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Wish Magic

Jasyn Jones
1 Title
Wish Magic
Game Design: Jasyn Jones
Commentary: Winston
Editing, Layout & Graphic Design: Jasyn Jones

Copyright © 2001-2007 by Jasyn Jones. All rights reserved. (See the copyright section
for Creative Commons licensing terms.)

Produced under license from West End Games.

These are original rules, intended for use with TORG: Roleplaying the Possibility Wars.
The most recent version of these rules (and other TORG resources) can be found on the


TORG is ®, TM, & © 2007 by Purgatory Publishing, Inc. (See the copyright section for
more information.)

Updated: June 20, 2007

Wish magic is the most flexible and potent for...”).
form of magic, although it is difficult and This article includes the magical theo-
often incredibly dangerous. Wishes allow ries of wishes, game mechanics, and the
mages to translate their desires into reality, wish magic section of the axiom chart. It
without casting a spell or reciting a ritual. is based on the complete Magic axiom,
Mages can even create wishes that can re- although it can be used in any TORG cam-
spond to the desires of others (”I wish paign as is.

Wish Magic
Wish magic involves the evocation of wish fect). Spellcasters use objects, gestures,
effects, supernatural effects that work ac- incantations and so forth as symbols to
cording to the desires and imagination of cast spells, but wish mages use different
the Living. symbols. With wish magic, the mage en-
When first discovered, wishes can only visions the specific effect he desires and
be evoked by acci- uses that mental
dent (during times “Wish Magic is flexible and po- image as a symbol
of danger or great
tent though difficult and, at times, toThis evoke the effect.
stress). Through process re-
study of such events incredibly dangerous.” quires both will-
mages learned how power and imagina-
to control and de- Often Ignored Warning tion, imagination to
liberately evoke visualize the desired
wish effects. effect in detail and willpower to invest that
Evoking a wish involves the use of image with enough symbolic significance
symbols (just like any other magical ef- to evoke the effect. This can be done

1 W i s h M ag i c
quickly and extemporaneously, without
*some Assembly Required
the need for any other tools.
Mages can evoke wishes without hav- The wish magic mechanics are intended to
be simple and powerful. They are designed to
ing to learn a spell or perform a ritual and allow the gamemaster wide latitude in adjudicat-
without having to study the four magics or ing an effect. As such, they depend heavily on
Arcane Knowledges. Study of spell magic the gamemaster’s judgment. Everything about a
does not aid one in using wishes and vice wish is subject to gamemaster approval.
versa. The Complexity costs listed are given as a
Wish effects are a unique variety of su- single number, for the sake of simplicity, but they
are just guidelines. The gamemaster can vary the
pernatural effect. They are related to hexes cost based on how expensive he thinks the extent
and spell effects, and share some com- should be.
monalities with each, but are distinct from If he feels a wish is more powerful than the
both. Many of the restrictions that apply default Complexity indicates, he can increase its
to spells and hexes do not limit wishes. Complexity at will. This is a judgment call and
There are no magical rituals or spells that the gamemaster should make the decision based
on what he thinks is appropriate.
evoke wish effects; wishes can only be
evoked with wish magic techniques.
Wishes can dispel a hex or a spell, but quately define the desired result or to
spell effects cannot disrupt wishes (one channel the magics correctly can lead to
wish, of course, can disrupt another). wishes that do not conform to the mage’s
Spells can ameliorate the effects of wishes. intent, strange side effects, or the simple
Wishes can create spell effects and failure to manifest the wish at all (often the
hexes. These effects must follow the same best result one can hope for from a
rules as normal spells. botched wish).
Wish magic is difficult and dangerous Wishes are evoked using a new Mind
and the backlash released from such evo- skill, wish magic.
cations can be fatal. A failure to ade-

Wish Magic
Attribute: Mind
Use: Cannot be used unskilled.
Axiom: Magic 21
This skill is used to envision and evoke wishes. No other skills are required to work
wish magics.
Though uncontrolled wishes are possible at a Magic axiom of 20, the deliberate evo-
cation of wishes (and hence the wish magic skill) doesn’t become possible until Axiom

Evoking a wish begins with the player de- by determining the wish’s extents: magni-
scribing the desired effect in as much de- tude, target, distance, duration, and con-
tail as thought necessary. Once the player centration. The more powerful or ambi-
has defined the effect, he works with the tious each extent is, the more difficult and
gamemaster to translate it into game terms dangerous it will be to evoke the wish.

Storm Knights 2
This is represented by the extent’s Com- The player makes a wish magic skill
plexity cost. check, comparing the skill total to the Dif-
Once all extents have been deter- ficulty, to see if the effect was evoked. The
mined, the player adds the cost, the cost of Success Levels gained determine if the
any situational modifiers the gamemaster wish is correctly formed and if a side effect
applied and the character’s base Complex- occurred. The player also compares this
ity to determine the final Complexity. The same skill total to the Backlash, possibly
player then divides the Complexity into taking damage.
Difficulty and Backlash.

Evoking a Wish
In-game, evoking a wish begins with the
The Extents of a Wish
caster visualizing the desired effect. This
image is used as the symbol to evoke the Magnitude: How significant the chosen pur-
pose is.
effect, so it needs to be clearly defined. Target: How large an area is affected or how
To represent this, the player composes many targets are affected/created.
a short description of what they intend the Distance: How far away the evoker can affect
wish to accomplish. In addition, he speci- targets. Must be larger than the target area.
fies what will be affected, how far away Duration: How long the wish’s effect lasts.
the effect will manifest and how long the Concentration: How long the mage must
visualize the effect before it is evoked.
effect lasts.
These last features are called extents
and they allow the players description to wish’s final Complexity.
be translated into game terms as well as The description of a wish determines
affecting the wish’s Complexity (and hence how the wish functions. Other than the
its Difficulty and Backlash). axiom restrictions on the extents and the
The player chooses the value of each rules of wish magic (see sidebar), the de-
extent, higher values costing more. These scription can include nearly any details the
costs are added together with the mage’s player wishes.
base Complexity and this determines the It can be helpful to think of the descrip-
tion as a series of instructions for how the
Rules of Wish Magic wish is to operate. These instructions tell
1.) One wish creates one effect. the wish when to manifest, what to do,
2.) One target can only be affected by one what extents it must obey and can even
active wish at a time. include conditional statements that tell the
3.) Wishes are not subject to the limitations wish to start, stop, change targets and so
of spell magic, but to similar restrictions that forth.
apply solely to wishes.
The description of the effect is impor-
4.) Wishes can dispel spells or hexes; spells
and hexes cannot affect wishes (though they can tant, both to the character and the player.
ameliorate their effects). Once a wish is evoked, the mage cannot
5.) A wish can disrupt another wish; the wish alter its description to “give it new orders.”
with the highest magnitude, Complexity and re- Hence the need for foresight and clarity.
cency takes effect. A lack of clarity in envisioning the ef-
6.) Wishes cannot target or affect wish effects
fect makes it more difficult to evoke the
(other than to disrupt them).
wish. In addition, the more complex a de-

3 W i s h M ag i c
scription is, the diction, and it also raises the Complexity
Axiom Complexity
harder it is to by twice the difference between the
21 25
evoke the wish. mage’s axiom and the required axiom.
23 20 In game terms,
25 15 if the description Magnitude
27 10 of the desired ef-
fect seems unclear The purpose of the wish determines its
29 5
or overly complex, magnitude. The magnitude is significant
the gamemaster because it is easier to warm a cup of water
can increase the Complexity of the wish than to raise the dead.
by up to +10. On the other hand, if the There are five possible magnitudes,
description is clear or very simple, the ga- each with their associated Complexity and
memaster can lower the Complexity by up required axiom: minor, moderate, signifi-
to 3 points. cant, major, and legendary. The following
The Magic axiom of the mage deter- chart lists many effects for each category,
mines the base Complexity of his wishes. to aid the gamemaster in choosing the ap-
The mage cannot use a lower Complexity propriate magnitude.
through creating a contradiction. In addi- By comparing the player’s desired ef-
tion, the extents are limited in their possi- fect to those in the chart, the gamemaster
ble scope by the Magic axiom of the choses which category the wish belongs
mage. The possible values, and the re- to. When in doubt, feel free to go with the
quired Magic axiom of each, are detailed higher category.
on the extent charts (below.) When considering the magnitude, do
A possibility-rated mage can choose not take the number of targets, area af-
extent values that require a higher Magic fected or how long the effect lasts into ac-
axiom than he has. This creates a contra- count. These are determined separately,

Magnitude Cost Axiom Sample Effects

EV 0 effects, cantrips, discern general information, create insignifi-
Minor None 21 cant living being (fruit fly), transform insignificant beings into each
other (ant to beetle).
Damage target (DV 15), create average being (dog), discern spe-
Moderate 4 23 cific information, create simple item, transform average beings into
each other (cat to squirrel), weak spells.
Heal 1 wound, damage target (DV 25), create magical, but unintel-
ligent being (pegasus), transform such beings into each other (basilisk
Significant 8 25
into a cockatrice), create a complex item (wristwatch), discern obscure
information, moderately powerful spells.
Heal wounds, damage target (DV 30), create impressive living be-
ing (human or dragon), transform impressive being into each other
Major 16 27 (dwarf into elf), modify the landscape, discern detailed information
known by few, create an intricate item (automobile, plane), weather
control, the spells of master magicians.
Raise the dead, disintegrate target (DV 45), discern utterly lost or
32 or secret information, create an unimaginably intricate item, create or
Legendary 29
higher destroy an artifact, control climate, create or destroy terrain, create
legendary being (a Titan), spells of legend.

Storm Knights 4
each in its own extent. same rules as other spells (such as the
Wishes can create spell effects and Principle of Definition) and can be dis-
hexes. The desired effect determines the pelled. The Range (and so on) of the spell
wish’s magnitude. A spell effect created is set by the wish’s extents. Other details
by a wish is indistinguishable from one are determined by the description.
evoked by a spellcaster. They follow the

Target Area Affected Cost Axiom

Evoker only N/A None 21
Another person (1 target) A square meter 1 21
Small group (up to 5 targets) Ten square meters 3 23
Dozen targets A hundred square meters 5 23
Large group (up to 30 targets) Hundreds of square meters 7 25
100 targets Dozens of square kilometers 10 25
Whole town (hundreds of targets) Hundreds of square kilometers 12 27
Army (thousands of targets) Entire continent 15 27
Vast multitude (hundreds of thou-
Entire planet (Earth) 20 29
sands of targets
Uncounted masses (billions) Entire dimension 25 or higher 29

Distance Cost Axiom
Self None 21
The target extent determines either
how many targets are affected or the area Touch 1 21
affected (not both). The number of targets 1 meter 3 23
is used when the mage wants to affect 50 meters 5 23
more than one person, create more than
1 kilometer 7 23
one item, and so forth. The area is used
when the mage wants to affect all potential 10 kilometers 10 25
targets within that area. If the mage uses Hundreds of kilometers 12 25
an area target, the wish’s distance extent Thousands of kilometers 15 27
measurement (5 feet, miles, etc.) must Anywhere in the world 20 27
equal or exceed the area measurement.
Anywhere in the same
25 or higher 29
Another dimension 12 25
Distance determines the maximum dis-
tance at which the effect can manifest. If a wish effect is to be cast into an-
Though analogous, the distance extent other dimension, and is intended to affect
doesn’t function like a spell’s range. Active an area there, the distance extent must be
wish effects do not expire if taken outside paid for twice, once for the cross-
this distance. Unlike spells, wishes do not dimensional cost (12) and once for the ac-
need to be focused. tual effective distance of the wish (which
must exceed the area).

5 W i s h M ag i c
Duration Duration Cost Axiom
Instant None 21
Duration measures how long the wish
effect will last. Once this time passes, the Minutes 1 21
wish fades, leaving behind only residual Hours 3 23
effects (see below). Days 5 23
Weeks 7 25
Months 10 25
Concentration measures how long the Years 15 27
mage must spend concentrating on the ef- Permanent 25 or higher 29
fect before it is evoked. Unlike other ex-
tents, concentration actually lowers the total to maintain concentration.
wish’s Complexity, as The Difficulty Number is usually the
the longer the mage Effect Value of the attack or the skill total
Time Cost
spends envisioning the of the opponent (who is intimidating,
None None
effect, the more clear it taunting, etc.) If neither apply, the game-
is and the more power- Minute -1 master can consult the Difficulty Number
ful the wish can be. 10 minutes -3 chart (pg. 42, TORG Rulebook) and select a
The mage cannot do Hour -5 difficulty based on the specific circum-
anything else of any stances of the interruption.
Day -7
significance during the Many mages protect themselves from
concentration time, Week -10
unwanted interruptions with warding
other than eat and Month -12 spells or appropriately worded wishes.
sleep. Casting a spell or Year -15 Some mages teleport intruders away, oth-
evoking a wish are both ers simply kill them. It would be wise to
expressly forbidden. learn which a particular mage prefers be-
If interrupted, their mental image of the fore visiting him.
effect might be ruined, meaning they must Concentration has no axiom require-
start again. A good rule of thumb is to al- ments.
low the mage to make a Mind (willpower)
Situational Modifiers
Time to Evoke a Wish
Evoking a wish is usually a matter of sec- When deciding on the Complexity of the
onds, unless the mage chose to concentrate. The wish, its extents are not the only determin-
time a player takes to evoke a wish is a different ing factor. The mage’s base Complexity,
matter. set by his Magic axiom, is significant. In
When in round play, the player skips all ac- addition, the gamemaster can raise or
tions until he has finished writing the effect de-
lower the wish’s Complexity based on the
scription. The gamemaster should just ignore him
and continue with other players. The length of circumstances at the time of its evocation
time the evocation takes is based on how long (see chart).
the player takes to write his description, deter- The chart lists some possible situational
mine the extents, and calculate the Complexity. modifiers (there are many more that could
Out of round play similar rules apply, al- apply). These are strictly optional, the ga-
though gamemasters should give the player a rea-
memaster is not compelled to use any or
sonable length of time before continuing a scene.
all of the situational modifiers. They are

Storm Knights 6
tween the two as desired. Neither value
Situation Cost
can be 0, nor can one be more than twice
Axiom of the mage/area is ! 5 10* the other.
Axiom of the mage/area is 6 to 10 8* The player generates a wish magic skill
Axiom of the mage/area is 11 to 15 5* total. Unlike spells, the Bonus Number
Axiom of the mage/area is 16 to 29 3* doesn’t affect the chosen effect at all.
Wishes do not get more or less effective
Mage has no adds in magical theory 3
because of the Bonus Number.
*This modifier is cumulative for both the mage Compare the wish magic total to the
and the area. If both are low enough, both modi- Backlash. If the skill total is lower, the dif-
fiers apply.
ference is read as damage on the appro-
priate column (ord or possibility-rated) of
just suggestions. The gamemaster should the Combat Results table.
feel free to ignore one or more situational With wish magic, Backlash is always
modifiers. compared to the skill total, never the
Likewise, if circumstances other than caster’s Mind. Wishes are not as formal-
these apply, the gamemaster should feel ized or refined as grimoire spells, and
free to take them into account by raising or evoking them is more dangerous.
lowering the Complexity as he sees fit. There is always a chance that the
evoker’s desired effect might not manifest
Evoking the Wish exactly as envisioned. Also, unless care-
fully controlled, the energy released by
Once the extents have been defined evoking the wish can break free, causing
and situational modifiers (if any) assessed, bizarre side effects. The higher the magni-
the player adds these costs together along tude, the more dangerous any side effects
with the base Complexity, and this deter- will be (see previous page.)
mines the final Complexity of the wish. The player compares his skill total to
He then choses the wish’s Difficulty the Difficulty. Any Result Points means the
and Backlash, dividing the Complexity be-

Magnitude Side effect Sample Effects

Minor and harmless side effects. A gust of wind, a strange smell, momen-
Minor Mild
tary itchiness, etc.
A weird and uncomfortable side effect. The evoker may loose all body
hair, change skin color, become nauseous for several minutes, fall uncon-
Moderate Intense scious and so forth. Alternately, the wish’s extents may be weakened by a
level or two, lowering its duration, target, etc. These side effects should be
annoying but not threatening.
A dire, but not usually fatal side-effect. The mage may suffer a Wound,
lose the use of their wish magic skill for a day, be struck blind for a day, and so
Significant Severe forth. This is equivalent to a setback (and the gamemaster can treat it as such).
Alternately, the wish’s extents may be significantly weakened, lowering its
duration, target, etc.
The side effect is life threatening and potentially lethal: something occurs
Major, Legen- that places the evoker’s life in danger. He may suddenly become heavily
dary wounded, a menace may appear and attack him, he may be teleported to a
place of great danger.

7 W i s h M ag i c
Success Level Results
Wish fails to manifest and a side-effect occurs. In addition, the Backlash is increased
by 2 points per magnitude (i.e. minor by +2, moderate by +4, etc.).
A side effect happens. The wish occurs, but the actual effect differs radically from
Minimal what was intended- it affects a different target or even causes a different (possibly opposite)
effect of the same magnitude.
A side effect happens. The actual wish is noticeably different from what the mage en-
Average visioned. It affects the right target, but affects it in a different way, the effect is changed to
a similar effect of the same magnitude, the instructions are not followed exactly.
The effect differs from what the mage intended, but is very similar. A wish that
changes a man into a horse might change him into a young colt instead.
Occurs nearly exactly as described- differences are minor and irrelevant to the mage’s
Spectacular Occurs exactly as described.

effect was successfully evoked. The Suc- these are summarized on the chart above.
cess Levels determine how well the mage These two factors cause most mages to
controlled the wish’s manifestation. make the Difficulty lower than the Back-
The more Success Levels achieved, the lash. A couple of more points of Backlash
closer the wish comes to matching the isn’t likely to be lethal, but the side effects
evoker’s vision. If the mage achieves at that accompany high magnitude wishes
least a Good success, the wish was evoked often are.
without causing a side effect. Both of

Evaluating Conditions
One of the more sophisticated capabilities whether or not it matched the condition,
a mage can build into a wish are condi- then the wish can discern this (even at
tions that the wish follows. These condi- night, in the rain, whatever.) Effects that
tions describe how the wish reacts to vari- would prevent the mage from properly
ous circumstances. They can control when identifying the targets, such as magical or
an effect becomes active or inactive, if it mundane disguises, prevent the wish from
changes targets, what targets not to affect doing so as well.
in an area, and explicitly define how the In game terms, the gamemaster gives
wish’s effect operates. The mage can give
general directions (”allow all red heads Multiple Effects
through”) or specific (”allow the Chancel- This rule is optional. Each wish has one ef-
lor through, but no one else.”) fect, which determines its magnitude. If the ga-
memaster allows, a wish can create two effects
Unlike wards, wishes do not need to
by increasing the magnitude one step (and thus
magically detect conditions. The mage increasing the Complexity of the wish). A mod-
formulate the vision for the wish, which erate wish could involve two minor effects.
vision defines the wish’s effect, so any This magnitude increase is limited to one step
knowledge he had of the targets is en- (i.e. a significant wish cannot create 4 minor ef-
coded in the wish’s effect. fects). The Complexity cost for evoking two ef-
If the mage, looking at a target in good fects is 2 points (in addition to the cost of increas-
ing the wish’s magnitude.)
light on a clear day, could determine

Storm Knights 8
the wish the equivalent of the evoker’s Per- to do something unexpected or to do the
ception attribute and any appropriate skill expected to the wrong target.
adds, typically find, scholar, and so forth.
This attribute and skills are used as would “Creation is temporary. De-
be appropriate if the mage himself were
using them- for example, find against a struction lasts forever.”
stealth spell’s Effect Value to see if the wish - Magician’s maxim!
noticed the individual.
A wish can shield a target from another Conditions are powerful and flexible,
wish. Such effects automatically bypass but they do raise the Complexity of the
the wish’s ability to perceive targets. wish. Players should avoid writing overly
A poorly cast wish distorts the intent of complex conditions and gamemasters
the evoker. Often this manifests as mal- should feel free to charge appropriate
formed or even inverted conditions. The Complexity costs if they fail to do so.
easiest way for a wish to go wrong is for it

Residual Effects of Wishes

All wish effects are inherently temporary, back to his old form after the duration
limited in duration, distance, target area, lapses.
and so forth. This is a consequence of the Objects, creatures and substances cre-
innate nature of magic. ated by magic require energy to sustain,
Magic requires energy to affect the and when that energy is consumed, they
world. The energy available to a wish is cease to exist.
finite and is consumed over the duration of A wish that moved a chair required en-
the wish. When that energy runs out, the ergy to do so. Moving the chair back to
wish expires, it ceases to affect the world, where it was would require additional en-
and this allows the world to revert back to ergy, energy that is not available, and so
the state it was in before the wish inter- the chair remains moved after the wish ex-
vened. pires.
This also applies in the case of a door
“Some mages teleport intrud- burnt by magic- it took energy to burn it
ers away, others simply kill them. and it would require more energy to repair
it, so the door remains burnt after the
It would be wise to learn which a magical effect expires.
Destruction is permanent, because re-
particular mage prefers before versing it requires additional energy. Crea-
visiting him.” tion is impermanent, because the contin-
ued existence of the created requires en-
The effects of a wish automatically fade ergy. When that energy is gone, the cre-
away, unless it would take additional en- ated ceases to be.
ergy to return the target to the state it was Most effects created by wishes disap-
in before the wish occurred. pear after its duration lapses. Anything de-
Changes imposed by magic- such as stroyed remains destroyed, anything
turning a human into a dragon- require moved stays moved, targets that were
energy to sustain, so the human reverts changed return to normal, and things cre-

9 W i s h M ag i c
ated with wish magic cease to be. disrupted, that which was created contin-
The sole exception is when that which ues to exist after the wish expires.
a wish has created has been in existence These same rules apply when an active
so long it no longer requires energy to ex- wish is disrupted (see below).
ist. This occurs after a year and a day, so if Using these guidelines, the gamemaster
a wish is used to create something, has a can adjudicate what residual effects are
duration longer than a year and a day, and left behind after a wish expires.
lasts for that period of time without being

Multiple Wishes and Disrupting Wishes

The primary restriction on wishes is this: Mages can protect their active wish ef-
two active wishes cannot affect the same fects by increasing its Complexity beyond
target at the same time. If a target is al- that which is required to evoke it. This re-
ready being affected by one wish, and an- sults in a higher Complexity than would
other wish is evoked that would affect the otherwise be indicated (and higher Diffi-
target, the wish with the highest magnitude culty and Backlash) and thus the wish is
takes effect. If the wishes are both of the more difficult to disrupt. This has to be
same magnitude, the highest Complexity done while the wish is being evoked.
Many mages even evoke wishes upon
“Two wishes cannot affect themselves (or others) that protect against
the same target at the same hostile wish effects. Commonly such
wishes are designed to cause ill effects to
time. One wish will destroy the the hostile evoker, when he attempts to
affect the protected target.
other.” If the hostile wish has a lesser magni-
- 2nd Law of Wish Magic tude (or lesser Complexity) it doesn’t take
effect. Instead, the defensive wish usually
wish takes effect. If both have the same unleashes some hostile or dangerous effect
Complexity, the newest wish takes effect. on the attacker.
Mages use this limitation of wish magic When dealing with their own wishes,
to disrupt active wishes. This requires the mages do not have to resort to such ma-
mage to evoke a new wish, of the same neuvers. Any wish the mage personally
magnitude but of a higher Complexity, and envisioned and evoked can be disrupted at
this new wish disrupts the old, canceling will, assuming the mage is within the dis-
whatever effects it may have had. tance delineated by the wish’s extents.

Unformed Wishes
Wish magic is the province of trained ex- effect. Such wishes do nothing but con-
perts. The untrained can neither formulate tinue to exist until a living mind imprints
nor evoke wishes. them with a vision. The wish can exist in
At a Magic axiom of 24, mages dis- an unformed state essentially forever (un-
cover how to evoke unformed wishes. An less disrupted), as it is not affecting the
unformed wish is a wish that has not yet natural world and so requires no energy to
been imprinted with a vision of the desired exist.

Storm Knights 10
Mages create unformed wishes by much as possible the imprinter’s desires. A
choosing a magnitude (and Concentration, magnitude greater than that of the desired
if desired), while not choosing the wish’s effect gives no bonuses.
effect or defining other extents. They pay When the unformed wish is imprinted,
the cost for the desired magnitude, adding the description of the desired effect is
it to the base Complexity. Then, they can translated into values, just as it is when a
choose to add additional points of Com- wish is evoked. The excess Complexity
plexity that will go towards paying for the (the points the mage chose to add in after
other extents when the wish is imprinted.
All of these added together determine the “Mages who previously dis-
unformed wish’s final Complexity. dained wish magic usually seek
The mage evokes the wish as normal,
selecting Difficulty and Backlash, making to rectify the situation, if only
a wish magic skill check, and potentially
suffering Backlash and side effects (the se- to protect themselves from
verity of the side effects determined by the hostile wishes.”
chosen magnitude.)
Once evoked, they can place the un- paying for the unformed wish’s magnitude
formed wish into a physical item or keep it and base Complexity) form a pool of
in their minds. If they chose to place it points from which the extents of the spell
into an item, anyone can imprint the wish, are bought.
simply by holding the item and concen- The price for these is the exact same
trating on a desired result. price as listed on the charts above. Thus,
The magnitude of the desired effect affecting five targets consumes 3 points
must be equal to or less than the magni- and a distance of “touch” costs 1 point.
tude chosen when the wish was first Each of the wish’s extents are paid for
evoked. If it is not, the wish reduces the in this manner, the wish coming as close
magnitude of the effect, preserving as as possible to the expressed desire. Any
excess Complexity points are lost. If the
wish cannot fully “pay” for the desired ex-
Wish Magic Glossary
tents, it reduces the values of them until it
Wish: A magical effect whose purpose and can (magnitude is never reduced.)
form is determined by a living being.
Unformed wish: A “blank” wish that anyone Imprinting an unformed wish is far eas-
can imprint. ier than evoking a wish, and it can be
Evoke: To activate a wish. done by anyone capable of visualizing a
Imprint: To give an unformed wish a purpose desire. This process requires a Mind (will-
and hence activate it. power) total, with the Difficulty Number
Extent: The limits of a wish, including how based on the mag-
long it can last, how powerful it is, what area it
effects, and so on. nitude of the de-
Magnitude DN
Complexity: A measurement of how difficult sired effect (see
chart). Minor 5
the wish is to evoke.
Side-effect: A random outbreak of magic The mage who Moderate 8
caused by evoking a wish. evokes the un- Significant 10
Condition: A statement that determines how formed wish can Major 12
a wish operates.
Disrupt: To use one wish to destroy another. make this check
Legendary 15
easier by increas-

11 W i s h M ag i c
ing the Complexity of the unformed wish If successfully imprinted, the wish takes
(these additional points cannot, of course, effect as the imprint directs, limited only
be used to buy extents after the wish is by the wish’s magnitude and extents.
imprinted.) The cost for this is 2 Complex- The development of unformed wishes
ity points for every point the Mind (will- causes a revolution in wish magic. Mages
power) Difficulty is lowered. can evoke unformed wishes, then sell
The Success Levels of the imprinter’s
Mind (willpower) check are read on the “Unformed wishes can be
same Success Level chart used to evoke used by anyone.”
wishes. The effects on that chart occur as
designated, except that imprinting the wish them to any who desire. The more power-
causes no side effects and there is no ful an unformed wish, the more lucrative
Backlash (as the mage who evoked the un- the transaction.
formed wish already suffered any side ef- Mages who previously disdained the
fects and the requisite amount of Back- practice of evoking wishes usually seek to
lash.) Thus the chart only determines if the rectify the situation, if only to protect
wish occurs and how closely it matches themselves from hostile wishes.
the desired effect.

Wish Magic and the Axiom Chart

Wish magic becomes more powerful and The ultimate form of wish magic re-
more reliable at higher Axioms: the base quires Axiom 30, where all magic is wish
Complexity lowers, the possible values of magic, and evoking wishes is easy and re-
extents increases and “unformed” wishes liable. All living beings can evoke wishes,
become possible. merely by envisioning the desired effect.
At Magic 25, the Backlash from evok- The evocation of wishes is based on the
ing a wish is compared to the character’s evoker’s Mind or the willpower skill. These
Mind, if the skill total is lower. At axiom wishes are not limited by extents, do not
28, wish magic becomes usable unskilled- cause Backlash, always manifest as the
anyone can try to evoke a wish. Also, evoker envisions, and are disrupted when
skilled users never cause side-effects. At another evoker achieves a higher Mind
Magic 29, wish magic becomes reliable- (willpower) total.
the wish is never distorted (though failure All of these advances are detailed on
still means the wish doesn’t manifest and the Wish Magic axiom chart.
the evoker takes additional backlash.)

Storm Knights 12
Wish Magic Axiom Chart
Wish Magic is potent, dangerous and diffi- jects and used at the owner’s discretion.
cult. It is evoked through the imagination 25- Wish magic increases in capability,
and will and requires none of the accou- being able to affect targets hundreds of
terments of spellcasting. Mages can evoke miles distant, being able to completely
wishes without having to learn a spell or heal an individual or control the weather.
perform a ritual and without having to Mages can wield its powers more easily
study the four magics or Arcane Knowl- and safely.
edges. The first wishes are limited in 27- Wish magic becomes a potent
power, but wishes soon become capable source of power, capable of working great
of producing any effect a person can imag- and substantial changes on a local area
ine. (such as raising a mountain or squashing
20- Wish effects first become possible. one flat) or smaller changes on a wider
At this axiom level, the evocation of such area. Legendary effects, such as raising
effects is random, uncontrollable and un- the dead, destroying artifacts or reducing
predictable. The random evocation of something to less than dust are all possi-
wishes produces ble.
uncontrolled, “All Magic is wish magic, and the 28- The wish
though powerful magic skill can now
wish effects and Living can achieve anything imagin- be used unskilled
these effects can (though this is ex-
achieve nearly any- able simply by willing it to occur.” tremely dangerous).
thing imaginable. Skilled use is far
21- The deliberate evocation of con- more effective and safe- skilled use no
trolled wishes becomes possible, though longer causes side effects (this is not true
this process is difficult. Controlled wish of unskilled use).
effects can only accomplish very minor 29- Wish magic achieves a new peak
and temporary results and often trigger of power and safety, allowing mages to
side effects. The wish magic skill becomes work great effects with far less backlash
possible. than before. In addition, wishes always
23- Mages discover how to accomplish manifest correctly, the evoker’s desires are
more powerful effects with wishes, al- never distorted.
though the more powerful effects usually 30- All magic is wish magic, and the
cause a great deal of backlash. Wish Living can achieve anything imaginable
magic becomes easier to wield. simply by willing it to occur. The study of
24- Unformed wish effects, that can magic is no longer necessary (or useful)
respond to the desires of anyone, are pos- and magic use no longer causes backlash.
sible. Such wishes can be stored in ob-

13 W i s h M ag i c

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This electronic document (and all other contents of the STORM KNIGHTS website) is copy-
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In all cases, full attribution must be included in any derivative works, the text of which
must read:
Based on “Wish Magic” by Jasyn Jones, copyright © 2001-2007. Original article can
be found at:

These rules are based (in part) on material published in the following TORG rulebook(s):

TORG Boxed Set

Original Mythos and Game Design: Greg Gorden
Mythos/System Development: Douglas Kaufman, Bill Slavicek
Additional Mythos/System Work: Christopher Kubasik, Ray Winninger, Paul Murphy

The Revised and Expanded TORG Rulebook, v. 1.5

Rule Book Design: Jim Ogle
Editing: Gareth Michael Skarka and Steven Marsh
Cloud tile, eternium pattern, and stone tablet background produced by Garrett Taylor:

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