Naoh Koh in Adhesives
Naoh Koh in Adhesives
Naoh Koh in Adhesives
1. Sodium hydroxide is very corrosive, which is why it While most corrugator plants use the maximum
concentration of 50% solids for efficiency and • Maintain the TVC system for the caustic soda
reduced transportation costs, some plants in colder storage tank to keep the solution at
climates use 30% or 25% solutions to minimize the 75˚F - 80˚F (24˚C – 27˚C).
risk of crystallization and pumping issues.
• Use a lower concentration of Sodium Hydroxide
Corrugator plants in cold climates must maintain (e.g., 25% or 30%). This will require a formulation
their caustic soda solution above its crystallization change to the adhesive.
temperature. If the temperature of the caustic soda
falls below its crystallization temperature, solids • Use a blend of Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium
will begin to crystalize and fall to the bottom of the Hydroxide. This will likely not require a formulation
vessel. When this happens, the resulting solution change to the adhesive.
is weakened below its specified strength, and the
gel temperature of your adhesive will increase. As A winterized blend of caustic soda which contains
the level in the caustic storage vessel gets lower, a mixture of 50% Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and
the percentage strength of the solution can rise 45% Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) delivers improved
sharply due to the increased concentration of solids temperature stability along with the high caustic
at the bottom. When this product makes its way concentration desired by most corrugating plants.
into the mixer, the gel temperature of your adhesive
will decrease. If this situation occurs and your As illustrated in the table, the trade-off when you
gel temperature is not being monitored, the first blend KOH with caustic is that as the KOH percentage
indication could be a significant increase in waste increases you lose alkalinity. While you gain ever
coming off the corrugator in the form of “zipper board”. increasing temperature stability, that loss in alkalinity
must be offset by using more pounds of the blend in
The temperature of the liquid caustic soda in the the adhesive to keep your gel temperature the same.
storage vessel is not the only concern. Crystallization
can also occur in the pipes used to transfer liquid HarperLove has conducted extensive laboratory
caustic from the delivery point to the storage vessel, studies using 95%/5% and 90%/10% blends of
and the pipes from the storage vessel to the mixer. Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide, and we
Some plants install heat tracing to warm the pipes have found no impact on the carrier cooking process
and to help prevent the caustic soda solution and very minor impact on the gel temperature. In
from crystallizing when the plant is not running. most cases if an increase in gel temperature is
observed, merely adding 0.5 - 1.0 extra pounds of
For plants that need to consider improved storage the caustic blend in a full-size batch would return it to
temperature stability for their caustic soda the original gel temperature. These blends provide
solution, there are a couple of options to consider: good temperature stability with minimal impact on gel
• Caustic Soda
• How Accurate Is Your Test Equipment?
LiquiBor C TM
To explore the benefits that liquibor ctm can provide your operation,
contact your HarperLove representative or call us at 704.588.1350.