This concept resembled a camera and was discovered around the 4th century BCE.
It is considered as the foundation of photography.
Invention of the First Permanent Photograph
The French inventor, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, invented the first permanent photograph in
1826. he took the photograph, titled “View from the Window at Le Gras”, at his family’s country
He is recognized as the world’s foremost photographer who invented photography.
Daguerreotype Process
An image was created when the silver and mercury vapor mixed to release fumes. To stop future
exposure, a saline solution was used to wash the plate.
Louise Daguerre called his invention the “Daguerreotype”, which remained the most common
commercial process until the 1850s.
Calotype Process
The British inventor of this photography is claimed to be William Henry Fox Talbot.
He discovered in 1834 how to create and preserve images on paper using the interaction of light
and chemical.
In 1888, Eastman introduced the Kodak camera. His innovation made it possible for anyone to
snap images with a handheld camera by just pressing a button. He coined the slogan, "you press
the button, we do the rest," and within a year it became a well-known phrase.
George Eastman will be remembered throughout history for founding the Eastman Kodak
Company and revolutionizing the photography, film, and motion picture industries. It made
photography commoner’s art.
Color Photography
The autochrome method was invented by Auguste and Louis Lumière in 1907.
Later in 1935, Kodak changed its emphasis to producing the color film, which had been
improved upon and made more affordable.
Additionally, Edwin Land, the creator of Polaroid, debuted the first instant camera in 1947.
Digital Photography
The digital camera, created by Steven Sasson, who joined Kodak in 1973, eventually gave rise to
digital photography.
For the following 30 years, digital cameras dominated and flourished as a standard home item.
The Spaniards were the first ones to introduce photography to the Philippines dating back to
1841. During that year, Don Sinibaldo de Mas arrived in the Philippines as a government
diplomat for the Spanish King.
He was tasked to record conditions in the colony and to relay that information back to Spain. He
brought the daguerreotype with him from Spain to the Philippines.
One of the first photographers of Filipino nationality was Félix Laureano
His pictorial compositions, such as "En el baño" (In the Bathroom) and "Cuadrilleros"
(Laborers), focused on human forms, cockfights and bullfights in the Philippines.
He also became the first photographer to publish a book of photographs about the Philippines ("
Recuerdos de Filipinas", or Memories of the Philippines) in Barcelona in 1895.