WAPDA Spec DDS-61 2020 - Safety Boots
WAPDA Spec DDS-61 2020 - Safety Boots
WAPDA Spec DDS-61 2020 - Safety Boots
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Chief En'yin
Cc to:-
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No. i
, nesc'
:-:-- \
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0. Forward,:
--', -, -, ~i
., "
1. Scope 3'
2. Style, ~,
3. $\z.es .;'
4. " Mate,rial
. t·
and'. Workmanship-. . 't
5. Man~facture 5
6.' Finish S. , '.
" ,
7. Cnaracterlstlcs -, -;; :1 '5
, "
10. 'Acceptanceand RejecUon 8
- ,
11. Mark\ng .
~ -'_10'
;.; 9
, ,.
.' ,
12. Packing:,
~ . 10
" 'F 1
, .
. • ~ .,.c, ".
,0.1 · This s~ec:ficayons has been introduc~d by the Des.qn & stancard D!rectorate, Office of
the Chief Er!9lneer (D&S) NTDC. PERG-P. •.
Th.is standard is intended only for the' purpos~' of. Techhical Specification to facilitate
03. The specification DDS"61 :2009 revised.to cover the duel de'nsity technology.
, , I '
'1.0 This standa~d lays down Specifi~tions lor Lineman's Safety ~oots to provide protection .to
· toes of th~ wearer and, to protect against electrical hazards' associated Wlfh the
construction and maintenance of PoWer Lines. ' I
2.1 The style o.f Lineman' Safety Boot shall generany; be in accordance with Fig, 1 & 2 fer.
Single D.ensity Sole and Fig, 3 & 4 is {or Doubte Density Sole shall provide adequate '
fastening and shall ~aci1itate ea'sy entrance Qf the foot> . ,. ' ' ',,"",
2.2 No metal tacks on staples shaJl be used in the construction ofthe Lineman S~fety Boot
2.3 The finished height of Lineman Safety Boot, length ottoe and height of beet (Stngle and
Double Density Sales) for standard size mentioned in Clause 3.1 of this Specification '
shall be as giyen:in table-1.' - , '
, 'TABlE-1 '
I' ,
I Size of L. S. Boot Finished height from. t .: HeigN 9f Heel i' Height of He~~:
I. ' Insole to Tap " " (Single Density Soll!ll{pouble Density Sale) 1
Size mm .! 1 .. j +, mm .
" I
i !: 1 mni
.1 /-
! "
7 '
; : I
t t 'i··_ 40
.: - 42
2.4 . Each Ut.eman Safety Boot shall be fitted with :2 magic tapes in 22/23 mm (minimum),
width with plasti~ D-Ring of. 25 mm,
2.5 " The toe cap shall mcorporate a ~afety toe puff for protectlon'of the foot a~d 'shaH be of
, round type to ensure maximum comfort t'Q tho;:! foot' , ,," I •
. .:i,·"·~' ,
1-\: :...; . ,'_' " :: /J I P i'l ?~~ ,
t ' -,
". j" •
3.1 Th.e boots Sh~1I be manutactured in,'~tand~rd size 6 7 8 9 & 10 and shall' be made on
last\of dimensions given in table-Z, " , . .• , , .
. ,
'·TABlE-2. . .,
, Size of Fitting Joint ~ i
! Instep I Length 'of Size Stick J .
+ 1 mm· ,
I + 1 mm .! J. ':!: 1 tnm
I ::
; 6 243
258 262 J~
! 270
7 I 248 2.63
1 .8
\I .,
253 i
i ,.,
.; 273
i 286 .
i'- 10 ,I
1i 278
294 J,J
3.2 Joint: The measurement taken rouri<;1}hebroad~st front part of the last.
3.3 . Instep: T;e measureme~t taKen round t~~:highesl portion between heel. and joint of the
'.' last.' ' ., . . .' .
", ,
3.4 Length of Size S~ick: The measurement tal<e~ from tip of the toe and back of the. heel of .
. . thelast. .
4.2 Collar: Minimum 10 !TUn foam laminated with Carnbrella shal~ be used in collar.
4.3 Magic Tape: Magic tape, shall be of fast colour black and shall be of good commercial '
quality. ' . ..
4.4 Toe Puff: , The Toe-puff shall be maoe from the Thermoplastic materia!' or other suitable
insulating material. .' _'.
Bottoms: ;- InsOle .shalt be of Strobbled material not less than 0.9 mm in thickness.
4.5 The in socxssnan be of_yambrella: Non-Woven. laminated with EVA
; material. . ,. " ' .'. . .
The Quter sole and heel sha.U be inte~~~1 part and ,ShaH be Made from pOly~rethane \'~ith
Singl~ DenSity Olrac.t InJ~c1lOn !eChfl.~'09Y. SUItab,e I?r ~ery tough wearing and bearing.
good Ins'.)latmg electncal.prope~'es. TMoe p-olyureth~ne. ou,~r sole toe-part'dlmension shau
. not be Iess than.18 mm!1 10 thlc)<ne~s.an? I~S ~;glit..ij,t ~he;heel shall be40min + 1 mm .
. ....' .!." '_ - "" .
- . Apage
I' ' .•
2 ._ Double Density Sole'
The ou~er.,~ole ~nd heel shall be i&,e.gtat part arid shall be made from polyurethane with
,~ual ~enslty p:rect Inj~,cti?n techn~logy, suitab!~Jor very' tough' wearing and bearing gooq
msulatmg:et~ctT:lcal ~rop~rtles. The pplyuretbane outer sole toe-part dimension shall not be
less t~an 25 rr:'m. ~1 In thickness and'its
.. ~. heiaht
. "".
at . the heel shall
be 42 -+- 1. mrn.
,~:~ '/
4.7 Stiffeners:: It shall be cut from.the(mOpl.asti~ material tt)jckr.~ss of 1.3_1.5'mm.!
. Threads u~ed in uPP~f;closing be of good ouanty Nylon
1 - SingleOensity Sole.
Z. Double Denslty Sole. "
5.3 Skiving on the grain side of those portions of the upper components. whi~h are secured to
each other, snau not be carried' out. .... .
5.4 ' The uppers shall be dosed 6n lock stitch machine with nylon-thread 50/6.
5.5 The number of stitches on the upper ~h<!U be ~ per: 2S rnm. Loose ends of the stitChing
thread shall be secured and back seem.hammered srneoth. "
• "
..' > • •
5.6 The upper stit~hingshall in two rows {S }"m (ni]rumuXT1) apart 0:" the vamp. SIde ple'Ce of
. quarter, t?1l edge' of quarter .and counler; One row of stitching on each side. of magic
tape. \
5.7 The counterrshall be of Cow Fun' Grain \eath~rofthickness 1.3 mrn (Minimum).
5.8 The toe-puf{ ;nd~ stiffener, ~haH. be properl~ heated during lasting process so that
therrrioplast~~ material . is property melted and stuck wjth the. upper materrat - at
temperature of 100-120C. . ". ._ .
Th~ lasted Lj~eman Safety e~ot shall b~J~in:ed;Y direct injez~icn mOUldlAt;; SIng'.;? Density
Sole and Double Density SOI~, method W\t~ paIYl!·ethane,~o!e.
. -; - . ...-
' so!e wi'"h-, upper' shallbe
The a d' h'erenee of the .'.' such tl'}al
• when• a force
of 25 Kgs
.' . . d' t, outer -sote it shall not show al'ly·Slgns at separation rrorn the tasted Linernan
IS applie 0 ."'." " . ." '..... ' .." '.
S.a~ety 600t. ,,' , . , . ". .
. ,' ':Sa/ety Boot 'Sha,u'remaln o~, ~he rasttor a rru'nlmum period of 30 minut~s ,
. 5j 1 The Lineman" . ..'. ',' . :' "
I . .:. - '. ,. .:' . ,~ age
"7' .:
'\ _ ., . ~ r .
6.1 .
The bottom and sale shall be of black. color.
6.2 The uppers shall be finished with goqq q~alitisho~.crcam and with brushing system.
~ . .. . ,
7.2: 1 -Polyurelbane Sale shall have an abrasive index 0(,200 mm3 (maximum).
7.2.2 The hardness of Mid Polyurethane sole' shalf be 45 (Shore-A) ~.s
.7.2.3 The hardness of the Outer Polyurethane 'sole shall be 60:_: 5 ($.hore-A)_
7.2.4 The. polyurethane sole shall withstand a temperature 100C without showing any signs of
brittleness Or
tackiness. . . .. : .', --:..' - .\ . . .
7.2.5 The Lineman Safety Boot with' polyurethane sole shall withstand minimum 30.000 numbers
of flexes without oevetopinqany signs of ~racking.. . .
. 7.2.6 The electrical 'insulating properties of sole shall.withstand 8 KV for one minute ..
7.2.7 Polyurethane Sole. should be slip resistfl~t a's per the sole attached sketches ...
. ,
i: "~~' '. ~ . ~, ... ~
7.3 Shrinkag(j:.
. " ,
Leather used in the safety boot shatl not'nave.shrinkaqe of more than 5%,
~; . .
This test methOd 'permits hardness ~e:a,~urements_ based on e,~her initial inceritat:oll or
indentation atter a
specified period of tIme' of both. .;' .' . .
, ..
. .
.. -,
. , /
;~ <.~. .
a. P~e~er Foot with a 'hole' haVin~ a diameter- Of 6 mm from ~nyedge of the foot
Inde~terformed; fro~ ~ard.ene~~s~ee! rod. . ... '.' .. f reading'
b. . ' lndertter extension I.ndlCatmg\deyrce~(analog or efectronlc) IS havmg a sea e .
-. fro;m b to 100. .i ' " .
8,1.4 Procedures:
Place the Indenter of the hardness tester on plain surfa~ of the sole. Apply the presser
foot to the sole. as
rapidly as possible, without shock, keeping foot parallel to sole s~rf~ce ..
. After the presser foot is firm contact with the sole,' the scale reaoing -to be take,n within 1
second. Results of hardness obtained, sMould"b€{ between the ranges as given In clauses
7.1.2&7.2;2.. .... .
. \
The POly .Uref;ha!'le sole shall be cap~blffor. Withstandlng without developing any signs of
brittleness or tacxmess on exposure to temperatUre of 99 ~ 1QC at atmospheric pressure for
a period of 24 hours in a suitable apparatus: . .
8.4.2 Apparatus: . .' .
Eiectrically heated c'harnber with hot ajr:~irculation and controlled temperature with uniform
heating a:"d temperature dist~ibution. ~;. . '. . . . .'
8.4.3 Procedure:
Maintain chamber temperature ~9 ± 1C'C. Place the sole for. 24 hours. After
'. completicn of test
there should
be no signs
9f deformation
. ~ _" on so!e/cran~iness.
.~ .
. .'
BS 903 Part A9
BS 903 p'art A~
8.5.2 Summary of Test Method:" '. . . .
ihis; method is intended to determi'rie"the abrasion resistance of a, materiaL Tl1!S I me~~~~
rnainly applicable to polymeric footwear. soJing: materials or. suitable matena cu .
finished soles, but it canuse with any polymer based-. sheetmateri~1.
. . "
. . ,
8,5.3 Apparatus:
A rigid Cyli~del' ofdiamet~r 150.0 ± 0.2 mm and ~inimum i~tigth 400 rnrn. ~heGurv~.d
surface of cylinder should be covered ~th single thickness of abrasive paper I cloth of graIn
size 60. at least 400 mm wide and473 rnm long.
, .
. .
8.5.4 Procedure: '. \ .
• Weight the I test piece to the nearest miHigram. Mount the' test piece .in such; a ~~~
that a length of 2 0 ± 0.1 mm protrudes from the opening Press the test piece aga.nst .
drum with a ,yertical force of 10:f: 0.2 N. If for special case.vertical'force is reduced to 5 ±
0.1 N. state' this in the test report. Move the test 'piece holder and sledge to the. starting
. .
Stoo the test run after
..~. an abrasion distance 40·m..
Express the results as' a relative volume loss. The result;hould be as give~ in clause 7.1 .. 1.
8.6 Flexing Test:
8.6.1 Refe,rence Document:
SATRA PM92-1992
Machine equ'ipped ,"vith clamping and fl~xirig the complete shoe with variable speed and
flexing angle.' '.' .
8.6.4 . Procedure:
The specimen .is repeatedly flexed through a specified angle to stimulate walking wearer on .
the whole Un:ema!1 S'afety Boot. After a predeterrnj:::ed number of flexes the foot wear is
assessed for fatigue resistanceand dura.bility: . .
8.7.3· ApparatuS:'
~ The apparatus' must be equipped with tr-arisformer, having one. end of the secondary
winding earth·ed. The rating of.~estlng trans{Ofl1iTersh~1I not be less than 8 KV.
. .
, ,
9.1 The following te_sts sha!l be carried out for acceptance:
1.· Visuat Inspection
2, Verification 'Of dimensions , !
10,1.1 Lineman Safety Boot offered. for acceptance-shall oe grouped in lots of 1000 pairs
Sample comprising of, 50 pairs shall ransoml)' be serected to tests l & 2 as per clause 9 1,
In case the defective pairs are less than 2, the lot shall be accepted. In case the number of
cetectwe pairs are more than two, the, entire lot s'hatl. be rejected, In case number of
defective units are two, sample comprising. of 50 oairs shari be selected from the remaining.
lot for.repeat examination . .In case of any~failure jn the second sample. the entire 19t shal' be
rejected. ". " ,
10,2,1 of boots out ~f a lot '~t150 pairs shall' be randomly selected·
A sample COlDpr~sing 'of ·pafr
and subjected"to)ests 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9 of ctavse-s. Failure in any test Shall result the
rejection of entire lot.
11.1 'Each pair of ~ineman Safety 800t shalf carrY the folkwing on the innersore ...
. '
, "
~ ,- J -
,\_' . ',
~. .~ -
" - : '
12.1 Each pair of lineman Safety ~oot shall be p~cke~ in suitable approved cardboardbOx. '
12.2. ~_ pairs ,of Lineman 'Saf~ty ~oots Sh~! then be fu-rthei' packed in a .~ ~ty cardboa~~ cart~~ .
lined wIth polythene sheet, the ply cardboard carton shaH be strong enough to .•••• tnsta , ,
rough handling during transit·.' _ ' .". . ,
. _
'. \,
Addl. Manager (O&S) ,
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10 I p i3 g e
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