Carthago HK TI 2024 EN
Carthago HK TI 2024 EN
Carthago HK TI 2024 EN
Take the plunge into the digital world of Carthago! We Carthago is also active on social media. You will find many
have put together numerous items of additional informa- exciting articles featuring our vehicles and the Carthago
tion for you on our web site. Be it videos, 360° views or brand on Facebook, and there are some great product
technical background information – experience now the videos packed with details on our YouTube channel. If you
digital world of fascinating Carthago motorhomes! don’t want to miss any of the news from Carthago, register
now for our newsletter.
You can obtain a quick overview of our dealers using our
online dealer search. You can find your nearest Carthago Simply scan the QR codes with the camera of your Smart-
dealer with just a few mouse clicks – not only within Germany phone or tablet, and you’ll be taken straight to the topic of
but also in neighbouring foreign countries. Our dealers will your choice.
give you the opportunity to get to know our motorhomes
better on site, and would be pleased to advise you.
The people behind the family-run company are: Sabrina Schuler, Karl-Heinz Schuler and Sebastian Schuler
More than 40 years of the Carthago Group also means more The only people we are indebted to are you, our customers.
than 40 years of the premium concept, diversity and techni- This independence was confirmed with the establishment of
cal know-how. Many things have expanded during this time: the Carthago family foundation in 2014, and will also remain
our head office with production and a large sales showroom so in the future. You can put your trust in this as much as
in Aulendorf in Upper Swabia, and our plants in Odranci/ our employees do: the Carthago Group remains a dynamic
Slovenia and Ormož/Slovenia. The number of employees has family-run company with a great deal of motivation and
also increased to more than 1500, and we have more than passion, characterised by personal commitment.
200 dealers in Germany and abroad.
However, one thing hasn’t changed: despite the use of
state-of-the-art manufacturing methods, each Carthago has
been manufactured with care and a considerable amount of
craftsmanship and attention to detail for more than 40 years.
We have put our heart and soul into the development of the Yours, Karl-Heinz Schuler
Carthago Group. Founder, owner and foundation chairman
Down-to-earth and open minded at the same time, that is the combination of perfect craftsmanship with high-tech
Carthago culture. We have remained true to our roots with components and state-of-the-art manufacturing methods
the company headquarters in Carthago City in Aulendorf/ on a factory tour. Simply register your preferred date on
Upper Swabia, between Ulm and Lake Constance. our web site at
As well as the manufacturing facility for our premium Of course, premium service is a constituent of the
motorhomes, a large sales showroom, the service centre Carthago premium motorhome. More than 200 dealers
and the company headquarters are concentrated here. and service partners throughout Europe will look after
Carthago is a popular destination for domestic and foreign you and your Carthago motorhome. Wherever you live,
motorhome enthusiasts. Visitors with a motorhome are wherever you roam: Carthago is never far away!
welcome to use the company’s own pitch!
Innovative thinking, an eye for detail, extravagant solutions Carthago different from other motorhomes. Our core
and consistent development focus on a high degree of expertise is in motorhomes in the Liner premium class.
practical use, the perfect combination of high-tech light Because our 40 years plus of experience flow into every
weight construction materials, intelligent processing and stage of development and manufacturing. We think that
pioneering spirit: these are the ingredients for our unique only the best is good enough for your comfort and your
overall vehicle concept. They are deeply rooted in our safety! The materials and construction technologies which
Carthago Premium DNA. we use and the demands that are made of their weight and
stability have much in common with aviation technology.
It is an incentive and an obligation at the same time: the
Carthago Premium DNA is our value promise to each We can therefore offer you a high degree of durability,
Carthago customer, and brings together that which value retention, safety, protection and comfort, which
characterises every one of our motorhomes. And at makes every Carthago motorhome something special, and
the same time, it is an expression of that which makes therefore synonymous with exclusivity and quality. Or, to
put it simply, Carthago stands for “The Motorhome”.
Long-lasting. High-stability. Space guaranteed. Well-balanced.
Optimum distribution.
Carthago liner Carthago double
premium-class body floor with large Carthago payload &
construction storage compartment weight and balance
Info 360°
Short vehicle lengths, perfect handling
and light weight
T 143 LE | T 145 RB LE
Further and detailed information can be
found online at
The c-tourer Lightweight models provide maximum central through-loading compartment and an extra-large
living comfort thanks to the "smartline plus” furniture scooter garage, you don’t have to forego anything when it
design, the continuous living room floor, the comfortable comes to luggage. You have the choice between two basic
L-shaped lounge seating area and the extra-large beds vehicles, two worlds of style, numerous worlds of living
with a sleeping length of up to 200 cm. The high-quality and three layouts. The c-tourer Lightweight models offer
kitchen and the extremely practical bathroom round off a wide variety of ways of configuring your new motorhome
the interior perfectly. Thanks to our intelligent storage completely in accordance with your individual require-
compartment solutions with a large double floor, a large ments.
Practically oriented Gross weight of up to Outstanding living Unique double floor Large fresh water and Warm air storage
Payload within the 4.5 t possible* comfort and a habita- with large storage waste water reserves heating technology
3.5 t weight class tion width of 2.27 m compartment (150 l / 140 l) Truma Combi 6
9 * optional
Info 360°
Sporty, distinctive and cosy at the same
time. Perfect for vehicles over 3.5 tons
Further and detailed information can be
found online at
Having to keep tabs on the weight often means having between two worlds of style and numerous worlds of living
to forego something. The c-tourer Comfort models in the interior. Maximum comfort thanks to the high quality
are the right solution for anyone who does not want to “smartline plus” furniture design, the ergonomic L-shaped
forego anything with regard to comfort, and for whom lounge seating area and extra-large beds. Maximum
registration within the 3.5 t weight class is not essential. storage space thanks to intelligent storage space solutions
After all, the Comfort models have some important added with a large double floor, large central through-loading
value: Maximum individuality thanks to having the choice storage compartment and extra-large scooter garage.
between four different layouts, two basic vehicles and
Tremendous feeling Outstanding living Unique double floor Large fresh and waste Truma Combi 6 warm
of spaciousness and comfort and a habita- with large storage water reserves air storage heating
large payload reserves tion width of 2.27 m compartment (150 l / 140 l) technology
epic world of style as standard
T 148 LE H 12
Optional casablanca world of style
13 T 150 QB
1 3
T 143 LE T 143 LE
2 4
T 145 RB LE T 143 LE
1 Large L-shaped lounge seating area with lift-up side 3 Swing-out shoe cabinet with holding system for up to
seat bench / pull-out side seat and 360° living area four pairs of shoes
4 Level passage from living area to driver’s cabin without
2 Smart 24" or 32" LED TV including TV pull-out system* tripping hazards
* optional 14
Further and detailed information can be
Lightweight & Comfort found online at
1 Space-saving galley kitchen with six large drawers, 3 Comfort corner kitchen with large, curved work sur-
separate waste bin in separate hygiene area and face, six large drawers, separate waste bin in separate
designer overhead storage compartment with vertical hygiene area, designer overhead storage cabinet with
waveform | T 143 LE vertical waveform and elevated kitchen worktop for
visual room partitioning and as an additional work
2 Corner kitchen with large work surface, six large drawers, surface | T 145 RB LE, T 149 LE, T 150 QB
separate waste bin in separate hygiene area, designer
overhead storage cabinet with vertical waveform and
elevated kitchen worktop for visual room partitioning
and as an additional work surface | T 148 LE, T 148 LE H
1 2 3
1 2 2
198 cm
1 Combination bathroom with spacious round shower 2 Comfort luxury bathroom with spacious washroom and
that is completely separable using a sliding door and toilet room with spacious mirrored cabinet and wash
a large mirrored storage cabinet | T 143 LE, T 148 LE, table base unit, and shower opposite | T 145 RB LE,
T 148 LE H T 149 LE, T 150 QB
Further and detailed information can be
Lightweight & Comfort found online at
1 Private changing room with partitioning from the living 3 The pull-out TV wall and the room divider in the
and sleeping area | T 143 LE, T 145 RB LE, T 148 LE, sleeping area provide additional room partitioning and
T 149 LE, T 150 QB therefore a completely separate changing room
| T 150 QB
2 Solid wood sliding door in the sleeping area provides
further room partitioning and therefore a completely 4 Floor-to-ceiling wardrobe integrated in the changing
separate changing room area | T 145 RB LE*, T 148 LE, room | T 148 LE
T 149 LE
1 2
T 145 RB LE T 149 LE
17 * optional
1 Large lengthways single beds with large sleeping areas 3 Convenient access to bed thanks to pull-out comfort
and adjustable head sections | T 143 LE, T 145 RB LE, access steps with extra-deep treads and additional
T 148 LE, T 148 LE H, T 149 LE storage compartment | T 143 LE*, T 148 LE, T 148 LE H,
T 149 LE
2 Convenient access to bed thanks to pull-out lightweight
access steps | T 143 LE, T 145 RB LE* 4 Wardrobe with large interior dimensions beneath
lengthways single beds, conveniently accessible from
the front and above thanks to the lift function | T 143 LE,
T 145 RB LE, T 148 LE, T 148 LE H, T 149 LE
1 3
T 148 LE T 148 LE
2 4
T 143 LE T 148 LE
* optional 18
Further and detailed information can be
Lightweight & Comfort found online at
1 2
T 150 QB
T 150 QB T 150 QB
1 Large queen-size bed with extra-large sleeping area 3 Fold-away mattress at passenger side for extra-wide
and adjustable head section | T 150 QB passage | T 150 QB
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Further and detailed information can be
Lightweight & Comfort found online at
1 XL habitation door “premium two 2.0” with widened 6 All round overhead storage cabinets in driver’s cabin
63 cm passage, secure double locking, extra-wide door with huge amount of storage space
window, pleated blackout blind and integrated insect
screen roller blind 7 One level continuous living area floor from driver’s
cabin to the sleeping area
2 Central locking using hand transmitter in the main
key for the driver's cabin doors 8 Ergonomically designed seat upholstery with multi
layer premium foam core and stylish front panel
3 Exterior hatches and doors with interior hinges
integrated flush in the body 9 Comfortably equipped kitchen with “Profi Gourmet”
3-ring hob with divided glass cover for additional
4 Unique double floor with large, heated storage storage area and work surface extension due to wall
compartment with usable height of up to 55.5 cm holder for sink cover
c-tourer Lightweight T 143 LE
All-rounder: lots of comfort, short vehicle length, light weight
+ L-shaped lounge seating area with lift-up side seat bench and 360° living area table
+ Compact galley kitchen with six large drawers and separate waste bin in separate hygiene area
227 cm
x 85 cm
+ Combined bathroom with separable changing room
+ Large lengthways single beds with pull-out lightweight access steps
+ Wardrobes with extra-large interior height beneath the lengthways single beds AL-KO
c-tourer Lightweight T 145 RB LE
Revolutionary! Unique! The new c-tourer T 145 RB LE
+ L-shaped lounge seating area with lift-up side seat bench and 360° living area table
+ Comfort corner kitchen with large, curved work surface and elevated kitchen worktop for visual
227 cm
x 85 cm room partitioning and as additional storage area
+ Comfort luxury bathroom with separable changing room
+ Large lengthways single beds with access steps AL-KO
+ Wardrobes with extra-large interior height beneath the lengthways single beds
+ Scooter garage with extra-large interior height
Fiat 700 cm | Mercedes-Benz 716 cm
200/190 189/170
x 85 cm x 110 cm* + Combined bathroom with completely separable changing room
+ Large lengthways single beds with pull-out comfort access steps
+ Wardrobes with extra-large interior height beneath the lengthways single beds and floor to ceiling
wardrobe integrated in the changing room
+ Scooter garage with extra-large interior height
Fiat 734 cm
* optional 22
Further and detailed information can be
found online at
200/190 189 x
x 85 cm 110 cm* + Corner kitchen with large work surface and elevated kitchen worktop for visual room partitioning
and as additional storage area
+ Combined bathroom with round shower and practical towel rail
+ Large lengthways single beds with pull-out comfort access steps
+ Wardrobes with extra-large interior height beneath the lengthways single beds
+ Scooter garage with extra-large interior height
Fiat 746 cm | Mercedes-Benz 762 cm
190/200 189/170
x 85 cm x 110 cm* + Comfort luxury bathroom with completely separable changing room
+ Large lengthways single beds with pull-out comfort access steps
+ Wardrobes with extra-large interior height beneath the lengthways single beds AL-KO
+ Scooter garage with extra-large interior height
195 x 189/170
145 cm x 110 cm* + Comfort luxury bathroom with completely separable changing room
+ Large queen-size bed with convenient access and comfortable sleeping width
+ Queen-size bed with wardrobes at both sides and two drawers at the front AL-KO
+ Scooter garage or Pedelec scooter garage*
23 * optional
Info 360°
Elegance, comfort and extravagance
T 4.9 LE | T 5.0 QB
Further and detailed information can be
found online at
Luxurious, extravagant, comfortable and thoroughly comfort luxury bathroom impresses with six large drawers,
practical at the same time: the chic c-line T combines an elevated kitchen worktop and a designer bar cabinet
payload, storage space and top class ride comfort with a as visual room partitioning. The comfort luxury bathroom
modern design and unparalleled living comfort. Its unique with a completely separable changing room provides maxi-
charm sets the chic c-line T apart from the wide range of mum comfort, whereas the cosy fixed beds in the rear are
Low-Profile motorhomes that are available on the market. the guarantee of a good night's sleep. The unique double
The exclusive "exklusiveline" furniture design with its floor provides a large, heated storage compartment which
flowing stylistic features and rounded, exclusive furniture is conveniently accessible from the outside and also the
surfaces creates a luxurious atmosphere in the interior. inside. The chic c-line T impresses with numerous worlds
The one level continuous floor in the living area and the of living and two worlds of style. You can also choose from
cosy L-shaped seating area with ergonomically shaped two different layouts and two basic vehicles, meaning that
upholstery, wide side seat bench and rectangular 360° you can configure your chic c-line T completely in accord-
living area table provide comfort at the highest level. The ance with your requirements.
Comfort-oriented Outstanding living Unique double floor Large fresh water and Truma Combi 6 warm
layouts up to a per- comfort with large storage waste water reserves air storage heating
missible gross vehicle compartment (170 l / 140 l) technology or Alde
weight of 4.5 t warm water heating*
25 * optional
linea moderna world of style as standard
T 4.9 LE 26
Optional linea progressiva world of style
27 T 4.9 LE
1 4 5
T 4.9 LE T 4.9 LE
2 3
1 Large L-shaped lounge seating area with wide side 4 Slide-out storage cabinet integrated in the round
seat bench and 360° rectangular living area table with bathroom wall
chrome piping
5 Comfort corner kitchen with elegantly curved work
2 24" smart LED TV including “Quick-Up”* TV pull-out surface, six large drawers, separate waste bin in
system behind side seat bench backrest separate hygiene area, exclusive designer bar cabinet
for six glasses and elevated kitchen worktop for visual
3 Swing-out shoe cabinet with holding system for up to room partitioning and as an additional work surface
four pairs of shoes
* optional 28
Further and detailed information can be
found online at
1 Comfort luxury bathroom with spacious washroom 2 Shower opposite with waterproof shower insert in
and toilet room with large, mirrored cabinet and wash same design as living area floor | T 4.9 LE, T 5.0 QB
stand base unit | T 4.9 LE, T 5.0 QB
1 2
T 5.0 QB T 4.9 LE
1 Private changing room with lots of freedom of move- 2 Private changing room with lots of freedom of move-
ment, with self-contained toilet room, room partitioning ment, with self-contained toilet room, room partitioning
from living and sleeping area or both at the same time; from living and sleeping area or both at the same time;
the sliding door made from solid wood in the sleeping the pull-out TV wall and room partition in the sleeping
area provides further room partitioning and therefore a area provides additional room partitioning and there-
completely separate changing room | T 4.9 LE fore a completely separate changing room | T 5.0 QB
1 2
T 4.9 LE T 5.0 QB
Further and detailed information can be
found online at
1 3
T 4.9 LE T 5.0 QB
2 4
T 4.9 LE T 5.0 QB
1 Lengthways single beds with adjustable head sections 3 Large queen-size bed with extra-large sleeping area
and comfort pull-out access steps | T 4.9 LE and adjustable head section | T 5.0 QB
2 Wardrobes with large interior height beneath length- 4 Queen-size bed with wardrobes at both sides and two
ways single beds, conveniently accessible from front large drawers at the front | T 5.0 QB
and above via the lift function | T 4.9 LE
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Further and detailed information can be
found online at
1 XL habitation door “premium two 2.0” with widened 5 Stylish GRP bus rear with separate rear bumper, and
63 cm passage, secure double locking, extra-wide door rear lights with modern dynamic LED indicators
window, pleated blackout blind and integrated insect
screen roller blind 6 Aguti driver’s cabin pilot seat with outstanding seat
comfort, two armrests and multiple adjusting facilities
2 “Coming home” function with remote control in main
key for simultaneous activation of central locking and 7 Continuous one-level living area floor from driver’s
exterior lighting cabin to the sleeping area
3 Exterior hatches and doors with interior hinges – 8 Innovative light concept with ambient lighting, includ-
integrated flush in the body ing continuously variable dimming function
4 Access to garage from both sides with convenient 9 Ergonomically shaped seat upholstery with multilayer
access via two large scooter garage doors at the driver premium foam core and stylish front panel
and passenger sides
chic c-line T 4.9 LE
+ L-shaped lounge seating area with wide side seat bench and 360° living area table with chrome piping
+ Large luxury corner kitchen with curved worktop, designer bar cabinet and slide-out storage cabinet
+ Comfort luxury bathroom with completely separable changing room AL-KO
x 85 cm
Further and detailed information can be
found online at
+ L-shaped lounge seating area with wide side seat bench and 360° living area table with chrome piping
+ Large luxury corner kitchen with curved worktop, designer bar cabinet and slide-out storage cabinet
+ Comfort luxury bathroom with completely separable changing room AL-KO
+ Large queen-size bed with convenient access and comfortable sleeping width
+ Queen-size bed with wardrobe at both sides and two drawers at the front
+ Scooter garage or Pedelec scooter garage*
227 cm
195 x
145 cm
Fiat 743 cm
35 * optional
Changes may occur during the model year after the edi-
torial deadline for this printed document in July 2023. The
manufacturer reserves the right to make structural and
design changes that become necessary, provided they are
in the interest of technical progress and are reasonable for
the customer, plus changes to equipment, differences in
colour combinations or individual colour shades, material
quality differences and changes to the scope of delivery
on the part of the manufacturer. This also applies to colour
differences on basic vehicles, insofar as they are a result of
changes made by the basic vehicle manufacturer. Please
consult your dealer for detailed advice concerning the sta-
tus of the current product or series.
The information about the scope of delivery, appearance,
performance, dimensions and weights of the vehicles
(differences within the scope of the factory tolerances
(± 5% max.) are possible and permissible) corresponds to
the state of knowledge at the time of going to print. Please
be aware that some of the vehicles are depicted with spe-
cial equipment for which an additional charge applies. In
some cases they are shown with equipment features that
do not correspond to the series production version and
are also not available as special equipment. The decoration
depicted in the catalogue is not a constituent of the scope
of delivery. More technical information can be found in the
price list.
Prior written consent from Carthago Reisemobilbau GmbH
is required for the reprinting of this publication or extracts
thereof. The information in this publication is compliant
with the German StVO and StVZO (road traffic and road
traffic licensing regulations). Mistakes, printing errors and
translation errors excepted. All information is based on the
characteristics of the German market.
Printed in Germany.
© Carthago Reisemobilbau GmbH
88326 Aulendorf
Tel. +49 7525 9200-0