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‘& Some basic properties of light . = Light travels with a constant speed in vacuum i.e. c= 3 x 10* m/s Seria i ‘his ag ~ Rectilinear propagation- Light travels in a straight line ~ — Ray- The path of light is called a ray Beam- Bundle of rays is called beam < Reflection of light (PYQ 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2011) @ Laws of reflection 1" law: The angle of incidence (i) is equal to the angle of reflection (r) 2° law- The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal, at the point Of incidence, all lie in the same plane. Sign convention @ We follow the system of cartesian sign conventions- = Alldistances are measured from the pole or the mirror or optical center of the lens ~The direction of incident light i taken as positive and the opposite direction i taken as negative ~The distances measured upwards wart. the x-axis and perpendicular to the principal axis are positive and the heights measured downwards are negative. Object on left Mirror Incident tht Heights pare penttive lms Heights Sownwards, Distances along negative neldent tight posite £ Focal length of spherical mirrors @ Principal focus- A paraxial ray of light after reflection converge or appear to diverge from a point after reflection form a concave or convex mirror ~ = For respectively. This point F is called the principal focus of the mirror. ———__ ae P = Focal plane- ifthe paraxial rays of light were incident making some angle — with the principal axis, the reflected rays converge or appear to diverge from a point in a plane through F normal to the principal axis. This is called the focal plane of the mirror. Focal length- The distance between the focus F and pole P of a mirror is called the focal length of the mirror (f. Radius of curvature- The radius of the sphere of which the mirror is apart an Of scalled the radius of curvature of the mirror. (R) ‘Note: We will make all calculations and formulas for paraxial raysi.e. rays which are incident at points close to the pole and make small angles with the principal axis. © evetepFRomcese TeRMI2022 {Relation between focal length and radius of curvature @ Let the center of curvature of the mirror be C. Consider a ray parallel othe principal ai, incident at M. let angle of incidence be 8 In ance “ set 9=0.Tom 0 “£ The Mirror equation (PYQ 2020, 2018, 2016, 2011) @ If rays emanating from a point actually meet ata point ater reflection and/or refraction, that point is called the image of the point. The image is real f the rays actually converge at a point and it is virtual ifthe do not actually meet but appear to diverge from a point when produced backwards. Rules for drawing Ray diagrams 41. Rays of light parallel to the principal axis pass through the principal focus after reflection, 2. The rays of light passing through the center of curvature of a concave mirror or appearing to pass through it for a convex mirror retrace their path after reflection 3. Rays passing through or appearing to pass through the principal focus of a concave and convex mirror respectively, become parallel to the principal axis after reflection. 4. Rays incident at any angle at the pole, follow laws of reflection, ‘The mirror equation isthe relation between the object distance (u], image distance (v) and focal length (f) Consider the following ray diagram for abject AB- sawe~awer EA _ EP PM FR a Bt ER pe, BA EE pap) eo, sawe~ Qabe ry Substting values fom figure considering sign conventions wt 3 °K Linear magnification (m) (PYQ 2018, 2016, 2014) @ itis defined asthe ratio of the height of the imager to that ofthe objec (h) (hand h are taken positive or negative acording tothe sign convention) AAP ~ Aanr Ba Be BA” BP Substituting values from figure considering sign conventions ‘Magnification ‘Negative Positive SL 0 svat -o Using miro formula ‘Therefore, it always produces a virtual image 1 amy ‘$2 Ques: (a) A mobile phone lies along the principal axis of a concave mirror. Show with the help of a suitable diagram, the formation of its image. Explain why magnification is not uniform {b) Suppose the lower half ofthe concave mirror’ reflecting surface is covered with an opaque material. What effect will this have on the Image ofthe object. Expain (PYQ, 2024) (3M) ‘Ans: (a}The magnification of the phone is not uniform because different parts of the phone are at different distances from the pole. So, the ‘magnification of the different parts will be different and the image formed willbe distorted. {b) Ifthe lower half of the mirror is covered with an opaque material, still then complete of the object is formed. But, the intensity of the image will be reduced (halved in this case). This is because the laws of reflection are true for every part of the mirror.

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