OR - Gear
OR - Gear
OR - Gear
GENERAL GEAR Core Earth Items Tech Price
Ballroom Attire: Formal clothing for appearance Full Spectrum Recorder 23 250 (12)
at balls, the opera or other “high-class” functions. Glow Stick 23 25 (7)
Includes a tailcoat or ballgown (often with hoop Rain Gear 23 100 (10)
skirt or bustle), gloves, and accessories.
Telegraph Modem 22 100 (10)
Elixir of Spirit: Sometimes called “Bottled
Courage” by Victorian troopers. Drinking the brew
Orrorsh Items Tech Price
(a free action) grants a +1 bonus to Spirit for one Ballroom Attire 16 500 (13)
hour. Afterwards the drinker suffers a –1 penalty Elixir of Light (Magic 14) 17 200 (11)
to Spirit for an hour. Elixir of Spirit (Magic 14) 17 200 (11)
Elixir of Strength: Drinking the elixir (a free Elixir of Strength (Magic 14) 17 200 (11)
action) grants a +1 bonus to Strength for one hour. Foothold Trap 17 75 (9)
Afterwards the drinker suffers a –1 penalty to
Iron Sheen Potion (Magic 14) 17 200 (11)
Strength for an hour.
Luck Charm (Magic 14) 17 150 (11)
Elixir of Light: This brew looks like any other
Magnifying Glass 17 50 (8)
bottled concoction until uncorked. Once exposed
to air the contents of the vial begin to glow brightly Newspaper Advert 18 50 (8)
(10 meter radius) for one hour. The light can be Mechanical Arm (Magic 14) 18 2K (16)
carried in a glass bottle, or poured onto the ground Mechanical Leg (Magic 14) 18 2K (16)
to illuminate a single spot. Philosopher’s Dust (Magic 14) 18 100 (10)
Foothold Trap: A vicious set of heavy metal jaws, Sacellum Charm (Magic 14) 17 150 (11)
sprung by a pressure plate and usually connected
Semi-Formal Attire 16 250 (12)
to a chain and a stake. It takes minutes to stake and
set as a baited trap using survival, and a Critical Silver Ammunition 18 250 (12)
Failure snaps the jaws closed upon the trapper! A Tea 8 5 (3)
creature that walks across the trap rolls a standard Tea Party Accessories 16 50 (8)
find test to spot it and avoid it. If the survival Umbrella 18 50 (8)
test as Good the find test becomes Difficult (DN
12), or Hard (DN 14) on an Outstanding success. radius) for 24 hours once activated. Glow sticks
Triggering the trap deals 10 +1BD damage and aren’t hot and are easy to clip onto clothing or
reduces the victim’s Move by 2—plus they can’t weapons for convenience.
move farther than the stake and chain allow, Iron Sheen Potion: Spread on a weapon (or single
usually no more than two meters. A Hard (DN 14) bullet) as an action to grant it the ability to affect
Strength test pries the trap back open to release the ethereal beings. The effect only lasts a minute
target. before the sheen dries and disperses.
Full Spectrum Recorder: A video camera with a Luck Charm: A character carrying one of these
viewer for the operator that detects light on various trinkets is immune to the effects one one Setback.
different wavelengths. While looking through the If the Setback causes a general consequence to
camera the user can detect the shapes of normally everyone, she’s immune. If the Setback would
invisible ghosts and spirits, reducing the penalties target a random hero, she isn’t eligible as a target.
to see (and attack) them by up to 2 points. This If it brings reinforcements based on the number
model comes with a motion detector which can of heroes they are decreased proportionally, or
trigger recording. a single foe ignores her. Once a Setback occurs
Glow Sticks: A plastic tube containing a mixture the charm becomes useless unless she spends a
of powerful chemicals that cast light (10 meter Possibility to keep it “lucky.”
Magnifying Glass: A large lens mounted on a Sacellum Charm: These charms aren’t created
handle often used while investigating crime scenes by the church or endorsed by them, but they are
or files. Evidence analysis is Favored. very popular. They are made of polished, cold iron
Newspaper Advert: Most communication in and tarnish very quickly and easily—supposedly
Orrorsh is done through local newspapers. Each very quickly in the presence of evil. Many use
edition has several pages of classified and personal them as a highly inaccurate means of detecting the
advertisements which may be used for sharing presence or influence of monsters. True charms
coded messages among secret societies, including grant a +1 bonus to Toughness against creatures of
the Delphi Council. The ads charge by the letter, supernatural evil.
so messages are usually short—no more than 50 Semi-formal Attire: Clothing appropriate for
words. visiting, including a frock coat or day dress, a hat,
Mechanical Arm: An inventor’s ingenuity and accessories.
turns a potential hindrance into an asset. One Silver Ammunition: The price listed is for ten
of the character’s arms is completely replaced bullets of any caliber or size. Silver is considered a
by a mechanized version powered by springs, type of ammunition, so it can’t be mixed with other
clockwork, runes, and alchemy. The new arm options like Armor Piercing or Hollow Point.
functions exactly like the old one, and has the Tea: If there’s one thing Victorians love, it’s a
same Strength and Toughness as its owner. When good cup of tea—as long as it’s hot and properly
the owner suffers a Wound he has a choice: suffer steeped. Cold tea or instant preparation marks one
it normally, or instead take it as damage to the as at least a barbarian and potentially a being of
arm. Damage costs $1000 (Value 15) and a day to supernatural evil. The price listed is for enough
repair, and renders the arm completely useless in tea to serve five people at one sitting. It has no
the meantime. A second Wound destroys the arm noticeable effect on Shock or statistics, but good
completely. While the arm is damaged (or gone) luck convincing a Victorian of that.
the character suffers a –4 penalty with items or
activities that normally require two hands (GM’s Tea Party Accessories: Includes cups, saucers, and
Call). a teapot. Additional food must be purchased at half
the price for each party: finger sandwiches, scones,
Mechanical Leg: Functions exactly like the crumpets and other pastries. Purchased food spoils
Mechanical Arm above, but the unfortunate limb within a few days.
lost was a leg instead of an arm. If a Mechanical
Leg is damaged or destroyed the owner;s Move Telepgraph Modem: A device that converts
drops by 4 and he may not run until it is repaired data into dots and dashes for transmission over
or replaced. telegraph lines—and vice versa. Usually installed
inside a computer meant to operate on either side
Philosopher’s Dust: An alchemist’s best friend. of Orrorsh.
Each dose of dust allows an alchemical potion to
retain its potency without a direct connection to Umbrella: A classy accessory favored by Victorians
the creator. Characters with the Alchemist Perk used to monsoons and heavy rains. When carried
may craft extra potions—one per Dose—that (rewuires one hand) an umbrella eliminates up to
don’t expire or count against their maximum two points of penalties to survival from storms or
number of potions. Less trained apothecaries use bad weather.
Philosopher’s Dust to create weaker versions of
some known potions for sale in special shops. ARMOR
Rain Gear: Modern rain gear is light and Boilerplate Helmet: The companion piece to the
breathable, and may be worn over any clothing or Boilerplate Hauberk (Torg Eternity), this massive
armor. When worn it eliminates up to two points solid headpeice rests on the wearer’s shoulders
of penalties to survival from storms or bad weather. and is made of steel more than six millimeters
Core Earth Tech Bonus Price Max Dex Notes
Boilerplate Helmet 18 +4 300 (12) 6 Head, Min Str 10, Notice –2
Embroidered Waistcoat 17 +1 350 (12) 12 Counts as Semi-Formal Attire
Sacellum Shield 17 +2 500 (13) 12 Min Str 8, +1 vs supernatural
evil or Cloak of Darkness
Shrieking Coat (Magic 14) 17 +2 800 (14) 10 Torso, Fatigues, Flat Footed
becomes Distracted instead
Silver Plate 17 +3 2,500 (17) 8 Min Str 10, Fatigues, Fear tests
Favored within 5 meters
thick. The wearer can only see through a thin slit Silver Plate: Silver plate is a set of segmented
across the eye-line. armor covering the top of the chest, neck, and
Embroidered Waistcoat: The multiple reinforced shoulders. Each segment is steel underneath, with
cloth layers provide some protection, but the worked and ornamental silver leafed on top. The
overall style and decoration is still suitable for effect is striking, and though it doesn’t actually
fashionable events which might otherwise frown provide much benefit against lycanthropes it
upon armor. evokes the Victorian Knights and their associated
heroism even in people who aren’t familiar with
Sacellum Shield: Unlike the charms that many the tales. Tests against Fear are Favored for the
Victorians wear and cling to, the Sacellum Shield wearer, and for any allies within give meters.
is manufactured and endorsed by the church. It’s
a round plate with the Sacellum cross embossed
upon it, and crafted using cold iron. It’s moderately
effective a normal shield, but it truly shines again
creatures of the night. If an opponent is either
supernatural evil or has the Cloak of Darkness
property the shield offers +3 to Defenses instead of
the normal +2. This is considered the same exact
bonus provided by ward enemy, so it doesn’t stack
with that miracle.
Shrieking Coat: Shrieking coats are a true oddity,
and considered quite distasteful—bordering on
monstrous—by everyone except monster hunters
who depend on them for survival. They are made
with cured monster hide, but in this case some part
of the monster is still conscious and bound to the
coat. Two eyes are fixed in the back, sometimes
hidden, sometimes not, and a small mouth of a sort.
Usually the coat remains muffled and silent, but it
can still see, and it can still feel. When hit by attacks
the coat may whimper or groan in surprise, and if
someone attacks from behind where the coat can
see it cries out in warning. The effect is surprising
and unsettling when the wearer isn’t expecting it.
The result is if the wearer would be caught Flat-
Footed he counts as Distracted instead.
Fire Combat Tech Damage Shots Range Price Notes
Martini-Henry 17 14 1 50/100/200 200 (11) —
Revolving Rifle 18 14 6 50/100/200 250 (12) —
Derringer 18 9 2 10/20/30 100 (10) Small, Pistol
Pepperbox 18 9 4 10/20/30 150 (11) Small, Pistol, Short
Burst only (4 shots)
Coach Gun 17 13 2 10/20/30 100 (10) Shotgun
Heavy Weapons
24-pounder Cannon 17 21 1 100/500/1k 8K (19) AP 2, Reload
Mountain Howitzer 18 19 50 100/500/1k 6K (19) AP 2, Reload
Maxim Gun 18 15 250 —/2k/4k 6K (19) AP 2, Long Burst
Punt Gun 17 16 1 20/40/60 2K (16) Bulky, Reload,
Shotgun, Med Blast
Melee Weapons
Silver Dagger 17 Str +1 — 10/20/30 75 (9) Thrown
Cold Iron Blade 17 Str + 2 — — 200 (11)
Missile Weapons
Extinguisher Vial 17 — 1 10/20/30 100 (10) Puts out flames
Fuse Bomb 17 15 1 10/20/30 200 (11) Medium Blast
Fire Elixir (Magic 14) 18 15 1 10/20/30 200 (11) Small Blast, Fire
Harpoon 17 Str+2 — 10/20/30 75 (9) AP 2, Min Str 10
Harpoon: A harpoon is a heavy, thrown weapon
made for penetrating the hide of large animals. VEHICLES
Harpoons have a barbed end and stick into the
target if damage exceeds Toughness. Auto Rickshaw: A small three-wheeled vehicle
powered by a two cylinder petroleum engine.
Maxim Gun: A recoil-powered machine-gun Some transformed version run on coal and steam
available in small numbers from Gaea and now with nearly the same statistics.
being manufactured in some areas of Orrorsh.
Maxim guns have a strong rate of fire and better Bicycle: A two-wheeled vehicle powered by
reliability than most machine-guns of the era. human pedaling. Moving at anything more than
Victorians often refer to their Maxims as simply half Top Speed requires a Strength test to avoid
“the killing machines.” Fatigue. The DN is the Value for the number of
rounds (6 seconds) that speed is maintained. These
Mountain Howitzer: These small field guns are models usually have one larger wheel, and only a
built to be packed on horses. The wheeled carriage few gears if any.
and barrel can be broken down and carried over
rough terrain, then reassembled for firing. Usually Horse Carriage: A single horse pulls a wooden
a gun has a crew of two. Howitzers are deployed carriage with two or four wheels. Carriages in the
for indirect fire using Shrapnel Shells or Grapeshot realm are seldom enclosed—double the price if they
(see Torg Eternity). are. Most have a single buckboard that seats two,
including the driver, and then a bed that can carry
Martini-Henry: A classic breach-loaded long objects or up to four additional passengers. Draft
rifle. Some remain in use from Core Earth, and the animals other than horses may pull a carriage, but
Victorians brought many of theirs along as well. the Top Speed drops to 20 (8). Oxen are the usual
Like the Webley and the Lee-Enfield, these are substitutes, but never cattle.
identical in both worlds.
Gunboat: Gunboats are the most modern and lethal
Pepperbox: Pepperbox is a nickname for a design found in Orrorsh’s axioms. There are larger
particular type of holdout pistol with four different classes of ship, but these are the most adaptable
barrels all separately loaded with a break action. and useful. Most have a 24-pounder main gun
Technically it’s supposed to fire one barrel at a time, and 200 Shrapnel Shells for use bombarding shore
but usually all the barrels trigger at once whether positions. Various configurations of secondary
the firer wants them to or not. A pepperbox always weapons exist, with two 12-pounders and two
gains the +2 from a Short Burst, and always uses all Maxim guns the most common. Gunboats have a
four shots. On a Critical Failure the gun explodes, medium draft, so they can operate in all but the
dealing its damage to the firer. most shallow portions of a river and safely weather
Punt Gun: A massive shotgun between one and the waves of deeper seas and heavy storms.
two meters long. Technically a person can carry Horseless Carriage: A step up from an auto-
and fire one, but they are meant to be laid on the rickshaw. Powered by a larger four cylinder
ground or in a small boat. internal combustion engine or an efficient steam
Revolving Rifle: Rare on Core Earth, but a staple boiler. Like the horse carriage, the default is an
of Victoria. These rifles use a cylinder compatible open design with a buckboard and truck bed. A
with the Webley pistol, so parts from one can be fancier enclosed model—the driver is even on the
used to repair the other. inside—is available for double the cost.
Silver Dagger: Don’t leave home without it! The Hot Air Balloon: Takes the form of a light-weight
blade of unalloyed silver is easy to nick and dull in basket—usually wicker or something similar—a
regular combat, but it’s a literal life-saver in close means of heating air, and a balloon with enough
combat with a lycanthrope or any other monster volume to lift the basket and its contents off
that reacts badly to the pure metal. the ground. Balloons can control their altitude,
but depend on wind speed for their movement.
Turning is accomplished by climbing or descending
Core Earth Tech Top Speed Pass MR Wnds Tough Price
Hot Air Balloon 17 10 (7) 5 –8 2 13 4K (18)
Thermal Airship 18 40 (10) 2 –2 2 13 8K (19)
Core Earth Tech Top Speed Pass MR Wnds Tough Price
Auto Rickshaw 18 40 (10) 2 –2 2 12 600 (14)
Bicycle 17 40 (10) 1 −0 1 12 150 (11)
Horse Carriage 17 30 (9) 6 –4 2 12 300 (12)
Horseless Carriage 18 50 (10) 4 −2 2 14 (1) 4K (18)
Landcrawler 18 30 (9) 8 −4 3 20 (4) 120K ()
Motorized Cycle 17 40 (10) 1 –2 1 12 300 (12)
Gunboat 18 50 (10) 20 –4 4 28 (4) 8M ()
Ironclad 17 40 (10) 12 –4 4 28 (8) 5M ()
to places where the air currents flow in different Landcrawler: These armored behemoths are
directions. Technically a balloon is capable of much solely a product of Gaean engineering. They are
higher Top Speeds, as fast as the wind blows, but about twice the size of a tank, powered by steam,
anything beyond 10 kilometers per hour can be and moved by four separate caterpillar tracks.
hazardous. Unlike a tank, landcrawlers are not built to battle
Ironclad: Transformed shore patrol craft often other armored vehciles. Their purpose is to deliver
land in this configuration, taking the shape of heavy artillery to support positions. The crew
smaller but heavily armored monitors. Typical operates on a top deck which it’s their duty to keep
armament is two 24-pounder cannons with 100 clear of monsters. A crawler is armed with two
shots each. Ironclads use coal steam engines for 24-pounders with 50 shots each and two Maxim
power, and generally have extremely shallow swivel guns. Some variants swap one or both
drafts, meaning they can maneuver in water as Maxims for punt guns.
shallow as two meters deep. The heavy waves of Motorized Cycle: A bicycle (or three-wheeler)
deeper water or storms can play havoc with these with a one or two-cylinder internal combustion
craft, however. engine like those found on an auto-rickshaw
installed. The pedal mechanism is still present, and
usually used to save fuel or carry on if petroleum
“THE PHYSICS OF WATER isn’t available.
PRESSURE AND STEAM Thermal Airship: A thermal airship is a relatively
broad category of craft built along the same lines
SEEM STABLE IN ALL THE as hot air balloons, but these have some kind of
REALITIES. MUCH LIKE THE propulsion. Due to weight restrictions they may
UNDEAD. I WONDER IF be pedaled, or some use the same small internal
THEY’RE RELATED?” combustion engines found in auto-rickshaws.