The Factories Act, 1948
The Factories Act, 1948
The Factories Act, 1948
OBJECT OF THE ACT:- The Factories Act, 1948 has been emerged for guarding man-power
against any exploitation from the end of the employers and provided different obligations that
an employer has to fulfill as regards health, safety and welfare of his workers. Moreover, the
Act regulates the working hours and stipulates the minimum periods of rest and leave. It also
makes provisions for payment of extra wages in cases of their employment beyond the
limitations of duty hours prescribed under this act.
This is a central legislation. Hence it extends to all factories in India, including Government
DEFINITION OF FACTORY:- Factory means any premises including the land, where a
“Manufacturing Process” is carried on with or with the aid of power employing 10 or more
workers on any day of the preceding 12 months and 20 or more workers where power is not
used but does not include a Mine or a Mobile unit belonging to the armed forces of the Union,
a railway shed, or a hotel, restaurant or eating places.
[Manufacturing Process means any process for making, repairing, altering, ornamenting,
finishing, packing, oiling, washing, cleaning, breaking up, demolishing etc.]
HOURS OF WORK:- No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a factory more than
48 Hours in a week, 9 hours a day, period of work shall not exceed 5 hours at a stretch. An
interval of half an hour shall be given. The spread over including rest period shall not be spared
for more than 10 1/2 hrs., in a day. Chief Inspector may for reasons to be specified in writing,
increase the spreadover to 12 hrs.
REST DAY:- If a worker works continuously for 6 days, he shall be entitled for one whole day
rest. and if rest cannot be given then 11th day must be granted rest. Rest can be granted either
03 days in advance or 03 days later. Normally rest should fall on Sunday.
Over time shall be paid at the rate of twice his ordinary rate of wages and should not exceed 60
hrs. in a quarter.