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Er 180T (STD)

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ER-180T Electronic Cash Register

Operator's and
Programming Manual

All specifications are subject to change without notice.

The product that you have purchased contains a rechargeable MS Lithium battery. This battery is recyclable. At the end of its useful
life, under various state and local laws, it may be illegal to dispose of the battery into the municipal waste system.

Check with your local solid waste officials for details concerning recycling options or proper disposal.

This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required
to take adequate measures.

Precaution Statements
Follow these safety, servicing and ESD precautions to prevent damage and to protect against potential hazards such as
electrical shock.

1-1 Safety Precautions

1. Be sure that all built-in protective devices are 6. Observe the original lead dress, especially near the
replaced. Restore any missing protective shields. following areas: sharp edges, and especially the
2. When reinstalling the chassis and its assemblies, AC and high voltage supplies. Always inspect
be sure to restore all protective devices, including for pinched, out-of-place, or frayed wiring. Do not
nonmetallic control knobs and compartment change the spacing between components and the
covers. printed circuit board. Check the AC power cord
for damage. Make sure that leads and
3. Make sure there are no cabinet openings through
components do not touch thermally hot parts.
which people - particularly children - might insert
fingers and contact dangerous voltages. 7. Product Safety Notice:
Such openings include excessively wide cabinet Some electrical and mechanical parts have special
ventilation slots and improperly fitted covers and safety-related characteristics that might not be
drawers. obvious from visual inspection. These safety
features and the protection they give might be lost
4. Design Alteration Warning:
if the replacement component differs from the
Never alter or add to the mechanical or electrical
original - even if the replacement is rated for
design of the SECR. Unauthorized alterations
higher voltage, wattage, etc.
might create a safety hazard. Also, any design
changes or additions will void the manufacturer’s Components that are critical for safety are
warranty. indicated in the circuit diagram by shading, ( )
5. Components, parts and wiring that appear to have or ( ). Use replacement components that have
overheated or that are otherwise damaged should the same ratings, especially for flame resistance
be replaced with parts that meet the original and dielectric strength specifications. A
specifications. Always determine the cause of replacement part that does not have the same
damage or over- heating, and correct any potential safety characteristics as the original might create
hazards. shock, fire or other hazards.

There is the danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly ll y a danger d’explosion s’il y a remplacement incorrect
replaced. de la batterie.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type
recommended by the manufacturer. ou d’un type équivalent recommandé par le constructeur.
Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux
Dispose used batteries according to the manufacturer’s
instructions du fabricant.

SAFETY NOTICE: "For pluggable equipment, the socket-outlet shall be installed near
the equipment and shall be easily accessible."
1-2 Servicing Precautions
WARNING: First read the-Safety Precautions-section of this manual. If some unforeseen circumstance creates a
conflict between the servicing and safety precautions, always follow the safety precautions.
WARNING: An electrolytic capacitor installed with the wrong polarity might explode.
5. Check the insulation between the blades of the AC
1. Servicing precautions are printed on the cabinet.
plug and accessible conductive parts (examples:
Follow them.
metal panels and input terminals).
2. Always unplug the units AC power cord from the
6. Insulation Checking Procedure: Disconnect the
AC power source before attempting to:
power cord from the AC source and turn the power
(a) Remove or reinstall any component or assembly
switch ON. Connect an insulation resistance meter
(b) Disconnect an electrical plug or connector
(500V) to the blades of AC plug.
(c) Connect a test component in parallel with an
electrolytic capacitor The insulation resistance between each blade of the
AC plug and accessible conductive parts (see
3. Some components are raised above the printed
above) should be greater than 1 megohm.
circuit board for safety. An insulation tube or
tape is sometimes used. The internal wiring is 7. Never defeat any of the B+ voltage interlocks.
sometimes clamped to prevent contact with Do not apply AC power to the unit (or any of its
thermally hot components. Reinstall all such assemblies) unless all solid-state heat sinks are
elements to their original position. correctly installed.
4. After servicing, always check that the screws, 8. Always connect an instrument’s ground lead to the
components and wiring have been correctly instrument chassis ground before connecting the
reinstalled. Make sure that the portion around the positive lead; always remove the instrument’s
serviced part has not been damaged. ground lead last.

1-3 Precautions for Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESDs)

1. Some semiconductor (solid state) devices are easily 6. Use only an anti-static solder removal device.
damaged by static electricity. Such components Many solder removal devices are not rated as anti-
are called Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESDs); static; these can accumulate sufficient electrical
examples include integrated circuits and some field- charge to damage ESDs.
effect transistors. The following techniques will 7. Do not remove a replacement ESD from its
reduce the occurrence of component damage caused protective package until you are ready to install it.
by static electricity. Most replacement ESDs are packaged with leads
2. Immediately before handling any semiconductor that are electrically shorted together by conductive
components or assemblies, drain the electrostatic foam, aluminum foil or other conductive materials.
charge from your body by touching a known earth 8. Immediately before removing the protective
ground. Alternatively, wear a discharging wrist- material from the leads of a replacement ESD,
strap device. (Be sure to remove it prior to applying touch the protective material to the chassis or
power - this is an electric shock precaution.) circuit assembly into which the device will be
3. After removing an ESD-equipped assembly, place installed.
it on a conductive surface such as aluminum foil to 9. Minimize body motions when handling unpackaged
prevent accumulation of electrostatic charge. replacement ESDs. Motions such as brushing
4. Do not use Freon-propelled chemicals. These can clothes together, or lifting a foot from a carpeted
generate electrical charges that damage ESDs. floor can generate enough static electricity to
5. Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron when damage an ESD.
soldering or unsoldering ESDs.
Getting Started 1
About the ER-180T.................................................................................................................... 1
Unpacking.................................................................................................................................. 1
Installing the Paper Roll ............................................................................................................ 2
Basic Features and Functions .................................................................................................... 3
Standard Hardware ...................................................................................................... 3
Software Features ........................................................................................................ 3
Display ........................................................................................................................ 4
Control Lock ............................................................................................................... 6
Keyboards.................................................................................................................... 7
Ram Clearing ............................................................................................................................. 8
All Memory Clear ....................................................................................................... 8
Initial Clear.................................................................................................................. 9

Operating Instructions 11
Key Descriptions ..................................................................................................................... 11
Clerk Sign-On/Sign-Off .......................................................................................................... 13
Sign-On ..................................................................................................................... 13
Sign-Off..................................................................................................................... 13
Calculator Function ................................................................................................................. 13
Department Registrations ........................................................................................................ 14
Department Entries.................................................................................................... 14
Open DEPT Entry ..................................................................................................... 15
Preset Price DEPT Entry ........................................................................................... 15
DEPT Repeat Entry ................................................................................................... 16
DEPT Multiplication ................................................................................................. 17
DEPT Multiplication with Decimal Point ................................................................. 18
Single Item Department............................................................................................. 18
Split Pricing............................................................................................................... 19
PLU (Price Look Up) Registrations ........................................................................................ 20
Open PLU.................................................................................................................. 20
Preset Price PLU ....................................................................................................... 20
PLU Multiplication.................................................................................................... 21
Shifting Tax ............................................................................................................................. 21
Percent Key (+% and -%) Operations ..................................................................................... 22
Preset Percent on a Department or PLU Item............................................................ 22
Enter a Percent on a Department or PLU .................................................................. 22
Percent On Sale Total .............................................................................................................. 23
- (Minus) Key Registrations ....................................................................................................23
Return Merchandise Registrations........................................................................................... 24
Voids........................................................................................................................................ 25
Void Last Item........................................................................................................... 25
Void Previous Item.................................................................................................... 25

ER-180T Contents • i
Void Position Operations ..........................................................................................26
No Sale Operations ..................................................................................................................27
Open Drawer .............................................................................................................27
Non Add Number ......................................................................................................27
Received On Account Operations............................................................................................28
Paid Out Operations.................................................................................................................29
Subtotaling a Sale ....................................................................................................................30
Totaling and Tendering............................................................................................................31
Totaling a Cash Sale ..................................................................................................31
Totaling a Check Sale................................................................................................31
Tendering a Cash Sale ...............................................................................................32
Tendering a Check Sale.............................................................................................32
Totaling a Charge Sale ..............................................................................................33
Tendering a Charge Sale ...........................................................................................34
Split Tender ...............................................................................................................35
Post Tender................................................................................................................36
Currency Conversion.................................................................................................37

Management Reports 38
X & Z Reports .........................................................................................................................38
Running a Report - General Instructions...................................................................38
Report Table ..............................................................................................................38
Cash Declaration......................................................................................................................39
Report Samples ........................................................................................................................40
Financial Report ........................................................................................................40
PLU Report................................................................................................................41
Clerk Report ..............................................................................................................42
Balancing Formulas .................................................................................................................43
Net Sales Total ..........................................................................................................43
Gross Total ................................................................................................................43
Grand Total................................................................................................................43

Service Mode Programming 44

Clear Total ...............................................................................................................................45
Clear Grand Total ....................................................................................................................45
EPROM Information................................................................................................................45

Program Mode Programming 46

Default Programming ..............................................................................................................46
Tax Programming ....................................................................................................................47
Tax Table Programming............................................................................................48
Overlay Descriptor Programming Methods.............................................................................50
Department Programming........................................................................................................52
Program 500 - DEPARTMENT Status Programming...............................................52
Program 520 - DEPARTMENT Price/HALO Programming ....................................54
Program 530 - DEPARTMENT Descriptor Programming........................................55
PLU Programming...................................................................................................................57
Program 100 - PLU Status Programming..................................................................58
Program 200 - PLU Price/HALO Programming .......................................................59
Program 300 - PLU Descriptor Programming...........................................................60
Program 350 - PLU Link Programming ....................................................................61

ii • Contents ER-180T
System Option Programming................................................................................................... 62
System Option Table ................................................................................................. 63
Print Option Programming ...................................................................................................... 65
Print Option Table ..................................................................................................... 66
Function Key Programming .................................................................................................... 68
Program 70 - Function Key Options ......................................................................... 69
Program 80 - Function Key Descriptor ..................................................................... 70
Program 90 - Function Key HALO ........................................................................... 71
CASH/CHECK/CHARGE ........................................................................................ 72
CANCEL................................................................................................................... 73
CURRENCY CONVERSION .................................................................................. 74
- / -% / +% ................................................................................................................. 75
Miscellaneous Programming ................................................................................................... 76
Clerk Description Programming................................................................................ 76
Logo Description Programming ................................................................................ 77
Date and Time Programming .................................................................................... 79
Machine Number Programming ................................................................................ 80
Program Scans ......................................................................................................................... 81

ER-180T Contents • iii

Getting Started

About the ER-180T

The ER-180T features a 48-position keyboard with traditional raised keys. This
keyboard will accommodate up to 16 DEPT keys and works best in retail stores,
or shops where it is not necessary to place a large number of preset item keys on
the keyboard

1. Unpack and Unwrap the cash register.
2. Locate in the packing the following items:
• 1 roll of paper
• 1 rewind spindle
• 1 set of control keys
3. Remove the cardboard protectors from the cash drawer.
4. Plug the register power adaptor into a grounded outlet, connect the adaptor cord
to the right-side of the register, insert a control key and turn the key to the REG
control lock position.

ER-180T Getting Started • 1

Installing the Paper Roll
Load paper as shown in steps A through E.

If you are using journal paper, load the paper on the spool as shown in steps F through K. If
you are using receipt, thread the paper through the printer cover and replace the cover.

2 • Getting Started ER-180T

Basic Features and Functions

Standard Hardware
• 8 position front and rear displays with a rear display standard.
• 48 position keyboard.

Software Features
• 16 Department Keys on the Keyboard
• 500 Price Look Ups (PLUs) for Open or Preset Item Registration
• 12-Character Programmable Descriptors for Departments and PLUs
• 8-Character Programmable Descriptors for Functions
• Cash, Check & Charge Payment Functions
• Currency Conversion
• Calculator Operation
• Operation for up to 10 clerks
• Tax Calculation by Percentage for up to Four Tax Rates
• Electronic Sales Journal (2,500 line capacity)

ER-180T Getting Started • 3

The rear display is a 8 digit florescent display that allows your customer to monitor the
transaction and view the sale total. The rear display can be lifted and turned for easy customer

Rear Display Information

Item Count The number of times an item has been repeated is displayed
Amount The amount of the item, subtotal or total, is displayed in the
rightmost portion of the display

Rear Display Message

C Change Due
- Negative entry
Sub Subtotal of the sale
= Total of the sale

Change Due

Numbered Error Conditions

4 • Getting Started ER-180T



ER-180T Getting Started • 5

Control Lock
The control lock has 7 positions, accessed with 5 keys. Each ECR is shipped with two full
sets of keys.
OFF VOID Use to void (correct) items outside of a sale.
OFF The register is inoperable.
X REG Use for normal registrations.
Z X Use to read register reports.
Z Use to read register reports and reset totals to zero.
P Use to program the register.
S The S position is a hidden position reserved for
dealer access.

Before performing any operations in Register Mode a clerk must be signed on. See “Clerk
Sign-On/Sign-Off” for a description of clerk operations.

Control Keys
The ER-180T includes two sets of keys that may be used to access the following control lock

Key Positions Accessible


Note: Keys may be removed from the control lock in the OFF or REG positions.

6 • Getting Started ER-180T

The ER-180T keyboard is shown below with the default legends and key assignments.
This configuration has 16 keyboard Department locations. Programmable key locations are shown
with a bold border.

(X) - SALE
1 5 9 13
RETURN 7 8 9 (+) (-)

2 6 10 14

3 7 11 15

4 8 12 16
TAX 0 00 . (=)

ER-180T Getting Started • 7

Ram Clearing

All Memory Clear

RAM clearing the cash register erases all programming and totals. Use this program the
first time the cash register is programmed.

WARNING: This is a one time procedure. Do not repeat this procedure after the cash
register is programmed; it causes all programs and totals to be erased.

Follow this procedure to clear totals from memory:

1. Unplug the ECR.
2. Turn the control lock to the S position. (The S position is a hidden position
one position clockwise from the PGM position.)
3. Press and hold the CHARGE key on key board and plug the ECR into a po
wer source. .
4. When the buzzer beeps release the CHARGE key. Press the upper left key
of the keyboard, then the lower left key, then the upper right key, and finally
press the lower right key.

① ③


② ④

5. When memory is cleared, the register prints a message “RAM ALL CLEAR
OK!” Memory is cleared and the default program is installed.

8 • Getting Started ER-180T

Initial Clear
CAUTION: Do not share this information with unauthorized users. Distribute the C key
only to those you may want to perform this function.

The initial clear function allows you to exit any register activity and return to a beginning or
cleared state. Any transaction that is in progress will be exited and totals for that transaction
will not be updated.
Here are some reasons you may want to perform an initial clear:
• The register is in an unknown state, and you wish to exit the current program or
transaction without following normal procedures.
• An initial clear may be necessary as part of servicing, or troubleshooting.

To Perform an Initial Clear:

1. Unplug the ECR.
2. Turn the control lock to the PGM position.
3. Press and hold the key position where the SUBTOTAL key is located on the
default keyboard layout.
4. Continue to hold the SUBTOTAL key and turn the power switch ON.
5. The message "****** INITIAL CLEAR OK! ******” prints when the initial
clear is complete.
This procedure will not affect register programming, or clear previously stored totals
in ECR memory.

ER-180T Getting Started • 9

Operating Instructions

Key Descriptions

Key Description
FEED Press to advance the printer paper.
Numeric Keypad: Use the numeric keypad to enter amounts, other numeric values.
0-9 and 00
CLEAR Press to clear numeric errors made on keyboard prior to pressing the
registration key. Also press to stop the error alarm when incorrect entries
are made.
Department Keys There are 16 department keys on the keyboard to register different types of
merchandise. Departments may be used to accept open priced entries, or
may be programmed to register preset prices
NO SALE Press to open the cash drawer when you have not already started a
transaction. No sale activity is logged on the financial report. Also, may
be used to print any number (up to 8 digits) on the printer paper
X/TIME Enter a quantity and then press the X/TIME key to enter multiple items.
(x) Use to enter “split pricing” items, such as 1 item at 3 for $.89. Also use to
perform the multiplication function in calculator mode.
VOID Press to void (or erase) the last item entered. You can also void an item
previously entered within a transaction by pressing CLEAR, then VOID
then re-entering the item you wish to correct.
RETURN If you wish to return or refund an item, press Return Merchandise, then re-
enter any item you wish to return.
CLERK Outside of a sale, use to sign on or sign off a clerk. Inside of a sale use
- (MINUS) this key to enter a negative amount (such as a coupon or deposit) by
entering a price, then pressing the - (MINUS) key.
CANCEL Press to void (or erase) all items entered in any transaction.
RCPT ON/OFF Outside of a sale, press to toggle the recipt from OFF to ON.
C/CONV Inside of a sale use the Currency Conversion key to convert the sale
subtotal into an equivalent value in foreign currency. You must first
program foreign currency exchange rates.
-% , +% Use the Percent keys to add a percentage surcharge or subtract a percentage

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 11

Key Description
from an item or the subtotal of the sale. You can enter the amount of the
percentage before pressing the -% or +% keys, or you can program a preset
percentage if you are consistently using the same percentage.
PLU Use to register a Price Look Up (PLU).
RA (RECD ACCT) Use to accept cash into the cash drawer when you are not actually selling
(+) merchandise. For example, use the Received on Account key to accept
payments for previously sold merchandise or record loans to the cash

Also use as the add key when in calculator mode.

PO (PAID OUT) Use to track cash paid out for merchandise or to record loans from the cash
(-) drawer.

Also use as a subtract key in calculator mode (press first before entering an
amount to subtract.)
. (Decimal) Use the Decimal key to enter fractions of percentages. For example to
enter a one third off discount, enter 33.33 before pressing the -% key.
SUB TOTAL Press to see the subtotal of a sale.
CHARGE Press to total a transaction paid by charge or credit card.
CHECK Press to total a transaction paid by check. Also if the check amount is
over the amount purchased, enter the amount of the check, then press the
CHECK key. The drawer will open and the cash change will be
CASH/TEND Press to total a transaction paid by cash. Also if the cash amount tendered
(=) is over the amount purchased, enter the amount of the tender, then press the
CASH/TEND key. The drawer will open and the cash change will be
Also use at the total function in calculator mode.
TAX Enter the tax number and press TAX to reverse the programmed tax status
of a department or PLU key. For example, by using the TAX key prior to
registering a taxable item, the item will be sold without sales tax added.
CALC Press CALC when outside of a sale to use the ER-180T as a basic

12 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

Clerk Sign-On/Sign-Off

To sign on, enter the clerk number and press the CLERK key.


Clerk # (1-10)

To sign the clerk off, Enter 0 (Zero) and press the CLERK key.

Calculator Function
You can use the ER-180T to perform simple addition, subtraction and multiplication
calculator functions outside of a sale.
• Press the CALC key to enter calculator mode:


Enter amount, press (+)
Enter amount, press

Enter amount, press (-)
Enter amount, press

Enter amount, press (X)
Enter amount, press

• Press the CLEAR key to exit calculator mode:


ER-180T Operating Instructions • 13

Department Registrations
All registrations on ER-180T are made into open or preset Departments.
• Registrations can be into Departments by pressing the Department key on the
This system simplifies reporting by listing all items (regardless of how they are entered) on
the financial report.

Department Entries
As you make registrations, you can follow your entries by viewing the display. The digit
marked RPT counts items as they are repeated or multiplied.
In the following examples:
• Dept 1 is programmed for open entries, and is taxable by Tax 1.
• Dept 2 is programmed for open entries, and is taxable by Tax 2.
• Dept 3 is programmed with a preset price of $3.00, and is taxable by Tax 3.
• Tax 1 is programmed at 5%; Tax 2 is programmed at 10%,Tax 3 is programmed at

14 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

Open DEPT Entry

1. Enter an amount on the ten keypad. Do THANK-YOU

not use the decimal key. For example,
for $2.99, enter: 01/25/2010 MON 09:23

2 9 9 DEPT1 $2,99
TOTAL $2,99
2. Press a DEPT key. For example, press CASH $2,99
CLERK 1 000011 000000


Preset Price DEPT Entry

1. Press a preset DEPT key. For example, THANK-YOU

press DEPT 5:
01/25/2010 MON 09:23

DEPT5 DEPT5 $2,99

TOTAL $2,99
CASH $2,99
CLERK 1 000012 000000

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 15

DEPT Repeat Entry

1. Enter an amount on the ten keypad. Do THANK-YOU

not use the decimal key. For example,
for $2.99, enter: 01/25/2010 MON 09:23

2 9 9 DEPT1 $2,99
DEPT1 $2,99
TOTAL $5,98
2. Press a DEPT key. For example, press
CASH $5,98
CLERK 1 000012 000000


3. To register a second item exactly as the

first, press the DEPT key a second time.
For example, press DEPT1:


16 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

DEPT Multiplication

1. Enter the quantity of items being THANK-YOU

purchased, press the X/TIME key. For
example, enter 4 on the numeric key pad 01/25/2010 MON 09:23
and press the X/TIME key:
4X 1.99
X/TIME DEPT1 $7.96
TOTAL $7.96
CASH $7,96
2. Enter an amount on the ten keypad. Do CLERK 1 000012 000000
not use the decimal key. For example,
for $1.99, enter:

1 9 9

3. Press a PLU key. For example, press



ER-180T Operating Instructions • 17

DEPT Multiplication with Decimal Point
If you are selling items by weight, or decimal quantities such as half-pints, you can multiply a
fraction of a unit.

1. Enter the amount with the decimal point, THANK-YOU

press the X/TIME key. For example,
for 3.75 kilos of produce, enter: 01/25/2010 MON 09:23

3 . 7 5 X/TIME 3.75X 0,99

DEPT1 $3,71
TOTAL $3,71
2. Enter an amount on the ten keypad. Do
CASH $3,71
not use the decimal key. For example, CLERK 1 000012 000000
if the price is $.99 per kilo, enter:

9 9

3. Press a DEPT key. For example, press



Single Item Department

Single item departments automatically total as a cash sale immediately after registration.
Use single item departments for speedy one item sales. For example if you are selling
admission tickets, and all ticket sales are one item sales, you can assign open or preset
department single item department for ticket sales. After each registration, the drawer will
immediately open, and a separate receipt is printed.

1. Press a single item preset department THANK-YOU

key. (or enter a price and press a
single item open department key.) For 01/25/2010 MON 09:23
example, press DEPT 6:
DEPT1 $3,71
TOTAL $3,71
6 CASH $3,71
CLERK 1 000012 000000

18 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

Split Pricing
When items are priced in groups, i.e. 3 for $1.00, you can enter the quantity purchased and let
the register calculate the correct price.

1. Enter the quantity purchased, press the THANK-YOU

X/TIME key. For example, enter:
01/25/2010 MON 09:23
2/3FOR 1,00
DEPT1 $0,67
2. Enter the quantity of the group price,
TOTAL $0,67
press the X/TIME key. For example,
CASH $0,67
if the items are priced 3 for $1.00, CLERK 1 000012 000000


3. Enter an amount on the ten key pad.

For example, if the items are priced 3
for $1.00, enter:

1 0 0

4. Press a department key. For example,

press DEPT 1:

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 19

PLU (Price Look Up) Registrations
PLUs must be programmed before they may be operated. See “PLU Status Programming”
to program open or preset PLUs.

Open PLU
If the PRESET status of a PLU is set to N (no), the PLU will operate as an open PLU. See
"PLU Programming" in the "Program Mode Programming" chapter to program PLU
descriptors and options.

1. Enter the PLU number; press the PLU THANK-YOU

key. For example, enter:
01/25/2010 MON 09:23
PLU2 $2,99
2. The display will prompt "ENTER TOTAL $2,99
PRICE". Enter an amount on the ten CASH $2,99
CLERK 1 000012 000000
keypad. Do not use the decimal key.
For example, for $2.99, enter:

2 9 9

3. Press the PLU key again.


Preset Price PLU

1. Enter the PLU number; press the PLU THANK-YOU

key. For example, enter:
01/25/2010 MON 09:23
PLU1 $2,99
TOTAL $2,99
CASH $2,99
CLERK 1 000012 000000

20 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

PLU Multiplication
When several of the same items are to be entered into the same PLU, you can use
multiplication. You can enter a quantity (1 to 999.999) using the X/TIME key. You can
multiply open or preset PLUs.

1. Enter the quantity of items being THANK-YOU

purchased, press the X/TIME key. For
example, enter 4 on the numeric key pad 01/25/2010 MON 09:23
and press the X/TIME key:
4X 2,99
X/TIME PLU1 $11,96
TOTAL $11,96
CASH $11,96
2. Enter the PLU number; press the PLU CLERK 1 000012 000000
key. For example, enter:


Shifting Tax
You can shift the pre-programmed status of a department or PLU by entering the tax number
(1-4) and pressing the TAX key before entering an item. Using this sequence you can make
normally taxable items non-taxable; or make normally non-taxable items taxable.
You can also exempt tax from an entire sale by first pressing the SUBTOTAL key, and the
entering the tax number (1-4) and pressing the TAX key before tendering the sale

1. Enter the tax number; press the THANK-YOU

TAX key. For example, enter:
02/17/2010 MON 09:23
DEPT1 T1 $2.99
TAX1 $0.30
2. Enter the item. In this example TOTAL $3.29
department #1 is normally CASH $3.29
CLERK 1 000012 000000

2 9 9

3. The normal tax status is shifted.

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 21

Percent Key (+% and -%) Operations
Use the Percent keys to add a percentage surcharge or subtract a percentage from an item or
the subtotal of a sale. You can enter the amount of the percentage before pressing the -% or
+% keys, or you can program a preset percentage if you are consistently using the same
percentage. Programming determines whether it is possible to enter a percentage when the
key is also programmed with a preset percentage. See “- / -% / +% Key” on page 75 to set a
preset percentage.

Preset Percent on a Department or PLU Item

In this example the -% key is preset with a rate of %10.00.

1. Register the discounted item. THANK-YOU

2. Press the -% key: 02/17/2010 MON 09:23

DEPT1 T1 $10.00
-% -% -10.000%
AMOUNT -1.00
TOTAL $9.00
3. The discount is automatically CASH $9.00
subtracted. CLERK 1 000012 000000

Enter a Percent on a Department or PLU

You can also operate the -% or +% keys by entering the percentage of the discount or
surcharge. If necessary, you can enter the percentage with a decimal key (up two 3 digits,
i.e. 99.999%).

1. Register the discounted item. THANK-YOU

2. Enter the percentage. If you are 02/17/2010 MON 09:23

entering a fraction of a percent, DEPT1 T1 $10.00

you must use the decimal key. -% 33.333%
For example, for 1/3 off enter: AMOUNT -3.33
TOTAL $6.67
3 3 . 3 3 3
CASH $6.67
CLERK 1 000012 000000

3. Press the -% key:


4. The discount is automatically


22 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

Percent On Sale Total
In this example a surcharge of 15% is applied.

1. Register the items you wish to THANK-YOU

sell. 02/17/2010 MON 09:23

2. Press SUBTOTAL: DEPT1 T1 $10.00

+% 15.000%
CASH $11.50
3. Enter the percentage. For CLERK 1 000012 000000
example, for 15% enter:

1 5

4. Press the +% key:


5. The surcharge is automatically


- (Minus) Key Registrations

You can register a negative amount by entering a price, then pressing the - (Minus) key. For
example, you can enter bottle returns or coupons using the - (Minus) key.

1. Register the items you wish to THANK-YOU

sell. 02/17/2010 MON 09:23
2. Enter the amount you wish to DEPT1 T1 $10.00
subtract from the sale, for - -0.50
example for a $.50 coupon, enter: TOTAL $9.50
CASH $9.50
CLERK 1 000012 000000
5 0

Press the CLERK/ - (Minus) key.


ER-180T Operating Instructions • 23

Return Merchandise Registrations
If you wish to return or refund an item press RETURN, then re-enter any item. You can
return merchandise as part of a sale, or you can return merchandise as a separate transaction
and return cash to the customer.



RETURN 01/25/2010 MON 09:23

2. Enter the price of the item you wish to RETURN *******************

DEPT2 -2.99
return, and then press the PLU key where it TOTAL -2.99
was registered originally. CASH -2.99
CLERK 1 000012 000000
2 9 9 DEPT2

3. Total the sale with CASH, CHECK, or a

CHARGE function.

24 • Operating Instructions ER-180T


Void Last Item

This function corrects the last item entered.

1. Register the item you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Press the VOID key.
01/25/2010 MON 09:23

VOID DEPT 2 $1.29

DEPT 2 -1.29
TOTAL $0.00
CASH $0.00
CLERK 1 000012 000000

Void Previous Item

This function allows you to correct an item registered previously in a transaction.

1. Register an item. Then register a THANK-YOU

second item.
2. To correct the first item, press CLEAR, 01/25/2010 MON 09:23
then press VOID:
DEPT2 $1.29
VOID *******************
TOTAL $0.00
CASH $0.00
3. Enter the price of the first item, and then
CLERK 1 000012 000000
press the DEPT2 key where it was
registered originally.

1 2 9 DEPT2

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 25

The CANCEL key allows you to stop any transaction. Anything registered within the
transaction before the CANCEL key is pressed is automatically corrected. The CANCEL
key can be inactivated through programming, see "Function Key Programming" in the
"Program Mode Programming" chapter.

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Press the CANCEL key
01/25/2010 MON 09:23

CANCEL PLU1 T1 $2.29

CANCEL ******************
TOTAL $0.00
CLERK 1 000012 000000

Void Position Operations

You can use the VOID control lock position to correct any complete transaction. To correct
any transaction:
1. Turn the control lock to the VOID THANK-YOU
2. Enter the transaction you wish to correct 01/25/2010 MON 09:23
exactly as it was entered originally in the
VOID MODE ****************
REG control lock position. You can DEPT2 -2.99
enter discounts, voids, returns, tax TOTAL -2.99
exemptions or any other function. CASH -2.99
CLERK 1 000012 000000
3. All totals and counters are corrected as if
the original transaction did not take

26 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

No Sale Operations

Open Drawer
The #/NS key will open the cash drawer when you have not already started a transaction.

1. Press #/NS: THANK-YOU


# / NS 01/25/2010 MON 09:23

2. The drawer will open and the receipt NOSALE-------------------

CLERK 1 000011 00001
will print as in the example on the right.

Non Add Number

You can also use the #/NS key to print any number (up to 8 digits) on the printer paper.
You can enter the number any time during a transaction. For example, if you wish to record
a charge account number, enter the number and press the #/NS key before totaling the sale
with the CHARGE key.

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Enter the number you wish to record,
for example enter: 01/25/2010 MON 09:23

DEPT1 $2.99
1 2 3 4 NONADD # 1234
TOTAL 2.99
3. Press #/NS: CAHRGE 2.99
CLERK 1 000011 00001

# / NS

4. Press CHARGE:


5. The display will indicate “=” for total,

the drawer will open and the receipt
will print as in the example on the right.

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 27

Received On Account Operations
You can use one of the received on account functions RA to accept cash or checks into the
cash drawer when you are not actually selling merchandise. For example, use received on
account to accept payments for previously sold merchandise, or record loans to the cash

1. Press the received on account keys THANK-YOU

01/25/2010 MON 09:23
2. Enter the amount of cash received, press
CASH $10.00
1 0 0 0 CASH CHECK $10.00
CHARGE $10.00
3. Enter the check amount received, and RA $30.00
press CHECK. CLERK 1 000011 00001

1 0 0 0 CHECK

4. Enter the charge amount received, press

1 0 0 0 CHARGE

5. You can continue to itemize receipts, or

you can finalize by pressing or selecting
the same received on account key.


28 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

Paid Out Operations
You can use the paid out function PO to track cash or checks paid out or to record loans from
the cash drawer.

1. Press the paid out keys THANK-YOU

01/25/2010 MON 09:23
2. Enter the amount of cash paid out, press
CASH -10.00
1 0 0 0 CASH CHECK -10.00
CHARGE -10.00
3. Enter the check amount paid out, and PO -30.00
press CHECK. CLERK 1 000011 00001

1 0 0 0 CHECK

4. Enter the charge amount received, press

1 0 0 0 CHARGE

5. You can continue to itemize paid outs, or

you can finalize by pressing or selecting
the same paid out key.


ER-180T Operating Instructions • 29

Subtotaling a Sale
1. Register the items you wish to sell.
2. Press SBTL. The subtotal will display
with the message "Sub" indicated on the
rear display.


The subtotal can be printed if the system

option is set. See "Print Option
Programming" in the "Program Mode
Programming" chapter.

30 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

Totaling and Tendering
There are ten tender functions available to categorize sales. CASH and CHECK are
individual keys on the keyboard

Totaling a Cash Sale

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU
2. To total a cash sale, press CASH:
01/25/2010 MON 09:23

CASH PLU2 $7.96

TOTAL $7.96
3. The display will indicate the total amount CASH $7.96
of the cash sale. CLERK 1 000011 00001

Totaling a Check Sale

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU
2. To total a check sale, press CHECK:
01/25/2010 MON 09:23

CHECK PLU2 $7.96

TOTAL $7.96
3. The display will indicate the total amount CHECK $7.96
of the check sale. CLERK 1 000011 00001

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 31

Tendering a Cash Sale

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Enter the amount tendered by the
customer. For example, for $20.00 01/25/2010 MON 09:23
PLU1 T1 $2.99
PLU1 T1 $2.99
2 0 0 0 4X $1.99
PLU2 $7.96
TAX1 $0.36
3. Press CASH:
TOTAL $14.30
CASH $20.00
CLERK 1 000011 00001
4. The display will indicate the total amount
of the cash tendered and the change due,
if any.

Tendering a Check Sale

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Enter the amount tendered by the
customer. For example, for $20.00 01/25/2010 MON 09:23
PLU1 T1 $2.99
PLU1 T1 $2.99
2 0 0 0 4X $1.99
PLU2 $7.96
TAX1 $0.36
3. Press CHECK:
TOTAL $14.30
CHECK $20.00
CLERK 1 000011 00001
4. The display will indicate the total amount
of the check tendered and the change
due, if any.

32 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

Totaling a Charge Sale
Use the charge keys to track charge or credit card sales. See "Function Key Programming"
in the "Program Mode Programming" chapter to change the descriptors for the charge tender
functions. For example, you can use CHARGE to track Visa card sales. The descriptor
"VISA" will display on the function look up menu and print on the printer. You can also set
tendering options for the charge keys, i.e. whether to allow over tendering or to enforce

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Press one of the charge key if it is
located on the keyboard: 01/25/2010 MON 09:23

PLU1 T1 $2.99
PLU1 T1 $2.99
4X $1.99
PLU2 $7.96
TAX1 $0.36
TOTAL $14.30
CHARGE $14.30
CLERK 1 000011 00001

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 33

Tendering a Charge Sale
Tendering a charge sale may or may not be allowed. See "Function Key Programming" in
the "Program Mode Programming" chapter to set tendering options for the charge key, i.e.
whether to allow over tendering or to enforce tendering.

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Enter the amount of the charge and press
one of the charge keys if it is located on 01/25/2010 MON 09:23
the keyboard:
PLU1 T1 $2.99
PLU1 T1 $2.99
2 0 0 0 CHARGE 4X $1.99
PLU2 $7.96
TAX1 $0.36
TOTAL $14.30
CHARGE $20.00
CHANGE $5.70
CLERK 1 000011 00001

34 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

Split Tender
Split tendering is paying for one transaction by more than one payment method. For
example, a $20.00 sale could be split so $10.00 is paid in cash, and the remaining $10.00 is
paid by a check. If necessary, you can make several different payments.

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Enter the amount of cash tendered by the
customer. For example, enter $10.00 and 01/25/2010 MON 09:23
press CASH:
PLU2 $20 00
TOTAL $20.00
1 0 0 0 CASH CASH $10.00
TOTAL $10.00
CHECK $10.00
3. The display will indicate the $10.00 cash CLERK 1 000011 00001
tender and the $10.00 total still due.
4. Enter the amount of check tendered by
the customer. For example, enter
$10.00 and press CHECK:

1 0 0 0 CHECK

5. When the total tendered equals or

exceeds the total due, the receipt will
print and the transaction is complete.

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 35

Post Tender
Post tendering means computing change after the sale has been totaled and the drawer is
open. This feature is useful when a customer changes the amount of the tender or when a
"quick change artist" confuses a clerk. Normally, this function is not allowed. If you wish
to allow post tendering, you must set the appropriate system option.

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Press CASH:
01/25/2010 MON 09:23

PLU1 T1 $2.00
TAX1 $0.12
3. The display will indicate the total of the TOTAL $2.12
cash sale. CASH $2.12
CLERK 1 000011 00001
4. Enter the amount of the new tender,
Press CASH:

2 0 0 0 CASH

5. The display will indicate the change due.

36 • Operating Instructions ER-180T

Currency Conversion
If you normally accept currency from neighboring nations, you can program to convert the
subtotal of a sale to the equivalent cost in the foreign currency. You can set up four separate
conversion functions for different foreign currencies. To do this, you need to program the
conversion factor. For example, if the US dollar (home currency) is worth 1.3720 Canadian
dollars (foreign currency), the conversion factor is 1.3720. See "Function Key
Programming" in the "Program Mode Programming" chapter to set a conversion factor.

1. Register the items you wish to sell. THANK-YOU

2. Press the CONV1 key if it is located on
the keyboard: 01/25/2010 MON 09:23

PLU1 T1 $2.00
CONV1 TAX1 $0.12
TOTAL $2.12
CONV 1 ¥2.90
3. Enter the amount of the foreign currency
HOME AMT. $10.00
tender, Press CASH: CHANGE $5.17
CLERK 1 000011 00001
1 0 0 0 CASH

The currency symbol you

4. The display will indicate the amount of program will display here. See
"Print Option Programming".
foreign currency tendered and display
$5.17 change due. The change due is
computed in home currency!

ER-180T Operating Instructions • 37

Management Reports

X & Z Reports

System reports are divided into two basic categories:

• X reports, which read totals without resetting
• Z reports, which read totals and reset them to zero

Running a Report - General Instructions

1. Refer to the “Report Table“.
2. Select a report type and the report mode.
3. Turn the control lock to the position indicated.
4. Enter the key sequence for the report you have selected.

Report Table
Report Report Control Lock
Report Type Key Sequence
Number Mode Position
1 X X 1 – SBTL
Z Z 1 – SBTL
X2 X 201 – SBTL
Z2 Z 201 – SBTL
2 X X 2 – SBTL
Z Z 2 – SBTL
3 X X 3 – SBTL
All Clerk
Z Z 3 – SBTL
Print Electronic X X 300 - SBTL
Reset Electronic 399 Z Z 399- SBTL

38 • Management Reports ER-180T

Cash Declaration
If compulsory cash declaration is required, you must declare the count of the cash drawer
prior to taking X or Z financial and clerk reports.
You can enter the cash drawer total in one step, or to facilitate the counting of the cash
drawer, you can enter each type of bill/coin and checks separately and let the register act as
an adding machine. You can also use the X/TIME key to multiply the denomination of
currency times your count.
Either way you choose to enter cash, the register will compare your declaration with the
expected cash and check in drawer totals and print the over or short amounts on the report.
For example:

1. Turn the control lock to the X THANK-YOU

position. 02/17/2010 MON 09:23

2. Enter 90 and press the SUBTOTAL ** CASH DECLARATION **

CASH $98.76
CHECK $20.00
3. Enter the total of cash and press the DIFFERENCE $257.07
CLERK 1 000091 000000
CASH key.

9 8 7 6 CASH

4. Enter the total of checks and press

the CHECK key..

2 0 0 0 CHECK

5. Press the CASH key to total the



ER-180T Management Reports • 39

Report Samples

Financial Report
Note: This sample report is shown with items of zero value listed on the report. Your
report may only show totals with values other than zero, depending on the setting for
print option #2.

Date, Day & Time -> 02/17/2010 MON 09:23

Report Type/Reset (Z) Counter -> Z 1 REPORT 00002

Report Name -> FINANCIAL
Department Name -> DEPT1
Department Sales Activity Counter & Total -> 21 $192.45
5 $3.10
Department Counters and Totals are
listed for each department) .
0 $0.00
Count & Total of all Departments -> DEPT TTL
26 $195.55
Total of non-taxable sales -> NONTAX $0.00
Taxable sales for each tax -> TAX1 SALES $10.00
TAX2 SALES $0.00
TAX3 SALES $0.00
TAX4 SALES $0.00
Tax collected for each tax -> TAX1 $0.04
TAX2 $0.00
TAX3 $0.00
TAX4 $0.00
Taxable sales exempted for each tax -> XMPT1 SALES $0.00
Count and total for amount discount -> -(MINUS) 0
(- key used as amount discount) $0.00
Count and total for item discounts by percentage -> ITEM -% TTL 0
(-% key used as item % discount function) $0.00
Count and total for sale discounts by percentage -> SALE -% TTL 0
(-% key used as sale % discount function) $0.00
Count and total for item surchages by percentage -> ITEM +% TTL 0
(+% key used as item % surcharge function) $0.00
Count and total for Sale surcharges -> SALE +% TTL 0
(+% key used as sale % surcharge function) $0.00

Continued on the next page ...

40 • Management Reports ER-180T

Customer Count -> NET SALE 1
Net Sales Amount -> $10.50
Count of Return Merchandise items -> RETURN 0
Total of Return Merchandise -> $0.00
Count of Last Item Voids (Error Corrections) -> ERROR CORR 0
Total of Last Item Voids (Error Corrections) -> $0.00
Count of Previous Item Voids -> PREVIOUS VD 0
Total of Previous Item Voids -> $0.00
Number of VOID key position transactions -> VOID MODE 0
Dollar amount of VOID key position -> $0.00
# of canceled transactions -> CANCEL 0
Amount of canceled transactions -> $0.00
Gross Sales -> GROSS SALES $10.50
# of Cash sales -> CASH SALES 1
Dollar amount of Cash sales -> $10.50
# of Check sales -> CHECK SALES 0
Dollar amount of Check sales -> $0.00
# of Charge sales -> CHARGE SALES 0
Dollar amount of Charge sales -> $0.00
# of Rec’d on Account transactions -> R/A 0
Total of Rec’d on Accounts -> $0.00
# of Paid Out transactions -> P/O 0
Total of Paid Out transactions -> $0.00
Count of no sales -> NO SALE 0
# of Cash in Drawer -> CASH-IN-D 0
Cash in drawer amount -> $10.50
# of Checks in Drawer -> CHECK-IN-D 0
Check in drawer amount - > $0.00
# of Charge Sales -> CHARGE-IN-D 0
Total of Charges in Drawer -> $0.00
Total of all Media in Drawer -> DRWR TTL 0
Foreign Currency Total -> FOREIGN .0.00
Non-resettable Grand Total -> GRAND $221.40

CLERK 2 000045 000000

PLU Report

Date, Day & Time -> 02/17/2010 MON 09:23

Report Type/Reset (Z) Counter -> X 1 REPORT 00002

Report Name -> PLU
PLU Name -> DEPT22
PLU Sales Activity Counter & Total -> CNT 1 $4.95
CNT 5 $8.85
Count & Total of all PLUs -> TOTAL CNT 6
TOTAL AMT $13.80

CLERK 2 000045 000000

ER-180T Management Reports • 41

Clerk Report

Date, Day & Time -> 02/17/2010 MON 09:23

Report Type/Reset (Z) Counter -> X 1 REPORT 00002

Report Name -> ALL CLERK
Clerk Name -> CLERK 1
Clerk’s Net Sales -> NET SALE $207.40
Clerk’s Gross Sales -> GROSS SALES $210.90
Clerk’s Drawer Total -> DRWR TTL $209.40
NET SALE $71.85
DRWR TTL $71.85
NET SALE $10.50
DRWR TTL $10.50

CLERK 2 000071 000000

42 • Management Reports ER-180T

Balancing Formulas

Net Sales Total

+ Total of all Departments

+ +% (Sale Surcharge Total)
- -% (Sale Discount Total)
- - (Sale Minus Key Total)

Gross Total

+ -% (Sale Discount Total)
+ - (Sale Minus Key Total)

Grand Total

+ Yesterdays Grand Total

+ Gross Sales Total

ER-180T Management Reports • 43

Service Mode Programming

The following procedures are done from the Service Mode menu:
• Clear all totals
• Clear grand total
• EPROM Information

44 • Service Mode Programming ER-180T

Clear Total
1. Turn the control lock to the S position.
2. To Reset Total, enter 20, and then press the SBTL key.

2 0 SBTL

Clear Grand Total

1. Turn the control lock to the S position.
2. To Reset Grand Total, enter 30, and then press the SBTL key.

3 0 SBTL

EPROM Information
1. Turn the control lock to the S position.
2. To Scan EPROM Information, enter 50, and then press the SBTL key.

5 0 SBTL

ER-180T Service Mode Programming • 45

Program Mode Programming

Default Programming
• All programming (unless otherwise noted) is done with the control lock in the P
position. Each section details a specific area of register programming.

46 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Tax Programming
You can program four tax rates on this ECR

1. Move to the P position

2. Press 53 and SBTL key.
3. Input each tax rate and press X/TIME. 5 digits are tax rate and 6th digit is Tax kind
and 7th Tax No.

If the tax is a percentage added to the sale (normal add on tax), 0

If the tax is a percentage value added tax (VAT; calculated as part 2
of the sale), enter:
EX.) Tax 1: Vat on 12.345%
53 + SBTL + 12 + DECIMAL + 34521 + X/TIME +CASH

Repeat for each

System Option


Decimal Tax Kind Tax No


ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 47

Tax Table Programming
In some cases, a tax that is entered as a percentage does not follow exactly the tax charts that
apply in your area (even if the tax chart is based on a percentage). In these cases, we
recommend that you enter your tax using tax table programming. This method will match
tax collection exactly to the break points of your tax table.
Before programming, obtain a copy of the tax table you wish to program. You will need the
printed tax table if you wish to determine the break point entries yourself.

Note: You can enter up to 60 break points.

Determining Break Point Entries

1. Examine the printed tax table for the tax you are programming.
2. Refer to the “Tax Table Programming Example - Illinois 6% Tax Table” to help
with this exercise.
3. Calculate the break point differences by subtracting the high side of the previous
range from the high side of the dollar range.
4. Examine the pattern of break point differences to determine when the break
points begin to repeat. Mark the beginning break points that do not fit a pattern
as “non-repeat breaks.” Mark the break points that are repeating in a pattern as
“repeat breaks.”

Programming a Tax Table

1. Turn the control lock to the PGM position.
2. Enter 10.
3. Enter a digit to represent the tax you are programming:
1 for TAX 1
2 for TAX 2
3 for TAX 3
4 for TAX 4
4. Press the TAX key.
5. Enter the maximum amount that is not taxed and press the appropriate TAX key.
6. Enter the first tax amount charged and press the appropriate TAX key.
7. For each non-repeat break point, up to the last non-repeat break point, enter the
high side from the sale dollar range and press the appropriate TAX key.
8. For the last non-repeat break point, enter the high side from the sale dollar range
and press the X/TIME key.
9. For each repeat break point, enter the high side from the sale dollar range and
press the appropriate TAX key.
10. Press the CASH key to end the tax table program.

48 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Tax Table Programming Example - Illinois 6% Tax Table

Break point
Tax Charged Sale Dollar Range Differences
$0.00 $0.00 - $0.10
$0.01 $0.11 - $0.21 11
$0.02 $0.22 - $0.38 17
$0.03 $0.39 - $0.56 18 Non-Repeat
$0.04 $0.57 - $0.73 17
$0.05 $0.74 - $0.91 18
$0.06 $0.92 - $1.08 17
$0.07 $1.09 - $1.24 16 Repeat
$0.08 $1.25 - $1.41 17
$0.09 $1.42 - $1.58 17
$0.10 $1.59 - $1.74 16
$0.11 $1.75 - $1.91 17
$0.12 $1.92 - $2.08 17
$0.13 $2.09 - $2.24 16
$0.14 $2.25 - $2.41 17

To enter the sample program for the Illinois 6% tax table in tax 1:
1. Enter 1 0 1 press the TAX key.
2. Enter 1 0 (the maximum amount that is not taxed), press the TAX key.
3. Enter 1 (the first tax amount charged), press the TAX key.
4. Enter 2 1 (non-repeat break point), press the TAX key.
5. Enter 3 8 (non-repeat break point), press the TAX key
6. Enter 5 6 (non-repeat break point), press the TAX key.
7. Enter 7 3 (non-repeat break point), press the TAX key.
8. Enter 9 1 (non-repeat break point), press the X/TIME key.
9. Enter 1 0 8 (repeat break point), press the TAX key.
10. Enter 1 2 4 (repeat break point), press the TAX key.
11. Enter 1 4 1 (repeat break point), press the TAX key.

Press the CASH key to complete the tax program.

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 49

Overlay Descriptor Programming Methods
Overlay Descriptors are programmable for each DEPARTMENT, PLU, CLERK,
following programming procedure.


NOTE : Refer to “ALPH AKEYBOARD LAYOUT” for entering characters.


DEPARTMENT 1 0001 ~ 0016 12 CHAR.
PLU 2 0001 ~ 0500 12 CHAR.
RCPT MSG 3 0001 ~ 0006 24 CHAR. PREAMBLE
RCPT MSG 4 0001 ~ 0006 24 CHAR. POSTAMBLE
CLERK 5 0001 ~ 0010 8 CHAR.
RETURN 6 0 0 3 0 8 CHAR.
PREV VOID 6 0 0 3 1 8 CHAR.
ALL CANCEL 6 0 0 3 2 8 CHAR
CONV 6 0 0 3 4 8 CHAR.
- 6 0 0 3 5 8 CHAR. .
-% 6 0 0 3 6 8 CHAR.
+% 6 0 0 3 7 8 CHAR
X/TIME 6 0 0 4 0 8 CHAR.
NO SALES 6 0 0 4 1 8 CHAR. .
RECD ACCT 6 0 0 4 3 8 CHAR.
PAID OUT 6 0 0 4 4 8 CHAR
CHECK 6 0 0 4 5 8 CHAR.
CHARGE 6 0 0 4 6 8 CHAR.
SUBTOTAL 6 0 0 4 7 8 CHAR.
CASH 6 0 0 4 8 8 CHAR.
HOME 7 0 0 0 1 5 CHAR.
FOREIGN 8 0 0 0 1 5 CHAR.

50 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Alpha Keyboard LAYOUT


7 8 9


4 5 6


1 2 3


0 00 .
SPACE * .,?! #


[[ DEPT 5 ]] [[ Wait 2 Seconds or TAX(Space) ]] [[ DEPT 5 * 2 Times ]]

ABC [[ Wait 2 Seconds or TAX(Space) ]] [[ DEPT5 * 3 Times ]] [[ Wait 2 Seconds or
TAX(Space) ]]
[[ VOID ]] [[ DEPT 5 ]] [[ VOID ]] [[ DEPT 5 * 2 Times ]] [[ DEPT 2 ]] [[ 9 ]]
[[ Wait 2 Seconds or TAX(Space) ]]

A A [[ DEPT 5 ]] [[ RETURN ]] [[ DEPT 5 ]] [[ Wait 2 Seconds or TAX(Space) ]]

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 51

Department Programming

Program 500 - DEPARTMENT Status Programming

1. Move to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 5 0 0, press the SBTL key.

5 0 0 SBTL

3. Select the DEPARTMENT or DEPARTMENTs you wish to program in one of the

following ways:
• Press a DEPARTMENT key on the keyboard, or


• For programming from DEPT1 to DEPT16 with same status, press as below..


4. Refer to the "DEPARTMENT Status Chart" to determine the values for N1 through
N8. Enter the values you have selected, press the X/TIME key. (You do not need to
enter preceding zeros. )

N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 X/TIME

5. To program additional DEPARTMENTs, repeat from step 3, or press the CASH key to
finalize the program.


52 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Department Status Chart

Address Program Option Value

N1 Department is negative item Yes = 1
No = 0
N2 Department is single item Yes = 1
No = 0
N3 Department is taxable by rate 4? Yes = 1
No = 0
N4 Department is taxable by rate 3? Yes = 1
No = 0
N5 Department is taxable by rate 2? Yes = 1
No = 0
N6 Department is taxable by rate 1? Yes = 1
No = 0
N7 Department is override preset ? Yes = 1
No = 0
N8 Department is preset? Yes = 1
No = 0

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 53

Program 520 - DEPARTMENT Price/HALO Programming
If a DEPARTMENT is open, set the HALO (high amount lock out) here. If a
DEPARTMENT is preset set the preset price here.

1. Move to the P position.

2. To begin the program, enter 5 2 0, press the SBTL key.

5 2 0 SBTL

3. Select the DEPARTMENT or DEPARTMENTs you wish to program in one of the

following ways:
• Press a DEPARTMENT key on the keyboard, or


• For programming from DEPT1 to DEPT16 with same status, press as below..


4. If the DEPARTMENT is open, enter a HALO of up to 7 digits. If the

DEPARTMENT is preset, enter a preset price. (The maximum preset price you
can enter is $50,000.00.)



5. To program additional DEPARTMENTs, repeat from step 3, or press the CASH

key to finalize the program.

54 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Program 530 - DEPARTMENT Descriptor Programming
1. Move to the P position
2. To begin the program, enter 5 3 0, press the SBTL key.

5 3 0 SBTL

3. Select the DEPARTMENT or DEPARTMENTs you wish to program in one of

the following ways:
• Press a DEPARTMENT key on the keyboard


4. Enter 12 three character codes.Refer to the descriptor code chart shown in the

065 080 080 076 069 X/TIME

5. To program additional DEPARTMENTs, repeat from step 3, or press the

CASH key to finalize the program.


ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 55

Descriptor Code Chart
CHAR Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë
CODE 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
CHAR è ï î ì Ä Å É æ Æ ô
CODE 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
CHAR ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü ¢ £ ¥
CODE 021 022 023 024 0250 026 027 028 029 030
CHAR € SPACE ! " # $ % & ' (
CODE 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040
CHAR ) * + , - . / 0 1 2
CODE 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050
CHAR 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; <
CODE 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060
CHAR = > ? @ A B C D E F
CODE 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070
CODE 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080
CODE 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090
CHAR a b c d
CODE 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100
CHAR e f g h i j k l m n
CODE 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
CHAR o p q r s t u v w x
CODE 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
CODE 121 122 123 999

56 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

PLU Programming
All PLUs, whether they are registered by pressing a PLU key on the keyboard, or by entering the PLU number
and pressing the PLU key, have the same programming options. These options are set through separate
• Program 100 – PLU Status Programming determines whether the PLU is open
or preset. Also selected here are tax, negative, and single item options.
• Program 200 - PLU Price/HALO Programming determines the PLU price if the
PLU is preset, or the high amount lock out (HALO) if the PLU is open.
• Program 300 – PLU Descripor Programming allows you to set a unique, up to
12-character descriptor for each PLU.
• Program 350 - PLU Link Programming allow you to link DEPTs.

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 57

Program 100 - PLU Status Programming
1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 1 0 0, press the SBTL key.

1 0 0 SBTL

3. Select the PLU or PLUs you wish to program in one of the following ways:
• Enter up to 500 of the PLU and press the PLU key, or
Enter the PLU#,
up to 500

• Enter the number of the first PLU in a range of PLUs that are to receive the
same setting; press the PLU key. Enter the last number in the range; press
the PLU key.
Enter the PLU#, Enter the PLU#,
up to 500 up to 500

4. Refer to the "PLU” Status Chart" to determine the values for N1 through N8.
Enter the values you have selected, press the X/TIME key. (You do not need
to enter preceding zeros. )

N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 X/TIME

5. To program additional PLUs, repeat from step 3, or press the CASH key to
finalize the program.

PLU Status Chart

Address Program Option Value
N1 PLU is negative item Yes = 1
No = 0
N2 PLU is single item Yes = 1
No = 0
N3 PLU is taxable by rate 4? Yes = 1
No = 0
N4 PLU is taxable by rate 3? Yes = 1
No = 0
N5 PLU is taxable by rate 2? Yes = 1
No = 0
N6 PLU is taxable by rate 1? Yes = 1
No = 0
N7 PLU is override preset ? Yes = 1
No = 0
N8 PLU is preset? Yes = 1
No = 0

58 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Program 200 - PLU Price/HALO Programming
If a PLU is open, set the HALO (high amount lock out) here. If a PLU is preset set the preset price
1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 2 0 0, press the SBTL key.

2 0 0 SBTL

3. Select the PLU or PLUs you wish to program in one of the following ways:
• Enter up to 500 of the PLU and press the PLU key, or
Enter the PLU#,
up to 500

• Enter the number of the first PLU in a range of PLUs that are to receive the
same setting; press the PLU key. Enter the last number in the range; press
the PLU key.
Enter the PLU#, Enter the PLU#,
up to 500 up to 500

4. If the PLU is open, enter a HALO of up to 7 digits. If the PLU is preset, enter
a preset price.



5. To program additional PLUs, repeat from step 3, or press the CASH key to
finalize the program.


ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 59

Program 300 - PLU Descriptor Programming
1. Move to the P position
2. To begin the program, enter 3 0 0, press the SBTL key.
3 0 0 SBTL

3. Select the PLU you wish to program in one of the following ways:
• Enter up to 500 of the PLU and press the PLU key, or
Enter the PLU#,
up to 500

4. Enter 12 three character codes.Refer to the descriptor code chart.

065 080 080 076 069 X/TIME

5. To program additional PLUs, repeat from step 3, or press the CASH key to
finalize the program.


60 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Program 350 - PLU Link Programming
When a PLU is registered, the amount of the PLU is “linked” or reported to a department.
The sale amount of the PLU will be reported in for the appropriate PLU in the PLU report
and also in the department it is linked to.

Note: If a PLU is not linked to a Department, it’s sales will by default link to
Department #1.

1. Turn the control lock to the P position.

2. To begin the program, enter 3 5 0, press the SBTL key.

3 5 0 SBTL

3. Select the PLU you wish to program in one of the following ways:
• Enter up to 500 of the PLU and press the PLU key
Enter the PLU#,
up to 500

4. Press a DEPARTMENT key on the keyboard you wish the PLU linked to


5. To program additional PLUs, repeat from step 3, or press the CASH key to
finalize the program.


ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 61

System Option Programming
Refer to the “System Option Table” to review the system options. Read each option carefully to determine if you wish
to make any changes.

Programming a System Option:

1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. Enter 3 0, press the SBTL key.
3. Enter a system option address, and then press the X/TIME key.
4. Enter the number representing the status you have selected, or if there is more
than one decision to be made in an address, add the values representing your
choices for each decision and enter the sum. Press the SBTL key.
5. Repeat from step 3 for each system option you wish to change.
6. Press the CASH key to end system option programming.

System Option Flowchart

Repeat for each
System Option


Option # Status

62 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

System Option Table


1 Beeper is active?
Yes = 1
No = 0

2 Date format is: MMDDYY = 0(default)

3 Decimal place: (0,1,2,3) default=2 0-3
4 Cash drawer will open when reports are run? Yes = 1
No = 0
5 Drawer needs to be shut to operate? Yes = 1
No = 0
6 Use Spool? Yes = 1
No = 0
7 Enable Electronic Journal? Yes = 1
No = 0
8 Prompt operator when Electronic Journal is full Yes = 1
No = 0
9 Electronic Journal is Oldest? Yes = 1
No = 0
10 Allow Direct Multiply? Yes = 1
No = 0
11 Allow multiple receipts? Yes = 1
No = 0
12 Allow the post tender function? Yes = 1
No = 0
13 Cash Declaration Required before Z Financial Yes = 1
report? No = 0
14 Consecutive number is reset after a financial Yes = 1
report? No = 0
15 Reset Grand Total after Z financial Report? Yes = 1
No = 0
16 Reset the Financial report Z counter after a Z1 Yes = 1
Financial report? No = 0
17 Reset the PLU report Z counter after a Z1 PLU Yes = 1
report? No = 0
18 Reset the Clerk report Z counter after a Z1 Clerk
Yes = 1
No = 0

19 Triple multiplication
Yes = 1
No = 0

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 63

20 Rounding option Default 0
European Round
.00 - .02 = .00
.03 - .07 = .05
.08 - .09 = .10
Swedish Round
.00 - .24 = .00
.25 - .74 = .50
.75 - .99 = 1.00
Thai Round
.00 - .49 = .00 3
.50 - .99 = 1.00
Newzealand Round
.00 - .04 = .00 4
.05 - .09 = .10
21 Training Clerk 0-10

64 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Print Option Programming
Refer to the “Print Option Table” to review the print options. Read each option carefully to determine if you wish to
make any changes.

Programming a Print Option:

1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. Enter 4 0, press the SBTL key.
3. Enter a print option address, and then press the X/TIME key.
4. Enter the number representing the status you have selected, or if there is more
than one decision to be made in an address, add the values representing your
choices for each decision and enter the sum. Press the SBTL key.
5. Repeat from step 3 for each print option you wish to change.
6. Press the CASH key to end print option programming.

Print Option Flowchart

Repeat for each
Print Option


Option # Status

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 65

Print Option Table


1 Print Z counter on reports? Yes = 1
No = 0
2 Skip media totals with zero activity on the report? Yes = 1
No = 0
3 Home Currency symbol Up to 5
4 Currency Symbol Up to 5
5 Issue a second receipt for the same transaction? Yes = 1
No = 0
6 Subtotal is printed when the SBTL key is pressed? Yes = 1
No = 0
7 Print consecutive number counter on receipt? Yes = 1
No = 0
8 Print date on receipt? Yes = 1
No = 0
9 Print time on receipt? Yes = 1
No = 0
10 Print clerk name on receipt? Yes = 1
No = 0
11 Void mode/Return totals will print on the Financial Yes = 1
report? No = 0
12 Print PLU/DEPT sale item number? Yes = 1
No = 0
13 Print tax symbol? Yes = 1
No = 0
14 Print the tax amount on receipt? Yes = 1
No = 0
15 Print taxable totals? Yes = 1
No = 0
16 Print the tax rate? Yes = 1
No = 0
17 Print a breakdown of the VAT eligible sale? Yes = 1
No = 0
18 Print Grand total on the Financial report? Yes = 1
No = 0
19 Print Gross total on the Financial report? Yes = 1
No = 0
20 Grand total is: Net sale = 1
Gross sale = 0

66 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

21 Print on NO SALE performed Yes = 1
No = 0
22 Print preamble message on receipt? Yes = 1
No = 0
23 Print postamble message on receipt? Yes = 1
No = 0
24 Print report on Electronic Jounal Yes = 1
No = 0
25 Print training mode message on the receipt during Yes = 1
training mode operations? No = 0
26 Print the PLU/DEPT number on the receipt? Yes = 1
No = 0
27 Print the PLU number on PLU report? Yes = 1
No = 0

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 67

Function Key Programming
Three programs are used to program function keys:
• Program 70 - is used to set each keys individual options
• Program 80 - is used to program a 8 character alpha numeric descriptor
• Program 90 - is used to set a high amount limit (HALO)
In this chapter you will find:
• General instructions for programs 70, 80 and 90.
• Specific programming instructions for each function key.

68 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Program 70 - Function Key Options
Use Program 70 to set options for function keys. Because of the differences inherent in function keys,
individual options will be different. See the specific instructions for each key in this chapter to find the
options for each key.
1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 7 0, press the SBTL key.

7 0 SBTL

3. Enter the values for the option digit or digits. Depending on the function key
you are programming, you may enter up to six digits N1 through N6.
Determine the values for N1 through N6 by referring to the specific function
key information that follows. (You do not need to enter preceding zeros.
For example, if the function key offers six digits, N1 through N6 and you are
only selecting a value for N6, just enter the value for N6.) Press the function
key you wish to program.


4. To program additional function keys, repeat from step 3, or press the CASH
key to finalize the program.


ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 69

Program 80 - Function Key Descriptor

1. Turn the control lock to the P position.

2. To begin the program, enter 8 0, press the SBTL key.

8 0 SBTL

3. Enter up to 8 three-character codes and press the FUNCTION KEY.

Enter up to 8
three-character KEY

4. To program additional function keys, repeat from step 3, or press the CASH
key to finalize the program.


70 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Program 90 - Function Key HALO
Use Program 90 to program a high amount lock out (HALO) for a function key. Only specific keys
require this program. For example, you can set a HALO for the CASH, CHECK or CHARGE keys.
Refer to the specific function key programming information in this chapter to determine when the
HALO option is available.
1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 9 0, press the SBTL key.

9 0 SBTL

3. Enter a HALO of up to eight digits, (or "0" for no HALO).

Enter 1-8 digit

4. Press the function key on the keyboard you wish to program.


5. To program additional function keys, repeat from step 2, or press the CASH
key to finalize the program.


ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 71

Options - Program 70
Repeat for another
function key

7 0 SBTL N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 FUNC CASH


N1 Amount tender is compulsory? Yes = 1
No = 0
N2 Allow over/under tendering? Yes = 1
No = 0
N3 Disable under tendering? Yes = 1
No = 0
N4 Exempt tax 1? Yes = 1
No = 0
N5 Exempt tax 2? Yes = 1
No = 0
N6 Exempt tax 3? Yes = 1
No = 0
N7 Exempt tax 4? Yes = 1
No = 0


- Refer to “Program 80 – Function Key Descriptor”


- Refer to “Program 90 – Function Key HALO”

72 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Options - Program 70

Repeat for another

function key



N1 Key is inactive? Yes = 1
No = 0


- Refer to “Program 80 – Function Key Descriptor”


- Refer to “Program 90 – Function Key HALO ”

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 73

Currency Conversion Rate - Program 90
1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 9 0, press the SBTL key.

9 0 SBTL

3. Enter the exchange rate of up to 7 digits (do not enter the decimal point), and
then enter a number from 0 to 7 to indicate the decimal position. See "Currency
Exchange Rate Programming Examples" below.

Exchange Rate Decimal

4. Press the function key on the keyboard you wish to program.


5. To program additional function keys, repeat from step 2, or press the CASH
key to finalize the program.


Currency Exchange Rate Programming Examples

Note: Foreign currency exchange rates may be stated as “foreign currency in dollars”, or
“dollars in foreign currency”. Use the rate stated in “dollars in foreign currency” when you
are programming this section.

The US dollar (home currency) is worth 1.3720 Canadian dollars (foreign currency).
1 3 7 2 0 4

Exchange Rate Decimal

The US dollar (home currency) is worth 110.24 Japanese Yen (foreign currency).

1 1 0 2 4 2

Exchange Rate Decimal


74 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

- / -% / +%
Options - Program 70

Repeat for another

function key

7 0 SBTL N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 % CASH


N1 % Key is: Open = 1
Preset = 0
N2 % Amount taxable tax 1? Yes = 1
No = 0
N3 % Amount taxable tax 2? Yes = 1
No = 0
N4 % Amount taxable tax 3? Yes = 1
No = 0
N5 % Amount taxable tax 4? Yes = 1
No = 0


- Refer to “Program 80 – Function Key Descriptor”

HALO - Program 90

Repeat for another

function key

Enter 5 digit rate or

amount (see note below)

Note: If key is amount, enter 5 digit HALO, or 0 for no HALO. If key is percentage enter
the percentage in a five-digit format, without the decimal (XX.XXX). For example: for
10%, enter 10000; for 5.55%, enter 05550; for 99.999%, enter 99999.

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 75

Miscellaneous Programming

Clerk Description Programming

1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 8 1 0, press the SBTL key.

8 1 0 SBTL

3. Enter the number of the clerk you wish to program; press the X/TIME key.


Enter up to 8
three-character SBTL

5. Press the CASH key to finalize the program.


76 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Logo Description Programming
Programming the Preamble Logo Message
A preamble message of up to six lines can be printed at the top of each receipt.
Each line can consist of up to 24 characters.

1. Move to the P position.

2. To begin the program, enter 7 0 0, press the SBTL key.

7 0 0 SBTL

3. Refer to the chart below and enter the number that represents the line you wish
to program; press the X/TIME key.


X Message Line
1 1st line of Preamble
2 2nd line of Preamble
3 3rd line of Preamble
4 4th line of Preamble
5 5th line of Preamble
6 6th line of Preamble

4. If you are programming

Enter up to 24
three-character SBTL

5. Press the CASH key to finalize the program.


ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 77

Programming the Postmble Logo Message
A postamble message of up to six lines can be printed at the bottom of each receipt.
Each line can consist of up to 24 characters.

1. Move to the P position

2. To begin the program, enter 7 5 0, press the SBTL key.

7 5 0 SBTL

3. Refer to the chart below and enter the number that represents the line you wish
to program; press the X/TIME key.


X Message Line
1 1st line of Postamble
2 2nd line of Postamble
3 3rd line of Postamble
4 4th line of Postamble
5 5th line of Postamble
6 6th line of Postamble

4. If you are programming

Enter up to 24
three-character SBTL

5. Press the CASH key to finalize the program.


78 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Date and Time Programming
Use this program to set the clock and calendar on your ER-180T. The date changes automatically.
After initial setting, time changing will probably be required only for beginning and ending daylight
savings time.

Programming the Date and Time

1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 1 3 0 0, press the SBTL key.

1 3 0 0 SBTL

3. Enter time in military standard time (based on 24 hours), must be four digits
(i.e. 1300 hours = 1:00 PM); press the X/TIME key.

4. Enter the date in MM (month) DD (day) and YY (year) format. Press the
X/TIME key:


5. Press the CASH key to finalize the program.


ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 79

Machine Number Programming
The machine number is printed on the register receipt. Program a machine number so that any receipt
can be identified with the store or register where the transaction took place.

Programming the Machine Number

1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 1 6 0 0, press the SBTL key.

1 6 0 0 SBTL

3. Enter a machine number (up to 6 digits); press the X/TIME key.


4. Press the CASH key to finalize the program.


80 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

Program Scans
Since much time and energy has been invested in the planning and programming of your ER-
180T, it is advisable to print a hard copy of the final program for future reference. This
copy should be kept in a safe place.
1. Move to the P position.
2. To print a program scan, enter 1 5, press the SBTL key.

1 5 SBTL

3. In this step, there are three different ways to scan program information. One is
DEPTs , the other is PLUs, The third is Others.


To read one Dept program information, press the dept key in the keyboard and
Press the same dept key in the keyboard.


To read multiple Dept program information, Press the first dept key in the
keyboard and
Press the second dept key in the keyboard.



To read one PLU program information, enter the number of the PLU and press
the same number and PLU key.
Enter the PLU#, Enter the PLU#,
up to 500 up to 500

To read multiple PLU program information, enter the first number and press
PLU key. Press the last number and press PLU key
Enter thefirst Enter the last
PLU#, up to 500 PLU#, up to 500

ER-180T Program Mode Programming • 81



X Program
1 Tax
2 System option
3 Print option
4 Function keys
5 Clerk
6 Preamble message/ Postamble message

4. Press the CASH key to finalize the program.


82 • Program Mode Programming ER-180T

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