The document discusses organizational behavior and human resource management. It explains that organizational behavior aims to understand how people behave in organizations. It also discusses how human resource management strategically uses people to achieve short, medium, and long term goals. Finally, it states that organizational behavior applies knowledge about individuals, groups, and structure to make organizations work more effectively and efficiently.
The document discusses organizational behavior and human resource management. It explains that organizational behavior aims to understand how people behave in organizations. It also discusses how human resource management strategically uses people to achieve short, medium, and long term goals. Finally, it states that organizational behavior applies knowledge about individuals, groups, and structure to make organizations work more effectively and efficiently.
The document discusses organizational behavior and human resource management. It explains that organizational behavior aims to understand how people behave in organizations. It also discusses how human resource management strategically uses people to achieve short, medium, and long term goals. Finally, it states that organizational behavior applies knowledge about individuals, groups, and structure to make organizations work more effectively and efficiently.
The document discusses organizational behavior and human resource management. It explains that organizational behavior aims to understand how people behave in organizations. It also discusses how human resource management strategically uses people to achieve short, medium, and long term goals. Finally, it states that organizational behavior applies knowledge about individuals, groups, and structure to make organizations work more effectively and efficiently.
empresas es una rama de las organizaciones están Comprender la conducta ciencias sociales que tiene de las personas en las constituidos por individuos como objetivo y grupos, es decir, por la organizaciones es el principal tomar los recursos objetivo básico del CO. gente que desempeña de forma estratégica para actividades y hace lograr los objetivos a corto, aportaciones que permiten a mediano y largo plazo de la organización servir para una empresa. un propósito particular.
Eficiencia y eficacia El comportamiento
en la administración. organizacional (CO) es Aplica el conocimiento que se un campo de estudio que obtiene sobre los individuos, investiga el efecto que grupos y el efecto de la los individuos. estructura sobre el comportamiento, para hacer que las organizaciones trabajen con más eficacia.