ACP Specs
ACP Specs
ACP Specs
Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment and perform all services and operations
necessary for the complete supply and installation of lightweight rigid composite
preformed pre-finished open joint cladding panels with integral framing and as indicated
on the drawings including:
1. Aluminum Composite Panels
C. All supporting systems, anchors and adhesives and related accessories of the
E. Related Sections: Related work to be coordinated and used in conjunction with this
specification includes but is not restricted to:
1. Section 03 3000 - Cast in Place Concrete.
2. Section 04 2200 - Concrete Unit Masonry.
3. Section 05 1200 - Structural steel.
4. Section 05 5000 - Metal Fabrications.
5. Section 07 2100 - Building Insulation.
6. Section 08 4000 - Aluminum Works.
7. Section 09 9900 - Manufacturer Vendor List - Arch & Str
A. All reference to standards, regulations and requirements of statutory bodies shall mean
the latest published editions at the time of contract. Product manufacture, testing and
installation shall comply with the following references unless otherwise stated in the
specification or otherwise approved, but not limited to:
1. ASTM B 209: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy
Sheet and Plate.
2. ASTM D 1929 Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Temperature
of Plastics
3. ASTM E 84 Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials_(for
single panel)
B. Provide continuous insulation and air/vapour barrier behind wall cladding assemblies,
and behind louvers where indicated
C. Provide matching flashings, copings, trims and closures, and sealant work.
E. Coordinate with the electrical works for lightning protection related to Equipotential
Bonding of the façade.
C. Fire resistance of aluminium composite panels shall comply with EN 13501-1 Class A2
and shall meet local authority requirements.
E. Seismic
1. Design cladding assemblies to prevent damage due to earthquake forces as
required by the applicable building code of IBC.
F. Air Infiltration: Air leakage through assembly of not more than 0.3 L/s per sq. m of wall
area when tested according to ASTM E 283 at a static-air-pressure difference of 300 Pa.
A. Have the work of this Section designed by a Professional Engineer licensed to design
structures and registered in the Place of the Work.
B. Design cladding assemblies, their connections and related work to withstand within
acceptable deflection limitations their own weight, and the maximum design loads, and
combinations of loads, due to seismic loads, the pressure and suction of wind as
calculated in accordance with the applicable building Code and wind pressure study,
and internal pressure. Panels shall exhibit no permanent deformation or wind induced
vibration and fatigue problems when subjected to these loads.
C. Design special features such as ledges and projecting decorative cladding features to
withstand window cleaning loads and workers standing thereon. Allow for a person
applied force of 1.6 kN and as required by authorities having jurisdiction.
D. Design light gauge steel structural members, aluminum structural members and
aluminum products in accordance with local jurisdictional authorities. Make provisions
in support framing to allow anchorage of items such as but not limited to signage,
coordinate with other trades. Reinforce framing as required so that members can safety
sustain loads that may be applied to them.
E. Metal faces shall be visually flat under lighting conditions to Consultant's acceptance.
G. Deflection limits for sheet metal air/vapor barriers shall not exceed L/240 of the span or
a maximum 6 mm, under design loading.
H. Deflection limits shall be such that the integrity of the seals will be maintained at design
loading. Permanent deformation of members due to applied loads not permitted.
Notwithstanding limits specified herein, assemblies shall not deflect under design loads
sufficient to cause noise, rattling, vibration, overstressing of fasteners, clips, breaking of
adhesives or sealants, to cause them to touch other components of this work or building
structure, or to break the integrity of the insulation thermal blanket or air/vapor barrier
seal, and other detrimental effects on wall system.
J. Design, engineer, assemble and secure assemblies in manner which will keep stresses
on sealants within the sealant manufacturer's recommended maximum.
K. In designing the structural framework of the building, assumptions have been made as
to the magnitude, direction and points of application of the loads imposed on the
structure by the building envelope assemblies. This information is available from the
structural engineer Consultant upon request.
L. Design, fabricate and install the assembly to be watertight to the interior under the
interior and exterior design conditions in combination with movements occurring due to
loads imposed.
M. Design and engineer building envelope assemblies to provide for expansion and
contraction of components as will be caused by the ambient temperature range and
surface temperature variation of components, and structural movements, without
causing distortion, buckling, misalignment of joints, failure of joint and air/vapor barrier
seals, generating sound, undue stress or other defects detrimental to appearance or
N. Metal panel systems shall allow for thermal movements resulting from the following
maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures. Base engineering
calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and
nighttime-sky heat loss.
1. Temperature Change (Range): 67°C, ambient; 100°C, material surfaces.
O. Comply with the design and performance requirements of the local building Code, other
regulations and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, and as specified herein,
and design, engineer, fabricate and install the work accordingly. Design cladding
systems and related work to:
1. Accommodate, by means of expansion and contraction provisions, any
movements in the building envelope assemblies themselves and between the
assemblies and the building structure, caused by structural movements, both
deflection and racking.
2. Provide for deflection of the structure to ensure that structural loads are not
transmitted to cladding work.
3. Design and engineer building envelope assemblies to accommodate the building
maintenance equipment and systems without permanent deflection and without
distortion to building maintenance equipment anchors and other members.
Coordinate with building maintenance equipment and ensure that anchors are
incorporated into the facade system and secured to the structure.
4. The Work shall have a method of attachment to the structure which shall take
into account site peculiarities so that there shall be no possibility of site and air
vibrations or normal temperature movements of the building to loosen, weaken
and/or fracture the connection between building envelope assembly components
and the structure or between the components themselves.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the requirements for an air barrier and a vapor
barrier are intended to be provided at the same plane in the building envelope
design and are noted as "air/vapor barrier". The definition of the air/vapor barrier
for the purpose of these Specifications is "a continuous membrane including
joints of membrane between components and to adjacent construction which
KEO/19-7101 07 4213.23/4 Metal Composite Material Wall Panels
Rahayel - Area 9
Mussafah, Abu Dhabi
prevents or retards penetration of moisture laden air and the diffusion of water
vapor through it".
6. The maximum water vapor transmission of all components forming the vapor
barrier shall be 2.8 ng/(Pa x s x m5) unless specified otherwise.
7. At design conditions no condensation shall occur on room side surfaces.
8. Metal wall panel system shall use the rain screen principle.
9. Make provisions to drain to the exterior face of the assembly, any water entering
at joints and any condensation occurring within the building envelope assembly.
Weep water shall discharge in a manner that avoids staining of architectural
finish, collecting in puddles or the forming of icicles.
10. Provide completed installations free from vibrations, wind whistles and noise due
to thermal and structural movement and wind pressure.
11. Cladding panels shall have uniform appearance and color. Exposed aluminum
work specified shall have uniform appearance and colour.
12. All components shall be:
a. Secured and reinforced by concealed means. Securement method shall
not permit telegraphing of fasteners or reinforcing.
b. Attached in a manner which will permit replacement of components or
units during construction or in subsequent usage of building without
dismantling or disturbance to adjoining components or units. In addition,
such replacement shall be carried out without the use or addition of extra
screws, splices, covers, or other such fasteners or accessories that alter
original design features. Panels shall be identified on shop drawings as to
building location to facilitate panels removal and replacement.
c. Assembled, secured, anchored, reinforced, sealed, made weathertight
and water tight without restricting thermal or structural movements of the
system. Where possible sealants shall be concealed.
B. Submit shop drawings indicating details of the cladding panel systems, decorative
projecting cladding features and ledges, elevations, profiles, methods of joining, joint
locations and details, thicknesses and finishes of materials, sizes, fastening devices and
reinforcements, supports, spacing, flashing details and trim details, methods of
anchoring, sizes of anchorages, mechanical and electrical fixtures as applicable,
1. Submit a schedule of all panel types, sizes and profiles together with panel
reference numbers to the total assignment.
D. Samples: Provide sample panels (300 mm) long by actual panel width, in the profile,
style, color, and texture indicated. Include clips, caps, battens, fasteners, closures,
drainage provision and other exposed panel accessories.
G. Test Reports
1. Submit laboratory test reports for cladding system similar to system to be
installed conducted by an approved, independent testing laboratory showing
successful results and conformance to design criteria requirements specified.
H. Maintenance Instructions
1. Submit copies of instructions covering cleaning, maintenance and adjustments,
touch-up, repair and removal of panels and other relevant maintenance data for
incorporation into operating and maintenance manual.
A. Erection tolerances apply to each individual assembly and shall not be accumulative.
1. Vertical position: plus/minus 3 mm.
2. Horizontal position: plus/minus 3 mm.
3. Deviation from plumb: 3 mm maximum each plane.
4. Deviation from level: 3 mm maximum each plane.
5. Openings: ± 3 mm of location.
6. Racking of face: 6 mm maximum.
7. Racking in elevation: nil
8. Offset from true alignment between two identical elements abutting end to end or
in line: 0.3 mm.
B. Submit documented proof that the material has a proven record of successful
performance for more than 10 years, confirmed by at least five local projects.
D. Mockups: Before installing wall panels, construct mockups for each form of construction
and finish required in a location and of size as directed to verify selections made under
Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and qualities of materials and
execution. Build mockups using exposed and concealed materials indicated for the
completed Work.
1. Mockup shall be complete with adjoining material and support system to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. If the required standard is not achieved, the
Contractor shall replace (at the contractor’s cost) until the required standard is
achieved as judged by the Engineer
2. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship.
3. Obtain written approval of mock-up from the Engineer before starting fabrication.
4. Maintain mock-ups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard
for judging the completed Work.
5. Mock up shall become part of finished work if approved by the Engineer at the
time of Substantial Completion.
KEO/19-7101 07 4213.23/6 Metal Composite Material Wall Panels
Rahayel - Area 9
Mussafah, Abu Dhabi
A. Deliver panels and other components so they will not be damaged or deformed.
Package panels for protection against damage during transportation or handling.
B. Handling: Exercise care in unloading, storing, and erecting wall panels to prevent
bending, warping, twisting, and surface damage.
A. Coordinate metal wall panel assemblies with rain drainage work, flashing, trim and
construction of girts, soffits and other adjoining works, including glazing panels to
provide a leak proof, secure and non-corrosive installation.
C. Mineral Fiber Core: Noncombustible, with the following surface burning characteristics
as determined by testing identical product per ASTM E 84 by UL or another testing and
inspecting agency.
1. Flame-Spread Index: 15 or less.
2. Smoke-Developed Index: 50 or less.
D. Bond Integrity: When tested for bond integrity, in accordance with ASTM D1781
(simulating resistance to panel delamination), there shall be no adhesive failure of the
bond between the core and the skin) or cohesive failure of the core itself below the
following values
E. The surface shall not have any irregularities such as roughness, buckling or other
imperfections in accordance with Employer’s Representative and Façade consultant
visual inspection rules. Maximum deviation from panel flatness shall be 3.0mm in
1500mm on panel in any direction for assembled units (Non accumulative – No oil
F. Visible distortion of the aluminium composite panels will not be accepted. The contractor
shall increase the thickness of aluminium composite and / or put additional stiffeners to
prevent visible distortion from occurring.
A. Fabricate panel face sheets to the profile or configuration indicated or as required and
approved; and of the material, finish, and thickness indicated. Design joints between
panels to form weathertight seals.
B. Provide steel support system as required to support the panel assembly and to counter
any wind uplift.
A. Fasteners: Self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts, self-locking rivets and bolts, end-welded
studs, and other suitable fasteners designed to withstand design loads and as
recommended by the panel manufacturer.
1. Use stainless-steel fasteners.
2. Provide exposed fasteners with heads matching color of panel by means of
plastic caps or factory-applied coating.
3. Provide metal-backed neoprene washers under heads of exposed fasteners
located on weather side of panels.