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08 Chapter 5

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This fifth chapter examines the reliability of the attitudinal measure towards e-
HRM usage. Factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis and anova are used to
measure the validity of the research questions. Structural model of the research is also
shown at the end of the chapter.




After a look at the National and International literature narrating to the practices of
e-HRM, the researcher generated 15 variables in Likert's 5-point scale. These scales have
to be methodically shortened into an underline structure in the form of factors. Therefore,
the researcher applied factor analysis, the principal component method and the following
results are obtained.

Table 5.1

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 3214.728
Sphericity df 105
Sig. .000

Source: Computer data

The above-consolidated table it is concluded that the kmo measure of sampling

adequacy is0.858, Bartlett's test of sphere city with approximate chi-square value
3214.728, p=0.000 are statistically significant @ 5% level. This implies the 15 variables
are normally distributed and they can be reduced to form a certain number of an
underlying structure. This leads to the verification of individual variances has shown in the
communalities below.

Table 5.2
Initial Extraction
C-1 1.000 .399
C-2 1.000 .528
C-3 1.000 .579
C-4 1.000 .526
C-5 1.000 .512
C-6 1.000 .631
C-7 1.000 .624
C-8 1.000 .687
C-9 1.000 .661
C-10 1.000 .651
C-11 1.000 .731
C-12 1.000 .588
C-13 1.000 .453
C-14 1.000 .523
C-15 1.000 .535
Source: Computer data
This leads to the verification of individual variances has shown in the
commonalities that the 15 variables have their variances ranging from 0.399 to 0.731 this
implies the 15 variables have their variance springing from 39.9% to 73.1% which is
statistically significant. The no. of factors extracted from the variables are given as

Table 5.3
Total Variance Explained
component Initial Eigenvalues Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative
variance % variance %
1 5.650 37.667 37.667 3.344 22.292 22.292
2 1.620 10.801 48.467 2.758 18.388 40.680
3 1.358 9.051 57.518 2.526 16.838 57.518
4 .866 5.771 63.289
5 .771 5.142 68.432
6 .735 4.897 73.329
7 .682 4.550 77.879
8 .567 3.779 81.657
9 .540 3.601 85.258
10 .470 3.133 88.391
11 .439 2.929 91.320
12 .407 2.716 94.036
13 .347 2.311 96.347
14 .306 2.042 98.389
15 .242 1.611 100.000

Source: Computer data

The 15 variables are reduced to 3predominant factors with cumulative variance
57.518%. The HR factors have individual variances 22.292%, 18.388%, and 16.838%

This leads to a further identification of variable loadings for the factors derived
from the rotated component matrix. The first factor consists of 6 variables
C-1 (0.687)
C-2 (0.539)
C-5 (0.524)
C-6 (0.723)
C-9 (0.777)
C-12 (0.764)

Therefore, this factor can be named as Report analysis.

The application of any technology enabled managers and employees to have direct
access to HR and other workplace services for the message, routine reporting, team
management and learning in addition to managerial presentations. HR functions are
becoming available electronically or done through the internet. The technology can also be
used for creating forms, evaluating and reporting on the results of performance reviews of
the employees of an organization.

Second factor consists of six variables

C-3 (0.682)
C-4 (0.709)
C-10 (0.570)
C-13 (0.454)
C-14 (0.534)
C-15 (0.654)

Therefore, this factor can be counted as People management.

People management is manages people development, their work activities and their
performance with the goal of optimizing efficient use of an ability. Attentions on

explaining and directing employees' and perceiving this as the key to the organizational
success. Involves planning for the growth of others, directs activities, training others and
meticulously addressing performance matters and conflicts, both at the individual and
organizational level. It contains the skill to assign and disperse human investment in the
utmost efficient manner, so to support and developing business needs.

The third factor consists of 2 variables

C-8 (0.811)
C-11 (0.820)

Therefore, this factor can be count Segregation and retrieval.

It is a process of gathering, loading, reclaiming, and authenticating data required

by an organization about its employees. With the help of e-HRM technology, the storage
of information is being enhanced as per the organization requirement. It also enables HR
management to retrieve the data with the advanced search engines.



The factor analysis by a principal component method derived three factors of e-

HRM climate namely report analysis, people management, segregation & Retrieval. In this
case, e-HRM climate is measured as independent variables and outcome are considered as
a dependent variable. Therefore, a linear multiple regression analysis is applied to
independent and dependent factors and the following results are obtained.


The submission of regression analysis on e-HRM climate and dependent factor outcome
derived the following result.

Table 5.4

Regression of climate over outcome

Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .508 .258 .254 .61815
Source: Computer data

The above-consolidated table initiates that R2 = 0.258, it is implying that e-HRM

climate creates 25.8% create influence on the outcome factor Report analysis. This leads
to the verification of regression fit has shown in the following ANOVA table.

Table 5.5

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 72.705 3 24.235 63.424 .000b
Residual 209.396 548 .382
Total 282.101 551

Source: Computer data

From the above table it is found that F=63.424, P= 0.000 are statistically
significant @ 5% level. This implies there is a very good relationship that exists between
e-HRM climate and outcome. The individual influence of the e-HRM climate are also
determined the following co-efficient table.
Table 5.6

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.612 .193 8.373 .000
.343 .055 .298 6.182 .000
.241 .041 .271 5.920 .000
-.004 .040 -.004 -.102 .919
& Retention

Source: Computer data

It is also found that standardized coefficient (β=0.298, t=6.182, P=0.000), e-HRM
climate 2 (β= 0.271, t=5.920, P=0.000), are statistically significant @ 5% level.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the process of organizing data into informational
summaries in order to monitor how different areas of a business are performing.

The employee practices of exploring data and reports in order to extract expressive
identifications, which can be used to find understanding and advance business
performance is analysis, Lengnick-Hall, M.L. & S. Moritz (2003). That will influence the
outcome of the employee's performance in the organization. E-HRM is the complete
integration of all HR systems and processes based on common HR data and information
and on interdependent tools and procedures, appropriately established e-HRM could offer
the data accumulating tools, analysis capabilities and decision support resources for HR
specialists to appoint, reimburse, stimulate, dismiss, allocate, improve, appraise and
reward employee Sels, L. (2006).


The application of regression analysis on e-HRM climate and dependent factor
outcome derived the following result.
Table 5.7

Regression between climate on outcome

Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .580a .337 .333 .63371

Source: Computer data

The above-consolidated table establishes that R2 = 0.337, it is implying that e-

HRM climate creates 33.7% create influence on the outcome factor people management.
This leads to the verification of regression fit has shown in the following ANOVA table.

Table 5.8
Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 111.828 3 37.276 92.822 .000b
Residual 220.070 548 .402
Total 331.898 551
Source: Computer data

It is also found that F=92.822, P= 0.000 are statistically significant @ 5% level.

This implies there is a very good relationship that exists between e-HRM climate and
outcome. The individual influence of the e-HRM climate are also determined the
following coefficient table.
Table 5.9

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.020 .197 5.170 .000
-.040 .057 -.032 -.704 .482
managemen .183 .042 .190 4.388 .000
.581 .041 .528 14.104 .000
& Retrieval

Source: Computer data

The standardized coefficient (β=0.190, t=4.388, P=0.000), e-HRM practices 2 (β=

0.528, t=14.104, P=0.000), are statistically significant @ 5% level. Therefore, it can be
concluded that Mingers, J. (2003), e-HR suggests documents vital to realize Human
Resource procedures. These may be essential employee database and payroll systems but
can also extended to include such systems as e-recruitment, e-learning, e-performance

Buckley, P.K. Minette, D. Joy & J. Michaels (2004) presents the concept of e-
Human Resource Management as an integral knowledge organization part, defines several
use cases for technological e-HRM support, and drafts the combination of these into a

universal e-HRM approach, the Human Resource department can concentrate more on the
qualitative tasks in personnel planning like coaching and consulting.

By sharing information and being knowledgeable business partners are able to act
more productively to maintain the relationship over time. That is, relationship intensity
can create a competitive advantage through the strategic sharing of an organization‘s key



The application of regression analysis on e-HRM climate and dependent factor

outcome derived the following result.

Table 5.10

Regression of climate on outcome

Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .529a .280 .276 .67830

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table it is found that R2 = 0.280, it is implying that e-HRM
climate creates 28% of influence on the outcome factor segregation & retrieval. This leads
to the verification of regression fit has shown in the following ANOVA table.

Table 5.11

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 98.184 3 32.728 71.133 .000b
Residual 252.131 548 .460
Total 350.315 551

Source: Computer data

The table also shows that F=71.133, P= 0.000 are statistically significant @ 5%
level. This implies there is a very good relationship that exists between e-HRM climate
and outcome. The individual influence of the e-HRM climate are also determined the
following coefficient table.
Table 5.12

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.299 .211 6.151 .000
-.053 .061 -.041 -.871 .384
managemen .118 .045 .119 2.636 .009
.578 .044 .511 13.103 .000
& Retrieval
Source: Computer data

From the above table it is establish that standardized coefficient (β=0.119, t=2.636,
P=0.009), e-HRM climate (β= 0.511, t=13.103, P=0.000), are statistically significant @
5% level.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the modern Human Resource Information

System may be defined as a computer-based method for assembling, storing, supporting,
collecting certain data necessary by an organization about its employees, applicants, and
former employees Wall, T.D(2004).

Kovach, K.A., A.A. Hughes, P. Fagan & P.G. Maggitti (2002): It states that "a
Human Resource Information System is a systematic procedure for accumulating,
retaining and authorizing data needed by an organization about its human assets,
employees activities, and organization unit characteristics".



1. The crosstab between the cluster of climate and total no. of employees is identified
through the crosstab table as presented below.
Table 5.13

Cluster between climate and total no. of employees

1.00 2.00 3.00 Total
Ideal employees Count 135 32 17 184
% within climate 73.4% 17.4% 9.2% 100.0%
Gregarious Count 268 41 22 331
employees % within climate 81.0% 12.4% 6.6% 100.0%
Stressed Count 37 0 0 37
employees % within climate 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Total Count 440 73 39 552
% within climate 79.7% 13.2% 7.1% 100.0%
Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table, it is established that 73.4% of ideal employees

are found in the companies. With the employees' strength less than 1000, 12.4% of
gregarious employees are found in the companies with the employees' strength 1001-5000,
only 0% of stressed employees are distributed over the companies with the total no. of
employees' strength 5001 and above. This leads to the association verification has shown
in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.14

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 14.316a 4 .006
Likelihood Ratio 21.380 4 .000
10.735 1 .001
N of Valid Cases 552

Source: Computer data

From the above table it is found that Pearson chi-square equal to 14.316, P=0.006
are statistically significant at 5% level. Therefore, it can be decided that there is an
association between the climate of e-HRM and total no. of employees in the IT companies.

E-HRM practiced in the large and medium size of IT companies. The readiness
and feasibility of implementing e-HRM are dependent on the availability of resources
(aptitude, monetary, and nominal resources) and the attitude of the employees.

There is a positive relationship between climate and attitude of employees towards

e-HRM. Employee satisfaction is a subjective evaluation of the various uses of
experiences of an information system based on a pleasant/unpleasant extension. It is
widely accepted that satisfaction with IT as an indicator of IT usage which is viewed as a
vital driver of IT success. This analysis emphasized that high satisfaction often results in
favorable behavioral intentions while low satisfaction leads to unfavorable behavioral

2. The crosstab between the cluster of climate and gender is identified through the
crosstab table as presented below.

Table 5.15

Cluster between climate and gender

climate 1.00 2.00 Total
Ideal employees Count 132 52 184
% within climate 71.7% 28.3% 100.0%
Gregarious Count 200 131 331
employees % within climate 60.4% 39.6% 100.0%
Stressed Count 21 16 37
employees % within climate 56.8% 43.2% 100.0%
Total Count 353 199 552
% within climate 63.9% 36.1% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

The above-consolidated table ascertains that 71.7% of ideal employees are male,
39.6% of gregarious employees are found in the companies are female, only 43.2% of
stressed seekers are female. This leads to the association verification has shown in the
following chi square test table.

Table 5.16

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 7.459a 2 .024
Likelihood Ratio 7.599 2 .022
6.876 1 .009
N of Valid Cases 552

Source: Computer data

From the above table it is located that Pearson chi-square equal to 7.459, P=0.024
are statistically significant at 5% level. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an
association between the climate of e-HRM and gender of employees in the IT companies.
E-HRM technologies are providing the fastest data analysis. The latest applications are
fast enough in processing the data company as well as the employees.

These system acts as dynamism for male employees as they can ascertain the result
in a quicker way. E-HRM applications reduced the work of human interference in few
stages and provide the transparent system in criticism rectified, in which the female
employees can have faith and move forward without any obstacles. Female employees in
IT companies have expressed that segregation of responsibilities is not being taken care by
the e-HRM applications.

3. The crosstab between the cluster of climate and age is identified through the
crosstab table as presented below.
Table 5.17

Cluster between climate and age

climate 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Total
Ideal employees 67 100 13 4 184
% within
36.4% 54.3% 7.1% 2.2% 100.0%
Gregarious employees 127 163 38 3 331
% within
38.4% 49.2% 11.5% 0.9% 100.0%

Stressed employees 14 15 8 0 37
% within
37.8% 40.5% 21.6% 0.0% 100.0%
208 278 59 7 552
% within
37.7% 50.4% 10.7% 1.3% 100.0%
Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table it is placed that 36.4% of ideal employees are
established in the companies in the age group of below 25years, 49.2% of gregarious
employees are found in the companies in the age group of 25-35, and only 0% of stressed
employees are spread over the companies in the age group of 45 and above. This leads to
the association verification has shown in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.18

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 10.085a 6 .121
Likelihood Ratio 9.767 6 .135
.190 1 .663
N of Valid Cases 552
Source: Computer data

It is traced that Pearson chi-square equal to 10.085, P=0.121 are statistically

insignificant at 5% level. Therefore, it can be resoluted that there is no association
between the climate of e-HRM and age of employees in the IT companies.

4. The crosstab between the cluster of climate and educational qualification is

identified through the crosstab table as presented below.

Table 5.19

Cluster between climate and educational qualification

climate 1.00 2.00 Total
Ideal employees Count 132 52 184
% within climate 71.7% 28.3% 100.0%
Gregarious Count 227 104 331
employees % within climate 68.6% 31.4% 100.0%
Stressed Count 29 8 37
employees % within climate 78.4% 21.6% 100.0%
Total Count 388 164 552
% within climate 70.3% 29.7% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table it is found that 71.7% of ideal employees are originated
in the companies with the educational qualification of computer science, 31.4% of
gregarious employees are established in the companies with the educational qualification
of Non-computer science, and only 21.6% of stressed employees are spread over the
companies with the educational qualification Non-computer science. This leads to the
association verification has shown in the following chi square test table.
Table 5.20

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.808a 2 .405
Likelihood Ratio 1.878 2 .391
.003 1 .958
N of Valid Cases 552
Source: Computer data

It is drawn that Pearson chi-square equal to 1.808, P=0.405 are statistically

insignificant at 5% level. Hence, it can be ascertained that there is no association between
the climate of e-HRM and educational qualification of employees in the IT companies.

5. The crosstab between the cluster of climate and designation is identified through
the crosstab table as presented below.
Table 5.21

Cluster between climate and designation

climate 1.00 2.00 3.00 Total
Ideal employees Count 11 98 75 184
% within climate 6.0% 53.3% 40.8% 100.0%
Gregarious Count 16 202 113 331
employees % within climate 4.8% 61.0% 34.1% 100.0%
Stressed Count 4 22 11 37
employees % within climate 10.8% 59.5% 29.7% 100.0%
Total Count 31 322 199 552
% within climate 5.6% 58.3% 36.1% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table, it initiate that 6% of ideal employees are found in the
companies in the designation of Top level, 61% of gregarious employees are found in the
companies in the designation of middle level, 29.7% of stressed employees are dispersed
over the companies in the designation of junior level. This leads to the association
verification has shown in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.22

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 5.291a 4 .259
Likelihood Ratio 4.930 4 .295
2.546 1 .111
N of Valid Cases 552

Source: Computer data

From the above table it is drawn that Pearson chi-square equal to 5.291, P=0.259
are statistically insignificant at 5% level. Hence, it can be ascertained that there is no

association between the climate of e-HRM and designation of employees in the IT

6. The crosstab between the cluster of climate and experience is identified through
the crosstab table as presented below.
Table 5.23

Cluster of climate and experience

climate 1.00 2.00 3.00 Total
Ideal employees Count 121 18 45 184
% within climate 65.8% 9.8% 24.5% 100.0%
Gregarious Count 236 27 68 331
employees % within climate 71.3% 8.2% 20.5% 100.0%
Stressed Count 26 2 9 37
employees % within climate 70.3% 5.4% 24.3% 100.0%
Total Count 383 47 122 552
% within climate 69.4% 8.5% 22.1% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table it is initiate that 65.8% of ideal employees are
initiate in the companies with experience of less than or equal to 5 years, 8.2% of
gregarious employees are found in the companies with experience of 6-10 years,
24.3% of stressed employees are distributed over the companies in the experience of 11-
15 years. This leads to the association verification has shown in the following chi square
test table.

Table 5.24

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 2.252a 4 .689
Likelihood Ratio 2.295 4 .682
.876 1 .349
N of Valid Cases 552

Source: Computer data

It is described that Pearson chi-square equal to 2.252, P=0.689 are statistically
insignificant at 5% level. Hence, it can be exposed that there is no association between the
climate of e-HRM and experience of employees in the IT companies.

7. The crosstab between the cluster of climate and annual package is identified in the
crosstab table as presented below.
Table 5.25

Cluster of climate and annual package

(Cost to the Company) Rs.
climate 1.00 2.00 3.00 Total
Ideal employees Count 88 40 56 184
% within climate 47.8% 21.7% 30.4% 100.0%
Gregarious Count 155 87 89 331
employees % within climate 46.8% 26.3% 26.9% 100.0%
Stressed Count 10 16 11 37
employees % within climate 27.0% 43.2% 29.7% 100.0%
Total Count 253 143 156 552
% within climate 45.8% 25.9% 28.3% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table it is initiate that 47.8% of ideal employees are
found in the companies with the annual package of less than or equal to 3 Lakhs, 26.3%
of gregarious employees are establishing in the companies with pay of 3-5 Lakhs, 29.7%
of stressed employees are dispersed over the companies with the of above 5 Lakhs. This
leads to the association verification has shown in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.26

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.187a 4 .057
Likelihood Ratio 9.023 4 .061
.397 1 .529
N of Valid Cases 552

Source: Computer data

It is denoted that Pearson chi-square equal to 9.187, P=0.057 are statistically
insignificant at 5% level. Hence, it can be exposed that there is no association between the
climate of e-HRM and an annual package of employees in the IT companies.



After reviewing the National and International research article pertaining to

objectives of e-HRM. The researcher generated 10 variables in Likert's 5-point scale.
These scales have to be systematically reduced to an underline structure in the form of
factors. Therefore, the researcher applied factor analysis, the principal component method
and the following results are obtained.
Table 5.27
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-Square 1439.279
Sphericity df 45
Sig. .000
Source: Computer data

The above-consolidated table it is found that the kmo measure of sampling

adequacy is 0.756, Bartlett's test of sphericity with approximate chi-square value
1439.279, p=0.000 are statistically significant @ 5% level. This implies the 10 variables
are normally distributed and they can be reduced to form a certain number of an
underlying structure. This leads to the verification of individual variances has shown in the
communalities below.

Table 5.28
Initial Extraction
OU-1 1.000 .415
OU-2 1.000 .707
OU-3 1.000 .662
OU-4 1.000 .709
OU-5 1.000 .672
OU-6 1.000 .515
OU-7 1.000 .627
OU-8 1.000 .681
OU-9 1.000 .470
OU-10 1.000 .510

Source: Computer data

It is found that the 10 variables have their variances ranging from 0.415 to 0.709
this implies the 10 variables have their variances ranging from 41.5% to 70.9% which is
statistically significant. The no. of factors extracted from the variables are given as

Table 5.29

Total Variance Explained

component Initial Eigenvalues Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative
variance % variance %
1 3.513 35.129 35.129 2.324 23.238 23.238
2 1.436 14.363 49.492 2.190 21.902 45.141
3 1.020 10.198 59.690 1.455 14.549 59.690
4 .933 9.332 69.022
5 .744 7.436 76.459
6 .608 6.085 82.544
7 .540 5.398 87.941
8 .507 5.067 93.008
9 .384 3.837 96.846
10 .315 3.154 100.000

Source: Computer data

From the above table, it is also found that the 10 variables are reduced to 3
predominant factors with cumulative variance 59.690%. The three factors have individual
variances 23.238%, 21.902%, and 14.549% respectively.

This leads to a further identification of variable loadings for the factors derived
from the rotated component matrix. The first factor consists of 5 variables.

OU-1 (0.578)
OU-5 (0.795)
OU-6 (0.597)
OU-9 (0.661)
OU-10 (0.492)
Therefore, this can be counted as Suggestions and Implementations.

For an implementation of a new structure, it is essential to know about the pros and
cons of such system. The comment about the merits will lead to the advancement of
technology on the other hand suggestion on the demerits will leads to rectification and

The second factor consists of 3 variables

OU-4 (0.750)
OU-7 (0.737)
OU-8 (0.806)
Therefore, this factor can be counted as Generate Alternatives

As a strategy, management should generate alternates to execute as and when a

market scenario is changed or any problem faced by an organization, observing and noting
the complexities between opposing ideas to create new alternatives that arise from the
advantage of having many possible solutions.

The third factor consists of 2 variables

OU-2 (0.810)
OU-3 (0.652)
Therefore, this factor can be counted as Technology upgradation

As new technologies are established and executed, there is a vital requirement to

promote present employee skills and awareness. It involves continuous transformation and
Upgradation in the skill sets of employees as well as hiring employees with required

abilities and experiences. Thus, building confidence to ongoing staffing and training
procedures from HR department is much effective.



1. The crosstab between the cluster of outcome and total no. of employees is
identified through the crosstab table as presented below.

Table 5.30

Cluster between outcome and personal variables

Less than Above
Outcomes 1000 1001-5000 5000 Total
Meticulous Count 89 8 5 102
employees % within Outcomes 87.3% 7.8% 4.9% 100.0%
Technology Count 277 58 23 358
oriented employees % within Outcomes 77.4% 16.2% 6.4% 100.0%
Gratified Count 74 7 11 92
employees % within Outcomes 80.4% 7.6% 12.0% 100.0%
Total Count 440 73 39 552
% within Outcomes 79.7% 13.2% 7.1% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table, it is established that 87.3% of meticulous

employees are found in the companies. With the employees' strength less than 1000,
16.2% of technology-oriented employees are found in the companies with the employees'
strength 1001-5000, only12% of gratified employees are distributed over the companies
with the total no. of employees' strength 5001 and above. This leads to the association
verification has shown in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.31

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 11.805a 4 .019
Likelihood Ratio 11.956 4 .018
2.858 1 .091
N of Valid Cases 552

Source: Computer data

It is found that Pearson chi-square equal to 11.805, P=0.019 are statistically

significant at 5% level. Therefore, it can be decided that there is an association between
the outcome of e-HRM and total no. of employees in the IT companies.

The success of the organization depends on the extent to which it shapes its
internal structuring by taking into account the limitations imposed by their environment. In
other words, it has to be "fit" between "micro" and "macro" environmental factors or
variables and organizational structure in such a way that the ideal outcome is obtained.
Additionally, because e-HRM provides easy access to HR data and facilitates classifying
and reclassifying of data, it also entails a quick and transparent system. Further, it can be
deducted that e-HRM facilitates a highly positive organizational culture through a higher
internal profile for HR. Among the other advantages is the integral support is provided for
the management of human resources and other basic support processes within the
company decentralizing the HR tasks.

2. The crosstab between the cluster of outcome and gender is identified through the
crosstab table as presented below.

Table 5.32

Cluster between outcome and gender

Outcomes male female Total
Meticulous Count 63 39 102
employees % within Outcomes 61.8% 38.2% 100.0%
Technology Count 224 134 358
oriented employees % within Outcomes 62.6% 37.4% 100.0%
Gratified Count 66 26 92
employees % within Outcomes 71.7% 28.3% 100.0%
Total Count 353 199 552
% within Outcomes 63.9% 36.1% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table, it is ascertained that 61.8% of meticulous employees

are male, 37.4% of technology-oriented employees are found in the companies are female,
only 28.3% of gratified employees are female. This leads to the association verification
has shown in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.33

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 2.928a 2 .231
Likelihood Ratio 3.017 2 .221
1.972 1 .160
N of Valid Cases 552

Source: Computer data

It is placed that Pearson chi-square equal to 2.928, P=0.231 are statistically

insignificant at 5% level. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no association
between the outcome of e-HRM and gender of employees in the IT companies.

3. The crosstab between the cluster of outcome and age is identified through the
crosstab table as presented below.
Table 5.34

Cluster of outcome and age

Outcomes Below 25 25-35 35-45 Above 45 Total
Meticulous Count 36 47 19 0 102
employees % within Outcomes 35.3% 46.1% 18.6% 0.0% 100.0%
Technology Count 132 188 35 3 358
oriented employees % within Outcomes 36.9% 52.5% 9.8% 0.8% 100.0%
Gratified Count 40 43 5 4 92
employees % within Outcomes 43.5% 46.7% 5.4% 4.3% 100.0%
Total Count 208 278 59 7 552
% within Outcomes 37.7% 50.4% 10.7% 1.3% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table it is placed that 35.3% of meticulous employees

are established in the companies in the age group of below 25years, 52.5% of technology-
oriented employees are establishing in the companies in the age group of 25-35, only 4.3%
of gratified employees are spread over the companies in the age group of 45 and above.
This leads to the association verification has shown in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.35
Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 19.343a 6 .004
Likelihood Ratio 17.429 6 .008
1.681 1 .195
N of Valid Cases 552
Source: Computer data

It is traced that Pearson chi-square equal to 19.343, P=0.004 are statistically

significant at 5% level. Therefore, it can be resolute that there is an association between
the outcome of e-HRM and age of employees in the IT companies.

The view of the employee at every stage will be different. As and when the
employee joins as fresher, he will have a new suggestion for innovative ideas. Whereas the
implementation of suggestion is after analyzing the key factors of a new idea.

Employees between 25-35 age group have experienced with the existing system
and upgrade the tools with latest technologies required for the company's growth. The 3rd
age group employees are the traditional way of workers, they have been trained and
believed that the latest technologies are not secure enough and easy to use by various
employees in the same age group.

4. The crosstab between the cluster of outcome and educational qualification is identified
through the crosstab table as presented below.

Table 5.36

Cluster between outcome and educational qualification

Computer Non-computer
Outcomes science science Total
Meticulous Count 61 41 102
employees % within Outcomes 59.8% 40.2% 100.0%
Technology Count 263 95 358
oriented % within Outcomes
73.5% 26.5% 100.0%
Gratified Count 64 28 92
employees % within Outcomes 69.6% 30.4% 100.0%
Total Count 388 164 552
% within Outcomes 70.3% 29.7% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table it is found that 59.8% of meticulous employees

are originated in the companies with the educational qualification of computer science,
26.5% of technology-oriented employees are established in the companies with the
educational qualification of Non-computer science, and only 28% of gratified employees
are spread over the companies with the educational qualification Non-computer science.
This leads to the association verification has shown in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.37

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 7.121a 2 .028
Likelihood Ratio 6.865 2 .032
2.480 1 .115
N of Valid Cases 552

Source: Computer data

It is drawn that Pearson chi-square equal to 7.121, P=0.028 are statistically

significant at 5% level.

Hence, it can be ascertained that there is an association between the climate of e-
HRM and educational qualification of employees in the IT companies. It implies that a
person who is knowledgeable can perform better tasks that require those latest
technologies. It has accepted that electronic-based tools will easier the way of work.

It is equally important that the successful e-HRM implement is based on the

employees who are trained in computer science. For those are not trained properly in
computer science, in-spite of various benefits of e-HRM applications they may suggest the
bitter side of the system.

5. The crosstab between the cluster of outcome and designation is identified through
the crosstab table as presented below.
Table 5.38

Cluster between outcome and designation

Middle Junior
Outcomes Top level level level Total
Meticulous Count 8 74 20 102
employees % within Outcomes 7.8% 72.5% 19.6% 100.0%
Technology Count 16 206 136 358
oriented employees % within Outcomes 4.5% 57.5% 38.0% 100.0%
Gratified Count 7 42 43 92
employees % within Outcomes 7.6% 45.7% 46.7% 100.0%
Total Count 31 322 199 552
% within Outcomes 5.6% 58.3% 36.1% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above-consolidated table, it is initiate that 7.8% of meticulous employees

are found in the companies in the designation of a Top level, 57.5% of technology-
oriented employees are found in the companies in the designation of middle level, 46.7%
of gratified employees are dispersed over the companies in the designation of junior level.
This leads to the association verification has shown in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.39
Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 19.436a 4 .001
Likelihood Ratio 20.560 4 .000
11.624 1 .001
N of Valid Cases 552
Source: Computer data

It is drawn that Pearson chi-square equal to 19.436, P=0.001 are statistically

significant at 5% level. Hence, it can be ascertained that there is an association between
the climate of e-HRM and designation of employees in the IT companies.

Sustainable ideas should be welcomed from all employees irrespective of their

designation which will encourage their interest to make the best use of applying their
abilities. The HR team wants to make the administration to generate a participative work
atmosphere where the employees are free to put up their ideas on e-HRM issues since they
are the ones who in reality are responsible for implementing the ethical corporate behavior
in the day-to-day life of the organization. This means the achievement of e-HRM
outcomes will largely depend on employees' willingness to collaborate.

6. The crosstab between the cluster of outcome and experience is identified through
the crosstab table as presented below.
Table 5.40
Cluster between outcome and experience
Less than Above 10
Outcomes 5years 6 to 10 years years Total
Meticulous Count 78 6 18 102
employees % within Outcomes 76.5% 5.9% 17.6% 100.0%
Technology Count 255 36 67 358
oriented employees % within Outcomes 71.2% 10.1% 18.7% 100.0%
Gratified Count 50 5 37 92
employees % within Outcomes 54.3% 5.4% 40.2% 100.0%
Total Count 383 47 122 552
% within Outcomes 69.4% 8.5% 22.1% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above table it is initiate that 76.5% of meticulous employees are initiate
in the companies with experience of less than or equal to 5 years, 10.1% of technology-
oriented employees are found in the companies with experience of 6-10 years, 40.2% of
gratified employees are distributed over the companies in the experience of 11-15 years.
This leads to the association verification has shown in the following chi square test table.

Table 5.41

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 23.200a 4 .000
Likelihood Ratio 21.094 4 .000
13.312 1 .000
N of Valid Cases 552
Source: Computer data

It is described that Pearson chi-square equal to 23.200, P=0.000 are statistically

significant at 5% level. Hence, it can be exposed that there is an association between the
climate of e-HRM and experience of employees in the IT companies.

Many of the employees were considered since they could plausibly influence
feelings and experiences about technology and consequently the appreciation of e-HRM
systems in managing the working relationship.

Employees working for more than 6 years have experienced the company's work
style and will be supporting the improvement of the company by technically upgrading the
existing system component to meet the competition. The most experienced employees can
even amylase the issues before they arise, as such they can analyze the problem and
suggest the better way to resolve the issues.

7. The crosstab between the cluster of outcome and an annual package is identified
through the crosstab table as presented below.

Table 5.42

Cluster between outcome and annual package

(Cost to the Company) Rs.
Less than
Outcomes 3lakhs 3-5 lakhs Above 5 lakhs Total
Meticulous Count 48 28 26 102
employees % within Outcomes 47.1% 27.5% 25.5% 100.0%
Technology Count 169 98 91 358
oriented employees % within Outcomes 47.2% 27.4% 25.4% 100.0%
Gratified Count 36 17 39 92
employees % within Outcomes 39.1% 18.5% 42.4% 100.0%
Total Count 253 143 156 552
% within Outcomes 45.8% 25.9% 28.3% 100.0%

Source: Computer data

From the above consolidated table it is initiate that 47.1% of meticulous employees
are found in the companies with the annual package of less than or equal to 3Lakhs, 27.4%
of technology-oriented employees are establishing in the companies with pay of 3-5
Lakhs, 42.4% of gratified employees are dispersed over the companies with the of above 5
Lakhs. This leads to the association verification has shown in the following chi square test
Table 5.43

Chi-Square Tests
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 11.234a 4 .024
Likelihood Ratio 10.664 4 .031
3.918 1 .048
N of Valid Cases 552

Source: Computer data

It is denoted that Pearson chi-square equal to 11.234, P=0.024 are statistically

significant at 5% level. Hence, it can be exposed that there is an association between the
climate of e-HRM and an annual package of employees in the IT companies.

E-HRM system helps the HR managers in reviewing forms directly; reviewing
employee salary; bonus ratings and recording of employee absence. This information
enters directly into the system instead of submitting paper-based forms to the HR
department. Finally, HR professionals can make good strategic planning for the
department. E-HRM system can also be used for HR appraisals and compensation
planning. HR employees can make their own decisions by electronically selecting their
preferred benefits and rewards. Hence the HR managers can then use the E-compensation
system to make decisions regarding salary administration or changes, bonuses, and
rewards for both employees and leaders.





The researcher derived the four factors of e-HRM objectives namely Decision
making, cost-effectiveness, safety & Security measures, stakeholder satisfaction, three
factors of e-HRM practices namely organizational development, team management,
motivation & retention, factors of e-HRM climate namely report analysis, people
management, segregation & retrieval, factors of e-HRM outcome namely suggestion &
implementation, Generate alternatives, Technology upgradation. These factors considered
as dependent variables and personal & organizational variables of employees consider as
independent variables.

The influence of independent variables on the dependent factors is ascertained

through one-way analysis of variance has shown in the following table.

Table 5.44

Degree Total no. of

Derivation Of Derivation employees
1 Freedom 2 F Sig.
Stake holders satisfaction
4.1771 2 2.089 4.641 .010 1001-5000
247.040 549 .450
251.217 551
Suggestion & implementation
5.229 2 2.615 5.185 .006 1001-5000
276.872 549 .504
282.101 551
Generate alternatives
8.184 2 4.092 6.939 .001 1001-5000
323.714 549 .590
331.898 551
Technology upgradation
4.763 2 2.381 3.783 .023 1001-5000
345.552 549 .629
350.315 551

Source: Computer data

From the above table it is found that stakeholder satisfaction (F= 4.641, P=0.010,
m=3.9452), suggestion & implementation (F=5.185, P=0.006, m= 4.1096), Generate
alternatives (F=6.939,P=0.001, m=4.0000), Technology upgradation (F=3.783, P=0.023,
m= 3.8904), are statistically significant @ 5% level.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the total no. of employees in IT companies are
very essential to determine objectives, practices, climate, and outcome of e-HRM
practices. This leads to mean comparison as shown in the descriptive table.

Table 5.45

95% Confidence
Interval for
Std. Std. Lower Upper Minim Maxim
N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound um um
Stakeholder 1.00 440 3.7000 .66545 .03172 3.6376 3.7624 1.50 5.00
satisfaction 2.00 73 3.9452 .72439 .08478 3.7762 4.1142 2.00 5.00
3.00 39 3.6282 .62532 .10013 3.4255 3.8309 2.00 5.00
Total 552 3.7274 .67523 .02874 3.6709 3.7838 1.50 5.00
Suggestion & 1.00 440 3.8568 .74930 .03572 3.7866 3.9270 1.00 5.00
implementation 2.00 73 4.1096 .51537 .06032 3.9893 4.2298 3.00 5.00
3.00 39 4.0769 .54457 .08720 3.9004 4.2535 3.00 5.00
Total 552 3.9058 .71553 .03045 3.8460 3.9656 1.00 5.00
Generate 1.00 440 3.7170 .76961 .03669 3.6449 3.7892 2.00 5.00
alternatives 2.00 73 4.0000 .71200 .08333 3.8339 4.1661 2.00 5.00
3.00 39 3.4615 .84592 .13546 3.1873 3.7358 2.00 5.00
Total 552 3.7364 .77612 .03303 3.6715 3.8013 2.00 5.00
Technology 1.00 440 3.6818 .80354 .03831 3.6065 3.7571 1.00 5.00
upgradation 2.00 73 3.8904 .61377 .07184 3.7472 4.0336 2.50 5.00
3.00 39 3.4744 .95936 .15362 3.1634 3.7853 1.00 5.00
Total 552 3.6947 .79736 .03394 3.6281 3.7614 1.00 5.00

Source: Computer data

It is found that the employees in the IT companies with 1001 - 5000 employees
(m=3.9452) strongly agree for stake holder satisfaction as very important objective for e-
HRM practices.

The impact of independent variables on the dependent factors is determined

through one-way analysis of variance has exposed in the following table.

Table 5.46

Derivation 1 of F Sig. Gender
4.341 1 4.341 11.498 .001 male
Decision making 207.623 550 .377
211.963 551

Source: Computer data

From the above table it is establish that decision making (F= 11.498, P=0.001,
m=3.9334) is statistically significant @ 5% level. Therefore, it can be determined that the
gender specification in IT companies are very vital to determine objectives, practices,
climate, and outcome of e-HRM practices. This leads to mean assessment as shown in the
descriptive table.

Table 5.47


95% Confidence
Interval for Mean
Std. Std. Lower Upper Minim Maximu
N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound um m
Decision making 1.00 353 3.9334 .60581 .03224 3.8700 3.9968 2.00 5.00
2.00 199 3.7487 .62940 .04462 3.6608 3.8367 1.50 4.50
Total 552 3.8668 .62023 .02640 3.8150 3.9187 1.50 5.00

Source: Computer data

It is located that the male employees in the IT company (m=3.9334) strongly agree
for decision making as very significant objective for e-HRM practices.

The impact of independent variables on the dependent factors is established

through one-way analysis of variance has shown in the following table.

Table 5.48

Derivation Derivation
of F Sig. Gender
1 2
Above 45
11.127 3 3.709 7.501 .000
Suggestion & years
implementation 270.975 548 .494
282.101 551
5.117 3 1.706 2.860 .036
Generate years
alternatives 326.781 548 .596
331.898 551

Source: Computer data

From the above table it is initiate that suggestion & implementation (F=7.501,
P=0.000, m=4.0714), generate alternatives (F= 2.860, P=0.036, m=3.7896) is statistically
significant @5% level.

Therefore, it can be decided that the age of the employees in IT companies are very
necessary to conclude objectives, practices, climate, and outcome of e-HRM practices.
This leads to mean comparison as shown in the descriptive table.

Table 5.49

95% Confidence
Interval for Mean
Std. Std. Lower Upper
N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum
Suggestion &
implementation 1.00 208 3.9111 .67782 .04700 3.8184 4.0037 1.00 5.00
2.00 278 3.9820 .66341 .03979 3.9037 4.0603 2.00 5.00
3.00 59 3.5085 .95363 .12415 3.2600 3.7570 1.50 5.00
4.00 7 4.0714 .44987 .17003 3.6554 4.4875 3.50 5.00
Total 552 3.9058 .71553 .03045 3.8460 3.9656 1.00 5.00
Generate 1.00 208 3.7404 .69672 .04831 3.6451 3.8356 2.00 5.00
alternatives 2.00 278 3.7896 .82807 .04966 3.6918 3.8873 2.00 5.00
3.00 59 3.5339 .76488 .09958 3.3346 3.7332 2.00 5.00
4.00 7 3.2143 .63621 .24046 2.6259 3.8027 2.50 4.00
Total 552 3.7364 .77612 .03303 3.6715 3.8013 2.00 5.00

Source: Computer data

It is also found that the employees in the age group of above 45 years working in
the IT company strongly agree for suggestion & implementation, age group of 25-35 years
of employees strongly agree for generate alternatives as a very vital outcome for e-HRM

The effect of independent variables on the dependent factors is founded through

one-way analysis of variance has shown in the following table.

Table 5.50
Degree Educational
Derivation 1 of
2 F Sig. qualification
Non comp
2.759 1 2.759 5.593 .018
Segregation & science
retrieval 271.283 550 .493
274.042 551
2.098 1 2.098 4.121 .043 Compscience
Suggestion &
280.004 550 .509
282.101 551
Source: Computer data

From the above table it is found that segregation & retrieval (F= 5.593, P=0.018,
m=3.8171), suggestion and implementation (F=4.121, P= 0.043, m=3.9459) is statistically
significant @ 5% level. Therefore, it can be resolved that the educational qualification of
the employees in IT companies are very necessary to determine objectives, practices,
climate, and outcome of e-HRM practices. This leads to mean assessment as shown in the
descriptive table.

Table 5. 51

95% Confidence
Interval for Mean
Std. Std. Lower Upper
N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum
Segregation & 1.00 388 3.6624 .69563 .03532 3.5929 3.7318 1.50 5.00
retrieval 2.00 164 3.8171 .71792 .05606 3.7064 3.9278 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.7083 .70523 .03002 3.6494 3.7673 1.50 5.00
Suggestion & 1.00 388 3.9459 .66349 .03368 3.8797 4.0121 2.00 5.00
implementation 2.00 164 3.8110 .82015 .06404 3.6845 3.9374 1.00 5.00
Total 552 3.9058 .71553 .03045 3.8460 3.9656 1.00 5.00

Source: Computer data

It is establish that the employees belong to educational qualification of Non
computer science, working in the IT company (m=3.8171) strongly agree for segregation
& retrieval employees of computer science are strongly agreed for suggestion and
implementation are a very important climate for e-HRM practices.

The effect of independent variables on the dependent factors is established through

one-way analysis of variance has shown in the following table.

Table 5.52

Derivation Designation
Derivation 1 of
2 F Sig.
4.285 2 2.143 4.763 .009 Junior level
246.932 549 .450
251.217 551
8.906 2 4.453 8.735 .000 Middle level
279.875 549 .510
288.781 551
4.228 2 2.114 3.163 .043 Junior level
Motivation &
366.942 549 .668
371.170 551
10.005 2 5.002 10.093 .000 Junior level
Suggestion &
272.097 549 .496
282.101 551
4.826 2 2.413 3.835 .022 Junior level
345.488 549 .629
350.315 551

Source: Computer data

From the above table it is originate that stakeholder satisfaction (F= 4.763,
P=0.009, m=3.8442), team management (F=8.735, P=0.000, m=3.7857), motivation &
retention (F=3.163, P=0.043,m=3.8693), suggestion & implementation (F=10.093,
P=0.000, m=4.0578), Technology upgradation (F=3.835, P=0.022, m=3.7613) are
statistically significant @ 5% level.

Therefore, it can be determined that the designation of employees in IT companies

are very important to conclude objectives, practices, climate, and outcome of e-HRM
practices. This leads to mean judgment as shown in the descriptive table.

Table 5.53

95% Confidence
Interval for Mean
Std. Std. Lower Upper
N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum
Stakeholder 1.00 31 3.6935 .83344 .14969 3.3878 3.9993 2.00 5.00
satisfaction 2.00 322 3.6584 .69918 .03896 3.5817 3.7350 1.50 5.00
3.00 199 3.8442 .59106 .04190 3.7616 3.9268 2.50 5.00
Total 552 3.7274 .67523 .02874 3.6709 3.7838 1.50 5.00
Team management 1.00 31 3.2258 .64341 .11556 2.9898 3.4618 2.00 4.00
2.00 322 3.7857 .68293 .03806 3.7108 3.8606 1.50 5.00
3.00 199 3.7186 .77114 .05466 3.6108 3.8264 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.7301 .72395 .03081 3.6695 3.7906 1.50 5.00
Motivation & 1.00 31 3.5161 1.20750 .21687 3.0732 3.9590 1.00 5.00
retention 2.00 322 3.7407 .85943 .04789 3.6465 3.8349 1.00 5.00
3.00 199 3.8693 .65944 .04675 3.7772 3.9615 1.00 5.00
Total 552 3.7745 .82075 .03493 3.7058 3.8431 1.00 5.00
Suggestion & 1.00 31 3.5323 .75206 .13507 3.2564 3.8081 2.00 5.00
implementation 2.00 322 3.8478 .77045 .04294 3.7634 3.9323 1.00 5.00
3.00 199 4.0578 .57113 .04049 3.9779 4.1376 2.00 5.00
Total 552 3.9058 .71553 .03045 3.8460 3.9656 1.00 5.00
Technology 1.00 31 3.3387 .92545 .16622 2.9993 3.6782 1.00 4.50
upgradation 2.00 322 3.6879 .82008 .04570 3.5980 3.7778 1.00 5.00
3.00 199 3.7613 .72444 .05135 3.6600 3.8626 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.6947 .79736 .03394 3.6281 3.7614 1.00 5.00
Source: Computer data

It is also established that the middle-level designation of employees strongly agrees
for people management, junior level designation of employees in the IT companies
(m=3.8442) strongly agree for stakeholder satisfaction, motivation & retention, suggestion
& implementation and technology upgradation as an essential objective for e-HRM

The influence of independent variables on the dependent factors is ascertained

through one-way analysis of variance has shown in the following table.

Table 5.54

Degree Years of
Derivation Derivation
1 2 F Sig. experience
Safety & Less than
3.239 2 1.620 3.581 .028
security 5yrs
measures 248.289 549 .452
251.529 551
Organizational Less than
2.779 2 1.389 3.581 .028
development 5yrs
213.000 549 .388
215.779 551
Team Less than
6.501 2 3.250 6.322 .002
management 5yrs
282.280 549 .514
288.781 551
Segregation 3.741 2 1.871 3.800 .023 6-10 yrs
& retrieval 270.300 549 .492
274.042 551
Generate 5.289 2 2.644 4.445 .012 6-10 yrs
alternatives 326.609 549 .595
331.898 551
Source: Computer data

From the above table it is found that safety & security measures (F= 3.581,
P=0.028, m=3.8420), organizational development (F=3.581, P=0.028, m=3.9726), team
management (F=6.322, P=0.002, m=3.7937), segregation & retrieval (F=3.800, P=0.023,
m=3.9468), generate alternatives (F=4.445, P=0.012, m=3.8830) are statistically
significant @ 5% level.

Therefore, it can be determined that the total no. of experience of the employees in
IT companies are very important to decide objectives, practices, climate, and outcome of
e-HRM practices. This leads to mean comparison as shown in the descriptive table.

Table 5.55

95% Confidence
Interval for Mean

Std. Std. Lower Upper

N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum

Safety & security 1.00 383 3.8420 .65860 .03365 3.7759 3.9082 1.00 5.00
measures 2.00 47 3.5745 .69140 .10085 3.3715 3.7775 1.50 4.50
3.00 122 3.7623 .70773 .06407 3.6354 3.8891 1.00 5.00
Total 552 3.8016 .67564 .02876 3.7451 3.8581 1.00 5.00
Organizational 1.00 383 3.9726 .60314 .03082 3.9120 4.0332 2.00 5.00
development 2.00 47 3.7766 .72087 .10515 3.5649 3.9883 2.00 5.00
3.00 122 3.8402 .64368 .05828 3.7248 3.9555 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.9266 .62579 .02664 3.8743 3.9789 1.50 5.00
Team management 1.00 383 3.7937 .70841 .03620 3.7226 3.8649 1.50 5.00
2.00 47 3.7340 .66636 .09720 3.5384 3.9297 2.00 5.00
3.00 122 3.5287 .76141 .06894 3.3922 3.6652 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.7301 .72395 .03081 3.6695 3.7906 1.50 5.00
Segregation & retrieval 1.00 383 3.7089 .69740 .03564 3.6388 3.7789 1.50 5.00
2.00 47 3.9468 .78182 .11404 3.7173 4.1764 1.50 5.00
3.00 122 3.6148 .68269 .06181 3.4924 3.7371 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.7083 .70523 .03002 3.6494 3.7673 1.50 5.00
Generate alternatives 1.00 383 3.7742 .76527 .03910 3.6973 3.8510 2.00 5.00
2.00 47 3.8830 .80900 .11801 3.6454 4.1205 2.00 5.00
3.00 122 3.5615 .77560 .07022 3.4225 3.7005 2.00 5.00
Total 552 3.7364 .77612 .03303 3.6715 3.8013 2.00 5.00

Source: Computer data

It is establish that the employees in the IT companies with less than 5 years of
experience (m=3.8420) strongly agree for safety & security measures, organizational
development, team management. Employees with experience of 6 to 10 years are strongly
agree for segregation as very important objective for e-HRM practices.
The influence of independent variables on the dependent factors is ascertained
through one-way analysis of variance has shown in the following table.
Table 5.56
Degree Annual
Derivation Derivation
1 2 F Sig. income
Decision making Less than
4.763 2 2.382 6.310 .002
207.200 549 .377
211.963 551
Safety & security measures 3lakhs-
6.985 2 3.492 7.840 .000 5lakhs
244.544 549 .445
251.529 551
Organizational development 3lakhs-
3.161 2 1.581 4.082 .017 5lakhs
212.617 549 .387
215.779 551
Team management 3lakhs-
7.552 2 3.776 7.371 .001 5lakhs
281.229 549 .512
288.781 551
Motivation & retention 3lakhs-
9.376 2 4.688 7.113 .001 5lakhs
361.794 549 .659
371.170 551
Report analysis Less than
2.537 2 1.268 3.291 .038 3lakhs
211.608 549 .385
214.145 551
Segregation & retrieval 3lakhs-
3.859 2 1.930 3.921 .020
270.182 549 .492
274.042 551
Generate alternatives 3lakhs-
4.300 2 2.150 3.603 .028 5lakhs
327.598 549 .597
Total 331.898 551
Source: Computer data

From the above table it is found that decision making (F= 6.310, P=0.002,
m=3.9387), safety &Security measures(F=7.840, P=0.000, m=3.9790),
organizational development(F=4.082,P=0.017, m=3.9930), team management
(F=7.371, P=0.001, m=3.8916), motivation & retention (F=7.113, P=0.001, m=3.9930),
report analysis (F=3.291,P=0.038, m=4.0395), segregation & retrieval (F=3.921, P=0.020,
m=3.8497), generate alternatives (F=3.603, P= 0.028, m=3.8392) are statistically
significant @ 5% level.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the annual income of the employees in IT

companies are very essential to determine objectives, practices, climate, and outcome of e-
HRM practices. This leads to mean comparison as shown in the descriptive table.

Table 5.57

95% Confidence
Interval for Mean

Std. Std. Lower Upper

N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum

Decision making 1.00 253 3.9387 .51099 .03213 3.8755 4.0020 2.50 5.00

2.00 143 3.8986 .75889 .06346 3.7731 4.0241 1.50 5.00

3.00 156 3.7212 .62020 .04966 3.6231 3.8192 2.00 5.00

Total 552 3.8668 .62023 .02640 3.8150 3.9187 1.50 5.00

Safety & security 1.00 253 3.7767 .63818 .04012 3.6977 3.8557 1.00 5.00
measures 2.00 143 3.9790 .68914 .05763 3.8651 4.0929 2.50 5.00
3.00 156 3.6795 .69317 .05550 3.5699 3.7891 1.00 5.00
Total 552 3.8016 .67564 .02876 3.7451 3.8581 1.00 5.00
Organizational 1.00 253 3.9625 .57353 .03606 3.8914 4.0335 2.00 5.00
development 2.00 143 3.9930 .68430 .05722 3.8799 4.1061 2.00 5.00
3.00 156 3.8077 .63870 .05114 3.7067 3.9087 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.9266 .62579 .02664 3.8743 3.9789 1.50 5.00
Team 1.00 253 3.7352 .71757 .04511 3.6463 3.8240 2.00 5.00
management 2.00 143 3.8916 .65848 .05506 3.7828 4.0005 2.50 5.00
3.00 156 3.5737 .76159 .06098 3.4533 3.6942 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.7301 .72395 .03081 3.6695 3.7906 1.50 5.00
Motivation & 1.00 253 3.7134 .83089 .05224 3.6106 3.8163 1.00 5.00
retention 2.00 143 3.9930 .77366 .06470 3.8651 4.1209 1.50 5.00
3.00 156 3.6731 .81449 .06521 3.5443 3.8019 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.7745 .82075 .03493 3.7058 3.8431 1.00 5.00
Report analysis 1.00 253 4.0395 .55135 .03466 3.9713 4.1078 1.50 5.00
2.00 143 3.8741 .76561 .06402 3.7476 4.0007 1.00 5.00
3.00 156 3.9615 .57792 .04627 3.8701 4.0529 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.9746 .62342 .02653 3.9225 4.0268 1.00 5.00
Segregation & 1.00 253 3.6561 .68308 .04294 3.5715 3.7407 2.50 5.00
retrieval 2.00 143 3.8497 .74832 .06258 3.7259 3.9734 1.50 5.00
3.00 156 3.6635 .68665 .05498 3.5549 3.7721 1.50 5.00
Total 552 3.7083 .70523 .03002 3.6494 3.7673 1.50 5.00
Generate 1.00 253 3.7589 .73542 .04624 3.6678 3.8500 2.00 5.00
alternatives 2.00 143 3.8392 .79524 .06650 3.7077 3.9706 2.00 5.00
3.00 156 3.6058 .80924 .06479 3.4778 3.7338 2.00 5.00
Total 552 3.7364 .77612 .03303 3.6715 3.8013 2.00 5.00

Source: Computer data

It is found that the employees working in the IT companies earning less than 3
Lakhs per annum(m=3.8420) strongly agree for decision making and report analysis,
employees earning from 3lakhs to 5 lakhs are strongly agree for safety & security
measures, organizational development, team management, motivation & retention,
segregation & retrieval, generate alternatives as very important objective for e-HRM


After reviewing the countrywide and international studies article regarding e-HRM
practices, the researcher recognized the main gaps within the goals of e-HRM, practices of
e-HRM, the climate of e-HRM, and outcome of e-HRM. These essential gaps were
discovered through the researcher to set up the acute relationship many of the targets of e-
HRM practices, e-HRM practices elements, climate and effects of e-HRM practices.

This leads to the subsequent theoretical model that is built after the application of
exploratory issue analysis. This analysis derived the following elements for targets of e-
HRM practices. Namely

 Decision making
 Cost-effectiveness
 Safety & security features
 Stakeholder pride

Similarly, the factors of e-HRM practices are

 Organizational improvement
 Team control
 Motivation & retention

The elements of e-HRM climate are

 Report analysis
 People management
 Segregation & retrieval

The factors of e-HRM outcome are

 Suggestion & implementation

 Generate alternatives
 Technology upgradation

Therefore this leads to the subsequent structural equation model.

Diagram 1

Factors of e-HRM
Chart No 5.1




Chart No 5.2
Variables of e-HRM factors

Decision making development

Cost effectiveness Objectives Practices Team management

Motivation &

Suggestion &
Implementation Report Analysis

Generate Climate People

Alternatives Management

Technology Segregation &


In the diagram 1 the researcher clearly explained the nature of relationship among

1. Objectives
2. Practices
3. Climate
4. Outcome

But the sub factors were innovatively identified by the researcher and they are
clearly presented in the structural equation model diagram 2. But the model fit is verified
through the following fit indices.

Table 5.58
S.no. Fit indices Value Bench mark
1 CMIN 2.011 ≤3
2 P Value 0.416 > 0.05
3 CFI 0.945 ≤ 0.9
4 Goodness of fit index 0.922 ≤ 0.9
5 Normal fit index 0.941 ≤ 0.9
6 Root mean square 0.08 ≤ 0.08

Error of approx.(RMSEA)

From the above table it can be ascertained that all the fit indices of present model
satisfy the bench mark value and it validates the study for the specific sample size of 522.


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