Ardl Analysis Chapter Four Final
Ardl Analysis Chapter Four Final
Ardl Analysis Chapter Four Final
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents analysis and interpretation of the empirical results of the study. This
comprises of preliminary estimation and empirical rules. The result for the Granger causality
and the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) estimation was also presented.
The summary of the statistics used in this empirical study is presented in Table 2, as observed
from the table Poverty (POV) has the lowest mean value of 0.167884 while Real GDP Per
Capita (RGDPCPI) has the highest mean value of 12.53397 where the mean value of
Corruption (COR) and Unemployment (URT) are 1.210669 and, 1.407995. Furthermore, the
table shows the maximum and minimum of POV as 1.131402 and -113943, while the
maximum and minimum of COR are found to be 1.916923 and 0.641854 respectively. The
maximum and minimum of URT and RGDPCPI are 1.791593 and 1.308333, 12.56007 and
12.84586 respectively. The analysis was also fortified by the value of the skeweness and
kurtosis of all variables involved in the models. The skewness is a measure of the symmetry
of the histogram while the kurtosis is a measure of the tail shape of the histogram. The bench
mark for symmetrical distribution i.e. for the skewness is how close the variable is to zero
while in the case of kurtosis, when it is three is called measokuitic but value lower them that
is called platykurtic and above is referred to as leptokurtic. The descriptive statistics table
shows that POV and RGDPCPI are negatively skewed while COR and URT are found to be
positively skewed.
It is generally known that the econometric estimation of a model on time series data demand
that the series be stationary as a non-stationary series usually result in misleading inferences.
Thus prior to the model estimation, a unit root test was conducted. A unit root test is a
statistical technique used to examine whether the series of two arm re variables are stationary
or not. There are many test used in determining the stationary of a variable, but this study
employed Augmented Dickey-fuller (ADF) unit root test as well as Phillip-perron unit root
test for its variable testing of stationary. The result for the ADF test was obtained as
described below
Variable ADF PP
Trend Constant Const.& Constant Const.& Trend
Levels I(0)
Log RGDPCPI -0.7557 -2.32712 -0.64322 -1.60753
First Difference
Log POV -5.72489** -5.74456** -8.26633** -9.57494**
Note: The numeric are the t-statistics value of the variables, whereas ** and *** denotes
significant at 5% and 10% significance level respectively. It is therefore that all the variables
are stationary at 5% levels and with a restricted constant for both the ADF and PP unit root
From the table above, both the ADF and PP test results shows that all the variables are
stationary at I(0) and I(1) at 5% level of significance, at both restricted constant and no trend.
Therefore, which the order of integration of the variables we are at liberty to run ARDL for
our analysis.
The result of co-integration test is shown in Table 5 below. In order to know if our variables
are co integrated an equally give us the choice to run ARDL, we estimated our equation to
test the joint significance of the coefficients of lagged variables based on Wald test of F-test
with the aim of observing the long-run relationship among the variables. The decision rule is
that if the estimated F-test value is higher than the upper bound critical value, null hypothesis
Table 5: ARDL bound test estimation result.
Table 5 above reported the result of ARDL Co-integration which indicated that the
From the decision rule, if the computed F-Statistics is greater than the lower bound, then the
null hypothesis is not rejected and it concludes that there is no long run relationship among
the variables. Conversely, if the computed F-Statistics is greater than the upper bound value,
then there is a long-run level relationship. On the other hand, if the computed F-statistics falls
between the lower and upper bound values, then the results are inconclusive. Table 4 above
shows the results of the bound Co-integrated test. It demonstrated that the null hypothesis as
against its alternative is easily rejected at the 5% level of significance. The computed F-
Statistics of 5.774024 is greater than all the lower critical bound values at 10%, 5%, and 1%
Table 6: Result of Estimated Long-run Coefficient Using: ARDL (1, 1, 0, 4,) Model
Source: Author’s Computation using E-views 10.0 software
Table 6 reveals that the estimated long run coefficients of the selected ARDL (1, 1, 0, 4)
model are significant at 5% level of significance possessing expected signs. The coefficient
the contention that Corruption carry perceptible influence on Poverty. The positive
coefficient of Corruption (COR) of 1.409854 indicates that in the long run a 1% increase in
Corruption will leads to 140.9854 percent increase in Poverty, all things being the same. The
indicating that in the long run a 1% increase in Unemployment rate will bring an increase of
123.87 percent in Poverty rate in Nigeria. Moreover, the coefficient of Real GDP per capita
(RGDPCPI) is -2.06233 which is also negative indicating that in the long run 1% increase in
Table 7: Error Correction Estimation for Estimated ARDL (1, 1, 0, 4,) Model
The short run dynamics coefficients from the estimated ARDL (1, 1, 0, 4,) model are being
shown in table 7 where by the lag is selected by Akaike information criteria. The table shows
that the estimated lagged error correction term ECM (-1) is -0.76876 which is highly
significant at 5% level of significance and negative (ranges between zero and one) as was
expected having probability value less than 5%, which is 0.0002. These results support the
0.76876 suggests that approximately 76.88% disequilibrium from the previous year’s shocks
in converge back to the long run equilibrium and is corrected in the current year.
The result further shows a positive and significant relationship between corruption and
poverty in the short-run. The coefficient corruption is 0.525666, meaning that a 1% increase
corruption will leads to 52.5666% increase in poverty in the short-run. Furthermore, the error
correction regression result reveals that there is a positive but insignificant relationship Real
GDP per capita and poverty in the short-run, where by a 1% increase in RGDPCI will result
determinations stood at 0.558596 and 0.453499 respectively. This implies that 55 percent of
variation in Poverty (POV) is explained by the variation in all independent variables, while
the remaining 45 percent is accounted for by the error term (e t). The high value of R-squared
shows that the model is a good fit. This implies that the dependent variable considered in the
model does account to a large extend for the changes in the dependent variables.
The table 8 above shows result for ARDL post estimation diagnostic test for serial auto
correlation and heteroscedasticity as well as that of linearity of the model. The p-value for the
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test is greater than 0.05 at 5% level of significance
with shows that is no evidence of serial auto correlation in the model. More so, the p-value
test for linearity p-value is greater than 0.05 at 5% level of significance, showing that the
We conducted a diagnostic test as shown in the table above in order to ascertain the
efficiency and consistency of our model. The result revealed that the model passed all the
The figure above shows a jarque-bera test was used to test for the normality of the data. It
shows that the P-value of 0.0000 is less than 0.05 at 5% level of significance. Hence it is
4.5 F-statistics
It should be noted that the application of F-statistics is to determine the general statistical
significance and reliability of the regression model used for this study. The outcome of the
study depicts that the model used is statistically significant and equally reliable with the
Decision Rule
If F calculated (F*) is less than the F- tabulated, we accept null hypothesis and conclude
If F calculated (F*) is greater than F-tabulated, we reject null hypothesis and conclude the
Given our empirical F-calculated (F*) as obtained in the result of estimated regression is
(N-k = 30-5 = 25), is found to be (2.61) which is less than 5.774024 for F*. Therefore, since
F-calculated (F*) > F-tabulated (i.e 5.774024 > 2.61) alternative hypothesis (H 1) is accepted
The idea of this test is to determine if the indices Poverty (COR, URT, and RGDPCPI)
provide significant statistical information about Poverty. Formality occur when there is a lift
in an index of poverty that leads to a later increase in poverty and vice-versa in establishing
Granger causality at threshold value of 5%, the P-value must not exceed 0.05 (p-value<
0.05). Table 5 (below) shows the outcome of causality test conducted on a two lag length.
RGDPCPI does not Granger Cause POV 29 2.68052 0.089
POV does not Granger Cause RGDPCPI 0.39445 0.6783
Source: Author’s computation using E- views 10.0 Software
The test for causality as provide by the table above shows that there is no causal relationship
between COR and POV. i.e COR does not granger cause POV as indicated by the p-value
(0.8379) also POV does not granger cause COR as indicated by the p-value (0.1705). The
result also shows a that there is no causal link between URT and POV as indicated by the p-
value (0.1405) also POV does not granger cause URT as indicated by the p-value (0.2686).
Furthermore, RGDPCPI does not granger cause POV as shown by the p-value (0.089) also
POV does not granger cause RGDPCPI as shown by the p-value (0.6789).
In summary, the granger causality test result revealed that there is no causal relationship