Unit 7 Cultural Tourism

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Week Date EFIT Contents Blackboard Collaborate Assessment

7 19 - 25 Unit 5: Exploring Argentina Geographical features

8 26 - 2 Unit 6: Niche Tourism Describing sectors and a niche tourism QUIZ 2


9 3-9 Unit 7: Cultural Tourism Cultural tourists

10 10 - 16 Unit 8: Running a hotel Hotel inspections

11 17 - 23 Unit 9: Customer service Personal qualities

12 24 - 30 Unit 10: Business Travel Idioms and metaphores QUIZ 3

Departamento de Inglés Universidad Andres Bello 8

Skopje is the capital and largest city of

North Macedonia. It is the country's
political, cultural, economic, and academic
1. What is cultural tourism?
2. What is the culture of a city?
3. What do tourists like in Paris, Madrid, London?
4. What does he say about Skopja?
5. What should every city have to develop tourism?
6. How does tourism change cultural heritage?
7. What’s the danger of ”overbuilding”?


Departamento de Inglés Universidad Andres Bello 11

What’s an exhibition manager? What is his/her role?

Exercise 2. Listen to a museum exhibitions manager talking about his


Page 62
Departamento de Inglés Universidad Andres Bello 16
The exhibition is about Ancient Egypt and it’s
designed for children. He mentions:
action plan, audio guide, budget, exhibits,
interactive display, labels, resource pack,
packaging, website
Departamento de Inglés Universidad Andres Bello 24
Edinburgh is the 2nd most popular UK tourist
destination, attracting over a million overseas
visitors annually. As well as its Old Town and
New Town being a UNESCO World Heritage
Site, the city is famous for the many cultural
festivals held each year, e.g. the Edinburgh
Festival and the Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

Belfast is one of the most visited cities in the

UK and is experiencing a boom in tourism at
the moment with over 9 million visitors each
year. A major attraction is the Titanic Belfast,
which focuses on Belfast’s maritime history.

Cardiff is the 10th largest city in the UK and

the most visited tourist destination in Wales. It
is home to many tourist attractions, e.g. the
Wales Millennium Centre, the Senedd (the
National Assembly) and Cardiff Bay Barrage.
• There is a growing public appetite for
• Visitor numbers have risen
• The UK has the largest cultural
economy in the
world in relation to GDP. • The UK is
one of the most effective economies in
terms of return on investment

It is a ‘false economy’ and it is doing
damage to the tourism sector.

They have higher incomes and spend
1 Edinburgh (the capital of Scotland)
2 Belfast (the capital of Northern Ireland)
3 Cardiff (the capital of Wales)
The Eisteddfod
• First week of August
• 160,000
• The biggest festival of competitive music and poetry in Europe, different
atmosphere from other festivals, great fun It’s held entirely in Welsh
Edinburgh festival
• Three weeks in August
• 350,000
• The largest arts festival in the world, offers a variety of shows, good potential to
attract overseas visitors, cheaper fringe performances, free street theatre
• Major performances are very expensive
Belfast festival
• 14th–29th October
• 50,000
• Good potential, good selection of bars, museums and art galleries
• Can be dangerous because of the political situation

Departamento de Inglés Universidad Andres Bello

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