DSBA Curriculum Booklet

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Course Description
Machine Learning course will focus on the end to end process of examining the data
through a Machine Learning lens. One will not only get the basic idea behind some selected
Machine Learning methods but also a detailed understanding of how, why and when to use
them. In this course you will focus on training and assessing a Machine Learning model,
keeping in mind the ultimate goal of producing an accurate and credible version of it.

Course Objectives
This course aims to provide an introduction to the techniques, and applications of Machine
Learning so that participants can wrestle with structured and unstructured data and refine
it into trends and predictions.

• Understand the difference between structured and unstructured data.

• Learn about Text and Sentiment Analytics.

• Handling unbalanced data and dealing with bias-variance trade-off.

• Model validation

• Bagging and Boosting techniques and their advantages.

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through lecture videos, case studies,
computer exercises, and mentored learning sessions. You will be exposed to Python
programming for data analysis and application.

Course Contents
• Dealing with unstructured data

• Text & Sentiment Analytics

• Bias-Variance Trade-off

• Naive Bayes & KNN

• Ensemble Techniques

• Handling unbalanced data & Missing Values

• Model Validation

Organizations are surrounded by numerical data and information. All of us in our

day-to-day routines use numbers in our calculations. Problems in business contain a great
degree of quantitative elements in the form of facts and figures. It is essential for profes-
sionals to carry out data analysis and interpretation for effective decisions. In this context,
they need to prepare quantitative arguments to justify their decisions. Decision making
using statistical methods is the answer for accomplishing this purpose. Statistical Methods
for Decision Making focuses on the role of Business Statistics in helping organizations take
effective decisions with minimum risk.

Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:

• Understand and appreciate the most widely used tools of business statistics which form
the basis for rational and sound business decisions.

• Develop skills in the analysis and interpretation of data.

Course Prerequisites
• Students are expected to have knowledge of basic mathematics.

• Ability to use Microsoft Excel and basic working knowledge of Python.

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through video lectures and computer
exercises. Statistical Analysis using Python will be the principal driver of learning. Students
are expected to read beyond the video lectures that include reference books and other
reading material.

Course Content
• Descriptive Statistics - Data collection, presentation, and visuals, measures of central
tendency, dispersion, and correlation.

• Exploratory Data Analysis (Outlier Treatment, Missing Values, Scaling, Encoding)

• Framing Analytics Problem

• Project


Multivariate Statistical techniques are important tools for understanding the Analysis of
Dependence and Analysis of Interdependence. The techniques covered in this course
would help you in testing for differences between groups, estimating and predicting the
impact of an independent variable on a dependent variable, and characterizing the
underlying factors, given a set of items, that best summarize the data using dimension
reduction techniques.

This course provides students with a working knowledge of basic concepts of the most
important multivariate techniques, with an overview of actual applications in various fields.
A reasonable level of competence in hypothesis testing is needed.

Course Objectives
The course objectives are to help develop a working proficiency of statistical concepts for

• Select appropriate multivariate statistical techniques for answering the appropriate

research questions derived from the problem statement.

• Understand the various assumptions needed for the various methodologies and testing
of assumptions.

• Analyse and draw inferences from data using appropriate statistical methods and
computer software.

• Be able to identify the merits and limitations of various statistical techniques.

Course Prerequisites
A thorough understanding of basic statistical concepts, especially setting up and testing
hypotheses, is required.

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through video lectures, case studies,
and mentoring sessions. You will be exposed to Python programming for data analysis and

Course Content
• Inferential Statistics - Introduction to Probability and Distributions

• Hypothesis Testing and Estimation


Data Mining categorically falls under predictive analytics and is fundamentally associated
with information discovery in databases. Data mining aims at finding useful patterns from
large data sets in an attempt to make data more informative and qualitatively insightful.
The value of patterns discovered from mining the data enables businesses to make
effective data-driven decisions and develop a sustainable competitive advantage.
Applications of data mining can be found in e-commerce, social welfare, politics, terrorism,
sales and marketing, finance, operations, etc.

In this course, we explore how this field brings together techniques from statistics, Machine
Learning, and information retrieval. We will discuss the main data mining methods currently

Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:

• Understand the concepts of Principal Component Analysis.

• Build models using Clustering.

Course Prerequisites
Basic and advanced statistics with fundamental usage of Python programming.

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through video lectures, case studies,
computer exercises, and mentoring sessions. You will be exposed to Python programming
for data analysis and application.

Course Content
• Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

• Clustering (Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical)


In this highly competitive global environment, any professional and progressive

organization that aims to survive and grow significantly in the market must break itself
away from traditional ways of prediction. Instead, it should use analytic models for
accurate prediction so that the models can borrow strength from part data. It is in this
context; the role of predictive modeling is important in business context. Predictive
Modeling embraces a variety of techniques that can be used by organizations to predict
continuous (Sales or Demand) as well as categorical (Buyer or Non-Buyer) dependent
variables based on a host of input variables (Independent Variables).

Course Objectives
After attending this course, the students will be able to:-

• Have a good grasp of predictive models with an applied orientation.

• Learn the conceptual framework of the models and weave them with applications for
decision support.

• Get hands-on exposure to python for business problems that will make them adept in
making predictions with a focus on accuracy.

Course Prerequisites
Students should be familiar with basic and advanced statistical methods.

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through interactive mentoring sessions,
case studies, and computer exercises. You will be exposed to Python programming for
analysis, application, and interpretations of results.

Course Content
• Regression (Multiple Linear Regression, Assumptions & Dummy Regression)

• Logistic Regression

• Discriminant Analysis



Course Description
Python is an easy-to-learn, readable, dynamic, pleasant, flexible, fast, and powerful tool.
You can use Python when your data analysis tasks need to be integrated with web apps
or if statistics code needs to be incorporated into a production database.

While the infancy of Python packages for data analysis was an issue in the past, this has
improved significantly over the years. In this course, you will learn about NumPy
(mathematical operations on arrays), Pandas (data manipulation) for data analysis and
Matplotlib and Seaborn for Data Visualization.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

• Perform basic operations related to data analysis.

• Learn how to read, explore and visualize data.

• Work with data frames and different libraries.

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through online content, weekend
mentored learning, case studies, and lab exercises.

Course Content

• Python Overview

• Essential Data Science libraries like NumPy, Pandas

• Data Visualization (Matplotlib, Seaborn)

• Project


Time series analysis is an integral part of business data analytics. An overview of a few
simple/complex methods of time series data analysis and forecasting techniques is covered
in this lecture.

Course Objectives
The course objective is to provide an exposure to the complicacies of time series data:

• Recognize why time series data requires special techniques for analysis.

• Describe components of a time series.

• Identification and estimation of time series components.

• Application of few simple/complex methods for time series forecasting.

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through Interactive Lectures, Case
Studies, and Mentor Learning Sessions.

Course Content

• What is the Time Series?

• Trend, Seasonality, Residual; the components of time series.

• Time Series Analysis in Python

• Simple Forecasting Techniques

• Forecasting through various types of Auto Regressive Models


Course Description
The fastest way for people to understand data of any size is through a visual medium.
Unfortunately, a lot of companies adopt visualization as no more than snazzy graphics.
Very often the people who design information displays are not trained to design them for
effective communication. A primary goal of data visualization is to communicate
information clearly and efficiently to users via the information graphics. Effective
visualization helps users in analysing and reasoning about data and evidence. This course
will help you in understanding effective visualization using Tableau.

Course Objectives
The course objectives are to help develop a working proficiency of statistical concepts for
decision making:

• Understand how the brain perceives data and draw insights from data.

• Recognize visual characteristics of data that are meaningful.

• Choose an appropriate display mechanism to communicate data effectively.

• Transform data into information that is actionable.

• Start using Tableau software to solve real business problems.

Course Pre-requisites
A thorough understanding of basic and advanced statistical concepts taught in the core
and foundations module.

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through video lectures, case studies,
computer exercises, and mentored learning sessions. You will be exposed to Tableau
software for data analysis and application.

Course Content
• Storytelling with data (Dashboards)

• Interactive Dashboards, Storyboarding

• Project on Tableau


Course Description

The course focuses mainly on the application of Analytics from a business perspective with
a specific focus on the domain of Retail and also lays stress on Marketing Analytics. It
focuses on the concepts and the understanding of applications rather than on specific
techniques or the developmental tools (or programming languages like SAS, python, SPSS
etc.). Presentation of the course, therefore, is in an interactive format. The course borrows
many ideas and concepts from other functional subjects to build up understanding among
the participants.

By the end of this course, you (the participant) will be able to:

• Understand the “WHY”, WHERE” and “HOW” of Analytics in Marketing and Retail
1) “Why” has analytics become imperative for businesses?
2) “Where” can you apply analytics?
3) “How” can you apply analytics?

• Use your understanding of the “WHY”, to convince stakeholders/senior management in

your own companies of the need to apply analytics in their business.

• Use your understanding of the “WHERE”, to be able to spot the areas in your
organization/business where analytics can be applied across various functional areas like
Sales, Marketing, Operations, Human Resources, Risk, Collections, Pricing, Promotions,
Supply Chain, Call Centres etc.

• Understand the application of Analytics across the functional areas mentioned above
across different various industries with a focus on Retail and Fast Moving Consumer
Goods (FMCG).

• Use your understanding of the “HOW” to create analytics frameworks for solving
business problems

Course Objectives
The course objectives are to help develop a working proficiency of statistical concepts for
decision making:

• To understand the business problems in the domain of marketing that analytical

applications can address.

• To provide an overview of the analytics landscape especially in the retail sector.

• To understand the role of predictive modeling in influencing customer behavior.

• To understand technology trends in Marketing analytics.

• To learn how to plan and implement Analytics projects.

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through interactive lectures, case
studies, and computer exercises.

Course Content
• RFM Analysis

• Market Basket Analytics

• Customer Analytics & Churn Model


Course Description
In this course, we study how banks and other financial institutions use predictive analytics
for modelling their risk. With the requisite statistical and financial foundation in place, the
candidates then get trained on exhaustive modules, techniques and case studies in Market
Risk and Credit Risk. Risk analytics has attracted a lot of attention in the wake of the
financial crisis. Can banks predict when their loans would default? Can they estimate the
aggregate default rate? What aggregate tools can be used in this pursuit?

Course Objectives
The course objectives are to help develop a working proficiency of statistical concepts for
decision making:

• The purpose is to develop a Deep Appreciation of Credit and Market Risk with a blend of
theory and hands-on exercise with real data as class assignments.

• As an outcome Students will learn to work with Real Data and understand the
implications of the different theories and its relevance for India.

• All Assignments will be done in the class ensuring hands-on training to each and every
participant with real world data.

• Will be relevant for any person aiming to develop a career in the financial industry and
start there with an advantage.

Course Pre-requisites
A thorough understanding of basic and advanced statistical concepts, with a foundation in

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through interactive lectures, case
studies, computer exercises, and group discussion. You will be exposed to Python
programming for data analysis and application.

Course Content
• Market Risk

• Credit Risk (Retail and Corporate)


Course Description
SQL forms the cornerstone of all relational database operations. The ability to write the
SQL language is essential for those who develop database applications. This course
provides a solid foundation of the SQL programming language that enables students to
build, query and manipulate databases. Working in Oracle database throughout this
course, students compare the ANSI/ISO standard with the SQL implementation of this
database product.

Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:

• Understand the basics of Relational Databases

• Write SQL code based on ANSI/ISO standards to build and maintain database structures

• Update database content with SQL and transaction handling

• Retrieve data from single or multiple tables

• Process data with row and aggregate functions

• Manipulate data with correlated and non-correlated subqueries

• Apply views to break down problems

The objectives envisaged in this course will be met through Interactive Lectures, Case
Studies, Computer Exercises

Course Content

• Creating, retrieving , modifying tables, constraints and indexes.

• Functions: String, Numeric, Data, Cast, Aggregate.

• Joining multiple tables; Embedding subqueries within statements; Normalization.

• Project




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