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 Photography is a beautiful culmination of art and technology.

 The word photography derived from the Greek photos (“light”) and graphein (“to draw”), which
means ‘drawing with light’.
A camera obscura is a dark room that consists of a small hole on one of its walls. When the outdoor
environment is well-illuminated, the light enters the darkroom through the hole and projects an inverted
image of the outside world on its wall.

 This concept resembled a camera and was discovered around the 4th century BCE.
 It is considered as the foundation of photography.

Invention of the First Permanent Photograph

 The French inventor, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, invented the first permanent photograph in
1826. he took the photograph, titled “View from the Window at Le Gras”, at his family’s country
 He is recognized as the world’s foremost photographer who invented photography.

Daguerreotype Process

 An image was created when the silver and mercury vapor mixed to release fumes. To stop future
exposure, a saline solution was used to wash the plate.
 Louise Daguerre called his invention the “Daguerreotype”, which remained the most common
commercial process until the 1850s.

Calotype Process

 The British inventor of this photography is claimed to be William Henry Fox Talbot.
 He discovered in 1834 how to create and preserve images on paper using the interaction of light
and chemical.

The Birth Of Kodak and the Invention of Film

 In 1888, Eastman introduced the Kodak camera. His innovation made it possible for anyone to
snap images with a handheld camera by just pressing a button. He coined the slogan, "you press
the button, we do the rest," and within a year it became a well-known phrase.
 George Eastman will be remembered throughout history for founding the Eastman Kodak
Company and revolutionizing the photography, film, and motion picture industries. It made
photography commoner’s art.
Color Photography

 The autochrome method was invented by Auguste and Louis Lumière in 1907.
 Later in 1935, Kodak changed its emphasis to producing the color film, which had been
improved upon and made more affordable.
 Additionally, Edwin Land, the creator of Polaroid, debuted the first instant camera in 1947.

Digital Photography

 The digital camera, created by Steven Sasson, who joined Kodak in 1973, eventually gave rise to
digital photography.
 For the following 30 years, digital cameras dominated and flourished as a standard home item.

Photography in the Philippines

 The Spaniards were the first ones to introduce photography to the Philippines dating back to
1841. During that year, Don Sinibaldo de Mas arrived in the Philippines as a government
diplomat for the Spanish King.
 He was tasked to record conditions in the colony and to relay that information back to Spain. He
brought the daguerreotype with him from Spain to the Philippines.
 One of the first photographers of Filipino nationality was Félix Laureano
 His pictorial compositions, such as "En el baño" (In the Bathroom) and "Cuadrilleros"
(Laborers), focused on human forms, cockfights and bullfights in the Philippines. 
 He also became the first photographer to publish a book of photographs about the Philippines ("
Recuerdos de Filipinas", or Memories of the Philippines) in Barcelona in 1895. 

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