Tutorial 2 Instruction

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SNU501 Data Analysis

Tutorial 2 (10%)
Due: Monday 4 September 2023 (Mid-Night 11:59PM)
Tutorial 2 Instruction

Data analysis is the most crucial part of any research and working environment. Data analysis summarizes
collected data through interpretation and analysis skills. The interpretation of data gathered through the use
of analytical and logical reasoning to determine patterns, relationships or trends etc. to make useful
findings, results and recommendation.
In this SNU501 tutorial 2, you will be using the given dataset of births recorded from 1910 to 2019 and do
the interpretation based on your analytical skills learned in lectures notes and lab practice activities, which
you will then, present your analysis results in the given report template.

Note: You have to import data in the TX.txt file into the provided empty excel file “Data Analysis Excel”
to do your analysis and get results before transferring your analysis results into the word file “Data
Analysis and Interpretation Report” template.

Download all the Tutorial 2 files from the Moodle or www.snu501danalysis.blogspot.com

Before start, please write your Full name, ID number and Study Program in the Data Analysis and
Interpretation Report template.

Part 1: Analysis and Interpreting Large Data

1. After downloading all Tutorial 2 files from Moodle or www.snu501danalysis.blogspot.com. Open Data
Analysis Excel file, and import the TX.txt file into the empty excel file “Data Analysis Excel. If you
don’t see the file in your dialogue box, you may have to choose Show All Files in the dropdown box
next to the file name box.

2. Apply the skills learned in the SNU501 Lab practice activities 1 and 2 on how to import .CSV and
.TXT file into the Excel file format. In the Excel Text Import dialogue box, choose Delimited, then
Next, then Comma, then Finish. This tells Excel to treat commas as column separators. Save your excel
file after importing data. (This process is also the same in Lab practice activities 8 (Week 8)).

3. Note: the number of rows in various parts of this Tutorial is based on the Social Security Baby Names
file recorded from 1910 to 2019 from USA Texas (TX.txt). After importing TX.txt data into excel
worksheet. Select the first column A and delete it as part of data cleaning process; all of your data in
Column A is from Texas and it is not relevant to Solomon Islands. Insert a new row above Row 1, and
type column headers: Gender, Year, Name and Births. (This process is also the same with Lab
practice 8 (Week 8)).

Part 2: Use Filters for Data Analysis and Interpretation

Filters are a powerful tool to drill down into subsets of your data. Select only the headers and then in
the Home Tab select Sort & Filter, and do filter. (Your data column headers should now have triangles
symbol to the right of each cell, with dropdown boxes).

Look up the first name “Aaliah”. Click the triangle to filter the Name column, click the Select All
checkbox to deselect everything, and then click the checkbox next to “Aaliah”. Look up the second
name “Shirley” and make comparisons of the two names. Analyze the filter names based on year with
the number of births and, give your own interpretation based on your data analysis in the Data Analysis
and Interpretation Report Template.
Part 3: Use PivotTable for Data Analysis and Interpretation
The PivotTable is a powerful analysis tool in excel that allows you to manipulate and explore the
large datasets. First, select columns A through D, so they are highlighted, then click PivotTable

Here, we’ll use the PivotTable to find out;

a. How many names and count of births were there in the database? Hint below;

b. How many names and count of births were there in the database for each year? Hint below;

c. How many births are Female (F) and Male (M) respectively? Hint below;

d. Total births of Female (F) and Male (M) for each year? Hint below;
Part 4: Use PivotChart for Data Analysis and Interpretation

PivotChart helps you to quickly understand the data when doing data analysis on a very big dataset. Our
visual senses are very powerful, and were able to immediately understand patterns and trends when they
are abstracted into the form of charts. Here, we will use PivotChart to find out the following analysis
questions given in the Data Analysis and Interpretation report template.

Note to students:
Your explanations on how you understand the data analysis and interpreting your data based on
questions given in this Tutorial 2, depends very much on your own descriptive analysis skills with
your understanding on the dataset. Note that there is NO restricted format when doing Data Analysis.
Feel free to use table figures, other formatting style and charts when making your explanation. You
can do open discussions as well when interpreting data to make your reporting more appealing and

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