Science Practice Exam

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Gul Bashra Askar

Science Practice Exam

Subjects: Chemistry & Physics
Total marks: /85
Name: ________________
Class: _________________
Section: _______________

Section A /35
• MCQS 15
• Correct the statement 10
• Match the columns 5
• Fill in the blanks 5

Section B /20
• Short questions and answers 20

Section C /30
• Long question and answers 30

Gul Bashra Askar

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Section A

MCQs: /15
Each MCQ has 0.75 marks
1. _________ has either a positive or negative charge.
a. Atoms
b. Ions
c. Molecules

2. The reactivity in group 1 _______ as it proceeds

a. Decreases
b. Increases
c. Stays the same

3. Group 1 metals are known as ______.

a. Halogens
b. Noble gases
c. Alkali Earth metals
d. Alkali metals

4. When a metal quickly turns dull from shiny, this

indicates that the metal is reacting with ___________.

Gul Bashra Askar

a. Water
b. Hydrogen
c. Oxygen
d. Air

5. Magnesium reacts slowly with _______ but reacts

more quickly with steam.
a. Water vapour
b. Water
c. Oxygen
d. Heat

6. A metal hydroxide is an example of an _________.

a. Base
b. Acid
c. Alkali
d. Neutral substance

7. Metals react by _________ electrons.

a. Gaining
b. Loosing

8. A salt is an ______________.
a. Ionic atom
b. Ionic compound
c. Substance that contains hydrogen ions

Gul Bashra Askar

9. Thermite reaction is an _________ reaction.

a. Endothermic
b. Exothermic
c. Blasting/Flammable
d. Precipitate

10. __________react with steam but NOT cold water.

a. Iron
b. Magnesium
c. Copper
d. Gold

11. Rank the metals in accordance to their reactivity

a. Y<X<V<Z<U

Gul Bashra Askar

b. V>X>Y>Z>U
c. U>Z>V>X>Y

12. ________ is the weakest base.

a. Oven cleaner (pH 13.5)
b. Lemon juice (pH 2.5)
c. Soap (pH 10)
d. Blood (pH 7.4)

13. ___________ is the strongest acid.

a. Soap (pH 10)
b. HCL (pH 0)
c. Blood (pH 7.45)
d. Soft drink (pH 3)

14. A __________ will produce OH- ions in water.

a. Acid
b. Base
c. Fatty Acid
d. Enzymes

15. In the following reaction, which metal has been


Gul Bashra Askar

Copper sulphate + magnesium → Magnesium

sulphate + copper
a. Magnesium
b. Copper

16. What type of reaction is shown in the reaction

Lead nitrate + Sodium → Sodium nitrate + lead
a. Thermite reaction
b. Decomposition
c. Displacement reaction
d. Precipitate reaction

17. In a displacement reaction, the ________ reactive

metal that is displaced from a compound.
a. More
b. Less

18. Magnesium was added to dilute acid. The reaction

was vigorous and bubbles of ________ gas were
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Hydrogen
c. Calcium Carbonate
d. Oxygen

Gul Bashra Askar

19. Hydrogen and _________ are two non-metals that

are mentioned in the reactivity series.
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Zinc
c. Carbon
d. Sodium

20. Carbon can displace zinc, iron and ___________

from its ores.
a. Tin
b. Lead
c. Copper

Correct the statement /10

Each correct the statement carries 1 mark.

1. Manganese dioxide speeds up the breakdown of a

catalyst known as hydrogen peroxide.

2. Static electricity happens in wet and moist weather

since dry weather prevents static electricity from
taking place.

Gul Bashra Askar


3. Before we rub any two materials, they already have

a positive or negative charge and are not neutral.

4. Electrical attraction is not an example of a force.


5. When two soluble substances react, the product is

always soluble.

6. When two insoluble substances react, the product

formed is always insoluble.

7. To make salts from an unreactive metal, we will

first react it with water.

Gul Bashra Askar


8. Soluble metals form alkalis when they dissolve in


9. Limestone is made from copper carbonate.


10. Ernest Rutherford discovered electrons in 1897.


Match the columns /5

Each column carries 1 mark.
Column 1 Column 2
Positive charge Enzymes
Biological catalyst Hydrogen peroxide
Static electricity Ionic compound
Waste product Lightning
Salt Nucleus

Gul Bashra Askar

Fill in the blanks /5

Each fill in the blank carries 1 mark.
1. Sodium oxide + _________ → Sodium hydroxide
2. All acids contain ____________.
3. A _________ is needed for a current to flow.
4. A ____________ is a flow of charge.
5. A bigger __________ makes a bigger current flow.

Section B
Short question and answers /20

1. Why is the reactivity series vital in chemistry? /2


2. Why are biological catalysts present in biological

washing machines? /2

Gul Bashra Askar


3. Why is Hydrogen peroxide dangerous? /2


4. What is used to measure voltage and how? /2


5. Where do we use static electricity in today’s world?


6. To find the electrical charge of on object, what do

we use? /1

Gul Bashra Askar

7. Samuel is conducting an experiment to see if

concentration affects the rate of reaction or not. For
the experiment, he uses marble chips and dilute
hydrochloric acid. For the experiment to be a fair
test, what factors should he keep the same?
Mention any 2. /2

8. Metal M will displace copper from copper sulfate,

but can not displace iron from iron sulfate solution.
Metal M is extracted from its oxide by heating the
oxide with carbon. What is the reactivity of these
four metals. /2

a. Sodium > Metal M > Iron > Copper

b. Sodium > Iron > Metal M > Copper

c. Copper > Iron > Metal M > Sodium

d. Copper > Metal M > Iron > Sodium

Gul Bashra Askar

Section C
Long question and answers /30

Below are 4 questions, each question carries 10

marks. Attempt any 3 of your choice. Make sure to
complete all parts of the questions you selected.

1. For each of the statements below, decide whether it is

correct or incorrect. Put a tick or cross next to the
If a statement is incorrect, cross out the words that
are wrong and write words that will make the
statement correct. /10

a. The nucleus of an atom has a negative charge.

b. The electrons are firmly held on the outside of the
c. A neutral object is uncharged since it has equal
amounts of positive and negative charge.

Gul Bashra Askar

d. When an acrylic rod is rubbed with a cloth, the rod

gains a positive charge because electrons are
transferred from the rod to the cloth.
e. The cloth also gains a positive charge.
f. The rod and the cloth will attract each other.
g. Repulsion is used for substances with opposite
charges that do not attract each other.
h. No current enters the negative end of the cell.
i. A precipitate is formed when one soluble and
insoluble substance reacts together.
j. All living cells have an enzyme called a catalase.

Gul Bashra Askar

2. Answer the following. /10

(a). List 2 uses of static electricity. /2
(b). List 3 properties of acids. /3
(c). Why is sodium chloride not made by reacting
sodium with hydrochloric acid? /2
(d)Explain why the reaction between aluminium and
iron oxide is useful to the railway industry. /3

Gul Bashra Askar

3. Answer the following. /10

(a). Complete the following table. /3

Salt Uses
Magnesium carbonate

Aluminium Sulfate

Calcium Sulfate

(b). Label the diagram on page 17. /4

A: ……………………..
B: ……………………..
C: ……………………..
D: …………………….

Gul Bashra Askar


(c). What reaction is taking place in the diagram above?

(d). What are the reactants and products of the above
reaction? Write an equation /2

4. Answer the following.

(a). Which gas is produced when a metal reacts with
acid and how do we test for it? /3

Gul Bashra Askar


(b). What are some of the uses of bases in our

everyday life? /2

(c). Explain the effect of concentration on the rate of

reaction. /3

(d). What are some ways to test for the pH of a

substance? /2

Gul Bashra Askar


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