SBM in Female

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Aquaculture 577 (2023) 739894

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Impact of dietary soybean inclusion on the endocrine disruptive effect in

female brood stock of Cyprinus carpio
Pallath Muhammed Nuzaiba a, c, *, Tamilarasan Nirmal b, Prabhakaran Arya c, Tincy Varghese c,
Subodh Gupta c, *, Narottam Prasad Sahu c, Prem Prakash Srivastava c, d
School of Animal and Fishery Sciences, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Gauria Karma, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, India
School of Fisheries, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi, 761211 Gajapati, Odisha, India
Fish Nutrition, Biochemistry and Physiology Division, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Versova, 400061 Andheri West, Mumbai, India
College of Fisheries, Dr Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Dholi, 843121 Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India


Keywords: Phytoestrogens, mostly found in legumes, mimic animal estrogens and induce either pro- or anti-estrogenic
Phytoestrogen activity. A feeding trial for matured Cyprinus carpio females was carried out to assess the endocrine disrupting
Soybean meal effect of phytoestrogens in SBM and to suggest a dietary inclusion of soybean meal for broodstock of carps. The
Broodstock diet
fish were fed diets containing graded levels of soybean meal (SBM-0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40%) for 60 days. To
Aromatase enzyme
Ovarian development
assess the endocrine disruption, sex hormone profiling, gene expression analysis of candidate genes, and his­
tological examinations were conducted. Serum T3, serum vitellogenin, and mRNA levels of cyp19a1, cyp19b, and
erβ were found to be higher in fish groups fed with diet containing low levels of SBM (SBM 15, 20, and 25), and
significantly lower in high SBM diet (≥30%) fed groups. Serum concentrations of cholesterol, cortisol, and the
mRNA level of 20βHSD all decreased as SBM increased. Increased levels of testosterone, estradiol, and the mRNA
for the erα gene were observed in the diet when SBM was incorporated into the diet. In the treatment groups with
≥30% inclusion of SBM, the number of vitellogenic oocytes and the gonadosomatic index were significantly
lower than the groups with low inclusion levels. Thus, soybean meal can be included in the diet of female carp
broodstocks up to 25% without disrupting the reproductive function. However, an inclusion level beyond 25%
could harm the endocrine axis, subsequently capable of impacting reproductive performance.

1. Introduction sustainable alternatives to fishmeal for the past four decades. Soybean
meal has been identified as the best alternative to fish meal due to its
World per capita fish consumption is expected to climb by 15%, high protein content and amino acid profile. It is currently the most
reaching an average of 21.4 kg per capita in 2030 (FAO, 2022), widely used plant protein substitute for fishmeal in aquafeed (replacing
reflecting a tremendous demand for the global fish food supply. Despite 40–60% of the fish meal (Francis et al., 2001; Dersjant-Li, 2002; García-
diminishing wild capture production, fed aquaculture (semi-intensive Ortega et al., 2016)). Soybean meal has been completely substituted for
and intensive aquaculture) continues to provide a substantial and fish meal through a variety of processing techniques and the addition of
growing share of the fish food supply. However, the main concerns with limiting amino acids (Zhang et al., 2016; Kokou et al., 2017; Ye et al.,
semi-intensive and intensive aquaculture are the scarcity of high-quality 2019). However, most replacement studies have focused on fish growth
seeds for most cultivable species and the need for supplementary feed and feed conversion, with only a few authors attempting to investigate
with a high protein content (Jayasankar, 2018). the impact of including soybean meal on gonad growth and
Due to its high protein content and balanced amino acid composi­ reproduction.
tion, fishmeal (FM) has classically been the main protein source used in Phytoestrogens are plant-derived endocrine-disrupting chemicals
aquaculture feed (Tacon and Metian, 2015); however, a decline in global found in legumes typically associated with nodule formation and plant
capture production has led fish nutritionists to focus on finding defence (Setchell, 1998; Francis et al., 2001). These non-steroidal

* Corresponding author at: Fish Nutrition, Biochemistry and Physiology Division, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Versova, 400061 Andheri West,
Mumbai, India.
E-mail addresses: (P.M. Nuzaiba), (S. Gupta).
Received 8 February 2023; Received in revised form 23 June 2023; Accepted 14 July 2023
Available online 17 July 2023
0044-8486/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P.M. Nuzaiba et al. Aquaculture 577 (2023) 739894

estrogenic compounds mimic animal estrogen and stimulate or inhibit 2.2. Experimental fish and rearing condition
reproduction in animals, including fish. Phytoestrogens are abundant in
soybean meal. Genistein, the main phytoestrogen in soybean meal, has Reproductively active C. carpio were procured from Patel Fish Farm,
been measured at 2–300 mg/100 g (Eldridge and Kwolek, 1983; Achouri Raigarh, located on the outskirt of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, and
et al., 2005; Chen and Wei, 2008). The genistein content of commercial transported to the wet laboratory facility of ICAR-Central Institute of
fish diets was reported to be 0.93–23.71 mg/100 g (Inudo et al., 2004; Fisheries Education, Mumbai. For 20 days, the fish were acclimated to a
Xiao et al., 2018). diet that was 32% dietary protein and made with basic ingredients free
Soy phytoestrogens interfered with the reproductive functions of of soybean meal. The experiment was conducted for 60 days in circular
organisms by interacting with the endocrine system, causing serious FRP tanks of 500 L capacity covered with perforated lids. To maintain
effects on reproduction in many teleosts: Genistein inhibited steroido­ ideal water quality as described for C. carpio by Bhatnagar and Devi
genesis and vitellogenesis in Oncorhynchus mykiss, Cyprinus carpio, and (2013), water exchange was carried out two to three times per week. The
Morone saxatilis, (Pelissero et al., 2001; Pollack et al., 2003; Nuzaiba water in the experimental tanks was continuously and properly aerated
et al., 2020), slowed the development of vitellogenic oocytes (Pelissero throughout the experiment, and the water volume was kept at 3/4th of
et al., 2001), and caused sex reversal in Oryzias latipes, Ictalurus punc­ the tank capacity. Physiochemical parameters of the water estimated
tatus, Poecilia Reticulata, Oreochromis niloticus, Clarias gariepinus and were 28 ◦ C water temperature, 5.1 ± 0.18 mg. L− 1 DO, 221 ± 1.4 mg.
Aralichthys Lethostigma (Kiparissis et al., 2003; Green and Kelly, 2009; L− 1 as CaCO3 hardness, 7.7 ± 0.51 water pH, less than <0.06 mg. L− 1
Chakraborty et al., 2012; El-Sayed et al., 2012; Ahmed et al., 2015; total ammonia, <0.8 mg. L− 1 nitrate and <0.07 mg/L nitrite.
DiMaggio et al., 2016). Teleosts have also shown reproductive impair­
ment after consuming daidzein (Sarasquete et al., 2020; Fajkowska 2.3. Experimental design, diets, and feeding regimes
et al., 2021). Furthermore, Li et al. (2016) reported that the dietary level
of daidzein in gibel carp is five times the safety margin (40 mg/kg). Twenty-one FRP tanks were divided into seven treatment groups,
Purified phytoestrogens may not have the same effect on reproduc­ comprised of three replication tanks for each. Reproductively active
tion when fed as part of an ingredient. The bioavailability of estrogenic female C. carpio weighing around 112.23 ± 5.14 g, was randomly
compounds, nutrient composition of the ingredient, agonistic and distributed to the experimental tanks, followed by male fish, following a
antagonistic factors of phytoestrogens in the ingredient, and loss of completely randomized design. Each tank received three female and six
phytoestrogens during feed processing must all be addressed when there male common carps. Seven different experimental diets containing a
is an instinctive addition of phytoestrogens through the ingredients. A graded level of soybean meal; Control (0%), SBM-15 (15%), SBM-20
few studies have found that feeding soybean meal causes reproductive (20%), SBM-25 (25%) and SBM-30 (30%), SBM-35 (35%), SBM-40
impairment, such as decreased gonad weight and fertilization rate (40%) were prepared using semi-purified ingredients. The crude pro­
(Turker and Bozcaarmutlu, 2009; Bagheri et al., 2013). However, no tein inclusion is adjusted using casein and gelatine at a 4:1 ratio. The
research has been conducted to predict the appropriate inclusion level of powdered ingredients were mixed properly according to the composi­
soybean meal in the diet of carp brooders, without any estrogenic or tion given in Table 1 and cooked under steam using a pressure cooker.
antiestrogenic effect. The cooked dough was cooled to room temperature and mixed with the
The current study sought to determine the level of soybean meal heat-labile ingredients and oil. The homogenous blend of ingredients is
inclusion in the diet that brooder fish could consume without signifi­ then subjected to palletization using an automatic pelletizer. The feed
cantly impairing their endocrine system. The study used C. carpio as an pellets are dried and crumbled before storing them in a deep freezer. The
experimental fish because it exhibits asynchronous ovarian develop­ experimental fish were fed twice daily with appropriate diets up to
ment in tropical conditions, making it easier to determine the disruptive satiation throughout the experiment.
effects on the endocrine system throughout the season. A graded level of
soybean meal, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40%, was included in the diet and 2.4. Sampling and sample preparation
fed to the experimental fish for 60 days under controlled conditions.
After the feeding trial, alterations in the level of serum thyroid hormones Three female fish from each tank were randomly selected (n = 9) at
(Tri-iodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4)), sex steroid level (testos­ the conclusion of the 60-day feeding trial, anaesthetized with clove oil
terone and estradiol), cortisol, cholesterol, and vitellogenin were emulsion (30 mg/L), weighed for analyzing growth related parameters
determined. The mRNA encoding enzymes responsible for steroid syn­ (Table 2) and then dissected. A sterile needle was used to draw blood
thesis and development of secondary sexual characteristics (cyp19a1 & from the caudal peduncle of pre-weighed fish. The blood was then
cyp19b), vitellogenesis (vtgb2, erα & erβ), oocyte maturation, and poured into a microfuge, where it was centrifuged at 1500 ×g for 20 min
ovulation (20βHSD) were evaluated from tissues. Further, ovarian after being incubated at RT for 15 min. For RNA extraction and subse­
development was examined by histological examination and gonado­ quent gene expression analysis, tissues including the brain, ovary, and
somatic index. liver from the experimental fish were preserved in RNALater® under
aseptic conditions. The central part of the ovary was collected for his­
2. Material and methods tology and stored in neutral buffered formalin (NBF) at room tempera­
ture. The entire ovary from the experimental fishes was weighed and
2.1. Ethical statement related to the total body weight and expressed in percentage.

The research undertaken complies with the current animal welfare 2.5. Serum cholesterol and hormone profile using EIA kits
laws in India. The care and treatment of animals used in this study were
following the guidelines of the CPCSEA [(Committee for the purpose of The ERBA Manheim diagnostics kit was used to determine the level
Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals), Ministry of Envi­ of serum cholesterol (Allain et al., 1974; Roeschlau et al., 1974). EIA kits
ronment and Forests (Animal Welfare Division), Govt. of India] on care for Tri-iodothyronine (T3, TF E-2300), Tetraiodothyronine (T4, TF
and use of animals in scientific research. The study was approved by the E2400), Cortisol (Cat. No.: MS E-5000), Testosterone (Cat. No.: AA E-
board of Studies and IAEC (Institute Animal Ethics Committee) of ICAR- 1300) and Estradiol (Cat. No.: FR E- 2000) were procured from LDN®
Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, India. The experi­ immunoassays and servicers, Germany and were deployed for analyzing
mental animal is Cyprinus carpio, L. which is not an endangered fish, the serum concentration of hormones. Intra-assay and inter-assay validation
provisions of the govt. of India’s Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 are not for the test kits were published as supplementary data in Nuzaiba et al.
applicable for experiments on this fish. (2022). The absorbance at the desired wavelength was measured using

P.M. Nuzaiba et al. Aquaculture 577 (2023) 739894

Table 1
Composition of experimental diet.
Sl. No Ingredients (g/kg) Control SBM-15 SBM-20 SBM-25 SBM-30 SBM-35 SBM-40

1. Soybean meal 0 150 200 250 300 350 400

2. Casein 245 175 152 129 105 81 59
3. Gelatine 61.25 43.75 38 32.25 26.25 20.25 14.75
4. Cellulose 116.85 94.35 93.1 91.85 81.85 71.85 69.35
5. Wheat flour 225 185 165 145 135 125 105
6. DORB 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
7. CMC 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
8. Oil 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
9. BHT 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
10. Choline chloride 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
11. Vitamin C 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
12. Vitamin - Mineral premix* 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4
Total 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
**Genistein (mg/kg) 0.00 338.55 451.40 564.25 677.10 789.95 902.80
**Daidzein (mg/kg) 0.00 0.32 0.43 0.54 0.65 0.75 0.86
Proximate analysis***

Abbreviations: DORB-De-oiled rice bran; CMC- Carboxy methyl cellulose sodium salt; BHT- Butylated hydroxytoluene; 1–4, 7 and 9–11 were purified ingredient
procured from HiMedia Laboratory; Ingredients 5,6 and 8 were procured from local market.
Composition of vitamin-mineral premix (quantity/250 g starch powder): vitamin A: 550000 IU; vitamin D3: 110000 IU; vitamin B1: 20 mg; vitamin B2: 200 mg;
vitamin E: 75 mg; vitamin K: 100 mg; vitamin B12: 0.6 μg; calcium pantothenate: 250 mg; nicotinamide: 1000 mg; pyridoxine: 100 mg; folic acid: 25 mg; Mn: 2700 mg;
I 100 mg; Fe: 750 mg; Zn: 500 mg; Cu: 200 mg; Co: 45 mg; Ca: 50 g; P: 30 g; selenium: 5 ppm.
All the feeds were isonitrogenous and isocaloric and contained on DM basis: crude protein 31.96 ± 2.18, ether extract 8.73 ± 0.06, Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) =
37.28 ± 0.28 total CHO (TC) 54.61 ± 0.28, ash 8.36 ± 0.19, and digestible energy (DE) 355.54 ± 1.33 kcal/100 g. DE (Kcal/100 g) = (% CP × 4) + (% EE × 9) + (NFE
× 4). (n = 3), (As per AOAC method).

2.6. mRNA quantification by quantitative real-time PCR

Table 2
Growth indices of SBM fed female C. carpio.
The quantitative real-time PCR technique was used to determine the
Treatments IW (g) FW (g) WG (%) SGR Feed FCR expression levels of genes such as vtgb2, cyp19a1, erβ, 20βHSD, erα and
(g/ Intake
cyp19b. In brief, TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) was used to extract the RNA
day) (g/day)
from tissue preserved in RNALater. The total RNA extracted was sub­
113.73 206.13 81.29 0.99 3.88 ± jected to DNase (DNase-I, RNase free, Thermo Scientific, USA) treatment
Control ±
± 1.80 ± 1.80 ± 1.27 ± 0.01 0.05
0.03 for removing genomic DNA contamination, and reverse transcription
2.53 PCR was deployed using the first strand cDNA synthesis kit (Thermo
114.43 206.83 80.82 0.99 3.90 ±
± 2.37 ± 2.37 ± 1.69 ± 0.02 0.06
± Scientific, USA) for cDNA synthesis. For the relative quantification of
0.04 mRNA, β-actin (validated and data published supplementary data with
110.47 202.87 83.99 1.02 3.80 ± Nuzaiba et al. (2022)) was used as an internal control. Gene-specific
SBM-20 ±
± 4.96 ± 4.96 ± 3.86 ± 0.03 0.13 primers (Table 3) were designed using coding nucleotide sequences
2.51 from National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) with Gen­
112.80 205.20 81.95 1.00 3.85 ±
± 1.63 ± 1.63 ± 1.17 ± 0.01 0.04
± eRunner v. 6.0. The abundance of mRNA was determined using SYBR­
green DNA intercalating dye in AgilantAriaMax qRT-PCR. The CT
112.43 204.83 82.19 1.01 3.85 ±
± obtained was calculated using the 2-ΔΔCT method by Livak and
± 0.83 ± 0.83 ± 0.60 ± 0.01 0.02 Schmittgen (2001).
111.76 204.16 82.77 0.99 3.83 ±
2.7. Histological evaluation of ovary and gonadosomatic index
± 2.65 ± 2.65 ± 1.98 ± 0.02 0.07
109.80 202.20 84.20 1.02 3.78 ±
SBM-40 ± By histologically examining the ovary, the gonad development was
± 1.80 ± 1.80 ± 1.40 ± 0.01 0.05
0.03 seen. For the same, the central region of the ovary preserved in NBF was
utilised. The tissue was embedded in paraffin wax after being fixed in
IW-Initial body weight; FW-Final body weight; WG(%)-Weight gain percentage, Bouin’s solution and dehydrated in alcohol for serial sectioning with a
calculated as (Final body weight (wet weight, g) − Initial body weight (wet microtome. Hematoxylin and eosin were used to stain the sections, and a
weight, g)) × 100/ Initial body weight (wet weight, g); SGR- Specific Growth bright-field microscope (OLYMPUS) was used to view them. Under a
Rate, calculated as (Ln (Final body weight (wet weight, g)) − Ln (Initial body light microscope (OLYMPUS IX70), the frequency of distribution of the
weight (wet weight, g)) × 100 /duration of feeding in days.; Daily feed intake =
various stages of oocytes was counted. The diameter of vitellogenic
Total feed consumed/ duration of feeding in days; FCR-Feed Conversion Ratio,
oocytes was measured from histology samples with the aid of a micro­
calculated as Feed intake (dry weight, g)/Body weight gain (wet weight, g);
scope, and different oocyte stages were identified, counted, and
Control, SBM-15, SBM-20, SBM-25, SBM-30, SBM-35 and SBM-40 are experi­
mental diets with 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% SBM in feed. Data are arranged identified.
as Mean ± SE (n = 9).
2.8. Statistical analysis
the ELISA reader (BioTek Instruments, USA). The 4 Parameter Logistics
(4PL) curve fit was used to automatically calculate the hormone con­ To examine the homogeneity and normality of variance, residual
centrations. The circulating vitellogenin level was estimated using the plots were used. All data were subjected to one-way ANOVA (SPSS,
Fish Vitellogenin EIA kit (VTG, Cat.No.: E0020Fi, Bioassay Technology version 22), where, in addition to overall treatment effects, the poly­
Laboratory, Shanghai, China) following the manufacturer’s instructions. nomial contrast was used to test both linear and quadratic effects of
dietary SBM inclusion on various parameters. For observing significant

P.M. Nuzaiba et al. Aquaculture 577 (2023) 739894

Table 3
Primers used for gene expression analysis.
Primer NCBI Accession No. F/R Sequence (3′-5′) Product size (bp) Annealing temperature (◦ C)

β-actin M24113.1 132 60.0
cyp19b EU375456.1 165 58.0
cyp19a1 DQ534411.1 126 58.1
erα AB334722.1 128 60.0
erβ KU205262.1 180 59.1
vtgb2 AF441432.1 177 57.8
20β-HSD JQ230326.1 180 57.1

Abbreviation: - β-actin: reference beta actin; vtgb2: vitellogenin precursor; cyp19a1: ovarian aromatase; erβ: estrogen receptor-β; 20β-HSD: 20β-Hydroxysteroid de­
hydrogenase; erα: estrogen receptor-α; cyp19b: brain aromatase; F: Forward primer; R: Reverse primer.

differences between the mean values at the 5% probability level (p < 25% enhanced cyp19a1 expression and then reduced as the inclusion of
0.05), Duncan’s multiple range test under Post-hoc was used. To SBM increased. The mRNA levels of cyp19b was induced in the group
determine the best fit model (R2) to represent the data, regression with 20% SBM inclusion, however, the expression levels reduced to the
analysis (linear and quadratic) was carried out (Table 4). The correlation level of control in the treatment with 25% inclusion, and further in­
coefficient (r) between GSI and the parameters with high R2 values was crements in inclusion level of SBM brought about its downregulation.
calculated (Table 5). Serum vitellogenin was fitted to a second-order The pattern of 20βHSD expression in both the liver and the ovary
polynomial regression analysis model to determine the maximum level (Fig. 3B), exhibited a decreasing trend as the SBM level in the feed was
of SBM that could be included in the fish diet. Additionally, one-way increased.
ANOVA was performed on the growth parameters, and the results
were expressed as mean ± standard error. 3.4. Estrogen receptors and vitellogenin

3. Results The mRNA expression of estrogen receptors (erα and erβ) in the he­
patic cells showed contrasting patterns (Fig. 4A). The erβ expression was
3.1. Thyroid hormones reduced as the level of SBM inclusion increased in the diet, with the
lowest expression recorded in SBM-30, 35, and 40. Contrastingly the
The tri-iodothyronine (T3) and tetra-iodothyronine (thyroxine, T4) expression pattern of erα increased in SBM 25 onwards. Serum vitello­
levels in serum were determined after a feeding trial conducted with the genin level and the vtgb2 expression showed similar trends in expression
female C. carpio (Fig. 1). The serum T3 concentration in control was (Fig. 4B). Both protein and gene expression of vitellogenin showed a
observed as 2.47 ± 0.02 ng/mL, which significantly reduced (P < 0.05) slight increase in the low inclusion level of soybean meal. The dietary
to 0.78 ± 0.01 and 0.76 ± 0.02 ng/mL in BM-35 and SBM-40. The inclusion of SBM at 10.90% showed the highest level of vitellogenin
change in serum T4 level with increasing SBM inclusion was insignifi­ concentration in serum in the regression analysis (Fgure 5). Further, the
cant (P > 0.05). level reduced, but reached the level in control group at the inclusion of
21.8% SBM. The level was similar to the control in SBM-21.8% and a
3.2. Steroids further increase in the inclusion level of soybean meal inhibited the
vitellogenin expression in liver (Fig. 5).
Serum total testosterone and estradiol in different treatment groups
is depicted in Fig. 2A. The testosterone levels in fish groups fed with high 3.5. Ovarian development
SBM diets (SBM-30, 35, and 40) were ranging from 3.30 to 3.42 ng/mL,
which is significantly higher (P < 0.05) than control and low levels of Histological images of the ovary of female C.carpio fed with graded
SBM-fed groups. Serum estradiol concentration in SBM included diet levels of SBM are given in supporting data, Supporting Fig. 1A-G, sup­
ranged from 711.42 to 969.08 pg/mL, which is significantly higher than porting data. The figures represented the asynchronous ovary of the
the control (681.07 ± 25.72 pg/mL).Dietary inclusion of SBM reduced female C. carpio comprised of mid-vitellogenic oocytes, early vitello­
the total circulating cholesterol concentration gradually and signifi­ genic oocytes, cortical alveolar oocytes, and peri nucleolar oocytes. The
cantly from 1.98 ± 0.20 mg/dL in control to 1.27 ± 0.03 mg/dL in SBM- number of vitellogenic immature oocytes increased in fish fed with a
40. The serum total cholesterol level in control group was 1.98 ± 0.20 high SBM-included diet. In high in SBM included diet fed groups (SBM-
mg/dL, which gradually and significantly (p < 0.05) reduced to 1.27 ± 30, 35, and 40), the percentage of vitellogenic oocytes in the ovary is
0.30 mg/dL as dietary inclusion of SBM increased to 40% (Fig. 2B). A declined and oocytes at the perinucleolar stage are increased propor­
similar trend was observed in the case of cortisol level in serum depicted tionately (Fig. 6A). The number of alveolar oocytes did not show any
in Fig. 2B: serum cortisol concentration in control was 191.62 ± 3.80 trend with the increased inclusion of soybean meal. Similarly, most of
ng/mL, was gradually reduced as the SBM inclusion in the feed the vitellogenic oocytes (68.71 ± 0.53%) were in the size range of
increased. 0.86–1.15 mm, and were gradually reduced and distributed in a wide
range of a size (0.5–1.5 mm) as the SBM inclusion in the diet is increased
3.3. Steroidogenic enzymes (Supporting Fig. 2, supporting data).
Gonadosomatic index is given Fig. 6B, where the GSI was reduced in
The gene expression levels of ovarian aromatase (cyp19a1) and brain high inclusion of SBM in the diet (SBM-35 and 40) while there was no
aromatase (cyp19b) of female C. carpio fed with graded levels of SBM are significant difference was observed in 15–30% inclusion of SBM from
given in Fig. 3A. An increase in dietary soybean meal inclusion of up to control.

P.M. Nuzaiba et al. Aquaculture 577 (2023) 739894

Table 4 Table 5
Regression analysis1. Correlation (r = correlation coefficient) of steroid synthesis, vitellogenesis and
Linear Quadratic
ovarian development with gonadosomatic index.
2 Parameters1 Correlation2 (r) with Strength and
Parameters Equation R Equation R2
gonadosomatic index (GSI) Association3
Parameters related to Steroidogenesis and vitellogenesis
T4 (ng/mL) − 0.91 Negative, high
y = − 0.0352× + y = − 0.0007 ×
T3 (ng/mL) 0.50 2 0.53 T (ng/mL) − 0.75 Negative, high
2.4482 –0.0089× + 2.2938
cyp19a1 0.57 Positive, Moderate
y = 0.0875× + y = 0.0021 × 2 +
T4 (ng/mL) 0.73 0.80 erβ 0.75 Positive, high
8.4031 0.0032× + 8.8983
vtgb2 0.79 Positive, high
y = 0.0578× + y = 0.0012 × 2 +
T (ng/mL) 0.72 0.78 VTG (μg/mL) 0.80 Positive, high
1.0866 0.0091× + 1.3732
Cortisol (ng/mL) 0.84 Positive, high
y = − 0.0262× + y = − 0.0037 × 2 +
cyp19a1 0.18 0.80 Cholesterol (mg/dL) 0.80 Positive, high
2.301 0.121× + 1.4363
20βHSD (Liver) 0.93 Positive, high
y = − 0.0299× + y = − 0.0018 × 2 +
cyp19b 0.38 0.63 20βHSD (Ovary) 0.75 Positive, high
1.5934 0.0441× + 1.1587
Vitellogenic oocytes 0.70 Positive, high
y = 3.4664× + y = − 0.181 × 2 +
E2 (pg/mL) 0.22 0.33 Perinuclear oocytes − 0.73 Negative, high
715.44 10.738× + 672.7
Vitellogenic oocyte of
y = 0.0206× + y = 0.0006 × 2–0.0023×
erα 0.31 0.35 1.16–1.45 mm − 0.43 Negative, low
0.7437 + 0.8783
y = − 0.0235× + y = 0.0001 × 2–0.0284× Abbreviations: T3-Tri-iodothyronine, T4-thyroxine, T-testosterone, cyp19a1-
erβ 0.92 0.92
1.0836 + 1.1126 ovarian aromatase, cyp19b- brain aromatase, E2- 17β-estradiol, erα and erβ- es­
y = − 0.0142× + y = − 0.0013 × 2 +
vtgb2 0.27 0.69 trogen receptors alpha and beta, vtgb2- vitellogenin b2 mRNA, VTG- Serum
1.3421 0.0399× + 1.0243
y = − 0.3787× + y = − 0.0205 × 2 +
vitellogenin, 20βHSD- 20β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and GSI-
VTG (μg/mL) 0.58 0.88 gonadosomatic index.
35.737 0.4462× + 30.89
Cortisol (ng/ y = − 1.7695× + y = − 0.0305 × Parameters showed high R2 value (>7.0) with dietary inclusion of soybean
0.86 0.91
mL) 195.47 2
–0.5447× + 188.27 meal.
Cholesterol y = − 0.0177× + y = − 0.0002 × Only the mean (n = 9) values are considered for correlation analysis.
0.88 2 0.90 3
(mg/dL) 2.0213 –0.0092× + 1.9716 Strength of association (both for positive and negative), high, ≥0.7; mod­
y = − 0.0171× + y = − 0.0005 × 2 + erate, ≥0.5 to <0.7; low, ≤0.5.
20βHSD (Liver) 0.81 0.94
1.2938 0.0041× + 1.1692
20βHSD y = − 0.0268× + y = 0.0005 × 2–0.0479×
0.85 0.91
(Ovary) 1.3295 + 1.4531

Frequency of different stages of oocytes in ovary

y = − 0.9136× + y = − 0.0453 × 2 +
Vitellogenic 68.746 0.53 0.9063× + 58.051 0.75
y = − 0.1897× + y = − 0.001 × 2–0.1487×
Alviolar 10.537 0.50 + 10.296 0.50
y = 1.1033× + y = 0.0463 × 2–0.7572×
Perinuclear 20.719 0.60 + 31.652 0.78

Size of vitellogenic oocytes

y = − 0.3968× + y = 0.0032 × 2–0.5238×
<0.85 mm 21.3 0.58 + 22.046 0.59
y = − 0.8725× + y = 0.0413 × 2–2.533×
0.86–1.15 mm 55.25 0.47 + 65.007 0.64
y = 0.7519× + y = − 0.0435 × 2 +
1.16–1.45 mm 19.657 0.46 2.4977× + 9.3986 0.72
y = 0.5174× + y = − 0.001 × 2 +
>1.46 mm 3.7927 0.44 0.5591× + 3.5478 0.44
y = − 0.1983× + y = − 0.0065 × 2 +
GSI 31.162 0.65 0.0615× + 29.635 0.77

Abbreviations: T3-Tri-iodothyronine, T4-thyroxine, T-testosterone, cyp19a1-

ovarian aromatase, cyp19b- brain aromatase, E2- 17β-estradiol, erα and erβ- es­
trogen receptors alpha and beta, vtgb2- vitellogenin b2 mRNA, VTG- Serum
vitellogenin, 20βHSD- 20β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and GSI-
gonadosomatic index.
Only the mean (n = 9) values are considered for correlation analysis. Fig. 1. Serum level of triiodothyronine (T3) and tetra-iodothyronine (T4) of
female C. carpio fed with graded levels of SBM in the diet.
Control, SBM-15, SBM-20, SBM-25, SBM-30, SBM-35 and SBM-40 are experi­
3.6. Correlation of steroid synthesis, vitellogenesis and ovarian mental diets with 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% SBM in feed. Data are arranged
development with gonadosomatic index as Mean ± SE. Data labelled with different superscripts in the same type bar are
significantly different (P < 0.05) (n = 9).
Among the various parameters selected, expression level of erβ, vtgb2,
20βHSD (Liver) and 20βHSD (Ovary), serum vitellogenin concentration, Kg (1 mg%) genistein, a prominent phytoestrogen in soybean induced
Cortisol and Cholesterol, and the number of vitellogenic oocytes in the endocrine disruptive effects both in female (Nuzaiba et al., 2020) and
ovary were highly and positivly correlated (Table 5). Wheraas serum T4, male (Nuzaiba et al., 2022) common carp when administered through
testosterone levels and no of perinucleolar oocytes in the ovary were the diet. The present investigation was conducted to understand the
negatively and highly correlated. level of endocrine disruption when the female common carp is fed with
diets containing graded levels of soybean meal. Thus, the present study
4. Discussion is aimed at recommending a level of SBM inclusion in the broodstock
diet, without impairing its reproductive-endocrine axis.
According to previous studies conducted in our laboratory, 10 mg/

P.M. Nuzaiba et al. Aquaculture 577 (2023) 739894

Fig. 2. (A) serum testosterone (T) and 17β-estradiol (E2) concentration and (B) serum cholesterol and cortisol concentration of female C. carpio fed with graded levels
of SBM in the diet.
Control, SBM-15, SBM-20, SBM-25, SBM-30, SBM-35 and SBM-40 are experimental diets with 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% SBM in feed. Data are arranged as Mean
± SE. Data labelled with different superscripts in the same type bar are significantly different (P < 0.05) (n = 9).

Fig. 3. (A) Relative expression of ovarian aromatase (cyp19a1), brain aromatase (cyp19b) genes and (B) 20β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20βHSD) gene in the
liver, ovary of female C. carpio fed with graded levels of soybean meal in the diet.
Control, SBM-15, SBM-20, SBM-25, SBM-30, SBM-35 and SBM-40 are experimental diets with 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% SBM in feed. Data are arranged as Mean
± SE. Data labelled with different superscripts in the same type bar are significantly different (P < 0.05) (n = 9).

Thyroid hormones, being important endocrine modulators with a mammals (Schroder-van der Elst et al., 1991; Šošić-Jurjević et al., 2010).
cross talk with reproductive steroids were estimated after the feeding However, the link between thyroid hormones and reproduction is not
trial with graded level of soybean inclusion. Thyroid hormones consist of mechanistically established. According to Nelson and Habibi (2016),
two forms: the predominant circulating form, tetraiodothyronine impaired thyroid homeostasis affects vitellogenesis in female fish.
(thyroxine, T4), and the most biologically active form, tri-iodothyronine Similarly, spermatogenesis in male fishes is affected by disrupted thy­
(T3). Conversion of T4 to T3 occurs in central and peripheral tissues by roid bioconversion (Flood et al., 2013). The presence of deiodinases
enzymatic removal of iodine (5′ monodeiodenation) by the enzyme 5′- enzymes (DIO1, DIO2, and DIO3) is found in the gonads of many fishes
iodothyronine deiodinase enzyme. Disruption of the deiodinase enzyme (Deal and Volkoff (2020). Moreover, the transcripts level of DIO3
induces a reduction in circulating T3 and an increase in the level of T4. increased as the vitellogenesis progressed (Houbrechts and Darras,
In the present study, an increase in SBM inclusion in the feed increased 2019). Further, to enhance reproductive performance in terms of egg
the level of T4 and reduced the level of serum T3, indicating the possible quality and quantity, thyroid hormones are used (Brown et al., 1989; El-
disruptive effect of the deiodinase enzyme. Genistein was reported to Zibdeh et al., 1996; Tachihara et al., 1997). Hence, the study indicated
disrupt thyroid homeostasis in male C. carpio and showed low levels of that the higher inclusion of soybean meal in the diet (>35%) induces
T3 in genistein-fed groups (Nuzaiba et al., 2020). Similarly, genistein disruption of thyroid axis, to reduce T4 levels, possibly affecting the
administration in the early life stages of Solea senegalensis (Sarasquete endocrine axis of reproduction.
et al., 2017) induced disruption of the deiodinase enzyme. The disrup­ All classes of steroids are synthesized from the common precursor,
tive effects on thyroid homeostasis by isoflavones are also reported in cholesterol. In the current investigation, the serum cholesterol level in

P.M. Nuzaiba et al. Aquaculture 577 (2023) 739894

Fig. 4. (A) Relative expression of estrogen receptor-α (erα), estrogen receptor-β (erβ) in the liver tissue and (B) Serum vitellogenin concentration and hepatic vtgb2
expression of female C. carpio fed with graded levels of SBM in the diet.
Control, SBM-15, SBM-20, SBM-25, SBM-30, SBM-35 and SBM-40 are experimental diets with 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% SBM in feed. Data are arranged as Mean
± SE. Data labelled with different superscripts in the same type bar are significantly different (P < 0.05) (n = 9).

fed to fish, disrupts the synthesis of cortisol, which is reflected in the

high SBM fed groups of the current study.
The balance between serum testosterone and estradiol determines
the sexual characteristics of fish. The enzyme cytochrome P450 aro­
matase enzyme aids in the bioconversion of testosterone (C19 andro­
gens) to 17β-estradiol (C18 estrogens) (Uno et al., 2012) in fish as well as
in humans. Teleosts possess two isoforms of the enzyme: gonadal,
P450aromA and brain, P450aromB (genes encoding the enzymes are
cyp19a1 and cyp19b, respectively). In the present study, the expression
of cyp19a1, cyp19b, and the serum testosterone concentration indicated
inhibition of aromatase enzyme activity (Almstrup et al., 2002; Weber
et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2008) at high SBM feeding, which in turn
induced the testosterone level and reduced estradiol level in the serum.
The increase in E2 concentration up to 25% SBM inclusion in C. carpio
observed in this experiment may be due to the disruption of estrogen-
Fig. 5. Second order polynomial regression analysis to of serum vitellogenin metabolizing enzymes. In the study conducted by Ng et al. (2006),
against dietary inclusion of SBM. inhibited E2 metabolism was observed when liver and kidney tissues of
The concentration of serum vitellogenin is highest when the dietary inclusion of
Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout or liver tissue of lake trout incubated
SBM is 10.90%. The serum vitellogenin concentration gradually decreased and
1 and 10 μM of genistein.
reached to the level observed in control at 22.2% SBM inclusion and further
reduced as the SBM increased. Only the mean values are considered for the
According to Clotfelter and Gendelman (2014) and Latonnelle et al.
regression analysis. (1999), phytoestrogens are structurally similar to animal 17β-estradiol
but have a 50-fold lower affinity for the receptors than 17β-estradiol. An
increase in the estrogen receptor alpha (erα) expression and reduction in
fish groups fed with SBM showed hypocholesterolaemia, with the lowest
the mRNA level of estrogen receptor-beta (erβ) with the increase in the
cholesterol level found in high SBM-diet-fed groups (30, 35, and 40%).
dietary SBM level was also observed in the present study. The increase in
Similar effects were observed in giant grouper, Epinephelus lanceolatus,
erα might have been the transcription activation associated with the
when 50% fishmeal is replaced with SBM in the diet (Wu et al., 2020).
increased E2 levels in the circulation. The phytoestrogen-ERβ protein
However, genistein showed no effect on hypocholesterolaemia but
complex changes its confirmation and results in a lack of control over the
increased total circulating cholesterol content (Nuzaiba et al., 2022).
erβ gene by the ERβ protein (Patisaul et al., 1999; Nuzaiba et al., 2022).
Natural glucocorticoids such as cortisol regulate reproduction and
A low level of erβ mRNA reduces the concentration of ERα-ERβ hetero­
development in vertebrates and play a critical role in primary stress
dimer. This heterodimer exhibits comparatively high activity in trans­
response (Holsboer and Barden, 1996). A serum cortisol level reduction
activating endogenous E2, eventually inducing the vitellogenesis
caused downregulation of vitellogenin expression in females (Berg et al.,
expression and the protein level. In females, since vitellogenesis is a
2004). According to Kamińska et al. (2007), isoflavones suppress
natural process, the increase in ERα-ERα homodimer is less significant in
cortisol release from adrenocortical cells. An in vitro test using H295R
E2 activation and consequently exhibit little effect on vitellogenesis.
cells indicated that genistein at 12.5 μM inhibited cortisol secretion in
In the present study, vtgb2 mRNA level and vitellogenin protein
the cells (Ohno et al., 2002). The vivo studies performed by Nuzaiba
expression supported the low erβ expression. Vitellogenin concentration
et al. (2022) in male C. carpio and by Aluru et al. (2005) in O. mykiss
in SBM-fed female fishes was not impaired by SBM inclusion up to 25%
revealed that cortisol production was reduced up on feeding genistein or
but reduced with a further increase in dietary SBM inclusion. The data
isoflavanoids, respectively. These findings imply that genistein, when

P.M. Nuzaiba et al. Aquaculture 577 (2023) 739894

Fig. 6. The proportion of (A) different stages of oocytes and (B) gonadosomatic index of female C. carpio fed with graded levels of SBM in the diet.
Control, SBM-15, SBM-20, SBM-25, SBM-30, SBM-35 and SBM-40 are experimental diets with 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% SBM in feed. Data are arranged as Mean
± SE. Data labelled with different superscripts in the same type bar are significantly different (P < 0.05) (n = 9).

observed from the gene expression study of vtgb2 showed a similar 35% and 65% of the dietary incorporation of soybean meal. Including
pattern as that of the protein. The result showed a similar trend as that of soybean meal in the diet at 30% reduced the gonadosomatic index in
genistein-fed C. carpio in the first experiment. The effect of soybean meal C. gariepinus (Ugwoke, 2013). A slight but non-significant reduction in
on reducing the vitellogenin concentration in vitellogenic female GSI of female C. carpio was also observed in 35% of SBM-fed fishes
A. baeri was observed earlier when soybean meal was included in the (Banani, 2019).
diet at 30% (Pelissero et al., 1991). Similarly, another study conducted The 20β-Hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase (20βHSD) enzyme stimu­
by Banani (2019) in our laboratory revealed that an inclusion of another lates the synthesis of 17-α, 20β-dihydroprogesterone (DHP). The high
soy phytoestrogen, daidzein (3.8–7.5 mg/Kg diet) resulted in a reduc­ endogenous testosterone in fish body fluid limits the synthesis of DHP by
tion in vitellogenin concentration in 35% SBM-fed female C. carpio. downregulating the activity of 20βHSD (Kusakabe et al., 2006; Schulz
The developing oocytes in the ovary uptake vitellogenin, grow et al., 2010; Scott et al., 2010). In the present study, 20βHSD expression
themselves and increase the gonad weight during reproduction. Fish is decreased as the serum testosterone and dietary SBM inclusion
gonad weight to body weight is measured by the gonadosomatic index increased. DHP may be reduced as the 20βHSD expression is down­
(GSI). Given that gravid females’ ovaries rapidly enlarge just before regulated, which eventually delays the maturation of the ovary (Kusa­
spawning, the GSI is especially useful for determining the spawning kabe et al., 2006; Schulz et al., 2010; Scott et al., 2010).
seasons. In the present study, a reduction of vitellogenic oocytes on
feeding high levels of SBM was observed. The proportion was lower in 5. Conclusion
high SBM diet-fed female C. carpio. A comparatively higher number of
vitellogenic oocytes was observed in 15, 20, and 25% of SBM-fed fishes. Based on the current and previous research, it is determined that soy-
Similar findings were reported by Banani (2019) when C. carpio female phytoestrogens have a significant impact on thyroid homeostasis, ste­
fishes were fed with 17.5% and 35% soybean meal, a comparatively roidogenesis, vitellogenesis, and gonad development in female carp.
higher proportion of vitellogenic oocytes was observed in 17.5% SBM- Nonetheless, the severity of endocrine disruption is lowered when
fed groups and lower in 35% fed groups than the control group. In phytoestrogens are delivered through their dietary source rather than in
support, the research by Fontaınhas-Fernandes et al. (2000) observed a pure form. Lowered phytoestrogens bioavailability, phytoestrogens
reduction in the number of vitellogenic oocytes in the ovary of the fe­ antagonistic in soybean meal, and phytoestrogens loss due to the heat
male O. niloticus when fed with a 100% plant protein diet. The size of the process (Kuligowski et al., 2022) may have reduced its impact on
vitellogenic oocyte did not vary among SBM-fed fishes. However, almost reproductive-endocrine function. The presence of up to 25% SBM in the
uniform-sized vitellogenic oocytes were observed in the control than in feed did not affect the various endocrine and molecular players involved
other treatment groups. Thus, it might be wise to conclude that SBM in reproduction, but further inclusion of SBM disrupted reproduction.
inclusion brought about more asynchrony in ovarian development of Hence, the study came to the conclusion that up to 25% soybean meal
C. carpio. should be included in the diet of female carp broodstock in order to
In the present study, the reduction in the gonadosomatic index in produce good quality seeds. However, further evaluations are necessary
female C. carpio was also observed when the fish were fed a diet con­ to comprehend the individual and combined effects of each antinutri­
taining 30% or more soybean meal. Estrogen receptor β, vitellogenin tional factor on the reproduction of Cyprinus carpio.
and its precursor mRNA-vtgb2 were highly and positively correlated
with GSI. Similarly the steroids including cortisol and steroid synthesis CRediT authorship contribution statement
enzyme 20βHSD were highly correlated with GSI. The number of vitel­
logenic oocytres in the ovary ios highly and positively correlated, while Pallath Muhammed Nuzaiba: Investigation, Data curation, Formal
the no of perinucleolar oocytes were higly and negatively correlated. analysis, Writing – original draft. Tamilarasan Nirmal: Investigation,
Bagheri et al. (2013) reported that adult female C. auratus responded to Software. Prabhakaran Arya: Investigation. Tincy Varghese: Writing –
the high soybean meal inclusion by reducing the gonadosomatic index to review & editing. Subodh Gupta: Conceptualization, Supervision.

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