The document outlines the suggestion box scheme implemented by Lafarge India Pvt Ltd to encourage employee participation in continuous improvement. The scheme aims to develop a performance culture and generate a sense of belonging among employees. It allows all non-managerial employees to submit suggestions anonymously in boxes located around the plant. Suggestions are evaluated for feasibility and potential cost savings. Implemented suggestions are rewarded with gifts or cash prizes depending on the benefits. An annual function recognizes the best suggestions and departments.
The document outlines the suggestion box scheme implemented by Lafarge India Pvt Ltd to encourage employee participation in continuous improvement. The scheme aims to develop a performance culture and generate a sense of belonging among employees. It allows all non-managerial employees to submit suggestions anonymously in boxes located around the plant. Suggestions are evaluated for feasibility and potential cost savings. Implemented suggestions are rewarded with gifts or cash prizes depending on the benefits. An annual function recognizes the best suggestions and departments.
The document outlines the suggestion box scheme implemented by Lafarge India Pvt Ltd to encourage employee participation in continuous improvement. The scheme aims to develop a performance culture and generate a sense of belonging among employees. It allows all non-managerial employees to submit suggestions anonymously in boxes located around the plant. Suggestions are evaluated for feasibility and potential cost savings. Implemented suggestions are rewarded with gifts or cash prizes depending on the benefits. An annual function recognizes the best suggestions and departments.
The document outlines the suggestion box scheme implemented by Lafarge India Pvt Ltd to encourage employee participation in continuous improvement. The scheme aims to develop a performance culture and generate a sense of belonging among employees. It allows all non-managerial employees to submit suggestions anonymously in boxes located around the plant. Suggestions are evaluated for feasibility and potential cost savings. Implemented suggestions are rewarded with gifts or cash prizes depending on the benefits. An annual function recognizes the best suggestions and departments.
Suggestion Box scheme aims to give opportunity to even grass root workers for participating in continuous improvement process by giving their innovative and creative idea and getting them implemented for achieving business excellence.
To develop creative and constructive attitude & aptitude among all the non- officers and officers up to senior executive level as well as contractor employees. To enhance performance culture and bring continuous improvement. To generate sense of belonging among the employees. To eliminate even small losses and implement best practices. To improve industrial relations through employees participation. To promote greater involvement, participation and ownership of the employees in planing and implementing ones idea. Respect the Groups principles and promote its image locally. Lead the industry in integrating sustainable development into our business.
All the Lafarge as well as contractor employees, other than those listed below, are eligible for offering the suggestions under this scheme.
Asst. Manager and above Employees falling within the category of research work. Employees involved in Industrial Engineering. Employees, who are in the privileged position of having at their disposal, information obtained from special investigation and studies or have been assigned to work on special problems. Task force members.
Suggestor offer suggestions in respect of matters coming within the jurisdiction of the plant can lead to:
Improvement in working and environmental conditions including removal of hazards to health and possibilities of accidents. Increased production, higher productivity, cost reduction or improvement in products or their design. Improvement in methods, machinery, equipment, or tools and layouts, processes, or procedures. Reduction of waste or spillage.
Reduction in the frequency of idle time or repairs and maintenance of machinery, equipment or tools. Increase in the utility, quality, yield or output of products. Conservation of materials, energy or time in processes or their utilization for better purpose. Import substitution. Improvement in the quality of service. Any suggestion, which is beneficial to the company. The suggestion should be to improve performance in terms of saving ( E V A ) reduction or elimination of losses.
Suggestions, which are not accepted:
All capital-intensive schemes or works development and management in their wider sense. Government policies and other activities beyond the control of management Complains and grievances, additional facilities / benefits / amenities. Collective bargaining matters / management policy matters. Suggestions simultaneously initiated by and in lieu with the management thinking. Common idea floating around. Routine maintenance, production and normal services. Suggestions without solutions.
Suggestion is to be submitted in writing in the prescribed Suggestion Form and details can be attached in plain paper. Suggestions can be submitted by individual or jointly by a team. If an employee has a suggestion, he should drop his suggestion to the improvement Suggestion Boxes, located in various prominent locations of the plant. Suggestions should be submitted before implementation. Due to urgency, if the suggestion has been implemented with the approval of H.O.D., the certified suggestion should reach improvement Suggestion Box Committee within 30 days of first implementation. Suggestion originating from job methods course or works simplification can also be forwarded to improvement suggestion Box Committee. For the purpose of accepting suggestion, the date of receipt at Improvement Suggestion Box Committee will be treated as the date on which the suggestion is given. Correspondence from the Improvement Suggestion Box Committee is sent back to him through Section Incharge / Departmental heads.
Constituting Improvement Suggestion Box Committee of eight members, Departmental Heads of Safety, Mines, Logistics, Technical, Production, Maintenance, Human Resources, Union General Secretary invariably to be the member. Plant Head as Chairman- Improvement Suggestion Box Committee. Human Resource Head will be the Secretary, Improvement Suggestion Box Committee. Chairman Suggestion Box Committee is authorized for taking decisions and rewarding employees as per the rules and scheme laid down.
A token gift (Pen / Key ring with Lafarge logo) for every feasible / registered suggestion shall be given in recognition of his participation. Awards on implementation, at plant level :- After evaluation by Improvement Suggestion Box Committee the awards shall be classified in two categories. 1. Award in Safety 2. Award in other Discipline For intangible benefits a minimum of Rs.250/- and maximum of Rs.1500/- will be given. For tangible benefit a minimum of Rs.500/- and maximum of Rs.2500/- will be given. Higher reward per year for 10 best suggestion will be given at B U level Award for suggestion on Safety shall be distributed on first of every month during safety pledge at the plant main gate. Award in other category of improvement suggestion shall be given through the departmental head as per the decision taken in Suggestion Box Committee monthly meeting.
Annual function in the month of January every year will be held at Business Unit level with the following agenda: - Awarding ten best suggestions during the year. Report on the Suggestion Box Scheme for the previous year giving details of suggestions, received, implemented, rejected, impact on KPIs / cost saving from the implemented suggestions. Department wise suggestions received and implemented. Recognition and shield to the best department for contributing maximum to the Improvement Suggestion Scheme in terms of number of suggestions, percentage of employees covered and benefit achieved. Difficulties faced and Suggested Improvement Action Plan. Target / Budget setting for the next year.