IEEE Standard Guide For Methods Of: Power-Factor Measurement For Low-Voltage Inductive Test Circuits
IEEE Standard Guide For Methods Of: Power-Factor Measurement For Low-Voltage Inductive Test Circuits
IEEE Standard Guide For Methods Of: Power-Factor Measurement For Low-Voltage Inductive Test Circuits
Switchgear Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
©Copyright 1972 by
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017 USA
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(This Foreword is not a part of American National Standard and IEEE Standard Guide for Power Factor Measurement for Low-
Voltage Inductive Test Circuits, ANSI C37.26-1972, IEEE Std 330-1972.)
This standard covers methods used to measure the power factor in low-voltage test circuits. Since the power factor
measurement for high capacity test circuits is particularly difficult and different methods may yield different results,
the methods that are least likely to yield error are recommended in this standard guide for any particular circuit
This low-voltage standard guide has been written as a compatible companion to the high-voltage American National
Standard Methods for Determining the RMS Value of a Sinusoidal Current Wave and a Normal-Frequency Recovery
Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers, C37.05-1964 (R1969) and American National Standard Methods for
Determining Values of a Sinusoidal Current Wave, Normal-Frequency Recovery Voltage, and a Guide for Calculation
of Fault Currents for Application of AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Total Current Basis, C37.5-1969.
It is the policy of both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and American National Standards
Committee C37 to maintain this standard current with the state of technology. Comments on this standard, as well as
suggestions for additional material that should be included are invited. These should be addressed to the American
National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 10018, with copy to the Secretary, IEEE Standards
Committee, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017.
The Standards Committee on Power Switchgear C37, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following
personnel at the time of approval:
The personnel of the Low-Voltage Switchgear Devices Subcommittee of the IEEE Switchgear Committee, which
approved this document, were as follows:
R. S. Smithley, Chair
H. H. Connelley, Secretary
Members of the Working Group of the IEEE Low-Voltage Switchgear Devices Subcommittee that prepared this
standard were as follows:
J. J. Komisky, Chair
G. H. Plate, (Assistant Chairman)
The Standards Committee on Power Switchgear, C37, which reviewed and approved this standard had the following
personnel at the time of approval:
The personnel of the C37 Subcommittee on Low-Voltage Switchgear Devices which reviewed this document were as
P. J. Reifschneider, Chair
J. G. Werner, Secretary
O. J. Albani
R. N. Bell
J. L. Drown
C. R. Joy
R. A. McMasters
J. Stewart
When the IEEE Standards Committee approved this standard on September 16, 1971, it had the following
B. B. Barrow, Chair
J. Forster, Vice Chair
S. I. Sherr, Secretary
1. Scope ...................................................................................................................................................................1
2. Purpose................................................................................................................................................................1
3. Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................2
4. Ratio Method.......................................................................................................................................................2
7. References ...........................................................................................................................................................7
An American National Standard
1. Scope
This standard describes three methods used to measure the power factor in 60 Hz inductive low-voltage (1000 volts
and below) test circuits. Similar methods may apply at other frequencies. These methods are:
1) Ratio method
2) dc decrement method
3) Phase relationship method
2. Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to recommend methods of measuring power factor for inductive test circuits by such
means as oscillographic records, so that the preferred method, giving the greatest accuracy, is recommended for any
particular circuit.
3. Definitions
The definitions and terms contained in this document or in other American National Standards referred to in this
document, are not intended to embrace all legitimate meanings of the terms. They are applicable only to the subject
treated in this standard.
For additional definitions of terms used in this standard, refer to American National Standard Definitions for Power
Switchgear, C37.100-1972.
4. Ratio Method
4.1 General
Devices such as current-limiting fuses, fused circuit breakers, and similar fast clearing devices may have total
interrupting times of 0.5 cycle or less. The ratio method permits measurement to be made within the operating time of
these devices and generally is not suitable on circuits with power factors above 30 percent.
Since this method requires closing the circuit to produce maximum current asymmetry, the resulting high mechanical
forces on bus supports and circuit components may jeopardize the test equipment or instrumentation. When there is a
question of jeopardy, the phase relationship method may be used.
The power factor is determined at an instant one-half cycle (based on the fundamental frequency timing wave) after the
initiation of current flow by determining the asymmetrical and symmetrical currents at this point. (See Figs. 1 and 2,
and Table 2.) Both total rms asymmetrical current and rms symmetrical current are to be measured and the ratio MA or
MM calculated as follows: Construct the envelope of the wave as shown in Fig. 1. The rms symmetrical and rms
asymmetrical currents shall be determined as indicated in the equations of Fig. 1. Having determined these values, the
MA for three-phase circuits and MM for single-phase circuits are determined from the following:
Refer to Fig. 2 or Table 2 to determine the power factor of the test circuit.
5. DC Decrement Method
5.1 General
This method is recommended for circuits of 30 percent power factor or less where the device to be tested interrupts at
a point in time more than one-half cycle from the initiation of the current. This method relates power factor to the rate
of decay of the dc component. The current measuring method used should not introduce distortion into the dc
component. Use noninductive shunts since current transformers may introduce significant error.
The power factor may be determined from the curve of the dc component of the asymmetrical current wave. See Fig. 3.
id = Id0 e− (Rt/L)
The time constant L/R can be ascertained from the above formula as follows:
1) Measure the value of Id0 at the time of current initiation and the value of id at any other time t
2) Determine the value of e−Rt/L by dividing id by Id0
3) From a table of values of e−x determine the value of −x corresponding to the ratio id/Id0
4) The value x then represents Rt/L, from which L/R is determined
φ = arctan (ωL/R)
6.1 General
Methods dependent upon asymmetrical values of current or the decay of the dc component generally are not suitable
for the measurement of power factor circuits above 30 percent where the dc component is severely reduced. Therefore,
the phase relationship method, using current and voltage waves, is the recommended method on circuits having power
factors over 30 percent.
7. References
[1] NEMA Standard for Molded Case Circuit Breakers, Publication AB 1-1969.
[2] IEC Specification for Alternating-Current Circuit Breakers, IEC Publication 56-1-1971.
[4] Harder, J. E. A method of power factor measurement for circuit interrupter testing. IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol PAS-87, no 10, Oct 1968, TP21 PWR.
[5] Farquhar, W.A.; Schall, G. E.; Plate, G. H. Comparison of Power Factor Measurement Methods. Presented at IEEE
Winter Power Meeting, New York, N.Y., Jan 29, 1968, 68CP168-PWR.
[6] Brandt, T. F., Jr, Test Procedure for Determining Short-Circuit Power Factor. Presented at IEEE Winter Power
Meeting New York, N. Y., Jan 29, 1968, 68CP20-PWR.