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ISSN 1814 – 5868 Basrah J. Agric. Sci. 34(1), 192-205, 2021 E-ISSN: 2520-0860
Fishes consider as one of an important increased five times to face the increasing
highly value protein resources that comprise demand of fish during next two decades
20% of world protein (FAO, 2016). Fish (FAO, 2020).
culture production in 1918 comprise 46% of Expansion of fish culture projects lead to
total world fish production, and it must be increase of negative environmental effects
Mojer et al. / Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 34(1): 192-205, 2021
because of pollution that lead to reduce the Abu Al-Khaseeb District. Pellets feed (38%
capacity of traditional fish culture projects crude protein) used in current experiment
(Martins et al., 2010). For this reason new was manufactured from different ingredients
production systems must be proved which (Table, 1). Field experiment was conducted
depend on little amount of water to reduce in three earthen ponds that fertilized by 1000
pollution such as recirculating aquaculture kg of buffalo fertilizer for each one. These
systems (RAS) (Zachritz et al., 2008; ponds were cultivated with different larvae
Martins et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2011). numbers (40800 for pond 1, 55600 for pond
2 and 36400 for pond 3). These larvae
Schneider et al. (2006) showed RAS
brought from Fish Hatcheries of Marine
projects need more treasury funds than
Science Center. Larvae were feeding on
traditional projects (Martin et al., 2010). For
natural food in ponds for 19 days, then fed
this reason fish density must be too high to
on powdered manufactured feed (38% crude
increase fish production in small area to
protein) at feeding ratio of 10% with two
achieve benefits quickly (Martins et al.,
meals (morning and afternoon) until age 30
2005). Rawlinson & Foster (2001) stated
days. From age 30 to 60 days fishes fed on
that in RAS systems more than 90% of
pellets at ratio of 7%, then decreased to 4%
water will be returned after cleaning by
to the end of experiment. Fishes were
biological and mechanical filtrations. Extra
weighed every 19 days to change daily feed
water will be added from stocking tanks to
and some environmental parameters (Water
compensate water lost by evaporation and
temperature, salinity, dissolved O2 and pH)
treating wastes, and water purified by
were recorded.
removing organic wastes and residual feeds
in mechanical filters, while ammonia and Laboratory experiment conducted in RAS
nitrite were oxidized to nitrate in biological system (plastic tanks of 100 litres capacity).
filters (Applah-Kubi, 2012). The aim of The system operated before three days of
current study is to investigate the validity of bringing larvae stocking, and nitrogen
producing common carp fingerlings in RAS bacteria (Nitromonas and nitrobacteria) were
system comparing with earthen ponds. added to biological filter. Larvae (0.002 g)
were bring from Fish Hatchery belong to
Materials & Methods
Marine Science Center at 6 May, 2018.
Current study conducted within field and After one day larvae put in plastic ponds at
laboratory experiments. Field experiment density of 2 larvae. l-1, and fed for 15 days to
consists of three earthen ponds (2500 m2 satiation (four meals daily) on laboratory
each) belonging to Aquaculture Unit, reproduced Artemia larvae. Powdered
Agriculture College, Basrah University in manufactured feed (38% crude protein) used
Hartha District, north Basrah. Laboratory at feeding ratio of 10% until age 30 days.
experiment represented by recirculation From age 30 to 60 days larvae fed on pellets
aquaculture system RAS and conducted in at ratio of 7%, then decreased to 4% to the
Abu-Mughira agricultural area four km of
Mojer et al. / Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 34(1): 192-205, 2021
Ingredients % Component %
Table (2) showed measurements of some ranged between 3.2-8.2 PSU due to the
environmental parameters for earthen ponds effects of marine tide water.
during the experiment. These parameters Table (3) revealed growth criteria of
had little fluctuations except salinity. Water common carp larvae cultivated in earthen
temperature ranged between 25.0-29.0 0C, ponds. Final average weight reached by
pH value ranged between 7.5-7.9, dissolved these larvae was 26.90 g. lowest average
O2 ranged between 6.8-8.2 mg/l and salinity weight increments (2.87 g) reached after 19
Mojer et al. / Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 34(1): 192-205, 2021
Table (2): Environmental parameters for earthen ponds water during the experiment.
Water Dissolve
Date temperature pH d O2
(0C) (mg..l-l)
Table (3): Growth criteria of common carp larvae cultivated in earthen ponds.
0 0.002
days, while highest average weight average daily growth (0.41 gday-1) reached
increments (9.19 g) reached after 80 days. after 90 days. Lowest average relative
The lowest average daily growth (0.15 gday- growth (18.19%) reached after 90 days,
) reached after 19 days, while highest while highest average relative growth
Mojer et al. / Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 34(1): 192-205, 2021
(143900.00%) reached after 19 days. Lowest tanks during the experiment. These
average specific growth was 1.67 %day-1 parameters were similar in all replications.
after 90 days, while highest average specific Water temperature ranged between 23.5-
growth was 38.27% after 19 days. Fishes 25.5 ºc, pH value ranged between 8.0-8.2,
revealed worst average feed conversion dissolved O2 ranged between 10.8-11.8 mg-l,
(2.20) after 90 days, while best average feed salinity ranged between 0.60-0.67 PSU,
conversion (1.13) after 38 days. while ammonia concentrate don’t exceed 0.1
Table (4) showed measurements of some mg.l-l.
environmental parameters of RAS plastic
Table (4): Environmental parameters for plastic RAS tanks water during the experiment.
Table (5) showed growth criteria of Lowest average specific growth rate was
common carp larvae cultivated in RAS 1.67 %day-1 after 90 days, while the highest
system. Final averaged weight reached by was 23.39 % day after 15 days. Fishes
these larvae was 1.35 g. lowest average revealed worst average feed conversion ratio
weight increments (0.06 g) reached after 15 (4.13) after 60 days, while best average feed
days, while the highest (0.45 g) reached after conversion (1.57) after 45 days.
30 days. Lowest average daily growth rate Table (6) pointed out comparison between
(0.004 gday-1) reached after 15 days, while growth criteria of common carp larvae
the highest (0.030 gday-1) reached after 30 cultivated in earthen ponds and RAS system
days. Fishes recorded 18.20% as lowest for a period of 90 days. There were
average relative growth rate after 90 days significant differences (P>0.05) in all
and the highest (3250.00%) after 15 days. studied growth criteria between both system.
Mojer et al. / Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 34(1): 192-205, 2021
Table (5): Growth criteria of common carp larvae cultivated in RAS system.
0 0.002
Table (6) Comparison between growth criteria of common carp larvae cultivated in
earthen ponds and RAS system.
Mojer et al. / Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 34(1): 192-205, 2021
Table (7) showed survival ratio of RAS system the fluctuation was extremely
common carp larvae cultivated in earthen low. It was noticed that there were high
ponds at the end of experiment and survival decrease in survival rate of larvae in the
ratio in RAS system during the experiment RAS system during the last 30 days of
in addition to the end of experiment. It was experiment. At these days, many
observed that there were high fluctuations in cannibalisms were noticed between
the survival rate of earthen ponds (5.67% for cultivated fishes.
pond 2 and 20.64% for pond 1), while in
Table (7): Survival ratio of common carp larvae cultivated in two systems.
(Days) P1 P2 P3 Average
Fishes, like other organisms affected by current experiment most environmental
many environmental factors, such as water factors of RAS system were as optimum
temperature, dissolved O2, salinity, pH and factors for growth, while in earthen ponds
ammonia concentration, whether in an open salinity increased at the end of experiment to
environment or in RAS systems (Stickney, 8.2 g.l-l. This high salinity may be
2000). Mocanu et al. (2015) stated that responsible for reducing the growth at this
suitable water temperatures for cultivation time. Laiz-Carrión et al. (2005) pointed out
common carp ranged between 20-30˚C. In that salinity increasing lead to increase
Mojer et al. / Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 34(1): 192-205, 2021
metabolism for osmoregulation and then 2012). Rumpa et al. (2016) stated that
lead to negative effects on fish growth and common carp juvenile cultivated for 150
feed conversion. days in earthen ponds reached final weigh of
430 g. Mirror carp (C. carpio) recorded
Fish feeding requirements differ greatly
specific growth rate of 4.95 and 4.80 %day-1
with species, fish size and other factors such
in different two densities during 90 days
as water temperature, physiological
(Hossain et al., 2014). Al-Noor et al.
situation, stress, balance feed and
mentioned that common carp (0.68 g)
environmental parameters (Piska & Naik,
cultivated for 70 days on manufactured diet
2013). Taher, et al., (2021) was pointed out
(42% crude protein) recorded 3.19 %day-1
that there was positive relationship between
specific growth rate and 2.13 feed
growth of juvenile common carp and total
conversion rate. Taher & Al-Dubakel (2020)
number of zooplankton, so these juveniles
stated that final weights reached by common
fed on zooplankton rather than
carp cultivated in earthen pond was 42.10,
phytoplankton that consider as main food of
31.63 and 21.30 g depending on stocking
density. The differences between the results
Results of current experiment proved that of current study and other studies may be
fishes cultivated in earthen ponds had due to differences in initial weights and
growth criteria as follow: final weight of period of cultivation, or due to the
26.90 g, daily growth rate of 0.30 g.day-1, differences in feeds especially at early life
relative growth rate of 1345000%, specific stage.
growth rate of 10.56 %day-1, survival ratio
Lopiz et al. (2014) stated that survival
of 13.10% and feed conversion rate of 1.25.
rate of larvae was low in all conditions
Shingare et al. (2006) showed that common
because of the difficulty of getting food after
carp cultivated in rain ponds recorded
absorbing yolk sack. This may be explain
weight increment of 5.26 g and feed
the low survival rate of larvae (0.002 g)
conversion of 1.54. Coroian et al. (2015)
cultivating in earthen ponds comparing with
pointed out that common carp fingerlings
other studies. Shingare et al. (2006) pointed
recorded weight increment of 0.54 and 7.68
that survival ratio of common carp
when fed on two different feeds. Nyadjeu et
cultivated in rain ponds was 80.59%, while
al. (2018) mentioned that common carp
Oprea et al. (2015) recorded 44 and 58%
juvenile recorded growth criteria as follow:
survival ratio for common carp cultivated in
weight increments of 6.47 g, relative growth
two different densities. Common carp
rate of 11%, specific growth rate of 2.51
cultivated in earthen ponds for 150 days
%day-1 and feed conversion rate of 0.71.
recorded 67 and 70% survival ratios
Feed conversion rates recorded were 2.70,
depending on type of feeds (Mocanu et al.,
2.27 and 3.01 by common carp fed with
pellets of (25, 30 and 35% crude protein)
respectively (Al-Jader & Al-Sulevany,
Mojer et al. / Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 34(1): 192-205, 2021
Results of current experiment proved that Zarski et al. (2011) recorded nearly same
fishes cultivated in RAS system had growth specific growth of current experiment for
criteria as follow: weight increment of 1.53 crucian carp (Carassius carassius)
g, daily growth rate of 0.02 gday-1, relative cultivated for 21 days in RAS system.
growth rate of 76200%, specific growth rate Abdul- Kadhar et al. (2014) recorded
of 7.37 %.day-1, survival ratio of 72.32% specific growth rate between 0.082-0.125
and feed conversion rate of 2.82. Enache et %day-1 when Catla catla fed on live feeds.
al. (2011) recorded 1.07 %day-1 as specific Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
growth rate and 1.49 as feed conversion rate cultivated in RAS for 70 days recorded
of common carp cultivated in RAS for 30 weigh increment of 60.77 g, daily growth
days. Common carp showed specific growth rate of 0.86 gday-1, specific growth rate of
rate of 2.44 %day-1 and feed conversion rate 4.92 %.day-1 and feed conversion rate of
of 2.12 when reared in semi-closed system 1.48 (Gullian-Klanian & Arámburu-Adame,
for 52 days (Taher et al., 2018). Coroian et 2013).
al. (2015) stated that life food had positive Results of the current experiment showed
effects for growth of common carp reducing in growth of common carp after
fingerlings comparing with traditional feeds. larval stage comparing with other studies,
Jafaryan et al. (2011) pointed that common may be due to differences in species or in
carp larvae can fed on different species of initial weight, that caused reduction in feed
Artemia, so it achieved better feeding and intake or differences in stocking density that
growth when fed on A. parthenogenetica, A. lead in current experiment to cannibalism
franciscana and A. urmiana. koi carp, C.
situations. Many researchers recorded
carpio recorded weigh increments between negative effects for stocking density on
0.02-0.06 g and specific growth rate of growth of fishes (Alvarez-Gonzalez et al.,
11.13 %day-1 when cultivated for 30 days in 2001; King et al., 2007; Zarski et al., 2008).
concrete reservoirs (Usandi et al., 2019).
Dhont et al. (2013) stated that Artemia was Survival ratio of common carp larvae
the most famous feed for fish larvae in cultivated in RAS was highest than other
hatcheries. The movement of small studies, however some researchers obtain
zooplankton such as Brachionus sp. and higher survival ratio than current study.
Artemia salina give optical stimulation for Haque et al. (1994) stated that survival ratio
common carp larvae to predate them of common carp reduced in high stocking
(Rønnestad et al., 1999; Kolkovski, 2001). densities, may be due to competition on feed
The reason of good growth results at the and space. Usandi et al. (2019) recorded
beginning of current study comparing with 47% survival ratio for koi carp. Weight gain,
other studies may be due to use Artemia as daily growth rate and specific growth rate of
feed for these larvae. common carp cultivated in earthen ponds
were decreased significantly (P< 0.0.5) with
increased stocking density (Taher & Al-
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مقارنة بعض معايير النمو ليرقات أسماك الكارب الشائع ( )Cyprinus carpioالمستزرعة في األحواض
الترابية ونظام إعادة تدوير المياه
احمد محسن موجر 1وماجد مكي طاهر 1ورياض عدنان ارميلة
المستخلص :أجريت مقارنة لبعض معايير النمو ليرقات أسماك الكارب الشائع ( )Cyprinus carpioالمستزرعة في
األحواض الترابية وأخرى مستزرعة في نظام إعادة تدوير المياه ،وباالعتماد على األغذية الحية (الهائمات النباتية والحيوانية
المتوفرة في مياه اإلستزراع والمحفزة بالسماد الحيواني في الدراسة الحقلية ويرقات األرتيميا المكثرة مختبريا لليرقات المستزرعة
في المختبر ،فضال عن العليقة المصنعة بنسبة بروتين %38لتغذية صغار األسماك في كال النظامين .تمثلت الدراسة الحقلية
باستزراع يرقات أسماك الكارب الشائع بمعدل وزن إبتدائي ( )0.002غم/يرقة في ثالثة مكررات (دونم واحد /مكرر) ،وبكثافة
إستزراع بلغت 40800يرقة للمكرر األول و 55600يرقة للمكرر الثاني و 36400يرقة للمكرر الثالث ولمدة 90يوما.
وغذيت األسماك لمدة 19يوما على الغذاء الطبيعي فقط ،فيما أدخل الغذاء المصنع بعد ذلك .وزنت عينة من األسماك كل
19يوما لغرض تغيير كمية العلف المقدم بالتوازي مع الزيادة بالوزن لألسماك المرباة .سجلت األسماك معدالت زيادة وزنية
26.90غم ونمو يومي 0.30غم/يوم ونمو نسبي %1345000ونمو نوعي %10.56غم/يوم وتحويل الغذائي 1.25
فيما بلغت نسبة البقاء .% 13.16سجلت يرقات وصغار أسماك الكارب الشائع المستزرعة في نظام إعادة تدوير المياه بمعدل
وزن ( )0.002غم /يرقة في ثالثة مكررات وبواقع 160يرقة /مكرر وبكثافة إستزراع 2يرقة /لتر ماء ولمدة ( )90يوما
وبالتغذية على الغذاء الحي المتمثل بيرقات وصغار األرتيميا المكثرة مختبريا لحد اإلشباع لمدة 15يوما وبمعدل أربعة وجبات
يوميا ،فيما أستعمل بعدها الغذاء المصنع .وزنت األسماك كل 15يوما لغرض تغيير كمية العلف المقدم بالتوازي مع الزيادة
بالوزن .سجلت األسماك المستزرعة معدالت زيادة وزنية 1.53غم ونمو يومي 0.02غم/يوم ونمو نسبي %76200ونمو
نوعي %7.37غم/يوم وتحويل غذائي 2.82ونسبة البقاء .%72.32أظهرت النتائج إن األسماك المستزرعة في األحواض
الترابية سجلت فروقا معنوية ) )p>0.05في جميع معايير النمو المحسوبة مقارنة مع يرقات وصغار األسماك المستزرعة في
نظام إعادة تدوير المياه .االستنتاج النهائي هو ان نظام التربية في االحواض الترابية افضل من النظام الدوار في انتاج
اصبعيات الكارب الشائع.
الكلمات المفتاحية :الكارب الشائع ،نظام أعادة تدوير المياه ،الزيادة الوزنية ،معدل النمو ،معدل البقاء.