thus a phase lag less 90°.

2 Control p~wer is a measure of the pilots ability to induce moments on the airframe.
2.1 Flight Mechanics Page 20

2.1.2 Equations of Motion

The contribution of the fuselage and empennage to the helicopter dynamics can be analysed using
conventional fixed wing techniques. That is, the fuselage motion is dictated by the equations of mo-
tion and aerodynamic forces. Using the body-fixed axis set, illustrated in Figure 2.1.4, the equations
of motion can be stated as follows:

Fx = m(u + qw - TV) (2.1.12)

Fy = m(v - pw + TU) (2.1.13)
Fz. = m(w +pv - qu) (2.1.14)

L = pIxx - TIu + qr(Izz - Iyy) - pqIzz (2.1.15)

M = tjIyy + pr (Ix x - I zz ) - r2 In+ p2IX% (2.1.16)
N = rIz:; - PIxz. + pq(Iyy - Ixx) + qrIzz. (2.1.17)

Where F"" Fy and F% are the external linear forces defined according to Figure 2.1.4 and are due to
gravity, propulsion and aerodynamics. The terms u, v and w denote the linear velocities; L, M and
N denote the external angular moments; and p, q and r denote the angular velocities and the sense
of all the terms is defined according to Figure 2.1.4. In, Iyy and Iz:; are moments of inertia about
the indicated axes. Finally, Ixz. is the product of inertia in the xz plane. Iyz. and Ixy are assumed to
equal zero due to the symmetry of the fuselage.
The equations of motion reveal a coupling between roll and yaw due to the product of inertia In.
Such cross-coupling is typical of all helicopters and is not confined to just the roll and yaw axes.
The main rotor is, in principle, a large gyroscope and will precess in an orthogonal direction to an
applied torque. Hence roll and pitch motions are also coupled. This effect is more noticeable if the
rotor is able exert a large direct moment on the fuselage, due to a considerable flap hinge offset or
a hingeless rotor. It is also typical for the controls to induce moments in more than one axis. For
instance, a change in tail rotor thrust will principally induce a moment in yaw, but since the tail rotor
is not centred on the x axis, a roll moment and side slip velocity will also arise.
The aerodynamic forces exerted by the fuselage are characterised by the total velocity, angle of attack
and side slip angle. However, the conventional definition of the sideslip and attack angles must be
modified to include the main rotor down wash. This is most accurately incorporated using wind tun-
nel data, since the interaction between the main rotor downwash and the fuselage is too complicated
to be reliably predicted mathematically. Wind tunnel data is required to calculate the fuselage and
empennage lift, drag and pitch moments at a given angle of attack, as well as the yaw moment, roll
moment and side force due to a specified side slip angle.
2.1 Flight Mechanics Page Z1

Fx U

u • Forward vel. p - Roll rate

v • Side vel. Cl • Pitch rate
w • Vertical vel. r • Yaw rate
L • Roll moment
Fx - OX Force
M - Pitch Moment ~ - OY Force
N • Yaw moment r z - OZ Force

Figure 2.1.4: Conventional body fixed axis set for a helicopter.

2.1 Flight Mechanics Page 22

For a more detailed analysis of helicopter dynamics, the reader is referred to Bramwell [Bra76],
Johnson [JohSO], Prouty [Pr090] and Padfield [Pad96].

2.1.3 Static Stability

Static stability [McI90] refers to the ability of a vehicle initially to generate restoring forces when
perturbed from an equilibrium. The term static stability is peculiar to the field of aeronautical engin-
eering. A static ally stable vehicle may still produce divergent oscillations and thus be dynamically
To perform an analysis of a vehicle's static stability it generally suffices to apply simple physical
arguments. This simple analysis accentuates the dominant features of the.vehicles dynamic behaviour
and is thus worthwhile. A cursory analysis of the helicopter response to some key perturbations is
described below:

Stability in angle of attack A vertical gust will cause a uniform increase in the angle of attack of
the main rotor, which will increase the main rotor thrust and flapping motion. The increased
flapping induces a nose-up pitching moment that is destabilising, since it further increases the
angle of attack.

Stability in forward speed An incremental perturbation in forward speed will again increase flap-
ping and thus induce a nose pitching moment. This moment is stabilising since it tilts the main
rotor thrust rearwards, thus opposing the increase in forward speed. It is interesting to note
that in hover, the restoring moment usually leads to dynamic instability which is damped dur-
ing forward flight by the tail plane.

Stability in roll and pitch A disturbance in roll or pitch will cause the main rotor to precess in an
orthogonal direction. The precession excites the flapping dynamics which due to the 90° phase
lag tilts the rotor tip path plane (TIP) in a direction that opposes the original disturbance. The
main rotor therefore possesses static stability in roll and pitch. However, in forward flight the
asymmetric distribution of lift leads to considerable coupling between roll and pitch axes.

Stability due to side slip A disturbance in side slip rotates the direction of maximum flapping and
thus tilts the TIP in the direction that opposes the original disturbance generating a stabilising
roll moment.

Stability in Yaw The tail rotor and, during forward flight, the vertical fin give the helicopter a degree
of weather cock stability. A portwards disturbance in yaw will increase the tail rotor incidence
and therefore the tail rotor thrust. The additional thrust is static ally stabilising as it opposes the
original disturbance.

This crude analysis gives a flavour of the stability of the helicopter. However, further analysis re-
quires additional tools such as computer simulation and linearisation.
2.2 Computer Simulation and 1iim Page 23

2.2 Computer Simulation and Trim

For a thorough assessment of helicopter stability. one should solve the non-linear differential equa-
tions describing the vehicle dynamics. then apply stability criteria. such as bounded input bounded
output (BIBO) analysis. However. even a simple mathematical description of the helicopter will in-
volve non-linear differential equations with time-varying coefficients that draw on a substantial pool
of numerical data. Deriving explicit solutions for these equations is an impossible task. The widely
accepted alternative is to use a combination of computer simulation and linearisation.

2.2.1 Computer Simulation

Computer simulation is an immensely important tool in the field of aeronautical engineering. and
finds wide application beyond stability analysis. Typical applications include vehicle design. predic-
tion of operational limits. vibration analysis. flight controller design. piloted simulation for training.
handling qualities assessment and as a source of linearisations. Padfield [Pad96. p. 90] suggests
that a simulation should offer no more fidelity than is required and identifies three discrete levels of
helicopter model complexity as shown in Table 2.2.1.

I Level I Description Application

One A quasi-static rotor head. with ana- Low bandwidth control. parametric
lytically integrated loads and aero- trends for performance and flying
dynamics based on momentum the- qualities studies near trim.
ory and linear inflow assumptions.
Two A rotor with flapping DoFs numer- Medium bandwidth control. para-
ically integrated loads. non-linear metric trends for performance and
inflow dynamics and modelling of flying qualities studies up to the
other aerodynamic artifacts. OFE.
Three A rotor with flapping and struc- Rotor design. prediction of rotor
tual DoFs. numerically integrated limits and vibration analysis.
loads and a full 3D non-linear wake

Table 2.2.1: Levels of rotorcaft modelling fidelity.

The mathematical description of a helicopter can ultimately be expressed in the following generic

x = f(x, u, t) (2.2.18)

Where f(x, u, t) is a vector offunctions thus [h

(x, u, t), ... , f n (x, u, t) ] T, x is the state vector. u
is the input vector and t denotes time. Typical definitions of the state and input vectors, for a simple
2.2 Computer Simulation and Trim Page 24

~ - - - - - - - - - ~r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
______________ • _____________________________ . _ . ___________ we_e.


======== ~
"I Rotor ~
~ Fuselage 6.
~I Empennoge
Tail -------------------
1 Rotor

4 Equations of ~

-- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J

Figure 2.2.5: A typical simulation structure.

model, are:

xT A [u,v,w,p,q,r,</>,O,.,p,ah,b h ] (2.2.19)

uT A [A1,B1,OO,Ot] (2.2.20)

Where u, v, w, p, q, r, 00 , Ot, Al , Blare as defined in Section 2.1 , </>, 0,1/1 are the roll attitude, pitch
attitude and heading respectively3 and ala, blB are longitudinal and lateral flapping angles.

The established approach to computer simulation is forward numerical integration of Equa-

tion (2.2.18).
The helicopter is a complex arrangement of interacting subsystems. Thus, in practice, it serves to
decompose the simulation into its physical subsystems. This approach leads to a more visible and
maintainable simulation. It also allows the physical concurrency to be mapped on to parallel hardware
for high fidelity real time simulation [Law94]. Figure 2.2.5 depicts a typical simulation structure. An
outline functional description of the individual subsystems is given as follows:

The Flight Control System implements the feedback control system. It receives state information

3The body attitudes tP, 8,..p are also known as the Euler angles.
2.2 Computer Simulation and Trim Page 25

from which it derives sensor outputs. The sensor outputs are processed by the controller to
produce incremental adjustments to the vehicle controls. If a dynamic controller is implement
then the subsystem will also produce state derivatives that must be integrated.

The Main Rotor is the most complex subsystem. Its inputs are the system state and the cyclic and
collective controls. With these it calculates the main rotor inflow, the forces and moments de-
veloped by the rotor and the resulting wake. It will generally output state derivatives associated
with its own degrees of freedom. Various levels of complexity may be implemented from a full
blade element model with 3D wake and inflow analysis, to a static disk model.

The Fuselage and Empennage subsystem receives state and wake information and generally uses
wind tunnel data to calculate the forces and moments developed. To provide a continuous
estimate the wind tunnel data must be interpolated. Linear interpolation is often employed.
However, this can introduce discontinuities. In practice best results are obtain using a smooth
interpolation method such as cubic spline [PTVF92].

The Tail Rotor is fed the system state, tail rotor collective and wake information. Using similar, but
generally simpler, techniques to the main rotor it calculates the moments and forces developed.
It may also output state derivatives.

Equations of Motions. At this point the forces and moments are summed and the equation of motion
are solved for the linear and angular accelerations.

Integration. A numerical technique is used to integrate the state derivatives to produce the new sys-
tem state. The numerical technique should be chosen to suit the characteristics of the system

A simulation with the structure outlined above was employed in this work [Coo92]. For expedience
the simulation was incorporated in Matlab [Mat92] as a Mex file [Mat94].
Repeated integration using the simulation structure described above will produce time history data,
however, the simulation must be started with a sensible set of initial control inputs and state values.
Generally, a simulation model will be released from a trim condition.

2.2.2 Trim
A pilot's principal task while flying is to maintain a desired flight condition by holding the forces and
moments about the three airframe axes at eqUilibrium. When equilibrium is achieved the helicopter
is said to be trimmed. Common trim conditions are:

Hover All resultant forces, moments and translational velocities are zero. To hold this trim condition
the helicopter will have to adopt starboard roll attitude to balance the tail rotor thrust and often

2.2 Computer Simulation and Trim Page 26

a nose-up pitch attitude to accommodate the main rotor shaft tilt4 and an aft centre of gravity.

Straight and level flight again all angular and linear accelerations are zero and the forward velocity
is constant. At low speeds the pilot will trim for zero side slip and accept a small roll attitude.
However, as speed increases (VI> 50knots) the pilot will adopt a 'wings level' attitude and
endure a small side slip angle.

Co-ordinated turn The helicopter turns with a fixed bank angle while holding all linear accelera-
tions and pitch rate at zero. Roll and yaw rate are adjusted via the tail rotor thrust such that the
fuselage side force is zero. This ensures passengers and pilot are not swept from side to side
as the helicopter turns.

Steady climb the helicopter is trimmed to a fixed climb angle and rate.

Mathematically, a trim condition is a set of constraints that, when applied to the equations of motion
and flapping equations, enables the control angles (00 , (it, AI, B l ) and other parameters to be determ-
ined. For a unique solution to a given trim condition the number of constraints must equal the number
of variables.
Using the state (x) and input (u) definitions given above, the constraints for the hover conditions are:

Hover r=o p=O u=O p=O a16 = 0

v=O q=O v=O q=O bls = 0
w=O r=O w=O r=O

Note there are fourteen constraints and fourteen variables 5 • Thus the trim condition may be
uniquely defined. The first six constraints are trivially met by setting the appropriate state vari-
able to zero. The remaining constraints can be met using any non-linear equation solver. However,
in practice, Newton-Raphson has proved effective. This involves calculating the Jacobian 6 of
[u,v,W,p,q,r,als,b lS ] with respect to the unconstrained variables [</>,IJ,ah,blsIJo,Ot,Al,Bl]
and then iterating [Arf85].
The trim constraints for straight and level flight at an air speed of VI are:

'U = VVI- v 2
cos(O) u=O p=O al s = 0
Level Flight
{ W
= VV1- v sin(8) r=O
</>=0 v=O q=O bh =0
w=O r=O (2.2.22)

4The main rotor is usually tilted so that the cabin floor will be level at cruise velocity (Rj80 knots). This does have the draw
back that the main rotor torque reaction couples into roll.
5Heading (..p) is ignored since it affects no other state.
6The Euler angle derivatives are not considered since if p, q, r are zero these are necessarily zero.
2.3 Linearisation Page 27

The algorithm outlined above was employed, in Matlab, to trim the non-linear simulation model.
It typically trimmed the model in six iterations and reduced the state derivatives to within machine
precision (10- 10 ) ofzero.
The facility to trim a model is not just important for initialising simulations. A trim condition is also
a vital pre-requisite for generating a linearisation of a non-linear model.

2.3 Linearisation
A linearisation is a first order Taylor approximation of a non-linear analytic function. This is a locally
valid representation for non-linear differential equations providing, the linearisation is made around
an equilibrium state (x = 0) or trim condition. The locality for which a linearisation is an accept-
able approximation depends on the characteristics of the system. Strong non-linearities, such as the
fuselage force and moment functions, quickly degrade the approximation. Thus, linearisations of
helicopters are only representative for small perturbations from the equilibrium state.
Let Xo and Uo denote an equilibrium state (0 = fi(XO, uo) and x and u denote perturbations from
the equilibrium then the full Taylor series [Arf85] is:

00 1
!i(xo+x,Uo+u) = E,(x·Y'x+u·Y'ut !i(xo,uo) (2.3.23)
n=O n.

The first order approximation is:


Applying the steady state assumption gives:


If eT = [Cl, ... ,en] then 'Ve is the vector differential operator defined thus Y' e = [8~1' ... , 8~. ].
Using the function of vectors f(x, u) Equation (2.3.25) can be written in the standard state space


By convention:
2.3 Linearisation Page 28

A nxn ~ 'Vxf(xo, Uo) = [~:


(JX n

B nxr ~ 'V uf(xo, Uo) = [~:


(Ju ..


::ic=Ax+Bu (2.3.29)

The usefulness of linearisations in stability analysis is a result of Liaphonov s linearisation theorem

[Vid93], which states that, under certain conditions, it is valid to draw conclusions about the non-
linear system stability from the behaviour of a linearisation. The sufficient conditions are that the sys-
tem be in steady-state, that f(x, u) be continuously differentiable and the elements of A are bounded.
Linearisations have many benefits beyond stability analysis. They provide access to the wealth of
linear systems theory and are thus a vital tool in control law design. Analysis of linearised dynam-
ics and examination of the individual derivatives can offer an intuitive and tractable insight into the
functioning of a complex non-linear system. For small perturbations linearisations offer a computa-
tionally light method of simulating the system behaviour. Furthermore, the steady state assumption
is likely to be valid for the majority of the helicopter flight path since the pilot will strive to hold the
helicopter in trim.
However, for any comprehensive analysis of helicopter dynamics, it is vital that linearisation is
backed-up with a full non-linear computer simulation which has been validated against actual flight
data. Simulation is the only sure way of assessing behaviour to large perturbations and stability away
from trim. The importance of an accurate computer simulation is accentuated when reduced order lin-
ear models are used. Since these often ignore the potentially destabilising dynamics associated with
sensors and actuators [Th093].

2.3.1 Numerical Methods

In theory, a linearisation can be calculated analytically by evaluating the partial derivatives indicated
in Equation (2.3.27) and Equation (2.3.28). However, in practice, the system equations often do not
lend themselves to differentiation. It may also occur that the analytical solution does not yield the
best results in terms of model fidelity.
2.3 Linearisation Page 29

The widely accepted solution is to apply numerical techniques. Two distinct approaches are often
employed [Pad96]; identification and perturbation methods.
Identification methods [SCM96] generally attempt to find a linear system that best approximates a
given set of time history input-output data. This approach has the advantage that it may be applied to
measurement data from real systems and that it inherently attempts to accommodate non-linearities.
However, it is clearly impossible for a linear system of any order to portray hard non-linearities such
as saturation and hysteresis, which can often overwhelm an identification algorithm. Multivariable
identification techniques are very complex and are, in themselves, a considerable topic of research.
Therefore they were not applied in this work.
Perturbation methods are based on the definition of the partial derivative:

8f(xo) = Hm f(xo + 8) - f(xo)

8x 6-+0 8

From the above it is clear that a good approximation to the partial derivative can be calculated using
a suitably small perturbation (8) and a difference equation as follows:


Thus a straightforward approach to calculating a linearisation is to perturb each state and input inde-
pendently and perform a difference calculation as illustrated below:

Where ei is an all zero vector of equal length to Xo except the ith element is unity.

However, there is a dearth of theory [Wig92] supporting numerical perturbation. Selection of per-
turbation size and estimates of the linearisation accuracy are often based on heuristics [Sug94, Rah93,
TA93]. Taylor and Antoniotti [TA93] suggest that the perturbation size should be selected as a com-
promise between round off error and truncation error. As the perturbation size is reduced errors will
eventually begin to increase due to finite precision arithmetic or round off error. Equally, as the per-
turbation size is increased non-linearities will cause the errors to increase. This increase can be at-
tributed to truncation of the Taylor series. While the technique of Taylor and Antoniotti will find a
good approximation to the partial derivative, it may still produce a poor approximation of the system,
since the perturbation size used to calculate the partial derivatives may be vastly different from that
used in subsequent simulation and controller synthesis.
The quality of the linearisation has direct implications for the controller synthesis, since a poor
Z.3 Llnearisation Page 30

match at this stage will yield a controller that is unlikely to perfonn adequately on the real plant.
Even an ideal linearisation process must throwaway considerable infonnation about the system non-
linearities: infonnation that is often needed later to fonn an uncertainty model so that the controller
may function on the real plant. To address these issues a new linearisation algorithm was developed.
Its aim were:

• To produce to a representative linearisation.

• To estimate the valid region of the linearisation.

• To produce an uncertainty model associated with the linearisation.

The basic principle behind the algorithm is to calculate the maximum deviation from the trim point
such that the function displays acceptably linear behaviour. To have confidence that the function is
displaying linear behaviour. it is necessary to consider several points within the deviation. The most
non-linear point is recorded and returned as uncertainty infonnation. The details of the algorithm are
described below. For brevity the scalar case is considered.

1. Initialise the perturbation size (8) and counter (i = 1).

2. Evaluate the non-linear function for positive and negative excursions of the current deviation

yp(i) = f(xo + i8, uo) (2.3.33)

Yn(i) = f(xo - i8, uo) (2.3.34)

3. Update the minimum and maximum gradient values of the chord between the function output
and the origin.

= max {gmaz, Yp(i) Yn(i)}
i8 ' -ic5 (2.3.35)

. { gmin, -
= mm Yp(i) Yn(i)}
.~-, --=T (2.3.36)
gm in
~u -tu

4. Calculate the current best fit linear approximation (a e ):

Lyp(k)(kc5) + Yn(k)( -kc5)
~k=~l __________________
ae = i (2.3.37)
L(kc5? + (-k8?
2.3 Linearisation Page 31

I State I Trim Value I Valid Range I Unit

'U 0 5.5 feetls
v 0 2.75 feetls
w 0 8.0 feetls
p 0 0.1719 radls
q 0 0.1406 radls
r 0 0.4688 radls
8 -0.0572 0.0020 rad
4> 0.0596 0.0020 rad
1/1 0 33.0 rad
ah 0.0114 33.0 rad
bh -0.0050 33.0 rad

Table 2.3.2: Trim point and validity estimate for a linearisation at hover.

5. Check that minimum (gmin) and maximum (gmaz) gradients are acceptably close to the current
estimate (a e ):

gmaz < a e (l + fp) + fa (2.3.38)

gmin > a e (l - fp) - fa (2.3.39)

Where fp and fa are user supplied proportional and absolute error tolerances. If the gradients
are acceptable increase the counter (i = i + 1) if the gradients are unacceptable reset the counter
(i = 1) and decrease the perturbation size <5 = !.
6. If the counter is equal to the maximum counter value (i maz ) then stop else go to step two.

To generalise the algorithm to the multivariable case it is only necessary to repeat the process for each
partial derivative. A Matlab implementation of the above algorithm was used to linearise the non-
linear simulation model. Typical values for fp, fa and i maz are fp = 0.01, fa = 0.01 and i maz = 10.
While it is difficult to offer a formal justification for the algorithm, in practice it has proved a useful
tool. Appendix A.l contains a linearisation of a non-linear helicopter model in hover. It also presents
the associated uncertainty information, which was calculated as follows:


The valid perturbation sizes and trim point information are shown in Table 2.3.2.
The validity estimates for the heading (1/1) and the flapping angles (als, bls ) are unrealistic1y large.
This is because heading does not effect any other state and is often ignored in the dynamic analysis
2.3 Linearisation Page 32

Vertical velocity response (w) to lO feet/s perturbation in forward velocity (u)

0.4 r-----r--.-----r--,.---.,.---,----,c-----.---~-~

'" - - Non-linear
~ 0.3 . _ . - Linear

==- 0.2
~ 0.1

o 0.1
_ _....l..__----I.._ _...l..-_---L_ _....I-_ _L...-_......l..._ _...I.___
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time in seconds
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
-- ___.l

Vertical velocity response (w) to 1 feet/s perturbation in forward velocity (u)

0.04 . - - - - - - r - - . - - - - - r - - , . - - - . , . - - - , - - - - - , ; - - - - - , - - - . . - - - - - .

- - Non-linear
J:! 0.03 . _ . - Linear


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Time in seconds

Figure 2.3.6: Vertical velocity response of a linear (Jacobian only) and non-linear helicopter model
at hover for a 1 and 10 feetls perturbation in forward velocity.

of helicopters. During the hover the retreating and advancing blades experience the same air speed.
Thus the flapping dynamics are not excited and the response to changes in flapping angle is linear.
While the model's portrayal of this situation is accurate, the situation itself is artificial, since it implies
that the flapping angles can be adjusted independently and that the body dynamics remain in the hover
state during the flapping angle excursion.
The validity estimates for the other states do provide a useful indicator for the maximum deviation in
the state variable for which the linearised model is representative. For instance, Figure 2.3.6 shows
the response in vertical velocity (w) to perturbations in forward speed of 1 and 10 feetls. These rep-
resent perturbations beyond and within the valid range indicated in Table 2.3.2.

From Figure 2.3.6 we see that the linearisation shows good fidelity for the I feetls perturbation but al-
most immediate divergence for the 10 feetls perturbation. The first column of (j.A in Appendix A.I is
the uncertainty associated with perturbations in forward velocity. It shows that the maximum uncer-
tainty (0.0110) is associated with the vertical velocity derivative (~A3 , 1) and indeed vertical velocity
does show the worst response.
2.3 Linearisation Page 33

X 10-4 u-dot V-dot 3

x 10- W-dot
2;..:.....:-=-------, 0.02 .----------, 2



L-_~--"'---...J -0.02 ' - - - - - - - - - - ' _4L------...l

-0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2
roll rate (p) roll rate (p) roll rate (p)
10-3 p-dot q-dot r-dot
1;..;.x.-:....;_ _ _- - - , o.s.--------. 0.01 , - - - - - - - - ,

-1 L-_ _- - - - - ' -o.s'------~ -0.01 ' - - - - - - - - - - '

-0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2
roll rate (p) roll rate (p) roll rate (p)
x 10-~1 s-dot b1s-dot
S;..;......;.-=------, 0.5.--------,

_sL------...J -0.5'---------J
-0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2
roll rate (p) roll rate (p)

Figure 2.3.7: Plots of the change in various state derivatives against roll rate (p) for a non-linear heli-
copter model at hover.

Comparison of the uncertainty matrix (AA) with the linearised system matrix (A) shows that it some-
times occurs that a zero element in the system matrix has considerable uncertainty associated with it.
For instance, consider the change in vertical acceleration (w) due to roll rate (P), element (3, 4), we
note that:

A3,4 = 0.0 (2.3.41)

AA 3 ,4 = 0.0110 (2.3.42)

Figure 2.3.7 shows the variation in was function of roll rate (P). The function is clearly even and
thus can not be approximated by an odd function such as a linear expression. Thus the linearisation
algorithm has correctly indicated a non-linearity.
2.3 Linearisation Page 34

Even functions are not uncommon at equilibrium points as illustrated by the graph of u against p
in Figure 2.3.7 and the inability of a linearisation to portray the even component of functions is a
fundamental limitation.

2.3.2 Higher Order Approximations

A potential method for improving the fidelity of an equilibrium point representation is to use a higher
order Taylor approximation. A drawback of a higher order representation is that the number of coef-
ficients required by the representation increases rapidly. For instance, a first order representation re-
quires n 2 coefficients while a second order representation requires n 3 , although the symmetry of the
solution allows this figure to be reduced to n3 tn 2.

A second order approximation can faithfully represent even functions. It uses second order derivative
information, often expressed as a Hessian:


If the rows of A are denoted AT = [af, ... ,a~] then a second order system approximation is:


The Hessian can be calculated directly using numerical perturbation. However, this involves evalu-
ating the difference between two gradients that are themselves numerical estimates and thus may be
prone to round off errors. One alternative is to use a polynomial interpolation based approach [GL96,
p. 184]. Let hk(i,j) denote the ijth element ofHk for i f= j and i;th element of ~ for i =j then
Equation (2.3.44) may re-expressed as:

n n

:h ~ ak X + L L hk(i,i)x;xj k = 1 ... n (2.3.45)

;=1 j=i

Using the following definitions:

2.3 Linearisation Page 35

Xb T = [Xl [Xl, ... ,Xn] ,X2 [X2, ... ,Xn], ... ,Xn [Xn]] (2.3.46)

hA: = [[hA:(I,I), ... ,hd1,n)], [hA: (2, 2), ... ,h k (2,n)], ... , [hk(n,n)]]

Equation (2.3.45) may be written more compactly as:


A further definition:


enables the second order representation to be expressed in a multi variable format:

:i;::::: Ax+Hexb (2.3.49)

Estimation of the combined Hessian (He) can be reduced to a standard least squares problem as fol-

:i;::::: Ax+Hexh (2.3.50)

f(xo + x, Uo) - Ax;::::: Hexb (2.3.51)

Letting ye = f(xo + x, 110) - Ax denote the truncation error. Then:

ye ~ Hexb (2.3.52)

Thus we wish to find the combined Hessian (He) that best approximates the truncation error (ye).
A good estimate of the combined Hessian (He) will require a set of truncation errors that have been
systematically produced. The algorithm employed in this work is outlined as follows:

I. Initialise the counter (i = 1), declare the empty matrices XH, YE and set initial perturbation
size (8).

2. positively perturb the state Xi alone. Form x, Xh and calculate ye = f(xo + x, uo) - Ax.
2.3 Linearisation Page 36

Append Xh to XH and ye to YE thUS:

XH = [XH Xh] (2.3.53)

YE = [YE ye] (2.3.54)

3. Positively perturb Xi and also perturb xi j = i + 1 ... n both positively and negatively. For
each perturbation form x, Xh, ye and update XH and YE.

4. Repeat steps two and three, continuing to update XH and YE, but perturb Xi negatively.

5. If i = n go to step six else increment i and go to step two.

6. Calculate the combined Hessian (He) as follows:

He =YE(XH)t (2.3.55)

7. Check the approximation error (er):

er = YE-HeXH (2.3.56)

if the error is larger than the user input tolerance decrease the perturbation size (8), reset XH ,
YE, i = 1 and go to step two, else end.
The basic algorithm outlined above may be extended to maximise the perturbation size of each state
individually. Figure 2.3.8 depicts a second order estimate of the state derivatives as a function of roll
rate. Comparison with Figure 2.3.7 shows the Hessian system to produce a good approximation of
the non-linear response.
Figure 2.3.9 displays the linear, Hessian and nonlinear system response for a one feet/s and ten feet/s
perturbation in forward velocity. It shows that for the small perturbation both the linear and Hessian
systems show good fidelity. For the large perturbation the Hessian system is a better approximation
than the linear system but still diverges from the non-linear response.
Generally, for deviations near the equilibrium point the Hessian system does show improved or equal
fidelity to the linear response. However, if the response diverges significantly from the trim point then
the quadratic contribution from the Hessian matrix increases disproportionately, and the response rap-
idly loses fidelity. The Hessian system is relatively straightforward to generate and although non-
linear itself, it is more amenable to non-linear control theory, such as non-linear inverse dynamics
[SC94], than the full non-linear model.
2.3 Lineamation Page 37

X 10-4 u-dot v-dot X 10-3 w-dot

2;.:....:.-=------, 0.02,..--------,

~ 0
~1 ~ :;:, -1


o L--_..::::....~-.--J


~ -2
-0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2
roll rate (p) roll rate (p) roll rate (p)
x 10-3 p-dot q-dot r-dot
1 ;:....:..-=------., 0.5.----------, 0.01,..-------

~... 0

_1L------~ -0.5 ' - - - - - - - - - - 1 -0.01 L...-_ _ _ _----J

-0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2

roll rate (p) roll rate (p) roll rate (p)
x 10-:a. 1s-dot b1s-dot
5;.:....:.-=------, 0.5,..--------,

-0.5 L..-_ _ _ _.--J
-0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2
roll rate (p) roll rate (p)

Figure 2.3.8: Plots of the change in various state derivatives against roll rate (p) for a second order
model (Jacobian + Hessian) of a helicopter at hover.
2.3 Linearisation Page 38

Vertical velocity response (w) to 10 feetls perturbation in forward velocity (u)


--- Non-linear _.-'

. - . - Linear .- .
- .-. . ...... . .... .
. -- .- "

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Time in seconds
0.6 0.7 0.8

Vertical velocity response (w) to 1 feetls perturbation in forward velocity (u)

0 . 04~----.-----,-----.-----.-----r----.-----~----~----~--~

::. --- Non-linear
~ 0.03 . - . - Linear
~ . .. . . Hessian
~ 0.02

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Time in seconds

Figure 2.3.9: Vertical velocity response of a linear (Jacobian only), Hessian (Jacobian + Hessian) and
non-linear helicopter model at hover for s 1 and 10 feetls perturbation in forward velocity.
2.4 Modal Analysis Page 39

Open loop pole locations agianst forward speed


.~ 5
~ OBlii"WMiiii
..§ -5

-10 L-____ ~ ______ ~

.., ~ ______ ~ ______L __ _ _ _ ~_ _~

-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 o
Real axis
Open loop pole locations agianst forward speed

+,O"-'U") (CDOO®!_

-2 -1 .5 -1 -0.5 o 0.5
Real axis

Figure 2.4.10: The root locus of a Lynx model over the speed range 0-160 knots (The lower plot
depicts the origin of the upper plot).

2.4 Modal Analysis

Stability analysis oflinearised models has contributed greatly to the understanding of aircraft dynam-
ics. The eigenvalues of the linearised system matrix indicate the stability at a given trim point. To
assess stability over a range of trim conditions. a Iinearisation is calculated at each trim point and its
stability examined. This technique is most commonly used to examine the stability variation with
forward speed.
Figure 2.4.10 depicts the system pole locations over a speed range 7 of 0 to 160 knots. It shows that the
pole locations vary significantly with speed. This is because the character of the helicopter dynamics
change with speed. In the hover. flapping dynamics are not excited and tail plane and fin contribute
little to the system dynamics. As speed increases the empennage contribution increases and flapping
is excited. leading to a more asymmetric response. Table 2.4.3 displays the pole locations at three

7The helicopter is trimmed to zero side slip over the entire speed range.
2.4 Modal Analysis Page 40

Forward Speed
Hover I 60 knots 120 knots
0 0 0
-6.9716 ± JlO.0016 -7.1315 ± J9.6800 -7.4916 ± J9.5114
-12.1124 -11.9220 -11.4039
-2.0680 -2.4044 -3.0631
0.2797 ± )0.3497 0.0929 ± JO.3615 0.0347 ± JO.2844
-0.2509 ± )0.5005 -0.3961 ± )1.1615 -0.3023 ± )1.5390
-0.2972 -0.5257 -0.7909
-0.3367 0.0150 -0.0280

Table 2.4.3: Open loop pole locations taken from linearisations of a non-linear Lynx model at forward
speeds of 0, 60 and 120 knots.

different forward speeds. From it we see that the poles do tend towards the stable left half plane as
speed increases. This is because the damping moment from the tail plane is increasing and stabilising
the main rotor pitch dynamics. To maintain, focus this work concentrates on the near-hover case.
As well as indicating stability, the eigenvalues provide useful information about the natural frequen-
cies and damping of the system response. Further information, about the distribution of the modes
among the outputs, can be inferred from the eigenvectors. However, a meaningful analysis of the
eigenvectors requires normalisation.

2.4.1 Normalisation

Examination of the right eigenvectors can reveal which modes will be predominately observed in each
state. If the states have physical significance, the mode distribution can give insightful information
about the underlying dynamics. If the states do not have physical significance, the mode observab-
ility matrix (CV) should be used instead. Note that V = [VI t ••• t V n] denotes a matrix of right
eigenvectors (Vk)·
For a fair evaluation of mode dominance the states must be normalised [GLP89a, Web92]. This
normalisation is has no formal mathematical basis but is a subjective process that allows states with
different physical units to be compared. Different engineering approaches can be taken:

• Use the maximum value indicated in the Handling Qualities specification.

• Use values found in normal operating conditions. Note that the values should be deviations
from trim.

Ultimately, normalisation depends on the pilot perception: would a 1.0 feetls oscillation in forward
velocity be more or less noticeable than a 0.02 radls oscillation in roll rate? Table 2.4.4 shows the
normalisation values used in this work.
2.4 Modal Analysis Page 41

State Value State I Value I Input I Value

u 5 ftls () 0.1 rad ()o 0.02 rad
v 5 ftls 4> 0.1 rad ()t 0.035 rad
w 5 ftls t/J 0.1 rad Ai 0.02 rad
p 0.1 rad/s ah 0.025 rad Bl 0.035 rad
q 0.1 rad/s bh 0.025 rad
r 0.1 rad/s

Table 2.4.4: State and input nonnalisation values.

Nonnalisation is applied by re-defining the state and input vectors. Let us define two normalisation

XN = diag (5, 5, 5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.025, 0.025) (2.4.57)
YN = diag (0.02, 0.035, 0.02, 0.035) (2.4.58)

The transfonned states and inputs are:

x = XNXn (2.4.59)
U = YNUn (2.4.60)

Thus the state space representation is transformed as follows:

x = AXN Xn + BYNUn (2.4.61)

XNXn = AXN Xn + BYNUn (2.4.62)

XN -1 AXNXn + XN -lBYNUn
,cn = (2.4.63)

The open loop right eigenvectors are shown in Table 2.4.5. From them, it can be seen that the ei-
genvalue at the origin is associated solely with the heading and is known as the heading integration
mode. We also see that the two first order modes at -12.11 and -2.07 are predominately associated
with roll and pitch respectively. They are subsidence modes and are manifest as follows. An angular
rate in one axis will cause the rotor to precess in the orthogonal axis this excites the flapping dynamics
which causes the disk to tilt opposing the original angular rate. The two remaining first order modes
(-0.30, -0.34) are definitely liinked with the yaw dynamics and further analysis will show that they
are predomintately associated with the heave and yaw subsidence modes. The fast complex mode
2.4 Modal Analysis Page 42

Output Open Loop Right Eigenvectors

Modes 0 -6.97 ± J1O.00 -12.11 -2.07
'U 0.00 0.00 ± JO.OO -0.01 0.15
v 0.00 0.00 ± JO.OO 0.00 -0.04
w 0.00 0.00 ±JO.OO 0.00 0.01
p 0.00 -0.13 ± JO.89 -0.45 -0.16
q 0.00 -0.10 ± JO.02 0.26 -0.80
r 0.00 -0.02 ± JO.16 -0.08 0.00
fjJ 0.00 0.07 ± J - 0.03 0.04 0.08
() 0.00 0.01 ± JO.01 -0.02 0.39
'IjJ 1.00 0.01 ± J - 0.01 0.01 -0.02
ala 0.00 0.08 ± J - 0.05 -0.84 0.34
bls 0.00 -0.26 ±] - 0.27 0.13 0.20
I Modes I 0.28 ± JO.35 I -0.25 ± JO.50 I -0.30 I -0.34 I
'U -0.15 ± JO.12 0.14 ± J - 0.04 -0.04 0.05
v 0.15 ± JO.44 0.07 ± JOAO -0.06 0.07
w -0.01 ± ]0.03 0.00 ± JO.02 0.01 0.06
p -0.16 ± JO.01 0.11 ± J - 0.14 -0.02 0.03
q 0.02 ±JO.05 0.03 ±JO.04 -0.01 0.01
r 0.25 ± JO.20 0.38 ± J - 0.11 0.28 -0.32
fjJ -0.17 ± JO.29 -0.34 ± ] - 0.09 0.02 -0.03
() 0.14±JO.03 0.02 ± J - 0.12 -0.02 0.02
'IjJ 0.68 ±] - 0.15 -0.47 ± J - 0.51 -0.96 0.94
ala -0.04 ± JO.01 0.02 ± J - 0.03 0.00 0.01
bIB -0.01 ± J - 0.01 -0.01 ± J - 0.01 0.00 0.00

Table 2.4.5: Open loop eigenvectors for a Lynx linearisation at hover.

(-6.97 ± J10.00) is the regressive flapping mode. It is well damped «( = 0.57) but is coupled into
the roll dynamics.
Examination of the right eigenvector which, in this case, is the same as the mode observability matrix,
gives half of the available information, that is how, the modes couple into the states. The reciprocal
information of how the modes are excited by the inputs can be found by examining the mode control-
lability matrix (WB). Note, that WT = [wT, ... ,w~] denotes a matrix ofteft eigenvectors (Wk).
The two pieces of information can be combined. This leads to residue analysis. Suppose that the
system transfer function matrix is G(s) and the ijth element is denoted 9ij (8). The transfer function
matrix may be expressed in dyadic form as follows:

2.4 Modal Analysis Page 43

Mode 11 Bo t-t w
0.00 0.00 0.00
-6.97 ± J10.00 0.00 ±JO.OO -0.03 ± JO.02
-12.11 0.00 -0.00
-2.07 0.00 -0.00
0.28 ± JO.35 0.01 ±JO.OO -0.11 ± JO.10
-0.25 ± JO.50 0.00 ±]0.01 -0.26 ± JO.02
-0.30 -0.17 -1.57
-0.34 -1.06 -0.45

Table 2.4.6: Transfer function residues for main rotor collective to vertical velocity and tail rotor
collective to yaw rate.

Let the input (B) and output CC) matrices be decomposed as follows:

B = [hI," .,b r] (2.4.65)

C = [er. ... ,e~] (2.4.66)

The individual transfer functions may be expressed as:


where rk is a residue and is equal to:


Examination of the residues can reveal which mode is dominant in a particular transfer functions. For
instance, consider main rotor collective (0 0 ) to vertical velocity (w) and tail rotor collective COt) to
yaw rate (r). Then, Table 2.4.6 clearly shows that 0.34 is the dominant heave mode and 0.30 is the
dominant yaw mode. This infonnation could not be easily deduced from the eigenvectors alone.
While much infonnation can be gained from the modal structure, for greater engineering insight it is
useful to develop a model that just expresses the quintessential dynamics.
2.4 Modal Analysis Page 44

2.4.2 Model Reduction

The heading state affects no other modes and can thus be simply truncated from the model. If we
assume that the flapping dynamics are much faster than the body dynamics, we may residualise the
flapping dynamics. Suppose the state space system is partitioned as follows:

[::] =
y = (2.4.70)

If the flapping angles (als, bls ) are associated with X2 then steady state flapping implies X2 = o.

o = A21Xl + A22X2 + B2u (2.4.71)

X2 = -A"2l A 12 Xl - A"2lB2U (2.4.72)

Substituting X2 back into the system matrices gives:

Xl = (All - A12A"2l A 12 ) Xl + (Bl - A12A"221B2) u (2.4.73)

Y = (Cl - C 2 A"2l A12) Xl - (C2A"2lB2) U (2.4.74)

Finally, to summarise the reduced order system is:

A = All - A12A"22l A12 (2.4.75)

13 = Bl - A12A"22l B2 (2.4.76)
C = Cl - C 2 A"2l A12 (2.4.77)
D = C2A"221B2 (2.4.78)

After truncation and residualisation the system is eighth order. Whilst the order is only reduced by
three, the number of system matrix coefficients is almost halved, offering considerable simplification.
Appendix A.2 contains the state space matrices for the reduced order system.
Table 2.4.7 compares the eigenvalues of the reduced order system with the original eleventh order
2.4 Modal Analysis Page 45

System Eigenvalues
Eleventh Order Eighth Order
-6.9716 ± J10.0016
-12.1124 -9.2980
-2.0680 -1.9464
0.2797 ± JO.3497 0.2749 ± JO.3505
-0.2509 ± JO.5005 -0.2574 ± JO.5037
-0.2972 -0.2982
-0.3367 -0.3376

Table 2.4.7: Pole locations for the full and reduced order helicopter models at hover.

The correspondence between the eigenvalues is very good except for the roll subsidence mode
(-9.298). This is to be expected since the roll mode is coupled into flapping dynamics. Once the
system has been reduced to a more manageable size, it is instructive to relate the system matrix coef-
ficients to the system modes. One approach [Pad96, p. 329] [Pro90] is to apply simplifying assump-
tions, such as decoupled longitudinal and lateral dynamics, to produce simple subsystems, where the
relationship between the modes and coefficients is easily derived. This approach does offer consider-
able physical insight but often breaks down for helicopters because the cross-coupling effects are too
strong to neglect. For instance, Table 2.4.8 compares the eigenvalues for the longitudinal (u, w, q, 0)
and lateral (v,p, r, </l) subsystems. Some modes, such as the roll subsidence and heave modes, are
still recognisable but, generally, the decoupled approximation is poor.

System Eigenvalues
Full Model Longs. Lats.
-9.2980 -9.7509
-1.9464 -1.7226
0.2749 ± JO.3505 0.0836 ± JO.5345
-0.2574 ± 10.5037 -0.0364 ± 10.4153
-0.2982 -0.1424
-0.3376 -0.3234

Table 2.4.8: A comparison of the full system and decoupled subsystem poles.

An alternative approach is use a sensitivity analysis to simplify the model. Coefficients that do not
have a significant effect on the eigenstructure are eliminated and the resulting structure is analysed.
The basic algorithm is outlined as follows:

1. Initialise the counter k = 1 and l = 1.

2. Calculate the sensitivity of each element (aij) of the system matrix (A) with respect to the
eigenvalue Ak and multiply it by the respective element of A.
2.4 Modal Analysis Page 46


3. Reset the counter 1 = 1.

4. Select the 1 largest values of Sij and fonn an system matrix (Ak) with only the corresponding
elements aij·

5. If no eigenvalue of Ak is acceptably close to Ak then increment 1and go to step four.

6. If k is not equal to n increment k and go to step two else fonn a simplified system matrix that
is the union of all Ak.

The simplified system matrix is shown below, it is not recommended to use this system matrix for
simulation or design but only as an analysis tool.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -32.1
0 0 0 0 0 0 32.1 0
0 0 -0.32 0 0 0 0 0
0.17 -0.056 0 -9.71 4.51 0 0 0
As = 0.016 0 0 -0.79 -1.52 0 0 0

0.030 0 0 -1.71 0 -0.22 0 0

0 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1.00 0 0 0

Table 2.4.9 compares the eigenvalues with the full system matrix. While there is certainly some mis-
match, this very simple model does capture the essentials of the system dynamics.

System Eigenvalues
Reduced Model Simple Model
-9.2980 -9.2759
-1.9464 -1.9541
0.2749 ± }0.3505 0.2494 ± }0.3648
-0.2574 ± }0.5037 -0.2508 ± }0.4432
-0.2982 -0.2208
-0.3376 -0.3230

Table 2.4.9: System poles for a reduced order and then simplified helicopter model at hover.

Figure 2.4.11 illustrates the simplified system and allows some key stability derivative to be identi-
fied, as follows:
2.4 Modal Analysis Page 47

1E-1----------+--+ q


L -_ _ _ _ _ _ -+--+ 0

,...--------+--+ •

~----------+-+-+ p



Figure 2.4.11: Simplified helicopter dynamics in hover (see Equation (2.4.80».

2.4 Modal Analysis Page 48

• The damping derivatives Lp (-9.7) and Mq (-1.5) are dominant in determining the roll and
pitch subsidence modes.

• The cross-coupling derivatives, Lq (4.5) and Mp (-0.79) are fundamental to the helicopter
dynamics. They are pre-dominantly due to the response phasing of the flapping dynamics not
being exactly equal to 90°. In this case the modelled helicopter has a hingeless rotor with a
large effective hinge offset. This leads to a response phase of approximately 76°. Thus the
flapping dynamics will not just oppose the pitch and roll motion but also induce a moment
in the orthogonal axis. The ratio of the derivatives is in proportion to the relative moments of
interia for the roll and pitch axes, about 1 to 6. The low moment of interia in the roll axis makes
this axis susceptible to main rotor and other cross-couplings.

• The damping derivative Zw (-0.32) dominates the heave dynamics. This is because change
in vertical velocity alters the main rotor inflow which causes the main rotor thrust to oppose
and thus damp the vertical motion.

• The damping N r (-0.22) is important in damping the yaw dynamics. At hover this is mainly
manifest as the yaw rate changing the tail rotor inflow and thus the tail rotor thrust damping
the yaw motion. However, as forward speed increases, the fin will become more effective and
conventional weather cock stability will begin to prevail.

• The force derivatives X9 (-32.1) and Y,p (32.1) are due to changes in the body attitudes causing
the main rotor thrust vector to be tilted.

• The derivatives Mu(O.79) and Lv (-2.8) are due to changes in velocity exciting the flapping
dynamics, which causesftapback and thus a body moment. These derivatives are very import-
ant to dynamic stability in hover.

• The cross-coupling derivatives L u , Np and Nu stem from different physical sources. Lu is due
to the main rotor coning causing differential changes in incidence for a perturbation in forward
velocity. Nu is due to changes in main rotor torque generating yaw moments and Np is due to
the product of inertia Iu·

2.4.3 The System Zeros

A complete modal analysis of the open loop helicopter should also examine the system zeros [MK76,
SK76, Mac72, Ros70]. The invariant zeros are the values of s for which the matrix:

2.4 Modal Analysis Page 49

loses rank. They can be computed using numerically stable algorithms [END82]. For a fully
controllable-observable system these are also the transmission zeros. Using an output matrix equal
to C = Is the reduced order system of Appendix A.2 is found to have no transmission zeros.
It is also insightful to consider transmission zeros with respect to subsets of the inputs and outputs.
The simplified system of Figure 2.4.11 illustrates that the states u, e, q and v, rp, p are predominantly
related by simple integration. This can be expected to introduce some near-origin zeros in the appro-
priate outputs. For instance, suppose that the relationship between forward speed (u) and longitudinal
cyclic (B l ) is:

u(s) n(s)
Bl = d(s)
then for the simplified system the relationship to pitch attitude «()) and rate (q) is:

e(s) sn(s)
Bl = d(s)

A dual argument applies to the lateral channel. The transmission zeros of the reduced order system
with respect to all outputs, except the linear velocities (u, v), are shown in Table 2.4.10. It can be seen
that two near-origin zeros are present due to the phase relationship between the linear velocities and
the body attitudes. Table 2.4.10 also shows that additionally removing the system attitudes introduces
two further near-origin zeros due to the phase relationship between the attitudes and rates.

I Outputs
p, q, r, e, rp, W

Table 2.4.10: System zeros for different output combinations taken from the reduced order helicopter
model at hover (not simplified).

The zero directions (xz) are defined as:


where z is a system zero. They give information about the orientation of the state and input vec-
tors when a transmission zero blocks all output. Table 2.4.11 shows that the zero directions for the
helicopter system zeros.
2.S Flight Control Page SO

I StatelInput I Zeros
I Zero I -0.0039 I -0.0020 I 0 0000 00000
u 0.0000 -0.7101 0.3341 -0.8832
v 0.9818 -0.6709 -0.9072 -0.3768
w 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
p 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
q 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
r 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
<P 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0064 0.0002
() 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0011 0.0028
Al 0.1099 0.1598 -0.2121 0.2500
El 0.0002 -0.0789 0.0369 -0.0980
()o 0.0000 -0.0177 0.0082 -0.0221
()t 0.1546 -0.1168 -0.1378 -0.0733

Table 2.4.11: System zero directions for the reduced order helicopter model at hover (see
Table 2.4.10).

The zero directions clearly show that -0.0039 is the lateral channel zero and -0.0020 is the lon-
gitudinal channel zero which is seen to be strongly coupled in the lateral channel, this is due to the
derivative Lu. Less information can be discerned from the zeros at 0.0000 since they are repeated
and the zero directions span a two dimensional subspace.
From the preceding modal analysis we can see that the helicopter is highly cross-coupled and has an
unstable raw airframe. It is thus a very difficult vehicle to fly and, in practice, a flight control system
is required to aid the pilot.

2.5 Flight Control

Flying a helicopter without the assistance of a stability augmentation system (SAS) or automatic flight
control system (AFCS) is a taxing task for any pilot, since the pilot must apply his own agency to
stabilise the airframe. As the basic flying task demands a high pilot workload, this limits the other
mission-related tasks that the pilot can reasonably be expected to accomplish. Fortunately, even a
very simple SAS structure [Mcl90] can stabilise the airframe and bring the pilot workload down to
a comfortable level. However, it should be appreciated that the purpose of the SAS is not merely to
stabilise but rather to make the helicopter fly in a way that most assists the pilot. For instance, the
SAS may even introduce a slow unstable mode because the pilot finds this characteristic desirable.
The properties of a good SAS are defined by Handling Qualities Specifications. Handling Qualities
are concerned with the pilot's perception of how the helicopter flies and Chapter 3 wi11look at them
in some detail.
The AFCS is complicated and challenging system to develop since it must resolve a wide range of
2.5 Flight Control Page 51

implementation and control problems. Some of the requirements on a modern APeS are listed below:

• Alleviation of disturbances such as gusts and turbulence while not impeding pilot commands.
Also to provide good ride comfort and fuel economy.

• Be fully integrated with the navigation system, mission management computer, engine man-
agement system and sensor units.

• Must be fault tolerant, incorporating self verification, multiple redundant systems and limited

• Should provide a range of autopilot functions from simple heading, height and speed hold to
more complicated functions such as auto-land and course following. All transitions between
autopilot functions should be smooth and all possible contentions must be fail-safe, innocu-
ously resolved and easily overridden by the pilot.

• Finally the system must implement control laws that attain the required flying qualities
throughout the flight envelope. This may require scheduling of several control laws.

This work focuses on control law design. The requirements above show that this is only one element
of the complete APes. The minimal control law that will stabilise a helicopter requires both attitude
and rate feedback [Pad96, Hoh88] as illustrated below:

Ala = kpp + k</>(ifJ - ifJr} (2.5.85)

Els = kqq + k(J(O - Or} (2.5.86)
(h = krT (2.5.87)

Where kp, k</>, kq, ko and kr are the feedback gains, ifJr and Or are offset values that the pilot adjusts
to establish a new trim datum.
An alternative control law that does not require offset inputs is shown in Figure 2.5.12.
This control law uses only rate feedback, but generates attitude feedback by integrating the rate signal.
A leaky integration is employed, so that persistent attitude errors will decay to zero and thereby allow
the pilot to establish a new trim datum.
Modem control laws are generally more complicated than those outlined above and require a range
of equipment to be implemented as part of a modem APes.

2.5.1 Auto-Stabilisation Equipment

Figure 2.5.13 is a schematic illustration of some typical auto-stabilisation equipment found in the lat-
eral and longitudinal channels of a modern helicopter. The key components are described as follows:
2.S Flight Control Page S2

Force dynamics

Figure 2.5.12: A simple control law.

S.ick po~'ion '1


Figure 2.5.13: Typical auto-stabilisation equipment.

The stick is used by the pilot to command cyclic pitch. It is directly connected to the power servos
via the control runs.

The series actuators are inserted in the control runs and change length to operate the power servos.
They are generally fast acting electrical actuators with a typical bandwidth of 30Hz. For safety
they have limited authority, usually ±10%. They are operated by the SAS and provide the small
control adjustments required to maintain trim and stability.

The parallel actuator is an electrical servo with a very slow response. It is connected to the stick
via a spring and thus determines current stick datum. The actuator is operated in at least three

1. by the autopilot to execute turn commands by moving the stick.

2.S Flight Control PageS3

2. by the pilot directly using the beep button to fix a new stick datum after a change in trim
3. by the SAS to centre the series actuators so that they can exploit their full travel.

The parallel actuator has full authority but its slow motion and spring connection ensure that
it is easily overridden. Thus the parallel actuator systems driving it are not safety critical.

The mixer is effectively the orientation of power servos on the swash plate. An angle is chosen that
minimises the cross-coupling between longitudinal and lateral pilot commands.

The spring centres the stick and forms part of the artificial stick feel system by exerting a force
for the pilot to oppose. In theory the spring should be tightened as forward speed increases.
However, in practice, the small speed range of the helicopter makes this an unnecessary em-

The power servos are hydraulic jacks that move the swash plate. They exhibit a much slower dy.
namic response than the series actuator and are often modelled as a dominant first order lag.

The damper may be included as part of the artificial stick feel system to resist rapid stick move-
ment and ensure the stick centres without overshoot. The tactile cues provided by the stick
feel system are important for handling qualities.

The force sense switch is open when the pilot makes large stick movements. It is used to disengage
the attitude feedback so that pilot commands are not opposed by the SAS and also to enable
the pilot to demand a rate response.

As well as the equipment outlined above, mechanical interlinks are generally employed to provide
some decoupling of the pilot commands. For instance, adjustment of the collective lever may also
move the longitudinal cyclic and tail rotor collective control runs. This mitigates the coupling of main
rotor collective into yaw and pitch, due to the torque reaction and increased flapping.
The Westland Helicopters EH101 actuation system is shown in Figure 2.5.14, with the aircraft body
removed. This diagram clearly shows the dual pilot controls, the parallel and series actuators, the
main rotor power servos and the mechanical control runs, which pass under the pilot seats and behind
their backs.

2.5.2 A Conventional Control Law

A control law suitable for the ASE described above is shown in Figure 2.5.15. The control law uses a
gyro to measure attitude which is passed through a band limited differentiator (Tb Ta ~ O.05sec) to
provide attitude and rate feedback. The attitude and rate feedback gains are denoted K9, K~b K~2
and KiJ' K;p respectively. For large pilot commands the force sense logic disengages the attitude
feedback giving the pilot rate command. But the roll axis still requires some attitude feedback to
2.5 Flight Control Page 54

Roll. Pitch
& Collective
Series Actuators Yaw Series Actuator

Figure 2.5.14: The Westland Helicopters EHI0l actuation system.

2.5 Flight Control Page 55

To paroDel

To series


To paroDel

To series


Frtter Gain Limiter

_W --)11 F, H Kw H I ~---------------+)
To series


Filler Gain Limiter

To series

Figure 2.5.15: A control law structure suitable for standard auto-stabilisation equipment.
2.6 Summary PageS6

maintain stability thus a wash-out filter (T2 ~ 2.0sec) is employed to feedback some roll attitude.
The wash-out filter ensures the fed back roll attitude does not oppose the pilot commands.
Feeding the stick position (111s,111c) into the control law may seem unnecessary since it already has a
direct actuation path via the control runs. However, the stick input ensures that small stick movements
are not opposed by the control law and provides attitude command. In some implementations, pre-
compensation is applied to the stick input this is, generally, to stop pilot induced oscillations (PlO).
It is interesting to note that, regardless of the attitude attained by a large stick input, centring the stick
will return the helicopter to the original datum set by the attitude offset values (B trim , <Ptrim). This
behaviour is quite different from the conventional fixed wing system where centring the stick will
cause the attained attitude to be held. The integrator connected to the parallel actuators has a long
time constant and will act to centre the series actuators by adjusting the stick datum.

The heave and yaw channels are much simpler employing only rate feedback. However, a filter net-
work (FIt H) may be employed to provide some lead-Iag compensation or low pass filtering.
Development of the AFCS typically requires lOO's of man years to achieve flight certification since
each step must be conducted in accordance with a strict quality regime. Development of an exclus-
ively digital system is a particularly arduous task as large amounts of expensive safety critical soft-
ware must be written. The SAS control law may be implemented in either software or hardware 8.
It has therefore been suggested [Tay97] that a more cost effective approach is to provide the basic
safety critical stabilisation in analogue hardware and the remaining autopilot functions in software.

2.6 Summary
This chapter introduces helicopter dynamics and some common analysis tools such as computer sim-
ulation, trim, modal decomposition and linearisation. Linearisations form the basis of control law
design and a poor linearisation is likely to propagate through the design process to yield a poor con-
troller. Therefore a novel algorithm is developed that produces a representative linearisation and use-
ful error data. Higher order approximations are also briefly considered and shown to offer potential.
Modal analysis is an important part of flight dynamics and especially relevant to control law design
using eigenstructure assignment. A detailed analysis of the hover case is conducted. the results of
which are later used to guide the construction of an ideal eigenstructure.
Some of the work covered in this chapter presents interesting topics for further work. For instance
a theoretical basis for the linearisation algorithm could be developed, higher order approximations
could be further investigated and the modal analysis could be repeated for different forward speeds.

8Establishing the reliability and fail safe operation of hardware is much simpler and cheaper than for software [Elp96].
2.7 References PageS7

2.7 References
[Arf8S] G Arlken. Mathematical Methodsfor Physicists. Acrulemic Press, Inc., 3rd edition, 1985.
[Bra76] ARS Bramwell. Helicopter Dynamics. Edward Amold, 1976.
[Coo92] Cl Cooper. Helicopter modelling on the mip's. Final year project report, University of York, Department of
Electronics, Heslington, York, YOI SDO, England, 1992.
[Elp96] JR Elphick. Fault Tolerance in Rotorcraft Digital Flight Control Systems. DPhil, University of York, Department
of Electronics, Heslington, York, YOI SOD, England, January 1996.
[ENDS2] A Enmarni·Naeini and P Van Dooren. Computation of zeros of linear multivariable systems. Automatica,
[GL96] GH Golub and CF Van Loan. Matrix Computations. John Hopkins University Press, 3rd edition, 1996.

[GLPS9] WL Garrad, E Low, and S Prouty. Design of attitude and rate command systems for helicopters using eigenstruc-
ture assignment. Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 12(6):783-791, November 1989.
[HohSS] RH Hoh. Dynamic requirements in the new handling qualities specification for U.S. military rotorcraft. In Heli-
copter Handling Qualities and Control, pages 4.1-4.17. The Royal Aeronautical Society, November 1985.
[JohSO] W Johnson. Helicopter Theory. Princeton University Press, 1980.
[Law94] ST Lawes. Real-Time Helicopter Modelling Using Transputers. DPhil, University of York, Heslingtion, York,
YOI SDD, England, September 1994.
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Chapter 3

Handling Qualities

3.1 Introduction............ 58
3.2 The ADS 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.3 The Def·Stan 00·970 Vol. 2 Part 6 . 65
3.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design 71
3.6 Summary 89
3.7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

The overriding purpose of any AFCS control law design is to improve handling qualities. Thus a
good understanding of the handling qualities requirements is vital for control law design. This chapter
presents an overview of the relevant handling qualities requirements and considers them in the context
of eigenstructure assignment.

3.1 Introduction
It is no great engineering challenge to produce a machine that can propel itself through the air, but
to produce a machine with characteristics such that a pilot can control the speed and position in six
degrees of freedom, is a tremendous challenge. The major difference between a flying machine and
a useful vehicle is handling. Handling qualities have been defined by Cooper and Harper [HC86] as
the following:

'Those qualities or characteristics of an aircraft that govern the ease and precision with
which a pilot is able to perform the tasks required in support of an aircraft role. '

Handling qualities encompass all aspects of the man machine interface. This includes the cockpit
ergonomics, the choice of inceptor and display, for digital systems the presentation and update rate of

Page 58
3.1 Introduction Page S9


Figure 3.1.1: A conceptual model of the pilot as a controller.

the display. the feel or force feedback from the stick. the field of view. the available autopilot functions
and response types and the vehicle response to small. moderate and large amplitude inputs. Anyone
of these factors can ruin otherwise excellent handling qualities. Good handling qualities are not just
a system embellishment, in a critical situation bad handling qualities can culminate in pilot error with
disastrous consequences.
Advances in handling qualities have been and still are necessary to increase mission productivity and
enable more complex and diverse missions to be undertaken. However. producing a set of criteria that
an engineer can apply in order to ensure good handling qualities is a difficult and protracted problem
for the following reasons:

• Handling Qualities are subjective. Their ultimate evaluation is based on pilot opinion and one
of their aims is to reduce a notional quantity. namely pilot workload.

• Analysis of the unpiloted dynamics is not sufficient to guarantee good handling qualities. The
pilot can be considered as a highly intricate adaptive controller that augments the dynamics of
the helicopter. Thus, only the pilot sees the complete augmented system. As shown in Fig-
ure 3.1.1, the pilot can close a variety of loops around the vehicle and AFCS. For instance,
adjusting the stick feel system may cause a pilot induced oscillation (PlO) even though the dy-
namics of the vehicle remain unaltered and could, hypothetically, display a dead beat response.

Handling qualities specifications are therefore the result of protracted studies requiring a large data-
base of information, from ground simulations, test flights and airborne simulations. This is exem-
plified by the US military standard for helicopter bandling qualities MIL-H-8501A which was under
revision for some fifteen years. This work has recently culminated in the new ADS 33 specification
[AYS89]. All handling qualities specifications measure performance on a 3 level scale as shown in
Table 3.1.1
3.2 The ADS 33 Page 60

Level Pilot rating Definition

I 1-3.5 Clearly adequate.
2 3.5-6.5 Adequate with increased workload or loss of mission effectiveness.
3 6.5-9 Controllable with excessive workload.

Table 3.1.1: Handling qualities levels of compliance .

. The handling qualities specifications widely applied in industry are the Ministry of Defence Def-Stan
00-970 Vol. 2 Part 6 [Pit89, Pad96], the MIL-H-8501A [Mcl90, Pad96] and the Air Design Stand-
ard (ADS) 33 [AVS89, HMA+85, Key88, Hoh88, Pad96]. The following two sections will present
a brief overview of the ADS 33 and Def-Stan 00-970 specifications. Particular attention is paid to the
small amplitude dynamic criteria. This is of most relevance for SAS design, not least because of the
limited authority of the series actuators. An effort will be made to compare and contrast the specifica-
tions because, although different in approach and terminology, fundamentally they show considerable

3.2 The ADS 33

The handling qualities criteria are dependent on an array of parameters. The first section of both spe-
cifications is dedicated to categorising the parameters in manner that maintains an intelligent com-
promise between simplicity and accuracy. The ADS 33 achieves this as follows:

Mission Task Element (MTE) are defined as the manoeuvres that form essential ingredients of
most missions. MTEs are divided into groups for hover, low-speed « 45 knots) and forward
flight (>45 knots). There is no classification of rotorcraft by role or size. This is embodied by
the required MTEs. For instance, the target acquisition MTE would not be required for a cargo

Usable Cue Environment (UCE) defines the quality of the pilot's external view and is measured in
3 levels; 1 is the best and 3 the worst.

Pilot attention is defined in two levels fully attended and partially attended. Partially attended im-
plies the pilot undertakes tasks in addition to flight path management (flying).

Speed range different criteria apply for speeds above and below 45 knots since the pilot's desired
response characteristics will change. For instance, the pilot will not attempt a precision man-
oeuvre during high speed forward flight.

Response size is divided into three categories small, medium and large. This is because the aspects
of the response that are important to the pilot depend on the size of the response. For instance,
3.2 The ADS 33 Page 61

for small amplitude responses, characteristics such as bandwidth are important whereas, for
large amplitude responses, the maximum control power is more relevant.

The specification is applied by considering the speed, UCE, MTE and pilot attention level of interest.
For low speeds, where precise manoeuvres are normally conducted and thus the dynamic response
is more important, a response type, bandwidth and phase delay are specified. The response type will
be one of the following:

Rate Command (RC) a fixed stick position commands an appropriate constant rate that diverges for
more than four seconds. Rate command may incorporate heading (DH) or height hold (HH).

Attitude Command Attitude Hold (ACAH). a fixed stick position commands an appropriate con-
stant body attitude. This is obviously used in conjunction with attitude hold.

Translational rate command (TRC) a fixed stick position commands a steady translational rate.

Although rate command is sufficient to achieve level 1 handling qualities for virtually all MTEs in
UCE= 1. For UCE=2 and divided attention tasks, the additional stability offered by ACAH and other
response types is required to compensate for the increased pilot workload. It is important to note
that the limited authority of the series actuator dictates that non-rate response types can only be real-
ised for small stick movements. Generally, the situations that require non-rate response types also
demand small precise stick movements. However, the advent of full authority, fly-by-wire systems
does present the opportunity for novel response types over the full stick range and thus the potential
for further, significant reductions in pilot workload.
The bandwidth criteria are not specified in terms of the conventional 3 dB point, but defined with
respect to the gain and phase margin in the rate or attitude channel of interest, see Figure 3.2.2.

• Gain bandwidth is the frequency at which there is 6dBs of gain margin.

• Phase bandwidth is the frequency at which there is 45° of phase margin i.e. the phase equals

For first order systems where the phase is always less than 135° Garrad and Low [GL90. LG93]
propose using the pole location as the bandwidth measure. For second order systems:


the bandwidth is equal to:

3.2 The ADS 33 Page 62









~ -180


Frequency (rod/sec) BWphose 2W180

Figure 3.2.2: Gain and phase bandwidth definitions.

nw )
-135° = arctan ( 2(w
2 2 (3.2.2)
2(w nw
-1 = w~ -w 2

(w - (W n )2 - (2w~ = w2
n (3.2.4)
w = Wn ( , + vi(2 + 1) (3.2.5)

The rationale behind the bandwidth (BW) definitions is based on the Crossover Model [McR91] of
pilot behaviour and measures how 'tight' a pure gain pilot can close the attitude loop without threat-
ening stability. The specification requires the lower of the two bandwidth values be used except for
3.2 The ADS 33 Page 63


f .2

l .1 Le.eI 3

o 2 .3 4 5
Bandwidth !radlseC>

Figure 3.2.3: Bandwidth criteria for target acquisition and tracking (pitch and roll).

ACAH, where only the phase bandwidth applies. The bandwidth values are specified as a function of
a second parameter, called phase delay. Phase delay is a two point approximation to the phase curve
gradient at 1800 and is calculated using Equation (3.2.6).


Where Tp is the phase delay, W1S0 is frequency at 180 0 phase, 2W1S0 is twice this frequency and
A <P2 W 180 is the phase change between these frequencies.
Pilot studies have shown that large values of phase delay increase the tendency for pilot induced os-
cillation (PlO). The specification mitigates this effect by requiring a greater bandwidth value, as il-
lustrated by Figure 3.2.3, which is the requirement for the most demanding MTE, target acquisition.
Recent work [BP94] has cast some doubt on the validity of compensating for phase delay with ad-
ditional bandwidth.
The bandwidth criteria does not directly deal with the system stability. This is specified in terms of
damping factor and natural frequency for the mid-term response, which is the frequency range just
above steady state to just below the bandwidth. The stated criteria are depicted in Figure 3.2.4, which
interestingly reveals that extra stability is required in the low frequency response for divided attention
Medium amplitude responses for roll and pitch are specified in terms of the ratio between the peak rate
and attitude traversed i.e. ~ ~. The parameter transforms from being dominated by the channel
bandwidth for small changes in attitude to being dominated by the maximum rate for large attitude
Large amplitude manoeuvres are specified as a required minimum angular rate for RC and angular
displacements for ACAH.
3.2 The ADS 33 Page 64

Level I Level 3

LM I.crit.nan "
r... .;.;dod~, ~=O.20
aUenhan I .

-015 o 0]39
0.25 0.50

Figure 3.2.4: Handling Qualities criteria for the Mid-term response.

The criteria outlined above apply to the roll, pitch and yaw channels. An alternative approach, based
on a Low Order Equivalent System (LOES) is used for the heave channel. A step is applied in heave
and the vehicle response (it) is recorded. Then a nonlinear least squares algorithm is applied to the
response data in order to estimate the parameters of the following LOES:


The transfer function is a first order response with time delay. The maximum values for level one and
two are shown in Table 3.2.2.

Level Th (sec) Th (sec)

1 5.0 0.20
2 00 0.30

Table 3.2.2: Maximum value for LOES in heave.

Inter-axis coupling is covered by the global statement:

'Inputs to achieve a response in one axis should not result in objectionable responses in
other axes. •
3.3 The Def-Stan 00-970 Vol. 2 Part 6 Page 65

As well as this statement, quantitative criteria are stipulated for yaw due to collective, roll due to pitch
and pitch due to roll. The guidelines on gust rejection are only pertinent to rotorcraft seeking level
1 compliance and state that the control bandwidth must equal the disturbance rejection bandwidth.
This effectively places a severe limitations on the use of a control input pre-filter.
The specification goes on to consider failure states, flight envelopes, visual aids, the behaviour and
feel of the primary flying controls, rate of climb, torque response, thrust margin, critical load cases
and so on. However, the criteria described above represent those most relevant to SAS design.

3.3 The Def-Stan 00-970 Vol. 2 Part 6

At a first glance the Def-Stan appears to resemble the ADS 33 specification. It begins by defining
flight envelopes, rotorcraft states and levels of compliance in much the same manner as the ADS 33.
However, the description of the terminology below shows that the approaches quickly diverge.
A mission is considered to consist of a continuous set of operational phases. These are divided into
non-flight and in-flight phases, the in-flight phases are categorised according to the division of pilot
attention and degree of stability verses manoeuvrability required. As described below:

The active flight phase implies high pilot involvement in flying, an emphasis on short term dynam-
ics and manoeuvrability. Within this flight phase manoeuvres are delineated as follows:

i. Up and away manoeuvring; flying in open space with pilot commands classified as ag-
gressive or moderate.
ii. Low level, low speed manoeuvring; precision manoeuvring close to the ground, ship
deck, platform, etc.
iii. Low level, moderate/high speed manoeuvring; essentially nap of the earth flying.
iv. Low level, low visibility manoeuvring; pilot involvement in flying is high due to poor
visibility including the use of visual aids.

The attentive flight phase implies moderate pilot involvement in flying and an emphasis on the
short and long term response. This flight phase includes the following manoeuvres.

i. Up and away manoeuvring; with gentle pilot commands.

ii. Low level manoeuvring; using autopilot hover modes where pilot invol vement is essen-
tially a preparedness to intervene.

The passive flight phase implies low pilot involvement in flying with an emphasis on autopilot con-
trol and long term stability. This flight phase is associated with long periods of hands o.f{flying.

The definitions above can be considered as the Def-Stan interpretation of MTEs and pilot attention
level. The Def-Stan treats response types as follows (Leaflet 600n para 2.2):
3.3 The Def·Stan 00·970 Vol. :z Part 6 Page 66

i. For active flight phases involving aggressive manoeuvres rate command is preferred.

ii. For active phases involving precise manoeuvring and most of the attentive flight phase the extra
stability offered by attitude command makes this preferable.

iii. For active phases involving specialised ground reference manoeuvres translational velocity
command or even position command may be most suitable.

iv. For all phases under degraded visual cuing conditions the additional stability of response types
other than rate command is likely to be required.

The criteria above show strong coherence with the approach taken by the ADS 33. Both specifica-
tions generally require rate command. but compensate for poor visual cuing environments or divided
attention tasks by stipulating attitude command. Both specifications also agree that high precision
flying and some specialised manoeuvres will need response types other than rate command.
The short-term stability criteria (Leaflet 600n para 6.2) are specified in terms of parameters gathered
from time history data and cover much the same ground as the ADS 33 small amplitude criteria. Of
particular importance is the time history of the transient response to an input pulse of 10% full travel
applied for 1 second. A typical output induced by a pulse input is shown in Figure 3.3.5.

Peak respose

XF ~ 7 7 I I I 7 7 I I I


cv .-----.---10%
.&-' Control
input pulse
, I secI Time

Figure 3.3.5: A typical transient response in roll. pitch or yaw to a pulse input.
3.3 The Def·Stan 00-970 Vol. 2 Part 6 Page 67

The short-term stability parameters are defined with, time referenced from the point at which the peak
response occurs and magnitude is measured relative to the peak response. All the parameters includ-
ing the peak response are defined and justified below, also see Figure 3.3.5:

1. The peak response is the maximum value reached by the time response or if the peak occurs
before the end of the input pulse it is the value that coincides with the end of the pulse. The peak
response is a measure of control responsiveness that must be greater than a minimum value for
adequate responsiveness and less than some maximum to avoid over· sensitivity.

ii. The initial delay is the value of the response (Yl) at a specified time (Tl = 0.5 sec)l from the
initiation of the control input and it must be greater than a lower limit (30%). This parameter
prevents the control response from exhibiting excessive sluggishness due to delays and lags.

iii. To avoid over·sensitivity the value of Yl must be less than an upper limit2, which is to be ad·
vised (TBA). Furthermore the response build up should possess no obtrusive hesitation.

iv. To achieve the desired stability the transient response must decay rapidly. This is verified using
the following parameters:

(a) The time taken (T30) to decay to less the 30% of the peak value must be less than an upper
limit (1 sec for level 1).
(b) The minimum value of the first trough (Xl) must be less than an upper limit (15% forlevel
1). The limit is expressed as a percentage of the peak value.
(c) The maximum value of the second peak (X2) must be less than an upper limit (10% for
level 1).

v. The accuracy with which the helicopter returns to the original datum after the pulse input, is
specified as a percentage of the peak value (XF) and must be achieved before TF seconds.

vi. Experience has shown that pilots find a small amount of overshoot desirable. For level 1 hand·
ling qualities it is therefore necessary to pass through the original datum. This point (To I ) must
fall between an upper and lower bound, and the second crossing point (To2 ) must be greater
than a lower limit. For level 2 compliance this overshoot criterion is replaced with a simpler
one. This states that the time (Tn) at which the response reaches 10% of the peak value must
lie between an upper and lower limit. To ensure the overshoot is discernible, the parameter Xl
requires a lower bound in addition to the upper bound. A value of ~ 1% was used in practice.

The criteria for the time history parameters are specified with respect to the flight phase, level of com-
pliance and for the active phase the severity of the manoeuvre. The bias of criteria towards the active
phase and lack of criteria for the passive phase reflects the significance of the short term dynamics in

1 This is a provisional value.

2ln discussions with Barry Pitkin, author of the Def-Stan 00-970, he indicated a value of 70% - 80% was appropriate.
3.3 The Def·Stan 00-970 Vol. 2 Part 6 Page 68

these phases. The reason for no level 3 criteria for aggressive manoeuvres in the active phase is that
a pilot is simply unable to embark on such a manoeuvre with severely degraded handling qualities.
The criteria for the longitudinal short term dynamics (Leaflet 60111 section 4) are summarised in
Table 3.3.3. The criteria for the lateral channel (Leaflet 60211 section 4) are identical except for a
slight increase in the required responsiveness. Table 3.3.3 shows that level 2 compliance permits a
greater sensitivity, a larger overshoot and a longer settling time. It also reveals that during, the active
flight phase, level 1 compliance can not be achieved with an attitude response type. Table 3.3.3 dis-
plays no direct consideration of the visual conditions and uses a classification based on pilot attention
level and manoeuvre type. The reason for this is that the visual conditions affect the pilot attention
level and the types of manoeuvre that are appropriate are indirectly considered. For instance, under
degraded visual conditions the pilot will only attempt gentle manoeuvres and is thus deemed to be in
the attentive flight phase which stipulates the desired attitude command. Using similar reasoning it
can be argued that small stick movements i.e. gentle manoeuvres, should invoke attitude command
whereas large stick movements (aggressive manoeuvres) should invoke rate command.

Phase Active Attentive

Man. Class Aggressive Moderate All
Level 1 2 1 2 1 2
Response Pitch Pitch Pitch Pitch Pitch Pitch
type rate rate rate att. att. att.
Peak 10-15 7-20 5-10 50 _ 10° 4° - 8° 40 -120
response o /sec o /sec o /sec
T 1(sec) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Yl% 30-TBA 30-TBA 30-TBA 30-TBA 30-TBA 30-TBA
T30(sec) <1 <1 <1 < 1.5 <1 < 1.5
Xl% 15 20 15 25 10 15
X2% 10 15 10 15 N/A N/A
TF(sec) 3 5 3 5 3 5
XF% 10 10 10 10 10 10
T01(sec) 1-2 N/A 1-2 N/A 1-2 N/A
T02(sec) >2 >2 >2 > 2.5 N/A N/A
Tll(sec) N/A 1-2 N/A 1.5 - 3 N/A 1.5 - 3

Table 3.3.3: The Def-Stan 00-970 longitudinal short-term stability handling qualities criteria as
defined in Leaflet 60111 section 4.

The time domain criteria outlined above are applied to the short term dynamics in the roll, pitch and
yaw channels. An alternative approach is applied to the heave channel (Leaflet 607/1). The criteria
are based around a first order response and specify the minimum time (TI) that a final value (XI)
should be reached and a window in which the maximum acceleration should occur. Unfortunately,
no quantitative data is given but since ADS 33 also uses a time domain approach based on a first order
response, quantitative data can be inferred from this specification.
The specification also considers the long term stability of attitude hold functions (Leaflet 60212 sec-
3.4 Discussion Page 69

tion 3 and Leaflet 60112 section 3) and requires that the trimmed attitude remains within a fixed tol-
erance for a minimum stipulated time. Requirements in terms of minimum time constants are stated
for inherently slow functions such as air speed control (Leaflet 60112) and translational velocity con-
trol (Leaflets 60113 and 60213). It is interesting to note that no quantitative criteria are given that
might be considered equivalent to the ADS 33 moderate amplitude specification. However, roughly
the same ground is covered with the following qualitative statement (Chapter 600 para 10.1.8):

'Rotorcraft response to control inputs in all channels shall be continuous, progressive

and predictable'

Control margins serve to ensure there is sufficient control power. They are specified as minimum
angular rates and attitudes that the pilot can invoke in each channel in a given time and are directly
equivalent to the ADS 33 large amplitude requirements.
Interaxis coupling is covered by a global statement (Chapter 600 para 10.1.7) very similar to that
stated by the ADS 33:

'Control inputs in a particular channel or axis shall not result in objectionable rotor-
craft responses being generated in other channels or axes, that cannot be contained by
relatively small (instinctive) corrections through the appropriate control channel (Leaf-
let 600/1 para 4). '

There are no quantitative requirements for coupling between angular rates and attitudes, however,
criteria are given for coupling between translational velocities.

3.4 Discussion
The ADS 33 is a detailed and stringent specification that contains a myriad of parameters that must be
evaluated in order to show compliance. To ease this task and save unnecessary over-design, a more
objective approach to the specification will be needed by the manufacture and procurer. For instance,
traditionally level one handling qualities are sought in all aspects of the specification. However, it
may be more practical through consideration of the vehicle role only to require level 2 for seldom-
executed MTEs. With this approach it is likely that some AFCS functions will not be required and
thus save considerable expense and development time. A possible candidate for exclusion is TRC.

The most significant difference between the ADS 33 and Def-Stan is their approach to the small amp-
litude dynamic response. The ADS 33 favours a frequency domain approach based on bandwidth,
damping ratio and natural frequency whereas the Def-Stan uses a time domain approach based on
the response to small input pulses. The frequency domain criteria lend themselves more readily to
many modern design techniques. For instance, the criteria can be used directly in a 11.00 based syn-
thesis [YP90], can be converted into ideal simplified transfer functions for 7-£00 based model match-
3.4 Discussion Page 70

ing techniques [SC94] and eigenstructure assignment [GL90]. Furthennore, the use of phase and
gain margins affords some measure of the degree of stability. This can be important in avoiding PlO.
A drawback of the frequency domain approach is the difficulty in showing compliance. Often non-
linearities obscure the mid-tenn response and identification using pilot applied or automatic fre-
quency sweeps is potentially destructive [Pad96, p. 371] and may be inconclusive. Furthennore,
much of the justification for the ADS 33 mid-tenn response criteria is based on the dutch roll re-
sponse of fixed wing aircraft [HMA+85]. The validity of this is questionable since, for helicopters,
such a response is often indiscernible, especially at low speeds. It is because of these drawbacks that
the Def-Stan has adopted a time domain approach which it justifies as follows (leaflet 600n para 6.1):

'The response of a particular flight parameter to any disturbance is the summation of

a number of periodic and aperiodic modes embracing a range frequency and damping
characteristics. The number of such modes is invariably increased with the incorpor-
ation of sophisticated stability and control augmentation systems. This mixing of often
well damped periodic and aperiodic modes makes it diffiCUlt to observe individual modes
and meaningfully apply classical frequency and damping factor criteria in stability ana-
lyses. Consequently the approach described above has been adopted. '

Previous time domain criteria have been criticised for using unnatural pilot commands such as step
inputs. Pulse inputs fonn a common element of pilot technique and are often applied in pairs, as
control doublets. Another criticism of the time domain approach is that a large number of parameters
is needed to assess compliance compared to the single bandwidth parameter required by the ADS
33. While several parameters are required, they are all far simpler to detennine than the channel
bandwidth. Furthennore, many facets of the vehicle response can lead to objectionable handling so
it is perhaps not unnatural that several parameters are required. However, the time domain approach
does have its limitations and the Def-Stan concedes that (leaflet 600n para 3.4.4):

•Further criteria, probably based on bandwidth concepts remain to be established to give

guidance on avoiding pilot induced oscillations, especially in the case of high control
power, highly augmented rotorcraft and in high gain piloting tasks.•

But equally, initial versions of ADS 33 [HMA+85] specification provided time domain criteria for
preliminary evaluation. The ADS 33 contains many innovations and a great deal of substantiated
quantitative data that is invaluable for design.
In summary, the two specifications display differences in tenninology, approach and character. The
ADS 33 is a more explicit specification where the procurer will be inclined to relax some require-
ments. The Def-Stan is a more qualitative specification, providing guidelines that provokes the pro-
curer and manufacturer to agree upon additional perfonnance criteria relevant to the helicopter and its
operational role. Finally. it should be appreciated that level one compliance with either specification
is not sufficient to demonstrate level one handling qualities, ultimately subjective test pilot evaluation
must also be undertaken.
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 71

3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design

Almost all AFCS control law design begins by determining the design goals from the relevant hand-
ling qualities specification. Handling qualities requirements are conceived from the aspect of demon-
strating compliance and thus must invariably be converted into an alternative format appropriate for
the controIIer synthesis technique. Poor judgement or a mistake in interpreting the handling qualities
requirements the will undermine the subsequent design effort. Thus design techniques that facilitate
a strong visible link between the interpreted design goals and the original handling qualities require-
ments, are more likely to succeed and promote confidence in the synthesis technique. Helicopter
control law design goals have been formulated in several ways:

1. Direct conversion into frequency domain weighting functions [Tak93b, Gri93, YP90, YP88,
WP90, Tak93a]. Both 1£00 and 11.2 can be used to shape aspects of the closed loop frequency
response. Generally the minimum singular value of key transfers functions such as sensitivity
and complementary sensitivity are manipulated using weighting functions [Mac89]. The de-
sired responses are often guided by the ADS 33 bandwidth and damping factor requirements,
although, some trial and error is often also necessary.

2. Direct conversion into time domain weighting functions [IS 90, Nar69]. The Linear Quadratic
Regulator (LQR) uses two positive definite weighting matrices in an integral time domain cost
function [AM89], adjusting the matrices alters the system response. Optimal solutions gener-
aIIy have a well damped response, however, trial and error is again often needed to get precisely
the desired response.

3. Generation of ideal transfer functions. This is probably the most popular approach and has
proved effective. The ideal transfer functions are usually first or second order systems that
meet the ADS 33 bandwidth and damping factor criteria. The ideal transfer functions may be
used in various controIIer synthesis techniques, for instance:

(i) Model following [OC92, MG94, Hin87]. This technique feeds the error, between the
ideal transfer functions and measured vehicle response, into a controller.

(ii) Model matching [IC94, WP96, MG93, Y193, SC94]. A controller is designed so that
closed loop system will approximate the ideal transfer functions. Minimisation of the
approximation error is often formulated as a 1£00 control problem. Interestingly, the ideal
model may be chosen for its time domain properties, for instance the step response models
(SRMs) used by Walker and PostIethwaite [WP96], but the model matching problem is
formulated in the frequency domain.

4. Generation of an ideal eigenstructure [MMS92, PMS85, GL90, GLP89a, LG93, CP72, SR75].
This is closely related to the ideal transfer function approach and these representations are
sometimes used interchangeably [GL90, GLP89a].
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 72

The eigenstructure and ideal transfer approaches both use very simple fully de coupled models that are
sometimes called conceptual models [Pad96]. In practice no control law will make a real helicopter
achieve the conceptual model. But the conceptual model is not intended to be a realistic design goal.
Its purpose is to visibly and unambiguously indicate an aim that will improve the handling qualities.
Many researchers have converted the ADS 33 requirements into controller synthesis design goals.
However, the Def-Stan does not share the same popularity and, to the author's knowledge, there is
no instance in the literature of the Def-Stan requirements being applied to controller synthesis. The
design goals used in this work are formulated as an ideal eigenstructure.

3.5.1 An Ideal Eigenstructure

Section 2.4 showed that examination of the system eigenstructure is a powerful analysis tool and a
well established branch of flight dynamics. A benefit of an ideal eigenstructure is that knowledge
and experience from analysis can be directly applied in design. This is particularly useful in ensur-
ing the ideal eigenstructure is plausible. While it may be idealistic, it should not contain any inherent
conflicts with the system physics. For instance, an ideal eigenstructure that attempts to decouple an-
gular rate from body attitude is likely to fail due to the kinematic relationship between these variables.
Equally, decoupling the linear velocities from the body attitudes or significantly moving the main ro-
tor flapping modes 3 is also fraught with problems.
The ideal eigenstructure has a strong link with the system time response. This is particularly helpful
in meeting time domain design goals. Consider the following state space system:

x = Ax+Bu (3.5.8)
y = Cx (3.5.9)

Where the input and output matrices are partitioned as follows:

B = [bI, ... , b r ] (3.5.10)

C = [er, ... ,e~] (3.5.11)

Then the time domain solution is [DH95]:

3The flapping modes may not be influenced since there is no measurement of flapping angle or its derivatives and only first
harmonic control of the aerodynamic moment.
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 73

Yi(t) =
2: CiVkeA~twkxO + 2: 2:

j=l k=l
(CiVk)(Wkbj) 10
eAIorUj(t - r) dr (3.5.12)

Where Wk and Vk are the left and right eigenvectors associated with Ak and Xo is the initial state vec-
tor. Equation (3.5.12) shows that the eigenvalue Ak determines the decay rate and natural frequency
of the mode e AIo t and terms CiVk, Wk h j and W kXO are scalars that determine the magnitude and phase
of the response. For instance, suppose an impulse is applied to one input (j = 1) and the initial state
vector (xo) is zero. Then the output reduces to:

Yi = 2: (CiVk)(Wkbl) eAIot (3.5.13)


The contribution of rea! modes to the output is a simple exponential decay scaled by (CiVk)(Wk hd·
The following definitions are helpful in understanding the effect of complex modes:

ak + Jbk = (CiVk)(Wkbd (3.5.14)

(Tk + JWk = Ak (3.5.15)

The contribution of a complex mode and its conjugate is:

(ak + Jbk)e(a.,.+JwIo)t + (ak - Jbk)e(ITIo-JWlolt = e ITIot [ak (eJWIot + e-JWIot ) - bk (e

- e- JWIot )]

= 2Va2 + b2 eITlot cos (Wkt + arctan (!:) )

It can be seen that the modulus and argument of ak + Jb k determine the magnitude and phase of
complex modes. The values of ak and bk depend on the input (B), output (C) matrices and the ei-
genvectors. By manipulating the eigenvectors (Vk, Wk) or, more directly, the modal coupling vectors
(Cv k, W kB) the phase and magnitude and of complex modes can be altered. The phasing of complex
modes will determine whether near-frequency modes combine constructively or destructively. Poor
phasing can lead to obtrusive peaks or lulls in the response. Hence the argument of complex entries
in the eigenvectors or modal coupling matrices should be used to adjust the mode phasing. Equa-
tion (3.5.13) shows that the outputs may contain a contribution from all the system modes. Hence
an almost universal requirement is to simplify or decouple the response by forcing only one or two
modes to appear in each output. This is achieved by manipulating the magnitude of entries in the ei-
genvectors or modal coupling matrices such that they have a predominantly block diagonal structure.
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 74

In addition to decoupling, forcing only one or two modes to appear in each output means fewer eigen-
value parameters will detennine the response in each output. This leads to a more visible relationship
between the eigenvalues and system response and greatly simplifies selection of ideal eigenvalue loc-
The eigenstructure has a strong link with system transfer function in its partial fraction expanded
fonn. Equation (3.5.16) shows the transfer function in dyadic or partial fraction expanded fonn.


There is a clear link between the eigenvectors or modal coupling matrices and the residue of each
mode. Fixing the relative size of different residues may be used to guide the construction of an ideal
An aim of this work is to produce an ideal eigenstructure that meets the Def-Stan 00-970 short term
stability criteria.

3.5.2 Ideal Roll and Pitch Eigenvalue Locations

It was decided to characterise the set of second order systems that meet the Def-Stan time domain
criteria. A second order system was chosen for the following reasons:

• This is simplest system that will meet the Def-Stan time domain criteria.

• Low order systems have a smooth predictable response which is consistent with the general
handling qualities requirements [MMS92].

• Two states are associated with the pitch (q, 0) and roll (p, ifJ) channels thus for a static feedback
solution it is appropriate to consider a second order system.

• Previous work using conceptual model based approaches has shown that low order systems are
effective [SC94, GL90, WP90].

Defining an ideal eigenvalue region rather than a single location avoids introducing unnecessary con-
straints at this early stage in the design. Consider the following second order system:


Let us define a pulse of width T:

3.S Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page7S

pet) = het) - het - T) (3.5.18)

Where het) is the Heaviside step function. Then the system response to a pulse input (P(t)) is:

yet) =1-
11--:=2 sin (Wd t + a) -
e-(w .. (t-T)
11--:=2 sin (Wd(t - T) + a)
1 het - T)
yl-(2 yl-(2


Wd = Wn y'1-(2 (3.5.20)

a = arccos(() = arctan ( ~) (3.5.21)

Assuming an input pulse width (T) of one second the Def-Stan indicates that ideaUy4 the first peak
should occur after the input pulse. For t <T the derivative of the output is:


. 1·les 0 = 8y(t)
a peak Imp at thus..

o= (w n sin (Wdt + a) - Wd cos (Wdt + a) (3.5.23)

= Jw~ + ((W n )2 sin (Wd t + a - arctan (,:d )) (3.5.24)


=Wn sin (Wdt) (3.5.25)

Hence the following constraint applies:


41n fact The Def-Stan 00-970 (Leaflet 600n para. 3.4.2) will tolerate a very small peak (Y2) before the end of the input
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 76

The Def-Stan references time with respect to the first peak. Hence an initial task is to find the location
of this peak. Assuming the peak occurs after T seconds, the derivative of the output response is:





e(w,.T sin (Wd T ) )

{3 = arctan ( 1 - e(wnT cos (WdT)

M = (1- e(wnT cos (WdT))2 + (e(w"T sin (WdT»2 (3.5.31)

Thus the initial peak occurs at:

tpk =-- (3.5.32)

Comparing Equation (3.5.28) with Equation (3.5.19) we see that for t >T the response to a pulse
(P(t» may be rewritten as:

yet) = yT=(2 [e,wnT sin (Wd(t - T) + 0:) - sin (Wdt + 0:)] (3.5.33)
1- (2
= yT=(2M sin (Wdt + 0: + (3) (3.5.34)
1- (2

It is clear from Equation (3.5.34) that the first zero crossing occurs at:

tz = 27r_-_0:_--,--{3

The Def-Stan (Leaflet 60111 para 4.2 and Leaflet 60211 para 4.2) requires the first zero crossing (t z )
occurs between one and two seconds after the initial peak (tpk) thus 1 < (tz - tpk) < 2 or equival-
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 77


The Def-Stan also stipulates that the second zero crossing (T02 ) should happen two seconds or more
after the initial peak thus:


In fact, for this simple second order case, if Equation (3.5.36) is satisfied then Equation (3.5.37) must
also be satisfied.

1<-- (3.5.38)

From Equation (3.5.21) we see a is always positive thus:

211' - 20: 211' - 0:

2< <-- (3.5.39)
Wd Wd

The ratio between the initial peak and first trough must be less than Xl = 0.15 (see Table 3.3.3) and
ideally greater than Xl = 0.01, from Equation (3.5.29) the first trough occurs at:

211' - f3
ttr = --- (3.5.40)

Thus the ratio is:


since - sin(8) = sin(1I' + 8)

=-e v"i"=Z2 (3.5.43)
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page7S

Hence the overshoot constraint reduces to a bound in the damping factor «().


The Def-Stan constraint on the second peak (X2) may be equally expressed as:


The Def-Stan specifies that TF = 3 seconds after the first peak. The steady state error should be less
XF = 0.10 of the initial peak. This can be interpreted as a constraint on the exponential envelope of
the pulse response. From Equation (3.5.42) we see:


The Def-Stan further specifies that the response should decay to less 30% of the peak value within
T30 = 1 seconds. Starting with Equation (3.5.41) some manipulation yields the following implicit


To avoid over-sensitivity or sluggishness the Def-Stan specifies the initial build up, that is Tl = 0.5
seconds from the inception of the pilot command, should lie between 0.30 and 0.75 of the peak re-
sponse. This constraint is hard to simplify mathematically since it straddles a discrete change in the
pilot command. However, some manipulation of Equation (3.5.19) and Equation (3.5.34) gives the
following implicit constraint:


The second order system has two degrees of freedom in the complex plane so each constraint can be
used to define a line that is a boundary of the allowed region. Most of the constraints can be separated
and plotted explicitly. However, both Equation (3.5.47) and Equation (3.5.48) require an implicit
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 79

An s-plane interpretation of the Def-Stan short tenn stability criteria






-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5
Real Axis

Figure 3.5.6: An s-plane interpretation of the Def-Stan short tenn stability criteria.

equation solver to be plotted.

The analytical constraints derived above were verified by constructing a second order system for each
of many points in the complex plane, simulating the responses to a pulse input and evaluating the
handling qualities of these responses. Figure 3.5.6 shows there is a clear correspondence between the
analytical constraints and tests points with level one handling qualities. The criteria used to construct
Figure 3.5.6 are for the active flight phase (see Table 3.3.3). The region defined by the attentive phase
differs in only one respect, the line Xl = 0.15 swings down to Xl = 0.10.
The Def-Stan criteria map to a well defined region in the complex plane, although some constraints
are seen to be subsumed by others. This is because second order systems produce a simple linear
response that does not exercise all the constraints. The response from a real helicopter would require
the additional constraints to be adequately classified. However, in this case, the dominant criteria are
easily identified as the first zero crossing T01 • the overshoot criterion Xl and the thirty percent decay
criterion T3 o.
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 80

While identifying an allowed eigenvalue region maintains flexibility it is also useful to define an ideal
location. This can be done from a frequency or time domain perspective. The frequency domain
approach simply requires placing a centre point in the allow region. A hand estimated location is:

).., = -1.8±)1.75 (3.5.49)

The time domain approach requires identifying a location where the response comfortably meets all
the time domain criteria. Any two of the time domain constraints can be used to define a point.
However, it is appropriate to use the dominant constraints identified above. Suppose the ideal re-
sponse achieves a 7.5% overshoot (Xl) and a zero crossing (TOl ) one and half seconds after the initial
peak. Then from Equation (3.5.44) and Equation (3.5.36):

0.075 = e-~7r (3.5.50)

1.5 = 7r - Cl(

Some rearrangement gives:

7r ....: tan (In(o.~75))

Wd = 1.5 (3.5.52)

r -In (0.075)
.. W n = Wd (3.5.53)

which evaluates to the following ideal point:

)..tl = -1.24 ± )1.51 (3.5.54)

An simpler approach that yields a good engineering approximation is to suppose that the first over-
shoot (or first trough) occurs two seconds after the initial peak (ttr - tpk = 2). This ensures that both
the zero crossing criteria are comfortably met and as before a 7.5% overshoot is specified. From
Equation (3.5.32), Equation (3.5.40) and Equation (3.5.42):
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 81

Wd=--- (3.5.55)
ttr - tpk
-In (0.075)
(w n = ---'------'- (3.5.56)
ttr - tpk


We see that the real and imaginary components are determined by very simple independent equations
and evaluation gives:

At2 = -1.30 ± 31.57 (3.5.58)

This simple approach can be used to generate an ideal point for the attentive phase criteria. In this
phase the criteria are generally the same except the first over shoot must be less than ten percent.
Choosing an ideal overshoot of five percent gives the following ideal point:

.At3 = -1.50 ± 31.57 (3.5.59)

The effect of zeros on the real axis was briefly investigated.


Zeros less than -20 from the imaginary axis have no discernible effect on the region defined by the
Def-Stan on the complex plane. As the zero moves closer to the imaginary axis the allowed region
is progressively cropped from left, each time reducing the maximum response decay rate «(w n ). For
instance, with a zero at -7 the region extends no further left than -2 and with a zero at -3 the allowed
region ceases to exist. The effect of a zero on the time response is to accentuate the changes in the
pilot command. Responses generally failed the Def-Stan criteria due to an excessive overshoot as the
pilot command was removed. This can be explained as follows, the zero can be conceptually moved
to the pilot input:

W~ (8 + z)
Y(8) = 82 + 2(Wn 8 + w~ u(s) (3.5.61)

y(s) = S 2 + 2(WnS + Wn2 [(8 + z) u(s)]
n (3.5.62)
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 82

An s-plane interpretation of the Def-Stan short term stability criteria

l .
xl=O.J5 '. I
\ I
I \. DR=<l.35
2 I /
Vl I I I
.;( 1.5
.( to 1=2i
....S'" 1


9 8 I'7
6 I'5 I I'3 I'2
0 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
-3.5 -3
Real Axis

Figure 3.5.7: An s-plane interpretation of the Def-Stan short tenn stability criteria plus the ADS 33
bandwidth and damping ratio loci and the ideal point At2.

The pilot input is now the sum of the original pulse and its derivative, a positive and negative impulse
at the pulse transitions. As the zero moves closer to the imaginary axis the relative contribution from
the derivative component increases causing a larger overshoot. Systems with a slower response are
less effected by this 'derivative kick' hence the allowed region progressively encompasses only the
slower systems.
It is worthwhile comparing these results with the ADS 33 criteria. Figure 3.5.7 shows both cri-
teria. The dot-dash lines running from the real axis are the ADS 33 bandwidth criteria (see Equa-
tion (3.2.5». The mid tenn response damping ratio criterion (DR = 0.35) is also indicated as a
dot-dash line and the asterix denotes the approximate ideal point At2. Second order systems achiev-
ing Def-Stan level one will generally have a bandwidth greater than 3 rad/s. This will meet the ADS
33 level one bandwidth criterions for all MTEs except target acquisition. The Def-Stan pennits a

5 Assuming a phase delay (Tp) less 0.25 seconds.

3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 83

minimum damping ratio of 0.52. This is a stricter requirement than the ADS 33 mid term response
criterion, which stipulates a minimum of 0.35. The ideal point has a bandwidth of 3.7Hz and a damp-
ing ratio of 0.64. This would meet the ADS 33 bandwidth criterion for the most demanding MTE,
target acquisition 6 • Despite being specified in different domains, for this case the ADS 33 and Def-
Stan show good consistency. While this result, for second order systems, offers some evidence that
the specifications are globally consistent, such an extrapolation would be unwise.

3.5.3 Ideal Heave and Yaw Eigenvalue Locations

The Def-Stan (Leaflet 603/1 para 4.2) yaw channel requirements are specified using the usual time
domain parameters and, except for the peak response, the criteria are equal to those for the roll and
pitch channels. However, it is initially planned to use only a static feedback controller and apply
rate damping in the yaw channel. Thus only the single real pole associated with the damped yaw
response will be assigned. The Def-Stan does offer some guidance for systems exhibiting a first order
response in yaw, although it assigns them level two handling qualities. From Table 3.3.3 the response
should comply with the sensitivity requirements (Yl, T l ) and the 10% decay requirement (Tl1 =
1 - 2). These requirements are straightforward to convert into an ideal range for the yaw pole (Ay),
for instance the 10% decay requirement becomes:

In (0.1) < A < In (0.1) (3.5.63)

- y - 2

which evaluates as:

1-2.3 $ Ay $ -1.21 (3.5.64)

The sensitivity requirement (Yb T l ) is:

1 - e AvT
0.3 < 1- eAvT 1 < 0.75 (3.5.65)

Where T is the input pulse width and will coincide with the peak response. This equation reduces to
a quadratic, the solution of which reveals:


6 Assuming a phase bandwidth less than 0.22 seconds.

3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 84

The ADS 33 specifies the small amplitude yaw response using bandwidth criteria. Garrad and Low
[GL90, LG93] suggest that, for first order systems, the bandwidths may be directly interpreted as pole
locations. For all MTEs except target acquisition and for phase delays less 0.2 seconds, a bandwidth
of > 2 rad/s will achieve level one handling qualities and> 0.5 will achieve level two. Thus for
level two compliance the ADS 33 implies the following bound on the yaw pole:

-2 < Ay < -0.5 (3.5.67)

This shows good agreement with the Def-Stan Criteria. Studies have shown [Pad96, p. 410] that
a yaw pole location between -2.2 and -4.1 will meet the ADS 33 level one criteria for the most de-
manding MTE.
Due to the lack of quantitative guidance in the Def-Stan (Leaflet 60711 para 4.2) for the desired heave
response, criteria will be drawn from the ADS 33. Both specifications assume a single dominant pole
(Aw) and the ADS 33 requirements (see Table 3.2.2) almost directly specify:


The limited authority of the series actuators and strong physical influence of the inflow dynamics
mean that the heave pole can not be greatly effected by feedback. Despite this, some researchers
[GL90] have attempted to assign some ambitious heave pole locations (Aw = -4).
For attitude and rate command response types the poles associated with the linear velocities (u, v)
may not be significantly influenced by feedback and should instead remain at the location dictated by
the system physics. For instance, suppose a helicopter has attitude command. Then the body attitude
orientates the thrust vector which, predominantly determines the build-up of the linear velocities.
Any attempt to significantly modify the build up oflinear velocities will require a change in attitude,
which is inconsistent with attitude command.
For translation rate command both specifications require the linear velocities to have a dominant first
order response. The ADS 33 requires a time constant of between 2.5 and 5 seconds and the Def-Stan
(Leaflet 60213 para 2.4) requires a settling time of less five seconds.
The two previous sections have demonstrated a clear link between the handling qualities require-
ments and the ideal system modes. Even for complex requirements with multiple constraints a clear
and simple link to the ideal pole location has been established (see Equation (3.5.55) and Equa-
tion (3.5.56)). An attempt has been made to produce ideal modes that are consistent with both the
Def-Stan and ADS 33 requirements. Specifying the system modes alone is not sufficient to guaran-
tee a good response. One must also consider how they are distributed.
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 85

3.5.4 Ideal Eigenvectors

Two aims drove the derivation of the ideal eigenvectors:

1. Decoupling the modes into the appropriate outputs.

2. Ensuring the eigenvectors were consistent with the physical relationships between the state

The states were initially divided into four groups; longitudinal (u, q, f), lateral (v, p, 4», yaw (r)
and heave (w). Each group is fully decoupled from the others and, for the longitudinal and lateral
groupS, a transfer function approach was used to preserve integral relationship between the states.
Consider a longitudinal or lateral third order subsystem. Two poles will be assigned to the system,
one complex pole pair (A1 I ),1) to determine the attitude and rate responses and one real pole (A2)
associated with the linear velocity response. The attitude (f), 4» is approximately the integral of the
rate (q, p) and the linear velocity mode (A2) should not be visible in both rate and attitude outputs. All
modes will be visible in the linear velocity outputs (u , v) since they are related to body attitudes via
the linear velocity modes. The preceding description leads to the following ideal transfer functions,
which illustrate the longitudinal case:

'U 1
= (3.5.69)
El (s + Ad(s + ),t}(s + A2)
q s
= (3.5.70)
El (s + Ad(s + AI)
f) 1
-= (3.5.71)
El (s + Ad(s +),d

Suppose the third order subsystem has an input matrix Bs = [0 1 0] T, output matrix Cs = 13 ,
left and right eigenvector matrices denoted Ws and Vs and eigenvalue matrix denoted As. Then
the subsystem transfer function matrix (Gs (s» may be expressed as:

Gs (s) = Cs Vs (sI - As )-1 Ws Bs (3.5.72)

For the longitudinal case, the above is expanded as follows:

(S+Al) (3.5.73)
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 86

The zeros in Cs Vs arise because the mode >'2 should not be visible in q and e. Equation (3.5.73)
can be evaluated to give:

U f1f1 T1t1 T4t2

B1 = (s + >'d + (8 + Ad + (8 + >'2)
q 7'2t1 T2t1

= (8+>'d +~~-:-

() f3t1 T3 t 1
B1 = (8+A1) + (8+Ad

By equating coefficients with the numerators of the ideal transfer functions, the eigenvector elements
T1, ••• , T 4 and t1, t2 can be calculated, as shown below:


Sl : 0 = 7'lt1A2 + T1t1A2 + fd1A1 + Tlt1>'1 + T4t2AI + T4t2A1 (3.5.78)

o - - -
s : 0 # f1tlA1A2 + Tlt1AIA2 + T4 t 2 A I>'1 (3.5.79)





However, not all the elements can be arbitrarily assigned since the left and right eigenvectors must

13 = WsVs (3.5.84)

Which can be converted into the following constraints on T1, .,. , T 4 and t 1 , t2:
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design PageS7

Or =
[0 1


~l:l + r,t,+ r,t,

T2tl + T2tl
T3tl + T3tl 1


Examination of Equation (3.5.86) shows that the constraints (3.5.77), (3.5.80) and (3.5.82) will be
inherently satisfied. If Equation (3.5.80) is satisfied then it clear that:


will satisfy Equation (3.5.81). It only remains to solve Equation (3.5.78), eliminating T4t2 by substi-
tuting Equation (3.5.77), some rearrangement and comparison with Equation (3.5.82) yields:


Eigenvectors are unique up to scaling therefore, for convenience, let us assume that both T, and T3
are equal to unity. The desired closed loop eigenvectors are:

~ (A2~Atl
Vs =
[ ..L
oolJ (3.5.89)

We see that the linear velocity mode ()'2) will be un observable in the attitude (0, ~) and rate (p, q)
outputs, which is consistent with the original requirements. In practice, assigning the desired eigen-
vectors may not ensure that the linear velocity mode is completely unobservable, but this can be
achieved by assigning the pole and eigenvector to be coincident with the open loop zero and zero dir-
ection (see Section 2.4.3). In fact, the open loop zero directions are encouragingly consistent with the
ideal eigenvectors. The use of the open loop zeros has also been proposed by Manness and Murray-
Smith [MMS92]. Their motivation was quite different and based on simplifying the system dynam-

The complete set of ideal eigenvectors may be constructed from the four decoupled blocks as shown
3.5 Handling Qualities and Control Law Design Page 88

1 1 1
u (A,,-Aq)
0 0 0 0 0
(>'" -Aq)
1 1
q >.q 0 0 0 0 0 0
() 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1
V 0 0 0 (>'v-Ap) (A"-Xp)
1 0 0
= (3.5.90)
1 1
P 0 0 0 Ap Ap 0 0 0
<P 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
w 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Using a different approach Garrad et al [GLP89a] present a set of ideal vectors which are broadly
consistent with those presented above.
It is important to point out that a key assumption in deriving the desired eigenvectors was the ideal
nature of Cs and Bs. While we can be sure that Cs = 13 , it is unlikely that Bs = [0 1 0] T
will be satisfied exactly. For example, the normalised input matrix for the longitudinal and lateral
subsystems is:

0.26 ] 0.15]
Bl on = -6.88 Bl B 1at = 26.7 Al (3.5.91)
Matters will be improved by the interlinks which can be considered as a static gain network that de-
couples the inputs.
The preceding ideal eigenvectors are for small pilot commands, that is pilot stick motions before the
force break out point, since they will give attitude command. A natural topic for further work is to
derive ideal eigenvectors for rate command. Much of the work required to do this can be draw from
this chapter. For instance, the ideal pole locations for the roll, pitch and yaw rate response will be the
same as those derived for the attitude response in Section 3.5.2. However, the pole will be associated
purely the with angular rate and an additional compensator pole will be needed to form the complex
pair. The need for a compensator is consistent with the conventional approach where washed out
attitude is often fed back. The attitude response will have a single pole associated with it. This should
be determined by the kinematic relationship with the angular rate, since moving this pole by feeding
back body attitude will introduce attitude command. The same argument applies to the feed back of
the linear velocities which will introduce translation rate command. Since both the attitude and linear
velocity modes should not be seen in the rate response, their associated eigenvector and eigenvalues
may be placed using the open loop zeros. The heave and yaw eigenvectors and eigenvalues may be
assigned as before.
3.6 Summary Pa~e89

Another interesting topic for further work would be to replace the algebraic technique above with an
automated numerical technique. The motivation for this is that the approach above reduces to solving
several linear equations. which can be efficiently computed numerically. Ideally. the numerical tech-
nique would accept values for the ideal pole locations. the actual system input and output matrices
and the desired zero polynomials for key transfer functions. It would produce a set of eigenvectors
that. if achieved. would realise the desired zero polynomials. Such a technique would form a use-
ful addition to the eigenstructure assignment technique. allowing ideal eigenvectors to be formulated
from a mixture of time domain considerations and zero placement.

3.6 Summary
This chapter described the two currently most important rotorcraft handling qualities specifications
(the ADS 33 and Def-Stan 00-970) and. in particular, compared and contrasted their approach to the
small amplitude dynamic response. The Def-Stan criteria were employed to develop an ideal eigen-
structure. This was achieved and a visible link between the requirements and final eigenstructure
was demonstrated. It was further shown that the ideal eigenstructure is consistent with the ADS 33
requirements. Some topics for further work have been mentioned these include; construction of a rate
command ideal eigenstructure and development of a method for generating eigenvectors that realise
a specified zero structure.

3.7 References
[AMS9] BOO Anderson and JB Moore. Optimal Control and Linear Quadratic Methods. Information and System Sci-
ences Series. Prentice-Hall International Inc., 1989.

[AVS89] AVSCOM. Handling qualities requirements for military rotorcraft. Army Aeronautical Design Standard
ADS33c, US Army Aviation Systems Command, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis Missouri, August 1989.

[BP94] CL Blanken and Heinz-Jiirgen Pausder. Investigation of the effects of bandwidth and time delay on helicopter
roll-axis handling qualities. Journal of The American Helicopter Society, pages 24-33, July 1994.

[CP72] TR Crossley and B Porter. Synthesis of helicopter stabilization systems using modal control theory. J. Aircraft,
9(1):3-S, January 1972.

[DH9S] JJ D' Azzo and CH Houpis. Linear Control System Analysis and Design: Conventional and Modern. McGraw-
Hill Electrical Engineering Series. McGraw-Hill, 4th edition, 1995.

[GL90] WL Garrad and E Low. Eigenspace design of helicopter flight control systems. Technical report DAAL03-86-
K-0056, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota., November 1990.

[GLPS9] WL Garrad, E Low, and S Prouty. Design of attitude and rate command systems for helicopters using eigen-
structure assignment. Journal of Guitiance, Control and Dynamics, 12(6):783-791, November 1989.

[Gri93] JJ Gribble. Linear quadraticJ100p transfer recovery design for a helicopter in low·speed flight. Journal of Guid·
ance, Control and Dynamics, 16(4):754-761, July 1993.

[HCS6] RP Harper and GE Cooper. Handling qualities and pilot evaluation. Journal of Guidance and Dynamics,
9(5):515-529, September 1986.

[HinS7] WS Hindson. Implementation and flight-test of a multi-mode rotorcraft flight·control system for single-pilot use
in poor visibility. In Mid·east Region National Specialists' Meeting in Rotorcrajt Flight Controls and Avionics,
pages 1-21, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, October 1987. American Helicopter Society.
3.7 References Page 90

[HMA+85] RH Hoh, DG Mitchell, IL Ashkenas, BL Aponso, SW Ferguson, TJ Rosenthal, DL Key, and CL Blanken. Back-
ground information and user's guide for the proposed handling qualities requirements for military rotorcraft.
Technical report 1194-3, Systems Technology Inc., 13766 South Hawthorne Boulevard, Hawthorne, California
90250, December 1985.
[Hoh88] RH Hoh. Dynamic requirements in the new handling qualities specification for U.S. military rotorcraft. In Heli-
copter Handling Qualities and Control, pages 4.1-4.17. The Royal Aeronautical Society, November 1988.
[IC94] SJ Ingle and R Celi. Effects of higher order dynamics on helicopter flight control law design. Journal (if The
American Helicopter Society, pages 12-23, July 1994.
[IS90] M Innocenti and C Stanziola. Performance-robustness trade-off of cigenstructure assignment applied to rotor-
craft. Aeronautical Journal, 94(934):124-131, 1990.
[Key88] DL Key. A new handling qualities specification for U.S. military rotorcraft. In Helic(/pter Handling Qualities
and Control, pages 3.1-3.18. The Royal Aeronautical Society, November 1988.
[LG93] E Low and WL Garrad. Design of flight control systems to meet rotorcraft handling qualities specifications.
Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 16(1):69-78, January 1993.
[Mac89] JM Maciejowski. Multivariable Feedback Design. Electronic Systems Engineering. Addison Wesley, 1989.
[Mc\90] D Mclean. Automatic Flight Control Systems. Systems and Control Engineering. Prentice Hall International,
[McR91] D McRuer. Estimation of pilot ratings via pilot modeling. Technical memoradum, Systems Technology Inc.,
13766 S. Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250, 1991.
[MG93] Z Mirfakhraie and WL Garrard. Design of helicopter control system to meet handling quality specification using
1-1.00 techniques. In AIM Guidance. Navigation and Control Conference, pages 1336-1341. AIAA, 1993.
[MG94] Z Mirfakhraie and WL Garrard. Implicit and explicit model-following helicopter flight controllers. In AIM
Guidance. Navigation and Control Conference, pages 1358-1365. AIAA, 1994.
[MMS92] MA Manness and DJ Murray-Smith. Aspects of multivanable flight control law design for helicopters using
eigenstructure assignment. Journal of The American Helicopter Society. 37(3): 18-32, July 1992.
[Nar69] RD Murphy K S Narendra. Design of helicopter stabilization systems using optimal control theory. J. Aircraft,
6(2):129-136, March 1969.
[OC92] S Osder and D Caldwell. Design and robustness issues for highly augmented helicopter controls. Journal of
Guidance. Control and Dynamics, 15(6): 1375-1387, November 1992.
[Pad96] GD Padfield. Helicopter Flight Dynamics. Blackwell Science Ltd, 1996.
[Pit89] B Pitkin. Right and ground handling qualities. Military Defence Specification DEF-STAN 00-970, Ministry of
Defence, September 1989.
[PMS85] DLK Parry and DJ Murray-Smith. The application of modal control theory to the single rotor helicopter. In The
11 th European Rotorcraft Forum, pages 78-1-78-16, 1985.
[SC94] XD Sun and T Clarke. Robust 1-I.00 -based implicit model-following control of helicopters. In IFAC Symposium
on Robust Control Design, pages 249-254. lFAC, September 1994.
[SR75] S Srinathkumar and RP Rhoten. Eigenvalueleigenvector control via spectral characterisation: An application to
helicopter hover dynamics. In 9 th ASILOMAR Conference on Circuits Systems and Computers, pages 605-609,
University of Santa Clara Naval Postgraduate School, San Francisco, California, November 1975. IEEE Circuits
and Systems Society and IEEE Control Systems Society.
[Tak93a] MD Takahashi. 1-1.00 helicopter control law design with and without rotor state feedback. In AIM Guidance.
Navigation and Control Conference, pages 1323-1335. AIAA, 1993.
[Tak93b] MD Takahashi. Synthesis and evaluation of an 1-/.2 control law for a hovering helicopter. Journal of Guidance,
Control and Dynamics, 16(3):579-584, May 1993.
[WP90] D Walker and I Postlethwaite. Full authority active control system design for a high performance helicopter.
In Proceedings of the 16th Annual European Rotorcrajt Forum, pages III.3.2.1-14, Glasgow, Scotland, UK,
September 1990. Royal Aemautical society.

[WP96] DJ Walker and I Postlethwaite. Advanced helicopter flight control using two-degree-of-freedom 1-1.00 optimiz-
ation. Jour1lll1 (if Guidance. Contml and Dynamics, 19(2):461-468, March 1996.

[Y193] JS Young and CE lino Refined 1-I. oo -optimal approach to rotorcraft ftight control. Journal of Guidance, Control
and Dynamics, 16(2):247-255, April 1993.
[YP88] A Yue and I Postlethwaite. Robust helicopter control laws for handling qualities enhancement. In Helicopter
Handling Qualities and Control, pages 14.1-14.17. The Royal Aeronautical Society, November 1988.
[YP90] A Yue and I Postlethwilite. Improvement of helicopter handling qualities using 1-1.00 optimisation. lEE Proceed-
ings D, 137(3):115-129, May 1990.
Chapter 4

Feedback Design for Performance

4.1 Introduction.............. 91
4.2 The State Feedback Problem . . . . . 92
4.3 Projection With Eigenvalue Trade-off . 95
4.4 Practical Implementation . . . . . . . 102
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem . . . . 105
4.6 Direct Assignment of the Modal Coupling Matrices 157
4.7 Dynamic Compensation . . . . 163
4.8 Summary and Further Work . 169
4.9 References . . . . . . . . . . . 170

4.1 Introduction
This chapter gives an exposition of the current eigenstructure assignment theory and develops some
extensions that are generically relevant to practical engineering problems. Although, the impetus
for the extensions was to develop tools that support helicopter control law design. The work in this
chapter concentrates on achieving performance design goals, robustness is addressed in the follow-
ing chapter. Initially, the state feedback case is considered which is obviously inappropriate for the
helicopter problem, but is theoretically fundamental. From this basis an algorithm is developed that
enables a trade-off between eigenvalue and eigenvector design goals. Attention then focuses on the
more realistic output feedback case, where a practical and versatile algorithm is developed. Several,
enhancements to the basic algorithm are derived; the theme of which is to provide the engineer with
the tools to maximally exploit the available design freedom. It is argued that direct assignment of the
modal coupling matrices is more appropriate for the output feedback case and a technique that com-
plements the eigenstructure assignment algorithm is developed. Finally, the approach is extended to
include to dynamic compensation.

Page 91
4.2 The State Feedback Problem Page 92

4.2 The State Feedback Problem

The state feedback problem can be stated as follows:

Given a state space system (A, B) find a real gain matrix (K) that assigns a desired set
of self-conjugate eigenvalues {Adi} and right eigenvectors {Vdi}.

Most of the interest in this problem was initiated after Wonham [Won67] showed that controllability
of the pair (A. B) was a necessary and sufficient condition to assign a set of arbitrary eigenvalues
using state feedback. Early techniques used transformation to controllable canonical form or block
Jordan form [Pcn. AL67]. These techniques often ignored the freedom offered by multiple input
systems or used dyadic controllers [FaIn] to reduce them to equivalent single input systems. The
modern topic of eigenstructure assignment began in earnest when Moore [Mo076] illustrated how
the extra freedom offered by multiple input systems could be used to place the poles arbitrarily and
manipulate the closed loop eigenvectors. A summary of this important result is given as follows:

Consider the following state feedback system:

:ic = Ax+Bu (4.2.1)

u = Kx (4.2.2)

where A E IRnxn. BE IRnxr. K E IRrxn and rank (B) = r. The closed loop system matrix is:

ACL =A+BK (4.2.3)

Let (Ai. Vi) be a closed loop eigenvalue and eigenvector pair. Then from the definition of the closed
eigenvectors we see:

ACLVi = Aivi (4.2.4)

0 = (A - Ail)vi + BKvi (4.2.5)

0 = [A - Ail B] [:~J (4.2.6)

Thus a subspace may be calculated in which the closed loop eigenvector and gain-eigenvectorproduct
must reside:
4.1 The State Feedback Problem Page 93


Where ker (X) is the null space of X. It follows that for some fi E er xl:


Equation (4.2.S) demonstrates the necessity for a closed loop eigenvector associated with the eigen-
value Ai to be a member ofrange (Q). Moore [Mo076] shows that eigenvectors may be arbitrarily
selected from range (Q) providing conditions Cl to C3 below, are met:

Cl Selected Vi are linearly independent.

C2 Vi = conj (Vk) whenever Ai = Ak.

C3 The eigenvalues Ai should be distinct l •

Where the operator conj (X) produces the matrix X with each element complex conjugated.
Moore also illustrates the practical relevance of being able to select the closed loop eigenvectors
through their direct influence on the system time response. Many researchers developed this approach
further, often using least squares projection [ASCS3, SCSI, SS85a, SSS5b. SSA94] to achieve eigen-
vectors as close as possible to a desired set {v dj}. This approach has proved particularly applicable
to aerospace pr~blems [FarS9. GLP89a, SS91. SC92]. Other researchers used the extra design free-
dom to reduce the sensitivity of the closed loop eigenvalues to perturbation in the closed loop system
matrix. It was shown by [Wil65. GilS4] that eigenvalue sensitivity is at a minimum when the eigen-
vectors are orthogonal. That is

VV*=I (4.2.9)

Where V is the closed loop modal matrix and defined as V = [Vl' ... ,Vn] .
Algorithms for assigning near-orthogonal eigenvectors were developed by [KNDS5. 00S9.
BNS9. BP91. Bur90]. These algorithms also form the basis for numerically stable pole placement

lThis condition was introduced by Moore [Moo76] to simplify the exposition and later removed by Porter and D'Azzo
[PD78] who show how to assign genernl block Jordan fonns.
4.2 The State Feedback Problem Page 94

Solutions for the gain matrix that express the eigenvector design freedom as a set of independent
free parameters (parametric solutions) were developed by [F082, F083]. Initial solutions required
that the open loop and closed loop eigenvalues should not coincide, this was later overcome [FT84].
O'Reilly and Fahmy [OF85] also explored the amount of design freedom available and showed it to
depend on the exact Jordan form that is assigned. Minimal parametric solutions form the basis for
many optimisation approaches: [Rop83, Dua92a]. The approaches of Fahmy and O'Reilly [F083]
and Moore [Mo076] were unified in the work of Duan [Dua93, Dua94, Dua92b]. Duan showed both
solutions to be a special case of a more general approach. Some basic properties of state feedback
are listed below:

• If a system is controllable then state feedback may arbitrarily assign the closed loop poles

• The right eigenvectors of uncontrollable modes may be manipulated by state feedback

[Mo076], but not the left.

• If rank (B) = T the right eigenvectors may be selected from a subspace of dimension at least

• State feedback may alter the observability [SK76] of a system but not the controllability
[Br09!, p. 446].

• The invariant and transmission zeros are unaffected by state feedback [MK76, SK76].

In the remainder of this chapter A, B, C will denote a state space triple. Where A E IRnxn ,
B E jRnxr and C E jRmxn. It is assumed the matrices Band C are full rank. The rank assumption
eliminates consideration of redundant inputs and outputs. If B or C is rank deficient then an input
or output may be constructed from other inputs or outputs. Although, this may have practical im-
plications from a theoretical point of view a redundant input exerts no new influence over the plant
and may be ignored. Equally, a redundant output provides no new feedback information and is also
Chapter 3 demonstrated that eigenvector assignment will form an important part of any flight control
law design using eigenstructure assignment, since orthogonalisation alone will be insufficient to meet
the design goals. This statement is further supported by the fact that all the notable applications of
eigenstructure assignment to flight control law design have used projection-based techniques [GL90,
MMS92]. With this in mind it is worthwhile trying to maxim ally exploit the design freedom with
which one is able to assign eigenvectors.
4.3 Projection With Eigenvalue Trade-oft Page 95

4.3 Projection With Eigenvalue Trade-off

4.3.1 Introduction

Most eigenstructure assignment algorithms to-date do not permit the designer to trade-off the desired
eigenvalues and eigenvectors [SSA94, DH88]. It is clear from Equation (4.2.7) that the eigenvalue
location determines the allowed eigenvector subspace (range (Q)) and thus affects how well the de-
sired eigenvector can be approximated.
It is also true that most aircraft specifications do not require exact pole placement, but will be satisfied
by a value within a desired region [Dav94, Dep80]. In Section 3.5.2 it was demonstrated that the
Def-Stan 00-970 effectively specifies a well defined region in the complex plane and thus eigenvalue
trade-off is appropriate for helicopter control law design.
Other researchers [WCY91, LH92, PMS85] have developed techniques that enable eigenvalue trade-
off. However, in these cases the trade-off is part of a large optimisation that manipulate weighting
matrices or the gain matrix directly. The approach taken here is to consider the trade-off between
the eigenvalue location and the associated eigenvector. To perform the trade-off one firsts needs a
relative figure of merit for a given eigenvalue location and allowed eigenvector subspace. The merit
of an allowed eigenvector subspace is measured by how closely a vector within the subspace can
approximate a desired eigenvector, in a least squares sense. Two approaches are used to measure the
merit of an eigenvalue location. The first costs the distance from an ideal point and the second defines
an allowed region for the eigenvalue. The eigenvalue figures of merit lead to an unconstrained and a
constrained optimisation respectively. In both cases only the eigenvalue location is optimised. This
technique forms a logical extension to the popular projection method [ASC83, SC81, SS85a, SS85b,
SSA94, Far89]. A more rigorous statement of the problem is given below:

4.3.2 The Problem

Consider the state feedback system of Equation (4.2.1). By definition the closed loop eigenvector
(V) and eigenvalue (A) matrices satisfy:

V-I (A + BK) V =A (4.3.10)

Where the columns of V are the closed loop eigenvectors (Vi):


and principal diagonal of the matrix A contains the closed loop eigenvalues (Ai):
4.3 Projection With Eigenvalue Trade-otT Page 96


For the unconstrained optimisation problem the objective is to find the feedback gain K which min-
imises the cost function below:

Ju = IIVD - VII} + IIAD - All} (4.3.13)

Where VD is a matrix of the desired eigenvectors (Vdi):


the matrix AD has a principal diagonal equal to the desired eigenvalues (Adi):


11 • IIF is the matrix Frobeinus Norm. The constrained optimisation problem is formulated as:

Jc = IIVD - VII} subject to A E AA (4.3.16)

Where AA is the set of all allowed eigenvalue locations. The following assumptions are made:

Al VD, AD must form a self-conjugate set.

A2 The spectrum of AD must be distinct.

A3 The pair (A, B) must be controllable.

A4 The matrix V must satisfy det(V) i:- o.

Assumption A3 may be ignored if one only considers a controllable subsystem. Assumption A2 has
been introduced to simplify this exposition. It may also be removed, but this will result in a more com-
plicated technique. Assumption A4 ensures that the assigned eigenvectors are linearly independent.
4.3 Projection With Eigeovalue Trade-off Page 97

4.3.3 The Solution

The cost functions of Equation (4.3.13) can be broken down into n independent optimisation prob-
lems by considering each column independently. The unconstrained problem becomes:



Where 11·112 is the vector 2-norm or Euclidean norm and 1·1 is the modulus operator. The constrained
problem becomes:



Where -Xai is the set of allowed eigenvalue locations for Ai.

The next step is to remove the dependence of the cost function on the vector Vi. This is achieved by
describing the allowed eigenvector subspace from which viis selected as a function of the eigenvalue
location (s). A basis for the subspace is formed whereby each element of the matrix is a polynomial
function of the eigenvalue location.
Consider the polynomial matrix N (s) of maximum and full rank that satisfies:

0= [A - sI B] N(s) (4.3.21)

N(s) can be compatibly partitioned with respect to Equation (4.3.21), as follows:

N(s) = [Q (S)] (4.3.22)


Where Q (s) is a polynomial matrix with columns that spans the closed loop eigenvector subspace
4.3 Projection With Eigenvalue Trade-off Page 98

for a given eigenvalue location (s). Methods for calculating N( 8) are discussed in Appendix C.l. By
introducing a design vector fi, that selects a specific eigenvector from the allowed subspace, the cost
function JUi may now be expressed as follows:


and similarly for the constrained case:


Examination of the cost function shows that the minimisation may be performed in two stages. First,
solve for the optimum design vector (fi ) as a function of the eigenvalue location (8), then find the
optimum eigenvalue location. Mathematically, the unconstrained problem becomes

JUi = T~~ [IIVd i - Q(s) fill~ + I>\di - S12] (4.3.25)

= m}n [1I}~n(llvdi-Q(S)filln +1'\di-sI2] (4.3.26)

and the constrained problem becomes:

JCi = min [min (IIVd i

BEAai fi
- Q(8) fill~)] (4.3.27)

The first optimisation is a standard least squares problem [Bro91, p. 222] and has an analytical solu-
tion. The solution produces a function for the optimum design vector, denoted fo i , as a function of
eigenvalue location (s).


Where (-)t is the pseudo inverse and 0$ is the conjugate transpose. If Q (8) is full rank2 then the
solution can be expressed as follows:

2Q (s) will be full rank if B is full rank.

4.3 Projection With EigenvaJue Trade-off Page 99


The optimum design vector (foi) can be substituted into Equation (4.3.23) to calculate the minimum
value of the cost function as follows:


and equally for the constrained case:


A second optimisation is conducted over the eigenvalue location. For the case of assigning real eigen-
values both the unconstrained and the constrained optimisation problems can be solved analytically.
Since, in both cases, the cost function evaluates to a rational polynomial in s. The set of all stationary
points eAu, .xc) can be found by differentiation and solution of the resulting numerator polynomial.
The set of stationary points for the unconstrained problem is defined as:

.xu = {s: 0 = alU.}

as' (4.3.32)

and equally for the constrained case:

.xc = {s: 0 = ale.

} (4.3.33)

To solve the unconstrained problem one must evaluate all the extrema and select the global minimum


For the constrained problem one must only evaluate the extrema within the allowed region and the
values at the boundaries of the allowed region, the global minimum is selected from this set.
4.3 projection With Eigenvalue Trade-off Page 100


Unfortunately, for the complex case an analytic solution has not yet been found and numerical tech-
niques must be applied. The fundamental difficulty is that the complex case is a problem in two vari-
ables, the real and imaginary parts of s. The extrema occur when the partial derivatives with respect
to both the real and imaginary part are zero. This requires the simultaneous solution of two non-linear
equations in two unknowns which, unlike the single variable case, does not have a general solution.
The drawback of numerical optimisation is that it is not guaranteed to find the global minimum.
However, generally for both the unconstrained and constrained problems, numerical techniques do
converge on the global minimum. For the unconstrained case this is because costing the distance
from an ideal point forces the global minimum to be near the ideal point, which thus forms a natural
starting point for the optimisation. The constrained problem usually converges to a solution on the
region boundary for, generally, there is no minimum within the region. Thus the chances of there
being two minima and the algorithm converging to the wrong one are slim.
To set up the unconstrained optimisation problem for an algorithm such as Nelder Mead [WaI75,
Gra95] it is only required to represent s as two real variables rather than one complex variable. The
constrained optimisation requires a little more setting up, as the allowed regions must be described
by a set of inequalities. In most cases it suffices to describe the allowed region as a circle or rectangle,
both of which are simple to express as inequality constraints.
Once the optimal eigenvalue locations ().0i) have been found one proceeds to calculate the gain mat-
rix. Using the optimal eigenvalue locations ().oi) the corresponding design vectors fO i are calculated
(see Equation (4.3.28». These are used to form the matrices S and V as shown below:

V = [Q().ol)fo 1 , ••• ,Q().on)fon] (4.3.36)

S = [P('\odfol, ... ,P(Aon)fon] (4.3.37)

The gain matrix is given by the formula below:

K =SV- 1 (4.3.38)

Equation (4.3.38) reveals the necessity for assumption A4. The closed loop system matrix is:

ACL = A + BK = V A V-I (4.3.39)

4.3 Projection With Eigenvalue Trade-off Page 101

Example 4.3.1
The following example uses the linearised lateral dynamics of the Flight Propulsion Control Coup-
ling (FPCC) fixed-wing aircraft [SSA94, SL89] to demonstrate the benefit of eigenvalue trade-off
over basic projection. It should be noted that a helicopter model has not been employed because the
large size of the model would produce a cumbersome example that obscures the demonstration. Fur-
thermore, state feedback is not appropriate to the helicopter problem and thus, later, this technique
will be extended to the output feedback case.

Xl -0.340 0.0517 0.001 -0.997 0 Xl 0.0755 0

0 0 1 0 0 X2 0 0

X3 = -2.69 0 -1.15 0.738 0 X3 + 4.48 5.22
X4 5.91 0 0.138 -0.506 0 X4 -5.03 0.0998
Xs -0.34 0.0517 0.001 0.0031 0 Xs 0.0755 0

Where Xl is side slip angle (deg), X2 is bank angle (deg), X3 is roll rate (deg/s), X4 is yaw rate
(deg / s), Xs is flight-path angle (deg), 8r is rudder (deg) and 8a is aileron deflection (deg). The de-
sired eigenvectors and eigenvalues are:

Adl,2 = -2 ±)2 Ad3,4 = -3 ± )2 Ads = -0.5

1 0 0
* *
0 0 1 0
Vdl,2 = 0 ±) 0 Vd3,4 = 1 ±)
* Vds = 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1

Where * denotes 'do not care'. The above system and desired eigenstructure were used to perform
simple projection. To measure the success of the projection, the norm of the projection error (ei) was


The same problem was reformulated with allowed eigenvalue regions rather than locations. The re-
gions were defined as circles around the original desired eigenvalue locations with a radius of 20%
of the eigenvalue modulus. Again the projection error was calculated and the results are compared
in Table 4.3.1.
The results show that a significant reduction in projection error was achieved for all eigenvalues. It
is worth noting that for all the eigenvalues the optimum eigenvalue location occurred on the region
4.4 Practical Implementation Page 102

Method ,
Basic Projection
Eigenvalue -2.000 + )2.000 I -3.000 + )2.000 I -0.500
Proj. Error 0.1202 I 0.0249 I 0.4420
T.off Projection
Eigenvalue -2.482 + J1.704 I -3.720 + J2.037 I -0.400
Proj. Error 0.0890 I 0.0188 -1 0.2285
I Error red.(%) 11 25.99 I 24.44 I 48.30 I

Table 4.3.1: Comparison of the least squares eigenvector assignment errors for assignment using
simple projection with and without eigenvalue trade-off.

boundary. The projection method with eigenvalue trade-off is more computationally intensive but
not excessively. For the example above. the standard approach took 0.05s to execute on a Pentium
133 with Matlab 4.2c and the trade-off approach took 0.39s on the same system.

4.4 Practical Implementation

This section considers some of the practical issues of using the eigenvalue trade-off approach. One
of the first issues is the decision between a constrained or unconstrained optimisation. If there are
hard limits for the eigenvalue locations in the design specification then a constrained optimisation
is the obvious choice. However. the situation is often not so clear cut and one must consider the
relative merits of the approaches. The constrained approach is more visible which the introduction
identified as a key issue in the design of helicopter control laws. The designer knows within bounds
where the eigenvalues will be and can directly influence their location. But the fixed boundaries of
the constrained approach can mask a potentially desirable trade-off. For instance. a small relaxation
of the boundaries may offer a big improvement in the solution. The unconstrained approach would
make this potential improvement more evident. But has the drawback that the designer does not have
direct control over the eigenvalue locations and may even obtain an unstable solution. In general
the designer will have to adjust the weighting of eigenvalue cost term to reach the most desirable
compromise. If instability is unacceptable then it is a simple matter to add a stability constraint to an
otherwise unconstrained problem. In fact the optimisation is easily augmented such that stability is
As illustrated above the facility to weight different parts of the cost function will form an import-
ant part of any practical implementation. The example further shows that weighting individual ei-
genvector elements is desirable. This can be achieved by transforming the problem and presents no
increase in mathematical difficulty. Consider the unweighted least squares problem:
4.4 Practical Implementation Page 103


the addition of a positive definite matrix R produces the weighted problem:

IIvdi - Q (s) filii = (Vdi - Q (s) fi)* R(Vdi - Q (s) fi) (4.4.42)

A positive definite matrix may be factorised as R = R! (R!)· thus the weighted problem can be
expressed as the original problem transformed.


Generally, R is a diagonal matrix that weights individual residuals and may contain zeros if certain
elements are to be ignored (see example above).
For the case of assigning real eigenvalues evaluation of the analytic solution will involve the manip-
ulation of of polynomial matrices. The first step is to solve for N (s):


Appendix C.l gives a detailed description of different approaches to solving this equation. Once a
solution to Equation (4.4.44) has been found, the next step is to calculate the eigenvector cost func-

JVi = vdi [I - Q (s) (Q (st Q (s)fl Q (st] Vdi (4.4.45)

Appendix C.2 describes methods of evaluating the above expression some of which obviate the need
to solve Equation (4.4.44). Appendix C.2 also details some interesting properties of expressions with
the structure above.
Symbolic evaluation of Equation (4.4.45) is not trivial but need only be performed once for a given
open loop system. Subsequent optimisation can make repeated use of the result.
For the case of assigning complex eigenvalues the techniques described make use of complex arith-
4.4 Practical Implementation Page 104

metic. However, conversion to all real arithmetic is easily accomplished 3 and the optimisation need
only be performed for one eigenvalue of each conjugate pair4.

4.4.1 Trivial Extension to Output Feedback

Unfortunately, for most systems state feedback is impractical, since it assumes that all the states are
measurable. This further implies that all the states have physical significance. The dual scenario of
'output injection' is equally impractical for this assumes that each state may be affected by a separ-
ate input. Early practitioners [ASC83, Br091] sought simple extensions to the more general output
feedback case. Porter [Por77] derives conditions when a state feedback solution may be factorised
into an output feedback one. That is:


Where K is the state feedback gain and Kg is the output feedback gain resulting from the factorisa-
Other researchers [ASC83, Bro91] augmented the state feedback approach with an output matrix
C E IRffixn. This provides a simple but limited extension to output feedback, the allowed subspace
equation becomes:


By analogy with state feedback case we can calculate the gain matrix as follows:

v = [Qlfl , ... , Qpfp] (4.4.48)

S = [Plfl , ... , Ppfp] (4.4.49)
K = S(CV)t (4.4.50)

However, to recover the gain matrix from S it is necessary that p ~ m. Thus clearly this technique
only permits a maximum of m eigenvalues to be assigned. The remaining eigenvalues will adopt
arbitrary values and may be unstable. The eigenvectors are selected from a space of minimum di-
mension r. This is confirmed in the following lemma of Srinathkumar:

3Lemma 4.5.4 indicates how to achieve an all rcaI arithmetic.

4The other eigenvalue must be the conjugate.
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 105

Lemma 4.4.1 Srinathkumar [Sri78]

For the system (A, B, C) max(m, r) eigenvalues can be assigned. In addition, max(m, r) left or
right eigenvectors can be partially assigned with min( m, r) entries in each vector arbitrarily chosen.
This Lemma is easily misconstrued and one may falsely believe that no more than max(m, r) eigen-
values can be assigned. In fact, it is often possible to assign more eigenvalues but the corresponding
eigenvectors are subject to more constraints than simply lying in the allowed subspace.

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem

The output feedback problem may be stated as follows:

Given the state space system (A, B, C) defined earlier find a real gain matrix (K) that
assigns a desired set of self-conjugate eigenvalues {Adi} and eigenvectors {Vdi}.

Although, the problem is a very simple extension to the state feedback case, the solution is not. Early
investigations of the problem concentrated on finding conditions for complete pole assignment. An
important result was independently presented by both Kimura [Kim75] and Davison et al [DW75].

Theorem 4.5.1 Kimura [Kim7S] Theorem 3

If the system (A, B, C) is both controllable and observable and satisfies m + r > n then it is pole-
assignable, i. e.,for any given {Adi} there exist K such that A(A + BKC) is in arbitrary neighbour-
hood of {Adi}. 00
The fundamental nature of the condition m + r > n will become apparent throughout this chapter.
Theorem 4.5.1 indicates that exact pole assignment is not always possible, Pletcher and Magni
[FM87, Ple87, Mag87] derive the precise conditions for when assignment fails. The conditions are
highly pathological and thus of little practical consequence. Some other fundamental properties of
output feedback are listed below:

• Controllability and observability are invariant under output feedback [Bro91].

• The invariant and transmission zeros can not be altered by output feedback [MK76].

• The right eigenvectors associated with uncontrollable and the left eigenvectors associated with
unobservable modes may be manipulated by output feedback.

• As the output feedback gains are increased the closed loop poles tend to the system transmission
zeros [Mac72].
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 106

4.5.1 The Protection Method

The first approach to complete pole assignment used protection methods [Sri78,DW75]. The under-
lining principle is initially to assign a subset of the poles and protect these poles by augmenting the
system so that the assigned poles are either uncontrollable or unobservable, then assign the remaining
poles by calculating an output feedback gain for the augmented system. The initial poles are protec-
ted since uncontrollable and un observable modes are invariant under output feedback. Lemma 4.5.2
is fundamental to this approach.

Lemma 4.5.2
Given A E jRnxn and {Vi, Ai} that satisfy AVi = AVi. lfX E jRnxn is such thatXvj = 0 where
j C {I ... n} then {vj, Aj} are eigenvalues and vectors of A + X. <><>
A brief outline of the resulting protection method is described as follows. For simplicity it is assumed,
without loss of generality, that a limiting case of m + r = n + 1 applies and that m = max(m, r),
m = rank (C), r = rank (B).
Kl such that m-I eigenvalues are assigned. This is always possible for a control-
1. First, find
lable observable triple (A, B, C) since Davison and Chauerjee [DC7l] show that max(m, r)
poles may be assigned.

2. Calculate a matrix X such that XC[Vl' ... , Vm-l] = 0 where Vi are the right eigenvectors
associated with the eigenvalues assigned in the previous step. Form a reduced system as fol-

c = XC (4.5.51)
A = A+BK1C (4.5.52)

The reduced system will have one output and m-I un observable modes corresponding to
those assigned in the previous step .

3. Find a gain matrix K2 that assigns the remaining n -m+ 1 poles of the reduced system. This is
always possible since re-invoking the result of Davison and Chatterjee [DC71] indicates that
max(l, r) poles may be assigned and in this case r =n - m + 1.
4. The final gain matrix is equal to Kl + K2X.

A generalisation to systems with more inputs than outputs and thus protection of left eigenvectors is
straightforward. Fahmy and O'Reilly [F08Sa] present a more detailed treatment of the protection
method and consider when the method fails. This method illustrates the importance of the condition
m + r > n. We note stage one assigns max(m, r) - 1 poles, stage two can assign a maximum of
min(m, r) thus complete assignment requires that:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 107

max(m, r) - 1 + min(m, r) ~ n (4.5.53)

or equivalently:

m+r>n (4.5.54)

4.5.2 Parametric Methods

In the state feedback case all possible solutions were conveniently parameterised by the allowed right
eigenvector subspace. However, the extension to output feedback in Section 4.4.1 demonstrates that,
in the output feedback case, only a subset of the allowed right eigenvector subspace is available to
assign a given set of poles. To parameterise this subset, it is necessary to consider the dual left eigen-
vector subspace, as defined below:




A complementary definition of the right eigenspace is:

9\(s) = {v E cn x1 : (A - sl)v E range(B)} (4.5.57)

or from Equation (4.2.7)

!n(s) ~ range (Q) wh"'e Q satisfies [A - d, B J[~] ~ 0 (4.5.58)

Some fundamental properties of the allowed eigenvector subspaces are listed below:

• If (A, B) is a controllable pair then dim (9t( s)) = r for all s.

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 108

• If (A, C) are an observable pair then dim (£{s)) = m for all s.

• The null space of the individual subspaces are:

o = £{s){A - sI)B1. (4.5.59)

o = ~(s)T(A - sI)Tker (C) (4.5.60)

Where dim is the dimension of the subspace and B1. is a matrix of maximum and full rank that
satifies BTB1. = o.
The importance of the allowed eigenvector subspaces to the output feedback problem is illustrated by
the following pole assignment Theorem 4.5.2 of Kimura [Kim77] which parameterises all possible
closed loop eigenvector combinations that will assign a complete set of poles for an arbitrary system.

Theorem 4.5.2 Kimura [Kim77]

A self-conjugate set {Adi} is pole assignable ifandonly if there exists Vi E 9t{Adi) andwj E £(Adj)
such that:

Cl (Vi. i = 1 ... n) are linearly independent and Adi = ).dk implies Vi = Vk.

C2 (Wj,j = 1 .. . n) are linearly independent and Adj = ).dk implies Wj = Wk.

The first two conditions ensure the gain matrix is real and are equivalent to those for the state feedback
case. The third condition is often called the orthogonality condition, it introduces some clear contrasts
with the state feedback case.

1. Parameterisation of the allowed eigenvectors is no longer just dependent on the associated ei-
genvalue and open loop system.

2. The parameterisation is non-linear and can not be expressed by independent subspaces.

The additional complexity described in the two points above has impeded the application of projec-
tion methods to the output feedback problem.
From the definition of left and right eigenvectors the necessity of condition C3 is clear. However, it
is not intuitive that this condition should be the principal part of a necessary and sufficient condition
for the existence of a gain matrix. A new and simple proof is given as follows:

Let Vi E 9l(Adi) and V = [Vi •••• , v n ], where Vi satisfy condition Cl of Theorem 4.5.2. By the
definition of 9t(Ai) there exists some S E cr xn
such that:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 109

[(A - AdlI)VI, ... , (A - AdnI)vnl = B [Zl, ... , znl (4.5.61)

AV-VAn = BS (4.5.62)
A - VAn V-I = BSV- l (4.5.63)

where An = diag [Ad l , ... , Adn] is a diagonal matrix of the desired eigenvalue set, Zi E er
x 1 is
column vector that selects a vector from the column space of Band S = [Zl, ... , zn] is the concat-
enation of these vectors.
The tenn VAn V-I is the closed loop system matrix (A CL ). Examination of Equation (4.5.63)
shows that for a gain matrix (K) to exist it is necessary that BSV-l can be factorised into BKC.
Let W j E ..c(Adj) and WT = [wi, ... , w~] where W j satisfy condition C2 of Theorem 4.5.2.
Equally, by the definition of ..c(Adj) there exists some T E cn xm such that:

[(A - AdlI)Twf, ... , (A - AdnI)T w~] = [zT, ... ,z~] (4.5.64)

WA-AoW = TC (4.5.65)
A-W-1AoW = W-1TC (4.5.66)

Where An is as defined above but in this instance Zi E Cl x m is row vector that selects a vector from
the row space of C and TT = [zT, ... , z~].
The tenn W- l Ao W is also the closed loop system matrix (AcL). Again, examination Equa-
tion (4.5.66) shows that for a gain matrix (K) to exist it is necessary that W-ITC can be factorised
into BKC.
It is therefore required that Equation (4.5.63) and Equation (4.5.66) can be consistently factorised, a
sufficient condition for which is that they are equal:


In which case either tenn may be factorised into BKC and the closed loop rightlleft eigenvectors of
A + BKC are the columns of V and the rows W respectively.
Substituting Equation (4.5.63) and Equation (4.5.66) into Equation (4.5.67) and rearranging gives:

W-1AoW = VAoV- l (4.5.68)

Ao (WV) = (WV)Ao (4.5.69)
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 110

Finally, there exists a non-zero solution for an arbitrary choice of An if and only if WV is diagonal
or equivalently

WjVi =0 for all i '" j (4.5.70)

The original proof of Kimura [Kim77] required that the desired eigenvalue set {Adi} should not
have elements coincident with either the open loop eigenvalues or other elements in the set. Fletcher
[FleSO] points out these requirements are superfluous and indeed the proof given above does not re-
quire them. However, it is worth noting that Theorem 4.5.2 precludes assignment of generalised ei-
genvectors since these are not generally within the sets .c('x) and ~('x). Assignment of general Jordan
structures is tackled by Fahmy and O'Reilly [F088b]. Some researchers [BFP78, FleSO] developed
assignment algorithms based on explicitly meeting the conditions of Theorem 4.5.2. This primarily
involves meeting the orthogonality condition.
Once a set of eigenvectors that comply with Theorem 4.5.2 are found, the relevant gain matrix can
be calculated by factorising S or T of Equation (4.5.62) and Equation (4.5.65) the solution is:


If the eigenvectors alone are available the gain matrix may be calculated from the closed loop system
matrix (A CL ) as follows:


Where closed loop system matrix is given by Act = W- i An W or ACL = VAn V-i.
Equation (4.5.72) is also presented by Fletcher et al [FKKNS5], but the pseudo inverse is expressed as
a singular value decomposition. Fletcher et al [FKKNS5] go on to show that the gain matrix may be
calculated using using a subset of the left and right eigenvectors, the importance of which is illustrated
in the next section.
Condition C3 of Theorem 4.5.2 may be expressed as a single matrix equation. This representation
is more compact and useful when attempting to meet Condition C3 using optimisation approaches.
Recall that the allowed subspaces are spanned by the range of the matrices Q and L. Thus the closed
loop eigenvectors selected from the allowed subspaces may be expressed as follows:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 111

Vi= Qifi (4.5.73)

Wj = gjLj (4.5.74)

Where fi E er x 1 is a column vector of right design parameters and gi E Cl x m is a row vector of

left design parameters.
It is clear that the left and right modal matrices are given by:

v = [Q1 f1, ... , Qnfn] (4.5.75)

WT = [Lfgf, ... ,L;g;] (4.5.76)

To express Condition C3 as a single matrix equation the following definitions are required:

f1 0 0

0 f2
F = (4.5.77)

0 fn
QT = [Q1, Q2, ... ,Qn] (4.5.78)


gl 0 0

0 g2
G = (4.5.79)

0 gn
= [Lf, Lr, ... , L;] (4.5.80)

Applying the definitions above it can be seen that:

v = QTF (4.5.81)
W = GLT (4.5.82)
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 112

Thus Condition C3 may be expressed as:


In fact the condition above differs slightly from that of Theorem 4.5.2 since eigenvectors products
must be scaled to equal one. However, it is clear that any set of eigenvectors that meet Theorem 4.5.2
condition C3 can be transformed to meet the condition above. An interesting property of Equa-
tion (4.5.83) is that:

(FG)LT QT (FG) = FG (4.5.84)

which implies that the product FG is a generalised inverse of the product LT QT [BIG74].

Reduced Orthogonality Conditions

The orthogonality condition of Theorem 4.5.2 requires that 2n eigenvectors are specified to assign n
poles. This is excessive since the protection method shows that assigning n eigenvectors is sufficient
to place n poles. This observation motivates the following reduced orthogonality condition.

Theorem 4.5.3
The set {Add is pole assignable if there exists Wi E £(Adi) and v j E ~(Adj) such that:

Cl rank (C [VlI ••• I V p ] ) = pand Adi = ).dk implies Vi = Vk

C2 rank (BT [WJ+lI ... I w;]) = n - p and Adj = Adk implies Wj = Wk
C3Wj Vi=O forall i=1. .. p;j=(p+l) ... n

The main part of the proof closely follows that of Theorem 4.5.2 and seeks conditions for a consistent
factorisation of two matrices. The following Lemma forms an essential part of the proof.
Lemma 4.5.3 (See Appendix B.t for the proof.)
LetK E C"xm, X E cm
xz , Sl E C"xz, YE oxr andT2 E oxm, where m ~ x andr ~ y.
Then the matrix equations:

KX = Sl (4.5.85)
YK = T2 (4.5.86)
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 113

have a consistent solution for K if all the following conditions hold.

Cl rank (X) = x

C2 rank (Y) =y
C3 T2X =YS1

The general solution for K is then:


or equivalently:


where Z E Ox:/: is a free parameter matrix that characterises the complete set of solutions.

Let Vi E 9t(Adi) and V1 = [VI, ... , v p ], where Vi satisfies condition Cl of Theorem 4.5.3. By the
definition Of9t(Adj) there exists some S1 E e xp
such that:

[CA - AdlI)vl. ... , (A - AdpI)vp] = B [Zl' ... , zp] (4.5.89)

AV1 - VIADl = BSI (4.5.90)

Where AD1 = diag (Adl, ... , Adp) is a diagonal matrix and the values along the main diagonal
form a self-conjugate subset of the desired eigenvalues. The vector Zi E e
xl is a column vector

that selects a vector from the column space of B and SI = [Zl, ... , zp] is the concatenation of these
To assign V1 as right eigenvectors we require that S1 can be factorised into KCV1.

Let Wj E £(Adj) and W2 T = [WJ+I' ... ' w;]. Equally, Wj satisfies condition C2 of The-
orem 4.5.3. By the definition of £().dj) there exists some T2 E c(n-p) xm such that:

[CA - Adp+lI)Twf, ... , (A - AdnI)T w;] = [ZJ+l' ... ,Z;] (4.5.91)

W2A-AD2W2 = T2C (4.5.92)
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 114

Where A02 = diag ().dp+l, •.. , ).dn ) is a diagonal matrix and the values along the main diagonal
are the remaining unassigned desired eigenvalues. The vector Zi E Cl xm is a row vector that selects
a vector from the row space of C and T2 T = [z?:_p, ... , z?:] .
To assign W2 as left eigenvectors we require that T2 can be factorised into W2 ilK.
Thus to assign both VI and W2 we require a consistent solution to matrix Equation (4.5.93) and
Equation (4.5.94).

K(CVI) = SI (4.5.93)
(W2B)K = T2 (4.5.94)

Applying conditions Cl and C2 of Lemma 4.5.3 to the above equations dictates that:

rank (CVI) = p (4.5.95)

rank (W2B) = n- p (4.5.96)

Equation (4.5.95) and Equation (4.5.96) are tantamount to restating conditions Cl and C2 of The-
orem 4.5.3 and are thus guaranteed to be satisfied.
Finally, condition C3 of Lemma 4.5.3 requires that:

T2CVI = W2BSI (4.5.97)

post-multiplying Equation (4.5.92) with V I and pre-multiplying Equation (4.5.90) with W 2 allows
Equation (4.5.97) to be expressed as follows:

W2T2CVI = W2BSIVl (4.5.98)

W2AVI -A02W2VI = W2AVI -W2VIAoI (4.5.99)
A02W2VI = W2VIAoI (4.5.100)

Thus W 2 V I must be found that satisfies Equation (4.5.100), for general Am , A02. A little de-
liberation reveals the only solution is the trivial case W 2 V I = 0 or equivalently:

WjVi=O foralI i=l ... p;j=(p+l) ... n (4.5.101)

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 115

Condition C3 of Theorem 4.5.3 involves the orthogonality of only n eigenvectors and is thus consid-
erably simpler than Theorem 4.5.2. It is worth discussing the implications of conditions Cl and C2.
The rank constraint of condition Cl has two implications. First, it ensures that the assigned modes
are observable and thus embodies the fundamental fact that observability can not be altered by output
feedback. The rank condition also dictates that a maximum of m right eigenvectors may be assigned.
The rank constraint of condition C2 has complementary implications, that is, ensuring controllability
and dictating that no more than r left eigenvectors may be assigned. At first inspection Theorem 4.5.3
would seem to imply that r left and m right eigenvectors may be assigned simultaneously. Thus for
complete pole assignment it appears that it is only necessary to satisfy m +r ~ n. However, the fol-
lowing argument will reveal that while this is technically possible it is computationally very difficult
to achieve.
Suppose condition Cl is satisfied and max(m, r) = m. For complete pole assignment a minimum
of n - r right eigenvectors (Vi) are selected. Condition C3 indicates that W j must lie in the left null
space of Vi. That is:

Wj [Vb ••. ,V n - r ] = O. (4.5.102)

Assignable Wj must also belong to .£().dj). Thus to satisfy both requirements the vectors must lie in
the following intersection


An intersection space is only guaranteed if the combined dimension of the subspaces is greater than
that of their resident vector space. In this case the dimensions are:

dim(ker([Vl, ... ,Vn-rr)) = r (4.5.104)

dim (.c(Adj?) = m (4.5.105)

Thus complete pole assignment generally requires m + r > n. However, one may attempt to choose
Vi such that Equation (4.5.103) is satisfied. This is by no means trivial.
Theorem 4.5.3 can be generalised to accommodate more general cases than even n = m + r, again,
computing eigenvectors that satisfy these conditions is not trival. This generalisation is achieved
by applying a more general version of Lemma 4.5.3 at the appropriate point in the proof of The-
orem 4.5.3. For instance, if p is chosen to equal m and Lemma B.l.l of Appendix B.l is applied.
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 116

Then the following extension to Theorem 4.5.3 is readily derived.

Theorem 4.5.4
The set {Adi} is poLe assignabLe if there exists Wi E 'c().di) and Vj E !)l().dj) such that:

Cl rank ( C [Vb ••• , V m ] ) = m and Adi = Adk implies Vi = Vk

C2 rank ([w~+1' .. "w~]) =n - m and )..dj = Adk implieswj = Wk

C3 WjVi = 0 foraLL i = 1. .. m; j = (m + 1) . .. n

Note the lack of an input matrix (B) in condition C2 means the number of left eigenvectors that may
be assigned is independent of the number of inputs (r).
In similar manner to Theorem 4.5.2, condition C3 of Theorem 4.5.3 and Theorem 4.5.4 may be ex-
pressed as a single matrix equation. The following definitions are required:

f1 0 0
0 f2
Fl = (4.5.106)

0 fp

QTl = [Qr. Q2 •... ,Qp] (4.5.107)


o o


Thus condition C3 may be expressed as:


Solving Equation (4.5.110) subject to conditions Cl and C2 of Theorem 4.5.4 is fundamental to the
output feedback problem and may be formulated as a set of coupled bilinear equations [AP96]. If
4.5 Tbe Output Feedback Problem Page 117

one considers the case p = m then from the dimensions of F 1 and G 2 it is straightforward to show
that there are m(r - 1) + (n - m)(m - 1) free parameters. Equally, the dimensions of the final
product G2LT2QT1F1 show that there are m(n - m) equations. Thus a necessary condition for a
general solution is:

m(r - 1) + (n - m)(m - 1) ~ m(n - m) (4.5.111)

mr > n (4.5.112)

Clearly, this necessary condition is more general than m +r > n and considerable research has
been conducted to find sufficient conditions that approach this necessary condition. Early, efforts
[BP70, RH78] often resulted in conditions that were expressed in terms of controllability and observ-
ability indices [KaiSO, KouSl]. The proofs were generally constructive, thus allowing a controller
to be calculated. However, the calculations were often ad hoc and the results only applied to the pole
placement case. In a slightly reformulated problem it was shown [BB81] that, for the case of com-
plex gain matrices, mr ~ n is a sufficient condition for complete pole assignment. However, for the
practical case of real gain matrices is has been shown [WH7S] that mr ~ n is not a sufficient con-
dition. More recently, it has been shown [Wan92, RSW95] that mr > n is a sufficient condition for
complete pole assignment. Although, these results show that assignment is possible, they offer very
little indication how a desired assignment may be achieved. Considerable further research will be
needed to develop solutions to the more relaxed mr > n condition, especially if the solutions are to
offer a parametric format that allows complete pole assignment and partial eigenvector assignment.

It is important to note that the reason we consider the case m + r > n is not because of a fundamental
limit. But because it allows us to meet condition C3 of Theorem 4.5.3 using linear techniques or
equivalently to reduce Equation (4.5.110) to a set of linear equation. For example, consider the case
p = m and suppose that values for gj j = m + 1 ... n are arbitrarily chosen, it then remains to


Since the dimensions ofG2LT2Qi are (n-m) x r, it follows that Equation (4.5.113) may be solved
using standard linear techniques if n - m <r or equivalently m + r > n.
The eigenstructure assignment techniques described in the remainder of this chapter all operate by
requiring m + r > n, assigning some of the design vectors (f, g) and then using linear techniques
to calculate the remaining design vectors (g, 0· In the example above two stages were employed;
first assigning gj then calculating f i . However, more than two stages may be employed. This leads
to multi-stage techniques which can have practical advantage. It is possible to generate a solution
to Equation (4.5.110) and still have some design freedom available in which case a retro-assignment
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 118

technique may be employed.

Other researchers [Kim75. Kim77. R087. R089. FKKN85. AP96] have presented similar reduced
orthogonality conditions. The first can be traced back to the seminal paper of Kimura [Kim75]. This
result required that p = m and that the desired eigenvalue set be m-decomposable. that is contain
a subset of m self-conjugate values. The technique Kimura [Kim77] presents for generating vec-
tors that meet the conditions is some what convoluted. This situation is improved by Roppenecker
and O'Reilly [R087. R089]. who present a simpler technique by expressing the condition directly
in terms of eigenvectors selected from the allowed subspaces. But they add the restriction that the
desired eigenvalues must not coincide with the open loop set, and a further restriction that one eigen-
value of the m-decomposable set must be real. Fletcher et al [FKKN85] present the result in a new
format. It is not obvious how to use this format and they do not consider how to generate vectors that
comply with their conditions.
In the following section Theorem 4.5.3 and Lemma 4.5.3 are almost directly utilised to form an ei-
genstructure assignment technique.

4.5.3 Two Stage Assignment

The two stage assignment technique is based on Theorem 4.5.3 and Lemma 4.5.3. Before proceeding
with the details of the technique. it is worth outlining the procedure.
The first stage begins by selecting a set of 81 left or right eigenvectors from the allowed subspace.
The eigenvectors are chosen to meet the relevant condition of Theorem 4.5.3 (either Cl or C2). It is
always possible to select a set of such eigenvectors.
The second stage entails selecting a set of 82 dual eigenvectors. These eigenvectors are subject to
more restrictions than those of the first stage. for they must reside in the appropriate allowed sub-
space. and in order to meet condition C3 Theorem 4.5.3. must be orthogonal to the first stage eigen-
vector set The subspace of eigenvectors that comply with both restrictions is calculated and from
this subspace the eigenvectors are selected. These vectors must also meet the appropriate condition
of Theorem 4.5.3 (Cl or C2).
Finally. the gain matrix is calculated using the result of Lemma 4.5.3. For complete pole assignment
n eigenvectors must be assigned and consequently it is necessary that:


The two stage technique will now be considered in detail. It will be assumed that m + r > n and
thus complete pole assignment using linear techniques is generally possible.
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 119

Design procedure

First, decide whether to assign left or right eigenvectors in stage one. This decision is dominated
by two factors: the number of eigenvectors than can be assigned and the distribution of the design
freedom. Table 4.5.2 shows how the number of eigenvectors that can be assigned depends on whether
left or right eigenvectors are assigned first

Right first Left first

m-I > SI:::: n -r r-I > SI> n-m
r > 82> n-m+ 1 m > 82 > n - r + 1

Table 4.5.2: The number of eigenvectors assignable in stages one and two of the two stage assignment

Conditions can arise that force the decision to assign left or right eigenvectors in stage one. Consider
the following situation:

Cl All eigenvalues in the desired set are complex.

C2 The system dimensions satisfy n = m +r - 1.

In this case only one column of Table 4.5.2 will be available. This is because, in both stages, one and
two a self-conjugate set of eigenvalues must be assigned. Thus to assign all complex eigenvalues
both 81 and 82 must be even numbers. But if n =m +r - 1 then the ranges in Table 4.5.2 reduce
to single values and for only one column of Table 4.5.2 will both 81 and 82 be even numbers. It is
guaranteed that, even under these circumstances, one column will always be available. This can be
seen by noting the diagonal entries of Table 4.5.2 differ by one. This situation does not arise very
often in practice and thus these conditions are not overly restrictive.
Generally, more design freedom is available in stage one. This is because stage two is subject to the
additional restrictions imposed by the orthogonality condition. It is, naturally, recommended that the
engineer exploits the additional design freedom available in stage one. For instance, if it is important
that a closed loop eigenvector has a specific structure or is orthogonal to some specified vectors for
disturbance decoupling [ZSA90). Then this eigenvector should be assigned in stage one, where the
additional design freedom means that the desired structure is most likely to be achieved. In situations
with competing design goals it may pay to experiment with assigning left or right eigenvectors in
stage one. Table 4.5.3 shows the design freedom available in stages one and two, when assigning left
or right eigenvectors first. 'Design freedom' may be interpreted as either the number of eigenvector
elements that may be arbitrarily chosen or the dimension of the subspace minus one, from which the
eigenvectors are chosen.
Table 4.5.3 and Table 4.5.2 show that the design freedom and the freedom to choose the number of
eigenvalues assigned in each stage are almost entirely prescribed by the relative number of states to
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 120

I Design Freedom 11 Right first I Left first

I Stage 1 r- 1 m-I
Stage 2
m-I - si
r - 1- S1

Table 4.5.3: Design freedom in stages one and two of the two stage assignment technique.

inputs and outputs.

To avoid verbosity in the remainder of this section it will be assumed that right eigenvectors are as-
signed in stage one.

Stage One

Let the subset of desired eigenvalues to be assigned in stage one be denoted by:


Calculate the allowed right eigenvector subspace associated with each eigenvalue. This can be
achieved using numerically stable code such as SVD and QR [GL83] to calculate the null space
indicated in Equation (4.5.116):


Select the closed loop right eigenvectors Vi from range (Qi). this may be accomplished using a
design vector fi E er x 1 as follows:


Form the following matrices

VI = [Q1fb ... , QSlfsl] (4.5.118)

SI = [Plfb ... ,P.lfsl ] (4.5.119)

Selected Vi must comply with condition Cl of Theorem 4.5.3. In practice the condition Cl is no
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 121

more than a technical detail and rarely causes a problem. Furthennore. it is guaranteed that a vector
meeting the condition exists [Sri78]. The rank part of condition Cl may be equivalently stated as:

range (VI) n ker (C) =0 (4.5.120)

Where 0 is the empty sets. When condition Cl fails calculating the intersection space of Equa-
tion (4.5.120) reveals the offending direction. If left eigenvectors are assigned in stage one then the
allowed left eigenvector subspaces are calculated as follows:

for all i = 1. .. S1 (4.5.121)

and the closed loop left eigenvectors (w i) may be selected from the row space of Li using a design
vector(gi E C ):


The following concatenated vectors should also be fonned:

Wl T = [L[gf, ... ,L~g~] (4.5.123)

TI T = [M[gT, ... ,M;1g~] (4.5.124)

Condition C2 of Theorem 4.5.3 may also be equivalently expressed as an intersection condition:

range (WI T) n ker (BT) =0 (4.5.125)

Having selected S1 right eigenvectors proceed to stage two, as follows.

Stage Two

Let the subset of desired eigenvalues to be assigned in stage two be denoted by:

flThis is slight abuse of notation; 0 may include the null vector.

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 122


The left eigenvectors (Wj) must both reside in the allowed subspace .c(Adj) and be orthogonal to
the stage one right eigenvectors (Vl). Mathematically. this is express by the following intersection


The intersection subspace can be calculated by augmenting Equation (4.5.121) as follows:

0- L J MJ
.] [V0 A-C I]
1 Adj foraIl j = (SI + 1) ... n (4.5.128)

The complementary augmented matrix for assigning right eigenvectors in stage two is shown below:

0-- [A -WlAdjI B]0 [Qi]

for all j = (SI + 1) ... n (4.5.129)

Select S2 = n - S1 left eigenvectors Wj from the row space of L j • this can again be accomplished
using a design vector gj E Cl x (m-.l) as follows:


Form the following matrices

= [L;:+lg~+l' ... ,L~g~] (4.5.131)

T3 T = [M;: +1 g;: +1' ... , M~ g~] (4.5.132)

The selected W j must meet condition C2 of Theorem 4.5.3 which may be expressed as follows:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 123

range (W2 T) n ker (BT) = 0 (4.5.133)

[ker (W2) U range (B)] 1. = 0 (4.5.134)

[range CV1) U range CB)] l. = 0 (4.5.135)

Thus if [VI B] is full rank then the left eigenvectors (W2) will comply with condition C2 of The-
orem 4.5.3. Interestingly, Equation (4.5.135) allows the stage two eigenvectorto be checked against
condition C2 before they are even selected. In fact, the check can be made at the end of stage one
when the stage one eigenvectors themselves are checked against condition Cl.
Equation (4.5 .128) expresses the orthogonality condition and allowed subspace in a lucid way.
However, it is not the most efficient means of calculating the intersection of two null spaces [GL83,

Gain Matrix Calculation

Finally, calculate the gain matrix using the formula below:


This completes the two stage assignment procedure.

The gain matrix equation is taken directly from Lemma 4.5.3 with the free parameter matrix (Z) set
to zero. To the author's knowledge the only instance of a similar gain equation was presented in a
proof by F1etcher et al [FKKN85]. Their derivation is quite different and independent from that of
Lemma 4.5.3. F1etcher et al [FKKN85] do not combine the equation with an assignment technique
or consider how to use the free parameter.
Although, the terms of Equation (4.5.136) may be complex, conditions Cl and C2 of Theorem 4.5.3
ensure the gain matrix is always real. The proof supporting this statement may be found in Ap-
pendix B.2.
Two stage assignment can be conducted using all real arithmetic. The following simple Lemma il-
lustrates how this may be achieved:

Lemma 4.5.4
Let X and Y be two complex matrices conformable for multiplication, the product XY satisfies:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 124

Re (XY)
[ Im (XY)
1= [Re (X)
-Im (X)
Re (X)
1[Re (Y)
1 (4.5.137)

The preceding lemma should be applied to Equations (4.5.116), (4.5.121), (4.5.128) and (4.5.129).
The gain matrix may also be calculated using only real arithmetic. A technique for doing this is easily
inferred from the proof in Appendix B.2. However, most modem numerical software packages are
capable of complex arithmetic [Eat94, Mat92].

Example 4.5.2
The following is a numerical example to illustrate the two stage approach. Arbitrary matrices have
been employed since a helicopter based example would be cumbersome to present and obscure the
iIlustration. Consider the following unstable controllable-observable system:

x~ [~ ~}+[~ ~l
2 -3 0
3 -1 3
8 1 -2
6 3 2

F[~ ~l
3 0
-1 0 (4.5.139)
3 1

We note that with four states (n = 4), three inputs (r = 3) and three outputs (m = 3) that complete
assignment is possible. Let us assign two right eigenvectors in stage one (SI = 2) with locations of
(-1, -2) and two left eigenvectors in stage two (S2 = 2) with locations of (-3, -4).
Using Equation (4.5.116) the allowed right eigenvector subspaces are calculated as follows:

-0.~1001 [ 00051
0 0
0.2676 -0.0991 Q = -0.2202 -0.1259
Ql = -0.2613 -0.2731 0.0068 2 0.3822 -0.2746 0.0131
0.0850 -0.0360 0.0608 -0.1173 -0.0483 0.0154

Applying the following simple design vectors:

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 125


the selected right eigenvectors are:

VI = 0.2676 (4.5.141)
-0.2613 -0.2746
0.0850 -0.0483

and the corresponding input vectors are:

0.3039 0.3725 ]
SI = -0.2919 0.8026 (4.5.142)
-0.2369 -0.3514

The left eigenvector subspaces are calculated using Equation (4.5.128). However. since there are
two right eigenvectors and only three outputs the subspace has one dimension and thus there are no
degrees of freedom with which to select the left eigenvectors. The left eigenvectors subspaces are:

L3 = [0.0060 0.0782 -0.0015 -0.1952] (4.5.143)

L4 = [0.0080 0.0762 -0.0037 -0.1773] (4.5.144)

and again the corresponding output vectors are:

T2 = [-0.2365 0.6529 0.6881] (4.5.145)

-0.2376 0.6949 0.6507

Evaluating Equation (4.5.136) gives the following gain matrix:

0.4221 -1.4721 -0.9173]

K = -0.0290 1.2579 -0.9231 (4.5.146)
-0.4864 1.6741 0.9507
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 126

Below. the closed loop system (ACL = A + BKC) is expressed in modal form. that is ACL =
VA W. to verify the assignment.

0.0000 421.7761
[ 0.7869 29500931
-0.2676 0.1259 -114.4853 -143.5863
V= (4.5.147)
0.2613 0.2746 590.3653 430.0502
-0.0850 0.0483 -42.5622 -51.7691

0 0

-2.00 0
A= 0 (4.5.148)
0 0 -3.00
0 0 0

[ 10367
I (4.5.149)

-0.0080 -0.0762 0.0037 0.1773

From the modal form the assigned eigenvalues and eigenvectors are easily recognised.

Degrees of Freedom

This section considers how much design freedom two stage assignment offers and how it is distributed
between the two stages. The contents of Table 4.5.2 and Table 4.5.3 are also derived. Consider stage
one assignment of right eigenvectors. Condition Cl of Theorem 4.5.3 implicitly dictates that 81 ::; m.
Howeve~. this condition is superseded by one imposed in stage two. Consider the augmented matrix
in Equation (4.5.128). Inspection of its dimensions (n + m) x (n + 81) shows that a solution to
Equation (4.5.128) will only generally exist if:


Condition C2 of Theorem 4.5.3 dictates:

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 127

and complete assignment requires that:


Combining these inequalities indicates how many eigenvectors may be assigned in stage one when
assigning right eigenvectors first:

m -1 ~ 81 ~ n-r (4.5.153)

Substituting 81 =n - 82 into the previous inequality indicates how many eigenvectors may be as-
signed in stage two:

r ~ 82 ~ n- m+ 1 (4.5.154)

The two inequalities represent the first column of Table 4.5.2 and a dual argument for the case of
assigning left eigenvectors first generates the second column of Table 4.5.2.
The entries of Table 4.5.3 are derived by considering the dimension of the null spaces from which
the eigenvectors are selected. For the case of stage one assignment of right eigenvectors. Equa-
tion (4.5.116) shows the stage one null space to have a column dimension of r. Equally, Equa-
tion (4.5.128) shows that the stage two null space will, in general. have a row dimension of m - 81.
Again. a dual argument holds for stage one assignment of left eigenvectors which generates the
second column of Table 4.5.3.
When considering the degrees of freedom (DoF), unity is subtracted from the relevant dimension
of the null spaces. Since a one dimensional subspace is a direction. which uniquely describes an
eigenvector and thus represents no design freedom. In fact. it is straightforward to verify that the gain
equation Equation (4.5.136) will produce the same gain matrix irrespective of eigenvector scaling.
From the first column of Table 4.5.3 (assignment of right eigenvectors first) it can be seen that the
total degrees of freedom available for assignment of the eigenvectors is:

(r - 1)81 + (m - 81 - 1)82 = Fr (4.5.155)

Which may be alternatively expressed as:

4.5 Tbe Output Feedback Problem Page 128

mr - n - (m - 81)(r - 82) = Fr (4.5.156)

mr = Fr + n + (m - 81)(r - 82) (4.5.157)

The terms in Equation (4.5.157) have the following significance:

• mr is equal to the number gain elements and thus is fundamentally number of free parameters

• n is the number of parameters required to assign n eigenvalues [R089].

• Fr is the number of degrees of freedom used to assign the eigenvectors.

• (m - 81) (r - 82) is a number of, so far unused, free parameters available to assign the eigen-

From the second column of Table 4.5.3 the dual case for assignment ofleft eigenvectors first, is easily


We see that the number of free parameters is the same but the distribution is different. It is interesting
to note that if r+m exceeds n by two then the term (r-8d (m-82) may not evaluate to zero. In which
case not all the available degrees of freedom have been used. However, a technique to recover these
degrees of freedom in a final and independent assignment stage has been developed. The technique
is known as Retro Assignment.

4.5.4 Retro Assignment

Retro assignment can only be performed if the previous assignment stage has not made full use of
the available design freedom. The previous assignment technique may be a two stage, multi-stage
(which is discussed later) or generic technique.
In this section it will be shown that unused design freedom is equivalent to a non-unique gain matrix
and that the remaining design freedom is expressed by the free parameter in the gain matrix equation.
Retro Assignment involves constructing a reduced system that protects the assigned eigenvectors and
expresses the remaining design freedom as a feedback gain. A value for the feedback gain may be
calculated using any controller design technique, however, emphasis will be given to eigenstructure
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 129

Equation (4.5.87) of Lemma 4.5.3 shows that the full gain matrix equation can be expressed as fol-

K = (W2B)t T2 + Sl (CVl)t - (W2B)t T2 CVl (CVl)t

+ (I - (W2B)t (W2 B)) Z (I - (CVl) (CVl )t) (4.5.159)

Where Z E ]Rr x m is the free parameter matrix.

Examination of Equation (4.5.159) shows that the free parameter term will only evaluate to a non-
zero matrix if the following conditions hold:

Cl rank (W2 B) < rand

C2 rank (CVl) <m

In which case the free parameter matrix (Z) characterises all gain matrix solutions. However, Equa-
tion (4.5.159) is not a minimal characterisation6 and solutions will be repeated. The following ob-
servations are key to generating a minimal characterisation:

range (I - (W2B)t(W2B)) = ker(W2B) (4.5.160)

range (I - (CVl )(CVl )t) = ker (Vl TC ) (4.5.161)

Inspection of the above equations shows that a minimal characterisation can be constructed by re-
placing the matrices adjacent to the free parameter matrix (Z) with matrices whose columns form a
minimal basis for the indicated null spaces. Let us define:

range (NWB) = ker (W2 B) (4.5.162)

range (Ncv T) = ker (V 1 T C T ) (4.5.163)

Where the columns ofNwB E cr

x (r-s2) form a minimal basis for ker (W2B) and the columns

of Ncv T E cm x (m-81) are a minimal basis for ker (Vl TCT). Note that for the generalisation to
multi stage techniques 81 and 82 should be interpreted as the total number of right and left eigenvectors
assigned in the previous stages. Then a minimal characterisation [BIG74, p. 77] is given as follows:

6Technically, the mapping of Z to K through Equation (4.5.159) is not bijective.

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 130

K = (W2B)tT2 + Sl(CVl)t - (W2B)tT2CVl (CVl)t + NWBZ2Ncv


Where Z2 E IR(r- s 2)x(m-s!l is a minimal free parameter matrix. The dimensions of Z2 indicate
that a non-unique gain matrix will only exist if:


Recalling Equation (4.5.157) we see that this is the exact condition under which unused design free-
dom exists. Furthermore, the dimensions of Z2 show that all the unused degrees of freedom are avail-
able. Examination of exactly how the unused free parameters are manifest reveals how best to utilise
them. In this case the gain matrix consists of a fixed part, denoted by KF :


and a variable part denoted by Kz :

Kz = NWBZ2Ncv (4.5.167)

Thus the closed loop matrix (AcL ) has the form:

ACL =A+BKC (4.5.168)

= (A+BKFC) +BKzC (4.5.169)
= CA +BKFC) + BNwBZ2NcvC (4.5.170)

Inspection of the above shows a reduced system can be constructed as follows:

A=A+BKFC (4.5.171)
B=BNwB (4.5.172)
C=NcvC (4.5.173)
K=Z2 (4.5.174)
4.S The Output Feedback Problem Page 131

The reduced system has less inputs and outputs than the original system. Let r denote the number of
inputs and mdenote the number of outputs. Then:

r = r - S2 (4.5.175)
m = m-s1 (4.5.176)

Recalling Lemma 4.5.2. we note that if:

irKCVl = 0 (4.5.177)

then the right eigenvectors assigned by K are protected for any Kz. The definition of N cv given
in Equation (4.5.163) dictates that:

BKNcvCVl =0 (4.5.178)

Thus the right eigenvectors (V1) are protected. Equally. the definition of NWB given in Equa-
tion (4.5.162) dictates that:

W2BNwBKC=0 (4.5.179)

Thus the left eigenvectors (W2) are also protected. Eigenvector protection has a direct effect on the
controllability and observability properties of the reduced system. Consider the product of the closed
loop modal matrix and reduced system output matrix:


Qearly. the pair (A, C) will have S1 unobservable modes associated with the right eigenvectors V 1 .
Equally. the input matrix and modal matrix product reveals that:

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 132

the pair (A, B) will have S2 uncontrollable modes associated with the left eigenvectors W2.

Eigenstructure Assignment in the Retro-Stage

Principally, eigenstructure assignment in the retro-stage is the same as eigenstructure structure as-
signment of the original open loop system. However, it is unlikely that the original open loop system
would have the controllability and observability properties of the reduced system and these introduce
some interesting quirks.
Since all the poles have now been assigned and are protected, all the remaining design freedom can
only be used for the manipulation of eigenvectors. However, half of the eigenvectors are now pro-
tected. Hence assignment must focus on the complementary eigenvectors. For instance, if the initial
design assigned (Vi, Ad,) then in the retro-stage it is only possible to assign Wi.
Another side effect of the reduced system controllability and observability properties is that the al-
lowed subspaces are inflated. Consider calculating the right eigenvector allowed subspace Qj. From
a well known definition of controllability [OeC89] we can see that the uncontrollable modes Adj as-
sociated with the eigenvectors Wj. will satisfy:

Wj [A - ,\djI, B] = 0 for all j = (Si + 1) ... n (4.5.182)

Which implies the following rank equality:

rank ([A - AdjI, B]) = n-1 (4.5.183)

It is well known [RS70, p. 71] that the size of a the null space is equal to the column dimension, in
this case n + rn, minus the rank of the matrix (n - 1). Thus the allowed subspace range(Qj) will


where Qj E cn X
(riH l) and Pj E cm x (m+l) • Technically, the rank deficiency of the mat-
rix [A - Ad; I, B] will depend on the geometric multiplicity of the eigenvalue Adj. Thus Equa-
tion (4.5.183) should read:

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 133

Where gj is the geometric multiplicity of Adj and thus number of dimensions by which the allowed
subspace will swell. An identical argument applies to calculating the left eigenvector allowed sub-
space (Lj). Assuming that all the closed loop eigenvalues are distinct or 9j = I, Table 4.5.4 summar-
ises the number of eigenvectors that may be assigned and the degrees of freedom (DoF) available.

I Right first Left first

I No. Assignable DoF No. Assignable DoF
I Stage 1 SI < rh r SI <r rh
I Stage 2 S2 < r rh - SI 82 < rh r- SI

Table 4.5.4: Degrees of freedom available using retro assignment.

Table 4.5.4 is very similar to Table 4.5.2 and Table 4.5.3 and the entries are derived in an almost
identical manner. Note that a maximum of rh +r - 1 eigenvectors may be partially assigned.
However, it is not necessary to partially assign the maximum number of eigenvectors and one may
choose to assign less. For instance, suppose that ih = 2 and r = 2 then the assignment options are:
1. Assign two eigenvectors assigned with two DoF.

2. Assign one eigenvector with two DoF and two eigenvectors with one DoF.

An assignment with one DoF offers limited choice and it may prove preferable to assign two eigen-
vector with more design freedom.
The gain matrix (K) is calculated using the equation below, this is identical to Equation (4.5.136):


In theory this equation could be augmented with a free parameter term and a further stage of retro
assignment undertaken. The final closed loop form is given by:

ACL = A+BKC (4.5.187)

+ NWBKNcv ) c (4.5.188)


Examination of the retro-assignment technique indicates that, perhaps, a more general approach is
possible. In the current method the assigned eigenvectors are all protected. However, it is possible
to construct a reduced system that protects an alternative set of eigenvectors. It is only required that
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 134

those eigenvectors are selected to protect all eigenvalues. For instance, suppose that the columns of
Vx are the right eigenvectors to be protected and the rows ofWx are the left eigenvectors associated
with remaining unprotected modes. Then any N WB and N cv that satisfy:

range (NWB) = ker (Wx B) (4.5.189)

range (N cv T) = ker (Vx TeT) (4.5.190)

may be used to construct a reduced system as follow:

B = BNWB (4.5.191)
C = NcvC (4.5.192)

However, if eigenstructure assignment is applied in the retro-stage then for any:

range (Vx) et. range (V 1 ) (4.5.193)

this approach implies re-assigning the eigenvectors from the previous assignment stage, which could
be desirable, if extra or alternative design freedom is available in retro-stage. However, in Ap-
pendix B.3 it is demonstrated that re-assigning eigenvectors in the retro-stage is futile as it offers
no extra DoF.
If the two stage assignment technique is used prior to the retro-stage and it is intended to use eigen-
structure assignment in the retro-stage then it is possible to proceed without producing a reduced sys-
tem. Instead the retro-stage is conducted before calculating the gain matrix of the initial two stage
assignment. The method is cursorily described below:

Once stages one and two of the initial design are complete the remaining design freedom can be ex-
pressed as allowed subspaces for the unassigned eigenvectors. Consider assignment of right eigen-
vectors ( vi) in the retro-stage, a maximum of m- 81 eigenvectors may be selected from the following


Where the eigenvectors must form a self-conjugate set. Equally, if there is still design freedom re-
maining then left eigenvectors may be selected from:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 135


Where vi' represents all the right vectors assigned in the previous retro stage. Both intersection
spaces can be expressed as augmented matrices almost identical to those of Equation (4.5.129) and
Equation (4.5.128). The eigenvectors are subject to the same rank constraints as those of stages one
and two. One may assign left then right eigenvectors in the retro-stage which, naturally, implies the
dual subspaces must be used. The number of eigenvectors that may be assigned can be easily in-
ferred for Table 4.5.4. The gain matrix is calculated using Equation (4.5.136) where (Vi, Si) and
(W 2 , T2) are appropriately augmented with the assignments from retro-stage. Fletcher [Fle80]
presented a similar four stage approach for calculating the closed loop eigenvectors.
It has been tacitly assumed that the design freedom available in the retro-stage would be used to fur-
ther the design goals of the initial design. However, it may be desirable to use the freedom to further
alternative design goals. For instance, recalling that:

K = KF + NWBKNcv (4.5.196)

then K could be manipulated to reduce the values in K or, if possible, to impose a specific structure
by zeroing elements of K.


Summarising the procedures defined thus far, stage one selects and assigns SI right(left) eigenvectors
associated with the ~ subset of the desired spectrum. Stage two then assigns S2 = (n-sl) left(right)
eigenvectors to complete the spectral assignment. At this point unused design freedom may exist. It
can be exploited in the retro-stage. Here, a subset of the right(left) eigenvectors not assigned in stage
one are assigned, similarly for the unassigned left(right) eigenvectors.

Example 4.5.3
Returning to Example 4.5.2 we note that, with three inputs and outputs and two eigenvectors assigned
in each stage, the condition for retro assignment is satisfied:


It is worth considering how the degrees of freedom were distributed in Example 4.5.2. The nine gain
elements determine the available degrees of freedom, four of which were claimed for pole assignment
and another four were used to assign the right eigenvectors. The left eigenvectors were prescribed
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 136

and used no degrees of freedom. Thus eight of the nine DoF were used and one remains for retro
The reduced system is constructed below:

x= [~~~:::2 -~·:.~~~4 ~~~~~~8 ~~34:5\

I [~::~~!I
x +

Y = [0.2940 0.9172 -0.2540 -0.9466] x (4.5.199)

The mode observability (WB) and controllability (CV) matrices verify the characteristic control-
lability and observability properties of the reduced system. Employing the modal matrices from Ex-
ample 4.5.2 we obtain:

= [0.00
CV 0.00 -90.66 -105.17] (4.5.200)

(WB)T = [1.24 8.78 0.00 0.00] (4.5.201)

We note that modes -1, -2 are unobservable and modes -3, -4 are uncontrollable. Continuing
with the retro assignment we note from Table 4.5.4 that one complementary eigenvector can be as-
signed with one DoE Let us assign the left eigenvector associated with the -1 mode. The allowed
left eigenvector subspace is calculated using Equation (4.5.121) and is given below:

:E = [-1.0184 11.0600 0.4200 -31.2032] (4.5.202)

1 2.0522 -0.4883 0.7562 -3.0243

Using a simple design vector (gl = [1 0] ) the top row is selected as the assigned left eigenvector.
The corresponding output vector, which for this single output case is a scalar, as given below:

1\1:1 = 0.0795 (4.5.203)

The feedback gain is calculated using Equation (4.5.136), although for this simple scalar case the
formula reduces to:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 137

- =-=--=-
M1 (4.5.204)
W B 1

= -2.1372 (4.5.205)

Modal decomposition of the closed loop system (A +Di( C) verifies the assignment, as shown below:

v= -0.2613 -0.2746 -124.1 153.5

0.0850 -0.0483 108.9 -88.30

[_1.0 0 0
A= 0
j.J (4.5.207)

[_1.0184 11.060 0.4200 _31.203]

W = -0.7759 -17.7641 -2.6456 40.6215
-0.0060 -0.0782 0.0015 0.1952
-0.0080 -0.0762 0.0037 0.1773

Since a retro-stage is not generally available the remainder of this chapter will focus on extensions
that enable the engineer to better achieve the design goals in the initial design.

4.5.5 Multistage Assignment

It is not necessary to have only two stages in the initial design. We now describe a multi-stage ap-
proach that may proceed to the retro-stage if there is residual design freedom.
Any number of stages may be applied providing they result in eigenvectors that meet the conditions
of Theorem 4.5.3. When the distribution of design freedom is taken into consideration then it may
well be desirable to introduce additional assignment stages.
To illustrate the multistage procedure, let us augment the two stage technique with one additional
In stage one 81 right eigenvectors are assigned, in stage two 82 left eigenvectors are assigned and in
4.5 Tbe Output Feedback Problem Page 138

stage three a further S3 right eigenvectors are assigned. In each stage a self-conjugate set of eigenval-
ues must be placed. Thus a total of (81 + 83) right eigenvector are assigned and 82 left eigenvectors.
Naturally, for complete pole assignment it is required that:


The first two stages proceed exactly as described in Section 4.5.3. But stage two now enjoys more
design freedom since the selected eigenvectors must be orthogonal to fewer (8d stage one right ei-
genvectors. A maximum of r - 1 left eigenvectors may be assigned in stage two. Each is selected
with m - 81 - 1 degrees of freedom. This may be computed using the usual partitioned matrix of
Equation (4.5.128).
A third stage is now required to assign the remaining (83) right eigenvectors which must be orthogonal
to the stage two left eigenvectors. The following partitioned matrix may be used:

O= [A-W2 Adk
I B] [Qk] forall k = (sI + S2 + 1) ... n (4.5.210)
0 Plc

In contrast with stage one, where the right eigenvectors were selected with r - 1 degrees of freedom,
the stage three right eigenvectors can only be selected with r - s2 - 1 degrees of freedom.
Finally, the left and right eigenvectors should be gathered to form single matrices, so that the gain
matrix may be calculated using Equation (4.5.136). Table 4.5.5 compares the distribution of design
freedom of the three stage and two stage techniques.

Three stage Two stage

No. Assigned D.o.F No. Assigned D.o.F
Stage 1 81 r-l SI + 83 r-l
Stage 2 82 m- 81-1 82 m- SI - s3-1
Stage 3 83 r - 82 - 1 - -
Table 4.5.5: Comparison of the two and three stage design procedures in terms of degrees of freedom
and the number of assignable eigenvectors per stage.

Table 4.5.5 shows the addition of an extra stage increases design freedom in stage two at the ex-
pense of reduction in stage three. The total eigenvector design freedom (Fr 3) is easily inferred from
Table 4.5.5 and comparison with Equation (4.5.158) readily shows the total design freedom is same
but has been redistributed:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 139

81(r-l)+S2(m- Sl - 1)+S3(r-l-S2) = Fr 3 (4.5.211)

mr - n - (m - 81 - 83)(r - 82) = Fr 3 (4.5.212)

Examination of Equation (4.5.211) shows that retro-assignment may be performed if:


In general, there may be any number of stages providing that, in all stages prior to the last stage, the
total number of left and right eigenvectors assigned is less than r, m respectively. In the last stage
the total number of assigned left or right eigenvectors may be increased to equal r, m respectively.
A retro-stage may then be conducted if the total number of assigned right eigenvectors is less than m
and the total number of assigned left eigenvectors is also less than r.
Increasing the number of stages allows the engineer to distribute the design freedom in a manner that
reflects the relative importance of the desired closed loop eigenvectors. For instance, the two stage
procedure described earlier will often assign right eigenvectors with much more freedom than left.
However, it may be required that some left eigenvectors should be assigned with more freedom and
that not all the right eigenvectors require so much freedom. In which case a three stage procedure is
preferable. In practice it may pay to experiment with the distribution of the design freedom.
Adding more stages can increase numerical inaccuracy, since inaccuracies introduced in one stage
will propagate through to later stages. However, in practice, numerical errors are often subsumed by
model uncertainty. Fahmy and O'Reilly [FOSSa] present a similar multi-stage technique but use a
protection method.

Example 4.5.4
Let us re-work Example 4.5.2 using a three stage procedure. In stage one we will assign a single right
eigenvector, with exactly the direction and eigenvalue (-1) chosen in Example 4.5.2. In stage two
we will assign two left eigenvectors with eigenvalue locations of -3 and -4. Finally, in stage three,
a right eigenvector will be assigned to a location of -4.
From Example 4.5.2 the first right eigenvector is:

vf = [-0.7869 0.2676 -0.2613 0.0850] (4.5.214)

The allowed left eigenvector subspaces are calculated using Equation (4.5.128), which is employed
exactly as it was in Example 4.5.2. The subspaces are:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 140

L3 = [-0.~163 -0.1925 -0.1495 -0.0043]

0.0074 -0.0613 -0.2119
-0.1938 -0.1350 0.0066 ]
L4 = [-0.0203
0 0.0000 -0.0617 -0.1900

Compared to Example 4.5.2 the allowed subspaces have an additional dimension this is because the
subspaces must only be orthogonal to a single right eigenvector. Let us suppose that the design vec-
tors were employed to select the top and bottom row of L3 and L4 respectively. Thus the selected
left eigenvectors are:

W2 = [ -0.0163
-0.1495 -0.0043]
-0.0617 -0.1900

The corresponding output vectors are:

T2 = [ 0.1382 -0.8857 0.3697] (4.5.218)

-0.2071 0.3811 0.8786

The stage three right eigenvector must be orthogonal to the stage two left eigenvectors (W 2) and
thus are calculated using Equation (4.5.210), which is repeated below:


The allowed right eigenvector subspace (Q2) will be one dimensional and prescribe the eigenvector,
as shown below:

Qr = [0.6558 -0.3319 0.3593 -0.1168] (4.5.220)

The corresponding input vector is:

pr = [-0.2504 0.4020 0.3045] (4.5.221)

4.5 Tbe Output Feedback Problem Page 141

To calculate the gain matrix the right eigenvectors and input vectors, from stages one and three must
be concatenated, as follows:

VI T = [-0.7869 0.2676 -0.2613 0.0850 ]

0.6558 -0.3319 0.3593 -0.1168

T [ 0.3039 -0.2919 -0.2369]

SI = (4.5.223)
-0.2504 0.4020 0.3045

Equation (4.5.136) can then be applied as usual and for this case the resulting gain matrix is:

0.4611 -1.5324 -1.0544]

K = 0.1870 0.1555 -0.8198 (4.5.224)
-0.6513 2.2959 1.1187

Modal decomposition of the closed loop form confirms the assignment:

[ 0.7869 -0.6558 -108.04

111.12 ]
-0.2676 0.3319 77.86 -100.93
V= (4.5.225)
0.2613 -0.3593 -82.57 118.81
-0.0850 0.1168 26.84 -33.35

0 0

-2.00 0
A= 0 (4.5.226)
0 0 -3.00
0 0 0

-26.4892 -5.4100
[ 09896 64.1804]
-3.0161 -63.5129 -20.6710 108.5072
W= (4.5.227)
0.0163 0.1925 0.1495 0.0043
0.00 0.00 0.0617 0.1900

This example shows how multistage assignment redistributes the design freedom. In Example 4.5.2
the left eigenvectors were prescribed but in the three stage procedure they were selected with one
degree of freedom. The penalty for this is that one right eigenvector was prescribed whereas in Ex-
ample 4.5.2 this was chosen with two OoFs.
So far, attention has focused on the calculation of allowed subspaces and the poie placement prob-
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 142

lem. However, an essential step in all the preceding techniques is the selection or calculation of the
design vectors. These determine the closed loop eigenvectors and are thus crucial to performance.
The following section concentrates on the selection design vectors and the techniques described are
relevant to all the preceding approaches.

4.5.6 Assignment with Simple Projection

All the techniques described so far calculate an allowed subs pace from which the closed loop eigen-
vectors must be selected. Least squares projection has proven an expedient means of selecting the
closed loop eigenvectors. However, unlike the state feedback case, for the output feedback case, the
allowed eigenvector subspaces are no longer independent, but are related by the orthogonality con-
dition. It is wise to take this into consideration.
Consider two stage assignment with initial assignment of right eigenvectors. An allowed subspace
Qi is calculated using Equation (4.5.116). A design vector (fi ) selects the closed loop eigenvector.
A weighted least squares problem can be formulated by calculating the difference between the selec-
ted closed loop eigenvector and a desired eigenvector (Vd;), then minimising the magnitude of this
residual or error vector. This is mathematically expressed as follows:

Ji = IIvd; - Qif; 11 it (4.5.228)

= (Vdi - Qifi)·R(Vdi - Qifi) (4.5.229)

Where R is a positive definite n x n matrix which is usually diagonal. If it is desired to weight

some residues to zero then the appropriate rows should be removed from Qi and Vdi such that the
resultant weighting matrix (R) is positive definite. Assume, without loss of generality, that Qi is
a minimal basis for the allowed subspace and therefore has full rank. The weighted least squares
solution [BIG74, p. 103] is:

fo; = (R!Qi)tvdi (4.5.230)

= (Q:RQi)-lQ;Rvdi (4.5.231)

Where R = R! (R!)* and fo; is the design vector that selects the least squares optimal eigenvector.
As well as finding the optimal direction the least squares solution also scales the eigenvector in order
to minimise the cost function. The scaling property of the solution causes all the OoF's in the design
vector to be used. However, since the eigenvector may adopt any scaling, one OoF is in fact redund-
ant. For complex eigenvalues calculation of the least squares problem, as described above, will re-
quire complex arithmetic. However, Lemma 4.5.4 may be applied to formulate an all real problem.
This has benefits beyond avoiding complex arithmetic. If it is desired to independently weight the
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 143

real and imaginary residuals then an all real problem will facilitate this by separating the real and
imaginary parts. For instance an all real version of Equation (4.5.228) is:

-Im (Qi)
Re (Qi)
1[Re l)
(fi )
lm (fi )
112 (4.5.232)

Where RI is a positive definite matrix that weights the real residuals and similarly, Rl weights the
imaginary residuals. Naturally, a dual least squares problem may be formulated to select the left ei-
genvectors in either stage one or stage two. Consider the stage two scenario:

Jj = IIWdj - gjLjlli (4.5.233)

= (Wdj -gjLj)R(Wdj -gjLj )" (4.5.234)

Where R is a positive definite weighting matrix, gj E Clx(m-st} is a left design vector, Wdj E
C1xn is a desired left eigenvector and L j E c(m-.d xn spans the intersection space indicated in
Equation (4.5.128) and recalled below:


Assuming Lj is full rank the solution to the least squares problem is:


Where gOj selects the optimal left eigenvector.

The orthogonality condition imposed in Equation (4.5 .235) can be formulated as part of the least
squares problem. In which case the constrained problem is expressed in terms of the allowed left
eigenvector subspace (£(Adj» and assigned right eigenvector matrix (VI). Let us redefine Lj to
span the allowed left eigenvector subspace (range (L3) = £(Adj f), then mathematically:


The solution7 [Mi187, p. 18] to the constrained optimisation problem is:

7 An alternative solution is given in Equation (5.5.159)

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 144

gOj =wdjRL *j (LjRL *)-1

j -

wdjRL; (L j RL;)-1 LjVl [Vl *L; (L j RL;)-1 LjVl] -1 Vl *L; (L j RLi)-1


Where, as before, range (LT) = 'c(Adj)T and the columns ofVl are right eigenvectors assigned in
stage one.

4.5.7 Assignment with Sympathetic Projection

The eigenvectors assigned in stage one ultimately determine what can be achieved in stage two. This
is because the stage two eigenvectors must reside in the left null space of those assigned in stage one.
To ensure that stage two is not too heavily influenced by stage one, an additional term may be added
to the optimisation. Let us define W02 as follows:


Then the augmented problem is:

i = 1 ... 81 (4.5.240)

Where w/ weights the left eigenvector term. The purpose of this term is to force the assigned right ei-
genvectors to be more orthogonal to the desired left eigenvectors. Thus in stage two it is now possible
to meet the orthogonality condition and assign directions closer to those of the desired eigenvectors.
The success of the assignment may now predominantly depend on the extent to which the allowed
subspaces contain the desired directions. The value of w/ reflects the relative importance of achiev-
ing the desired left or right eigenvectors. The weighting matrices Rl and R2 are positive definite.
R2 can be used to encourage orthogonality with respect to specific eigenvectors. The solution to the
augmented optimisation [BIG74, p. Ill] is:


The dual problem for assignment of left eigenvectors in stage one is:
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 145

i = 1 ... 81 (4.5.242)

Where VD2 = [Vd S1

+1, ... , Vd n ] is the desired right eigenvector matrix, Li is the allowed left
eigenvector subspace defined according to Equation (4.5.121) and Wr is the dual weighting factor.
The solution is:


In both cases, stage two assignment should use the simple projection of Equation (4.5.230) or its
dual. Selection of a suitable compromise value for w/ or Wr may require some experimentation, it is
recommended that all the eigenvectors Wd,; and Vd,; are normalised thus:


Examination of the behaviour of Equation (4.5 .241) for large w/ indicates an alternative problem for-
mulation is possible. If w/ is large then the latter term of Equation (4.5.240) will dominate. As de-
picted below:


This term has two solutions:

1. Trivial case fi = O.
2. Subspace solution fi E ker (WD2 Qi).

We therefore see that solutions for medium values of W/ represents a compromise in direction and
scaling. Since eigenvectors are defined by direction alone it is desirable to reformulate the problem
as a compromise in direction only. To this end let NVdi E c(n-l)xn be full rank and satisfy:


Then an alternative problem formulation is:

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 146


In the preceding problem the length of an eigenvector is arbitrarily fixed at unity and the direction
is a compromise between the ideal eigenvector direction and orthogonality to the desired left eigen-
vectors. The solution is a generalised eigenvalue problem:


The preceding solution is derived using a straightforward application of matrix calculus. The cost
and constraint function expressed with a Lagrange multiplier (0:) is:

The derivative is:

aJi = 2Qi (NvdiiRlNvdi i + WIWD2 °R2WD2) Qif, - 20:QiQif, (4.5.250)

Setting the derivative equal to zero gives:


Pre-multiplying Equation (4.5.250) by fO i shows that 0: is equal to the minimum value of the cost
function (Jo,). 00
Equation (4.5.248) may be readily solved by applying the QZ Method [GL96, p. 375] where the
solution is the eigenvector associated with the smallest positive eigenvalue. However, if Qi is full
rank then the inverse of the product (QiQi) exists and Equation (4.5.248) may be expressed as stand-
ard eigenvalue problem by pre-multiplying with (Qi Qi) -1. Since the solution is an eigenvector we
see scaling plays no part in the optimisation.
While the preceding optimisation does have the advantage of concentrating solely on the direction of
the eigenvector, it does suffer some drawbacks. For instance, the weighting matrix Rl loses some
visibility, for it now determines the degree to which the solution vector is orthogonal to the row dir-
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 147

ections of Nvdi. In practice RI was set to the identity matrix and NVdi i was calculated as an or-
thogonal basis.
Both types of sympathetic projection may be applied to multistage assignment. at each stage before
the last, the additional term should be present (see Equation (4.5.245». The term should only con-
tain the remaining unassigned left or right desired eigenvectors. The last stage should use simple

4.5.8 Assignment with Iterative Projection

Iterative projection is a natural extension to the sympathetic projection method described above. It
aims to distribute design freedom evenly between left and right eigenvectors.
In both the multi stage and two stage methods the design freedom is distributed among the stages in
discrete amounts. However. sympathetic projection has illustrated that a stage may sacrifice some of
its design freedom to the following stage. by choosing a sub-optimal solution.
The idea behind iterative assignment is that two stages progressively concede design freedom to each
other until there is convergence on a set of assignable eigenvectors. The procedure is described as

1. Initially. simple projection is performed on both left and right eigenvectors using the uncon-
strained allowed subspaces. At this point it is extremely unlikely the assigned vectors will meet
the orthogonality condition.

2. The orthogonality of the le~t and right eigenvectors is checked. If they are acceptably close
to orthogonal the procedure stops. Otherwise the orthogonality weightings Wz and Wr are in-
creased and the procedure continues to step three.

3. Using either of the sympathetic assignment methods. re-assign the right eigenvectors to a dir-
ection that is nearer to orthogonal with the current left eigenvectors. For example, the cost
function for the sympathetic approach with scaling would be:

i = 1 ... 81 (4.5.252)

4. Again, using either of the sympathetic assignment methods. re-assign the left eigenvectors to
be closer to orthogonal with the current right eigenvectors. The complementary cost function

j = (Si + 1) ... n (4.5.253)

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 148

5. Return to step two.

The simplest method for checking the eigenvector orthogonality is to form the product W l V 1 and
decide if the values are sufficiently small. Ultimately. poor orthogonality will cause the poles and
eigenvectors to be inaccurately assigned. Thus a more rigorous approach is to calculate the closed
loop system matrix and decide if the pole locations are acceptable. However. this approach is com-
putationally more intensive. After each assignment it is important to scale the eigenvectors to a fixed
length. The asymptotic convergence properties necessitate an appropriate increase of the weight-
ings. To achieve convergence within practical time scales. the orthogonality weightings should be
increased geometrically. For example:

Wl = 0 + x + xy + xy2 + xy3 + ... (4.5.254)

Where x and y control the growth of the weighting term. typical values that may form a good starting
point. from practical experience are x = 0.01 and y = 1.03.
Improved results can be achieved by maintaining a separate orthogonality weighting for each eigen-
vector. When a particular eigenvector has reached acceptable orthogonality its weighting is no longer
increased and thus it suffers no further degradation in performances.
An important property of this approach is that it will always converge to orthogonal eigenvectors. To
demonstrate this we require the following well known matrix inversion lemma [GL96].

Lemma 4.5.5
If A. B. C and D have suitable dimensions and (A, C) are non-singular then the following identity


Applying Lemma 4.5.5 to the sympathetic assignment solution (Equation (4.5.241) gives:

8The eigenvector may still suffer some change in performance since other eigenvectors will continue to change affecting
its re-assignment.
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 149

fo. = [Qr (Rl + W, W02 *R2 WD2) Qir l QiRl Vd. (4.5.256)
= (Qi Rl Qi)-l QiRl Vd.-
(Q;Rl Qd- l Q*WD2 * (W02 Qi (QiRl Qd- Q:W02 * + 1 ~, R2 _1)-1

Comparison of Equation (4.5.238) with Equation (4.5.257) shows that as w/ tends to infinity the solu-
tion becomes a constrained projection and is thereby guaranteed to produce orthogonal eigenvectors.

Example 4.5.5
This example compares the performance of the different projection techniques using the system given
in Example 4.5.2. For convenience, the desired left (Wo) and right (Vo) eigenvector matrices
equal the identity matrix. Performance is measured in terms of the assignment error (ei):

ei = IIVdi - vill2 (4.5.258)

ej = IIWdj - Wj 112 (4.5.259)

Where Wdj' Vdi are the desired left and right eigenvectors and W j' Vi are the assigned left and right
eigenvectors after projection.

Method First (V1) Second (V2) First (W3) Second (W4)

R-vector R-vector L-vector L-vector
Simple Projection
Right first 0.1842 0.0174 1.0000 0.3969
Left first 0.7550 0.5899 0.7000 0.2402
Three stage 0.1842 0.9158 0.7696 0.2569
Sympathetic Projection
Right first 0.6833 0.0569 0.9317 0.3762
Iterative Projection
NA 0.3265 0.0370 0.9487 0.3216

Table 4.5.6: The least squares eigenvector assignment errors for two and three stage simple projec-
tion. sympathetic projection and iterative projection.

With simple projection the assignment error is very much determined by the degrees of freedom avail-
able for selecting the eigenvector. When the right eigenvectors (Vl' V2) are assigned first they are
selected with the maximum amount of design freedom (2 DoFs each) and thus achieve their lowest
assignment error. Equally, when the left eigenvectors (W3, W 4) are assigned first they achieve their
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page ISO

lowest assignment error. Three stage assignment represents a compromise. The first eigenvector (VI)
is assigned with maximum design freedom (2 DoF) and thus achieves a correspondingly low assign-
ment error. The two left eigenvectors (W3, W4) are assigned with one DoF and achieve intermediate
assignment errors. The final right eigenvector is prescribed by the previous assignments and has a
large assignment error.
Using sympathetic projection the right eigenvectors shun the optimum direction in favour of one that
will assist the next stage. Thus their assignment error increases compared to assignment of right ei-
genvectors first. However, the left eigenvectors can now adopt directions closer to the optimum and
their assignment error decreases. For this example a weighting factor of 100 was applied. Interest-
ingly, it can occur that the left eigenvectors suffer an increase in assignment error.
Iterative projection begins with both left and right eigenvectors adopting the optimum solution and
then progressively updating their solutions until they are orthogonal. This generalIy achieves a com-
promise in the assignment errors. The choice of initial value for the weighting elements can be used
to steer the optirnisation. A lower value gives less priority to orthogalisation and the eigenvector will
remain closer to the optimum direction. However, it is generally not possible to achieve a prescribed
set of assignment errors and trade-offs are inevitable, some of which can be quite discrete in their

4.5.9 Assignment with Projection and Eigenvalue Trade-off

Section 4.3 presented a new algorithm for state feedback eigenstructure assignment that allows trade-
off between the eigenvector and eigenvalue approximations. All of the projection methods described
above may be coupled with eigenvalue trade-off.
The solution to the projection method is an eigenvector direction that minimises the problem cost
function. The cost function is also dependent on the eigenvalue location. Thus the initial minim-
isation may be nested in a second optimisation which uses the eigenvalue location to further reduce
the cost function. The second optimisation may be formulated as either of the constrained or uncon-
strained problems described in Section 4.3.
While a nested optirnisation may appear computationally intensive, for the projection methods de-
scribed above, the inner optimisation has an analytical solution that can be directly and efficiently
calculated. Generally, a numerical method is employed for the outer optimisation. However, under
limited circumstances an analytical solution can be calculated. The basic procedure is outlined as

1. Construct a function (Ji (s)) that calculates then minimum value of the eigenvector cost func-
tion as a function of the eigenvalue location. This will, generally, involve calculating the al-
lowed subspace Qi or Li for the new pole location and then evaluating Equation (4.5.230) or
Equation (4.5.241) and using the result to evaluate the cost function.

2. Formulate a constrained optimisation problem:

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 151


or an unconstrained optimisation problem:


Where w" is a weighting term to reflect the relative importance of the eigenvalue/eigenvector
requirements and 'xai is the set of allowed eigenvalue locations. Then solve the minimisation
using a numerical approach such as the quasi-newton method [Gra95].

3. Continue the projection method as before.

If real eigenvalues are being assigned with simple projection then steps one and two may be replaced
with the analytic procedure described in Section 4.3. In all other cases a numerical optimisation must
be used. In the case of iterative projection, steps three and four of the iterative procedure should
be replaced with procedure described above. However, since each iteration now solves two nested
optimisations the approach may become cumbersome.
Although, this algorithm bears close resemblance to the state feedback case, its does not share the
same optimality. That is, it does not find the global minimum of Equation (4.5.262):


Where VDI E cn XB1 , WD2 E (;8~ xn and AD E cn xn are the desired right eigenvectors, left
eigenvectors and eigenvalues respectively. VI E cn XB1
, W2 E (;B2 xn and A E cn xn are the
achieved right eigenvectors, left eigenvectors and eigenvalues respectively.
Further development of this approach is possible. For instance, analytic gradient expressions to aid
the optimisation could be derived and analytic solutions for the nested optimisation could also be
Example 4.5.6
In this example the projection techniques described in Example 4.5.5 are re-worked with eigenvalue
trade-off and the assignment errors are compared. All the eigenvaIues were confined to a disk centred
on their ideal location, the radius was equal to twenty percent of the eigenvalue modulus.
Comparing Table 4.5.7 with Table 4.5.6 reveals that generally eigenvalue trade-off reduces the as-
signment error. There is only a single exception in the above example, which has been highlighted.
Table 4.5.8 shows the final eigenvalue locations and reveals that, in most cases, the solution occurs
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 152

Method First (Vl) Second (V2) First (W3) Second (W4)

R-vector R-vector L-vector L-vector
Simple Projection
Right first 0.1643 0.0000 1.0000 0.3772
Left first 0.7474 0.5390 0.6713 0.2244
Three stage 0.1643 0.8848 0.7484 0.2436
Sympathetic Projection
Right first 0.6453 0.0000 0.9388 0.3518
Iterative Projection
NA 0.2702 0.0285 0.9482 0.3204

Table 4.5.7: The least squares eigenvector assignment errors for eigenvalue trade-off applied incon-
junction with: two and three stage simple projection. sympathetic projection and iterative projection.

I Method
Simple Projection
Right first -0.8000 -2.3043 -3.0000 -3.2000
Left first -0.8000 -2.4000 -2.4000 -3.2000
Three stage -0.8000 -2.4000 -2.4000 -3.2000
Sympathetic Projection
Right first -0.8000 -2.3043 -3.6000 -3.2000
Iterative Projection
NA -0.8000 -1.6000 -3.6000 -3.2000

Table 4.5.8: The resulting eigenvalue locations for the assignments described in Table 4.5.7.

on the boundary of the allowed region.

4.5.10 Eigenstructure Assignment and Similarity Transforms

It is interesting to consider the affect of similarity transforms on the eigenstructure assignment solu-
tion. Suppose a nominal system is transformed by non-singular X as follows:

A H X-lAX (4.5.263)
B H X-IB (4.5.264)
e H ex (4.5.265)

Calculation of the right eigenvector allowed subspace becomes:

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page IS3

o = [X-lAX - Ail, X-1B] [~:l (4.5.266)

= X-I [AX-Ai X , B] [~;l (4.5.267)


Thus the similarity transfonn causes the allowed subspaces to suffer the following mappings:


Assuming fixed left (gj) and right (fi ) design vectors, the assigned left and right eigenvector are trans-
fonned as follows:


thus as to be expected:


Equally, for the left eigenvectors we note:


Consider calculation of the gain matrix using Equation (4.5.136). We note that Vl and W2 always
appear in the products CV land W 2 B. Thus they suffer the following mapping:

CVl t--+ CXX-1Vl (4.5.274)

W2B t-+ W2XX- 1 B (4.5.275)

Since this mapping has no effect and the matrices Sl and T2 are also unaffected by the similarity
transfonn, the gain will be unaltered by the similarity transfonn.
4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 154

However, the assumption of fixed design vector is not entirely realistic and it is more usual that the
design vectors are calculated using a projection approach. Let us assume that simple projection is
applied. Recalling:


then the design vector fa, will undergo the following mapping:

(Qi R Qi)-IQi Rvdi t-t ((X- 1 Qi)- R (X-IQ.)) -1 (X- 1 Qi)- RX- 1vdi

This mapping will generally affect fa,. Thus all the design vectors will change as the result of a
similarity transform. Most eigenstructure assignment methods use projection to calculate the design
vectors, and will therefore produce different solutions depending on the system representation. This
is undesirable since it begs the question 'what is the most appropriate representation ?'. An approach
that obviates this problem is direct assignment of the modal coupling matrices.

4.5.11 Gain Suppression

Eigenstructure assignment will generally utilise all the available gains. However, some gains may
be eliminated (set to zero) with minimal degradation in performance. This may be attractive, just to
obtain a simpler solution or, implementation issues may require eliminating gains to meet a specific
controller structure. For instance, helicopters often employ a channel structure, where the feedback
to each input must come exclusively from one or two selected outputs. This precludes the use of
cross-feed gains and forces the feedback matrix to have a block diagonal structure.
In this section we consider eliminating gains by calculating their sensitivity with respect to the as-
signed eigenvalues. Other researchers [Rop83, SYL90, SS87, CR86] have presented similar ap-
proaches. Consider the closed loop system matrix:

ACL =A+BKC (4.5.278)

Lemma 5.5.1 [Gi184, PCn] shows that the eigenvalue sensitivity satisfies:


Where viand w, are the closed loop eigenvectors associated with A, and a is an independent variable.
4.S The Output Feedback Problem Page lSS

Application of Lemma 5.5.4 [Gra81] shows that:

8AcL = BE .. C
8 K·· ., (4.5.280)

Where Kij is the il h element of K and Eij is an all zero matrix of equal dimensions to K except
the il h element is unity.
Combing these results gives:

8>'k _ wkBEijCVk
8K ij - WkVk

Let the columns of B and the rows of C be denoted:

B = [bl. ... , b r ] (4.5.282)

CT = [cr, ... ,c~] (4.5.283)

The solution may be re-expressed as follows:

8>'k WkbiCjVk
8K ij = WkVk

= WkVk

The solution for the complete gain matrix may therefore be succinctly expressed as:

8>'k (CVkWkB)T
8K = WkVk

With the gradient information to hand one can decide which gain values to zero. Calvo-Ramon
[CR86] and Sobel et at [SYL90] suggest calculating the average eigenvalue shift:

4.5 The Output Feedback Problem Page 156

and using this as the basis for a decision. Sobel et al [SYL90] extends the approach to include the
sensitivity with respect eigenvectors as well. If the number of gains elements (rm) is greater than the
number of states (n) the following nullspace approach may be applied.
Suppose the matrix K is to be perturbed by a matrix AK

K'=K+AK (4.5.288)

then a first order estimate of the deviation in the kth eigenvalue is:

8>'i = vec ( 8~
)T vec (AK) (4.5.289)

Where the vecO operator constructs a vector from a matrix by stacking the columns. To consider the
effect on all the eigenvalues simultaneously the following matrix is constructed:


Then a vector of eigenvalue deviations is calculated as follows:


The matrix DK has dimensions n x rm and will have a null space of dimension at least rm - n. The
existence of this null space implies that the gain matrix may be perturbed in a manner that does not
effect the pole locations. This immediately implies an alternative approach, whereby the gain matrix
is incrementally adjusted using perturbation matrices that do not effect the eigenvalues.

However, although the perturbation matrices have little effect on the eigenvalues they will alter the
eigenvectors and thus the system performance. Further work could consider the effect of gain per-
turbations on the eigenvectors and even the eigenvector assignment errors. The tools for deriv-
ing sensitivity functions with respect to the eigenvectors and assignment errors may be found in
[GraS!, pen, SYL90].
4.6 Direct Assignment of the Modal Coupling Matrices Page 157

4.6 Direct Assignment of the Modal Coupling Matrices

One of the main attractions of eigenstructure assignment, over pole placement, is the ability to influ-
ence how the modes couple into the states. This is particularly useful when the states have a physical
meaning, as is often the case when models are derived by physical argument. For example, most air-
craft models fall into this category. Eigenstructure assignment has been successfully used to decouple
flight control problems by separating the modes in to the appropriate physical axes [ASC83, GC86].
However, in many models the states do not have physical meaning, but contribute to form outputs
that do have physical significance. This is especially true when the model is generated by identifica-
tion [SCM96], since identification, is only aware of and thus, can only approximate the input-output
relationship. In this case, one is more interested in how the modes couple into the outputs and would
wish to assign this property directly. This involves assigning the output mode coupling matrix (CV)
[Smi91] where C is the output matrix and V is the matrix of right eigenvectors.
There is also a more fundamental argument why one should want to assign the input and output mode
coupling matrices directly. Assigning a right eigenvector is tantamount to altering the relative observ-
ability of the associated mode in chosen states. If the design objective is to alter observability then it
is more appropriate to assign the mode-observability matrix (CV) [PC72] directly.
In the state feedback case (C = I) or when the output matrix can be transformed to the following
structure by row ordering and scaling only:


It is clear that assigning the right eigenvectors V is equivalent to assigning the mode-observability
matrix. An output matrix with the structure described above occurs when the states are measurable,
which naturally implies they have some physical significance. Thus is in many applications where
eigenstructure assignment has proved particularly useful [ASC83, GC86, Far89, GLP89b], by equi-
valence, the mode-observability matrix has been assigned.
Consideration of input mode coupling can be used to construct a dual argument, that it is more ap-
propriate to assign the mode-controllability matrix or input modal coupling matrix (WB) than the
left eigenvectors. The mode-controllability matrix determines the degree to which a mode is excited
by an input. If one consider the dyadic representation of the closed loop transfer function:


then we can see that the prevalence of a mode in a particularly input output pair is dependent on the
product of the appropriate elements of the mode controllability and observability matrices.
4.6 Direct Assignment of the Modal Coupling Matrices Page 158

In Section 4.5.10 it was demonstrated that the results of projection based eigenstructure assignment
will depend on the system representation. A benefit of assigning the modal coupling matrices is that
this dependency disappears.
Other researchers [MMS92, ZSA90, Smi9l, Whi91] have both tacitly and explicitly assigned the
controllability and observability matrices. For instance, the approach of Manness and Murray-Smith
[MMS92] uses the output space which is tantamount to assigning the mode observability matrix.
Equally the method of Zhang et al [ZSA90] for suppression of unwanted inputs is equivalent to as-
signing the mode controllability matrix. Smith [Smi91] and White [Whi91] explicitly advocate use
of the mode controllability and observability matrices. White [Whi9l] suggests that performance
may be evaluated with a different set of outputs to those used for feedback control. This is a useful
approach if an output is important to performance but can not be measured.
The remainder of this section describes a technique for directly assigning the modal coupling
matrices. The technique forms a natural extension to the eigenstructure assignment techniques
presented in Section 4.5.2. The rows or columns of the modal coupling matrices are selected from
allowed subspaces. Consider, the closed system:

ACL =A+BKC (4.6.294)

where (Ai, v i) form a closed loop eigenvalue, eigenvector pair. A basis for the allowed mode observ-
ability subspace may be derived from the definition of the closed loop right eigenvectors:

(A+BKC)Vi = Ai Vi (4.6.295)
(Ail - A)Vi = BK(CVi) (4.6.296)
CVi = C(Ail - A)-lBK(CVi) (4.6.297)

0 = [Iml C(A - Cv; 1

~;I)-l B1[KCVi (4.6.298)

Equation (4.6.298) shows CVi must be in the range ofC(A-Ail)-l B. LetD(A) denote the allowed
mode observability subspace, then it may be defined as:

D(A) = {Xi: Xi E range (C(A - AiI)-lB)} (4.6.299)

Although, this definition is the most intuitive, it is undefined if Ai is coincident with an open loop
eigenvalue of A. However, Equation (4.6.296) can be used to formulate an alternative definition:
4.6 Direct Assignment of the Modal Coupling Matrices Page 159

.0(..\) = {Xi: Xi = range (CVi) I(A - ..\iI)Vi E range (B)} (4.6.300)

This definition is principally the right eigenspace multiplied by C. Dual arguments lead to the fol-
lowing definitions of the allowed mode controllability subspace:


and more generally:


The subspaces can be calculated by using the SVD or QR algorithms to generate a minimal basis for
range (LiB) or range (CQi) as appropriate. The above results allow the selection of desired mode
coupling vectors, but to assign these vectors a means of calculating a gain matrix must be developed.


where QOi E cm xr denotes the allowed mode observability subspace associated with the eigen-
value ..\di and Pi has its usual meaning. A design vector fi E (;Xl may be used to select a mode
observability vector from the allowed subspace:

VOl = [QOlf1, ... ,QOpfp] (4.6.304)

SI = [Plfl , ... ,Ppfp] (4.6.305)

Where VOl and SI are matrices of the selected vectors and for a real gain matrix it is required that
if ..\d, = Xdle then fi = fie. Comparison ofEquation (4.6.303) with Equation (4.6.298) shows the gain
matrix K must satisfy:

KVOl = SI (4.6.306)
4.6 Direct Assignment of the Modal Coupling Matrices Page 160

Equally, let:


where Lc; E I(;'lxr denotes the allowed mode controllability subspace associated with the eigen-
value Ad; and Mj has its usual meaning. A design vector gj E C 1xm may be used to select a mode
controllability row vector from the allowed row subspace:

= [LC;+lgr+ll ... ,Lc~g~] (4.6.308)

T2 T = [Mr+lgr+ll ... ,M~g~] (4.6.309)

Where W C2 and T2 denote matrices of the selected vectors and to ensure a real gain matrix.,
whenever Ad; = ).dk then gj = gk. Thus, by a dual argument the gain matrix. must also satisfy:

WC2K=T2 (4.6.310)

Recalling, Lemma 4.5.3 reveals the following conditions for a gain matrix. solution:

Cl rank {VOl ) = p

C2 rank (W C2) =n - p

C3 WC2S1 = T2VOl

If all the conditions are met, the gain matrix. is calculated from the following expression:

K = WC2 tT2 + SI VOl t - WC2 t WC2S1 VOl t (4.6.311)

Which may be augmented with a free parameter term. An assignment technique requires a means of
selecting vectors such that they meet condition C3 . This may be achieved by rewriting condition C3
as follows:

4.6 Direct Assignment of the Modal Coupling Matrices Page 161

It may now be appended to either of the allowed subspace equations as shown below:




This immediately leads to a two stage assignment technique that is very similar to the eigenvector
case described earlier. The stages of the technique are outlined below:

1. Select 81 < r mode controllability vectors from the allowed subspace <!:(Adi}. Or 81 < m
mode observability vectors from the allowed subspace.o (Adi). The selected vectors must form
conjugate pairs in accordance with their associated eigenvalues. Then construct (VOl , 81 ) or
(W C2 , T2 ) as appropriate.

2. Select 82 ~ m mode observability vectors from the augmented subspace Equation (4.6.314).
Or select 82 ~ r from the augmented subspace Equation (4.6.313). Again, the selected vectors
must form conjugate pairs in accordance with their associated eigenvalues. Then construct the
complementary (WC2, T2) or (V01, 81) as appropriate.

Finally, calculate the gain matrix from Equation (4.6.311). Some points to note about this approach

• Complete assignment still requires m + r > n. The number of vectors that may be assigned
and the design freedom available may be read from Table 4.5.2 and Table 4.5.3. However,
the 'right' should be replaced with mode-observability and 'left' with mode-controllability.
Although the subspaces are the same dimension for both eigenvector and mode coupling as-
signment. the vectors being assigned are generally smaller (max(m, r) < n). Therefore the
chances of acceptably approximating the desired vector from within the subspace are higher.

• Unused design freedom may exist after the two stage technique and the free parameter of Equa-
tion (4.6.311) can be used to construct a reduced system for a retro stage.

• Multistage assignment is also possible. It is only required that conditions Cl to C3 are met
after all the assignment stages. Thus design freedom can be distributed in the same manner as
the eigenvector assignment case.
4.6 Direct Assignment of the Modal Coupling Matrices Page 162

• This technique does not require a state space representation. Providing, the assigned poles
are not coincident with the open loop poles, only the transfer function matrix is needed. Con-
sequently, the assignment is independent of similarity transforms applied to the representation.
If the transfer function matrix is used then the following simplification is also possible. Let
G(s) = C(sI - A)-lB then


Examination of Equation (4.6.303) and Equation (4.6.307) shows that the above may be used
for calculation of the allowed subspaces.

The design vectors may be determined using simple projection. The minimisation is formulated as


Where R is a positive definite weighting matrix and Vodi is the desired form for a column of the
mode observability matrix. It describes in which outputs the mode Ai should prevail. The solution is
readily given by Equation (4.5.230). Naturally, a dual formulation for simple projection of the mode
controllability matrix may also be formulated.
In the same way that the orthogonality condition, necessary for stage two, may be formulated as a
projection constraint, it is also possible to incorporate the constraints imposed by Equation (4.6.312)
into the optimisation. The constrained problem is:


Where wodi is the desired mode controllability row vector and 81, V01 are results of stage one
assignment. Again, a dual problem for stage two assignment of mode observability vectors is readily
Unfortunately, the direct assignment technique does not lend itself to sympathetic projection. The
purpose of sympathetic projection is to mitigate the effect on stage two of the additional constraints
imposed by Equation (4.6.312). This is accomplished by forcing stage one to adopt a solution that is
compatible with the ideal solution to stage two. However, this would imply a term of the form:
4.7 Dynamic Compensation Page 163


While Woo is simply constructed from the row vectors wodi' Equation (4.6.298) shows that con-
structing Po would require prior knowledge of the gain matrix. Hence the difficulty of applying
sympathetic projection to direct assignment.
Direct assignment may be used in conjunction with iterative projection. The technique follows the
procedure outlined in Section 4.5.8, but the projection problem is reformulated as follows:

i = l",s l (4.6.319)

The dual problem is:

j = (Si + l) ... n

Other techniques such as gain suppression are readily applied to the direct assignment case.

4.7 Dynamic Compensation

In this section two methods of implementing dynamic compensation are presented. Dynamic com-
pensation increases the available design freedom and can therefore achieve design goals that are not
possible using static feedback alone. For instance, dynamic compensation can be used to achieve
complete pole assignment with systems that do not satisfy m + r > n.

4.7.1 The Augmented System Method

Since first proposed by Johnson and Athans [JA70] the the Augmented System Method has proved an
expedient and popular [Kim75, SS87. H087, Han89, Dua93a, SSA94] method of achieving dynamic
compensation. The salient features of this method are listed as follows:

• This method generalises static feedback results to dynamic compensation without requiring
any new theory.
4.7 Dynamic Compensation Page 164

• The technique is versatile as an arbitrary dynamic feedback compensator may be assigned and
parametric approaches may be applied [H087].

• A dynamic compensator of order l = (n + 1) - (m + r) is required for complete pole assign-


• The method is conceptually straightforward and simple to apply.

The system augmentation method is now cursorily described. Suppose a dynamic compensator of
order l, is required then the open loop system should be augment as follows:

c = [Co 0]

The augmented system is illustrated in Figure 4.7.1.

r-----------------, I

ul yl

u2 I
L _________________ J
([> : )y2
Figure 4.7.1: The augmented system

A static gain K E lR(r+l)x(m+I) can be calculated using any feedback design technique. If the closed
loop gain is partitioned in accordance with the augmented system:


then it is clear that the feedback compensator is:

Xc = Aexc + Beyl (4.7.323)

ul = Cexc + Deyl (4.7.324)
4.7 Dynamic Compensation Page 165

Where ul and yl are inputs and outputs of the open loop system. The augmented system has some
interesting properties. Consider calculation of the allowed right eigenvector subspace:


We see that the portion of the eigenvector associated with the open loop states must be selected from
the unaugmented allowed subspace (Q) and that the portion associated with the compensator may be
arbitrarily assigned. It is readily shown that the same is true for the allowed left eigenvector subspace.
The transmission zeros [MK76, KH86] of the augmented system are the same as those for the open
loop system, since if:


is rank deficient then it is readily shown that:


is also rank deficient. Hence the transmission zeros are invariant under dynamic compensation intro-
duced by the augmented system method.
A drawback of this method is that there is no well developed theory [SS87] for selecting compensator
eigenvalues and eigenvectors. However, with a good understanding of the plant the design engineer
can apply classical ideas such as washout filters and lead-lag networks.
The augmented system method may be applied in a less generic manner by augmenting the system
with a known compensator structure and then applying static feedback techniques. For instance, the
augmented system method described above is pure feedback compensation and does not draw any
information from the open loop system inputs. However, an additional input matrix (Bp) can be
added to the usual augmented structure to feed input information into the compensator states.

B =
[B 0]
Bp 1/ (4.7.328)
4.7 Dynamic Compensation Page 166

The matrix Bp describes how the open loop system inputs couple into the compensator and must
be selected by the design engineer prior to calculating the feedback gains. Since the resultant com-
pensator uses both feedback and input information it may be equivalently represented by a pre-
compensator and feedback compensator. The pre-compensator functionality may be desirable for
shaping input commands.

4.7.2 The Observer Method

An observer is a specific type of dynamic compensation that seeks to estimate the states, outputs or
other variables of the open loop system. The theory of observer design is well established [Lue66,
Br091, KaiSO] and many techniques may be applied including eigenstructure assignment [KHS6,
GL90]. Some techniques can offer robust estimation [AMS9]. However, when the estimation is used
for feedback there is no guarantee that the closed loop system will inherit the robustness properties
[DS79, Doy78].
The separation theorem [Br091, p. 525] allows the observer and controller to be designed separately.
To construct a full order observer a feedback gain (Ko) for the pair (A, C) is designed. If eigen-
structure assignment is utilised then n left eigenvectors are selected from the allowed left eigenvector
subspace (£().i). The associated eigenvalues determine the error dynamics, which are selected as a
compromise between fast convergence, good noise rejection and good robustness.

ul yl

Figure 4.7.2: An observer and controller

The controller is constructed by the designing a state feedback gain (Kc) for the pair (A, B). The
complete system is illustrated in Figure 4.7.2 and may be represented as an augmented system as
4.7 Dynamic Compensation Page 167

K= [0Kc KO]

Full state estimation requires a nth order compensator9 • However, it may not be required to estimate
all the states since some may be measurable or simply not needed. In which case a reduced order
observer [Br091, Kai80] may be employed.
Suppose an open loop system has m measurable outputs then a similarity transform may be applied
such that:

x = [::] A = [All B = [::] c = [Im 0] (4.7.330)


The lower partition indicates how an open loop estimation of X2 may be achieved, let Xe2 be the
estimated state:


For the system above to produce a meaningful estimate corrective feedback will be required. From
the upper portion we see A12X2 contributes to the dynamics of Xl which are measurable. Thus an
error term may be formulated as follows:


Substituting the equation from the upper partition gives:


The term Xl is undesirable since it implies differentiating the system output. Fortunately, this prob-
lem can be obviated by noting that the error term will be multiplied by a gain (Ko) then integrated.
Rather than integrating the term Ko Xl one may simply add Ko Xl to the output. Thus

gIn fact full state estimation may be achieved with an - 1 order compensator [Kai80].
4.7 Dynamic Compensation Page 168

Xez = Azzxez + (AZIXl + Bzu) + Ko e (4.7.334)

= A22Xe2 + (A2IXI + B2U) + Ko «Xl - AllXl - BlU) - A12Xe2) (4.7.335)
= (A22 - Ko A12)Xe2 + (A21 - Ko All)Xl + (B2 - Ko Bl)U + Ko Xl
Let us remove the derivative term (Xl) by re-defining the state variable Xe2 1-+ z + Ko Xl:

z = (A2Z - Ko AIZ)(z + Ko Xl) + (A2l - Ko AU)Xl + (B2 - Ko BI)u

= (A22 - Ko A 12 )Z + (A2l - Ko All + A22Ko - Ko A12Ko )Xl + (B2 - Ko Bl)u

Design of the reduced order observer is the same as for the full state case except that the pair
(A2Z, A 12) are used. Once the reduced order observer has been designed it may be incorporated
in an augmented system to facilitate controller design using static feedback techniques.

A =
[(AZl - Ko All + A~KO - Ko AIZKo )
(A 0
22 - KoAl2
)] (4.7.336)

B =
[(B2 - ~OBl)] (4.7.337)

C =
[~o ~l (4.7.338)

It is interesting to note that an observer makes use of both input and output information and is thus
both a pre-compensator and a feedback compensator.
This section has developed tools that allow the fixed gain eigenstructure assignment techniques. that
have already been developed. to enjoy the additional design freedom offered by dynamic compens-
ation. The observer method allows the designer to achieve near state feedback performance and is
useful when the move from state feedback to static output feedback has caused an unrecoverable loss
in performance. However. it should be borne in mind that the robustness properties of the state feed-
back solution are unlikey to be recovered. The augmented system approach is very flexible. but since
there is a dearth of theoretical guidance for designing dynamic compensators using eigenstructure as-
signment. This technique is best combined with a controller strategy appropriate for the given applic-
ation. The controller strategy may be drawn from past experience. classical compensator approaches
and analysis of the observer based solution.
4.8 Summary and Further Work Page 169

4.8 Summary and Further Work

4.8.1 Summary
This chapter pulls together a lot of the current eigenstructure assignment theory and presents it in a
unified manner. Several novel extensions to the existing theory are developed. These include:

• An eigenvalue trade-off algorithm with an analytical solution for the real eigenvalue case.

• Concise and simplified proofs that facilitate a clear understanding of the fundamentals of ei-
genstructure assignment

• A novel gain equation that forms the basis of a versatile eigenstructure assignment algorithm.

• A retro-assignment stage that allows unused design freedom to be recovered.

• The iterative and sympathetic projection algorithms. These allow more control over the distri-
bution of design freedom during the projection process.

• It is argued that direct assignment of the modal coupling matrices is more appropriate for the
output feedback case. Theory is developed that facilitates a technique for direct assignment of
the modal coupling matrices.

All the extensions are straightforward additions to a basic two stage assignment algorithm.

4.8.2 Further Work

Undoubtedly, the most irritating lacuna in the preceding work is the lack of an analytical result to
the trade-off algorithm for the case of complex eigenvalues. Much of the work in Appendix C was
undertaken in an effort to find an analytical solution for this case and would form a good starting point
for further work. The aim of which would be to find a solution or unequivocally establish there is no
analytical solution.
For the work is this chapter to be of use to practising engineers it must be supported by reliable quality
software. While considerable software has been developed to exercise the algorithms. Further work
would be necessary to package the code in a consistent and complete manner. Probably, the most
appropriate format for the software would be a toolbox that provides simple commands which can
be easily combined to achieve complex designs. This low level approach ensures the engineer always
maintains control over the design.
Many controller synthesis problems have been recently re-expressed as linear matrix inequalities
(LMI) [SI96]. This has provided a unified approach. It would be interesting to explore if eigenstruc-
ture assignment can re-expressed as an LMI and therefore unified with other, traditionally distinct,
branches of control theory.
4.9 References Page 170

The direct assignment technique does not lend itself to sympathetic projection in its present form. A
topic for further work could be to develop an equivalent mechanism for controlling the influence of
the first stage on subsequent assignment stages.
The current approach to gain suppression only considered the affect on the eigenvalues. It would be
worthwhile to develop extensions that also consider the eigenvectors and even their associated assign-
ment errors. This will provide the engineer with a clearer idea of the likely impact on performance of
eliminating a gain. While gain suppression can be useful in simplifying the design this post-design
sensitivity analysis is an ad hoc way of achieving structural constraints. A challenging topic for fur-
ther work would be the development of theory that allowed hard structural constraints to be specified
from the outset of the design.
For complete assignment, all techniques considered in this chapter must satisfy the constraint:

m+r >n (4.8.339)

This constraint is imposed not because of a fundamental law, but because it affords a simplification
of the problem that allows us to calculate a solution using linear algebra techniques. It has been quite
recently shown [Wan92, RSW95] that complete assignment only requires:

mr>n (4.8.340)

The inefficiency of the current constraint becomes more acute as the order of the system is increased.
For example, for a fourth order system both constraints require an equal number of gains, but for a
fortieth order system the linear constraint may require as many as ten times more gains. Developing
a general solution to the problem of complete pole assignment using output feedback that requires the
minimum number of gain elements is a fundamental problem in control theory and certainly worthy
of further research.

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Chapter 5


5.1 Introduction....................... 175
5.2 Eigenstructure Assignment and Robustness. . . . . . . 177
5.3 An Outline of the Robustness Improvement Algorithm. 179
5.4 Robustness Measures . . . . . . . . . . 180
s.s Robustness Measure Gradient Functions 198
5.6 Mitigation of Performance Degradation. 218
5.7 Further Work 223
5.8 References................ 226

This chapter gives the theoretical basis for a robustness improvement algorithm. The algorithm will
improve robustness with respect to either a time domain or singular value based robustness measure.
The algorithm employs a gradient based optimisation and analytic expressions for the gradients are
derived. Some typical results can be found in Chapter 6.

5.1 Introduction
No mathematical system can precisely model a real system. There are always unpredictable inputs
and dynamics that form a fundamental limit and in all practical models there will additional behaviour
that is approximated or unmodelled [Pad96, p 90]. This means that even if the inputs of a system are
known, the output can not be predicted exactly and is subject to some uncertainty.

Robustness refers to the ability of a system to tolerate uncertainty. Practical approaches to measuring
and improving robustness require a description of the uncertainty and means of deciding if a system
is tolerating or has been overcome by the uncertainty. Generally, stability is used as the deciding
threshold and it is in the area of stability robustness where most of the useful theoretical results are
concentrated. However, it is easy to imagine a situation where perfonnance has degraded to an unac-
ceptable level long before instability sets in. It is thus, in general, more desirable to achieve perform-

Page 175
5.1 Introduction Page 176

ance robustness. Unfortunately, the area of performance robustness is fundamentally more difficult
and is consequently less well developed. The fundamental problem is that acceptable performance
is; difficult to define, problem dependent and often, once defined, mathematically unsuitable for the
development of a robustness theorem. This has hindered the development of a uniform approach to
robust performance. However, results have been developed for some specific situations where ac-
ceptable performance can be defined by a norm bounded transfer function [PD93, SD91] or as an
allowed region for the closed loop spectrum [YA94, YS91, Jua91, Yed93b].
The numerous sources of uncertainty that are present in a helicopter design model make robustness an
important issue for helicopter flight control law design. Some of the significant sources of uncertainty
are listed as follows:

1. The rotorcraft flight condition, this represents different trim conditions, altitudes, and other
parameters associated with the Operational Flight Envelope (OFE). Generally, forward speed
is the dominant uncertainty and therefore of most interest.

2. Sensor errors associated with measuring attitudes, rates, accelerations and speed. In fact at low
air speeds, speed measurements are so inaccurate that they prohibit effective gain scheduling.

3. Linearisation of non-linearities. Most design will be based around linear models that have been
extracted from full non-linear simulations. The linear model rapidly becomes invalid for mod-
erate perturbations and manoeuvres away from trim.

4. The linear model is a time invariant representation of a time varying system. This especially
true of the rotor dynamics, where the spinning rotor is represented by a static system.

5. Deliberate reduced order modelling. For convenience and simplicity a reduced order linear
and/or non-linear simulation may be used during the design. These models may ignore such
things as actuator dynamics, rotor-states, structural modes, etc.

6. Unmodelled dynamics. Even the most precise model will be unable to describe all the sys-
tem dynamic behaviour, since the high frequency effects are often stochastic or depend on un-
measurable exogenous inputs. Furthermore, the negative phase introduced by these effects is
insidious since it can destabilise.

7. The rotorcraft state represents uncertain inputs that will vary from flight to flight. For instance,
the c.o.g positions. all-up weight, weather conditions, etc.

8. Controller implementation. Finite precision arithmetic and the computational delay associated
with digital realisations of controllers introduce significant uncertainty.

9. Further uncertainty results from manufacturing variation, non-critical component failure, wear
and aging.
S.l Eigenstructure Assignment and Robustness Page 177

The uncertainties above can be broadly divided into two groups: unmodelled dynamics and parameter
variations. Parameter variations will cause the elements of the state space description to change in
a structured way. Uncertainty in the state space description is called either state space parametric
uncertainty or more succinctly time domain uncertainty [Yed85, SSA94].
For the following three independent and significant sources of time domain uncertainty some inform-
ation about the structure can be extracted.

Flight condition By comparing state space models for different flight conditions, information about
variations in the model and its subsequent eigenstructure can be extracted.

Rotorcraft state The stability and control derivatives of the state space model can be expressed
as approximate equations derived using physical arguments and written in terms of physical
quantities [Pr090]. Error tolerances can be associated with physical quantities and used to
calculate a combined tolerance for the state space derivative.

Linearisation Errors The errors introduced by linearisation of a non-linear model can be estimated
using the algorithm described in Section 2.3.

It is well established that time domain models are a suitable format for flight control problems and it is
suggested that robustness should concentrate on time domain uncertainty. Time domain uncertainty
forms a natural complement to the state space model, provides the same physical insight and the tech-
niques described above can be used to extract valuable structural information. The drawback of time
domain uncertainty is that it does not explicitly accommodate unmodelled dynamics which are an
important source of uncertainty and should not be over looked. However, in some cases robustness
to unmodelled dynamics can be re-expressed as time domain uncertainty.

5.2 Eigenstructure Assignment and Robustness

Unlike other techniques such as the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) [AM89] or ?loo control
[Zam81], Eigenstructure Assignment has no explicit means of guaranteeing robustness margins. But
Eigenstructure Assignment does provide access to all the available design freedom and may assign
a robust solution as easily as a non-robust solution. It is therefore only required to provide a tech-
nique that will steer the assignment towards a robust solution and many such techniques have been
Early techniques reduced the sensitivity of the eigenvalues to perturbations in the system matrix
by orthogonalising the eigenvectors [Bur90, MP88, KND85], since Gilbert and Wilkinson show
[Gi184, Wil65] that the system eigenvalues are most insensitive when eigenvectors are orthogonal.
Strictly speaking these are not robustness techniques since they do not define a class of perturb-
ation for which the system will remain stable or maintain some performance measure. However,
some techniques do optimise the condition number of the modal matrix [KND85] and robustness
S.2 Eigenstructure Assignment and Robustness Page 178

measures based on the condition number of the closed loop modal matrix have been developed
[ND84, YA94, YL86a, SBY89b]. The orthogonalisation techniques also suffer the draw back that
all the eigenvector design freedom is used to othogonalise the eigenvectors with no consideration of
how this affects the system response and especially decoupling. For this reason these techniques are
best considered as numerically well-conditioned pole placement algorithms [GLLT90, see place].
Work on singular value sensitivities [CFL81] led to techniques that improve singular value based ro-
bustness measures [Gar89, MN84, NM85, SATC86, Web92]. These techniques assume that a nom-
inal design has been generated. They attempt to improve the robustness of the design by calculat-
ing the gradient of the singular value robustness measure with respect each design parameter. The
design parameters are adjusted in a direction that improves the robustness measure. The principal
difference between the algorithms is the choice of design parameters. Garg [Gar89] and Scpgaard-
Andersen et al [SATC86] assume the nominal design is generated using state feedback eigenstructure
assignment and calculate gradients with respect to the desired eigenstructure and design vectors re-
spectively. Mukhopadhyay and Newsom [MN84, NM85] calculate a gradient with respect to the gain
elements of the nominal design. This work therefore makes no assumption about how the nominal
design is produced and as a result the gradient functions are simpler. A key issue with these improve-
ments techniques is maintaining performance while improving robustness. All the techniques address
this problem by starting with a design that is optimised for performance then hoping that adequate
robustness can be achieved before performance has degraded too far. In addition, the techniques of
Garg [Gar89] and Srpgaard-Andersen et al [SATC86] can be configured to adjust selected design
parameters. These techniques also have the advantage that they adjust the parameters used in the
original design. Hence the trade-off between performance and robustness is more visible. Robust-
ness improvement techniques based on measures other than the maximum singular value have been
developed [Apk88, Apk89. SYP+92].
An alternative to the improvement techniques are approaches that combine the robustness and per-
formance goals in a single constrained optimisation [Muk87, PL94, Dav94, YPS91, YS91, WCY91].
These techniques do not generally use analytically derived gradient information since the cost and
constraint functions are too complex to differentiate. As this suggests, the optimisation problems
are often difficult and novel techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) have been applied [PL94,
Dav94]. Again, optimisation techniques based on measures other than the maximum singular value
have been developed [YPS91, YS91, WCY91].
Although, the combined optirnisation approaches go some way to addressing the problem of achiev-
ing robustness and performance goals simultaneously, they do so at the expense of visibility. The
author believes the visibility offered by the improvement techniques make them preferable to the
combined optimisation approach. Thus the work presented in the remainder of this chapter is a ro-
bustness improvement technique which has been developed by the author.
5.3 An Outline of the Robustness Improvement Algorithm Page 179

5.3 An Outline of the Robustness Improvement Algorithm

The author's robustness improvement algorithm starts with a controller solution that has been op-
timised for performance. This solution is expressed in terms of optimal eigenvalue locations and
design vectors. The design vectors select the best achievable eigenvector directions from the allowed
subspaces. Since the solution is optimal and generally unique, it is clear that any adjustment of the
eigenvalues or design vectors will create a sub-optimal solution and consequently a degradation in
performance. The robustness improvement algorithm will adjust eigenvalues and design vectors thus
there is an inevitable trade-off between performance and robustness. The performance robustness
trade-off is a common feature of many modern control techniques [lS90, SA87, Kwa93] and it is
important that it is presented in a way that makes the trade-off clear to the design engineer.

The robustness improvement algorithm uses the same parameters as the original design; that is, the
eigenvalues and design vectors. This is to make the performance robustness trade-off visible. At each
step the algorithm selects an adjustment vector that is a compromise between robustness improvement
and performance degradation. The algorithm is also constrained to keep the closed loop eigenvalues
within specified regions and thereby maintain performance. The basic steps of the algorithm are listed
as follows.

1. Produce initial optimal design.

2. Calculate the robustness measure for the current controller.

3. If the robustness measure is acceptable stop else continue.

4. Calculate the gradient of the robustness measure with respect to the design parameters.

5. Calculate the gradient of the performance measure with respect to the design parameters.

6. Select a compromise direction.

7. Perform a line search in the compromise direction to find a cost reduction step.

8. Re-calculate the controller with new design parameters.

9. Go to step 2.

The key features of the algorithm that distinguish it from previous attempts are as follows:

• It is an extension to output feedback eigenstructure assignment.

• It provides an explicit mechanism to maintain performance through the use of compromise dir-

• It uses novel robustness measures.

Before describing the algorithm in detail it is instructive to look at the robustness measures employed
and their derivatives.
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 180

5.4 Robustness Measures

For comparison it was decided to implement the algorithm using two different robustness measures,
a time domain measure and a maximum singular value based measure. Either measure would have to
be evaluated at step two of the robustness improvement algorithm this would also require specifying
an uncertainty structure. Several time domain measures were considered.

5.4.1 The Time Domain Robustness Measure

Lypaunov derived conditions [PTS77, PT80, Yed8S, YL86b, Lee82, ZK87, KBH88] were rejected
due to their conservatism and limited ability to handle structured perturbations. Polynomial derived
conditions [GJ81, KBH88, Vic89, Yed93b] were also examined. They are reported to be conservat-
ive [Wis92] and cumbersome to calculate. Other less conventional robustness measures were also
considered [ND84, TV90, Yed93a].
For the time domain robustness measure it was decided to use the Gronwall Lemma [Vid93, p. 236]
derived condition presented by Yu et al [YPS9I]. The decision was based on the following reasons:

• published results [YPS91, SBY89a] show the measure to be less conservative than comparable
measures [CW87] .

• The measure is dependent on the closed loop eigenstructure in an obvious and intuitive way,
which lends itself to differentiation.

Consider a nominal state space system (A, B, C) subject to continuous time varying uncertainties
described by AA and AB.

x(t) = Ax(t) + AA(t)x(t) + Bu(t) + ABu(t) (S.4.I)

y(t) = Cx(t) (S.4.2)

Suppose the absolute value of the maximum variation is bounded by the matrices AM and BM on
an element by element basis.

abs (AA (t)) $ AM (S.4.3)

abs (AB (t)) $ BM (S.4.4)

Consider, also an output feedback gain thus

5.4 Robustness Measures Page 181

u(t) = Ky(t) (5.4.5)

Theorem 5.4.1 Theorem 2 Yu et al [YPS91]

Suppose that K is such that the nominal closed loop system is stable with a non-defective modal
matrix. Then, the uncertain closed loop system is stable for all aA and aB if,


where W i and Vi are the left and right closed loop eigenvectors associated with the closed loop ei-
genvalue Ai.

Equation (5.4.6) has not been reproduced exactly as stated by Yu et al [YPS91]. The additional term
abs (WiVi) has been added to the denominator. In the original equation this term was omitted since
it was tacitly assumed that the eigenvectors were scaled to satisfy WiVi = 1. With the following


ABM = AM + BM abs(KC) (5.4.8)

[VI, ... , v n ] (5.4.9)

V =
WT = [wf, .... w;] (5.4.10)

ARE = diag [ -Re (AdAC~)) abs (WI VI)' ••• , -Re (An (AC~)) abs (w n n)] (5.4.11)

Equation (5.4.6) can be more succinctly expressed as:

p (abs (M) ARE abs (W) ABM) $ 1 (5.4.12)

Equation (5.4.6) repays closer examination but first some useful matrix properties are needed:

1. Suppose that X is a square matrix with simple eigenvalues and that (Wi. Vi) are the left and
right eigenvectors of X associated with the eigenvalue Ai. Then the first order sensitivity of
the eigenvalue Ai to perturbations in each element of X may be expressed in matrix form as
(Porter and Crossley [pe72, p. 22]):
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 182


Thus if nominal X is subject to a perturbation such that:x:' = X +E then a first order estimate
of the deviation in Ai, denoted 8Ai, is:

1"\. _ WiEvi
UA, - --- (5.4.14)

2. If X and Y are equal size square matrices composed of non-negative elements and satisfy


on an element by element basis. Then the Perron-Frobenius Theorem [Gra87, p. 121] for non-
negative matrices shows:

p(X) > p(Y) (5.4.16)

3. If X and Y are square matrices composed of non-negative elements then they satisfy the fol-
lowing spectral radius inequality

p(X) + p(Y) ~ p(X + Y) (5.4.17)

The inequality can be proved using a straight forward application of Rayleigh:SO principle
[Gra87, p. 121] as shown below, although the form below is adapted for the purposes of the

p(X + Y) = max x T (X T+ Y)x = xoT (X + Y)xo (5.4.18)

x~O x X xoT XO

Where x is a column vector of appropriate length composed of non-negative elements. Further

application of Rayleigh's principle shows:
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 183

< max - T-
x2:0 X X
= p(X) (5.4.19)

xoTyxo xTyx
~ max - T-
x2:0 X X
= p(Y) (5.4.20)

since p(X) and p(Y) are always non-negative. it follows that:

p(X) + p(Y) ~ p(X + Y) (5.4.21)

Reference to Equation (5.4.13) shows that the robustness condition (Equation (5.4.6» is intimately
related to the eigenvalue sensitivity.
Matrix property two shows that increasing Re (Ai (ACL)) will always improve the robustness meas-
ure. This result is intuitive since one would expect that moving the eigenvalues further from the un-
stable RHP would improve robustness.
Direct application of matrix property three to Equation (5.4.6) produces the following inequality:

p (abs (M) ARE abs (W) ABM) < ?:n P (abS(V'w,)

-Re (Ai (ACL'» ~bs(wiVi) ABM

Which can be simplified by noting

abs(viw.) A) = ( abs(vi) abs(w.)ABM ) 5

P ( -Re (A. (ACL» abS(WiV') BM P -Re (AdAcL» abs(w.v.) (.4.23)
abs(w.)ABM abs(v.)
= (5.4.24)

the final inequality thus becomes:

abS(Wi)ABM abS(Vi»)
n(a b s w·v·
p (abs (M) ARE abs (W) ABM) < 2: ( t ,) (5.4.25)
i=1 -Re (A' (A CL »

Comparison with Equation (5.4.14) shows that the numerator is closely related to the first order es-
timate of eigenvalue perturbation and may be considered a worst case eigenvalue deviation. The de-
nominator can be in interpreted as the the maximum eigenvalue deviation for which stability is guar-
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 184

Figure 5.4.1: Input multiplicative uncertainty with constant output feedback

anteed. Thus if any summand is greater than unity, stability can not be guaranteed and the robustness
test fails. The numerator is principally dependent on the closed loop eigenvectors and one might seek
to improve robustness by decreasing it. This can be achieved by reducing abs(wi)ABM abs(vi) or
increasing abs(wivi). Reducing abs(wi)ABM abs(vi) amounts to selecting eigenvector directions
that reduce sensitivity to the given uncertainty structure. Increasing, abs(wivi) requires making the
left and right eigenvectors (W;, Vi) more co-linear which, if possible, would ultimately lead to the
solution of the eigenvalue insensitivity problem that is orthogonal eigenvectors or equivalently unit-
aryV and W.
Equation (5.4.25) is useful beyond its illustrative properties, since in practice it is a fair approximation
of the robustness measure. Examination of the individual summands indicates which parts of the
eigenstructure form the dominant contribution to the robustness measure. The individual terms, being
much simpler than the original robustness measure, are more easily adjusted to improve robustness.

5.4.2 The Singular Value Robustness Measure

Singular value robustness measures are an important part of modern control theory. They refer to
techniques where the model uncertainty (A(s)) is represented by an unknown transfer function mat-
rix. The techniques calculate the maximum norm that the uncertainty transfer function may realise
while still guaranteeing stability. The matrix norm used is, generally, the spectral or Hilbert norm
which is equal to the maximum singUlar value.
Before looking at the details of the robustness measures used in this work it worth outlining some
background on singular value robustness tests.
The first step in using a singular value uncertainty bound is to produce an uncertainty representa-
tion. An engineer should choose a representation that most accurately accommodates the model er-
ror information that is available. For instance, if is it known that the actuators of a plant introduce
considerable delay and non-linearity then input multiplicative uncertainty may be considered most
appropriate. Some common uncertainty representations are shown in Table 5.4.1.

To assess the impact of the uncertainty on the closed loop system the open loop uncertainty represent-
ation must be combined with an appropriate controller structure. For instance, an input multiplicative
representation may be combined with a constant output feedback gain as shown in Figure 5.4.1.
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 185

Block representation I Mathematical representation

Input Multiplicative

G(s) = [I + A(s)]Go(s)
Input Inverse Multiplicative

G(s) = Go(s)[1 + A(S)J-l

G(s) = [I + A(S)]-lGo(S)
Feedforward Additive

G(s) = A(s) + Go(s)

Feedback Additive

G(s) = Go(s)[I - A(s)Go(s)J-l

Input Bilinear

G(s) = Go(s)[I - A(s)J-l[I + A(s)]

Output Bilinear

G(s) = [I - .0.]-1[1 + A]Go(s)

Table 5.4.1: Common open loop uncertainty representations

5.4 Robustness Measures Page 186

Figure 5.4.2: The general single loop structure.


L-________________ ~ :I


Figure 5.4.3: Single loop structure for input mUltiplicative uncertainty.

All the uncertainty representations and linear controller structures can beexpressed as a single loop
structure [Mac89, p. 102], where the uncertainty (.t::l(s)) acts as feedback on a single closed loop
transfer function (M(s) as illustrated by Figure 5.4.2. It is also possible to represent time domain
uncertainty using the same single loop approach [PD89, PD93].
The previous example is no exception and may be converted into a single loop as shown in Fig-
ure 5.4.3. In this case the closed loop transfer function (M(s) = KG(s)[I + KG(S)]-l) is recog-
nised as the Complementary Sensitivity function. It is often the case that the closed loop transfer
function has classical significance [DS81, CFL81, SLH81] and the experience from classical SISO
techniques [Bod47, FPEN91] can be brought to bear by using the maximum singular value as a gen-
eralisation of vector gain [MSJ79] to the scalar case.
Table 5.4.2 shows the single loop transfer function for each uncertainty representation of Table 5.4.1
while assuming a constant output feedback gain (K). The state space representation for the transfer
function is also given. In practice, this is the more important form.
In general, the state space and transfer function can be derived by progressively applying simple rules
for system interconnection [Mac89, p. 371] [Dai91, p. 15]. Software packages that automate this
process have been developed [BPDG93]. However, the user should be aware that finite precision
calculations can cause these software packages to accumulate unobservable and uncontrollable dy-
Once the single loop structure has been derived then the Multivariable Nyquist Criterion [DW80.
MP77] can be used to bound the maximum norm of the uncertainty A(s) such that the loop is guar-
anteed to maintain stability.
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 187

I Transfer function I State space

Input Multiplicative
M(s) =
KG(s)[1 - KG(S)J-l
[I - KG(s)J-1KG(s) [A+K~KC I~]
Output Multiplicative
M(s) =
G(s)K[1 - G(s)KJ-l
[I - G(s)KJ-1G(s)K
[A+~KC IBoK ]
Input Inverse Multiplicative
M(s) =
[I - KG(s)J-l
1 - KG(s)[1 - KG(s)J-l [A+K~KC I~]
Output Inverse Multiplicative
M(s) =
[I - G(s)K]-l
1 - G(s)K[1 - G(S)K]-l [A+~KC B~] I
Feedforward Additive
M(s) =
K[I - G(s)K]-l
[I - KG(s)]K-l [A+K~KC IBKK]
Feedback Additive
M(s) =
G(s)[1 - KG(S)J-l
[I - G(S)K]-lG(S) [A+~KC I~]
Input Bilinear
M(s) =
[I + KG(s)][1 - KG(s)]-l
[I - KG(S)tl[1 + KG(s)]
2KC 1
Output Bilinear
M(s) =
[I + G(s)K][1 - G(s)K]-l
[I - G(S)K]-l[1 + G(s)K] [A+2~KC IBt]
Table 5.4.2: Single loop transfer functions for some uncertainty representations
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 188

Theorem 5.4.2 Theorem L1 [DW80]

The single loop structure of Figure 5.4.2 is stable if and only if

1. det [I - a(oo)M(oo)] '" O.

2. The image ofdet [I - a(s)M(s)] on the complex plane as '8' traverses the Nyquist Contour
encircles the origin Po times. Where Po is the number of right hand-plane (RHP) poles of

Theorem 5.4.2 can be developed further by using the relationship between the detenninant of a mat-
rix and the product of its eigenvalues. ultimately this idea leads to the Characteristic-locus Method
[Mac89. p. 142].
The proof of the Theorem 5.4.2 hinges on the fact that the determinant of the return difference matrix
is equal to the ratio of the closed (<Pc! (s)) and open (<Pol (s)) loop characteristic polynomials.

det (I - a(s)M(s)) = :::~:~ (5.4.26)

The useful identity of Equation (5.4.26) is easily proved when polynomial matrix fraction descrip-
tions (MFDs) are applied. Let N(s)D(s)-l be a right coprime matrix fraction description of the
transfer function product A(s)M(s). then the loop transfer function ([I - a(s)M(s)rl) may be
expressed as:

[I - a(s)M(s)]-l = [I - N(s)D(s)-lr (5.4.27)
= D(s) [D(s) - N(s)]-l (5.4.28)

Since N(s) and D(s) are coprime it follows that D(s) and [D(s) - N(s)] are also coprime [Mac89.
p. 57]. [DW80]. Thus det (D(s) - N(s)) is the closed loop characteristic polynomial [Mac89. p.
50]. [Kai80. p. 447] and. equally. det (D(s)) is the open loop characteristic polynomial.

det [I _ A(s)M(s)] = det [D(s) - N(s)] = <Pcl(S) (5.4.29)

det [D(s)] <Pol(S)

The Multivariable Nyquist Criterion is necessary and sufficient for internal stability [Mac89. p. 56].
[DFT92. p. 36]. [GL. p. 39]; that is. all bounded inputs not only promote bounded outputs but also
bounded internal signals.
Derivation of an upper limit on the nonn bounded uncertainty proceeds by assuming that a(s)M(s)
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 189

is stable. This is justified as follows:

1. Stabilisation is often a purpose of feedback. Hence the nominal transfer function M( s) will be

2. It is unlikely the unmodelled dynamics represented by the uncertainty A. (s) are unstable for
if they were, their divergent behaviour would dominate the system response and dominant dy-
namics should be included in the nominal model.

With the stability assumption in place, it clear that the characteristic locus of the nominal system,
subject to no uncertainty, makes zero encirclements of the origin. As the size of the uncertainty (in
a noun-bounded sense) is increased, in general, the potential for instability will increase until the
system becomes unstable. At the transition between stability and instability the system will have
poles on the jw axis and the characteristic locus will pass through the origin. Mathematically the
transition point implies:

det (I - A.(s)M(s)) =0 for some s = JW (5.4.30)

Thus if the uncertainty A.( s) is norm bounded such that Equation (5.4.30) is never satisfied then sta-
bility is guaranteed. The following well known matrix property achieves this:
Let X be non-singular and Y be an equal size arbitrary matrix. Then:

Q:(X) > a(Y) (5.4.31)

implies that X +Y is non-singular [GL, p. 34], [LCL +81, Wis92] or:

det(X + Y) i= 0 (5.4.32)

Thus, referring to Equation (5.4.30), stability is guaranteed if:

Q:(I) > a(A.(s)M(s)) (5.4.33)

1 > a(A.(s)M(s)) forall S =JW (5.4.34)

Using sub-multiplicative property shared by all induced norms [GL, p. 33] the singular value in-
equality may be more usefully expressed as follows:
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 190

1> a (a(s)) a (M(s)) for all s = JW (5.4.35)

a (M(s)) > a (a(s)) for all s = JW (5.4.36)

It is also possible to use the Small Oain Theorem [OL, p. 98], [Dai9!, p. 47]. This leads to a more
general normed space operator approach where norms other than the maximum singular value may
be applied [Saf82].
Although, singular value bounds are useful, to practising engineers they are often seen as abstract
quantities that lack engineering 'feel'. Many researchers address this problem by using the induced
norm property of the maximum singular value [OL83, p. 449]. This enables the maximum singular
value to be interpreted as a worst case vector gain [MSJ79] or in physical terms, as the worst case
energy amplification [Mo081]. The concept of a frequency dependent vector gain leads to the term
'principal gains' [KP82, PEM81] and a generalisation of SISO frequency domain concepts [Bod47,
FPEN91] such as loop shaping to the MIMO case [Mac89, DS81].
Despite this engineering interpretation of singUlar values, an alternative bound based on insightful
and familiar engineering concepts is desirable [BD094]. The Multivariable Oain and Phase Margins
[Dai91, SOLL81, PEM81, SA77, LSA81, SLH81] are such a measure and defined as follows:

The MIMO Gain Margin (GM) If each channel of a MIMO system is simultaneously subject to a
gain variation of the form r, then the OM is the real interval [G L, Gul such that the system
remains stable for all gain variations satisfying G L ~ r ~ G u . MIMO gain margins are not

A MIMO Phase Margin (PM) is the largest interval of phase change [-(J, 8] simultaneously per-
mitted in each channel such that the system will remain stable. The MIMO phase margin is

The MIMO gain and phase margin differ from their SISO counterparts in some important ways.
Firstly they bound simultaneous and uncorrelated perturbation in all specified channels. Secondly,
both margins may be defined with respect to channels at the input, output or any other point in the
feedback loop, and the margins will, in general, vary for each location in the loop. This is not sur-
prising since there is no physical reason why tolerable gain and phase error should be the same at the
sensors and actuators.
Exact calculation of the MIMO gain and phase margins is a hard problem which is often described
as a 'real J1. problem'. Fortunately, the more amenable singular values bounds can be used to cal-
culate conservative estimates of the MIMO gain and phase margin. In one way these estimate may
be considered superior to the precise gain and phase margins. While MIMO gain and phase margins
do consider simultaneous perturbation in multiple channels they are, however, restricted to perturb a-
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 191

tion of pure gain or phase. The singular value estimates do, as an inherent part of their conservatism,
accommodate simultaneous perturbations that are a combination of gain and phase.
To calculate the MIMO gain and phase margins using singular values, we suppose that a perturbation
of the form:


has been inserted into the feedback loop at the relevant point. For instance at the plant input:

G(s) = Go(s)H (5.4.38)

Where Go(s) is a nominal plant model, H represents uncertainty at the input and G(s) is a model
of the actual plant.
The gain margin dictates that the system is stable for GL ~ r i ~ G u, (jJ. = 0 and the phase margin
dictates the system is stable for e ~ (jJi ~ -e, ri = 1. The multiplicative and bilinear uncertainty
representations of Table 5.4.1 may also be considered as perturbations that have been inserted in the
feedback loop. However, the uncertainty represented using H is a subset of that portrayed by A. This
is because H is diagonal and does not represent any channel cross-feeds, while on the other hand,
A is full matrix that may adopt any structure and thus encompasses all possible channel cross-feeds.
Gain and phase margin estimates based on uncertainty representations using A are conservative. This
is partly, because of their inability to portray the structure of H which leads to consideration of a
larger class of uncertainty than is required. The gain and phase margins are derived by accepting
the conservatism described above and supposing that the plant is equivalently represented using the
A (s) and H uncertainty matrices. The simple structure of H then allows a bound on a(A (s) to be
converted into a bound on ri and (jJi. For instance, suppose H is inserted at the input and the bound
for input multiplicative uncertainty is applied, then assuming equivalent representations:

Go(s)[I + A(s)] = Go(s)H (5.4.39)


a(A(s)) = a(H - I) (5.4.40)

5.4 Robustness Measures Page 192

and since H is diagonal:

a(.A(s)) = \=l..k
max {abs(ri e1 tP • - I)} (5.4.41)

a(.A(s)) = iI,;l5 { VI - 2r, COS(t/>i) + T~ } (5.4.42)

Thus to calculate the gain margin, t/>i is assumed to equal zero, and from Equation (5.4.36) stability
is maintained if:

> a (.A(s)) (5.4.43)
f1 (M(s))
f1 (M(s)) >
a (M(s))
> {ri - 1,1 - ri} for all i = l..k (5.4.45)

Or equivalently:

1 1
1- a (M(s)) < Ti < 1 + 0" (M(s)) for all i = l..k, S = JW (5.4.46)

To calculate a bound on the phase margin we assume r, = 1 and stability is maintained if:

a (M(s))
> ,';lt5: {";2 - 2 cos( t/>i) } (5.4.47)

i';lt5: { 4sin2(~i) }
a (M(s))
> (5.4.48)

> {2 sin ( ~i ) ,-2 sin ( ~i )}

a (M(s))

and it follows:

1 )
. -1 (
2f1(M(s)) > '1"'" > - 2 sm
. -1 ( 1
) for all i = 1.. k, s = JW


Thus, in this case, the gain and phase margins are both dictated by the minimum of:
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 193

General formula Gain margin Phase margin

Multiplicative Input or Output

t> JI - 2ri COS (<Pi) + r; 1- t < ri < 1 + t -2sin 1 (t) < <Pi < 2 sin-1 (~)
Inverse Multiplicative Input or Output

t> VI - 2:; COS(<Pi) + -!r 1

1-t > ri >
Ht - 2 sin -1 (~) < <Pi < 2 sin -1 (~)

Bilinear Multiplicative Input or Output

1-2r; cOS(4);)+r2 !H
t> 1+2r; cos(4);)+r~ 1-t > ri >
IH -2 tan-l (t) < <Pi < 2tan- 1 (t)
t - 1 where M( s) IS the appropnate transfer functIOn from Table 5.4.2.
- 8UP.=,,,, O'(M(a»

Table 5.4.3: Gain and phase margins for the uncertainty representations of Table 5.4.1

1 . 1
.,,--..,.....,..- = mIn (5.4.51)
IIM(s)lIoo '=)W a (M(s))
which can be expressed as the reciprocal of a 1£00 norm. This minimum value can be used in con-
junction with Equation (5.4.42) to calculate margins for combined gain and phase variation.
The same derivation of gain and phase margin can be applied to the inverse multiplicative and bilinear
uncertainty representations and Table 5.4.3 summarises the results for these cases.
The singular value bounds assume a single full uncertainty block of complex values. The derivation
of the gain and phase margins demonstrated that this can introduce conservatism when the uncertainty
has an alternative structure such as diagonal. Unfortunately, structured uncertainty is common. For
instance, if more than one uncertainty block is considered then the single loop representation of the
system produces a single uncertainty matrix with a block diagonal structure.
The structured singular value (JL) [Ooy82, S091, P089, P093] is an extension to the conventional
singular value bounds that addresses the problem of structured uncertainty. The structured singular
value is defined as follows [P093, Oefn 3.1]:
Let M E (;'xn, and let AA be set of all matrices that have the prescribed block diagonal structure


The ail matrices are called a repeated scalar blocks and each I may be of arbitrary size. The Ai
matrices are calledfull blocks. Again, they may be of arbitrary size.
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 194

J.t(~) = min {a-(a) : a E aA, det(1 - Ma) = O} (5.4.53)

Unless no a E aA makes I - aM singular, in which case J.t(M) =0

For a frequency s = JW the structured singular value defines the smallest matrix (in term of its max-
imum singular value), with a specified structure that destabilises the M (s) a (s) single loop system.
Repeated scalar and full blocks arise naturally when a system with multiple uncertainties is trans-
formed into a single loop system. The repeated scalar blocks represent a single uncertainty variable
that affects the system at more than one point and full blocks are simply MIMO uncertainty blocks
associated with MIMO system blocks.
In Equation (5.4.52) the SSV is defined as a reciprocal; this may seem unnecessarily convoluted.
However, it provides a measure that is consistent with the singular value bounds and allows J.t(M)
to be used in an analogous manner to both a-(M) and p(M). The SSV defines a potentially useful
robustness measure, however, to be of practical value an efficient means of calculating J.t must be
Unfortunately, exact computation of the SSV for general block diagonal uncertainty structures can
not be achieved in polynomial time [BYDM94]. However, for practical purposes the SSV can be
acceptably approximated by optimising upper and lower bounds. Consider two special cases for the
uncertainty structure:

1. If a = {81 : 8 E C} then JL(M) = p(M). This follows almost directly from the definition of
eigenvalues. det [ll + M] = 0 ::} l
= -Ai (M). For a general uncertainty structure
(aA), 81 will describe'a subset of the uncertainty and thus p(M) is an optimistic estimate of
JL(M) or a lower bound.

2. If a = (;lxn then J.t(M) = a-(M). In this case the structure of aA has been ignored and
result simply reverts back to the unstructured case. Since (;lxn is a supers et of the general
uncertainty structure (aA ), thus a(M) is a pessimistic estimate of J.t(M) or an upper bound.

Thus the SSV is bounded as follows:

p(M) ~ J.t(M) ~ a(M) (5.4.54)

An estimate of the SSV is calculated by applying transformations that do not affect J.t(M) , but tighten
the upper and lower bounds. When the difference between the upper and lower bounds is sufficiently
small then either bound can be used as an acceptable approximation to J.t(M) , however, generally the
upper bound is used since this is a safe over estimate.
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 195

Figure 5.4.4: Equivalent transformed single loop systems.

If D is a non-singular diagonal scaling matrix that satisfies D~D-l = ~ then Figure 5.4.4 illus-
trates that:

J.t(M) = J.t(DMD- 1 ) (5.4.55)

The D scaling may be viewed as a structured similarity transform thus it will affect the upper bound
of Equation (5.4.54) but not the lower bound.
Let U be a unitary matrix, that is UU· = I then the 2-norm preserving property dictates that:

q(U~) = q(~) (5.4.56)

From Equation (5.4.56) and the definition of the SSV:

JL(M) = JL(UM) = JL(MU) (5.4.57)

Clearly, the norm preserving property of the unitary transform means that it will not affect the upper
bound of Equation (5.4.54) but will affect the lower bound. Optimisation of U and D leads to the
following tighter bounds for the SSV:


Doyle [Doy82] has shown that the lower bound is an equality:

max p(UM) = JL(M) (5.4.59)

5.4 Robustness Measures Page 196

and that the upper bound is also an equality for three or less blocks. Unfortunately the lower
bound is a non-convex optimisation and thus local minima may lead to false estimates of f.L. On
the other hand, the upper bound, is a convex optimisation but for large block problems it may pro-
duce a conservative estimate. Practical algorithms for optimising both bounds have been developed
[PD89, PD93, BPDG93, FID91].
The singular value robustness measure used in this work is the SSV upper bound (i7(DMD-l). This
measure is a logical extension to the conventional singular value measures used in previous improve-
ment algorithms [Gar89, MN84, NM85, SATC86, Web92]. However, by exploiting the benefits of
the SSV this algorithm can better deal with structured uncertainty. The focus of this work is the im-
provement of MIMO gain and phase margins which by definition have a diagonal structure. Thus an
upper bound on f.L us an appropriate measure.
The structured singular value can also accommodate time domain uncertainty. Suppose that each
element of the system (A) and input (B) matrices is subject to time domain uncertainty. Then the
error matrices (aA, aB) of Equation (5.4.1) may be expressed as follows:

aA = LA diag (oall, oa12, ... , oann ) RA (5.4.60)

AB = LBdiag(obll,ob 12 , ••• ,obnm)RB (5.4.61)

For brevity let us assume the system is third order (n = 3) with two inputs (m = 2), in which case
LA and RA have the following structure:

[1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0
LA = 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 (5.4.62)
o 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

0 0 W21 0 0 W31 0
RA = W12
0 1.1 (5.4.63)

The terms Wij scale the uncertainty on individual elements of the system matrix. An analogous pair
of matrices can be constructed to form LB and RB. Let us assume that the system has outputs y
given by:

y=Cx (5.4.64)

where, for brevity, the output matrix (C) is not subject to uncertainty. The open loop system is:
5.4 Robustness Measures Page 197


Applying a feedback law u = Ky the single loop system (M(s) becomes:

RA 0 0 (5.4.66)
Ra KC 0 0

The structure of LA ,LB and RA ,RB is easily extended to accommodate systems of arbitrary size
systems, the approach can also handle uncertainty in the output CC) and feed-through CD) matrices. A
more detailed treatment can be found in [PD89] which also considers correlated perturbations to the
system matrix elements. It should be noted that since the matrices of the state space representation
contain only real elements, an accurate estimate of the robustness requires the solution of a real-JL
Robustness to either time domain uncertainty or unmodeIled dynamics reduces to calculating JL for the
appropriated single loop system. It may occur that a time domain and unmodelIed dynamics problem
yield identical single loop systems and are thus equivalent in the context of JL-analysis. Input and
output multiplicative uncertainty is an example of such an equivalence. Comparison with Table 5.4.2
shows that if:

LA =B (5.4.67)
RA =KC (5.4.68)

then input multiplicative uncertainty may be equivalently expressed as time domain uncertainty. Sup-
pose that the feedback (K) and input (B) matrices are decompose, as follows:

B = [hI, ... , h r ] (5.4.69)

KT = [kl' ... ,kr] (5.4.70)


Then an equivalent system error matrix is:

5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 198

aA = Lb;bikiC (5.4.72)
However, to accommodate unmodelled dynamics Oi must be allowed to be complex.

5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions

Principally, the robustness improvement algorithm is a specialised optimisation algorithm where the
objective function is the robustness measure and the eigenstructure assignment design parameters
are the optimised variables. An off-the-shelf optimisation algorithm may be employed to perform
robustness improvement, however, development of a specialised algorithm allows it to be carefully
taylored to meet the needs of this particular problem.
If a function is continuous and smooth then a gradient based optimisation will generally out perform,
algorithms that only evaluate the objective function [Gra89]. Step four of the robustness improve-
ment algorithm, requires derivative information in order to generate a descent direction (d). In this
section analytical formulae are derived and perturbation techniques are described that enable the de-
rivative information to be calculated. A descent direction is a perturbation on each parameter (od)
that will, if sufficiently small, decrease an objective function. Mathematically, this implies:

· f(x + ad) - f(x) 0

Q-40 a
< (5.5.73)

which in the limit may be expressed as:

[V' f(x)]T d <0 (5.5.74)

where x is a vector of design parameters, f(x) is the objective function, a is a scalar and V' is the
vector differential operator [Jef89, p. 516].
The simplest descent direction is the opposite direction to the gradient itself:

d = -V'f(x) (5.5.75)

and algorithms that use this direction are known as methods of steepest descent, since the function
reduces most rapidly in this direction. Steepest descent algorithms are characterised by initial rapid
5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 199

reductions in the objective function, but as they approach a minimum they become locked in a cycle
of diminishing return; as the function approaches the optimum point, the gradient vanishes and thus
so does the direction information.
An alternative descent direction is the Newton Raphson direction [WaI75], which is defined as fol-


where H is a matrix of second order derivatives known as the Hessian matrix [RS70, p. 160] and
since it is positive definite, it follows that (cl) is always a descent direction.


If I(x) is a quadratic function then the Newton Raphson direction will find the optimum point in a
single step, whereas the steepest descent algorithm will approach the optimum asymptotically. The
quadratic function is the simplest function with a strong minimum and objective functions with min-
ima can be reasonably approximated with quadratic functions. Thus, in general, the Newton al-
gorithm will converge faster than the method of steepest descent. The drawback of the Newton Raph-
son techniques is that calculating and inverting the Hessian can be computationally intensive.
Popular compromises are the quasi-Newton methods. These only require first order gradient inform-
ation, but use successive gradient measurements to estimate the Hessian matrix. Initially, they start
with an estimate:

Ho =1 (5.5.78)

which is progressively updated, using a formula such the Davidon Fletcher Powell formula (DFP)
or the Complementary DFP formula [Wal75 , Gra95]. If the function is quadratic, then the Hessian
estimate (Hk) will tend to the actual Hessian and converge on the optimum point in a finite number
of steps.
An important part of all the optimisation methods described above is the line search. Once a des-
cent direction has been calculated a step is taken in that direction. For a very small step the objective
function is guaranteed to decrease, however, the decrement is likely to be correspondingly small. On
the other hand, large steps offer no guarantee of decreasing the function since the descent direction
is only valid locally. It is therefore usual to search along the descent direction for a minimum, and
thus find the largest step size for which the function monotonically decreases. Different line search
S.S Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 200

algorithms may be applied. For instance [WaI75], a Fibonacci search, a bisection search or quad-
ratic/cubic interpolation and extrapolation. For quasi-Newton methods an accurate line search is ne-
cessary to maintain a positive definite Hessian [WaI75, p. 121].
The method of steepest descent was applied in this work for the following reasons:

• This algorithm does not seek to find the optimum point i.e. the most robust configuration, but
instead seeks a point with acceptable robustness. Thus, the initial fast convergence of steepest
descent is attractive and the poor performance near the optimal point should be irrelevant.

• The descent direction is altered in order to maintain performance. It is thus potentially fruitless
to expend computational effort calculating an optimal direction that will later be adjusted.

• It was decided to start with a simple algorithm and progressively increase complexity as ne-
cessary to meet the robustness goals.

Step four of the algorithm may uses either of two methods to calculate the function gradients, numer-
ical perturbation and approximate analytic expressions. Numerical perturbation is computationally
more intensive and less accurate than analytically derived gradient functions. But is more flexible,
since fresh gradient functions do not have to be derived each time the synthesis technique or robust-
ness measure is changed. Let us first consider estimation of the robustness function gradient with
respect to eigenvector parameters using the numerical perturbation method.

5.5.1 Numerical Perturbation

An important feature of the robustness improvement algorithm is that the optimisation is conducted
using the parameters that are input to the controller synthesis algorithm. Naturally, the relationship
between the design parameters and the robustness of the final design will largely depend on the con-
troller synthesis algorithm employed. Thus the first step is to choose a controller synthesis algorithm.
For the following reasons is was decided to use two stage output feedback assignment.

• The algorithm is simple.

• The algorithm is a good starting point for later extension to multistage or iterative assignment

• Even if the initial design is conducted using an alternative method, robustification using two
stage assignment should not cause too much loss of visibility or performance.

For brevity we will assume that right eigenvectors are assigned in stage one and left eigenvectors in
stage two. For both stages one and two, the assigned vectors are most succinctly expressed as vectors
selected from allowed subspaces by a design vector:
S.S Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 201

Vi = Qifi (5.5.79)
Wj = gjL j (5.5.80)

Where W j, vi are left and right eigenvectors, L j, Qi are the allowed subspaces and gj, fi are the
associated design vectors.
Clearly, a design vector is only meaningful when taken in conjunction with its corresponding sub-
space. In principle, numerical perturbation proceeds by perturbing an element of the design vec-
tor, while keeping all other elements constant, performing the design algorithm and then noting the
change in robustness of the new system. Unfortunately, adjusting the stage one design vectors (fi )
forces re-calculation of the stage two subspaces (Lj). Since the stage two subspaces must satisfy
Equation (5.5.81) in order to maintain orthogonality:


Computation of the new subspace produces a matrix with columns that form an arbitrary basis for the
subspace CLj). When the new subspace is used with the old design vectors an arbitrary vector may
result. This computational artifact leads to meaningless gradient values. The problem is not restricted
to just the gradient calculation. When the optimisation incrementally adjusts the design vectors the
synthesis algorithm must be re-run and equally unwanted arbitrary left eigenvectors may result. It is
therefore necessary to address this problem.
One obvious approach is to re-calculate design vectors by projecting the desired left eigenvector on
to the new subspace.


While for the first iteration of the optimisation this is a sensible approach, in subsequent iterations
the design vector should be guided to a new direction that improves robustness. However, repeated
re-calculation using the desired eigenvector severely limits the direction in which the design vector
may evolve.
The approach adopted is to calculate the new design vector by projecting the old eigenvector on to
the new subspace. Using this approach the new eigenvector is as close as possible to the old eigen-
vector. Thus maintaining continuity between iterations and helping to ensure the dominant changes
in direction are due to adjustments made by the optimisation and not simple re-calculation.
In summary gradient calculation using numerical perturbation proceeds as follows:
S.S Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 202

1. Perturb a specific element of a right design vector (fi).

2. Calculate the right eigenvectors (Vi)·

3. Calculate the new left allowed subspaces CL j ).

4. Re-align the left eigenvectors (Wj) in the new subspaces CLj) with the old left eigenvectors

5. Calculate the gain matrix Equation (4.5.136).

6. Calculate the robustness measure Equation (5.4.6).

7. The gradient is approximated by the change in the robustness measure divided by the perturb-
ation size.

In practice the algorithm uses positive and negative perturbation and compares the resulting gradient
values. If the gradient values differ considerably then the perturbation size is reduced. The algorithm
deals with complex design vectors by perturbing the real and imaginary parts separately. It should
be borne in mind that perturbing a real or imaginary component affects two eigenvectors.
A complementary procedure is used to calculate the gradient with respect to the eigenvalues.

5.5.2 Analytic Gradients for the Time Domain Robustness Measure

The numerical perturbation procedure algorithm illustrates the difficulty in deriving analytic expres-
sions for the gradients. For instance, working backwards, the partial derivatives may be calculated
as follows:

1. The robustness function with respect to the gain.

2. The gain with respect to the eigenstructure.

3. The eigenstructure with respect to the design vectors (including re-alignment).

The crux of the problem lies with steps two and three where parameters input to the synthesis al-
gorithm (design vectors) are differentiated with respect to its outputs (gain matrix). The synthesis
algorithm is sequence of complex functions and thus very awkward to express as a single mathem-
atical function let alone differentiate.
To simplify matters and avoid generating error prone cumbersome expressions that offer no compu-
tational saving over numerical perturbation. It was decided to make some simplifying assumptions
and derive approximate gradient expressions. A simple mechanism was devised to ensure that the
integrity of the optimisation algorithm was not compromised by using approximate data. If the ap-
proximate gradients are too inaccurate then the line search will fail to find a step size that reduces the
S.S Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 203

cost function and the optimisation switches to numerical gradients. On the other hand, if the gradi-
ents are sufficiently accurate then the line search will reduce the cost function and the optimisation
continues with approximate gradients. The simplifying assumption are:

Al The term BM abs (KC) of Equation (S.4.6) is independent of the design parameters or equi-
valently BM is zero.

A2 The matrices V of Equation (S.4.9) and W of Equation (5.4.10) are related solely by the for-
mula W = V-I.

While assumption two is, by the definition of eigenvectors, true it ignores the additional subspace
constraints associated with the left eigenvectors as illustrated by Equation (5.5.81).

The derivation proceeds as follows:

Lemma 5.5.1 Porter and Crossley [PC72, p. 22]
Let X be a non-defective square matrix, that is afunction of an independent variable a. Then the
following holds:

op(X) oX
--=w-v (S.5.83)
oa oa
where (w , v) are the left and right eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalue ofX.

Lemma 5.5.1 may be applied to Equation (5.4.6) as follows:


where the following definitions hold:

Ai = Ai (A + BKC) (5.5.85)
ABM = AM + BM abs(KC) (S.5.86)

and for brevity let us define:

S.S Robustness Measure Gradient Functious Page 204

abs(viwi) A
N = Ln -Re ()..) abs (w·v·)
BM (5.5.87)
i=l • • •

Then (WN, VN) are the left and right eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalue of Nand
with a slight abuse of notation f kj is the jth element the kth design vector. It is worth remarking that
since N has non-negative elements, (WN, VN) will also be non-negative and are sometimes called
the Perron-Frobenius eigenvectors [Hor85].
Assumption two ensures that (Vi, Wi) are appropriately scaled such that abs (WiVi) = 1. Expanding
abs(viwi) gives:


Where the operatorpow(X, n) raises each element of X to the powern and conj(X) forms the com-
plex conjugate of each element and •0' indicates element by element multiplication which is some-
times known as the Hadamard product [HJ91]. Further expansion reveals:

ar: a (~
aN = ark' ~ pow ( pow (Re (ViWi) ,2) + pow (lm (ViWi) ,2), '1)
2 -Re ()..) ABM )

kJ J .=1 (5.5.89) •

Lemma 5.5.2 [GraS!]

Let X be an arbitrary matrix that is afunction of a variable 0:. The following chain rule holds:

a ax
ao: pow (X, n) = n ao: 0 pow (X, n - 1) (5.5.90)

For brevity let us define Xi as follows:


then it follows that:

5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 205

Further application of the chain rule can be used to evaluate g~; :


Continuing we must calculate a~; Re (ViWi) and at Im (ViWi). we note that:


and equally:


For both Equation (5.5.94) and Equation (5.5.95) two cases must be considered; the case k = i where
both viand W i are dependent on fki and the case k i:- i where only W i is dependent on f ki . Let us
first consider the simpler k i:- i case.
The ith left eigenvector (Wi) may be expressed as:


where Zk is a 1 by n row vector with all zero elements except the ith element which is unity as shown

Zi = [0, ... , 1, '" , 0] (5.5.97)

Thus substituting Equation (5.5.96) into Equation (5.5.94) gives:


Further progress requires the following lemma.

Lemma 5.5.3 [GraS1]

Let X be a non-singular arbitrary matrix that is a function of a variable et then it follows:
S.S Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 206


Application of Lemma S.S.3 on Equation (S.5.98) gives:


Only the vector Vk is dependent on fki thus the derivative with respect to the other vectors is zero.




We recall from Equation (5.5.79) that the kth right eigenvector (Vk) is selected from an allowed sub-
space (Qk) by a design vector (fk ) as follows:


The following simple lemma illustrates how to differentiate Equation (5.5.1 OS).

Lemma 5.5.4 [GraS1]

Let A, X, B be arbitrary matrices thatform the following product:

Y=AXB (5.S.106)

Then the derivative ofY with respect to the ijth element of X denoted Xij is:

= A ax B (5.S.107)
aXii aXij
= AEijB (5.5.108)
5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 207

Where E is a matrix of equal dimensions to X with all zero elements except the ijth element which
is unity. 00
Application of Lemma 5.5.4 on Equation (5.5.105) and substitution into Equation (5.5.104) gives:


Where ej is a vector of equal dimensions to fie with all zero elements except the jth element which
is equal to unity. The slightly more complex k = i case requires a matrix calculus product rule as
summarised in the following lemma.

Lemma 5.5.5 [Gra81]

Let UV be the product oftwo matrices conformalfor multiplication and both dependent on a variable
a. Then the following holds:

8(UV) = BU V + UBV (5.5.110)

8a 8a Ba

Returning to Equation (5.5.94) and applying Lemma 5.5.5, gives:


The first term requires differentiation of Vi using Lemma 5.5.4 and the derivative of the second term
is given directly by Equation (5.5.109). The combined result is illustrated in Equation (5.5.112).

- - = QkeJ
·W· - V·W·Qke 'Wk
'" J

We are now in a position to construct the complete solution. This involves combining Equations
(5.5.84), (5.5.93), (5.5.94), (5.5.95), (5.5.109) and (5.5.112).
S.S Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 208


Where Oik is the Kronecker delta which is defined as follows:

Oik = {o it j,
1 i =j

Extension to complex design vectors is very straightforward and is accomplished as follows:

1. Since the design vectors must always appear as conjugate pairs, a real component of one design
vector will never differ from the real component of its conjugate counterpart and is thus a single
variable present in two vectors. The same is, naturally, true for the imaginary components. This
has little affect on the derivation until Equation (5.5.98) (Vi ~) where the left eigenvector
(Wi) is dependent on fk; in two instances. Let us assume that the design vectors are ordered
such that conjugate pairs are adjacent. It follows that:

aVk aVk+1 )
= -ViWi ( afk; Wk + afk; Wk+1 (5.5.117)

which upon differentiation gives:


and by noting the two terms in brackets form a conjugate pair we may simplify as follows:
5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 209


2. The derivative with respect to the imaginary part of a complex design vector (fkj ) is based on
the following simple result:


Where fkj is the imaginary part of the specified design vector element.

All the previous results including the one above are for the real case, however, they can be
converted to the imaginary case by replacing all the 'ej 's with' Jej·.

The Time Domain Measure Eigenvalue Gradients

Differentiation with respect to the eigenvalue parameters must take into account that the allowed sub-
spaces are dependent on the eigenvaIues locations. Thus adjustment of the eigenvalue locations will
also affect the eigenvectors. The simplest formulae that express this dependency are:

Qi = (A - IAi)-lB (5.5.121)
Li = C(A - IAi)-l (5.5.122)

Equation (5.5.121) and Equation (5.5.122) lend themselves directly to differentiation. However, they
do suffer the limitation that the formulae break down when the closed and open loop eigenvalues
are co-incident. With these formulae in mind the derivation of the robustness measure gradient with
respect to eigenvaIue parameters proceeds as follows. Returning to Equation (5.5.84)


and applying the definition given in Equation (5.5.85) and Equation (5.5.86) while invoking assump-
tion A2, gives:
5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 210

aN (5.5.124)


The second term of the sum will evaluate to zero when differentiated with respect to the imaginary
part of an eigenvalue. However, for the case k = i, the real part of an eigenvalue, the expression
evaluates as follows:


The first term of Equation (5.5.125) is differentiated using the assumptions of the previous section
and the initial derivation follows that of the eigenvector case. Thus:


and examination of Equation (5.5.94) and Equation (5.5.95) and the subsequent derivation reveals:



Thus it only remains to calculate partial derivative of eigenvectors with respect to the eigenvalues.
Recalling Equation (5.5.121), Equation (5.5.79) and applying Lemma 5.5.3:
s.s Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 211

8V k
= 88 k (A - IAk)- 1 Bfk (5.5.130)
8Ak A
-(A - IAk)-l o(A - IAk) (A - IAk)-lBfk
= OAk

= -(A - IAk)-l(-I)(A - IAk)-lBfk (5.5.132)

= (A - IAk)-lvk (5.5.133)

Thus the complete solution can now be constructed by backing substituting the preceding results into
Equation (5.5.125).

5.5.3 Analytic Gradients for the Singular Value Robustness Measure.

To re-cap the singular value robustness measure used in this work is an upper bound on the structured
singular value:


The structured singular value is a frequency dependent robustness measure and to improve robust-
ness it is necessary to reduce the peak value across all frequencies. The peak value must be found
by searching across a range of frequencies, since J.£(M) can not be a calculated directly. At each fre-
quency point J.£(M) must be estimated. This is generally achieved by optimising the D-scalings of
the singular value upper bound indicated in Equation (5.5.134). Algorithms that perform the peak
search and D-scaling optimisation have been a keen area ofresearch [FTD91, PD93] and reliable
software implementations are now available. This work made use of the J.£-toolbox from MathWorks
The robustness improvement algorithm adjusts the design parameters to reduce the singular value
upper bound of J.£(M) that corresponds to the peak frequency.
It is assumed that, for each iteration of the optimisation algorithm, the D-scaling remains constant.
This ignores the fact that the D-scaling is a function of the single loop system (M) and thus a function
of the design parameters. However, the relationship between the D-scaling and the design parameters
can not be expressed in a closed form since the D-scaling are the solution to a numerical optimisation.
Hence gradient expressions can not be derived. For each iteration of the optimisation, only small
adjustments are made to the to the system. Thus the assumption of a constant D-scaling is likely to
be reasonable. Ultimately, for this technique to be of value it is only necessary for the D-scaling to
offer benefit over conventional singular value measures where no scaling is applied.
Derivation of analytical gradients for the singular value based measure requires the follows steps:
5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 212

1. The partial derivative of the maximum singular value with respect to the single loop system
matrix (evaluated at the peak frequency) is derived.

2. The partial derivative of the single loop system matrix with respect to the gain matrix is derived.

3. The partial derivatives of the gain matrix with respect to the left and right parameter vectors
are derived.

4. The partial derivative of the left design parameters with respect to the right design parameters
is derived.

Step one is expressed in the following Lemma.

Lemma 5.5.6 [MN84]

Let X be a general complex matrix, dependent upon a variable 0:, with distinct singular values ((J'i)
and. left and right normalised singular vectors (Ui, Vi). Which by definition satisfy:




where 5ii is the Kroneckerdelta. It/ollows that:


Thus, for this case:

S =JWo (5.5.138)

Where U and V are the singular vectors associated with the maximum singular value (a) and Wo is
the peak frequency.
The precise nature of the solution for Step two depends on the structure of the single loop system.
Let us assume that the single loop system has the following state space description:
S.S Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 213

M(s) = C(sI - A)-lB + n (5.5.139)

The individual matrices will be functions of the gain matrix and thus the design parameters. For brev-
ity let us define:

~ = (sI - A)-l (5.5.140)

differentiation then proceeds as follows:

= a~k; (C~B+f» (5.5.141)

ac • • a~· • aB an
= afk; ~B + c afk; B + C4? afk; + afkj (5.5.142)

ac • • aft.. • • aB an
= ark; 4?B + C~ afkj ~B + C~ afk; + afk; (5.5.143)

For example, if robustness to input multiplicative uncertainty is optimised then from Table 5.4.2 the
single loop system is as follows:

M(s) = KC(sI - A - BKC)-lB (5.5.144)

Again, for brevity let us define:

<P = (sI - A - BKC)-l (5.5.145)

Substituting this case into the general formula of Equation (5.5.143) gives:


All the entries of Table 5.4.2 can be differentiated in a similar manner. Step three involves differenti-
ation of the gain matrix which is a little more involved. The formula for the gain matrix is reproduced
S.S Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 214

in Equation (5.5.148):


Differentiation proceeds as follows:

8(W2 B)t T2 + (W2 B)t 8T2 + 8SI (CVI)t + SI 8(CVl )t

8rk j 8rk ; 8rk ; 8rkj
_ 8(W2 B)t T2 CVI (CVl)t _ (W2 B)t 8T2 CVl (CVl)t
8~j 8~i

_ (W2 B)tT2 8(CVI) (CVI)t _ (W2 B)tT2 CVI 8(CVl )t (5.5.149)

8~j 8~i

It is apparent from Equation (5.5.149) that differentiation of the gain matrix requires differentiation
of the pseudo inverse of a matrix. Fortunately, for assignment to proceed W 2 B and CV 1 must be
full rank, thus Equation (5.5.150) may be used to represent the pseudo inverse of W 2 B or CV 1 •


Differentiation of the pseudo inverse of a matrix using Equation (5.5.150) is summarised in the fol-
lowing Lemma:

Lemma 5.5.7
Let X E er x C where c < r and rank (X) = c. Then the pseudo inverse of X may be expressed as:


and the derivative of X with respect to an independent variable (0:) is:

8xt = (X.X)-l 8X· (I _ xxt) _ xt 8X xt (5.5.152)

8a 80: 80:

s.s Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page lIS

ax t =
a((X·X)-I) x. + (X.X)-l ax·
80. 80. 80.
= _ (X.X)-1 a(X·X) (X.X)-l X. + (X.X)-1 8X· (5.5.154)
aa aa
= _ (X.x)-l [x· 8X + ax· x] (X.X)-l X. + (X.X)-l ax·
80. 80. 80.

=(X.X)-l 8X· (I _ xxt) _ xt 8X xt (5.5.156)

80. 80.

Once Lemma 5.5.7 has been applied to Equation (5.5.149) it remains to calculate 8(~f:l), O(':c~iB),
8(511 and 8 (Tr 2). But since CV 1 and SI depend solely on fi and in the dual case, W 2 Band T2
of,,; o ";
depend solely on gi. This task reduces to calculating ik;
and gf.~. From the previous derivation it
is clear that:


However. to derive the final Step (4) we must consider how the left eigenvectors are assigned. The
left eigenvectors are calculated using a constrained projection.

minllwi - giLill~ subjectto 0 = giLiV1 (5.5.158)


Where W i is. initially. the desired left eigenvector and subsequently the value from the previous iter-
The constrained optimisation may be expressed equivalently as a matrix inversion problem [BIG74,
p. 112].


Equation (5.5.159) lends itself directly to differentiation, yielding:

5.5 Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 216

Finally, from the previous derivation we recall that:

af = [O, ... ,Qkej, ••• ,O] (5.5.161)

Some computational saving is possible by noting that only part of the matrix inversion solution is
required and also, that some entries of the multiplying vector are zero.
The results of Steps one through to four can be combined to produce an analytic estimate of the ro-
bustness measure gradient. It is worth noting that this result does not require assumption A2 which
was used to derive the time domain measure. However, the penalty for removing this assumption is
a considerable increase in the size of the final expression and a corresponding increase in computa-
tionalload. Using the mathematical techniques described above assumption A2 could be removed
from the derivation of the time domain measure gradient functions. However, a similar profusion in
the number of equations can be expected.
A small extension to the above derivation is necessary to accommodate the complex case. As noted
in the derivation for the time domain measure, the real and imaginary elements must be treated as
independent variables present in two vectors. This approach is necessary to ensure the eigenvectors
remain in conjugate pairs. Thus, if:



av = (5.5.163)
av = (5.5.164)

Where it is assumed that the vectors of V are ordered such that conjugate pairs are adjacent. Equally,
s.s Robustness Measure Gradient Functions Page 217


No other extensions are required to accommodate the complex case.

The Singular Value Based Measure Eigenvalue Gradients

Compared to the time domain measure, the following eigenvalue gradient functions are less restrict-
ive, since they do not assume the parameter vector is fixed and make no exception for coincident
open and closed loop eigenvalues. The effect of adjusting an eigenvalue is that the associated allowed
subspace is altered and, as a result, a different eigenvector is assigned. The assignment is succinctly
expressed in the following equations:

Vk = QkQtvdk (5.5.167)
Uk = PkQtvdk (5.5.168)

The derivatives of the above expressions are

= (5.5.169)

= (5.5.170)

Lemma 5.5.7 shows how 8~~:) can be calculated from ~~: and Qk, thus it remains to calculate ~~:
and ~~~. P and Q are the solution to the following implicit equation:

5.6 Mitigation of Perfonnance Degradation Page 218

differentiation gives:

[A - Akl B] a~k [~:] + a~k [A-Ak l B] [~:] = 0 (5.5.172)

[A - Ak I B] a~k [~:] + [-I 0] [~:] = 0 (5.5.173)

[A-Ak I B] [!t]
= Qk (5.5.174)

Thus the required derivatives are given by the solution to Equation (5.5.174) which may be expressed
as follows:


To calculate the complete derivative with respect to the eigenvalue, the result above must be used to
evaluate Equation (5.5.169) and Equation (5.5.170) and the result must then be back-substituted into
the parameter vector gradient functions.
Again, differentiation of complex eigenvalues requires that the real and imaginary parts should be
treated as independent parameters that appear in two eigenvalues.
Most of the matrix calculus tools used in the preceding exposition have been collected in Lemma 5.5.1
to Lemma 5.5.7. However, for a more complete and detailed treatment the author strongly recom-
mends the text' Kronecker Products and Matrix Calculus' by Alexander Graham [GraS 1].

5.6 Mitigation of Performance Degradation

So far the robustification algorithm will improve robustness with no regard for the inevitable degrad-
ation in perfonnance. It is an aim of this work to provide an algorithm that allows an engineer to
choose a compromise between perfonnance and robustness. It is important to appreciate that any
attempt to mitigate the degradation in perfonnance will almost certainly come at the expense of im-
peding the improvement in robustness. In this section the fonnulae necessary to implement step four
and five of the robustness improvement algorithm are described.

5.6.1 Eigenvector Protection

The approach taken here is that, each iteration of the optimisation chooses a descent direction that
is a compromise between perfonnance protection and robustness improvement. The idea supporting
5.6 Mitigation of Perfonnance Degradation Page 219

this approach is that a set of different controllers will achieve acceptable robustness, however, the
controllers among this set will vary in performance. The robustness improvement algorithm needs
to be guided such that it selects a controller with good performance from among those with accept-
able robustness. Thus if, at each iteration, the algorithm improves robustness while minimising the
degradation in performance, then the route taken to the acceptably robust controller should lead to a
controller with good performance.
Performance is measured in terms of the original design goals, that is, how closely the achieved ei-
genvectors approximate the desired eigenvectors.


If the parameter vector f" is incrementally adjusted by ~f" then a first order estimate of the degrad-
ation in performance can be formulated as follows:



Equally, if the robustness measure is denoted 'Y then the numerical or analytical partial derivatives of
the robustness measure (*l )allow the improvement in robustness to be estimated as follows:


Assuming that a steepest descent algorithm is being applied then solely to optimise robustness one
would adjust the parameter vector in the opposite direction to the robustness gradient.


Where ~fk would be appropriately scaled. In this implementation the parameter adjustment vector
(~fk) is scaled to a length that is a fixed proportion of the current parameter vector (r,,). The line
search algorithm reduces this length until a reduction in the robustness function is achieved.

Let us, for a moment, suppose that the goal of the optimisation is to improve performance. In this
case, the optimum direction (in terms of steepest descent) for the parameter vector is the opposite
direction to the performance function gradient:
5.6 Mitigation of Perfonnance Degradation Page 220


Thus a compromise direction can be formed from a linear combination of the of the robustness and
performance function gradients:


The linear combination must fulfil the following constraints:

• The parameter adjustment vector (~fk) must be scaled to an appropriate size .

• The primary objective of the optimisation is to improve robustness. Thus the parameter ad-
justment vector (~fk) must be a descent direction with respect to robustness. Mathematically,
that is:


To determine the precise nature of the linear combination some additional mathematical rigour is
required. The principle behind the following approach is that a fixed proportion of the robustness
descent (~,) is sacrificed to mitigate the degradation in performance. Let us assume the parameter
adjustment vector must be scaled to a fixed proportion of the current parameter vector, let the pro-
portion be denoted p and for brevity. Let us define:


The parameter adjustment vector that achieves the maximum estimated improvement in robustness


and the maximum estimated reduction in robustness is:

5.6 Mitigation of Performance Degradation Page 221

A"( = \l"(·II;~12PllfkI12 (5.6.186)

= 1IV'''(1I2Pllfk Il 2 (5.6.187)

Let the compromise direction achieve a fixed proportion of the maximum estimated reduction in ro-
bustness and let the proportion be denoted by q. Again, for brevity let us define:


Thus the compromise parameter adjustment vector must satisfy:


and naturally, it must also satisfy the scaling constraint.


Equation (5.6.190) and Equation (5.6.189) have an insightful geometric interpretation that leads to a
simple and intuitive solution. Equation (5.6.189) is the scalar product of two vectors and thus may
be expressed as follows:

1IV''Y1I2PllfkIl2q = V''Y. [V'c!> V''Y] [;] (5.6.191)

~ lIV111, [V~ V1]~] , co,(O,) (5.6.192)

Where 91 is the angle between the two vectors, substituting Equation (5.6.190) into Equa-
tion (5.6.192) gives:

1I'V"(1I2Pll f kIl2Q = 1IV'''(lbpllfklb cos(9t} (5.6.193)

Q = cos«(h) (5.6.194)
5.6 Mitigation of Performance Degradation Page 222

Figure 5.6.5: A geometric interpretation of performance protection.

Figure 5.6.6: An illustrative geometric interpretation of performance protection.

We see that (h is the maximum angle the parameter adjustment angle may deviate from the best es-
timated robustness improvement direction (V',). Figure 5.6.5 illustrates a geometric interpretation
of the problem.
From which we can see that the parameter adjustment vector must be constructed from a scaled com-
bination of V'''! and 'V'cjJ. Furthermore, the angle between V', and the parameter adjustment vector
(Llf) is fixed at Bl . Figure 5.6.6 is an equivalent expression of the problem and inspection leads to
the following equation:


From Equation (5.6.195) the ratio of a to {3 is easily determined and thus the direction of the com-
promise parameter adjustment vector. It only remains to scale the vector which is achieved as follows:


It is a straightforward matter to show that the angles Bl and 92 may be calculated as follows:

B1 = arcs in ( .;t=q2) (5.6.197)

5.7 Further Work Page 223



Occasionally, it may occur that the performance direction (V' rp) already subtends the robustness dir-
ection (V''Y) at a smaller angle than (h. In which case, the parameter adjustment vector should equal
the performance direction. However, Equation (5.6.196) does not accommodate this scenario and
will generate a parameter adjustment vector at the angle (h regardless. From Equation (5.6.198) is
can be seen that this scenario implies that 02 is negative and thus the following simple extension will
accommodate this exception:


In practice it was observed that, initiaIly, V''Y is often very small which may lead to numerically unre-
liable performance directions. This is because, the initial parameters are optimised for performance
and a property of the optimal design is that the derivative of the performance measure with respect
to the design parameters will be zero.
Equally, if the robustness optimisation begins to converge before achieving acceptable robustness.
As the optimal solution is approached, the robustness improvement direction may become very small
and thus numerically unreliable.

5.6.2 Eigenvalue Protection

The eigenvalue locations have a significant and usually dominant affect on the system performance.
To protect their contribution to performance, a constrained line search is employed. This simply con-
fines each eigenvalue to an allowed region. The allowed regions are formulated as discs around the
original desired locations.

5.7 Further Work

While the robustness improvement algorithm has proved an effective tool there is certainly scope to
develop the algorithm further and investigate alternative approaches. A fundamental limitation of
the existing algorithm is that it only improves stability robustness. Although considerable effort is
applied to ensure that the robust design achieves good nominal performance, it is only guaranteed
that stability will be maintained in the face of the uncertainty. The performance may well become
5.7 Further Work Page 224

unacceptable before instability sets in. Thus some possible extensions to performance robustness are

5.7.1 Development of the Robustness Improvement Algorithm

Most of the possible developments listed in this section are natural extensions to the existing al-

1. Currently, a steepest descent algorithm is employed. Unfortunately these algorithms show poor
convergence near the optimum point. While it is envisaged that the algorithm should not pro-
ceed to the optimum point, since this would indicate a poor compromised between performance
and robustness. A Quasi Newton method, such as DFP [WaI75] may improve the conver-
gence of the algorithm, both initially and near the optimum point. However, the Quasi New-
ton method will also require an improved line search algorithm. The current algorithm suc-
cessively reduces the step size until a reduction in the cost function is achieved. The Quasi
Newton algorithms require a line search that finds the point along the descent direction that not
only reduces the cost function but also that minimises the cost function. Common line search
algorithms include; bisection, Fibonacci and Gold Section searches, however, interpolation ap-
proaches such as Davidon's or Powell's have often proven the most effective [Gra89].

2. The approximate analytical gradients developed for the time domain robustness measure are
based on some simplifying assumption. However, the development of the a singular value ro-
bustness measure gradients indicates how these assumptions may be removed at the expense
of a more complicated final expression. This may represent a worthwhile development if, in
other applications, the approximate gradients, prove unreliable.

3. As mentioned in Section 5.6, for initial iterations of the robustness improvement algorithm
the performance direction is often numerically unreliable. This could be overcome by using a
second order estimate of the performance degradation as shown in Equation (5.7.200).


Where 6.1jJ is the incremental change in performance, QA: is the allowed eigenvector subspace,
VdA: is the desired eigenvector, fA: is the current parameter vector and 6.fA: is incremental ad-
justment to the parameter vector.
Although, for initial iterations the first term is small a reliable estimate of the change in per-
formance will be provided by the second quadratic term. However, to incorporate this devel-
opment it will be necessary to re-work how the compromise direction is calculated.
5.7 Further Work Page 225

4. Currently, the improvement of the singular value based measure occurs at a single peak fre-
quency value. It often occurs that there is more than one dominant frequency point and that
reducing one peak alone causes the others to increase. Thus a successful optimisation may
have to consider more than one peak simultaneously. The robustness improvement algorithm
can be easily extended to find more than one peak and the parameter gradient at each peak.
However, the resulting optimisation problem is more complicated and may be formulated as
a constrained optimisation, where the dominant peak is reduced subject to the parameter ad-
justment vector being a descent direction with respect to the peaks. Alternatively, the problem
may be formulated as a multi-objective minimisation.

5. The singular value based measure used in this work is a straightforward approximation to the
structured singular value. However, the structured singular value has been topic of consid-
erable research and several extension have been developed; for instance, to encompass real
[Fr091] and unstable [FP88] uncertainty. These extensions (particularly real uncertainty)
could be incorporated into the robustness improvement algorithm. This would require devel-
opment of new gradient expressions.

5.7.2 Extension to Performance Robustness

The structured singular value already provides a method of guaranteeing performance robustness.
If the performance criterion can be expressed as a bound on the peak value of a weighted transfer
function spectral norm, as would be formulated for an 1£00 problem, the uncertainty model may be
augmented to include this criterion. In this case, the main loop theorem [PD89, PD93, BPDG93,
SD91, DFf92] allows the resultant structured singular value to be bounded such that the perform-
ance bound will be satisfied for all variations of the given uncertainty description. This approach to
performance robustness does not require any further development of the robustness improvement al-
gorithm. However, it does require that the design goals are re-expressed as frequency domain bounds,
which is incongruous with the proposed design methodology, since performance robustness would be
achieved with respect to different design goals than those used to synthesise the controller. Further-
more, if the design criterion can be accurately expressed as frequency domain bounds, the original
decision to use eigenstructure assignment is undermined.
Two pieces of work have been identified that could form the basis for a performance robustness ap-
proach that employs the design goals used by the original controller synthesis.
Apkarian [Apk88] proposes an extension to the structured single value that allows robustness to be
formulated in terms of the poles of the system remaining in non-intersection closed regions. At a
simplistic level the bound works as follows: the conventional structured single value searches along
the jw-axis and indicates if a pole would cross this boundary. Apkarian's extension searches along
the contours of the closed regions and consequently indicates if a pole would exit a closed region.
A drawback of this extension is that is assumes the uncertainty has poles within the specific closed
region. This is equivalent to the conventional assumption that the uncertainty is stable. It would be
5.8 References Page 226

a straightforward matter to incorporate Apkarian's extensions into the current robustness improve-
ment algorithm. The peak search routine should be re-written to follow a given contour rather only
searching along the jw-axis.
Yedavalli and Ashokkumar [YA94] develop some singular value based robustness measures, that
bound time domain uncertainty such that the poles of the system will remain in specified closed re-
gions. They also extend the work to consider the degree to which the eigenvectors may change direc-
tion. This work could be incorporated into the robustness improvement algorithm but would require
development of new analytical gradients. A drawback of this approach is that it does not explicitly
consider unmodelled dynamics.

5.8 References
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Chapter 6

Design Example

6.1 A State Feedback Control Law .. 230
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law 247
6.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

This chapter presents a design example for attitude stabilisation of a Lynx helicopter in hover. The
example is not intended as a definitive solution but illustrates some of the tools and techniques de-
scribed in this Thesis.

6.1 A State Feedback Control Law

Although state feedback is not realistic for helicopter control law design it does have a role to play
in the development of the more practical fixed gain output feedback solution. The state feedback
solution illustrates the best that one can hope to achieve with output feedback. If an acceptable state
feedback solution can not be found then progression to output feedback is pointless and one should
instead re-examine the synthesis technique and design objectives.
The initial state feedback solution is derived using simple projection and fixed eigenvalue locations.
At this stage, it is hoped that more powerful techniques are not necessary to achieve the design goals.
The desired eigenstructure derived in Section 3.5.4 was employed with the following ideal eigenvalue

[ Ap I AlI I Aq I Au I Aw I Ar I
[ -1.5 ± J1.6 I -0.004 I -1.5 ± J1.6 I -0.002 I -0.33 I -1.75 I
Table 6.1.1: Desired eigenvalue locations for a helicopter in hover (see Section 3.5.2)

Page 230
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 231

The velocity eigenvalue locations (All. Au) were chosen to coincide with the open loop zeros. The
heave mode (Aw) is left at its open loop location and the yaw mode (A r ) is the mid point of the criterion
given in Equation (3.5.64). The open loop system is given in Appendix A.2 and the resulting gain
matrix is:

x= [u v w p q r tP 0]
0.0004 0 0.0525
El _
0.0008 o -0.0001 -0.0398
-0.0383 _0.00341
-0.0015 0.2450
o o 0.0007 -0.0002 0.0062 -0.0052
[Baet 0
0.0001 0.0011
0.0004 -0.0576 0.0154 0.1911 -0.0807 0.0103

The gain values are generally small. This is often a good indication of a sensible feedback solution.
The roll and pitch response to a 10% one second pulse in the longitudinal and lateral channels is
shown in Figure 6.1.1. along with a template that illustrates the Def-Stan handling qualities criteria
(see Section 3.3). Starting from left to right the criteria depicted by the template are:

1. The gate at 0.5s represents the initial delay and over-sensitivity criteria (YI).

2. The rising vertical line. which coincides with peak response. indicates the minimum value of
the peak response. For a larger amplitude response the maximum value is shown as a horizontal

3. The gate one second after the peak response this embodies the 30% decay criteria (T30 ).

4. The coincident drop in the lower bound represents the first trough (Xl) and steady state settling
criteria (XF).

5. The descending vertical line serves to check that a zero crossing occurs in the 1-2 second win-
dow after the peak response (Tal).

6. Finally the lower upper bound also represents the steady state settling criteria (TF. XF).

A new template must be calculated for each response since most of the gates are defined relative the
peak value and time. The applied handling qualities criteria are for the attentive phase because the
helicopter is in the hover and the control law provides attitude command (see Section 3.3). Different
criteria are required for the roll and pitch channels. although in this case the only difference is the
bounds for the peak response value. Unless otherwise indicated the template described above will be
applied to the appropriate output responses. Returning to Figure 6.1.1 we see that the responses pass
comfortably between the all the gates and thus clearly meet the level one handling qualities criteria.
The cross-coupling into off-axis rates and attitudes is minimal. In both cases the off-axis rates were
less than 0.5 deg/s and the attitudes less than 0.1 degrees. Figure 6.1.2 depicts the on-axis and off-axis
attitude responses to the lateral and longitudinal stick inputs applied previously.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 232

Lateral response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)


'"<U 8
<U 6
-2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)

'"0<U 6
~ 2


-2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5
Time in seconds

Figure 6.1.1: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a longit-
udinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with state
feedback control.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 233

Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick

.- ....... , l~pjWh
IU 6 ,
:cc.. /
4 ,
-5 2
/ .....

0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec
Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick
5IU 2
' - ' - ' - ' - ' - ' - ' - '

0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.1.2: On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top) and
longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with state feedback
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 234

Yaw rate response to a one second pulse tail rotor collective


..... .:.......... :........... . , .

:..........:..........;..........:........ .
. .

. .
··· .. .. .. .

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Time sec
Heave velocity response to a step in main rotor collective


...... :·.......... :........... .:..........:............:..........:, ......... , ....... .


·· ..
. . .......... . .
." ........ . ......... . ........ . ...................
5 .
. ", " '.'
. ........ .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time sec

Figure 6.1.3: Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) induced
by a 10% step input for an sth order linear helicopter model with state feedback control.

The yaw and heave responses to a 10% one second pulse and 10% step input respectively are shown in
Figure 6.1.3. Both exhibit the desired first order characteristic. Before the addition of heading hold
the yaw response is aimed to achieve rate command with level 2 compliance. From Section 3.5.3
we recall that the peak response should be between 5 - 20 0 /8, greater than 30% at 0.58 and have
decayed to 10% peak value between 1 - 28 after the peak reponse. Inspection shows that the yaw
response achieves all these criteria. The criteria for the heave response were drawn from the ADS
33 (see Section 3.2 and Section 3.5.3) and stipluate that the reponse should have a time constant less
than 5 seconds and initial delay less than 0.2 seconds. The response shown in Figure 6.1.3 has no
initial delay and a time constant of ~ 2.88 thus clearly meets the level one criteria.

The results from the state feedback controller are very good. However, this simplified problem uses
the reduced st h order model and full feedback information. Thus it may be expected to give good
results. To promote confidence in the solution it is worth checking performance with the full 12th or-
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 235

Lateral response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)


"'0 4
~ 2
p::: 0

-2 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4.5 5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)

.~ 2
ii: 0
-2 3.5 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4.5 5
Time in seconds

Figure 6.1.4: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a longit-
udinal pulse input of 10% for one second of a 12th order linear helicopter model at hover with state
feedback control.

der model. Figure 6.1.4 shows the lateral and longitudinal responses to a one second pulse with the
usual Def-Stan template. The rotor dynamics can be seen to have introduced some initial delay, re-
duced the system damping and increased the response frequency. Despite these effects the responses
still meet the Level one criteria.
In Section 3.5.2 it was established that the response damping was dependent on the real part of the
complex eigenvalues. Thus moving the eigenvalues to the left should increase the damping and im-
prove the response. Figure 6.1.5 shows the lateral and longitudinal responses for the pole locations
of 1.7 ± )1.6. The responses show improved damping, which demonstrates a visible link between
perfonnance and the desired eigenstructure.
So far no attention has been paid to robustness. The multivariable gain and phase margins are given
in Table 6.1.2, they show that the nominal state feedback solution offers very poor robustness.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law PageD6

Lateral response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)



<I) 6
"0 4
'" 2
0::: 0

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)

'" 6
::: 2
p: 0

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time in seconds

Figure 6.1.5: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of a 12th order linear helicopter model at hover with a
revised state feedback control law.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 237

Input Output
Gain Margin -0.25 dB, 0.25dB -0.24 dB, 0.24dB
Phase Margin

Table 6.1.2: Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of an 8th order linear heli-
copter model with the initial state feedback control law.

It is instructive to apply the robustness improvement algorithm to the initial state feedback solution,
since this will establish an upper limit that any output feedback solution is very unlikely to exceed. It
also provides a good opportunity to demonstrate the performance protection properties of the robust-
ness improvement algorithm. For expediencel , the input gain and phase margins are optimised using
the bilinear uncertainty structure. An initial optimisation was performed using no performance pro-
tection other than confining the eigenvalues to disks with radius of 0.1 centred around the assigned
locations. The optimisation was then repeated with the algorithm set to sacrifice fifty percent of ro-
bustness improvement to eigenvector performance protection (see Section 5.6).

I Without protection With protection

I Input
r I Input Output Output
r Gain Margin I -4.53 dB, 3.73 dB -1.18 dB, 1.17 dB -3.18 dB, 3.18 dB -3.18dB. 2.55 dB
r Phase Margin I -23.45°,23.45° -7.26°,7.26° -20.54°,20.54° -17.65°,17.65°

Table 6.1.3: Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of an 8th order linear heli-
copter model with input robustness optimised (singular value measure) control laws employing zero
and 50% performance protection.

Table 6.1.3 shows that, as expected, the optimisation without protection achieves better input robust-
ness margins and in fact reduced JL to a value of 4.84. The input margins achieved by the optimisation
with protection are comparable and correspond to a value for JL of 5.52. Interestingly, the algorithm
with protection achieves better output margins. This may be because the algorithm without protection
is more focused on input robustness.
The gain matrix for the solution with protection is:

lThe computational time to estimate the structured singular value increases with the number of uncertainty blocks. An
input based optimisation uses four uncertainty blocks whereas an output based one will use eight.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 138

n El
x= [u
_ [-00013


P q

r <P 0]
0.0500 -0.0362
-0.0385 0.0773
-0.0021 0.0011
0.0002 0.0006 0.0004 -0.0871 0.0159
-0.0007 -0.0440
0.0085 0.0002
-0.0001 0.0051
0.1871 -0.1608

and equally, the gain matrix for the solution without protection is:

n Bl
x = [u
= [_0.004

w p q r

<P 0]
-0.0843 -0.0055 -0.0097 -0.070

0.000 -60.48
-15.07 10.28

Figure 6.1.6 and Figure 6.1.7 show the roll and pitch attitude responses, along with the usual Dcf-Stan
template, of the robustified state feedback control law with and without perfonnance protection. The
response for the algorithm with protection is noticeablely better although, as expected, both responses
have suffered some degradation due to robustification.
Figure 6.1.8 and Figure 6.1.9 show the on-axis and off-axis attitude responses that accompany Figures
6.1. 7 and 6.1.6. The plots demonstrate that perfonnance protection has done a lot to preserve the
decoupling action of the controller.
Figure 6.1.10 and Figure 6.1.11 show the yaw and heave response, to a one second pulse and step
input respectively. The heave response is largely unaffected by robustification. The yaw response
has degraded due to robustification but considerably less so for the solution produced by algorithm
with perfonnance protection.
Although the response of the linear velocities is not explicitly specified for the attitude command
response type, examination of these responses is important and helpful in evaluating the perfonnance
of the control law. Figure 6.1.12 and Figure 6.1.13 show the linear velocity responses that accompany
Figures 6.1.7 and 6.1.6. The plots confinn that performance protection is effective in preserving the
general decoupling properties of the controller.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 239

Lateral response with levell spec. (phase=attentive)

co 6
"0 4
c:s 2


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with levell spec. (phase=attentive)
<U 6


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time in seconds

Figure 6.1.6: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with a
robustified state feedback control law employing performance protection.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 240

Lateral response with level! spec. (phase=attentive)


<U 6
"'0 4
~ 2
~ 0

-2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1 1.5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with level! spec. (phase=attentive)
<U 6
~ 2
~ 0

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time in seconds

Figure 6.1.7: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with a
robustified state feedback controllaw not employing performance protection.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 241

Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick

, l~rjWh
6 " ,
:2c::o. 4

2 I
0 " .... '-.-._._.-.-._.-._'-'-'-'-'-'-

-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

0 0.5 1 4.5 5
Time sec
Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick
:2c::o. 4

0 -'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'

-2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

0 0.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.1.8: On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top) and
longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with robustified
feedback control employing performance protection.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 242

Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick


6r- " ....... ,

17.: pj\lh

'" ,
Cl) /
:Ec:w 4

2 /
/ \
.s /

0 " " .... _._.-.-._._._._.-

-2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5
Time sec
Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick
I~ pj\lh


~ 2

-2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1 1.5
Time sec

Figure 6.1.9: On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top) and
longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with robustified
feedback control not employing perfonnance protection.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law PaRe 243

Yaw rate response to a one second pulse tail rotor collective



. . .
. .................... ......................... .
.............. .
5 . .............................
. . ·· .. ·· .. .
·· .. ·· ..
·· .
·· ...
· .

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Time sec
Heave velocity response to a step in main rotor collective

15 ........ : ....... <·......... .:........... ;. ... .
," ........:. ........ .; ..........:..........:....... .
·· "


, .
. ,
....................................... ........................................
' " .
·· . .
. . . .
. .
' "
.. .
. . ." .
..... ··-- ...................................................................................
. . .
5 . '
. .
.. . . . . . ,
. '
· ' "
' "
.. .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time sec

Figure 6.1.10: Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with robustified state feedback
control produced employing performance protection.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 244

Yaw rate response to a one second pulse tail rotor collective


....... ;. ........ .; ......... .; ..........:................ .


..... ~ ......... ~ ........ '. . ........ :..........:..... , ....:..........:..........:........ .

. . ..
o ..................... . .
. ................................ .

o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec
Heave velocity response to a step in main rotor collective
. .
..... :..........:..........:..........: ..........: ....... .
Q) ....... ·· ........ .. ........ ','.. ........ ','.. ........ .. ........ ','.. ........ ........ .
',' ',' ',' ~

~ 10
· . .. . . .
. ..
· .. .. _ ....... .

0 4
0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time sec

Figure 6.1.11: Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with robustified state feedback
control produced without performance protection.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 245

U, V and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick


G.l 3
.-.- v
..... w

~ 2
=l 1
...;., ••• .,:...:.:...:::..:: :.,: •••. : ••• : ••: : ~::":", '~'.'~'.'_~_' _ .. . - .......... .,-., T"'T ..._.'.-:"'.'.~.'.~ I,..,.· ..... ·...... ·..... \ ..... 11""'1'.· ....... •
0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec
U, v and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick

4 .-
. -.-'-'-'-.-.- '-'- . '-'-'- '-.-._.-
en .-
G.l3 "
~ "

>2 . _. - v
..... w
=l "
1 .-
0 2 2.5 3 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 3.5 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.1.12: Linear velocity responses (u, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8th order linear
helicopter model with robustified state feedback control produced with performance protection.
6.1 A State Feedback Control Law Page 246

u, V and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick


4 b
._.- v
..... w

-.- ._._._._._.-._.-._.-._._._._._.-._ .
;;: 0 ".
-.- .-.- .

-;; .........
..... .......
-2 ....
". .......... .'
-4 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5
Time sec
u, v and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick

4 § . _.- v
..... w
-'-'-'-'-'-'-' -'- . -'-.
-'-' -'-'-'-
~ 2
-;; 1
01'"' - ........................ .........

-1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5 1
Time sec

Figure 6.1.13: Linear velocity responses (u, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse foran 8 t h. orderlinear
helicopter model with robustified state feedback control produced without performance protection.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 247

6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law

The first task of the output feedback design is to decide which variables are available for measure-
ment. Some of the variables indicated at this stage may later be removed from the design. However,
initially, it is important to include as many variables as possible. For the helicopter it is common
practice to measure p, q, r, (), 4J and, although requiring some additional estimation functions, it is of-
ten also available. Naturally, forward airspeed is also measured (u) but the measurement is generally
very inaccurate at low air speeds making it unsuitable as a feedback variable for a hover control law.
The following equation shows how it may be derived from existing states.

it = sin(O)u - cos(O) sin(4J)v - cos(O) cos(4J)w (6.2.1)

For the hover trim condition 0 = 3.4° and 4J = 3.3°, thus for the linear model it may be approximated
as follows:

;. '" [0.057 0.057 -1.01 [:] (6.2.2)

Before commencing with the details of the output feedback design it worth examining the role of the
now unavailable feedback variables in the state feedback solution. This can be done be seeing how
the relevant gain elements modify the stability derivatives of the open loop model.

I Derivative I A I BK I Derivative I A IBK

Zu 0.0278 -0.0278 Z" 0.0000 0.0000
Lu 0.1678 -0.1678 L" -0.0564 0.0564
Mu 0.0158 -0.0158 M" -0.0001 0.0001
Nu 0.0298 -0.0298 N" -0.0015 0.0015

Table 6.2.4: The change in key linear velocity stability derivatives due to state feedback.

Table 6.2.4 shows that feedback of the linear velocities is used to counteract their influence on the
angular rates. Therefore without feedback of the linear velocities, it can be expected that decoupling
of the velocity modes from the lateral and longitudinal modes will be difficult.

We note that with four input variables and six output variables complete assignment is possible and
that 24 DoF exist. Firstly, one must decide how many stages to employ and what order to assign the
eigenvectors. An important factor in this decision is the distribution of design freedom, Table 6.2.5
lists some of the possibilities.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 248

Option Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Retro-stage

Vectors DoF Vectors DoF Vectors DoF Vectors DoF
1 4 right 12 4 left 4 - - - -
2 5 right 15 3 left 0 - - 1 1
3 2 left 10 6 right 6 - - - -
4 3 left 15 5 right 0 - - 1 1
5 4 right 12 2 left 2 2 right 2 - -
6 3 right 9 3 left 6 2 right 0 1 1

Table 6.2.5: A list of some of the multi stage assignment possibilities for a six output, four input,
eighth order helicopter model.

For this application stages with zero DoF are best avoided. Since eigenvectors assigned in these
stages are effectively prescribed by those assigned in the previous stages. Therefore to alter these
vectors one must assign different vectors in the previous stages, which offers no design visibility. In
this application, options one, three and five were considered.
A second important decision is the whether to perform the assignment in the state space Le with ei-
genvectors or in the input and output spaces. In this case, the state space and output spaces are almost
coincident. The state space additionally contains u, v and has w instead of h. Although, u, v are not
measurable outputs they are system outputs and we do wish to assign which modes appear in these
outputs. Hence assignment of right eigenvectors was conducted in the state space. However, assign-
ment of left eigenvectors was conducted in the input space.
Since we have a full set of desired right eigenvectors, a set of orthogonal desired left eigenvectors can
be created by inverting the right eigenvector matrix. To generate the desired input coupling vectors
the desired left eigenvectors are multiplied by an idealised input matrix, which is shown below:

u 0 0 0 0
v 0 0 0 0

w 0 0 1 0
p 1 0 0 0
= 0 1 0 0

r 0 0 0 1
tP 0 0 0 0
() 0 0 0 0

Next one must decide which vectors to assign in which stages. Assignment of an input coupling vec-
tor effectively determines which columns of the transfer function matrix a mode will appear. While
this can ensure that a mode is excited by a single input, it may still appear in several unwanted outputs.
Equally, assignment of an output coupling vector determines in which rows of the transfer function
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 249

matrix a mode will appear. Again, this can ensure a mode only appears in one output but it may be
excited by inappropriate inputs. Assignment of input or output coupling vectors alone is not suffi-
cient to guarantee complete de coupling and some experimentation with the assignment of input or
output coupling vectors may be necessary to get the best results.
In this case, the right eigenvectors associated with p, <p and q, () have been formulated to achieve a
specific zero structure and are thus best assigned as output vectors. The eigenvectors associated with
wand r are formulated to achieve decoupling and may be assigned as either input or output vec-
tors. The right eigenvectors associated with the linear velocity modes present a problem. Ideally
they would be assigned as output vectors to ensure the velocity modes only appear in the velocity
outputs. However, consider the feedback output matrix (C):

h 0.057 0.057 -1.0 0 0 0
0 0 v
p 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 w
q 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 p
= 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 q

<p 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 r
() 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 <p

and the desired linear velocity eigenvectors:

v~ = [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] (6.2.5)

v; = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] (6.2.6)

It is clear that assignment of the right eigenvectors (vu, vv) or the equivalent output vectors is ill
conditioned. This is because, output feedback is being used to make the velocity modes unobservable
in the measured outputs and observability is an invariant property of output feedback. As the modes
become less observable, they are harder to control and the gain value magnitudes quickly explode.
The lack of linear velocity feedback has obvious control implications. These are not obscured by the
eigenstructure assignment technique and, indeed, have a clear interpretation. One approach to this
problem is to assign the linear velocity modes as left eigenvectors. This is unlikely to achieve the
desired decoupling, but will avoid an ill-conditioned problem.

Three candidate assignment options (1, 3, 5) were identified in Table 6.2.5 and all three options were
briefly evaluated. Option five produced inferior results to options one and three, and was discarded.
Option one was performed, assigning the modes p, 4>, q and () as right eigenvectors in stage one and
assigning u. v. wand r as input vectors in stage two. The resulting gain matrix is given below:
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 250

[!~I [or
0.0541 -0.0440 -0.0656
-0.0410 0.0772
0 0.0012
0.0199 -0.0534 0.0124
-0.0371 _0004201
-0.0019 0.2626
0.0059 -0.0031
-0.0849 -0.0174


Figure 6.2.14 shows Ihe roll and pitch attitude responses to a one second 10% pulse along wiIh Ihe
usual Def-Stan template. BoIh comfortably meet Ihe level one requirements. However. Figure 6.2.15
shows Ihe corresponding on and off-axis attitudes from which it can be seen Ihat the longitudinal
motion couples very efficiently into roll.
The accompanying linear velocites depicted in Figure 6.2.16 paint a similar picture of poor cross-
coupling performance.
The heave and yaw responses to a step input and one second pulse are shown in Figure 6.2.17. They
show a poor steady state error in Ihe yaw response and a divergent height mode due to cross-coupling
wiIh Ihe linear velocites.
It is clear Ihat. while Ihe primary responses are acceptable. Ihe cross-couplings require some attention.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 251

Lateral response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)

d) 6

::s 4

~ 0

-2 3.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 4.5 5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)

.~ 2

p:; 0

-2 2 2.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time in seconds

Figure 6.2.14: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with an
output feedback control law synthesized according to option one of Table 6.2.5.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 252

Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick

. . . .... - - pitch
81- /
" . - . - roll
OIl /
6 ",
:2 /

.:; 2

0 '- .

-2 3.5 4
0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 4.5 5
Time sec
Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick
- - pitch
6 . _ . - roll
:2 4 / ...
P. /

u'" 2 ,/
- '- '- '- ' - '- .
.:; ,/

-2 2.5 3 3.5
0 0.5 1.5 2 4 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.2.15: On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with an output
feedback control law synthesized according to option one of Table 6.2.5.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 253

u. v and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick



0 . ~ '.' .:.. ' .. ~' :~ ~ :'; .. . ... .

~ ~ .' ~.. ~
D . _. - v
... . . w
_... _..'_ .
, ..-. .. . - ' - " ''-''' - ' - ' _.. ...... ..._... _....... _.. ._..
-2 1.5 2.5 3 3.5 4
0 0.5 1 2 4.5 5
Time sec

u. v and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick



._ .- v
. . .. . w

o _.
o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.2.16: Linear velocity responses (u. v. w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8th order lin-
ear helicopter model with an output feedback control law synthesized according to option one of
Table 6.2.5.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 254

Yaw rate response to a one second pulse tail rotor collective


, . .. . .. .... .... . .. .; .. .. " ....:. .........: .. ... , .. ,


1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Time sec
Heave velocity response to a step in main rotor collective
80~--~----.-----r.----T. ----.-----r----.----.-----'----'

60 1--"
":" ·_ ·· ·-h ·· I · ··
... .:. . ....... .; .. ... . .
-'.. -'
•• , ••••• •• • • ..J.o ••• '"

~ ~ - -
...- ' .
. ... . •.... .....•...

. :- .

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time sec

Figure 6.2.17: Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with output feedback control syn-
thesized according to option one of Table 6.2.5.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 255

Assignment option three was perfonned, assigning the r, w modes as input vectors in stage one and
assigning the remaining modes as right eigenvectors in stage two. The resulting gain matrix is shown

0.0534 -0.0336 -0.0715 -0.0384 p
-0.0403 0.0732 0.0564 -0.0012 0.2435 q
0.0004 0.0001 0.0007 0.0059 0.0027 r
-0.0554 0.0072 -0.0008 -0.0930 0.0714

Figure 6.2.18 shows that the roll and pitch attitude responses are largely the same as option one and
the template demonstrates that the responses meet the level one requirements. However, the corres-
ponding on and off axis attitudes illustrated in Figures 6.2.19 and 6.2.20 show that the cross-couplings
are considerably reduced.
This is because assigning the velocity modes as output vectors facilitates better output decoupling.
The low gain values indicate that the potential hazard of assigning ill-conditioned right eigenvectors
has been avoided. This is because the right eigenvectors were assigned in stage two and thus selected
from a reduced subspace which precludes the ill-conditioned directions. Assignment of the output
vectors in stage two has enabled the constraints on the right eigenvectors, that ensure the solution is
well conditioned, to be imposed without squandering design freedom.
The yaw and heave responses of Figure 6.2.21 resemble those for assignment option one. The yaw
response is first order but has a large steady state error (15.3%), which just exceeds the level two
requirement of 15.0% and thus deserves some attention. The vertical velocity (w) initially shows the
desired first order build up to a step input, although some decay can be seen after six seconds. The
height response (k) shows divergent growth due to cross-couplings into sideslip and forward velocity.
Whilst these cross-couplings are undesirable it is unlikely they are as catastrophic as the plot suggests.
A pilot would expect an increase in collective to induce a forward velocity and would correct for this
with longitudinal stick before it dominated the response.
Part of the philosophy behind this design approach is to begin with a simple design technique, gain
some experience and understanding of the problem, then progressively add embellishments to im-
prove perfonnance. So far, we have moved from state feedback to output feedback with simple pro-
jection. The next step is to apply iterative projection. The aim of this to trade-off the good decoupling
in the longitudinal responses for a better steady state error in yaw.

The iterative projection technique was described in Section 4.5.8, but, briefly, it involves assigning
each vector as a compromise between approximating the desired eigenvector and adopting a direc-
tion orthogonal to the left or right eigenvectors, as appropriate. The balance of the compromise is
detennined by a weighting. This implementation was based on synthesis option three of Table 6.2.5
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 256

Lateral response with levell spec. (phase=attentive)


<1) 6
"0 4

-2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1 1.5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with levell spec. (phase=attentive)
'S 2
p:; 0

-2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5
Time in seconds

Figure 6.2.18: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with an
output feedback control law synthesized according to option three of Table 6.2.5.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 257

Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick

_ ., l~rjWh
8 /
/ "
6 / "
:.a0- I "
4 "
ti 2 I
-5 /
"- ,

-2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1.5
Time sec
Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick

l ~rjWh
0 _.- ._._._0- '- '-'- '_·_'- '- '- '- '
o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.2.19: On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with an output
feedback control law synthesized according to option three of Table 6.2.5.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 258

u, V and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick


~ 2
:;; .:. .: : ...:. ... ...
~ ~. : ~ : ~ . . ... ..:..... t ..., · _ . . _ ..
~ ~' , _ ~ _ . _ . _ "'- ''' - ' -' - ",- ,.,_ ,, _ . _ ~ _ " ' _ '.

-2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1.5
Time sec

u, v and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick

._ .- v
I .. . .. v.

'"~ 3
~ 2 ,;
:;; .... . . . ... . ....... .. . . ...... . , ..... .. .. .. .. ... . ... . .... . .. . ...... . .. ... . . .. ,

-1 3 4
0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3.5 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.2.20: Linear velocity responses (u, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8 th order lin-
ear helicopter model with an output feedback control law synthesized according to option three of
Table 6.2.5.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 259

Yaw rate response to a one second pulse tail rotor collective


.. ..... :. .... . .... :- ..... . .. ... . . . . . .... ' . .... . .. ....... . ... . . , .... . .

••••••• •• 0 • •
••• • ••••••••

0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Time sec
Heave velocity response to a step in main rotor collective

. ... :... .. ..•..: ... .... • . .: . . . . . ... . ···· · : :.--·1

-.- .-. ..;.. . -

; -'
- '.:':"""' .....[2].
.." . .. ~

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time sec

Figure 6.2.21: Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with an output feedback control
synthesized according to option three of Table 6.2.5.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 260

and a separate weighting was used for each eigenvector. An eigenvector was deemed close enough to
orthogonal if the product between it and its complementary eigenvectors was less than 10- 6 • When
an eigenvector failed the orthogonality test its weighting was increased by a factor of 1.03. All the
weightings were initialised with a value of 10- 3 except the left heave eigenvector which had a value
of 10- 4 . A lower initial weighting value shifts the compromise more towards approximating the de-
sired eigenvector and was found necessary for the heave mode. To avoid an ill conditioned solution
and, in general, gave better results. The algorithm converged after 687 iterations which took 37.6
seconds using Matlab 4.2c on a Pentium 133 Personal Computer. The final weighting values were of
the order 104 • The resulting gain matrix is given below:

0.0570 -0.0319 -0.0850 -0.0362 -0.0067] p
-0.0433 0.0720 0.0697 -0.0032 0.2459 q
0.0001 0.0006 0.0001 0.0060 0.0049 r
-0.0466 0.0185 0.0221 -0.0741 0.0663

Figure 6.2.22 shows that the roll and pitch attitude responses achieve good level one performance.
Figure 6.2.23 shows that the steady state yaw error has been reduced while the heave response remains
largely unchanged.
However, both the on and off axis attitudes of Figure 6.2.24 and the linear velocities of Figure 6.2.25
shows that the improvement in steady state yaw error has come at the expense of the cross-coupling
performance. It appears that there is a trade-off between the yaw response and cross-coupling. Fur-
ther improvement of both of these goals is likely to require additional design freedom. Therefore the
next step is to introduce some freedom in the eigenvalue locations.
Eigenvalue trade-off was incorperated into the previous iterative projection method and operated by
adjusting the eigenvalue locations in order to minimise the eigenvector assignment errors. The eigen-
values were confined to disks in the complex plane. It was found that, for best results, the disk should
not necessarily be centred on the ideal eigenvalue locations. For instance, the complex eigenvalues
tended towards under damped solutions with the disk centred on the ideal locations. Moving the disk
to left excluded these solutions and thus gave better results. The position of the linear velocity ei-
genvalues proved key to achieving a good trade-off between decoupling and the steady state error in
yaw. They were hand placed at -0.045 for the forward speed mode and -0.043 for the side-slip mode.
Table 6.2.6 summarises the radius and centre locations of the assigned eigenvalues.

The resulting gain matrix is:

6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 261

Lateral response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)



~ 6
::s 4

-2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with level 1 spec. (phase=attcntive)

'" 6
::: 2
il: 0
-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5 1
Time in seconds

Figure 6.2.22: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with an
output feedback control law synthesized using the iterative projection algorithm of Section 4.5.8.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 262

Yaw rate response to a one second pulse tail rotor collective


.. ..', . . . ..... ....

. .. . .

0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Time sec
Heave velocity response to a step in main rotor collective


.... ~ .
. .
- -'- ' _.. - . -.- . -
20 ~ : ~ ~. ~ : ~ : ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ... - ~ - . - . -

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time sec

Figure 6.2.23: Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8 th order linear helicopter model at hover with an output feedback
control synthesized using the iterative projection algorithm of Section 4.5.8 .
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 263

Ro\l and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick

, l ~pjWh
8f- / ,
/ ,
6 / ,
:.a0. I ,
4 ,
-- ,

.:; 2
/ ....

-2 3 3.5 4
0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 4.5 5
Time sec
Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick

0 - '- '- '- .
'- ' - '::-~~----------~~~-~.
' ~-~
. -~.-~.-~

-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1
Time sec

Figure 6.2.24: On and off axis attitude responses (roB and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8 t h order linear helicopter model at hover with an output
feedback control law synthesized using the iterative projection algorithm of Section 4.5.8.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Pnge 264

u, V and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick



.; 2
~ ' .':",: .' ,:",: ', :...:.. '. '..:,. ": :- : : :.: : :..:. .•..:,. .. . ~ .: ~ : :..; : :...:. ., •..,:. • . •.: ..: : .:...: : :"':" , '~ ' .' ~ '. '~': !...! ~:"":", , ~ ••• ..!-." ,:",,: : ~ ', ....:.. .. . ..:..' .

-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5
Time sec

u, v and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick

._ .- u
.. . .. w .- ._.- ._.- .- .- ._.- ._._._._._ ._._.-
~ 2
0 - .-
0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.2.25: Linear velocity responses (u, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8th order lin-
ear helicopter model with an output feedback control law synthesized using the iterative projection
algorithm of Section 4.5.8.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page26S

I Lateral I Long.
-1.7 ± )1.6 -1.7 ± )1.6
0.1 0.1

Table 6.2.6: Centre locations and radii used for the output feedback control law synthesis with eigen-
value trade-off.


[~;l [oor
0.0547 -0.0335 -0.1259 -0.0408 p
-0.0406 0.0862 0.0439 -0.0016 0.2623 q
= (6.2.9)
0.0007 0.0003 0.0056 0.0076 -0.0023 r
Ot 0.0187 -0.0514 0.0088 -0.0674 -0.0875 0.0476 <P

which yields the closed loop eigenvalues given in Table 6.2.7.

I Eigenvalue I Mode
-2.0500 Yaw
-1.6196 ± )1.5405 Lateral
-1.6078 ± )1.5613 Long.
-0.2300 Heave
-0.0433 Side-Slip
-0.0450 Forward

Table 6.2.7: Eigenvalue locations for the closed loop helicopter system using a control law synthes-
ised with eigenvalue trade-off.

The roll and pitch attitude responses are shown in Figure 6.2.26 along with the usual Def-Stan tem-
plate. In places. it can be seen that the responses are at the limit of the level one performance.
However. the corresponding on and off axis attitudes illustrated in Figure 6.2.27 show that the cross-
coupling between these responses is minimal.
Figure 6.2.28 depicts the yaw and heave responses. The yaw steady state error is 3.5% which com-
fortably meets both the level one and two requirements. The linear velocites of Figure 6.2.29 show
that the de coupling is generally good.
Further improvements in performance are difficult to achieve without employing dynamic compens-
ation. It is worth examining the robustness of the control law. Table 6.2.8 shows that the stability
margins are slightly better than the initial state feedback solution but still poor.
Figure 6.2.30 shows the roll and pitch attitude responses of the 12th order helicopter model (inc1ud-
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 266

Lateral response with level I spec. (phase=attentive)

<1.l 6

-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with level I spec. (phase=attentive)
.... 2
li: 0
-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5 1
Time in seconds

Figure 6.2.26: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8th order linear helicopter model at hover with
an output feedback control law synthesized using an iterative projection algorithm employing eigen-
value trade-off.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 267

Roll and pitch attitude responses to I sec pulse in lateral stick

, I ~ FjWh
8 / ,
/ ,
6 / ,
:.a0. / ,
....... 4 I ,,
~ /
-5 2 ....
<I) /
/ ... ... .

-2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1 1.5
Time sec

Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick


l ~ rjWh
OIl 4
:.a0. 2
.s o - .- ._._._.- .- ._._.- .- .- ._._.- .. _._._.- .- ._.- .-.- .- ._._._.- .

_2 L---~--~----L---~--~----~---L--~----J---~
o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.2.27: On and off axis attitude responses (roll and pitch) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse input for an 8t h order linear helicopter model at hover with an output
feedback control law synthesized using an iterative projection algorithm employing eigenvalue trade-
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 268

Yaw rate response to a one second pulse tail rotor collective


..... ..... .. .:.. .... .. . .' .. . ... .. . ... .... .

.: . . ..... . . :

0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Time sec

Heave velocity response to a step in main rotor collective


..... .. .. .:. . . . ..... .:- .. . ... . . .:- .. . .. . . ..;..


. .
.- . - . - , - . - . - - - . - ' ~ . - .. ~. - . ~ : ­
20 ._.- .'- -

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time sec

Figure 6.2.28: Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with an output feedback control
synthesized using an iterative projection algorithm employing eigenvalue trade-off.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 269

u, V and w velocity responses to I sec pulse in lateral stick



.B 4
.; 2
" _ "' ~ '. ' ~': ':"'; ::. .:. . .-:. ... .:-.: ~ : :. .: .. ....-.. _'_._w
~ _..._w_._._ . ._... _. _. _ M'_ "' _ " _ , _ . _ .. . _ .,

-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5
Time sec
U, v and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick

._ .- u
.. . . . w .-'-'-'- '- '- ' - ' - '- ' - ' - ' - .- .-. - .
"::l 3
.B '"
~ 2 '"
.; '"
0 - .-
-1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5
Time sec

Figure 6.2.29: Linear velocity responses ('1.1, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8 tll order lin-
ear helicopter model with an output feedback control law synthesized using an iterative projection
algorithm employing eigenvalue trade-off.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 270

Input Output
Gain Margin -0.65 dB. O.62dB -0.82 dB. O.75dB
Phase Margin

Table 6.2.8: Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of the closed loop helicopter
system using a control law synthesised with eigenvalue trade-off.

ing the regressive flapping dynamics) with output feedback control synthesized using the iterative
projection algorithm employing eigenvalue trade-off. The roll response has coupled with the rotor
dynamics and is, as a consequence, severely degraded, but the pitch response is relatively unaffected.
The static feedback solution will need considerable robustification before it can be used on the non-
linear model let alone the real plant. The robustness improvement algorithm using the singular value
based measure was applied to the static output feedback solution. It may be recalled that the analytical
gradients were derived assuming assignment of right eigenvectors first (see Section 5.5.3), but the
current synthesis approach (option three of Table 6.2.5) assigns left eigenvectors first. This problem
is easily overcome by using the dual system, that is:


An important consideration with the singular value based approach is the choice of uncertainty struc-
ture. We wish to improve the gain and phase margins at both the input and output. Therefore a bi-
linear uncertainty structure was introduced at both of these points. The state space representation of
the resulting single loop system is:

M(s) = 2KC I 2K (6.2.13)
2C 0 I

This structure can give a direct estimate of the gain and phase margins. However, it is very conser-
vative since it encompasses perturbation at two loop breaking points (the input and output) whereas
gain and phase margins are only defined with respect to one loop breaking point. The eigenvalues
were constrained to be stable and within a radius of 0.2 from their assigned location. The optimisa-
tion was constrained to update design vectors and eigenvalues by no more than 10 percent per step.
There were four steps per iteration, one each for the left and right design vectors and one each for the
left and right eigenvalues. The algorithm was set to concede 20% of its robustness improvement to
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 271

Lateral response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)


tU 5
, -----

- ~
..,; 0

-5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with levell spec. (phase=attentive)

'"tUtU 6
Q:; 0

-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

0 0.5 1 5
Time in seconds

Figure 6.2.30: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one s~cond ~f a 1~th or,der lin~ar ?elicopt~r model at h~ver with
an output feedback control law synthesIzed usmg an IteraUve prOjectIOn algonthm employmg eigen-
value trade-off.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 272

Reduction of Mu during Robustification






10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 6.2.31: Convergence of the robustness improvement algorithm with the singular value based
measure for an 8th helicopter model with output feedback control and a bilinear uncertainty structure
at the input and output.

performance protection. However, maintaining performance proved to be an impossible task.

Figure 6.2.31 shows how the minimisation of the J.L upper bound progressed. It can be seen that ini-
tially the function decreases monotonically, but then suffers periodic increases from which it recom-
mences the minimisation. The increases are all due to frequency jumps. That is, after minimising one
peak a new peak has arisen at a different frequency. The algorithm will leap between peaks attempt-
ing to minimise them all independently. However, eventually a impasse is reached where minimising
one peak causes an increase in another and vise-versa. The algorithm then becomes locked in a cycle,
trying to minimise both peaks and progresses no further.
The gain matrix after 19 iteration (76 steps) is given below:
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 273

n BI
0.0433 -0.0231
0.0032 -0.0421 0.0818
0.0003 0.0095 0.0007
0.0101 -0.0669 0.0715
-0.0450 -0.0586
0.0312 0.0083
-0.0064 0.0109
0.0751 -0.1575


The gain and phase margins are shown in Table 6.2.9. A substantial improvement has been achieved.
However, this has come at the expense of performance.

Input Output
Gain Margin -3.65 dB, 3.1dB -4.39 dB, 3.58dB
Phase Margin -19.8°,19.8°

Table 6.2.9: Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of the closed loop helicopter
system using a control law that has been optimised with respect to a singular value based robustness

Figure 6.2.32 depicts the roll and pitch attitude responses along with the usual Def-Stan template and
Figure 6.2.33 displays the corresponding attitude cross-coupling.
Figure 6.2.34 shows that the yaw and heave responses have not been greatly affected by the robus-
tification but the linear velocities depicted in Figure 6.2.35 shows that the general decoupling has
For comparison robstification with respect to the time domain measure was also undertaken. Again,
the optimisation was constrained to update the eigenvalues or eigenvectors by no more than 10% and
20% of the robustness improvement was conceded to performance protection. The eigenvalues were
constrained to be stable and within a 0.2 radius of their initial location. A time domain uncertainty
structure must be chosen and it was decided to use the non-linearity information from the linearisa-
tion. The linearisation algorithm produces three system matrices a nominal matrix plus an upper and
a lower bound. The algorithm was allowed wide error tolerances (fa = 0.1, fp = 0.1) to ensure
a reasonable amount of uncertainty information was produced. The upper and lower bounds were
processed in an identical fashion to the nominal matrix then subtracted from the nominal matrix to
produce error information. The uncertainty information is given below:
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 274

Lateral response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)


iU 6
"0 4


-2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with level 1 spec. (phase::attentive)

'"~ 6


.'= 2

-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5 1
Time in seconds

Figure 6.2.32: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second of an 8 order linear helicopter model at hover with an
output feedback control law that has been optimised with respect to a singular value based robustness
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 27S

Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick

6 ..... ,
/ "
, - - pitch
\ . _. - roll
4 /
(1) /
"0 \
2 /

.... /
I ,,
.;: o -" ,
'-._._.-.-'-' _._.-.-.-._.-._._.
-2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5
Time sec
Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick
- - pitch
. _. - roll

...... - -.---
-4 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5 1
Time sec

Figure 6.2.33: On and off axis a~titude responses (roll ~d pitc~) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse mput for an 8 order lInear helIcopter model at hover with an out-
put feedback control law that has been optimised with respect to a singular value based robustness
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 276

Yaw rate response to a one second pulse tail rotor collective


..:.. . ..... . -: .. . ........ ........ -: . ..... . . .

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Time sec
Heave velocity response to a step in main rotor collective

-.. . .. . . .
:1--:\ -
. . ...-:- .' ~ '
.. . ....
_.-.- .
~ . ~ , -- - ~. ~ ~ ~ : ~


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time sec

Figure 6.2.34: Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with an output feedback control
law that has been optirnised with respect to a singular value based robustness measure.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 277

u, v and w velocity responses to I sec pulse in lateral stick


'- '- v
.. .. . w

_ . ~ : ~ ' ,- - : , ' , - ' --: : ~ '- '- '- '- '- '- '- '- '- '- '- '- '- '- '- '-'-
• • • • •• " • •••• • ••• •••• ••• • • • • 0 • • ••• •• ••• • •••• • • • • •• • • •• •

o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec
u, v and w velocity responses to I sec pulse in longitudinal stick
4 - '-
3 ",
'- '- .
- '- ' - .
- '-
'"0 2
,/ ..... .. ... ..
,/ .. . .. .. . .. . .
~ ", . . .. .. .
.;; 0 - --u
._ .- v
-I ..... w

-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

0 0.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.2.35 : Linear velocity responses (u, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8 th order lin-
ear helicopter model with an output feedback control law that has been optimised with respect to a
singular value based robustness measure.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 278

0.0046 0.0022 0.0079 0.0360

0.0058 0.0000 0.0000 0.0019
0.0060 0.0197 0.0058 0.0519 0.0175 0.0115 0.0019 0.0018
0.1059 0.1026 0.0613 0.0093 0.0038 0.0000 0.0313 0.0313
0.0896 0.0145 0.1219 1.7437 0.9981 0.0084 0.0000 0.0000
0.0067 0.0057 0.0124 0.1428 0.2082 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0402 0.0155 0.0650 0.3202 0.2362 0.0716 0.0000 0.0000
0 0 0 0.1795 0.0004 0.0127 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.1270 0.0122 0 0

Figure 6.2.36 shows the progress of the optimisation algorithm which. unlike the singular value based
measure. exhibits a monotonic decrease. The final gain matrix is:

n El _
00 -
[-0 0017


For comparison with the singular value measure the multi variable gain and phase margins are given
below. They show considerable improvement over the nominal solution. However. the time domain
robustness measure is not focused on the frequency domain gain and phase margins and thus it does
not achieve the tolerance of the singular value based optimisation.

Input ! Output
Gain Margin -2.30 dB, 2.24dB -2.65 dB. 2.58dB
Phase Margin

Table 6.2.l0: Multivariable gain and phase margins at the input and output of the closed loop heli-
copter system using a control law that has been optimised with respect to a time domain robustness

Figure 6.2.37 shows the roll and pitch attitude responses along with the usual Def-Stan template and
Figure 6.2.38 shows the corresponding attitude cross-coupling. It can be seen that both sets of re-
sponses have suffered but that the decoupling has degraded but to a lesser extent.
Figure 6.2.39 shows that both the yaw and heave responses have been detrimentally affected by the
robustification and Figure 6.2.35 depicts the linear velocities and shows that the general decoupling
has also suffered.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 279

Reduction of Time Domain Measure during Robustification




:; 60

.;; 50



10 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0 5

Figure 6.2.36: Convergence of the robustness improvement algorithm with the time domain meas-
ure for an 8th helicopter model with output feedback control and the uncertainty structure of Equa-
tion (6.2.15).
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 280

Lateral response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)



11) 6


-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

0 0.5
Time in seconds
Longitudinal response with level 1 spec. (phase=attentive)
11) 6
'iii 2

-2 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 Time in seconds

Figure 6.2.37: Roll attitude response (top) to a lateral and pitch attitude response (bottom) to a lon-
gitudinal pulse input of 10% for one second o.f ~ 8 ~rder linear heli~opter model at hover with an

output feedback control law that has been optImIsed wIth respect to a tIme domain robustness meas-
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 281

Roll and pitch attitude responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick

- - pitch
. - . - roll
" \
:..c0. /
2 /
/ \
-0 \
-5 o -'
, _.- ' _.- ' - ' -'-'- ' - '
- - .- .- '
-2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5
Time sec
Roll and pitch attitude responses to I sec pulse in longitudinal stick
6 __ --~----._--_.----._--_,r_--_r----._--_.----~--~

- - pitch
. - . - roll
bO 4
0. 2

.- .- ' - '- '- '-'- '- '-'-'-'

o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6.2.38: On and off axis ~ttitude respo~:es (roll. and pit~h) to a 10% one second lateral (top)
and longitudinal (bottom) pulse mput for an 8 order linear helicopter model at hover with an output
feedback control law that has been optimised with respect to a time domain robustness measure.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 282

Yaw rate response to a one second pulse tail rotor collective


. ~,..,..,..,- ........ - .

5 ... . .. -:.......... :..... . ... . . -: ... .. ... . .:. ... . . . . .

o ..... .. .... ..... .. . .. . . .... ... .. .

...... : ... ..
o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec
Heave velocity response to a step in main rotor collective
. -',-
---"",~. - .-.
~ 20

: : §'w
... .. .......... . .:... .... ....:.. . . . .. · . -:-. ·:~
. . . . h .. . .

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time sec

Figure 6.2.39: Yaw rate response (top) to a one second 10% pulse and heave velocity (bottom) in-
duced by a 10% step input for an 8th order linear helicopter model with an output feedback control
law that has been optimised with respect to a time domain robustness measure.
6.2 An Output Feedback Control Law Page 283

u, v and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in lateral stick


-::.'" 1.5


.- .- v
.... . w

;:i 0.5 . .. . . .
. . . .. ... . .... ....
_._._._._._._._ ._._._ .
'- '- .
-D.5 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec
u. v and w velocity responses to 1 sec pulse in longitudinal stick
_.- '- '-'-


2 t]
.- .- V
.... . W


'- '-

... ..... . . ... .. .. .... . .. . .. . . , .

o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time sec

Figure 6 .2.40: Linear velocity responses (u, v, w) to a one second 10% pulse for an 8th order linear
helicopter model with an output feedback control law that has been optimised with respect to a time
domain robustness measure.
6.3 Summary Page 284

6.3 Summary
In this chapter an attitude command hover control law was designed using static feedback techniques.
An initial state feedback solution showed that the desired eigenstructure derived in Section 3.5.4 con-
cisely expresses the handling qualities performance goals. A visible link between the system eigen-
structure and its performance was also demonstrated.
The robustness improvement algorithm was applied to the state feedback solution. It delivered a sig-
nificant increase in the input and output gain and phase margins. The inevitable degradation in per-
formance was observed. However, it was demonstrated that the performance protection technique is
effective in keeping the degradation to a minimum.
A more realistic output feedback design was undertaken. Assignment was performed in the input and
output spaces for best performance. Different assignment options were considered, the pros and cons
of which became clearly evident As expected the initial output feedback solutions did not achieve
the performance of the state feedback case. However, using the techniques of iterative assignment
and eigenvalue trade-off, performance approaching that of the state feedback case was achieved.
Robustness optirnisation with respect to the singular value and time domain robustness measures
was performed on the output feedback solution. Substantial robustness improvement was achieved.
However in both case maintaining performance proved an overwhelming task.
It appears that both good performance and robustness using output feedback will require dynamic
compensation. Experimentation with a variety of compensator strategies must be undertaken. Al-
though, the theory and tools are now in place to do this. This will provide a substantial and exciting
piece of further work.
Chapter 7

Conclusions and Further Work

7.1 Conclusions . 285
7.2 Contributions 287
7.3 Further Work 288

7.1 Conclusions
In the introduction it was argued that eigenstructure assignment is an appropriate technique for the
design of helicopter control laws. The reasons given were:

• it provides engineering design visibility,

• there is considerable support for rapid design iteration,

• there is a straightforward relationship between the handling qualities specification and the de-
sired eigenstructure,

• it lends itself to integrated vehicle design by using concepts familiar to both control engineers
and flight dynamicists,

• controller structures are easily determined and generally simple,

• design trade-offs can easily be seen and made.

However, to exploit the benefits of eigenstructure assignment fully it should be incorporated into a
suitable design methodology.
Development of such a methodology began in Chapter 2 through an understanding of vehicle dy-
namics. The hover case dynamics were analysed using modal techniques and a simplified system.

7.1 Conclusions Page 286

A reliable linearisation with useful uncertainty information was produced. This formed the basis of
further development
Chapter 3 continued development of the design methodology by examining the design objectives.
The relevant criteria in the two most important handling qualities specifications (Def-Stan 00-970
and ADS 33) were examined and compared. By combining the criteria of the Def-Stan 00-970 and
knowledge of the system dynamics, a desired eigenstructure was constructed. To maintain flexibility,
the eigenvalues were specified as allowed regions, although ideal nominal points were also identified.
The desired eigenstructure was shown to be consistent with both specifications.
With the desired eigenstrUcture in place, attention moved in Chapter 4 to developing an eigenstruc-
ture assignment technique that would enable the designer to achieve the best possible performance.
To do this the designer needs the facility to exploit all the available design freedom. Initially, the
state feedback case was considered. It was shown that improved eigenvector assignment could be
achieved by introducing freedom in the eigenvalue locations. A mathematical framework for this
trade-off was set up and later shown to be equally applicable to the output feedback problem. The
helicopter problem requires output feedback. This was considered next. A two stage algorithm was
developed, based on the sequential assignment ofleft and right eigenvectors. This algorithm was ex-
tended to multiple stages. It was shown how unused design freedom could be recovered and put to
good use. The choice of eigenvectors in the initial stages places strong constraints on those available
in subsequent stages. Therefore, selecting the optimum eigenvector in each stage alone is unlikely to
lead to the best overall solution. Projection techniques were developed to combat this problem. They
force the initial stages to mitigate their effect on later stages or iterate until a compromise solution is
reached. These techniques enable the designer to make better use of the available design freedom.
If the system states have no physical significance, the eigenvectors lose their engineering visibility.
In such cases it is more appropriate to work in the input and output spaces, which implies assigning
the modal coupling matrices. A technique for doing this was developed in Chapter 4. Assignment in
the input and output spaces enables the engineer to make more effective use of the available design
freedom. Static feedback can not always deliver the required performance and dynamic compensa-
tion must be employed. It was shown how some different approaches to dynamic compensation may
be incorporated into the existing eigenstructure assignment framework. Eigenstructure assignment
provides no inherent mechanism for ensuring robustness. A credible design methodology should ad-
dress robustness and this is the topic of the next chapter.
Chapter 5 developed a post-assignment robustness improvement algorithm. This algorithm will im-
prove robustness with respect to either a time domain or singular value based measure. The drawback
of post-design robustness improvement is that an optimum solution, in terms of performance, can
only be degraded by the adjustments made to improve robustness. However, this algorithm attempts
to keep the degradation to a minimum by confining eigenvalues to allowed regions and protecting
the eigenvector directions. The algorithm performs the optimisation with the same parameters used
to synthesise the controller. This gives more control over the performance robustness trade-off.
7.1 Contributions Page 287

A complete methodology is now in place with a powerful assignment technique, providing insight-
ful access to all the available design freedom, a method of addressing robustness and clearly defined
design objectives. In Chapter 6 the methodology was applied to design an attitude command control
law for the hover case. The design example began with the state feedback case which is used to illus-
trate that the desired eigenstructure does embody the required performance goals. The robustness im-
provement algorithm was shown to deliver significant improvement in robustness and to be effective
in keeping the inevitable degradation in performance to a minimum. As expected the output feedback
case proved to be a more difficult problem but. using the techniques of iterative assignment and ei-
genvalue trade-off performance approaching that of the state feedback case was achieved. However,
achieving both good performance and good robustness was not possible for the static output feedback
case and it is concluded that further development would require dynamic compensation.

The author concludes that the potential of eigenstructure assignment to deliver an appropriate and
effective means of designing helicopter control laws has been demonstrated. Further work is needed
before the above methodology would offer a complete solution to helicopter control law design.

7.2 Contributions
To the best of the author's knowledge the list below describes the novel contributions of this work:

• Development of a novel algorithm that produces representative linearisations of non-linear

models accompanied with useful error data and bounds on acceptable state excursions.

• Use of the Hessian form to improve the fidelity of a state space helicopter model.

• Construction of an insightful, simplified model of the helicopter hover dynamics using sensit-
ivity analysis.

• Characterisation of all the second order systems, as a region in the complex plane, that meet
the Def-Stan 00-970 response criteria, derived using analytic techniques.

• Derivation of an ideal eigenstructure that meets the Def-Stan 00-970 response criteria and is
consistent with the system physics.

• Derivation of some novel proofs of sufficient conditions for complete pole assignment using
static output feedback. These proofs are concise and insightful and lead directly to a two stage
assignment technique.

• Derivation of novel gain equation that removes restrictions on the number of left or right ei-
genvectors that must be assigned and thus supports a flexible multi stage assignment technique.

• Discovery that unused design freedom can exist after complete assignment and development
of a method for recovering the design freedom and its utilisation in a recursive way, consistent
with the original assignment approach.
7.3 Further Work

• Fonnulation of a simultaneous eigenvalue and eigenvector assignment problem that enables a

trade-off between the eigenvalue and eigenvector design objectives. An analytical solution to
this problem is derived for the case of real eigenvalues.

• Development of some basic theory for assignment in the input and output spaces using the
modal coupling matrices and subsequent fonnulation of an assignment technique.

• Development of a novel algorithm for improving robustness with respect to either of two pre-
viously non-utilised robustness measures.

• Derivation of analytic gradients between the output feedback design parameters and both of
the robustness measures.

• Development of a mechanism for maintaining performance through the sc\ection of comprom-

ise directions.

While significant contributions have been made, the design of helicopter control laws is a substantial
problem and considerable opportunities exist for further work.

7.3 Further Work

Many suggestions for further work have been made, in context, at the end of each chapter. However,
some key topics are highlighted below:
The current analytical solution to the eigenvalue trade-off algorithm is only valid for the real case.
Further work is needed to extend the solution to the complex case. This not a trivial matter. A quick
description of the direct approach to calculating the solution illustrates the nature of the problem. For
the real case evaluation and differentiation of the cost function gives a single polynomial in onc vari-
able, the roots of which lead to the global minimum. For the complex case evaluation and differenti-
ation gives two coupled equations in two unknowns, a general solution for this system of equations
as yet does not exist. However, once found, a general subspace projection tool can be produced that
minimises the following constrained optimisation:

J = min
IIvd - Q(s)fll~ + w/IIW2 Q(s)fll~ subject to Iso - si ~ rd (7.3.1)

Where the tenns take their usual meaning.

An efficient computational solution to the above problem has many applications in this work. For

1. Setting w/ = 0 and r d =0 is the simple projection case.

7.3 Further Work Pale 289

2. Setting w/ t-* 00 and Td = 0 provides a constrained projection.

3. Setting w/ #- 0 ,Td = 0 and W2 to the desired eigenvectors produces the sympathetic projec-

4. Setting Td = 0 and increasing w/ #- 0 in a loop with a second complementary optimisution

yields the iterative projection technique.

5. Defining a radius T d#-O enables eigenvalue trade-off to be performed with any of the uhove
projection methods.

This tool subsumes conventional approaches to projection and is recommended in their place.

It was identified as part of the design example that dynamic compensation is needed to achieve both
the robustness and performance goals simultaneously. The tools are in place for applying a variety
of techniques for dynamic compensator design. These include full order observers, reduced order
observers, feedback compensation and pre-compensation. Further work would experiment with dif-
ferent dynamic compensation approaches and identify a suitable strategy. An initial task would be to
design a reduced order observer and verify the performance against the state feedback solution. The
design example results show that robustification often causes the command tracking performance to
suffer. Dynamic compensation to improve the tracking performance may also form a good early task.
Another practical topic for further work would be to apply the techniques and tools described in this
thesis to a wider set of problems The modal analysis and construction of simplified models could be
repeated for different forward speeds and other trim conditions. The desired eigenstructures could be
developed for rate command and translational rate command, then used to design controllers. Auto-
pilot functions such as Direction Hold (DH), Height Hold (HH). Transition to Hover and so on, could
also be designed.
Once some control law design experience with different response types and flight condition has been
gained. a natural topic for further work is to integrate the control laws in to an AFCS. This will involve
addressing issues such as gain scheduling, control law switching, bumpless transfer and anti-windup.

The robustness improvement algorithm delivers good results that certainly justify its continued de-
velopment. Several opportunities for improvement exist. They include the use of quasi-newton des-
cent directions. the development of an improved line search and the derivation of improved analytical
descent directions for the time domain measure. It was observed that, while the time domain meas-
ure achieved a monotonic convergence the singular value measure suffered periodic increases due
to frequency jumping. This snag is easily removed. Currently, the algorithm scans across the fre-
quency range and identifies the dominant peak. It then calculates a descent direction with respect to
that peak. The algorithm could be modified to ide~tify a set of peaks and calculate a descent direction
that will decrease all the peaks simultaneously. This does not require the derivation of any new ana-
lytical gradients. The line search algorithm will have to be modified to ensure reduction with respect
to either all peaks or just the dominant peak.
7.3 Further Work PORe 290

Design visibility is an important issue for practising engineers. Traditionally, the engineers have ad-
justed the feedback gains directly and thus gained experience and a good understanding of design
using these parameters. A feature of eigenstructure assignment is the bijective mapping between the
gains and design parameters. That is, a set of eigenvalue and eigenvector directions can be used to
calculate a unique gain matrix and, equally, the gain matrix can be transfonncd into a unique set of ei-
genvalues and eigenvector directions. It would be fruitful to develop this characteristic eigcnstructure
assignment into a design methodology that allows the design to be conductcd in either the eigcnspuce
or the gain space. This will further enhance visibility by enabling the designer to use the design para-
meters appropriate to a particular objective. Development of this design methodology will involve
addressing two main issues: firstly, giving eigenvector and eigenvalues, produced by gain adjust-
ment, a meaningful interpretation in terms of the desired eigenstructure and secondly, ensuring that
compromises can be reached between adjustments made in either space.
In summary, this work represents the application of eigenstructure assignment to the rotorcraft prob-
lem. It further emphasises the true suitability of this technique to the problem domain. The tools,
techniques and theory developed here are generic and reduce the practice-theory gap. Thcy form the
basis for follow on work which GKN-Westland wish to support, leading to a completely new philo-
sophy for advanced high performance rotorcraft control system design.
Appendix A

Helicopter Linearistion at Hover

This appendix contains the state space linearisations, produced using the algorithm described in Sec-
tion 2.3, of the non-linear helicopter model outlined in Section 2.2.1. The model has been trimmed
for the hover using a Newton-Raphson technique as dicussed in Section 2.2.2.

A.1 The State Space Description

The state and input vectors are defined as follows:

xT ~ [u, v, W,p, q, r, rP, O,?/I, all, bll ] (A. 1.1)

uT A [A1,Bl,00,(h] (A.I.2)

Where the linear velocites (u, v, w) are in feet per second, the angular rates (p, q, r) are in radians per
second and the body (rP, 0, 'I/J), flapping (aLt, bLt ) and inputs (Ai, B l , 0o, et) angles are in radians.
The system, input and output matrices are:

A.I The State Space Description

-0.0044 0 0.0177 0 0.0089 0 0 -32.12 0 -32.82 0

0.0007 -0.0185 -0.0034 -0.0697 -0.0625 0.3543 32.06 0.1096 0 0 32.82
0.0298 0 -0.3228 0 -0.0534 0 1.836 -1.914 0 -2.291 0
0 -0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0028 6.627 -0.0260 0 0 0 0 113.0
0.0005 0 -0.0021 -1.009 -0.0153 0 0 0 0 17.21 0
A= -0.0004 0.0086 0.0027 0.0355 1.246 -0.2208 0 0 0 0 20.35
0 0 0 1.000 -0.0034 0.0596 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.9984 0.0572 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 -0.0573 1.000 0 0 0 0 0
0.0158 -0.0012 0.0011 -0.0131 -1.273 0 0 0 0-14.06 -2.202
0.0189 -0.0070 0.0013 -1.236 -0.0706 0 0 0 o 2.202 -14.06

0 0 17.90 0
0 0 -1.415 12.89
0 0 -299.4 0
0 0 6.723 -0.9451
0 0 -1.523 0
B= 0 0 14.28 -8.030
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
2.740 -16.02 0 0
15.93 2.756 0 0

The linearisation uncertainty information as described in Section 2.3 is:

A.2 The Reduced Order Model State Space Description Puge 193

0.0011 0.0006 0.0007 0.0006 0.0006 0 0 0.0018 0 0 0

0.0006 0.0016 0.0006 0 0.0111 0.0137 0.0017 0.0017 0 0 0
0.0110 0.0101 0.0140 0.0110 0.0028 0 0.0294 0.0294 0 0 0
0 0 0.0003 0 0.0008 0.0010 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.0002 0 0.0025 0 0 0 0 0 0
~A= 0.0003 0.0001 0.0010 0 0.0066 0.0085 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.0001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.0002 0 0.0003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0.0527 0
0 0 0.0042 0.1453
0 0 0.8818 0
0 0 0.0818 0.0107
0 0 0.0045 0
~B= 0 0 0.1604 0.0905
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0.1609 0.6853 0 0
0.9358 0.1178 0 0

A.2 The Reduced Order Model State Space Description

The state space description for the reduced order helicopter model is given below:

yT A [u, v, W,p, q, r, 4>, (J, 1/;, ah, bh ] (A.2.3)

xT A
[u, v, w,p, q, r, 4>, 0] (A.2.4)
uT A
[AI,B1,Oo,(Jt] (A.2.S)
A.2 The Reduced Order Model State Space Description Pllge 294

-0.0337 0.0002 0.0157 -0.4111 2.883 0 0 -32.12

0.0494 -0.0348 0 -2.890 -0.6777 0.3543 32.06 0.1096
0.0278 0 -0.3230 -0.0287 0.1473 0 1.836 -1.914
0.1678 -0.0564 0.0117 -9.710 4.509 -0.0260 0 0
0.0158 -0.0001 -0.0010 -0.7938 -1.522 0 0 0
0.0298 -0.0015 0.0048 -1.714 0.8642 -0.2208 0 0
0 0 0 1.000 -0.0034 0.0596 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.9984 0.0572 0 0

-0.5570 37.50 17.90 0

37.28 0.5602 -1.415 12.89
-0.0389 2.618 -299.4 0
128.3 1.928 6.723 -0.9451
B= (A.2.6)
0.2920 -19.66 -1.523 0
23.12 0.3475 14.28 -8.030
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1.000 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0
c= 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 (A.2.7)
0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.0009 0 0 0.0125 -0.0876 0 0 0
0.0015 -0.0005 0.0001 -0.0859 -0.0187 0 0 0
A.2 The Reduced Order Model State Space Description
Page 29~

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
D= 0 0 0 0 (A.2.8)
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0.0170 -1.143 0 0
1.136 0.0171 0 0

Supporting Mathematics

B.l Proof of Matrix Lemma 4.5.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
B.2 Guaranteed Real Gain Matrix Proof . . . . . . . . . 300
B.3 Proof that the Retro-Stage Offers No Additional DoF 302
B.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304

To avoid stifling the flow of the main text some of the supporting mathematics is relegated to the
following appendix.

B.I Proof of Matrix Lemma 4.5.3

Lemma 4.5.3 1 forms an important part of the proof of Theorem 4.5.3 and leads to a powerful ex-
pression for the gain matrix (K). Before proving the Lemma, for completeness, let us first restate
Lemma 4.5.3
LetK E ((;xm, X E cn xz , S1 E ((;XZ, YE (:!1xr andT2 E (:!Ixm, where m ~ xandr ~ y.
Then the matrix equations:

KX = SI (B. 1.1)
YK = T2 (B. 1.2)

have a consistent solution for K if all the following conditions hold.

lTo the author's knowledge the only other instance of this result is presented by Rao et al [RM711. However. although the
solution is identical the accompanying necessary and sufficient conditions are incorrect.

Page 296
B.1 Proof of Matrix Lemma 4.5.3 Page 297

Cl rank (X) =x
C2 rank (Y) =y
C3 T2X =YSl

The general solution/or K is then:

(B. 1.3)

or equivalently:


where Z E ({)I x:e is a free parameter matrix that characterises the complete set 0/ solutions.

The proof proceeds by first characterising all the solutions to Equation (B.l.1) and then seeking a
subset of these solutions that will also satisfy Equation (B .1.2).
Examination of Equation (B.1.2) and Equation (B. 1.1) quickly reveals that all solutions will satisfy:

YSl = Y(KX) = (YK)X = T2 X (B,1.5)

YSl =T2X (B.l.6)

However, meeting this condition is not enough to guarantee a solution exists. Therefore, Equa-
tion (B.1.6) is a necessary condition. A general solution [BIG74, p. 40] to Equation (B.Ll) alone
will exist if and only if:

rank ([~]) = rank (X) (B. 1.7)

in which case the solution is:

B.1 Proof of Matrix Lemma 4.5.3
PaRe 298

Where X(l) is a generalised one inverse [BIG74, p. 7] that satisfies XX(l)X = X and Zl E IRrxm
is a free parameter that characterises the set of solutions.

Substituting the general solution of Equation (B.1.l) into Equation (B. 1.2)

YK = T~ (B. 1.9)
Y(SlX(l)+Zl (I-XX(l»)) = T~ (B.LlO)
YSl X(1) + YZl - YZl XX(l) = T~ (B.l.ll)

and invoking the necessary condition of Equation (B. 1.6) gives:

T2 XX(1) + YZl - YZl XX(l) = T~ (B. 1.12)

We now seek a solution for Zl that will satisfy Equation (B.l.12). It is worth noting that examination
of Equation (B.1.12) shows that YZl = T~ is a sufficient condition for a solution. However, to
find the general solution Equation (B.1.12) is rearranged into a familiar format for which the general
solution is well known.


A solution for Zl exists if and only if

= rank(Y) CB. 1.14)


Examination of the general conditions above shows that, in this case, Equation CB.l.lS) is always
satisfied. If Equation (B.1.14) is satisfied then the general solution [BIG74, p. 39] is:

Zl =y(1)T2 (I-XX(1») (I_XX(l»)(l) +Z2 -y(1)YZ2 (I-XX(1») (I-XX(l)Yl)


The expression (I - XX(l») is always idempotent. It is therefore straightforward to show that:

B.1 Proof of Matrix Lemma 4.5.3 Page 299

(B. 1.17)

Thus the following simplifications are afforded:


Substituting Equation (B.l.18) into Equation (B.l.8) reveals the final solution:

K = 81X(1) + (y(1)T2 (I - XX(l») + Z2 - Y(1)YZ2 (I - XX(l»)) (I - XX{l»)

(B. 1.19)

= 81X(l) + y(l)T2 (I - XX{l») Z2 (I - XX(l») - Y{l)YZ2 (I - XX(l»)

(B. 1.20)


If one begins with Equation (B.1.2) instead of Equation (B. 1.1) the final solution is:

we see from Equation (B.l.6) that the two solutions are identical. The derivation above is summarised
in the following lemma:

LetK E (;xm,X E cm x"" 81 E (;x"', YE (()1xr andT2 E (()Ixm. Then the matrix equations:

KX = 81 (B. 1.23)

YK = T2 (B.1.24)

have a consistent solution for K if all the following conditions hold.

Cl rank ([~]) = rank (X)

C2 rank ([Y T2 (I - XX(l»)]) = rank (Y)
B.2 Guaranteed Real Gain Matrix Proof

C3 T2X=YSl

The general solution/or K is then:

or equivalently:

where Z E (()I x '" is a free parameter matrix that characterises the complete set 0/ solutions.

The conditions for a solution given in Lemma 4.5.3 are more restrictive than those of Lemma B.t.t.
However, for the purposes of eigenstructure assignment the conditions of Lemma 4.5.3 are more ap-
propriate and form a natural complement to Theorem 4.5.3.
Let us consider Equation (B. 1.7), recalling that X E cm xz and m ~ x it is clear that:

rank (X) = x (B.l.27)

implies that:


The same argument applies to Equation (B. 1.15) and if X is full rank then X(l) = xt [BIG74] thus
Lemma 4.5.3 is a corollary of Lemma B.l.l. 00

B.2 Guaranteed Real Gain Matrix Proof

In Section 4.5.3 it was stated that conditions Ct and C2 of Theorem 4.5.3 ensure that gain matrices
calculated using the formula below are always real:

D.2 Guaranteed Real Gain Matrix Proof Page 301

The proof proceeds by showing that conditions Cl and C2 of Theorem 4.5.3 ensure that all the com-
plex matrices of the gain equation may be expressed as the product of a unitary complex matrix and a
real matrix. It is then demonstrated, for each summand of Equation (B.2.29) in turn, that the complex
elements cancel to give real products and thus a real gain matrix.
Examination of Condition C2 of Theorem 4.5.3 confirms that W 2 may be factorised into two full
rank matrices (XW 2 ). Such that W 2 E IRS2 x n is real and X is complex and constructed as follows:

k = 1 ... 82 (B.2.30)


AD2 i,i is real, i = 1..82

AD2 i,i, AD2 Hl,i+1 are a complex pair, i = 1..82

Where AD2 i,i is the ith. diagonal element of AD2 which is the eigenvalue associated with the left
eigenvector (Wi) or ith. row of W2. The construction of X ensures that it is unitary and thus will
satisfy X*X = I.
The pseudo inverse (W2 B)t may be calculated from a full rank factorisation [BIG74, p. 23]. The
factorisation constructed above is one such factorisation and thus:

(W2 B)t = (X(W2 B))t (B.2.32)

= (W2Bf«W2B)(W2B)T)-1(X*X)-lX* (B.2.33)
= (W2B)T«W2B)('W2B)T)-lX* (B.2.34)

Since T2 is constructed in an identical manner to W2, there also exists a factorisation T2 = XT2
where T2 E 1R82 xm is real and X is defined above.


(W2B)tT2 = (W2B)T«W2B)(W2Bf)-lX·XT2 (B.2.35)

= (W2B)T«W2B)(W2B)T)-lT2 (B.2.36)

which since all terms are real the result is also real.
B.3 Proof that the Retro·Stage OtTers No Additional DoF Page 302

An almost identical argument holds for the term SI (CV 1 ) t. Since this term has the same structure
as the term (W 2 B) t T2 , only transposed.
Finally, we consider the term (W2 B)tT2 CVl (CVl)t. Recalling that:


the term may be rewritten as (W2 B)tW2 BSI (CVl)t. This term is considered in halves. It has
already been established that the portion SI (CVl)t is real. Reference to Equation (B.2.34) shows
that if W2 B is expressed as XW2 B then the remaining portion (W2 B)tW2 B must also be real.
Thus the term (W2 B)tW2 BSl (CVl)t is a real matrix and hence the gain matrix (K) is also real.

B.3 Proof that the Retro-Stage Offers No Additional DoF

In Section 4.5.4 it was stated that re-assigning eigenvectors in the retro-stage offers no advantage
over assigning them in the initial design. Assuming that the initial design is performed using two
stage assignment this statement is proved.

The proof proceeds by arguing that eigenvectors assigned in stage one of the initial design enjoy the
maximum design freedom and thus can not be bettered. The proof then focuses on re-assignment of
eigenvectors initially assigned in stage two and shows that all the allowed subspace solutions avail-
able in the retro-stage were also available in stage two of the initial design.
During stage one of the initial design, assignment enjoys the maximum design freedom for a given
(A, B) or (A, C) system pair. Any assignable eigenvector must satisfy condition Cl or C2 of
Theorem 4.5.3 and since these are the only restrictions that apply during stage one, it is clear that the
maximum design freedom is available.
Since the stage one eigenvectors can not be bettered it is assumed that they are protected. For con-
venience let us assume that right eigenvectors (V 1 ) were assigned in stage one and thus the reduced
system will satisfy:

O=CVl (B.3.38)

Consider assignment of the left eigenvectors in stage two of the initial design. The allowed subspace
must satisfy the augmented matrix equation below:
B.3 Proof that the Retro-Stage OtTers No Additional DoF Page 303

0 _- [LJ. M J.] [VOl A -C ] for all j = (81 + 1) ... n (B.3.39)

Which may be expressed as two separate equations:

Lj(A - AdjI) + MjC = 0 (B.3.40)

LjVl = 0 (B.3,41)

Equally, the allowed subspace in the retro-stage CL;) must satisfy the following equation:


To demonstrate that there is no additional design freedom in the retro-stage we will show that all the
solutions for £j of Equation (B.3,42) also satisfy Equation (B.3.40) and Equation (B.3,41).
Expansion of A and a little rearrangement of Equation (B.3.42) shows that Lj will satisfy Equa-
tion (B.3.40):

Lj(A + BKC - AdjI) + MjNcV C =0 (B.3,43)

Lj{A - AdjI) + (LjBK + MjNcv)C = 0 (B.3,44)

Multiplication of Equation (B.3.42) by V 1 gives:


which due to Equation (B.3.38) becomes:


and since V 1 are the closed loop eigenvectors:

LjV1ADl =0 (B.3.47)

Thus Lj also satisfies Equation (B.3.41) which completes the proof.

B.4 References Puge304

B.4 References
[BIG74] A Ben-Israel and NE Greville. Generalised Inverses: Theory and Applications. A WHey-lnterscience publication.
lohn WHey and Sons. Inc .• 1974.
[RM71) eR Rao and SK Mitra. Generalised Inverse of Matrices and its Applications. John WHey and Sons, Inc .• 1971.
Appendix C

Polynomial Matrices

C.I Calculation of the Allowed Eigenvector Subspace . 305
C.2 Evaluation of the Eigenvector Cost Function 309
C.3 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

Some of the techniques described in this thesis involve the manipulation of polynomial matrices. Al-
gorithms and reliable software for the manipulation of polynomial matrices are considerably less well
developed than for numerical matrix computations. This chapter considers computation of two par-
ticular problems. However. much of the theory may be used for general manipulation of polynomial

C.l Calculation of the Allowed Eigenvector Subspace

This section considers solving the following equation:


Where (A, B) are a controllable pair.

Duan [Dua93] proposes two symbolic methods for calculation of the solution. The first uses the
Smith Canonical Form [Bar83. p319] and exploits the fact that for a controllable pair (A, B) the
matrix [A - sI B] maintains full rank for all values of s [DeC89]. The Smith Canonical Form
constructs two unimodularmatrices (Y(s), X(s» that diagonalise a given polynomial matrix, the

1 Unimodular matrices have constant non·zero detenninants. They are the units of the ring of polynominl matrices.

Page 305
C.l Calculation of the Allowed Eigenvector Subspace PageJ06

zeros of the diagonal matrix (D(s) indicate the values of s at which the given polynomial matrix
loses rank. For this case the Smith Canonical Form satisfies:

Y(s) [A - sI B] X(s) = D(s) (C.l.2)

Since the pair (A, B) are controllable no value of s will cause D(s) to lose rank thus it follows:

Y(s) [A - sI B] X(s) = [I 0] (C.l.3)

The leading diagonal of D(s) forms an identity matrix. The last r columns of X(s) produce the r
zero columns of D(s). Since Y(s) is a non-singular matrix, these columns solve Equation (C. 1.1).
Thus we can partition X( s) to extract the solution, as follows:

X(s) = [Xl (s) Xl (s)] = [Xl (s) N(s)] (C. 1.4)

where X(s) is n + r by n + r, Xl (s) is n + r by nand X2 (s) = N(s) which are n + r by r.

To apply this approach in practice an algorithm is needed to calculate the Smith Canonical Form,
fortunately the general proof of this form [Mac89, GLL82, RS70] is constructive and thus may be
easily converted into an algorithms.
The second approach uses the Matrix Fraction Description (MFD) [KaiSO]. If all the elements of
a matrix are proper rational polynomials then the matrix may be factored as X (s) Y (s) -1. The ele-
ments of (sI - A)-1 B are rational polynomials. thus:

(sI - A)-1B = X(s)Y(S)-1 (C.I.5)

o (A - sI)X(s) + BY(s) (C.I.6)

o = [A-si B] [~~:~l (C.l.7)

Equation (C. I. 7) shows that any MFD of (sI - A) -1 B is automatically a solution of Equation (C. I. I ),
explicitly we note:

= N(s) (C.l.S)

A convenient solution for Equation (C.l.7) can be found by inspection:

C.I Calculation of the Allowed Eigenvector Subspace Page 307

X(s) = (sI - A)-lB (C.I.9)

Yes) = I (C.1.10)

The Smith Canonical Form and MFD approaches are both concise mathematical solutions to Equa-
tion (C.1.I). But both approaches require symbolic manipulation to perform the Smith Decomposi-
tion or matrix inversion. This presents no difficulty when working by hand or using a symbolic soft-
ware package such as Maple [Hec93]. However, it is desirable to develop numerical algorithms
[SPG92] that can be directly implemented in software packages such as Matlab and Octave. This
requires a numerical representation of a polynomial matrix. A polynomial matrix N(s) of degree d
may be written as:


Where the degree d is the highest power of 8 over all the elements of N(s), Ni is a matrix of coef-
ficients for the indeterminate (s) of power i. The coefficient matrices may be concatenatcd in to a
single block coefficient matrix.


This representation is used in numerical software packages such a Matlab, where block coefficient
matrices may be stored in row:

(C. l.l 3)

or column form:


Note, that one form is not the transpose of the other since the individual coefficient matrices are not
transposed. In the following development, the column representation will be used.
C.I Calculation of the Allowed Eigenvector Subspace Page 308

Addition of two polynomial matrices using the block coefficient matrix representation is straightfor-
ward. The block coefficient matrix of lower degree is padded with zeros, the two equal size matrices
are then simply added. Multiplication using block coefficient form requires the construction of a mat-
rix known as the resultant of a polynomial matrix. The resultant of a polynomial matrix L(s) is de-
noted < L >d, where d is the order of the resultant. The following recursive formula allows the
resultant of a polynomial matrix to be constructed a column at a time:

< L >0 ~ L (C. 1.15)

< L >i+1 ~ < Lo >i LO] i =O ... d (C. 1.16)


We see final form is the column representation ofL(s) repeated and staggered down the main diag-

Lo 0 o

< L >i= Lf71 o (C. 1.17)

0 Lm Lo

Where L(s) has degree m.

If two polynomial matrices are conformable for multiplication then the block coefficient matrix of
their product can be calculated directly using the resultant matrix. The order of the resultant matrix
must equal the degree of the multiplying matrix.

X=< L >dN (C. 1.18)

Where N is a block coefficient matrix of degree d, < L >d is an order d resultant of the polynomial
matrix L( s) and X is the block coefficient matrix of their product.

Returning to the original problem, we see that solving Equation (C.l.I), requires that the product of
two polynomial matrices should equal zero. Let
C.2 Evaluation of the Eigenvector Cost Function Page 309

L(s) = [A - sI, D] (C. 1.19)

and the block coefficient representation is:

L= [A-I DJ0 (C.l.20)

The block coefficient form of the solution is a matrix of dimension r that spans the null space of
< L >d. Thus a numerical method for solving Equation (C.l.1) is:

1. Find minimum d such that ker « L >d) has dimension r.

2. Calculate a matrix (N) that spans ker « L >d).

In fact, since both Lo and Ll of Equation (C.1.19) are full rank the dimension of ker « L >d) is
equal to the excess of columns over rows. Thus the minimum order of the resultant < L >d which
has a null space of dimension greater than or equal to r can be calculated, thus:

(d+l)(n+r)-((d+l)r+n) ~ r (C.1.21)
(C. 1.22)

The solution in block coefficient form is:

range (N) = ker « L >d) (C. 1.23)

Where the order of the resultant < L >d is given by Equation (C.1.22). Calculation of the null
space can be computed using numerically stable codes such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
and QR decomposition [GL83]. A memory efficient form of the algorithm that does not explicitly
calculate the resultant was proposed by Wang and Davision [WO?3] and implemented in Matlab by
Kwakernaak [Kwa90]. A similar approach was also taken by White [Whi91].

e.2 Evaluation of the Eigenvector Cost Function

This section details methods of evaluating the expression below, and also describes some interesting
Co2 Evaluation of the Eigenvector Cost Function Puge310


Before becoming embroiled in the details of calculating Equation (C.2.24) it is worth stating some
properties of the matrix:

'PQ = Q (Q*Q)-l Q* (C.2.2S)

A matrix of this structure is at the heart of the general least squares solution [BIG74] thus the fol-
lowing properties are generally applicable.

1. The matrix 'PQ is known as a Projector [BIG74, p. 48], because when multiplied by an arbit-
rary vector (v) the result is the component in the subspace spanned by range (Q). Or in other
words the projector calculates the projection of v on Q.

2. The matrix

'PQL = 1 _ Q (Q*Q)-l Q* (C.2.26)

'PQL = 1 - 'PQ (C.2.27)

is the orthogonal projector and calculates the component of an arbitrary vector in the space
that is not in range (Q) which is known as the complement space of range (Q) and denoted 2
Q.L. Thus an arbitrary vector (v) can be decomposed into the component in range (Q) and
range (Q.L ), as shown below:

v = 'PQLV + 'PQv (C.2.28)

The above equation is easily verified as follows:

v = (I _ Q (Q*Q)-l Q*)v + Q (Q*Q)-l Q*v (C.2.29)

v = v (C.2.30)

2Tbe use ofQ.l is a slight abuse of notation since strictly speaking one can only fonn the complement of a space. However.
Q.l should be interpreted as a matrix with columns that span the complement space of range (Q).
Col Evaluation of the Eigenvedor Cost Function Page 311

3. If the columns of X fonn a minimal basis for the subspace range (X) then the projector (Px)
onto X is

Px = X (X·X)-l X· (C.2.31)

4. The projectors PQJ. and PQ are idempotent matrices 3 that is satisfy XX = X. They are also
hermitian and positive semi-definite.

5. All projectors have eigenvalues of 0 and 1 only and since PQJ. and PQ are hcnnitian their
singular values are also 0 and 1 only.

The preceding properties have immediate consequences on the evaluation of Equation (C.2.24). Sup-
pose that there exists F( s) of maximum and full rank that satisfies:

F(s)Q(s) = 0 (C.2.32)

then by properties 2 and 3.


This equality is only of benefit if a simple expression of for F(s) can be found. Recalling Equa-
tion (4.3.21) and Equation (4.3.22), we note

(A - sI)Q(s) + BP(s) = 0 (C.2.34)

Let F be a matrix of maximum and full rank that satisfies:

FB=O (C.2.35)

pre-multiplying Equation (C.2.34) by F gives:

3 All projectors are idernpotent

Col Evaluation of the Eigenvector Cost Function

F(A - sI)Q(s) + FBP(s) = 0 (C.2.36)

F(A - sI)Q(s) = 0 (C.2.37)

Thus an appropriate expression for F( s) that satisfies Equation (C.2.32) is

F(s) = F(A - sI) (C.2.38)

Using Equation (C.2.33) and Equation (C.2.38) to calculate JVi offers considerable simplification.
It obviates the need to calculate Q(s) and sinee F(s) is of lower order than Q(s) subsequent manip-
ulations are also simplified.
Evaluation of Equation (C.2.33) or Equation (C.2.24) involves the inversion of a polynomial matrix,
an algorithm that uses block coefficient form has been developed by Stefandis et al [SPG92]. It is
worth noting that the controllability of the pair (A, B) implies that the inverse of (F(s)F(s)*) exists
for all s and thus the inverse of (Q (s) * Q (s) ) , must also exist.

The existence of (F(s)F(s)*)-l can be proved by contradiction as follows:
Non-existenceof(F(s)F(s)*)-l impliesdet(F(s)F(s)*) = O. Which implies F(s) is rank deficient
and since F is by definition full rank this implies:


Recalling Equation (C.2.35) we note that (FT).l = B, thus

[B, (A - sI)].l -I 0 (C.2.40)

the above only holds if [B, (A - sI)] is rank deficient for some s which would imply (A, B) are
an uncontrollable pair and contradict the controllability assumption. <><>
Although, direct evaluation of JVi is always possible, it involves calculating an inverse then im-
mediately collapsing it into a scalar. Intuition appeals for a more efficient approach and indeed, the
following lemma shows an alternative approach can be taken.
Let Z be a non-singularn by n matrixoverafieldlF, andxT , y be n by 1 vectors over the same field
C.2 Evaluation of the Eigenvector Cost Function Page 313

(IF), then:

Z-l _ det(Z + yx)

x y - det(Z) - 1 (C.2.41)


xZ-1y = (1+ xZ-1y) - 1 (C.2.42)

= (det(1 + xZ-1y)) - 1 (C.2.43)

= (det(ln + Z-lyx)) - 1 (C.2.44)
= (det(Z-lZ + Z-lyx)) -1 (C.2.45)
det(Z + yx)
= det(Z)
-1 (C.2.46)

Lemma C.2.1 may be applied to either Equation (C.2.33) or Equation (C.2.24). The expressions for
Jv i are as follows:

= det (F(s)(1 + VdiVdi)F(s)-) _ 1

det (F(s)F(s)-)
det (Q (s)* (I - VdiVdj)Q (s»)
= det (Q (s)" Q (s»)

The next step in this evaluation approach is to calculate the determinant of a polynomial matrix this is
achieved using a linearization 4 [GLL82]. This is an equivalent polynomial matrix with unity degree
from which the determinant can be easily calculated.
Two square polynomial matrices (N (s). L( s) are called equivalent if there exist unimodular (X (s).
Y ( s)) such that: .

X(s)N(s)Y(s) = L(s) (C.2.49)

Equivalence is denoted by "'. In the following it will be assumed that N (s) is a monic matrix polyno-
mial. that is the leading coefficient matrix (N d) is the identity. A polynomial matrix is called regular

4This fonn of Jinearization is not to be confused with generating a first order ODE from a non· linear model.
C.2 Evaluation of the Eigenvector Cost Function Polte314

if the leading coefficient matrix (N d) is non-singular in which case an equivalent monic polynomial
matrix can be fonned by multiplying with Nd i .
A linear matrix polynomial sI - Lo is a linearization of a monic polynomial matrix N(s) if they are
equivalent, that is:


A polynomial matrix will have a set of linearisations5 • A convenient linearisation is the first com-
panion form as shown below for N(s):

o I o o
o o I o
Lo = (C.2.S1)

-No -Ni

The unimodular matrices (X(s), Y(s», that satisfy:

X(s) [N~S) ~l Y(s) = sI - Lo (C.2.S2)

can be constructed [GLL82] such that det (X(s)) = det (Y(s)) = 1. Thus:

det (N(s)) = det (sI - Lo) (C.2.S3)

Calculating det (N (s)) is reduced to finding the characteristic polynomial of Lo, a task for which nu-
merically robust algorithms [GL83] exist. Thus the numerator and denominator of Equation (C.2.47)
and Equation (C.2.48) can be evaluated using a linearisation.
The application of transfer function based theory leads to an alternative computational approach.
Equation (C.l.9) shows that a transfer function solution for Q (s) is:

5If Lo is a linearization of N (8). then any matrix similar to Lo is a Iinearization.

C.2 Evaluation of the Eigenvector Cost Function Page31!

Q (s) = (sI - A)-IB (C.2.54)

Applying the above definition, the product (Q (8) * Q (8)) is a square transfer function and thus its
detenninant is the quotient of the system pole and zero polynomials [Mac89, p. 46]:

det (Q (8)* Q (8)) = ZI«8)) (C.2.55)


Equally, this holds for the numerator detenninant:

det (Q (s)* (I + vdivdi) Q (8)) = Z2«8» (C.2.56)

P2 s

Expressing Q (s) as:

Q (s) = adj(sI - A) B (C.2.57)

det(81- A)

It is clear that pole polynomials PI (s) and P2 (8» will equal one another and thus satisfy:


Thus the desired eigenvector cost function is the quotient of two zero polynomials:

det [Q (sr (I + VdiVdj)Q (s)] Z2(S)

det [Q(sr Q(s)] = ZI(S)

For a square system (A, B, C) the zero polynomial is defined as:

z(s)=det ([
- AB])
0 (C.2.60)

The zeros polynomials for both square and non-square systems can be calculated with numerically
stable code [END82] from the state space description. Thus it only remains to derive the state space
C.3 References Page 316

representations, Application of a little system interconnection theory [Mac89, Dai91] gives:



Q (s)' (1+ VdiVdj)Q (s); [_I_+_:_i_Vd...;i_~-:O;=-+_~_] (C.2.62)

This method has the drawback that the transfer function is not defined if the closed and open loop
poles are coincident. However, it is straightforward to implement in software packages such as Mat-
lab and Octave where stable code for zero polynomial calculations is readily available.

C.3 References
[Bar83] S Barnett. Polynomials and Linear Control Systems. A series of Monographs and Textbooks. Marcel Dekker Inc,
[BIG74] A Ben-Israel and NE Greville. Generalised Inverses: Theory and Applications. A Wiley-Interscience publication.
John WHey and Sons, Inc., 1974.
[Dai91] RL Dailey. Lecture notes for the workshop on 1ioo and p. methods. 30th IEEE Conf. on decision and control,
IEEE, Brighton, December 1991.
[DeC89] RA DeCarlo. Linear Systems: A State Variable Approach with Numerical Implementation. Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
[Dua93] GR Duan. Solutions of the equation AV + BW = VF and their application to eigenstructure assignment in
linear systems. IEEE Trans. cm Automatic Control, 38(2):276-280, February 1993.
[END82] A Enrnami-Naeini and P Van Dooren. Computation of zeros of linear multivariable systems. Automatica,
18(4):415-430, 1982.
[GL83] GH Golub and CF Van Loan. Matrix Computations. John Hopkins University Press, 1983.
[GLL82] I Gohberg, P. Lancaster, and L.Rodman. Matrix PolynomiaLv. Computer science and applied mathematics series.
Academic Press, Inc .• 1982.
[Hec93] A Heck. Introduction to Maple. Springer-Verlag, 1993.
[Kai80] T Kailath. Linear Systems. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1980.
[Kwa90] H Kwakemaak. Matlab macros for polynomial1i oo control system optimization. Memordandum No. 881, Uni.
versity of Twente, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, PO Box 217,7500 AE Enschcdc, The
Netherlands. September 1990.
[Mac89] JM Maciejowski. Multivariable Feedback Design. Electronic Systems Engineering. Addison Wesley, 1989.
[RS70] HH Rosenbrock and C Storey. Mathematics of Dynamical Systems. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1970..
[SPG92] P St~fani~is, AP Papli~ski. and MJ Gibbard. Numerical Operations with Polynomial MatriCts: Application to
Multi-Variable DynamIC Compensator DeSign, volume 171 of Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences.
Springer-Verlag, 1992. .
C.3 References Puge317

[WD73] SH Wang and EJ Davison. A minimization algorithm for the design of linear multivariable systems. IEEE Trans.
on Automatic Control, 18(3):220-225, June 1973.
[Whi91] BA White. Assignment of eigenstructure by use of polynomial matrices. Proc. IMECHE ]oUl7Ull of Systems and
Control Engineering, 205(1):207-214, 1991.

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