Coimbatore Town Demographic Breakdown
Coimbatore Town Demographic Breakdown
Coimbatore Town Demographic Breakdown
Indian health drinks market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. India has the second largest
population in the world, with diversified food habits. Such a vast population and diverse eating habits make India
one of the most attractive retail destinations across the globe. Increasing purchasing power, changing lifestyle,
growing nuclear families and influence of western culture are the key drivers of the Indian food and drinks market.
There is an ever-growing need for nourishment and energy in today’s fast-paced world. Who can resist a steaming,
hot drink which promises to energize, nourish and refresh? The need for nutritional supplementation is all the
more relevant for kids.
Health drinks have emerged as the most profitable and growing segment of the overall so ft drinks industry
in the world. Unlike carbonated drinks, whose sales are declining the sales of health drinks have been growing
since some time. When compared to the other food supplements health drinks stands the topmost of any other
thing in this world. A recent survey tells that more than food supplements, consumer prefer health drinks.
This is because the food supplements have side effects and on the other side, there i no such kind in the
increase of the health.
Indian health drinks market is still in infancy due to the lack of awareness among the population.
GLAXOSMITHKLINE (GSK) with – Horlicks, boost is the leader in Indian health drink market.
The world’s largest malt –based drinks market, accounts for 22% of the world’s retail volume sales.
These drinks are traditionally consumed as milk substitutes and marketed as a nutritious drink mainly
consumed by the old, the young and the sick. The health food drinks category consists of white drinks
and brown drinks. South and east India are the largest marketers for these drinks, accounting for the
largest proportion of all India sales.
IJCRT2105334 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) d46 © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
White drinks accounts are two third of the market. White drinks accounts for almost two third of the
market .GSK consumer healthcare is the market leader in the white malt beverages category in the
market. HEINZ’S complan comes in second in market. Market leader GSK also owns other brands
such as Boost, Malt ova and Viva. Currently, brown drinks (which are coco-based) continued to grow
at the expense of white drinks like Horlicks and complan. Cadbury’s bournvita is the leader in the
brown drink segment in the market. Other significant players are Nestlé’s Milo.
• Horlicks
• Boost
• Complan
• Bournvita
Generally most of the consumers purchase on particular brand health drinks for various reasons like
UNIQUENESS (flavour, taste, price, availability and the offers available) or TOBE LOYAL to the
product. There searcher wants to know which factor will affect the purchase of the health drinks.
• The present study is confined to Coimbatore city and the following familiar brand shave been
selected such as Horlicks, boost, complan and bournvita by considering the market share.
• It is an emotional study which is primarily concerned with satisfaction of malted food product
consumers. This study is also extend to analyze the various factors affecting purchase of health
Sukhwinder Singh (2014) in their study on “A study on consumer preference towards health food
drinks” says that the India each state is equivalent to a country with its specific socioeconomic level.
Different ethnic groups ad habits, health, infrastructure and communication facilities. Thus the
nutritional status of the population shows significant variation between states it results
fromavaryingfactors.Inthelast20years there have been no significant changes in patterns of the intake.
Cereals remain the staple food in India providing most of the energy intake. Since the consumption of
foods like pulses ,roots , and tubers has fallen , while those of the foods like sugar “jiggery”(unrefined
brown sugar), fats and oil and green leafy vegetables haves lightly increased.
Sukhwinder Singh, International journal of advanced research in computer science and software
Engineering ,Volume4,Issue3,March2014ISSN:2277128X.
Ali Mirarab, ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 2, No.8,
ISSN: 2322-515
Feng Tian(2013) in their “study on consumer brand preference towards health drink products”
says that the in the competitive environment .Marketers are finding it difficult to create and
retain customers for their product. Health food drinks products have entered the global market
with the past years and rapidly gained market share. The basic purpose of this research paper is
to identify the various factors influencing for preferring their brands. Paper also attempts to
determine the source awareness and level of satisfaction of the consumers. To develop
conclusions explanatory and descriptive research designs are used. Primary data is collected
with the help of questionnaire method and data is analyzed with the help of various statistical
Higgins, John, Babu, Kavita, Deuster, Patrica, Shearer, Jane(2018) has distinguished that
energy drinks ought to be devoured in a limited way and has additionally said that not to be
consumed for the execution or hydration before practice.
DongmunHa,Inmyungsong,Gyeongil Jang ,Eui- kyungLee,Ju-young Shin(2017) designed at
the use of highly other additives. The study is conducted among 833 Korean adolescents , and has
responded to the Questionnaire. The study is about the benefit and about the risk involved in it.
Dr.Sandip G. Prajapati (2017) has found that television advertisements has increased the
consumption levels for Health drinks and have taken from 200 samples in Vadodara city, The
concludes that children are addicted to it more.
Wiggers D Ried JL White CM,Hammond(2017) has analyzed the usage of energy drinks by the
customers The study was conducted 12-24 years age group .chi square and anova Was used in the
study. Identified that the consumption of health Drinks has gone high.
HORLICKS 29 19.3%
BOOST 48 48%
BOURNVITA 44 29.3%
COMPLAN 16 10.7%
MILO 4 2.7%
The above table shows that 19.3% of the respondent’s chooses Horlicks; 48% of the respondent’s chooses boost;
29.3% of the respondents chooses bournvita; 10.7% of the respondents chooses complan; 0.7% of the
FLAVOUR 18 12%
The above table shows that 36% of the respondent’s chooses packaging; 44% of the respondent’s chooses brand
image; 8% of the respondents chooses economy; 12% of the respondents chooses flavour.
500-1000 66 44%
1000-2000 13 8.7%
ABOVE 2000 9 6%
The above table shows that 41.3% of the respondent’s chooses below 500; 44% of the respondent’s chooses
500-1000; 8.7% of the respondents chooses 1000-2000; 6% of the respondents chooses above 2000.
655 64 9 0 0 728
Composition 97 43 10 0 0 150 II
The above table shows the satisfaction level of customers on health drinks.
Nutritional value is given as I RANK by the respondents; composition is ranked as II; Immunity is ranked as
III; Taste is ranked as IV.
75 384 54 18 12 543
85 360 69 16 12 542
The above table justifies the benefits of health drinks. The highest mean score or average is 4.253 for the factor
of rating of the customers on the health drinks.
Nutritional value is given as I RANK by the respondents; composition is ranked as II; Immunity
is ranked as III; Taste is ranked as IV.
Benefits is given as I RANK by the respondents; energy is ranked as II; activeness is ranked as
III; strength is ranked as IV; nourishment is ranked as V.
The above table justifies the benefits of health drinks. The highest mean score or average is 4.253
for the factor of rating of the customers on the health drinks.
Consumer should be aware of the health drink brands prevailing in the market.
Consumer should be aware there as onto purchase any particular health drink brand.
Consumer should know the benefit on the consuming health drinks.
Consumer should analyze all possible factors before purchasing health drinks.
Consumer should compare the brands so that they would get a better knowledge about the
particular brand.
Consumer should take advices from a nutritionist before consuming particular health drink.
Consumer should be aware of the uniqueness of the health drink brand purchased.
While emphasizing on distinct labelling and packaging in different packs, Horlicks products
are created by keeping the nutritional requirements of different age group in mind. From infants
to kids, youth and adult, nursing mothers to middle-aged mothers and aged people –the
extensive range of products are thoroughly appealing. Boost has proven its market credibility
in the highly competitive Indian HFD market where there is choice available for the consumers.
With independent scientific data available to back up its claims of providing more stamina and
adequate all-round nutrition to its target segment of kids between six to eighteen years, the
health food drink is assure choice of many satisfied parents for the last five decades of its
existence. The future of Boost also looks bright under new HUL management, who are poised
to become the major stakeholders of the lucrative health food drinks market on India with
around 60% share in the overall revenues. HUL’s strong distribution network can help Boost
reach out to new markets, where it has the opportunity to impress more customers with its
proven credentials of taste and nutritive value .In this modern world, Complan can provide
nutrition for all the family. The busy lifestyles can mean that people or children often
missregular meals and they snatch something to eat on the run. In that case, Complan is highly
recommendable for them as it is a practical and simple way to achieve the nutritional balanced
diet for them. It is a fortified and trusted nutritional supplement, Which provides protein and
energy to the body. It is a pack of 24 minerals and vitamins that people need in daily life. Around
2 million people in UK are undernourished and are affected by obesity. It also helps to maintain
diet in obesity. If you need to fortify your meals, it provides essential vitamins, proteins,
carbohydrates and minerals. There are many reasons why human body need nutritional support.
It is important to stay fit, healthy and active. So making ‘Complan’ a part of your health
management is a great option. A Complan family is a happy family! Thus from this research
the researcher concludes that the recent market scenario is changing day by day. Thus the
marketers as well the consumer are opting for uniqueness in the product used. The marketers
as well the manufactures should be keen in developing that one salient features that would
involve the consumers to want to purchase the particular brand and to retain the consumers
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