FP Documentation
FP Documentation
FP Documentation
A project paper submitted to the department of computer science of Unity
University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor
in computer science.
Bilal Ebrahim
Dagmawi Melkamu
Henok Abate
Mekdes Girma
Melekte Yohannes
Mohammed Gashaw
Unity University
Dessie Campus
Dessie, Ethiopia
Unity University 2023
Approval Sheet
Name Signature
The project is our own and is not presented for a degree in any other University and all the source of
material used for the project have been duly acknowledged.
Name Signature
This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as university advisor.
First we would like to say thanks to God. Then our deepest gratitude and appreciation goes to our
advisor instructor Mrs. Samrawit Derbe for her remarkable and very interesting advising method,
guidance and constant supervision, comment, useful suggestion and undying patience while
advising through this project. Over all advice of the team from starting date of work for the project
up to the entire life cycle of this project without any tiredness.
We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of our group members and many other individuals. We would like to extend our
sincere thanks to all of you.
Table of Contents
1.1 Background of the project: .................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Motivation ............................................................................................................................................. 11
1.3. The existing system.............................................................................................................................. 11
1.4 Proposed project.................................................................................................................................... 12
1.5 Statement of the Problem ...................................................................................................................... 12
1.6 Objective ............................................................................................................................................... 13
1.6.1 General objective ........................................................................................................................... 13
1.6.2 Specific objective ........................................................................................................................... 13
1.7 Scope of the project .............................................................................................................................. 13
1.8 Significance of the project .................................................................................................................... 13
1.9 Feasibility of the project ....................................................................................................................... 14
1.9.1 Technical feasibility analyses: ....................................................................................................... 14
1.9.2 Operational Feasibility ................................................................................................................... 14
1.9.3 Economic feasibility ...................................................................................................................... 14
1.10 Methodology for the Project ............................................................................................................... 15
Data collection/ fact finding .................................................................................................................... 15
Observation ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Interview ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Analysis and design methodology approach ........................................................................................... 15
Development tools .................................................................................................................................. 15
Hardware Requirements...................................................................................................................... 15
Software Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 15
1.11 Estimated budget ................................................................................................................................. 16
1.12 Limitation of the project ..................................................................................................................... 17
1.12.1 Scope of the project................................................................................................................... 17
1.12.2 Limitation of the project .......................................................................................................... 17
1.13 Risk, assumption and constraint.......................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
2 Description of the Existing System .......................................................................................................... 19
2.1 introductions to the existing system ...................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Players in the existing system ............................................................................................................... 19
2.3 Major functions/activities of the existing system.................................................................................. 20
1. PHP …………………………....Hypertext Pre processor
6. MS …………………………...........Microsoft
The online vehicle rental System is being developed for customers so that they can reserve their
vehicles from anywhere. This application takes information from the customers through filling
their details. A customer being registered in the website has the facility to book a vehicle which
he/she requires.
The proposed system is completely integrated online systems. It automates manual procedure in
an effective and efficient way. This automated system facilitates customer and provides to fill up
the details according to their requirements. It includes type of vehicle they are trying to hire and
location. The purpose of this system is to develop a web based application for the people who can
book their vehicles along with requirements from any part of our country.
And the main objective of this proposed project is to develop a web based application that enables
the organization to post and communicate information online and to serve customers in many
activities like renter can rent the vehicle for weeding, for vacation, for trip and some other
Chapter 1
1.1 Background of the project:
In coping with the globalization of information technology, computer had played an important
role in an organization or company. Most of the organization used computerized system in
handling all their activities regarding with data processing in Order to make the organization
operation more efficient. All the manual activities are now can be done using computerized
system. Although computerized system had been implemented within an organization, the manual
system can still be used as guidance.
Online Vehicle Rental System is a web based application that is developed for existing system in
order to replace the current manual way used by the organization. Using the manual way, there
are: a lot problems arise that can cause difficulty to the vehicle renter and also lot the management
team of the organization. Hopefully. By developing this system. It will help the entire user to
overcome the problem faced by them and make the vehicle rental operation easier.
Online vehicle rental system is the most known system in developed countries. Its main goal is to
serve customers in many activities. From this the renter can rent the vehicle for weeding, for
vacation, for trip and some other activities.
1.2 Motivation
The group is motivated in order to solve the problems in manual vehicle rental system and to
automate the system.
1.6 Objective
1.6.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to develop web based online vehicle rental system for
existing system in Ethiopia.
As we have learned many programming languages such as: c++, Java, object oriented and php
we have passed through many mini projects. So we are proudly sure that we can develop this
system by referring references, using past mini project experiences, and by contacting our
We will use interview to gather data from some persons about rental system orally. Because there
is no online renting organization. So we interviewed persons to get information about online
vehicle rental system.
Development tools
Hardware Requirements
Computer any type (Acer ,dell ,hp, Toshiba )
Digital Camera, CD, Flash disk, printer.
Software Requirements
Operating System
Win-XP, Win 7, Window 8
Microsoft office products such as MS-word, MS- PowerPoint To documentation and
1 Computer viruses, computer Backup the files, scanning with anti-viruses and
failures recovering the system
2 Time when Power and computer Working when the power and computer lab is
lab is not available available, and using our time effectively
We feel that the computer lab is available for us every time we need.
Backup the files, scanning with anti-viruses and recovering the system will make our
working environment free from computer viruses.
Time constraint:-The time allotted for the project was not enough.
Chapter 2
2 Description of the Existing System
Responsible for allotting specific job for the employees.
Maintain performance check by keeping in touch with the entire
Conduct business meeting to promote new vehicle sales.
Prepare and manage budget.
Coordinates to increase the quality of services
In the existing system different activities are accomplished. The activities are;
Input: - in the existing system there are different input forms which help to
In the existing system there is no any kind form which helps to user to
search keywords, and login forms to the administrator to enter his/her
username and password because it is manual.
The input is customer order on face to face contact only.
Process: - in the existing system only one process activity is accomplished.
For example the customer can only fill the information’s on a given manual
form to rent a vehicle which is not reserved by others.
Output: - in the existing system only one output activity is accomplished.
Finally the inputted form if valid and available and the user or customer agreed
on the agreement then he pays the money to rent vehicle.
Vehicles reserved, rented and free for rent.
The output is payment.
Normally the owner expects customers to make payment before they rent the
But it’s allowed to pay for their expenditure in check-out time.
Customers that use the vehicles make payment immediately before getting served.
This means there is no credit involved for customers who want to pay after their
No payment is done without manual receipt.
Service charge is applied on every service given by the system.
All the necessary information about the vehicle rented is filled in receipt and
interconnects with the master sheet.
2.7.5 Efficiency
The existing system lacks much efficiency because it takes time to perform tasks,
the data may be redundantly recorded and data entry procedure may be exposed to
errors. The system is not well organized to perform each activities and it is not
flexible to change or modify the data whenever needed.
Means things we are going to take from the existing system in the proposed system. The
newly proposed system comes up with new and updated information, lookout and dynamic.
From the existing system we will add the following things to our proposed system
2.9 Proposed solution for the new system that address problems of the existing
Our proposed system is a complete new design of the existing system. Depending on the
problems identified under section 2.7 the following alternative solutions can be considered
to address the problems.
Since we are going to develop a web based application for online vehicle rental
system the system will have different functions some of the function are;
View Vehicle:-the system should allow customers, admin and others to view
vehicles available for rent and which are reserved by customers.
Update Vehicle:-the system shall allow the manager to drop or deleted vehicles
that have already rented from the database.
Non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge
the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors.
Non-functional requirements are often called qualities of a system. Other terms for non-
functional requirements are "constraints", "quality attributes", "quality goals" and "quality
of service requirements". Qualities, that is, non-functional requirements, can be divided
into two main categories:
1. Execution qualities, such as security and usability, which are observable at run time.
2. Evolution qualities, such as testability, maintainability, extensibility and scalability,
which are embodied in the static structure of the software system.
Computer performance is characterized by the amount of useful work
accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used.
User interface
The user interface of our system is displaying the overall information of system which is
the homepages.
To develop our web based application we have used different types of hardware and
software resources. Some of the resources are
Computer, digital camera, paper etc.
Operating systems like Window 10
And different Markup languages like HTML, CSS,
Scripting and server side languages like PHP, JavaScript.
Applications XAMP server
Chapter 3
3. System analysis
3.1 Introduction
System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and
using the information to recommend improvements on the system. System analysis is a problem
Activity that requires intensive communication between the system users and system developers.
System analysis or study is an important phase of any system development process. The
system is viewed as a whole and the inputs to the system are identified. The outputs from the
organization are traced through the various processing that the inputs phase through in the
A detailed study of these processes must be made by various techniques like Interviews,
Questionnaires etc. The data collected by these sources must be studied to arrive to a conclusion.
The conclusion is an understanding of how the system functions. This system is called the existing
system. Now, the existing system is subjected to close study and the problem areas are identified.
The designer now functions as a problem solver and tries to sort out the difficulties that the
enterprise faces. The solutions are given as a proposal. The proposal is then weighed with the
existing system analytically and the best one is selected. The proposal is reviewed on user request
and suitable changes are made.
It decomposes the problem into component parts. The simple act of writing down
software requirements in a well-designed format organizes information, places borders
It serves as an input to the design specification. The SRS serves as the parent
document to subsequent documents, such as the software design specification and
statement of work. Therefore, the SRS must contain sufficient detail in the
functional system requirements so that a design solution can be devised.
It serves as a product validation check. The SRS also serves as the parent document
for testing and validation strategies that will be applied to the requirements for
An actor represents a coherent set of roles that are entities external to the system can play in using
the system, rather than representing a particular individual. An actor represents a type of users of
the system or external systems that the system interacts with.
We have identified actors and use cases associated with the system. The actors that interact with
the system are Manager, Customer. Manager (admin) is a person who is responsible for
Confirming user reservation and Managing vehicles. Actors and associated use cases are described
under the following table.
Admin Login
Customer <<include>>Reservation Vehicle
<<include>> Login
Rent Registration
Rent Vehicle
Vehicle Managment
Manager Customer
Update Vehicle <<extend>>
View vehicle
Update Rent
View Reservation
Generat Report
Cancle Reservation
This part describes the pictorially represented use case documentations. As we have drawn the use
case diagram for administrator to login and for the search box form, now we are going to define
them each and individually (for the login form and for the search box form)
1. Use-case Login
Alternate course 8. If customer doesn’t have an account they can click on “sign up” link to
of Action access the sign up form and create a new account.
9. If customer forget password they can click on the “forgot password” and
reset password.
Alternate course 6.1 If the customer enters invalid date and time, the system goes back to
of Action step 4 to enter the valid date and time.
6.1 If the customer fills invalid information, the system goes back to step 4
to enter the invalid field again.
7.1 If the customer declines the agreement, the system displays a message
that reservation canceled.
4. Vehicle Registration
Basic course of 1. The admin wants to add a new 3. The system response or
Action vehicle displays a form to be filled out
2. The admin requests add new vehicle for vehicle registration.
form page. 6. The system verifies that the
4. The admin enters the following fields have been filled out
information in the form. correctly.
Vehicle Brand, Vehicle Type, Vehicle 7. The system displays a
Model, Fuel Type, Number of Sits, successfully stored message to
Condition, Price per day the employee.
5. The admin clicks or presses on the 8. Use case Exit
save or insert button.
Alternate course 6.1 If all fields are not filled out the system goes back or returns to step 4
of Action of basic course of Action. To fill the invalid or the empty field.
Alternate course 4.1 If any lists are not selected from the combo box system goes back or
of Action returns to step 3 of basic course of Action to select from the combo box.
5. Update Vehicle
6. View Vehicle
Alternate course of 4.1 If match is not found go back to basic course of action 3.
Action 7.1if the entered information is invalid the system back to basic course
of action 5
9. View Reservation
11. Logout
Alternative course of If they already logged out (no active session), the logged out process
action by passed. The system may display a message to inform them.
:Manager/ :Home Controller
customer <UI> <UI>
Manager login
(enter username,pw)
Click login
Check authentication
If all filled request page
Return valid
Logged in
Request page
Check input
Store in
Wants to register rented vehicle Check Vehicle Availability
Check form
Rent Information
<<Vehicle Available OVRS:
:Manager :Home<UI> Registration
controller>> Vehicle database
Wants to register nne vehicles getVehicle information ()
Check form
Vehicle registered
Update OVRS:
:Manager :Home<UI> <<controller> Vehicle
<UI> database
Retrive vehicle
select vehicle
update success
Request vehicle
Matched vehicle()
Getmatched vehicle()
\Resevation canceled
Rent update OVRS
:Manager :Home<UI> controll Rent
<UI> database
update form
matched rent()
rent update
View Reserve
:Manager :Home<UI> reservation inventory
<UI> <<UI>>
Request reservation
Get reservation
Report OVRS
:Manager :Home<UI> Rent DB
<UI> database
Admin generate
Request rented
Display form
vehicle ()
Show report
Enter password
If invalid If valid
logged in to the
Reserve Vehicle
Name,country,Mobile no,Date
if input is if input
empty not empty
Check vehicle
If not
if Available
Reservation Sucess
Rent Registration
if input is if input
empty not empty
Check vehicle
If not
if Available
Rent Sucess
Vehicle registration
if input is if input
empty not empty
If not
if Available
Vehicle Brand/VId
if valid if invalid
Check Validation
if valid If invalid
Update vehicle
Update Success
Reserve Vehicle
Display vehicle
If valid If invalid
Check validation
if valid if invalid
Update Rent
Update Success
Customer Enters
If valid If invalid
Check validation
if No if Yes
Reservation Canceled
Reservation Canceling Terminated
Update Success
A class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language(UML) is a type of static structure diagram
that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations
(or methods), and the relationships among objects.
The class diagram is the main building block of object oriented modeling. It is used both for
general conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application, and for detailed modeling
translating the models into programming code. Class diagrams can also be used for data
modeling. The classes in a class diagram represent both the main objects, interactions in the
application and the classes to be programmed.
In the diagram, classes are represented with boxes which contain three parts:
In the design of a system, a number of classes are identified and grouped together in a class
diagram which helps to determine the static relations between those objects. With detailed
modeling, the classes of the conceptual design are often split into a number of subclasses.
This section discusses classes and their variations, including templates and instantiated classes,
and the relationships between classes association and the contents of classes (attributes and
operations).Class diagrams show the static structure of the model, in particular, the things that exist
(such as classes and types), their internal structure, and their relationships to other things.
customer -plate number:string
-Fullname:string -vehicle Id:string
-IDnumber:string -daily price:double
+register Vehicle()
rents +Update Vehicle()
PhoneNumber:Intege 1 1..*
r 0..1
+Reserve Vehicle()
+View vehicle()
+Cancel reservation() 1 rent
1 makes -plate number:string -Username:string
aproved by
Fig 3.10 user interface prototype of the login and user profile system
Chapter 4
System Design
4.1 Introduction
What is systems design?
Systems design is simply the design of systems. It implies a systematic and rigorous
approach to design an approach demanded by the scale and complexity of many
systems problems.
And finally this chapter mainly focuses on how the system is going to be built.
Here Object Oriented Design (OOD) methodology is used for transforming the
analysis model into design model. This serves as a blue print for the construction
of the software.
(user interface ,system
controller) System
Domain ,Platform)
Data store
The Class Model is at the core of object-oriented development and design - it expresses
both the persistent state of the system and the behavior of the system. A class
encapsulates state (attributes) and offers services to manipulate that state (behavior).
Good object-oriented design limits direct access to class attributes and offers services
which manipulate attributes on behalf of the caller. This hiding of data and exposing of
services ensures data updates are only done in one place and according to specific rules -
for large systems the maintenance burden of code which has direct access to data
elements in many places is extremely high.
customer -plate number:string
-Fullname:string -vehicle Id:string
-IDnumber:string -daily price:double
+register Vehicle()
rents +Update Vehicle()
PhoneNumber:Intege 1 1..*
r 0..1
+Reserve Vehicle()
+View vehicle()
+Cancel reservation() 1 rent
1 makes -plate number:string -Username:string
aproved by
lp o in
rd e
wo am
m g
/ e o lo
ss r n
pa use
e t website login
ag nts
an eck
a a
m w ch
en ck
th he
t ic
au c
loged in to the
s er name
e if u r d is
n t er us er ord
ag s w o e as s w
as s s and p
r or m nd pa lid
er e a inv
g er
rent registration
home page
r c us t om
ent e et ail
ger tion
is tr a
r eg s s security
v alid uc c e controler
if s
error massage if c us t om
c hec l
customer inf o is invalid
det ai
employee reserve
customer persistence
OVRS update
manager rent
res ervation
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC);-a client may access a database. It provides methods for
querying and updating data in a database.
The Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) is a binary protocol that can proxy inbound requests from a
web server through to an application server that sits behind the web server.
Apache is a web server application notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the
World Wide Web.
MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications. It is a relational database
management system (RDBMS), and ships with no GUI tools to administer.
Since our project deal on developing a web based online vehicle rental system application,
it is hard to show all single pages which are found within the website, but for the time being
we would like to rough design of the hyperlinks of website.
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter we mainly focuses on the implementation part, implementation concerned with the
type of material (Hardware and software required), techniques to develop the system, algorithm
for the system, code samples of the system, data preparation, some testing techniques, startup
strategy for the new installed system are briefly described in this part of documentation. We test
the interface the website in different systems and it is compatible all systems. System testing is also intended
to demonstrate whether the system meets its objective.
Hardware acquisition: since our project is developing ones organization website. The user
should have a computer to browse the website.
Server computer: Server computer is capable of efficiently handling as much as possible for
the clients accessing to it.
Software acquisition
The client should have any browser; such as Google chrome, Opera, or other browser in order
to browse the website.
In the website the login form found in pages of the website. He/she first need to fill the username and the
password correctly in the provided forms. And if he/she becomes the valid user the system will show
him/her the back panel of the website. Then by being in the back panel of the website he/she can do
anything concerned to the website, such adding, deleting, updating the datas.
Login page
Chapter Six
By having this over the existing system our aim was to build a new system that have greater
functionality that enhance effectiveness and efficiency related parameters on the system.
By keeping in mind that the new system will [have greater usage on]/bring the existing
system fully functional.
To achieve our goal [to design new system] the project team has spent all of its time on the
project on performing the tasks individually and in group based on the schedule available.
The team has faced many challenges starting from the lab due to electric power loss, lack
of resources like time, money and other resources.
6.2 Recommendation
While doing this system the team has faced different challenges. But by the cooperation
of all the group members and an advisor the team is now able to reach to the final result.
Now all the group members recommend to other developers who want to maintain this
system, to add some features which are not completed on this system. Among the
Home page code description
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<meta name="keywords" content="">
<meta name="description" content="">
<title>Car Rental Portal</title>
<!--Bootstrap -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/style.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/owl.carousel.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/owl.transitions.css" type="text/css">
<link href="assets/css/slick.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="assets/css/bootstrap-slider.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="assets/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" id="switcher-css" type="text/css"
href="assets/switcher/css/switcher.css" media="all" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/switcher/css/red.css"
title="red" media="all" data-default-color="true" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/switcher/css/orange.css"
title="orange" media="all" />
Admin login