Naoh Koh in Adhesives

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Caustic Soda by Peter Snyder and Tim Church

Sodium Hydroxide, commonly referred to in the
paper industry as Caustic Soda, is one of the
primary ingredients used to make starch-based
corrugating adhesive. Starch-based corrugating
adhesive is primarily a mixture of water, cooked
starch, uncooked starch, caustic soda and borax.
This remarkable collection of natural, renewable
ingredients is fundamental to the operation of
almost every corrugator. While caustic soda
has not changed, the use of this corrosive
chemical has evolved during the past 40 years.

Over 80 years ago as starch scientists were evaluating

the ways that starches could be used in industry, it was
discovered that when starch was added to water and
heated over 160˚F (72˚C) the starch would dissolve
(or gelatinize) to form a sticky paste. Scientists also is commonly called “caustic soda.” It can cause
found that when the mixture of starch and water was severe burns, so extreme care must be
treated with certain chemicals, like caustic soda, the taken to avoid exposure.
starch also dissolved (or gelatinized). This information
was used to create glues for paper products including 2. The density of 50% caustic soda is 12.75 pounds
envelopes and basic paper packaging tape. The per gallon. This is more than 50% heavier than
use of starch-based glue continued to expand and water.
ultimately replaced sodium silicate adhesive in the
manufacturing of corrugated board after World War II. 3. The storage temperature of 50% caustic soda is
critical. The solids of this solution will begin
Caustic soda is a commodity chemical widely to crystalize and fall out of suspension when its
used across many industries. It is made from temperature goes below 54˚F (12˚C). Although
saltwater via an electrolysis separation process not technically accurate, many people refer
that also produces chlorine gas. Caustic soda is to this as the “freeze” temperature of caustic.
generally supplied as a powder or a solution of a As the temperature of the solution reaches
specified concentration. The most common solution this point, caustic becomes very difficult to pump.
is 50% solids (½ water, ½ sodium hydroxide).
4. As the percent solids of caustic soda solutions
There are several physical properties of caustic decreases, the temperature stability improves:
soda solutions that need to be considered • A 30% solids solution is stable to 36˚F (2˚C).
when used in industry: • A 25% solids solution is stable to 0˚F (-18˚C).

1. Sodium hydroxide is very corrosive, which is why it While most corrugator plants use the maximum
concentration of 50% solids for efficiency and • Maintain the TVC system for the caustic soda
reduced transportation costs, some plants in colder storage tank to keep the solution at
climates use 30% or 25% solutions to minimize the 75˚F - 80˚F (24˚C – 27˚C).
risk of crystallization and pumping issues.
• Use a lower concentration of Sodium Hydroxide
Corrugator plants in cold climates must maintain (e.g., 25% or 30%). This will require a formulation
their caustic soda solution above its crystallization change to the adhesive.
temperature. If the temperature of the caustic soda
falls below its crystallization temperature, solids • Use a blend of Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium
will begin to crystalize and fall to the bottom of the Hydroxide. This will likely not require a formulation
vessel. When this happens, the resulting solution change to the adhesive.
is weakened below its specified strength, and the
gel temperature of your adhesive will increase. As A winterized blend of caustic soda which contains
the level in the caustic storage vessel gets lower, a mixture of 50% Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and
the percentage strength of the solution can rise 45% Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) delivers improved
sharply due to the increased concentration of solids temperature stability along with the high caustic
at the bottom. When this product makes its way concentration desired by most corrugating plants.
into the mixer, the gel temperature of your adhesive
will decrease. If this situation occurs and your As illustrated in the table, the trade-off when you
gel temperature is not being monitored, the first blend KOH with caustic is that as the KOH percentage
indication could be a significant increase in waste increases you lose alkalinity. While you gain ever
coming off the corrugator in the form of “zipper board”. increasing temperature stability, that loss in alkalinity
must be offset by using more pounds of the blend in
The temperature of the liquid caustic soda in the the adhesive to keep your gel temperature the same.
storage vessel is not the only concern. Crystallization
can also occur in the pipes used to transfer liquid HarperLove has conducted extensive laboratory
caustic from the delivery point to the storage vessel, studies using 95%/5% and 90%/10% blends of
and the pipes from the storage vessel to the mixer. Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide, and we
Some plants install heat tracing to warm the pipes have found no impact on the carrier cooking process
and to help prevent the caustic soda solution and very minor impact on the gel temperature. In
from crystallizing when the plant is not running. most cases if an increase in gel temperature is
observed, merely adding 0.5 - 1.0 extra pounds of
For plants that need to consider improved storage the caustic blend in a full-size batch would return it to
temperature stability for their caustic soda the original gel temperature. These blends provide
solution, there are a couple of options to consider: good temperature stability with minimal impact on gel

Winter Grade Caustic

50% NaOH Percentage 100% 95% 90% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60%
45% KOH Percentage 0% 5% 10% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Alkalinity Reduction 0.0% 1.8% 3.6% 7.2% 9.0% 10.8% 12.6% 14.4%
Data provided by and used with permission of PVS Nolwood Chemicals, Inc

How Accurate Is Your Test Equipment? by Wayne Porell

The equipment you use to test and evaluate your Thermometers
starch should be checked and calibrated regularly
to ensure your starch will deliver the results you Thermometers are often assumed to be accurate and,
expect. If your test equipment is not accurate, you therefore, tend to be overlooked as a potential source
will make poorly informed decisions in your attempts of error. Thermometers should be checked at least
to address productivity and quality issues. monthly for separation and accuracy. A good time to
check a thermometer is when you are preparing for correctly, you will believe the starch viscosity to be
a gel temperature test. If a thermometer is reading different than what it actually is. This disparity can
incorrectly, you will have bad data and will make create runnabiltiy issues on the corrugator. If the
poor decisions about gel starch is thicker than your target viscosity, it will not
temperature, which can flow through the pans and lines well. This can cause
lead to quality issues an overflow that will create a mess on the floor and
at the mixer and the a safety issue. At the doublebacker, it can overflow
corrugator. The best way out of the starch pan onto the bottom liner creating
to check a thermometer starch build up on the hot plates and idler rolls. This
is by inserting it in boiling buildup can result in the bottom liner breaking out and
water - if it doesn’t read wrapping itself around the idler rolls or preheater prior
212°F, it should be to the hot plate section. If the increased viscosity
discarded. slows the flow in the lines to the starch pan, the
pan may run out of starch resulting in the board not
If the gel temperature of bonding properly. In addition to waste, this generally
your starch is actually leads to jamming up the machine and additional
higher than you think downtime. Furthermore, if the starch is more viscous
it is, you will likely get than normal, the normal gap settings will lead to
delamination issues, excessive starch being applied to the board, which
especially with heavy will create warp and bonding issues. If the starch is
liners because you won’t thinner than desired, it can sling starch off the glue
heat the board sufficiently to gel the starch. To roll onto the medium resulting in wet or warped board.
counteract this problem, you would need to slow the
corrugator. The result will be either loss of quality A properly calibrated Stein Hall Cup will read 14.5 –
or loss of productivity. If the gel temperature of your 15.5 seconds from pin to pin with water. A
starch is lower than you think it is, you can get swelled properly calibrated Love Cup will read 6.0 – 7.0
or gelled starch. If the starch swells, the increase in seconds with water.
viscosity would likely lead the operators to reduce the
amount of carrier starch to lower the viscosity, but this
may lead to other problems. The lower gel temperature
can also create issues with gelled starch in the starch
pans. Gelled starch in the starch pans may cause the
starch to be wiped off the glue roll which will result
in dry streaks on the board. The gelled starch can
also prevent the glue dams from working correctly,
allowing starch to remain on the glue roll outside the
starch dams. This can result in starch getting on
the corrugator rolls and will lead to blow-out issues.
Storage Tank Temperature
Test Tubes
The storage tank temperature gauge is another
The test tubes that are used for checking gel potential source for errors. If the digital readout is
temperatures should be checked for chips and not reading accurately and the starch is hotter than
cracks every time they are used. In addition to the the readout indicates, the viscosity will be lower.
potential hazard of shattered glass, a cracked tube Similarly, if the starch is cooler than you expect, the
may allow water to leak into the starch during the gel viscosity will be higher. The viscosity differences will
temperature test. The additional water will cause lead to the same issues that were highlighted above.
the gel temperature test to indicate higher than what
the actual gel temperature is. Reacting to this errant If your equipment is accurate, your starch will perform
data by adding caustic soda will lead to a lower-than- as you expect, and your tests will tell you what needs
desired gel temperature and could result in a gelled to be changed. Making the correct adjustments based
batch or even a gelled storage tank and lines. on accurate data will keep your starch consistently
within the desired specifications and make it easier
Stein Hall Cup or Love Cup to troubleshoot corrugator bonding issues. Good
troubleshooting starts with accurate test equipment.
If the Stein Hall Cup or Love Cup is not calibrated
11101 Westlake Drive
P.O. Box 410408
Charlotte, NC 28241-0408
704.588.1350 •

• Caustic Soda
• How Accurate Is Your Test Equipment?


May 2017

LiquiBor C TM

HarperLove has developed the most concentrated liquid

borax in the market (97% 10 mol powder equivalent).

LiquiBor CTM is:

• Easy to pump
• Clean
• Consistent
• Freeze/thaw stable
• Ergonomically friendly

To explore the benefits that liquibor ctm can provide your operation,
contact your HarperLove representative or call us at 704.588.1350.

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