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~ ..

t /""
lllunra tlon 2, .11 l 111<111.. , .- the d1«1-<• " "c pu
c t (c tf' c r~,w n

)!1 11,, ll u 111 lht: t(t'- <' lt tin t•

' 1
.n ,,
' .,~r:
ii •V, - r 1l + V: r:l
Sn/111/1111. I
I 5.l\. a nd /1,
lcrc, 1 , . 1 '.\2,
I '.\ I 4 5
11 00 µ , I . ~ 14 !\
I ' f' . , ,,,r,. ~ c'i •◄ VI I) Mcu 11 rc lrn..:11 vc h11h:11.
; ·tt•'' I) -
I ~V • I 'il4'\
,t•' 11J' µ- - - I 5 114n
.I, 'r: 2
- ~ 1' 1 i,,pn>-nt \ :-~ Fot:. 25 .S I) ol 11h111:,c r,,wcr ,.. 1uvcn hy,
01,r e r.ivc
: ,~•:~ II ,t,,t:Ul ,"C I = ::o CIII fnm, u ,-lit.
,, 1,f.t< f,,nn,·J und "h.,t ~" the scraru tiu n co - l!..!..:::l!.r.. - I 'i23 - I 5 14~ fl. 16311
1 ~ ~~~ in,t.-;,. of the mu11.:n.1I µ = 1.6.
.,r,: . (µ - 1) (l. 5 1!175 - 1)

~ ,~~cfr-1'"'" t ~s,
ljrnfofhbiH ,iliii refract :
flnd 1hc dt~pcr .,o n pt1M1u ccd1 ~ ~u;~
J~ < I li having ive index for red ltght

. prism 0

vio lel light = 1.68.

I Si Soluti on. We know that disper sion produ ced by a thin pn!>"'
I ~ i 8 = (µ ,. - µ , )A
/ ' fig. 25.81 Here, µ ,,.. 1.68, µ , = 1.56 and A = 18°
:ll"C form<!d by the two thin prism s- = 8 = (1.68 - 1.56) X 18° "" 2. 16°
(i) 1110 j/11~~ the othcr below the axis by the same
Devia tion With out Dispe rsion
, ., ""
, I'
~ s afl

.. .
,e of e:ich thin pns m 1s
· ms in which
This means an achrom atic comb inatio n o f two pns ced
.,.,, '1"11118 1111- is produ ·
fii) net or resultant disper sion is zer:.~~-~ ~ o n
~,c ti I (/f - a)
y"'z .
i tdt";auon o
farJy ) • (µ - 1)-(n -a)
.... --; \
t ,./6
2 I a)
, . 211µ-02 (,r -
Fig. 2S.82
/ • (/1-1)/ (,r - a)
For the two prism s,
/ • (l.6 -l)x0.20( ,r - 178 X
1; 0 ) (µ ,. - µ 1 )A + (µ v - µ, ) A = 0

• o_6x0.20>< ,r x ~
= 0.004 m = 4 mm = A' = (µ,, - µ ,) A
µ ,, - µ,
and <.00 + w' o' = 0

o=01[• -;,)
liull)'ofligltl passes through a prism . it splits up into where w and w' are lhe dispe rsive powe rs of the two prism
"'«aslilUCIII colors or "avelengths. This pheno meno n is and oand o' lheir mean devia tions.
ai!lllpCISion of light
lilfllltaonieti01l arises due 10 rhe fa~t that refrac ri ve index Dispersion With out Devi ation
•11111 waYelength. It has been observed for a prism lhat A combinatio n of two _,-·
-.Swi da die incma.,;e of wavelength. i.c.• l't,iw > JJred · prism s in which devia tion V
·" '-'5pc rsion: 8= 6, - 6, produced for the mean R
~ power: Ratio of angular dispersion to mean ray by the first prism is

..41 ,.dn~
6. -~
'.,. ~ ofmean ray (yellow)
"" h4, d, = (µ, - I) A
equal and oppos ite to that
produ ced by the secon d
prism is called a direct
vision prism.
Fig. 2s.11

This comb inatio n produces dispe rsion witho ut devia tion.

,,, -,
t /I, -p For devia tion to be zero. (cS + cS') • 0
~ (µ-l )A+ (µ'- l)A = O
ulur (11'pc1 s11111 is
11,c nrt un[I (p' - µ;)A
(/1,. JI,~ ~23 : I.~ 14) X 5° - (1,6
32 ~ I (i
: ~(j:oJ4K ''. I . ' 1 31~◄ -.
H' II 4 he ~••111 1ti
v~r1c11l 1·1u: i111[1ut11r disporiii on 111s mugn11u11c
O.O34•. '<'
• ll .. hA~ Ill
• 1/1 ~ ,,111111

~,111 -
p ,,,
( \r•'~"
11>'I c1I Ill I 1~.
£J-•1d¥Ot·i,. .1¥bttw...-~,~
l c.T'JS:~(ti i!-
• 111'1' I,1111111111
,. /I • .. tight aufTe~s deviaaioii
min imu m "lioi)~
f\\,t 111111 •I'"'' "· I /\ • 4 • II I R ond I, A ray ,fractivc index Ji . What ia tile ~
1n ,. hn•1111111 '"
1111 I 111111, hlr I
I 4, . 1• ,r '!""
111IM II
111,111 '

µ', • •
, • 1.7. I cl 01c11n
, ,ri-111 ti 111 11I 1hC n
/I" 1:;:
pri•l11 anale of incidence is double the "'a~ '
pris m ~ t within the prism?
111 I .0. /I, • •111111' ' 11 1
I~ hn1I tht' l)ll'II I rcfracuoO~ light undergoes a deviation or ' "

1 ,
1• • • "
• ('on,h
1i,111 (or AC
hn1111111h; ,:11111
t,inn111nt, J, A ~•Y on an equilateral
in~1dcnt f refractive index .t 3 °' ,
9• 8' prism 0
µ,).( • (µ,
, µ' )A'
(J I
' (1.41 - I..15)4°
- • 1.4•
Ji· . the angle subtended
Q A• 1.9 - 1.7
Wb~ IIray inside the prism
- l}A'
b~ ~c base of the prism?
4, • 6 u"' • (JIr l)A - (µ, 8"
.... • (1.40 - 1) 4" - (I.S - I) I.4• • 0.4 . with th of a ray of light
3, Tho ~• through an 8
passing . ABC
lllu,rrarion 2S.lS A crown glass pn
·sm of uogIc 5• is to be 'lateral glass pns m
combined Wl~I II !llfn't
asses undeY1a1cd. m ~c angl
~-"·" d (b) the angulnr d1spcr.n
· ·n such n way
that the mean ray
e of the Oinl gldas~ypnthe
•on produce
~u~own in Fig. 25.85. The
: ;of light is incident on ~ace
BC at the critical angl~ for Just

,,.,.,_. an
combination when whHe rgh1
. goes through ii. Refractive A••I internal reftection. The
I . lei Ii hi ore 1.514, 1.517, an d t....
indiocs for red. yellow. and v10 Ins! and 1.6 total angle of devaa . ti' aft
1.52). respccth·cly. for crown g · I 3, 1.620, and on ~r
the refraction at face AC_1s
1632 for Oin1 glass.
. produce d b the crown pnsm 15 B-- 1080 . Calculate the refractive
. U>n.. The · •
SoUII deviauon Y , , index of the glass.
1)A and by the 11,inl prism is 8 = (µ - I)A • .
(µ - .
The are placed with their angles inverted with re~p • In
4 an isosceles prism of angle
pnsms ect 45° it is found that when the angle
10 each other . The deviations are a1so ID • oppos't1 e direcuons

Thus. the net deviation is of incidence is same as the prism ,
6..,,,=6-8'=(µ- l)A -(µ- l)A'. angle, the emergent ray grazes the ~
(i) emergent surface.
(a) If the net deviation for lhe mean ray is zero 4
, Find the refractive index of the
(µ- l)A = (µ' - l)A'
material of the prism. For what
- or A
, = (µ - t) A= 1.s 11 -1 x •
(µ' - 1) 1.620 - I 5
angle of incidence, the angle of
deviation will be minimum?
(b) The angular dispersion produced by
the crow n prism is 5. R.efiacting ans)e or a prism A = 60°
6, - 5, = (µ., - µ,)A and ics refiactive index is 11 • 3/2. What is Ille
and that by the llim prism is B; - B; = (µ;, - µ;)A t incidence I to get minimum deviation. Also ap
The net angular dispersion is (B, - B,)A - (µ: -
= (1.523- 1.514) X 5° - (1.632 - 1.613) X 4.2°
=- 0.0348°.
The angular dispeBion has magnitude 0.0348°.
I mininnan deviation. Assume the surrounding
tobeair(11• l). '
, '- 'lwoidaadc:alddDiaosceteaprilnlsctrefncllll
111d ldt idl \,o index"

(a) If the net deviation for the mean ray is
(µ- l)A =(µ' - l)A' - placed with their
or A _ (µ' - I) A 1.517 - I
- ~ • 1.620-1 xs•
Cb) The angu lar dispersion produced by th
5, - 6, = <A,-µ )A . . I
.,_ ... ... . each
odaer 111d Ibis aystem

1- AelJM
CO it.U p.i

~• ---·····
e crown JlnSm is ------
and th.u by the flint prism is 6' _ 6' _ ,,, llet-..
.. , -""1
- -µ; )A
1/ ~r,I ,.r 5pttERICAL SURFACE - - --
. .(;110 I i,t,jc<:10 plnce<l in a mcdlu S
,Ar ..0111
,• /_111';µ1 •
~7,I I'~ A'◄ •
If µI > µ
... ,... "..'.
~ ....

y l
• -
-- ••l#

u • • • !!.V • .!_
.. • !!.:.!_
k .. V . - nR- • I U- • }R

Fig. 25,&8
Due 10 prc~nce of n- 1 I ~- I
~~ave1 DA a vlnual oil lhc plane m,rM • lhe ,mast t,,vnd • I
~ formed in r ject for lhe plane: m1rrclf " 1 rtal 111WP
..i.erical surface, I½ - & .. JJ2 - ~ 1~1 x +x • v ron1 of the plane m,m,r, Ill the pAc p
; ~ • 5y•·· V U
,,.- . i,ols sboUld be carefully rcmcmbeRed ~ X V 3R
Ms)'" rweme&umintowhichlightray r as: JJr •2• 2 =u• UR
1'". ~
:.ifiC jJ)delt
0 of the med'1um from which sarccnt ,
Ii h . cnng;
rays :ire uteral Ma gn lfi cation for Refracting Spherical
~.ill- v-· s11ould also be taken while apply~mg lhe sign

?coll• ~fi;;;ndMtb;efifocdaliiJ;;;eo~g;;.th;--:o-:rf-;;lh'."'.'e-:-le-n-ss-h-,~. 1
Lateral magnification, m • Image hcig)ll • - ( A' 8')

'lbC radii of curvature of . own 1\ Now, •~n I = /Li Objw height AB

~ are equal to R. • µ, ~ /J1< /J1 smr µ
;* µI /l /J1 Por ~mall angles br incidence and thlli rcfrxtJon.
sm i = tan I and sin r" WI ,
• tor an object placed at tanl
tanr c/Li
l'i; .m1r1angle.ABPandA'B'P.
. wcbavc
~ e anase after first refraction
AB/ PA /Li

b.-j!J.. .. ~ (i)
A' B' IP' A' "' µ.
;. \ _,,. +R A'B' µ1 PA'
~ - after second refraction Ai ""- ILiPi
1'IC(olllldal"2 --1+~.::::J..

a-1!1::ec & (ii) fig. 25.90

;. 'J 'l +R
-.o>anc1<u> &=~-JJt
~ R
. It ~=..eL
P,-l't fig. 25,93
Wirr. focal length will be ~ .
11-J - /Jt . , A ring of radius I cm is plated I m in
Shown in the fig. 25.91 is a spherical front of a spherical glass ball of radius 25 cmwith refractive
index \,50. [)etennine the position of the ftnal image of the
filllll IIIIIUS ot cur\'alure R anJ R.1.
ring and its magnification,
~-distanee of me silvering Solution. Light rays rrom the object are refracted through lhe
--,-.r.:esoas tofonn anunage ,.1K~ ball r,vice; fjrstatsurface S1, rromairto_gJass, and_sec~nd.
. . . . . . . . v«y far object, ~"' rroro glass to air. We use parax1al approxunauon,
at 5111,act. 52• ......,.,. refracuon · can be U".,1
, equauon

~Sialiakcomes fiom Verf far

. so dial sJ11g1e uu.....,

'fit,ZS,91 .

I; ,.

• ttAJC di'iUmcc o
(•I find I~~-:• KO mm CO the le

. --
the 1111me r<HI behinnncr.
(h) ...... hcr~WUlllli~ avwg t
~c o1the image distance.
cer! - -·
i, Find f radius R made o
2, A spbcrci: placed~ a medhu
index lh uld an obJcct be PIIICcd
Where wo
rormcd at equ1•distant from the
_ _..., R. tis en, or
Ill - • I·•:-•-15. I • . ,ool' , ffl,iliVC b«,ui.e cenlCf µ,
"' · ti ~ - - " I"'-' . -nuation,
'lllr 1111111 lllf n,i.. · le surface rerracuon w"
~ "111dlc,ie \'lile!> 11111111 P, µ1 •
......... ..5-11
1, I !!__ I' x t i ◄ 2R " i ~
-· 25
-;- HOOl 50 m t"ng Fig. 25.96
-,•a+Ithe c·ghl of thc firstrefraci
.....__far,.. 'ft r·
OI -~·~ locad 150anto n . .tirstsurface, 3 small object of height 0.5 cm is place.t iii
IWfa::c . due
1'llr iaapmcllhlln to rcfracllon at · convex.
A surface of glass(µ==
. f h 1.5)
. of radiUs..,
10 cm. Find the height o t 1e image fol"llledit-._
"' l(ISO) =-I
Iii. • ¥ • 1.5(-100)

lldia:llaa • le0lllld - : the origin of the cartesian imfra'llal
CIIIC.dlw secondbc
•}ltall•Ila lo s1u:·to the vertex of the second
___,_,_ s.
111: CIIIJca -.c for rdractian at 21s
30cm ►I
1 •. •{150-50)= JOO an. 1~

11 ,,_ • ._ \ftlll Clbjea ro, ~:the light rays converging to
• n:fnacd • belorr Ibey can actually converge to foan

• , • 1.s•.,. l.11• IOOcm,R •-2s cm

Fig. 25.97

4. An object of height 1 nun is placed inside a 5llliat

refractive index
I IJ (I - I.SJ µ == 2 and radius of tt"' l
curvature 20 cm as
; -i=iij • Ms) =o va +200/7 cm
shown in the
Fig. 25.98. Find the
P,•~-~-! positiou, size, and
nature of image, for
the situation shown 8
in Fig. 25.98. Draw Fig. 25.9
ray diaigratn.
1 5
• A. ray of light falls on a
transparent sphere with
p· at C as shown in
2 9
tg. s. 9_'l'he ray en1el'g-
to)'frotn the sphere parallel
. ltle
tive ~- Find the refrac-
6•l'here. 1
- ~ of the sphere.
18 1 8
ins· rnatJ air bubble
ide • &laaa 8Pbere , ,, ,.,
die,... surface.
dal 6aal rays u they come out of
. '
lhllUllellllctof&woW I
~OOSidtt Fig. 25.106 with the two ,ma1in& ..races
iJ I, • I\ .

having radii of c:urvatu,e equal to R ud Rz, rapecliwly.

The refractive indices of the surrounding mediwn and of the
material of the lens are µ1 and "2, ,cspec:tively.

(OIIYCX if it is thicker at the middle and
jf it is thicker at the ends (Figs. 25.102 and

,I ~ )
_. p)aoo-convex Concavo-convex

Rg. 25.106

I ] ]
Now, using the result that we obtained for refraction at
single spherical surface, we get
µl #11 #12 - µ, 1i)
For the first surface, - - - = --;- '
111 U "I
lsM Plano-concave Convexo-concave
1'1 1'2 1'1 - µi (ii)
For the second surface, -;-~ = R
fig. 2S.102
Adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get

First principle focus

µ,)(~ --¾-)
Ji_!i = (µ2 -
I 2

or µ,(;-;) = (µ -µ,{;, -~J


.... 25,103
IS 11 1 A' , - ...
. . . . . . . . tl!lw.. Jf'6e ol!lecc ...
fallllliy 111d tmap Ji

. Prom lbe reJauoa

7I •"'.-I)
.. 1·(:--,}li;-"i;J
.........,., ...
,V, I

Hoa-a, 1 ._ Sq,s. (iii) 111d (iv), _"C have

I (1v) that die Hconcf focaJ ~ . . _ .

J. The factor (¼-t) ia

(a) Positive for all l)pes Of~
(b) Negative far all l)pes or~
2. The factor (n.ei- l) is
•• f ho~
~,;.. • IFfierical dlin leas having tb4 same medium on (a) Positive w h e n ~
medium oflens. -~
(b) Negativewhen~
,, ~
" ..2
medium of/el'ls. ·--.
So, a lens is converg;,,8 iff is Po~
.,_ n.., => "!!at_ llld R, and R2 are x-coordinates of the both the factors (a) and (b) are oflalirt lia.
,,__ lust and second swfaces, respective
· 1y. And a lens is diverging ifI is lleg~
!hefactors (a) and (b) are ofop~ sifts.
L.!. • I.!. a-..,.,.,-"">
V " <v;> _: .&a~eonvex1~ ·. .-·
Leas bas two focii; • 1 1 •

I I 1
- lfM••, dJen --- :r - V=<f

CQk /ocu,, /n ca,,
- ofdiJJerging
oo, that means
V -
u ioad,,. qy, ... -le! lo pri,Qp,J ax;,, lliea
Rli>ct.,, ,.,. Will a, the prinap,1 a,;, a, f. It is c.Uec1 !he

negative. t,,,,, It i, po,11;,,, and in

kn.r itofi4""'"'ling
0 R
,( I I I / ::: 2(µ-i)
--- .. - ~ 11::-1 forµ== l .5,f == R
- " f

I. A ,.., lnlllafly JJ(lra//ef lo ihe Principal ax;., will /JQss

. . lens

(or appeq, lo-) 1/vo,,g;foeu, (Fig. 25. 108).

,,,_25.Jo, f ==-2(µ-i}
forµ= 1.S,f::::: -R
""...,.. ,.,,,.,
S·lvdM Farlllrlclalof'IIYl..,mull (IIJ,...n1•
l,o., IDWlld dio cmtff of'CUI ,_.,

.. 4 q-c

.... 25.114
---•-; .,•-IS
-+-•- ·/• IOCIII
v IS 10'
. ,. Ill
.1·ortt11rror-+-=-, u•
V u I
-+-=- :01'•1/
V IJ.f f
ffcnl:f. from tHe ray diagram,
2/•30- 10

• JAZ.15 CJ1l
Adi~rging lens of focal lcnglh 10 cm is POWER OF A LENS
. rl()llf of• plane mirror Pow,r of a lens is defined as lhe recipn,cal of foc:al length.
_,11CJ11: 25,111. Light from a / where /is measured in,mclcr.
,llfl1. IJl(C f;,J)i OD lhc lens. 1----. I
~ " ' ..d'~llf]CtoffintlJmagc.
y !O • ? P=f
,_. . . I
d The unit of power is diopcer, ID= I m·•.
1 I I Flg. 25.111
Sign con,cntlon: Focal lenglh of a conwrginr lens i• takan as
lli"tt7 positive and lhiit of a diverging lcos is lakco as negoliw. ·
, .JO -10
In te= of power, lhe above expression may be .,ritten as
P=P1+P,+ PJ+ ·" +P~
I .1 I 4
• ;·1rao" - 30 ljjji§iih[fl,@jij A lens bu a pG\ftf of +S diopters io air.
1,. ,~15 10 JO
Fig. 25.112 Whal will be its power if completely immersed in water?
j lit wl image dlsta~ is 2.S (
/L;, =413 and., µ, ,. 3/2)
iU..corllle mirror.
Sofuti/111. Letf.and/w be the focal lenglhs oflhe lens in llinnd
An object is placed at a dis1aJ1ce of l5 cm water, xespectively, then
' 111111n Im of focal length l Ocm on the 01hcr side of I l
p c - or +5•-
km,a<iJa,e~ mirror is placed al its focus such that the • I. I.

•aid by combinaticn coincides with the object itselr. f. =0.2 m•20cm
&Ille'""' length of concave mirror.
.. . 1 . c.,. .,,i-:;1
_, .!. • ,.,. • "L;; ·-; {' '1 (Ill

1(11 l, we1'4

,. .,,
APLJlw•:-II :.•31 2. !
r,) I 6. A man wiabel 10 wicw •
/, 13/2):!~lli±l-4 of rocal 1IDada 10 cm. n.
• ..:. • {911)- I (l/1) 611albDIPilfON . . . . .
f. • fa x5•20X 4 • socm a0,8 m ina,nfled 2 times. Ho. far
r,om the object must he bold
,.• ·-f.,I ·-I ,. .25 diop1er.
t the lens?
7 An object is placed 12 cm ia
• frollt of a la to folm a -
25.5 .
of the im ag e is twice 1bat of 11
. · 2S 115 is distlllllC l;c hi ao the object a4
L 'l1le ~ ta ; ~.:!mJo~ ina'oy and what Oli de
s. AnobjedispllcediDfmatofa ..
oriwo tincls o ~
kind ofimqCS wtll be -produced by.lhis tens image of the ob jed is form
ed• le
cal axis? lens II the ob jed bm is clo
widl I p, ia l~ p l ~:Ct11 ser II It
NegtectdtoidlcctiOD0• 111" c~daries from this image refnct once
Ap ia •t t
the fractive second image?
2, 9/lllt II the rclatioo l,et
we en
illdiccs I', /11 and l'J if t11c • re . ht fig. I 9. A biconvex lens of focal lm
beh■VlOt of lig 25,115
gda 21
of refractive in da l.S, bas Wllli D-.
ia,sis ■ sllown in Fig. 25.116 r(II•
? and air OD the other. An objec
t.. .. ..
tensonthesidewithwaltr. W
bm at t·
10. A point source is pllcc4
on 6e 111i1 Ifa
convex. lens of focal lengfll 20
ca •a
cm. lftbe leas is taised by 1 cm
, b y•
image be lifted relative to lhe
flt. 25.116
J, Allicollvexlenshuradii orc LENS DISPLACEMENT ME
urva111re 20cm and40 crn. THOD
Tlie rc6actiw index of the materi Consider a convex \en s L plu
al of the lens is I.S. ced be1wecn III olija
Aaobjclll ii placed 40 cm in front SCTCen S. The distance between
• • poliliol of the image.
of the lens. Calculate and the positions of the objec the objecta11U1e
t and
4. AC011vugiag bllndle of rays the screen are held fixed. The
la illlccuepltd by I bicol!l:avc can be moved along lhe axis of s
le a 1\e radii of CIIMture system and at a position 1 a sha
ofbolkllllflcamlOcm .. ._
__ _ image will be formed on. rp
ud Ibo nfnctive index of screen. Interestingly, there
' Che IIIIICrial or the lens ia another position on the same is
1.5, If Ille ny s oriainally
coaverpi lo I poilll 10 cm
la l'rODt Of tbe leaa wbcro
m where a sharp image will
again be obtained on the screen
The position is marked as n
W ill ~ now con~ after
JIIISlln& lhroup lhe Ions?
Pig. 25.120.
. Whr are lhere two and only two IJ(
I~ 10cm ►I llil .-
1mage 1sformed?
' .. ln the figure, lei the distance
bc x of

lft" eqlll
,t(D •
dOCI ---•-,wept

~~,~ 1 #
"' , m n.•,1111■ n:u•ma,.• r esr1'SI
I•'f disiance of lhc lens from lhe ICrellll
iet tllt of dlC lCJIS (rom lhc objCCI ii D-.t,-
(a) A-•..,. -~·I
f,I ·:
.. .,,., ...... pslf rt O ,.,,,,
1~ ..,, l l l cm..-,t.fannl1..,,_,.ott11t_,..••"'a
1;•' equatioR - - - •1
- ,weget
V- t)IC ICl'I
\I u lhe focal lel,rll of die . . .
(b) In the 1WO poiilliontfl die - _,., W'lfl 4JI.. ..,, ..
• ~ I'll • _l (II) 4cm and 9cm. Flad lbetiU of• ollJICI, p-,1
,, ..,....- I Sowtlon. 'l1li. problelll II blllCd • 1Ji4 I s - 111
/4 s, .) ...d (ii), we realize that lbere are only which Is commaaly OtCd ao .kl atzr ._ foC:11 ..._. •
P'" S45· (1 -

converging Jens.
(1) As diJcusscd artier,
~ _,J;oC dD-Xi"'.t1 . D2_,;
I•11 • ,. ti JII i ...;vial 'fhercfore. tf lhe first position
J eisl p1\IID·011 sjJjlage,
... .is x1 from the obJect,
. the second f• 4D 0
_.1111"- flt 'sb-:Om we object. wbmDistbe~bcnniatlhcolljed_..,_ • =--
~~iSJ10-t1 t,ecween the two positions I and iii. bed. · x is the distance bclwCCII the cw.. po : • ,,, . . . Air
dislB"ceii is clear that
1,11 ,, . which sharp imqCS of tbc pvca obJeCS • al ti rd•
111"111'~ and d = X2 - X1 (iii) tbe screen.
0" $1 -tX2equations 1n Ill • we ob ta111
• ('"") . Here,D• Im• 100 c:m
~-twd D+d (iv) x=60cm
E::-- and [>-x, = -
~~ 2 2 (I 00)2 - (60)
~ungf-4· (iv) in Eq. (i), we get /= 4x100
I z +-2- /=16cm
J"'IJ-d D+d (b) Size of the objccl can be c,blained fflJIII die rclalica

. 0

ii-, 4s.{02 - 4DJ=.Jb(D -4f)


1 1
O• J1111
latend size of image in Ille IVo-O po,iieictnS of_.
O= ,J4x9•6cm
We1101ice from Eq. (vi) that a solution ford is possible only
mD'l4/. Lenses Placed Very Close to Each Ocher
T/bell D <4f, mere is no position for which a sharp image
Consider the anangcmcnl showa
,abe formed.
Wllcn0=4/, !here is only one position where a sharp image in Fig. ZS.121, Lc:1 us assume tlw ~
Ii and / 1 are ihe focal lcnglhs of _..,_+.....+--
ibmlld. the individual lense.~, respc,:lh-cly <>
, Whea D > 4f. mere are two positions a sharp image
(note that the lenses them.•it'l\'es
6 furmed. I
may be convex or C'(lllc:11\-e and 1-:
!::aiinethod is suitable for convex lenses only. this is cap1ured in llie- sigiu of Ji
kse:' ~ say abouL the size of the object when we know and / }. We are now i111ctt111Cd ill
A ~ - .-(r.,o lc.-
~ c"- IUiCIIMr
1\e ~11na~es? Onding out the net focal leqlh ol "3-H-111
lllagolfications in the first and second positions; are
the ,ystem and position of i!Mllfl
.. .. ~ .. D-x1 _D+d fO!" variollS positio1111 of 1he objcd.
Ito x, -D-d Let 11 be Ibo position of tile IJJlliC Conned by Ibo ,._ 1oDs.
The Joos formula for the lirsl lonl pwa
~~~.D-~ D-d
\ -;;-=D+d
(If) .......
....,I I
; • I

t I I
•'• ;·:;. 20
., IW ....
.,... by
......... (Ui)

------. .,
20 JO 20

Now lllffll mapfflcaticJn


-----♦- m•-•2
~ A la -10
. . . . . . ._ . . tbnnula

(v) Lens with One Slivered~
If the back IUrface of l lena ia ~
• • I.
I.el-. lie*
••Mc 11iw J die lel:Olld lens. Let
of lbe syslem?
and "'1 be.the
the height of the obJect
height of the
in front of it'then:

t. First, light will pasg ~ le
lie ta, fie lleiglit af die lint image be 11,, and lbc .
11111-,elleii- 1-fote, 2. Image / 1 will act_ as an Obiea 1ir
•• !. acts as curved DlUror llld ro.._ •
I .. (vi) . 3. The light after reflection froia
•• !i pass through the lens llld leas "'ill
2 ii (vii)
. This is shown in Fig. 25,123. Jn IIICla
Alld die mt magnification the silvered lens Will be
•• !i,. ~ )( i = "'i"'2 P==PL+PM+PL
~ ,,. ho (viii)
To lllmlrrariu: we can say that if a set of thin lenses are
placed next fo 'each other such that the distance between the
leis ia uro,
by lhen the net effective focal length of the system
..!.. • I,.!.
,. I,

where Ii is the
~ focalbylength of every lens and the net
is given (a}

11_, ..1111 X "'2 X 1113 X "· • n~


Fmd .,. i....i ""Oiliicalron l"Odl<id
COaiblllation of lenses shown in Fig. 25. 122.
I0cm - 20 Ctn

Fig, 25,123

With PL== where

Ag. zs.122
~11.lf!CIJlea_,_in I
"IUJgle~ len&fh can be giv:_tact. the fOCaI lengt1t or And pM== --;; , Where
So, the SYSfeln Will bebaYt
F given by F =-UP,
_...orC111'¥11Uft -..
tel" ts 12 cm and 111 Nft•llw ._
. of thil lens, The ptaae nrr. r
,,,__~~ 0

°" ti the will parallel
fl'O"' lens raya incident

.,I~~to 1ocatcthc image, when apoint

I 1~(11C~ on the axis 20 cm ft'om the lens.
~,:: ,_r' ._.aedistaJICC when lhe object ilpllcod
f,. -in-

r -~
,,-;,,,I<"- bY ~~]formula,
f i .. (Jl-l)[r.-"iz"
f . t, .. 12 ctn; and R2 = oo
p" I.S'
ill"! .. o.s-o[fi--:;]
i.e., /=24cm
So, flcOS is eon"ergent with focal length 24 cm.
. aJtef passing ~ugh ~e lens will be incident
i.e., !he silVeRd lens will form• iml8C II•.,_,,,"
30 cm in fronl ofit • shov.11 ill fig. 2SJl4(c).
,1 IJ fi&b!.:tr0r which will reflect 1t back through the lens
so PL= 2PL +PM Wheo several lenses or murors art med coa,uaDy. • illll'
I 1 1 formation is considered one after ~ ill -,S. 1k ilce
p - - = - and PM=--= O Conned by the lens facing the object serves • • olljed ..
Bal L- ft 0.24 oo the next lens or mirror, the image bfflCd by • ...S .,_
[asfM =¾ =oo] (or miJTor) acts as an object for the dilrd. 111d so• 1k •
magnificalion in such situalioaS will be gi\'CII by
I I I 11 12
m=Q:OXT.X•"• LC.. 111• ■1X ■:X •••

So, P"' 2x-+O-=-D
0.24 0.12
Toe system isequivalent to aconcave miJTor offocal length Here, is It worthy 10 nOIC that
1, If IWO thin lenses of equal focal leap bal o f ~
F. I nature (i.e., one con11eigent aadolha' di,-ageatlae pd ill
f=p contact. the resul1111t focal ICDP of~ cod in•:ice will
I be
Le., F=p=---O.J2m=-12cm
-I • -+-=0
I 1 le F••-...1p.o
ie, the system will beba\'e as a conca\'e miJTor offocal F I -I ' . " -
length 12 cm. So, as for parallel incident rays u = -, i.e., the sySlem will behave as• pleoe glus plalO.
._ , I I I 2. If two thin Jeuaes or the same aarure n put in COllllCt.
llllDl mirror formula - +- = - we have
V II J' then as
I I =-1
-+- ~ v=-12cm ---+-
F /i /J
V "'°' -J2
i.e,_pm!lel incident rays will focus at a distance of 12 .!. > .!.
aad .!. >.!.
;~10:~lensas shown in Fig. 2S.1~4(b}, ~c)and F Ii F h
-, . obJectJS at 20 cm in front of the siven silvered i.e., F< Ji aad F</a
Which behaves as a concave miJtOr of focal tenglb i.e., tho resu)tllll foal lcllgtb will be le8ler dlllalip
12aa,&om nunor. fonnula -1 +-1.. -1 , we have .-Jest jadMdual,
V U f
A#l)'lftt ,.,.,, _ (f/11) . '

••-4cm • !+
" 4
-•- or,,._.,.
Since light rrom A"/1' lrhea.
(onned by lhe lens ia 4/3 11t to lhe
This Image will be rear 1111d
, 2/ 21·
i.e.. F•/(• initial value) Magnification in lhis case, ,,, • (41]
Tolal magnification,
~ L2 m •m 1 xm2 xm3 •(- l) x (I)
1 ><,...
~ Li ~ ma- .

(a) (b) Thus, the final image is real, ~
erect (relative to the original ob.iect.u,_

Complete ray diagram is shown in Pi
Fit- 25.125

~#j$ An object of height 2 cm is kept ~ m ~ B

of a convex leas of focal length I m. A plane mmor IS
placed aa 3 m from the lens on its other side. Find the nature,
posi1ion, and.magnification of the final image that will be seen Fig. 25.127
by• observer looking toward tb.e mirror through the lens.
Sobrtio,,. The lens forms image A'B' of object AB, as shown
iD Fig. 25.126.

Jm ►I

Fig. 25,126
Here.11 =-2 cm,/= I cm ,
Using (1/v) - (llu) = (1/f), we get
I I .
-+-=. J ~ v= 2m
" 2
Thus, A'B' is fonned at distance 2 m from lhe lens. Image
A.'B' is real and inverted and has a magnification
V 2
m = - = - = -1
I U -2 L ,. ,
, . I u: d ,,,
{We could also argue lhat object being at 2F, ima~e will flt.25.12f.
II • , '·
also form at 2F on the otb~ side.] .
L.,....,~ere,_~~ di~ e~ of ray-~
.. .. . ot.. _
II pllced after the 1"10 ~
ellJect be.,._.
oal Oi lld t,
In hat or11ae ~ ~ .. .. .. .. a1tc25 .,•• 30cm ilpa-..•lllt :!._~era1n1 leM ._ fur.._ .,. _
f ,a .., ii
• na concave side
red into the
1J3 is pou ae:·w\\"a: . \tire:::."-~\tll1Ullilnaport1wwieow.bJ-..eclad••-rr--•
placed ifilS image is to be Clplur-ecf
u_lilapifier or limp&. TIii
c:I ii plw d • M •

the fi unage, i.e., we can uy lbc otlje cc ,c. _• • • . ,

1 -,nificJttion
of 2?
of• lbiD conc:avo-convex lensuR ofglass
oth er~ and optical c:aita"o
SJde. Sin ce I
oea r
flml and lb
cm foca...,., .......
I and infimly, dlc ial l'a 9 ..
a radius of CllrVat of 20 anywhe re betw
_. . 1.5 bas
sanace bas • radiuslensof?CUThervatconurevexof :0 ~ y clearly ifit is for me dm yna
e widlia ._ ,.. _
W al • apllCal
• • b:a l length of the
. agnifying po.-er or 111gul.w !Dlp
mstrurnent is defined as the ratioforofclea
angle•·•- -
.,dpiaced OD a borizoatal surface. What
? The to ~ max imu m visual ang ]e r visioe . . . • CJC ii
(ocal length of the silvered lens near poimJ.
unaided [i.e., when the object is II die
is filled with water with refractive ind
••e ffe cti ve focal length of the com ered,
_, . lens? If the convex side is silv
• - dfective focal length of the

lens which
..- • placed 30 cm from a convex ially 14 D
tlCII lcDPI of 20 cm. The sou isninit
cut into
Unaided eye
ae uis of the lens. The lens isaxithes. The two fig. ZS.U l
ii aplane along the principal
tcplllfCd by a distance of 4 mm. What wil . • tan 8
y = Magrufying power= -
" as of the image of the source?·
ld ia tan 80
after two refractions through the Jen
s and . 25.133.
the sam e point where.Band B0 are clearly shown in Fig
iom the mirror fonns at
index of the material of the len sµ= 312.
tan 8= - ,
ance ofdistinct visiolL
where v = D 10 oo and D is the least dist
mn B0 = -
h' D
y= -x - ,
V h

from the lens.

where ~ = !!.. , u being the objC\:I distanc

R= 30 cm
For v = D. r == ( 1+ ~ J
In Ibis sihlltioo. the magnifyiDa
. under maximum Slnia. Far
fig. 25. Ul eye
1 power is max imum and IS
placed at a distance of 20 cm fro? mlilt·il-
power is ■
length IO CID ns sho wn m - 1"" D In this situation. magnifying
:x from the lens should a v- •,
60 cm. be placed so that and eye is least stnincd-
. the object? .• •
•.. t ,. • 24
t. . . , I
... tt.,21
ti I&:
:0 C ...._ ........ __

-.. 11· lql
... stl
fie 25.IM.
• . . .....


.... 11.IM
-\ .,..,
oplical lJltllll o( •
w•dla lofao c.1+w
the lma1e formed by t11e ...,..
ocular (eyepiec e): Iha cl.Ill 4 le;
Olia'I OII
to ounainc larp ob,iecta : : :•
..... Jllll ~ - las ol 19-e objective. wllole imqe ,,
. \I) tit c.tijecli¥e wtlhia the focm and opcial center ii used to examine 1111an ot,;.:.......
.._ __
efe,e ,-e.
. . . 11 is lal. inffcled. and enlm'ged imlie w.r.t. object
Asel•....., T. .C.I

The working diagram of--- --..

0 . 'l1le ~ dleD forms a virtual image of the object in Fig. 25.135.
lllClweca D al • . This &ml hnag,e is invened. virtual. and
-, pd .......L ol,jecl o. ~

r· -
Allplar mapificari""I or magnifying power of the

1an8 •- and tan 9o= -h

u., D
,.. D V
So. 7 - -x-
• u.,
-= mr. ---x
1~ L
wbae "' is die lalenl magnification produced by the objective I
111d ~ is the mgular magnification produced by the eyepiece,
I. When final image is fonnedat the least distance of distinct
vision (D), the eye is most sttaioed and 1. While seeing the object tbroup ~ _ .
is between oo and 2F of the ~
r = _![,+E.]
" /.,
inverted , and diminished imqe willlia
optical center of eye-piece wha Ila
erect (w.r.t. intermediate image). 111d
'tb L f.,D . maximu
. mm a distance between D 10 oo &om lbe q,t.
w1 - v + /, + Dr 1s . th'1s mode.
final image is inverted (w.r.t. object)••
D to oo from the eye.
2. ID general, u fo is small and object is close to the first 2. In a telescope, the aperture and focal
objective focus, i.e., u ;fo and L; v as"•« v, so for nonnal are greater than that of eyepiece.
8'1jU5UDml [i.e., when the final image is at for point) r.
tan9 _a
3. Magnifying power, Y .. tan 6o • -,1.
/o f. 4. In general case, the final image ii
J. lo tbia case, y is -ve. Hence, the final image is inverted.
r "' _ft
lo In this case, the eye ii
. . . 'l 'l d a- lie
., .. • erect rOJIOaical
.. crecaa,leuia

•' .. ,,, .
. .• -
in or s.A _ ,B _ .,_,,. ~
~· Two P '- m a ia die --2-1 ■
other, as sbow
ght ray is
figure . A lian
f . .- - - - .
gle « f_/
incidcat It aninside U ■
30° It I point just V
plane J , :::
ooe end ofA. Theincides
) /• ) I
/f • ff
2/ of incide nce ,. . 25.I JI
,-,- 2/ of rhe
fig . ZS.1 3 ' wirh the plane r of limes die fl ) ii d
um nu mbe I is
scope is, figure. The maxim lbe first oae) before ir a ia ,e s O II
l tele ing
"'11!' (111«1 for teaeSlria i
ffor relaxedeye1
ieffecoons (mclud
(a) 28
(b) 30
(d ) 34
r i/, (c) 32
lbe following ra
y diagram
+ 4/+J; . ) From
,,..<ID/be, L =fo Sd (b
b' 1eos is
~ ~
,... .. .. ,
.. .. te
. wh1'ch an o ~e
Iescopc, m
ffl mirror. able as
~ . , ICOIC
scope is cheap, light, and port
• dlCfioa ie ical telescope.
,._.,lllelSlrOOO .. .. 25 .U t

a.c.n /j
0.2 -I == ::2-:..7 !P • 30
ta. a m , die imagede rc::::- - --t-1.
d = 0.2 ran30° == v3
d 0.2J.J3
It , o6jecl fo
rm are 30.
o f reftectioaa
t_•,.-, i.i,,Jens is
011 1 screen
-:::o-- :4 ': -~ t4
"' -= :: :> ~, - -
Therefore, max im um nu
de 3
m be
is pl aced II a ~
o f 25 c:m
1 A square of si irror of focal length 10 cm. 'I ll ii
I 2llJ7). ii caiera. from , concave m axis of rbe minor llld dlt , - e
~ ti leas 111d its
cnre o
of lbe square is II
The area eeclos
ed bydie-.,,,..
al to !be axis.
nce lb e image
~ square is 2 2
. F and 2F and he (b) 6cm
. , _ rateo on (a) 4 cm 2
2F whicb i s ~ (hence cao be (d) 36cm
I • (c) J6cm2
· • ·--idled.

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