Your Rights As A "Nontaxpayer", Form #08.008
Your Rights As A "Nontaxpayer", Form #08.008
Your Rights As A "Nontaxpayer", Form #08.008
Declaration of
NonTaxpayer Rights
Our NUMBER ONE priority is to humbly obey and respect the Constitutional limits imposed upon
the federal government and all federal employees, including IRS employees. We will be ever
mindful that we cannot enforce the Internal Revenue Code within states of the Union because it
is “legislation” and because the supreme Court said about the legislative power of Congress in
respect to such matters:
We will not attempt to force anyone living in a state of the Union to pay for federal government
services that he or she doesn’t want and doesn’t need, because this amounts to “compelled
association”, restraint of trade, and government monopoly. Instead, we will pursue the same
capitalist business model that every other company that has survived our plunder and extortion
has to operate under, whereby people will only be expected to pay for services that they want, so
that when government ceases to be efficient, we can privatize the service and eliminate the
government involvement entirely. The method under such a system for ensuring that people are
responsible citizens is to1withdraw from them government services that they refuse to pay for,
Those who are never expressly made liable are
Declaration of NonTaxpayer purposefully excluded. This, they would not be
within the meaning of “person” for the purposes of
Rights (continued) enforcement at:
Declaration of NonTaxpayer
Rights (continued)
treated as a person engaged in a “trade or provide examples illustrating
business” (as defined in 26 U.S.C. Service positions, and include
§7701(a)(26)) by availing yourself of any of worksheets. Publications are
the following taxable government “privileges”, nonbinding on the Service and do
then you surrender your Constitutional rights not necessarily cover all positions
and your sovereign status under the Foreign for a given issue. While a good
Sovereign Immunities Act, 28 U.S.C. source of general information,
§1605(a) and become just another publications should not be cited to
government whore like the rest of the slaves sustain a position.
living on our federal plantation in the District
of Columbia (District of Criminals). If you are too stupid to listen to us and
believe what we tell you on the phone, in our
1. A graduated rate of tax. See 26 publications, or in correspondence we send
U.S.C. §871(b). you, then you deserve all the punishment we
2. Deductions. See 26 U.S.C. §162. can meet out on you with our equally
3. Earned income credit. See 26 U.S.C. ignorant and presumptuous employees.
4. File a 1040 instead of the correct Several federal district and circuit courts
form 1040NR and indicate a nonzero have also consistently held that a person
income. The only thing that goes on who relies on either the IRS publications,
a 1040 tax form is earnings in phone advice, or even written admonitions
connection with a “trade or business” by IRS employees as a basis for their beliefs,
under 26 U.S.C. §864(c )(3). can be and often are penalized and even
5. Voluntarily sign a W-4 to do criminally prosecuted because such advice is
withholding instead of the correct UNTRUSTWORTHY. See, for instance:
form W-8SUB, Form #04.231. 26
USC §3402(p) says that by doing
this, you signed a “contract” or icles/IRSNotResponsible.htm
“agreement” to subject yourself to
federal jurisdiction that would Caveat Emptor! Don’t trust us: Read the
otherwise be foreign. frigging law for yourself and reach your
own conclusions. Read what our last
If you want to know how this trade or Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O’Neil called:
business scam works, please consult:
“9,500 pages of gibberish.”
The “Trade or Business” Scam, Form [Secretary of the Treasury Paul
#05.001 O’Neil]
…just before he resigned in disgust. What
Mr. O’Neil was referring to was none other
XI. Relief From Certain than the Internal Revenue Code. If you
Penalties and Interest can’t understand what it says, then for god’s
sake don’t call to ask us for advice, because
The IRS will waive penalties when allowed by we don’t understand it either! As a matter of
law if you can show you acted reasonably fact, we violate it all day long every day with
and in good faith or relied on the incorrect impunity. The reason we enjoy impunity is
advice of an IRS employee. We will waive because we unlawfully threaten every
interest that is the result of certain errors or federal judge who rules against us with a
delays caused by an IRS employee. massive assessment and a lifetime full of
audits. We remind you that the only sources
of reasonable belief that you may rely upon
XIII. Lies and Deception in in forming an opinion about your tax liability
and which are universally recognized by all
our Publications and Phone parts of the government are documented
Support below:
We warn the public in our Internal Revenue Reasonable Belief About Income Tax
Manual section that you cannot Liability, Form #05.007
trust any of our forms, publications, or notices
as an accurate indication of your liability
under the Internal Revenue Code. (01-01-2006)
IRS Publications
Comparison of “taxpayer” rights to “nontaxpayer” rights
“Revenue Laws relate to taxpayers [officers, employees, instrumentalities, and elected officials of the Federal Government] and not to non-taxpayers
[American Citizens/American Nationals domiciled in a state of the Union and not engaged in a “trade or business” (public office)]. The latter are
without their scope. No procedures are prescribed for non-taxpayers and no attempt is made to annul any of their Rights or Remedies in due course
of law. With them [nontaxpayers] Congress does not assume to deal and they are neither of the subject nor of the object of federal revenue laws.”
[Economy Plumbing & Heating v. U.S., 470 F2d, 585 (1972)]
spouse). For information on innocent spouse
relief and two other ways to get relief, see
Examinations, Appeals, Collections, Publication 971, Innocent Spouse Relief, and
Form 8857, Request for Innocent Spouse
and Refunds Relief (And Separation of Liability and
Equitable Relief).