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How to cite this article: Sudhir Gavali, Anita Patil, Ujwalla Gavali. Study of fetomaternal outcome in patients with pregnancy induced
hypertension at Sangli district. MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology. November 2021; 20(2): 65-69.
MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology, Print ISSN: 2579-0870, Online ISSN: 2636-4719, Volume 20, Issue 2, November 2021 pp 65-69
cases of pregnancy induced hypertension are HELLP Exclusion criteria: Patients with chronic hypertension
syndrome, temporary blindness, abruptio placentae, before 20 weeks of gestation, chronic renal disease,
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), acute renal connective tissue. Patient lost to follow up, not completed
failure (ARF), pulmonary oedema, arrhythmias, liver follow up till 6 weeks postpartum.
lesions, intracranial or hepatic hemorrhage, adult A written informed consent for participation in present
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), hypervolemia and study obtained from the patient. Pregnant women
risk of recurrent preeclampsia.3 The most common diagnosed with pregnancy induced hypertension were
consequences associated with pregnancy induced admitted for evaluation. Details such as maternal age,
hypertension are intra-uterine fetal growth retardation parity, booking status, gestational age at diagnosis,
(IUGR), intrauterine fetal demise, prematurity and low examination findings, radiological and laboratory
birth weight. Pregnancy induced hypertension predisposes investigations were noted. Investigations such as bedside
women to acute and chronic utero-placental insufficiency urine protein estimation, complete blood count, platelet
resulting in ante or intrapartum anoxia that may lead to count, coagulation profile, renal function tests, liver
fetal death, IUGR and preterm delivery.4 As effective function tests were done in all patients. Ultrasonography
treatments are currently limited, prevention and with Doppler was done after stabilising the condition of the
identification of the causes and risk factors are of patients in selected cases. Pregnant women were managed
importance. Present study aimed to estimate risk factors, in accordance with the standardised department protocol.
and maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnant women with Tab labetalol and Tab nifedipine were used for control and
pregnancy induced hypertension at maternity hospitals in prevention of hypertension. The aim is to keep the diastolic
Sangli District. blood pressure between 90 and 100 mmHg. follow up was
kept continuously. During follow up visits, time and mode
MATERIAL AND METHODS of delivery was decided depending upon favourability of
Present study was multi-center, prospective observational the cervix, gestational age, previous obstetric history, etc.
study, conducted in Department of Obstetrics and by senior obstetrician. Intrapartum events were monitored
Gynecology, at Prakash Institute of Medical Sciences and with help of partograph. Details such as mode of delivery,
Research, Sangli District Maharashtra, India. Study was treatment given, complications- (both maternal and foetal)
conducted between March 2021 to August 2021. and finally the maternal and fetal outcome was noted. The
Institutional ethical committee approval was taken for patients were then subsequently followed up till discharge
present study. from the hospital. Statistical analysis was done using
Inclusion criteria: All pregnant women with more than 20 descriptive statistics.
weeks gestational age with BP recording of >140/90 mm
Hg with traces or 1+ or more albuminuria was the criteria RESULTS
followed for categorising Gestational hypertension, pre- After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, total 216
eclampsia and severe preeclampsia as per guidelines of patients were considered for present study, incidence was
AICOG.5 Patients diagnosed and later delivered at 7.28 %. Most common characteristics were age below 25
maternity hospitals and follow up kept till 6 weeks years (51.32 %), 33-36 weeks gestational age at time of
postpartum. diagnosis (41.2 %) and nullipara patients (48.15 %).
Table 1: maternal characteristics
Characteristics No of patients Percentage
Maternal age
≤20 years 37 17.13
21-25 years 76 35.19
26-30 years 69 31.94
31-35 years 23 10.65
≥35 years 11 5.09
Gestational age at time of diagnosis 0.00
≤ 28 weeks 18 8.33
29-32 weeks 40 18.52
33-36 weeks 89 41.20
≥37 weeks 69 31.94
Parity 0.00
0 104 48.15
1–2 80 37.04
3 or more 32 14.81
MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology, Print ISSN: 2579-0870, Online ISSN: 2636-4719, Volume 20, Issue 2, November 2021 Page 66
Sudhir Gavali, Anita Patil, Ujwalla Gavali
In present study at time of initial diagnosis, incidence of gestational hypertension, non-severe preeclampsia, severe
preeclampsia and eclampsia was noted as 42.13 %, 30.56 %), 19.44 % and eclampsia 7.87 % respectively. Incidence of
pregnancy induced hypertension patients changed 24 hours after delivery as gestational hypertension (28.7 %), non-severe
preeclampsia (37.5 %), severe preeclampsia (24.07 %) and eclampsia (9.72 %). Particularly gestational hypertension
patients progressed to preeclampsia group and 4 cases of preeclampsia had postpartum convulsions.
Copyright © 2021, Medpulse Publishing Corporation, MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology, Volume 20, Issue 2 November 2021
MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology, Print ISSN: 2579-0870, Online ISSN: 2636-4719, Volume 20, Issue 2, November 2021 pp 65-69
Prematurity 32 14.81
Respiratory distress syndrome 21 9.72
Meconium aspiration 13 6.02
Intrauterine death 4 1.85
Still birth 7 3.24
NICU admission 45 20.83
Low birth weight babies 37 17.13
Neonatal death 7 3.24
MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology, Print ISSN: 2579-0870, Online ISSN: 2636-4719, Volume 20, Issue 2, November 2021 Page 68
Sudhir Gavali, Anita Patil, Ujwalla Gavali
Copyright © 2021, Medpulse Publishing Corporation, MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology, Volume 20, Issue 2 November 2021