Arba Minch University Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Course Outline
Arba Minch University Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Course Outline
Arba Minch University Institute of Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Course Outline
Course Title: Object-Oriented Programming
Course Code: ECEG-3142
Degree Program: Electrical & Computer Eng’g
Lecturers: Hailemariam M.
ECTS (Credit Hours) 5(3)
Contact Hours 2 hrs lecture + 3 hrs lab
(perweek) Semester Aca.Year:
Year: 3rd I 2018/2019
Status of the: Course Compulsory
Pre-requisite: Introduction to Computing
Course Description:
This course serves as an introduction to broad aspects Object-Oriented Programming Language. It
is designed to provide students a working knowledge of fundamentals of a pure Object-Oriented
Programming i.e. Java at an introduction level. In this course the basic features and paradigms of
Object-Oriented Programming Language will be explored. Issues like Abstraction, Encapsulation,
Course Description &
Polymorphism, Inheritance, Packages, Classes, Objects, Methods (Subroutines) Interface,
Objectives Exception Handling, I/O Streaming, GUI and so on will be briefly presented.
Course Objectives:
To understand major concepts of Object-Oriented Programming.
To enable students to work with pure Object-Oriented Programming Language, Java.
To provide a solid foundation for developing software using the Object-Oriented
To understand basic skills in Internet and windows programming and using graphical user
To enable the students to understand I/O streaming and Exception Handling.
1. Fundamental Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
1.1 Basics of Object-Oriented Programming
1.2 Basics of Java Programming Language
Course Contents 1.3 Overview of Object-Oriented Programming Language
1.4 Java Tokens
1.5 Variables and Primitive Data Types
1.6 Control Structures
1.7 Decision Making and Looping
1.8 Arrays, Strings and Vectors
2. Classes and Objects in Java
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Adding Variables and Methods
2.3 Creating Objects
2.4 Constructors
2.5 Garbage Collection
3. Inheritance
3.1 What is Inheritance
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3.2 Types of Inheritance
3.3 Types of Classes
3.4 Overloading and Overriding
3.5 Visibility Control
4. Interfaces and Packages
4.1 Interfaces
4.2 Packages
4.3 Creating and Using Packages
4.4 Access Modifiers
5. Handling Errors with Exceptions
5.1 What is an Exception?
5.2 Exception Types
5.3 Exception Handling
6. File Management
6.1 File I/O and Streams
6.2 Object Serialization
7. Java GUIs
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Overview of Swing Components
Teaching and learning Lectures supported by Tutorials
Methods Assignments and Mini Projects
Laboratory exercises
Miniproject: 15% Test & Mid-term Exam: 30%
Assessment/Evaluation Computer Lab: 15% Final Examination: 40%
& Grading System Grading System: The students will be evaluated on absolute grade scales. The grading system
includes the letter grades from A+ to F.
Textbook: Java 2 - The Complete Reference -- Osborne McGraw-Hill
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