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H2&H3&H4 Computer science

Instructor: Collen Feng


Textbook(s): Head First Java™ Second Edition

Course description:
This course enables students to deepen their understanding of Computer science concepts and
theories. Students will continue their exploration of Computer Languages(Java) concepts and
the classes with objects, and primitives ,references, and methods use instance variables.
Students will write a program by themself, get to know the Java API. They will further develop
inheritance and Polymorphism, learning interfaces, abstract classes, constructors and garbage
collection, how to analyze numbers and statics.
This class is scheduled to meet for 4 periods every week.

Course goals/key objectives:

1. Introduce students to Programming such as internet, internet of things,artificial intelligence
2. to develop the skills, strategies, and logical thinking of mind required for Programming relate Computer science to technology, society, and the environment

Scheme of Assessment:
The final average for this course will be computed according to the following grade breakdown:
Quizzes 15%

Tests 15%

Class Participation 15%

Homework 15%

Midterm Exam (end of fall semester) 15%

Final Exam (end of spring semester) 25%

Class Expectations: Students are expected to spend at least four hours per week in
unsupervised individual study for this course. In addition, the following rules should be
observed in class:
1.Students are expected to report to class on time. Frequent tardiness may lead to disciplinary
2.No sleeping, eating or walking around during class, without permission.
3.The use of cellphone is strictly prohibited in class, unless permitted by the teacher for the
4.Students are expected to raise their hands in case of doubts and wait for their turn to speak,
and not interrupt the teacher. Discussion between classmates will be allotted specific time
during class and students should pay full attention to the teacher at all other times.
5.Students are expected to come prepared for class. Homework assignments are to be
submitted at the beginning of the class. Unless given a longer extension due to an excused
absence, students will have a two-day grace period to submit homework assignments.
If submitted within one day of submission date, students are eligible for 80% of the total
If submission within two days of submission date, students are eligible for 70% of the total
If submitted more than two days late, students will be awarded zero.
6.A student who misses a quiz, test or lab, due to excused absence, will be expected to make it
up the next working day or at a time decided by the student and teacher.
7.In case of absence due to any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed work,
notes or handouts from their classmates or the teacher outside class.
8.Students will be required to handle all laboratory apparatus with care.
Course Outline:
This is an approximate breakdown of the topics to be covered this year, including the order in
which they are covered and the amount of time to be spent on each.

Fall Semester

Wee Topic Assessment


1 Unit 1 Basic Concepts of Java

2 Basic Concepts of Java

3 Classes and Objects

4 Classes and Objects

5 Primitives and References

6 Primitives and References Chapter test

7 National Day Holiday

8 Methods Use Instance Variables

9 Methods Use Instance Variables

10 Writing a Program Chapter test & Lab


13 Unit 2 Get to Know the Java API

14 Get to Know the Java API

15 Inheritance and Polymorphism

16 Inheritance and Polymorphism

17 Interfaces and Abstract Classes


19 Constructors and Garbage Collection

20 Numbers and Statics Chapter test & Lab

21 Review

Spring Semester
Wee Topic Assessment

1 Review

2 Unit 3 Exception Handling

3 Exception Handling

4 Getting Gui

5 Getting Gui

6 Using Swing Chapter test & Lab

7 Using Swing

8 Using Swing

9 Unit 4 Serialization and File I/O

10 Serialization and File I/O

11 Networking and Threads

12 Networking and Threads

13 Collections and Generics

14 Collections and Generics

15 Package, Jars and Deployment

16 Package, Jars and Deployment

17 Remote Deployment with RMI

18 Remote Deployment with RMI

19 Review

Important topics to be covered chapter-wise:

Unit 1 1. Basic Concepts of Java

2. classes and objects
Basic grammar 3. primitives and references
and structure 4. methods use instance variables
of Java

UNIT 2 1. get to know the Java API

2. inheritance and polymorphism
Java's 3. interfaces and abstract classes
advanced 4. constructors and garbage collection

UNIT 4 1. Exception Handling

2. Getting Gui
3. Using Swing
applications of

UNIT 5 1. Serialization and File I/O

2. Networking and Threads
3. Collections and Generics
4. Package, Jars and Deployment

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