212 1299 1299 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 28831 tx_bad 1652
rx_good 450445 tx_retry 315
07-30 08:08:25.135 28831 28831 E _V_ANRManager: mPackageName = com.android.camera,
Get anr service = com.vivo.app.anr.IANRManager$Stub$Proxy@6da5a30
07-30 08:14:27.530 1871 1904 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
28831,uid: 10140
07-30 10:41:26.121 1299 1299 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 3002 tx_bad 155 rx_good
2688310 tx_retry 49
07-30 14:52:05.842 1871 1904 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
28831,uid: 10174
07-30 20:10:50.538 18814 18831 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-30 20:10:50.566 18814 18831 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-30 22:30:51.165 8831 8831 E facebook.katan: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
07-30 22:30:51.589 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 0ms: FacebookApplication
07-30 22:30:51.589 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 44ms: FirebaseInitCustomProvider
07-30 22:30:51.589 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 46ms:
SecureMessagingKeyContentProvider instantiating…
07-30 22:30:51.590 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 47ms:
FirstPartyUserValuesLiteProvider instantiating…
07-30 22:30:51.590 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 47ms: FbContactsContentProvider
07-30 22:30:51.591 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 47ms: FileProvider
07-30 22:30:51.591 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 65ms:
FirstPartyUserValuesProvider instantiating…
07-30 22:30:51.591 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 65ms: MessagesDbContentProvider
07-30 22:30:51.591 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 65ms: InstallReferrerProvider
07-30 22:30:51.591 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 65ms: AppManagerSsoProvider
07-30 22:30:51.591 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 65ms:
ThreadsDbPropertiesContentProvider instantiating…
07-30 22:30:51.591 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 65ms:
ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider instantiating…
07-30 22:30:51.591 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 65ms: PlatformProviderBase
07-30 22:30:51.592 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 63ms:
ContactsConnectionsProvider instantiating…
07-30 22:30:51.592 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 63ms: FeO2InAppContentProvider
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 64ms: UserValuesProvider
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 64ms: SecureFileProvider
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 67ms: InitializationProvider
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 102ms: PhotosProvider
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 103ms: AttributionIdProvider
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 103ms:
QuickExperimentContentProvider instantiating…
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 103ms: TamAttachmentProvider
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 103ms: CacheProvider
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: 129ms:
AppInitReplayBroadcastReceiver instantiating…
07-30 22:30:51.593 8831 8831 E SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for
142ms in the background starting with FacebookApplication
07-30 22:30:51.824 8831 8865 E HeliumCrashReporter: Pending crash path
/data/data/com.facebook.katana/cache/webview_embedded/Helium Crashpad/pending/ is
not a directory
07-30 22:30:51.979 8831 8866 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
07-30 22:30:52.015 8831 8866 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
07-30 22:30:52.313 8831 8856 E fb4a.UltralightMultiBind: Null item returned while
injecting bindingId 8743
07-30 22:30:52.489 8831 8831 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: 0ms:
FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver instantiating…
07-30 22:30:52.489 8831 8831 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: 75ms: FcmListenerService
07-30 22:30:52.489 8831 8831 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for
139ms in the background starting with FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver
07-30 22:30:53.572 8831 8831 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: BlueService
07-30 22:30:53.572 8831 8831 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for
33ms in the background starting with BlueService
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: Failed to log trichrome version
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup:
android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: Unsupported architecture
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.6HU.A00(:37)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.6HU.A01(:10)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.68a.A01(:203)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.68a.A0L(:2051)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.2gJ.run(:5628)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.2gc.call(:240)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.3Q3.A00(:19)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.1Lq.call(:48)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.1Li.run(:2)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.1MG.run(:2)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.1MM.run(:3)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at X.1MP.run(:14)
07-30 22:30:59.169 8831 8931 E fb4a.HeliumSetup: at
07-30 22:30:59.710 8831 8931 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
07-30 22:30:59.712 8831 8931 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: NameNotFoundException: %s
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector:
android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: Unsupported architecture
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.6HU.A00(:37)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.6HU.A01(:10)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.68a.A07(:331)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.68a.A0L(:2093)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.2gJ.run(:5628)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.2gc.call(:240)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.3Q3.A00(:19)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.1Lq.call(:48)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.1Li.run(:2)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.1MG.run(:2)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.1MM.run(:3)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at X.1MP.run(:14)
07-30 22:30:59.834 8831 8906 E fb4a.ChromiumCollector: at
07-30 22:31:00.014 8831 8931 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
07-30 22:31:53.896 8831 8831 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: 0ms:
FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver instantiating…
07-30 22:31:53.896 8831 8831 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for
47ms in the background starting with FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver
07-30 22:31:54.648 8831 8831 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: 0ms: MqttServiceV2
07-30 22:31:54.648 8831 8831 E fb4a.SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for
24ms in the background starting with MqttServiceV2
07-30 22:31:54.913 8831 9303 E fb4a.msys: E[D
decrypt]MCIDatabaseFileManagerDecryptDB(269)=>Encryption handlers not registered.
07-30 22:34:02.342 8831 9315 E fb4a.msys: E[N mccw.liger]onEOF(515)=>read/eof
07-30 22:34:02.348 8831 9291 E fb4a.msys: E[N
WA]_WCCXMPPStreamDisconnectHandler(221)=>xmpp/disconnect: Error
Domain=MCCWLigerStream Code=4
07-30 22:34:16.996 1871 1904 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
8831,uid: 10297