LRN Level C1 January 2016 Exam Paper

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LEVEL C1 Duration
Listening: 35 minutes
LISTENING Writing - Reading and Use: 2 hours and 15 min



· Do not write on this Exam Paper.

· Do not open this paper until you are told to do so.
· Read the instructions before answering the questions.
· You will hear Section 1 and Section 2 of the Listening TWICE.
· You will hear Section 3 of the Listening AGAIN in Writing, Section 1.
· Answer all the questions.
· Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet in pencil.
· Use a pencil HB 2.
· Do TWO Writing Tasks.
· Write your Tasks in the Writing Booklet in pencil.
· You must ask any questions now as you cannot speak during the Test

Page 1

Listen to 10 short conversations. For questions 1-10, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each conversation TWICE. You now have 2 minutes to read the questions.
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

Cooking At the canteen

1. The woman sounds angry because 6. What is FALSE according to what you hear?
A. she can’t understand the recipe. A. Both of them are students.
B. today’s recipe went wrong. B. Tracy has just started her studies.
C. the man’s comments have annoyed C. Jack seems to be unsociable.
At a party On the plane
2. Tina sounds surprised that Peter 7. The woman is scared because
A. can tell good jokes. A. the flight is longer than she expected.
B. is enjoying the party. B. she has never travelled by plane before.
C. won’t stay at the party. C. the man wants to talk to her during the

Working on a project At the bank

3. What is TRUE about Tina’s project? 8. In order to exchange the euros, the woman
asks the man to
A. It’s due in two days.
B. George will finish it. A. show some identification.
C. It is stressing Tina out. B. sign a document.
C. wait in line.

At the supermarket Problem with the laptop

4. The man informs the woman that 9. The man tells Helen that
A. the cheese section is in aisle 6. A. he can repair the screen in 20 minutes.
B. certain cheeses are reduced today. B. it’s worth buying a new laptop.
C. aisle 6 is on her right. C. the screen can be cheaply replaced.

At the office Looking for a book

5. It seems that finally, 10.The woman would rather Tony
A. the woman manages to make A. took his time to return to class.
photocopies. B. had gone to a smaller bookstore.
B. the photocopy machine is not C. asked for assistance to find the book.
C. George fixes the photocopy machine.

Page 2

Listen to 3 longer conversations. For questions 11-20, choose the best answer
(A, B or C). You will hear each conversation TWICE. You now have 2 minutes to read
the questions.
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.
After the dance performance A job interview
11.Mark appears to have 18.According to the weather forecast, it will be
A. enjoyed the performance. A. raining all day.
B. bought his own ticket. B. cloudy all day.
C. invited Grace to the show. C. clearer in the afternoon.
12.What is TRUE according to what you 19.The woman doesn’t want to go shopping
hear? today because
A. Grace is a West End dancer. A. the baby-sitter is ill.
B. Mark thinks highly of Grace. B. Peter’s job interview isn’t until Friday.
C. Grace is hardly an ambitious C. she thinks Peter doesn’t need a suit.
20.How does Peter feel about the job
13.What is TRUE about Mark? interview?
A. He is a popular artist. A. a bit nervous
B. He owns two art galleries. B. really excited
C. He is a painter. C. absolutely terrified
At the doctor’s
14.John’s tiredness is making it difficult for
him to
A. fight off a cold.
B. breathe properly.
C. focus on his work.
15.John tells Dr. Jacobs that recently he
has been having
A. trouble sleeping well.
B. a lot of anxiety at work.
C. emotional problems.
16.What is FALSE about John?
A. He finds watching TV restful.
B. He doesn’t like video games.
C. He likes to use his tablet in bed.
17.Dr. Jacobs advises John to
A. exercise just before sleeping.
B. stop watching TV in bed.
C. avoid going to bed too early.
Page 3

Listen to an extract from a radio talk about whether life today is better than it was in the
past. For questions 21-25, choose the best answer (A, B or C). You will hear the extract
TWICE. You now have 2 minutes to look at the questions.

Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

21.What is TRUE about travelling nowadays?

A. Travel agencies usually offer the best deals.
B. It is difficult to reserve a hotel room online.
C. Electronic booking is the preferred method.
22.In the past, communication was
A. more expensive.
B. more varied.
C. more convenient.
23.Online learning
A. appeals only to the young.
B. is limited to certain areas.
C. is accessible to anyone.
24.In the past, it was easier for people to
A. communicate with relatives abroad.
B. build up close friendships.
C. avoid taking part in celebrations.
25.Compared to the past, people nowadays
A. suffer from increased stress.
B. don’t work such long hours.
C. eat more naturally produced food.

Now turn to Writing, Section 1, Task 1. Open your Writing Booklet and listen to the
instructions. You have 1 minute to open your Writing Booklet.

Page 4

Task 1

Listen to the extract from the radio talk again. USE the space provided in your Writing
booklet to take notes. You can use the information from the recording and the notes
you have taken to write an Essay about whether life today is better than life in the past.

Write your Essay in the Writing Booklet, Task 1.

Your notes will not be marked.

Take notes for the following

information or for anything
else you wish.






In the past

social life

family life



Page 5

Task 1

You must do Task 1

Write your Essay on the following topic in the space provided in the Writing Booklet.
You can use the notes you have taken. You may add any other relevant information you
wish. Write your Essay in 150-200 words.

“In your opinion, is life today better than it was in the past? Support your views”.

Page 6

Choose ONE of the following Writing Tasks. USE the points given below each Task.
You may add your own points if you wish.

Write your Task in the space provided in the Writing Booklet in 250-300 words.

Task 2
Some high school graduates decide to continue their studies at a university
abroad. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of
studying abroad? Support your views

Advantages Disadvantages
· learn to be responsible · have financial difficulties
· get to know another culture · experience a cultural shock
· make friends with new people · feel homesick
· more advanced technology · language problems

Task 3
Some people prefer to live in the suburbs while others choose to live in the
city centre. Where would you like to live and why? Support your ideas with

Living in the suburbs Living in the city centre

· less traffic · diversity of people
· less crime · more cultural opportunities
· more green · better transportation
· little entertainment · noise and crime

Task 4
There are a lot of animal species facing extinction. What, in your opinion, is
the cause of this problem and what can be done to protect endangered

Causes of the problem Solutions

· destruction of habitats · protect and restore habitats
· hunting or fishing · strict laws against hunting and fishing
· pollution · protect animals in wildlife parks

Page 7

Read the text below about Supersonic Flight and then answer the questions that follow.
For questions 1-9, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

Supersonic Flight

24 October, 2003 marked the final flight of Concorde, one of the most iconic aeroplanes
ever. One of only two supersonic airliners, it was by far the most successful having an
outstanding 27-year service before retirement. Since then there have been no supersonic
passenger flights, but now several airlines are planning to create new supersonic
passenger planes.

A supersonic plane is one that is able to break the sound barrier, or in other words, to
travel at speeds greater than the speed of sound. The first plane to do this was the U.S.
Bell X-1 in 1947, piloted by Chuck Yeager. There had been several obstacles to overcome
in order to achieve this. One obstacle was overheating and another was turbulence which
led to planes being difficult to control; the problem of shock waves caused by such speeds
also made the plane slow down and thus more powerful engines were required. Another
way around this latter difficulty was to design a long and thin aircraft, which was the
reason why Concorde had its distinctive shape and pointed nose. The numerous difficulties
needed to be overcome to reach sonic speeds led to the popular notion of a ‘sound
barrier’. This concept was further reinforced by the sonic boom, the noise like an explosion
which occurred when objects went faster than the speed of sound.

Sonic booms were a common phenomenon during the early 1970s as Concorde embarked
on its commercial transatlantic flights between Britain and the USA at over twice the speed
of sound. However, their loudness soon became a source of complaint among the general
public, which resulted in Concorde flying supersonic only over the Atlantic. Despite this, it
was still able to fly from London to New York in under 3 hours. Another criticism of the
plane was that it was almost exclusively for the wealthy. Nevertheless, Concorde
continued to operate for almost 3 decades until a variety of factors led to its retirement
in 2003.

However, thanks to advances in technology, many companies are now planning to open
supersonic routes worldwide as early as 2020. One company, Airbus, is designing a
supersonic plane, named Concorde 2, which would be able to travel at more than twice
the speed of the original Concorde. However, its turtle-like appearance bears no
comparison to the sleek, classic ground-breaking design of its former namesake.

Page 8

1. What is mentioned in the 1st paragraph about Concorde?

A. It was the only supersonic airplane.
B. It travelled further than any other plane.
C. Its service record was exceptional.

2. What is TRUE of Chuck Yeager?

A. He designed the Bell X-1.
B. He flew the first supersonic plane.
C. He discovered the sound barrier in 1947.

3. One phenomenon that is NOT an obstacle to breaking the sound barrier is

A. excess heat.
B. powerful engines.
C. shock waves.

4. The writer says that one way to overcome the problem of shock wave was to
A. slow the plane down.
B. add more turbulence.
C. make the aircraft slimmer.

5. Which of the following options can best replace the word notion in the 2nd
A. idea
B. experience
C. discovery

6. What is a ‘sonic boom’?

A. a reinforced barrier
B. a loud sound
C. a fast moving object

7. According to the 3rd paragraph, what was one result of the sonic boom?
A. It allowed transatlantic flights.
B. Many people protested about them.
C. It stopped supersonic travel across the Atlantic.

8. What does the word operate in the 3rd paragraph mean?

A. expand
B. function
C. prepare

9. One aspect of Concorde 2 that the author is critical of is its

A. speed.
B. name.
C. look.

Page 9

Read the following two passages about Holidays.

For questions 10-20, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.


All-Inclusive Holidays 10.One reason all-inclusive holidays are

popular is that they
The main reason for the popularity of all-
A. organise many excursions.
inclusive holidays is that they are very
B. are hassle-free.
convenient and stress-free.
C. offer free meals.
Holidaymakers, whether they go on cheap
all-inclusive holidays or on luxurious ones, 11.What does the phrase ‘concerned
pay in advance for holiday expenses such about’ in the 1st paragraph mean?
as transportation, accommodation and A. thrilled about
meals so they do not have to worry about B. doubtful about
overspending during their holidays. Nor do C. troubled about
they need to be concerned about
planning activities as the resorts they go 12.What is TRUE about holidaymakers
to offer a variety of entertainment for all on an all-inclusive holiday?
ages on site, which is included in the A. They hardly get to see the area
price. Package holidays also give you the around the resort.
chance to socialise with other B. They are not charged for activities
holidaymakers. outside the resort.
C. They often participate in local
These kinds of holidays do not come
cultural events.
without drawbacks, however. For one
thing, holidaymakers tend to spend their 13.A holidaymaker on an all-inclusive
time on the resort grounds and so their holiday may be dissatisfied with
interaction with local culture is either A. the food provided.
limited or non-existent. Those who do B. the small portions of the food
decide to explore the culture and the served.
sights of the area will pay extra for such C. the luxury the resort offers.
activities. Moreover, the food served may
not always be agreeable to all and the all-
you-can-eat buffet can encourage guests
to eat more than they should. Sometimes
a package holiday simply fails to live up to

Page 10

14. What is FALSE about travelling

Travelling Independently independently?
A. It allows travellers to do what they
The most important benefit of travelling desire.
independently is that you have the total B. It is suggested primarily for long
freedom and flexibility to do whatever you holidays.
please, whenever you want. As an C. It doesn’t oblige travellers to remain at
independent traveller, you also benefit the their hotel.
local economy since you are not confined to 15. What does the word accomplishment’ in
the premises of one single resort. More the 1st paragraph mean?
important than anything else, however, is A. embarrassment
the magic that you feel when you travel B. achievement
independently- the sense of accomplishment C. amusement
from getting from place to place and the 16. Organising your holiday on your own
growth that occurs when you stretch your
A. may cause you considerable anxiety.
comfort zone. B. will not usually take you much time.
C. is generally easier than you think.
However, organising your holiday on your
own is not without pitfalls. First of all, 17. One of the most serious pitfalls of
looking for the best accommodation and travelling independently is that it may
transportation for your budget might be A. be as expensive as a package holiday.
time-consuming and nerve-racking. You may B. put the traveller’s safety at risk.
also face an unpleasant surprise as the hotel C. require online booking.
you booked may not always be what the
Questions 18-20 refer to
website claimed it to be. What is more, the
BOTH Sections A and B.
cost of travelling independently can be much
higher than that of an organised package 18. In which passage(s) is inclusive
holiday. One of the most serious entertainment mentioned?
disadvantages, though, is that as an A. Passage A
independent traveller, you are not always B. Passage B
safe. Not knowing the area, you may C. Passage A and B
unexpectedly find yourself in a dangerous
19. The holidays in both passages
A. are best suited for young people.
B. require you to book your own
C. may lead to disappointment.

20. In which passage(s) is limited contact with

the local community mentioned?
A. Passage A
B. Passage B
C. Passage A and B

Page 11

For questions 21-40, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

21.She was about ………… when her boss asked her to send one more email.
A. leaving
B. to have left
C. to leave

22.Neither of them ………… to the theatre since they started working.

A. have gone
B. has been
C. went

23.The manager wasn’t at work yesterday. He ………… have been ill.

A. should
B. ought to
C. must

24.Mum doesn’t want to cook today. She’d ………… eat out.

A. better
B. rather
C. prefer

25.The burglar is likely ………… in through the back window.

A. be breaking
B. that he broke
C. to have broken

26.It’s no ………… trying to change her mind. She’s so stubborn!

A. use
B. point
C. worthless

27.They ………… him wait for an hour before calling him in for the interview.
A. have had
B. made
C. got

Page 12

28.What …………… to make her so angry?

A. might have he done
B. you think did he do
C. could he have done

29.Unless she …………… hard, she won’t be given a promotion.

A. doesn’t work
B. will work
C. works

30.He’d rather …………… so many people to dinner last Saturday.

A. her not have invited
B. she hadn’t invited
C. she didn’t invite

31.Most students find computer lessons …………….

A. extremely interesting
B. quite interested
C. much interest

32.Being unhappy with the service, he insisted …………… to the manager.

A. to complain
B. he could complain
C. on complaining

33.Did you ask why …………… home so late?

A. did he return
B. he returned
C. has he returned

34.…………… having prepared for the test, she didn’t do very well.
A. In spite of
B. Apart from
C. Due to

35.I have two close friends and …………… live near my house.
A. neither of whom
B. both of them
C. none of which

Page 13

36.The briefcase ………… in the library probably belongs to a teacher.

A. finding
B. been found
C. found

37.She said he ………… the money from a friend of his a few days earlier.
A. had borrowed
B. borrowed
C. was borrowing

38.I’m sorry I can’t lend you any money. I’ve got ………… myself.
A. very little
B. very few
C. not much

39.By the time the guests …………, we will have laid the table.
A. will arrive
B. arrived
C. arrive

40.No sooner ………… her work than she went out for a drink.
A. she finished
B. had she finished
C. she had finished

Page 14

For questions 41-50, read the text below and use ONLY ONE word to fill in the gaps.

Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

Kurt Kolka

Kurt Kolka is a freelance writer. Much (41) ……………… his work has been for a local
American newspaper at (42) ……………… he is an arts writer and editorial cartoonist. (43)
……………… experienced bullying when he was a kid, Kurt also gives presentations on
bullying at schools, libraries and other organizations. In his talks, he discusses the (44)
…………… why bullying has become (45) …………… a big issue today, tells stories of those
who have suffered bullying and suggests ways to (46) ……………… with the problem. In
addition, Kurt wrote a comic book entitled ‘Bullying is No Laughing Matter’ whose aim was
to sensitise people of all ages to bullying. The book brought together thirty cartoonists
(47) ……………… across the world who (48) ………………… up with ideas for comic strips on
the issue of bullying. Through the adventures of cartoon favourites, children (49)
…………… encouraged to support each other when (50) …………… begins bullying them.

Page 15

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