Activity No. 1 - SQL Command

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School of Information and Communication Technology

Laboratory Activity Form

Course: Advanced Database Systems

Topics Covered: Creating a system that uses a database using MySQL

● To create a database in MySQL
Objectives: ● Add table in the database
● Perform simple query in the database using MySQL Console.


Database Name: Sales


*CustomerID int(11) PRIMARY KEY, AUTO
*LastName varchar(75) not null
*FirstName varchar(75) not null
*Contact varchar(25) not null
*Address varchar(75) not null

*MenuName varchar(75) not null
*CategoryID int(11) FK
*Price double not null

*CategoryID int(11) PRIMARY KEY, AUTO
*CategoryName varchar(75) not null

*OrderID int(11) PRIMARY KEY, AUTO
*CustomerID int(11) FK
DateOrdered date

OrderDetailID int(11) PRIMARY KEY, AUTO
OrderID int(11) FK
MenuID int(11) FK
Quantity int(11)
Insert the following record at the Customer table.

Record No. 1
CustomerID -1
LastName -Tokyo
FirstName -Shoji
Contact -080-1234-5678
Address -Kanda, Chiyoda-ku

Record No. 2
CustomerID -2
LastName -Osaka
FirstName -Shokai
Contact -080-5679-1234
Address -Doyama-cho, Kita-
ku, Osaka City

Record No. 3
CustomerID -3
LastName -Chugoku
FirstName -Shonen
Contact -080-5679-1235
Address -Moto-machi, Naka-
ku, Hiroshima City

Insert the following record at the Category table.

Record No. 1
CategoryID -1
CategoryName - Pork

Record No. 2
CategoryID -2
CategoryName - Beef

Record No. 3
CategoryID -3
CategoryName - Chicken

Insert the following record at the Menu table.

Record No. 1
MenuID -1
MenuName - Sweet and Sour
CategoryID -1
Price -300

Record No. 2
MenuID -2
MenuName - Kung Pao Chicken
CategoryID -3
Price -200

Record No. 3
MenuID -3
MenuName - Ma Po Tofu
CategoryID -2
Price -350

Insert the following record at the Orders table.

Record No. 1
OrderID -1
CustomerID -3
DateOrdered -1999-08-07

Record No. 2
OrderID -2
CustomerID -1
DateOrdered -1999-09-01

Record No. 3
OrderID -3
CustomerID -2
DateOrdered -1999-07-28

Insert the following record at the OrderDetail table.

Record No. 1
OrderDetailID -1
OrderID -3
MenuID -3
Quantity -5
Record No. 2
OrderDetailID -2
OrderID -1
MenuID -1
Quantity -3

Record No. 3
OrderDetailID -3
OrderID -2
MenuID -2
Quantity -4

Extract the following:

Paste a screenshot of your query after the number. The screenshot will show that you
could extract the needed information correctly. Also, Write your name after this line.

Name: ________________________________

1. Retrieve CustomerID, FirstName, and LastName from customer table.

2. Retrieve CustomerID from order table.

3. Retrieve OrderID, MenuID, and Quantity from OrderDetail table.

4. Write an SQL statement to extract the display below.

MenuName Price
Sweet and Sour 300
Kung Pao Chicken 200
Ma Po Tofu 350

5. Write an SQL statement to extract the display below.

customerI Firstname Lastnam MenuName Quantit Price

D e y
3 Shonen Chugoku Sweet and Sour 3 300
2 Shokai Osaka Ma Po Tofu 5 350
1 Shoji Tokyo Kung Pao Chicken 4 200

6. Write an SQL statement to extract the display below.

MenuID MenuName CategoryNa Price
1 Sweet and Sour Pork Pork 300
2 Kung Pao Chicken Chicken 200
3 Ma Po Tofu Beef 350

7. Write an SQL statement to extract the display below.


8. Retrieve from OrderDetail table the OrderID, MenuID and Quantity wherein
quantity is less than

9. Write an SQL statement to extract the display below.

customerI Firstname Lastnam MenuName Quantit Pric TotalPric

D e y e e
3 Shonen Chugoku Sweet and Sour 3 300 900
2 Shokai Osaka Ma Po Tofu 5 350 1750
1 Shoji Tokyo Kung Pao Chicken 4 200 800

10. Retrieve from menu table the menu names and prices wherein the price is from
300 to 350.

11. Retrieve from customer table the customer first name and last name in the records
wherein the CustomerID is 1 0r 3.

12. Retrieve from OrderDetail table the OrderID and MenuID wherein the quantity is 4
or larger.

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