Bayambang PRAISE
Bayambang PRAISE
Bayambang PRAISE
CSC Resolution No. 010112 and CSC MC. No. 01, s. 2001, the Local Government Unit of the Municipality
of Bayambang, Pangasinan adopts the herein Program on Awards and incentives for Service Excellence
(PRAISE) to be referred to as AGENCY PRAISE.
The Local Government Unit of Bayambang, Pangasinan shall establish its own employee suggestions and
incentive awards system. In addition, every department shall establish its own employee suggestions
and incentive awards system to complement the LGU employee suggestions and incentive awards
The system shall be designed to encourage creativity, innovativeness, efficiency, integrity and
productivity in the public service by recognizing and rewarding officials and employees, individually or in
groups for their suggestions, inventions, superior accomplishments and other improvement in
government operations, or for other extraordinary acts services in e public interest.
The PRAISE shall adhere to the principle of providing incentives and awards based on performance,
innovative ideas and exemplary behavior.
The PRAISE shall give emphasis on the timeless of giving award or recognition. Aside from conferment of
awards of during the traditional or planned awarding ceremonies; the spirit of on-the-spot grant of
recognition shall be institutionalized.
The PRAISE shall provide both monetary non-monetary awards and incentives to recognize,
acknowledge and reward productive, creative, innovative and ethical behavior of employees through
formal and informal mode,
For this purpose, the System shall encourage the grant of non-monetary awards. Monetary awards shall
be granted only when the suggestions, superior accomplishments and other personal efforts result in
monetary savings which shall not exceed 20% of the savings generated.
At least 5% of the HRD funds shall be allocated for the PRAISE and incorporated in the Agency’s annual
Work and Financial Plan and budget.
-SB Secretary
-Representative, 1st Level Employees, LGU Employees’ Union
-The representatives from the LGU Employees’ Union shall serve for a period of two years and be chosen
through a general assembly or any other mode of selection to be conducted for the purpose.
The Municipal shall be responsible in overseeing the System’s operation and the Human Resource
Management Office shall serve as the System’s Secretariat.
The PRAISE committee shall insure that productivity, innovative ideas, suggestions and exemplary
behavior can be identified, considered, managed and implemented on a continuing basis to cover
employees at all levels.
The PRAISE committee shall establish its own internal procedures and strategies. Membership in the
Committee shall be considered part of the members’ regular duties and functions.
The annual PRAISE Report shall be submitted to the Civil Service commission Regional Office concerned
on or before the thirtieth day of January to enable their employees to qualify for nomination to the CSC
sponsored national awards. Issues relative to awards and incentives shall be brought before the PRAISE
committee which shall address the same within fifteen (15) days from the date of submission.
To encourage, recognized and reward employees, individually and in groups, for their suggestions,
innovative ideas, innovations, discoveries, superior accomplishments, heroic deeds, exemplary behavior,
extraordinary acts or services in the public interest and other personal efforts which contribute to the
efficiency, economy and improvement operations, which lead to organizational productivity.
To establish a mechanism for identifying, selecting, rewarding and providing incentives to deserving
employees at the start of each year.
To recognize and reward accomplishments and innovations periodically or as the need arises;
To provide incentives and interventions to motivate employees who have contributed ideas,
suggestions, inventions, discoveries, superior accomplishments and other personnel efforts.
Section 3. SCOPE
The System shall apply to all employees and officials in the career and non-career service of the LGU.
CAREER-position in the civil characterized by (1) entrance based on merit and fitness to be determined
as for as practicable by competitive examination, or based on highly technical qualifications; (2)
opportunity for advancement to higher positions; and (3) security of tenure.
DISCOVERY-Is the uncovering of something previously existing but found or learned for the first tine
which will improve public service delivery.
INVENTION-the creation of something previously non-existent which will benefits the government.
PERFORMANCE TYPE CONTRIBUTION-refer to the performance, systems and procedures and economy
in operation that will benefits the government.
OFFICIALS – shall refer to both appointive and elective officials of the agency.
5.1.3 Civil Service Commission or PAGASA Award conferred on a group of individuals or team who has
demonstrated outstanding teamwork and cooperation, which resulted in the successful achievement of
its goal or has greatly improved public service delivery, economy in operation, improved working
conditions or otherwise benefited the government in may other ways.
5.1.4 Other awards- given by other government agencies, private institution or NGOs to an individual or
team fir contributions of an idea or performance that directly benefited the government.
Best Employee Award-granted to an individual or individuals who excelled among peers in a functional
group, position or profession. A cash of not less than the amount provided under relevant existing laws
shall be given to outstanding employees plus a certificate of recognition or other forms of incentives as
the committee may decide, e.g., Best Driver, Best Utility Worker and other Similar Awards.
Gantimpala Agad Award-given outright to employees commended by clients for their courtesy,
promptness, efficiency and dedication to duty
Exemplary Behavior Award-based on the eight norms of conduct as provider under RA 6713 (code of
Conduct and ethical Standard). The awardees will be automatically nominated by the agency PRAISE
Committee to the Dangal ng Bayan Award.
Best Organizational Unit Award-granted to the top organizational unit may be a section, division or
office on the basis of meeting the organization’s performance target and other pre-determined criteria.
Cost Economy measure Award-granted to an employee or team whose contribution such as ideas,
suggestions, inventions, discoveries or performance of functions result in saving in terms of man-hours
and cost or otherwise benefit the agency and government as a whole. The monetary award shall not
exceed 20% of the monetary savings generated from the contribution.
Service Award-conferred on retirees whether under optional or compulsory retirement schemes held
during a fitting ceremony on or before the date of their retirement.
Such other awards which the agency may decide to give under existing Ordinances.
The agency shall continuously search, screen, and reward deserting employees to motivate them to
improve the quality of their performance and instill excellence in public service. As such the following
types of incentives shall be regularly awarded:
6.1 Loyalty Incentive-granted to an employee who has continuously and satisfactory the agency for at
least ten (10) years. The recipient shall be entitled to a cash award of not less than Php.500.00 but not
more than Php.1,000.00 per year during the first ten years. Succeeding awards shall be given every five
years thereafter. Beside cash awards a lapel emblem/loyalty pin shall be given.
10 and 15 years -Bronze
Length of Service Incentive-given to an employee who has rendered at least three (3) years of
continuous satisfactory service in the same position. The cash award shall be incorporated in the salary
adjustments following the Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 1, s. 1990.
Productivity Incentive-given to all employees who have performed at least satisfactory for the year
covered in accordance with the agency’s CSC approved PES. This incentive shall follow relevant existing
Term Incentives – shall be granted to elective officials who has continuously served three terms for the
same position. The recipient shall be entitled to received a cash award of not less than Php 500.00 but
not more than Php 2,000.00 per year of service.
Other Incentives which the agency’s PRAISE Committee may be recommend on the basis of special
achievements, Innovative approaches to assignments, exemplary services to the public and recognition
by an outside group of a particular achievement.
Compensatory Time-off- granted to an employee who has worked beyond his regular office hour on a
project without overtime pay.
Flexi place-work arrangement allowed for qualified employee who has demonstrated responsibility,
initiative, and capacity to produce output/result and accomplishment outside of the workplace subject
to established guidelines.
“Salu-salo” Together”-meal hosted by superiors or supervisors for employees who have made significant
Personal Growth Opportunities- incentives which may be in the form of attendance in conferences on
official business, membership in processional organizations, book, journals, tape, travel packages and
other learning opportunities.
Monetary Award
Travel Packages
Other Incentives-incentives in kind which may be in the form of merchandise, computers, pagers,
cellular phones, reserved parking space recognition posted at the Wall of Fame, feature in agency
Publication, and others.
The PRAISE Committee of the Local Government Unit of the Municipality of Bayambang, Pangasinan
shall be responsible for the development, administration, monitoring and evolution of the awards and
incentives system of the agency. As such, the Committee shall meet periodically to perform the
following tasks:
establish a system of incentives and awards to recognize and motivate employees for their
performance and conduct;
formulate, adopt and amend internal rules, policies and procedures to govern the conduct of its
activities which shall include the guidelines in evaluating nominees and the mechanism for
recognizing the awardees;
determined the forms of awards and incentives to be granted;
monitor implementation approved suggestions and ideas through feedback and reports.
prepare plans, identify resources and purpose budget for the implementation of the system on
annual basis;
develop, produce, distribute a system policy manual and orient the employees on the same.
document best practices, innovative ideas and success stories which will serve as promotional
materials to sustain interest and enthusiasm.
submit an annual report on the award and incentives system to the CSC on or before the
thirtieth day of January.
monitor and evaluate the System’s implementation every year and make essential
improvements to ensure its suitability to the agency; and
address issues relative to the awards and incentives within fifteen (15) days from the date of
To implement the System effectively, the PRAISE Committee members are expected to possess positive
attitude; be capable of implementing submitted ideas’ open-minded; decisive; have high tolerance for
stress or pressure; and activity participate in all committee meetings.
The Municipal Mayor shall be responsible in overseeing the System’s operations and the Human
Resource Management office shall serve as the System’s Secretariat.
The agency may, however, employ an external or independent body to assist the PRAISE Committee to
judiciously end objectively implement the system of incentives and awards.
Section 9. FUNDING
The HRD shall allocate at least 5% of its funds for the PRAISE and incorporate the same in the annual
work and financial plan and budget.
Provision of existing ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby deemed repealed or amended.
The LGU PRAISE shall become effective after final evaluation by the CSC. Subsequent amendments shall
likewise be submitted to CSC for evaluations and shall take effect immediately.