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Why Is Content So Important - SF

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(i also share processes to improve your offer, increase your value and charge
higher prices)



Before we even talk about the present state of the world, of the internet, it is important to
understand what happens before people give you the 12 digits of their credit card number
over the phone or on a website.

Every customer has a customer journey, no one just wakes up and starts buying different
solutions, before they buy solutions they need to be aware or made aware of their current

As technology advances so does information become more and more readily available to
everyone who has access to the internet, and the more information there is on the internet,
the more noise there is in the market!

The Person that you’re trying to sell your service or product has access to the same
information that you used to learn the skill and come up with the solution that you’ve built,
and they’re getting hammered by hundreds of messages, offers, calls to actions every single
day, and those create the NOISE within the market!

You will not fight the noise of the market by simply being good at sending messages on
LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or any platform that you would outreach on to, you will fight
the noise by creating your own noise!

In this training, I’ll show you how to gain an edge over your competitors by creating great
pieces of content.

I personally believe that anyone who doesn’t create content for their offer and for their
market, will not experience any exponential growth, they might still grow 10% to 20% month
over month, but you won’t see any 100%-1000% growth.


In order to explain why content is so important, let me explain to you the journey that you
took in order to become a customer of mine:

Phase 1: You’re a human on earth running a specific business, facing specific challenges.

Phase 2: I’m a human on earth running a specific business with a specific solution to specific
challenges that specific business owners face.

Phase 3: I create a prospecting campaign and landed it in your inbox

Phase 4: I shared with you what we specialize in and probably shared a piece of content to
educate you even more on what we do. ( or you were referred, or simply added in my

Regardless of how you ended up hearing of me, you started seeing my posts or
videos and started learning more about our solutions!

Phase 5: After having consumed enough content, you got to a point where you started
believing that I’m the person who can help you get to your desired state.

Phase 6: You scheduled a call, learned about our process, learned about the price, you
hesitated on making the decision on the call and I let you take the time to think about it ( or
you paid over the phone in the first call)

Phase 7: Once we ended our call, a week or a month went by and you kept consuming my
content and decided to schedule another call - you were ready.

Phase 8: Sales call - invoice sent - invoice paid.

The process that I just showed you may have probably been different for you, but for most of
my clients, this is what their journey looks like!

Now, why is content important? Why is any form of content important? Well, as you just
noticed my whole client acquisition process is highly dependent on the pieces of content that
my prospects go through!

I would even say that pieces of content are maybe even more important than follow-ups, I’m
really bad at doing follow-ups ( probably my ego from the fact that we have good service),
the content does the follow-ups!

Every time that I post a piece of content about our solutions, I get prospects that I got on
sales calls with 2 months ago, DMing me and asking if the price that I quoted them is still
good, lol.

Content is the most efficient way of bridging the gap between a complete stranger who has
never heard of you, to a fan/ a loyal customer who is willing to support you even when you
can’t get them the results that you promised.

And when you are creating powerful content that actually helps your prospects with their
current situation, you are making sure that they never forget about you.

And if you constantly have someone's attention, they are constantly thinking about working
with you, they see your results, your personality, it's only a matter of time before they buy.


This will be dependent on who you are selling to!

Different markets/niches spend more time on different platforms, so your focus is to take a
minute and figure out which is the best platform to publish your content on.

It is important to understand that in order for your content to get you results, they need to be
seen by potential customers, so it is really important that you focus on building your network
with as many people in the target market as possible. We’ll cover this in a different section.

Some of the best platforms for content are Facebook, Facebook Groups, Instagram,
Linkedin, and Youtube.

I personally focus on Instagram and Facebook, since that’s where most of my clients are,
and probably yours too!

HOW TO BUILD CONTENT - have the end in mind, never create a piece of content without
knowing what will be offered at the end, cause every piece of content should an asset that
sells for you

Before we even go over how to build content, you need to understand that If you don’t know
what problems, what solutions and what beliefs your prospects have, you will never be able
to create powerful content.

If this is your case, please focus on getting people on call not to sell them but to gain
feedback and get some niche insights.

The goal of any content is to change beliefs, the goal of any content is to sell a

If enough people believe you and believe in the transformation that you offer, money and
influence will be the last thing that you’ll ever worry about.

Your content should clearly describe the transformation that occurs once people go through
your offer:


“Before engaging with {company} they were {previous }. Their metrics were {insert previous
state metrics}”


“After working with our team, the results were great: {insert after state feelings, metrics,

In every piece of content that you create, you should always have the end in mind!

Ask yourself the following: “ What is the #1 belief that if a prospect was to have, they
would immediately want and buy my service or product?”
Then once you’ve figured out the answer to that question, go ahead and create a piece of
content that has the purpose to convert that prospect into a believer of your product/ service.


It’s pretty simple, just add, invite, follow more of your ideal clients/ audience.

Facebook ( 5000 friends): The best way to build an audience on Facebook is to join
Facebook groups where most of your ideal clients are in and add 25-40 people per day
( Make sure to not go over 40 friend requests per day).

I recommend doing it every day and the good thing is that Facebook will start recommending
you more similar people

Instagram (unlimited): I recommend finding experts in your niche and going through their
followers, and adding any qualified person!

I recommend that you connect with every prospect, don’t simply follow them, send them a
short message too!

Hey, I see that you are a {specific niche}, I help {specific niche} get {specific
outcome}! If you ever need anything, let me know!”

Linkedin ( 30k limit):

This is the easiest channel to grow your network in my opinion as you can literally automate
the whole process.

Your goal on LinkedIn will be to send 50-70 connection requests per day and simply letting
the people that you’re adding to your network know what you specialize in!


The best thing with content is that there is no marginal cost of replication, meaning you make
it once and it will sell for you even after you leave this beautiful planet.

Outreach campaigns and even Advertising campaigns, will demand you more to get more:

If you’re sending 100 messages to get 10 meetings, to get one client.

You will have to send 1000 messages to get 100 meetings, to get 10 clients.

In order to go from 100 messages to 1000 messages, you will need to scale your team or
the number of seats on your automation tool, and that will cost you more money!

Unlike content, it costs you the same amount of time and money for one prospect to go
through it or a million prospects. 🤪

So that being said, please create powerful pieces of content and spread them through the
internet, and let it do all the work for you 🤓

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