Ly Thuyet 11
Ly Thuyet 11
Ly Thuyet 11
A cloze test consists a text passage with some certain word removed (cloze text), test
taker must replace the missing words from the given options. Usually students are given four
choices. One choice is the best answer. The second is almost as good. The third is off the
point. The fourth is the opposite of the correct answer.
• First, slowly read all the text without filling any of the gaps. Read it two or three times until
you have a clear understanding of what the text is about.
• Then only complete the gaps you are absolutely sure of.
• Next try and find out what the missing words in the remaining gaps are. See which part of
speech may fit in each gap (article?, pronoun?, noun?, adverb?, adjective?, preposition?,
conjunction?, verb?) and pay special attention to the grammar around the words in each gap.
- a relative . (Example: Bob, who I met two years ago, is my best friend)
• Some sentences may seem to be complete and contain gaps that appear to be unnecessary. If
you find gaps like this, you will probably need the following:
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- a word to change the emphasis of the sentence: She's good enough to be queen
• A few gaps may demand a vocabulary item consistent with the topic of the text; or a word
which is part of an idiomatic expression (example: Good heavens!); or a word which collocates
with another one (example: do a job); or a word which is part of a phrasal verb (example: I was
held up by traffic).
WHERE TO FIND THE The answers to this type of question can generally be
ANSWER determined by looking at the first sentence of each paragraph.
HOW TO IDENTIFY THE How is the information in the passage organized?
QUESTION How is the information in the second paragraph related to
the information in the first paragraph?
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WHERE TO FIND THE The answer to this type of question can generally be
ANSWER determined by looking at the first sentence of the
appropriate paragraphs
HOW TO ANSWER THE 1. Read the first line of each paragraph
QUESTION 2. Look for words that show the relationship between
the paragraphsp
3. Choose the answer that best expresses the
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WHERE TO FIND THE The answers to these questions are found in order in the
ANSWER passage.
HOW TO ANSWER THE 1. Choose a key word in the question.
QUESTION 2. Scan the appropriate place in the passage for the key
word (or related idea).
3. Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea
4. Look for the answers that are definitely true according to
the passage. Eliminate those answers.
5. Choose the answer that is not true or not discussed in the
HOW TO IDENTIFY THE The pronoun “…” in line X refers to which of the following?
WHERE TO FIND THE The line where the pronoun is located is given in the question.
ANSWER The noun that the pronoun refers to is generally found before
the pronoun.
HOW TO ANSWER THE 1. Locate the pronoun in the passage.
QUESTION 2. Look before the pronoun for nouns that agree with the
3. Try each of the nouns in the context in place of the
4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the
best answer from the remaining choices.
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HOW TO IDENTIFY THE The paragraph preceding the passage probably …
What is the most likely in the paragraph following the passage?
WHERE TO FIND THE The answers can generally be found in the first line of the
ANSWER passage for a preceding question. The answer can generally be
found in the last line for a following question.
HOW TO ANSWER THE 1. Read the first line for a preceding question.
QUESTION 2. Read the last line for a following question.
3. Draw a conclusion about what comes before or after.
4. Choose the answer that is reflected in the first or last line
of the passage.
HOW TO IDENTIFY THE What is the meaning of “X” in line Y?
The word “X” in line Y is closest in meaning to…
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4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the
best answer from the remaining choices.
When you are asked to determine the meaning of a long word that you do not know in the
reading sec The following chart contains a few word parts that you will need to know.
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