If I Could Do Church Again, Form #17.067
If I Could Do Church Again, Form #17.067
If I Could Do Church Again, Form #17.067
I Would Do It Better
Table of Contents
Tab le of Co n t en ts ...................................................................................................... 3
Pr e fac e ..................................................................................................................... 5
M y Pa stor a l J o u r n e y ................................................................................................... 7
1. My T es ti mo n y ................................................................................................ 8
2. Lis t o f Th in gs D on e R igh t ................................................................ ................ 9
3. Lis t o f Th in gs La ck in g ................................................................ .................... 11
4. Lis t o f Th in gs I Wou ld D o D if f er en t ly .............................................................. 15
5. Su m mary of My M in is t ry ................................................................ ............... 19
Ch u r ch B u i ld in g Re so u r ces ........................................................................................ 21
6. God ’s M es s a ge to Pas to rs ................................................................ ............. 22
7. God ’s M es s a ge to T rai to rs ................................................................ ............. 22
8. Th e P as to r S ea rch L ett e r ................................................................ ............... 23
9. Th e Marks o f Tru e Dis ci p les h ip ................................................................ ...... 24
10 . Th e Slo p p y Ch u r ch ........................................................................................ 29
11 . Cl ow n s E n t ert ain in g th e Go ats ................................................................ ....... 31
12 . Wh e r e Hav e Al l th e Pro p h ets G on e? ............................................................... 33
13 . Do Ch u r ch w ith Di gn i ty an d E x ce ll en c e ........................................................... 35
14 . Th e Su ff ic i en cy o f S cr ip t u re ................................................................ .......... 40
15 . Th e Tr ag ed y of Ch u r ch I n corp ora tio n ............................................................. 47
16 . How to Bu ild a Good Ch u rch ................................................................ .......... 50
17 . Ru l es fo r C h u r ch Me et in gs ................................................................ ............ 54
18 . Ru l es fo r th e Ch u r ch fr o m 1 T i moth y .............................................................. 60
19 . Fas t es t G ro win g Re li gi o n in th e Wo rld ............................................................ 71
20 . Th e Fi rs t Co m mu n i on i n Sc rip t u r e ................................................................ .. 73
21 . Th e Ord in an ce o f B ap t is m ................................................................ ............. 76
22 . Th e Ord in an ce o f H ead c ov er in gs ................................................................ .... 81
23 . 1 Cor in th ian s 11 – F iv e Sac r ed Sy mb ols in Ch ris tian ity ................................ ..... 93
24 . Th e Ord in an ce o f th e Lo rd ’s Su p p er ............................................................... 97
25 . Pu ri ty in th e Ca mp ..................................................................................... 10 1
26 . Ch u r ch Dis cip lin e ....................................................................................... 10 5
27 . Ch u r ch Cou rts ............................................................................................ 11 1
28 . J u d g me n t Mu s t Be g in at th e Hou s e o f G od .................................................... 11 5
29 . Dr es s Cod es an d th e P er mis s iv e Pas t or ......................................................... 13 0
30 . Wo me n ’s D r es s in th e E arly Ch u rch .............................................................. 13 3
31 . Be w ar e o f t h e S w e et Ch u rch ................................................................ ........ 13 6
32 . Man a gin g Cr iti cis m ..................................................................................... 13 8
33 . Un d er A ccu s a tio n ....................................................................................... 14 1
34 . J es u s , th e G re at Div id er ................................................................ .............. 14 4
35 . Slo w Do wn ................................ ................................................................ . 14 7
36 . Ov e rc om in g R ac is m .................................................................................... 14 8
37 . How P eop le L ear n th e C h ris t ian Fai th ........................................................... 14 8
38 . Dos to ev s ky on th e I mp o rtan ce o f th e Ch u rch ................................ ................ 15 0
39 . A.W . Toz e r on th e Au th ority o f Ch r is t .......................................................... 15 0
40 . A M es s a g e for th e A gin g Ch u rch ................................................................ .. 15 1
41 . In v oc ati on s to St art a C h u rch S erv ic e ........................................................... 15 2
42 . Be w ar e o f An t in o mi an is m ................................................................ ........... 15 6
43 . Th e B eas t, t h e Ch u r ch , a n d Va cc in es ............................................................ 15 7
44 . Gov ern m en t is N O T God ................................................................ .............. 15 8
45 . Wh e n L ib e ra ls ar e in Ch arg e o f a Ch u r ch ...................................................... 16 0
46 . Wh e r e Hav e Al l th e M en Gon e ? ................................................................ ... 16 1
47 . Wh at Do es th e B ib l e Say Ab ou t F e ma l e Wa rr iors ................................ ........... 16 3
48 . Is D eb o rah a Mo d e l for Fe m al e Ch u r ch Le ad ers ? ................................ ........... 17 0
49 . Doc tr in es o f D e mo n s ................................................................ .................. 17 3
50 . Sh ou ld th e Ch u rch Lov e Hom os e xu a ls ? ......................................................... 17 7
51 . In D e f en s e o f Ha te ..................................................................................... 17 9
52 . Firs t D ay Sab b a th ....................................................................................... 18 3
53 . Th e Co mp ro mis in g Ch u r ch ................................................................ ........... 20 1
54 . Th e Ban ks t e rs A r e B ack ................................................................ ............... 20 7
55 . Th iev es in th e Ch u rch ................................................................ ................. 21 0
56 . Th e Wid o w’s M it e ...................................................................................... 21 2
57 . St e ward s h ip ................................ ............................................................... 21 4
58 . Bap t is t Blu es ............................................................................................. 21 9
59 . How Pas t ors B ec om e an E n e my o f G od ......................................................... 22 1
60 . Th e “ M e Too Mov e m en t ” G oes to Ch u rch ..................................................... 22 4
61 . Th e Sp i rit T old M e ...................................................................................... 22 6
62 . Av oid in g C ap tu re b y th e “Is ms ” ................................................................ ... 23 3
63 . Pas tor , A r e y ou Ar m ed ? ................................................................ .............. 24 0
64 . Th e N u mb e r On e N e ed i n th e C h u r ch ............................................................ 25 2
65 . Th e Cos t of S ou l -W in n in g ................................................................ ............ 25 3
66 . Th e P ray in g Ch u rc h ..................................................................................... 25 7
Ref er en ce s ............................................................................................................ 26 3
B ib l iogr ap h y .......................................................................................................... 26 4
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in
me: and the life which I now live in the fl esh I live by the faith of the Son of
God, who l oved me, and gave himself for me. ” – Galatians 2:20
“ Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered . . . “ – Zechariah 13:7
As a young pastor, I was too nice, too patient, and too toleran t of muckraking.
As I matured God taught me to confront these def ectors swiftly and severely. A
good minister will build and protect the flock howbeit imperf ectly . In times of
weakness (exhaustion) that pastor needs faithful men around him that will
protect him and the flock from those that would scatter the sh eep by striking
the shepherd.
7. More training in music
Music is essential to church ministry – for worship, j oy, an d edification. Oh, to
have to have more musical skills. If I could do it again, I would have joined
male choirs in the community and taken music lessons.
8. More tent making skills
Those “in between times” in the Christian ministry crushed me. I can’t help but
think that learning a blue -collar, handy- man trade or skill would have relieved
much stress.
9. Addressed finances in the church more often
Men and women love money, and they know little about the stresses and
crosses born by ministers. They will rob a pastor blind if the pastor lets them .
My challenge was how to teach on money, giving, and tithing without
appearing like a beggar or a “gimme-gimme” church . This fear kept me
addressing stewardship issues responsibly for the good of the church.
10. More of an effort to unite with like-minds
The life of a minister can be lonelier than a polar bear. True friends are rare.
Uniting with others with cross -carrying minds and other “Bible junkies”
needed more energy.
11. Substantive l egal training
5. Summary of My Ministry
By the grace of God, the Lord gave me th e best mentors a man could ever ask
for: Men who helped me grow in Bible kn owledge, life & ministry ski lls, and in
the practice of law. God su rrounded me with men more talented than me: Don
Neilson (CO), Walter Steitz (CO) , Marion Michaux (CO), Jim Wright (CO), John
Figure 2:
Unsplash: Jack Sharp Photograph Free Download
2 Corinthians 13:10 Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being
present I should use sharpness, according to the power which the Lord hath
given me to edification, and not to destruction.
The following materials are unedited sermon notes and seminary lectu res that
may provide a resou rce for the Lord to build your ministry.
Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not
spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep,
camel and donkey.’” - 1 Samuel 15:3
“ Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered . . . “ – Zechariah 13:7
Dear Pastor:
Serve the Lord with integrity and holiness.
Know that every tru e minister has a Judas – usually a wealth y, sophisticated
engineer or business man in the church with an evil eye toward the pastor and
the church. Even Jesus, who did every thing right, had a traitor. David had an
Absalom and an Ahithopel; Paul had a Demas.
Dating back to 1534, during the reign of Elizabeth's father, Henry VIII, legal
statutes made it treason to refer to the ru ler as a tyrant. The penalty for such a
crime was death.
Macbeth opens with Thane of Cawdor being accused of treason and sentenced
to death without trial. Later on, Lady Macduff affirms before his son that
traitors "must be hanged ".
Learn the lesson! Don’ t tolerate treachery, treason, defamation, libel, aspersion,
gossip, maligning, defaming or anyone traducing your ministry. God is not
calling you to be patient with traitors to the gospel or to you. A rebuke by a
Figure 6: Source
Dr. Sebastian Gorka, former deputy assistant to P resident
unknown Donald Trump, noticed the same dearth of leadership in the
military, saying, “political correctness” in today’s armed
services would prevent the ascen dance of historical military leaders such as
Dwight Eisenhower, George Patton, and Omar Bradley.
“We have lost so very, very much in terms of leadership,
determination, and just forthrightness,” determined Gorka. “Look at
the Eisenhowers or the Pattons or the Bradleys. These individuals
wouldn’t make it past major in today’s military, because they woul d
be seen as iconoclasts and too much individuals who are prepared t o
talk the truth.”
Political correctness i nfected our general off icer class,” estimated
A great burden
Malachi is called a “ burden” from the Lord (1:1).
The word “burden” ( masa) means “heavy, hard,
weighty, or bu rdensome.”
This message comes from the heavy heart of the
LORD God. . . a heart weighed down by the
irreverence and disrespect of ancient Israel for
Himself. Because they had a shriveled, low view
F i g u r e 7 : Un s p l a s h of God, the priests showed contempt f or the Lord
by accepting inferior, blemished sacrifices offered by the people.
Malachi’s message is a corrective to casualness and carelessn ess of man’s
worship of the King of the Nations.
Malachi 1:5 The LO RD will be magnified from the border of Israel. . . .
The word “magnified ” (gadal) refers to the intense action of being illuminated . .
. of growing bigger and bigger in prominence. God is great! The only question
is, “Will men recogn ize and treat Him as such?”
Consider the dress code in Orthodox Churches.
Ladies – sleeved and non -revealing dress or blouse, respectable
fitted clothes and skirt length with head covering
Gentlemen – sleeved and collared shirt, long trousers, coat an d tie
is preferred with no head covering
There are many more court cases I could cite, and I know all these quotes may
be confusing for readers, so let’s summarize the points in a simplistic manner:
• The creator of a corporation is the State.
• The State is the sole authority and sovereign over the
• The corporation is subject to the laws of the State
which limits its powers.
• The corporation has no constitutionally protected
Figure 9: Freepik
• The corporation is an artificial person.
• The corporation submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the
• The corporation is created f or the benefit of the public.
• The corporation is a State franchise.
• The corporation is a privilege granted by the State.
It’s been far too long that pastors, evangelists, deacons, elders, missionaries,
and churchgoers have sat in ignorance on this matter, so read this carefully:
You have a 501 c 3 INCORPORA TED status, which means you r church is a
CORPORATION of the State, and here is the message that, lawyers, and the IRD
are all trying to get you to understand about the contract you signed.
• The creator of your “church” organization is the State.
• The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over your “church.”
• Your “church” is subject to the laws of th e State which limits its powers.
• Your “church” has no constitutionally protected rights.
• Your “church” submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the
• Your “church” is created for the benefit of the public.
• Your “church” is a State f ranchise.
• Your “church” is a privilege granted by the State.
Note: The word “church” can also be replaced with classification like ministry
or mission.
Source: Creation liberty.com
2. The Sole Authority ( head) of a church is the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:22),
but the sole authority (head) of a “church” corporation is the State; that is,
when a church gives up its status under Christ it legally makes the IRS the
Head of its “church” Organization which is an act of treason to the King.
3. The church is subject to Ch rist and His law -order alone (Acts 5:29 -32),
but a “church” corporation is subject to the laws of the State – laws that limit
the powers of the corporation.
4. The church has one Lawgiver (James 4:12), but licensed state “church”
corporation has many masters: Federal, IRS, FEMA, State, County, City, and
many agencies.
5. The church has “unalienable” rights (Mt. 28:18 -20) that are protected the
U.S. Constitution (Declaration, 1st Amen dment, 9th -10th Amendments), but a
“church” corporation has no protected rights . . . only privileges that can be
taken away under an y so called “emergen cy” by the swipe of a pen or verbal
executive order.
6. The church is the living corpus (body) of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27), but the
“church” incorporation is a dead, insentient, artificial, fictional “person” – a
creation of law.
8. The church is created for the glory of God and the edification of
Christians ( Eph. 4:12), but a “church” corporation is created for the benefit of
the State (public).
10. The church is endowed with all authority (and rights) to conduct its
ministry (Mt. 28:19 -20), but a “church corporation has no rights. It only has
privileges that can be withdrawn at any time by its State Master.
Pastors would do well to get educated on law, and to consider how their 501 c 3
organizations is evidence of treason to Christ.
“Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together.” -
Deuteronomy 22:10
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: 6 for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? an d what
communion hath light with darkness?” - 2 Corinthians 6:14
Zechariah 4:2 And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have l ooked,
and behol d a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his
seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the
top thereof:
Zechariah 4:5 Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me,
Knowest thou not w hat these be? And I said, No, my lord.
Zechariah 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, sayi ng, This is the word of
the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my
spirit, saith the LO RD of hosts.
Did you know that Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world?
While Christians have lost their “snap, crackle, and pop” in A merica, it is not
so around the world.
Christianity is alive and vibrant. It n ot only survives but thrives in countries
where Christianity is not subject to government 501 c 3 regulations and where
pastors are not holding flowers and dripping with honey.
Consider the f ollowing:
“This book is one of the most popular titles ever in the WND
Superstore,” said Joseph Farah, founder of WND. “In fact, it has been
so big for so long that we got permission from the author to reprint it
and make it available exclusively at WND.”
If you have not already heard about the biggest religious movement in over
1500 years, you will – very soon.
It’s the fastest -growing faith on the planet.
And it’s not Islam.
Millions of miracles and an explosion of small, Spirit -powered churches are
heralding this “Megashift” in Christianity, which has been described as a “vast,
cleansing storm” coming to American f rom abroad.
This biblically -inspired, evangelical Christianity is sweeping through places
like China, Africa, India and Southeast Asia – making it, by far, the fastest
growing faith on the planet.
In “Megashift,” author Jim Rutz coins a n ew phrase to define this fast -growing
segment of the population. He calls them “core apostolics” – or “the new saints
who are at the heart of the mushrooming kingdom of God.”
[The classic bestseller “Megashift” has ju st been republished and is now
available f rom WND Books. Click here to order your copy today!]
Rutz makes the point that Ch ristianity is overlooked as the fastest -growing
faith in the world because most surveys look at the traditional Protestant
1 Corinthians 11:4 -5 Every man who has somethi ng on his head while
praying or prophesying, disgraces his head. But every woman who has her
head uncovered while praying or prophesying, disgraces her head; for she
is one and the same with her whose head is shaved.
It has been a tradition for men to remove
their hats during prayer and for women to
wear a headcovering during prayer since the
conception of Christianity.
Christian art is dominated by women
adorning themselves with a veil or scarf .
Among the Amish, Mennonites, and Plymouth
Breth ren, and some Presbyterian and Baptist
churches, the practice still continues.
Figure 11: Source unknown All of these groups h ave a high view of
Scripture and their people are known for
their piety. In the major denominations, men still remove their hats in church,
but unfortunately, the wearing of the veil by women has been abrogated by
compromised Christianity.
There are several reasons why modern women do not cover their heads in
First , the American church is very much a product of the culture. The Woman’s
Suffrage Movement was in full bloom in the 1920s. Prohibition contributed to
the breakdown of moral in the 1930s. Women started taking of their clothes for
men’s magazines in the 1950. A round 1960 the practice of women covering their
heads in prayer shifted. In the age of movie stars and the inauguration of skin
magazines, everything came off. Bikinis were in! Feminism burst on the scene
and women were drafted into the cult of arrogance.
By the time the mini -skirt rage hit the pop culture (1966), headcoverings all but
disappeared in the church.
Third , we are living in a day of apostasy. Few Christians read the Bible. Most
believe it is irrelevant. Fewer still study the Scripture and believe in the
principle of “sola Scriptura.” Even the principle of male headship in the home
and the duty of a woman to obey her husband seems like an alien dogma to
modern Americans. Feminism conquered alpha males. And, the government
became the second husband to divorced women.
Fourth , women spen d a great deal of time preparing to go to church and which
one of them wants to mess up their hair by wearing a veil? Bu t, instead of
pleasing men, woman would do better to figure out what pleases God . . . and,
wearing a veil pleases the Lord. Even th e angels have an interest in godly
women who veil themselves.
The grand subject of this section is authority. God, Ch rist, man, and
woman form the chain of command. Headcoverings are a sign of a women’s
obedience to God and acceptance of His law - order.
The wearing of a veil is a symbol of Ch rist's. authority over man, man’s
authority over the w oman, and that she is under her husband's covertu re.
The practice of a woman covering her head is a visible, object lesson that God
created man to be th e head and protector of his home and a woman to be his
(2) Shame (11:5-6):
Paul taught that if a man prays while having his head
covered (kata keppalas ekon ) having something down the
head like a tallit or prayer shawl, he disgraces his head.
The term “ his head” appears to be a reference to Christ. A
man who will not remove his hat during prayer, like the
pope, shames the Lord Jesus Christ; and, is saying: "May
no one ever see Christ as head of the church because He is
not worth honoring."
Likewise, a woman who prays uncovered ( akatakalupto),
shames her head. It is not clear whether Paul is saying
that an uncovered woman embarrasses h erself or her
husband. Since the context is headship and authority, I
Figure 13: Unsplash:
Caique Nascimento presumption is that the unveiled woman shames her
husband and disregards God’s chain of command -- a
rebellious failure to acknowledge God's law -order (Genesis 3:16).
Paul is emphatic! Every w oman praying without something “down the head”
expresses contempt f or God’s law -order and reproaches her husband. Thus, we
conclude i t is the duty of every man to instruct his wife about God's law -
order and her duty to veil herself in obedience to her godly husband.
An unveiled woman in church is evidence the husband is either ignorant
of God’s Word or in rebellion against the Lord.
If the problem of an unveiled woman and the women will not cover her hair,
she was to be sheared that she might emotionally f eel the shame of praying
while uncovered.
Paul is not saying th at long hair is a substitute for a veil nor is he condemning
a shorter hair style in public fashions. He appeals to natural law as a reason to
practice the spiritual l aw. The whole idea that long hair is a symbol of
submission is ludicrous and something even libertarians will not accept.
Wearing a headcovering is consistent with nature because it is a spiritual sign
pointing to the natu ral order of the origin al creation.
(8) Unity (11:15-16):
Paul argues that the churches of his day practiced the custom of veiling, and he
urges the Corinthians to adopt the same common tradition. Failure to comply
exposed a contentious spirit; i.e., rebellion against God’s law -order. His
purpose of mentioning the term “ contentious ” was meant to cu t off the debate.
A woman who atten ds church without a veil shows contempt for God's law -
order! She is the dreaded “contentious” woman mentioned in Proverbs. Selah!
Out of all the reason s given to practice th e tradition of headcovering not one
was cultural .
In fact, Paul appealed to the principles in the OT to persuade these believers to
accept the practice of veiling. Apostles do not appeal to the OT Scriptures to
invoke a temporal, cultural practice. To speculate that Paul was addressing a
local, petty cultural problem at Corinth is to invoke a rationale foreign to the
reasons Paul himself gives in this chapter. Furthermore, we would not only put
words in the Apostle’s mouth that is not there, we would ignore the reasons
that are there.
Matthew Henry (in his Commentary on the Whole Bible, published in 1706)
"The woman, on the other hand, who prays or prophesies with her head
uncovered dishonou reth her head [1 Corinthians 11:5 -6 GLP], namely, the man,
v.3. She appears in the dress of her superior, and throws off the token of her
subjection. She migh t, with equal decency, cut her hair short, or cut it close,
which was the custom of the man in that age. This would be in a manner to
declare that she was desirous of changing sexes, a manifest aff ectation of that
1 Corinthians 10:21ff
The table is the essence of salvation The Supper is a symbol of great things
to come
Leprosy is a dreaded disease. One of the wretched things a bout leprosy is that a
person loses feeling in infected areas so the individual does n ot feel pain. A
leper literally cannot feel a rat chewing on his leprous toes while asleep in the
middle of the night. It is not a disease an yone wants. Furthermore, it is
contagious and can spread. There was always a danger of contagion
endangering the public health of God’s people. In order to protect the health of
the camp, public safety laws were enacted.
One of the lessons of this section (Lev. 13) is that uncleanness spreads; Holiness
does not. Sin is contagious, holiness is n ot. Oh, that a parent’ s devotion to
Christ could be caught by children, but it is not!
Figure 21: Source unknown Step One: Identif y the sinful behavior and label it
correctly. The church is concerned with conduct, not thoughts.
When sheep blather and butt heads, there has to be an effective and ethical way
to resolve differences.
The Apostle, theref ore, introduces the Corinthians to their authority as a
church of Jesus Christ to set u p a church court, to bind disputants to a contract,
and to f ollow the rules of Biblical equity in order to bring resolution to warring
The Backgroud:
The church at Corinth was born in
a political storm. Paul, ejected f rom
the Roman Synagogu e Corporation,
established a free ch urch at the
house of Justus.
Later, the corporati, led by
Sosthenes, arrested Paul, hauled
him into a Roman Maritime Cou rt
overseen by Gallio, a Roman
appointed governor. Gallio
recognizing bad f aith among the
Jews and th e f rivolous charges
Figure 22:Freepik against Paul, dismissed the case
with prejudice.
When Sosthenes exhibited contempt for the court, Gallio ordered his Greek
bailiffs to escort the contumaci ous Jew(s) out of his chambers. Taking leave of
the court, the Greek bailiffs punished Sosthenes with a severe beating. The
good news is that Sosthenes repented, believed, and was reconciled to the
Apostle (Acts 18 -1-18; 1 Corinthians 1:1).
One of the issues at Corinth was, “How do squabbling Ch ristians in a baby
church solve disputes?” The converted J ews in the church and many Greeks
thought the better part of wisdom was to take their discord to one of the Roman
admiralty tribunals. This being the traditional, acceptable custom of solving
Part I
Judgment MUST Begin at the House of God
Is there any doubt th at we are living in perilous times, and th at judgment on
our nation appears imminent?
Part III
Judgment MUST Begin at the House of God
Part IV
Judgment MUST Begin at the House of God
Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has l ost its taste, how
shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anythi ng except to be
thrown out and tram pled under people’s f eet.
The strength of the church is its sweetness;
and, the weakness of the church is its
When pastors talk of discipleship, many
refer to replicating lollipop -Christians w ho
Figure 27: Source Unknown are able to charm th e stripes off candy
4. Watch your body lan guage and tones. Keep calm. Be relaxed, but serious.
Avoid smiles. When you speak, speak slowly, deliberately, softly,
and briefly.
7. People will criticize you or you r sermon because (a) they love you and want
to improve your ministry; or, (b) they want to show off their own knowledge
or opinion; or (c) that want to hurt you . . . and maybe take over your
8. Speaking test the “spirit” of a man (anger, joy, enthusiasm, bitter, etc .), and
writing test the accuracy of a man. Guard your spirit and grow in writing
9. Tell the helpful critic ,”Thank you for your insight. I believe this will help
me in the ministry. Do you have any oth er helpful suggestions to improve
10. Tell the adversarial critic: “Thank you, I will carefully consider what you
say and make adjustments accordingly.” Ask, “do we need to continue this
conversation at a later time?” A follow up may be necessary.
Separate the person from the issue. Deal with the issue ASAP, but take you
time in confronting a person’s character. This takes time, skill, good motives,
and facts.
11. Carefully consider w hat they say.
14. Stick up for you r rights, and conf ront those who are using or abusing you.
Don’t allow people to use you as a dart board. Set boundaries for bullies;
unmask snipers firin g at you behind your back; draw out the meek, fearful
weak critic who has something to say but can’t quite spit it ou t.
Say to bullies and Sh erman tank personalities, “Excuse me, I am a human being
and I don’t respond well when people are in my facing shouting orders at me.
When you calm dow n, try coming and talking to me in a civil tone.” Walk
Tell gossips, “If you have something to say, say it to my face and not behind
my back. Any more of this divisive behavior an d I will have to address this to
the boss.”
15. Give yourself some slack. It takes a lot of energy and wisdom to engage a
critic. If you are growing to be like the Master, don’t permit others to bully
you or rail on you. P ractice the art of grace and the graceful answer. Grace
cushions lots of blows. Courage drives the vultures away.
Titus 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem
(lutro) us from all iniquity (anomia), and purify unto
himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
The word “iniquity” is the Greek word “ anomia” which
means “lawlessness” or “without law;” that is, the grace
of God (v. 12) has set us free from a lif e of anarchy and lawlessness where
every man does what is right in his own eyes.
The opposite of grace is not law, but permissiveness; the opposite of law is n ot
grace, but lawlessness.
2. The State is a god because it sees itself as the source of law. Since the
source of law is Con gress and State legislatures, then govern ment is the new
If the source of law is in “We the People” and not in the LORD, then the
American system is idolatrous.
5. The State is a god w hen it attempts to control the world and to be the
source of predestination.
6. The State is a God w hen it seeks to become the great and merciful, all -
providing, all -caring Sovereign.
7. The State sees itself as a god when it punishes treason to itself, but
doesn't punish treason to the Christian God.
8. The State becomes a god when it seeks to arrogate to itself all power and
bows to no other. Su ch a government is totalitarian. Rehoboam, King George,
Lincoln, and the Democrat / Republican Party come to mind.
The God of the Bible is the LORD God. H e is the source of law. To allow
another source of law to rule men is idolatry and rebellion. To give a tithe to
support another system of law is idolatry . . . and Jeroboam and the ten tribes
refused to do so.
Before you call me a right wing, conservative nut case, know that I am king in
my own home, and that I affectionately call my queen “Ishshah Yaphah” which
means “beautiful woman” in Hebrew.
A Lesson from Nature
Live science explain s the dimorphism between men and women this way: “
Peacocks far out class peahens, for instance, while female anglerfish
both outsize and out wi t their tiny, rudiment ary, parasitic male
• Pound for pound, men are 2/3rds stronger than women. Their muscles and
cartilage are stronger and more durable than females.
• Men have flat chests built for work and combat. Women are the only
primates that are bu sty all the time.
• Men are goal orientated and very focused. Women have the ability to adapt
to changing circumstances much better th an men.
• Men conquer through power and sheer determination; women conquer
through peace and compromise.
• Men have lower pitched voices that command and soothe; women have high
pitched voices which is hard to listen to.
• Men are made for combat; women are made for nurturing. Nature has not
equipped women for soldiering.
Forget Wonder Woman and Zena the Warrior Princess as these stereo types are
fictions that have no application to the real world which God has created; that a
125 pound female movie star playing the role of a police woman can out karate
five 200 pound men ONLY happens in th e imaginations of script writers.
A Lesson from Scripture
Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman (ishshah) shall not wear that which pertaineth
(kelee’) unto a man ( geber), neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment
(simlah): for all that do so are abominati on unto the LORD thy God.
First, this command prohibits cross -dressing by men and women. Clothing
styles very from generation to generation , and people are f ree to wear any style
they wish with one exception.
Women are restricted from wearing clothes distinctive to men , and men are
barred f rom wearing women’s apparel.
Isaiah 54:16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in
the fire, and that bringeth forth an in st ru m en t (kelee’: weapon) for
his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
When we associate g ebe r with a k el ee ’ we understand that the passage not only
seeks to constrain people f rom wearing clothing distinctive of the opposite sex,
but that the comman d s pe c if i cal l y prohibits women from wearing military gear
distinctive to a soldier: combat weapons, knives, spears, swords, boots,
breastplates, arms wraps, helmets, and knapsacks.
Fourth , notice God addresses women first and men second. Why? Possibly,
because history has shown us that women have a propensity to want to be like
men . . . to have their role in society . . . and to control them.
One of the best arguments against women in leadership comes from politics:
Jezebel, Athaliah, Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth, Angela Merkle of
Germany, Ursula Von Der Leyen in Brussels, and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
1 Timothy 2:8-15
The rise of w omen preachers has reached a crisis around the world.
Proclamation of Freedom
Acts 20:7 On the first day of the week, w hen we were gathered together to break
bread, Paul talked w ith them, intending to depart on the next day, and he
prolonged his speech until midnight.
1 Corinthi ans 16:2 O n the first day of every week, each of you is to put
something asi de and store it up, as he m ay prosper, so that there will be no
collecting when I come.
Revelation 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a
loud voice like a trumpet
Celebrating the Christian Sabbath on Sun day was an established tradition even
in the first century. It proclaimed f reedom under God’s rule.
But, the importance and significance of the Sabbath has been clearly translated
away! The Greek word “ Sabbaton” is tran slated “day” or “week” by modern
translators and thus clouds its significance. The First Day Sabbath; i.e., the
term Sabbath ( Sabbaton) is used in the following text demonstrating that Sunday
was clearly considered a Christian Sabbath early in the church:
• Matthew 28:1 “first day of the week” = m i,an sabba,twn or first day Sabbath
• Mark 16:2, 9 “first day of the week” = mia/| tw/n sabba,twn or first day
• Luke 24:1 “first day of the week” = prw,th| sabba,tou or first day Sabbath
• John 20:1 “first day of the week” = mia/| tw/n sabba,twn or first day Sabbath
• John 20:19 “first day of the week” = th/| mia/| sabba,twn or first day Sabbath
• Acts 20:7 “first day of the week” = th/| mia/| tw/n sabba,twn or first day
• 1 Corinthians 16:1 -2 “first day of the week” = mi,an sabba,tou or first day
Paul ordered the Corinthians to set aside an offering on the first day of the
week (Sunday) f or the saints in Jerusalem. The word “ week” is the Greek word
sabbatou. The genitive sabbatou is the attributive to mian which should be
translated “first day ”; i.e., “the first day Sabbath ” or “the first day of the
Part II
The NT lacks a command to keep the Sabbath unless it is 1 Corinthians 16:1 -2.
Unlike the other nine Commandments, the command to obey the Sabbath lacks
a moral attribute, a direct reflection of some moral virtue attached to the
character of God—u nless that attribute is holiness.
Since the Ten Commandments are a summary of the entire law, it seems fitting
to place the ceremon ial laws, dietary laws, and festival laws as case law under
the Sabbath law; that is, unlike the law of murder, there is nothing inherently
right or w rong, harmful or malignant, about observing a particular 24 h our
period of the week in preference to another; i.e., no direct harm to mankind
occurs by resting on Wednesday as opposed to Saturday (or Sunday).
Saturday Sabbath breaking was only righ t or wrong because God ordained this
law for a season in Israel’s history for a typical purpose.
Even Paul, a radical rabbi with ultimate respect for God’s Law -word abandoned
the Saturday Hebrew Sabbath in careful deference to the First -Day Sunday
Sabbath without a violation of conscience.
But, even here there seems to be a tremendous amount of freedom on how this
day is celebrated.
The Christian Sabbath was a firm practice in the NT.
The term “ordered” in 1 Corinthians 16:1 is closely associated with laying aside
collections f or the saints ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE SABBA TH (SUNDAY).
Surely, something th at had the death pen alty attached to in th e OT should have
an important application in the NT.
If Paul under the inspiration of the Spirit ordered the church to collect an
offering on the first sabbatou of the week, setting aside Sunday as the Christian
Sabbath has merit an d force. Theref ore, I conclude the Ch ristian Sabbath was
critical to development of the church, f or instruction in the gospel, for
fellowship, for communion, for the development of holiness. To treat Sunday
like an ordinary day violates Scripture.
The rest of Hebrews 10:25 meant confidence in God’s work at Calvary. By
keeping the Ch ristian Sabbath, believers remember the person of Christ, His
historical resurrection, the meaning of His history, the effects of Christ’s
God’s Law is not only good for Christian men ; it is good f or all men and all of
man’s institutions.
Not only must every Christian obey God’s Law, so must every lawyer, banker,
judge, and politician!
In modern times, believers embrace God’ s law privately, but politically leaders
spurn God’s law under the doctrine of separation of church and state. Believers
have retreated into a shell of private religion instead of wielding the Sword of
the Word against opponents in the amph itheater of public political contests.
Theonomy, meaning “God’s Law,” insists on the following applications of
God’s Law publically:
The Bible is the f oundation of law, and that the God of the Bible is the Source
of law. Not only are individuals accountable to God’s law, so are civil rulers.
God’s Word must become the standard of legislation.
Few things are more derelict than the view that Christians are at liberty to
choose their own law (Rushdooney).
Theonomists do not want a “voice at the table,” or “equal time.” They want
godless promoters of pornography, abortionists, and sodomites who shameless
display their rude acts rounded up and punished according to God’s Word.
What has changed in America is that Americans have bec ome suspicious of
Biblical law. But, it is not God’s law that needs changing but the American
mind about God’s law that needs changing.
4. The Department of Education must be dismantled, taken away from the
federal government, and retu rned to the control of parents in local
The state is n ot the f inal moral authority nor should the federal government
have authority over states or families. Th e godless State can n ever be the
final arbitrator of matters pertaining to moral law. The family and the
church must bear th e responsibility for training children.
5. The incorrigible must be punished by the community.
6. Families must pay restitution for irresponsible acts of children, not the
state; that is, state subsidies for teen pregnancy, for the education of unwed
mothers, alcoholism, and for the recalcitrant must be eliminated
9. The state must stay within its limited pu rpose and authority.
15. Treason must be re defined as rebellion against God’s law -source; an d, not
rebellion against the godless actions of a civil government .
In conclusion, the believer is set free f rom legalism, but he is not set free from
a duty to obey Christ. The challenge of Law is one of continuity v.
discontinuity. This problem can be solved when we realize th at God is absolute
and because His moral law is a reflection of His character, His moral law is
absolute and binding on all men and their institutions.
John 2 :15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out
of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money,
and overthrew the tables;
Revelation 18:21, 23 The great city of Babylon be thrown down . . . for by thy
sorceries were all nations deceived.
When commercial in terest gained control of God’s
temple, our Sovereign Lord made a scourge of
small cords and drove out the money -ch angers.
With the American church under the spell of IRS,
isn’t it time to drive out the Banksters again?
Facts About the Passage
This message was delivered by Pastor Brook Stockton at the request of deacons
in the church prior to a fund raising proj ect for a new buildin g. The church was
responsive to the Word of God and to the surprise of all, the f unds raised were
four times higher th an anyone calculated. It was not the message that created
the miracle, but the work of the Spirit in the good hearts of th e people.
Too Much Talk About Money
This message was delivered by Pastor Brook Stockton at the request of deacons
in the church prior to a fund raising proj ect for a new buildin g. The church was
responsive to the Word of God and to the surprise of all, the f unds raised were
four times higher th an anyone calculated.
57. Stewardship
Luke 16:1-15
This message was delivered by Pastor Brook Stockton at the request of deacons
in the church prior to a fund raising proj ect for a new buildin g. The church was
responsive to the Word of God and to the surprise of all; the f unds raised were
four times higher th an anyone calculated.
Because the majority of ministers are antinomian, they tend to see abuses
against women as a sin to be forgiven, rather than a crime to be reported.
Likewise, they tend to see abuses b y women against men as tolerable rather
than as a violation of God’s law order. Men do not have a monopoly on sin!
Women are not always victims. Too often , they are predators who by their
motor mouth provoke indignant acts of their husbands.
Seeking to avoid scandals in the church, ministers are prone to turn a blind eye
to physical abuse or sweep sexual transgressions under the ch urch carpet. Out
of sight, out of mind . . . and , out of the newspapers eager to capitalize on sins
within the church community.
Some acts are criminal in nature and not peccadillos that offend the emotion of
this “touchy-feely” generation.
“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;”
Would you feel comf ortable going to a temple concert where all the choir
members were fully arme d ready to kill? This is what it was like going to the
temple in ancient Israel.
Artist G e o r g e He n r y B o u g h t o n
Year 1867
Location T h e R o b e r t L . S t u a r t C o l l e c t i o n , N e w - Y o r k Hi s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y ( O n p e r m a n e n t
loan from the New York Public Library ), New York City
Historical Background
George Henry Boughton’s (1833 -1905) painting Pilgrims Going to Church in
1867 was originally called “The Early Puritans of New Englan d Going to
Church.” Boughton was known as the “painter of New England Puritanism”
and here portrayed the Pilgrim Church of men, women and ch ildren walking to
the meetingh ouse on guard in defense of their liberty. Notice the two men on
the right, with one alerting the other, and some looking in th e direction of a
sound or distu rbance coming f rom the woods (Plymouth Rock Foundation).
Several interesting facts need to stated:
Pilgrim men took th eir muskets and swords to church. Men sat on the outside
of the pew in case they had to rise, grab their guns, and shoot Indians attacking
them. Better a lawless savage be killed th an a Christian man and his family!
Pastors would preach with a musket next to the pulpit. After the message, the
pastor would grab his gun and head to the back of the church – not to shake
hands, but to peep out the door to see if there were any wolves or Indians
The fundamental meaning of the Sixth Commandment is
thou shall not murder or take a life unjustly.
The positive side of the Commandment is thou shall protect
innocent life .
Defending life from lawless criminals is the duty of men.
Capital punishment of a murderer is the duty of man.
The model Scripture holds out to Christians is "to be perfect
even as your heavenly Father is perfect. God is called the
Figure 40: "Lord of Hosts"; that is, He is the Lord of armies and armies
Unsplash are used to protect people.
First, since God defends His own house, we have a duty to protect our house
and our families.
Figure 41: Freepik A man will become the sum total of his
hungers, be careful f or what you desire.
Most Ch ristians are hungry for wealth, f or power, for dynamic encounters and
experiences, but few will take the time to plow th rough Scripture day after day
to know God.
Many spend hours in front of the T.V. watching movies, and only secon ds with
their Bibles. The icons on the remote con trol are worn thin, but their Bibles
look bran spankin’ new.
Don’t get me w rong. Christians want something from God.
They want Him as a good luck charm or a genie in a lamp or a benevolent Santa
Claus, but few have callouses on their knees and a worn Bible on their desk
from seeking the Savior.
How many Christian s do you know that carry a Bible with them to work to read
it at lunch or during a coffee break?
Dead people don’t eat!
Sick people are not hungry!